International Medical Corps Annual Report

Page 1




Annual Message


Mission Statement


Program Activities Map


What We Do / Our Philosophy


2011 By the Numbers


Our Priorities, Our Successes




Partnerships for Humanitarian Action


Financial Statements


Board of Directors


Annual Support


How You Can Help

Cover Photo by Jaya Vadlamudi

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report



Annual Message Dear Friends of International Medical Corps: What remarkable change we witnessed in 2011. It was a year that revealed the heights and depths of humanity tremendous suffering, yet also tremendous achievement. Once again, International Medical Corps responded to both sudden and chronic crises on four continents, delivering emergency relief and development programs that focus on training local people so that they can once again become self-reliant. International Medical Corps mobilized emergency response teams in East Africa, where the worst drought in 60 years unleashed widespread hunger, displaced more than a million people, and triggered a famine in Somalia that killed tens of thousands. We implemented nutrition programs targeting the most vulnerable particularly children under 5 years of age - as well as water, sanitation and hygiene programs to stave off the threat of diarrheal and other diseases. When a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, we responded immediately, hitting the ground within 48 hours and reaching out to the hardest-hit communities with essential supplies, medicines, and critically needed mental health support services, all in collaboration with local partners.

As uprisings across the Arab world exploded in the winter and continued to reverberate throughout the year, International Medical Corps was there, providing lifesaving relief to hundreds of thousands of people caught up by conflict in Libya, Tunisia, and Syria. True to our mission, we trained local health care workers even in the midst of hostilities, enabling them to become an active part of relief activities, as well as to lay the foundation for long-term recovery. In other places like Darfur, Haiti, Afghanistan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, we carried out our relief operations while continuing our training programs, helping restore people’s lives with dignity and hope. Our ability to be flexible, innovative and effective is the cornerstone of our work. We are able to respond whenever and wherever we are needed most because of the support we receive from individuals, corporations, foundations, government and UN agencies, and other partners who play a vital role in our program activities. We are deeply grateful for the confidence and trust that you place in us. We hope that you take great pride in what we have all achieved together and look forward to your continued support. Sincerely,

Robert R. Simon, M.D. Founder & Chairman

Nancy A. Aossey President & CEO

International Medical Corps Mission: From Relief to Self-Reliance International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Our mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in areas worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Mission Statement


AFGHANISTAN Primary and secondary health care, medical training, continuing medical education, hospital administration reforms, maternal/ child health care, nutritional support, health capacity strengthening, health education, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, returnee assistance, mental health, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, disaster preparedness and disaster risk reduction. BURUNDI Primary health care, health systems strengthening, nutritional support and training, sexual and gender-based violence prevention, treatment and awareness, health and nutrition education, reproductive (maternal and infant) health and nutrition, returnee and refugee assistance. CAMBODIA Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. CAMEROON Primary health care, nutritional support and training, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, emergency response to cholera outbreak, HIV/AIDS awareness.

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Primary and secondary health care, nutritional support, HIV/AIDS awareness, protection (child, sexual and gender-based violence), health capacity strengthening. CHAD Primary and secondary health care, health capacity strengthening, nutritional support and training, HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, health education, medical training, psychosocial services, and child protection. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO Emergency response, primary and secondary health care, nutritional support and training, health facility infrastructure development and improvement, sexual and gender-based violence prevention and response, HIV/AIDS testing and counseling, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, assistance to returnees, refugees and IDPs. EGYPT Emergency assistance and refugee response. ETHIOPIA Sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, nutritional support and training, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, reproductive and maternal health care.

GHANA Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. HAITI Emergency assistance and response, primary and secondary health care, health capacity strengthening, psychosocial services, nutritional support and training, protection, care to orphans and vulnerable children, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, emergency preparedness, disaster risk reduction, cholera prevention. INDONESIA Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. IRAQ Emergency medicine training, health capacity strengthening, capacity strengthening of ministries, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, mental health and psychosocial services, assistance to returnees and displaced, economic livelihoods, women’s empowerment, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness. JAPAN Emergency response, psychosocial support, capacity strengthening of local NGOs. JORDAN Primary health care, mental health and psychosocial services, e-learning for health workers, health capacity strengthening, refugee assistance, emergency assistance and response. KENYA Primary health care, HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria prevention and treatment, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, nutritional support and training, mental health services. LAOS Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. LEBANON Primary health care, health capacity strengthening, mental health and psychosocial assistance, clinic construction, conflict resolution, vocational training, refugee assistance, emergency assistance and response. LIBYA Emergency assistance and response, emergency medicine, medic training, provision of medical supplies and equipment, sexual and gender-based violence treatment, psychological first aid, health capacity strengthening, rehabilitation. PAKISTAN Primary health care, health capacity strengthening, health education, economic livelihoods, reproductive health, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, refugee and internally displaced persons assistance, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, mental health care, emergency response.

PHILIPPINES Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. RUSSIAN FEDERATION (Chechnya, Dagestan, and Ingushetia) Primary health care, mental health and psychosocial services, livelihoods training, community development, TB awareness, sexual and gender-based violence care and awareness, vocational training for youth. SIERRA LEONE Nutrition and health education, maternal/child health, water, sanitation and hygiene education, health facility infrastructure rehabilitation. SOMALIA Primary health care, nutritional support and training, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, capacity strengthening of local NGOs, agricultural and economic livelihoods. SOUTH SUDAN Primary and secondary health care, midwife and nurse training, health capacity strengthening, HIV/AIDS care and awareness, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion, returnee assistance. SUDAN ( DARFUR ) Primary health care, health capacity strengthening, nutritional support and training, HIV/AIDS awareness, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion. ST. LUCIA Emergency response, health capacity strengthening, Continuing Medical Education/Continuing Professional Development. SYRIA Primary health care, health capacity strengthening, psychosocial assistance, early childhood development, refugee assistance. TANZANIA Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. TUNISIA Primary health care and capacity strengthening, refugee assistance. TURKEY Primary health care, mental health and psychosocial services, capacity strengthening of local NGOs, refugee assistance and protection. UGANDA Planning for multi-sector pandemic preparedness and response. YEMEN Emergency health, water and sanitation, and nutrition. ZIMBABWE Emergency response, cholera treatment and control, water, sanitation and hygiene promotion.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

GAZA Mental health, early childhood development, occupational therapy and rehabilitation, and community psychiatric support.


What We Do We help people build a better, healthier future, wherever they are, whatever the conditions. In emergencies, we deploy immediately to assist survivors of natural and man-made disasters. In fragile states and nations striving to recover and progress, we bring the tools and knowledge for long-term development. Whatever our task, we teach skills that empower local communities and promote self-reliance.

Our Philosophy We believe self-reliance is only possible through lasting solutions anchored in local culture, affirmed by local decision-making and carried out by local residents trained with the necessary skills that then become community assets. That is why we draw over 95 percent of our staff from local communities and place key decisions in local hands, offering a unique intensity of focus that lifts people to their fullest potential.


International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report



Whatever the conditions, we respond to crises around the world and immediately deploy to assist victims of disaster and communities in peril, swiftly and effectively providing lifesaving medical care and relief wherever it is most needed. In 2011 we continued our legacy of responding rapidly and working closely with local and national authorities to prevent and prepare for emergencies.

Within 48 hours of the massive earthquake and tsunami in Japan, our teams were on the ground, reaching more than 20,000 people with medicine, supplies, and communications equipment in the days and weeks that followed. While Japan has significant capacity and expertise in managing emergencies, the magnitude of this disaster – coupled with the threat of nuclear exposure – was large enough to warrant international assistance. We worked in coordination with the Japanese government and local nonprofits to build partnerships to help fill critical gaps, particularly in mental health care provision and training, and continue to help the Japanese people recover and rebuild.

In East Africa, following months of the worst drought in 60 years in the region, the UN officially declared famine in parts of Somalia on July 20, 2011. Operating in the region since 1991, International Medical Corps expanded our programs in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya by establishing supplementary feeding centers, conducting nutrition screenings for thousands of malnourished children, and delivering therapeutic foods. Our teams also delivered critical medicines and health care services, built latrines, and dug boreholes for clean drinking water. We treated 40,715 acutely malnourished children and provided over 46,300 pregnant and lactating women with food rations and vitamin supplements.

Following a cholera outbreak in Haiti that claimed thousands of lives, International Medical Corps established cholera treatment centers and prevention activities in the five most vulnerable districts. We also built a network of 820 community health volunteers to educate fellow Haitians on how to prevent and identify cholera. Since cholera was a new disease to Haiti, International Medical Corps made it a priority to train local doctors and nurses in how to handle, treat, prevent, and contain cholera cases.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

In 2011, International Medical Corps responded to a tribal conflict in Jonglei state in newly independent South Sudan, providing emergency health care for approximately 387 warwounded patients and performing 58 war-related surgeries. With funding from the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, we treated patients while simultaneously training local health care workers.


In Libya, following the outbreak of violence in February, International Medical Corps immediately crossed the Libyan border and began providing humanitarian relief. Throughout 2011, with funding from the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance, we supported 78 health facilities, provided more than 68,000 medical consultations and surgeries, trained more than 2,000 health workers, and delivered 147 tons of medicines, medical supplies, and basic necessities.



Supporting communities to meet their own needs is our central goal. It is how our work began nearly 30 years ago and is where our present and future successes lie. As both a training organization and an emergency relief and development group, in 2011 we continued this tradition in some of the world’s most challenging environments.

International Medical Corps worked with a local partner to support 197 health facilities in Paktika Province in Afghanistan. We supported a network of over 300 Community Health Workers (CHWs) in 2011 by providing training and necessary equipment. These CHWs, both female and male, were identified and recruited with the help of the community according to Ministry of Public Health selection criteria. They were trained in community mapping, preventative and promotional health, and eventually curative health care, and learned about specific health topics such as safe motherhood, child health, and tuberculosis.

In South Sudan, where there is a mass shortage of trained health care workers, International Medical Corps established a midwifery training school at Kajo Keji Hospital to increase the number of mid-level health professionals in the country. Offering training courses to certify nurses and community midwives, the school has graduated 20 nurses and 48 midwives to date, a 10 percent increase in the number of trained nurses in South Sudan.

Through the PREPARE project, funded by the US Agency for International Development, International Medical Corps works to strengthen the capacity of low-resourced countries in Africa and Asia for multisector disaster management and pandemic preparedness planning. In 2011, PREPARE held pandemic preparedness workshops and events in Cambodia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, the Philippines, Italy, Rwanda, Senegal, Uganda, Tanzania and Thailand.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

In Jordan, International Medical Corps is working with Jordan Health Aid Society (JHAS) to deliver lifesaving health care services throughout the Middle East, as well as to improve JHAS’ organizational abilities. In this way we are able to reach exponentially more vulnerable populations throughout the Middle East and North Africa, including Libya, where JHAS deployed dozens of nurses as part of our Emergency Response Teams.


International Medical Corps implemented an Emergency and Disaster Risk Reduction program at the main university hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, the first comprehensive emergency medicine training program in the country. The series of courses trained more than 300 doctors and nurses in nearly every component of emergency care delivery.



With women and children comprising 80 percent of those who bear the burden during conflict and disaster, International Medical Corps prioritizes maternal and child health in all of our emergency responses. In fact, the well-being of women and children is recognized as key to promoting health, building stable, confident, self-reliant communities, and eradicating global poverty. To that end, in 2011 we provided: lifesaving antenatal and postnatal care; improved child-feeding and immunization programs; programs to heal and comfort survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV); and income-generating programs.

International Medical Corps is addressing the alarming rates of SGBV prevalent in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Our programs take a holistic approach to addressing the needs of SGBV survivors while also preventing future cases by changing community attitudes around gender and violence. This means creating better access for survivors to quality medical services, as well as psychosocial care, legal support, and skills-building and educational opportunities.

When the East Africa drought led to a massive influx of Somali refugees to Ethiopia in early 2011, International Medical Corps was the only international actor established in the region addressing SGBV. We quickly adapted and scaled up programming to respond to the emergency by leading a rapid assessment to identify risk factors of violence against women and girls, and expanding services to new camps. Overall, over 36,000 refugees were reached with SGBV awareness messages.

In Afghanistan, which has one of the world’s highest infant mortality rates, International Medical Corps is operating a Community Midwifery Education program in Khost province that has been recognized as the best in the country. We have trained more than 100 young women to assist expectant mothers through pregnancies, childbirth, and in the most critical period after birth. Each trained midwife can provide health care for an estimated 300 women each year.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

In Ethiopia, International Medical Corps uses Mother Care Groups to train local mothers in healthy nutrition and childcare practices, with the aim of preventing malnutrition in children. These “lead mothers� form their own groups of mothers to convey these practices community-wide. Employing local women, the program reaches 64,000 men, women, and children with lifesaving information.


International Medical Corps commenced SGBV programming in eastern Libya in April 2011 during the height of the civil war. As the only international organization focused on SGBV in the country, International Medical Corps strengthened the capacity of medical personnel, social workers, and psychologists to care for those affected by sexual violence and also built a secure and confidential reporting system.

In Cameroon, International Medical Corps and the local Ministry of Public Health launched a vaccination campaign against polio, a disease eradicated in the developed world but that has reemerged in recent years in some developing countries. In addition to administering polio vaccinations, International Medical Corps also provided children with screenings for malnutrition.


WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE Access to clean water and sanitation is an essential component of public health. Diarrheal diseases, most commonly caused by unsafe drinking water and poor sanitation conditions, claim the lives of nearly two million people each year, devastating families and undermining efforts to build healthy, self-reliant communities. International Medical Corps assists households, communities, and local governments in water projects large and small from building and maintaining wells and latrines, to establishing water and waste management systems. We also prioritize hygiene promotion and education so that communities have the knowledge they need to better protect themselves from the threat of waterborne illness.

In Pakistan, having already deployed to Sindh Province in response to the unprecedented 2010 floods, International Medical Corps immediately began delivering emergency services at health facilities throughout the region when flooding struck again in August 2011. We deployed mobile health teams to reach flood-stricken communities with health care services, distributed food, and conducted hygiene education sessions for more than 1.6 million people.

In Haiti, International Medical Corps was a main provider of cholera treatment and management in 2011, bringing lifesaving and life-changing help to devastated communities – many of them still recovering from the 2010 earthquake. Since the first outbreak of the disease, which easily spreads through unclean or stagnant water, International Medical Corps has built over 550 latrines and shower facilities, as well as distributed more than 750,000 hygiene and sanitation materials and disseminated health and sanitation messages to millions of people across the country. In East Africa, International Medical Corps’ emergency response to famine and drought in the region has included an integrated approach to nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene. In Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, International Medical Corps is targeting pregnant women, new mothers and children under age five to prevent malnutrition but also to provide clean water and sanitation facilities to protect them from waterborne diseases. We are also building hundreds of toilets and hand washing facilities, while training and educating Community Health Workers about safe water and sanitation. In response to cholera outbreaks in Cameroon, International Medical Corps deployed medical teams to support the Ministry of Health and provided mobile clinics in each of our partner districts. We reached 37,732 community members in 24 villages with sanitation education; trained 50 volunteer community health workers from 18 villages on cholera prevention and good hygiene practices; convened 18 water committees; and conveyed sanitation messages over radio broadcasts that reached 200,000 people. We also worked with local villages to build water pumps, latrines, and wells to ensure sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation.


Although mental illness draws less public attention and donor awareness than widely feared communicable diseases, it quietly saps the strength of developing societies. International Medical Corps trains local staff to recognize and treat those with symptoms of this often-overlooked disease, in order to build strong, stable communities. Key to our successful approach is that we integrate mental health and psychosocial support into every stage of our relief and development programs.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

International Medical Corps implemented an 18-month project to support the Mental Health Hospital of Kabul, Afghanistan and build the capacity of its staff. Our comprehensive approach includes training of staff at all levels, provision of appropriate medicines, and implemention of hospital procedures, such as medication management and admission and discharge procedures. We also work with city authorities, Ministry of Public Health officials and local businesses to support people with severe mental illness so that they can continue to lead healthy, productive lives in their communities.


Young children in low-resource settings, such as refugee or displaced communities, are particularly vulnerable to falling behind on important milestones in their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. In Sierra Leone, International Medical Corps runs an Early Childhood Development program among mothers receiving nutritional support – a program we piloted in Uganda and Ethiopia. For women and children receiving food, International Medical Corps staff provides training in infant stimulation and child development, as well as the importance of play. In 2011, we also implemented Early Childhood Development programming in Haiti, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria.

In Libya, during and after the conflict, International Medical Corps provided mental health services through primary health care facilities to those affected by violence and displacement. This approach makes care more readily available, and also lowers the stigma associated with seeking mental health support. We also trained more than 140 Libyan hospital staff in Psychological First Aid, an approach which evaluations show increases the ability of health care professionals to effectively treat those suffering from mental health conditions brought on by the distress of conflict or disaster.

Response to Libya Conflict


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton / British Prime Minister David Cameron

February 27, 2011

March 11, 2011

March 24 & 29, 2011

International Medical Corps is one of the first humanitarian organizations to enter Libya and begin providing emergency medical care following the outbreak of conflict.

International Medical Corps deploys an Emergency Response Team within 48 hours after an earthquake and tsunami destroys coastal communities in Japan.

Clinton and Cameron cite International Medical Corps’ humanitarian response in Libya during their addresses to international allied bodies.

Milestones Sienna Miller Visits Ethiopia

Clinton Global Initiative

eBay Auction

September 15, 2011

September 22, 2011

October 23, 2011

Global Ambassador Sienna Miller sits down with The Today Show to talk about her visit to our nutrition programs in Ethiopia to raise awareness of the East Africa famine and drought.

At the Clinton Global Initiative, International Medical Corps President & CEO Nancy Aossey highlights the organization’s commitment to combating hunger in East Africa.

Sienna Miller holds a charity auction sponsored by eBay with all proceeds going to International Medical Corps’ emergency response in East Africa.

Pictured with P&G President & CEO Bob McDonald

Place bid

First Lady Michelle Obama

Drought & Famine Response in Somalia

May 7, 2011

July 20, 2011

August 26, 2011

The First Lady recognizes University of Northern Iowa (UNI) alum Nancy Aossey and International Medical Corps for lifesaving achievements around the world, during UNI commencement address.

The UN declares famine in southern Somalia; International Medical Corps mobilizes teams throughout Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya to deliver critical services.

Google recognizes International Medical Corps’ use of its technology in disaster response efforts in Haiti and Japan.

Esquire House NYC

Annual Awards Celebration

Christie’s Auction

October 24, 2011

November 8, 2011

November 9, 2011

The 9th annual Esquire House celebration is held in New York City with International Medical Corps once again selected by the magazine as a charity partner.

Supporters, friends and staff gather for our Annual Awards Celebration to honor Andrew Barth, Sienna Miller, Dr. Solomon Kebede Goshu, Wells Fargo, and Research in Motion for their generous commitments to International Medical Corps.

World-renowned contemporary artist Takashi Murakami organizes a charity auction at Christie’s with proceeds to benefit International Medical Corps and three other groups that responded in Japan.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

of 2011


Partnerships for Humanitarian Action Collective Humanitarian Advocacy International Medical Corps places strong emphasis on collective learning and action and is a member of coalitions and networks critical to the humanitarian and development field, including InterAction, the International Council of Voluntary Agencies, the Global Health Council, the NGO Leaders Forum convened by the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations at Harvard University, and the Society for International Development. Our contribution to improving coordination and response in humanitarian crises is demonstrated through our active participation and leadership roles in several mechanisms of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), such as the Global Health, Nutrition, Water/ Sanitation/Hygiene, and Protection Clusters, the IASC Sub-Working Group on Gender, the IASC Task Force on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, and the IASC Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support. As a member of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership and the board of The Sphere Project, we continue our commitment to strengthen accountability to the affected communities in which we work.

Improving the Ability to Deliver Critical Medicines and Supplies International Medical Corps forged new and strengthened existing partnerships in 2011, all aimed at improving our ability to deliver essential medical equipment and supplies quickly to those who are hardest-hit in times of emergency. We received tens of millions of dollars in Gift-in-Kind donations of medicines, supplies and equipment from Alpha Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, AmeriCares, BluSource, Bridge Foundation, Catholic Relief Services, Child First Meds, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Heart to Heart International, IMRES, International Aid, International Health Partners UK, International Relief Teams, International Orthodox Christian Charities, Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen, Aviation Without Borders, MAP International, Medical Teams International, Medicines for Humanity, Mercy Corps, Ministry of Health - Sudan, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, Reinvention Wheels, UNICEF, USAID, and the World Food Programme.

Global Agreement with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to Strengthen Local Capacity Recognizing the essential role of national actors and civil society in responding to humanitarian crises, International Medical Corps has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UNHCR committing to working collaboratively to strengthen the capacity of national and local NGOs in emergency response. Through this global agreement, the two organizations will explore avenues for enhancing the organizational and emergency response capacity of NGOs in various regions through training in the areas of administration, logistics, standards and guidelines, and team development and management.

International Medical Corps Makes a Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action - Provide Relief for Famine and Drought - Affected Regions in Africa International Medical Corps made a Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action in 2011 to address the nutritional and health needs of individuals suffering from the effect of the ongoing drought in East Africa. Over one year, with the financial and in-kind support of our national and international partners, International Medical Corps is providing targeted nutrition and Water/Sanitation/Hygiene programs in refugee camps and drought-affected regions in Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, and Ethiopia. This includes malnutrition screening, supplemental nutrition programs, malnutrition prevention, and safe water and hygiene programs. At the closing ceremonies of this year’s CGI meeting, President Clinton recognized International Medical Corps for its critical and effective response: “International Medical Corps has committed to reaching 200,000 people in the camps and the drought-affected regions of Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya and Ethiopia with nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene. If you give them the money, they’ll spend it well and in a hurry.” - President Bill Clinton

In partnership with United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), International Medical Corps has launched a project to strengthen technical capacity of field practitioners to design, implement, and manage effective multi-sectoral interventions to prevent genderbased violence (GBV) and provide appropriate services for survivors. Together, International Medical Corps and UNFPA, with funding from the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), are addressing a gap in training opportunities to build technical knowledge, skills, and abilities to design and implement programs to address GBV. The project, which is initiated under the auspices of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility global working group of the IASC Global Protection Cluster, will offer GBV field practitioners a face-to-face training that will build both technical knowledge of GBV and practical skills in program design and management.

Enhancing Nutrition Response On behalf of the Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) and with support from UNICEF, International Medical Corps will be implementing global-level cluster coordination training and surge capacity development for rapid response to nutrition needs in emergencies. The project supports the GNC through training that will strengthen the capacity of GNC partners in cluster coordination and the humanitarian approach. International Medical Corps will also work with UNICEF to ensure that nutrition personnel are available for rapid deployment in emergencies. This collaboration will increase understanding of cluster coordination and partners’ roles in the nutrition cluster among agencies that work on nutrition in humanitarian settings. The collaboration between UNICEF and International Medical Corps demonstrates the principle of partnership that forms the core basis of the cluster approach and humanitarian reform.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Building Skills to Address Gender-Based Violence


Partnerships for Humanitarian Action

Raising Mental Health Awareness Despite the high disease burden, mental health is largely missed from the global health agenda and remains one of the most under-addressed areas of health care. This holds true in humanitarian response, where the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the rates of common mental disorders can double in natural disasters and conflict settings. Building on its strong programmatic experience, International Medical Corps partnered with the WHO and Johns Hopkins University to highlight mental health needs in humanitarian settings. This included a session hosted by the Humanitarian Health Caucus at the annual conference of the Global Health Council in Washington DC. This was followed by a Capitol Hill briefing for congressional staff and NGOs on “Addressing Mental Health in Humanitarian Crises�, with a panel of presenters that included International Medical Corps’ global mental health and psychosocial advisor, the WHO, the US State Department, and the US Agency for International Development.

Strengthening Accountability to Affected Communities International Medical Corps is a member of the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP). HAP provides a framework for addressing principles of accountability and standards, and helps organizations design, implement, assess and recognize programs that are accountable to, and deliver quality for, communities affected by disasters, conflict, poverty and other crises.

Disaster Risk Reduction To help communities around the world better prepare for and minimize the effects of disaster, International Medical Corps implemented comprehensive, whole-of-society training programs for health care workers at the national and local levels. For instance, we partnered with UNICEF to provide disaster risk reduction training for students, teachers, Ministry of Education staff and community members at 24 schools in an earthquake and flood-prone region of Jordan. In Afghanistan, projects funded by the European Commission and the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance are building the capacity of communities and front-line health workers to respond quickly to rapid onset emergencies and other acute humanitarian needs.


International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FY 2010-2011 The following is International Medical Corps’ Statement of Financial Position and Activities for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010.

Statement of Financial Position 2011


Assets Cash and cash equivalents



Grants receivable



Other receivables









Inventory of supplies and commodities



Equipment, net





Accounts payable



Accrued liabilities



Refundable advances



Deferred rent



Notes payable



Obligation under capital leases



Total liabilities



Total net assets





Investments in equity securities Prepaid expenses Deposits

Total assets

Liabilities and net assets

Total liabilities and net assets

Statement of Activities 2011






Donated medical supplies



Donated medical services







Realized and unrealized gain on investments


















Middle East



South / Central America and the Caribbean















Change in net assets



Net assets at beginning of the year





Public support and revenue Public support Contract and grant support Contributions

Total public support Revenue Interest and dividend income

Total revenue

Total public support and revenue

Program services


United States

Total program services Program management and evaluation Supporting services Management and general Fundraising

Total expenses

Net assets at end of this period

KPMG LLP audited financial statements are available on request from International Medical Corps.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report



INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS-UK ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FY 2010-2011 The following is International Medical Corps-UK’s Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet for the years ended June 30, 2011 and 2010.

Statement of Financial Activities 2011


Income and expenditures Incoming resources Incoming resources from generated funds £4,629,715














Middle East



South / Central America and the Caribbean















Voluntary income Incoming resources from charitable activities

Total incoming resources Resources expended Cost of generating funds Cost of generating voluntary income Charitable activities Africa Asia Caucasus

Total charitable activities Governance cost

Total resources expended Net movement in funds Fund balance brought forward at July 1, 2010

Fund balance carried forward at June 30, 2011

Balance Sheet 2011


Fixed assets Tangible assets






Cash at bank and in hand







Net current assets



Total net assets









Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

Funds and reserves Income funds Restricted funds Unrestricted funds: general fund

Total funds and reserves

The above statement of financial activities and balance sheet have been adapted from the full financial statements of International Medical Corps-UK. For a full understanding of the charity’s finances, the full International Medical Corps-UK Annual Report and Accounts are available upon request from International Medical Corps-UK. The full financial statements were prepared in accordance with applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards and were audited by Buzzacott LLP, who had issued a clean audit report.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Current assets


GLOBAL FINANCIAL SUMMARY The resources of International Medical Corps Worldwide global operations - consisting of government and UN grants, private funds, and donated products and services - totaled more than $183 million in fiscal year 2011. Approximately 92% of these resources went directly to program activities, reflecting International Medical Corps’ deep and enduring commitment to fiscal responsibility and efficiency. In addition, as a result of International Medical Corps’ longstanding emphasis on leveraging resources, every dollar in private contributions helped generate $38 in additional cash and in-kind resources.

Combined Statement of Activities, International Medical Corps and International Medical Corps-UK* 2011


International Medical Corps-UK



International Medical Corps



Total contract and grant support







Support and revenue

International Medical Corps-UK International Medical Corps Total donated services and supplies

38,920,777 47,948,590

Total support and revenue

183,537,401 166,652,139


International Medical Corps-UK program services International Medical Corps program services Total program expenses





169,192,904 146,414,646

International Medical Corps-UK management and general









Total supporting services



Total expenses





International Medical Corps-UK fundraising International Medical Corps management and general International Medical Corps fundraising

Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of the year

Net assets at the end of the year

13,381,112 4,360,811 $12,414,264


* The combined statement of activities for International Medical Corps and International Medical Corps-UK is based on US accounting principles and presented in US dollars.

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report 29

KPMG LLP audited financial statements for International Medical Corps and Buzzacott LLP audited financial statements for International Medical Corps - UK are available upon request. International Medical Corps is governed by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. International Medical Corps - UK is governed by relevant legal and regulatory requirements of the United Kingdom in accordance with the Companies Act of 1985.

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS WORLDWIDE International Medical Corps Worldwide is a global humanitarian alliance that comprises the resources and capabilities of two independent affiliate organizations, International Medical Corps and International Medical Corps-UK. Together, their mission is to save lives and relieve suffering through the provision of health care through training. With headquarters in the United States and the United Kingdom respectively, they collaborate to maximize resources for the delivery of appropriate relief and development activities.

International Medical Corps (US) Board of Directors Founder and Chairman Robert R. Simon, M.D. Professor Department of Emergency Medicine Rush University Stroger-Cook County Hospital Chicago, Illinois

Associate Chairman Henry H. Hood, Jr., M.D. Orthopaedic Surgeon Lancaster, Ohio

President & CEO Nancy A. Aossey International Medical Corps Santa Monica, California

William Robinson, M.D. Chief Medical Officer Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Bozeman, Montana

Lori B. Bookstein Lori Bookstein Fine Art New York, New York

Nancy E. Shelmon, CPA Retired Senior Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Rancho Santa Fe, California

Linda N. Cappello Los Angeles, California

Christine J. Toretti Chairman Palladio, LLC Indiana, Pennsylvania

Secretary of the Board Mrs. William F. Riordan Rockville, Maryland

Edward J. Carpenter Chairman & CEO Carpenter & Company Irvine, California

Treasurer of the Board William B. Moore, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgeon Santa Fe, New Mexico

Paul Dean, M.D., M.P.H. Public Health Specialist and Dermatologist San Diego, California

Directors Emeriti Nancy Kassebaum Baker Former United States Senator Burdick, Kansas Richard J. Riordan Former Mayor of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

International Medical Corps (UK) Board of Directors Andrew W. GĂŠczy London

Nancy A. Aossey Santa Monica, California

Hendrik Cornelis London

Timothy Kirk London

Leadership Council Linda Daly Los Angeles, California

Andrew F. Barth Chairman Capital Guardian Trust Company Los Angeles, California

Debbie Fisher Malibu, California

Brook Byers Founding Partner Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Menlo Park, California Alex L. Cappello Chairman and CEO Cappello Capital Corp. Santa Monica, California Victor J. Coleman Managing Director Hudson Capital, LLC Los Angeles, California Richard R. Crowell Managing Partner Vance Street Capital, LLC Los Angeles, California

Fadi A. Ghandour Founder and Chief Executive Officer Aramex Amman, Jordan Jonathan M. Glaser Managing Partner JMG Capital Management, LLC Los Angeles, California Andrew G. Hauptman Chairman Andell Holdings Los Angeles, California Sabrina Kay Chancellor and CEO Fremont College Los Angeles, California

Katie McGrath Los Angeles, California

Pamela Mohn Los Angeles, California

Barry A. Porter Managing General Partner Clarity Partners, LP Beverly Hills, California

Anthony N. Pritzker Managing Partner The Pritzker Group Los Angeles, California

Carol Sharer Vail, Colorado

Hans Zimmer Santa Monica, California

Global Ambassadors Jerrold D. Green President & CEO Pacific Council on International Policy Los Angeles, California

Sienna Miller Actress and Activist United Kingdom

Stacy Twilley Founder & CEO Los Angeles, California

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

J.J. Abrams Los Angeles, California


ANNUAL SUPPORT Your generosity is truly making a difference in the lives of millions International Medical Corps would like to thank the following institutions, individuals, and organizations for their support and partnership throughout 2011. This year we were inspired by your unprecedented support for people suffering the effects of war, disease, and disaster. We also would like to thank our donors who wish to remain anonymous, as well as those who have volunteered their time and expertise to help us achieve our mission. Additionally, we give special thanks to the donors we were not able to list due to space limitations. International Medical Corps also would like to acknowledge those organizations with whom we have partnered during 2011.

Every donor is important to us. If your name is not listed correctly, please accept our apologies and notify the Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800.

PUBLIC DONORS Australian Agency for International Development Centers for Disease Control and Prevention UK Department for International Development European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Department of the European Commission Jersey Overseas Aid Commission Ministry of Public Health, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Stichting Vluchteling United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund & European Commission

United States Agency for International Development/ Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance

United Nations Children’s Fund

United States Department of Health and Human Services

United Nations Development Fund for Women

United States Department of State

United Nations Development Program United Nations Office for Project Services United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations Population Fund

United States Department of State’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor United States Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration World Food Program World Health Organization

United States Agency for International Development


American Red Cross


Association for Aid and Relief


Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants


Baby Olivia’s First Birthday Party



American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative

Basic Education for Awareness Reforms and Empowerment

Bergen County United Way Charitable Flex Fund Berkeley Repertory Theatre Bikram Yoga College Blossoms of Hope /Japanese Friendship Collective BMB Matt MacDonald Ltd. Brentwood School

ANNUAL SUPPORT Burbank First United Methodist Church

Good Works Health Inc.


Burundi District and Provincial Health Offices and Hospitals of Health

Google Checkout

Kah Asian Restaurant

The Government of Haiti

Kaikai Kiki

The Government of St. Lucia

Kenya Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation

Cars 4 Causes Catholic Relief Services

The Government of the Central African Republic

Central African Ministry of Public Health and Population

The Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters

Groupon, Inc.

Chad Ministry of Health

GSI Commerce Call Center, Inc.

Ki-Metrica Kindred Spirits King’s Hardware La Jolla Playhouse Larchmont Temple

Chadian Government

Haiti Ministry for the Public Health and the Population

Community Shares of Minnesota

Harvard Humanitarian Initiative

Concern Worldwide

Haitian Development Resource Foundation

Libyan National Transitional Council Ministry of Health

Congregation Beth Israel

Hermosa Beach Comedy & Magic Club

Liverpool VCT Care & Treatment

Connect to Charity, LLC

Hidalgo Foods


Conrad Hotels

Hilltop Community Church

Management Sciences for Health

Cooperazione Internazionale

Hospital de l’universite d’etat d’Haiti (HUEH)

Medical Teams International

Couch Surfer and Friends

Humanitarian Assistance & Development Association

Members Give

Covance Laboratories, Inc.

LIBAID Executive Office of the Libyan National Transitional Council

Mennonite Foundation, Inc.

DB Chocolates

Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan

Deerfield Episcopal Retirement Community, Inc.

Humanitarian Medical Relief Body

Mercy Corps

Democratic Republic of the Congo Ministry of Health

ImportantGifts, Inc.

Mexico Lindo Restaurant

Innogive Foundation

Mildmay International



Ministry of Health in Benghazi

Eat at Mizu

International Rescue Committee

Mirrored Media

Elsevier Medical

International Volunteer Center of Yamagata


Enough Violence and Exploitation

IntraHealth International Inc.


Esquire Magazine

Iraq Ministry of Education

Mobile Giving Foundation, Inc.

Ethiopian Administration for Refugee and Returnee Affairs

Iraq Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

National Council of Jewish Women (DRC)

Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry

Network for Good

JHPIEGO Corporation

Nile Hope Development Forum

JK Consulting

Oh My Shirts


Johns Hopkins University

Gaza Community Mental Health Program

Jordan Breast Cancer Program

Oromia Region Bureau of Finance and Economic Development

Global Impact

Jordan Health Aid Society


Jordan Ministry of Education

GOAL Ethiopia

Jordan River Foundation

Exterior Relations Department of the President and the Government of the Chechen Republic

The Mentor Initiative

Oromia Region Health Bureau Pan American Health Organization Panzi General Hospital (DRC) Population Service International

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Canvas Boutique and Gallery


Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency

Somali Region Bureau of Finance and Economic Development

RAND Corporation

Somali Region Health Bureau

The Emergency Department of the John H. Stroger Cook County Hospital (CCH) & The Emergency Department at RUSH University Medical Center (RUMC)

Razoo Foundation

Somaliland Ministry of Health

TINT Salon

Remote Control Productions, Inc.

South Asia Partnership - Pakistan

Tokyo English Life Line

Sageworth Trust

South Sudan Ministry of Local Government Act Law & Enforcement

United Way of Greater Los Angeles

Search for Common Ground Service Employees International Union (SEIU)

State Ministry of Health in West Darfur Stay Human Band

SFP Studio

Syrian Arab Red Crescent

The Shakers

Team Rubicon

Shapla Neer

Technical Agreement with the Ministry of Health for Health and Nutrition West Darfur

SHARE (Service for the Health in Asian and African Regions) SNNP Region Bureau of Finance and Economic Development SNNP Region Health Bureau

Technical Agreement with the State Ministry of Health South Darfur Technical Agreement with Water and Environemntal Sanitation West Darfur Temple Beth Israel Text to Change

United Way of Greater New Haven, Inc United Way of Long Island United Way Silicon Valley United Way, Special Distribution Account UniversalGiving University of Northern Iowa College of Business Administration YMCA Yoga Fusion Studio Yoga South Zimbabwe Ministry of Health and Child Welfare Zuma Press/Kona Gallery

IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS $1,000,000 and above AmeriCares Foundation Bridge Foundation International Organization for Migration (IOM) International Relief Teams (IRT) Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e. V. MAP International Medicines for Humanity (MFH)

$100,000 - $499,999

$5,000 - $24,999


Child First Meds - Lucress Watson and Dick Watson Children’s Foundation

Health Partners International of Canada International Health Partners (UK) Limited (IHP)

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)


Medical Teams International

Merchant Community of Benghazi

People in Need

Ministry of Health, Sudan

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

United States Agency for International Development

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

World Health Organization (WHO)

U.S. Agency for International Development - Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)

$1,000 - $4,999

$25,000 - $99,999 $500,000 - $999,999

Free Wheelchair Mission

Heart to Heart International International Aid Reinvention Wheels United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Alfa Health Care & Pharmaceuticals Mohsin Pharmacy


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Christie’s, Inc. Clinton Bush Haiti Fund GE Foundation

$500,000 - $999,999 Anonymous (2) Amgen Amgen Foundation

Global Impact

Jewish Coalition for Japan Relief

Groupon, Inc.

Dr. Sabrina Kay

Jain Center of Southern California

Kindred Spirits

The Medtronic Foundation

Jena and Michael King

Markos Nomikos

The Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation

Research In Motion

William P. Mako and Eunok Lee

San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

Kathleen McGrath and Jeffrey J. Abrams

Spencer Stuart


Wells Fargo

Jarl and Pamela Mohn

Zaman International

The Estate of Michael O’Callaghan Barry and Lea Porter


$25,000 - $49,999

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Anonymous (3)

Anthony Pritzker Family Foundation

$250,000 - $499,999

Robert J. Abernethy

The Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund

Alghanim Industries

Providence Investment Management

Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation

The Roux Family Foundation

$100,000 - $249,999

Aramex International, Ltd. Nathaniel A. Back

Carol H. Sharer

Andrew and Avery Barth Brook and Shawn Byers California Community Foundation Charles Schwab Foundation Edgerton Foundation GlobalGiving Foundation GAP Foundation Jewish World Watch Joseph Drown Foundation Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City

Edward J. Carpenter Victor and Wendy Coleman L. John Doerr and Ann Howland Doerr The Earth Council Foundation The Elsevier Foundation Fadi, Rula, Fares and Bassel Ghandour Jon and Nancy Glaser Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund The John and Marcia Goldman Foundation

Network for Good

Google Matching Gifts Program

$50,000 - $99,999

Andrew and Ellen Hauptman

Anonymous (2) Broadcom Foundation Scott Cook and Signe Ostby Linda Dorfmont

James and Susan Hart Hess Foundation, Inc Martha and David Ho Innogive Foundation International Relief Teams

Princess Cruise Lines, Ltd.

Robert and Jeanne Segal St. Joseph Health System Foundation Union for Reform Judaism Daniel M. Wheeler

$10,000 - $24,999 Anonymous (4) 99¢ Only Store Abbott Fund Agility Catherine Allen Drew Altman Musaed N. Al-Saleh Arlene Foundation in honor of Yukako Mese David and Lisa Auerbach Ambassador Frank and Kathy Baxter

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

$1,000,000 and Above

Booth Heritage Foundation, Inc. Suzanne Deal Booth and David G. Booth


H. Keith H. Brodie M.D.

Joan A. Payden

Amy and Camille Chidiac

Chris and Kim Brothers

David and Emily Pottruck

City National Bank

Kim and Virginia Caldwell

Public Health Institute

Clifford Chance CIS Limited

The Capital Group Companies

Quantum Corporation

John and Mary Conlin

Laurie and Gerard Cappello

Eugenia Riordan MulĂŠ

Bill and Amy Conway

Samantha Colodny

George and Cindy Rusu

Peter and Bonni Curran

Covance Laboratories, Inc.

William and Janet Ryan

Kathleen and Paul D’Addario

Hassen Dakroub

Bruce and Stacy Simon

Gregory and Sandy DeSisto

Linda Daly Charitable Foundation

Robert and Marilynn Simon

Gary Elden and Phyllis Mandler

Lew and Pilar Davies

Michael C. and Pauline L. Smith

Jackie and Chris Flanigan

Dell, Inc.

Jolie Stahl and Robert M. Dannin

EOS Foundation

Alexis Deutsch-Adler and Robert Adler

C. William Sundblad in memory of Tracy Anglen and Scott West

Josh and Beth Friedman

Gina Deutsch-Zakarin Thea Duell Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund Debbie and Damon Fisher The Friedland Foundation Sheila Gold Foundation William R. and Gillian M. Gover Carol Hall and Leonard Majzlin Fred and Joyce Hameetman Kenneth Hao and Kathy Chiao-Hao JFD Eagle Foundation Bill and Shannon Joy The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Bruce and Martha Karsh Leander and Alex Krueger Laird Norton Company, LLC Lifeplus Foundation Mako Foundation David and Susan Martin Foundation Daniel and Susan Marus MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger The Mesdag Family Foundation National Projects Real Estate Northern Trust Eugene and Catherine Ohr

Mark and Victoria Sutherland Vanessa Taylor The Three Sisters Foundation Jeffrey Minh Tran Jean and Alex Trebek The Van Konynenburg Foundation The Ziegler Family Trust

Adam B. Ginsberg Walter B. Gladstone Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc. Good Fence Fund of Triangle Community Foundation Grantmakers In Health on behalf of Dr. Drew Altman Greater New York Mutual Insurance Company

$5,000 - $9,999

Calvin B. and Marilyn B. Gross

Anonymous (5)

Patricia Herson

AEL Foundation

Hilltop Community Church of Christ

Michael J. Albert

Hilton Hotels Corporation

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Armour

Mohamed R. Hussein

Nancy A. Aossey in honor of David and Eileen Aossey

IBM Employee Services Center

Beachmint, Inc. Berliner and Hammerman Families Bingham Family Foundation Joan N. Braddi

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

International Federation of Accountants Neil Joyce, M.D. and Kristin Brown The Kaplan Family in memory of Leonard Burstein

Gerald Breslauer and Joyce Klein

Kayne Foundation, Ric and Suzanne Kayne, Jenni, Maggie and Saree

Christopher W. Brody

Wendy and Tad Kelly

Elliott and Robin Broidy

Farhad Khosravi

Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology

Susan and Stan Krcmar

Kathryn Chen and Jason Bonanca

John and Heather Little

Aubrey and Joyce Chernick

Dickson M. Lupo


Robert Matloff

David and Claudia Zuercher

Robert J. Harr William W. Harris

Erica and Brian McLoughlin

$2,500 - $4,999

The Barry and Wendy Meyer Foundation

Anonymous (11)


Shayle Miller and Jin-Soo Kim

Robert and Donna Abraham

Mary R. and Richard J. Hearty

New York University

AKC Fund, Inc.

Richard B. Hendin

Augie and Lynne Nieto

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Allen

J.C. and Susan Henry

NIKE Employee Matching Gift Program

Gregory and Robin Anderson

Robert W. Hewitt

J. Melvin Nissley

Kevin and Essie Asher

David and Mary Anne Heyman

Cindy Nguyen

Ashley Collins Studio

Sunny and Josh Holden

Talmadge O’Neill

James Avedikian

Richard and Harriet Orkand

Roshan Bangera

Sherry and Clark Hsu in honor of Peter Smailes

Pascal International, Inc.

The Barmore Fund

Pegasystems, Inc.

Christine and Doug Belgrad

Ben and Sheila Plotkin

John Berookhim


Mark and Cathy Bissell

Ruth M. Qualben

Stanley and Janice Blumenfeld

Teresa Jane Riordan

Thomas B. Bracken

Rosetta W. Harris Charitable Lead Trust - C

Ramona Cappello

Roth Family Foundation

Visnja Cipcic

Sandy Sewell

Jason F. Conroy

George Sheer

John and Nicki Conti

Joan and Robert Sinton Family Fund

Anthony G. and Kathleen A. Coughlan

Eric and Susan Smidt

Pam Dawber

Brian and Stephanie Spector

Paul and Nelly Dean

Shawn and Richard Sperber

Discovery Communications

Steven and Alexis Strongin

Bryan and Quinn Ezralow

James Sutter

Laura Felzer

Jeffrey Tamura in honor of Paul Yoshito Tamura and Emi Tamura

Ferris Greeney Family Foundation

Tenth Gate Center for Yoga and Meditation

John and Laura Foster

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation

Grace and Tom Jackamo Mark X. Jacobs and Daniel P. Barash The Janus Foundation The Joan M. Wismer Foundation Michael and Barbara Kadoura Karen and John Lanigan Mark Larrimore Sarah Macfarlane Shari Malyn and Jonathan Abbott Lillian and J. Masters Gregg O. McCrary Pam Merrill Richard and M. Kathleen Merrill Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Sarah and Neal Moritz Mary Mott and Gordon Simmering Renae Holman Murti and Prashant Murti Claudia Neuhauser Adam J. Ockman

Michael Trent and Angela Telerski

Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Foundation

Stacy Twilley and Michael Kong

Richard Fried

Atli Orvarsson

Gustavo Uribe

Edward Friedmann and Elizabeth Coyte

William Pechstein

Paul and Betsy Von Kuster

Maureen Gevlin and Charles Roh, Jr

Stephanie and John Perenchio

Steven Wozencraft

GSO Business Management

Steven Perley

Yeekion Yap

Chris Buckles Haley

Aaron Perlmutter

Mary and Jeffrey Zients

Shahin A. Orci

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Lyondell Chemical Company


The Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Mr. and Mrs. Keith H. Abouaf

Bianca Bernard

John Adams

Nanny E. Berry

Mary and Harold Adams

Hans Bez

Peter and Elaine Adams

Jason Bianchi

Robert L. Adams and Julie DeVito Adams

Bikram Yoga South Pasadena

Dr. David C. Richardson

Muniba Adil

William and Deborah Robinson

Mark Agulnik

The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation in honor of Linda Cappello

Jeanne and Harry Robinson

David Alarcon

Cynthia and Edward Santos

Sarah Albanna

Ambassador Rockwell and Marna Schnabel

Ahmed and Manal Alfi

Frederick W. Smothers

All India Movement for Seva, Inc.

South Side Bank

Keith Allardice

Southern California Edison

Lila Ishie Ally

Spinal Associates

Nancy Alpert

Brenda Stein

Mona Maria Aossey

Susquehanna Bank

Joseph and Elizabeth Armao

Kathy Taggares

Dr. Behdad Aryavand

Susan and Misbah Tahir in memory of Noah Tahir

Janet J. Assi

Bernard C. and Serenea G. Taylor Family Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Alyssa M. Ba

John and Sirpa Brock in honor of Juoma Ristimaki and Isobelle Brock

Nancy E. Baldwin

Sheila Brutoco Young

Shumeet Baluja

Lori Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Bancroft

John Bryson and Louise Henry Bryson

Bank of America Matching Gifts

Mike Brzozowski

Goldie Barby

Carter Bundy

Lisel Welden

Doron Bardas in honor of Doron, Tamara, Jessica, Jason, and Siena

The Winter Family Fund in memory of Robert K. Adams

Keisha and Matthew Burdick in honor of Lilly Burdick

Dr. Tara Barki

Sally Burke

William Morris Endeavor

Susan Barrett in memory of Vernon J. Roden, M.D.

Lucy Butler

Robin P. Wolaner

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bay

Jane and Robert Woolley

Willow Bay and Robert Iger

Yahoo! Employee Funds

Lynn W. Bayer

Bennet Yee

Stephen and Elizabeth Bechtel

Zuma Press Inc.

Laurie and Bill Benenson

Julianne Phillips and Marc Gurvitz William and Eva Price The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Trystan Upstill Charlotte and Peter Vincent Walden University Thomas and Katharine Waldmann Diana and Robert Walker

$1,000 - $2,499 Anonymous (45)

Kaream Assi

Leslie Benson Gil and Kathy Benton Sandra Berg

Allison L. Blechman Joyanne Bloom David Bock Alfred Boeckli The Bodhisattva Foundation Lori Bookstein Bridget Bourgon Daniel and Esther Brabec Michael Braun in honor of Reto Braun Jay Brecker and Eileen Cowin Jonathan Bredin Pam and Kurt Brendlinger

Sean Byrne Sandy M. Cademartori Linda and Alex Cappello Emilio Carranza Cars 4 Causes Kurt Casper Jane H. Caulfield Causecast Foundation


Sally Dunlap

Rachelle Gaa

Hsiao Shi ‘Victor’ Chen in Honor of Olivia Chen

John and Fiona Eberts

Ms. M. Caroline Gamble

Kathie and Robert Eckert

Inna Gerlovina

Aaron Edelheit

Barry Gertz

David and Jean Ehnebuske

Jody and Rhonda Gessow

Charles and Diane Eilers in honor of Kasey Davis

Gilt Groupe

Max Cheung Robert Chitwood Chubb and Son, Inc. Claremont High School Associated Student Body

Douglas Eldred Eli Lilly and Company Foundation

Rick and Lynn Giovinazzo Amy Glad

Adnan and Zerifie Elkadri

Cynthia Glazar and Mark Cendrowski in memory of Paul Manning

Tyler Ellis

The Glickenhaus Foundation

Scott Emerman

Gary and Kristin Godfrey

Aviva and Carl Covitz

Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine

David and Sherry Gold

James Cowie

John and Kristin Epstein

Carol Crofoot

Phyllis Epstein

Rich and Anne Cronin

Mr. H. Allen Evans

Richard and Alison Crowell

Ornella Faraoni

Dr. Karoly Csatorday

Russell Faucett

The D&B Foundation

Lelani O. and Bradley C. Fauvre

Tami Dairiki

Adam M. Ferne

Alan Daniels

Albert and Yasmine Ferris in memory of James Ferris

Dawn Cohen Angela Collins Telles Ellyn M. Corey Brent and Pam Cousino

Davis Family Trust

George Golden and Deanna Louie Stan and Abbie Golden Good Works Health Inc. Wm. Christopher Gorog Brand Gould and Jinx Garza Glenn Gould Marcy and Bennett Grau Robert V. Graziano and Wendy Wachtell Jerrold and Madelyne Green

Marilyn Fife

Reginald and Maggie Green

First United Methodist Church

Dr. Richard Greenberg

Dell Direct Giving Campaign

Marianna and David Fisher in honor of Debbie and Damon Fisher

Lenore Gregor

Del Mar M.E.D.

Arnold and Judy Fishman

Dennis Deloria and Suzanne Thouvenelle

GSI Commerce Call Center, Inc.

Linda Derschang

The Flaster Valji Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Mark K. Gunderson in memory of Hideko Sato

Deschutes Investments Consulting, LLC

Flint Hill School

Paul Haahr

Frank Dino

FormFactor Inc.

Ronald S. Haft

Dennis and Marianne Doherty

Emily Fortuna

Harness, Dickey and Pierce, P.L.C.

Rick Donovan

Mark and Cherylana Foss

Rosemary H. and Brent Harrell

Stephen A. Driscoll

Franklin Templeton Investments

Nobuaki Hashizume

Mike and Hannah Ducey

Shirley J. Fredricks

Peggy Hedberg

Peggy Dufour

Robert Friedman

Gregory Heinzinger and Kerstin Pfann

James Dufrain

Friends Academy

Stewart Herrera

Stephen Duncan

The Fuller Foundation, Inc.

Susan and Tom Hertz

Guido Deboeck Delevan Drive Elementary School PTA

Connie Groves and Jonathan Witt

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Lewis Cheney


Hidalgo Ventures, LLC

F. John Kavak

Stuart Mackey

Judith Hill

Jonathan and Nancy Kaye

Leonard Hill in honor of Boryana Zeitz

Pam Kearney-Sheperd

Mamaroneck High School - Students Taking Action Now for Darfur

Mr. James G. Hoffman

Greg Kimball

Laura A. Hoganson in memory of Gary Paul Hoganson

King’s Hardware, LLC

Metz and Mary Holder Monica Holguin Stephen and Margot Holland Michael and Laura Holt Henry H. and Eleanor Hood Horizon Foundation for New Jersey Hormel Foods Corporation Colin Horowitz Essa Hu Hsu-Yin Kuo Huang Michael Hubbard Peter M. Hudelson Alyssa Hunt Information Technology Systems

Todd B. Kirshner Klein, O’Neill, and Singh, LLP Lisa V. Koenig Nathan Kriege Naomi and Edward Kritzer Labaton Sucharow, LLP Adam Laden and Liz Lieberman Tack Lam Nancy and John Lancy Lang Foundation Fabian Lange Harry Lange Larchmont Temple James S. LaSovage

Eileen and Warren Martin Lawyer Martin Dennis G. and Marilyn G. Martin Mario A. Martinez Mark Matlock Jennifer Mattimoe Linda May and Jack Suzar Allan Mayer and Renee Vogel Mary McClymont Elspeth M. McDougall, M.D. Marjorie and Ernest Meadows Medical, Educational Missions and Outreach Michael D. Melnick Menlo Acquisition Corporation Janet Miller Ann Mills Rebecca Milner and Troy Plair

Intuit Foundation

Randall H. Lau in memory of Lt. Col. Stanley W. Lau, USAF

Dr. Sharon K. Isonaka

Joan and Roger Lee

Moet and Chandon Champagne

James and Denise Jacob

Evan Leibner

James and Annabel Montgomery

Mark Jacobs in memory of Mark Wade Jacobs, II

Dr. Jane Levin and Dr. Judith Reisman

Robyn Moore

Cynthia and Steve Levine

Tara Moore

Steven M. Levine

Greg and Ester Moran

William C. and Mary T. Lewis

Kathleen and William Mudd

Windyana Lim

Nizar Mullani

Linda’s Tavern

Louis James Murphy

Ellen and Mark Lipson

David and Melanie Mustone

Scott and Deborah Livingston

My Shirt Helps

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lochead

Dawn and Gene Nakagawa

Lael M. Locke

David and Angella Nazarian

Mr. Rafael Lopes De Melo

Scott and Lisa Nelson

Hisayo Luck

Thomas and Paula Neston

Ronald S. Kates in honor of Dr. Myles Cohen

Thomas Luedi

New England Biolabs, Inc.

Gadi and Karen Kaufmann

Marc L. Luzzatto

James Nystrom

Kristen Joe Johnson & Johnson Johnson Avenue Church of Christ Dr. Allen C. Johnson Steve Jones Elizabeth and Nicandro Juarez Jagadish P. Kakumanu Kathleen Kalil Morton and Merle Kane Alice M. Karoub in memory of James H. Karoub

Zareen T. Mirza

Rick M. Oddo

Richard J. Riordan

William and Cindy Simon

Drake Ogilvie

John A. Roberts, Jr.

Daniel Smart

Dr. Dorothy A. O’Keefe

Robert and Debbie Rodin

Smith Girls, LLC

Tom and Jane Oliver

Evan and Sandra Roklen

Dianne Snedaker

Jane and Ronald Olson

Jonathan and Lynn Rosenthal

Christopher Snodgrass

Kenneth Olson

Ross Global Academy Charter School

Jeffrey E. Sobel

Oppenheimer Brothers Foundation

Linda and Tony Rubin

Caren J. and Erwin H. Sokol

JoAnn Ottman

Adelia Rudianto in honor of Super Junior

James Loftus and Cecilia Soto-Loftus

Todd and Lisa Owens

Samuel and Helen Soref Foundation

James and Virginia Spellman

Parnia Pajand

Samuels Family Fund

Stephen W. Spellman Jr.

Elsie C. Pan

John R. Schaefer

Guy Sperry

Christy Payne

B.J. and Mark Schaffer

St. James Trust

Henry C. Peeples in honor of Francis Hernandez Peeples

Reed and Hilary Schaper

Rosalie K. Stahl

Ed Schmollinger

Vencislav Standv

Peter Schow

Elizabeth Stanley

Michael F. Schwartz

Staples Center Foundation

Victor and Judy Sears

Thomas and Susan Stepp

Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

Suellen Stevenson

Herbert and Frances Segler

Dr. Linda M. Stogner

Steve Seitz

Andrey Stroilov

Shade Hotel

Jim and Mary Jo Stuart

Glenn Shaikun

Anne and Jay Sures

Robert and Elizabeth Sharf

SVTC Technologies, LLC

Sid and Lorraine Sheinberg

Maria Taft Clemow

Nancy E. Shelmon

Teaneck High School

Larry and Donna Purcey

Anushka Shenoy in honor of Sunil and Sadhana Shenoy

Mary-Lauretta Testa

QUALCOMM Matching Gift Program

Johnny Shieh

Wayne C. Raabe

Joel and Lisa Shine

Mel and Dee Raff

Robert D. Shipp

David and Nancy Thyng in memory of Loved Ones

Elisabeth A. Raleigh

Richard M. Shor

Steven and Jennifer Titus

RAPP Collins New York

Beverly K. Shulman

Samuel and Martha Todd

Vivekanand Rau

Charlene Signorino

Joan and Ben Rechter

Margaret and Thomas Simms

Toledo-Lucas County Library Staff Association

RecycleBank, LLC

Fatme Simon

Gail and Boyd Reeves

Patty and Dick Simon

Arthur D. Riggs

Ray and Kathreen Simon in memory of Eddie and Julia Simon

Dr. Alan O. Perantoni Jennifer Perry and Andy Spahn Denise Peterson Mary and Jeffry Peterson Todd Peterson Sue Peyton Gordon and June Pickett Gary Pinkus Pamela Popovich in honor of Greg Popovich Don and Katie Porter Joy and Richard Prendergast Pritchard Family Foundation

Joyce and Ronald Thibault Jeanne and Walter Thomas

Kathleen and Charles Toppino Rabih and Josephine Torbay James Henry Trexler Joshua and Suzanne Tseng

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report



R. Scott Turner Annie Umbricht Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hendersonville

$500 - $999 Anonymous (80) Nellie R. Abraham

Paul Berg Robert Bergelson Drs. John and Carol Bibb Donald H. Biele

United Natural Foods, Inc.

Jonathan Abrahams

Utopia Systems, Inc.

Julia R. Acoba

Andres Valencia

Aileen Adams and Geoffrey Cowan

Diane Van Boxel

Brenda Adams

Prerna and Jelle van de Vall

Adobe Systems Incorporated

Daniel and Annica van Starrenburg

Priscilla Ahern

Muriel and Steve Varga

Allen Ahrens

Verathon Incorporated

Rasool AlBanna

Very Oddfellows, LLC

Benjamin and Pat Allen

Christina Vo and Michael Nguyen

Greg Allen

Barbara Ann Watkins and Jerry Wayne


Peter and Jeanette Bohan in memory of Edward Pavlecich

Julie Waxman and Seth Freeman

Patricia Allison

Barbara A. Bohne

Lawrence and Kimberly Weinberg Fund

Linda Alvers

Steve Bolen

Steven Weinberg and Georganne Ferrier

Ambarella Corporation

John and Susan Box

Weingart Foundation

American Groove, Inc.

Edward S. Boyer, Jr.

Joseph and Patricia Wenzel

John Anderson

Elizabeth M. Brackett

West Seneca Central School District

Dennis P. Andrulis, Ph.D.

Jessica S. Brandt

Western Asset Management Company Charitable Foundation

Katia Apollon

Robin and William Brandt

Aquamarine Capital

Rose Mary Williams

Jonathon and Elizabeth Brauer

Betsy Arnold

Anita Winn

Brentwood School

Veronica Arthur

Fred and Susan Wintermantel

David Bridge

Carol Ashlock

Mary and Phil Wirganowicz

Deborah Brin

Raymond and Izdihar Assel

Todd B. Withers

Jacqueline Briskin

Cheryl and Wilbur Austin

Charles and Theresa Wolf

Ralph P. and Sheela V. Brooks

BA Inc.

Kevin Wong

Mark Brown

William Bachman

James L. Wuerch

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Brown

Janice M. Baehr

Lulu Yang and Joe Chin

Daniel Bruno

Gregory and Sindhu Baer

Charlene Yee-Shaw

Bryan Cave, LLP

Dr. Elizabeth Baker

Ihor Zakaluzny

Robert and Marilyn Buchholz

Warren Baker

Dr. John and Joan Zambetti

Clifton Bullard

Lianne Barnes

Erik and Karen Zea

Susan Burnett

Earl L. Barnett

Andrea and Mark Zukor

Richard and Leslie Bush

BD Matching Gift Program

Stewart P. Butler

Tanya Bellavia

Lee and Judy Bycel

Bikram Yoga College of India Encino Robert A. and Krista G. Binnie Mr. and Mrs. Bissoon Margaret Black and John Ptak Phyllis M. Blake Ruth Blakeslee Donald S. Blank Jacek Bochenski Susan Boeck

Cambridge Corporate Services

Michael Curtis

Lucia P. Ewing

Louise B. Caplan

Nissim and Mira Dahan

Marites U. Fahey

Birch Carlson

Imad Dahdouh

Elaine and George Farrant

Lawrence Carmel

William P. Dake in honor of Morgan Roche

John Farris

Kim Carvalho-Faucher

Cecilia Dan

First Parish Church United

Patricia L. Cawley

Emily and William Danner

First United Methodist Church

Central Synagogue

Shay David

Chris Fisher

Janus Cercone and Michael Manheim

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dawson

Flamtech Appliances

Leon and Nancy Chalnick

Janet K. De Ambrogio

Gary M. Flashner, M.D.

Nazih and Malak Cheetany

Jarno de Lange

Marc Fletcher

E-June Chen

Paul Deitch

David Floyd

Josephine and Albert Chen

Israel and Patricia Del Pino

Choong Fook Foon

Felix Cheung

Russell DeLuca

Stevenson Forbes, Jr.

Chevron Humankind

Des Lauriers Family

David Ford

Angela Chien

Dr. and Mrs. Jan DeWitt

Rutledge Forney

Bill and Sheri Chillingworth

Christopher and Susan Dick

Alicia C. Foster

Mariam and Dr. Bilal Choudry

Hillarie and Steven Dietz

Steffen and Deborag Foster

Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church

Katherine and David Dietz

Erica M. Franco

Irene Chuang

Doyen Dinh

Germaine V. Franco

Clark and Green Associates

Midori and David Dirig

Laura Frank

Jon C. Clark

Dominik Dittrich

Sondra C. Franzen

Jennifer Coberly

Gene Dixon

Louis Frasche

Karen and Ken Cohen

Joel Dodd

Cheryl and Marc Fratepietro

Myles and Eleanor Cohen

Dr. Daniel Dolan

Yan Fridman

David D. Colburn

Patrick and Joanne Dougherty

David Friedman and Laura Schwimmer

Allison Coleman

Jan Drange

Dr. Evan T. Friend

Bernadine and Gordon Coleman

Catherine and Raymond Duelfer

Naoko Furuya

Courtney H. Comer

T. Duffy

Fusselman Salvage Company

Robert and Karen Comrie

Ann Dugan

Milind Gadre

Bart Connors

Michael Duong

M. Adelise Gallion and Anne E. Murray

Christopher and Betty Conyers

Laura Earl


Melanie K. Cook

Sally Ecklund in honor of Masami Tobias

David and Josie Gardner

Sonia Cook

Dennis Edwards

Bob and Brie Garrison

Afifa and Nate Corrigan

Gerard W. Elverum

Marianne Gausche-Hill

Angela Courtin and Lisa Eisenpresser

Russell Emanuel

Norbert Gehr

Margaret B. Crone

Dan J. Epstein in memory of Nancy F. Epstein and in honor of Debbie and Damon Fisher

Genentech Employee Giving Program

Elizabeth Cuevas

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report


Alan Gertler 43

Ragae Ghabrial

Julian R. Hanley

Tom Inukai

Ann and Jim Gianopulos

Walid and Norma Harb

Katsuhiko Ishida

Christopher and Nancy Gibbs

Andre Harnanto

Cannon Ivers

Lisa Gichner

Jawad Hasan

Ivy Academia Charter School

Marjorie Fitting Gifford

Kathleen Hassen

GilCo Rogue Enterprises, LLC

Francis and Shintaro Hata

Rabbi Richard Jacobs and Mrs. Susan Freedman in honor of Lee Bycel

Patrick Gilligan

Daniel R. Hawkins, Jr.

Sue B. Glasscock

Susan Hayes

Kevin Glennon

Heart Coffee Roasters

Claire D. Goedinghaus

Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Heine

Millee and Jack Goldberg

Kathy Hempel

Norman Goldberg

Mary Ann and Herbert Henley

Linda Goncalves

Robert and Janet Herr

William S. Gonda

Kathryn and Matthew Hess

Goodwin College Inc.

Evelyn J. Heyward

Deborah Gordon

Jaime Hill

Paul Gould

Debra Hilleboe

Cynthia S. Graff

Hong Ho in honor of Supreme Master International Association

Joan and Richard Graybill Kristine and Henry Grazioso Great-West Life and Annuity Insurance Company

Samita and Howard Jacobs Drs. Dilip and Chandrika Jain Mary James Remi S. Jawando Bernard Jazzar Maureen Jesuthasan Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego Julia A. Johns George Johnson Stewart Johnson Emily and Blake Jones John Jones Melissa Jones

Barbara Hodson

Michael H. Jones

Scott Hofland

Krishna Kishore Jonnalagadda

Richard Hollander and Peggy E. Weil

Micah Jordano

Pascale Green

M. Quincy and Mary Sherwood Holt

Kathryn Juliani in honor of Dwight Juliani

Kate M. Greenacre

Katie and Phil Holthouse

Juniper Networks Matching Gift Program

Jerome and Randi Greenberg

Jesper Holum

Tim Kaeding

Bridgit and Stephen Griessel

Eugenia Hom

Kah Asian Restaurant

Kim A. Griffith

The Home Depot Foundation

John Kahler and Cecelia McClellan

Dr. Patrick Grim

Douglas R. Hopkins

Susan and Hayward Kaiser

Jonathan Groff

Susan and James Hosek

Michael Kalles

Rebecca Gruchalla in honor of Myrtle Gruchalla

Dr. Ihab A. Hosny

Amanda Kano

Bill Howell

David and Kenlyn Kanouse

HSBC Philanthropic Programs

Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Gary and Judith Hultman

Sasekala Karthigesu

Nathaniel Hurley

Andrew Katz and Laura Hillman

Hilary Hutchinson

Michael Kavic

Ilian Iliev

Diane Keaton

ImportantGifts, Inc.

Julia Wetten Kelly

John F. Gurkin Adolf Haasen Ali Habbtar Sandra and Frank Haider Larry Hale Virginia M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Y. Hanaoka


Carl Lehner

Sylvia and Robert Mapel

Brent Kessel and Britta Bushnell

Vincent and Beth Lehner

Mary Ann Marko

Sylvia Kihara and Roger Neill

Jack and Mary Lentfer

Shannon Martin

Katherine Kim

Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Lerman

Juan Martinez

Samson Kim

Melinda Lerner

Daniel E. Marusich

The Karl Kirchgessner Foundation

Valerie Levanos and Thomas Esch

Mary Ellen Barr Trust Gift Fund

Frederico Knabben

Loralie Levenhagen

Betty and Peter Masi

Daniel Kochanowicz

Susan and Eric Levine

Massachusetts College of Art and Design

Ellen Koerber

Joseph Levitt in honor of Lilian Kamal, Mark Kamal, Alice Levitt, Carolyn Levitt and Heba Levitt

Stephen Maxwell

Shirley Lewis

McAfee Matching Gifts Program

Andrew M. Lichter

Andrew McClaine

Arthur Lin

Gabriella McKinney-Marshall

Dr. Paul Lindenfeld

Marc Mcmain

Angela Lint

William J. McNulty in memory of Margret and Amy McNulty

Doris and Daniel Krimgold Radhika Krishnan Vidyul and Bala Krishnan Kelli and Michael Krueger Raghu Kundur Radmila La Costa La Cueva High School La Posada Residents Association Melissa Lachowitzer Donna H. Lai Naomi and David Lamoreaux Nicoletta Landi Eliana Lane Diana Starr Langley Donald and Denise Langro Imelda Lansang Thomas and Karon Larmore Jim Lau Mindy Lauerlevin and Edward Levin Quynh M. Le Cynthia Lebowitz Bora Lee Corliss Suen Lee Lisa Lee Moon Lee Shiu Man and Bette Yu Lee Jacquelyn J. Legg Memorial Trust

George Liparidis Jeff and Laura Lipson Mai-Huong Llanos P. Loboprabhu Ana and Steven Loftus Jane Lok Louisville Elementary School Julia and Stephen Luerman Steven and Gayle Lund Dr. Theresa Lupcho John Lurie

Louise S. Mazerov

Daniel and Diana Medalie Kristin Meehan Dr. William and Mimi Meffert Ruth J. Mendez Wesley Middleton Joel Miller Bob Miller and Jude Wilber Steve and Rhonda Miller Mirage Elementary School Cherri P. Mohler

Joy Lynn

MOMS: The Fund for Mothers with Young Children

James S. Maas

Eric Monteith

Robert MacDonald

John Mooney

Loretta J. MacLean

Stephanie Morales

Macquarie Group Foundation

Karen E. Morano

Beverly Madison

Jeanette A. Morrison

Madison Tyler Holdings

Kenneth D. Mosley

Adelheid J. Mager

Denise and Joe Mueller

Robert Main

Dr. Karl Mueller

Karol Makowski

Paul Mueller

Melissa Mans

Peter Mueller

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Diana and Karl Kramer


David Mummy

John and Helen Pavlak

William and Sandra Roork

Stephen Munich

Celia Pelham

David Root and Barbara Banks

Nancy Murphy

Andrea Perez

Rouda-Loncke Charitable Fund

Stephen R. Nash

Holly Zurn Perry

Diane Rowland

Suzan Nash

Plumpjack Management Group, LLC

Sheryl Rowling

Tamer Nassar

Mr. Ronald C. Poirier

Allen and Cynthia Ruby

National Philanthropic Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Julie Pokorny

Philip K. Ryan

Kristi M. Nelson

Joshua Pollack

Barry Saadallah

Kristi and Chris Neuschafer

Janice A. Prager

Ray Sacks

Jon P. Neustadter

Steven Pricone

Mr.and Mrs. Abrar Sait

Newman Hall - Holy Spirit Parish

C. R. Priestley

Gerald I. Sakai

Gretchen M. Newman

The Progressive Insurance Foundation

Devesh Saksena

Nhuan Nguyen Tong, M.D.

Kay M. Pucio

Jen Sall

Ahn Nguyen

Hunt and Linda Ramsbottom

Esther B. Sanchez

Takeo and Linda Nishioka

Kathy Ratcliff

Steven Sarrach

Lawrence M. Noe

Andy and Merritt Rausch

Nicolas Saucedo

Susan North

Tony Reed

Kathryn Schloessman and Terry Wachsner

Jane Oakes

Julie D. Rees in honor of Michele Nunes

Lauren E. Schmidt

Ms. Carrie Odell

Paul Reiken

Jeffrey N. Schnur

Jun Oh

Kobi Reiter

Donna Scholl

Robert Ohannessian

Ann H. Rekhi

Christopher Schott

Stephen and Maureen Olson

Honorable Vicki Reynolds Pepper and Murray Pepper

Gerald and Connie Schroeder

Patsy and Wade Oltmanns Kathleen M. Olver James and Clare Openshaw Michele Opheim Alexandra and Thomas Ormerod Lynn and Neville Ostrick Craig Palmer Dave Panja Janet Papkin Murthy Parakala Rachel and Timothy Parker Mary Jo Parrish Bimal and Kavita Patel Ketan and Alicia Patel Kathleen Paul Margaret L. Pavell

Sara Richards Lawrence Richman Walter Richter Anne Rickenbaugh Todd Rio Johanna Rivera Ron Rizk and Georgina Torres Rizk John Roche Kimberly Rodrigues Michael Rodruck The Roedig Family David E. Rogers Roll Giving and Paramount Community Giving Henry Roman

Hope Schroy James and Mary Anne Schuett Dr. Lora Schulwitz Arthur Schwartz Madeleine Scott Colin J. Seftor Ramona Seibert Nemo Semret David and Kathryn Serota Saskia Sevink Jeffrey A. Sewell Christine Seyl Chaitali Shah James and Deborah Sharpe-Logue Virginia Shaw and Kar Foong Sandra L. Sherman


Wai Heng Tan

Dinah S. Weatherby

Yoshiko Shirai

Jacqueline Tanaka

Deborah Webb

Cassandra Shivers and Anthony Rayburn

Cassina Tarsia

Mary and Thomas Webb

Shumaker, Loop and Kendrick Foundation

A. R. Taylor

Weill Cornell Medical College

D. Sijnen

Virginia Tee

Jane and Joseph Weintrop

Robyn Silberman

Ryan J. Thomas

Dr. Robert and Lucile West

Sangeeta Simlote

Stephen J. Thomas

Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Wilfret

Sharanjit Singh

Katharine T. Thompson

Jody Williams

Chris Skopec

Timothy Thorson

Joyce Williams

Kathleen Sloan

Kwek Soo Ting

Sonia Williams

John Smeenk

Christine J. Toretti

Dolores M. and Harold Wimmer

Laura Smiley

Suzanne Torgeson

Paul and Randye Winfield

Fabian Smith

Jose M. Torres

William Winters

Michelle Smith

Vinh Trinh

Erik Witt

Nancy J. Sobelson

Pratima P. Tripathi

Gerald and Susan Witt

Jeffrey and Catharine Soros

Chai-Yung Tsai

Christopher Wofford

Ronnie and Violet Souweidane

Wayne Tsuji

Alan and Page Spain

Fahrettin and Barbara Turkdal

Andrea Wong in honor of Andy Barth and Nancy Aossey

Sprinkles Cupcakes

Bon and Dac Ung

Faith Stagg

Union Bank of California Foundation

Elizabeth and Jerry Stark


Karin Stein

Steven V. Valenzuela in honor of Sara Kvidahl-Schmitz

Ralan Wong Rosemary and Sheldon Wong Lydia Woodard Steve C. Woodring

Hans van Dreven

Victoria Wright, Esq.

Rebecca Velez

Hui-Hsin Wu

Murali K. Venkatrao

Yihong Wu

Mark and Nancy Viets

Joanne Wuerker

Patricia Vrobel

Edith Yamasaki and Robert Snapka

Jerry Wacker

Ken Yaphe

Desiree and Adrian Waldron

Anita Yarossi

James Suozzo

Joan Wallace

Elaine Yih

Giovanna Surratt

Aaron and Jennifer Walter

Caius Yong

Karen Sutton and Gary Van Voorhis

Grace Wang

Douglas Yoshida and Jennifer Huang

Eric Swanson

Barry L. Warner

Lisa L. Zaffran

Steven M. Szymanski

Douglas Warner

Aamir Zakaria

William H. Taft, IV

Judy and James Warner

Zahir Zaveri

Takeda Employee Giving Programs

Janice A. Washington

ZIIZ, Inc.

Chie Tamaki

Scott and Obaida Watt

Mary Gray Stephenson April Sterling Kim Stockdale and Michael Moskowitz Susan R. Stockel Sun Life Financial Sunrise Center for Social Research and Community

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

Kerstin and Tom Stempel

Pafica Wong



Bonnie Abaunza

Kathleen D’Addario

Ronald S. Haft

Najah Bazzy

Alexis Deutsch-Adler

Andrew and Ellen Hauptman

Lee Bycel

Gina Deutsch-Zakarin

Molly Hobin

Laurie Cappello

Debbie Fisher

Sabrina Kay

Victoria Cook

Jacqueline Forbes

Ric and Suzanne Kayne

Jeff Colyer

Jennifer Kell

Jennifer Kell and Dominic Surprenant

Alexandra Colyer

Loren Levine

Kathy Kendrick

Barry Cowan

Susan Martin

Diana Starr Langley

Frank Dino

Erica McLoughlin

Marc L. Luzzatto

Jesse Dylan

Regina Miller

David and Susan Martin

Colin Finlay

Pamela Mohn

Allan Mayer and Renee Vogel

Jacqueline and Arlington Forbes

Jeanne Robinson

Kathleen McGrath and Jeffrey J. Abrams

Stephanie Freid-Perenchio

Victoria Sutherland

Erica and Brian McLoughlin

Autumn Graves

Christine J. Toretti

Scott Melrose

Molly Hobin

Stacy Twilley

Leslie and Beth Michelson

Kristen Irving Stephen Jacoby Rene Jones Sachie Kawahara Hynam Kendall Joyce Kim Kathleen Knoll Susan Levine Scott Melrose Wesley Middleton Georgina Miranda Takashi Murakami Larry Safady David Serota Robert R. Simon,M.D. Peter Thum Leslie Thurman Tim Troppoli Tine Ward Hans Zimmer

Women to Women Luncheon Committee Bonnie Abaunza Sandy Barger Pam Brendlinger Laurie Cappello Linda Cappello Amy Chidiac Liz Clark

Jarl and Pamela Mohn

Annual Awards Celebration Committee Aileen Adams and Geoffrey Cowan Peter and Elaine Adams John and Cathi Bendheim Sandra Berg Suzanne Deal Booth and David G. Booth Pam and Kurt Brendlinger Chris and Kim Brothers Laurie and Gerard Cappello Linda and Alex Cappello Ramona Cappello Edward J. Carpenter Victor and Wendy Coleman Richard and Alison Crowell Kathleen and Paul D’Addario Linda Daly Pam Dawber Alexis Deutsch-Adler and Robert Adler Bradford and Louise Edgerton Bryan and Quinn Ezralow Debbie and Damon Fisher Alisa Freundlich Josh and Beth Friedman Jon and Nancy Glaser Cynthia Graff Robert V. Graziano and Wendy Wachtell Jerrold and Madelyne Green

James and Annabel Montgomery David and Angella Nazarian 99¢ Only Stores Erika Paulson Stephanie and John Perenchio Barry and Lea Porter Hunt and Linda Ramsbottom Richard J. Riordan Robert and Debbie Rodin Jonathan and Lynn Rosenthal Kathryn Schloessman and Terry Wachsner Ambassador Rockwell and Marna Schnabel Carol H. Sharer Joel and Lisa Shine Robert D. Shipp Vivian Soren-Myers and Steven Myers Sheldon and Cindy Stone Mark and Victoria Sutherland Kathy Taggares and Chris Gorog Leslie Thurman Christine J. Toretti Jean and Alex Trebek Stacy Twilley and Michael Kong Michael and Claire Van Konynenburg Daniel M. Wheeler Alison Winter Dr. Joan and John Zambetti Hans Zimmer Erica Wertheim Zohar


Inside Cover:

International Medical Corps Staff

Page 05:

from top to bottom, left to right: Courtesy of DFID, Russell Watkins Sergio Godino Chessa Latifi Courtesy of DFID, Vicki Francis Jouji Sukuki Kimberly Solana Mathurin International Medical Corps Staff Marin Tomas International Medical Corps Staff

Page 08:

Page 10:

Page 11:

top: Jaya Vadlamudi bottom: Annerie Jansen Van Rensburg right: International Medical Corps Staff from top to bottom: Dave Holmes Kasper Nybo Annerie Jansen Van Rensburg from top to bottom: International Medical Corps Staff International Medical Corps Staff International Medical Corps Staff

Page 12:

top: Chessa Latifi left: Kate Holt right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 13:

left: International Medical Corps Staff right: Jacob Schafer bottom: Chessa Latifi

Page 14:

Page 15:

top: International Medical Corps Staff left: Dr. Jill John-Kall right: Holly Pickett top: Jaya Vadlamudi left: Claudia Okonek right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 16:

Page 17:

from top to bottom: Abdinasir Ahmed Adan Kate Holt Felipe Jacome International Medical Corps Staff International Medical Corps Staff top: Kate Holt left: Amy Marie Herrick right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 36:

left: Jaya Vadlamudi right: Margaret Aguirre

Page 37:

left & right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 38:

left: Chessa Latifi right: Margaret Aguirre

Page 39:

left: Annerie Jansen Van Rensburg right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 19:

CGI: Ramin Talaie Takashi Murakami: Christopher Jue

Page 40:

left: Margaret Aguirre right: Jaya Vadlamudi

Page 20:

from top to bottom: Margaret Aguirre Dina Prior Dina Prior

Page 41:

left: Jaya Vadlamudi right: Marin Tomas

Page 42:

left: Annerie Jansen Van Rensburg right: Jaya Vadlamudi

Page 43:

left: International Medical Corps Staff right: Dr. Jill John-Kall

Page 44:

left & right: Jaya Vadlamudi

Page 45:

left: Annerie Jansen Van Rensburg right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 46:

left: Malika Mirkhanova right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 47:

left: International Medical Corps Staff right: Courtesy of DFID, Vicki Francis

Page 49:

Jaya Vadlamudi

Page 21:

Page 22:

from top to bottom: Clinton Global Initiative Margaret Aguirre Julie Pudlowski from top to bottom: Kate Holt Oggie Radosavljevic International Medical Corps Staff

Page 23:

Julie Pudlowski

Page 27:

Sergio Godino

Page 29:

International Medical Corps Staff

Page 32:

left: Yumi Terahata right: Sergio Godino

Page 33:

left: Claudia Okonek right: International Medical Corps Staff

Page 34:

left: Sergio Godino right: Julie Taft

Page 35:

left & right: International MedicalCorps Staff

Back Cover:

from top to bottom: Claudia Okonek International Medical Corps Staff Kate Holt Sergio Godino International Medical Corps Staff Peter Medway

Report Design & Layout: Jan Solis

International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report



International Medical Corps is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors and qualifies as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and under Section 23701(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. International Medical Corps’ Tax Identification Number is 95-3949646. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.

Happy Mother’s Day!



International Medical Corps needs your help to provide humanitarian assistance around the world, twelve months a year. Monthly gifts, transferred directly from your credit or debit card, allow International Medical Corps to plan ahead and to respond rapidly to crises as they arise. You can use our online monthly donation form or call the Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800 to set up a monthly donation.

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Your employer may have a matching gift program that will double or even triple your individual contribution. Simply check with your personnel office, obtain and complete a matching gift form, and send it to International Medical Corps with your tax-deductible contribution.

These types of gifts provide you an opportunity for tax savings while generously supporting International Medical Corps. Please contact the Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800 to discuss these options.



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International Medical Corps 2011 Annual Report

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To learn more about any of these giving options, please call our Resource Development Department at 310-826-7800.


1919 Santa Monica Blvd.,Suite 400 Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 310-826-7800 Fax: 310-442-6622 WASHINGTON, DC INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS 1313 L St. NW, Suite 220 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-828-5155 Fax: 202-828-5156

UNITED KINGDOM INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS-UK 1st Floor 254-258 Goswell Road London EC1V 7EB Great Britain Phone: +44 (0) 207 253 0001 Fax: +44 (0) 207 250 3269

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