Spectrum Summer 2018

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VOLUME 34, NO. 2 • ISSN 1044-1921 • SUMMER 2018

Building Positive Collaborations Fall Conference: Improving Communication Managing Emotions: A Journey

Mission Statement The Autism Society of North Carolina is committed to providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families.

Vision Statement The Autism Society of North Carolina strives to create a community where people within the autism spectrum and their families receive respect, services, and support based on individual differences, needs, and preferences.

Privacy Policy The Autism Society of North Carolina respects the privacy of its members and those who receive our publications. We do not sell or otherwise share our mailing list, email notification list, or any other personal information with other businesses or organizations.

The Spectrum The Spectrum (ISSN 1044-1921) is published in January and August by the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. or its Board of Directors. Editor: Amy Seeley Graphic Designer: Erika Chapman

Careers Would you like to work for the Autism Society of North Carolina? ASNC is a direct-supports provider throughout the state with offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, Raleigh, and Wilmington. We are always looking for qualified candidates who are passionate about helping individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. A variety of part- and full-time positions are available! Please visit www.autismsociety-nc.org/ careers to learn more about current ASNC career opportunities. We appreciate referrals; please help us recruit the best talent by sharing the above link.

Table of Contents Features:

Building Positive Collaborations between Families and Professionals . ......................................................................... 4 Fall Conference: Giving a Voice to People with Autism.......... 5 Autism Self-Advocates Inspire Conference Attendees . ..........6 Employing Adults with Autism: You Can Help ........................7 Managing Emotions: A Journey of Understanding ..............8-9 You Can Advocate for Services ........................................10-11 Volunteer Brings Joy to Camp Royall ....................................14

Also in this issue: Message from the CEO ........................................................... 3 Social Recreation .............................................................12-13 Camp Royall .....................................................................14-15 Chapters & Support Groups ............................................16-17 Hispanic Affairs ................................................................18-20 Fundraisers & Events .......................................................22-27 Donations ........................................................................28-30 Call on Us . ............................................................................ 31

ASNC is also supported by: 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-743-0204 • 800-442-2762 • Fax: 919-882-8661


Message from the CEO

As anticipated, 2018 has been a very busy year thus far for the Autism Society of North Carolina in our efforts to support our families, improve the lives of individuals with autism, and educate our communities. We’ve had multiple events and numerous individual interactions with families and individuals to help meet our mission. One event that was particularly important to the autism community was the release of the latest autism prevalence rates on April 26 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data came from a bi-annual study with a pool of 11 states, including North Carolina. Across the 11 states, the overall prevalence rate of 8-year-old kids who may be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) increased by 15% from 1 in 68 to 1 in 59. In North Carolina, six counties participated in the monitoring process, and the prevalence rate increased slightly from 1 in 59 to 1 in 57. North Carolina, as in past years, continued to lead the country in median age of diagnosis (36-40 months), almost a year earlier than other states. We feel this is because of the work of the Autism Society of North Carolina and other organizations in our state to educate the public and professionals about the signs and symptoms of autism. With a more informed population, children aren’t as likely to slip through the cracks. This data mirrors increases that we see in North Carolina’s public schools. According to the NC Department of Public Instruction’s annual NC Statistical Profile for school year 2015-16, 18,370 students with autism were enrolled across the 115 public school districts. • In 2014-15, the statewide number of students with autism was 16,275. • That’s an annual increase of 13% and does not include home-schooled children with autism or students without autism who don’t have an IEP. • Going back 10 years to 2005-06, the statewide total of students with autism was 6,247. • The 10-year increase was 34%. Monthly, the Autism Society of North Carolina receives an average of 60-70 referrals from families with a newly diagnosed child.

Board of Directors Executive Committee Chair Ruth Hurst, Ph.D. Vice Chair Chris Whitfield Secretary Steven Jones Treasurer Mark Gosnell Immediate Past Chair Elizabeth Phillippi

Directors Stephanie Austin Doug Brown Rob Christian, M.D.

We recognize that current programs do not meet the growing need for supports. We are working with the legislature, policy-makers, and schools to ensure that the needs of our community are heard and included in planning. Our staff and volunteers talk with legislators, decision-makers, and providers daily.

Latonya Croney

We continue to seek ways to provide more opportunities for individuals with autism to access lifeimproving treatments and to live and work in their communities. We also want to provide more supports for caregivers throughout their loved ones’ lifetimes.

Scott Taylor

More families are part of the autism community now than ever before. We must ensure that appropriate and meaningful options are available across the lifespan.

Jeff Woodlief

Ron Howrigon Craig Seman Dana Williams

Your support of our advocacy work and willingness to share your stories with decision-makers locally and across the state are a tremendous help. With your support, together we will continue to build a better future for our loved ones. Wishing you all a happy summer!

Tracey Sheriff, Chief Executive Officer www.autismsociety-nc.org • 3

Building Positive Collaborations between Families & Professionals

By Aleck Myers, PhD, LP, Clinical Director, and Louise Southern, M.Ed., BCBA, Associate Clinical Director

In many cases, relationships between families and professionals are strongest when the key players feel truly heard and valued. Central to the relationship is ongoing communication, which must be honest, empathetic, and clear. Good communication requires that we try to take the perspective of the other person. In our experience as professionals, we have found that parents and caregivers should be empowered to take a primary role within the intervention team. Truly partnering with caregivers to produce relevant and significant intervention outcomes means hearing their voice within a fluid exchange (“we teach each other,” not only “I teach you”). It also means that they understand and “own” the intervention because it reflects their values and priorities as well as the activities and contexts in which they support the individual with autism. As professionals, we try to be so careful not to allow our own position and agenda as “consultant” or “expert” to overshadow other voices and perspectives. Further (and certainly), none of us must eclipse the voice and values of the individual with autism. We may come into a situation “knowing” our stuff, but we also must try to enter the relationship fully ready to listen and to learn from the families we serve. Our approach cannot be to impose priorities and information onto families. We cannot start with what we know, but rather, should start with the individual with autism and his/her family – what they know and share. We build a more authentic and equal partnership and thereby a more solid “bridge” (i.e., the intervention program, the behavior support plan, the Individualized Education Program, etc.) when we start there. Professionals collaborate with families, self-advocates, and other team members to identify goals and strategies and to collect data that drives decision-making. Our goals are often framed in measurable and observable terms. While these are certainly important features of an intervention program, all professionals should also aim to achieve other, less tangible objectives as they serve individuals with autism and their families. Here are but a few of those: • The recommended strategies and activities naturally fit with what the clients do in their home and community, and what they value as a family. • The challenging behaviors addressed within the home are the behaviors of most concern to the family. • The skills we work to strengthen are the skills that are most relevant, functional, and important to the individual with autism and the family.

4 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

• Some of the targeted skills should include those pertaining to family interactions and intervention strategies. This is known as family training. • The primary strategies recommended can be realistically implemented and maintained by the family in the long term. • The activities and strategies presented build upon the individual’s strengths (and that of the family). • The goals identified reflect those relevant and important to the individual with autism and the family. If the relationship is less than ideal, what can we all do? There are not always easy and quick answers, but here are a few strategies for families and professionals to consider: • First and foremost, communication is essential! • Work to come to agreement on the primary goals. What matters most for the individual with autism and their family? Focus on those shared areas. • Limit the initial focus to a few shared goals and identified strategies. Don’t try to address everything all at once. Try to avoid sending long emails and documents with a vast array of requests or strategies. This is typically overwhelming and not sustainable. • It may be obvious, but remember why we are all at the table: To improve the quality of life for an individual with autism and their family. The person with autism should always remain the central focus. Remember, respect, listening, and mutual communication are essential for any successful relationship! g ASNC’s Clinical Department staff is composed of PhD and master’slevel licensed psychologists, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, and former special education teachers. We provide individualized intensive consultation using evidence-based practices to support children and adults across the spectrum in home, school, employment, residential and other community-based contexts. We also deliver workshops to professionals on a wide range of topics including but not limited to, strategies to prevent and respond to challenging behaviors, best practices in early intervention, functional communication training, and evidence-based practices in instruction for K-12 students with autism. To find out more, contact us at 919-390-7242 or clinical@autismsocietync.org.

Fall Conference: Giving a Voice to People with Autism

We are pleased to announce that Tracy Vail, MS, will be the presenter for the Autism Society of North Carolina’s third annual fall conference. This year, the full-day conference will be held September 21 at the Odeon Theater at the Greensboro Coliseum Complex. Vail brings more than 30 years of experience in working with individuals on the autism spectrum to the conference. She presented at this year’s two-day spring conference on “Improving Communication in Nonverbal Individuals with Autism.” Her topic for this conference, “Giving a Voice to People with Autism,” is an important one for families and caregivers of individuals with autism of all ages. This conference focuses on developing functional social communication skills in children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are non-vocal or minimally vocal. These skills are critical to success at home, in school, at work, and in the community. Join us to learn: • How to select the most appropriate form of communication to match the individual needs of each learner • Research-based strategies for teaching communication • How to use some of the more popular speech-generating devices and applications

Clinical Training for Professionals

Vail is the co-owner of Let’s Talk Speech and Language Services, Inc. She obtained her BS in Psychology and Speech/Theatre from Frostburg State College and MS in Speech/Language Pathology from West Virginia University. She also obtained 56 doctoral credits in the areas of Early Intervention and Learning Disabilities. She has post-graduate training in the use of the DIR model (Floortime), TEACCH, Verbal Behavior, Applied Behavior Analysis, PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), PROMPT and RDI (Relationship Development Intervention). Vail has worked with children on the spectrum since 1982 in a variety of settings including public schools, private schools, and private practice. She also travels nationally and globally, providing training and consultations for parents, teachers, organizations, and school systems. Register now and save: https://greensboroautismconference.eventbrite.com ASNC is offering an early-bird rate of $115 – a savings of $25 – through August 31 at midnight. Fees include morning coffee, lunch, afternoon beverages, and handouts. The ASNC Bookstore will be available for shopping and feature a variety of books and other merchandise. If you have questions about the conference or wish to pay via a purchase order or with Medicaid Natural Supports Education waiver funds, please contact David Laxton, Director of Communications, at dlaxton@autismsociety-nc.org or 919-865-5063. g

For educators, service providers, health-care professionals, first responders, and more Wide variety of topics such as: • addressing challenging behavior • best practices in instruction • strategies to promote social understanding • integrating evidence-based practices Follow-up projects and site-based coaching available Contact ASNC’s Clinical Department: 919-390-7242 or clinical@autismsociety-nc.org

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 5

Autism Self-Advocates Inspire Conference Attendees A panel of autism self-advocates wrapped up our 2018 annual conference, bringing understanding and hope to hundreds of attendees. The panel members began by introducing themselves and telling a little about their lives on the spectrum.

Valerie Venetta said that even though she was not diagnosed until she was 19, she always had a sense that she was different. Venetta, who earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, loves to learn about different conditions. “I feel like in some ways autism has really helped me,” said Venetta, who enjoys helping others with disabilities in her job as a community coach. Stewart Hyde, who was never formally diagnosed, graduated from Georgia Tech in computer science so has always had good jobs. Hyde said he still feels uncomfortable in social situations with a lot of people, but salsa dancing for the past five years has helped him with confidence. He volunteers with a prison ministry. Craig Seman, who is now a member of ASNC’s Board of Directors, said he originally was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. After graduating from high school, he served in the Air Force and attended UNC, where he became part of TEACCH’s research into Asperger’s and received counseling. His goal is to be a resource for independent adults on the spectrum, coordinating events and meetups in the Charlotte area. “We’re functional, but people still have needs,” Seman said, talking about how it feels to be alone.

Social Skills Venetta said it can be challenging for people on the spectrum to understand others because they may not be aware of nonverbal cues. Noisy social environments are especially tough because auditory processing can be a challenge. She shared some strategies that she has learned: thinking before she speaks, asking people simple questions about themselves; smiling and being kind; and making eye contact as much as possible. Seman recommended getting involved in activities, especially with others on the spectrum, to build confidence with others who understand who you are. He also stressed the role of mentorship. During school years, individuals receive lots of guidance, but after high school, they are left on their own.

Alex Griffin, who works in ASNC’s Raleigh office, said he, too, had at first been diagnosed with ADHD but was then diagnosed with ASD when he was a teenager. He talked about the importance of people on the spectrum being involved in autism organizations and providing input.

Hyde said dancing improved his confidence, which was the key to succeeding in social situations. “You have to have confidence in where you’re going,” he said. “You have to believe in your heart that you can do anything. I want people to believe that they can do it. They have to believe that they can do anything, that nothing is impossible.”

Staying Safe

The audience came away from the panel hopeful, knowing that although each panel member had faced challenges, they found strategies that worked for them and sought help when needed. These adults on the spectrum have careers, live independently, and enjoy social relationships. Ultimately, they are succeeding at creating lives that fulfill them as individuals. g

The panel members then were asked to share some insights on safety. Parents, teachers, and first responders must explicitly teach safety through all ages and levels, Venetta said, because individuals on the spectrum might not know some things that others seem to learn naturally, and generalizing can be a challenge. “Do not assume that one situation will teach the person for other similar situations.” Most of us think of crime such as getting robbed when we are asked about personal safety, Seman said. But emotional safety can be even more important, he said. People with autism have a tendency to stay in their comfort zones, and they can feel trapped in their homes. The networking that Seman helps coordinate can alleviate these problems and improve people’s lives. “We need to make sure we have safe harbors,” he said. “We all want to go out and do stuff and fit in. Ultimately, we all just want to be happy.” 6 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Find more information about this year’s conference presentations on ASNC’s blog at www.autismsociety-nc.org/blog. Search “conference.”


Annual Conference: Strategies for a Lifetime March 22-23, 2019 Hilton University Place, Charlotte Online registration opens Sept. 15

Employing Adults with Autism: You Can Help

The need for employment opportunities for adults with autism is significant; studies have shown that a majority of them are unemployed or underemployed. For individuals on the spectrum, employment not only fosters financial stability and promotes greater independence but also increases self-esteem and provides opportunities to improve social skills, grow a network of friends and support, and pursue passions.

Our dedicated Employment Supports staff works hard to identify, expand and – in some cases – create employment opportunities for adults with autism. Finding potential positions often entails “cold call” visits to businesses and meetings with prospective employers to explain the benefits of hiring people with autism and explore positions that people we serve can fill for them. We work to ensure that potential employers understand that employees with autism are reliable, dedicated, focused, attentive to detail, and hard-working. They also have less turnover than the national average.

Personal Connections Improve Chances While many successful job matches occur as a result of our staff building new relationships with employers, personal referrals are still the best method, as is true with most employment situations. Shannon Pena, our Senior Employment Services Coordinator, explains that the success rate is much greater when someone has connected us with a business, employer, or manager. “It is just much easier when someone the employer knows has already talked to them; then we just explain how we can support them,” Pena said. Kurt Rundle, an ASNC employee, sits on the board of a local advocacy group and learned that the group was seeking a trainer to help people with disabilities learn to use public transportation. He immediately thought of a gentleman he knew who didn’t have a driver’s license and was very successful in using public transportation to navigate independently. Rundle thought he might be interested in the job and mentioned it to him. “He loved the idea!” Rundle said. “So I set up a meeting with the board’s executive director, and he was hired two weeks later!” We know many employers would be happy to hire individuals with autism if they were aware of the value they bring as employees. This is where you all can help!

How You Can Help Look within your own place of employment, social network, place of worship, committees, and community. Who do you know who is hiring? Do you know of work that needs to be

done? You may even have tasks at your own workplace that no one has been identified to complete. Or do you have a personal or social connection to someone who is seeking employees? If so, speak to them to find out what their needs are. Share the benefits of employing people with autism and ask whether they are willing to explore it further. You also can broaden your connections’ understanding of autism. One of the goals that we have when speaking with the public and potential employers about job opportunities is to help them recognize the range of skills, abilities, and interests that adults with autism possess. Many who seek supported employment come to us with higher education and advanced degrees. People whom ASNC staff have supported have succeeded in a wide range of fields and settings, including IT and technical professions, customer service, retail, car dealerships, landscaping, clerical positions, and even acting.

Nationwide Efforts The increasing awareness of the contributions by people with autism and the need for inclusion has led to notable efforts by large companies such as Microsoft and SAP to invest in programs to recruit individuals with autism. In addition, small businesses such as car washes and coffee shops are springing up throughout the country with the same vision: to provide opportunities for individuals with autism and promote inclusion and diversity. We are extremely excited to witness efforts like these and appreciate that they inspire others. However, the need is great and we cannot rely on the efforts of a few. Imagine if everyone reading this reached out to one potential employer – the effect would be exponentially greater than any single company’s efforts! Together, we can spread the word and increase employment opportunities for people with autism. g If you have contacts to share or ideas for potential job opportunities, please contact Shannon Pena, Senior Employment Services Coordinator, at 336-333-0197, ext. 1413, or spena@autismsociety-nc.org. You can also request our Employment Supports booklet that provides information to share.

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 7

Managing Emotions: A Journey of Understanding By Nancy Popkin, Autism Resource Specialist

A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder comes with much baggage, and one of the weightiest among those bags is the challenge of communicating and managing feelings and emotions. I remember all too well the feeling of “walking on egg shells” when my son Gray was first diagnosed to avoid triggers as much as possible and limit the number of tantrums he had on any given day. Gray is now almost 25, and we have learned a lot about autism and how to support him in the 22 years since his diagnosis. Gray, too, has learned a lot about autism and how to manage his emotions. Recently, he shared with me the following reflection:

“A lot of the time, I see other people get very upset. They stay upset for maybe a minute or two, then recover as though nothing happened. Not me. If something upsets me, I stay upset, or at least focused on the thing that made me upset, for hours on end. The difference is like the difference between a hiccup and a cold. One is inconvenient, but is over fast and can easily be forgotten. The other stays with you for a long time even after it really ought to be gone. Since I experience these ‘emotional colds,’ I can’t just ignore or get past the thing that made me upset in the first place.” This understanding of how he experiences overwhelming emotions comes after years and years of consistent work to develop tools and strategies to help him mitigate the challenges his emotions can present.

Foundations of Emotional Understanding and Regulation When Gray was young, his feelings always seemed extreme. When he was happy, he flapped his hands and ran back and forth, giggling uncontrollably the whole time. He was happy from his head to his toes, we would say. And unhappiness seemed huge! His crying, throwing things, head-butting, and repeating phrases that seemed to make no sense let us know we had a huge hurricane of emotion to ride out. Using schedules to help with transitions, making accommodations for sensory issues, and providing lots of visual structure to create more certainty and compensate for executive functioning skill deficits are always key strategies for decreasing the frequency of meltdowns. And while these will most certainly help improve life for those with autism, you cannot anticipate every situation. Tantrums and meltdowns will still occur from time to time. For this reason, there is more work to be done.

how you are feeling, ask for help, and use some sort of strategy to help tamp down the emotion or manage the situation. Both of these skills are typically missing when someone is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is important to address both of them over time as circumstances, skill levels, and understanding change.

Functional Communication Functional communication tools give a person who has difficulty telling their wants or needs a way to do so. They are important for anyone with ASD, including those who can speak but have difficulty accessing words or appropriate words when they need them. Often, we overlook the need to provide some form of functional communication tool to more verbal individuals with ASD because they can talk, and we think they should be able to tell us when they need help or are in an unwelcome situation. When I field calls from parents and professionals with concerns about tantrums and meltdowns that someone with autism is experiencing, I always ask whether the person has a way to tell that they are upset other than with words. If not, then a functional communication strategy or tool is needed.

Identifying Emotions + Functional Communication = Decreasing Tantrums/Meltdowns

Managing the tantrum/meltdown equation really requires two parts. There is the recognition that something is wrong, that help is needed, or that one is feeling overwhelmed or some other intense emotion. And there is the ability to tell someone 8 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

This tool can be a visual cue or hand sign, but it must be something that anyone supporting the person with autism will understand, and it needs to be accessible anywhere and anytime. For us, this started with a “Help Cue” a simple visual cue to use when Gray needed help playing with toys or completing a task. I have also seen stop signs or “break cards” used for

this purpose. I once worked with a family to make a card that had a dolphin on one side and a shark on the other to indicate Calm and Not Calm for their young child who loved marine life. The important thing is to have a visual tool to facilitate the communication of distress. The next step is teaching how to use the tool. This requires recognizing when it is needed in the first place. We did this by using what I call “The Mirror Technique,” where we reflected back to Gray what we saw his behavior communicating. When he struggled to pull on a sock or got frustrated with his LEGOs™ and started getting visibly upset, we would say, “It looks like you are frustrated with your sock. You can ask for help.” Then we would make sure he had his “Help Cue” handy and hold out our hand to receive it. We provided hand-over-hand support initially to teach this interaction. Once he placed the card in our hand, we could say, “Oh, you need help. Thank you for asking.” Eventually, he learned to say those words without the cue and we moved on. Not every child with autism will be able to speak the words to ask for help, so having access to some sort of functional communication tool to use consistently is important.

Recognizing a Range of Emotions Life and emotions are more complicated than just needing help. Sometimes individuals feel overwhelmed or lose control. This is why it is helpful to teach ways to understand different degrees of frustration, anger, fear, and anxiety and how to notice when those feelings are brewing. A visual emotional scale can be helpful with this. Pictured are examples of some of the “emotional thermometers” we used over the years. The Green/Yellow/Red one was developed at Gray’s request in high school: “This was something I simply thought of as a result of playing a lot of video games. I noticed that the characters in video games would often have a color gauge to show how many health points they had left. If they got too low, you lost a life and had to start the game over. It didn’t take me long to equate that with my emotions, since I had a goal of keeping them from becoming too severe. The reason I felt that I needed this was because I wanted a way to communicate my feelings to people without becoming verbally upset, which could exacerbate the issue at hand. However, I was not good at using this ‘emotional thermometer’ at first. That took several years to perfect.” In a way, this was a more nuanced form of functional communication card. It allowed Gray to communicate not just completely explosive emotions but also when those emotions were brewing. The idea was that if he could see where his gauge was, he could make adjustments to bring it back to feeling calm. As Gray mentioned, it took several years for him to get good at using it. In fact, I remember vividly the first time he pulled out

his emotional thermometer and indicated a smaller emotion. We were listening to a college orientation presentation in which a lot of information was being given, and he started feeling overwhelmed. He pulled out his thermometer and moved the marker just a little to yellow/green. I asked how I could help, and he asked for a schedule. I created one on the back of a piece of paper, and he moved on with his day. He was 18 years old.

Expanding Understanding Once out of high school, Gray needed to navigate life without supportive adults always at his side. This meant that he needed an emotional thermometer that he could use entirely on his own or with the help of a stranger. We blended his emotional thermometer with a visual scale showing what to do at each level, and we made it small enough to wear on a lanyard or keep in his wallet. The emotional thermometer is a great functional communication tool because along with enabling people to communicate their degree of distress, it can also be used to indicate how they are doing as they recover from the episode. Over the years, we have learned to use the thermometer to check in with Gray, teaching him to recognize when he has recovered before he can move on with his schedule. As Gray mentioned, it takes him longer to recover from an episode and it is helpful for him to communicate this to others so he isn’t pushed to face demands before he is ready. Now, as he is entering adulthood, Gray’s understanding of his emotions and his ability to regulate them using his tools has improved greatly. For over 20 years, we have journeyed together to grasp the complexities of managing emotions with our son. Blending the consistent use of functional communication tools and visual emotional thermometers, our son has made great strides in bridging the gap between outbursts and self-advocacy. These have been key stepping stones on the path to adulthood, greater independence, and a brighter future. g Resources available at autismbookstore.com The Incredible 5-Point Scale by Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis Exploring Feelings: Cognitive Behavior Therapy to Manage Anger by Tony Attwood ASNC Autism Resource Specialists are available to help families in every county of North Carolina on topics such as accessing services, community resources, IEPs, and residential options. They are all parents of children or adults with autism themselves, so they have firsthand knowledge and a unique understanding of what you are going through. They also are trained professionals with many years of experience. Find one near you: www.autismsociety-nc.org/resourcespecialists

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 9

You Can Advocate for Services By Jennifer Mahan, Director of Public Policy

Since its beginnings, the Autism Society of North Carolina has advocated for services that support people on the autism spectrum. Over the years, those services have changed as our knowledge has grown about what works best to support people in their communities. The availability of both supportive interventions and enough qualified staff to provide services continues to be a problem across the country, and particularly here in NC. Waiting lists for many types of services are now the norm. We are often asked, “Why are there no options for services for myself or my child and what can I do about it?” While there is no one answer to that question because each individual has unique needs and resources vary by age, location, and funding stream, we’ve prepared a quick guide about the general reasons services may be scarce and where to advocate for more services.

Supportive Services Not Covered Many services have not traditionally been funded by private insurance, Medicaid, or state government, including afterschool, recreation, and affordable housing programs. If people do not have health-care coverage that covers autism services, they must rely on state-funded services or other locally covered services. State dollars have always been distributed unevenly, but they also are cut year after year. The reasons are complicated, but for the past few years, the NC General Assembly (NCGA) has reduced these funds.

Learn more on our website

How to advocate: www.autismsociety-nc.org/make-voice-heard How to access services: www.autismsociety-nc.org/accessing-services

10 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

How to advocate: Ask your representatives in the NCGA to appropriate more money to fund services for autism and restore “single-stream funds.” Please participate in surveys of local needs and services gaps from your Local Management Entity/ Managed Care Organization (LME/MCO). We of course also recommend advocating at all levels (Congress, state legislature, and with insurers) for coverage of services. Also look to schools, local parks and recreation departments, and other community groups to help fill gaps. We also encourage families to become familiar with state and local advisory groups that give input on state policy.

10-Year Waiting List for Services People may qualify for specialized autism services such as an Innovations waiver program (via Medicaid), but they are on a 10-year waiting list. Be sure you have gone through the process of being placed on the waitlist with your LME/MCO so that you know whether your loved one qualifies and to inform the state of the full extent of numbers of those waiting for these essential services. How to advocate: The NC General Assembly controls the number of slots and the long-term funding needed. Contact your NCGA member as well as chairs of the Appropriations committee to ask for more waiver slots. Find out who represents you in the NCGA here: www.ncleg.net/representation/WhoRepresentsMe. aspx. Please note that this is NOT an issue (right now) for the US Congress and be sure that you are contacting a state legislative member.

Regional Gaps in Services Some areas of the state, especially more rural or sparsely populated areas, lack enough health-care and autism-services providers. Residents may have public or private insurance coverage, but providers may have decided not to operate in that area for business reasons or because they prefer to live and work elsewhere. How to advocate: First, if Medicaid or Health Choice is your insurer, work with their access departments to find providers

in your area. Do the same if the services are managed by your LME/ MCO. The state seeks information on these gaps and is working to address them in several ways. NC Medicaid is working on data mapping to discover geographic gaps for services and attract providers to fill them. LME/MCOs offer annual formal gaps and needs assessments that collect data on types and locations of service gaps in communities. It is important to complete these surveys and requests for information to give an accurate picture of your perceived community needs. If gaps continue, you can advocate with leadership of LME/MCOS, local and state Consumer and Family Advisory Committees (CFACS), the governor, the secretary of the NC Department of Health and Human Services, and the NC General Assembly. The same advocacy can be done with companies. Advocate for public and private insurers to offer enhanced rates for serving rural areas. It’s important to encourage the growth and location of professionals by offering internships and student loan forgiveness programs for working in rural areas. ANY federal, state, or local government can support internships and loan forgiveness programs, which are authorized by Congress and the NC General Assembly.

Inadequate Services in Schools There are three main problems: 1) Schools and special education are very unevenly funded across the state. 2) NC has a very low per pupil spending on education funding, including special education. 3) Congress has never fully funded special education. How to advocate: The first two issues can be addressed by advocating with your NC General Assembly member as well as the chairs of the Education Appropriations Committee. HOWEVER, advocacy with your members of Congress, both US House and US Senate, is also very important, to ask that Congress fund special education. g If you have questions about policy issues, please contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Public Policy, at jmahan@autismsociety-nc.org or 919-865-5068.

Free Webinars All of our recorded webinars are now available free on our website to watch at your convenience! Topics include: • early intervention • IEPs • building on strengths • safety • preparing for college • guardianship • residential options, and more.

We will continue to build this library of resources, so check back occasionally.

Integrated, Collaborative Care for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The Autism Society of North Carolina has been working with other North Carolina organizations to advance innovation and access to quality health care for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in their own communities. Increasing access in rural areas has been a focus of the efforts, with the partners working to train primary care providers in the best ways to care for people on the spectrum throughout their lives. This includes increasing diagnostic screening and treatment of common medical and behavioral health comorbidities as well as connection to local support services. One example project that ASNC has been engaged in under the UNC TEACCH Autism Program is to use the nationally known ECHO autism model (developed at the University of New Mexico) to work with a group of rural providers through didactic learning about ASD and IDD, which includes case review opportunities at each meeting. Through expertise from professionals at UNC-CH Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities and ASNC, the team is able to empower local offices to increase their positive outcomes and connections for clients with ASD. We are encouraged by the progress in these initiatives and look forward to the initiative increasing health-care professionals’ knowledge and capacity so that individuals and their families can partner with them in decisions affecting their care and services. We are thankful to the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities for the vision to bring this project to light in our state.

www.autismsociety-nc.org/webinars www.autismsociety-nc.org • 11

Social Recreation Makes an Impact Down East Winterville’s YouTube Star

By Austyn Durden, Program Coordinator in Winterville

The Winterville Social Recreation Center has been up and running for two full years with immense growth and many success stories that could be shared. One story that shows the incredible impact that the center has made on families, campers, and the community is of our very own YouTube star, Marshall. Marshall arrived on the first day of Summer Camp in 2016 anxious, quiet, and holding a weighted bear named Stanley between his chin and shoulder. Stanley went everywhere with Marshall, and nobody besides Marshall could hold or touch the bear. Stanley was Marshall’s safe space, his constant form of comfort, his special friend. In the beginning of camp, Marshall struggled with processing his emotions every day, battled high levels of anxiety, and did not actively pursue meaningful connections with his peers. As summer ended and Marshall enrolled in the Afterschool Program, he started building incredible connections with his counselors. He looked to them for comfort instead of to Stanley, and relationships started to blossom. His amazing counselors put all of their energy into helping Marshall open up to his peers and build his social skills repertoire, which led him to deep friendships. The growth we have seen in Marshall is immeasurable. He has made incredible friends at camp as well as in the community. This experience gave him the courage to meet new friends at school, join a community Boy Scout troop, and start a YouTube channel where he talks with friends from all over the world!

Newport’s Best Hugger

By Nicole Kristal, Social Recreation Program Director in Newport

Jesse began attending the Newport Social Recreation Center in the fall of 2016 when we kicked off the initial Afterschool Program for children with autism on the Crystal Coast. When Jesse first came to us, he spent almost his entire time at the center running back and forth in our backyard. He was minimally verbal, displayed few reciprocal interactions with adults or peers, and tended to play repetitively with only one or two toys. Over the two years that Jesse has been attending our program, we have seen him grow tremendously. He started to discover his voice, especially during the van rides from his school to our center, often narrating what would come next in the route. “Turn right ahead,” he would squeal from the backseat. He also started to narrate the afterschool schedule throughout the day: “10 minutes to snack time.” It was so wonderful to hear his voice! And then, one very special day that remains burned in my mind, Jesse spontaneously came around the corner, looked at me, and exclaimed “Look, Ms. Nicole,” excitedly holding up a drawing of a rainbow he had just completed. This was the first time I had ever heard him call my name and share something with me. Now, Jesse participates in every activity on his schedule, creating art activities, participating in motor activities, singing along with songs in the music room, and interacting with his peers during snack time. He even gives out the best and most cuddly hugs! Jesse is such a delight to the ASNC staff and other campers in Newport. 12 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Personal and Professional Growth in Wilmington’s Adult Program By Addison Mintz, Adult Program Activity Director in Wilmington

Since starting in October 2017, the Adult Program at the Social Recreation Center in Wilmington has grown immensely. The number of adults served has tripled, and groups as large as 12 have participated in scheduled outings such as bowling. ASNC has provided a learning environment as well as a social outlet that Wilmington desperately needed for adults in this community. The Adult Program has supported both personal and professional growth for members. Meet-ups such as volunteering at the local Run/ Walk and a Night-In of fun at the center have been great additions to the routine, which already highlights skills needed in day-to-day life. Some topics covered include computer skills, cooking, making grocery lists, budgets, and so much more. One of the main highlights of the past few months has been volunteering at the NC Aquarium at Fort Fisher. The adults were incredibly lucky to be mentored and taught by Erin Gross and Dan Radley about the animals in our area and the impact that locals have on the environment. Each participant picked an animal or exhibit at the aquarium and worked hard to learn about it. ASNC is grateful for this partnership, and participants look forward to volunteering in the fall, teaching aquarium attendees about the animal or exhibit. The Wilmington program has fostered friendships between participants and encouraged their independence, both of which carry beyond the program. From learning measurements in the kitchen to learning social skills that can be used anywhere, ASNC has been a place of growth for participants.

Summer Camp in Eastern NC

Summer Day Camp has just wrapped up at our Social Recreation centers in Winterville, Newport, and Wilmington as well as sites in Brunswick and Onslow counties. Through all of these sites, we have served 188 campers and their families and made a lasting impact on all those involved. Each summer, our campers take part in traditional summer camp activities (arts and crafts, swimming, outdoor play, music, etc.). We take pride in providing these activities in a setting that really understands each individual campers’ needs. We train our staff to provide a caring, accepting atmosphere that celebrates each individual for who they are. After spending time in our Social Recreation programs, individuals with autism show increases in confidence, independence, and a willingness to try new things. These programs also provide much-needed respite for families and peace of mind that their child is in a safe and loving environment and being challenged to try new things.

Year-Round Programs

Our Afterschool Programs run each school year starting at the same time as the local school year and ending just before school lets out for summer. We run an Afterschool Program in our Winterville, Newport, and Wilmington centers. (No programs in Onslow or Brunswick counties). We focus on person-centered programming and engage school-age children on the autism spectrum in a variety of recreational and leisure activities. We provide highly qualified staff at a 1:1 or 1:2 ratio. Our Adult Programs have really blossomed in the past year as we strive to provide an environment that supports and encourages

adults on the spectrum to spend time participating in skill-building and recreation-based activities. We have served more than 40 adults in Newport, Wilmington, and Winterville this past year through cooking groups, arts and crafts activities, social skills learning, community outings, and more. We began organized group respite opportunities for children on the spectrum this past year as well. We have monthly opportunities such as date nights, care during ASNC Chapter meetings, Saturday fun days, etc. We also offer respite for teacher workdays and certain holidays. These options serve as an opportunity for children on the spectrum to receive care and be actively engaged in positive activities while parents receive a break to attend to other needs at home and in the community. g For more information or to sign up for a program, please go online to www.autismsociety-nc.org/social-recreation/eastern-nc or contact the director for your area: • Brunswick County: SRP_Brunswick@autismsociety-nc.org • Newport: SRP_Newport@autismsociety-nc.org • Onslow County: SRP_Onslow@autismsociety-nc.org • Wilmington: SRP_Wilmington@autismsociety-nc.org • Winterville: SRP_Winterville@autismsociety-nc.org www.autismsociety-nc.org • 13

Volunteer Brings Joy to Camp Royall Ned Weeks loves Camp Royall so much that he has signed on as a volunteer for the past two summers! Every morning, he took the bus to Camp Royall from his new home in Chapel Hill and worked from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., mainly in the kitchen and dining hall.

“Ned was a wonderful addition to our summer team last year, and we were so grateful that he wanted to continue to support us this summer!” Camp Director Lesley Fraser said. “I have been lucky to get to know Ned after six years of his attending our Adult Retreat program. We were so excited when he made the move to Chapel Hill so that he could be closer to camp and spend more time here. Ned has been a dedicated and hardworking volunteer.” Ned’s love for Camp Royall is obvious as he moves about the dining hall after lunch, taking care to wipe down each chair and table, removing the crumbs left behind by happy campers. He is quick with a chuckle and always smiling. “Ned is always excited to help with any task,” Lesley said. “He takes pride in his work and is a positive part of everyone’s day.” Why does Ned love Camp Royall so much? “I know everybody here,” he said. “I have fun here.” Ned attended his first retreat at Camp Royall in 2012. He had often been lonely and sad since he graduated from high school and saw his friends move on while he stayed at home, said his mother, Donna Weeks. “From the moment he arrived at Camp Royall, he felt instant acceptance and excitement about the adventurous weekend ahead of him,” she said. “When we returned to bring him home, although sad to leave, he was bubbling over with enthusiasm and filled with stories of the friends he had made with campers

and counselors. Since then, he has been at camp every time the doors have opened for adult retreats and during the summers.” “Camp Royall has made and continues to make a profound difference in Ned’s life,” Donna said. “Out in the regular world, he has tried hard to fit in, and the strain of it often showed in his demeanor. Camp is a safe, loving, accepting, and fun place where he belongs and is immensely happy. For Ned, Camp Royall is the ultimate place to make friends and to be a good friend to everyone.” At the Adult Retreats, Ned enjoys going to Jordan Lake, boating, hiking, and doing the zapline, he said. During the summers, he even takes walks around camp when it is at its hottest. “I love nature,” Ned said. After growing up in rural Cumberland County, Ned completed two years of coursework in the horticulture program at Fayetteville Technical Community College. He also volunteered at the Cape Fear Botanical Garden, performing maintenance and landscaping tasks, such as raking, pruning, and planting. Ned worked there Monday through Friday for 16 years and was named their Volunteer of the Year several times. In 2017, Ned moved into a group home in Chapel Hill, where he lives with friends and receives support to become even more independent and confident, his mother said. “Camp Royall has given Ned numerous experiences in becoming more independent in daily living skills. Among the reasons he tells us that he loves his new home is that it feels to him so much like Camp Royall.” Ned enjoys going to concerts and taking part in other activities with his housemates. He also participates in the evening program with Reality Ministries, activities provided by the UNC Best Buddies program, and sports with Special Olympics, especially swimming. When he isn’t volunteering at Camp Royall, he assists each week with donations of items and other various tasks for two charity organizations: Orange Congregations in Mission and Habitat Restore. “One of his greatest joys is helping others,” his mother said. “He is sensitive and has empathy for how other people are feeling

14 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

and indeed has such a heart for lifting their spirits. In Ned’s thinking, there is always this question: ‘What can I do to make things easier for someone else?’” Ned certainly lifted spirits during Summer Camp, and we look forward to seeing him at Camp Royall again soon!

Friday to 12 noon Sunday. Campers enjoy a miniature version of our summer camp program while families benefit from some respite; preference is given to campers living at home. Supervision at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 is provided for all campers during these weekends.

Fun at Camp Year-Round

Camp Royall never stops! We offer programs for campers of all ages and on all levels of the autism spectrum year-round. Check out our upcoming programs below – we hope to see you soon!

Adult Retreats give independent adults, 18 years and older with high-functioning autism, a chance to enjoy time with friends at Camp Royall. This fall, we will have one week-long retreat, September 23-28, and two weekend retreats, November 2-4 and November 30-December 2. Participants enjoy recreational activities at camp as well as outings in the community.

Our Afterschool Program will start up again on September 10. The hours are 2:30-6:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with some transportation options available. Participants take part in outdoor activities, group games, and gym play under the supervision of trained staff members.

Teen Tuesday offers teens (ages 13-22) the opportunity to learn life skills in a welcoming group setting. The group meets once a month, typically on the second Tuesday of the month, from 5 until 7:30 p.m. Our first meeting after summer break will be on September 18.

Family Fun Days offer an opportunity for families to experience all the joys of camp together. Fun Days will take place September 1 and December 15, which will be our holiday party with sensoryfriendly visits with Santa. Activities available include boating, face-painting, a cookout, hayrides, gym games, the zap line, arts and crafts, and more. Family Camping adds dinner in our dining hall, campfire time complete with s’mores, and overnight lodging in one of our cabins. We will also provide a continental breakfast Sunday morning and more time to play at camp.

Residential Camps will be offered in the fall, October 14-19 for campers ages 18 and up, as well as during the winter school break, December 27 to January 1, for campers ages 4 and up. The overnight program includes a 1:1 or 1:2 counselor-to-camper ratio, based on each camper’s level of need. g

Mini Camps are set for three dates this fall: September 21-23, October 26-28, and November 16-18. Mini Camp provides campers the chance to spend the weekend at camp, from 5 p.m.

Please contact our camp office for questions about any of the events at 919-542-1033 or camproyall@autismsociety-nc.org. For more information or to register for any program, please visit www.camproyall.org. Also check back later in this year for spring dates for all of the above programs!

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 15

Planting the Seeds of Support One Group at a Time

It’s truly mind-boggling to look at how our ASNC Chapters network has grown this past year, as evidenced by the great Chapter work happening in new places across North Carolina. Since July 2017, we’ve seen 52 Chapters and Support Groups grow into 64 – a 23% increase – in addition to several existing groups being revitalized. More and more families are enjoying the fruits of group support through engaging in social and community fun together, having opportunities to learn and share ideas, and most importantly, by surrounding themselves with others who understand the struggles and joys of loving someone with autism. A primary reason ASNC Chapters are flourishing is the increase in dedicated Chapter staff. In its earliest years, the Chapters Department consisted of one, and later two, individuals. As the needs of families have increased, so has ASNC’s dedication to add Chapter personnel. Today, in addition to a State Chapter Director and Coordinator based in Raleigh, ASNC employs seven Regional Chapter Coordinators and one Regional Chapter College Coordinator. These individuals provide an important layer of local support and are dedicated to assisting Chapters in their daily operations and yearly goals. They also spearhead efforts to start more Chapters with the hope that ASNC could someday have a group in every one of North Carolina’s 100 counties. Like any seed that needs water to grow, ASNC Chapters need the passion and involvement of many to thrive. Summer is always the best time to consider joining a Chapter. Most groups are planning for the new school year and are eager for new involvement. For information on how you can be involved with one of our new or existing statewide Chapters, please visit our website at www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters.

Chapter staff, from left to right: Amy VanWyk (South Central Region), Jamie Thomasson (East/Southeast Region), Marty Kellogg (State Chapter Coordinator), Andrea Moore (Central Region), Julie Coulter (Triad Region), Melissa Zenz (West Region), Nancy Nestor (Charlotte Region), Lauren Buhrmaster (Central East Region), and Seanyea Rains (State Chapter Director). Not pictured: Regina Smith (Northeast Region), Vickie Dieter (Near West Region), Meleah Lowe (Regional Chapter College Coordinator), and Mariela Maldonado (Hispanic Affairs Liaison).

Halifax County Chapter Superheroes Roanoke Rapids photographer Les Atkins teamed up with the Halifax Chapter to offer a free superhero photo session for Chapter families. The families said they were so appreciative for the fun opportunity, and Les said it was an honor to support them. Alamance County Chapter held its first meeting in mid-April at Alamance County College with Co-Leader Sande Pahl and Wanda Curley, Autism Resource Specialist for the Triad.

Rockingham Chapter leaders, left to right: Kelly McCorkle, Co-Leader; Rebecca Morris, Treasurer; and Pat Routh, Co-Leader

Johnston County Chapter Safety Presentation Officer Owen Phillips from the Clayton Police Department gave a presentation on “Law Enforcement and Your Child” to the Johnston County Chapter in January. Families learned about Clayton’s At Risk Citizens registry, in which they can let law enforcement know there is a child or adult with special needs residing at a certain address. Deputies from Johnston County Sheriff’s Department also participated in the discussion to help establish healthy relationships between Chapter families and local law enforcement. 16 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Guilford County Chapter Putt-Putt Putt-Putt is a family favorite for the Guilford Chapter. In May, they took to the artificial greens and the game-filled arcade for Super Saturday with unlimited tokens and putting for all. About 40 children and adults spent the better part of four hours being social. Several adults expressed what a nostalgic experience they had playing childhood games like Tetris and Ms. Pac-Man. “We had a brief rain shower, but the pizza, drinks, and ice cream kept everyone happy and smiling overall,” said Courtney Chavis, Chapter Facilitator.

Orange/Chatham Chapter Dance and Community Day Families from the Orange/Chatham Chapter enjoyed a winter dance in January at the Hargraves Community Center in Chapel Hill. The event was co-sponsored by Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation. “This was a fun event for all – great music, dancing, and board games,” said Mary Berridge, a Chapter Co-Leader. “It was also very cool that the DJ was on the spectrum too, and did a fantastic job.” One mom said, “I am thrilled that my twin boys agreed to go to their first dance with other teens.”

Wake County Chapter Workshops The Wake County Chapter has been busy providing educational opportunities for its members. During monthly lunch ‘n’ learns, families learned about topics such as “Preventing Challenging Behaviors” and “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Puberty” from ASNC clinical professionals. Dr. Hunter L. Blanton presented a workshop titled “Autism and Genetics: Emerging Tools for Advocacy and Support” to a large audience in February at The Catholic Community of Saint Francis of Assisi in Raleigh with Spanish interpretation.

Wayne County Chapter and DJ Svoboda Artist DJ Svoboda spoke on autism awareness and acceptance at the Wayne County Chapter’s February meeting. DJ created The Imagifriends of Imagiville based on experiences he faced as he grew up with autism. The Chapter was thrilled to host him and enjoyed his presentation.

Bladen County Chapter Sign-Language Class Parents from the Bladen County Chapter learned with Talking Hands, a weekly sign-language class for parents of children who are nonverbal or have speech delays. “In classes, we learn how to communicate with our children through sign language and be able to teach them to better communicate with us so that we can meet their needs. This is a great resource for families to learn to effectively break down barriers in communication with their child,” said Carra Osborne, Chapter Co-Leader. The Bladen County Chapter also helped facilitate a workshop in April with Louise Southern, MEd, BCBA, Associate Clinical Director of ASNC. Louise presented to local families on “Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors Across the Spectrum.”

Mecklenburg County Chapter Wings for Autism About 50 individuals with autism participated in Wings for Autism on April 7 in Charlotte. The Mecklenburg County Chapter worked with The Arc of Mecklenburg and Union counties, Delta Air Lines, and Charlotte Douglas International Airport to provide the important experience for families.

Sampson County Chapter’s Glow Walk The Sampson County Chapter held its third annual Glow Walk in April in downtown Clinton. “The Glow Walk is always a great community event that everyone looks forward to and enjoys. I feel it raises a lot of awareness in our community as well as helping families on the spectrum feel supported,” said Tracey Hollingsworth, Chapter Co-Leader. g For information on how you can become involved with one of our Chapters around the state, please visit www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters. No chapter in your area? ASNC works with local families to start new groups. Contact Marty Kellogg at mkellogg@autismsociety-nc.org for more information. www.autismsociety-nc.org • 17

Recursos y Eventos para Familias Hispanas

La Sociedad de Autismo de Carolina del Norte ofrece recursos en español para ayudar a familias hispanas afectadas por el autismo y profesionales bilingües que trabajan con niños y adultos con autismo.

Próximos Talleres Los talleres en español, en todo el estado, educan a padres y profesionales sobre temas que incluyen comunicación social, estrategias de comportamiento, transición, programas de educación individualizados (IEP), genética, y nutrición. Para inscribirse, comuníquese con Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de Asuntos Hispanos de ASNC. • Autismo y Genética: Charlotte y Greensboro • ¿Qué es el Autismo de Alto Funcionamiento?: Asheboro y Wilmington • ¿Qué es el autismo y cómo puedo ayudar a mi hijo?: Seminario en línea

Grupos de Apoyo Hispanos Los grupos de Apoyo Hispanos ayudan a padres obtener información de recursos y tratamientos, y también a compartir sus experiencias en su lengua materna y área local. Los grupos también promueven la concienciación del autismo en la comunidad hispana. ASNC ofrece Grupos en estas áreas: Cumberland/Robeson: Reuniones el último viernes de cada mes, 9:30-11:30 a.m., en la oficina regional de ASNC, 351 Wagoner Drive, Fayetteville. Coordinadora voluntaria: Alma Morales, 910-785-5473 Durham: Reuniones el primer miércoles de cada mes, 11 a.m.1 p.m., en El Centro Hispano, 2000 Chapel Hill Road, #26-A, Durham. Coordinadoras voluntarias: Juana García, 919-6877692; Mayra Tapia, 919-450-6543; y Karen Díaz, 919-641-3718 Guilford: Reuniones el segundo viernes de cada mes, 5:30-8 p.m., en Saint Mary Catholic Church, 812 Duke St., Greensboro. Coordinadora voluntaria: Xochitl García, 336-253-2482 Johnston: Reuniones el primer viernes de cada mes, 9-11:00 a.m., en el Partnership for Children of Johnson County, 1406 S. Pollock St., Selma. Coordinadoras voluntarias: Hilda Munguía, 919-946-5080, Yolanda Liz Gallardo, 919-628-8498; y Mónica de la Cruz 919-464-0306

18 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Mecklenburg: Reuniones el segundo jueves de casa mes, 9-11 a.m., en la iglesia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 6212 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte. Coordinadoras voluntarias: María Laura Torres, 704-430-0281, Clara Amarante, 347-217-5661, y Sholen de Jesus, 704-963-1343 Pitt: Reuniones el primer viernes de cada mes, 5-6: 30 p.m., en Saint Gabriel Catholic Church, 3250 Dickinson Ave., Greenville. Coordinadoras voluntarias: Mary Córdova, 252-288-1668, y Amelia Velázquez, 252-217-0111 Randolph: Reuniones el último viernes de cada mes, 6-8 p.m., en la First United Methodist Church, 224 N. Fayetteville St., Coordinadoras voluntarias: Sugey Ramírez, 336-308-6097, y Mariela Vences, 336-653-1989 Vance: Reuniones una vez por trimestre. Coordinadora voluntaria: Beatriz Solano, 252-378-4491 Wake: Reuniones el primer viernes de cada mes, 6-8 p.m., en ASNC State Office. 5121 Kingdom Way, Suite 100, Raleigh. Coordinadoras voluntarias: Guadalupe Ortega, 919-247-5760; Becy Velázquez, 919-802-0621; y Ana Chouza 919-244-9633

Eventos más recientes en la comunidad hispana ASNC conferencia anual: Padres de varios condados obtuvieron información importante y establecieron relaciones de apoyo en la conferencia anual de ASNC, Autismo y Salud, del 23 al 24 de marzo en Charlotte. Miembros de los Grupos de Apoyo Hispanos recibieron becas financiadas por donaciones de iglesias locales, negocios hispanos y fondos de los chapters de ASNC. Talleres gracias a Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund: Una generosa donación de Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund permitió que ASNC ofreciera talleres gratuitos tituladas “Estrategias de comunicación visual para el autismo” en Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe de Charlotte y en Ayden Christian Church de Ayden. Nancy Popkin y Katie Holler, especialistas locales en recursos de autismo, realizaron esta capacitación. También se ofreció cuidado infantil e interpretación en español.

Próximos eventos de ASNC Picnic Hispano: Los Grupos de Apoyo Hispanos de cada región celebran cada año picnics de verano, invitando a las familias a compartir experiencias y comidas tradicionales. Los estudiantes universitarios locales proveen cuidado infantil. Para participar, comuníquese con su Grupo de Apoyo local.

Carrera/Caminata por el autismo: Padres y profesionales de todas partes de Carolina del Norte están invitados a participar en eventos de concienciación y recaudación de fondos para ASNC. Únase a la próxima Carrera/Caminata por el autismo el 8 de septiembre en Fletcher (área de Asheville), el 19 de septiembre en Greensboro, y el 13 de octubre en Raleigh. Para más información y registración: www.runwalkforautism.com. Librería de ASNC: La librería es la más grande del país específicamente sobre autismo y ofrece muchos títulos en español. Compruébalo en www.autismbookstore.com. Se necesitan patrocinadores: El Departamento Hispano de ASNC recibe con agradecimiento donaciones para proveer educación y promover oportunidades para las familias hispanas en todo el estado. También, otorga becas para la conferencia anual, así como la traducción de talleres y la conferencia. Si usted quisiera ser uno de nuestros patrocinadores o contribuir a ASNC, por favor comuníquese con Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de Asuntos Hispanos. g Para más información o ayuda en español, comuníquese con Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de Asuntos Hispanos, al 919-865-5066 o mmaldonado@ autismsociety-nc.org.

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 19

Las Iglesias Colaboran con ASNC para Apoyar a las Familias

Por Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de Asuntos Hispanos

Para las familias de niños con autismo es clave tener una red de apoyo. Como comunidad, debemos construir un sentido fuerte de solidaridad con las familias para abordar esta necesidad tan grande. Hemos encontrado un bello ejemplo de solidaridad en las iglesias, las cuales han demostrado una capacidad tremenda de colaboración desinteresada y un enfoque inquebrantable en ayudar a los demás. Hace varios años, cuando intentamos conectar con las familias hispanas en Charlotte, descubrimos que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ofrecía más misas en español que cualquier otro. ¡Qué sorpresa encontrar que uno de los coordinadores de la iglesia en ese tiempo era la madre de un adulto con autismo! Nos contó que durante muchos años, ella, al igual que otros padres, había buscado ayuda en español para personas con autismo. Así es como desde 2007, el Grupo de Apoyo Hispano de Charlotte se ha reunido en la iglesia el segundo jueves de cada mes. Este grupo ha aumentado la conciencia sobre el autismo y los recursos para cientos de familias en el área de Charlotte, la cual tiene la población hispana de más rápido crecimiento en el estado.

La comunidad de autismo sigue creciendo en Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. La iglesia ha llevado a cabo campañas de concienciación sobre el autismo, recolección de donaciones, y realizar talleres para que los padres y profesionales del área

de Charlotte, puedan aprender estrategias para mejorar la comunicación y comportamiento de los individuos con autismo. Además, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ofrece becas para que los padres que son miembros del Grupo de Apoyo, puedan participar en la conferencia anual de ASNC en Charlotte. San Gabriel en Charlotte también ofrece becas a la conferencia. Su gran interés en ayudar a las familias hispanas con autismo continúa creciendo. Los líderes y los voluntarios de la iglesia ofrecen apoyo y solidaridad a la comunidad de autismo en todo el estado, no sólo ofreciendo espacio para reuniones de grupos de apoyo y talleres, sino también aumentando la concienciación sobre el autismo en la comunidad a través de sus boletines informativos y redes sociales. Es maravilloso y conmovedor encontrar en estas iglesias una misión conjunta para alcanzar y ayudar a las familias que tienen la necesidad de aprender nuevas formas de ayudar a sus hijos. Si su iglesia desea ayudar, por favor póngase en contacto Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de Asuntos Hispanos, al mmaldonado@ autismsociety-nc.org.

Churches Partner with ASNC to Provide Support for Families By Mariela Maldonado, Hispanic Affairs Liaison

A network of support is key for families of children with autism. As a community, we must build a strong sense of solidarity with families to address this great need. We have found a beautiful example of solidarity from churches, which have shown a tremendous capacity for selfless collaboration and an unwavering focus on helping others.

Show Your Support!

You can show your support everywhere you drive by purchasing an Autism Society of North Carolina license plate. A portion of the plate fee is donated to public awareness and autism education programs throughout the state. https://edmv.ncdot.gov/ VehicleRegistration/SpecialPlate 20 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Several years ago, as we attempted to reach Hispanic families in Charlotte, we found that Our Lady of Guadalupe offered the most masses in Spanish. What a surprise it was to find that one of the coordinators of the church at this time was the mother of an adult with autism! She told us that for many years, she, like other parents, had sought help for individuals with autism in Spanish. Thus, since 2007, the Charlotte Hispanic Support Group has met at the church on the second Thursday of each month. The group has tremendously increased awareness of autism and resources for hundreds of families with children on the spectrum in the Charlotte area, which has the fastest growing Hispanic population in the state.

The autism community continues to grow in Our Lady of Guadalupe. The church has held autism awareness campaigns, collected donations, and hosted workshops so parents and professionals from the Charlotte area could learn strategies to improve individuals’ communications and behavior. In addition, Our Lady of Guadalupe offers scholarships for parents who are members of the Support Group to participate in ASNC’s annual conference in Charlotte. Saint Gabriel Catholic Church in Charlotte also provided conference scholarships for Hispanic parents. Across the state, church leaders are offering support and solidarity to the autism community, not only by offering space for support group meetings and workshops, but also by increasing autism awareness in the community through their newsletters and network. It is amazing and heartwarming to find in these churches a joint mission of reaching and helping families who are in desperate need of learning new ways to help their children. g If your church would like to help, please contact Mariela Maldonado, Hispanic Affairs Liaison, at mmaldonado@ autismsociety-nc.org.

Struggling with your child’s challenging behavior?

LifeLong Interventions can help LifeLong Interventions is also offered in the Asheville, Wilmington, Triangle, and Charlotte areas. • Comprehensive treatment for children and adults

Don’t Miss a Thing! Want to stay informed about and connected with the Autism Society of North Carolina and the greater autism community? Sign up to receive our monthly email newsletters and the twice-yearly Spectrum. www.autismsociety-nc.org/contact-us You can also keep up with our events and the resources that we offer through social media: /AutismSocietyNC /AutismSocietyofNorthCarolina /autism-society-of-north-carolina

• Rooted in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) • Intensive teaching and training using evidencebased practices to promote appropriate skills and behaviors in the home, school, and community • For any age and any skill level Treatment plans are created by psychologists in collaboration with Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs), who first assess each client’s needs. All psychologists and BCBAs operate under the guidance of ASNC’s Clinical Director, Dr. Alexander (Aleck) Myers. Certified Registered Behavior Technicians (RBTs) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs) are paraprofessionals who work directly with clients and families in their homes, under the supervision of our LPs, LPAs, BCBAs, and Dr. Myers. ASNC is an in-network provider for many insurers, such as BCBSNC, Aetna, and United Healthcare. (Go online to www.autismsociety-nc.org/clinical for a list of employers that cover treatment.) Children under 21 who rely on Medicaid for support are also eligible, and we also provide treatment through private-pay arrangements.

919-390-7242 | clinical@autismsociety-nc.org

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 21

Fundraisers & Events Spring Run/Walks for Autism Raise $185,000

This spring, about 4,000 people stepped out to improve lives in our five Run/Walk for Autism events around the state. They raised more than $185,000 to improve the lives of individuals with autism and support their families.

An amazing $78,000 was raised by 2,000 participants to improve lives at the seventh annual Surry County Walk for Autism in Mounty Airy on April 21. More than 100 people and 13 teams participated in the eighth annual Cabarrus County Puzzle Run on April 14 in Concord, raising $10,000. The Wilmington community also had its eighth annual event, as 900 participants and 35 teams raised $55,000 at the Coastal NC Run/Walk for Autism on April 28. Along the Beaufort waterfront, 325 participants and 20 teams raised $12,000 in the Crystal Coast Run/Walk for Autism on May 12. The Eastern Run/Walk for Autism brought 700 participants out in Greenville on June 23, and they raised $30,000 to help families in their community. In addition to raising much-needed funds, our Run/Walk for Autism events provide significant awareness about autism throughout North Carolina. We greatly appreciate all of the individuals, families, and businesses that participated, donated, volunteered, or sponsored this spring.

Register Now for a Fall Run/Walk for Autism WNC Run/Walk for Autism September 8 Bill Moore Community Park, Fletcher wncrunwalkforautism.com Greensboro Run/Walk for Autism September 29 Jaycee Park, Greensboro greensbororunwalkforautism.com Triangle Run/Walk for Autism October 13 Downtown Raleigh trianglerunwalkforautism.com

Volunteer to Improve Lives and Support Families Would you like to give of your time for one of the fall Run/Walks for Autism? Many roles are available for volunteers leading up to and during the events. Please visit the website for your local Run/Walk to sign up. If you have questions, contact Shelley Jarman at 919-865-5051 or sjarman@autismsociety-nc.org.

22 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Spring Event Sponsors We thank the following sponsors of our events this spring; these events would not be possible without them. Please support these businesses and thank them for helping to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their loved ones.

Gold ($10,000+) Fulcrum Strategies Premiere Communications & Consulting, Inc. Raleigh Diamond

Visionary ($5,000-$9,999) BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Hardison & Cochran, Attorneys at Law PPD Smitten Boutique

Champion ($2,500-$4,999) Archer Western Construction Culligan Water Golden Corral GreerWalker CPAs & Advisors Integrated Speech Therapy, Inc. Maple Grove United Methodist Marsh & McLennan Agency Pediatric Possibilities Phillips Van Heusen Surry Insurance Tanas Hair Designs & Day Spa

Partner ($1,000-$2,499) 23rd Group Facility Management A Small Miracle, LLC AssistedCare at Home Behavioral Consulting for Autism, LLC Behavioral Services, Inc. BrickStreet Insurance CK Technologies Clinic for Special Children Coastal Behavioral Sciences Dance Machine Productions Flow Companies Jeannette Woodruff, CPA Johnson Lexus Kamm McKenzie OBGYN Kendra Scott - Charlotte Magnolia Construction, LLC Nester Hosiery Northern Hospital of Surry County Pilot Mountain Woman’s Club PPR Foods T.A. Loving Company Top Shelf Containers TPR Solutions, LLC Trojan Labor

Weyerhaeuser White & Johnson Pediatric Dentistry Willpower Enterprises

Advocate ($500-$999) AES Alliance One Bayada Habilitation Big Vape Theory Briggs-Shaffner Company CarportCentral.com Inc. Colt Simmons Construction Cox Farm Corning, Inc. Creative Hands Occupational Therapy Cyzner Institute David H. Cline IV, DDS, PA Dr. Michael Reichel Eastern Alliance Insurance Company Fancy Gap Baptist Church Fox & Hound Bar & Grill Grandmaster Dong’s Martial Arts Holly Reiter, LKNhomesNC.com Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital J.G. Coram Construction Jim & Teresa Lewis Johnson Family Farms Johnson Granite K & M Grading Life Alliance M & M Signs & Awning, Inc. McDonalds-Mount Airy Partners McDonalds-Salebra Management New Balance of Wilmington New Hanover Regional Medical Center OT Solutions Overhead Door Company of Greenville Professional Roofing Services Real Estate Development Partners Riley Outdoor Simply Natural Creamery Southland Transportation Disabled American Veterans Chapter 26 Thomas, Judy & Tucker, PA T-N-T Carports

Friend ($250-$499) 13 Bones Restaurant Allergy Partners of the Piedmont Alliance Insurance Services Atlantic Chiropractic and Rehab Austin Veterinary Behavior Consultation & Psychological Services, PLLC Bill Layne Insurance Agency Billies Cheeky Monkeys Child Care Bold NC Bray’s Recapping Service Cape Carteret Aquatic & Wellness Center Capital Bank Carl Rose & Sons, Inc. Carolina Taxworks Carolina Therapy Connection Carteret-Craven Electric Foundation Challie Minton, MD PC Children’s Health Services Coastal Children’s Clinic Coastal Kids Therapy Columbiettes of Holy Angels Cooke Trucking Company Copeland Masonic Lodge Delp Chiropractic Dr. John Gravitte Eagle Carports, Inc. Eagle Storage Edward Jones Elk Pharmacy Faw, Folger & Johnson, PC Foothills Garage Doors Frank’s Pizza and Subs G & B Oil Gentry Middle School Go! Sports Timing & Events Greenfront Properties, LLC Gray’s Towing H & R Block H & W Trucking Company Haynes Strand & Company Higgins Construction HomeCare Management Hull Brothers Lumber InterFlex Group Jim & Sandra Collins / Granite City Athletes Journeys Speech-Language, Inc. JuiceVibes

Kenco Electric Kevin’s Company Kona Ice KTL - McDonalds L Dean Simmons, DDS PA Leonard Buildings & Truck Accessories Master Machine Works Maxim Healthcare Services Mill Creek General Store Moody Funeral Home Mount Airy Equipment Co., Inc. New Hope Ministry New Horizons Adult Day Services, Inc. Northside Group, LLC Novant Health Surry Medical Associates Panera Bread Partners Behavioral Health Care Pauls Creek Baptist Church Physicians East Pilot Mountain Middle School Pilot Mountain X- Press Lube Prism Medical Products, LLC Ralph’s Sign Shop Renfro Corporation Rogers Realty & Auction Company Royster & Royster PLLC Sala Building Samet Corporation Samet, Payne, Wood, Horton & Company Scenic Motors Inc. Shikora Japanese Grill Smashed Waffles Smith Auto Parts Southeastern Cars & Parts Sowers Construction Company Sparky’s Snowballs Surry Chemicals Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corp. Team Colin The Arc of Surry County The Gahagan Law Firm, PLLC The Journeys Tlaquepaque Restaurant Todd G. Glazener, DDS PA Truliant Federal Credit Union Wayne Farms WFBH Family Medicine - Foothill www.autismsociety-nc.org • 23

More than $270,000 Raised to Send Campers to Camp Royall Catwalk to Camp Events

We were honored to welcome autism advocate Dr. Temple Grandin as our keynote speaker for the sixth annual Catwalk to Camp in the Triangle on April 12. The benefit raised an astounding $190,000 to send children and adults to Camp Royall! Hundreds of Camp Royall friends and supporters enjoyed Dr. Grandin’s insights on the abilities of individuals with autism and how families, educators, and professionals can nurture them. Dr. Grandin spoke of encouraging children to stretch themselves so that they can have fulfilling lives in their own communities, which is exactly what the staff does at Camp Royall, the nation’s largest and oldest camp specifically for individuals with autism. Catwalk to Camp in the Triangle also featured individuals with autism and their loved ones modeling fashions from Smitten Boutique and jewelry from Raleigh Diamond, and a gourmet dinner from the Angus Barn at Bay 7. Renee Chou, anchor for WRAL-TV, served as emcee. The evening wrapped up with a live auction for packages including a four-night stay in the winner’s choice of 10 locations, an Angus Barn Wine Cellar dinner for 28, and jewelry from Raleigh Diamond. We also held a fifth annual Catwalk to Camp in Charlotte on May 3, raising $48,000 for camp scholarships. Event attendees enjoyed heavy hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, and a fashion show featuring individuals with autism and their loved ones.

Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament A record 34 teams came out for the seventh annual Camp Royall Classic at Governors Club in Chapel Hill on May 7. The golfers enjoyed a cool day on the Jack Nicklaus Signature Golf Course and raised more than $33,000 to send children and adults to Camp Royall. We thank local McDonald’s franchise owners Paul, Pat, Rex, and Kelli Willoughby for their ongoing support and hard work to help us provide a life-changing week at camp to individuals from across North Carolina. We also thank Jeff Woodlief and Matt Knowles and their company, Premiere Communications and Consulting, for their continued support through both donations and work projects at Camp Royall. We are so grateful to all who participated in our events to send individuals with autism to Camp Royall. Be on the lookout for these events next spring! 24 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Camp Royall Donors The Autism Society of North Carolina has been offering recreational, therapeutic, and educational summer camp experiences for the past 47 years to individuals with autism of all ages. Camp Royall is the largest and oldest camp exclusively for individuals with autism in the United States. This list reflects donations received on or between July 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018. We hope you will consider joining these generous donors in helping to provide a life-changing experience for a camper with autism. Please contact Kristy White, Chief Development Officer, at 919-856-5086 or kwhite@ autismsociety-nc.org if you are interested in donating to camp, learning about named scholarships, or helping with fundraising.

$10,000 and Above


BB&T Charitable Contributions Carolina Hurricanes Hockey Club/Kids ‘N Community Foundation Costanzo Family Charitable Trust Credit Suisse Estate of Mary V. Balliet Fulcrum Strategies Premiere Communications & Consulting, Inc. - Raleigh Triangle Community Foundation Send A Kid to Camp Carol and Douglas Fink Kristen and Ron Howrigon Teresa and John Sears Kim and Jeff Woodlief

Acorn Alcinda Foundation ASNC Mecklenburg County Chapter ASNC Montgomery/Stanly County Chapter ASNC Pitt County Chapter BrickStreet Insurance Bright Funds Foundation Cageside Fight Shop Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated Consolidated Distribution Corporation Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) Iredell County DSS Jamie’s Vision, Inc. John W. Roffe and Marjorie A. Roffe Endowment for Moore County Johnston County Unrestricted Endowment, a component fund of the NC Community Foundation Kamm McKenzie OB-GYN Onslow Caring Communities Foundation Unrestricted Endowment, a component fund of the NC Community Foundation PPR Foods, LLC/McDonald’s The Episcopal Church of the Advocate The Knightly Order of The Fiat Lux Triangle Chapter The Phillips-Grove Foundation The Raidy Charitable Foundation Top Shelf Containers Trojan Labor United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. Vance County Unrestricted Endowment, a component fund of the NC Community Foundation Willpower Enterprises Yoga & Wellness of High Point Christy Ballard Tina and William Baxter William Blackman Kathelena and Daniel Burns Beth and Ken Carnes Janet and James Cozart Kim Perry Cummings Cheryl and John Dietz Memory Dossenbach Krista and Patrick Falvey Lesley and Michael Graves Melissa and Matt Huemmer Melissa Fruehling and David Israel Meg and Gary Jack David Jones Heather Moore and Steven Jones Laurie and Kyle Kennedy Anita and Bill Ketcham Emily and Kyle Kovac George Lambert Keryn and Kevin Maionchi

$5,000-$9,999 BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Carolina Panthers Charities Fund The Charlotte Observer Summer Camp Fund Foundation For The Carolinas North Carolina Community Foundation Raleigh Diamond Smitten Boutique Elaine and Richard Blankenship Mary Ann and Bob Eubanks Angela and Brian Glover Torrie and John Kline Jill and Doug Terry

$2,500-$4,999 23rd Group Facility Management Archer Western Construction ASNC Richmond County Chapter Golden Corral Corporation Golden State Foods GreerWalker CPAs & Advisors Hardison & Cochran Integrated Speech Therapy, Inc. Ladies Philoptochos Society Marsh & McLennan Agency Martha Frances Pruitt Endowment Fund, a component fund of the NC Community Foundation Pediatric Possibilities Strowd Roses, Inc. Tanas Hair Designs & Day Spa TEGNA Foundation Women of Fearrington Ben Cochran Carol Manzon and Chris Diplock Helene and Bill Lane Caryn and Tomas Luley Elizabeth and Chris Norton Deborah Ramsey Lorraine and Dale Reynolds Kathleen DuVal and Marty Smith Laura Turner Denise and Stephen Vanderwoude

Lisa Grafstein and Kathy McDowell Brian Miller Ann and William Monroe Lisa and James Montague April Moore Bev and Alan Moore Maureen and Rob Morrell Susan and Stergios Moschos Cynthia and Scott Nyberg Lisa O’Connor Jessica and Erik Otto Amy and Alvin Perkins Steven Riddick Linda and Kevin Routh Katie and Tracey Sheriff Gina and Jeffrey Stocton Jennifer and Frank Thompson Leigh and Jeff Vittert Jeaninne and John Wagner Kristy and Andrew White Ruth Hurst and Tom Wiebe

$500-$999 Alton Lane APC Group Holdings ASNC Craven County Chapter Aveda Institute - Charlotte Chelish Moore Flowers Cook Racing Team Eastern Alliance Insurance Company Gerry Howell Photography Gina Scott & Associates, Inc. Head Over Heels Wedding & Events Holly Reiter, LKNhomesNC.com Kendra Scott LAMB Foundation of NC, Inc. Onward Reserve Raleigh Kiwanis Foundation Real Estate Development Partners Scoop Scout & Molly’s Boutique The Angus Barn The Argyle Alligator The Cyzner Institute The Eisner Charitable Fund Thomas, Judy & Tucker, P.A. Vestique Wake Electric Foundation Christine Andrade Nancy and Rick Baker Emily Bernhardt and Justin Wright Meg and Joel Bernstein Brenda and David Bodenheimer Richard Brunstrom Courtney Cantrell Darin Clark Ingrid and Neal Conley Cassandra Daston Elaine and Wayland Denton

Pamela Dilavore Keith Dodson Kerri and Jeremy Erb Amy and Vance Fowler Randy Garrett Mona Gopal Kate and Harvey Hall Susanne Harris Pete Jernigan Melissa and Robert Johnson Christopher Jones Suzanne and Daryl Jones Lisa and David Kaylie Jan and Kevin Kidd Karen and Tom Knox Tommy Lawrence Mary and West Lawson Rhonda and Wayne Lee Nan and Craig Maples Keith McDonald Jeanne McGovern and Michael Schwenk Daniel Mottola Sealy and Bran Nash David Nelson Trista and Eric Nelson Deborah O’Briant Kathy and Patrick O’Brien Sara and Marc Passey Brenda Penland Jim Phillips Daniel Pomp Kirby Ring Candace and Joseph Roberts Mary Beth and Frederick Rom Robert Sackmann Karen Sapp Kevin Shaffer Anne and Ed Shoaf Laura and Phillip Simson Richard Smith Mindy and Tom Storrie Edward Wells Elizabeth Widman Wade Winstead Matt Wrynn John Yoon

$250-$499 Amundi Smith Breeden Associates Angelina’s Kitchen Apex Occupational Therapy Bold NC FundingFactory Kiwanis Club of Lee County KTL - McDonald’s Leerkes Consulting Group Triple J Services UBS Wealth Management

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 25

G. Page Allen Daisy Anderson Lisa Antkiewicz Jamezetta and Edward Bedford Alan Binkley Bennie Bittle Amy Brande Tim Brooks Angie and Doug Brown Adrienne and Chris Campolmi Ingrid and Roy Chopping Chad Corbin Jerry and Ed Cornwell Dawn Couch Heather Darcy Laura Feldberg

Cindy and Kevin Fitzgerald Rhonda Gabr Heather and Edgar Garrabrant Liza and Mark Gosnell Stephen Hager Reginald Hall Linda and James Harvey Vanessa Hill Jamy Houck Dave Jobe Christine and Lawrence Jones Laurie and Lyndon Jordan Scott Josephs Rosemary Kenyon Emily King Jeanne and James Lawton

Amanda and Kristian Lloyd Jackie and Jamie Lowrey Jane and Neal Mahan Jennifer Mahan and Douglas Bretz Sue and Jan Martin Tom Martin Lori Maxwell Lyda and Rich Mihalyi Ann and Jerry Moser Trevor Moulton Bryan Nunes Falguni Patel Jose Penabad Holly and Timothy Reiter Richard Reiter Jenelle Rundo

Tiffany Sayer Ron Schuehart Susan Sept Tracey Smith Kathy and Michael Snyder Laura Snyder Nancy Popkin and Mark Stanback Barbara and Gordon Still Eliza and Scott Strickland Robert Teddy Jane Zeller and John Townson Vicki and Stephen Vaughn Donna Weeks Jodi Zoph

Shop the ASNC Bookstore

Books & Resources

Get Your Gear

• Extensive inventory is priced competitively compared to major online retailers • Proceeds help provide assistance to individuals with autism and their families • We employ individuals on the spectrum • We can help you find resources on a specific topic or help you assemble a purchase order

Check out our newest shirt design! (shown above) We also have long-sleeve versions of our “Stand Out” design. So, pick a T-shirt to help promote autism awareness and acceptance. You can also declare your love for someone with autism, promote acceptance, or support ASNC with one of our popular car magnets.

/AutismBookstore Keep up to date on the newest books & resources!


800-442-2762 (NC only) | 919-743-0204, ext. 1130 books@autismsociety-nc.org

Donor Spotlight: Ben McCall

In 2015, micro sprint driver Ben McCall of Fayetteville, then just 14, decided to use racing to raise autism awareness and money for people with autism. Ben wrapped his father’s car with a puzzle piece design, and for a donation, people can designate a name to go on a piece. He also sells T-shirts and decals. All of these efforts added up to a $3,032 donation last year to improve lives and support families through ASNC’s services! Ben, who is now 16, takes the car to various car shows, including Dunn-Benson’s, to help raise awareness. In 2016, it won the People’s Choice Award at AmeriCarna LIVE, hosted by legendary NASCAR crew chief and Hall of Fame member Ray Evernham. The annual show in Davidson benefits IGNITE, ASNC’s community center for young adults with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. The McCall family said they take pride in interacting with children to provide autographs, give them a chance to climb in a real race car, or chat with Ben and have a photo taken. “It really makes me feel good when people share their stories and how it affects them and how grateful they are to see someone who is promoting autism awareness,” Ben said.

Corporate Partnerships

Is your company looking for a way to give back and make a difference in your community? Connect them with the Autism Society of North Carolina! We are excited to work with companies, organizations, and their employees to improve the lives of individuals with autism and support their families. We value corporate involvement and partner with companies on programs, initiatives, and cause marketing.

Become a Corporate Partner Each year, we host eight Run/Walk for Autism events across North Carolina, plus many other special events, that offer financial and in-kind sponsorships as well as volunteer opportunities.

This year, Ben will race in a new car in the Carolina Sprint Tour and the Virginia Sprint Series and aims to capture a rookie of the year award. We wish him the best of luck!

Create positive brand association: For close to 50 years, the Autism Society of North Carolina has been the leading statewide resource for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Donor Spotlight: Dunn-Benson Ford

Reach a large audience that is engaged and diverse: More than 65,000 North Carolina individuals are affected by autism, and their families partner with us to give their loved ones the best lives possible. Autism knows no racial, ethnic, or social boundaries.Let us customize your package: With a team of experienced and creative marketing and sponsorship professionals, we are able to customize your package to help you achieve your mission and ours.

Dunn-Benson Ford has been a generous and valued supporter of the Autism Society of North Carolina since 2010. Each year, they hold a Ford car show and donate the profits to our organization. In total, the Dunn dealership has donated $19,000 to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their families! “Dunn-Benson Ford is proud to support the Autism Society of NC and use our All Ford Car Show in August every year as a way to raise funds and awareness for autism,” said Wayne Castleberry, Marketing Director for Dunn-Benson Ford. “Every year, our show gets bigger and bigger with more entries.” In addition to the generous contributions, the dealership helps educate the public about autism by inviting ASNC staff to the event. “Having representatives from the Autism Society of NC attend the car show and distribute literature while speaking with people about autism helps our local community to understand autism and how we can help families that have autistic children,” Castleberry said. Dunn-Benson Ford leaders plan to continue their partnership with ASNC because they believe it is important to give back to the community. “Not everybody is as fortunate as some of us,” Castleberry said.

Together, we will be here for the families who need us today and the families who will find out they need us tomorrow. Contact us: Kristy White, Chief Development Officer 919-865-5086 | kwhite@autismsociety-nc.org

Join us at this year’s All Ford Car Show in Dunn on Saturday, August 25, for music, door prizes, vendors, and more. www.autismsociety-nc.org • 27

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to all of our donors. While we appreciate every gift, we have limited the donation list to Honorarium/Memorial gifts in the interest of space and printing costs. Thank you for your tremendous support. This list reflects donations received on or between December 1, 2017, and June 30, 2018. Please contact Beverly Gill if you have any questions or corrections at 800-442-2762, ext. 1105, or bgill@autismsociety-nc.org.


Taylor Burleson

ABC of NC Child Development Center

Claudine Burns

Kurt Klinepeter

Jacqueline Aldrige Emily Adams

Andrew Allen Clarissa and John Allen

Erin Allen and Family Meg Buckingham

Jean Alvarez and Jaime Alvarez Joseph Sadighi

Christine and Mike Andrade Ann Johnson

ASNC ACLE Staff Lisa McCutcheon and William Gutknecht

ASNC Hispanic Advocacy Cancun Restaurant Don Becerra - Javier Becerra Panaderia La Loma Bernardita Cortes and Severo Cruz

Lorraine Ateshian Allison Henkel

Kristen Balhoff Ann and William Monroe

Patrick Balhoff Beverly Balhoff

Julian Ballen Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge & Rice Beth Miller

Michael Batten Selby Letha and Roy Selby

Jenny Beale Kristina and John Bilek and Family

Lindsay and Jim Bedford Anne and Hal Travis

Mikey Borneman Terri Sharpe

Priscilla Brackett Scott Marks

Alex Brooker Kevin Brooker

Emmett Brown Zandra Laws

Marcus Brown Samara Ramos-Brown

Micah Brown Angie and Doug Brown

28 • The Spectrum, Summer 2018

Linda and Kent Millwood Michael Sobiero

Dylan Byrne Letha and John Byrne

Jack Cabe Jennifer and Jeff Cabe

Camp Chemical Corporation

Fortner Enterprises

Owen Goodwin

Carver Agency, Inc.

John Goodwin

Fox’s Suzuki Kawasaki Carver Agency, Inc.

Rhonda Grode

Hunter Emmanuel

Shockley Hall

Shannon, Charlie and Heide

Mark Falvey Nick Feller and James Feller

CM Solomon & Son Grading and Utilities

The Happy Flappy Brothers

Patrick Cavanaugh Cindy and John Cavanaugh

Aiden Cawley Scarlett and Toby Funderburk

John Caye Edwina and John Cleaveland

Trevor Clanton Jayme Shoop

Judy Clute Meredith Hickory

Kay Cochran Beth and Ronald Swanner

Sidney Collins Marlene and Joseph Diorio

Cody Cook Cook Racing Team

Matthew Cookson Mindy and Tom Storrie

Adrienne Covington

Kim and John Feller John Cowan

Liam Freeman

The Harris Family Fufilled Promise Tabernacle

Dania Hatch

Bobbie Aycock

Joy and Ben Hatch

Anna Fuchs

Eunice Hodges

April Fuchs

Katherine, John and Taylor Hodges

Catherine Gadsby Jeanette and Ned Huneycutt

Mary Lou Gelblum

Taylor Hodges Thomas Glascock

Connor Howrigon

Morris Gelblum

Kamm McKenzie OB-GYN

Nate Gerard Ellen and Bernard Gerard

Teresa Goodin

Felicia and Paul Harbach

Beverly Thomas and Jesse McDaniel

Cynthia Hoyt

David Glabicki

Carver Agency, Inc.

Gigi Harbach

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harwood

Natalia Fouts

Roman Glabicki

Jay and Susan Hall

Halls Plumbing

Jeffrey and Kathleen Denlinger Gift Fund

Carver Agency, Inc.

Carver Agency, Inc.

Dana Grode

Rhonda Gabr Scott Josephs

Travis Hoye Debra and Mark Hoye

Beth Mical

Celebrate Autism Awareness in Burlington

Arthur Taub

Meredith Dangel Infinity Care Management

Stratton Davis Jacob Wright

Luke Denson Tammy and Dwayne Moore Lynn and Gilbert Noetzel Brenda and Thomas Price Meredith and Kevin Price Sammy Sola Mary Wall

Matthew DiBlasi Harry Lockaby

Donald Wilson CPA Carver Agency, Inc.

Lla Dowell Daniel Dailey




8am: OT Sports 5K 7pm: B urlington Royals vs. Bristol Pirates

To register for 5K: www.burlingtonroyals.com (click on 5K button) For baseball tickets: dlaxton@autismsociety-nc.org | 919-865-5063

Paul Hoyt Patricia and Michael Petelle

Patrick Hunter Rosie Adams

Mark Hurst Steve York

Wilson Hyman Constance and Wilson Hyman

Doug Johnson Helen Jones

Kelly Site Development Carver Agency, Inc.

Keagan Kelly Rosemary Spagnola

The Kleckner Family Ronald Bancroft

Elijah Kolker-Hicks Suzanne Medlin

Joseph Krevat Hitha Rajesh

Niki LaFaive Maureen and Douglas Murray

David Laxton Holly Dressman

Lee Brick and Tile Company Carver Agency, Inc.

Legacy Building Company Carver Agency, Inc.

Frank Leo Joe Shannon

Timothy Ligon Edith and Billy Williams

Chance Lowery Phyllis and Bobby Lowery

Lauren Luley Caryn and Tomas Luley

Mansion Decorators Carver Agency, Inc.

Emma Lynne MamonePeeples Nancy Peeples

Luke Marcum Brenda Marcum

Sara Marks Amy Rosenthal

Hannah Marshall Patricia and Ralph Marshall

MaKayla Marshall Erica Barnhill

Brayden McCarty Elizabeth Guy

Mike’s Mobile Maintenance of Roxboro Carver Agency, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moeller Beth and Ronald Swanner

Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery Beth and Ronald Swanner

Bev, Alan and Kirby Moore Susan and John Mickey

Timothy Morris, Jr. Timothy Morris

Donna Moss Francis Lai

Clark Nelson Betty and Tom O’Kelley

Neville’s Heating and Air Conditioning Carver Agency, Inc.

New Horizon Group Insurance Group Carver Agency, Inc.

May Ottey Kimberly Basden and Matthew Ottey

Willie Marie Padgett CVS/Pharmacy 3822

McKenzie Parrish Lynda Kelly

Ritesh Patel Lori Charalidis

The Tuan Pham Family Jean and Gustav Leichte

Elizabeth Phillippi Bert and Dick Wolf

Piedmont Community College Carver Agency, Inc.

Gail and Bob Pope Doris and Mark Edwards Julie and John Seibert

Rebecca Prater Ronald DeGrove

Regan & Son Heating and Air Conditioning Carver Agency, Inc.

Nancy Reichle Pamela Dilavore

Dalen Revis Gayle Revis

Alex Reynolds Jane and Cecil Williams

Jayden Richardson Joyce and Richard Hendricks Ila Killian

Ean Roaquin Clint Lowry

Colin Roberts Candace and Joseph Roberts

The Roberts Family Sam Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Art Rogers Beth and Ronald Swanner

Save the Date! November 24 Davidson

6th annual car show to benefit IGNITE Logan Rogers Luanne Wilcox

Andrew Royall Karen Ames Travis Conway Mary and Ralph Puccinelli Tiffanny Yeatman

Oliver Sassaman Valerie and William Sassaman

David Sasser Jean and Henry Sasser

Jacob Sawyer Bonnie Mercer

Heidi Scharpenberg Janice and Michael Colin

Julie and John Seibert Gail and Bob Pope

Tracey Sheriff Lisa and Thomas McIver

Margaret and Clifton Shoemake Gary Shoemake

Mikaila Simmons Buckeye Partners

Raven Simpson Patrick Simpson

Barbara Smith Laura and Bruce Fisher

Taylor Smith Ruth Letvinchik

Mark Sokal Sokal Media Group, Inc.

Steven Sokal Capital Lincoln Mazda of Cary NC

Nancy Popkin and Mark Stanback Susan and Ivan Popkin

Ethan Stanfield Barbara and Walter Whittemore

McKenzie Steinberg Beverly Dixon

Kathleen Stevens Julia and Kenneth Stevens

Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stokes Beth and Ronald Swanner

Talbert Building Supply, Inc. Carver Agency, Inc.

The IGNITE Program GreerWalker CPAs & Advisors

The Sport Shop Ltd. Carver Agency, Inc.

Truehart Storrs and Rosemarie Storrs Kathleen Norman

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Surratt Beth and Ronald Swanner

Sarah Swanson and Matthew Swanson Frieda and Larry Jessup

Laura Ashley Taylor Barbara Carter

Anthony Teague Anita Branch

John Tillman Glenwood Agency

Kim Tizzard Piedmont Wildlife Center

Mia Tomaselli Kate Tomaselli

Sebastian Turner Andrew Turner

Nathan Vieyra Joseph Regan

Nathan Vieyra Virginia Luckhardt

Wagstaff Inc. Carver Agency, Inc.

Bria Watkins Eva and Dion Diggs

Judge and Mrs. William Wellons Susan and Donald Beck

Briana Wildman Patricia Arriagada

Jesse Wills Jill and Michael Bracewell

Thomas Wilson Amanda Box Joseph Bright Melanie Dukes Rebecca Geisenhoffer

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 29

Caleb Young Kenneth Durham

MEMORIALS Gladys Bledsoe Dinah and Robert Smith

Florence Lacombe Blinn Moss Street Elementary School

Sally Beaver Buckner Beaver Courie Sternlicht Hearp & Broadfoot, PA SAS Institute, Inc. Robert Anthony James Clark Mary and August De Hertogh Cindy and Ed Gash Marjorie and Quentin Lindsey Diane and Jack Long Stephanie and Richard Smith Marsha and David Warren Sue Williams

Yvonne L. Cain Billy Cain

Bob Chandgie Katharine and Harry Clendennin

Irving M. Commike Carol and Howard Shapiro

Edwin Morris Cox Darlene and Larry Hasley

Bradley Denson Lynn and Gilbert Noetzel

Kathleen Mary Small Diemer Karen Byrd Eleanor Calabretta Ginger Edgeworth Bobbi and Palmer Hamilton Jan and Charles Landry Arline Newman Barbara Yusko

Theresa Edwards Pattie and James Graves

Norman Erickson

Joan Ledbetter

Angela Nelson Wanda and Billy Seate

Jack Frame Patti and John Leveille

William Kidd Lucinda and Gordon Martin

Kisha Murphy Harrington Meridian Park, LLC

Bonnie McCollum Joe McCollum

Mike Hendrick Dora Sue Smith

Jc McGill

Frances “Frankie” Hildebrand The Hildebrand Family

The Conley, Branigan and Chopping Families

John J. McGovern

Dorothy Hunt

Jean and Mark Calkin

Darlene and Lee Raxter

Preston Lee Moreaux

Chuck Hydeman

Judy and Wes Carter

Jane Hydeman

Richard P. Owen

Grammy Jaye

MaryAnn and Arland Sandvik

Donna and Alberto Zayas

Willie Marie Dennis Padgett

Betty Carol Overton Jimmerson

Linda and Emmett Smith

Clairmont Community HOA

Liz Pegram

Fayette Samaritans, Inc.

Triangle Lake Montessori School

Flat Creek Baptist Church

Arlene Price

Welcome SS Class of Flat Creek Baptist Church

Randall Hinds

Anita Maxine Routh

Priscilla Carroll

Katie Ingram and Kim Ingram

Elizabeth and Doug Dunn

Bill Scott and Billy Scott

Mary Greene

Maureen Scott

Sylvia and Donald McCullough Rex McDonald Suzanne O’Meara Gayel and James Tillman Shirley and Larry Washburn Diane and Link Weis

Rock Jolly Kathy and Lanny Vaughan Dot and Fred Rosenbaum

Jean Doherty Jeanine Dulong-Byrne Robbin Rossi Rebecca Sommers Elena Swain Sandra Talanian Marguerite and Richard Trufant

Robert F. Trufant The Architectural Team Gloria and Philip Barker Michele and Fred Donehey Norma and Timothy Dunton Mariann and Stephen Gordon Doreen and William Kennedy Karleen Kenney Victoria Lechner and Michael Lally Karen and Roland Manni Joan and Brendon McGinn

Jennifer Sullivan Laurie and Bruce Tarsia

Kim and Donald Surrett

Christine Trufant Marguerite and Richard Trufant

Lebanon High School

Mary and James Wittenhagen

WNC Dermatological Associates, P.A.

Rita and Stephen Zubricki

Elaine Sachau and Warren Reynolds

Quinton Stephens

Pat Jordan

Judy and Kevin Courchine

David and Shirley Smathers

Robert Stanley

Joyce and Ricky Herron

Sally Coburn

Mary and Stephen Perry

Barbara and Richard Mushet

The Garrett, Ross, Jakobczyk, Morton, Glenn, Radford, and Feickert Families

Virginia Buckley

Rebecca and Dale Ducker

Juanita Smith

Michael Wayne Kidd

Claire Bencal

The O’Callaghan Family

Crawford Smith

Carol and Andrew Schmidt

Gloria and Philip Barker

The Laurels of Summit Ridge

Melva and Daniel Boutin

Donald Kalinowski

Ralph S. Trufant

Donald Martin Sherlin, Sr.

Barbara L. Smith

Jacquelyn and Robert Welden

Ann and Bob Lucero

Julius Jennings “Jake” Wade Dianna-George Leventis Thomas Marshall

Ida Watts H20 Group

David Leon Wells, Sr. Christine Williams and John Stewart

Pamela Asbury

Find the help you need with our online

Resource Directory

www.autismsociety-nc.org/resource-directory Easy to use! Search by: • Category of service • Keyword • Name of provider agency or program

Creation of the Resource Directory was supported in part by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Autism Spectrum Disorder State Implementation Grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Medical Homes for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Initiative of the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities.

Call on us!

The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports families affected by autism, and educates communities. Autism Resource Specialists connect families to resources and provide training to help you become your child’s best advocate. As parents of children with autism themselves, they understand your concerns. Find yours: www.autismsociety-nc.org/resourcespecialists Workshops and conferences with our Autism Resource Specialists or Clinical staff will help you learn more about topics that concern you, such as early intervention, evidence-based practices, IEPs, transitioning, and residential options. See the complete schedule: www.autismsociety-nc.org/workshops Online resources, including toolkits, webinars, a blog, and a Staying Safe section, provide opportunities to learn on your own time from your home. www.autismsociety-nc.org Chapters and Support Groups around NC provide a place for families who face similar challenges to feel welcomed and understood as they offer each other encouragement. Find one near you: www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters Skill-building and support services provide children and adults with autism the skills to increase self-sufficiency and participate in the community. ASNC’s services across the state include skill-building in areas such as communication, socialization, community integration, and personal care; family consultation; respite; and adult day programs. Services are provided through the NC Innovations waiver, state funding, B3, and private pay. Contact us to learn which supports are available in your region. www.autismsociety-nc.org/skill-building LifeLong Interventions provides comprehensive treatment across skill domains and the lifespan. This service is rooted in the principles of ABA and involves intensive teaching, using evidence-based practices to promote appropriate skills and behaviors. LifeLong Interventions is directed by a psychologist who supervises PhD and master’s level psychologists and Board Certified Behavior Analysts. Training is provided by registered behavior technicians under the direct supervision of these clinical professionals. ASNC is an in-network provider for many insurers, including BCBSNC, Aetna, and United

Healthcare. Children under 21 who rely on Medicaid are also eligible to receive treatment under EPSDT. We also provide treatment through private-pay arrangements. www.autismsociety-nc.org/clinical Behavior consultations provided by our psychologists and BCBAs can help explain why behaviors are occurring, develop comprehensive behavior plans, and coach caregivers on effective strategies. www.autismsociety-nc.org/clinical Employment Supports helps individuals with autism explore their skills and interests, then assists them in finding, keeping, and thriving in a job. Services are funded through the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. www.autismsociety-nc.org/employmentsupports Camp Royall is the nation’s oldest and largest camp for individuals with autism. Located near Pittsboro, Camp Royall serves all ages and offers year-round programming, including an afterschool program. www.camproyall.org Social Recreation programs provide opportunities for participants to bond over common interests, practice social skills, and try new activities. In Newport, Wilmington, Winterville, and Brunswick and Onslow counties, social recreation programs include summer day camp, afterschool programs, and adult programs, with support from Trillium Health Resources. In other areas, afterschool programs and social-skills groups for a range of ages and abilities are available. Contact us to learn which services are available in your region. www.autismsociety-nc.org/socialrecreation The ASNC Bookstore is your one-stop shop for quality autism books and materials selected by our experienced staff. The bookstore employs adults on the spectrum, and all proceeds benefit ASNC. www.autismbookstore.com ASNC’s public policy efforts aim to advocate for the needs of individuals with autism and their families by maintaining a wide range of ties with the executive and legislative branches of state government. You can get involved and make your voice heard. www.autismsociety-nc.org/make-voice-heard

www.autismsociety-nc.org We have regional offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, Newport, Raleigh, and Wilmington. Contact our state office to be connected to resources.

ASNC State Office 800-442-2762

Sign up online to receive our email updates: www.autismsociety-nc.org/contact-us

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Stepping out to improve lives

Run/Walk for Autism

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SEPT. Greensboro

29 OCT.


Run/Walk for Autism Greensboro

Triangle Run/Walk for Autism Raleigh

RunWalkforAutism.com Autism Awareness Game

September 15 UNC vs. Central Florida Purchase tickets for just $25: https://tinyurl.com/y9zm24ft Learn more at www.teamautismnc.com Thank you to our sponsor again this year!

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