Step forwards information sheet v2 september 2017 final

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INFORMATION SHEET Step Forwards Evaluation Project Invitation You are being invited to consider taking part in the Step Forwards Evaluation Project, which is being led by Jackie Reynolds, who is a researcher at Keele University, and the team at B Arts. This information is to help you decide whether or not you want to take part. It explains what is involved and why we’re doing it. Please take some time to read this information carefully and if you’re not sure about anything then please ask any of us! What’s the Project About? We basically want to know three things:  What difference (if any) being involved with B Arts has made to you.  What difference you think that B Arts make generally – for example to communities in Stoke-on-Trent and elsewhere.  How we might capture this difference in new ways for the future, so that we can show people the difference that is made across all the different projects and over a long period of time. Why have I been invited? You’ve been invited to take part in this project because you’ve been involved with B Arts, perhaps for a long time, and we’re interested in your story. Do I have to take part? Absolutely not! It’s entirely up to you whether you wish to be involved. We’ll need you to fill in a consent form, but if you change your mind then you can end the interview or withdraw from the focus group at any point. If you change your mind for whatever reason after the interview/focus group then please let us know in writing up to 8 weeks afterwards (contact details are on this form) and once you’ve withdrawn we’ll ensure that we don’t use your comments in our writing and publications. What will I be asked to do? You’ll be asked to take part in a group discussion at B Arts about your involvement. Or if you prefer then you could speak to Jackie individually. The discussions will be about your experiences with B Arts and what difference you think they make. Jackie will make sure that everyone in the group agrees to keep the conversations confidential, and of course you decide what you share about yourself. We’ll also be picking everyone’s brains about how B Arts can best show people the impact of their work! We will record the conversations so that we don’t forget what was said. We may also request your permission to use a Page 1 of 2 ERP060715 Version No: 2 Date: September 2017 1 for participant, 1 for researcher

photograph of you, which may be published (including online) to illustrate articles about this research. How will information about me be used? We’ll use the information that people share to help us to understand the different ways that people are involved with B Arts and the difference that this makes. This will help us to work out a new approach for evaluating the work in the future. We will also use quotes from people in publications about the project, but this will usually be anonymous, unless you have specifically asked for your name to be used. We might even ask if you will share your story with others, for example on a website. But we won’t share anything like that until you’ve seen it and said that we can. Who will have access to information about me? The important details!  Data (e.g. audio recordings) will be stored securely on a password protected computer, with no identifying details.  Consent forms will be kept separately in a locked filing cabinet.  Only the researcher will have access to this information. It will be kept for at least five years, and then it will be securely disposed of. Who is funding and organising the Step Forwards Evaluation Project? B Arts have funding from Arts Council England to support this work and they have asked Jackie Reynolds to work with them on it. What if there is a problem? If you have a concern about any aspect of this project, you may wish to speak to Jackie Reynolds or one of the B Arts team who will do their best to answer your questions. You should contact Jackie Reynolds on Alternatively, if you do not wish to contact the researcher(s) you may contact Mike Hession (Research Development Manager, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science) on If you remain unhappy about the research and/or wish to raise a complaint about any aspect of the way that you have been approached or treated during the course of the project please write to Nicola Leighton who is the University’s contact for complaints regarding research at the following address:Nicola Leighton Research Governance Officer Directorate of Engagement and Partnerships IC2 Building Keele University ST5 5NH E-mail: n.leighton@ Tel: 01782 733306 Page 2 of 2 ERP060715 Version No: 2 Date: September 2017 1 for participant, 1 for researcher

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