The Aylesburian - 2017/2018

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HEADMASTER’S WELCOME It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Aylesburian magazine for 2017-2018. This publication stands as the definitive historical reference for the School and so we hope that you enjoy reading the articles. Our thanks go to Mr Dallas and the whole editorial team for this year’s production.

Charlie Dunne is a true Aylesburian;

again in March. This was followed

taking part, trying new things, always

with a scorching summer and 50 plus

giving his best with a smile. Always

days without rain.

supporting and helping others, raising money for charity, going above and beyond and making a difference to all our lives.

These conditions did not deter the examination cohorts of 2018. At both A Level and GCSE, the level of change had been unprecedented

His legacy at School, in Denson

with new linear courses and at

House and across the community will

GCSE a new grading system. The

be one of fun, smiles, confidence,

staff have planned and delivered

selfless contribution and friendship.

the courses with great expertise

2017-2018 has provided many

He will always be remembered,

and professionalism. The overall

successes and opportunities but

once an Aylesburian, always an

outcomes were outstanding as

equally, it has brought us challenges


the students demonstrated their

and a deep sense of loss. It is through our core values that we have all demonstrated our compassion,

The climate played a major role in some of the key decisions across the

understanding and adoption of the changes with record results.

year. The whole school photograph,

We have seen the departure of a

planned once every five years, was

number of key staff across the year,

delayed not once, twice but three

with the retirement of Mrs Jiggins

To all the family, friends, staff,

times. There were also two snow

in April and the departure of Mr

students who knew and laughed with

events causing the closure of the

McCarthy in July. Mrs Jiggins left

Charlie, thank you for your strength,

School on transport and safety

at Easter 2018, a time when the

your friendship and your support.

grounds, once in December and

Geology team had become national

our humility and excellence when the time has come.


The Aylesburian 2017/2018

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