Are You Lost Yet #4 (Erasmus+ Special)

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Contemplating this word, I thought about how often we ask ourselves: ?How will we change the world??The question seems daunting; perhaps impossible. We often choose to leave our future in the hands of others. But by doing this, we miss an important opportunity because every one of us can help change the world in our own way, through small meaningful deeds that have a positive impact in society.

powerful things the world shares. A smile can cut through all barriers. It knows no age, gender, colour or culture. No matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, or social status, a smile will always be understood. You don?t need a million euros to change the world. All you need to do is focus on the small things. Whatever you do, don?t forget this :

Begin by asking yourself what small thing you can do right today, wherever you are, with what you have. Have you ever thought about how a smile, or a simple ?hello? to a stranger can change their mood in just a few seconds? Little things you do in your everyday life can impact more people than you think.Talking to a neighbour might change the lens through which they view their surroundings. New ideas and a fresh perspective can propel them to create positive change.Just show K indness. Hold the elevator door open for someone hurrying to catch it. If the person standing behind you in line at the grocery store only has a few items, let them cut ahead of you. Help a less-able person cross the street safely. Give someone an honest compliment.

?I am only one But still I am one. I cannot do everything, But still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.? ?From The Book of Good Cheer : A Little Bundle of Cheery Thoughts (1909) by Edwin Osgood Grover.

Share Positivity. Stop wallowing in the fear-mongering ugliness that the general media tries to fling at you, and instead, let yourself be inspired by the wonder, beauty, and compassion in the world. Lastly, never forget to smile. A smile is a universal gesture and one of the most


GK illustr ation: EH

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