AwareNow: Issue 16: The Mayday Edition

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“It provides us with our true purpose and passion.” The butterfly would then ask why did I not see or use these wings before. The caterpillar would reply “I didn’t know I had wings.” Mayday, in this instance, represents a transformation from distress and pain to growth, light, and love. Mayday is a break in the clouds, and the emergence of a magnificent ray of sunlight which reveals the beauty of the landscape below.

Mayday is celebrated in countries as a sign of joy and happiness. It represents an end to the darkness and the beginning of the light. In the “en-lighten-ment” caused by declaring Mayday, it allows us to grow and embrace every waking moment. It provides us with our true purpose and passion.

It gives us the privileged position to shine the light on others who are “Suffering in Comfort.” It is our struggle which becomes someone else's “Mayday Survival Guide”.

Each of us has their own set of heroes. It may not be who you expected who answers your distress call. It might be the everyday person who has a hero and rescuer living inside them, just waiting to step forward. Those unsung heroes are seen in awareness days and months. In the words of Captain America, “Avengers Assemble.¨

In my own life, I had help from an unexpected and hidden hero. It was in the shape of my angel in furry disguise, who was born in the middle of a Mayday situation. My white wolf answered the call, rescued us, and became my family’s and I recovery and journey to the light. This, my dear friend and hero, is dedicated to you. (RIP Sikou)

“If you knew who walked beside you at all times, on the path that you have chosen, you could never experience fear or doubt again.” ― Wayne Dyer

Those who come to our aid are the brave heroes and causes which are honoured and celebrated in each issue of this wonderful magazine. Stories of light and inspiration which become our path to recovery.

You are not alone and never were. You have moved beyond your “Mayday.” On your continuing journey, you stand shoulder to shoulder with the founders, honoured ambassadors, columnists and featured guests who you know presently and will come to know. ∎


Transformation Expert, Awareness Hellraiser & Public Speaker Keynote public speaking coach, “Adversity to hope, opportunity and prosperity. “ Transformation expert, awareness Hellraiser, life coach, Trauma TBI, CPTSD mentor, train crash and cancer survivor, public speaking coach, Podcast host “Release the Genie”, Director at Core Mentors Association (Not for profit) & Best-selling author. His journey from corporate to Kitesurfer to teacher on first nations reserve to today. Paul’s goal is to inspire others to find their true purpose and passion.


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