Интерактивные уроки (постраничные): Internet Marketing

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LESSON 1. INTRODUCTION INTERNET MARKETING Course Objectives 3 Market Review 4 Professions in Internet Marketing 10 Online, Offline Advertising Digital Marketing Viral and Guerrilla Marketing 12 Communication Channels 29

3 obje

The course objective is to introduce you to the concepts of Internet Marketing and the workflow for promoting business on the web. This course will consider the principles of interaction with potential customers and methods for increasing the conversion rate. We will analyze the full cycle of working in social media: from choosing a platform and analyzing the target audience to ways of increasing customer loyalty and shaping a positive image of the promoted company.Youwill get knowledge about SEO, contextual ad vertising, its types and features. You will learn all stages of working with the most demanded CMSs and building successful e-mail marketing. You will also understand how to build analytics and track market trends in a timely manner. We will analyze web services that allow us to op timize processes and put business ideas into practice.

At the end of the course, you will receive all the nec essary knowledge for a successful career start in Internet marketing and further professional growth. Upon com pletion of the course, you will be able to determine the direction of activity and create a real business project.

Course objeC tives

4 MArKet revie W In a context of uncertainty and market volatility, it is quite difficult to predict user needs. This is why special attention should be devoted to marketing. As online sales keep growing, Internet marketing becomes a priority in the field of promoting goods and services.Theresponsibilities of an Internet marketing specialist are analysis of the market and competitors, identifying the target audience of the product being promoted, analytics and promotion of a corporate website, development and maintenance of advertising campaigns, mastering a soft ware package for analytics, reports on the sales funnel, working with the contextual and media advertising. Figure 1 The specifics of the Internet marketing specialist’s work is the use of online communication channels, namely social media, websites, web pages, sending out e-mails, etc. Specialists in this field work closely with designers, copywriters, developers, analysts, and other specialists (FigureMarketing1). is a fast-evolving area. Over time, a target audience, market, strategy may change, as well as tools and approaches to problem-solving. So the specialist needs to monitor the market, competitors, and new pro motion methods all the time.

■ Stimulation. If users are indifferent to the product, stimulation can help you out here. Users lose interest in the company if the product or service ceases to be valuable for them. This often happens due to product obsolescence, underpre pared market, incorrectly selected location, etc. This type of marketing allows you to stimulate demand by analyzing promotion mistakes, adapting the product to the user needs, changing the slogan or the main message of the product (Figure 2). Figure 2

■ Conversion. This method is used when the previous marketing strategy was unsuccessful. So, to increase sales and renew a reputation, it is necessary to motivate users to purchase the product, even if there is no need for it. It is possible through analyzing the mistakes made, the correspondence of the target audience and the offer, redesigning the product, revision of pricing policy, service improvement, etc.

Depending on the internal and external character istics of the market and product features, there are the following marketing strategies:

MArKet revie W5

MArKet revie W6 ■ Developing. This strategy is directly related to the formation of demand for a specific offer. This approach is used in con ditions of latent demand when the products on the market do not fully satisfy users.


■ Remarketing. The main task of the remarketing strategy is to interest the users who have previously visited the site. Whereas us ers that are not interested in your goods and offer should not see annoying ads for your company.

The main objective of the company that has chosen such a strategy is to create a unique offer based on user requests. For this it is necessary to analyze the existing needs of the audience and use them as a basis for cre ation of a unique product that solves problems.

When resorting to this strategy, it is necessary to use a number of specific tools of reminding users about the company that have not yet become boring (Figure 3). Figure 3

■ Demarketing. One of the most rarely-used marketing methods is demarketing. Its tools are aimed at temporarily slashed demand for the product and target audience. The deci sion to move to the demarketing strategy is rational when the demand significantly exceeds the offer.

MArKet revie W7

■ Synchro marketing. Synchro marketing is used to smooth out uneven demand for products. Synchro marketing is based on a prompt response to all kinds of market fluctuations for quick changes in the company’s strategy. As an example, it is better to cut down the production of ice cream in winter.The specialists, who work in this direction, use the following: change in the pricing policy, reorientation to new distribution channels, looking for new promotion synchro marketing is completely useless for some companies, however, it is a great way not to lose money for others (Figure 4).

It is often the case with small coffee shops that are becoming extremely popular through promotion. There is a queue, the room is full, guests feel uncomfortable, the service and product quality may drop. A major upsurge in demand like this can lead to big business problems, loss of credibility and the main goal of the product. You can reduce demand by increasing prices, aborting the advertising campaign, emphasizing the positioning. Going back to the example, you can have an evening of poetry or jazz music in a coffee shop. Figure 4


■ Supportive marketing strategy. Supportive marketing aims to maintain the existing level of demand and sales despite market changes or customer preferences.

The main objective of this strategy is advertising on various communication channels to increase brand awareness and cultivate a public image of the company.

MArKet revie W8 ■ Counteracting. Counteracting marketing is aimed at reducing the demand for competitors’ products, removing them from the market, and compromising the company’s image. The most striking example is the anti-smoking campaign, after which the product takes on an unpleasant appearance, and its consumer becomes the agent of deviant behavior (Figure 5). ■ Time Marketing. Time marketing is based on the timely launch of an advertising campaign (a holiday, time of the year, etc.), as well as on a prompt response to important changes in the user needs in order to change the product. You should also analyze the actions of competitors in the market. Time marketing also applies to holiday specials. For instance, Coca-Cola launches a viral New Year’s cam paign every year. Despite the short life of the results, these actions may significantly increase income in a short period of time. Figure 5

MArKet revie W9 ■ Creative. Users get bored of annoying ads and overused slo gans, so marketing specialists should utilize the creative marketing strategy. Its main goal is to spark the interest of a potential buyer. The success of any advertising campaign requires you to be creative in solving user problems, present the product in an unusual way, and highlight its main advantages (Figure 6). Figure 6

The number of professionals working in the field of Internet marketing include:

The sale of products and services online is gaining more and more popularity every year. Moreover, this type of earnings is available to both large companies and startups that are just entering the market. It is often much easier to promote your project and make money on the Internet. But even in this case, the successful implementation of the project requires a competentOverall,approach.Internet marketing is focused not only on increasing sales but also on the development of a positive brand reputation on the web. This area requires: ■ coordinating the work of sites at all stages, from cre ation to launch; ■ conducting advertising and PR campaigns; ■ collection and analysis of information; ■ attracting partners and clients; ■ continuous improvement of the quality of the provid ed product or service.

1. Contextual advertising specialist (PPS specialist). She is responsible for the advertising campaign of the brand, affects the search results, creates a database of new customers, and returns the old ones. She draws up a media plan, develops strategy, selects keywords, and writes ads. The list of responsibilities of a PPS specialist includes reporting, correcting the existing campaigns, understanding the principles of calculating conversion rates, and correct site usability.

The tools that a PPC specialist should master include Google Analytics, Google AdWords.

2. SEO specialist. This profession requires constant self-development and strict control of market trends in the customer’s in dustry. To properly optimize and promote the supervised resource, you need to constantly analyze: ■ the selected market niche; ■ the promoted site and sites of competitors; ■ the search traffic and conversion statistics.

10 ProFessioNs iN iNterNet MArKetiNG

An SEO specialist is responsible for the site’s com pliance with search engine queries, she composes the semantic core, is engaged in internal site optimization, buys links, and monitors investment efficiency. She also tests new tools and techniques for SEO promotion, optimizes the site structure, supplementing it with new pages and sections, and controls the quality of the content.

An SEO specialist uses resources such as Google Analytics, Wordstat, and content exchanges. HTML basics will also be useful for this specialist.

ProFessioNs iN iNterNet MArKetiNG11 3. Web analyst. A specialist in this area analyzes the actions of the site visitors. She monitors website traffic to determine the targetStudyingaudience.user behavior helps analyze which website features can be expanded and improved. The list of her duties includes: ■ installation and configuration of statistics systems; ■ drawing up reports, data analysis, making recom mendations; ■ A/B testing; ■ optimization of the budget allocated to online pro motion of the website. A web analyst should actively use Google Analytics, know HTML basics, work with Google Website Optimizer and call tracking software.

4. Content marketer.

■ writing articles for the site, blog, and groups in social media; ■ preparation and layout of presentations and corpo rate mailings; ■ handling user comments; ■ analysis of subscribers’ activity; ■ offline processing of user requests.

A content marketer is responsible for content audits, monitoring the market, developing strategies and plans for promoting goods or services using content published online. She also chooses the best time for publishing materials, selects suitable sites for publication. The duties of a content marketer include: ■ working with analytics services; ■ processing information in social media and search engines; ■ analysis of current information published in the me dia; ■ analysis of competitors’ proposals; ■ PR content. 5. Content manager. This specialist is responsible for the site content and its distribution on the Internet. Her responsibilities include:

For a content manager, it is extremely important to have a deep understanding of the nature of the services being sold, high literacy, the ability to use CMSs, and an understanding of the HTML basics. The list of manage ment functions of the content manager can include work with freelancers that form materials and maintain the site’s performance.

Figure 7

The most effective way is to advertise and promote the brand in every possible way, using both classic meth ods and the Internet. It is not enough just to create a beautiful picture, it is also important to distinguish between types and understand the specifics of each type of advertising (Figure 7). what is the difference between online and offline advertising?


12 oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG Building a new customer base is the most important element of any business strategy.

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG13 Offline advertising includes any promotion meth ods that exclude the use of the Internet. For instance: 1. TV commercials. These are TV commercials in between programs. Marketers claim that this type of advertising helps to shape a company’s reputation, as well as inform users about a certain proposal. However, this type of advertising is bad if you want to attract buyers (Figure 8). 2. Print advertising. This type includes advertisements in newspapers and magazines, as well as posters, calendars, and other products (Figure 9). Figure 8 Figure 9

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG14 3. Outdoor advertising. These ads are placed on special constructions (city lights, billboards), as well as on bus stops and various signs (screens, plates, standers) (Figure 10). 4. Radio messages. This type of advertising is designed for a wider audience. Target audience coverage depends on the choice of the radio station and the time of the ad. 5. Leaflets. This method can be viewed in the context of print ad vertising, however, the way it is distributed is significantly different. Often, promoters are distributing leaflets, or po tential buyers can take flyers from various stands (Figure 11). Figure 10 Figure 11

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG15 Online ads mean promoting a product or service online through content, banners, posts on social media, sending out e-mails, etc. In addition to emotional appeal, online ads should also be search engine optimized. Otherwise, it will not be validated and will be lost among the ads of competitors. The benefits of online advertising are targeting or audience segmentation. In other words, online ads can target potential buyers. This is its main difference from tra ditional ads that everyone can see. Also, the effectiveness of online campaigns is much easier to measure. As is the case with traditional types, online advertis ing is divided into several categories, depending on the medium used. The most common are the following: ■ contextual it is displayed only for those users who were interested in the promoted product earlier (Figure 12); ■ banner it is placed on various resources in spe cially allotted areas (Figure 13); Figure 12 Figure 13

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG16 ■ teaser it is a picture supplemented by a short, catchy heading which intrigues users and makes them want to go to the site (Figure 14); ■ viral it can be somewhat funny. Most often, such advertising is shared among consumers in social me dia (Figure 15) Advertisers often use offline advertising along with online, e.g., for website promotion. To lure customers to the site, you can post its address on handouts, use QR codes on posters, or offer potential visitors discounts when ordering goods or services through the site. Figure 14 Figure 15

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG17 Digital marketing (online, internet, or web market ing) is the promotion and sale of goods or services in the digital environment: on the Internet, using mobile apps, and also in media advertising. With the advent of digital technologies, more and more users buy online. So companies are increasingly focusing on effective web marketing. Internet marketing uses specific promotion methods: ■ search engine optimization (SEO); ■ social media optimization (SMO); ■ search engine marketing (SEM); ■ content marketing; ■ influencer marketing; ■ content automation; ■ data driven marketing; ■ e-commerce; ■ e-mail marketing.

There are several ways to implement digital market ing for the benefit of the brand. This list includes not only the sale of goods or services but also 24/7 online cus tomerEngagingservice. with users on social media allows busi nesses to receive both positive and negative reviews. It helps to analyze the effectiveness of the media platforms used, to establish contact with consumers, and to opti mize feedback (Figure 16). 16


Effective network utilization can reduce the cost of traditional marketing methods, service, advertising, and promotion, as well as data processing, UI design, and website management. 3. Efficiency. It has been proven that digital marketing works best in countries with a high level of awareness. Customer-ori ented brands are more likely to excel at targeting niche audiences. In addition, digital facilitates direct interaction between the brand and customers. However, this can also be a negative factor because dissatisfaction of user requests affects the company’s image (Figure 17). 17


Well-established marketing strategies in digital have several advantages:

2. Low competition. Due to the global nature of the Internet, the use of network platforms allows you to unleash the maximum marketing potential of the company. Companies use so cial media as their primary communication channel to create a system that will accurately identify customer behaviors and provide feedback.

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG18

The key objective of the business is customer acquisi tion. Therefore, each user should be able to interact with the media content provided by the brand. The ease and speed of obtaining information directly depend on digital communications. Users with Internet access browse tons of web resources such as social media, forums, e-mail, etc. Thanks to this, several channels of communication and dissemination of information around the world are formed at once. At the same time, the maximum number of users is covered, and the interactive nature allows the target audience to get to know the brand deeper. Tradi tional marketing methods are not always able to offer this approach.

1. Ease of access to information.

To get this data quickly, many companies create web sites that invite visitors to share ideas and rate other users’ suggestions. The most popular topics are evaluated and implemented. This method fosters the interaction of orga nizations and clients, as well as the generation of original ideas that would otherwise be missed. In addition, UGC saves the organization’s expenses on advertising campaigns, as this method is directly related to consumers.

4. Data-driven advertising. In the process of advancing across the site, users gen erate a lot of data. Companies can use this data to filter out visitors who are not in the target audience of the site. It also provides real-time feedback and maintains techni cal support based on local time and the actions of each individual client. Without disclosing confidential informa tion, user data can be collected not only at the moment when clients visit the website, but also when they read an e-mail or interact with a mobile app. Also, an important component of digital marketing is the collaboration of technology service providers with digital agencies. Collaborative action helps to optimize the effort spent on the use of resources and connection. Working directly with clients, the company can better un derstand their needs and optimize service processes. This data source is called User Generated Content (UGC).

3. Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA). It is the practice of collecting information about the web activity of site visitors. It takes into account the de vice from which the user entered and analyzes client’s preferences in order to form lists of the resources most profitable for advertising.

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG19 Since network marketing is largely dependent on rapidly changing and maturing technologies, its develop ment and strategy require:

1. Segmentation. Segmentation helps to fragment the overall market and define the target audience on both B2B and B2C websites. 2. Influencer marketing. This approach is based on reaching people, who influence user behavior, through paid advertising. It uses services such as Facebook Advertising or Google Adwords, as well as more complex software, for example, SAP C4C, Microsoft Dynamics, Sage CRM, and Salesforce CRM.


oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG20 v iral and Guerrilla Marketing

The concept of “guerrilla marketing” was intro duced by Jay Levinson in 1984 in the book of the same name. This phrase is not an official term, but at the same time, it is deeply held in the dictionaries of marketers. The main goal of guerrilla marketing is to advertise a product or service on a limited budget. At the same time, non-standard methods of presenting information are of ten used, which may look nothing like advertising at all (Figure example is to use the showcase of your own store as a place for an advertising poster. Anoth er good example is choosing a custom size for catalog printing. The smaller the area it occupies, the higher it will be placed in a pile of handouts. 18


Figure 19 Figure 20

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG21

Viral marketing is product promotion made by consumers themselves. This concept was first formulated by Douglas Rushkoff in his book “Media Virus” written in 1994. This type of campaign includes word of mouth, social media reposts, loyalty programs, and other nonstandard advertising methods. The main advantage of viral marketing is the speed at which it spreads. Thanks to reposts, the number of reached users is growing exponentially. As a result, the price of advertising may decrease significantly. In this aspect, viral marketing is comparable to guer rilla marketing (Figure 19). Another similarity between these methods is that viral advertising better be concealed because users do not like to share openly promotional materials. That being said, guerrilla and viral ads should not be confused with native advertising. Native is an adver tisement that is designed in the style of the content of the resource on which it will be posted (Figure 20).

Figure 21

There are several ways of introducing viral marketing into an advertising campaign.

1. Offer discounts and bonuses. If it is beneficial for the user to share information, she will definitely do it. At the same time, it is important to lure the client not with one-time discounts, but with referral programs or loyalty programs. In other words, a company provides a discount not for buying a product, but for attracting new customers by the consumers themselves (Figure 21).

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG22 So, what is the difference between guerrilla and viral marketing approaches?

In the first case, the goal is to reduce costs without losing efficiency. At that point, non-standard methods of presenting information are used. In the second case, the emphasis is on the distribution of advertising by the con sumers themselves. It should be borne in mind that viral and guerrilla marketing are additional types of promotion of goods or services. These approaches can either succeed or fail, like any other advertising campaign.

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG23 2. Draws for reposts and bonuses for check-ins. This method is fraught with the attraction of non-tar get traffic, because such promotions are often attended by random visitors who do not intend to become clients of the company (Figure 22). This is not a reason to completely abandon this method. The correct choice of prize and more difficult competition conditions will help to weed out non-target audience. Figure 22 Figure 23 You should carefully think over a method for deter mining the winner in order to get rid of people who like to inflate likes and manipulate the result. 3. Strong emotional response.

Users are more likely to share information that trig gers emotions. At the same time, a negative reaction often works more effectively than a positive one. This trend can be traced thanks to the web analytics service Outbrain. This diagram clearly demonstrates how often users open articles with headings that trigger nega tive emotions (Figure 23).

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG24 A person experiences the highest emotional peak in moments of unexpected plot twists or when making non-standard decisions. Do not use boring or downright stupid tricks. The best solution is quality humor. But do not forget that one and the same scheme trig gers a limited number of times (Figure 24). 4. Real benefit. Users often save materials that they may need in the future. This method has many advantages. First of all, such content covers the narrowest possible target audi ence. For example, only car enthusiasts and workshop owners will share information about good car service, and schoolchildren and students will share the list of re sources for downloading abstracts (Figure 25). If you break the viral guerrilla campaign into smaller parts, such ads will last longer. The main thing is to sub mit new stages correctly and on time, otherwise there is a possibility that the later part will beat the earlier one. Figure 24 Figure 25

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG25 There is another concept hidden marketing. It can be seen as a kind of guerrilla marketing. This campaign should be built in such a way that the users do not even know that something is being advertised to them. A striking example is when a celebrity tells what brand of clothing she prefers to wear, or which beauty products she has been using lately. The main goal of hidden marketing is to begin discussion among consumers. Users tend to trust a source like this, but it is quite difficult to predict its efficiency.

There are two important factors to keep in mind if you want to conduct a successful viral marketing campaign. First off, you should study the potential market in de tail. Many companies perceive viral videos as just a funny video, and this is the main mistake. The target audience plays an even greater role in viral ads than in classic ad vertising, because viral ads are most often targeted at a narrow demographic group. It is important to understand what emotions will make the user share content with her friends (Figure 26).

Figure 26

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG26

The second important factor is to define goals and the point of the advertising message. It is extremely important to determine the main goal because the advertising should convey only one message to the user. Make sure that your ad will be perceived cor rectly; otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the brand’s reputation.Anexample of the negative impact of a viral video is a marketing campaign by Mountain Dew. A weird char acter was invented for this commercial Puppy Monkey Baby who had baby feet, a monkey’s body, and a dog’s head (Figure 27). This video actually went viral. The number of views on Youtube exceeded 22 million. But more than half of users who viewed this video spoke negatively about it. When creating viral advertising, it is better to appeal to positive emotions, to strive to add an element of sur prise to the plot. Surprise is the strongest trigger. Before you post your video online, it better be tested on focus groups. You should find out what social media the target audience uses. Figure 27

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG27 To track the effectiveness of a launched company on social media, you should use third-party analytical ser vices (Figures 28 through 31): ■ Hootsuite; ■ Zoho Social; Figure 28 Figure 29

oNLiNe, oFFLiNe ADvertisiNG. DiGitAL MArKetiNG. vir AL AND GuerriLLA MArKetiNG28 ■ Synthesio; ■ Sprout Social. These resources provide information that will increase the success of a viral campaign. They can be used to ana lyze the interaction and reach of the audience, as well as conduct analysis of the competitors’ campaigns. Figure 30 Figure 31

29 CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s


an advertiser

2. Display advertising. This term includes a wide range of advertisements such as blogs, interstitials, contextual data, search engine banners, classified or dynamic advertisements. Display ads can target specific audiences based on analytics data. Depending on this, different ads will be displayed for different users. Such variability is the key to the high productivity of this method (Figure 33).

The main goal of is to find communication channels that provide quality two-way communication with users and better brand profitability. marketing channels include:

Figure 32 Figure 33

1. Affiliate marketing.

The point of this method consists in the development of affiliate programs on terms when each new partner earns by attracting visitors, subscribers, and buyers. This type of marketing is not effective. This is due to the fact that each attracted partner cannot guarantee the influx of new clients with 100% probability. It is a good way to promote a small business with low traffic (Figure 32).

CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s30 3. E-mail marketing. This type of marketing is considered one of the cheapest compared to other methods. This is an effective way to quickly communicate new, beneficial proposals to existing and potential customers. This communication channel can be annoying to recipients. This often hap pens to new customers, therefore the success of e-mail marketing largely depends on the visual and stylistic design of Theletters.useof graphics that emphasize the meaning of the message increases the effectiveness of mailing, trig gering psycho-emotional reactions. The style of the text is the main factor that determines how relevant the letter will be. Everyday language seems warmer and more attractive than official.

Visually appealing images and interesting language are the key to a successful e-mail marketing campaign (Figure 34). Figure 34


This type of Internet marketing is responsible for promoting web resources in search engines. Search En gine Marketing (SEM) affects the increase in the number of displays of the promoted site in search results (SERP). This process is often carried out through paid advertising. SEM often uses SEO that requires content adjustment and changes in the site architecture. Thus, you can increase the ranking of the resource on the search engine pages and increase the pay-per-click (PPC) (Figure 35). Social Media Marketing. This promotion strategy involves the use of social media (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to promote a product or service. This method helps to attract traffic to the company’s website, as well as build user feedback and attract new customers (Figure 36). Figure Figure

CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s31 4. Search Engine Marketing.



CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s32 6. Game advertising.

As for integrated marketing communication, this move is effective, insofar as it provides users with detailed information about a brand or product. Figure 37

The creators of many mobile and desktop games allow brands to advertise on their products. Ads can be hidden (be a part of the game), or they can be banners (Figure 37). There are many factors that affect the success of this kind of advertising campaign. Its success is influenced by the type of the game, its genre, platform where the game is hosted, as well as brand awareness. Game reputation has a particular importance, for it may also affect the reputation of the advertised brand. That is, if users do not like the game for some reason, it may negatively affect the attitude towards the advertised product.

Due to the huge potential of digital technology, online PR significantly expands the range of available channels for disseminating information and allows companies to communicate directly with customers (Figure 38).

CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s33 7. Online PR .

The feature of online PR is simplicity in tracking and grouping users for their further analysis. This will help create a unique proposal that is relevant to the needs of each group.

8. Video advertising. Video advertising is a popular type of advertisement that is played online at various video hosting services, such as ThereYouTube.arethree types of videos: ■ Pre-Roll plays automatically before starting the video; ■ Mid-roll starts while watching the video; ■ Post-roll plays at the end of the main video. This communication channel has only one drawback: due to the selective attention of viewers, there is a possibility that the user never gets the message. Because the video ad violates the integrity of the video being watched, the users’ attention switches from the video to the ad.Interaction with the advertising video boils down to three stages: ■ preliminary attention; ■ attention; ■ behavioral decision. These features provide brands with many options for shaping the advertising content. You can choose the length of the video, its position regarding other content. These factors affect the effectiveness of the advertising time, and manipulations with these variables give differ ent results. Figure 38

CoMMuNiCAtioN CHANNeL s34 Ad length has been proven to affect ad recall, mean ing longer videos increase brand awareness. On the other hand, due to the fact that commercials interrupt the main video, it can form a negative perception of the brand in the mind of the consumer. Also, a positive result can be achieved with the help of “viral” videos. Any content that evokes strong emotions will spread faster. As a result, you can reach the widest possible audience using just one such video.

All of the above channels are often used in combina tion. This helps the business build long-term communication relationships with users, as well as analyze and sort out the target audience.

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