November newsletter template

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14800 Galaxie Ave, Suite 101 Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-432-8422

Helping Your Business Grow President Edward Kearney Chamber of Commerce

Happy Thanksgiving Vice Chairman Jodi Kurtz Warners’ Stellian

Past Chairman Eric Iverson Home Instead Senior Care Secretary Misty Scholler Anchor Bank

Treasurer Guy Gunner Gunners Garage

Jane Hill Culver’s

Bethany Marquette BMO Harris Bank

Interested In Advertising? Advertise your business to over 500 Chamber representatives by purchasing an ad on the back cover of this Apple Seeds Newsletter! Contact the Chamber office at (952) 432-8422 details. $150.00 for one month $300.00 for three months

November 2013

Nick Martinez Nerium Independent Brand Partner

John Wortman American Legion

Chamber Administration Kristy Cleveland Business Manager

Over the years we have found that the our history has been rewritten and doesn’t match the stories we learned as children. I recently ran across this story of the First Thanksgiving. It is December 1620 and my family of Pilgrims have crashed our Mayflower moving van on the rock they call Chrysler. The doppler weather radar did not predict the cold winter that we faced. Had we known that it was going to be this cold, we would have brought our skates and perfected our ice hockey skills. Visitors from Cleveland have watched our village noting that we are not very good at hunting and fishing. They possessed knowledge of the land and water and used that knowledge to provide their families with food and shelter. The Cleveland Indians taught us how to cultivate the land and grow crops that will sustain us for years. We got so good at growing food we spent the summer of 1621 planting a maize maze. Several members of our group were lost in the maze but later showed up after the Halloween Dance. We were so thankful that we found the lost Pilgrims that we decided to celebrate with a four day weekend. We gathered foods grown and living around us. We had venison and seafood as they were plentiful. There was no turkey as Al Gore had not invented it yet. Everyone agreed however, that it was the best sushi they have ever had. Along with our green bean casserole we had pumpkin spice lattes from Caribou. There was a strange red jellied can shaped dish that no one wanted to try. I am guessing that we will have a can of this in our cupboard all year. I hope someone figures out what this is. Our day began with a parade sponsored by the major department store in our area called Candles R Us. Large inflatable balloons of SpongeBob Square Pants and Shrek were dragged through the streets. We then sat down at table and said the following prayer before we shared the bountiful harvest with our new friends. “Rub a Dub Dub, Pass the Grub”. The meal was divine but the conversation was hard to understand as none of the people from North America spoke English. Once our bellies were full, we sat down to watch an exciting football game between the Lions of Detroit and the Dallas team that made our guests very uncomfortable. We drank Lienenkugel’s pumpkin flavored beer and fell asleep during the second half for no apparent reason. The ladies of the community were poring over the daily newspaper ads to find great deals as the Christmas shopping season began early Friday morning. Some of our family members actually slept out in a tent to be the first to get the newest candles, muskets and bonnets at the Mall of England as it is known. Some of the family members were upset because they had to go to work Thanksgiving evening at their jobs at Ye Ole Mart. The evening ended quietly as we thanked our guests for helping us through a difficult year. They even offered to sell us some land. We may just take them up on it. We feel blessed and thankful that we now live in a land that is ruled by the King of England. The King has been very good to us so we think we will be loyal to him forever. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Chamber Coffee Connection Tuesday, November 5, 2013 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Chamber Luncheon

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 Old Chicago Cedar Room Tasha Rohlfs has for 15 years, been an expert “Speaking Coach.” She spoke for the MNChamber Presidents at a resort recently and literally, taught us to “Own the Room with just her very clever stuff and cheerful at that.”

14949 Florence Trail Suite 300 Apple Valley FREE coffee & pastries & prizes. Bring a guest if you wish to!

Ribbon Cutting

Friday November 8, 2013 8:30 a.m.

7480 153rd Street Apple Valley

Join Vikings Cheerleaders and the Police Honour Guard for this special celebration.

County Wide Business After Hours

Thursday, November 14, 2013 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Mendakota Country Club

Pictured on the left is Lisa Anderson, owner of Dunn Bros. of Apple Valley.

Coffee Connection Dunn Bros Coffee

She WILL NOT call on anyone for anything so don’t worry. Her practical tips will improve your speaking skills with technique and tricks that just make sense. You will learn proper Tasha Rohlfs, gestures, eye contact tricks, how to animate and Public Speaking project your voice, overcome fear and structure Consultant your notes (all without calling on anyone). She is FROM APPLE VALLEY ORIGINALLY.


Time: 11:30 am: Register & Network 12:00 pm: Speaker 1:00 pm: End

Dunn Bros saw a huge turnout at their October Coffee Connection. Guests enjoyed fresh roasted coffee and baked goods - did you know Dunn Bros is now baking fresh on location? As a gift, Dunn Bros gave away bags of Apple Valley Galaxie Blend coffee beans. A blend created specifically for Apple Valley!

2075 Mendakota Road, Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Join us at Mendakota Country Club to connect with Chambers of Commerce throughout Dakota County! The event includes a cash bar, complimentary hors d’oeuvres & exhibits by members from the participating chambers.


Apple Valley Chamber

Chamber Business After Hours Wednesday, November 20, 2013 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Congratulations Jay F. Jeweler! Enjoy FREE beer, wine and appetizers catered by Rascal’s!

Open to all Chamber members and their guests.

14985 Glazier Ave 6th floor board room Apple Valley

Calendar of Events

Longtime Chamber member Jay Feichtinger opened a beatiful new store in Time Square, joined by his parents next to and behind the Mayor.

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Bruce Nustad said 16-21% of MN jobs are retail, they define our quality of life and drive the economy. For regional and Mom & Pop stores, it is particularly important. Nationals can contribute to the “Velocity of the Dollar” if they consciously purchase local goods and services. While minimum wage seems rare, in outer MN it can be the norm and they suffer most when raised rapidly. One current issue he is handling is preventing mandatory recycling deposits which will increase costs and raise our voluntary recycle rate by little, costing jobs. He said after being here, he will order an Apple Valley retail survey be done. He explained the Consumer Confidence index, customer loyalty programs, promoted upcoming $5.5 billion “Small Business Saturday” and why to buy local. He stated how “bricks and mortar” retail has embraced competing with on-line with Face to Face service and e-ordering pick up at the store programs. If you can’t beat them, join them. He is advocating for online to pay the same sales tax as local to level the field. As the economy improves, it is more difficult to hire and retain entry level retail. Obamacare is complicating many locally owned retail/restaurants in that multiple locations all count towards 50 employees, raising costs. Bruce went on with many other topics and stories and everyone commented afterwards how “funny” he was. A great speaker! Thank you Bruce for taking time to join us at our “local” hotel using a “local” caterer, keeping our dollars at “Local Velocity” or the “multiplier effect” of 3-7 times circulating.

Chamber Luncheon “Not your Grandfather’s retail economy!”

Bruce Nustad, President & CEO Minnesota Retailers Association

Was Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 LaGrand Conference Center Many in retail present were given many gifts, as ACE Hardware Dean Simon happily found out.

Was your “good morning” at work sincere today?

President’s Perspective If not, By: Edward Kearney

...don’t expect them to be sincere with customers either.


BUT WE ARE CHALLENGING OURSELVES We drive to our jobs almost subconsciously. We listen to the radio with little thought to the route or routine. Same station, same morning beverage, same “Good Mornings.” We’re all working harder than ever but not necessarily challenging ourselves to a higher level. Ask “what did I do different today that will yield better results tomorrow?” Did you “really say I Love You when you left your family or just sort of say it? Did you really listen to that station or were you daydreaming? Did you really notice the sunrise or sunset on the way home? In Colorado Springs one time, I took a Convention & Visitors Bureau staff meeting outside and asked everyone to stare up at 14,110 ft. Pikes Peak. Our phone conversations were missing passion. Katherine Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful” in 1893 at the Antler’s Hotel, less than 40 feet from our offices. “That beauty is why we are here, what we are selling, and the reason we live here,” yet we all took it for granted and didn’t “really notice Pikes Peak skyhigh above us on our way to work today.” Did you really notice how “great” Apple Valley & Minnesota is today? 17th in the U.S. Did you say a routine “good morning” at work today, or were you sincere in asking how coworkers really are by listening and looking in their eyes. If you don’t “really notice them,” do you expect them to “really” notice your customers? Today could be the last day your life, your co-workers, your customer’s or your suppliers? Treat them like that or it might be the last day of your relationship with them. Back in school, college or advanced training for a specific profession, imagine if you only took the same courses each semester over and over again. You would become very proficient but without pushing the envelope and challenging ourselves, are we really growing? That “college effort again” could give you advanced success quickly. Get out of your comfort zone. Are we growing right now today, this morning, this month, this year? Maybe we all need to try something different, something harder and more challenging. The good news is we don’t need to go back to college or quit our jobs. But we do have to get that same uncomfortable tension we used to feel before taking exams. You can make your present job into your “dream job” without leaving but by redefining the job you’re in. Not getting promoted? Then promote yourself where you are. People will notice and say, “what’s gotten into him or her?” TODAY’S CHALLENGE • Say good morning to co-workers “from” the heart, not “by heart.” • Write a handwritten note with a compliment to “ALL” your clients (now) • Do something out of your comfort zone, and do it first (what is yours today? Maybe make that call first) • Walk around more, to staff, nearby businesses, competitors, nearby cities (know your environment well) • Visit customers every chance you can (even if it isn’t your job) THIS WEEK’S CHALLENGE • Make your smiles more sincere (1st at home, then the office, then strangers) • Network more (Build the relationships & trust and business follows) • Volunteer more (Why do those who do, always end up successful? Must be a correlation.) • Master technology (that smartphone, social networking, new programs, skype or Facetime etc.) THIS MONTH’S CHALLENGE • Schedule that annual checkup to the Doctor (know your numbers) • Schedule that annual checkup to your accountant (know your numbers) • Go out tonight and stare at the stars; humbling! (know your numbers)

Thank you IMAX for the Ticket Prizes. Kathy O’Connell (L)

THIS YEAR’S CHALLENGE • Advertise more and network weekly to look larger than you are (If it keeps bears away, it will keep your competitors away too) • Be the Top in your field. (You can be the best or close. Push! You already know what it takes and the top isn’t far away anymore.) • Take a chance or a large risk (staying the same is actually a negative risk) • If you are over 50 (as I am), appreciate your job. If you lose your job, getting as good a job will be tough no matter how good you are. Don’t kid yourself. Just look at the number of Gen X,Y & Z’s looking for jobs, underemployed or living at home not to mention immigration. And if none of them win the job, a robot, Mexico, Ireland, India or China might.) • When making decisions, don’t forget that those hunches or gut feelings are right more often than not. Trust them as age sharpens that innate skill. (There’s a point for Generation L,M,N,O,P (old school) over X,Y,Z. (new school). Check one for over 50’s!) Imagine if all of us in Apple Valley; you, me, all employees, government, teachers and students just took our game to the next level with much tougher challenges to ourselves. Apple Valley would explode. Siphon the future now. Everyone is working harder but are we really challenging ourselves or taking the same courses over and over. Someday is now, “Effort is wholesale, Results is retail. Enjoy the double-digit markup …Of success!” --Ed Kearney

Business After Hours - Anchor Bank Thursday, October 24th, 2013

What a great crowd! Scott Ramsdale thanked guests for coming and gave away two Wild Game tickets to the lucky winner of their prize drawing.

If you are only able to attend one Chamber event a year, we hope you made it to this one! Anchor Bank’s Business After Hours was a huge success once again, attracting new and longtime Chamber members, friends and family and City dignitaries. This branch has made community involvement one of their top priorities and their commitment has truly paid off. Thank you Anchor Bank for hosting another fantastic fall theme event!

Clint Hooppaw, Apple Valley City Council Member and Anchor Banks Vice President Business Banker, mingled with the crowd.

Pictured above is Scott Ramsdale, past Chamber treasurer and Misty Scholler, the Chamber’s treasurer for 2014.

Pictured above is Jim Friend with Tarell Friedley and Carey Griffith Edwards. On the left is Marci with Rascal’s Catering, who not only provided fantastic food but helped with the Octoberfest decorations!

Mayor Mary, Councilman Goodwin & Superintendent Jane Berenz and City ADministrator Tom Lawell (right).

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