March 28, 2019
Volume 49 - No. 13
By Friedrich Gomez
Amazing stories of human beings driven by love and courage and eventual triumph over seeminglyimpossible odds abound everywhere. There is no shortage of such famous documented cases. But what about those miraculous moments of everyday people which are kept secret and, therefore, remain hidden and mostly The Paper - 760.747.7119
uncelebrated down through the years?
Let’s take a rare look at some of the most inspiring true slices of life and how love, courage, and the human spirit led to great moments of miraculous triumph. Extraordinary triumphs which remain vastly unknown and unheralded, to this very day. On the evening of November 16,
1959, the world premiere of the Broadway musical, The Sound of Music, made its debut. It is well known that The Sound of Music became one of the most beloved and popular musicals to ever hit the Great White Way, amassing 1,443 total performances and capturing the hearts of theater-goers and critics, alike. What is not well known, are the hidden secrets which took place backstage, behind the footlights, and
unknown to the world-at-large. Unlike the musical production itself, the mysterious unraveling of events hidden behind the curtain were the stuff of real human drama and not the world of make-believe or re-enactment found in exaggerated showbiz scripts.
What actually occurred backstage, behind the heavily-draped curtains and multi-colored floodlights, stunned many theatrical
Miracles and the power of Love - See Page 2