A View 2nd Edition - March 2015

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Each article is the view of the author

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Say not, 'Tis hard', in weak, desponding hour, For strenuous effort gives prevailing power. - Kural 611

அ"ைம உைட$ெத'( அசாவாைம ேவ#$% ெப#ைம !ய#$ த"#. - !ற# 611


Free issue

2nd Edition – March 2015

Understanding today’s Tamil Youth Jonas Pulendrarasa I recently went to Geneva for a study trip for TaMUN. During this trip at the UN, was held a session of the Human Rights Council. Wandering around inside buildings and visiting places, I was surprised by the lack of Tamils at the UN. Tamils are almost 70-80 million members, which is more to Norway or France. I brought with me some Tamil traditional clothes in case I need them. I felt a little uncomfortable at the idea at first, it was a study trip, I was not going to represent a nation. However, I felt the need to mark a Tamil presence during my trip after seeing so many cultures and nationalities. Furthermore, I represented an organization made of Tamil youth who try to understand the international arena by actively involving themselves in the international arena. There is the need for a Tamil presence and voice to represent our interests in these institutions. After all, who is going to represent our heritage today if we don’t accept and represents it? For students by students, Madras university

3 For two days, despite the heat, I dressed in European business attire as most people in the UN. However, on the third day, I wore my traditional dress, lightness compared to Suit. I felt a change in the look, the attitude of people and staffs who welcomed me which were the same throughout the three days. They called me carefully and with respect. This difference in attitude is important in my opinion; it reflects the importance of dresses and especially the traditional dresses. When I showed up in traditional dress, it was my entire heritage that came with me and was in these institutions. On this day, I met different people discussing Tamil. I was surprised how Tamils are spread throughout the world from the United States to Singapore. This is a rewarding and wonderful experience to feel this Tamil diaspora. Back in London, for the event that closes a year of work. TaMUN was a human challenge.

Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

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Indeed, we created a project in London with the Tamils living in England and I was currently based in Paris, It is a challenge in itself working beyond borders. We had a team of people with different experiences and backgrounds; this mix of different personalities is a huge human management effort and a very complex job. Some had created associations, some were student union presidents; others were active in the society for political change and/or social. We had different challenges such as the language barrier. Most Tamils living in England do not speak Tamil. It is due to many different reasons. The distance between the team and me was a major factor as to be understood and make sure the job is done. The cultural difference was the greatest difficulty. Even if we are from the same origin, we have different cultures and values because of our education in the host country. Indeed, values and cultures that we learn in school influences us in society who we are, how we work and what values it seeks. Values and history of France is different from that of the British. Their values and their stories impact how our Tamil youth living in Britain see the world. Moreover the society shapes us in how we see ourselves and who we are. Although we are Tamils, we have different ways of seeing the world and definitions that we attribute to a word are different. The way we interpret and define the word “freedom� is different depending on our experiences but also different depending the host country. Thus, a young Tamil in Singapore and a young Tamil from Canada will have a different view of the concept of freedom. This works also from Tamils living in Tamil Nadu. This project highlighted issues that we are meeting now and will meet in the future in this globalized world and especially being disperse around the world. It highlights the need to address how we are going to work and bridge all these people together. We need a range of values, history and common definitions. Having understood this problem when creating and managing the project. We have taken the first step to open a space to discuss this through the price Prof. K. Sivathamby. We cannot define the codes and the current standards, which may be reducing, and we For students by students, Madras university

would place next to the reality of people. This last year, we organized the price on society and youth. A bachelor student raised the issue on the impact of society on youth through education. This allowed us to discuss experiences from students and to understand what the problems are and the reasons for better public policy in the Tamil diaspora. Indeed, students stressed the importance of leaving and nurturing passions of young people in diverse areas. A mature and complete society has different abilities and needs diversity. He demonstrates through his experience that there is a hierarchy set up by parents and society that push indirectly and directly students to not do studies they prefer or prevent them from embarking on non-valued studies/activities. Thus, he predicted one of the last two difficulties that we had to deal. It is the impact of society on our project directly and indirectly. Indeed, most students do not value this type of voluntary activity as it is not valued by society as an asset in their careers. Similarly, people who would have liked to participate in this project does not have the opportunity to be involved because their skills do not allow them to be fully involved. The society has not developed a multidisciplinary approach in youth; they are locked in a discipline. This creates a feeling of incompetence when to perform new tasks and take initiatives. We also opened the space for youth to discuss international relations through discussions on various subjects. We have to understand why and how to remove this obstacle that prevents the Tamil youth to discuss international affairs. It is this feeling of incompetence that prevents most of them to get involved. Indeed, a person cannot get into a debate if he thinks and feels he has no knowledge and the ability to discuss. Thus we chose the UN simulation as a means to address these issues and educate the mechanisms of international institutions. Simulations allow young people to gain confidence, give the working methods and research in a fun and friendly way. It reveals their capacity to engage in a debate and in any project, regardless of its place in the world. Today in Chennai, in Tamil Nadu, It is a new challenge with IR Simulation. We should start acting from the very bottom level to effectively impact on their education and their future. Small initiatives can bring great changes. I firmly believe we can succeed. Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

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Interview: Protests in the University A View: Can you introduce yourself? Joseph: My name is Joseph, I am a student following M.A. Public Administration in the department of Politics and Public Administration. AV: Can you explain what happened 3rd March? J: Our demand for basic needs for drinking water was not fulfilled for a longtime. Despite many attempt to request it through administrative channel, we received only false promises. Tuesday, we organized a protest to request the administration to fulfill our basic needs. Water is essential to our life and today there are not facilities in the university for students and the staff. Our first request is drinking water. We also requested clean and hygienic toilet. There are many cases of urine infection. Many of my woman colleagues don’t attend evening classes because they can’t use toilet and fear to get infection. One of my friends from France told me that I have to skip sometimes some of the classes because toilets are not clean. We asked several basic rights together the right to have an effective library, student representations, student amenities center, basic materials for cleaning personal, better classrooms and education facilities, better hostels, … AV: What was the answer of the University administration? J: Many administrators came to speak to us but we wanted the Vice-Chancellor because he is the higher authority and he promises us past two years to settle these issues. He agreed to meet four students representative and to have a month gap to implement our rights, which should end beginning of April. We waited for more than two hours to meet him. He came for few minutes and disappeared. (Addition: Few days after the University supplied water cans to each department for few weeks. Today, water cans are removed and a RO plant is running but the same concerns are raised on the quality of the water.) AV: Why do you think actions are not going forward? For students by students, Madras university

J: Maybe it is a lack of care but he is a former student and was a teacher, he must know how student life is. That is why we ask for accountability and transparency. Professors came and supported us it is showing the fact that it is affecting everyone not only students but also administrative staffs and workers. Another student from the university AV: What happened during the protest against Modi’s visit to Sri Lanka? (13th March 2015) S: Students protested in order to ask Modi, to implement Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly’s resolution passed in 2013. The resolution passed unanimously request Indian Union government to put economic sanctions against Sri Lanka, demand the creation of a separate state for Tamils of Sri Lanka and supporting the United Nations’ enquiry on War crimes, Crimes against Humanity and Genocide done on Tamils living in Sri Lanka. Moreover, we asked to solve the issue faced by Tamil fishermen with the Sri Lankan navy. Students were arrested by the police and released later. AV: A Memo was issued to Prof. Ramu Manivannan, what is it saying and why? S: A Memo was sent to Prof. Ramu Manivannan saying that he participated to an unauthorized demonstration, working against the interest of the University, talking to the media during working hours. They said that the protest against Modi’s visit is the cause of the memo but we think that it is the support he gave during the first student demonstration on 3rd March that was the main problem for the administration. They tried to corner those who supported us. However, the professor explained that he was on leave that day and was not participating to this demonstration. Many other demonstrations against Sri Lanka happened in the past but no one has been sanctioned but today they call the police to counter our protest instead of listening or giving a space to interact. Finally, they removed the memo after we said that we are ready to stay till night if necessary and also argued with them. First they tried to dissuade us by saying that it was only for information and it was not a Memo but when we argued and asked logical questions they agreed and removed it. It was a formidable silent protest we shared our food and water even with this hot weather. A new kind of solidarity is beginning amongst us. Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

Actuality Saudi Arabia border with Yemen

Bob Saudi Arabia receives a huge threat from different people from Yemen trying to cross its border. While the power struggle taking place in Yemen between the Shia and the Houthi groups continues, Saudi border patrol are facing a huge problem, people are trying to cross its borders under the name of finding a better life. Saudi government has increase its budget on its borders so that it may create roads where vehicles can reach on the scene as fast as possible, using high technologies like long range surveillance cameras. The Saudi border control has manage to capture many people from Yemen some connected with different terrorists groups and many smugglers who try to smuggle different drugs in the country. Kids are also used in the smuggle game whereby they are being paid 50$ per each successful trip which they made. When they capture these smugglers or immigrants they send them to do time in prison and for the kids, they take the drugs, take their details and fingerprints and send them back to Yemen. Some of the smugglers and immigrants they say its better to stay in Saudi prison rather than freedom in Yemen.

For students by students, Madras university

Donec interdum

Ukraine: US plays more than Proxy war

Bob The conflict in Ukraine which has claim huge number of lives has taken a new picture, after many month of making the conflict in Ukraine as a proxy for US, Barrack has mentioned that he will soon provide weapons to Ukraine so that it may protect itself on what US calls invasion of Russia in Ukraine. Biden also made the same comments in Munich on the security press conference. Merkel has said 100% she won’t agree on anymore military solution in Ukraine and she won’t provide any form of military help to Ukraine. France’s foreign minister said giving military assistance to Ukraine is to remove peace in Europe. U.K through its foreign minister says, “lets talk” more than forcing because chances are still there. EU foreign minister says providing weapons to Ukraine by the Europe may led of WWIII. US helping Kiev that will be a wrong move because the people whom have been branded rebels had accepted to be in Russian site without any force from Russia. The civilians now are being killed by Kiev military and none of the International communities say anything. The convoy of civilians was under shell while being taken to shelter by whom they call rebels. Merkel and Hollande peace plan is on the table let’s see what will be the results.

Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

Discuss/Activities A different opinion on Syria

Bob It’s nice to see other people's view on different issues, but looking the point of legitimacy of the current government and rebels. The current government is 100% legitimate. As the Arab spring started and flow in many countries it entered in Syria using the CIA covert station wagon (agents born in that area). Russia knew all this Assad too he fought with rebels whom I call terrorists groups. U.S started training and providing arms to terrorists groups in Turkey and push them in Syria for what he called revolutionizes of Syria from Assad. Russia backed Syria which later china joins the club. And since then the Obama administration has been saying under no circumstances Assad must go. While Russia and china says Assad will stay and if to go will be under election according to Syria constitution. The meeting in Switzerland has no success because U.S doesn't want to talk with Assad while Russia is ready to make Assad to seat with U.S and talk.

For students by students, Madras university

Tibet: fostering the fate of defense Jhilik

The invasion has taken a new monstrous shape, which gradually affected Tibet, starting from the final adieu of human beings, political assassination down to environmental tragedies. To be sufficed, China wants to establish its powerful supremacy over Tibet by various strategies and developing different diplomatic concepts to go far enough. The invasion of China affected the culture and religion of Tiber vigorously. It’s relentless destruction of the religion of Tibet led to the downfall of different monasteries, demise of monks, as China thinks they are against the survival of communist party. The melancholic incidents have not ended here; The Chinese migrants are mostly consists of Buddhists and that resulting into the decline of strength of the Tibetan population. Beijing openly declared the migration is happening to bring the improvement in the field of socio-economic political structure of Tibet. Though the concept of Beijing has taken to be dubious. In the sphere of Education in Tibet, China is regulating the educational system of the country so that it doesn’t become difficult for the Chinese immigrants to follow up the educational pattern, though the governments is trying to hard to retain the Tibetan education in different sectors. Tibet is considered to be as the nature sensitive country but due to heavily extraction of the natural resources by China, the former is facing different environmental tragedies like deforestation, melting of glaciers since the last 5 years. Construction of dam over the yellow river of China led to the shortage of water flowing into the course of Tibet. Mining has been done vigorously that lead to the exploitation of different valuable minerals and metals, affecting the environment of Tibet badly. Nuclear waste dumping also has become a major issue for the Chinese people to survive. Beijing even made a new regulation that the incarnated lamas and tulkus must have state approval. China’s ascendency has been considered to be as a dangerous manipulation for different countries. The reckoning outcomes of the happenings in Tibet proved to be a real threat. It obviously reminds of the words from Swami Vivekananda at Chicago, it would be within 1000 years, China can takeover. Ironical enough?

Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

Learn/discover Basic Tamil conversation words English



Welcome Good morning! Good evening! Good night! Greetings Thank you How are you? I am fine What is your name? My name is … I don't understand Yes No Sorry Good bye See you later Book/books Library Computer Laptop Printer Photo Hand phone Internet Professor Head of Department Class room I need help ! Drinking water Pen Pencil

Vanakkam Kaalai vanakkam Maalai vanakkam Iravu vanakkam Vaazhga valamudan Nandri Epidi irukiringal? Naan Nadraaga irukkindren Ungal peyar enna? En peru ... Puriyavillai/vilankavillai Am/Amam Illai Mannikkavum Poyi varukiren Mendum santhipom Noul/Noulkal Noulakam Kanini Matikanini Achupori Pukaipadam Kai tolaipesi Inaiyam Peraciriyar Turai talaivar Vakuparai Utavi vendum ! Kudinir Eluthukol Karikol

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For students by students, Madras university

Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

Learn/discover A Poem written by Ki. Pi. Aravinthan COMPASS Face the rising sun At your back is West. On your left is North, The source of Vaadai winds. On your right is South Chozhakam begins there. Vaadai, Chozhakam, Kachan, Kondal Names of winds teach you to navigate. Back then, In my mother’s words cardinal directions become precise. Orientations are now No longer clear. No winds now with Familiar names. We recognize the storm whence its direction? Not in the eye of the storm Standing outside Each time I try to fathom the direction I fail. Have they got lost? I wonder. I left from the North My thoughts wander. You come from the South They keep telling me Those I encounter in the cold hemisphere. From where did I arrive where am I headed? Even my offspring protest. Which way do I turn? It was easy for my mother to teach me; No longer easy for me To teach my children. I lack the simplicity Of my mother; Just once if someone would show me the sun’s Direction I will face the burnished sun; I will orient myself and Instruct my children.

For students by students, Madras university

!ைசக% காைல% !"ய$%& !க# கா#$ !"றா% !ற#$%& ேம#$%&'(. இட#ைக& ப"க$ வட#$ வாைட%கா'( த"#$. வல#ைக& ப"க$ ெத#$ ேசாழக& ெபய$%. வாைட, ேசாழக& க"சா%, ெகா$ட& எ"ேற !ைசக% உண#$%& கா#$% ெபய$க&. அ"ைற%& அ"மா ெசா$%&' எ"ைம%& !ைசக% !ல#கமா' இ"#$%. இ"ேபாெவ(லா* !ைசக% என#$ !ல#கமா'(ைல. ெபய$ ெசா$%&ப(யான கா#$க%& ஏ"#$ைல !"வ$ !யெலன& ெதா¢!" !ய#$%&டா !ைச? அத#ைட நா# இ"லாததா" ெவ#$% !"றப% !ைசகைள& !ல#$% ஓேரா% தடைவ%& !ய#$%& ேதா$%ேற'. அைவ ெதாைல&'()*ேமா? ஏ" இ"த ச"ேதக& வட#$%&' !ற#ப%டவ( நா# எ" !ைன$ ெசா$%ற'. ெத#$%&' வ"#றா& ! !"# வைலய%&' எ"#ெகா'பவ# ெசா$%&றன). எ"#$%& வ"ேத% எ" !ைச$% ெச#$ேற'? எ" !"த$!% !ைள$தைவ'( !ரெல%&'()றன எ"#ைசைய !க#ெகா&வ(? என#$% ெசா$%&தர அ"மா%&' இலகா%&'த) எ" !ழ#ைதக'(!) ெசா$%&தர என#ேகா !"ய$%ைல. அ"மா%& எ"ைம என#$%ைல. ஒேரெவா' தடைவ எ"வா% !ைசைய யாேர%& !"#$ரா'( !ட#$ !"ய$ !"ய$%& !க# கா#$ !"ேப%. !ைசகைள& க"# ெகா$ேவ'. !ழ#ைதக'(!) அ"#$ேப'.

Contact: aview.mu@gmail.com

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பைறேய !ழ#$! யா#$ ஊேர! யாவ$% ேக#$! எ"க$ மாணவ% வா#$ “leqke<! Skf<kqvligh<! hqxg<gqe<xie<! Neiz<! wz<zi! -mr<gtqZl<! sr<gqzqgtiz<! hqj{g<gh<hm<Mt<tie<”! we<x! 'Osiuqe<! -f<k! uii<k<jk! -e<jxb! li{ui<gTg<G! nhiVk<klig! njlf<Kt<tK/! ht<tqh<! hVuk<kqz<! Nsqiqbi<,! li{ue<! kuW! nsb<Bl<! OhiK! nkeiz<! uqjtBl<! kQjlgjt! wMk<Kjvk<K! fz<upq! gim<Mgqxii</! sgli{ui<gTg<Gt<! se<jmbqm<Mg<ngit<Tl<OhiKl<! )n*! nck<Kg<ngit<Tl<OhiKl<! “%c! uip<f<kiz<! Ogic! fe<jl”! we<hjk! wMk<Kg<%xq! slvsl<! nsb<K! jug<gqe<xii</! yVui<! lx<xui<! nhiVTg<G! NjshMl<OhiKl<! )n*! nkx<g<gig! nhib<! nsiz<Zl<OhiKl<! nK! kuW! we<W! we<hjk! wMk<Kjvg<gqxii</! -u<uiW! Gpf<jkh<! hVuk<kqz<! fz<upq! gim<Mgqxii</! nkeiz<kie<! gmUTg<G! Le<eOx! uiqjsbqz<! -ml<! ngiMk<kie</! liki,! hqki,! GV ! nkb<ul</! ! “Jf<kqz<<! ujtbikK! Jl<hkqz<<! ujtbiK”! we<nxiV! hpnlipq! d{<M nkeiz<kie<! yu<nuiVuVl<! ke<! ht<tqh<! hVuk<jk! we<eq! yVgel<! -u<Uzjg! lxf<KuqMgqe<Oxil</! nu<utU! lgqp<s<sqbie! kV{l<"! nK/! Neiz<! -e<Oxi! dbi<g<gz<uq! -kx<<G! Ofi<lixig! dt<tK/! For students by students, Madras university

nk<kqbiusqbk<! Okjug<gig! Ohiviceiz<! kuW! we<gqxii<gt<,! nkqz<! hr<Ogx<xjlg<gig! hz<OuW! upqgtqz<! hpquir<Gl<! fmucg<jggtqz<! =MhMgqxii<gt</ “ns<slqz<jz! ns<slqz<jz”! we<Wl<! “d{<jljb!dxg<gs<nsiz<”!we<Wl<! <!

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