Spectrum: Summer 2013

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Spectrum the

Volume 29, No. 2 • issn 1044-1921 • summER 2013






AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER www.autismsociety-nc.org














Message from the BOARD CHAIR


Chapters, support groups, aND Affiliates


Public Policy Advocacy




Bookstore News and Reviews

The New Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder




Fundraisers and Events






Volunteer Spotlight: EILEEN HANCOX





Mission Statement The Autism Society of North Carolina is committed to providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families.

VISION STATEMENT The Autism Society of North Carolina strives to create a community where people within the autism spectrum and their families receive respect, services, and support based on individual differences, needs, and preferences.

Privacy Policy The Autism Society of North Carolina respects the privacy of its members and those who receive our publications. We do not sell or otherwise share our mailing list, email notification list, or any other personal information with other businesses or organizations.

THE SPECTRUM The Spectrum (ISSN 1044-1921) is published in January and July by the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. © 2013. All rights reserved. Viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. or its Board of Directors. Editor: Amy Seeley Graphic Designer: Beth Jones Reader input, photographs, and articles are welcome. Articles can be emailed (preferred), faxed, or mailed. Please send any correspondence regarding this publication to Amy Seeley, Autism Society of North Carolina, 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230, Raleigh, NC 27605 or fax 919-7430208 or email editor@autismsociety-nc.org.

The deadline for submissions for the Winter 2014 Edition is December 2, 2013. 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 • Raleigh, NC 27605-1345 919-743-0204 • 800-442-2762 • Fax: 919-743-0208 www.autismsociety-nc.org


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MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR “Summertime and the livin’ is easy…” George Gershwin No, wait. My son, Kirby, did not get into Camp Royall this summer! He is not enjoying the cool counselors, the swimming pool, the boats on the pond, the hikes in the woods, and the “repeat after me” camp songs. Nobody gets to go to Camp Royall every summer. Fortunately, Kirby does have a wonderful summer program near home that offers similar summertime activities. As Kirby’s mother, I consider ASNC’s Camp Royall a real treasure. As a member of ASNC’s Board of Directors, I realize that ASNC does amazing things above and beyond Camp Royall. This summer, those of us who are not at Camp Royall have been very busy continuing to serve clients in their home communities, to advocate for the autism community, and to provide much-needed training and education. This issue of the Spectrum displays the depth and breadth of ASNC’s efforts. Direct Services: Employment for people with autism is one of ASNC’s main areas of focus this year. ASNC is offering the JobTIPS program in several locations to help adults identify rewarding occupations and provide them with the skills necessary to seek, obtain, and ultimately retain the job of their dreams. Please celebrate the success of Alex Griffin, found on page 23. Advocacy: In this issue, one Parent Advocate explains the importance of teaching our children with autism how to initiate and complete tasks independently. What sounds so simple – the ability to initiate and complete a task without someone telling you to do it – is lacking in many children with autism. Mastering this skill has significant lifelong implications in terms of potential employment, daily living, and even personal safety. Kirby is one who needs to be prompted to do just about everything. I look forward to his gaining this essential skill. Training and Education: Planning a trip? Read up on how to prepare a person with autism for air travel. Kirby loved the two flights he took because they both went to Florida, a destination with sunshine, the ocean, roller coasters, and Splash Mountain. When planning a subsequent trip to visit my mom in New Jersey, I became concerned about his reaction to leaving the plane and not being in Florida. We spent a month talking to him about airplanes going to New Jersey as well as Florida. It became his favorite topic of conversation. In the end, our flight was canceled because of a snowstorm! Public Policy: The NC legislature has kept ASNC very busy this spring and summer on a variety of bills. Great progress was made on the autism insurance initiative in conjunction with Autism Speaks, and I am optimistic that next year the legislation will pass both the House and the Senate. Our children need access to effective behavioral therapies proven to significantly improve the symptoms of autism. ASNC is able to accomplish as much as it does only because of your support. I encourage you to join me in the Fall Run/Walk for Autism nearest your home. Find dates and locations on page 26. This leaves you the rest of summer to train so you might be able to beat my time and that of CEO Tracey Sheriff. “In summer, the song sings itself.” William Carlos Williams

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair Beverly Moore

Immediate Past Chair Martina Ballen

Vice Chair Sharon Jeffries-Jones

Secretary Darryl R. Marsch

Treasurer Elizabeth Phillippi

Representatives John Cavanaugh John Delaloye Ray Evernham Susanne Harris Ruth Hurst, Ph.D. Monique Justice Taunya Land Hortense Lucas Fran Pearson Michael Reichel, M.D. Dale Reynolds Steven N. Scoggin, Psy.D. Hernan Sedda Dave Spicer Jeff Woodlief

Community Representative John Townson

Beverly Moore Chair of the Board of Directors






Years ago, when I was given the opportunity to set up and run a self-contained classroom for children with autism in a public school setting, I was excited and terrified at the same time. How wonderful that my superiors thought I was capable – but the responsibility was huge. What if I couldn’t do it? I had attended five days of training with TEACCH when my son, Kyle, was first diagnosed, and it was an eye-opener. But I realized that I needed a refresher. After all, it had been years since my son’s diagnosis, and my focus back then had been on him and him alone. Since that time, though, I had been working as an autism consultant and an inclusion assistant for kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in mainstream public school classrooms. In my new role, I would be responsible for creating and maintaining a learning environment for more than a handful of ASD students in a self-contained/resource setting. The responsibility kept me awake at night. So I attended the training for a second time – but now with some real-life school experience under my belt – and it changed my thinking in several ways. Having had an opportunity to work with other kids with varying abilities, to see them struggle and succeed, I could now take what I was learning and attach it to the needs of kids who were all over the spectrum. Not every kid was Kyle – imagine that. A big change for me related to my view of teaching students with autism to do independent “tasks.” You see, as the parent of a child with autism who could read before he could walk, I was reluctant to have Kyle do “tasks.” I perceived such tasks as “busy work” and somehow beneath his intelligence. Not only was I smug, I was totally missing the point. The reason for including independent tasks as part of a child’s daily routine has less to do with the task itself; it is the independent completion of the task that matters. The reason this is so important is because in the real world, it does not matter how intelligent a person is; what matters is whether that person can demonstrate intelligence by independently completing assignments in a timely manner.

“In the real world, it does not matter how intelligent a person is; what matters is whether that person can demonstrate intelligence by independently completing assignments in a timely manner.”

Far from “busy work,” well-designed tasks are differentiated, targeting a student’s interests and abilities. It is important to remember each child’s present level of performance and only assign tasks that reinforce a mastered skill. Tasks we’ve created over the years have ranged from simple sorting, matching, putting together and taking apart, to complex invoice tasks requiring high-level sequencing, differentiation, and visual perception. Some tasks were generic, easily done by any one of the kids in the class, but others were designed with a specific child in mind. If a student resisted the idea of doing tasks, we could ease him into the process by creating tasks that would capitalize on his deep and focused interests. One example that comes to mind is a student who loved to listen to CDs, and so we created a task with components he could not resist: 26 blank CDs, each labeled with an uppercase letter of the alphabet, and 26 CD cases, labeled with the corresponding lower case. The task involved matching the letters by loading the CDs into the correct cases. This student had refused to do a simple worksheet requiring him to match by drawing a line, but he was happy to complete this task, which demonstrated his knowledge, because he loved CDs. In time, we were able to teach him to complete two less favored tasks and then finish with the one he loved. The autism spectrum includes individuals with a wide range of abilities and challenges. But each individual still needs to learn these vital skills: (1) stay in one place, (2) begin work on an assigned task independently, (3) keep working until the task is completed, and (4) understand the concept of “finished” and the intrinsic satisfaction it brings. Important life skills, don’t you think? u Kathy Dolbee is a Parent Advocate/Trainer in western North Carolina. She can be reached at kdolbee@autismsociety-nc.org.




On April 3, 2010, Apple released the first generation iPad. Steve Jobs called it a “magical device,” and in many ways, that is exactly what it is: a slate of glass possessing the power of a computer, the vast content of the Internet, and a bottomless well of software applications or “apps.” The iPad literally puts the world at your fingertips, requiring only the operator’s fingers and imagination. Simply put, the real magic of the iPad is that it is truly a blank slate, designed to be customized by each user for his or her unique needs. It was clear to everyone that this new and powerful technology had the potential to be worldchanging, but few knew just how many worlds it would change for those with autism. The iPad is, in many cases, a natural match for people with autism. Stories are told every day of people who had been locked in their own worlds, unable to communicate, finding a portal in the iPad to reach out and interact with their families for the first time. Children who were thought to have severe intellectual disabilities are able to show intelligence and awareness no one thought was possible. A child who refused to hold a pencil or write on paper now draws and writes freely on the iPad using the magic of his fingertip. You don’t have to look very far to see lives changed by this technology, but what is it about the iPad that makes it such a natural match with autism? Design The design of the iPad is simple: a 9.7-inch glass screen with one circular button at the bottom. Power and volume controls are


on the sides and out of the main view; there are almost no visual distractions on the outside body. The layout of the screen is a natural grid made up of approximately 1-inch icon squares, each activated by a single touch. The number and layout of icons on any screen can be customized by the user so that a screen can contain only one or two choices, or as many as twenty-five. The ability to customize the number of choices and the amount of information on a page can be very helpful. Many people find that iPad screens mimic the “choice boards” that the autism community has been using for years. Tip: To move an app icon on the screen, hold down on it until it begins to “wiggle” and an “x” appears in the top left corner of the icon. You can then hold down the icon and slide it to a different location. Sliding the icon to the far left or right side of the screen allows you to move it to another page. To exit this mode, press the circular “Home” button once. If you find this tricky to do on the iPad itself, icon layout can also be customized through iTunes on your computer with your iPad connected. Interaction The beautiful simplicity of the iPad is that it is operated by the touch of a finger; this is also what makes it such an ideal tool for people with autism. One of the skills that is looked for in early childhood development is the ability to point to indicate interest. The iPad requires the user to do exactly that, providing children with autism with many opportunities to develop this skill. Pointing is one of the most basic forms of gestural communication, and the iPad responds instantly in an infinite number of ways. On the iPad, the finger


can play musical instruments, write words, turn a page, pop balloons, make choices, complete puzzles, and even launch angry birds at towers of blocks. The mere interactive nature of the iPad can create a natural gateway for more gesture-based communication and even joint attention activities.

First Words by Laura Branan Portability and Accessibility Before iPads, the closest thing we had to portable technology was laptop computers. But laptops are heavier and more cumbersome, making them less accessible to young children and people with physical challenges. Laptops also require a touchpad or a mouse, which can be a barrier to use. While the average laptop weighs 6-8 pounds, iPads weigh just 1.5 pounds, are approximately one-third smaller than a laptop, and can be placed in a variety of cases to make them easy for even very young children to hold. Laptops typically can run four hours or less before requiring a recharge; iPads have up to ten hours of battery life on a single charge. Software or “apps” for iPads are also much more readily available than computer software, new content can be purchased from the App Store instantly on the iPad with just a few taps, and there are no disks or system requirements to keep up with. Additionally, more and more programmers are developing apps specifically for the autism community. What Can’t the iPad Do? For all of the terrific things the iPad can do, there are many things it cannot do. It cannot “cure” autism, it is not a “magic bullet,” and simply placing it in the hands of a person with autism isn’t necessarily any more beneficial than putting them in front of a computer or a television. An iPad should never be a substitute for personal interaction, nor should it replace opportunities to practice real world skills. It should never be imposed on a child who is uninterested or unwilling to use it. When iPads are used by caring parents and professionals to help people with autism reach their highest potential, wonderful things can happen. I teach iPad workshops all over the state, and one of the most common questions I get is, “How do I keep my child from using the iPad as a toy? All he wants to do is play games.” The bottom line is there is no substitute for parental involvement. While there are tools to limit app access, it’s up to the adults, not the child, to decide where, when, and why the iPad is used. u Amy Perry is a Parent Advocate/Trainer in the Fayetteville region. She can be reached at aperry@autismsociety-nc.org.


Like a hermit crab hiding in a shell My son is reluctant to come out And play Pained by bright lights and some noises Joe covers ears, squints, and whines. At 18 months, he stops responding to his name His face, expressionless And the words never come. Strangeness creeps in I observe his loss of joy As he ignores looking into my camera lens Our journey into parenthood Takes a wrong turn We look for answers to many questions Solutions, miracles for our precious boy. Time and patience Money and therapy Hope of early intervention Before it’s too late To hear his voice Will he ever hold a conversation? Will he have an original thought? Will he make a friend? Mostly, will he find joy in this world? Step by step Day by day In my red dining room At my grandmother’s table “Joe, do this.” (penny in a cup) “Look at me.” “Point to blue.” “Clap hands.” Robotic at first and then almost natural Joe makes developmental progress. Joe points Joe imitates actions Joe matches objects The things we take for granted One summer day Lips pursed Joe looks up, Points to magic and says “bubble.”


CHAPTERS, SUPPORT GROUPS, AND AFFILIATES Bringing autism awareness and understanding to the forefront of community thought… this is what ASNC Chapters are all about. One way our groups make this kind of impact in their communities is through involvement with local school systems. Chapter leadership teams across the state understand that a positive partnership between families and local schools helps our children receive the education they need to live fulfilling lives. Chapters work to support local schools in a number of ways.

Surry County Chapter plans to use the proceeds for summer teacher workshops conducted by our ASNC training staff. The Lincoln County Chapter is also coordinating with Lincoln County Schools to provide training by ASNC staff. The Alexander County Chapter recently awarded grant money to a Taylorsville Elementary School teacher who has been providing child care at the group’s monthly meetings. Terri Fincannon hopes to use the grant to buy items for her classroom.

Some Chapters raise money or use donated funds to help teachers and therapists meet the educational needs of students with autism in self-contained and mainstream classrooms. ASNC’s Chapters in Union, New Hanover, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, and Guilford counties have been very generous in awarding teacher grants to pay for instructional materials, equipment, and community skills training for students with autism. The Scotland County and Pitt County Chapters raise funds to support teachers who provide educational summer programs. Lincoln County EC teachers are supporting the Lincoln County Chapter by sharing information about the summer social group that the leaders are running again this summer. Parents in that county are certainly appreciative of hearing about activities that offer fun and the chance to work on skills over the summer.

Instructional materials and equipment are growing costlier by the day, and a perfect example is the iPad, which is fast becoming an invaluable tool in the classroom for students with autism. ASNC Chapters in Wayne, Surry, Buncombe, Pitt, and Cumberland counties have all addressed this need by providing or supporting iPad training for parents and professionals. The training by Amy Perry, ASNC Parent Advocate and our iPad guru, has been extremely popular. The workshops will expand across the state next year. The Guilford County Chapter purchased iPads for 97 autism teachers and funded training for them. As part of the money raised through its recent successful Aware Fare, the Mecklenburg County Chapter presented $12,500 to CharlotteMecklenburg Schools for the purchase of 22 iPads for selfcontained autism classrooms.

Teacher training is also a priority for Chapter fundraising efforts. The Forsyth County Chapter annually provides scholarships for teacher training and sent six teachers to ASNC’s Annual Conference this year. Like the Mecklenburg County Chapter, the Davidson County Chapter plans to sponsor a teacher for TEACCH training this summer and another for the ASNC Conference next year. After a very successful Awareness Walk in April, the

Carrie Stewart, program specialist for autism with CharlotteMecklenburg Schools, recently stated, “We have already seen an amazing impact in our classrooms with the use of the iPads. The areas of communication, behavior, social skills, and academics have all been positively impacted by this device. Student engagement has proven to increase for many students while utilizing the iPad.”



While Chapter leaders are all family members of individuals with autism, in many chapters, the co-leader or a leadership team member is also an educator: Johnston, Lee, Ashe, Durham, Davidson, Wayne, Outer Banks, Orange/Chatham, Catawba Valley, Gaston, Union, and Mecklenburg. Chapters know the importance of saying “thank you” to those educators who work so hard with our kids. The Montgomery/ Stanly County Chapter provided EC teachers with gifts for their classrooms in appreciation for their willingness to connect Chapter leaders with parents of newly diagnosed children to offer support and hope. In May, the Wake County Chapter’s annual Teacher Appreciation Dinner was attended by over 120 autism teachers, aides, specialists, and administrators. About 40 AU classrooms, from pre-K to high school, were represented. In addition to a lovely dinner and awards ceremony, each attendee was given $55 of “caring cash” to buy school supplies that the Chapter had pre-purchased. Attendee Sallie Whelan of the Low Incidence Support Team with Wake County Public School System stated, “Thank you so much for the lovely dinner and award ceremony honoring teachers and others who work with our kids with autism. I know the teachers appreciated the chance to shop at the store. It was a great evening, and I really enjoyed reconnecting with old friends and parents of former students! I look forward to this every year.”

The Mecklenburg County Chapter also held its annual Teacher Appreciation Social featuring a heartfelt tribute to local professionals and an array of yummy foods. The Johnston County Chapter hosted a wonderful presentation by D.J. Svoboda of Cary, highlighted by a tribute to teachers, professionals, high school volunteers, and families, including a local grandmother. The Wayne County Chapter, renowned for the excellent array of desserts provided at its annual awards event, this year celebrated with over 150 outstanding teachers and community members. The event was aptly themed “Celebrating the Gifts of Autism” as a number of awards for outstanding service were presented. At their monthly meetings, Chapters offer opportunities for families to learn how to successfully navigate their school system. During these Chapter meetings, teaching staff, autism specialists, and school administrators often attend or present on a variety of topics. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) were a recent topic in Pender, Catawba Valley, Union, and the new Granville Support Group. The Orange/Chatham County Chapter featured a presentation by a local exceptional children’s preschool teacher on “Using Manipulatives with Preschool-Age Children,” and Forsyth hosted “Transitioning to Middle School,” presented by a program manager from their local school system. ASNC’s Moore County Chapter, where members of their school system’s Autism Problem Solving Team regularly attend monthly meetings, recently discussed “Transitioning to Adulthood.” In Durham, the autism specialist from their school system attends monthly chapter meetings to provide information and support to families. u

Through the ASNC Chapter, I have met many friends, found new resources,

learned as much as I could about autism, and gained peace of mind.

They have been a real lifesaver for our family. - Becky, parent

The Autism Society of North Carolina has over fifty Chapters and Support Groups that provide families who face similar challenges an opportunity to encourage one another, share experiences and solutions, and have a place where they feel welcome, accepted, and understood. To learn more about a Chapter or Support Group in your area, visit http://bit.ly/ASNCChapters.



PUBLIC POLICY By Jennifer Mahan

North Carolina began 2013 with 52 new legislators in the General Assembly and a new governor, who also appointed many new officials throughout state government. 2013, as an odd-numbered year, also brought the legislative “long” session; legislators work from January through June to craft a two-year budget for the state and to introduce new legislation. As of the writing of this article, legislators had extended the long session into July to complete their work. Here’s a look at what they have done so far in relation to the Autism Society of North Carolina’s public policy targets for 2013 and the goals of the autism community. Services and Supports in the Budget With the budget not yet complete, it is not clear where services and supports for individuals on the autism spectrum stand. Legislators have expressed support for continuing existing services and have included funds to make sure that Medicaid, which serves many individuals who are disabled, has the funds it needs. No additional funds were included in the House or Senate budget to reduce waiting lists or expand state-funded services. In addition, funds will be cut from early intervention services, a move that is expected to force the closure of four of the state’s sixteen Children’s Developmental Services Agency offices. CDSAs are responsible for assisting families with young children who have been identified with developmental delays to get services and be connected to resources that help the child to get on a better developmental track. Early intervention is critical for reducing future disability and for reducing long-term costs.


Autism Insurance House Bill 498, which would require health plans to cover the diagnosis and treatment of autism, passed the House in a resounding 105-7 vote in May. The bill will not be heard this year in the NC Senate but remains eligible to be heard in the legislative short session starting in May 2014. Some senators have already expressed support for the measure to their constituents. Sen. Tom Apodaca from Henderson recognized the need for autism insurance during a television interview and in meetings with autism advocates. He has agreed to champion this cause and work to pass the best possible bill for North Carolina during the short session next year. Gov. Pat McCrory says he is looking forward to signing the bill when it gets through the legislature. The bill does not cover everyone; some health plans can only be changed with federal laws. Also, advocates have had to make changes to increase the bill’s likelihood of passing. Every law, including this one, is a compromise. But ASNC will continue to work with the NC Senate throughout the summer and fall to resolve all concerns so that 2014 becomes the year that North Carolina passes autism insurance. Once lawmakers and businesses see the benefits of the law outweigh the tiny cost, we can strengthen the law by adding more plans and people. Please be ready to share your stories positively and courteously with the senator representing your district if called upon during the short session next spring. We have shared tips for how best to do this as well as a link to a map to find your senator in some of our blog posts at http://autismsocietyofnc.wordpress.com.


Do you need someone in your corner?

Managed Care Organizations

We Can Help

ASNC continues to work with the new administration and Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to ensure better support for people on the autism spectrum. We have met with the new director of the Division of Medical Assistance, Carol Steckel, and remain in contact with Dave Richard, the new director of the Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services. We continue to work directly with MCOs and providers to improve understanding and quality of care for those on the spectrum.

Scholarship Program ASNC has also been advocating for a new scholarship program for students with disabilities who move to a private or home school. House Bill 344, which created a tax credit for these students two years ago, is likely to end this year because of tax reforms currently making their way through the General Assembly. ASNC and legislators want to make sure that the program continues as a scholarship, opening it up to all families who meet the criteria, including those who do not qualify for the tax credit because they pay little or no taxes. H 269, which changes the tax credit to a scholarship grant, has passed the House and was given a favorable report by the Senate Education Committee. ASNC has every reason to believe this bill will pass. We will provide more information on the program, which is expected to open in October 2013 for use in spring 2014, through our website and blog after the end of the legislative session. For more information and updates on all of the legislation that affects individuals with autism and their families, be sure to keep reading our blog at http://autismsocietyofnc.wordpress.com. We have 19 Parent Advocate/Trainers, ready to help families in every NC county. ASNC’s Parent Advocates are all parents of children with autism themselves, so they have first-hand knowledge and a unique understanding of what you’re going through.

Take Action Are you looking for a way to get involved? Join the North Carolina Autism Advocacy Network! Our goal is to create positive change for people on the autism spectrum by advocating with policymakers. Sign up today at http://bit.ly/ NCAutismAdvocacy to receive email notices about legislative and policy issues. u

These trained and experienced advocates can help with a range of questions and concerns: • Connection to autism resources through information and referral • Education and training to help you become your child’s best advocate • Guidance in navigating the worlds of early intervention, school, community, and adult services • Connections to parents and families in your community through ASNC Chapters and Support Groups

Jennifer Mahan is the Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at the Autism Society of North Carolina. She can be reached at jmahan@autismsociety-nc.org.

To find the Parent Advocate in your area, please call our toll-free number, 1-800-442-2762, or visit our website at www.autismsociety-nc.org.





ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2014 Mark your calendars, save the date, make plans now… All of these phrases apply to the 2014 Autism Society of North Carolina conference. The two-day event returns to the Hilton Charlotte University Place near UNC-Charlotte on February 21-22, and we want you to join us.

an exhibit hall of vendors from around the state, and many networking opportunities.

The full program has not been set, but we are very pleased to announce that Dr. Jed Baker will be the Friday presenter. Dr. Baker’s workshop title is All Children Can Succeed: Effective Interventions for Behavioral and Social Challenges.

“A wealth of information, insight, and nuggets to take forward. Insights are ‘spot on’ and experience with teens and young adults is unparalleled!”

Dr. Baker is the director of the Social Skills Training Project, an organization serving individuals with autism and social communication problems. He is on the professional advisory board of Autism Today, ASPEN, ANSWER, YAI, the Kelberman Center, and several other autism organizations. In addition, he writes, lectures, and provides training internationally on the topics of social skills training and managing challenging behaviors. He is an award-winning author of five books: Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome and SocialCommunication Problems; Preparing for Life: The Complete Guide for Transitioning to Adulthood for Those with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome; The Social Skills Picture Book; The Social Skills Picture Book for High School and Beyond; and No More Meltdowns: Positive Strategies for Managing and Preventing Out-of-Control Behavior. His work has also been featured on ABC World News, Nightline, Fox News, the CBS Early Show, and the Discovery Health Channel. Saturday’s program will include information on best practices, personal perspectives, and family support. The conference provides a wealth of information for self-advocates, parents, family members and caregivers, professionals, and the public. CEUs and contact hours will be available. The conference also features the Autism Society of North Carolina Bookstore,

What people said about last year’s conference:

“I learned a lot – thank you! Great to see and hear someone who loves their job and is passionate about it!” “Thank you for coordinating the presenters, vendors, and resource agencies. Great contacts were made this week.“ “Very practical and valuable information. Extremely reinforcing of the reasons I have for working with adults with ASD.” “One of the best speakers you have had at a conference!” “Great presenter and straightforward language – I did not need to have a medical degree to understand.” Complete conference information, including online registration, will be posted on the Autism Society of North Carolina website by August 23. For those who wish to use the Innovations waiver and its Natural Supports Education funding or the Jean WolffRossi Fund to pay for registration fees, please visit the website at that time for instructions and further information. Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities are available For more information, contact David Laxton at 919-865-5063 or dlaxton@autismsociety-nc.org. u



AUTISM SOARS: TIPS FOR AIR TRAVEL Summer is a time to travel and visit friends and family around the globe. Air travel can be stressful for anyone, but for children who have a difficult time processing and understanding the world around them, the level of anxiety and stress can be overwhelming. With the rise in prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders, now more than ever, families need community partners in providing opportunities for success.

may use to inform Transporation Security Officers (TSOs) about any disability, medical condition, or medical device that could affect security screening. Although the cards do not exempt anyone from security screening, their use may improve communication and help travelers discreetly notify TSOs of their conditions. The card can be found at http://bit.ly/TSADisabilityNotification.

In an effort to support families and North Carolina airports, the Autism Society of North Carolina has developed training for airport staff, information for parents and caregivers on how to prepare for air travel, and simple strategies that can be applied along the way. In addition, several airports, including CharlotteDouglas International, have developed programs allowing families to rehearse the procedure of air travel with a child with ASD. We hope you find the following tips helpful.

• If you don’t think your child can wait in the security line or would be more successful using the walk-through metal detector, make this request. You can also request that a cart be ready at the ticket counter to drive you to the gate. • Using the airport website, identify where your terminal is and where to park. • Map the route from the parking lot to the terminal and determine whether you will walk or take the shuttle. • Using the airport website, identify potential distractions along your path through the terminal to your gate such as escalators, elevators, stores, food kiosks, or other high interest items, and plan accordingly. • Review the airport map before you arrive to identify where your gate is in relation to the security line, the bathrooms nearest to your gate, and food choices your child will like. Look for areas that will be too distracting to your child and ways to avoid them.

Prepare • Print your itinerary or save it to your cell phone so you have a visual reminder of your airline and flight numbers.

• Develop any visual cues, schedules, and/or social stories that will assist your child with transitions, sensory experiences, and expectations during your travel.

• Contact TSA Cares 72 hours prior to your flight at 1-855-7872227 to ask about specific resources available to you.

• Consider your flight times and whether your flights include meals or snacks. Most airlines offer meals or snacks for purchase. Planning to bring your own snacks or even meals will allow you to control both what and when your child eats. This is helpful especially if there are food restrictions because of specialized diets or food allergies, or if your child has restricted food preferences.

• Download and print the TSA notification card that travelers

• Check in online or plan to use the self-service kiosk.

• Visit the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) Cares section of www.tsa.gov for information on traveling with disabilities or medical conditions.



Day of Travel • Make sure you have implemented the “3-1-1 rule” for carryon bags: Liquids, gels, and aerosols must be 3.4 ounces or smaller, and fit in one quart-sized bag per passenger. • Have your child’s favorite activities in your carry-on bag as well as preferred dry snacks. • Make sure your child’s attire, including shoes, is free from metal or metallic designs that may inhibit the screening process. • Dress your child in something you will recognize in a crowd easily, and if possible, take a picture of your child with your cell phone. • Bring visual supports that your child is familiar with to help with transitions and knowing what will happen next. • Bring items your child can manipulate or play with while waiting in line.

• Ask the ticketing agent for a ride to the gate if available and it would be helpful. • Ask the boarding agent whether you can pre-board and approximately what time that will begin. • Ask a flight attendant whether it is OK that your child keep headphones on during takeoff if that will help with anxiety. • If your child has a meltdown, let TSA staff know what is going on. They may be able to help. • Remember to include on your schedule the steps necessary while on the plane (seatbelt, bathroom breaks, deplaning). • If necessary, identify something that may be reinforcing to your child in the airport that they get to do or buy when you land and add that to the schedule.

Sample Schedule (Your child’s schedule may need to include more or fewer words, steps, or pictures depending on their skill level.)

1. Drive to airport

2. Ride the shuttle

3. Get off shuttle/ gather bags

4. Enter airport

5. Get your ticket

6. Wait in line

7. Go through security

8. Wait for bags at security

9. Ride the cart to gate

10. Wait to board plane (activity choice)

11. Give ticket to agent

12. Walk down the air bridge to plane

13. Find your seat

14. Place your bag under the seat in front of you

15. Buckle seatbelt

16. Activity choice

17. Fly

18. Land / wait for fasten seatbelt light to go off.

19. Get your bag

20. Exit the plane

For additional information on family support, please contact the Autism Society of North Carolina at 919-743-0204 and ask for your local Parent Advocate or training specialist. 21. Go through air bridge into the airport

22. Go to baggage claim

23. You did it!



The New Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

(DSM-5) AND IMPLICATIONS FOR AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER By Alexander M. Myers, Ph.D., LP, HSP The American Psychiatric Association released its long-awaited DSM-5 on May 22, 2013. There has been considerable discussion over the new definition of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and how it might affect diagnosis and services for individuals and their families. To assist families and professionals, the Autism Society of North Carolina offers this summary description adapted from a presentation by Pamela L. Compart of the Autism Research Institute, which compares the previous (DSM-IV) definition with the new DSM-5 definition. Related issues are introduced at the end of this summary. DSM-IV Criteria and Requirements for a Diagnosis of ASD Diagnosis required meeting at least six items across three categories:

DSM-5 Criteria, Requirements and Level of Severity for ASD Diagnosis now requires meeting criteria across four categories:

A. Qualitative impairment in social interaction meeting at least two of the following: • Marked impairment in use of multiple nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye contact, postures, facial expressions) • Failure to develop developmental-level peer relationships • Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements • Lack of social or emotional reciprocity

A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across contexts meeting all of the following: • Social-emotional reciprocity (e.g., conversation, joint attention) • Nonverbal communicative behaviors (e.g., eye contact, body language, facial expressions, gestures) • Developing and maintaining relationships (e.g., imaginative play, making friends)

B. Qualitative impairment in communication meeting at least one of the following: • Delay or total lack of development of spoken language • Marked impairment in conversation • Stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language • Lack of spontaneous, varied make-believe play or social imitative play

B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities meeting at least two of the following: • Stereotyped/repetitive speech, motor movements, or use of objects • Excessive adherence to routines/rituals or excessive resistance to change • Highly restricted fixated interests, abnormal in intensity or focus • Hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of environment

C. Restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities meeting at least one of the following: • Encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest; abnormal in either intensity or focus • Apparently inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals • Stereotyped or repetitive motor mannerisms • Persistent preoccupation with parts of objects Age of delays or abnormal functioning: Before age 3 years in one of: • Social interaction • Language as used in social communication • Symbolic or imaginative play


C. Symptoms must be present in early childhood (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities) D. Symptoms together limit and impair everyday functioning Also, three levels of severity: • Requiring support (Mild) • Requiring substantial support (Moderate) • Requiring very substantial support (High) A new, additional diagnostic category (not under ASD) was also added to the DSM-5: Social Communication Disorder


Parents and professionals, get to know ASNC’s Training Department.

So, what’s the expressed rationale for these changes? Why do it, what is the potential benefit? What are the potential concerns? The American Psychiatric Association indicated that in the DSMIV criteria, the same symptomology could be scored in multiple categories, perhaps resulting in excessive weight in diagnosis and possible over-diagnosing. They further noted that deficits in social and communication categories were inseparable, and that delays in language are not unique or universal. It was felt that the consolidation of labels to “Autism Spectrum Disorder,” eliminating PDD-NOS and Asperger’s Syndrome, was more functional. The potential benefits of the DSM-5 criteria are increased accuracy in diagnosis, combining overlapping symptoms into one category, loosening the 3-year-old age requirement such that for children with milder symptoms their symptoms would be allowed to become evident later in childhood, and the inclusion of a severity range (mild to high). The potential concerns about the DSM-5 criteria can be summarized as: • It no longer allows a separate Asperger’s diagnosis – it is subsumed under ASD. • Its criteria are more restrictive, requiring all three symptoms in Section A to be present, • And therefore may result in loss of diagnosis and subsequently loss of services or insurance benefits • Children with milder symptoms could lose their diagnosis, especially those with Asperger’s Syndrome • Most field testing has been primarily done by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals and in care centers that mostly treat children with severe symptoms; this testing may not generalize to more community-based settings. Perhaps in response to concerns raised over an earlier draft of the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, there is an additional notation in the criteria, specifying that “individuals with a well-established DSM-IV diagnosis of autistic disorder, Asperger’s disorder, or pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified should be given the new diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.” This may alleviate some concerns about people losing their diagnosis and services. Additional potentially confounding news: As if this change to the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria wasn’t enough, a new wrinkle was added upon the release of the DSM-5 on May 22. Shortly thereafter, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) announced that it was no longer going to fund research based on DSM symptom clusters. What effect this will have on the use of this new DSM categorization for ASD is unknown at this time. As the DSM has served historically as the diagnostic resource for all of mental health, it will probably continue to carry considerable weight. But NIMH distancing itself from the DSM is surprising. Stay tuned for further developments as we hear of them. u

Are you struggling with a family member’s challenging or undesirable behavior? Consider consultation from the Training Department. Team members will help you understand why behaviors may be occurring and coach you on effective strategies. Are you puzzled by how to support communication between your child and the outside world? ASNC trainers can help you determine what type of communication system will be most practical and coach you on how to teach your loved one to use it effectively. Are you constantly looking for information and strategies on best practices in autism interventions? Take a look at the extensive list of training modules specially designed by the Training Department based on years of working with individuals on the spectrum. Modules include: Dealing with Challenging Behavior, Functional Communication, Understanding the Core Features of ASD, Strategies in Early Intervention, and Using Technology to Support Language and Skill Development.

Dr. Aleck Myers is the Clinical Director at the Autism Society of North Carolina. He can be reached at amyers@autismsociety-nc.org.


www.autismsociety-nc.org 919-743-0204, ext. 1118 17

BOOKSTORE NEWS AND REVIEWS Coping with Cliques This workbook helps students deal with cliques, teasing, and gossip, and shows them how to avoid getting caught up in this hurtful behavior. Included are key strategies for sticking up for yourself, maintaining your self-esteem even when others tease you, and finding friends who like you for who you are. Social media and peer pressure are also addressed.

The beginning of a new school year is full of many feelings and emotions. While it can be an exciting, happy time for some, for others it is an uncomfortable, anxiety-filled experience. Having the social skills to comfortably “fit in,” behaving in a way so that you are accepted, and being organized for classes can be challenging. We have books and resources to help all ages with their organization and social skills in school, at their jobs, and in the community: Mike’s Crush for Families: Teaching relationship skills to adolescents with autism, Asperger’s, or intellectual disabilities Mike’s Crush for Families was designed as a fun, low-cost way to teach teens with autism, Asperger’s, and intellectual disabilities about high school relationships. The DVD and accompanying booklet address topics such as understanding high school relationships, how to know whether someone is your friend, the difference between a crush and stalking, body language, how to start a conversation, identifying common interests, and understanding whether someone wants to talk to you. Mike’s Crush was written for ages 11 to 21. Socially Curious and Curiously Social: A Social Thinking Guidebook for Bright Teens and Young Adults This animeillustrated guidebook uses the language of teens to discuss what really goes on inside people’s minds when we share space. Adults can use the book to learn about, discuss, and unravel the social-emotional world of students. Practical strategies will help readers figure out what impression they are making on others, how this affects their own emotions, and how they can make living in an increasingly complex social world more personally rewarding. Parents, teachers, counselors, other caregivers, and even siblings may also find this book compelling as it encourages deeper discussion.


Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential This positive guide provides a science-based program for encouraging teens’ independence by building their executive skills: the fundamental, brainbased abilities needed to get organized, stay focused, and control impulses and emotions. Executive skills experts Drs. Richard Guare and Peg Dawson are joined by Colin Guare, a young adult who has successfully faced these issues. Learn stepby-step strategies to help your teen live up to his or her potential now and in the future – while making your relationship stronger. I Hate to Write! Tips for Helping Students With Autism Spectrum and Related Disorders Increase Achievement, Meet Academic Standards, and Become Happy, Successful Writers I Hate to Write! focuses on the four areas of writing that students with ASD seem to find most challenging: language, organization, sensory and visual-motor skills. Topics include Getting Started, Knowing What to Write, Getting “Stuck,” Misunderstanding the Directions, and more. “Take it and use it” worksheets make the task of teaching writing easy and fun. The book is aligned with the National Common Core Standards, and its strategies are appropriate for all ages.


Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think? The Should I or Shouldn’t I? What Would Others Think?™ game encourages players to think about their own behavior choices and then compare how their perceptions match those of other players. The game revolves around the idea of being able to think about others’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how this plays out in social situations. A basic component of the game is the Should I or Shouldn’t I? Behavior Scale, a 5-point behavior scale inspired by the work of Kari Dunn Buron and Mitzi Curtis and their book, The Incredible 5-Point Scale.

Max From The Planet Of Cool (Magic Friendships and How They Start) Welcome to Max’s new world. He’s the new kid at school and has just arrived from the Planet Of Cool, where girls don’t exist and everything’s real. At his new school, one particular girl doesn’t like him for obvious reasons until she finally gives in and gives Max a chance and they go on space adventures together and end up friends ... and that’s how magic friendships start. This is the first book in a series of three created by a nine-year-old boy with autism and his mother. The Incredible 5-Point Scale: The Significantly Improved and Expanded Second Edition Using the same practical and userfriendly format as the first edition, the authors emphasize the importance of self-management and self-regulation, two evidence-based practices. Included are the newly refined original scales, lots of new scales designed for young children and for those with more classic presentations of autism, and the expanded use of the Anxiety Curve. One welcome addition is a list of goals and objectives related to incorporating scales into students’ IEPs. An accompanying CD includes blank scales, small portable scales, and worksheets for easy duplication. Social Behavior and Self-Management: 5-Point Scales for Adolescents and Adults Building on the success of the legendary Incredible 5-Point Scale: Assisting Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Understanding Social Interactions and Controlling Their Emotional Responses, this book also uses scales to explain social and emotional concepts to teens and adults with ASD. The book’s topics include regulating emotions, relaxation, dating, living with college roommates, stalking, and navigating the workplace. Each chapter has a corresponding 5-Point Scale. As adolescents and adults with ASD enter the community and the working world and form relationships, these skills are needed to make coolheaded decisions and respond in more positive ways to unpleasant situations. Successful Problem-Solving for High-Functioning Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders This book teaches problemsolving and related social skills by building on visual-processing strengths. Using The Incredible 5-Point Scale as a resource, the book helps students develop social relationships and successfully participate in small group activities. This is a great resource for parents, educators, or anyone supporting individuals with ASD.

My Anxious Mind: A Teen’s Guide to Managing Anxiety and Panic Can you spare 30 minutes to feel less anxious? Think about how your life would be different. Would you try out for the basketball team? Ask someone out on a date? Would you sleep better and feel less tense? Would you feel calmer and happier? My Anxious Mind outlines a simple and proven plan to help readers understand and deal with anxiety and panic. It is full of simple-to-use tools and strategies that easily fit into any teen’s busy routine. Tasks Galore: Literature-Based Thematic Units with board book The fifth book of the Tasks Galore series is actually two books: Tasks Galore Literature-Based Thematic Units, a resource book full of hundreds of ideas, teacher tips, and photos of tasks, and the accompanying storybook, I’m Hungry, I’m Hungry, What Shall I Do? Using the board book as a guide for creating literature-based thematic units, the authors have designed hands-on activities for use with young learners and students with special needs. Strategies encourage responsiveness to literature while enhancing vocabulary and language. Tasks illustrate how to make learning more meaningful by using organizational strategies and visual cues, connecting themes to everyday experiences, adapting skills for twenty-first century learning, customizing for various learning styles, and tying concepts to the general curriculum. u

All of our books and resources are available online at www.autismbookstore.com. We are here to assist you. Let us help you find the books and resources that best meet your needs. We take school purchase orders and will help you assemble a resource list. Call Dawn Eberwein at 919-7430204, ext.1132, send a fax to 919-743-0208, or send an email to books@autismsociety-nc.org.





CAMP ROYALL: A YEAR-ROUND PROGRAM After another fantastic summer of camp, we are looking forward to the other three seasons of the year and the many wonderful programs they bring to our campers. Swim Day We will kick things off with a Swim Day at the camp pool on August 24. Please note that this is a pool-only event, and no other areas of camp will be open. Family Fun Days The ever popular Family Fun Days will continue this fall, offering a daytime opportunity for families to experience all the joys of camp together, as well as an overnight experience for those who might be interested in extending the fun and staying the night in one of our cabins. Fun Days will take place on September 7, October 5, and December 14 (our holiday party edition of the Family Fun Day), with many more in the spring of 2014.

Mini-Camp We will also offer our Mini-Camp program for three weekends this fall: September 20-22, October 18-20, and November 1517. Mini-Camp offers a chance to spend the whole weekend at camp, enjoying a miniature version of our summer program, while families benefit from some respite. Supervision at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 is provided for all campers during these weekends. Adult Retreat Weekends Our growing and inspiring Adult Retreat Weekends will take place November 1-3 and December 6-8. They are an opportunity for independent adults on the spectrum to spend time with friends and enjoy a retreat weekend.

Our staff will organize many outdoor activities (boating, face-painting, a cookout, hayrides, gym games, arts and crafts, etc.) so that your family has an opportunity just to show up and have some fun! The overnight option includes the daytime activities plus dinner in our dining hall, a campfire complete with s’mores, and lodging in a cabin. We will also provide a light continental breakfast and more time to play at camp the next morning.

Winter Camp To wrap up 2013, we will host Winter Camp at Camp Royall from December 27 to January 3. This year, the camp will expand a bit and include some overnight options. Day camp is available for all of the dates, and an overnight option will be offered on December 27 and 28. Families will be asked to commit to at least three consecutive days of Winter Camp so that we are able to secure necessary staff. u

Please contact our camp office for questions on any of the coming events at 919-542-1033 or camproyall@autismsociety-nc.org. For more information and reservation forms for all events, please visit www.camproyall.org.



HELP WANTED: EMPLOYMENT AND ASD Unemployment in North Carolina has been hovering at 9 percent or higher for years, despite other signs that the economy is improving. In the news, among politicians, and in coffee shops, North Carolinians are talking about the fact that about one in ten residents who want a job does not have one. But imagine if that number were eight out of ten. For adults with autism, that is the reality. Much has been made in the media recently of companies hiring individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, valuing them for their focus and attention to detail, among other attributes. But for many with ASD, employment can be hard to find – and keep.

Individualized Transition Plan (ITP). The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandates that when a student is 16, the IEP team create an ITP to identify the plan, rights, steps, assessments, and goals for the student. Find more information about this process on our website, www.autismsociety-nc.org; click “Get Help,” then “Family Support” and “Transitioning to Adulthood.” ASNC Parent Advocates are available to help families through this process; find the phone number for the Parent Advocate serving your area in the “Family Support” section of the website. Seeking Vocation Rehabilitation

What Can Families Do? So as a parent or caregiver, what can you do to help your child with ASD find employment, a key component of a successful life as an adult? Start with some conversations during his middle school years: Does your child want to go to college? What type of career is she interested in? Does he need to go to a particular program to enter into that field? With a goal in sight, decisions can be made about high school, where there are two courses of study students can take: occupational or future ready. The choice of Occupational Course of Study (OCS) is sometimes offered to students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) who are not planning to complete the Common Core curriculum. Students can earn a diploma or graduation certificate through OCS, which focuses on time spent increasingly in a variety of employment settings, ideally ending with employment in the student’s chosen field. Another important part of obtaining and maintaining a job is soft skills such as interviewing, dealing with change, and interpersonal communication – all core deficits of autism. Students who spend the majority of their day in the regular education setting will likely not receive instruction in those skills, but families can make sure they are addressed in the


Individuals with autism can also look outside of the school system for services that will help with “supported employment,” a general phrase used in discussing the services and supports available when working with individuals 16 and older to obtain and maintain paid work in integrated settings. Families should start connecting to resources when the child is young, because certain wait lists can be several years long. ASNC can help families figure out where to begin. For individuals who qualify, the state’s Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers assistance in several areas. A supplemental evaluation helps explore skills and interests. Next is job development, which teaches individuals how to find and be hired for a job that suits them, including support in tasks such as interviewing, creating a resume, and networking. Through intensive training and work adjustment coaching, those who have a job are supported in learning the skills involved, learning a skill that is added to the requirements, and maintaining employment. Soft skills such as interactions with coworkers and supervisors are also addressed. Individuals with ASD can also seek long-term services through other state or federal programs, such as the Innovations Waiver that is administered through your local Managed Care Organization (MCO). To receive Innovations funding, you must


qualify and there may be waiting lists. Families also can seek private-pay options. ASNC Seeks to Bridge the Gap There are options for individuals in North Carolina who do not meet the requirements for vocational rehabilitation services. ASNC has formed groups for adults on the autism spectrum seeking to explore career opportunities and develop work skills. Participants follow the JobTIPS curriculum, which was developed by Do2Learn, learning how their skills, personality, and interests compare with career opportunities. Members also practice key skills, including interviewing, completing an application, using key phrases, developing a resume, and maintaining employment. To learn about the availability of JobTIPS in your community, please contact the ASNC services office in your region, which you can find on our website. ASNC is seeking to collaborate with schools to implement this program at the middle and high school levels in the future. Recognizing the need for more focused expertise on employment issues, the Autism Society of North Carolina is pleased to announce that effective August 1, David Ingram, the Raleigh area regional services director, will transition into a newly created role of Employment Supports Director. David will work to ensure that there is a coordinated effort and emphasis to promote job placement for individuals on the autism spectrum. He will work with ASNC staff, MCOs, Vocational Rehabilitation, and businesses to create additional employment opportunities throughout the state. David will also ensure that ASNC is providing supported employment as an individualized, evidence-based support service that provides assistance with choosing, acquiring, and maintaining competitive paid employment. To connect with David Ingram, email him at dingram@autismsociety-nc.org. For more resources to help with employment, contact your area’s ASNC services office or Parent Advocate. The ASNC Bookstore also offers many books that can help, such as The Hidden Curriculum of Getting and Keeping a Job: Navigating the Social Landscape of Employment. Search “employment” on our bookstore’s website, www. autismbookstore.com, or call 919-8655087 for help from our staff. u

Job Training Becomes the Key to Employment and Independence Alex Griffin has an Associate’s Degree in Computer Programming from Wake Technical Community College. At age 28, he speaks fluent Japanese and has regularly volunteered his computer skills at numerous organizations throughout Raleigh. His credentials helped him to land numerous job interviews, but none of them turned into offers for paying positions. Driven to find a job and live on his own, Alex enrolled in the JobTIPS program offered through ASNC. The vocational training program follows a curriculum developed by Do2Learn that emphasizes the development of social skills that are critical to identifying, applying for, securing, and maintaining employment. The group facilitator provides coaching and feedback for job interviews, encourages peer interaction, and helps members develop a broader community network. “One of the most important things I learned is how to network,” Alex said. “I had been taking an Aikido class, and I took the opportunity to talk to other people in the class about my job search. One thing led to another, and I was asked to bring in my resume. I went in for an interview where, for the first time, I felt like I nailed it.” Alex was hired as a computer programmer at North Carolina State University, where he has worked now for a year. He has his own apartment and is successfully living independently. u The Winston-Salem Foundation funds JobTIPS The Autism Society of North Carolina received a grant of $5,000 from the Harriet Taylor Flynt Fund of The Winston-Salem Foundation to bring JobTIPS to Winston-Salem. Funding from The Winston-Salem Foundation offers a life-changing opportunity to individuals with autism living in Forsyth County who are seeking work but need extra support to achieve success. Forsyth Technical Community College donated the use of its facility to operate the program this summer. The Winston-Salem Foundation is a community foundation that supports charitable programs in the greater Forsyth County area. Founded in 1919 by Colonel Francis Fries with a $1,000 gift, it administered over $276 million at the end of 2011. u





WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY When Betty Camp and Mary Lou (Bobo) Warren set out to start a camp for children with autism in the early 1970s, they dreamed of a place where children on the spectrum could be around other children, learning new skills and making friends. They never imagined that Camp Royall would become the largest camp for individuals with autism in the world. They also never imagined that forty years later, the camp would attract a crowd of 500 people for its first World Autism Awareness Day celebration.

In addition to free admission, attendees received an autographed copy of award-winning journalist Dwayne Ballen’s book, Journey with Julian. The book, released on World Autism Awareness Day, chronicles the ups and downs of a North Carolina family’s journey with a son on the autism spectrum. Staff members from the Autism Society of North Carolina were on site to answer questions and connect families with resources available throughout the state, ranging from workshops and support groups to direct care services. Families also had the opportunity to browse through the ASNC Bookstore and learn about opportunities to become more involved with the organization through upcoming events in their local communities.

Yet on the morning of April 2, 2013, that’s exactly what happened. Some families traveled more than 150 miles to participate in the day’s festivities, including a cookout, hayrides, boating, crafts, and the ever-popular zap line. Children enjoyed a facepainting station, the playground, and the Snoezelen room, a unique multisensory environment designed especially for individuals with autism.

Camp Royall’s director, Sara Gage, called the first-time event a “huge success.” “We were thrilled to see so many families enjoying a day of fun together in a safe and happy place that is equipped to handle their needs,” said Gage. “It was such a joy to promote autism awareness in our community by serving our families in this way.”

Parents simply enjoyed being surrounded by hundreds of other families who know exactly what life with autism is like. “It’s wonderful,” commented one mother of a child on the spectrum. “It means that there is a lot of awareness in the community. For my family personally, it’s great because it’s a chance to come out and enjoy camp.” While many familiar faces stood out in the crowd, a large percentage of families made the drive to Moncure, North Carolina, to experience Camp Royall for the first time. Shouts of “Can you sign me up for this camp?” and “I love this place!” echoed throughout the 133-acre property.

As parents watched their children play and interact with one another without judgment, Camp Royall founder Betty Camp couldn’t help but smile at the legacy she shares with Bobo Warren. “What we see here just thrills my heart.” u



fundraisers and events Spring Run/Walk for Autism Series Raises Over $120,000 to Support Individuals with Autism Across North Carolina

Save The Date: Make Plans to Attend a Run/Walk for Autism Event This Fall

The Autism Society of North Carolina celebrated a very successful spring Run/Walk for Autism series with a record number of participants and over $120,000 raised to improve the lives of individuals with autism, support families affected by autism, and educate our communities. This spring we hosted events in Beaufort, Concord, Greenville, Mount Airy, and Wilmington. These events provide significant awareness about autism while raising funds throughout our state. We are so appreciative of all of the individuals, families, and businesses that participated, donated, volunteered, or sponsored this year.

WNC Run/Walk for Autism UNC-Asheville | September 14, 2013 www.wncrunwalkforautism.com Greensboro Run/Walk for Autism UNC-Greensboro | September 28, 2013 www.greensbororunwalkforautism.com Triangle Run/Walk for Autism Downtown Raleigh | October 12, 2013 www.trianglerunwalkforautism.com

Our families, friends, supporters, and volunteers work very hard year round to make these events successful. We hope you will To register, form a team, join a team, or make a donation, please consider joining us this fall or next visit the event website. spring for one of our signature Run/ I didn’t realize how many other families Walk events. All of the proceeds from Volunteer Join our team and make were out there going through the same things a difference! We are looking for our fundraisers stay in our state to help North Carolinians affected by autism. as we are with our child. Seeing all of the other individuals to join our fall Run/Walk families at the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism committees to help with planning the Your contribution makes a difference. events in Asheville, Greensboro, and gave me courage for my child’s future. Many thanks to the following sponsors the Triangle. of our Spring Run/Walks for Autism. Please support these businesses and thank them for their For more information about any of these events, or to help support of the Autism Society of North Carolina. improve the lives of individuals with autism in your community by volunteering, contact Macy Russell at 919-865-5051 or Champions ($1,000+) AMF Bowling • Brock & Scott, PLLC • CK mrussell@autismsociety-nc.org. Technologies, LLC • The Graham, Nuckolls, Conner Law Firm, PLLC • Halley White Pediatric Dentistry • Mayfaire Town Center • Nestor Hosiery, Inc. • PPD Development • RA Jeffreys • TrySports Advocates ($500-$999) Andrew Roby – General Contractor • Atlantic Packaging Company, Inc. • Behavior Consultation & Psychological Services, PLLC • Cape Fear Camera Club • Corning • Freedom and Liberty Center • Jim and Lesley Hively • Oceanside Pediatrics, P.A. • OT Solutions • Road ID • Quick Med – Dr. Timothy Smith • Steppin’ Out Productions • Surry Insurance Company • Towne Tap & Grill



Catwalk to Camp and the Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament Raise Over $65,000 to Send Campers to Camp Royall Catwalk to Camp The second Catwalk to Camp spring fashion show was held March 14 at 42nd Street Oyster Bar in downtown Raleigh. This sold-out luncheon event raised over $31,000 to support the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Camp Royall Scholarship Fund. Macy’s of Triangle Town Center provided the fashions for all of the models. The show featured 15 models, all with a connection to the Autism Society of North Carolina, including CFO Paul Wendler. WRAL Morning Show host Lynda Loveland emceed, along with Travis Groome, VP/store manager of Macy’s at Triangle Town Center. The event was sponsored by Macy’s, Pediatric Possibilities, Trader Joe’s, mollybeads, and 42nd Street Oyster Bar.

Wells Fargo Zipping for Autism Raises Over $39,000 for Western North Carolina The second annual Wells Fargo Zipping for Autism was held June 2 at the Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventures. The event featured 36 teams and raised over $39,000 to support the services provided by the Autism Society of North Carolina in Western North Carolina. Teams of 10 were challenged to raise $790 to zip line with views of the Asheville skyline, and teams that raised over $1,000 were also able to participate in the new Treetops Adventure Park. Zipping for Autism is the creation of Sheena and Jeff Greiner, owners of the Asheville Zipline Canopy Adventures and Treetops Adventure Park, as a way to give back to the Autism Society of North Carolina and to celebrate the birthday of their 10-yearold son with autism, O’Reilly. All proceeds will be donated to ASNC to offer respite, to increase advocacy and services, and to assist families in the western region.

Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament The second annual Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament was held May 6 at The Preserve at Jordan Lake golf course. Golfers of all ages and abilities enjoyed the chance to play on the championship course and compete for great prizes. The tournament proceeds, which totaled over $35,000, support the Autism Society of North Carolina’s Camp Royall Scholarship Fund. A heartfelt thanks to Paul, Pat, Rex, and Kelli Willoughby and to the local McDonald’s franchise owners for their support and hard work to make this tournament possible! We are so grateful to all who participated in these events. Be on the lookout for these events next spring!

Many thanks to all of the sponsors who supported Zipping for Autism. This event would not be possible without them. Title Sponsor ($2,500) Wells Fargo Bank Area Sponsors ($1000) All-States Medical Supply • FastSigns – Asheville • Star 104.3 Canopy Sponsors ($500) Asheville Brewery Tours • Crescent State Bank • Mountain Xpress • State Farm – Melanie Franklin • United Services Credit Union



SPONSORS Camp Royall Scholarship Fund Sponsors The Autism Society of North Carolina has been offering summer camp for over 40 years for individuals with autism of all ages. Camp Royall is the largest and oldest camp exclusively for individuals with autism in the United States. Due to the generosity of the following donors, we were able to provide $145,000 in camp scholarships for summer 2013. We hope you will consider joining these donors in helping to provide a life-changing experience for a camper with autism. Please contact Kristy White at 919-856-5086 or kwhite@autismsociety-nc.org if you are interested in donating to camp, learning about named scholarships, or helping with fundraising. Benefactors ($10,000+) Kids ‘N Community Foundation • Premiere Supporters ($500-$999) Ammons Chiropractic Clinic • Blannie Communications & Consulting, Inc. • Triangle Community Foundation, Medlin Adams Endowment Fund • The Eisner Charitable Fund, Inc. • Inc. - “Send a Kid to Camp” Fund u Partners ($5,000-$9,999) Kohl’s Corporation • mollybeads, LLC • Pediatric Possibilities • Allison ASNC-Guilford County Chapter • BB&T Foundation • Credit Suisse • and William Atkinson • Stephanie Beguelin • Hugh Caison • Elaine and LEGO Children’s Fund • Kimberly Harris and Scott Weiner u Wayland Denton • Cecile Graves • Kathleen Krumpter • Jeanne McGovern Champions ($2,500-$4,999) ASNC-Wake County Chapter • and Michael Schwenk • Deborah O’Briant • Kathy and Stephen Pretzer • Bi-Lo Charities, Inc. • Charlotte Observer/Summer Camp Fund • Sheila and Ronald Smith • Cornelia Stultz • Nancy Teer • Kristy and For H Foods - The Holder Group Andrew White u Friends ($250• Foundation For The Carolinas/ $499) Balfour Beatty Construction, Carolina Panthers Charities • Golden LLC • BB&T • Chatham County Arts It is impossible to put a price on the sense Council • Chesterbrook Academy State Foods • Hunter Snow Mission of calm I felt when I dropped off Ayden every • Commercial Site Design, PLLC • Fund • Manning Enterprises • morning. For the first time, I didn’t have to worry Limited • Pfizer, Inc. • Speedway Communication Supply Corporation and knew he was in a great place, receiving the Children’s Charities • Angela Glover • FMCJ Enterprises, LLC • Kerr Cares • Tauyna Land • Dolores McGovern • For Kids Foundation, Inc. • Kiwanis best care possible, and learning new skills. Chris Norton u Leaders ($1,000Club of Lee County, Inc. • Triangle – Mom of camper Ayden $2,499) Acorn-Alcinda Foundation Embroidery, LLC • Joan Barlow • Don • ASNC Board of Directors • ASNCBecerra • Helen and Brian Bowman • Richard Bryant • William Cole • Paula Corner • Todd Dameron • Kimberly Orange/Chatham County Chapter • Foelgner Ronz & Straw, PA • Kennon Craver, PLLC • PPR Foods, LLC/McDonald’s • Raleigh Kiwanis Dillon • Brandon Holtslag • Edward Hurdle • Debbra and Jonathan Foundation, Inc. • RTI International • S&J Foods, Inc./McDonald’s • US Jordan • Lisa and David Kaylie • Susan Keffer • Janice and Kevin Kidd • Foods • Wake Electric Care Foundation • Brenda Baker • Janet and Julie and Robert Luce • Anna Matheson • Tami McGraw • Mary and Bill James Cozart • Karen and Michael Crow • Elizabeth “Boo” DeVane Moss • Lisa O’Connor • Margaret and Paul Phillippi • Tracey Quinn • Mike and Ronald Gibson • Lesley and Michael Graves • Lorraine and Dale Reichel • Julia Scott • Katie and Tracey Sheriff • Ann and Varley Smith • Reynolds • Yvonne Sagers • Gina and Jeffrey Stocton • Phyllis Ward u Kelli Ussery • Mary and Chris Vlahoplus u

Help Us Plan for Our Future u If you would like to continue your support of ASNC after you are gone, you may be interested in the simplicity of a gift in your will or trust. With a gift in your will or revocable living trust, called a bequest, you can give a percentage of your estate or a certain amount of cash, securities, or property. Leave a legacy and ASNC will use your gift to support our mission. We are happy to provide you with sample language to share with your attorney. Please contact Kristy White at 919-865-5086 or kwhite@autismsociety-nc.org to learn more or to let us know if you have already included ASNC in your will.



Volunteer spotlight: EILEEN HANCOX What Eileen Hancox calls a “selfish” effort to fulfill her own needs has grown into a support for dozens of grandparents of individuals with autism. Eileen moved to Raleigh about six years ago, just in time for the birth of her grandson Miles. As Miles grew, the active retiree spent time caring for him each week to help out his parents. “We’d play, but it was mostly me,” Eileen said. When Miles was 2, he was diagnosed with autism. “With a grandparent, it’s a double whammy,” Eileen said, remembering the pain she felt not only for Miles, but for her son and his dreams for his own child. “They’re still your kids, and this isn’t what they bargained for.” Eileen spent hours online researching autism, learning as much as she could. She didn’t want to burden her son and daughter-in-law with her questions and concerns when they already had so many of their own. She also began volunteering at the Autism Society of North Carolina, because she wanted to make a contribution. Eileen soon realized that what she really wanted was a place to brag about Miles, a place to share her joys and concerns – a place just for grandparents. Nothing like that seemed to exist locally, so she started one: a grandparents’ support group through the Wake County Chapter of ASNC. In the past year, the group has grown from four people to a mailing list of about fifty. Members meet once a month to listen to a speaker and spend some time sharing. “We can be honest and know that it’s going to stay in that room,” Eileen said. “I am so excited with the response.” ASNC helps find speakers on topics chosen by group members;

previous subjects have included financial considerations, IEPs, and siblings. Margie Best, whose only grandson has autism, said she has picked up a lot of “day-to-day information” through the group. “It has really been a blessing for me,” she said. ASNC has seen more and more involvement by grandparents across the state. “Grandparents are in a unique position in the family,” said Maureen Morrell, ASNC chapters director. “They want to be supportive to their child, the parent, as well as to their grandchild, and often have worries about both. This group gives them a safe and understanding place to discuss their concerns and learn more about autism as well as a place where they can share the unique and endearing qualities of their grandkids.” Miles is now 6 and thriving at Franklin Academy in Wake Forest, and Eileen says he has a great sense of humor. Each fall, his family and friends participate in the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism in Raleigh. The team dubbed “Miles for Miles” raises hundreds of dollars annually to support ASNC. Eileen also continues her work with ASNC, stuffing envelopes, entering data, volunteering at events and serving on the Leadership Committee of the Wake County Chapter of ASNC. She says it’s all about keeping busy – and supporting her family. u The grandparents’ support group meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at ASNC’s state office (505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230, Raleigh). For more information, contact Marty Kellogg, chapter support coordinator, at 919865-5088 or mkellog@autismsociety-nc.org.




Matt Abbey Demetra and Brent Abbey Garrett P. Agresti Robert Agresti Cameron Aldrich Cherie Chandler Nancy and Steven Crane All my students Patricia Schweitzter All people on the Spectrum ContraVest Andrew Allen Clarissa and John Allen Austin Arahill James Arahill ASNC Staff Laura and Phillip Simson Tina and Mark Baxter Triangle Embroidery, LLC Laura Brenton Arrington Howard Susan Kruse Christine Laster Kristen Purcell Kelly Walsh Emilie Grace Beacham Anne and Lang Anderson Walker Berry Heather and Edgar Garrabrant Sam Bippus William Bippus Brandon Bisby Tonya Bisby Harrison Bischof Diana and Paul Bischler Linda K. Black Chestena Black The Russell Blanchard Family Frances and Felix Chambers Kerri Brady Mary and Charles Obermeyer “Drew” Brake Sarah Ann Butts Sasser Doug Bretz Carolyn and Carroll Moon Marie and Therrel Brown Rena Swain John Burress Sue and Edwin Welch Michael Bush Amy and Leonard Bush Catwalk to Camp Committee Sara Gage Sean and Lance Clark Martha and Orville Howe Meg Cleary Barbara Cleary John L. Coffee, III Rebecca Coffee


Beck Collier Cynthia and Peter Bachelder Andrea and Tilden Collier Mary and Robert Davis Robin and Michael Downing Mary and Richard Evans Mary and Marc Guitton Lisa Roberts Holmes Smoot Michelle and Robert Wright Sidney Collins Marlene and Joseph Diorio Melody Cooper Marie Horne Jennifer Corigliano Helen Brach Foundation Mary Ann and Jeff Akin Monica Binger Alexis Johnson Natalie Macemore Jane Ryan and Christopher Liebl Evelyn and John Sheridan Ami and Brian Tucker Ryan Curley Marjorie Morris Isabelle DeWitt Donna Weeks Chase Dillon Kimberly Dillion Josh and Ella Vicki Bowinkel Sonja Emerson Charles Southerland Kerri Erb Linda and Michael Bryant Ray Evernham Michelle Rifenburg Joel Ferro Ed Ferro Simon Fertel Patricia and Richard Fertel Ethan Franzen Susan Kirsch Coby Friedman Rachel Friedman Sara Gage Elaine and Wayland Denton Lorraine LaPointe Nate Gerard Jennifer Liedel Dean Glover Angela Glover Cindy Karali Tami McGraw Alex Griffin Audrey and William Griffin Joseph Hall Alnesia Warren Eileen Hancox Amy Blackwell

Jan Harris Gail Pope Sam Heitman Amy Krebs Cessna Hinton Shanan and Edgar Mills Steven Lee Hollingworth Lavanne Lane Thompson Holt Mary and Raymond Ramsey Joseph and Riley Hough Carol Grossi Mikki Hawkins Susannah and Mark Hough Saysha Ryan Michele Starbuck The Hough Family Carol Bradford Jessica Wodinsky Abby Jamalkowski Sarah and Alec Peters Ricky Johnson Peggy Lemons Greyson Jones Nichole Thompson Jimmy Joy Barbara and Robert Campbell John Marshall Kiliminjaro, Jr. Vickie and John Kilimanjaro Jayme Kitchin Community Care Plan of Eastern Carolina Max Kuller Susan and Jeffrey Kuller Patrick Lane Monica Binger Helene and Bill Lane Bailey Lassiter Angela Lassiter Tiffani Lepp Helen and Dennis Hosler Jessie Lunsford Montwood Baptist Church Kathy and Lanny Vaughan Luke Mabry Roxanne Thompson Jodie Matthews Pat Donohue Luke Mayer Rita Hayes Jackson McClintock Mary Triplett Taylor McDuffy Nancy and James McDuffy Avery McKeller Elizabeth and Charles McKeller Marvin McManus Catherine and Thomas Fox Melanie Sylvia Hoover


Bobby Meredith Margaret Franklin Dallas Meyers Ernestine Cofield Eric Mihalyi Blake Ellis Amanda and Kristian Lloyd Nan and Craig Maples Deborah O’Briant Nancy Teer Scott and Walter Wells The Mihalyi Family Mary and Bill Moss Evalee Parker Phyllis Ward Kaitlin Moncol Denise Moncol Charles “Charlie” W. Morel, Jr. Cynthia and Charles Morel Caprianna Morley Christine Hogg Justin Morrell Jan Carroll Kathleen and Patrick O’Brien Maureen and Rob Morrell Martha Webb Nick Nickerson Sarah Gray Christopher and Steven Olivencia Doreen and Will Olivencia Tommy Oronoto Cynthia Davis Concetta Onorato Mary Russ Shawn Page Marie Horne Eric Palmer Ann and Robert Palmer Debi Parker Ann Rector Slade Peds Nursing Sym. Carolinas Healthcare System Jacon Petery Carolyn and John Underwood Daniel Phillippi Cathy Faw Catherine Picou Sharon and Randy Martin Addison and Caleb Plotkowski Mildred and Justin Hill Nancy Popkin and Mark Stanback Susan and Ivan Popkin Melissa Travers Jesse Ramanos Jackie and Eric Romanos Jack Ransom Susan and Michael Ransom Andy Raxter Linda and Henry Raxter

Lorraine and Dale Reynolds Mary Beth Cecil Tylera Lee Reynolds Jeaninne and John Wagner Debby Robinson Kate and Harvey Hall Todd Rupprecht Debbie Conner David Sasser Jean and Henry Sasser Michael Saylor Lisa and Stephen Saylor Ryan and Matthew Smith Barbara and Crawford Smith Sherry and Daniel Smith Louise Southern NC Tutoring and Learning Association Thomas Summers Paige Barnhill Elijah Tabor Debbie Conner Miles Targosz Ellen Nielsen Laura Ashley Taylor Barbara Carter Peter Torres Debby and Gustavo Torres Joey Totaro Rosemarie and Joe Totaro Noah Trexler Karla and William Trexler Nathan Vieyla Joseph Regan Kay Walker Linda and Brad Griffin Kristy and Andrew White Flynt Burton Wingrove Meriwether Walker Gail Pope Ryan Webb Doris and Charles Gaunt Brayden West Sarah Fisher Caiden White Larue and Phillip White Clara Grace Wilkinson Sarah and Mark Wilkinson Nichilas Williams Kathleen and James Jansen Pat and Paul Willoughby Susan and Grover Godwin Jesse Wills Sharon and Kenneth Brown Colleen Wright Erin and Charles Cornett Aaron Young Britt Young


Arlene Price Carl David Kester Randall Hinds Cheryl and Richard Franklin Lee Roy Adams Joan R. Regan Christina and David Kennedy East Bend Ruritan Club Clare Hall Anne Meeks Siloam Baptist Church Barbara K. Williett Thrasher Rustin Elizabeth and James Nelson Sharon and Robert Bryan Pat Hall Gloria Sanders Pat and Brent Crissman Albert Kline Scarborough, Sr. Viki and David Tolson Becky Reavis Connie and John Bond Loretta and Leo Woodruff Judy and Jerry Taylor Christopher Thomas Scher Ronald John Kuhr Sharon Parcell Allen Diane Crider Gretchen and Phillip Arth Eunice Stewart Robert Franko Brenda Elshof Jeffrey Apple Richard Hunter Joella and Michael Killian Patricia Apple Jackie and Gene Radford Donald Luetschwager Annette Battle Eduardo J.L. Schick Donna and William Stith Linda and Brad Griffin Maria Evans “Little Larry” Katherine Louisa Legg Carr Bill and Billy Scott Larry Swabe Sally Cohen Maureen and William Scott Karen Mauldin Arlene Corrigan William Porter Sing, Jr. Lucille and Richard Floyd Rita and Dave MacMillan Sally Combs George Mavreles John L. Coffee, Jr. Leo James Slack, Jr. Rosemarie and Joe Totaro Rebecca Coffee AeroSoft, Inc. James McCulloch Frank Dunlap, Jr. Moss Kelley, Inc. Maureen Morrell Ellen Dunlap The Affordable Group, Inc. John J. McGovern Joseph C. Furin Roz and Irwin Cooper Betsy Douglass Judith and Bob Dannewitz Terry Ohr Lee Neiz Mary Therese and Leo Duffy Thomas “Tom” Griggs Kristy White Edith and Keith Grafing Marion Music Club Mark Russell Newcomb Ellen Herrick Janet and Lynn Griggs Stella Bedard William McGrory Katie and Lewis Wills Cheryl and Michael Davis Steve Slack Neal Hall Jacqueline and Ronald May Terry Wasko Scarlett and Toby Funderburk Diane and John McQuade Patricia Sparks Sara Handlan Sherry and Michael Moman DCS Corporation Susan Keffer Ginger and Stephen Newcomb Gail Townsend Laurie Kozar Margaret and Ronald Preston James Townsend John Thomas Mary and Anthony Salem Lee Viersen Raeford “Ray” Eugene Hartis, Sr. Teresa and Calvin Warren Cathy and Robert Williams Doris Doley Eve and Craig Zavelo Kay Walker Margaret, Diane and Cameron Furr Miles Newton Heather and Edgar Garrabrant Edith Marie Hauer Michelle and Grant Newton James T. Westmoreland Mary and Kent Friel Laura St. Onge Sylvia and Herbert Golden Marie and Ervin Funke Nancy St. Onge Gerald Moffitt Mary and Matthew Hager Joseph Franklin Petrovich, Jr. Catherine E. Willobee Barbara and Richard Hollman Tracy and Mike Tinsley Catherine Fatkin Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hornback Phyllis and Lawrence King Linda and Sidney Voltz Daniel Hibbitts Julia Scott The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to extend a Kevin Hopkins heartfelt thank you to all of our donors. While we appreciate Sharon and Morris Mote every gift, we have limited the donation list to Honorarium/ Kelly and Robert Perryman Memoriam gifts in the interest of space and printing costs. Diane Woolard Thank you for your tremendous support. Robert Edward Lee “Rock” Jolly Timberlake USPS This list reflects donations received on or between January Marlene Coulter 1, 2013, and June 30, 2013. Please contact Beverly Gill if you Catherine Gentry have any questions or corrections at 800-442-2762, ext. 1105 Frances and Stephan Gentry or bgill@autismsociety-nc.org. J. O. Lankford Gloria and Thomas Lewis Kathy and Lanny Vaughan



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