10 Interesting Facts about Air Travel

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10 Interesting Facts about Air Travel

A collection of fun facts curated from B2Bfare offer some interesting takeaways. We all know that these days book cheap flight ticket and getting on a plane is as common as getting on a bus, even if the security procedure at the airport for the former is significantly more complicated than for the latter. There are various interesting facts related to air travel that would be like by flight travelers. So this time, we’ve highlighted some of the top 10 interesting facts for air travelers. 1. One-third of the world’s airports are in the USA. According to the particular statistics, the U.S.A 378 airports and has more than 19,000 landing facilities. 2. An average flight travels at 35,000 feet and that is around 11 kilometers above the surface of the Earth. 3. Contrary to what you see in action films, it is impossible to open the door of a commercial plane mid-flight. The cabin of the plane is so pressurized that it would take a few strong people to push it open as it must be moved in and turned slightly before opening.

4. The first flight attendants had to weigh not more than 51 Kg and they should be unmarried and also be trained nurses. 5. Food served in flight is usually tastes bad, but that’s not the fault of the airlines. The low pressure, dry air, and loud noises all contribute to a decrease in your senses. The meals served even in the first class may taste a bit weird.

6. On a flight, a plastic bottle expands at altitude and then crumpled on the descent when the cabin pressure returns to normal. The same thing happens to you when you are on-board. The bloating problem is quite normal and the discomfort can be reduced by drinking water, avoiding salty food, and walking around. 7. Some flights have private bedrooms (not talking about plush bedrooms in first-class) that only the crews have access to. In the long-haul flights, the crews can get a little rest in the secret bedroom to avoid getting over-fatigued.

8. By far, flights are the safest form of travel. In spite of high-profile incidents like the Malaysia Airlines disappearance, only .24 of every one million departures resulted in a fatal plane crash. 9. Many airlines require each pilot flying the airplane to eat different meals in order to minimize the risk of both pilots coming down with food poisoning.

10. According to a particular study, at every 60 seconds, around 56 pieces of luggage are lost across the globe. Next time you book flight ticket and board on the plane you will find it interesting as you know some of the major fun facts about flight travel. Have a Happy Journey!

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