Tips to Hunt for a Job While You are Still Employed

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Tips to Hunt for a Job While You are Still Employed

Searching for a job can be a daunting process and if you are already working for in an organization while doing so, it can be a very stressful thing to do. You are on a desperate hunt for another job while to are attempting to hide the scenario from your current employer. It is important to keep your job hunt discreet as you do not want to make a bad impression on your existing employer and part on good terms with them.

If you are currently facing such a situation, we’ve put together a list of our top tips that will help you in finding a new job while you are still working. Stop Searching For Roles During Company Hours If you are searching for roles while at work, there are high chances that you’ll raise suspicion of your managers and peers. However, if you get a call from a recruiter during working hours, make sure that you go out and attend the call. Make sure that your colleagues are not around.

It is best if you attend such calls during lunch hours or breaks so that no question is raised about your sudden disappearance from your workstation. This one is quite obvious but make sure that you don’t use your official mail for job applications. Keep working at the same pace Often when you have several interviews lined up and you are almost confident that you might grasp one of those opportunities; your concentration at work gets hampered. Make sure that doesn’t happen. If you starting taking your current job for granted and start slacking while at work, you might raise alarm bells much and invite an impending investigation into your performance. Simply because you’ve qualified for an interview doesn’t mean that you’ll get the job. So stay focused on your existing role.

Share Your Job-Hunt Information Carefully If you are working and job-hunting at the same time, it is important to consider who you are sharing your information with. This includes colleagues, friends and even family for that matter. Only tell people whom you trust the most. Also, make sure you do not make a peep about your job search on any social media platform. You can update your LinkedIn profile but make sure you keep the option to that allows you tell recruiters that you’re looking for better opportunities turned off until you are sure about leaving. Use Your Leaves Or Schedule Interviews After Working Hours Unexplained absence from work is the biggest alarm raiser. Use your leaves or inform you HR about extending your

lunch break to attend interviews. It is best if you go for an interview beyond work hours as you won’t have to worry about returning back to office. Avoid being dishonest.

Follow these tips to look for better opportunities. Job searching is a stressful process but when done correctly you can get the most deserving job that’ll be worth all the stress.

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