St Gabriel's Primary and Secondary Yearbook 2023

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BOOK 023

School Crest The Gabrielite crest is the coat of arms of the St. Gabriel’s Foundation. It is made up of four quadrants. The bottom-left quadrant is of the Star and the man in the boat. They symbolise the Star of the sea and the seamen who used the Star to navigate to their destinations in the vast ocean. If we are focused on the essential values of life, we shall reach our ultimate destiny in life. The Star of the sea shall be the guiding light in our lives.

School Song St. Gabriel’s Primary School

St. Gabriel’s Secondary School

St. Gabriel’s boys, here on this day united With one true heart let us all sing and cheer The stately home where our boyhood is guided Learning to live and through right paths to steer In cheering blue and spotless white apparel A cheerful band, St. Gabriel’s boys unite! All white and blue, all bent to reap the laurels Hold and defend Alma Mater’s Glory with heart and might

In white and blue, boys full of mirth and life From early morn, we flood the green playground In every hall, soon starts the daily strife Of school routine, lessons and work all round With spirits bright, our will we’ll gladly bracing From teachers kind we learn what’s good and right We thus do hope to attain with God’s blessing Virtue and Truth, Virtue and Truth Of life’s true beacon light

St. Gabriel’s School dear Here willing hearts behold When duty’s call rings clear Mid sorrows as through joys For Singapore and God For Justice to uphold Let us live and thus prove St. Gabriel’s boys.


Saint Gabriel’s School Dear Here willing hearts behold When duty’s call rings clear ‘Mid sorrows as through joys For Singapore and God For justice to uphold Let us live and thus prove Saint Gabriel’s boys

St. Gabriel’s Primary School School Motto

‘Labor Omnia Vincit’ Labour conquers all things

School Vision

A Gabrielite will be God-loving, disciplined, gracious, caring and a life-long learner.

School Mission

Shaping Lives for Service to God and Nation.

Our School Virtues

Self-Discipline Generosity Perseverance Sincerity Loyalty Orderliness Respect Diligence

St. Gabriel’s Secondary School School Vision

The Gabrielite… Servant Leader Lifelong Learner Gracious Citizen

School Mission

Shaping Lives for Service to God and Nation.

Our Core Values Respect Resilience Responsibility Care


Contents 01 School Crest, School Song 04 St. Gabriel’s Foundation Board of Governors 05 School Management Committee 06 EXCO: Old Boys’ Association 07 Message from the Chairman, St. Gabriel’s Board of Governors 08 Message from the Supervisor of Schools and Distict Superior 09 Message from the Chairman, School Management Committee 10 Message from the President, Old Boys’ Association 11 Message from the Principal, St. Gabriel’s Primary School 12 Message from the Principal, St. Gabriel’s Secondary School 13 Well-wishes from Past SGPS & SGSS Principals 15 70 years in retrospect 17 Feature Article on SGPS & SGSS 70th Anniversary Dinner 18 Snapshots of our Special Moments: Events @ SGPS 49 Snapshots of our passionate pursuits: CCAs @ SGPS 64 Snapshots of our Class Family: Students @ SGPS 78 Graduating Grabrielites @ SGPS 84 Snapshots of our Fraternity: Staff @ SGPS 115 Snapshots of our Special Moments: Events @ SGPS 151 Snapshots of our passionate pursuits: CCAs @ SGSS 170 Snapshots of our Class Family: Students @ SGSS 184 Graduating Grabrielites @ SGSS 195 Snapshots of our Fraternity: Staff @ SGSS


St. Gabriel’s Foundation Board of Governors

Mr Lim Boon Heng Chairman

Brother Dominic Yeo Koh Governor

Brother John Albert Governor

Mr Gerard Lee Governor

Father Stanislaus Pang Governor

Mr Mark Tay Governor

Mr Bernard Goh Governor

Mr Lau Kam Yuen Governor

Dr Francis Chong Governor

Ms Genevieve Chye Governor

Mr Bruno Lopez Governor

Mr Marcus Lim Treasurer

Mr Lloyd Yeo Governor

Ms Patricia Yim Governor

Ms Elizabeth Chia Governor


School Management Committee

Bro Dominic Yeo Koh Supervisor of Gabrielite Schools


Mr Henry Phang Advisor

Dr Francis Chong Chairman

Mr Gordon Lim Vice Chairman

Ms Grace Chong Treasurer

Mr Francis Wong Member

Mr Francis Lee Member

Mr Kelvin Poon Member

Mrs Esther Loo Associate

Mr Martin Tan SGPS Principal

Mr Shawn Lim SGSS Principal

EXCO: Old Boys’ Association

Mr Henry Phang President

Mr Justin Fernandez Hon. Secretary

Mr Gerald Ong Hon. Asst Secretary

Mr Francis Lee 1st Vice-President

Mr Daryle Seah Hon. Treasurer

Mr Gordon Lim 2nd Vice-President

Mr Joshua Liaw Hon. Auditor

Mr Timothy Ho Hon. Auditor

Mr Lloyd Yeo Member

Mr Hector Gomez Member

Mr John Chia Member

Mr Bernard Chiang Member

Mr Daniel Seah Member

Mr John Ow Member

Mr Martin Tan Advisor/ SGPS Principal

Mr Shawn Lim Advisor/SGSS Principal


Message from the Chairman, St. Gabriel’s Foundation Board of Governors

My heart is filled with gratitude and fortitude as we celebrate St. Gabriel’s 70th anniversary this year. We are indeed fortunate that this year marks a season of transformation as we forge ahead towards new beginnings by embracing new opportunities. Seventy years ago, the St. Gabriels’ schools opened their doors with a vision to guide the last, the lost and the least with the same kindness and generosity that the schools’ founding father, St. Louis Marie de Montfort had shown years before. Montfort’s legacy has been endearing and leaves an indelible mark in all whose lives have been touched by the schools. Therefore, it is the strong values intertwined with this rich legacy that the schools have relied upon all these years, propelling themselves to be at the forefront of values education and pedagogical practices today. For instance, it was heartwarming when both schools came together to share strategies in guiding the Peer Support Leaders in their respective schools during the Montfortian Education Symposium this year. Looking back at the past seven decades, one cannot help but be truly humbled by the countless stories of grit and determination that have emerged. The St. Gabriel’s schools have consistently nurtured talent and fostered the development of well-rounded students who have gone on to make significant contributions within their schools, to the community and beyond. The schools’ unwavering dedication to academic excellence, coupled with a strong emphasis on character development, has laid a solid foundation for countless young Gabrielites to excel in their respective fields. However, it is noteworthy that the true measure of the schools’ success lies not only in the accomplishments and accolades of its students but also in the values it imparts. While doing so, it is heartening to also witness the strong bonds forged between students, teachers, and alumni, creating a lifelong network of support and friendship. On behalf of St. Gabriel’s Foundation, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the schools on this momentous occasion. May the flame of knowledge, camaraderie and resilience continue to burn brightly within these walls for generations to come. Labor Omnia Vincit and keep marching on, Gabrielites! Mr Lim Boon Heng Chairman, St Gabriel’s Foundation Board of Governors


Message from Supervisor of Schools and District Superior

The year 2023 brings a much-needed respite after the challenges posed by the pandemic. Indeed, it gives me immense joy to witness signs of normalcy for the students as they are once again able to attend learning journeys, outdoor programmes to name a few. Students are full of vigour when engaged in various activities and that helps them develop their full potential once more. I am also thrilled to witness our students seamlessly resume their active school life after a long period of restrictions on interactive activities brought on by the pandemic. During this difficult period, the school’s efforts to engage them in limited ways have kept their spirits high so that they are ready to jump back into co-curricular activities when the time arises. Their resilience is truly inspiring and speaks volumes about their determination and adaptability. The time is now ripe more than ever for us to embrace more inter-institutional activities. With the Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institutions (MGEI) programme fully rolling out, our students can become global citizens of the 21st century. Learning experiences extend beyond the classroom and individual schools as partnership and networking enrich the educational environment. Through this network of schools, each student gains the opportunity to learn and grow beyond the boundaries of a single institution. On this momentous occasion of the 70th Anniversary of St. Gabriel’s Schools, I extend my heartfelt congratulations. May the school’s commitment to preparing students to serve God and the Nation endure with unwavering dedication. Let it remain a haven of learning and growth, nurturing God-loving individuals and compassionate citizens, shaping a brighter future for all. Bro. Dominic Yeo Koh Supervisor of Schools and District Superior


Message from the Chairman, School Management Committee

My dear fellow Gabrielites, As we celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the founding of the St Gabriel’s Schools, let us take a moment and express our heartfelt gratitude to God for the abundant blessings He has showered upon us all these years. This momentous occasion also calls for the appreciation of the dedication and hard work of countless individuals who have laboured long and hard to advance our educational philosophy; namely the Brothers, the Governors and staff of the St Gabriel’s Foundation, our devoted teachers and school staff, loyal alumni, supportive parents and generous benefactors. As we reflect on the highlights of the schools’ journey as a community in Singapore, let us not only harness on past successes but also cast our gaze to the future as we steer the schools forward and renew our commitment to be good stalwarts of a sacred trust. It is my deepest wish that St Gabriel’s Primary and Secondary Schools continue to flourish within the network of five other Montfortian-Gabrielite Educational Institutions in Singapore (Assumption English School, Assumption Pathway School, Montfort Junior School and Montfort Secondary School and Boys’ Town), which serves as an integral part of a world-wide tapestry of Montfortian-Gabrielite institutions (MGEI). The MGEI initiative established by the St Gabriel’s Foundation in 2021 is a driving force for all seven MGEI institutions in Singapore to rediscover our shared heritage and strengthen our collective ability to propel our students on a path of excellence. By encouraging a spirit of collaboration through the sharing of facilities, programmes, resources and expertise, we create a sense of belonging within a larger community beyond the confines of our own individual alma maters. While each school has its own unique strengths and signature programmes, they are bound by a shared heritage. Similarly, the MGEI initiative harnesses the rich diversity behind each school to empower our students and staff alike to form new friendships, discover fresh ideas and acquire new skills and best practices. Therefore, let us always remain steadfast in responding to the evolving educational landscape in Singapore and stay true to our mission in educating and inspiring young Singaporeans to become compassionate servant-leaders who exemplify the teachings of St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. Labor Omnia Vincit! Dr Francis Chong Chairman, School Management Committee


Message from the President, Old Boys’ Association

The Gabrielite Old Boys Association, established in 1961, remains steadfast in its unwavering support for both St. Gabriel’s Primary and Secondary Schools in fulfilling their mission of nurturing boys of character and substance. Over the span of 62 years, the association has borne witness to numerous transformations to the schools, from site relocations to numerous upgrading of facilities. This year, the school celebrated its 70th Anniversary with an unforgettable dinner held at the current Secondary School site. The event was a resounding success with all tables sold out well in advance. It was a night to remember with former Principals and Teachers in attendance as well as Old Boys reminiscing their school days and rekindling ties with former schoolmates. Moreover, the OBA eagerly invites new members to join and serve in the EXCO, extending a warm welcome to all Old Boys to participate in our quarterly meetings. We are also actively seeking memorabilia from their school days, which can be donated to the schools for their heritage gallery. Indeed, we are proud of the Academic and Co-Curricular achievements of both the Primary and Secondary school students who continue to flying the Gabrielite Flag high in both the classrooms and the field. This is a testimony of the effective leadership of both principals and the dedication of our teachers. As a Catholic institution, both schools continue to emphasize character development through Spiritual Formation, with regular masses held in the school and through Character and Citizenship Education programmes. We also wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to the numerous Old Boys who continue to support their alma-mater in various ways and through generous donations especially to the BELIEF (Brother Emmanuel’s Legacy in Education Fund) and the Brother Dennis Care Fund. Their ongoing support reflects the deep affinity many Old Boys have for the school and for the teachers who have left a lasting impact on their lives. As we move forward, may the St. Gabriel’s schools continue to thrive and grow from strength to strength. The OBA stands firmly behind the schools, with a promise to be a pillar of support for every boy who passes through its gates. Once A GABRIELITE, Always A GABRIELITE. Mr Henry Phang President, Old Boys’ Association


Message from the Principal, St. Gabriel’s Primary School

As we celebrate St. Gabriel’s 70th Anniversary this year, we thank God for all of you in this blessed community - Teachers, Parents, Benefactors and Wellwishers for the synergy you have brought in strengthening our school as a distinctive Catholic institution of learning. Our work as educators is premised upon education as an uplifting force for students, regardless of their background and starting points. We strive towards the holistic development of every Gabrielite to prepare them well for the future. Hence, we constantly spur ourselves to cater to the diverse talents in our boys, bearing in mind that God has gifted them differently. Guided by our philosophy of “Treating every boy as our own”, the school has withstood the test of time in educating successive generations of Gabrielites to be God-loving, disciplined, gracious, caring and lifelong learners, as we continue to shape lives for service to God and Singapore. As we move into post-pandemic times, SGPS is strategically enhancing our niches of excellence in the various domains of holistic development, to nurture every Gabrielite to be a Leader, Sportsman and Achiever. The high participation rate in our Sports CCAs through various programmes such as our Gabrielite Football Academy, have translated into national achievements and strong resilience among our boys. Some of the accolades include South Zone football champions (2022), national floorball champions (2022), national 4th in football senior div (2023), and numerous top 4 placings in national track and field events. In the cognitive domain, our boys continue to do well in various national competitions in Mathematics, Science, English Debates and Storytelling, and Mother Tongue Writing and Text Recitals. The school’s Applied Learning Programme in Digital Literacy and Learning for Life Programme in Montfortian Leadership, are key enablers in the holistic growth of our Gabrielites. Moreover, the Gabrielite Digital Literacy Programme aims to nurture our boys to be future-ready learners with a strong foundation in 21st Century Competencies. Through problem-based projects based on Coding and Design Thinking, they develop 21st-century skills and dispositions.

The Montfortian Leadership Programme seeks to develop in our students the 8 Virtues of a Gabrielite Leader via experiential learning based on the Leadership Challenge model by Kouzes & Posner. Over 6 years, students have learnt about self and peer leadership at different tiers - class monitors, CCA leaders, peer support leaders, NE Ambassadors and School Prefects. Going forward, we are excited by the rich possibilities to nurture a strong partnership with our parents and collaborate with social organizations in preparing our Gabrielites for the future. Labor Omnia Vincit, Mr. Martin Tan Principal, St. Gabriel’s Primary School


Message from the Principal, St. Gabriel’s Secondary School

Dear Gabrielites, This year’s school magazine, “70 Years of Gabrielite Education: Forward by Faith,” finds its inspiration in the resounding chorus of the song “Forward by Faith,” a theme that resonates deeply with our journey: “Forward by faith, led by Your hand, Willing to follow Your every command. United in spirit, together we stand, We will go forward by faith.” As we celebrate seven decades of St. Gabriel’s, this theme beautifully encapsulates our reason for rejoicing. It serves as a reminder of God’s unwavering support in guiding and sustaining our institution. It is also a promise that we can move forward into the next decade with unwavering confidence, led by His divine wisdom. In recent years, the world we live in has grown more volatile, highlighting the importance of our core values: faith, hope, and gratitude. The Word of God reminds us to “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). At St. Gabriel’s, we’ve aimed to provide a solid foundation for our Gabrielites, helping them navigate life’s twists and turns while holding steadfast to our Catholic identity and guiding principles. Allow me to share a few remarkable instances of how these values were put into action: 1. Showing Love Through Action: In the spirit of our founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, who cared deeply for the needy, our students engaged in grocery distributions at Braddell Heights throughout the year. This ensured sustained and meaningful support for those in need. Additionally, our 2N1 and 2T1 students, together with Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church, embarked on a journey to distribute lunches to over 70 elderly individuals living in rental flats who were unable to care for themselves. Our 70th Anniversary Carnival brought our school community together for a day of celebration. Beyond the various food and game stalls run by students and PSG, it featured performances by our talented Gabrielites and Teachers’ Band. A notable highlight was the charity drive “Hair for Hope,” organised by the Children’s Cancer Foundation, where St. Gabriel’s Secondary raised an impressive total of $32,370. This drive involved both students and staff shaving their heads to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer. 2. Playing Hard, Winning Humbly, and Losing Gracefully: In 2023, we have participated in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) and National School Games (NSG). Our Performing Arts Groups, through dedication and synergy, showcased harmonious melodies and a strong team spirit. A special mention goes to our Vocal Ensemble. Despite being a small 10-member choir, their determination to participate required the school to write in for permission to enroll them in the SYF. The team’s small size, however, did not deter them. Against all odds, they delivered an inspiring choral performance that earned them a well-deserved Distinction in the SYF. Their achievement is a testament to their talent and unwavering commitment. Our sports teams played with determination, giving of their best and respecting their opponents. While victories were sweet, defeats were seen as valuable learning experiences. Yes, tears were shed, but we embraced the lessons and moved forward. Throughout the year, we have drawn strength from our shared faith and the power of community. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our students, parents, and staff for their unwavering support and dedication. St. Gabriel’s isn’t just a place of learning; it’s a family where we nurture each student’s growth. We will continue to promote unity and brotherhood among our boys, emphasizing love and respect for one another. In faith and service, Mr. Shawn Lim Principal, St. Gabriel’s Secondary School


Well-wishes from Past SGPS & SGSS Principals Miss Antonia Teng

(SGPS Principal, 2005 - 2011) Congratulations to the Gabrielite community for 70 years of inculcating in young boys a love for learning and the joy of friendship! A Gabrielite education guided by the charism of St Louis Marie de Montfort is to be treasured. May you have many more years of nurturing boys into men of integrity and loyal citizens committed to national unity, and may God’s grace continue to bless your endeavours.

Mrs Anne Seow

(SGPS Principal, 2002 – 2005) Thank you for making space in the school magazine for former SLs to make a short contribution. This is so reflective of the inclusiveness of a Gabrielite education, where everyone is remembered, honoured, and appreciated. Where a diverse group of individuals, be they our parent volunteers, alumni members, SMC, staff or students, come together to work and shape the school’s history. This SGPS community had worked hand-in-hand through the years to ensure that all who passes through her door, receives the best care that the school can give. It is good to remember, at our 70th anniversary, the hard work put in by our Founders and former staff and to give special thanks and honour to the Brothers of St Gabriel’s for creating such an environment; where boys play together, learn together, help one another and respect God while celebrating each other’s differences. This is what makes SGPS special as one family - ‘Once a Gabrielite, Always a Gabrielite’

Mrs Catherine Chiang (SGPS Principal, 2011 – 2018)

To the Gabrielite Community, Students, Teachers, the SAC, OBA and members of the Gabrielite Brothers, It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter to all of you as a former Principal of St. Gabriel’s Primary School. I remember fondly my years at the school, from 2012 to 2018, which was a period of immense fulfilment for me, personally and professionally as an educator. St. Gabriel’s boys are such a joy to teach and nurture. Their strengths lie in their confidence in their innate gifts and the willingness to put in the hard work to learn and improve themselves. They easily rise to the occasion, giving so much of themselves, inspiring and impacting those around them whenever the occasion calls for it. Long after they leave the school gates as boys, they come back as gentlemen who rise to the calling to serve others beyond themselves. That is what St.Gabriel’s is about – serving others as a community who cares. All these would not have been possible if there were not such dedicated educators who believe in the potential of the students and go the extra mile to bring out the best in each and every one of the Gabrielites. In the seven years that I was serving as the Principal of the school, new facilities have been added, equipped with inspiring spaces for teaching and learning. This was made possible through the hardwork of the Old Boys Association, the School Management Committee and the outpouring of support from the Gabrielite community at large, at fund-raising events such as the Golf Championships. This is testament to the success of the mission of the school – Shaping Lives for Service to God and Nation. May you continue to excel and may the Gabrielite spirit continue to soar and be a force to be reckoned with, for all things that matter. Once a Gabrielite, Always a Gabrielite.

Mr Keith Tan

(SGPS Vice Principal, 2015 - 2021) St Gabriel’s Primary School will always hold a special place in my heart. I can remember fondly the warmth I experienced when working with various members of the closely knitted Gabrielites’ family. As the St Gabriel’s Schools celebrate 70 years of Gabrielite Education this year, I would like to take this opportunity to affirm the good work of all stakeholders of the Gabrielite Schools, past and present. Quoting the line ‘Learning to live and through right paths to steer’ in the school song, I would also like to encourage the young Gabrielites to continue striving towards ‘learning to live’, and to acquire knowledge, life skills and values that would steer them through the right paths in life. For Service to God and Nation, Labor Omnia Vincit!


Ms Ong Phaik Kim

St Gabriel’s Secondary School Principal (1990-1996) Even though decades have now passed since my years serving as Principal of St. Gabriel’s, I still miss my beloved school and can only wish for this school to shine, bringing glory to God. St. Gabriel’s shines brightly through the character and lives of the students who graduate from our school and enter our society. Thus, the part played by our staff and all caregivers plays a very important role in forming that character. Our staff must display strong integrity, love and kindness, accompanied by the sense of mission of our founding fathers in starting St. Gabriel’s.

There are several special people who come to mind--- the cheerful Brother Denis who cared deeply for his students, the indomitable sportsmaster John Chia who devoted his time to coaching and supporting his students and our God-fearing and dedicated VicePrincipal, Winston Hodge, who provided reassurance to whoever was in need. One cannot forget Ah Peh too, who came at 4.30 am every morning, to prepare food in the canteen to serve to the St Gabriel’s community, even giving bread and drinks to needy students who came to school without breakfast.

There are many others who have dedicated almost their whole lifetime to St. Gabriel’s to build what it stands for – a place where boys become men of courage, tenacity, devotion and integrity, ready to give their all to society. The school brings glory to God by being a school that seeks to live out its Christian values, and I pray that future Gabrielites may continue to do so. May our St. Gabriel’s boys shine wherever they are because of the life values they have seen experienced and learnt whilst at St. Gabriel’s. Glory to God and blessings on St. Gabriel’s.

Harold Mathieu

St Gabriel’s Secondary School Principal (1985-1986) Congratulations to St Gabriel’s School upon achieving its 70th Anniversary as an outstanding educational institution, a laudable milestone by any yardstick! The school has grown and come a long way since its inception in 1953 with the Primary section established successfully over the years at Lorong Chuan and the Secondary half flourishing equally well on premises at Serangoon Avenue 1. The praiseworthy achievements of the school have to be attributed, on the one hand, to the untiring commitment and dedication of the Brothers of St Gabriel to the cause of education, as well as to

the wholehearted contributions from the cohorts of past and present designated School Leaders and dedicated teaching and administrative staff. Students, past and present, inherently zealous, robust go-getters, have also significantly contributed through their noticeably strong sense of belonging to St Gabriel’s and their commendable academic and other achievements over the years which have always been a source of pride to the school. In my brief but enriching tenure of two years as Principal of St Gabriel’s Secondary (1985/1986), I must proudly state that I

was pleased to have been able to lead the school and discern in both, staff and students the unique Gabrielite spirit and qualities reflected above. It is thus with great pleasure that I extend, once again, my heartiest congratulations to St Gabriel’s School on achieving the magnificent milestone of 70 years as an outstanding educational establishment. I wish the school even greater glory in the years ahead. Go, St Gab’s, go! Once a Gabrielite, always a Gabrielite.

Winston Hodge

Principal of St Gabriel’s Secondary School (1997-1998) I joined St. Gabriel’s as a teacher in 1991 when the school was situated in Upper Serangoon Road. Over the next eight years, I was fortunate to witness the immense transformation it experienced. It moved to its new location, student enrolment and staff expanded swiftly, and pedagogy evolved with technology and social media.

But the vital strength of St. Gabriel’s has remained rock solid – its people and community. The school always had dedicated teachers who truly cared for the boys. That made the school a home and family. I believe that blessing continues to this day. The St. Gabriel’s community – the Brothers, the staff, the students and parents and the alumni – is a proud

and cohesive band of people who feel passionately about the school. Friendships forged as students in school last a lifetime. Congratulations on your 70th year. May the LORD continue to lead and guide the school and all who learn and serve at St. Gabriel’s.

Mr Adolphus Tan

St Gabriel’s Secondary School Principal (1999-2004) Heartiest congratulations to all Gabrielites past and present on the 70th Birthday of Saint Gabriel’s Secondary School. May God bless the school with many more good years!

Mr Stephen Chin

Principal of St Gabriel’s Secondary School (2013-2020) I am deeply grateful to the family of staff, alumni and fans of St. Gabriel’s Secondary for their awesome work in enabling Gabrielites to become gentlemen worthy of God and men, serving where they are called to lead. I am also proud of the developing initiatives to grow Gabrielites’ agency to make a difference where it matters. I give thanks to God for blessing St. Gabriel’s all these 70 years of shaping lives. I, too, have been shaped during my eight years of service with the Gabrielite family. Once a Gabrielite, Always a Gabrielite!



Years in Retrospect 1. (1953) Official opening and blessing of St Gabriel’s School by Msgr Martin Lucas, the Apostolic Delegate to India and Malaya

6. (1992) The replica of the gate from the old grounds now present at the new SGSS Campus

2. (1953) St Gabriel’s School Old Campus Gate

7. (2005) St Gabriel’s Primary School after PRIME upgrading

3. (1969) St Gabriel’s Primary School at Highland Road was officially opened by Mr Sia Kah Hui, Parliamentary Secretary of Labour

8. (2018) The Old Cross in SGSS foyer - the Time Capsule, to be opened in 2053 at the schools’ centennial anniversary 9. (2018) St Gabriel’s Primary School after PERI upgrading

4. (1988) St Gabriel’s Primary School moves to its current campus address at 220 Lorong Chuan 5. (1992) St Gabriel’s Secondary School moves to its new location at Upper Serangoon Road

10. (2023) SGSS foyer at its current site 11. (2023) SGSS parade square at its current site 12. (2023) SGSS Mervent Garden


Feature Article on SGPS & SGSS 70th Anniversary Dinner

This year, St. Gabriel’s Schools celebrated a momentous occasion by jointly honoring their 70th anniversary, a testament to seven decades of educational excellence and cherished memories. The evening commenced with a wave of nostalgia as school doors swung open to welcome esteemed alumni from near and far. Excitement filled the air, and whispers of fond school memories permeated the atmosphere. The festivities commenced with a school tour, allowing alumni to stroll down memory lane. They revisited familiar corridors, peered into classrooms where countless lessons were learned, and shared laughter over cherished school-day anecdotes. It was an opportunity to reconnect with the past, witnessing both the changes and constants that define St. Gabriel’s. The event’s centerpiece was a heartfelt welcome address by SGSS Principal, Mr. Shawn Lim. His words resonated deeply as he expressed gratitude for the strong bonds that unite the St. Gabriel’s community. This warm welcome set the tone for a night of camaraderie and reminiscing. Brother Dominic delivered an opening prayer, invoking blessings upon the gathering. It was a moment of reflection and gratitude for the school’s rich history and the journey that had brought everyone together. The evening continued with an enchanting performance by the Former School Brass Band, whose melodious tunes created the perfect backdrop for a sumptuous dinner. Guests also marveled at the mesmerizing art of light drawing by Daryle.


Mr. Francis Chong shared insights from the MGEI, offering a glimpse into the school’s future plans and initiatives, emphasizing that the legacy of St. Gabriel’s School continues to evolve. Mr. Romito, with his musical talents, added a touch of magic to the evening, evoking a spectrum of emotions. The highlight of the night was the toasting ceremony, where five special guests, including Working Committee members and notable figures like Mr. Martin Tan, Mr. Shawn Lim, Mr. Henry Phang, Mr. Francis Chong, and Brother Dom, raised their glasses in honor of the glorious 70 years of St. Gabriel’s School. Excitement reached its pinnacle during the Lucky Draw, hosted by Mr. Gordon Lim, as guests eagerly anticipated winning prizes. The night concluded with the singing of the beloved school song, accompanied by a special musical performance by Daryle and Mr. Romito. The crowd swayed and sang in unison, capturing the essence of unity and togetherness. As the clock struck 10 pm, it was time to bid farewell. However, this farewell was not a goodbye; it was a promise to keep the memories alive and the bonds unbroken. As alumni dispersed, hearts were filled with gratitude for a night of celebration that had rekindled friendships and celebrated 70 glorious years of St. Gabriel’s School. Here’s to many more years of success, camaraderie, and cherished memories!

Snapshots of our Special Moments: Events @ SGPS

(5 Loy)

All ready to leave for the campsite

The high elements

Gabrielites giving each other encouragement

It’s Campfire Time!

Supporting one another to achieve the objective

The boys scaling the rock wall


Feature Article Green Carnival: Celebrating Sustainable Fun! Let’s celebrate the fruits of the 2022 ‘SGPS Goes Green Carnival’! The SGPS Goes Green Carnival stands as a vital pillar within our school’s Resilience Project, a dedicated initiative aimed at championing eco-stewardship and sustainability. This annual extravaganza assumes a pivotal role in our community outreach endeavors, diligently working to enhance awareness surrounding climate change and inspire our students to advocate for eco-friendly practices within our local sphere.

their groundwork, they acquire invaluable insights into the practical applications of cutting-edge technology, including drones, in addressing pressing environmental concerns. This encompasses harnessing drones to monitor tree health and identify thermal anomalies that impact energy consumption in buildings.

At the heart of the Resilience Project lies a core objective: sensitizing our students to the environmental challenges stemming from human activities and their profound repercussions on our planet’s climate. Through a gamut of educational activities and insightful discussions, our mission is to cultivate empathy within our students, compelling them to discern and articulate environmental issues in their own words.

In the lead-up to the Carnival, each class assumes responsibility for adopting a domain aligned with the Singapore Green Plan. This active engagement births handson activities tied to these areas, seamlessly integrating them into the Green Carnival. During the event, Carnival participants eagerly immerse themselves in these activities, delving deeper into the multifaceted realm of sustainability and environmental preservation. All the while, they are guided by our dedicated students, serving as mentors.

Bolstered by this newfound awareness and an unwavering commitment to drive change, our students embark on their Values-In-Action project – the SGPS Green Carnival. Typically scheduled for November, this Carnival marks the culmination of a six-year odyssey within the Resilience Project. Preparation for this grand event commences immediately after their Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). As part of

The SGPS Goes Green Carnival not only inculcates a sense of environmental responsibility within our students but also extends its profound impact to the broader community. It stands as a testament to our steadfast commitment to nurture the next generation of environmentally-conscious citizens, fostering a culture of sustainability that reverberates within our school and far beyond its walls.

The Green Team from SGPS


6 Dil students preparing plantable pencils that will be used as tokens for Carnival participants

6 Sel students preparing food compost for their booth

Engaging the residents on the 4 components of the pillar of Energy Reset

6 Loy students cutting up canvas banners given by Braddell Heights CC for the making of canvas wallets for their booth

Explaining how a terrarium works to Speaker Seah Kian Peng

Speaker Seah Kian Peng learning how to make a canvas wallet

Mrs Shankar, Ms Wan and their students are all gearerd up for the day

A 6 Ord student patiently reading a story curated by his class about Energy Rest

The students took short breaks in order to challenge themselves physically to go a longer distance

Our Green Troopers on their Treetop Trail


Feature Article on EL Oracy Programme Unleashing the Power of Voices: St. Gabriel’s Oracy Programme At St. Gabriel’s Primary School, we believe that every student’s voice deserves to be heard, and we are proud to showcase our innovative Oracy Programme that empowers our students from Primary 3 to Primary 5 to become confident and skilled communicators. This program is not just about talking; it’s about fostering the vital skills of public speaking, engaging in Readers’ Theatre, and mastering the art of debate. With each passing year, our young Gabrielites build on their communication prowess, unlocking their potential and preparing for a future where their voices will make a difference. Primary 3: Crafting Confident Public Speakers In Primary 3, our students embark on a thrilling journey into the world of public speaking. Through carefully designed activities and exercises, they learn to conquer stage fright, articulate their thoughts, and captivate an audience. From sharing personal stories to presenting their favorite topics, these young speakers gain the confidence to express themselves clearly and creatively. The Primary 3 Oracy Programme not only hones their public speaking skills but also nurtures their self-esteem, setting them on a path to become articulate and fearless communicators. Primary 4: The Art of Readers’ Theatre As our students progress to Primary 4, they dive into the captivating realm of Reader’s Theatre. This unique form of storytelling combines the richness of literature with the

4 Loy students rehearsing for the Reader’s Theatre Performance

Our Primary 3 Gabrielites working on their Public Speaking Skills


art of performance. Through group readings, character portrayals, and dramatic interpretations, our students bring stories to life, captivating their peers and teachers alike. The Readers’ Theatre programme not only enhances their reading comprehension but also nurtures their creativity and teamwork skills. It’s an exciting step toward becoming not just readers but dynamic storytellers. Primary 5: Mastering the Art of Debate In Primary 5, our students elevate their oracy skills to the next level by delving into the world of debate. They learn the art of constructing compelling arguments, analyzing complex issues, and articulating their viewpoints persuasively. Debates in the Oracy Programme are not just competitions; they are platforms for our students to explore critical topics and learn the importance of respectful discourse. Through rigorous training and spirited discussions, they emerge as eloquent and informed debaters, prepared to face the challenges of the future. At St. Gabriel’s Primary School, our Oracy Programme is more than just a series of lessons; it’s a journey of self-discovery and growth. Through public speaking, Readers’ Theatre, and debate, our students cultivate essential skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. We are excited to witness their transformation into confident, articulate, and empathetic communicators who are ready to make their voices heard in the world.

Our Gabrielites even won awards for their performance during the oracy programme!

Our Primary 5 Debators at work!

Our Primary 3 Gabrielites working on their Public Speaking Skills

Our Primary 5 Debators arguing their case!

Feature Article on Parents of SGPS Our Parent Volunteers; the Wind Beneath our Wings In this heartwarming article, join us on a journey through the eyes of two dedicated parent volunteers, Mr Melvin and Ms Patricia, celebrating the incredible moments and milestones that shape the lives of our students at SGPS. Through laughter, challenges, and shared experiences, we uncover the magic that happens when parents, teachers, and students come together to create a nurturing environment for growth and learning. As a proud member from the class of 1992, I wanted to give back to the school by volunteering with the PSG (Parent Support Group) one year ago. St Gabriel’s was a formative part of my life and coming back to serve was an easy choice for me. On a personal note, I’ve wanted to give back to the school by helping in little ways and one of the ways is by serving with the PSG. Coming out of Covid, we realised how important building relations in families are and one of the ways we want to do that is by encouraging Father’s to bond with their sons. This is not always a natural thing to do especially for our generation who view fathers as the ones who provide. Serving with the Dad’s for Life programme and seeing likeminded fathers in this mission together helps make the journey of parenthood easier. It’s just baby steps as we open up but hopefully more would join in this journey. One of the things I noticed about the school is the hard work the teachers put in, not just in teaching but in caring for the kids. I feel that it is important that parents support them by organising the activities which help to relieve them of such duties. This creates a culture in school where it is not just about studies but educating the children in the important values. Through serving at events such as SGPS goes green, Virtues week, Total Defense day, we model to our children a heart of service and care because these are important to us.

Our Parents in Prayer before the Easter Carnival

Mr Melvin Parent of Elliot Koh (6 Loyalty) As a mother of two Gabrielites, it has been close to 9 years since I first became a parent volunteer. Coming from a Catholic family, we wished for our boys to sow their seeds of faith in a mission school. Recognizing that parents play an indispensable role as the first catechists of their children, I hoped to contribute in any little way possible in the school’s Catholic education and the infusing of values.

Dads for Life Nature Walk

During this time, I was involved in many activities such as the school masses, Catholic Club and RE lessons. Over the years, as our PSG grew, it has been a blessing to serve alongside a tireless team of fellow parents who are also passionate in the faith formation of the boys. Their enthusiasm and creativity keep the chapel bustling with boys at each recess, be it a time for prayer, Bible stories, craftwork, or just being there to lend a listening ear to some boys who might just have had a bad day in school. During the Easter carnivals, the parents helped to run booths including the Easter Egg Hunt. Last November, we even got the boys to dress up as little saints to the chapel for the first time during All Saint’s Day and it was such a sight! For the boys and perhaps even more so for parents, PSLE has always been a stressful period filled with anxiety. I remember the year during Covid when we were unable to meet face to face but the P6 parents were undeterred and came together on zoom for the PSLE exam prayer. We lit candles and offered up each class in prayer and even read out the names of each child as we said the rosary while the boys were sitting for their papers in the hall. It helped to calm our nerves, assure the boys that we were praying for them and to trust in the Lord so that they can focus on doing their best. The strength and power of such a community speaks volumes of how it indeed takes a village to raise a child. I am immensely thankful that at SGPS, I have the opportunity to work with other parents and teachers to truly live out the mission of ‘Shaping lives for God and nation’. Ms Patricia Parent of Jude Asher Chua (4 Diligence)

Our parents helping out with the Racial Harmony Day Recess Activities

Parent Volunteers in full force during Total Defence Day


Feature Article by Student Reporters Leading with Purpose: A Candid Chat with Our Head Prefect Rising to Lead: Meet our Head Prefect, Abel Wee, of 6 Orderliness in a candid interview by Vice-Head Prefects, Prajwal of 6 Orderliness and Jonas Quek of 6 Loyalty. Discover Abel’s vision, ambitions, and inspirations as he embraces the responsibilities of leadership, guiding the path for our Gabrielites. How were you selected to run for Head Prefect? Before the start of the campaign, prefects who were interested in running for Head Prefect were to submit their names. Out of these, five prefects were then chosen by the Primary 6 prefects to be candidates for the election. I was moved and surprised, as I did not expect myself to be selected and nominated. I promised myself to do my best and continue to serve the school no matter the outcome. How did you prepare for the election? I prepared by selecting my campaign manager and then went through the presentation slides with him. I also brainstormed together with my family to come up with the logo and slogan.

greatest cheerleaders. I would also like to thank all those who voted for me. Most importantly, I would like to thank God, for without him, I would not be here today. Do you have any advice for the prefects who want to run for Head Prefect? I think that a Head Prefect candidate should be self-disciplined, as they need to be a role model for younger peers. They must also be loyal towards the school and support the school network in any way they can. In other words, a candidate should lead the school and community in all its endeavours.

What inspired you to become Head Prefect? I wanted to step up and serve the school, as I saw the older Gabrielites taking care of the younger ones. I hope to do my part to serve not only the students, but the staff and the rest of the community. Being a leader also gives me an opportunity to hone my skills and learn new ones. Finally, I would like to thank everyone for putting your trust in me. What do you do as Head Prefect? As a Head Prefect, I lead the Prefectorial Board and assist in hosting the prefect meetings together with the teacher-incharge, Mr Xie, as well as the EXCO team. During the National school game football finals, I was in charge of coming up with some of the cheers and led the school to cheer for our senior division team to inspire them and show our support. This is just one of the many events that I helped to organise. I give termly speeches during assembly and announce important details that the students should know. Other than my official duties, I am always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Who would you like to thank on the journey to becoming the Head Prefect? Firstly, I would like to thank my campaign manager, Matthias Chua, for helping me with my campaign. He has been my pillar of support all the way and continues to do so now even as I continue to serve the school. Secondly, I would like to thank my classmates for supporting me through thick and thin and for always being by my side. Thirdly, I would like to thank my teachers for nurturing me throughout my primary school life. Next, I would like to thank my parents for being my


Abel Wee of 6 Orderliness, our Head Prefect!

Feature Article on Recess Play Hello, everyone! We’ve got some exciting news to share about recess play, which has been a favorite among Gabrielites for ages! Our team of student reporters, including Cooper Lee, Ernest Ong, Caleb Chia, and Jayden Wong from 5 Loyalty, had a lively chat with our fellow Gabrielites to explore their thoughts on recess play. Now, let’s dive right in - Is recess play safe? We had the pleasure of conversing with Akaash Xavier and Max J.T., both of whom share our class, and they were absolutely enthusiastic about it. They exclaimed, “Absolutely, recess is incredibly safe!” According to them, our vigilant teachers are always on the lookout for us Gabrielites, providing us with a reassuring sense of security. Teachers are quick to lend a hand if someone gets hurt and ensure that everything runs smoothly. Furthermore, we received valuable insights from some of the older students, such as Mitchell Kody Chan from 5 Self-Discipline and Lance Lim from 4 Orderliness.

One of the popular recess games - Foosball!

Mitchell highly recommends the football field, as it offers an abundance of opportunities to stay active and engaged. On the other hand, Lance is a huge fan of the playground due to its versatility, allowing students to enjoy a wide variety of games. So, for all you lower primary students, it might be worth trying out these fantastic play areas. Who knows, you might discover a newfound passion for them! Let’s shift our focus to an equally important aspect - the responsible handling of our equipment. Over the years, we’ve observed that some of our recess and PE gear has suffered due to accidents and carelessness. That’s definitely something we want to avoid, friends! If we continue to neglect our equipment, it could jeopardize our access to awesome locations like the hall, ISH, and Gabrielite lodge. Therefore, it’s vital that we all take responsibility for our belongings to ensure that everyone can enjoy themselves to the fullest!

Recess Play at the Hall during Racial Harmony Day

Now, here’s the key to elevating the fun factor during recess play. Listen up, Gabrielites, the golden rule is to always display good sportsmanship when engaging in recess activities. Regardless of the outcome, the most important thing is to have an absolute blast! Even if victory eludes you, relish the moments spent playing with your friends and revel in the sheer joy of it all. That’s the essence of recess play, and it’s something worth cherishing!

Our students playing at the Basketball Court

Our Gabrielites having fun at the foosball table


Feature Article G.R.O.W @ SGPS As student reporters, Isaac Koh, Matt Wee, and Vishaakan Kumar are the investigative trio who took the lead in researching and crafting an explosive article on ‘Goal Setting with G.R.O.W @ SGPS’, diving deep into the programme’s details, its impact on students, and the importance of setting SMART goals. Their dedication and enthusiasm in shedding light on this crucial aspect of St. Gabriel’s Primary School’s curriculum have made their article an informative and insightful read for their fellow Gabrielites. The G.R.O.W @ SGPS at St. Gabriel’s Primary School is all about helping students like us set goals in three important areas: Leader, Sportsman, and Achiever. It’s not just about academic goals but also about physical activities and leadership roles! Some of us might not be super excited about completing this task, but trust us, they’re pretty useful in the long run. At the end of the year, some students are super grateful for this program because it actually helps them do better in their exams. But hey, we get it, some students find it kinda boring and think it’s a waste of time. They’re like, “I hated it!” or “Never want to do it again!” But here’s the thing: it’s really an awesome tool to help us set and achieve our goals. We learn to set SMART goals: - **S**pecific: Goals that are clear and to the point. - **M**easurable: Goals that we can track and see our progress. - **A**chievable: Goals that are realistic and doable. - **R**elevant: Goals that matter and are important to us. - **T**ime-Bound: Goals that have a deadline. When we are guided by this, our goal-setting becomes more practical and doable. So, Gabrielites, don’t write off goal setting too quickly. It might actually be a big help in the long run!


Our school’s own G.R.O.W @ SGPS programme that guides students in their journey to make their goals a reality by choosing helpful options that they will embark on

Experiential activity to help Gabrielites understand the importance of having a goal

Ready! Steady! Aim for your goal!

“Letter to Self” instructions at the beginning of the year

SMART Goal Setting

Carrying out the Reality Check twice a year on the Gabrielites’ progress towards achieving their goals

Gabrielites learning about the power of ‘Yet’ during their Reality Check

Reflecting on our areas of improvement with our teachers

Reflecting on what we can do to achieve our goals

Conferencing during a Reality Check on our Leader, Sportsman - Achiever goals

Letters sealed and ready to be read and reflected upon at the last G.R.O.W @ SGPS session

Reflecting on what we can do to achieve our goals with our teacher’s guidance

Ending off the year with a reflection using K.I.S.S for G.R.O.W Ending off thewith yearour with a reflection using K.I.S.S for form teachers G.R.O.W with our form teachers


Gabrielite Digital Literacy Programme (GDLP) Applied Learning Programme (ALP) Unlocking the Digital World and Nurturing Minds: Gabrielite Digital Literary Programme (GDLP) In this rapid technological advancement era, students have immersed themselves in technology from a young age. Learning digital literacy skills will provide them a step-ahead in cyber literacy, allowing them to capitalise on the rich opportunity of the digital age. In preparing our Gabrielites for the future, Gabrielite Digital Literacy Programme (GDLP) was designed with digital content and platforms to enable students to become more digital-literate as responsible users in an increasingly digital society.

Addressing challenges faced in everyday life, both Primary 3 and 5 Gabrielites were engaged in “Smart Nation” projects to cultivate 21st-century skills through MakeCode and CoSpaces platforms respectively. Collaboratively, P3 students resolved to investigate, and engineer prototypes with Micro:bits and Strawbees to solve real world problems, while P5 students built virtual worlds to demonstrate social and situational awareness with creative solutions for home and community challenges through CoSpaces Edu.

3 PER Gabrielites in GDLP-action

3 LOY Gabrielites tackling 21st challenges with creative ideas

3 SEL Gabrielites creating different Smart prototypes

3 GEN Gabrielites with their Smart solution for the future!

P3 Gabrielites exploring Scratch Games


3 SIY Gabrielites engineering their prototypes with Microbits and Strawbees

5 SEL Gabrielites prototyping their Smart Solutions with Artec Blocks

Exploring CoSpaces (5 GEN)

My Animated Creature Came Alive! (5 PER)

Let me show you my virtual world in CoSpaces (5 SIY)

My Smart Home!

Our Creative Solutions for A Smart Nation! (5 LOY)

P5 Gabrielites in GDLP-action

5 SEL presenting their Creative Solution for a Real-World Challenge


Religious Education Activities Fostering a Nurturing Catholic Environment with Religious Education With the easing of safe management measures, our school embraced the opportunity to enrich our religious experiences. Throughout the year, we celebrated various whole school Masses, including the Beginning of the School Year, Founder’s Day, and Thanksgiving Masses, all held in our vibrant school hall. The school chapel also witnessed special days of obligation Masses like the Ascension Mass, adding a profound spiritual touch to our campus.

to cultivate a strong Catholic environment for our boys. Our Catholic parent volunteers contribute significantly to this whole-school approach, guiding our students on their journey in a Catholic school. At St. Gabriel’s Primary, Religious Education is not just a subject; it is the essence of our shared spiritual journey, nurturing hearts and minds as we grow in faith and character together.

A standout event was the Easter Carnival, thoughtfully organized by our dedicated Catholic club CCA after a two-year hiatus. The Catholic teachers and boys relished the chance to attend the long-awaited Catholic retreat, deepening their faith and fostering unity. Religious Education lessons remain a cornerstone of our holistic Catholic education, instilling essential values and practices like morning prayers, after-recess prayers, and end-of-day prayers. With a host of engaging events and activities, we endeavor Mass for the Catholic PSG members

Catholic Staff and pupils retreat

Rosary making


Whole school mass in the hall

Virtues Week activity in the Chapel

Virtues week colouring activity

Virtues Week & Founder’s Day Mass Illuminating Hearts and Honouring Tradition The commencement of Virtues Week was marked by the solemn Founder’s Day mass, a cherished tradition that holds deep significance within our school community. This year’s Founder’s Day mass was especially meaningful as it was presided over by the revered Rev Fr Brian D’Souza. This occasion serves as a beacon, initiating a series of events that reflect the core values we hold dear. Founder’s Day mass, a pivotal event in our school calendar, offers our young students numerous occasions to unite in the celebration of the Eucharist. The echoes of devotion resonate throughout the week, further solidifying our sense of togetherness.

Founder’s Day Mass in the hall

As Virtues Week unfolds, the school chapel becomes a focal point for an array of engaging recess activities. Students gather in or around this sacred space to participate in enriching endeavors such as Rosary making, creative coloring sessions, and engaging puzzles and word searches. These activities are carefully curated to instill values like respect, generosity, and other virtues that our school diligently imparts. Our hope is that these activities become conduits for our Gabrielites to internalize and embrace these values, allowing them to flourish as individuals who uphold respect, exhibit generosity, and embody the ethos of our school. By doing so, we are seamlessly following in the footsteps of our revered founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, perpetuating his legacy through our actions and character. Virtues Week Recess Activity

Catholic Boys attending Founder’s Day Mass

Virtues Week Recess Activity

Virtues Week Recess Activity

Founder’s Day Mass in the hall


Chinese New Year Embracing Unity and Festive Joy with the Chinese New Year (CNY) Celebrations On the 20th of January, our school witnessed an extraordinary celebration, marking the end of a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic. With great excitement, the entire Gabrielite community gathered in the school hall, coming together as One Gabrielite Family to welcome the Year of the Rabbit in splendid fashion.

What a truly auspicious and remarkable way for Gabrielites to welcome the Year of the Rabbit! The spirit of togetherness and jubilation sets the tone for the year ahead, promising an exciting journey as One Gabrielite Family.

The concert came to life with the vibrant hosting skills of our very own Gabrielites, Tanush Jain of 6 Orderliness and Basil Quek of 5 Self-Discipline. Their confident and eloquent hosting abilities captivated the entire school audience, perfectly aligning with our school’s educational philosophy of “Giving our Students a Voice.” Our Principal, Mr Martin Tan’s, opening address warmed hearts as he extended his heartfelt wishes for a healthy and prosperous Chinese New Year to all members of the Gabrielite Family. The celebration continued with mesmerizing performances, including a beautiful Chinese Calligraphy presentation by Vice-Principal, Mr John Lim, leaving everyone in awe.

Concert Finale

Our talented School Band, the enchanting Chinese New Year Songs performed by Mr Sng and the Aesthetic Department, and the delightful Guitar performance by Mr Xie and Ms Liong added to the festive ambiance. A thrilling Magic performance by Mr Hamzah and his team of Fantastic Four teachers mesmerized the audience. Our Principal and his team of Dragon Warriors

The highlight of the day was the energetic Lion Dance troupe, complete with an awe-inspiring Dragon Dance led by our Principal, Mr Martin Tan, and his team of Dragon Warriors, including our Vice-Principal, Mr John Lim, and our teachers. Every moment of the performances kept the audience on the edge of their seats. As the concert reached its crescendo, the God of Fortune made a special appearance, and Mr Lim led all guests and school leaders on stage to release jubilee poppers in unison. A resounding shout of “We are One Gabrielite Family!” filled every corner of the school, spreading festive joy and unity.

Guitar Performance by our talented teachers


Our Vice Principal inspiring Gabrielites with his Calligraphy strokes

Performance by our School Band

Lion Dance Performance

Total Defence Strengthening Singapore: Total Defence Day Unites Gabrielites! This year’s Total Defence Day carries a powerful theme: “Together We Keep Singapore Strong!” It emphasizes the pivotal role every Singaporean plays in safeguarding our nation’s security and resilience, ensuring preparedness for any crisis or disruptions. To instill this crucial value in our Gabrielites, our school thoughtfully organized a series of thrilling activities that captured the essence of Total Defence. In commemoration of this significant day, our students eagerly took on the challenge of the Ninja Warrior Course. This 7-obstacle challenge, featuring the Sushi Roll, Hanging, Stealth Walk, Running Maze, Tuck Jump, Low Wall, and Ninja Jumps, provided them with a taste of National Service, showcasing the importance of Military Defence in safeguarding our nation.

Beyond the significance of National Defence, these dynamic activities also promote an active and healthy lifestyle among our Gabrielites. Encouraging them to stay fit and agile, the Ninja Warrior Challenge aligns perfectly with our school’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals. As we join hands in commemorating Total Defence Day, our Gabrielites gain a deeper appreciation for the values of unity, resilience, and active citizenship, setting the foundation for a strong and united Singapore. Together, we stand tall, prepared to face any challenges that may come our way, as proud members of our nation’s defence.

Trying out the Hanging Station

Climbing the Low Wall

Balancing on the Balance Beam at the Stealth Walk Station

Doing the Tuck Jump

Students attempting Ninja Jumps

Navigating through the Running Maze


Reap The Laurels (RTL) Reaping the Laurels: Celebrating Excellence at St. Gabriel’s Primary School The stage was set, the excitement palpable, and the anticipation electric as St. Gabriel’s Primary School recently hosted its annual prize-giving ceremony, Reap the Laurels (RTL). This prestigious event, which acknowledges and honors the outstanding achievements of our students, was graced by distinguished guests of honor: Mr. Francis Tan, Dr. Peter Tay, and Mr. Shawn Lim. One of the standout highlights of RTL was the captivating performance by our talented choir students. Lucas Cordeiro from 3 Perseverance and Rafael Gunawan from 5 Self-Discipline were amongst the many Gabrielites who took part in the choir performance which added a melodious touch to the evening’s proceedings.

Our Student Awardees

As the evening unfolded, the audience eagerly awaited the announcement of the awards. St. Gabriel’s Primary School left no stone unturned in recognizing excellence, with awards including the Gabrielite Student Leader Award, Dr. Peter Tay Buan Huat Student Award, Bro Emmanuel Gracious Gabrielite Merit Award, Dominic Yeo-Koh Co-Curricular Award, and the SGPS Outstanding Sportsman Awards. In a thrilling moment of sportsmanship, the title of “Sportsman of the Year 2022” was awarded to the exceptional Burton Tiger Kunapat, showcasing his dedication and prowess in the sporting arena. The ceremony was divided into three sessions to accommodate the entire school community. It was a day filled with pride, joy, and camaraderie, as students, parents, and teachers came together to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the St. Gabriel’s family.

Our Student Awardees

As the day concluded, all staff members were dismissed after Session 3, marking the end of a memorable event that inspired everyone to reach for the stars and continue to “Reap the Laurels” of success at St. Gabriel’s Primary School.

Our Student Awardees

Our Esteemed Guest of Honour and School Leaders

Our Student Awardees

The Gabrielite Choir students take centre stage


Our Student Awardees

E-Open House Celebrating 70 Years of Gabrielite Education during the E-Open House 2023 This year marked a significant milestone as our school proudly hosted the E-Open House event, commemorating 70 years of providing exceptional Gabrielite Education. On 27th May 2023, our highly anticipated Webinar showcased the essence of our educational philosophy and the diverse range of enriching learning experiences we offer. Led by our Principal, Mr Martin Tan and supported by Mr Jimmy Tong (HOD, PHE & CCA) and Mrs Michelle Tan (Level Head, EL), the Webinar sheds light on the remarkable milestones of the school, emphasizing on our commitment to shaping students as Leaders, Sportsmen, and Achievers.

To provide a firsthand perspective, our Head Prefect, Abel Wee of 6 Orderliness, alongside two vibrant Primary 1 students, Elliot and Ian, joyfully engaged with parents, illuminating the essence of student leadership and sharing captivating stories of their learning experiences at our school. The event culminated with a vibrant Question & Answer segment, ensuring that parents were equipped with valuable information to make informed choices about the educational pathway best suited for their children.

With utmost enthusiasm, they shared insights into our signature programmes, highlighting the development of a strong sportsman spirit through CCA participation and the spirit of lifelong learning fostered by our robust and academically challenging LMM (Louis Marie de Montfort) programme.

Our e-Open House 2023 was a resounding success, leaving parents and participants inspired by the rich heritage and exceptional opportunities offered at Gabriel’s Primary. As we look back on 70 years of excellence, we also celebrate our continued commitment to nurturing well-rounded individuals, equipping them with the tools to thrive in the dynamic world of tomorrow.

Student presenters for LMM

Values-in-Action in SGPS

Our school principal, Mr Tan hosting the Webinar

Mr Jimmy Tong sharing about CCA

Abel (6 Ord) sharing about Student Leadership

Elliot (1 Siy) sharing his P1 experiences

Ian (1 Per) sharing his P1 experiences


Gabrielites Choir Singing in Unison “To sing is to pray twice,” said St Augustine, a spiritual giant. This year, thanks to the encouragement of our Principal, Mr Martin Tan, we started a school choir. The Gabrielite Choir mainly sings for school masses, especially those that involve the whole school. Hence, songs are carefully selected to suit the Catholic liturgical season as well as the vocal range and age of our students. To date, we have sung for the Beginning of the School Year Mass, the Founder’s Day Mass and the year-end Thanksgiving Mass. The Catholic choir members also lend their angelic voices to the

Catholic-only masses held in the chapel usually on days of obligation. They also performed at the Reap The Laurels Prize-Giving Ceremony. The boys have been enthusiastic, energetic and faithful as indicated by their early morning attendance. We are thankful to all parents and caregivers who dutifully ensure that their sons and wards come to school early to take part in the practices from Monday to Wednesday. We thank God for giving us an avenue to praise him melodiously through our boys’ choir!

Gabrielite Choir singing ‘A Gift to You’ at Reap The Laurels

Choir boys singing ‘This little Light of Mine’

Gabrielite Choir at Thanksgiving Mass

Founder’s Day Mass

Piano and Violin Accompaniment with Gabrielite Choir - Marcus (4 LOY) & Aiden (6 LOY)


Our Gabrielite Choir!

Beginning of the School Year Mass

Our violinist, Aiden Kong (6 LOY)

Choir rehearsal for Reap The Laurels

Choir boys singing ‘Count on Me’

Racial Harmony Day Celebrating Harmony amongst Differences This year’s Racial Harmony Day (RHD) theme continues to be “Singapore: Our Multicultural Mosaic”. The focus is on the appreciation of the diverse races and religions that make up our multicultural society, which contribute to our shared sense of cohesion and harmony. The theme was commemorated through a myriad of hawker culture booths that were designed and manned by the student leaders (the Prefects, Peer Support Leaders and NE Ambassadors) during the recess periods. The booths were initially designed for the Student Leaders VIA (Values-in-Action) where they had set-up these booths at Ang Mo Kio Central Market & Food Centre.

These booths were then replicated to provide our Gabrielite with the same opportunity to celebrate and learn more about Singapore’s diverse culture through our unique hawker culture. The students played various traditional games, tried their hands on craftworks and participated in mind-boggling riddles and Blooket Quiz. Some additional booths that were fused with Math quizzes were also set-up, allowing the students to practice their Math skills in a fun and engaging way. It was indeed a wonderful learning experience for our Gabrielite to embrace the uniqueness of the different cultures, as well as to respect and celebrate the diversities of our multicultural and multiracial society!

Trying out the Blooket Quiz on the tablets

Crossword puzzle on Hawker Food

Math-infused quiz

We drew our favourite food!

Trying to solve the food riddle

Figuring out how to play kuti-kuti


P4 Theatre Appreciation Celebrating Harmony amongst Differences The Cultural Performance Exposure Scheme (CPES), initiated by the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning (CPCLL), is designed to introduce students to Chinese dramas and performances related to the Chinese language. These performances are presented by either local arts groups or overseas arts groups, specially invited by The Esplanade to be part of local arts festivals. The Chinese department highly values CPCLL’s efforts in providing students with the opportunity to engage with Chinese language and culture by carefully selecting from

a curated list of performances. One such performance is “The Monkey King Borrow Treasure from Dragon Palace,” an excerpt from the renowned Chinese literary classic, “Journey to the West.” This exposure allows students to gain insights into the unique features of Chinese Opera and understand the cultural significance embedded within it. On May 25th, all P4 students had the pleasure of attending this show and actively engaged with the talented actors, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

The entertaining performance definitely captured the attention of the students

The brave volunteers who went on stage

Lively interaction between the actors and the students

Lively interaction between the actors and the students


The brave volunteers who went on stage

Montfortian-Gabrielite Education Institutions (MGEI) Involvements In 2023, the strength of our MGEI collaborations continues to shine across our family of schools. St. Gabriel’s Secondary School’s Senior scouts remain deeply engaged, orchestrating joint events alongside the Cubs from St. Gabriel’s Primary School in Term 2. These collaborative endeavors focus on imparting essential field craft and leadership skills, with the Senior scouts serving as exemplary role models for the Cubs. In an exciting encounter this April, the senior football teams from Montfort Junior and St. Gabriel’s Primary clashed in the NSG 2023, delivering a fiercely competitive match. Despite the intensity of the game, our young athletes didn’t overlook the camaraderie they had cultivated through shared training sessions. Post-match, they embraced one another, reinforcing the spirit of unity that binds them.

interest and participation, emphasizing the evolving nature of sports engagement. As the year unfolds, we eagerly anticipate an array of forthcoming MGEI events, including the much-anticipated SGF Sports Fiesta. Moreover, the potential for additional InterSchool CCA collaborations looms on the horizon, promising involvement from an even broader spectrum of schools. This year encapsulates not only the continuation of existing partnerships but also the evolution of MGEI’s collaborative landscape.

Late in May, our accomplished softball-playing MGEI alumni organized a comprehensive softball clinic, catering to both Montfort Junior and St. Gabriel’s Primary School. The objective was two-fold: ignite enthusiasm for a new sporting discipline among primary school students and facilitate stronger MGEI bonds between the two schools. The event was met with great enthusiasm, and our boys thoroughly relished the experience. During the June holidays, an innovative milestone was reached as MGEI boys participated in their inaugural E-Sports event, orchestrated by our consortium of schools. This marked a paradigm shift, showcasing that sports have extended their reach into the digital realm. The event garnered significant

MGEI Softball Clinic - Sharing by National Players who are also our Alumni

SGPS and SGSS Combined Scouts Event

MGEI Softball Clinic - SGPS and MJS boys learning softball skills

Montfort Junior vs St Gabriel’s Primary at Football NSG 2023


National Day Celebrations 2023 National Day theme: Onward as One is a call for Singaporeans to look forward confidently and move onward together and build a shared future as one united people. Our school celebrated our nation’s 58th birthday on 8th August. We started the day with the observance ceremony where the national flag and the school flag were brought into the hall by our P4 flagbearers. The emcees explained the symbols on our flag before leading the school to sing the national anthem, played by our school’s brass band. A passionate skit on the recollections was performed by our Performing Arts CCA members to remind the school that our nation’s sovereignty did not come easy. Next, the lower primary students carried on the celebration in the ISH and Hall. All the departments collaborated to come up with interesting activities relevant to National day for the students to participate in. While the lower primary students were indoors, the upper primary students proceed to the field. They had a wonderful time doing the National day workout

Performance by our School Band

Our flag bearers marching in during the Observance Ceremony


followed by intra class volleyball. After 45 minutes, the upper primary levels and the lower primary levels swapped locations. It was a heartwarming sight to see the students decked out in red and white participating actively in all the activities planned.

SGPS National Day Workout

The Recollections

SGPS National Day Workout

The Recollections

Blooket Quiz

Our Emcees - Basil and Stefan

Creating Artwork using the 3D Pen

Students trying out the activities at various booths

Students trying out the activities at various booths

Students trying out the activities at various booths

Creating Artwork using the 3D Pen

Trying out the VR headset and exploring various interesting spots around the island

P1 students taking part in a telematch game


Teachers’ Day Celebrations Celebrating Harmony amongst Differences At SGPS, Teachers’ Day is a cherished occasion when we come together to honor our educators, the unsung heroes who shape our lives. The day was marked by gratitude, joy, and touching moments that left a lasting impression in the hearts of Gabrielites and teachers alike. The celebration began with eager students gathering in the hall, where the stage was set for a memorable event. Our Principal, Mr Martin Tan, delivered an inspiring address, also recognizing the dedication of our long-serving teachers with the presentation of Long Service Awards. Our enthusiastic emcees, Gabriel from 5 Self-Discipline and Keshav from 5 Generosity, set the tone for the day, and the hall came alive with mesmerizing performances by our talented students. From dance routines to soul-stirring music, the audience was indeed captivated. The heart of the celebration was the students’ sincere appreciation. Every teacher received heartfelt Teachers’ Day gifts, symbolizing gratitude for their tireless dedication. A touching video montage and a song by Yassin brought tears of joy to one and all.

Our two 20 years Long Service Award Recipients

The lively Bhangra Dancers


After the concert, our Gabrielites returned to their classrooms before enjoying a snack break. Thereafter, the “Teachers Hotseat” activity commenced where students bonded with teachers through questions and anecdotes. Students were then engaged in the virtual “Guess Who” game through Zoom, which filled the corridors with laughter as students were thoroughly amused. The pinnacle was “My Teacher My Superhero,” where students shared heartfelt stories about their teachers’ impact. It underscored the remarkable influence teachers have on their lives. The day culminated in the “Teachers VS Teachers Challenge,” highlighting the camaraderie among our teachers. Laughter echoed through the school as teachers engaged in fun challenges. Teachers’ Day was indeed a day of unity, celebrating our teachers’ unwavering dedication, compassion, and resilience. It reminded us that teachers are not just instructors but mentors, guiding lights, and true superheroes.

Parent Support Group showing off their dance moves

Kahoot Game on Zoom

Our two 20 years Long Service Award Recipients

Morning-Star Community Services: After-School Care Centre Discovering the Joys of Learning at Morning Star Student Care Centre At Morning Star Student Care Centre, the excitement of learning and fun never ceases. Throughout the year, our enriching activities create an engaging environment where children embark on a journey of self-discovery. Our primary aim is to inspire and nurture their socialemotional skills, empowering them for a brighter future. Thanks to the support of JUMP Productions, our talented instructors introduced the children to the captivating world of Hip Hop (Street Dance). Guiding them through basic techniques and grooves, this program fosters socialization, sparks creativity, boosts confidence, and enhances their physical well-being. Generously sponsored by the WeCare Arts Fund, this experience allows the children to flourish both individually and collectively.

Hip Hop Dance

In response to inflation and the rising cost of living, Morning Star engaged volunteers from Junior Achievement (JA) Singapore to conduct financial literacy lessons with engaging stories and dynamic activities that help instill the values of earning, saving, sharing and working ethically. Moreover, the programme extended beyond financial awareness, as we also encouraged students to explore a diverse range of occupations. By fostering curiosity about potential career paths, we hope to inspire them to think proactively about their future ambitions. Financial Literacy Programme

Ancient Egypt came alive with an enrichment programme conducted by Little Changemakers which is funded by Collective Designs Pte Ltd. The children learnt about Hieroglyphics, which are ancient Egyptian writing symbols and attempted to write their own names in Hieroglyphs on an air dry clay cartouche. As for music enrichment, the children learnt to play the ukulele with experienced instructors from Music Solutions, funded by the WeCare Arts Fund. They had loads of fun discovering and expressing their hidden musical talents while embracing the joy of learning and performing.

Financial Literacy Programme

Financial Literacy Programme

Our devoted Student Care Team and Family Wellness Services prioritize nurturing strong family bonds, a central mission at Morning Star. Providing unwavering care and support for children and their families, we unite in fostering a close-knit community where families flourish together.

Ancient Civilisation Programme

Groovin’ with Ukulele


Professional Development of Teachers English Language Department - The Teaching of Writing Writing is used on an everyday basis to communicate what one thinks and feels. As the school continues to use technology in all its curriculum, the English department revisited the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing and the use of ICT tools and applications. The trainers, Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher/EL) and Mrs Wendy Chee (Senior Teacher/EL) took the teachers through the composition packages and revisited the different skills and strategies of writing. However, with the use of technology, teachers experienced first-hand for themselves, that they became more active participants and team players during writing time. The tools and applications allowed teachers to engage in exploratory talk and collaborate with one another to generate ideas or just to have a friendly match to expand their vocabulary. The session ended with teachers sharing other ideas of leveraging technology with writing but with a changed belief that writing need not be an individual activity as it is not only a cognitive but also a social process, not forgetting, an enjoyable one.


Mathematics Department The year commenced with two Professional Development Sessions focusing on the “5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussion” framework, aimed at enriching the curriculum and enhancing student learning. These sessions encouraged teachers to stimulate student thinking and promote reasoning skills. Following this, Mathematics teachers participated in a sharing session where each department member discussed a Reasoning Strategy. Employing the Jigsaw technique in cooperative learning, experts from each group collaborated to recapitulate and apply all eight Reasoning Strategies. This collaborative effort served as an excellent platform for indepth discussions among teachers, facilitating the exchange of effective teaching and learning strategies and addressing challenges.

Participants coming together to share the reasoning strategies which they have learnt

To further enhance the expertise of Math teachers, Semester 2 commenced with a Professional Development session introducing the Principles of ICAN (Improving Confidence and Achieving Numeracy), specifically targeting Low Progress Learners. During this session, teachers learned how to incorporate ICAN principles into their teaching through shared lesson examples. Furthermore, teachers explored the use of an ICT tool, Classpoint, as an additional resource to create more engaging lessons and stimulate student thinking, extending the impact of the PD session. Participants coming together to share the reasoning strategies which they have learnt

Participants attending the first session on 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Math Discussions

Participants coming together to share the reasoning strategies which they have learnt

Science Department At SGPS, the Science Department places a strong emphasis on ensuring that all students acquire a solid foundation in Science. They firmly believe that high-quality teaching plays a pivotal role in enhancing students’ learning experiences. To achieve this educational goal, Science level teachers convene weekly to address potential challenges students may encounter in terms of subject matter, knowledge, and skills. These dedicated educators allocate valuable time and resources to engage in reflective practices, bolster pedagogical content knowledge, hone their teaching skills, and evaluate their teaching methodologies. One notable component of their professional development (PD) journey revolves around sharing effective answering techniques. This platform provides Science Department teachers with the opportunity to engage in enriching discussions and collaborative sharing as they collectively analyze Science PSLE questions. Furthermore, hands-on experiences and micro-lessons on Sparkle Kits are conducted

to equip Science teachers with new teaching tools and methodologies. The Science PD efforts are seamlessly integrated into the school’s broader initiatives and curriculum through the implementation of lesson studies focused on Differentiated Instruction (DI). Science teachers actively contribute to the development of Science DI lesson packages, incorporating strategies such as CER (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning) and cooperative learning. To facilitate this initiative, reading resources, such as ‘Writing in Middle School Science,’ are provided to Science teachers, fostering enriching discussions and a deeper understanding of the CER approach within the classroom setting.


LMM Programme The Literature program is meticulously crafted to ignite a profound passion for reading while challenging students to engage deeply with the stories they encounter. Its primary objective is to unravel the intricate literary elements embedded in popular children’s tales, including characters, settings, plots, conflicts, and resolutions. The stories selected for this program are thoughtfully curated to foster Critical Literacy, Film Literacy, and the cultivation of 21st Century Competencies among our students. For those students who demonstrate a keen interest and aptitude in mathematics, we proudly offer the E2K Mathematics Programme. This program goes beyond standard curriculum, focusing on the development of mathematical reasoning skills and a profound conceptual understanding of mathematical concepts. It employs an inquiry-based approach that encourages students to explore mathematical principles deeply.

Students presenting their Math poster

Similarly, our E2K Science Programme is tailored to cater to students with a genuine passion for science. This program is designed to nurture scientific inquiry process skills and instill vital 21st-century competencies such as resilience, resourcefulness, critical and inventive thinking, and effective communication. Students working on their posters using Canva

Teaching Shot sizes to the lower primary students during the LMM fair

Students conduct experiments to investigate their hypothesis


Students trying out a Video Game created by their classmates

Working in groups to solve the E2K Mathematics Challenge

Designing our prototype during Innovation Programme

In alignment with our school’s vision for 2025, we are committed to enriching students’ interest in Higher Chinese language and broadening their learning horizons. To achieve this, we offer engaging programs such as the Comic Essay Writing Workshop and Learning Language through Drama Workshop. Additionally, our Primary 4LMM students embark on Digital Storytelling adventures, enhancing their language proficiency and creative cognitive skills.

life challenges through the application of design thinking processes. They learn to identify problems, empathize with target users, generate ideas, evaluate solutions, conduct research and surveys, create prototypes, and compile comprehensive reports on their innovations. Moreover, students benefit from invaluable feedback and mentorship from experts in the field, hailing from tertiary education institutions, who share their expertise in innovation.

The Innovation Programme (IvP), an initiative by MOE Gifted Education, provides a unique platform for students to hone their problem-solving and inventive abilities. This program empowers students to create innovative solutions for real-

In conclusion, our school’s diverse range of programs aims to foster a love for learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills while preparing students for success in the ever-evolving landscape of the 21st century.

Students brainstorming for ideas for their Math project

Students writing their script

Students planning their script based on their storyboard

Filming a scene of Sadako in bed

A student taking on the role of a cameraman to film to short scene

Students practising the script with emotions before the recording

Presentation Time

Constructing a Solar Still

Students creating their own Math Twister Game


Snapshots of our passionate pursuits: CCAs @ SGPS


Our athletes performing warm up at the rainbow track

Athletics training at NYJC

Jude in his 60m hurdles

Our J1 Division athletes for the NSG Track & Field competition

Kenzo giving his best throw for the J2 division shot putt in NSG Track & Field

Prize winners

Balancing academics with rigorous training can be demanding, yet our student-athletes manage it with grace. In this article, we dive into the daily lives of our studentathletes, highlighting their time management skills, discipline, and resilience.

“Being in the Athletics Club taught me valuable life lessons. I learned the importance of discipline, perseverance, and goal-setting. The training sessions taught me the value of time management, as I had to balance my academics and athletics.”

This year, the Athletics team performed very well in the National Schools Games (NSG) which was held in May at Choa Chu Kang stadium. These were some of the achievements attained by the boys:

Brennan Jake Michael, 4 Self-Discipline

Titus Chew

1st Medicine Ball Throw

8th Scissors Jump


2nd 80m

3rd Scissors Jump

Joshua Ng

3rd Vertical Jump

6th 120m

Hugo Nu

4th Standing Long Jump


4th Shot Put

Kaeden Tan

6th Medicine Ball Throw

Tristan Sng

7th 60m

Josh Lim Jun Rui

7th 200m

Clement James Coutou

6th Modified Discuss

Jude Asher Chua

5th 60m Hurdles

Primary 5

7th 4x50m relay

Primary 3 & 4

3rd 8x50m

The school would like to thank our coach, teachers for training and guiding the boys and parents who gave their fullest support to their sons who participated in the NSG.

Our Athletics CCA stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, sportsmanship, and teamwork. As we continue to break barriers and create history, let’s embrace the indomitable spirit that defines our club and brings honor to our school.


Gabrielite Badminton Academy may have been demanding, but their collective effort and

“The badminton club is my happy place, where I feel the rush of adrenaline and the joy of the game.”

talent propelled them forward, showcasing the finest aspects of sportsmanship and camaraderie. As

Poh Yu Kai, Cedric, 5 Loyalty








unyielding drive, inspiring their fellow students and earning the admiration of teachers and coaches alike. They proved that hard work and dedication always pay off, regardless of

With the prospect of National School Games (NSG) resuming this year, our school team ramped up their training sessions, intensifying








Witnessing the dedication of our team members investing countless hours in rigorous training even during the holidays was truly inspiring.

indeed proceed, granting our boys the chance to proudly represent our school. Throughout the tournament held in 1,



Although the path to the quarterfinals was demanding, our senior boys held their heads high, knowing they had given their all. Their memorable performances will undoubtedly motivate future generations of athletes in our school to aim higher and strive for greatness.

As the new school term began, news arrived that NSG would


the results on the scoreboard.




perseverance, unwavering team spirit, and admirable

Congratulations to our senior team for their remarkable achievements, and may their journey continue to inspire and








associated with our school!

sportsmanship as they fiercely battled against contenders from







quarterfinal round! Comprised







showcased a formidable lineup of players: Brayden Lu, Hoon Kai Jie Zachary, Jonathan Lim Jie-En, Nandi G Prajwal, Ng Jan Fe, Poh Yu Kai Cedric, Princeton Emmanuel Ng, Seah Yuzhong Jaylen, Sriraman Sayown, Tajvir Singh Dhaliwal and Teo Wei Ye. Their commitment and determination in the face of fierce competition exemplified the true spirit of our Badminton Club and brought immense pride to our school. The journey

P5-6 Recre

Cedric giving instructions to the P3 Recre

Our NSG Junior team


Our J1 Division athletes for the NSG Track & Field competition

School Team Senior and Junior

P3 Recre

Gabrielite Football Academy “Through countless hours of training, I’ve developed not only my soccer skills but also my resilience and determination. I’m forever grateful for the lifelong friendships and unforgettable experiences that the GFA has gifted me.” Himalnath Abraham Samuel, 4 Diligence

What an eventful and achievement-laden year it has been for our GFA CCA! The GFA draws in a plethora of new students from P1 to P6. Over the years, our CCA has grown in strength, boasting an impressive count of 177 members, including the recently recruited Primary 1 students from semester 2. From our recreational teams to the competitive school teams, GFA has soared to great heights, amassing numerous accolades and awards throughout the year. The sheer dedication and talent displayed by our members have been nothing short of awe-inspiring (see achievements below). Senior Division (P6 Boys) Runners-up in the South Zone National School Games InterSchool Football Competition Overall 4th in the National Level National School Games Inter-School Football Competition

Junior Division (P4-5 Boys) 1st Position in Their Group in the National School Games Football Classification Round Qualified for the National Tier 1 National School Games InterSchool Football Competition Recreation and Developmental Team Achievements Challenge Cup Champions at the St Stephen’s Champions Cup Tournament P3 Boys are Champions and P5 Boys are 2nd in Junior Josephian Football Fives Tournament P2 and P3 Boys are Winners in the SGPS-Zubir Friendly Tournament Beyond the accolades, GFA takes immense pride in nurturing leadership skills among our senior boys. A robust leadership development program has been in place, equipping our senior members with the tools and exposure needed to become exceptional Junior Coaches for the younger boys in lower primary. These mentoring roles not only enhance their coaching abilities but also instill a sense of responsibility and mentorship within them. Furthermore, our senior boys have donned the hat of referees for the numerous internal school competitions we host. Their impartiality and understanding of the sport have been commendable, ensuring that each event is conducted with fairness and sportsmanship.

Half of our GFA

Our Junior Division NSG Team

Junior Leaders as Officials

Our Challenge Cup Champions

Our Senior Division NSG Team

GFA Boys in Training

Champions @ JJF5 Competition


Basketball “The support from my teammates and coaches has helped me grow not just as a player but as a person too. Being part of this CCA feels like being part of a family and I’m grateful for the friendships and memories I’ve made.” Kadrian Heng, 5 Loyalty Despite a loss in their last match, our Basketball Junior Team achieved commendable results, securing the fourth position in Tier 1. Notably, they triumphed against a formidable opponent, Compassvale Primary School (CVPS), showcasing their tenacity. CVPS’s prowess was evident as they clinched victory against Mee Toh School (MTS) twice. Despite MTP’s triumphing over Shuqun Primary and SGPS, ultimately topping the Tiered 1 group, our boys remained resilient and fought on during the subsequent games. Our Senior Team made us proud by reaching the quarter-finals in the fiercely competitive South Zone Tournament, displaying determination even amidst injuries.

Achievement pin presentation

While wins are cherished, we emphasize on teamwork, trust, and giving glory to God, whether we win or not. Joshua Ng of 5 Sincerity, a Junior Team member, exemplifies such spirit, embracing the opportunity to represent the school and graciously stepping aside to allow reserves to play. We cherish these experiences as they make us better sportsmen, fostering growth not only within the team but also as a school and a nation. Together, we celebrate achievements and nurture a spirit of continuous improvement in our basketball journey.

Elijah defending against Ethan Lau

Markieff layup


Jinlin shooting

Hugh doing a layup

Isaac shooting with a follow-thru

Kento shooting a ball

Augustine rebounding a ball

Jinseo rebounding a ball

Jinseo and Benedict contending for ball

Golf “Through the ups and downs of the game, I’ve learned perseverance, patience, and the art of staying focused under pressure.” Phutibootr Tay

The Golf CCA is an exceptional programme designed to cultivate students’ fundamental golf playing abilities. Beyond mastering the basic skills of golf, our students also undergo a transformative journey, acquiring vital life skills such as decision-making and problem-solving. During the CCA, students have the opportunities to put into practice the core virtues championed by our school: respect, self-discipline, and perseverance. Immersed in a nurturing environment, our students benefit from weekly training sessions held within the school premises. These sessions utilize the in-house golf facilities, featuring state-of-the-art cages to hone their swings and mini-greens to perfect their putting techniques. Our dedicated coaches guide them every step of the way, ensuring they develop a strong foundation in the sport.

Practising at the golf cages

Beyond the greens, the Golf CCA serves as a platform for instilling essential values and virtues in our young golfers. As they engage in the sport, they learn valuable life lessons, discovering the art of making sound decisions, overcoming challenges, and staying resilient in the face of adversity. The Golf CCA is more than just a sports programme; it is a transformative journey that nurtures our students’ physical abilities, cognitive skills, and character. With a strong emphasis on instilling life skills and school values, we take pride in producing well-rounded individuals who excel not only on the golf course but also in life.

Practising at the golf cages

SGPS Golfers

Practising at the putting green

But golf is not just about the technicalities. We firmly believe in holistic development, and thus, we seamlessly integrate quizzes and friendly competitions into our training program. These engaging activities not only add an element of excitement and fun but also provide opportunities for healthy competition and camaraderie among our students.

Practising at the putting green

Practising at the putting green

Practising at the golf cages

SGPS Golfers


Wushu “The dynamic movements and discipline I learnt in Wushu inspire me to strive for excellence. It’s not just a sport; it’s a way of life that brings out the best in me.” Cassidy Koh, 5 Self-Discipline

At St. Gabriel’s Primary School, our CCA Wushu is dedicated to imparting a healthy lifestyle to our young Gabrielites. By combining ancient forms of movement with modern athletic training, martial arts promote physical strength and wellbeing. Through rigorous training, students develop the 6 essential abilities related to fitness, strength, speed, power, flexibility, coordination, and balance.

Nan Quan

In April, three Wushu Gabrielites showcased their skills in the 2023 School National Games. Congratulations to Cassidy Koh Yi En (5 Self Discipline), Wee Yi Xiang, Matt (6 Orderliness) and Tan Yi Zheng (6 Loyalty) for their outstanding participation in the 4-Duan Broadsword and 4-Duan Spear categories. Competitions offer valuable experience and a platform to demonstrate perseverance—the embodiment of our school values. Our Wushu champions continue to inspire us all as they shine on and off the mat.

Yi Zheng is practising for NSP

Wu Shu Masters


Moreover, our Wushu CCA instills traditional martial virtues such as discipline and respect, shaping students into wellrounded individuals. In term one, students were introduced to elementary spear and fist skills, enhancing their physical activity levels and core muscle strength. Mastering the specific techniques of Wushu weapons not only empowers them physically but also improves muscle control.

Duan Broadsword

Matt and Cassidy in Wushu clothing before NSG

Brass Band Our Brass Band CCA was formed in 2006 to nurture the musical talents of our Gabrielites. Over the years, the band has performed in many school events and has collaborated with various organisations to provide platforms to showcase their talents. Under the guidance of our dedicated band instructor, Ms Ariel Wong, our members have developed their musical abilities and a high level of discipline and teamwork. Since its formation, the band continues to widen its repertoire to include songs from popular movies and national day songs. Towards the end of the year, the band members started practising the set and choice pieces for next year’s Singapore Youth Festival Arts presentation. Band members attended practices regularly to master the technical skills and develop their presentation skills. With their dedication and strong determination, the band hopes to do well for the Arts Presentation in 2024.

I joined the band this year. I like the band because I can make many friends with the same interest in music and we can play and perform together. Dylan Teo, P3 Gen

I enjoy performing in front of an audience and showcase my talent. Hugo Nu Santara Lay, P4 Ord

As a senior member of the band, I had the opportunity to mentor the junior members. Teo Ze Xi Oliver, P6 Loy

Percussionists in action

Chinese New Year performance

National Day performance Members of the lower brass instruments

Members of the percussion section

Ignatius and Nathan on the trombone


Performing Arts During the school’s National Day celebrations, the Performing Arts students took part in the recollections play that breathed new life into the celebratory event. Their dedication, creativity, and unwavering commitment to telling the nation’s story through their performances made this year’s festivities an unforgettable tribute to Singapore’s enduring spirit. As the applause echoed and the lights dimmed, the nation stood together, united in the magic of the recollections play that had touched hearts and souls alike.

“Being part of the Performing Arts CCA has given me a stage to not only perform characters, but also to discover different aspects of myself. It’s like stepping into someone else’s shoes while finding my own voice in the process.” Jason, 6 Diligence

The curtains rise, the spotlight shines, and the stage comes alive with a whirlwind of emotions, stories, and characters. Welcome to the captivating world of the Drama Club, where students not only learn the art of acting but also discover the profound impact of creative expression. This vibrant hub of talent and imagination serves as a breeding ground for selfdiscovery, teamwork, and personal growth.

National Day performance

Our Performing Arts Students in Action


The Performing Arts CCA isn’t just about scripted lines and theatrical performances; it’s a realm of personal growth, creative exploration, and meaningful connections. It’s a place where individuals become storytellers, characters, and artists, painting the canvas of their lives with vivid and vibrant emotions. So, step into the limelight, embrace the magic of the stage, and let your inner performer shine—join the Drama Club today!

Our Performing Arts Students in Action

Our Performing Arts Students in Action

Our Performing Arts Students in Action

National Day Performance

Cadet Scouts “Beyond the thrilling outdoor experiences, Scouts has taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and service. ” Yohann Yeu Boon Cadet-Wang

The Scouts CCA embodies the spirit of adventure, fostering leadership skills and a profound connection with nature. Our Gabrielites embark on a journey of personal growth, gaining essential life skills, cultivating teamwork, and creating lasting memories through their participation in this enriching program. At the core of the Scouts CCA is a deep passion for exploring the great outdoors. Engaging activities like hiking immerse our scouts in the wonders of nature, nurturing within them a genuine appreciation for the environment. Moreover, the Scouts CCA thrives on fostering camaraderie and teamwork among its members. Through exciting

There’s no “I” in teamwork!

Learning the art of pioneering from the scouts in SGSSa tent

endeavors such as tent building, team bonding games, and collaborative activities with scouts from SGSS, our scouts master the art of effective communication, cooperation, and mutual support, forging friendships that extend beyond the CCA. In addition to building strong relationships, our scouts also develop a sense of social responsibility through engaging in environmental conservation activities, such as recycling initiatives. These experiences instill a deep sense of purpose and inspire our young scouts to become proactive stewards of the environment. By providing an immersive experience that combines adventure, leadership, teamwork, and environmental consciousness, the Scouts CCA molds our Gabrielites into well-rounded individuals, ready to embrace the challenges of the future with resilience and determination. As they journey through the scouts’ ranks, they leave an indelible mark on our school community and beyond, carrying the spirit of scouting with them for life.

Doing our part to save the environment Recycling our t-shirts

It takes more than one to build a tent

Exploring the great outdoors

Forming bonds through collaborative activity with scouts from SGSS


Art Club “Art Club has given me a space to grow as an artist and as an individual, and I cherish the friendships and memories I’ve made here.” Dave Yap Ding Cheng, 6 Orderliness The Art Club convenes every Friday for captivating art exploration projects and skill-building sessions. Throughout the year, our members have delved into an array of exciting projects, such as Chinese porcelain drawing, paper quilling, pencil sketching, and watercolor painting. An extraordinary highlight this year was our Art Club’s participation in the prestigious Singapore Youth Festival Art Exhibition. Our middle primary members passionately delved into the theme of environmental conservation, opting to craft a remarkable 3D sculpture. Their creative masterpiece took the form of a meticulously crafted paper mâché sea turtle, symbolizing the significance of maintaining a clean and sustainable environment.

Extend-a-Photo art in progress

Extend-a-Photo art (Living Room) progress

SYF project by middle primary members


Meanwhile, our upper primary members decided to employ their artistic prowess to address a different aspect of the neighborhood. They embarked on a fascinating endeavor of identifying blank spaces around their locality and transformed them into captivating pieces of graffiti art. This awe-inspiring initiative not only beautified these spaces but also served as an artistic reminder of the vibrant community we are all a part of. The Art Club has undoubtedly provided a fertile ground for nurturing creativity, fostering a sense of community responsibility, and embracing art as a powerful medium for expressing ideas and emotions. With each project and exhibition, our young artists blossom, gaining confidence in their abilities and honing their skills under the guidance of our dedicated instructors. As we reflect on the remarkable journey of our Art Club this year, we look forward to the boundless potential of artistic expression and growth that awaits our members in the years to come. The Art Club remains a cherished platform where young imaginations flourish, and where passion for art continues to weave its vibrant threads throughout our school community.

Chinese porcelain art on paper plates

Extend-a-Photo art (Pool)

SYF project by upper primary members

Catholic Club “In the Catholic Club, I’ve found a place where my faith truly comes alive. The sense of community and support from fellow members is truly heartwarming. ” Nathaniel Cheng Yuan Kai, 5 Generosity

The year 2023 has been nothing short of enriching and spiritfilled for our members, providing numerous opportunities to know, love, and serve God, while actively fostering a Catholic environment within our school. Kicking off the year with heartfelt compassion, our Valentine’s Day Project, a Values-in-Action (VIA) initiative, encouraged students and staff to come together during their respective recesses to write petitions and prayers of gratitude. The project also involved crafting paper flowers to show appreciation to their loved ones. This heartwarming endeavor not only spread love and positivity but also strengthened the bonds within our school community. As the joyous occasion of Easter approached, the Catholic Club members geared up for another VIA project - The Easter Carnival! Bursting with excitement, students engaged in a plethora of carnival games like Bunny Shootout, while eagerly completing game cards to redeem delightful prizes.

Our parent volunteers delighted our students further with an enchanting Easter Egg Hunt, complete with chocolate eggs generously sponsored by our school principal. Among the many highlights of our club activities this year, we had the privilege of interacting with Msgr Ambrose Vaz, the Vicar General (Pastoral) of the Archdiocese of Singapore. His presence enriched our understanding of the Catholic faith during a Q&A session following a mass he celebrated for our club. Additionally, a learning journey to the Church of Saint Alphonsus (Novena Church) provided a deeper appreciation of its history and sacred traditions. Participating actively in school masses, our members serve as altar servers and lectors, contributing to the spiritual enrichment of our entire school community. The Founder’s Day Mass was a momentous occasion in which we played an essential role. Finally, our weekly sessions stand as pillars of strength, nurturing our members’ spiritual formation and prayer life, instilling values that resonate with our Catholic faith. We extend a warm invitation to all to join our CCA and experience the profound sense of fulfillment and unity that comes from being an integral part of the Catholic Club. Together, let us continue to grow in faith, love, and service to God and one another.

Altar servers during the Beginning of School Year Mass

Praying with the rosary beads made

Learning Journey to Church of Saint Alphonsus

Students folding paper flowers during the Valentine’s Day Project

Michael reading for the Founder’s Day Mass

Students having a blast at Easter Carnival


Media Club “Joining the ICT club has been an eyeopening experience. Learning about technology and coding has ignited my passion for innovation.” Dashan, 5 Loyalty

The Media Club provides a platform for students to develop and showcase their ideas and creativity through new media. Our students’ competencies are built upon by equipping them with the skills that are essential in helping them communicate their ideas through a wide range of platforms. To develop student’s digital literacy and also to keep up with

Student’s were interested to find out what NAO can do!

Asher trying to work his codes on NAO


Aadil’s AR object

Rayhan petting a tiger in SGPS!

trending technologies, the Media Club members are given opportunities to explore AI, Social Robotics, Augmented Reality during their training sessions. This year, the Media Club members have embarked on the journey of understanding how AI is implemented in social robots. They gained insights about the use of social robots such as NAO in education, healthcare and research fields. Our students learned how social robots promote social emotional learning in the education sector. They even had a chance to interact with the NAO robot! Beyond technology exploration, we emphasize responsible usage of new media, nurturing young Gabrielites as both creative innovators and responsible digital citizens.

Adriel’s creationthe planets in SGPS!

Student’s first interaction with NAO

Asher drawing his AR objects!

Rayhan drawing his AR object

Robotics Club “With every project that we take on, we try not to finish them, but exceed

I started my journey for robotics in 2021, as I wanted to improve my coding skills to a higher level, this was because I had a love for coding at a very young age. As I nurtured in robotics over the years, I have made new friends. With every project that we take on, we try not to finish them, but exceed them. We push ourselves to come up with better solutions and new ways of thinking. Our passion for robotics drives us forward, and we are confident that our club will continue to lead the way in the years to come. One thing I like about being a robotics club leader is the way it allows me to help the newcomers in the robotics club, not only do I help them, I also teach them new ways to overcome different problems. I have also learnt many things like how to build and code faster, and how I could program my robot. But most importantly how to act as a fellow Gabrielite!

them. We push ourselves to come up with better solutions and new

Gracias Declan Liam, 5 Generosity

on the spot. This intense event tests their ingenuity, robotics knowledge,

ways of thinking. Our passion for robotics drives us forward, and we are confident that our club will continue to lead the way in the years to come.” ~ Gracias Declan Liam, 5 Generosity The Robotics Club is at the forefront of the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program, offering students from Primary 3 to 6 an array of valuable learning opportunities and experiences. With weekly training sessions held on Wednesdays and Fridays, students delve into the mechanics of robot movement, fostering the enhancement of their analytical and creative skills. The utilization of Lego Mindstorm EV3 and Spike Prime programming further strengthens their logical thinking capabilities. Additionally, the collaborative teamwork within the club cultivates camaraderie, nurtures decision-making skills, and refines communication abilities. Beyond regular training, the Robotics Club empowers students with the chance to engage in inter-school and national-level competitions, fostering a dynamic platform to showcase their talents and innovations. One such enthralling competition is the IDE Robotics Competition, where students face programming challenges and must swiftly resolve them and capacity to apply their skills in real-time situations, pushing them to reach new heights of problem-solving proficiency. Moreover, the Robotics Club actively participated in the GAKU Games, an enthralling local activation program for the Olympics Esports Week. Through immersive simulated educational programs and engaging activities, members honed their teamwork, leadership, and communication skills, instilling a sense of camaraderie and unity.

NRC Robotics Challenge

Additionally, our Robotics Club members proudly represent the school in the annual National Robotics Competition, the largest robotics event in Singapore. Here, they seize the opportunity to demonstrate their prowess and expertise, while also engaging in spirited competition with students from other schools. The Robotics Club remains an exciting and dynamic platform that empowers our students to embrace cutting-edge technology, fostering a passion for STEM subjects. The blend of training, competitions, and collaborative endeavors cultivates a nurturing environment, where innovative ideas flourish, and young minds are shaped to become

IDE Robotics challenge

Olympic Esports Week GAKU Games

NRC CoderZ challenge

future leaders in the field of robotics and beyond.

Weekly Training

NRC Codez Challenge result


Science and Math Club “Being part of the Science and Math Club has been a great journey. Exploring Science concepts through fun experiments and problem-solving challenges has sparked my curiosity.” Dexter Yang, 5 Self-Discipline

Looking at the world around us through a new lens each time enables one to have different perspectives and be open to new ideas and challenges. As such, the Science and Maths Club (SAM) aims to stimulate interest in Science and Mathematics through experiential learning and studentcentric activities. The club attracts students who are hands-on learners and enjoy seeking out new knowledge under informal settings through collaborative and experiential learning. We use games, science kits, pop quizzes, nature, mock competitions and creative thinking to carry out our weekly meetings. We encourage the students to have a spirit of innovation and motivate them to become independent learners. In 2023, we have taught our members topics that are relevant to their daily lives whil e keeping them abreast with the latest current affairs. We also educate them about character development values and love for the environment.

Preparing our own slides

With their creations made of Lego


Collecting samples from our school garden

• Maths Pop Quizzes • Science Pop Quizzes • Science kits • Animal and Plant Cells • Leaf Printing • Terrarium Making • Slime Making • Nutrition in Man • How is glass and plastic recycled in Singapore? • How healthy are packet milk drinks? • Improve-A-Product Project Our students have delved into diverse topics, conducting insightful research that has opened their minds to new perspectives. From investigating health aspects to understanding recycling processes, their findings have been enlightening. Their dedication to learning and contributing to the community is truly commendable, fostering a culture of curiosity and intellectual growth at our school. Here are some of our Student Research Reflections and Findings: How healthy are packet milk drinks? Packet milk drinks do contain a substantial amount of sugar, the best beverage to drink is still water. How is glass and plastic recycled in Singapore? I have learnt more about the recycling of plastic and glass. I hope to play an active role in plastic recycling in my own house and share the tips with my peers and relatives.

With their magnifying glasses

The SAM boys with their specimens

Microscopes and Cells Time!

Snapshots of our Class Family: Students @ SGPS

1 Self-Discipline

1 Generosity


1 Perseverance

1 Sincerity


1 Loyalty

2 Loyalty


2 Orderliness

2 Respect


2 Diligence

2 Self-Discipline


3 Self-Discipine

3 Generosity


3 Perseverance

3 Sincerity


3 Loyalty

4 Loyalty


4 Orderliness

4 Respect


4 Diligence

4 Self-Discipline


5 Self-Discipline

5 Generosity


5 Perseverance

5 Sincerity


5 Loyalty


Graduating Gabrielites @ SGPS

6 Loyalty

Dear 6 Loyalty, Look how far we have come as a class Oh, to think we have spent three years (half!) of our primary school lives together Yearning, we have been, to learn, grow, and excel All while having a ball of a time Let us never forget The lessons, memories, and friendships forged, as You venture into the next phase of life. Once a Gabrielite, always a Gabrielite. Labor Omnia Vincit! Loving wishes, Ms Jolene Low and Ms Palani


6 Orderliness

Dearest 6 Orderliness, Congratulations to each and everyone of you on your hard work, efforts and dedication in making this possible. It has been a very enjoyable and meaningful journey over the past 2 years being your Form Teacher. It has been my absolute pleasure in watching you develop, learn and grow into the young and matured individual. This is the first step, first success, first achievement for you and I wish for many more achievements ahead of you. Always remember that everytime you come across a challenge or an obstacle, press on and never give up. Believe in yourself and anything is possible! As you graduate from Primary School, always remember and cherish the wonderful friendships that you have forged over the past 6 years. Everyone of you is special and do not let anyone dull your sparkle. Wishing all our 6 Orderliness Gabrielites the best in your future endeavours and Happy Graduation! Mr Kong and Ms Wan


6 Respect

Dearest 6 Respect, Time flies and we have come to the end of P6. The last day of school…the closing of one door and the opening of another. Finally, we have to say goodbye and we hope that the last three years together as a class are full of memories. Although there were ups and downs during those times, we stay united as a class and cheered each other to move on. We will treasure all the memories of teaching all of you and watch you grow. We want to thank each child for all the warmth, the memories, and the learning that we have shared for the past three years. Do remember to always persevere and continue to pursue your dreams. To our students, we say THANK-YOU! For when we teach, we also learn. These past three years we have grown together. A little bit of each of you will always be part of us. All the best in your future endeavors as you move on to secondary school. As you embark on this journey, I urge all of you to hold onto the lessons you have learned and the values you have cultivated throughout your days in the primary school. You are a generation filled with potential and the power to create changes. Congratulations! May each of your life be filled with purpose and abundant success. Always strive to be the BEST that you can be! Once a Gabrielite, Always a Gabrielite! To the parents, We say THANK-YOU for all these years of support and great partnership. Working hard in sweat and tears as we prepare our children for their future. It had been a wonderful and rewarding three years for us. Labor Omnia Vincit! Mr Kelvin Loy & Mrs Shankar


6 Diligence

My Dearest 6 Diligence, As our time together comes to an end, my heart is filled with a bittersweet mix of emotions. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for making my time as your teacher an incredibly rewarding experience. It has been a privilege seeing you blossom into confident and compassionate young men. As you step into the next phase of your life, remember to be kind, respectful and inclusive. Cherish the memories you have made, carry the lessons you have learnt and embrace the bright future that awaits you. I have no doubt that you will continue to shine brightly in all that you do. Love, Mrs Matthews


6 Self-Discipline

Dear Gabrielites of 6 Self-Discipline, As you pass through the gates of SGPS one last time this year, we rejoice with you as you will be moving on as secondary school students in different institutions. We praise you for your efforts in reaching this far and wish you a future filled with hope and happiness. May the school virtues continue to guide you on the path ahead: The only discipline that matters is Self-discipline. Be Generous with your time and effort to those who need you. When the going gets tough, remember that Perseverance will see you through. Always be Sincere in word and deed – mean what you say and say what you mean. Let Loyalty be your middle name because you will never do anything to harm your family, friends and institutions you belong to. Make sure there is Orderliness in your life by establishing good habits and routines and by obeying rules and following instructions. Respect not only your elders and the authorities but your peers too! Last but not least, be Diligent in everything that you have to do as anything worth doing is worth doing well. Labor Omnia Vincit! Best Wishes, Mrs Kathy Koh, Mdm Lily Liu and Mrs Wendy Chee


Snapshots of our Fraternity: Staff @ SGPS


Whole Staff

School Executive Committee 2023


Row 1: Mr Jimmy Tong (HOD / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mdm Jean Heng (HOD / Science), Mr Kelvin Loy (School Staff Developer), Ms Low Mei Ling (HOD / Discipline, Safety & Partnerships), Mr John Lim (Vice Principal), Mr Martin Tan (Principal), Mrs Christina Tan (Vice Principal (Administration)), Ms Jane Lim (HOD / English Language), Mrs Catherine Low (HOD / Aesthetics & Applied Learning Programme (ALP)), Ms Low Yun Hui (HOD / Mathematics), Mrs Jessica Hoon (HOD / CCE, Student Development & School-Community Partnerships) Row 2: Ms Wan Chui Ting (HOD / Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) & School Library (Internal)), Mrs Dorin Lee (Year Head (P1 - P2)), Mdm Christine Lee (Year Head (P3 - P4)), Mr Lau Meng Fei Tommy (Operations Manager), Mdm Lim Jia Shyuan (Subject Head / InfoComm Technology (ICT)), Mr Sean De Zilva (Subject Head / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mr Leow Lip Huat Pius (Operations Manager), Mrs Karen Tan (Subject Head / Student Wellbeing (Internal)), Ms Elsa Teng (Level Head / Mathematics (Internal)), Ms Chua Bee Peng (Administration Manager) Row 3: Mr Xie Zhengyang (Subject Head / Student Leadership), Mr Andy Kong (Year Head (P5 - P6)), Ms Lyndia Lin (Administration Manager), Mrs Michelle Tan (Level Head / English Language), Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher / English Language), Ms Palaniammal (Subject Head / Mother Tongue Languages (MTL)), Ms Jolene Low (Level Head / Science (Internal))


Executive and Administrative Staff

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Chua Bee Peng (Administration Manager), Mr Lau Meng Fei Tommy (Operations Manager), Mr John Lim (Vice Principal), Mr Martin Tan (Principal), Mrs Christina Tan (Vice Principal (Administration)), Ms Lyndia Lin (Administration Manager), Mr Leow Lip Huat Pius (Operations Manager) Row 2: Ms Tay Siew Luang (Admin Executive), Mdm Kunasundari (Operations Support Officer), Miss Siti Rohaini (Corporate Support Officer), Ms Chan Moy Yoke (Corporate Support Officer), Mr Mohamed Hafiz Mustafa (ICT Associate), Mr Teo Kwang Shing Royston (Operations Support Officer), Mr Kee Cheng Tham (Operations Support Officer), Mr Tan Yap Whee (Operations Support Officer)

Chaplaincy Team

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mdm Lim Ah Nia Anne, Mrs Michelle Tan (Level Head / English Language), Mr Martin Tan (Principal), Mr Sean De Zilva (Subject Head / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mrs Imelda Diamse Lee Row 2: Mr Andre Danker, Mrs Maureen Jansen, Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher / English Language), Mrs Serene Cordeiro, Mrs Matthews, Mr Ian Fernandez


Contract Cleaners, Guards, Library Aide, ICT Support Staff / Canteen Vendors

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Contract Cleaners, Guards, Library Aide, ICT Support Row 1: Mdm Chan Giam Heng, Mdm Lim Thoe Choo, Mdm Lek Ah Hong, Mdm Erina, Mr Wong Tit Woh, Mr Goh Choon Poh, Mr Ko Chin Chuy, Mr Tan Kim San Row 2: Ms Siti Nur Hanis, Ms Dewi Kirana Safira, Mr Kelvin Tan Seow Ee, Mdm Tan Hee Tian Nancy, Mdm Jainah Binte Salamat

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Canteen Vendors Goh Eng, Sim Hua Hong, Sharifah Muznah, Chiang Eng Hwa, Wu Wey Sing


English Language Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mdm Rohaya Awie, Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher / English Language), Mrs Radha Vishnu, Ms Jane Lim (HOD / English Language), Mrs Wendy Chee (Senior Teacher / English Language), Mrs Karen Tan (Subject Head / Student Wellbeing (Internal)), Mrs Michelle Tan (Level Head / English Language) Row 2: Mrs Maureen Jansen, Ms Siti Nurhayaty, Mrs Serene Huang, Mrs Isabella Tan, Mrs Serene Cordeiro, Ms Cindy Liong, Ms Chan Yuniarti

The English Language Department’s vision is for every Gabrielite to be developed as an empathetic listener, a critical reader, an effective communicator, and an active change agent who empowers self and others to serve the community. Our students are taught the language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing through effective and engaging strategies. Through a spiral progression of explicit teaching and modelling of language skills in the English curriculum, students acquire the language in context. Our students are exposed to a rich English language culture through our programmes.

Orators @ SGPS To showcase their speaking and presentation skills to an audience, as well as communicate with clarity, confidence and persuasion, our students participated in the following Oracy programmes: P3 Oral Presentation Skills Programme, P4 Readers’ Theatre and Communication Skills Programme and P5 Debate and Communication Skills Programme.

P4 Orderliness students giving a Readers Theatre presentation

A P3 Generosity student giving a Show and Tell presentation


P5 Sincerity students’ debating session in progress

EL Monitors

EL Monitors Book Talk given by Kyler, P4 Loyalty

EL Monitors Book Talk given by Yohan, P5 Generosity

As Reading Ambassadors in the school, all Primary 3 to Primary 6 EL Monitors play an active role in their classrooms to share the joy of reading. This is achieved through their termly book talks to their peers, which include book recommendations as well as short excerpts of the books being read aloud. Selected EL Monitors also promote EL Fiesta activities by preparing publicity materials and giving presentations to the school.

Elated P4 students meeting Mr Neil Humphreys

Mr Neil Humphreys engaging a P5 student

A delighted P1 student getting his storybook autographed

EL Fiesta 2023 Recognising that stories are powerful communication tools to create meaning and connect people, a key feature in our EL programme is the use of stories to ignite the students’ passion for the English language through termly activities.

In Term 2, a Book Fair was organised where students not only got to purchase story books and magazines at discounted prices but also participate in a Meet-The-Author session. Excited students lined up eagerly for the autograph session with Mr Neil Humphreys, author of the Princess Incognito book series. Mr Humphreys welcomed our students warmly and spoke to each of them enthusiastically before giving personalised signings on their books. In Term 3, a poetry competition was held where students had to use their wits and words to write a poem that was aligned to a school virtue or STELLAR unit. In collaboration with the CCE Department, students also enjoyed an activity during the National Day celebrations. Titled “Say What?”, students learned more about the use of good, standard English by identifying the correct meanings of sentences deliberately written in Singlish. Students having fun while playing Say What

In Term 4, as a form of drama appreciation, the students enjoyed viewing a play titled “The Jungle Book”. National Library Board (NLB) The school continues to build a strong partnership with NLB, which supports the school through the provision of reading resources and activities. This year, we continue to participate in the NLB Read for Books 2023, a charity book drive aimed at raising awareness of reading and sharing the gift of reading with the less privileged.

P4 Loyalty students participating in NLB RFB

Competitions Gabrielites are given the opportunity to participate in various competitions such as the Singapore Moo-O Awards (a digital storytelling competition), Mythos Junior Orators: 2023 (a storytelling competition), Wits & Words Debate Championship, Creative Writing Programme (CWP) and National English Writing Competition 2023. Such competitions allow our students to hone their speaking and writing skills while realising their full potential.

Moo-O Awards Participants with Mr Martin Tan


Mother Tongue Department

(Chinese Language / Malay Language / Tamil Language)

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mdm Lim Jia Shyuan (Subject Head / InfoComm Technology (ICT)), Ms Liu Yi Lei Lily, Ms Palaniammal (Subject Head / Mother Tongue Languages (MTL)), Ms Wan Chui Ting (HOD / Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) & School Library (Internal)), Mr Sng Cheng Kiang, Mr Lim Tong Hai, Mr Muhamad Hamzah (ML Coordinator) Row 2: Mdm Noor Aisha, Ms Goh Ruoyi, Mdm Nisfawati Md Zainuddin, Ms Chua Suting, Ms Shirlee Moo Pei San, Ms Ren Ting, Ms Lin Bei Jin, Ms Yang Xiaoqing, Mdm Zhou Jing, Mdm Zhang Yonghong Not in Picture: Ms Dina Farhana, Ms Safila, Ms Ng Xin Ping

Chinese Language Department The Chinese Language Department adopts an integrated approach to teaching and learning to develop our students into engaged learners and effective communicators. To stimulate and sustain our students’ interest in the learning of the Chinese Language, the department has also put in place a range of differentiated activities designed to create an immersive learning experience. Mother Tongue Fortnight In order to foster a conducive learning environment for our students to actively learn their Mother Tongue Languages (MTL), MTL Fortnight Activities were conducted. The activities provided students with opportunities to use their MTL and experience the culture in an authentic way. P3 Cultural Programme During the three days cultural programme, students learnt about the myth behind the Chinese zodiac. There were also handson activities for them to sculpt a Chinese zodiac animal using clay. It was certainly an enriching cultural programme that allowed them to broaden their cultural knowledge beyond the textbooks. Reading Programme Reading is one of the best ways to enhance the learning of the Chinese Language. It sparks students’ interest and improves their language proficiency. To cultivate a good reading habit among our students, we have reading routines such as the daily Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR) and weekly video storytelling sessions before flag raising.


Students taking the Chinese Language also subscribe to Dudu, which is an adaptive Chinese reading programme that recommends eBooks according to each student’s reading ability, enabling them to improve their command of the Chinese Language. Competition The Chinese Language Department believes that providing students with opportunities to participate in competitions would help to develop them holistically and enable them to realise their full potential. This year, students participated in various competitions which include the 2023 Fo Guang Shan Penmanship Competition, 2023 Fo Guang Shan Three Acts of Goodness Art Contest, National Chinese Challenge 2023, 6th Text Recital Competition for Pri & Sec Schools and International Chinese Language Competition. Three Gabrielites were among the finalists for the 2023 Fo Guang Shan Penmanship Competition and one of them achieved the Excellence Award. Nine Gabrielites participated in the National Chinese Challenge 2023 and one of them emerged top 20. Congratulations to our Gabrielites! They have done our school proud!

Excited boys preparing for the skit!

Participating in Read for Books which is part of the National Reading Movement

Learning more about the characters in the story

Participating in National Chinese Challenge 2023

Using ICT in the classroom to make learning more engaging

Engaging language activities


Malay Language Department This year, apart from our yearly activities such as the Mother Tongue Fortnight, students also took part in the ‘Tanya Sama Bangau’ Programme, and had the privilege to learn more about the culturally rich Malay folk songs from veteran musician, Art Fazil. Students first learnt about the story behind the traditional Malay folk song ‘Bangau O Bangau’. Then, they sang and acted out the song. They got to come up with their own lyrics to create their own version of the song too. It was truly an engaging session. Students participated in various competitions organised by the department as well. They include poetry recitation, storytelling, advertisement showcase and radio presenter competitions. The department believes that by providing students with opportunities to take part in such competitions, it hones their speaking skills and helps them to develop confidence in using the Malay Language.

Kite Making for the P4s

P4 Advertisment Presentation


Our P3 students with the ketupats which they have weaved

Performance time

Our P6 boys with Mr Fazil

Our P1 students with their food plates

P1 Nursery Rhyme

P5 Radio Presenters

P3 Poetry Recitation

Tamil Language Department Learning Journeys After a 3-year hiatus, our students were able to embark on Learning Journeys again. In conjunction with the Harvest Festival which is also known as ‘Pongal’, our Primary 4 students went to Little India to learn about the Indian folk dances and musical instruments, as well as some aspects of traditional pottery making. In conjunction with the Tamil Language Festival in April, our Primary 5 students joined students from other Primary schools at Umar Pullavar Tamil Language Centre for activities such as coastal making using palm leaves. They also played word games to enhance their language skills and learnt how to use an app to create their own video snippets with voice over. As for our Primary 6 students, they went to the Indian Heritage Centre to learn more about our forefathers who had contributed to Singapore’s nation building, their lifestyle in their hometown in India and how they have enriched Singapore’s cultural scene by bringing their rich cultures to Singapore’s shores. MTL Fortnight and Competitions The department continues to conduct MTL Fortnight activities to actively engage our students, providing them with opportunities to use their MTL and experience the culture in an authentic way. Students also participated in various competitions organised by the department. They include nursery rhyme recitation, character portrayal, storytelling, advertisement showcase and radio presenter competitions. The department believes that by providing students with opportunities to take part in such competitions, it encourages them to use the Tamil Language (TL) more confidently, and at the same time, hones their TL speaking skills.

P2 Character Portrayal

P4 Learning Journey to Pongal Fair

Our P3 students decorating their kolams

A P1 student with his Indian Food Plate

Our P2 students tasting Masala Tea

Kolam Making

P5 Learning Journey to UPTLC Tamil Language Festival

P6 Learning Journey to Indian Heritage Centre


Mathematics Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mr Neo Yong Teck, Mdm Goh Siew Ping, Mrs Shelena Lim, Ms Low Yun Hui (HOD / Mathematics), Ms Elsa Teng (Level Head / Mathematics (Internal)), Mrs Ang, Mrs Kathy Koh Row 2: Mdm Shofia Sukma Nasirjaya, Ms Glenda Ng, Mrs Sheryl Toh, Mrs Cecilia Wong, Mdm Kareen Teoh, Mrs Matthews

Students having fun with multiplication facts and throwing easter eggs

Students positioning food items given hints, honing their skills on Ordinal Numbers

Students solving questions on Fractions while gaining knowledge about our diverse cultural backgrounds

Students recaping on their factual fluency for addition

Students practising their Multiplication and Division skills while learning facts about our different ethnic make-up in Singapore

Mathematics Recess Programmes This year, the Mathematics Department collaborated with the ICT Department and the Catholic Club to celebrate International Friendship Day and Easter. Students enthusiastically gathered to participate in the various Mathematics game booths that incorporated both Mathematics and the various elements of friendship and Easter. During the Racial Harmony Day commemoration, the activities allowed students to learn about and appreciate the diverse races and religions that constitute our multicultural society. These activities simultaneously enabled the students to practice their Mathematical concepts, have fun, and gain knowledge.


P6 Learning Journey to Orchid Bowl to learn about Speed and Forces and Class Bonding

P5 Learning Journey to Gardens by the Bay where students made use of Math concepts to apply to solve questions that are related to real life situations

P5 Learning Journey where students made use of feet size to estimate distance

P5 Learning Journey to Gardens by the Bay where students use arm length to estimate length of structures

P6 Learning Journey to Orchid Bowl where students recording their time taken to bowl for different forces applied and to find out the different speed it takes

Learning Journeys As part of their Primary 5 Camp experience, the Primary 5 students explored Gardens by the Bay. During their visit to various attractions within the site, the students engaged their critical thinking skills to make sense of Mathematics in their surroundings. Similarly, the Primary 6 students embarked on a learning journey to the Orchid Country Club. Here, they put their understanding of Speed and Mass into practical use by selecting appropriate bowling balls and engaging in a friendly game of bowling with their fellow peers. This experience not only provided valuable real-life application but also allowed them to thoroughly enjoy their time with both peers and teachers.

Students being engaged with the Wheel of Operations during recess

Math monitors going through the Math In the News slides featuring the LKY 100th commemoration coin

Students finding out the time in Tokyo with respect to the current time in Singapore with the mounted interactive clock

Students applying what they have read from an article inMath In the News with measurements of 2m and identifying things around them

Math Interactives in the School Canteen Sudoku puzzles are regularly displayed and rotated in the canteen to help students develop problem-solving skills. These puzzles also encourage students to analyze the relationship between the whole and its parts, while promoting concentration skills. The Wheels of Operations activity enables students to practice and challenge their peers in factual fluency. Interactive clocks have been installed on the walls of the school canteen. These clocks provide students with exposure to various time zones around the world. By referring to the UTC and GMT charts on the canteen pillar, students can manipulate the interactive clocks on the walls to understand different time zones. Math Buzz Informative slides covering a myriad of topics are featured on the televisions twice a term. These topics include the integration of Art with Mathematics in the school, the history of Numbers, Addition and Subtraction, Counting and Sequences, Percentage, and Tracking Time using tally systems. Math in the News To emphasize the relevance of Mathematics in their daily lives, students were introduced to various news articles each term. Learning resources were tailored to align with the topics covered at different levels. These resources utilized pertinent articles from The Straits Times to enhance students’ awareness and application of Mathematical concepts. Topics ranged from the significance of numbers in various situations to discussions about Money, Length, Speed, and Decimals, as well as their application in contexts like Money and Percentage. Learning Mathematics in SGPS Learning Mathematics through hands-on approaches, including manipulatives and interactive learning experiences, as well as integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT), remains a crucial aspect of our Mathematics curriculum at SGPS. Our school’s teachers have consistently embraced new technologies and applications, such as ClassPoint and Toy Theatre, to effectively engage students and provide valuable support for teaching and learning within the classroom setting.


Science Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mr Kelvin Loy (School Staff Developer), Mdm Jean Heng (HOD / Science), Ms Jolene Low (Level Head / Science (Internal)), Mdm Chitra Devi (Senior Teacher / Science) Row 2: Ms Evelyn Wu, Mdm Sharifah Nurulhuda, Ms Irfana, Mrs Shankar, Ms Yenny Phoon (Senior Teacher / High Ability Learners), Ms Nur Halimah

Exploring the Wonders of Science: A Journey of Curiosity and Discovery The Science Department aims to cultivate a love for science, a scientific mindset and inspire students to question, investigate, and analyse the world around them. Through hands-on experiments, inter-disciplinary learning journeys, interactive activities via ICT, the young learners in SGPS have opportunities to exercise critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The Science learning experience in SGPS is crafted to provide a balanced blend of scientific concepts and practical application. Science lessons are filled with experiments, real-life specimens and collaborative learning opportunities to bring the scientific concepts to life. By making science relatable and enjoyable, we aim instil a lifelong passion for the learning of Science. Exploring the Environment around Us One of the key aspects of our science learning experience in SGPS is the inter-disciplinary learning journeys. on of the natural world. From understanding the environmental issue of scarcity of clean water to the scientific concept of water cycle,


our students embark on inter-disciplinary learning journeys at the Gardens by the Bay, Botanical Gardens, and even a bowling centre to experience how Science concepts are alive and all around us. Celebrating Scientific Achievements Throughout the year, the Science Dept celebrates the achievements of the young budding scientists in the school. Student-led environmental initiatives and competitions are opportunities organised and availed to showcase their leadership and complement the curriculum in pursuit of excellence in Science learning. These platforms provide the students an opportunity to demonstrate their problemsolving abilities, creativity and critical thinking while fostering self-confidence and a sense of pride and accomplishment. Inquiry-based Learning (IBL) Central to the curriculum framework is the inculcation of the spirit of scientific inquiry. The conduct of inquiry is founded on three integral domains of (a) Knowledge, Understanding and Application, (b) Skills and Processes and (c) Ethics and Attitudes. It seeks to enable students to view the pursuit of science as meaningful and useful. Inquiry is thus grounded

in knowledge, issues and questions that relate to the roles played by science in daily life, society and the environment. At SGPS, the approach involves the use of hands-on activities to develop concepts as students make connections with their surroundings. Our students hone their problem solving, decision-making and investigation process skills through inquiry and experiential learning approaches. Providing opportunities to apply concepts in varied contexts through authentic outdoor learning, use of ICT, self-directed as well as collaborative learning experiences The learning experiences aim to inculcate ethics and attitudes such as, Curiosity, Creativity, Integrity, Objectivity, Open-

Observing the life cycle of ants

mindedness, Perseverance and responsibility, in our students. Junior Science programme This programme is integrated into the lower primary curriculum. The JS programme taps on the natural curiosity of the lower primary students to further develop their Science skills and concepts. In an extension of the STELLAR unit ‘Ants in a Hurry,’ our Primary 1 Gabrielites explored diverse ant colonies, delving into ant characteristics and lifecycles. Meanwhile, Primary 6 Gabrielites closely observed ant habitats, adaptations, and their vital role as decomposers. An enlightening, ‘f-ant-astic’ experience for all!

Learning about ants’ habitats and adaptations

Science Competitions and Achievements

Learning about the Life Cycle of Plants and Diversity Around Us

Problem-solving activity in the Electrical Systems lesson

Clean Plate Challenge

Vermiculture Enrichment Activity

Professional Development at PLTs

Learning about the Life Cycle of Plants and Diversity Around Us

Learning about starch and how it reacts with Iodine solution

Observing ants in their habitats

Learning the Water Cycle Concept through a ‘Building a Terrarium’ Activity

Professional Development at PLTs

Application of the concepts of Light and Shadows in a `Wayang Kulit’ presentation

Explorative activity – Learning about the parts of a flower with a real-life specimen

Learning about the Life Cycle of Plants and Diversity Around Us


Physical Health Education & Co-curricular Activities Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mr Luke Tan, Mr Andre Danker, Mr Jasper Lee Rui Bin, Mr Jimmy Tong (HOD / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mr Sean De Zilva (Subject Head / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mr Vincent Toh Not in Picture: Mr Ng Chiong Hoe

At St. Gabriel’s Primary, our PHE and CCA Department is dedicated to equipping our students with hard skills, heart skills, and soft skills in sports. By the end of their primary school journey, each Gabrielite should possess the necessary sports skills to engage in a wide variety of sports. They will also learn how to be gracious winners and losers, and understand the importance of good sportsmanship. Furthermore, each Gabrielite will develop into a proficient team player with strong social skills whenever they participate in sports. These qualities will prepare our Gabrielites to be active and healthy sports enthusiasts throughout their lives. To realise these objectives, we offer a diverse range of sports and games programs designed to cater to different levels of students throughout the year. Sports undoubtedly play a significant role in the lives of Gabrielites.

P3 Swim Safer Programme – Developing Self-Confidence and Water Survival Skills


Recess Play @ SGPS


Key Programmes / Events

Primary 1 & 2

Programme for Active Learning, Health & Wellness Week, Annual Sports and Games Day, Structured Recess Sports Programme.

Primary 3

SwimSafer Programme, Structured Recess Sports Programme, Annual Sports & Games Day, Health & Wellness Week, Inter-Class Games (Basketball, Football, Badminton and Floorball), Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

Primary 4

NAPFA Test, Structured Recess Sports Programme, Annual Sports & Games Day, Health & Wellness Week, Inter-Class Games (Basketball, Football, Badminton and Floorball), Montfortian-Gabrielite Education Institution Inter-School Sports, Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

Primary 5

NAPFA Familarisation, Structured Recess Sports Programme, Annual Sports & Games Day, Health & Wellness Week, Inter-Class Games (Basketball, Football, Badminton and Floorball), Discovery & Leadership Camp, BP Initiative @ Schools Programme, CoCurricular Activities (CCA).

Primary 6

NAPFA Test, Structured Recess Sports Programme, Annual Sports & Games Day, Health & Wellness Week, Inter-Class Games (Basketball, Football, Badminton and Floorball), Montfortian-Gabrielite Education Institution Inter-School Sports, Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).

MGEI Softball Clinic For MJS and SGPS

P5 Camp Amazing Race @ Gardens By The Bay

CCA - Gabrielite Football Academy in Action

Health and Wellness Week

Mass Warm Up During Annual Games Day

BP Initiative @ Schools Programme

P5 Camp Confidence Obstacle Course


Aesthetics Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Yang Xiaoqing, Ms Soh Xin Hui Lytessia, Ms Glenda Ng, Mrs Catherine Low (HOD / Aesthetics & Applied Learning Programme (ALP)), Mrs Cecilia Wong, Mr Steven Tay, Mrs Priscilla Teo, Mrs Maureen Jansen Not in Picture: Mr Daniel Sia

Enriching Gabrielites’ Learning of the Arts Our Arts Education program adopts a holistic approach, aiming to inspire creative individuals to cultivate lifelong interests with cultural sensitivity and awareness through the arts. Through our customized art and music curriculum, Gabrielites are immersed in diverse art and music learning experiences, fostering an appreciation for the arts and culture. They also acquire valuable skills and knowledge about the arts, enabling them to express their thoughts and ideas effectively through artistic forms.

A Budding Artist, Aaryan (3 GEN)

Brian (4 SEL) appreciating cultures through batik art

P1 Budding Artists’ Our Cityscape!


Marcus (4 LOY) with his abstract portrait inspired by cubism

Basil and Damien(5 SEL) with their artworks on flowers and insects

P3 Artists’ Our awesome landmarks in Singapore

Kaeden (3 GEN) illustrating ideas with shapes and colours

P4 Artists’ We are the architects for these historical shophouses

Beyond the tunes and rhythms, the goal of music education is to develop not only students’ artistic and creative capabilities but also to equip them with essential 21st-century skills and competencies. We firmly believe that music education extends beyond merely learning to play an instrument; it also nurtures teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. As we prepare our students to be futureready citizens, we ensure they are well-equipped to excel in our ever-evolving world.

Our Primary 4 Gabrielites actively participated in the GarageBand program, which enabled them to delve into music creation. During the program, they received instruction on playing various rhythms and chordal accompaniments for the song ‘Sunroof’ using virtual instruments like the Grand Piano, Electronic Drums, and Strings. This experience allowed students to simulate the experience of performing as a pop band by harmonizing different musical elements.

P1 Singing and Movement

P4 Gabrielites making music with GarageBand

P5 Malay Rhythms

P4 Recorder

P4 Gabrielites playing chords on the virtual string instrument

In each art lesson, our students venture beyond the classroom, delving into a world of exploration. They are transported to different eras to learn about artists ahead of their time, uncover the rich tapestry of the local art scene that portrays Singapore’s history, and experiment with diverse art media and forms. We emphasize that art is not solely about the final product; it equally encompasses the process and the meaning behind each child’s artwork. This approach empowers our Gabrielites to take ownership of their imagination, ensuring that their voices are truly heard.

Appreciating our pioneer artists

4 LOY boys’ MBL at National Gallery Singapore

4 ORD boys’ MBL at National Gallery Singapore

Igniting our curiosity towards local artworks and and art scene


Infocomm Technology Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Miss Siti Nur Hanis (ICT Executive cum Trainer), Mr Kelvin Tan (Desktop Engineer), Mdm Lim Jia Shyuan (Subject Head / InfoComm Technology (ICT)), Mr Mohamed Hafiz Mustafa (ICT Associate), Ms Dewi Kirana (Desktop Engineer) Row 2: Mdm Liu Yi Lei Lily, Ms Jolene Low (Level Head / Science (Internal)), Mrs Serene Huang, Ms Chua Suting, Mr Jasper Lee Rui Bin, Mrs Serene Cordeiro, Ms Elsa Teng (Level Head / Mathematics (Internal)), Ms Yenny Phoon (Senior Teacher / High Ability Learners), Mrs Radha Vishnu, Mdm Nancy Tan Hee Tian (Library Aide)

ICT Department In SGPS, we envision every Gabrielite to be a proficient, innovative and responsible user of ICT. Proficient – Baseline ICT Standards and New Media Literacies (NML) The Baseline ICT Standards and New Media Literacies (NML) comprise a set of ICT and literacy skills that our students will acquire over their six years at SGPS. In this program, our Gabrielites learn to proficiently use a range of digital creation tools and applications to produce various digital artifacts, including e-books, posters, videos, and presentations. These skills empower our Gabrielites to effectively convey information and ideas through multimodal artifacts. Innovative – Code For Fun Enrichment Programme In Term 2, eight classes from the Primary 4 and Primary 5 levels participated in the Code for Fun Enrichment program. This program, offered jointly by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the Ministry of Education, aims to expose students to the skills necessary for embracing future opportunities in the digital economy. During the ten-hour program, our Gabrielites learned about core computational thinking and basic programming concepts, discovering how these concepts can be applied to various aspects of their daily lives. They were also challenged to apply 21stcentury competencies, such as logical thinking and problem-solving skills, in programming a robotic ball known as Sphero BOLT during the sessions. Responsible - Cyberwellness Education Programme


Our Cyberwellness education program engages Gabrielites through various platforms. The school celebrated Safer Internet Day 2023 with a series of programs and activities centered around this year’s theme, “Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online.” During the school assembly, our Cyber Wellness Student Ambassadors (CWSAs) shared information about individuals whom our Gabrielites can approach for safe conversations about life online. Additionally, the school invited the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) to set up the “Go Safe Online” mobile booth, where our Gabrielites learned about the significance of cybersecurity, common online scams, and received four cyber tips through games and hands-on activities. In the classroom, our Gabrielites engaged in discussions about topics such as media balance and screen time management to promote a healthy lifestyle. These discussions were facilitated through our Montfortian Character and Leadership Education (MCLE) sessions and Special Periods (SP), reinforcing the Cyberwellness messages of “Be Safe, Be Kind, and Be Smart” on the Internet.

Gabrielites working together to code a Sphero BOLT robotic dance

Gabrielites exploring the Go Safe Online Mobile Booth set up by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore

Our CWSAs Stefan Snodgrass Danker and Basil Quek sharing with the school how Gabrielites can be engaged in safe conversations about life online

Gabrielites discussing and coding the Sphero BOLTs

Presentation of Sphero Bolts dance to the whole class

Gabrielites learning how to spot signs of phishing

Gabrielites learning how to protect themselves against malware

Our P1 Gabrielites learning word processing using Google Docs


Character and Citizenship Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Irfana, Mr Xie Zhengyang (Subject Head / Student Leadership), Mrs Isabella Tan, Mrs Jessica Hoon (HOD / CCE, Student Development & School-Community Partnerships), Ms Lin Bei Jin, Mrs Karen Tan (Subject Head / Student Wellbeing (Internal)), Mr Lim Tong Hai Row 2: Mdm Aisha, Ms Goh Ruoyi, Mdm Goh Siew Ping, Mdm Sharifah Nurulhuda, Mrs Shankar, Mrs Priscilla Teo, Ms Nur Halimah, Mdm Rohaya Awie

Our department, the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) and Student Leadership team, draws profound inspiration from the teachings of our founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort. Our primary objective is to develop personalized student development programs that nurture the qualities of gracious gentlemen within our Gabrielite students, in alignment with our school’s eight core virtues. Through the Montfortian Character, Citizenship, and Leadership Education (MCLE) lessons, students not only gain insight into Montfort’s virtues but are also encouraged to follow in his exemplary footsteps as Men for Others. At the heart of Montfort’s philosophy lies the conviction of leading by example: “He must first practice what he preaches... begin by doing and then by teaching.” In line with this principle, Gabrielites actively contribute to society through their participation in Values-In-Action (VIA) projects. These initiatives empower students with the autonomy to plan, prepare, and execute activities that benefit their intended recipients. Furthermore, our school-wide Montfortian Leadership Programme (MLP) equips students with invaluable leadership skills. These competencies play a pivotal role in nurturing their capacity for self-leadership and team leadership, thus empowering them to excel in a multitude of leadership roles.


We proudly concluded our inaugural plastic bottle recycling drive on Total Defence Day

Our school events shine brighter thanks to our dedicated PSGs. Here, they actively lead our students in learning how to sort bottle caps during our plastic bottle recycling drive

Our students proudly showcase their rich cultural diversity by donning vibrant ethnic costumes for Racial Harmony Day

Exploring the delicious tapestry of local cuisine while brushing up on their math skills at a booth during Racial Harmony Day

Our students fearlessly conquering the Ninja Warrior obstacle course in the spirit of Total Defence Day celebrations

SGRecycle Collection

Gabrielites actively embrace sustainability by donating their used rubber shoes to support the shoe collection drive in partnership with ActiveSG_


Programme for Active Learning (PAL)

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Siti Nurhayaty, Mrs Priscilla Teo, Mrs Catherine Low (HOD / Aesthetics & Applied Learning Programme (ALP)), Mr Neo Yong Teck Row 2: Ms Soh Xin Hui Lytessia, Mdm Goh Siew Ping, Mrs Shelena Lim, Mdm Kareen Teoh, Mrs Karen Tan (Subject Head / Student Wellbeing (Internal)), Ms Cindy Liong Absent: Mrs Maureen Jansen, Mdm Rohaya, Mr Jimmy Tong

Our Programme for Active Learning (PAL) provides fun and experiential experiences by merging classroom learning with outdoor activities to nurture character development among Primary 1 and 2 Gabrielites. Each week allocates two hours of curriculum time to conduct six modular activities in Sports and Games, Outdoor education, and the Performing Arts (Dance, Music and Drama) and Visual Arts. Enabling students to cultivate social-emotional competencies, PAL balances the learning of knowledge with the development of skills and values, and allows our Gabrielites to exhibit the desired behaviour aligned to the school vision, virtues and culture.

Students’ Voices on PAL Experiences Evan Wee (1 SEL): I enjoy the fun activities with my team members. We listened to the teacher’s instructions first and communicated our ideas in our group. I learnt that we must respect others and communicate with our group members. Giannoni David Yiyang (1GEN): I like that we always do group work during PAL Visual Arts lessons. I enjoy working with my friends! I work with my group members by taking turns and listening to each other when they speak. I learnt that we must respect each other and not fight with each other. Oliver Ho (1 PER): I enjoy listening to my friends sharing about the dragons that they drew.


Ian Josh Loh (1 PER): We take turns to contribute ideas. Jorge Gerard Singh (1 SIY): I enjoy listening to music during PAL lessons. We practice teamwork by helping each other and taking turns. I learn dynamics in music, soft and loud music. I also learnt that teamwork is important in completing group tasks. Krishay (1 LOY): I learnt that listening to each other is important when I took on the role as a conductor. My friends need to look at me and follow all the actions I am doing. I also learnt that I must always treat everyone nicely so that we can work well together.

Zeryus (2 LOY): I enjoyed the drama games like freeze frames. I learnt to listen to their ideas and suggestions. We worked together to create a freeze frame. It was fun. Adhya (2 RES): I love the part when we learnt how to use the PowerPoint, how to create slides and add in pictures and animations.

Evan (2 DIL): I enjoyed learning different dances during PAL Dance. My members and I worked quite well together even though we argued a little which led to some complaints. I learnt to manage my emotions and work cooperatively as a team. Advik (2 SEL): I learnt that everyone is different and they think about things differently.

Sebastian (2 RES): My group and I discussed and planned out a strategy to carry out the group mission. We listened to each other’s opinions.

1 Loy PAL Music: Yum Yum - Singing My Favorite Food 1 PER PAL Drama

1 GEN PAL Visual Arts - Designing our unique animals

1 SEL PAL Sports & Games

1 SIY PAL Drama - Let’s cheer together! 2 DIL PAL Dance - Boys being Seastars

PAL ICT - Coding Lesson

PAL Outdoor Education

2 LOY PAL Drama

2 DIL PAL Sports & Games Crossing the Crocodile River

2 SEL PAL Visual Arts - My unique animal world

1 SIY PAL Music - We are musicians!

2 SEL PAL Visual Arts - Let’s colour our underwater world

2 ORD PAL Outdoor Education Figuring out our task


Applied Learning Programme (ALP) Committee

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mr Jimmy Tong (HOD / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mdm Lim Jia Shyuan (Subject Head / InfoComm Technology (ICT)), Mr Martin Tan (Principal), Mrs Catherine Low (HOD / Aesthetics & Applied Learning Programme (ALP)), Mr Sean De Zilva (Subject Head / Physical & Health Education & CCA), Mr Xie Zhengyang (Subject Head / Student Leadership)

Preparing Gabrielites as Future-Ready Citizens with 21st Century Competencies In today’s dynamic and rapidly evolving technological landscape, digital literacy is a crucial skill that every young learner must possess. Our Applied Learning Programme (ALP), the Gabrielite Digital Literacy Programme (GDLP), is thoughtfully designed to nurture 21st-century skills and competencies in our Gabrielites, while instilling cyber wellness values through coding and design-based projects. Centered around the theme of ‘Smart Nation’ and the concept of ‘Transforming Spaces for Innovation,’ students are encouraged to propose innovative solutions for real-world problems and leverage digital tools to advocate their ideas. GDLP also harnesses students’ creativity by incorporating the Design Thinking process, enabling them to prototype artifacts that address a variety of challenges.

GDLP teachers calibrating their Observation Checklist on 21CC


An ALP-GDLP Facilitation Workshop

Students’ Voices on P3 and P5 ALP-GDLP Arihant (3 SEL): I learned to use Scratch to code games. In Microbits, I learned to create a Robotic crane. I connected the micro bit with Strawbees to pick up objects. Gavrail (3 SIY): Sometimes, we might have challenges, or we were confused with the codes. Another challenge was to find a solution for the project cooperatively as a group.

P3 teachers in GDLP-action

Sidharth (5 GEN): We have learned the difference between augmented reality and virtual reality. We also learn how to use code spaces to create a virtual environment that you can immerse ourselves in. Isaac (5 SIY): CoSpaces projects may help with the future life. We created our own zoos. I also made a church, and was learning how to code.

Smart GDLP Artefacts created by Gabrielites

Student Development Team (SDT)

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mrs Dorin Lee (Year Head (P1 - P2)), Mdm Christine Lee (Year Head (P3 - P4)), Mr s Karen Tan (Subject Head / Student Wellbeing (Internal)), Mrs Jessica Hoon (HOD / CCE, Student Development & School-Community Partnerships), Mr John Lim (Vice Principal), Ms Low Mei Ling (HOD / Discipline, Safety & Partnerships), Mrs Jeannette Tan (Senior School Counsellor), Mr Andy Kong (Year Head (P5 - P6)), Mr Jimmy Tong (HOD / Physical & Health Education & CCA)

The Student Development Team (SDT) is dedicated to creating a secure and engaging school environment for our students. Our primary focus is on supporting Gabrielites in cultivating resilience, enabling them to overcome challenges and strive for excellence as Leaders, Sportsmen, and Achievers. Comprised of key personnel from various departments, we collaborate to ensure the well-being of our Gabrielites. Our school has embarked on a transformative journey to foster resilience among students through the concept of a growth mindset. Our teachers incorporate growth mindset language

into their instruction and actively encourage students for their efforts. They emphasize a positive learning attitude and recognize improvements based on constructive feedback. As part of our commitment to building resilience, we have introduced level-wide Resilience Projects. These projects provide students with challenging tasks, offering valuable opportunities to learn how to effectively manage such tasks and emerge as stronger Gabrielites.

5 GEN Food collection drive

3 SEL Preparation


LMM Team

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Jane Lim (HOD / English Language), Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher / English Language), Ms Wan Chui Ting (HOD / Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) & School Library (Internal)), Mr Andy Kong (Year Head (P5 - P6)), Ms Low Yun Hui (HOD / Mathematics), Mrs Michelle Tan (Level Head / English Language), Mdm Jean Heng (HOD / Science) Row 2: Ms Liu Yi Lei, Lily, Ms Irfana, Ms Jolene Low (Level Head / Science (Internal)), Ms Chua Suting, Mr Xie Zhengyang (Subject Head / Student Leadership), Ms Ren Ting, Ms Yenny Phoon (Senior Teacher / High Ability Learners), Mrs Radha Vishnu, Mdm Zhou Jing

Louis Marie de Montfort (LMM) Team The 3-year Louis Marie de Montfort (LMM) programme in St. Gabriel’s Primary School aims to provide a more robust and academically challenging curriculum for the Primary 4 to 6 students who learn at a different pace. These students are identified at the end of Primary 3 and are invited to join the LMM programme in Primary 4. The programme also aims to inspire and motivate them to become an empathetic and morally responsible citizen, a resilient and self-directed learner, a convincing and confident communicator, as well as a critical and inventive thinker.

Higher Chinese Drama Programme


Funded by the Catherine and Peter Tay Excellence Fund, the students in the LMM programme are provided with a compelling learning experience that cultivates the spirit of life-long learning. Dr Peter Tay and his wife’s generosity and commitment provided students with many learning opportunities. Students are not just engaged cognitively, their involvement in Values-in-Action projects as part of the programme also allows their character to be developed.

Food Donation Drive

Discipline, Student Safety and Partnership Department

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Ms Evelyn Wu, Ms Ren Ting, Mr Vincent Toh, Ms Low Mei Ling (HOD / Discipline, Safety & Partnerships), Mr Muhamad Hamzah, Mdm Nisfawati Md Zainuddin, Mdm Zhou Jing Row 2: Mdm Zhang Yong Hong, Mrs Matthews, Ms Cindy Liong, Mrs Shelena Lim Not in picture: Ms Ng Xin Ping

In St Gabriel’s Primary School, sound character formation and the nurturing of all students in their journey to become exemplary Gabrielites is of utmost importance to the school. The school adopts a rigorous system in recognising Gabrielites who have been consistent in displaying exemplary behaviour. Non-Academic Awards Brother Emmanuel Gracious Gabrielite Merit Award (GGMA) The Brother Emmanuel Gracious Gabrielite Merit Award is given to Gabrielites who are outstanding in exhibiting the school virtues. It also recognises Gabrielites who reach out to the last, the least and the lost. Brother Dominic Yeo-Koh Co-Curricular (CCA) Achievement Award The Brother Dominic Yeo-Koh CCA Award is given to Gabrielities who do their best in the co-curricular activities in school. It recognises their individual as well as team effort in the pursuit of sporting and other CCA achievements.

achieved significant sports achievements for the year. The awardees are also good role models who exhibit virtues such as self-discipline, perseverance, resilience, sportsmanship and teamwork. MOE Edusave Character Award (ECHA) The ECHA award is given to students who demonstrate exemplary character and outstanding personal qualities through their behaviour and actions. MOE Edusave awards for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (EAGLES) The EAGLES award is given to students who demonstrate leadership qualities, service to the school and community, excellence in non-academic activities, and good conduct.

Dr Peter Tay Buan Huat Student Leader Service Award The Dr Peter Tay Award is given to student leaders who display their leadership skills to lead and serve God, the school and the community. SGPS Outstanding Sportsman Award The Outstanding Sportsmen Award is given to Gabrielites who


Case Management Team (CMT)

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mr Muhammad Erwin (Special Educational Needs Officer), Mr Neo Yong Teck, Mr John Lim (Vice Principal), Mr Andy Kong (Year Head (P5 - P6)), Mr Mohamad Hafiz Juraimi (Special Educational Needs Officer) Row 2: Mrs Dorin Lee (Year Head (P1 - P2)), Ms Siti Nurhayaty, Mrs Isabel Wong (Special Educational Needs Officer), Mdm Kareen Teoh, Mrs Jeannette Tan (Senior School Counsellor), Mdm Christine Lee (Year Head (P3 - P4)), Mdm Shofia Sukma

The Case Management Team (CMT) in St. Gabriel’s Primary School comprises the Year Heads, Special Education Needs Officers (SENOs), school counsellors and teachers. In line with the school’s core belief ‘Loving each child as your own’, the CMT addresses the needs of students and provides socioemotional and behavioural support through interventions, skills trainings and workshops. Through the close partnership with teachers, parents and students, the CMT also develops students holistically towards achieving the outcomes of ‘Gabrielite 2025’. With the culture of care as our central focus for our students, the CMT aims to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for every Gabrielite to have an enriching, engaging and meaningful educational journey in SGPS.


Teacher Leader Team

ST. GABRIEL’S PRIMARY SCHOOL (2023) Row 1: Mrs Shelena Lim, Mrs Cecilia Koh (Lead Teacher / English Language), Mr Kelvin Loy (School Staff Developer), Mrs Wendy Chee (Senior Teacher / English Language), Ms Yenny Phoon (Senior Teacher / High Ability Learners), Mdm Chitra Devi (Senior Teacher / Science)

At St. Gabriel’s Primary School, the Teacher Leader Team is a composed, cohesive unit. It consists of the School Staff Developer, the Lead Teacher (LT) in English Language, and three Senior Teachers (STs) with specialized expertise in English Language, Science, and High Ability Learners. Additionally, three seasoned teachers proficient in Mathematics, Special Education Needs, and the Chinese Language form an integral part of this team. These teacher leaders epitomize instructional excellence and exhibit leadership across multiple teaching and learning dimensions, encompassing curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy. Their embodiment of the teaching profession’s ethos sets the bar for high professional standards and provides a model for their colleagues. Their dynamic roles bolster the school’s and students’ support systems, amplifying the institution’s overall capacity for enhancement. One of the pivotal roles they undertake is mentoring novice educators, ushering them through the unfamiliar school terrain. This involves offering insights on instruction, curriculum, procedures, practices, and effectively navigating the educational landscape. The team’s activities are enriched by regular professional dialogues, journal appraisals, and literature exploration. These interactive endeavors serve as crucibles for refining teaching methodologies and serve as platforms for collective design of school-wide, departmental, and level-wide training sessions. At its core, the primary goal is to cultivate a thriving community of teacher leaders who exude pedagogical guidance and mentorship. This collective effort results in an elevated caliber of the entire teaching fraternity, inevitably translating into enhanced student outcomes.


Snapshots of our Special Moments: Events @ SGSS

70th Anniversary Carnival St Gabriel’s Secondary School commemorated the 70th Anniversary of our school’s founding with a carnival on 23 May 2023. During the carnival, there were captivating performances put up by our Teachers’ Band. Contestants for the ‘Gabrielites Got Talent! also pitted their talents against one another. Carnival games like the Rodeo Bull ride and Gladiators’ Showdown were arranged for Gabrielites during this fun-filled occasion, but the highlight would be the Dunking Machine, which our School Leaders and staff also participated in. Our Gabrielites also showed their creativity by coming up with and running games like Laser Tag, Water Ballon Fight and Haunted House. In addition, our Secondary One students helped to man food booths and worked alongside our canteen

vendors and external vendors to sell food like Ramly Burger and Candy Floss. We would like to extend our appreciation to our PSG members, who contributed by running the ice-cream, nachos and carnival coupons booths. Going beyond the fun and games, we also had staff and students who volunteered to shave their hair to pledge their support for ‘Hair for Hope’ during the carnival. Kudos to them for having the courage to make a difference! ‘These are the kind of school experiences which students remember for the longest time, and they would reminisce about them when they meet each other.’ - Mr Christopher Thomas, Vice Principal of St Gabriel’s Secondary School

A show of power at the Hammer Hit station

Members of the Parents Support Group contributing to the event

A Gabrielite having fun maintaining his balance on the Rodeo Bull

Mr Christopher Thomas participating in the Dunking Machine

Mdm Yee, Mdm Noor and the Teachers’ Band performing at the Carnival

Staff and students who had bravely shaved their hair to pledge their support for “Hair for Hope”


Founder’s Day Celebrating 70 Years of Dedicated Service to Singapore and God

inaugural appointment ceremony for our dedicated student leaders who faithfully serve in the GIFT ministries.

The celebration was marked by a 33-day journey of consecration prayers. In the week leading up to Founder’s Day, known as Empathy Week, our community came together to share inspiring stories of our beloved founder.

Following the Mass, we embarked on a journey through the life of Montfort during our Empathy lessons for all levels. It was a poignant reminder of our founder’s enduring legacy.

Founder’s Day itself was a momentous occasion, uniting all students in a meaningful Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Emmanuel, an esteemed alumnus and former teacher. This Mass held special significance as it included the

We draw inspiration from the profound words of our founder: “Those whom the world rejects must move you the most.” These words continue to guide our mission and purpose as a community dedicated to serving those in need.

Ms Tanny Ho leading the school in Morning Devotions for the day

Competing to see who completes the task first

Cerebral Palsy Movement Challenge: “How do you feel when you are unable to walk properly”

Commissioning of our newly appointed Ministry leaders


Visual Impairment Challenge: “How do you feel when you are unable to see where you going”

Thanksgiving of our commited outgoing Ministry leaders

Our esteemed alumnus and former teacher, Father Emmamuel, together with Mr Lim and the altar servers

Minister Chan Chun Sing’s Visit to St. Gabriel’s Secondary School We were honoured to host our Minister for Education, Chan Chun Sing for a school visit on 30 March 2023. During his time here, he had the opportunity to engage with the staff and student leaders, as well as get a glimpse of the school life of a Gabrielite. He observed an integrated English Language and Character and Citizenship Education lesson in line with the themes of Earth Day, and also got a taster of the school’s aviation Applied Learning Programme.

All eyes on the drone

Minister Chan engaging staff in a dialogue session

Minister Chan giving our boys some pointers as they fly the drone during their ALP lesson

Minister Chan observing the boys in action

Minister Chan engaging students in a dialogue session

Class is never quite the same when Minister Chan joins in

Lower secondary boys greeting Minister Chan


Chinese New Year Celebration After a two year hiatus due to COVID-19, staff and students were able to gather once again in the school hall for our Chinese New Year (CNY) celebration this year. In addition to captivating displays put up by our very own Concert Band and Guitar Ensemble boys, we also welcomed performers from Dance Ensemble Singapore, who mesmerised the audience with their performances of traditional and contemporary Chinese Dance. A few fortunate Gabrielites were also invited on stage to learn some moves and dance alongside them.

“It was great to see everyone gather in the hall for our CNY celebration and it was encouraging to see all of our classes going to great lengths to prepare for the inter-class CNY classroom decorations competition. May everyone have a blessed and bountiful year

The highlight of our celebration was the professional Lion Dance troupe, livening the atmosphere with their slick moves. Thereafter, students returned to their classes for a class party and to learn more about CNY customs and traditions.


ahead! ” - Mr Clement See (HOD/MTL)

Father Emmanuel blessing the mandarin oranges

A dance performance put up by Dance Ensemble SG

School Leaders with the lion dance troupe

Ushering in the Chinese New Year with the God of Fortune

Guitar boys focusing on their performance

Softballers lighting up our CNY celebration

Students dancing with Dance Ensemble SG performers

Band members putting up an enthralling performance

CNY Classroom Decorations Competition: Welcoming the Year of the Rabbit

MTL Fortnight To develop an appreciation of our Mother Tongue cultures, a series of cultural activities were planned for our Gabrielites during Mother Tongue Fortnight this year.

Appreciation Learning Journey. Our Tamil students engaged in the appreciation of traditional Tamil drum music (Parai Isai) and drew Kolam. Selected Malay students took part in various external competitions.

For the first part of our programme that took place from 20 24 February, our Chinese students were exposed to traditional cultural activities like paper-cutting, solving a puzzle ring, porcelain painting, clay sculpting, tea appreciation, terracotta warriors painting and opera face mask painting. Our Malay students embarked on an e-learning journey to Kampong Buangkok and made traditional puppets and kites. For our Tamil students, Ranggoli drawing and claypot painting were planned. For the second part of the programme that took place from 21-25 August, selected Lower Secondary Chinese students watched the opera ‘The Monkey King Borrows Treasure from

“Through these cultural activities and learning experiences, we hope to imbue a love for their Mother Tongue Language and a greater appreciation of their culture in our Gabrielites.” – Mr Clement See (HOD/MTL)

the Dragon Palace’, while selected Secondary 3 students watched a theatre performance ‘I am Your Father’. 35 of our Secondary 3 students also went to Tea Chapter for a Tea

Traditional Indian Drums

Sec 3 Theatre Experience

Sec 1 Traditional Paper Cutting

Kite Making

Learning Journey to Tea Chapter

Ranggoli Drawing

Learning Journey to Kampung Buangkok

Sec 4 Tea Appreciation


International Friendship Day International Friendship Day was celebrated with a special school assembly “talk-show” where our international brothers in St Gabriel’s Secondary School shared their perspectives. They hailed from countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal and Myanmmar. The students were candid in their sharing and even answered questions posed by their schoolmates on their experiences as foreigners. What they shared was heartening and demonstrated the inclusive spirit of Gabrielites.

Gabrielites sharing their words of encouragement with the students

Our international friends introducing themselves to the audience

Talk show segment with our international hosts and speakers

Akhyan from Nepal sharing an interesting fact about his country


National Day National Day Celebrations began with a National Day Observance Ceremony. Classroom blocks were lined with students and staff dressed in red, as they stood by the corridors in anticipation of the parade segment. This year, we saw the return of full-scale contingents from the various uniformed groups in St.Gabriel’s Secondary School, after smaller-scale National Day Celebrations in the last three years. What made this experience extra special was how in commemoration of this year’s National Day theme, “Onward as One”, everyone came together to form a human Singapore map under the direction of Mr Kelvin Lim. During the National Day Concert, students were treated to stirring performances put up by the Performing Arts groups - Concert Band, Guitar Ensemble and the Drama Club. Our

Opening performance by the band

teachers, Mdm Noor, Mr Paul, Mdm Hasnah and Ms Seet, lent their beautiful voices to sing and entertain our boys in the segment “Don’t Forget The Lyrics.” In the spirit of fostering a positive community culture, exGabrielites from the 2016 cohort, Buvan Esan (4E3) and Danyal Redwan (4E5) spoke to current students about their dreams, their journey and how they sought to give back to the society. The day ended on a sweet note as the students enjoyed potong ice cream and joined the Guitar Ensemble for a singalong session of Home. It was truly a celebration of unity where we were all reminded of the importance to work collectively as one, as we move forward as a nation.

Our ex-Gabrielietes from the 2016 graduating cohort, Buvan and Danyal came back to inspire our current students

Gabrielites excitedly guessing the songs for the game segment entitled “Don’t Forget The Lyrics”

Our Secondary 2 boys excitedly watching the parade

Team SGSS coming together to form the Singapore flag

Our graduating cohort watching their first fullscale parade in St. Gabriel’s Secondary School

Observance Ceremony led by the Uniformed Groups

Emcees Tatva and Travis (2E4) sharing fond memories of previous National Day Celebrations

Guitar Ensemble leading the school in a sing-along with their rendition of Home

Buvan, from the 2016 cohort, sharing his reflections with the students

UG representatives carrying the school flag to the podium for the Observance Ceremony


Racial Harmony Day This year’s theme for Racial Harmony Day (RHD) was “Our Multicultural Mosaic”. Many of our Gabrielites and staff took this opportunity to dress in colourful ethnic costumes which displayed our country’s diverse and multicultural society. The day started with an announcement made by our two emcees, Matin (3T1) and Nicholas (4E2) reminding Gabrielites of the importance of understanding racial differences. During their breaks, our students were entertained by the game booths set up by our Parent Support Group, where they had the opportunity to play traditional games such as Chapteh, Five Stones and Country Eraser War. Our canteen vendors were in theme too as they sold different food items such as Satay and Bandung. Additionally, to deepen students’ understanding on the issue of race, Gabrielites engaged in discussions about race during CCE lessons. Our lower secondary students discussed the issue of casual racism, while our upper secondary students explored the topic of race through an activity known as the Privilege Walk.

3E4 students in their ethnic wear

4N3 students in their ethnic wear

Gabrielites playing Five Stones at the PSG booth

4E5 students in their ethnic wear

Gabrielites challenging each other through a game of Country Erasers

Our student emcees sharing on Racial Harmony Day during Morning Assembly

Total Defence Day Total Defence Day 2023 - Together We Keep Singapore Strong Gabrielites commemorated Total Defence Day with a range of activities for the different cohorts. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) set up a mobile display and exhibition on the role of the Home team in keeping Singapore safe. Secondary 1 and 2 students played the game Guardians of the City, a game structured around the six pillars of Total Defence. Secondary 3 students had a lesson structured around the issue of sustainability and keeping Singapore supplied with necessities in times of crisis. The highlight of the day was the annual National Service (NS) Engagement Programme, where ex-Gabrielites shared their NS experience with the graduating cohort. They had practiced the 3RCs- Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Care as Gabrielites and shared the importance of these values in NS.

Group photo of our NS Panelists with with our School Leaders

NS Engagement

Booth set up by Singapore Police Force with Secondary 2 NPCC Cadets who helped out at the exhibition booths

Students enjoying playing Guardians of the City Game

Abraham Tiong, Class of 2018


SPF showcasing their police vehicle

Andrew Toh, Class of 2016

Abhimanyu Selvakumar, Class of 2018

Interaction between speaker and students after the engagement

Vivekananda Ganesamoorthy, Class of 2002

Teachers’ Day Celebration The Teachers’ Day celebrations this year was a resounding success. Teachers and students were treated to a variety of performances and engagement activities, as well as sing-alongs. Celebrations started with an intimate class party before gathering together for a concert at the hall. Performance items were prepared by the Guitar Ensemble, student bands and Gabrielite Got Talent winner, Ethan Yeo, was also given a platform to showcase his talent in K-Pop dance. SGSS alumnus, Khidash, also entertained the crowd with his own rendition of K-Pop dance. The celebration ended with awards being given out to outstanding teachers and staff, as a way to affirm the hard work they had put in throughout the year. Teachers were also treated to a sumptuous buffet breakfast the following day. It was indeed a perfect way to start the September school holidays.

Students clearly enjoying the festivities and immersing themselves in the celebration

Afiq from 2E3, showing his skills on the guitar with a fantastic rendition of Hotel California. He performed this together with his classmates and Form Teacher, Mr Hamdi

Guitar Ensemble gave a stellar performance of two songs. They put in hours of practice and were eager to perform during Teachers’ Day celebration

Student Leaders leading the school in community singing!

Ethan Yeo from 3T1 doing a splendid rendition of a K-Pop dance. He is the current champion for Gabrielite Got Talent 2023

Emcee Haziq getting a response from the audience

Mr Thomas giving the Star Gabrielite (EAS) award to fellow Manchester United fan Mr Peh Hun Sheng


Gift of the Gab: Performance Poetry with a Punch On 31 October to 1 November 2022, SGSS organised a workshop Gift of the Gab: Performance Poetry with a Punch for lower secondary students from Montfortian-Gabrielite Education Institutions (MGEI). The workshop aimed to help our students develop a heightened awareness of the functions and power of words and learn basic performance poetry skills as a means of expression. They also had the opportunity to network, collaborate and engage with like-minded youths to explore social issues close to their hearts. During this workshop, they were led into an exploration of the function of poetry in a turbulent world, and how the written and spoken world could reframe perspectives. Guided by our local poet, Ms Jennifer Anne Champion and teacher facilitators, students were challenged to consider how they could make connections between the personal and the institutional contexts they had to manoeuvre as youths. For some students, it was their maiden attempt at writing poetry and it was certainly gratifying seeing them create and perform a creative work they took pride in. It was also heart-warming to see students from the different MGEI establishing friendships as they bonded over poetry.

Conversation Circles as a warmup activity on Day 2

Mdm Marianne Li welcoming all students to St Gabriel’s

Furiously scribbling down their initial poetic ideas


Finding their performance poetry voice with our local poet, Ms Jennifer Anne Champion

Expressing the woes of today’s youth

Getting to know their group mates from other MGEI schools

Learning from local examples of performance poetry

Refining their poem, in discussion with teacher facilitators

Expressing their confusion when inundated by social media

Conveying a very serious message about Toxic Masculinity

Welcome Mass After a 2-year hiatus, we were thankful to God that the whole school was able to come together and celebrate Mass as one big family. We prayed for God’s blessing on the new school year; on our work, our dreams and our aspirations. May each Gabrielite be filled with a spirit of cooperation and may we share our gifts so that the very best may be achieved.

Group photo after Mass

Entrance Procession

Our five school symbols - candles, school flag, Bible and crucifix, textbook, Scout’s cap and badminton racket

We partake in this eucharistic celebration with great joy

We are grateful to have all Gabrielites be part of thecelebration

Five bearers for the school symbols

Welcome Mass 2023

Our first post-covid mass

Our celebrant Father Simon Ho from St. Anne’s Church.

We welcome our Secondary 1 students to the Gabrielite family

Our altar servers

Our choir


MGEI Dedication of School Year Mass We were pleased to be part of this Eucharistic celebration held on 27 January 2023 for all seven institutions of the Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institutions (MGEI). The Catholic students were able to experience the affiliation with the larger community of Montfortian-Gabrielite schools. It is our hope that Catholic events and programmes such as this combined Mass will make the Christian values and Montfortian spiritual ethos palpable and tangible for them. This was also an important Mass for us as we celebrated the 350th birthday of our founding saint, St. Louis Marie de Montfort. His Eminence William Cardinal Goh was the presider of this Mass, which was celebrated at Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

School Leaders with His Eminence

Our SGSS Choir with His Eminence William Cardinal Goh

Group photo with school repesentatives

Our servers


The Grand Entrance Antiphon

Marching in of all banner bearers representing SGSS is Guillaume Pierre Attard from 4E5

Parents Support Group 2023 was an important year for the Parents Support Group (PSG) that supported the school for various events in 2023.

Racial Harmony Day, where parents organised traditional games for the school community.

The PSG started the year by selling delicious cookies and sending greetings for Chinese New Year 2023 through a beautiful video. Parents also had a toss up to the new year with a CNY Lo Hei followed by a dialogue session between parents and School Leaders. The PSG and Principal shared the plans for the new year during the dialogue with School Leaders, which was held on site and online.

The PSG also presented our teachers with a lovely ecobag and chocolates to express their heartfelt thanks to our teachers and school staff for Teachers’ Day 2023. The support of our parents extended to their preparation of love gifts for the graduating boys and provision of food for our graduating students during Night Study.

2023 also saw the involvement of the PSG in various events like Futsal, which promoted the bonding between fathers and sons, Sports Fiesta, the school’s 70th anniversary carnival, and

With the examination season around the corner, parents from GIFT ministry also organised prayer sessions for the graduating cohort students sitting for their national examinations.

Father-son bonding over futsal

Preparing students’ graduation gifts

Love gifts for teachers

Praying for our graduating cohort

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Sports Fiesta

Racial Harmony Day

SL Dialogue with parents, CNY Lohei and Kopi time

Parent Volunteers selling snacks at the carnival

Night study home-cooked food


Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass Thanksgiving Mass saw the school coming together for a special Eucharistic celebration, marking the culmination of the academic year. It was a moment of gratitude and refection, where we offered thanks for the knowledge gained and blessings received. In this sacred gathering, we sought divine guidance to bless our students as they prepared for their end-of- year examinations, invoking strength and wisdom for their academic journey ahead.


We were blessed with the presence of Brother Dominic

The whole school partook in the celebration

The school’s desire for our graduands to pass on the light in their journey forward, especially the virtues and values they have acquired as Gabrielites

The first offering was the cross representing the school’s desire for our graduands

Our YCS choir group

Offeratory by our Parent Volunteers

Dear Mother Mary, please pray with us and for us

Offering up students’ prayers for good results at their end-of-year and national examinations, and for those sitting for the N and O levels

Student Leaders’ Investiture The second Student Leaders’ Investiture was held on 3 March 2023. It was the first time three groups of Student Leaders were officially appointed during the investiture. Chairpersons, Peer Support Leaders and Prefects went up on stage to receive their badges and certificates. The school community also witnessed the passing on of the leadership baton by the Secondary Four Head Prefects and Peer Support Leaders to the Secondary Three incoming leaders, as they take the helm in representing the student body and serving the school.

Mohamed Shaliq S/O Sahul Hameed Secondary 4E1 Outgoing Vice-Head Prefect

Incoming Head of Peer Support Leaders, Mulay Zayd, giving his speech and setting the tone for the year ahead

Outgoing Head of Peer Support Leaders, Jashawn pinning the leadership badge for the incoming Head, Zayd

Outgoing Head Prefect, Prajeeth, pinning the leadership badge for incoming Head, Aidan

Mr Lim giving the Certificate of Appointment to Trainee Prefect, Tatva

“Thank you to teachers from Student Service and Leadership for their guidance and opportunities given to all of us to fulfil our potential. I hope we have served the student body well and will continue to guide the incoming batch of Student Leaders.”

Prefects pledging themselves to serve the school community and uphold the school values

Secondary 3 Chairpersons being appointed

Secondary 4 prefects handing over the baton to the incoming Prefect EXCO

Secondary 3 and 4 Peer Support Leaders

14th Head Prefect, Aidan Ng, giving his speech to show his gratitude to those who have guided him


Secondary 1 Orientation The Secondary 1 Orientation Programme serves to ease the transition of incoming Secondary 1 students to the school. Students were led through a series of activities and games while immersing themselves in the school’s culture and routines. With the theme being ‘Nintendo’, students dressed up as characters from the popular game console franchise and defeated the evil Bowser to save the princess. Although there were passing showers, lighting up the campfire after four eventful days was the icing to the cake and served as a glowing start to the wonderful journey that they will be embarking on for the next four to five years. In all, Secondary 1 students thoroughly enjoyed the programme. Much thanks must be extended to the Orientation Group Leaders and Game Masters for their hard work and dedication, as well as the Student Leadership Team for their guidance.

Getting to know our school and fellow classmates through fun activities

Thankful to be able to gather together again!

Secondary 1 students enjoying a performance by the Guitar Ensemble during CCA Fair

OGLs facilitating the orientation games

One of the many game stations that students participated in, in their quest to defeat the evil Bowser!

Archery is the way to go!

Understanding our school history through the Heritage Walk


OGLs leading the school cheers

Secondary 1 STAR Programme The Secondary 1 Camp 2023 was held from 6 to 8 March 2023. It was a great opportunity for students and teachers to bond and get to know each other in an outdoor setting. The camp included a range of activities that aimed to instill in Gabrielites the values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Care (3RCs). It also aimed to develop leadership skills, resilience and a spirit of adventure. Some of the activities included dragon-boating, team-building games, outdoor cooking and orienteering. Throughout the camp, students were encouraged to reflect on their experiences and share their thoughts and feelings with each other. This helped to develop self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship management skills. Through this camp, the students gained valuable skills and experiences that will serve them well in the future. It was a fantastic way for students and teachers to bond and develop stronger relationships.

It’s not just about helping yourself but also helping your friends

Ready for Day 2 of STAR Camp!

Our principal with our best campers!

We work together through all obstacles

Secondary 1 campers learning how to start their fire for their field cooking

Our Secondary 1 campers can’t wait to start dragon boating

Our self-directed Secondary 1 campers navigating through Bishan-AMK Park

Our cheerful Secondary 1 students during field cooking


Secondary 2 STAR Programme From 6 to 8 March 2023, our Secondary 2 cohort had their 3D2N camp at Sentosa. The students participated in activities like trekking, navigation, rafting and dragon-boating, where they honed their interpersonal skills to achieve the desired aim. To experience outdoor living, they were also given a chance to cook their own dinner and camp in tents. On the final night, they had a campfire which featured rousing performances from each class. Our boys had a lot of fun throughout the camp and were able to forge stronger bonds with one another. We look forward to further opportunities for the boys to learn and grow together!

2E1 students rafting

2N2 students having fun in the sand during the beach games

2T1 students striving in one accord during their dragon boating experience

A rousing end to the camp


2N1 attempting outdoor cooking

2E4 trekking through the Southern Ridges

Secondary 3 Outward Bound Singapore Our Secondary 3 students participated in Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) between 6 and 17 March 2023. It was one of the highlights of their secondary school life. During the camp, they had the opportunity to meet new people from different schools and backgrounds. As a team, they worked closely together over the five-day programme to overcome various challenges. The camp was packed with many activities such as rowing, kayaking and a land expedition, where the participants needed to support and encourage one another to endeavour to the end. While tedious, the long expedition provided a chance for the students to get to know one another at a deeper level. More importantly, OBS has taught our students that as long as they work as a team, no one will be left behind. While challenges can seem daunting, facing it together makes all the difference.

The towering obstacle course

All geared up for our next adventure

The journey begins

Glad to see a familiar face during our OBS experience

Briefing the team

We have conquered the OBS


Secondary 3 Elective Modules Through Applied Learning Modules at Institutes of Higher Learning, students were given the opportunity to discover the joy of learning by dabbling into areas of interests such as 3D Printing, aviation and designing a webpage. Through these modules, it gave our students the opportunity to discover their individual strengths and interests.

Our last day at ‘Building Models with 3D Printer’

The skills we have learnt at ApLM@ Poly are so exciting, hey made our heart go beep beep beep!

You think we can be actors

I can design a webpage by myself!


We were glad for the experiences at Temasek Polytechnic!

We believe we can fly!

Secondary 4 STAR Programme The Secondary 4/5 STAR programme was held from 6-10 March 2023 and comprised a series of developmental programmes specially curated for our Secondary 4 and 5 Gabrielites. The programmes aimed to develop the right attitudes in our students, to enable them to make critical decisions and prepare them for the challenges that lie ahead. They were introduced to relevant skills and strategies which would help them in their pursuit of excellence. Some of the programmes they attended included grooming and motivational workshops.

Paying close attention to what it means to be a gentleman

Course advising by Nanyang Polytechnic faculty members

Grooming Gabrielites workshop

Aspiring pilots on the simulator

Team building during the Motivation workshop

All dressed up for our formal dining experience Giving the perfect handshake

I am a groomed Gabrielite leader

Gabrielites practising how to perfect the tie knot


Staff Professional Development In 2023, staff development was tailored to equip our educators with the skills and knowledge to excel in an ever-evolving educational landscape while maintaining a strong commitment to the Gabrielite Curriculum Project’s principles. The Staff Development Team implemented a comprehensive programme that focused on two key areas: Area 1: Building Teachers’ Capacity Our primary aim was to enhance teachers’ mastery of their teaching practices while deepening their knowledge of the Singapore Teaching Practice (STP). Our educators gained a better understanding of effective teaching methods aligned with the STP framework through targeted workshops, reflective sessions, and peer observations. Area 2: Strengthening Teachers’ Classroom Practice We leveraged the SkillsFuture for Educators (SFEd) platform to empower our teachers with essential skills required for modern education. In response to the evolving educational landscape and Ministry of Education (MOE) initiatives, such as Full Board Subject Based Banding, CCE 2021, and PDLP, our staff embarked on a rigorous training schedule. Our training programs covered critical areas including Support for Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), Character and Citizenship Education (CCE), e-Pedagogy (e-Ped), and Differentiated Instruction (DI). To facilitate collaborative learning and knowledge sharing, we established structured PD platforms: 1. Structured Fortnightly Time-Tabled Time (TTT): These sessions allowed teachers to engage in focused discussions and workshops on specific teaching strategies. 2. Professional Learning Teams (PLTs): Teachers collaborated within their subject departments to develop and implement innovative teaching practices. 3. Staff Workshops: Regular workshops were conducted, featuring external experts and in-house specialists to address emerging educational trends. 4. Staff Learning Days (Curriculum Showcase): These events provided a platform for educators to showcase their successful teaching approaches and curriculum designs. 5. Staff Learning Journeys: Staff embarked on field trips and visits to other schools to gain fresh perspectives and inspiration.

Staff attending a PD session on engaging diverse learners using the routines in STP


Spiritual Formation : Growing In Faith Together (GIFT) The school’s spiritual programme seeks to enable our students to deepen connections with the Catholic faith through diverse activities. In 2023, these activities ranged from the construction of a life-sized tomb during Lent Lenten project to crafting origami crosses as symbols of devotion. These experiences cultivate a profound understanding of the Catholic Faith. It also empowers students and teachers to explore their spiritual identities and embrace their roles as Priests, Prophets, and Kings in school, as espoused during the 2023 Catholic Education Conference. We thank God for granting us another great year of Growing In Faith Together.

Group photo at the end of the tomb project Our first prayer session specially organised by Catholic Parents Support Group for all students taking the national examinations

Visit by Father Edward Seah and 3 seminarians prior to Vocation Sunday

LENT Project 1- Building a man-sized tomb

Gabrielites, let your light shine and pass it on as you leave beyond the school gate

A we-fie with Cardinal William Goh at Catholic Education Conference

Candles specially lit for all graduating students taking the national examinations

Circle Time for checking in during GIFT ministry session

School representatives at the Catholic Education Conference, 13 March 2023 at St. Patrick’s School

Celebration after the hard work of building the tomb

A man-sized tomb finally completed

The juniors offering their prayers for the seniors


We Care For 26 years, CARE Singapore has been our partner in supporting our NANT students. They enhance the development of social-emotional competencies and life skills in our young Gabrielites, engaging them through weekly lessons, counselling, annual camps, learning journeys, VIA activities, after-school engagement and GSTAR, parent-child bonding activities, and an end-of-year showcase. In 2023, through the many meaningful activities and events, Gabrielites showed their willingness to learn, their humility in service, as well as their friendship and teamwork. Thank you CARE Team for your dedication and strong partnership! CARE Sec 1 Synergy Day Camp (March holidays) Our Secondary 1 CARE Classes participated in the annual Synergy Day Camp during the March holidays at the Marina Barrage. The guided tour enabled them to have a greater awareness of Singapore’s efforts in tackling the challenges to create a sustainable, clean and green, and liveable environment. Our Secondary 1 students also successfully learnt how to fly a kite, which was a rare and joyful experience. Hike at Rifle Range Nature Park (2N2-18 May) The short hike to the peak, through dirt tracks, boardwalks in the forest was something many of them had not experienced. They enjoyed a good view from the peak and had an invigorating workout! Meals on Wheels Lunch Distribution (2T1 - 15 May, 2N1 - 18 May) This VIA activity was carried out in collaboration with Bethesda (Bedok-Tampines) Church. Gabrielites worked in groups travelling on foot or public transport to rental flats to distribute lunch to more than 70 seniors who were unable to care for themselves. The experience was humbling and many students rose to the occasion despite the scorching weather. They also better appreciated the demanding challenges of a food delivery volunteer. They saw the plight of single seniors, with ailments and disabilities, and others who were socially disconnected. It was a deep learning experience for all the gentlemen. CARE Car Wash (26 May) Our Gabrielites ended Term 2 on a high note with the CARE Charity Car Wash. The event was delayed by a heavy downpour, but the spirits of the student volunteers were not dampened. The volunteers included students from the CARE classes, GSTAR as well as Secondary 3 student leaders. The gentlemen washed more than 20 cars. Given the inexperience of the crew, the effort was highly commendable. CARE Secondary 2 Day Camp - Amazing Race Event Sponsored by Under Armour (30 May) The CARE Team held their annual Secondary 2 CARE Day Camp, collaborating with Under Armour which generously brought their whole staff to volunteer as game masters. They enthusiastically prepared stations for Basketball, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Floorball, Wei Qi, Relay Race, Stacking Games to engage our gentlemen. Our Secondary 2 students got to interact with adults and learnt to respect them, the game rules and working with each other.

GSTAR Mid-Year Holiday Engagement Activities The gentlemen were engaged in meaningful learning activities the mid-year holidays. Other than academic coaching, they had weekly activities. They got their hands dirty, learning to till a small plot at the school garden to plant some flowering plants. They also put their shooting skills, teamwork and game strategies to good use in an exciting morning of laser tag games. Finally, a high turn-out of GSTAR gentlemen returned to “refresh” their culinary skills. They learnt and cooked Nasi Ayam (chicken rice) and agar agar. Many of them proudly brought their dishes home to enjoy with their family. Project Freekick (5 July - 12 August) About 30 of our Secondary 1 to 3 Gabrielites took part in the Annual Project Freekick Competition, co-organised by CARE Singapore and Standard Chartered Bank. Our committed Gabrielites underwent weekly training throughout July. On the day of the competition on 12 August, they were divided into 3 teams and competed in a round-robin competition with 9 teams from other schools under extremely hot weather. Despite the weather, our teams were resilient and demonstrated an excellent team spirit and sportsmanship. They did not win the championship, but the learning opportunity was a great experience for many of them. We will try harder next year!

Humble Gabrielite, Grateful Resident

Stacking is no problem for me!

Gabrielites are always keen to whip up amazing dishes!

The undaunted Gabrielites pitting their skills against worthy opponents

Food delivery volunteer for the day

Enthusiastic students worked in teams to wash vehicles from the public, parents and teachers

Team SGSS 2023: The proud SGSS Freekick Team 2023


Learning Fiesta Learning Fiesta this year saw a different format where students had the opportunity to go out of school to learn through new experiences. Students went for learning journeys to many interesting venues. These included visits to places like the Singapore Sports Hub and Mount Faber, where they had the chance to participate in a Cable Car back-ofhouse tour. Some classes also visited the Maritime Gallery followed by a sea tour to learn more about Singapore’s maritime history. We are inspired!

Learning empathy through Meals on Wheels

Gratitude Thy Serangoon

Forensic Science to tickle our brains

A memorable authentic learning experience

Appreciating our past at the National Museum

A maritime adventure


Arts Buzz Arts Buzz was created to expose the general student population to Aesthetic Arts beyond the school environment. It also provides the opportunity for students in the Performing Arts CCAs a platform for performing during school assemblies, recess and lunch breaks. Arts Buzz was originally designed as a prelude to our school’s Speech Day. Since 2021, we have re-envisioned it as an avenue for students to display their creativity, in conjunction with Racial Harmony Day, to make the commemoration of the day more meaningful to students.


Arts Buzz Exhibition Space

Boys exchanging thoughts on their friends’ artwork

Students viewing the exhibition

What a buzz at the foyer!

Kitago Exchange From 16 to 24 June 2023, a group of ten students from St. Gabriel’s Secondary School embarked on an unforgettable overseas adventure to our partner school in Japan, Kitago Junior High. The students were warmly received by the principal, teachers and students at Kitago Junior High. They had organised a diverse array of activities for us. These included rice planting with local farmers, lessons in Japanese calligraphy, participation in a traditional tea ceremony, engaging in a physical activity i.e. Chapteh inspired by Singaporean culture, learning to play the traditional Japanese string instrument, Koto, and savouring a BBQ party with the Mayor of Nichinan, together with the Kitago Junior High students.

Enjoying the Japanese sunset

Students also had the opportunity to visit Mt. Aso Nakadake Crater, Aso Milk Pasture, Nagasaki Peace Park and the Atomic Bomb Museum during their stay in Japan. A highlight was having the opportunity to delve into the world of virtual reality at V-world Area, engaging in competitive and collaborative games. This journey offered our students a remarkable opportunity to fully immerse themselves in Japanese culture, deepen their cultural awareness, and foster international connections. Listening to the personal account of a survivor from the Nagasaki Bombing in 1945

Japanese Tea Ceremony Gabrielites planting rice in the paddy field

Learning how to dress like the Japanese

Our boys looking smart with our principal, Mr Shawn Lim and Mr Keith Chong


Secondary 3 Citizenship Ceremony and Learning Journeys 16 May 2023 was a special day for our Secondary 3 students as they were presented with their National Registration Identification Card (NRIC). The ceremony marked a sort of coming-of-age where these young men were symbolically recognised as citizens of Singapore with the privilege of carrying a pink NRIC. After the presentation, the students embarked on a learning journey to different religious institutions to experience the diversity that makes Singapore special and a diversity that as citizens of Singapore, they must protect. Our special thanks and gratitude to Masjid Dharul Ghufran, Lorong Khoo Chye Sheng Hong Temple, Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Novena Church, Maghain Aboth Synagogue, St. Joseph Church, Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery and Sri Guru Nanak Sat Sang Sabha for hosting our students on their learning journey.


Head Prefect receiving his NRIC from the Principal

Secondary 3 students reciting the pledge during the ceremony

Mr Paul addressing the cohort and sharing the significance of the IC

Our HOD Mrs Olsen distributing the NRIC to both Singaporeans and Permanent Resident students

Gabrielietes excitedly discussing and comparing their ICs

One of our Form Teachers, Mr Liang congratulating the students on this commemorative event

English Language NT Experiential Learning Workshop On 18 May 2023, the Secondary 1-3 Normal Technical students had the opportunity to participate in a 3D Jelly Art Workshop, as part of their authentic English Language learning experiences. During this workshop, they constructed their very own 3D jelly cake for a specific recipient and occasion. They then followed up on this learning experience by creating a short video of themselves sharing about their creation and their experience at the 3D Jelly Art Workshop. Through this, students were challenged to generate, select and organise ideas for speaking and representing creatively for a particular purpose, audience and context. It was encouraging to see our students venturing out of familiar ground, and giving of their best in learning a new skill. The most heartwarming moments were when they shared how they wanted to create a 3D Jelly Cake they were proud of because they wanted to bring joy to their loved ones they were planning to gift it to.

This 1T duo is looking forward to presenting their 3D Jelly Cake to loved ones

Secondary 3T boys displaying their final products

Secondary 2T boys with their creations

Deepening friendships while learning new skills

Much focus and precision is needed!

A special sense of joy in learning together

Secondary 1T boys learning from the expert

Sec 2T boys hard at work

Lower Secondary Theatre Experience In Term 2, the lower secondary Literature students had the opportunity to attend a theatre experience aligned with their study of literature texts. The 1E and 2E students watched an adaptation of John Boyne’s ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ while the 1N and 2N students watched Desmond Sim’s ‘Perfecting Pratas’. This experience enriched students’ understanding of the genre of drama, as well as fostered appreciation of dramatic techniques employed by playwrights.

Secondary 1N and 2N students at the theatre


Wonders of Words (WoW) Week For the third year running, St Gabriel’s Secondary School celebrated WoW Week. This year’s theme was Imagined Worlds. Students were attuned to appreciate how words could enable them to access worlds beyond their own, with a particular focus on Science Fiction, Fantasy and Travel Fiction. During the week, our students made special presentations during Morning Assembly such as a poetry presentation by our Secondary Three students and a special podcast about Science Fiction by our debaters. Students were involved in a range of games and competitions during their English classes. The Secondary 1 students participated in a Spelling Bee, while the Secondary 2 students created their own imagined worlds from recycled materials, accompanied by a short write-up. Secondary 3 students also engaged in various word games such as Scrabble, Wordle and Boggle. In the Secondary 2 Literature classes, students participated in a choral reading competition, with students using their voices and bodies to creatively express their rendition of a chosen poem. After-school activities to attract different interest groups were also organised. Upper Secondary Literature students participated in a poetry workshop conducted by our very own Singaporean poet Tse Hao Guang. Budding writers from Secondary 2 to 3 tried their hand at infusing humour into their narratives, under the guidance of famous author and newspaper columnist Neil Humphreys. On a lighter note, students could also sit back and relax as they enjoyed the movie screening of ‘Avatar’, while having a picnic in the library.

Secondary 4 Literature Students learning about poetic techniques from local poet Tse Hao Guang

A little recreational time after school at the Movie Mixer. We enjoyed the specially packed goodie bags!


Secondary 3 students absorbed in mindboggling word games

Humanities Week & Humanities Learning Journeys Humanities Week aims to ignite the flames of curiosity and encourage higher-order thinking with the rallying cry, “Be curious Go beyond the obvious!” This event invites Gabrielites to delve deeper into the world of humanities. It is a transformative journey that encourages them to develop a disposition of insatiable curiosity. Throughout Humanities Week, Gabrielites were encouraged to ask probing questions, transcending the surface of issues to uncover profound insights. It was a call to immerse oneself in authentic learning experiences such as thought-provoking lectures, engaging discussions during lessons, interactive exhibitions and learning journeys. Humanities Week redefines education by inspiring individuals to venture beyond the mundane and embrace the richness of human expression and thought. It is a reminder that curiosity is the gateway to deeper understanding and enlightenment.

Happy to be at Singapore Discovery Centre

Immersed in nature at Sungei Buloh

It’s here- Humanities Week 2023!

Launch of Humanities week

Listening intently to the guide at Sungei Buloh

Wonders of my Neighbourhood - Using See Think Wonder to generate questions


Speech Day The 2023 Speech Day Awards Ceremony affirms the hard work of deserving Gabrielites. All our award winners today possess our core values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Care and exhibit our motto, Labor Omnia Vincit (Labour Conquers all). The awards ceremony took place in the parade square with the whole school present. Our current batch of students were able to see their schoolmates receiving the awards during Morning Assembly between 21 to 23 March 2023. The school also invited our 2022 graduates back on 14 April for an intimate and heart-warming ceremony, where they got to reminisce about memorable times in St Gabriel’s with their teachers and peers.

Our SMC Vice Chair Mr Gordon Lim presenting an award during Speech Day

Graduates having fun at the photobooth

Great job Gabrielites!

Mr Lim presenting an award to our Secondary 4 student

Mr Thomas Presenting an award to our Secondary 3 student

School Leaders and GOH enjoying their time at Speech Day

Emcees for 2023 Speech Day


Mdm Yee presenting an award to our Secondary 2 student

Sports Fiesta The Sports Fiesta is an annual event that brings together students, staff and stakeholders through physical activities. This year’s Sports Fiesta was held at Passion Wave, Bedok Reservoir Park. The event aims to promote fitness, encourage healthy competition and foster a sense of unity among classmates. The students were very excited as they got to participate in one of the three competitive activities, namely the Dragon Boat Race, Cross-country or Fringe Games. Their enthusiasm truly energised the atmosphere.

The start of the Secondary 1 Cross Country Race

The exhilarating Dragon Boat race fostered a sense of camaraderie among the students, teachers and our Parent Support Group (PSG) members. The Cross-country run allowed individual participants to show their resilience while racing to finish among the top 15 in their respective cohorts. The Fringe Games stations provided a variety of challenges that engaged the students holistically. The Sports Fiesta was a memorable event as it was a depiction of the spirit of unity amongst the Gabrielite family.

The journey is always the best part of the Cross Country Race

Fringe Games Never Stop Trying!

Dragon Boat Warriors onboard

Fringe Games - Focus = Target On!

Singing the National Anthem to kick start the event


Science Applied Learning Programme & Enrichments This year, different groups of students were exposed to a range of enrichment activities to help them explore science concepts in an exciting and authentic manner. Secondary 1 Code for Fun Enrichment Programme Secondary 1 students were introduced to the world of coding through computational thinking and making, and were exposed to coding concepts through a blend of software inputs (visual/syntax-based programming language) and hardware outputs (Robotics and Microcontrollers). Secondary 2 Science Enrichments 1. DNA Forensics: Students played crime scene investigators as they journeyed to uncover the truth of a real-life story and learned how contradicting evidence can complicate a crime. 2. Jam-making session: While learning the different parts of a flower and how fertilisation takes place, our Secondary 2 students had a hands-on session in making soft and yummilicious strawberry jam! 3. 3-2-1 Liftoff! Movie: Students were treated to an adventurous animated film about courage and wits needed to get to space and back! After the movie, students explored the various science exhibits which tantalised their senses and piqued their interest in Science. Secondary 2 Applied Learning Programme 1. Students explored and constructed a weight-bearing drone. They also learnt how to code on the XYZ axis and tested them out on the drone to navigate through a maze. 2. With the theme of smart vehicle and future transportation, Secondary 2 students explored the use of Quarky, the AI learning robotics kit, to learn Coding, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Machine learning. Secondary 4 Biology Learning Journey Biology students from the class of 2023 were treated to a multi-sensorial journey through seven ecosystems. They could not help but marvel at the beauty and fragility of our planet’s biodiversity. The Sensory Odyssey at the ArtScience Museum was truly a tantalizing experience as it provided students with the opportunity to see, smell and hear each exhibit while developing a deeper understanding of our living world. Learning, Living and Loving Science at STGSS!

Biology students at the ArtScience Museum

Constructing a weightbearing droneblock-based programming


Assembling the AI robotics kit

A self-driving automated smart vehicle prototype

Programming the device

Modifying a microcontroller using block-based programming

Applying forensic lab techniques

Teamwork is the dream work

Taste-test time

Developing a deeper understanding of our living world

At Science Centre for a movie screening

Immersive experience at the exhibits

Learning the science behind jam-making

Proud showing at the Finals

Merit Award recipients


Snapshots of our passionate pursuits: CCAs @ SGSS

Clubs & Societies

Giving it our best shot!

Concert Band Through countless hours of rehearsals and their unwavering commitment, our musicians have developed an exceptional level of proficiency. They performed at SYF 2023 and achieved the Certificate of Accomplishment.

The smile of relief after performing at SYF 2023

Final sound check before the performance

Secondary 3 and 4 Members Appreciation Lunch

Band Exchange with Xin Ming Secondary School

Future band leaders in the making


Singapore Secondary School Debating Championships 2023 Team

Debate Society This year, the Debate Club participated in several tournaments, notably the Singapore Secondary School Debating Championships. After months of tireless dedication, thanks to the guidance of our coach and graduated seniors, our team comprising 4 Secondary 2 students and 1 Secondary 3 student emerged amongst the Top 10 nationally (Silver Division), with several best speaker titles.

Justin giving a winning speech

Our debaters have also had other opportunities to hone their speaking and critical thinking skills. We are often called upon as emcees or facilitators for school events, and have continued to host The Spoken Word, our very own homegrown podcast series. Some of us also represented the school at the Hwa Chong Model United Nations, where Damian Nandi received an Honorable Mention award. Our Secondary 2 Debate Team

We have developed strong bonds, trust in one another and an appreciation for one another’s strengths and weaknesses. The friendships made here will continue even after graduation.

Debate training session with graduated seniors


Our debaters train St. Gabriel’s Primary students in debating skills

A rousing debate demonstration at the CCA Fair

SYF 2023

Drama Society In 2023, our school’s Drama Club was involved in the Singapore Youth Festival Arts’ Presentation. Our achievements are all just returns of the cumulative efforts put in by our members, and the guidance of our discerning teachers. This year’s SYF journey was no mean feat. Extensive coordination between our SYF cast and crew was crucial, but with the WA2s looming, we truly learnt how to prioritise our tasks effectively. The journey tested our resilience. Mere days before our debut, a significant number of our cast members fell ill and we had to reschedule our performance. It was a blessing in disguise, as we used the extra sessions to further develop our performance, fix our flaws and perfect our skills as much as we could. With the blessing of our teachers, we gave a stellar performance. We were disappointed that we only managed to clinch a Certificate of Accomplishment but we were fulfilled by the experience of giving it our all. We learnt from our mistakes, knowing that this was just a step in soaring to greater heights.

Performing a poem at the Teachers’ Day Concert

At Gateway Theatre with the School Leaders after SYF

Celebrationg the end of the CCA Orientation Showcase


At our finest at Glissando ACJC 2023

Guitar Ensemble Every week, aspiring guitarists of all levels come together under the expert guidance of our instructors, to embark on a journey of musical exploration. From learning basic chords to tackling intricate melodies, every session sparks a sense of accomplishment and fuels a passion for music that resonates beyond the classroom. The Guitar CCA is not merely about individual growth; it fosters teamwork and unity through ensemble performances. This year, the gentlemen achieved a Certificate of Accomplishment in the Biannual SYF 2023 Arts Presentation. In addition, they were invited to perform at ACJC’s annual guitar concert, Glissando. We believe that through our CCA, our young gentlemen will learn discipline, and achieve personal growth. For every performance delivered, they not only become skilled guitarists but also gain valuable life skills that will serve them well beyond the world of music.

Our Rons, B1B2, Bananas in Pyjamas


Masked days in the early part of 2023

After SYF - Faces of glee and pride

In our raw form at Glissando ACJC 2023

Before SYF, food soothes the nerves

Applying new photography techniques

Infocomm Club The Infocomm Club is a Club that helps the school with school events ranging from small-scale gatherings to school-wide events such as Orientation Day, Speech Day and more. Students are engaged by learning different technical skills such as photography, and the use of AV equipment. During the training sessions, we are taught how to operate the school’s sound system to ensure that Morning Assembly, school events and school assemblies run smoothly. We are also exposed to basic photography skills such as focus, aperture and lighting which we apply to help capture our schoolmates’ memories.

Learning more about the MicPro system

Exploring how the Passive System works

Application of photography skills

Preparing for an event

Trying out a camera for the first time

A senior clarifying his junior’s doubts


SYF 2023 Group Photo

Vocal Ensemble The Vocal Ensemble held its biannual concert, Vocal Vibes, at the SOTA Concert Hall earlier in April 2022. We also participated in Voices Of Singapore in September, where choirs nationwide come together to share their choral pieces. Our members come together three times a week to train our various vocal techniques and rehearse a variety of songs. Our final performance was held at the SOTA Concert Hall in April for the Singapore Youth Festival, achieving the Certificate Of Distinction for SYF 2023.

Having some fun before the SYF Presentation

We have also formed a Community Choir to allow our schoolmates to experience choral singing and performing on stage. On Teachers’ Day, we performed two songs: Seasons of Live and Uptown Girl. We would like to thank our Teacher IC, Ms Ivy Tan, as well as our vocal conductors, Ms Yee and Ms Ho, for this meaningful journey throughout the years, as our CCA comes to a close.

Final rehearsal for SYF at SOTA


Our community choir members who joined us for SYF 2023


All ready to go!

Badminton Badminton B Division National Inter-school Championships Our Badminton B Division boys managed to progress to the second round of the South Zone tournament. We fielded a strong team this year consisting of Secondary 4 players. They gave the top schools such as ACS (Barker) and St Joseph’s Institution a tough fight this year! The outgoing team would like to wish their juniors all the best in the coming years and hope they can exceed their seniors’ achievements.

Badminton C Division National Inter-school Championships This year, we fielded a very young team for our C Division squad. They did their best and narrowly missed out on reaching the second round of the tournament. We are confident that with their high potential, our young squad will do well in next year’s inter-school tournament. The juniors would also like to wish their seniors all the best in their national examinations.

B Division Team

C Division Team


Our Doubles

Team Talk


Friendly match for game exposure

Floorball The success behind the B Division comes down to our behaviour, mental strength and team spirit. Although there were moments of conflict, we learned to work through them, with time and open communication. Our ability to settle these differences on and off the court, was a major contributing factor which enabled us to attain second place in the National School Games. With discipline and the spirit of the Gabrielite brotherhood, we continuously worked to improve our performance. We were proud to do our school proud together as a team.

Floorball Day Camp to prepare for the NSG

Train Hard, Play Hard


2023 National School Games B Division Finals

B Division Team

Standing Down Ceremony with ex-Gabrielites

The Floorball Team

Warm-up Drills

Football In the National School Games, we emerged top of the table, undefeated in both B and C Divisions, and proceeded to Tier 1. The experience for our boys was incredibly positive with our team winning 6 games straight until the Quarter-Finals. For the B Division, there were some notable highlights, one being holding our own against Meridian Secondary. In another decisive game, we fought hard against St Joseph’s Institution (SJI) and defeated them by a goal. In the QuarterFinals, our boys battled bravely against Tanjong Katong Secondary but lost.

For the C Division, the boys were able to achieve Top 4 placing in Singapore, a feat not achieved since the 1990s. We played SJI at the National Stadium and matched them until the second half where we succumbed to some soft goals. Regardless, the students’ passion, determination and desire to perform well is a credit to our school and is worthy of commendation.

Another opponent to overcome

Stop in action as the ball heads out of play

Getting into the right gear before the game

B Division team headed out for a match

Ready to face SJI


Golf Exco

Golf Sunshine, fresh air, greenery, quiet and open space…this is the ‘world’ of golfing. Here, the students’ sport precision, flexibility and power are trained. Here, young gentlemen are also taught social etiquette and inculcated with desired values like honesty, resilience and perseverance. Here, they learn how to gain strength in the face of adversity. In 2023, our players not only improved their physical and psychological qualities, but also withstood the pressure to win some awards at the National School Games (NSG).

Coach Ren patiently teaches Secondary 1 golfer, Varick

Mr. Thomas congratulating NSG Award winners

• Achieved the ‘Silver Medal’ at the NSG for ‘B’ Division Boys Team Event. • Achieved the ‘Fourth Placing Medal’ at the NSG for ‘B’ Division Boys Individual Event. • Achieved the ‘Silver Medal’ at the NSG for ‘C’ Division Boys Team Event. Secondary 4 golfers in camp

Brandon (Former Captain) speaking to young golfers


Secondary 4 golfers in camp

Judo B Division Team

Judo In 2023, our Judokas have once again captured a total of 3 individual medals (1 Silver and 2 Bronze) in the B Division 54th National Inter-School Individual Judo Championship held in May. We are proud to announce that our school emerged overall 4th at the National level amongst 16th schools participating in the B division after many closely contested fights. The C Division NSG took place in July, and our boys have achieved even better results. They were able to attain 2nd place nationally with a total of 5 medals (1 Gold, 3 Silvers and 1 Bronze). This was a result of their passionate and dedicated training since the pandemic ended, in order to do well and bring glory to our school.

Xavier Koh presenting the Overall NSG 4th Placing Trophy to Mr Lim

Anders Soong with his Under 91kg Silver Medal

Derrick Tan 2E1 Gold medalist with GOH

Travis Yeo from 2E4 receiving the National 2nd place trophy from the GOH Sathyanathan 2E5 Silver Medalist with the GOH

Judo C Division Team

Tze Hung 1N2 Silver Medalist with the GOH


Karate practitioners

Karate Karate is the ancient Japanese art of self-defense. It is also a great way to maintain good health and is suitable for all ages. It involves good cardio exercise, joints and muscle development. St. Gabriel’s Secondary School Karate Programme, under the able direction of Sensei David Thong, focuses on the holistic development of every Karateka during the weekly trainings. We aim to inculcate the values of Respect, Honor, Courage and Focus in every Karateka. We also aim to train every Karateka to be motivated in improving their skills and building their character.


One of our karate kids!

Part of training is having fun

A powerful forward punch

Our captain in action

Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results

Softball Our training programme emphasises imparting life skills and instilling discipline while providing sufficient physical rigour for our players to achieve sporting excellence. Training thrice a week, our players cultivate a love for Softball which inculcates a spirit of brotherhood. This year, our ‘B’ division team clinched the first runnerup position in the National School Games. Displaying a tremendous fighting spirit, the boys fought their way in every match with the goal of bringing glory to St. Gabriel’s.

Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success

With his wealth of experience, Coach Diamond inspires and mentors players on and off the field. Under his guidance, the team has attained the top 4 national position consistently throughout the years, and our players are equipped with life skills to navigate the world beyond St. Gabriel’s. Together with him, Ms. Peh Sok Hoon, Miss Siti Latifah and Madam Amira Filzah are actively involved in caring for the players and supporting them in various ways.

The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

Strategy Talk

It isn’t what you do, but how you do it


Uniformed Groups

NCC Day Parade 2023

NCC (Air) Since its conception, St. Gabriel’s Secondary School’s NCC (Air) has been attaining the Distinction Award for the Unit Recognition. Cadets learn skills that are used well beyond their secondary school life. Cadets are exposed to the construction of gliders and understand the physics of flight. Through the signature programme of simulator and drone flying, students learn the techniques to fly aircrafts. Some of the events that we have participated in in 2023 are the Light Up Braddell Heights, Laser Run Competition, Air Competition and the C-130 Joyride.

MP speaking to cadets during the parade at Braddell Heights

We are also proud to have awarded the prestigious Outstanding Cadet Awards to MSG Manish Srinivas and Mohamad Naqeeb for their impeccable service to the flight.

Getting ready to launch their craft for the competition

Thank you Secondary 4 seniors for all the hard work


Secondary 3 Cadets with Mr Lim and MP After the Parade

Secondary 1 students trying out the flight simulator

2023 Unit Photo

NCC (Land) St Gabriel’s Secondary School NCC (Land) continues to benefit from the NCC ‘Cadet Strong’ framework, through which we aim to help our cadets develop a strong body, resilient mind, and a committed heart to serving the nation and those around them. With this in mind, we look to provide our cadets with valuable and fulfilling experiences to enrich their CCA life so as to help them grow holistically. Under the guidance of our student leaders, our unit achieved the Distinction Award in 2023. This year, our unit continues to forge ahead to provide our cadets with more opportunities, such as day camps with NCC HQ, air rifle shooting experiences, and school camps. This year, our Specialists, in conjunction with the other Uniformed Groups, did our school proud in their performance in the NDP parade at Braddell Heights CC.

Handing over the responsibilities of the unit

Air Rifle shooting experience

Visit to the Airborne Training Facility

Passing Out Parade 2023

Commemoration of NCC Day


Our 2023 Family

NPCC St. Gabriel’s National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) aims to provide cadets with authentic learning experiences based on the NPCC values of Resilience, Integrity, Service and Excellence (RISE). Throughout the year, our cadets commemorate special events such as Total Defence Day and share our learning. We also work closely with the Serangoon Neighbourhood Police Centre, with our Secondary 3 cadets visiting neighbouring estates to share the importance of SGSecure.

Medal Presentation for our National Top 8th Position in the Revolver Finals Competition

Our Secondary 3 cadets participated in various competitions, namely the InterUnit Revolver Shooting and Inter-Unit CSI Competitions. We are proud to share that one of our shooting teams clinched the National Top 8th position among 120 other units!

Our Secondary 3 Cadet Leaders representing the Unit at this year’s NDOC

As a unit, we are excited for what is to come and cannot wait to bring it to new heights! SPF-NPCC Awardees: - SI (NPCC) Joel Keng - SI (NPCC) Chng Yew Shen Best Unit Cadet Awardees: - SI (NPCC) Joel Keng - SI (NPCC) Chng Yew Shen


Secondary 2 and 3 cadets at Kayaking Certification

Gunning for their Marksmanship badges

Outgoing seniors role-modelling the drill command for their juniors

Red Cross It has been an eventful and fulfilling year for the Red Cross Youth Unit. The cadets strove relentlessly to fulfil their responsibilities as leaders and to uphold their leadership positions diligently as admirable role-models. The leaders had to grapple with the planning and execution of training sessions, camps, conferences and competitions. The accolades achieved include awards for First Aid Championships (FAC) CadetsGold in 2022, Silver in 2023, along with Silver for the Excellent Unit Award. The Chairman of the Red Cross Unit, Seah Ethen also clinched the sterling Director’s Award and was also selected for an

The Red Cross Unit which attended the World Red Cross Day

interview for the prestigious President’s Youth award.

Outgoing Vice-chairman Shawn encouraging the incoming Vice-chairman with a smile

Seniors congratulating and reassuring their juniors with encouraging words

NCOs at World Red Cross Day


Venture POP

Scouts Founded in 1958, the 2006 Southern Cross Scouts Troop celebrated its 65th anniversary recently by organising a campfire which saw the gathering of over 300 scouts and girl guides from over 30 units across the island. The campfire was a good platform for scouts to showcase their complex scouting skills and stage their talents in acting and dancing.

Hiking with the St Gabriel’s Primary Cub Scounts in Rifle Range Nature Park

The passion for scouting propelled the scouts to consistently share their camp craft, pioneering and orienteering skills with their juniors from St. Gabriel’s Primary School through various activities like hiking at Rifle Range Nature Park and termly pioneering workshops. Additionally, the troop made history this year by receiving the Frank Cooper Sands (Gold) medal for all three scouting sections - Scouts, Ventures and Rovers. Eight of our scouts received the Scouts Chief Commissioner’s Award, the highest award a scout may receive in their scouting adventure at the secondary school level.


Scout Leadership Camp in East Coast Beach

Venture Leadership Camp

Scout Pioneering

Scouts’ Training

Snapshots of our Class Family: Students @ SGSS







































Graduating Gabrielites @SGSS


To the awesome dudes of 4T1, Class of 2023 Congratulations! It’s time for the next step in your journey. You have finally come to one crossroad (or junction) in your academic journey before you go to the next Institute of Higher Learning. We have the following to say to you: a) Make wise choices b) Learn to forgive and exercise empathy c) The sky’s the limit, do not hold yourself back d) Seize the opportunities that will definitely come your way Bring out the Gabrielite Gentlemen that is deep within each of you, and let it shine forth. Thank you for letting us be such an integral part of your journey and for giving us the opportunity to learn and grow with you as your form teachers. Wishing you all the very best!! Ms Koh Shiew Cher & Mr Suraj



To the dynamic group of 4N1 Class of 2023, Grad day is here, congratulations! You have finally come to the crossroad in your academic journey before you embark on the next new phase of your life. Come what may, remember that you each have the capacity, talent and aptitude to take you to new heights. Make your choices wisely and seize the opportunities that will add growth to your life. Most of all in everything you do remember to: Show Respect to the person you are and to all you encounter, Act Responsibly in all that you undertake, Walk the road of life with Resilience through the challenges that come your way Serve others where you are with Care in your heart. Be the Gabrielite Gentlemen that resides in each of you. Let that Star in you shine to make the world you move in that much better because you are part of it. Thank you for letting me be part of your journey, for giving me the opportunity to grow with you as your form teacher. Wishing you each ALL the Best. Mrs Stevenson



Dear 4N2, Congratulations! You have finally come to the end of your secondary school life! As you prepare to take your leave from this chapter of your educational journey, I want to extend my sincerest well-wishes to each and every one of you. Throughout your journey in this school, you have shown commendable growth and have matured over the years. I have no doubt that you all have bright futures ahead of you. As you step into the next phase of your lives, remember this important word equation: Clear goal + Consistent hard work + Resilience = Success Clear goals give you direction, purpose, motivation, keep you on track and ensure you stay focused on what truly matters. Consistent hard work is the cornerstone of achieving your dreams. Be disciplined in your studies and pursuits. Set aside time for focused learning and improvement. Resilience is the backbone of every triumph. Embrace the tough times as opportunities for learning and growth. Let each obstacle be a stepping stone that propels you forward, making you stronger, wiser, and more determined. Believe in yourself, stay positive, and face adversity with the knowledge that you have the power to overcome any hurdle that comes your way. As you move forward, cherish the memories you have created and the friendships you have forged. These bonds will remain with you as you venture into new territory. Remember that success is not just about personal achievements but also about lifting others up along the way. You are capable of greatness, and your potential is limitless. Set your sights high, believe in yourself, and work diligently towards your dreams. Let your goals be your guiding light. May your future be filled with abundant opportunities and endless blessings. Embrace good character and values, work hard for the things you desire, and never forget to be grateful for the journey. With warm regards and best wishes, Mrs Chang CN & Mdm Ren



Dear class of 4N3, Your graduation is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and committment. You have made it to the finish line once your national examinations are over. It’s time to take a breath before you start a new race. The next chapter will be full of surprises. Remember to always keep learning, growing, and chasing your dreams. Best wishes, Joseph Ng



My dearest 5N1 gentlemen. You did it. Congratulations on graduating from SGSS. Go forth and venture into the world with God’s grace. Create your own future. believe in yourself & strive towards your goals. Success awaits.’ May good luck prevail always. May peace, health and happiness be with you in every phase of your life. I wish each of you a bright and colourful future in which all your dreams come true. I know you will continue to do big things in the future. May God protect and bless you. All the best.



Dear 4E1-ians. What an adventure we have had. You are a wonderful class and all of you will grow to be fine men of character. Remember the bonds of friendships you have made – keep them safe; they will be the treasure from your time in St Gabriel’s. Keep to your dreams and values. Nothing is beyond you. Yours sincerely Paul de Souza



Dear 4E2 It has been an honour and a privilege to be your form teachers. We hope that you will cherish the memories you have of your time in school as well as continue with the friendships you have built during your time in this school. We have no doubt that you boys will be able to do well for the national exams and move on to pursue your dreams. There is no greater time to be alive than now where the future awaits, and anything is possible. In pursuit of your dreams and goals, we hope that you will continue to build your character, as well as challenge yourself to move beyond your comfort zone to lead and make a difference. At the end of the day, what really counts is your character, how you treat the people around you and the positive impact you make in their lives. We look forward to seeing the leaders and changemakers that you all will become, and the difference you boys will make to your community. Once a Gabrielite, always a Gabrielite! All the best Mrs.Jean Koh and Mr. Ivan Ng Kai Yang Form Teachers 4E2



To our dearest 4E3, The past year and a half has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs for many of you. Cherish the ups and learn from the downs. Cherish the friendships you forged and various fun activities that you enjoyed (but keep them respectful and responsible!). Learn from setbacks, because they provide us with an opportunity to practice picking ourselves up and steeling ourselves when things get tough. Roller coaster rides are part and parcel of your development as an individual. Your chers had to go through the same thing too! If you have had a positive experience with St. Gab’s, you can pay it back, by paying it forward. Do good to the individuals you meet, inspire the people that fall under your leadership, and leave the world better than you found it. Need to hit 150 words, just nice. Cheah and Chia



Dear 4E4, It has been a rich and fruitful journey with you over the past two years. I would like to thank you for all the great memories that you have given me as your teacher for PE and CCE lessons. You have been one of the most participative classes that I have taught at St. Gabriel’s Secondary School. Remember two important life lessons: 1) The 1, 2, 3 of learning and 2) Results itself are not crucial but it is what you do with the results that matters. I hope that I have done enough to guide you through the ups and downs as a class and I wish you all the very best for your next phase in life. Yours sincerely, Mr Chu



To my lovely 4E5, It has been quite a journey for all of us. As much as I hope you have learned something from us, I have certainly picked up valuable lessons from being your Form Teacher as well as DNT teacher for a good two years. Time really flies. Soon enough you will be embarking on the next phase of your academic life. I sincerely hope you pick up the good habits and strategies that worked for you and let go of all distractions and negativities in your life. I wish you all the very best in your next challenge and I truly hope you have some fond memories to fall back on when you miss St. Gabs. Mr Fazlin Life’s too short to cry, long enough to try


Snapshots of our Fraternity: Staff @ SGSS


Whole Staff

School Executive Committee

Executive & Administrative Staff


Craft & Technology, Food & Consumer Education & Aesthetics Department

English Language & Literature Department


Humanities & Elements of Business Skills Department

Mathematics, POA & CPA Department


Mother Tongue Language Department

Physical Education Department


Science Department

Awards Committee


Character & Citizenship Education Committee

Data Management Committee


Cohort Committees



ICT Champions

Partnerships & Outreach Committee


Publicity Committee

Staff Development Committee


Staff Well-being Committee

Spiritual Formation Committee


Student Service & Leadership

Student Management Committee


Student Support Committee

Row 1: Ms Suria Binte Basri, Ms Rin Ellyanie Binte Ramlan, Ms Esther Chan Jun Ying Row 2: Mr Ang Hong Wei Daniel, Mr Tan Kok Heng Joachim


Internal & External Examination Committee

Streaming and Subject Combination Committee


Timetabling Committee

Blended Learning Task Force


Safety Committee

70th Anniversary Committee


Full Subject-Based Banding Task Force


SGPS Editorial Team

Mdm Sharifah

Mrs Radha Vishnu

Mrs Karen Tan

Mrs Michelle Tan

Ms Jane Lim

SGSS Publicity Team

Ms Cheong Li Yun

Ms Li Mingxian Marianne

Ms Kalyani Ravindharan

Ms Lim Shanrui Joanne

Ms Samantha Gracie Daishini




St. Gabriel’s Primary School 220 Lorong Chuan Singapore 556742 GENERAL OFFICE: 62803628 FAX NUMBER: 63820344 EMAIL:

St. Gabriel’s Secondary School 24 Serangoon Avenue 1 Singapore 556140 GENERAL OFFICE: +65 6288 9470 FAX NUMBER: +65 6289 8615 EMAIL:

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