How to Travel Comfortably on Long Haul Flights – Fly like A Pro

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How to Travel Comfortably on Long Haul Flights – Fly like A Pro

Traveling is exciting but traveling flying on the long haul flights can be a tough part of any journey. Even frequent business travelers have to face some of the hassles during their flight travel. However, here are some of the best things are available by that you can have a comfortable flight and you can fly like a pro whenever you go.

1. Food to Eat Choose your food carefully on your long haul flight. Opt for carb-rich foods like oatmeal, whole grain bread, spaghetti, etc. These types of foods help in inducing the insulin and prevent you from jetlag.

2. Stay Hydrated There is no denying that flight travel is incredibly dehydrating. You should drink plenty of water throughout your flight. Not only when you feel thirsty but on a frequent interval.

3. Avoid Excess Alcohol Taking too much alcohol leads to grogginess, dizziness, and mainly dehydration. Apart from that, you may exacerbate jetlag when you land. So it is highly suggested to take alcohol in limit or try to avoid it during your flight.

4. Use Neck Pillow Bringing a neck pillow on your flight is always a good idea. It makes you physically comfortable and helps you in having a comfortable and sound sleep.

5. Comfortable Clothing Wear loose and comfortable clothes on your travel. It will make your flight travel more enjoyable. Men can opt for regular jeans & t-shirt and women can go for leggings, top, loose sweater, etc.

6. Bring Healthy Snacks You should bring snacks which are rich in protein like peanut butter, almonds, protein bars, yogurt, cheese, etc. It will help you in keeping your energetic, and you will feel full longer.

7. Carry Scarf or Stoles It is one of the most amazing pro tips. Carrying stoles or scarf not only fashionable it can be used in other ways as well as it can be used as a blanket or it can be used as lumbar support as well.

8. Go for layers In the long haul flights, you may feel so cold or so hot. Wearing layers will help you in keeping your body at a comfortable temperature. Extra layers can prevent you from cold and removing layers will make you comfortable when it hot.

9. Have a Seat by the Wings According to experts, the seats which are by the plane’s wings, experience less turbulence. This is because they are closer to the center of gravity of the plane. So opt for the seats that are by the plane wings and have a more comfortable flight.

10.Small exercise on Seat You do small exercises for a few minutes every hour. You can roll your shoulders and rotate your feet clockwise & anticlockwise. This will help you in avoiding pain and blood clotting.

11.Keep all Your Devices Charged Make sure that you have charged all your devices like mobile phone, laptop, tab, camera, etc. before heading to your board. You probably play games, watch videos, browsing, etc. so make sure you are fully prepared to enjoy your flight comfortably. These were the pro tips that should be remembered if you want to have a comfortable and enjoyable long haul flight. Another pro tip is that you can also book cheapest flight tickets from various portals by clearing browsing history and cookies.

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