AY About You October 2021

Page 80


Vice President, Mississippi County, AR Economic Development MARLO’S SOUL FOOD RESTAURANT THE BRAVE LITTLE TOASTER


In college, Tamika Jenkins studied materials engineering. While that specific career path isn’t where she ended up, she likes to think it prepared her to be the “economic engineer” for Mississippi County that she is today. Jenkins grew up in a U.S. Army family, which molded her into a woman who values diversity, community servanthood and love of country.

Proudest Accomplishment

I’m most proud of being part of the team to attract thousands of jobs to Mississippi County. A good job is the start of a great opportunity for someone. Bringing jobs is synonymous with bringing hope to the area.

Surprising Fact

People are surprised to know that I can speak German. As a child of the Army, I spent many years living in Germany. I studied German at Iowa State University and completed an internship where I spoke German every day.

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic

The main lesson I learned from the pandemic is to value time with friends and family. I enjoyed playing with my son, but got tired of play fighting, and sports where my son likes to make up rules and change them for his benefit.

Remember Me For

My community service, which comes from a place of love for my community. I will do whatever it takes, including late nights and early mornings, to help improve the area where I live and love.

Most Admirable Quality in Women

I admire women that can operate in their feminine energy while in the workplace. It doesn’t come natural to be a boss accomplishing tasks while embodying femininity — because being feminine is sometimes associated with weakness. Femineity is powerful!


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