Spectrum Summer 2016

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Spectrum the

VOLUME 32, NO. 2 • ISSN 1044-1921 • SUMMER 2016

Is Guardianship Right for Your Child? New Ways to Access Services Eastern NC Social Recreation

Mission Statement The Autism Society of North Carolina is committed to providing support and promoting opportunities which enhance the lives of individuals within the autism spectrum and their families.

Vision Statement The Autism Society of North Carolina strives to create a community where people within the autism spectrum and their families receive respect, services, and support based on individual differences, needs, and preferences.

Table of Contents FEATURES:

LifeLong Interventions: Comprehensive Behavior Analytic Programming....................4 Is Guardianship Right for Your Child?......................................6 Information for All Ages at Annual Conference.......................8

Privacy Policy

Introducing ASNC’s Resource Directory................................10

The Autism Society of North Carolina respects the privacy of its members and those who receive our publications. We do not sell or otherwise share our mailing list, email notification list, or any other personal information with other businesses or organizations.

New Ways to Access Services................................................11

The Spectrum


The Spectrum (ISSN 1044-1921) is published in January and August by the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Viewpoints expressed are not necessarily those of the Autism Society of North Carolina, Inc. or its Board of Directors. Editor: Amy Seeley Graphic Designer: Erika Chapman

Improving Lives through Skill Building...................................12 New Social Recreation Programs Start in Eastern NC............14

Message from the CEO ........................................................... 3 Camp Royall........................................................................... 16 Chapters & Support Groups..................................................18 Hispanic Affairs...................................................................... 20


Fundraisers & Events............................................................. 23

Would you like to work for the Autism Society of North Carolina? ASNC is a direct-care provider throughout the state with offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, and Raleigh. We are always looking for qualified candidates who are passionate about helping individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.

Donations.............................................................................. 28 Call on Us............................................................................... 31

A variety of part- and full-time positions are available! Please visit www.autismsociety-nc.org/ careers to learn more about current ASNC career opportunities. We appreciate referrals; please help us recruit the best talent by sharing the above link.

505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 • Raleigh, NC 27605-1345 919-743-0204 • 800-442-2762 • Fax: 919-743-0208


ASNC is also supported by:

Message from the CEO

As I write this article, summer is in mid-swing, and we are wrapping up another successful fiscal year. At this time of year, I always like to reflect on our accomplishments and look forward to what we have planned for the coming year. Currently, we are ending the second year in a three-year strategic plan. It amazes me not only how much we have accomplished within the past two years, but also how many things have changed that we could not have predicted. Our world is ever-evolving.

One of our most significant accomplishments since the last Spectrum has been to more intently focus on the needs in underserved areas. ASNC and Trillium Health Resources have been working together to address long-standing gaps in social and recreational programming for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Eastern North Carolina. Programs began in early July and will include summer day camp, afterschool care, social-skills training, and adult social groups in Wilmington, Greenville, Brunswick County, and Carteret County. This is an exciting opportunity, and we look forward to further meeting the needs of those with autism in Eastern NC and working with Trillium Health Resources. Another accomplishment of note was the launch of our online Resource Directory in April. ASNC created the Resource Directory to make it easier for the public to have access to the same resources as our Autism Resource Specialists. We will continue to add categories of community organizations and resources to the Resource Directory. If you haven’t checked it out, please do at www.referweb.net/asnc. This spring, we were so fortunate to receive an enormous investment in one of our oldest and largest programs, Camp Royall. Thanks to a donor who funded an endowment on our behalf, we will now be able to offer 10 additional scholarships to Camp Royall every year through the Mary V. Costanzo Balliet Camp Royall Scholarship fund! The endowment also enabled us to do some much-needed facility renovations and improvements.

Board of Directors Executive Committee Chair Elizabeth Phillippi Vice Chair Dana Williams 2nd Vice Chair Ruth Hurst Secretary John Townson Treasurer John Delaloye Immediate Past Chair Sharon Jeffries-Jones

Directors Monique Justice

So what’s next for ASNC? It seems as if the old quote of “The only constant in life is change” doesn’t quite do justice to the enormity and gravity of the changes that the health and human services field has witnessed in the past several years. And more change is on the way.

Fran Pearson

The Innovations waiver will be changing next year, bringing more alterations to our service delivery system. Medicaid reform is in the works, and integrated care, in which mental and physical health will be treated together, is at the top of the agenda for North Carolina legislators and other leaders.

Ray Evernham

Personally, I think a more fitting quote that we try to embody is “Life is 10% of what happens and 90% of how you handle it.” How will we handle all of these changes? By following the principles that have made us the leading autism organization in North Carolina for decades. ASNC respects the individuality of each individual and family affected by ASD as we empower and support them. We collaborate with other organizations to promote fair and equitable access to supports, opportunities, and services, and we act with integrity and accountability in all of our functions.

Dale Reynolds Dr. Michael Reichel Jeff Woodlief Dave Spicer Barbara Haight

As we gear up for our fall fundraising season, I want to take this opportunity again to thank all of our individual and corporate donors who have supported the more than 65,000 families affected by autism across North Carolina. Your generosity and leadership has enabled ASNC to create and expand on innovative programs that we operate across the state. We are excited about what can happen with your continued help and hope that you will continue to support us as we change lives across the state by helping individuals with autism live life to the fullest. Best,

Tracey Sheriff, Chief Executive Officer www.autismsociety-nc.org • 3

LifeLong Interventions:

Comprehensive Behavior Analytic Programming At the Autism Society of North Carolina, we recognize that people with autism are lifelong learners. Therefore, we offer direct intervention to individuals of all ages and across the spectrum. While our intervention programs are firmly rooted in the science of Applied Behavior Analysis, we believe that it is important to develop an intervention plan that integrates evidence-based practices to best support the individual’s needs and goals. Evidence-based practices are those interventions that researchers have shown to be safe and effective, based on clear scientific research. Efficacy, according to the National Professional Development Center on ASD, must be established through peer-reviewed research in scientific journals using accepted high standard methodologies.

Who provides the LifeLong Interventions service? At ASNC, the Clinical Department uses a tiered model. At the top is our Clinical Director, Dr. Aleck Myers, a Licensed Psychologist, who supervises other psychologists (LPs and LPAs) and Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) who assist him in assessing each client’s needs, designing a treatment package to meet those needs, and scheduling, implementing, and monitoring the client’s progress. Certified Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT) or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analysts (BCaBAs) are the paraprofessionals who will work directly with the client with autism, under the direct supervision of our LPAs, BCBAs, and Dr. Myers. How is a treatment plan developed? LifeLong Interventions begins with a thorough clinical intake evaluation and functional assessment of need areas. Information is gathered for this intake from direct observation and from parents, family members, professionals, or others who know the individual well. The intake then guides us toward more formal assessments of areas such as verbal behavior, adaptive skills, attending, joint attention, imitation, communication, play, and social relations. From these, our clinical experts design an individualized treatment program to be implemented directly by our skilled paraprofessionals.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis? While LifeLong Interventions utilizes a variety of effective methodologies, many of its interventions are based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Applied Behavior Analysis is the scientific study of behavior. In practice, ABA is used to promote the acquisition of socially appropriate behaviors and reduction of interfering behaviors. Behavior analytic instruction involves focusing on clear, measurable skill areas, breaking skills down into teachable segments, carefully arranging multiple opportunities to target these skills, keeping the learner successful by using prompting and guidance that is systematically faded, and applying effective reinforcement and generalization strategies. Behavior analysts use meaningful data to help drive decisionmaking. In North Carolina, ABA therapy currently can be delivered only directly by or under the supervision of a professional holding a state license in psychology. These individuals may be licensed at the doctoral level (LP) or as a master’s-level psychological associate (LPA). Practitioners delivering direct services must have extensive training in the field of behavior analysis and may hold a behavior analysis certification (BCBA) in addition to their license. Paraprofessionals who are highly trained in ABA principles and strategies may deliver direct services under the supervision of a licensed provider who has developed a comprehensive ABA program tailored to the individual receiving services.

What does the intervention look like? As one example, we might work with a very young learner to develop functional language (requesting, labeling, commenting, question-asking, etc.), play skills, toileting, and preschool academic readiness skills. We would target many of these communication and pro-social behaviors within the context of highly motivating

We are expanding to new regions! ASNC is currently providing LifeLong Interventions in the Triangle and greater Charlotte areas, and we are expanding to the Greenville and Wilmington areas now. We will expand the program to other regions based on interest level, so please let us know if you are interested even if you don’t reside in these current service areas. www.autismsociety-nc.org/LifeLongInterventions 4 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

and naturalistic play opportunities. We would also work with parents and caregivers to empower them to target these skills within their everyday routines. The intervention program for this learner might include strategies and principles derived from the Early Start Denver Model, Pivotal Response Treatment, and Applied Verbal Behavior, for instance. In a different case, we might work with a 17-year-old who is preparing to transition to a post-secondary setting. Areas of intervention might include specific time-management and organizational strategies such as getting ready for the day, preparing for tests, self-monitoring during homework and project activities, and completing college applications. In addition, we might address social skills and work to promote his or her understanding of the “hidden” social nuances and rules that govern appropriate behavior in school and community contexts. Finally, we might teach self-regulation strategies to help the individual cope with environmental and social stressors. As a final example, we might work with an adult who requires more substantial support to safely navigate his community, complete daily living and self-care routines, and expand functional communication skills. In such a case, one key aim would also be to address the building blocks of self-advocacy (asserting needs, conveying choices and preferences, etc.) and to structure routines and activities to promote independence. The intervention program for this learner would include strategies derived from Applied Behavior Analysis and Structured Teaching. How often do the direct intervention sessions occur? LifeLong Interventions programming can occur from 10 hours per week up to as many as 40 hours per week, depending on need and the individual’s schedule. Research has shown that the efficacy of ABA therapy increases as service time increases. As we complete our initial assessment, we will make a formal written recommendation on how many hours per week of treatment would best meet the individual’s needs. Is parent/family training included? At ASNC, we view parents and caregivers as equal partners in the intervention process. We strive to help parents and caregivers understand and use effective strategies, which, in turn, extends the positive effects of the program. How is the service funded? We are in-network providers with BlueCross BlueShield NC, which covers the NC State Employees Health Plan along with a variety of other employers in the state who are offering ABA and autism treatment coverage to their employees. We are also currently serving clients under insurance carriers such as Cigna, Aetna, and UnitedHealthcare. If you do not know whether your current insurance policy covers ABA and autism treatment, members of your human resources department

or the customer service line listed on the back of your insurance card should be able to you determine benefits. When you call, you should have the date of birth of the member, insurance group number, and insurance number in hand, as they will ask for this information. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees state Medicaid programs, now requires states to cover behavioral services, as well as other autism interventions, for children with autism younger than 21. Children under 21 in North Carolina who rely on Medicaid for support (Medicaid health insurance and Innovations waiver) are now eligible to receive Applied Behavior Analysis and other evidence-based practices under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment program, or EPSDT. Our Clinical Department is beginning to provide comprehensive ABA under the EPSDT program now. ASNC also accepts private payment from families who do not have insurance coverage but are still interested in obtaining the service. g To sign up or find out more, contact us at 919-390-7242 or training@autismsociety-nc.org ASNC’s Clinical Department staff is composed of PhD and master’slevel licensed psychologists, Board Certified Behavior Analysts, and former special education teachers. We provide individualized intensive consultation using evidence-based practices to support children and adults across the spectrum in home, school, employment, residential and other community-based contexts. We also deliver workshops to professionals and families on a wide range of topics including but not limited to, strategies to prevent and respond to challenging behaviors, best practices in early intervention, functional communication training, and enhancing social understanding in individuals with autism.

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 5

Is Guardianship Right for Your Child?

By Nancy Nestor, Autism Resource Specialist

Autism Resource Specialists frequently get calls from parents whose teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are about to become adults. Parents of a child with autism may struggle with questions about how to best protect their child as they grow into adulthood while also fostering their independence as appropriate. They often are experiencing fear and confusion, so helping them determine the best path for their child is always our goal. Once a person turns 18, regardless of their level of development or functional level, they are legally considered an adult and assumed to be competent. Parents are no longer recognized by the law as responsible for or to be included in decisions regarding their child’s education, health care, financial affairs, or employment. Many young people with ASD cannot seek or maintain employment, live independently, or protect themselves from being taken advantage of. In cases like these, the law allows for another trusted relative or appointee to gain guardianship through the civil court system. A guardian is a person appointed by the courts who helps a “ward” exercise his or her rights and freedoms while providing protections. It is important to realize that each person with autism is a unique individual, and therefore, there is no one “right” answer that fits every situation. Disability is not the same as incompetence. According to North Carolina law, guardianship is appropriate when an adult, an emancipated minor, or a minor who is at least 17½ years of age, who other than by reason of minority, lacks sufficient capacity to manage his affairs or to make or communicate important decisions concerning himself, family, or property, whether the lack of capacity is due to mental illness, mental retardation, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, inebriety, senility, disease, injury, or similar cause. (N.C. Gen. Stat. 35A-1101)

Alternatives to Guardianship To assess readiness for the independence that adulthood brings, complete the Guardianship Capacity Questionnaire, which can be found at www.nccourts.org/forms/Documents/846.pdf. This tool asks questions related to the person’s ability to independently use language and communicate, take care of their nutritional needs, maintain good hygiene and health, stay safe, live by themselves or in a group, seek and maintain employment, handle finances, and self-advocate. For parents who are contemplating sending their teen off to college or leaving them home alone all day, this form is a helpful way to determine where they fall in the continuum of attaining successful independence. (Those seeking guardianship are required to complete the form.) Your adult child with autism may need certain protections, but not guardianship. Just like any adult, the individual with ASD has the right to self-determination to the fullest extent possible. It is worthwhile to explore less restrictive alternatives to guardianship to see if one, or a combination, might be suitable. • Family and Community Supports: the use of family members or community members, such as a home health-care aid, to assist with household chores or a financial advisor to help with budgeting income. According to Disability Rights NC, Medicaid can help pay for tasks that require skilled nursing, such as bathing and self-care. • R epresentative Payee for SSI benefits: a person who is appointed to manage the Social Security benefits of someone who is unable to manage their own benefits. It is not necessary for a person to be declared incompetent to have a representative payee appointed. 6 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

• Special Needs Trusts: With the help of a trained lawyer, a special needs trust can be set up so the beneficiary can have reliable funds and still collect Medicaid and SSI. The trustee manages the funds in the trust and also helps the beneficiary apply for benefits. Care must be taken to find a trained attorney who can follow the strict guidelines in setting up the trust so that it will not cause the beneficiary to lose government benefits. • Power of Attorney: There are various kinds of power of attorney, which allows another the responsibility for making decisions related to health care or management of assets. The appointed person is referred to as the “Attorney in Fact.” The decision to create a power of attorney must be made when the person is considered competent. The person who is giving up their decision-making rights chooses which rights to retain and signs to show agreement. The person can, at any time, dismiss the Attorney in Fact and regain rights. Forms must be notarized before they are considered legal. • Financial Safeguards: Joint bank accounts with automatic deposits and a permanent withdrawal rider can keep funds safe while the young adult learns to budget and spend wisely.

Types of Guardianship

How to Attain Guardianship

Guardianship is a limited partnership that can be crafted to provide the ward with as much freedom in decision-making as is reasonable. There are three main types of guardianship:

The guardianship process may require the assistance of a lawyer if the situation is complicated, as in the case of a divorce, but most families can file for guardianship without legal assistance. To start the process, begin when your teen is at least 17½ and follow these steps:

A Guardian of the Person has the authority to make decisions in most areas of the ward’s personal life to make sure they receive proper care. They do NOT have any authority to make decisions concerning financial matters such as property. A guardian of the person’s responsibilities include: • Deciding where the ward will live • Arranging for education • Deciding if and where the ward will work • Giving consent for needed services, such as medical, dental, and psychological • Taking care of the ward’s personal belongings • Taking legal action to protect the ward, if necessary A Guardian of the Estate has the authority to manage property, estate, and business affairs of the ward. They do NOT have the authority to make any decisions concerning personal care and must be a North Carolina resident. A guardian of the estate’s responsibilities include: • Managing funds • Paying bills • Selling assets • Making repairs to home • Collecting benefits • Filing annual financial statement for audit with the county Clerk of Court, with an inventory of current assets and sources of income • Maintaining a file of information for the annual audit, including copies of check stubs, original receipts, and copies of check receipts A General Guardian makes all decisions for the ward, both financial and personal. Their responsibilities combine those of the previous two types of guardian. Limited Guardianship can be crafted so that decisions that are important to the ward can be preserved. Many adults who have guardians are still able to make decisions such as choosing where to get their haircut and the style, the music they listen to, or where they go to church. In determining guardianship, think about the long-term goals that are sensible for the ward. Over time, the guardianship can become more or less restrictive depending on what is needed. For some individuals, competency can be re-instated years later, but the legal process is time-consuming, and proof must be provided that the individual can handle the responsibilities and freedoms.

• P rint the “Petition for Adjudication of Incompetence and Application for Appointment of Guardian or Limited Guardian” form at www.nccourts.org/Forms/Documents/707.pdf on the NC Courts website. • Take the completed form to your county’s Clerk of Court Special Proceedings Office, which may be located in the courthouse. Tell them you have a disabled teen or adult, and you are seeking guardianship. • The Clerk of Court will take the petition and give you a packet of information to fill out, as well as a list of information to be collected. This will include the special education file with IEPs, medical reports showing a diagnosis of a disability, current psychological test and adaptive rating scale results within a year, and other information. • A Guardian Ad Litem will be assigned to meet with your child to assess firsthand the degree of incompetency. • Once all of the paperwork has been collected, the magistrate will sign a petition for your child and the guardian to appear in court, and a Deputy will come to your house or contact you to deliver the petition to your child. The petition will list the date, time, and location of the hearing where the case will be heard. • On the date of the hearing, your child may come; however, if coming to the courthouse is more than they can handle, you can bring a trusted friend to help with your child or you can ask whether your child has to attend. In some instances, they are allowed to be absent. You will go to the Clerk of Court’s office for Special Proceedings. The hearing may take place in a meeting room instead of in a courtroom. The only ones present may be the Magistrate, a Clerk, the appointed Guardian Ad Litem and whoever comes with you. It is a formal proceeding, and those present must follow the protocol of the court. Upon looking over the information presented and hearing from the parties involved and the Guardian Ad Litem, the magistrate will make the decision on guardianship. It is best to have all of the decisions regarding the type of guardianship and if needed, the principal guardian, determined ahead of time. In some counties, only one person can be listed as the guardian, so be sure to know the rules for your county and decide what is best for your family. • Once the guardianship has been granted, the parties involved go to the Clerk’s office and pay court costs. If you cannot afford to get guardianship of your loved one, ask the Clerk of Court whether they can connect you with programs that could help. g

To learn more about the responsibilities of the guardian, go to http://www.nccourts.org/forms/documents/1184.pdf. Also see ASNC’s toolkit on guardianship, which includes sections on preparing your child for the process and choosing a guardian: www.autismsociety-nc.org/GuardianshipToolkit. www.autismsociety-nc.org • 7

2017 Annual Conference Autism: Building a Better Future March 24-25, 2017 | Hilton University Place Charlotte Online registration opens September 15

Information for All Ages at Annual Conference In March, hundreds of parents, self-advocates, and professionals came together to learn and gain support at the 2016 Autism Society of North Carolina annual conference. We are grateful to everyone who attended or supported the conference in any way, from vendors, to sponsors, to scholarship donors. For those who were not able to attend the conference, we are sharing highlights from a few of the presentations here. We hope you will be able to join us next year!

Sleep and Feeding Issues: Creating Successful Outcomes Dr. Peter Girolami of the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, MD, opened the first day of the conference with a presentation titled “Sleep and Feeding Issues in Kids and Adults with Autism: Creating Successful Outcomes.” As many as 70 percent of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder have some sort of sleep or feeding problem, Girolami said. Not getting enough sleep can cause irritability, injuries due to clumsiness, lower test scores, risk of obesity, anxiety, and stress to the rest of the family. The first step to solving sleep problems is assessing them and recording data about the issues, he said. In addition to a clear description of the individual’s sleeping problems, you should note any situations that predict when the problem behaviors will occur. Girolami offered some strategies that families can use at home to clear up sleep problems. They included: • Establish a consistent schedule for bedtime. If your loved one is visual, try using a picture schedule. • Start the bedtime routine 30 minutes before you want the child to get into bed. • Add activity to the bedtime routine that is calming, such as putting away toys or reading. • Avoid energizing activities such as use of electronic toys. • Limit naps late in the day, or any time. (Check your log – your child may be getting more sleep than you realize.) • Try a light snack before bedtime, but avoid liquids. • If your child gets out of bed, guide him or her back to bed and then leave. Don’t interact, and avoid engaging. Stay neutral and minimize eye contact. Children with autism often refuse more food than typical children and have limited foods they will eat. Reasons they may not eat include conditioned aversion (reflux), lack of experience, lack of appetite, and hypersensitivity, Girolami said. 8 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Girolami discussed some strategies that might help, including: • Start with a very small bite of the food that you want the individual to consume. Once they have accepted it, allow them to leave. Over time, gradually increase the number of bites. • Use a schedule and routine to take all of the mystery away. • Blend foods they like with others you want them to eat. Over time, add more and more of the non-preferred food, until they are willing to eat it separately. • Alternate bites of the food you are trying to get the individual to accept with a preferred food. • Start with a lower texture of a food, such as blended, and slowly work up to fork-mashed. • To work on self-feeding and independence, start by feeding with your hand over your child’s on the utensil. • Allow them to watch a video at the table. Turn it off to prompt them to take a bite; once they have taken one, turn it back on.

Autism Grown Up: Supporting Positive Adult Outcomes Dr. Laura Klinger, Executive Director of the UNC TEACCH Autism Program in Chapel Hill, opened the second day of the conference with a presentation titled “Autism Grown Up: Supporting Positive Adult Outcomes.” One of TEACCH’s goals is to learn more about adults with autism, Klinger said, and she shared some of the results of a survey they have done. From those results, three main conclusions were clear, Klinger said: 1. Conversation ability does not predict whether individuals can maintain a job; it predicts whether they ever have a job. What does predict very strongly whether you can maintain a job is daily living skills such as grooming, cleaning, laundry, and cooking. 2. Employment improves quality of life. Individuals who are employed are more satisfied with life, have a better sense of belonging, feel more empowered, have more contact with friends, and have less anxiety and depression. 3. Significant supports for daily living skills and employment skills are needed for many adults with autism. So how can we prepare individuals with autism for adult employment, which will bring so many benefits? The keys are to start early, teach daily living skills, and provide autism-specific

supports in organization, emotion regulation, and social skills. Klinger shared areas that families may be able to work on at home. Organized daily living skills: Students with ASD should learn to do the following activities independently: use a cell phone, including voicemail; use a planner/calendar; use an alarm clock; use a washing machine and dryer, including coin-operated; take medicine and monitor need for refills; clean in an orderly, systematic way, such as from left to right (many first jobs involve cleaning). Ask your child what he or she wants to learn. Then determine what skills are needed to get there and plan it out in steps.

Following Directions: One of the main ways we stay safe is by following safety protocols, or rules. Visual schedules can help your loved one understand what is happening when and what steps need to be taken depending on the situation. Transitions and Managing Behavior: Plan ahead and have a plan B. Circumstances can change quickly, so it’s helpful to have alternate plans lined up. Bring a community bag that contains books, favorite toys, snacks, water, a change of clothes, etc.

Self-awareness and self-monitoring: Students have a lot of experience with people telling them what they do well and what they need to work on, so teens with autism may struggle to initiate, inhibit, control, and generalize behaviors. They must learn to perform tasks without reminders. A daily planner can be useful; the individual should choose what type will work best and learn to list activities, create a task list, follow the list, and check off items.

Fire and Emergency Safety: Schedule a visit with your local first responders and have your loved one meet them. This gives them an increased familiarity with your child and his or her needs. It also helps your child become more comfortable with the first responders and their equipment. Also teach them how to respond to law enforcement in various situations. Create an exit plan (employing appropriate communication/visual tools) and go over the plan, possibly with multiple drill rehearsals. Safeguard and secure hazardous items, either in locked cabinets or out of reach.

Social skills/advocacy: For employment readiness, individuals must learn that social skills are not just about friendship. Individuals with autism may think, “Why bother?” Ask how the individual wants others to perceive him or her. Explain that people who have better social skills go further in employment. Teach them social pleasantries: greetings, compliments, please, and thank you. Sometimes you might have to tell teens to just fake it. “I know you don’t want to do it, but you want this job.”

Wandering Safety: Prevent wandering by securing your home, including windows, doors, and any other exit. Place visual aids such as stop signs on exits. Avoid or cut short difficult situations that might trigger your loved one. Scope out new environments outside of the home ahead of time – use apps such as Google Earth to see the potential hazards. Inform neighbors and community members about the potential situation. Project Lifesaver or similar tracking devices are extremely helpful.

Emotion regulation: It is important that individuals learn coping skills to keep from being overwhelmed and feeling in control. Have them choose a coping skill that works for them: go to a quiet area, take a walk, listen to music, practice deep breathing, tensing/ releasing exercise, practice slow stretching, write in a journal, or count to 50. Practice the skills at times when they are not stressed.

School Safety: Cyberbullying and bullying are both concerns; find information on how to identify and approach a problem with the Bullying Toolkit on ASNC’s website. Include safety and behavior goals as part of the IEP and work to teach the individual the rules. If the individual has inappropriate behaviors that are in violation of the school rules, ASNC’s Behavior & the IEP Toolkit provides more detailed information on the school disciplinary process and on how to address these behaviors. g

Staying Two Steps Ahead: Safety Considerations for Caregivers Nancy Nestor and Nancy Popkin, two Charlotte-area Autism Resource Specialists, presented a session titled “Staying Two Steps Ahead: Safety Considerations for Caregivers,” on the second day of the conference.

For more information about these topics, see the ASNC website at www.autismsociety-nc.org. Toolkits can be found at www.autismsociety-nc.org/toolkits, and the workshop schedule is at www.autismsociety-nc.org/workshops. Find more complete summaries of the presentations on ASNC’s blog at https://autismsocietyofnc.wordpress.com/ (search “conference”).

Have Innovations/CAP funding? Let it pay your conference fees Family members and other caregivers (natural supports system) of individuals who receive funding through the Innovations waiver are eligible for up to $1,000 in funding to attend educational activities annually. This funding stream, called Innovations Natural Supports Education (NSE), can pay for your annual conference fees. It’s best to plan ahead to access this funding. Start by contacting the care coordinator assigned to you by your Managed Care Organization (MCO). The ideal time to mention this is when you are reviewing your child’s annual plan of care. You can build this activity into the annual plan. If you have already had the annual review, let the care coordinator know that you need to make a revision to the plan and that you wish to use NSE funds to attend the ASNC conference. You will be required to complete and submit a conference registration form to the MCO. To request a form, contact David Laxton at dlaxton@autismsociety-nc.org or 919-865-5063. If you or another caregiver are paid to provide care through the Innovations waiver, you cannot use NSE funds to attend the conference. www.autismsociety-nc.org • 9

www.referweb.net/asnc Find the resources you need with ASNC’s

New Resource Directory Search online for resources that are most often requested by families. Three categories of resources: • Autism therapy and developmental services • Health care and wellness • Emotional, social, and family support (ASNC continues to add and update listings, and new categories will be added.) Easy to use! Search by: • Category of service • Keyword • Name of provider agency or program Creation of the Resource Directory was supported in part by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Autism Spectrum Disorder State Implementation Grant from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the Medical Homes for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Initiative of the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities.

New Ways to Access Services

By Jennifer Mahan, Director of Government Relations at ASNC

Changes in state and federal laws, as well as budget changes at the state and local level, mean more people on the autism spectrum can access behavioral and other services.

Insurance Coverage North Carolina’s new state insurance law went into effect July 1. Large employer-based group health insurance plans (with 50 or more employees) that are regulated by state law are required to cover “Adaptive Behavior Treatments,” which includes Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and other evidence-based treatments. Here are the most important things to know about getting services through insurance: Your employer and/or your health benefits administrator have the best information about what is covered and what is not; ask them. Not all employer-based plans are required to cover autism behavioral care. On the other hand, some employers that are not part of the new law may choose to cover it voluntarily. Plans renew at different times, so not all benefits began July 1. Plans that do cover autism will start on or after July 1 when the health benefit plan renews. Renewal dates are quarterly: July 1, 2016; October 1, 2016; January 1, 2017; and April 1, 2017. Just like other health-care benefits, autism treatments will have copays, co-insurance, and/or deductibles that are the responsibility of the family. This cost is typically 20-30 percent of the total cost of the services, so you might need to plan for the financial impact. Federal and state health-care tax credits might in some cases help offset some of the long-term costs.

Autism Treatments under Medicaid Medicaid is required to cover all medically necessary services for individuals younger than 21 as part of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) services. Services can include developmental screening, evaluations, behavioral assessments and plans, as well as behavioral treatments such as ABA. Here are the most important things to know about getting autism services through Medicaid: The child must be eligible for Medicaid; eligibility is based on income, but some children, such as those getting SSI or SSDI, might be eligible based on disability. You can apply for Medicaid online or through your local Department of Social Services. The “medically necessary” service, such as ABA, does not have to be part of the state’s Medicaid plan, but it does have to be ordered by a clinical professional such as a doctor or a psychologist. Requests for children younger than 3 must be made directly to the NC Department of Medical Assistance at 919-855-4000 or through its online authorization system for providers. Requests for children ages 3-21 are made with the Local Management Entity/Managed Care Organization (LME/MCO).

Requests for services under Medicaid EPSDT should come from a Medicaid services provider. Families can call the LME/MCO and request services for autism. The best approach may be to request help for a child with autism “under EPSDT” and ask for the specific services you need such as speech therapy, respite or behavioral treatment, then ask for a list of providers of the specific services. Families should ask to speak with IDD Specialist staff if the LME/MCO says services are not covered or are not available.

Other Services and Waiver Changes The LME/MCO also might be able to offer other supports such as crisis intervention, respite, personal care, help accessing employment support, and social recreation. To find contact information for the LME/MCO that serves your area, go to www. ncdhhs.gov/providers/lme-mco-directory. LME/MCOs also manage access to services for people with developmental disabilities including autism through the Home and Community Based waivers, known as Innovations. The waiting list for services is currently 7-8 years, but the NC General Assembly authorized funding for 250 new slots in the most recent budget. Innovations waiver services will be overhauled beginning November 1; the most notable change is the merging of personal care and in-home skill building into a single new service definition with a blended rate. Supported living will be added to allow two adults to live in a non-licensed program and receive supports, allowing for more flexibility and integration into the community. Budgets for each individual’s services will be determined through a resource allocation model, which balances resources against the individual’s needs as determined through the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS) and other measures. ASNC has written more about these changes in its blog at autismsocietyofnc.wordpress.com. Search there for recent articles on “Innovations.” ASNC is monitoring how health care for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other intellectual and developmental disabilities will be managed under proposed Medicaid changes taking place over the next 4-5 years. NC will use an integrated health-care model through private managed care under an 1115 demonstration waiver that was recently sent to the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for review and approval.

Learn More Navigating the services system can be confusing. For a guide to getting help under EPSDT, go to the ASNC website at www. autismsociety-nc.org/EPSDT. If you need one-on-one help connecting to services, contact one of our Autism Resource Specialists at www.autismsociety-nc.org/resourcespecialists. g Contact Jennifer Mahan, Director of Government Relations at ASNC, at 919-865-5068 or jmahan@autismsociety-nc.org www.autismsociety-nc.org • 11

Improving Lives through Skill Building

The Autism Society of North Carolina provides high quality services that improve the lives of individuals with autism and their families. Our professionals respect individuals’ unique strengths, preferences, and dignity as we use research-based best practices to help them reach their maximum potential. The Autism Society of North Carolina has received the highest level of accreditation by the Council on Quality Leadership for exemplary service provision. Each individual on the autism spectrum is unique, with challenges to be addressed and strengths to be nurtured. We offer individual or group instruction designed to increase self-sufficiency and meaningful connections with others by: • Providing support to complete personal care skills including eating, bathing, dressing, daily hygiene, and mobility

Contact our area offices: ASHEVILLE AREA: 306 Summit Street Asheville, NC 28803 828-236-1547 CHARLOTTE AREA: 8420 University Executive Park Drive Suite 810 Charlotte, NC 28262 704-894-9678 FAYETTEVILLE AREA: 351 Wagoner Drive Suite 402 Fayetteville, NC 28303 910-864-2769 GREENSBORO AREA: 9 Oak Branch Drive Greensboro, NC 27407 336-333-0197

• Developing and improving communication skills • Cultivating and maintaining social skills including selfawareness, self-control, responsiveness, interpersonal skills, and the ability to maintain personal relationships • Fostering community relationships and integration through recreation, volunteer experiences, employment, and leisure activities ASNC also offers respite care for families, employment supports for adults, social recreation programs for all ages, afterschool programs, adult day programs, and residential homes. We are an accredited provider of Medicaid services throughout the lifespan, including the Innovations Waiver, IPRS, and Vocational Rehabilitation. We also offer affordable private-pay options.

RALEIGH AREA: 6300 Chapel Hill Road Suite 140 Raleigh, NC 27607 919-865-0681 GREENVILLE AREA: 2045-C Eastgate Drive Greenville, NC 27858 252-756-1316

Educational Events

Reliable Resource

In addition to our annual conference in March 2017 in Charlotte, we are planning educational events with clinical experts throughout the state.

Are you reading ASNC’s blog regularly?Our Autism Resource Specialists, Clinical team, and Legislative Affairs staff contribute in-depth articles aimed at supporting individuals with autism and their families.

Preventing and Responding to Challenging Behavior in Students with ASD, this fall in Caldwell County Managing Frustration and Anxiety and Teaching Social Skills with Dr. Jed Baker, November 4 in Raleigh We will also offer events in Wilmington and the Triad region. Keep an eye on our email newsletters and website for more details as they become available. 12 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Some of our most popular recent posts: • • • •

What Would Acceptance Mean to You? Help Shape Crisis Services for Children Big Sister Takes Lessons to Heart College Options for Students with ASD


Do you have what it takes to join our team? The Autism Society of North Carolina is always looking for qualified candidates who are passionate about helping individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. Why work for ASNC? We offer: • • • • •

Extensive training and education Full- and part-time positions across the state Flexible hours and customized schedules Competitive pay Benefits starting at 20 hours

• • • •

Extensive client matching to ensure good fit Rewarding and relevant job experience Peer-to-peer collaboration and support Professional development opportunities

We are always looking for candidates or referrals for the following positions: Community Skills Instructors provide one-on-one services to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) ages 5 years through adulthood, teaching them valuable skills that greatly enhance their lives. We are seeking energetic applicants with a passion for working part-time with people with disabilities on individualized goals in areas such as social skills, communication, and daily living. Employment Support Instructors offer assistance to individuals with ASD in finding potential employers, training for a job, and thriving in their new role, a key part of the transition to adulthood. General Instructors and Residential Instructors work with individuals with autism in day programs or group homes in all aspects of daily living. They provide instruction in self-care, communication, independence, leisure, and pre-vocational skills. The instructors also document individuals’ progress toward goals and new development strategies for review with family members. Community Services Coordinators collaborate with families, caregivers, and direct-care staff to manage the services and supports provided to help people with ASD reach their individualized goals. They ensure that best practices are used to deliver quality service in compliance with all federal, state, and local rules and regulations.

To see openings we have now, visit


New Social Recreation Programs Start in Eastern NC The Autism Society of North Carolina is excited to be starting an array of Social Recreation programs in Greenville, Carteret County, Brunswick County, and Wilmington, with support from Trillium Health Resources. This initiative will support children and adults with autism through programs in underserved areas of the state, helping them to improve their social and communication skills, peer networks, and physical well-being. “Eastern North Carolina has needed additional options for individuals with autism and their families for a long time,” said Tracey Sheriff, CEO of the Autism Society of North Carolina. “While our organization has offered family support and services in the East, we applaud Trillium for investing additional resources so that more people can access much-needed programs. This is an exciting opportunity, and we look forward to further meeting the needs of those with autism in Eastern NC and working with Trillium Health Resources.” Trillium Health Resources is a Local Management Entity/Managed Care Organization (LME/MCO) responsible for publicly funded mental health, substance use, and intellectual/developmental disability services and supports for people living in Eastern North Carolina. The counties that comprise the Trillium area include Beaufort, Bertie, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Martin, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Pitt, Tyrrell, and Washington. Trillium Health Resources has implemented projects identified in a number of past gaps and needs analyses of communities, parents, and individuals for years, but until now, funding was lacking to address them. As the result of LME/MCOs being able to reinvest their Medicaid management savings into the community, these services have become a reality. ASNC’s Social Recreation expansion is funded by these investment dollars.

Program Details ASNC is proud to provide caring, accepting atmospheres that celebrate each individual. After spending time in our Social Recreation programs, individuals with autism show increases in confidence, independence, and a willingness to try new things. The programs also provide needed respite for families and peace of mind that their child is in a safe and loving environment. Summer Day Camp for individuals on the autism spectrum, ages 4-22, started July 4 in our four Eastern NC locations. (In Brunswick, Summer Day Camp was the only program available this year.) We were thrilled by the interest from families in the new camps, and campers enjoyed a summer of fun and learning.

14 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Summer Day Camp ran from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays with a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 based on self-help and behavioral needs. In Greenville and Wilmington, we served only campers with a primary diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder; in Carteret and Brunswick County, we also served children with other intellectual disabilities, as mandated by our grant. Additional upcoming Eastern NC programs: • Afterschool Programs will coincide with the beginning of the school year in Greenville, Wilmington, and Carteret County. The programs will be open to school-age children on the autism spectrum, five days per week when school is in session, about 3-6:30 p.m. We will provide a 2:1 or 3:1 participant-to-staff ratio, similar to a classroom setting. One-to-one care will be provided as needed for self-care and behavior management. We will have space for about 30 children to attend daily, and placement will be based on a priority system, as it was for camp. First priority will be given to children with no current services funded through Trillium (i.e. Innovations waiver, IPRS, or Medicaid 1:1 services, not school-related services), who can come 5 days per week. This program will also be free for those who were placed using our priority system. To apply, go to https://srp.campbrainregistration.com/. • Recreational Respite will include evening and weekend activities in community settings for youth and adults. Examples could include exercise groups, movie nights, and meetups. This programming will begin in the fall. • Adult Programs will begin in January 2017. Programs will include groups and structured and unstructured activities that focus on the core needs of young adults and adults with high-functioning autism and Asperger’s Syndrome. Examples include pre-employment training, social skills, health and wellness activities, and community nights.

Meet Our Staff All staff receive intensive, hands-on training by autism professionals, and will be led by Sara Gage, Social Recreation Services Director, whom many of you know (and love) as the previous Director of Camp Royall. Sara started as a counselor at Camp Royall in 1997. She became Program Director in 2007 after filling just about every other role available at camp. After receiving her master’s in special education from East Carolina University, Sara served as a special education teacher in the public school system for three years. Sara takes great pride in how Camp Royall has evolved over the years and loves working for ASNC. Sara is thrilled to be able to take what she has learned at Camp Royall and create new social recreation programs across the state. She feels grateful for the chance to work with so many awesome campers, families, and staff all year long. Carteret County Social Recreation Director Joey Reynolds is originally from New York but has spent the majority of the past 17 years between Virginia and North Carolina as part of her adventurous life married to an active-duty Marine. Joey earned her bachelor’s in Physical Education (Adapted PE) from The College at Brockport, State University of New York, which is where she found her passion for working with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Joey earned a Graduate Certificate from the University of Rochester in Developmental Disabilities and a master’s in Psychology from Wilmington University. Joey’s work experience is broad but the common thread is her passion and dedication to make a difference in the lives of those she serves. Joey’s prior experience includes working for The ARC (Job Path Program), the Developmental Disabilities Association of NJ (supported employment), the HQ Marine Corps with their Exceptional Family Member Program, and most recently, Swansboro High School in the Occupational Preparation Program (school to work). Joey is thrilled to be a part of the ASNC family and is excited to see what the future holds! Greenville Social Recreation Director Molly Orr relocated from Louisiana to take the position. Molly has a bachelor’s in Communication Disorders from Louisiana State University and a master’s in Sport Administration from Northwestern State University in Louisiana. Molly started volunteering with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities while in college. She has vast experience working for Special Olympics through Special Olympics Florida, the Special Olympics 2010 USA Games, and the Special Olympics World Games 2015 Los Angeles. She also served as the Inclusive Recreation Coordinator and Volunteer Manager for The Arc Baton Rouge. She is so very excited to be in North Carolina and to be a part of the ASNC family.

and developmental disabilities. He has also worked as an intern with the Kings Adult Day Enrichment Program in Denver, CO, a Recreation Therapist at Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center in Fishersville, VA, and Activities Director for The Psychiatric Center Charter in Washington, DC, where he worked with all ages of adults with developmental disabilities. He spent the past four years creating and leading the Military Adaptive Sports Program for the US Army in Fort Bragg. Although his past employment experience was rewarding, he desired to return to working with children with developmental disabilities. Lee is so excited for the opportunity to serve his community and is grateful to do so as part of the ASNC family. g For more information, please go online to www.autismsociety-nc. org/socialrecreation or contact the director for your area: Greenville: SRP_Greenville@autismsociety-nc.org Wilmington: SRP_Wilmington@autismsociety-nc.org Brunswick: SRP_Brunswick@autismsociety-nc.org Carteret County: SRP_Carteret@autismsociety-nc.org

Wilmington and Brunswick County Social Recreation Director Lee Whitford was born in Wilmington and has spent the past 20 years living and working all over the country. He has a bachelor’s in Therapeutic Recreation from George Mason University and is a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Lee is happy to back in his hometown as the Social Recreation Program Director. Lee has a passion for working with individuals with intellectual www.autismsociety-nc.org • 15

Camp Royall Keeps Getting Better 2016 has been an exciting year so far at Camp Royall!

We were thrilled to offer three weeks of overnight camp this past year during the school breaks: one week during fall break, one during winter break, and another during spring break. These weeks enable more campers to have the life-changing experience of attending Camp Royall and also provide muchneeded respite for families.

“Although Cory attends traditional school, I talked with his teachers and he was able to be excused, and we used camp as an educational experience,” said the mother of one camper. “Cory enjoys Camp Royall because he can truly be himself. The counselors from the beginning always find what he is into and play on that all week. From arts and crafts to hayrides, he says he has ‘the best week of his life.’” The mom of another camper who had to take off school to come to Camp Royall said, “The experiences and new friends gained at camp were far worth it. Another benefit to this camp being offered is that children who were not able to attend during the summer due to lottery restrictions still have the opportunity to experience camp just like the summer campers. I love that Lesley (Fraser) and Sara (Gage) know my son by name and care so deeply about who HE is. The counselors are so wonderful and display a deep love for all the campers, not just the child they are assigned to for the week. It's obvious that all staff carry these kids in their hearts. We love Camp Royall, and I'm so thankful my son has had the opportunity to attend both summer and fall camps!”

“The counselors are so wonderful and display a deep love for all the campers, not just the child they are assigned to for the week.” The week-long camps also provide great opportunities to staff members, who often are college students on break. Campers on all levels of the autism spectrum receive 1:1 or 1:2 counselor-tocamper attention throughout these weeks, so we need a large staff. The college students receive an awesome hands-on learning experience after training under veteran staff members. A mom said, “The match of camper and counselor for our son was perfect. He and Sam had a fabulous connection. Aaron claims Camp Royall is as good as Disney and Universal Studios. That's a pretty high bar to meet, so great job, Camp Royall!” One counselor said, “I had the most amazing time at camp! I not only learned a lot about autism, but I learned about myself as an individual. I left camp feeling like a different person and it truly opened my eyes to so many different things. I am so thankful that I was given this opportunity at Camp Royall and it will be something that I will never forget.”

16 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

We are excited to see the week-long camps continue to grow and enjoy campers having with us year round.

Staff Changes Another big change this spring was longtime Camp Royall Director Sara Gage taking on the new role of Social Recreation Services Director, overseeing programs across North Carolina. Lesley Fraser, who previously served as Camp Royall Assistant Director, has enthusiastically taken over as Director. Lesley has filled many roles at Camp Royall since 2006, when she started. She says her life-changing experiences at Camp Royall gave her the commitment and desire to make the permanent move from her home country of Scotland to work year round at the camp, 6 years ago. Lesley studied for her Master’s in Social Work at the University of Edinburgh and is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Lesley says her favorite part of working at Camp Royall is having the privilege to know all of our campers, getting to know them, and seeing them return from year to year. Mark Smith, Camp Royall’s new Assistant Director, started as a counselor in 2007 and has held nearly every role at camp since then, including Activity Director, Job Coach, Volunteer Coordinator, Trainer, and Consultant. He is very excited to be the new Assistant Director for his 10th summer at Camp, and he loves being a part of the team at Camp Royall every day! Mark earned his Master’s in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2014. He has a hard time deciding what the best part of the job is… floating on the pond in a rowboat with a crew of awesome campers and staff, sharing an office with brilliant colleagues, or starting off every morning with “Enthusiasm!” at Shady Circle! Why pick just one?, he asks.

Fun Year-Round Another joyous summer has come to a close at Camp Royall, but that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Our year-round programs enable hundreds more children and adults to experience the magic of Camp Royall. We hope you will save these dates and check some of them out! We will kick things off with a Pool Party on Saturday, August 20, from 12 p.m. until 5 p.m. This Family Fun Day will include swimming, hayrides, and a cookout at the pool. Family Fun Days will continue in the fall, offering a daytime opportunity for families to experience all the joys of camp together. Fun Days will take place on September 3 and December 17, which will be our holiday party with sensory-friendly visits with Santa. During Family Fun Days, everyone can participate in many outdoor activities, including boating, face painting, a cookout, hayrides, gym games, arts and crafts, etc. Family Camping adds dinner in our dining hall, campfire time complete with s’mores, and lodging in one of our cabins. We will also provide a light continental breakfast and more time to play at camp the next morning. Mini-Camp Weekends are set for three dates this fall: September 16-18, October 7-9, and November 18-20. Mini-Camp gives campers the chance to spend the whole weekend at camp, from 5 p.m. Friday to 12 noon Sunday. They will enjoy a miniature version of our summer camp program while families benefit from some respite; preference is given to campers living at home. Supervision at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 is provided for all campers during these weekends. Adult Retreats give independent adults, 18 years and older with high-functioning autism, a chance to spend time with friends as they enjoy time at Camp Royall. This fall, we will have one week-long retreat, September 25-30, and two weekend retreats, November 4-6 and December 2-4. Participants enjoy recreational activities at camp as well as outings in the community. Week-Long Overnight Camps will be offered in the fall, October 16-21, for school-age campers (4-22 years), as well as during the winter break, December 27 to January 1, for campers ages 4 and up. The program includes a 1:1 or 1:2 counselor-to-camper ratio, based on each camper’s level of need. Our Afterschool Program will start again on September 6 and run until December 16. The hours are 2:30-6 p.m. each day, with transportation available. The children will take part in outdoor activities, group games, and gym play under the supervision of trained staff members. g Please contact our camp office for questions about any of the events at 919-542-1033 or camproyall@autismsociety-nc.org. For more information or to register for any event, please visit www.camproyall.org. Also check back later in this year for spring dates for all of the above programs!

Chapters & Support Groups:

A Front Porch Welcome … Have A Seat!

ASNC Chapters and Support Groups are often referred to as the “front porch” of our organization. Like any good front porch, they offer a safe, inviting, and welcoming place for families to experience acceptance and belonging. April was Autism Awareness Month and a particularly busy one for our groups. In recognition of the fun, education, and unconditional acceptance our Chapters and Support Groups offer families across the state, here are a few highlights from the busy past six months.

Crystal Coast Chapter’s Spring Celebration

Crystal Coast Chapter

For the second year in a row, the Crystal Coast Chapter celebrated Autism Awareness Month in conjunction with the start of spring at Garner Farms Inc. & Garner’s Landscaping/The Plant Stand. Everyone was invited for a free Easter egg hunt with over 5,000 eggs and other fun activities. Vendors contributed 10% of their sales to the Chapter. Chapter Leader Sherri Garner said, “Every year this event gets better! Next year’s is already scheduled for April 15th, so mark your calendars now!”

Pender County Chapter’s Swim and Pizza Party The Pender County Chapter got together in late April at Coastal Fitness Center in Hampstead for a swim and pizza party. Local Boy Scout Troop 777 assisted with the event and some of the food was donated by JT’s Brick Oven Pizza. A good time was had by all! Pender County Chapter

Onslow County Chapter’s 4th Annual Autism Motorcycle Ride More than 100 riders attended the Onslow County Chapter’s fourth annual Autism Motorcycle Ride to raise autism awareness and funding for Camp Royall. Some motorcycle clubs came from as far away as Myrtle Beach, SC, to support the autism community, said Chapter Leader Marina Jorge.

Iredell County Chapter’s Family Picnic

Onslow County Chapter

Iredell County Chapter

A great time was had by Iredell County Chapter families at their mid-May picnic. Folks enjoyed a potluck spread, games, and more. “Kids were able to interact, and parents were able to relax and share,” said Chapter Leader Danielle Abbott.

Rowan County Support Group Launch The office staff of King Eye Center held a fundraiser during April to raise autism awareness and donations to support the start up of a brand new Rowan County Support Group, now meeting regularly. Center staff presented a check for $2,400 at the group’s May meeting.

Rowan County Support Group

To find a Chapter or Support Group near you, go online to www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters or contact Marty Kellogg, State Chapter Coordinator, at 919-865-5088 or mkellogg@autismsociety-nc.org. 18 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Guilford County Chapter’s Food Truck Festival The third annual Jamestown Food Truck Festival was held Sunday, April 24, to benefit the Guilford County Chapter. Generously hosted by Abby and Steve Kim of Potent Potables, the event featured a dozen food trucks, live music, a silent auction, vendor booths, children’s games, inflatables, face-painting, and more. This year’s autism-friendly event enjoyed a record turnout and raised money to support the Chapter’s ongoing social and support activities and the “Hangout” respite program that is offered through the ASNC Triad Regional office.

Guilford County Chapter

Craven County Chapter

Alexander County Chapter

Triangle Chapters

Alexander County Chapter Teacher Recognition Andrea Killian, co-leader of ASNC’s Alexander County Chapter, recently presented an ASNC Certificate of Appreciation to Special Education teacher Terri Fincannon. In addition to the wonderful work Terri does with students at Taylorsville Elementary, she generously provides child care as a volunteer at monthly Chapter meetings.

Triangle Chapters’ Dine 4 Autism

For the third year running, the three ASNC Triangle Chapters – Wake, Durham, and Orange/Chatham – held Dine 4 Autism at nearly 40 local restaurant locations. With each year becoming more successful and popular than the last, the event raised awareness around the Triangle in addition to money for ASNC’s Camp Royall and local Chapter activities.

Mecklenburg County Chapter Sensory Room The Mecklenburg County Chapter recently funded the creation of a sensory room for AU students at Winget Park Elementary. Gus Aguero, husband of Chapter Leader Cheryl Aguero, also donated materials and time toward construction of the room and ball pit.

Richmond County Chapter's Bowling Event The Richmond County Chapter held its 6th Annual Strike Out Autism bowling event in June with yummy refreshments, door prizes, and an autism awareness display. The Chapter raised $1,000 toward ongoing activities and sends special thanks to the ladies from the Richmond Service League for volunteering.

Richmond County Chapter

Safety Day with the Orange/Chatham Chapter Mecklenburg County Chapter

Orange/Chatham County Chapter

Dozens of families and school personnel attended a safety awareness day in mid-April at Fairview Park in Hillsborough. Emergency personnel from the Hillsborough Police, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, and the Orange County Fire Department attended and brought emergency vehicles for kids to explore. Refreshments were provided by the Chapter, and Orange Parks and Recreation provided activities. Several folks presented on safety for individuals with ASD.

Get Connected We have many new or revitalized Chapters and Support Groups! Are you in Caldwell County, Halifax County, the High Country (Ashe, Alleghany, Watauga and Wilkes counties), Lee County, Macon County, Martin County, Rowan County, Wayne County, or Wilson County? Wayne County Chapter

For information on how you can get involved this fall, please visit: www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters www.autismsociety-nc.org • 19

Recursos para las Familias Hispanas La Sociedad de Autismo de Carolina del Norte ofrece muchos recursos para ayudar a las familias Hispanas afectadas por el autismo.

Talleres en Español presentan temas tales como: entendiendo el autismo, Programas Individualizados de Educación (IEPs), y transiciones hacia la edad adulta. Los próximos talleres:

• Entendiendo el Autismo de Alto Funcionamiento (AAF): Charlotte, Greensboro, y Fayetteville • Apoyando a mi Hijo con Autismo Funcional en las Escuelas y los Recursos Disponibles: Raleigh • Como Ayudar a Niños con Autismo: Greenville, Wilmington, y Asheboro • Tutoría Legal para Mi Joven Adulto con Autismo: Webinar Para ver el programa completo y registrarse online, por favor vaya al http://bit.ly/ASNCWorkshopCalendar.

Grupos de Apoyo Hispano ayudan a los padres a

conseguir información sobre programas, talleres de capacitación, y servicios en español; compartir experiencias, preocupaciones, y esperanzas en un entorno cómodo y comprensivo; disminuir la sensación de aislamiento; y provee apoyo a otros miembros del grupo quienes necesitan ayuda. ASNC ofrece grupos en estas áreas: Cumberland/Robeson: Reunión el último viernes de cada mes, 9:30-11:30 a.m. en la oficina regional de ASNC, 351 Wagoner Drive, Fayetteville. Coordinadora Voluntaria: Alma Morales, 910785-5473 Durham: Reunión el primer miércoles de cada mes, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., en El Centro Hispano, 600 E. Main St., Suite 100, Durham. Coordinadoras Voluntarias: Maricruz Romero, 919-620-0918, y Mayra Tapia, 919-450-6543 Forsyth: Reuniones una vez cada tres meses en una Iglesia de Winston Salem. Coordinadores Voluntarias: Jazmin Loera 336997-2664 and Alma Molina 336-926-4071 Guilford: Reuniones en la oficina regional del ASNC, 9 Oak Branch Drive, Greensboro. Coordinadoras Voluntaria: Monica Giffuni, magiffuni@yahoo.com Johnston: Reunión el primer viernes de cada mes, 9-11 a.m., en The Partnership for Children of Johnson County, 1406 S. Pollock

20 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

St., Selma. Coordinadoras Voluntarias: Diana Wilkerson, 919-3009966, y Lourdes Pavon, 919-915-1232 Mecklenburg: Reunión el segundo jueves de cada mes, 9-11 a.m., en la Iglesia Catolica, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, 6212 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte. Coordinadora Voluntaria: Maria Laura Torres, 704-430-0281 Pitt: Reunión el tercer viernes de cada mes, 5-6:30 p.m. en Saint Gabriel Catholic Church, 3250 Dickinson Ave., Greenville. Coordinadora Voluntaria: Mary Cordova, 252-288-1668 or mboylancor@gmail.com Vance: Reunión el último viernes de cada mes, 6-8 p.m. en la Iglesia First Presbyterian Church, 222 Young St., Henderson. Coordinadora Voluntaria: Beatriz Solano, 252-378-4491 Wake: Reunión el primer viernes de cada mes, 6-8 p.m., en El Centro Para Familias Hispanas, 2013 Raleigh Blvd., Raleigh. Coordinadoras Voluntarias: Bernardita Cortez, 919-235-5431, Guadalupe Ortega, 919-247-5760, y Becy Velazquez, 919-802-0621

A continuacion algunos de los eventos en los cuales los Grupos de Apoyo han participado recientemente: Entendiendo el Autismo de Alto Funcionamiento y el Síndrome de Asperger: En este entrenamiento esclarecedora en inglés y español, la Especialista en Recursos de ASNC Judy Clute presentó “Construyendo Sobre las Fortalezas para Superar los Desafíos,” y Ann Palmer, autora y profesora académica del Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities de UNC-Chapel Hill, presentó “Preparándose para la Universidad: La Importancia de Tener Habilidades Para Auto-Abogar Por Si Mismo.” Ellas, junto a Linda Griffin, Coordinadora Regional de las Sucursales de ASNC también compartieron como junto a sus hijos han superado los desafíos en sus jornadas diarias. Este taller tuvo tanto éxito que planeamos ofrecer un seguimiento en septiembre, sobre como navegar la escuela y los Sistemas de Servicios para niños con autismo de alto funcionamiento y síndrome de Asperger. ASNC y los Centros Hispanos en NC: Los organizadores de eventos Hispanos a menudo invitan a ASNC a proveer información sobre el autismo y servicios que están disponibles para padres y profesionales. En Mujer Prepárate para el Éxito, organizado por El Centro Para Familias Hispanas y Centro Internacional de Raleigh, ASNC compartió la experiencia de criar un hijo con autismo lejos del apoyo familiar. Miles de participantes aprendieron también sobre el autismo en el evento de RITMO LATINO auspiciado por la organización Diamante en Cary y UniRumba en Durham por la estación de televisión hispana UNIVISION. Si a usted le gustaría que ASNC participara en su evento de alcance comunitario, por favor póngase en contacto con el/la Intermediario/a de Asuntos Hispanos. Conferencia Anual de ASNC 2016: Docenas de padres Hispanos asistieron a la conferencia de ASNC en Charlotte en marzo del 2016 donde se ofreció traducción al español en vivo. Becas de registración fueron proporcionadas por empresas e iglesias Hispanas, y por grupos Hispanos de apoyo quienes tuvieron eventos de recaudación de fondos. Por favor póngase en contacto con el/la Intermediario/a de Asuntos Hispanos si usted está interesado/a en proporcionar una beca para la conferencia del 2017. Reunión de Grupos de Apoyo: Los líderes de los grupos Hispanos de apoyo de los condados de Durham, Wake, Cumberland/Robeson, Guilford, Vance y Johnson participaron en una reunión anual presentada por ASNC en agradecimiento por su liderazgo y apoyo a las familias.

Próximos eventos: Eventos de Carrera/Caminata por el Autismo: La comunidad Hispana otra vez apoyará a ASNC en los eventos más grandes del año de recaudación de fondos y de concientización. Invite a miembros de su familia, amigos y compañeros de trabajo para formar un equipo y así recaudar donaciones. • WNC: 11 de septiembre en UNC-Asheville • Greensboro: 14 de septiembre en UNC-Greensboro • Triangle: 8 de octubre en Raleigh. (Este año estamos en una nueva ubicación: Halifax Mall, en 300 N. Salisbury St., en el centro de Raleigh.) Se Necesitan Patrocinadores: La división de Asuntos Hispanos reciben con agradecimiento las donaciones para proveer educación y promover las oportunidades para las familias Hispanas en todo el estado. Para más información, contáctese con Mariela Maldonado, Intermediaria de Asuntos Hispanos del ASNC. g Para mayor información o ayuda en español, por favor contáctese con Mariela Maldonado, Enlace de los Asuntos Hispanos, a 919-865-5066 ó mmaldonado@ autismsociety-nc.org.

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 21

Shop the ASNC Bookstore A is for...

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Get Your Gear Pick a T-shirt to help promote autism awareness and acceptance. Declare your love for someone with autism, promote acceptance, or support ASNC with one of our popular car magnets.

Books & Resources We also offer nearly 600 titles for parents, self-advocates, and teachers – including assessment resources – from all of the major autism publishers. The ASNC Bookstore is your one-stop shop for teacher gifts! Why shop with us? • Extensive inventory is priced competitively compared to major online retailers • Proceeds help provide assistance to individuals with autism and their families • We employ individuals on the spectrum • We can help you find resources on a specific topic or help you assemble a purchase order.


/AutismBookstore Keep up to date on the newest books & resources! 22 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Contact the ASNC Bookstore for help in finding resources on a particular topic or in assembling a purchase order.

800-442-2762 (NC only) | 919-743-0204, ext. 1130 books@autismsociety-nc.org

Fundraisers & Events Spring Run/Walks for Autism Raise More than $165,000

This spring, more people than ever before turned out for ASNCʼs spring Run/Walk for Autism events, and they raised more money to improve lives than ever before! More than 4,000 people joined us for events filled with a feeling of community in Beaufort, Concord, Greenville, Mount Airy, and Wilmington from March to May. The total money raised topped $165,000 and will improve the lives of individuals with autism, support families affected by autism, and educate communities. In addition to raising much-needed funds, the Run/Walks provide significant awareness about autism throughout North Carolina. We are so appreciative of all of the individuals, families, and businesses that participated, donated, volunteered, or sponsored this spring.

Register Now for a Fall Run/Walk for Autism WNC Run/Walk for Autism UNC-Asheville |September 11 (Please note, this is a Sunday.) wncrunwalkforautism.com Greensboro Run/Walk for Autism UNC-Greensboro | September 24 greensbororunwalkforautism.com Triangle Run/Walk for Autism Downtown Raleigh | October 8 trianglerunwalkforautism.com Would you like to help us plan one of the fall Run/Walks for Autism? Many roles are available for volunteers in the months prior to the events and during the events. For more information, contact Heather Hargrave at 919-865-5057 or hhargrave@ autismsociety-nc.org. All of the proceeds from our fundraisers stay in North Carolinaʼs local communities to help individuals affected by autism. Whether you are a participant, donor, sponsor, or volunteer, your contribution makes an important difference!

Zipping for Autism Raises More than $22,000

The fifth annual Zipping for Autism was hosted by Sheena and Jeff Greiner at The Adventure Center of Ashville on June 5. This year, 12 teams raised more than $22,000 to support ASNC services in Western North Carolina. Teams were challenged to raise $800 to zip line with views of the Asheville skyline, and teams that raised more than $1,100 were also able to participate in the Treetops Adventure Park. www.autismsociety-nc.org • 23

Event Sponsors We thank the following sponsors of our events this spring; these events would not be possible without them. Please support these businesses and thank them for helping to improve the lives of individuals with autism and their loved ones.

Visionary ($5,000) Premiere Communications & Consulting Port City Club

Champion ($2,500) BlueCross BlueShield of NC Bob 93.3 CBS 10 Wilmington Granite City Brews Hardison & Cochran, PLLC Kendra Scott Designs Macyʼs Northlake Mayfaire Town Center My Aloha Paddle & Surf, Inc. Pediatric Possibilities Randy Marion Buick GMC Surry Insurance Vineyard Vines Visit Lake Norman WXII 12

Partner ($1,000) Archer Western Contractors Blown Away Blow Dry Bar Cape Fear Center For Inquiry Chick-fil-A CK Technologies Cooke Rentals Crowne Plaza Tennis & Golf Resort - Asheville Culligan Eastern Alliance Insurance Group Fast Signs - Asheville Fastenal Golden Corral Implus, LLC & Trigger Point Performance Therapy

Inspiration for Aspiration, LLC Interstate Signs Jeannette Woodruff, CPA, PC Johnson Lexus Linville Falls Winery Magnolia Construction, LLC McDonaldʼs Nester Hosiery, Inc. North Carolina Fitness Expo PPD PPR Foods Prestige Subaru Ricoh Senn Dunn Insurance SouthData, Inc. Southland Transportation Tanas Hair Designs & Day Spa Adventure Center of Asheville The Roberts Family Third Party Reimbursement Title Boxing Club US Foods Wayne J. Griffin Electric WCCB Charlotte Wells Fargo Weyerhaeuser Company Yadkin Bank

Advocate ($500) Alliance One Aquesta Bank BAYADA Home Health Care BrickStreet Insurance Briggs-Shaffner Co. Clinic for Special Children Coastal Behavioral Sciences Coca-Cola Bottling Company Corning Dr. Michael Reichel

Eastern Edge Canine Fairway Outdoor Advertising Family Dollar, Cana, VA Brian Warren Famous Toastery Fancy Gap Baptist Church Fit Body Boot Camp Genesis HealthCare Alleghany Center Grandmaster Dongʼs Martial Arts School Greensboro Jaycees JG Coram Construction, Inc. M&M Signs and Awnings Maple Grove UMC United for Autism MassMutual’s SpecialCare Program Native Kitchen & Social Club New Balance New Hanover Regional Medical Center Overhead Door Company of Greenville, Inc. P&A Roofing Panera Bread Quick-Med Urgent Care Rack Room Shoes Rhythm on Main Rose Hill Church The Cupcake Shoppe The Peninsula Yacht Club T-N-T Carports Wild Wing Café

Friend ($250) A Special Needs Plan Allen & Son Bar-B-Que ASNC ECU Chapter Autism Services of Mecklenburg County

www.DPACnc.com/GrinchSensory or email Tiffany Malory at tmalory@dpacnc.com 24 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Bagelman Behavior Consultation & Psychological Services, PLLC Behavioral Sciences, Inc. Blue Mountain Kids Buttonwood Chiropractic & Acupuncture Camping World of Raleigh Capital Bank Corp. Capt. Stacy Fishing Fleet Carolina Computech Carolina Therapy Connection Carteret Clinic for Adolescents & Children Central Café Channel Marker Restaurant CharBar No. 7 Childrenʼs Health Services, PA Coastal Kids Therapy Cooke Trucking Company, Inc. Creekside Taphouse DP Jewelry Designs Dr. John Gravitte, DDS, PA Eagle Carports, Inc. Eagle Storage East Carolina Kiddie College Edward Jones - Tammy Joyce Feel the Sound with Music in Motion First Flight Federal Credit Union Foothills Garage Doors G&H Tire & Auto Center Gates Pharmacy Granite City Athletics Harris Teeter Highland Park Baptist Church Highland Ridge RV Hilton Garden Inn HomeCare Management Corporation Iannucciʼs Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant Jacob Smith & Family Jan & Sue Martin Jim Lewis Johnson Family Dentistry Johnson Family Farms Johnson Granite Juicy Lucyʼs Burger Bar and Grill Leonard Buildings & Truck Accessories

Friends of Jeanne The Run/Walks for Autism are the Autism Society of North Carolinaʼs most successful fundraisers each year. The eight statewide events raise more than $550,000 annually, all of which goes back into local communities to improve the lives of people with autism and support their families. The Run/Walks for Autism also spread autism awareness in our communities. With an average of 3,500 participants and $300,000 raised annually over the past few years, the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism is the biggest of these important events. Such a large-scale event would not be possible without dozens of dedicated volunteers. Last year, we were joined by a talented and hard-working group who call themselves the Friends of Jeanne. Jeanne Peck was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 29. After attending Race for the Cure events in other cities, she wanted to start one in the Triangle. Jeanne brought together a group of friends to plan it, and the first Komen NC Triangle Race for the Cure was held in June 1997. For many years, the Triangle race was implemented entirely by volunteers. “Jeanne Peck was a remarkable person who made a lasting impression on so many,” said friend Carol Griffin. “She had a way of bringing people together and making them feel special.”

“I never had the honor of meeting Jeanne, but she has given us so much in sharing this amazing group of friends,” said Kristy White, ASNCʼs Chief Development Officer. “Iʼve never met a group of people more passionate about helping others. I am sure they are each a reflection of her.”

The Friends of Jeanne met monthly with ASNC staff to discuss the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism and how the group could help. “They are some of the hardest working and most dedicated volunteers,” Kristy said. They worked with race registration and packet pickup, provided “Whenever people support for teams, decorated the race site, staffed course water stations, provided come together and do security, collected trash, provided medical something greater than support, and managed the course start and themselves, it is a feeling finish lines.

Sadly, Jeanne was diagnosed with lymphoma and died in 2009. Many of the friends she brought together continued to volunteer “Whenever people come together and do of community.” with the Triangle Race for the Cure but something greater than themselves, it is a decided it was time to look for new ways feeling of community,” Carol said. “Friends to honor her while making a difference in the community. Kathy of Jeanne enjoyed being together and volunteering for the autism OʼBrien, a Friends of Jeanne member who has a longtime friend run! After months of planning, it all came together. The smiles on with a son with autism, connected the group with ASNC. the faces of those who came to support the Autism Society are one of the reasons we do this.” Kathy said ASNC was welcoming from the start. “They embraced us with open arms, and we immediately felt part of their team,” Kathy said. “Theyʼre a warm and welcoming resource for families and individuals affected by autism. They reach out with their knowledge, but they also reach out with their hearts, with compassion and care. We felt blessed to have made that connection.” The connection has also been fortunate for ASNC!

Life Alliance, LLC Main Oak Emporium Mill Creek General Store Molly Smith Moody Funeral Home Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care New Hope Ministry Newport Flea Mall Northside Group, LLC Novant Health Surry Medical Associates

Pauls Creek Baptist Church Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation Pilot Knob Poultry Pilot Mountain Middle School Pioneer Printing Professional Roofing Services Ralphʼs Sign Shop Ramey Logging & Farms, LLC Renfro Corporation Ritaʼs Ice Sala Buildings

Carol said the group members are excited about their partnership with ASNC. “Itʼs been a good fit for Friends of Jeanne and ASNC. Weʼre excited about the new race site at Halifax Mall and want to do whatever we can to ensure the continued success of the autism run.” Kristy said, “Jeanneʼs legacy goes on through her friendsʼ dedication to give those with autism the best life possible.”

Salvation Army Shikora Japanese Grill Simply Natural Creamery Spring Mountain Shiners band St. Andrewʼs Episcopal Church Staples Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation The Premier Sports Academy Tiny Hands Child Care Center, Inc.

Todd G. Glazener, DDS Ultimate Towing & Recovery, Inc. Vulcan Materials Company Wayne Farms WFBH Family Medicine Foothills Wilmington Yoga Woodʼs Produce Company WWWL&M Attorneys at Law Younique by Johanna www.autismsociety-nc.org • 25

Calling All Volunteers

Improve lives and support families with just a few hours of your time by volunteering with ASNC. You or your group can volunteer for one-time events around North Carolina and recurring opportunities in our offices or at Camp Royall, outside Pittsboro. Go to www.autismsociety-nc.org/volunteer to sign up for the opportunities below.

Special Events You can promote one of our special events, recruit participants, help assemble race materials, and serve key roles during the event. Some of our events across North Carolina and throughout the year include our eight Run/Walks for Autism, a car show to benefit IGNITE in Davidson in November, and a golf tournament and fashion shows to benefit Camp Royall.

More than $90,000 Raised to Send Campers to Camp Royall Catwalk to Camp

Our annual Catwalk to Camp fashion shows in Raleigh and Charlotte again gave attendees a fun way to support ASNC and provide scholarships to Camp Royall for individuals with autism. The fifth annual Raleigh event was a luncheon on April 7 at the Angus Barn. The third annual Charlotte event was held in the evening May 5 at The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery. Event attendees enjoyed delicious food and shows featuring the latest spring fashions and jewelry from Vineyard Vines and Kendra Scott in Raleigh and Macyʼs in Charlotte.

Camp Royall Located near Pittsboro, Camp Royall is a 30-minute trip from Chapel Hill and Raleigh. Volunteers fulfill a variety of duties, including landscaping and facility maintenance, working with campers and families, and fundraising. Corporate or civic groups can volunteer for service projects throughout the year, such as building wheelchair-accessible ramps, cleaning out cabins before summer camp, or providing a cookout for the campers. From small group building projects to helping us to prepare for our summer season, we have a multitude of available volunteer opportunities to suit a variety of interests!

A Lifetime Together Campaign You can plan your own fundraiser in your community to provide much-needed scholarship funds to improve the quality of life for people with autism and their families. Scholarships can send campers to Camp Royall, provide respite or training for families, provide one-on-one tutoring to individuals with autism, or give adults ongoing job-skills training. For more information, please contact Kristy White, Chief Development Officer, at kwhite@autismsociety-nc.org or 919-865-5086.

Mary V. Costanzo Balliet Camp Royall Scholarship Fund We would like to express our gratitude for Mary V. Costanzo Balliet’s amazing gift of $400,000 to create an endowment for Camp Royall, in honor of her son, Brian, who has autism. The endowment will provide scholarships for 10 campers per year to attend Camp Royall, and we also were able to make improvements at Camp Royall with the gift. In her lifetime, Mary devoted considerable time and dedication to the understanding and treatment of autism. She worked actively with several professional organizations toward this end, notably the Carolina Living and Learning Center in Pittsboro. Mary’s love for her son and dedication to all people with autism will create joy for many summers to come at Camp Royall. 26 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament Golfers gathered May 2 for the fifth annual Camp Royall Classic Golf Tournament at The Preserve at Jordan Lake. We were grateful for the opportunity to again partner with local McDonaldʼs franchise owners Paul, Pat, Rex, and Kelli Willoughby to make this tournament possible. We thank them for their support and hard work to help us provide a life-changing week at camp to individuals from across North Carolina! In total, the Catwalk for Camp and Camp Royall Classic events raised more than $90,000 to support the Autism Society of North Carolinaʼs Camp Royall Scholarship Fund. We are so grateful to all who participated. Be on the lookout for these events next spring!

Camp Royall Sponsors The Autism Society of North Carolina has been offering recreational, therapeutic, and educational summer camp experiences for the past 45 years to individuals with autism of all ages. Camp Royall is the largest and oldest camp exclusively for individuals with autism in the United States. Because of the generosity of the following donors, we were able to provide more than $145,000 in camp scholarships for summer 2016. We hope you will consider joining these donors in helping to provide a life-changing experience for a camper with autism. Please contact Kristy White, Chief Development Officer, at 919-856-5086 or kwhite@autismsociety-nc.org if you are interested in donating to camp, learning about named scholarships, or helping with fundraising.

Benefactor ($10,000+)

BB&T Charitable Contributions Premiere Communications & Consulting, Inc. - Raleigh The Charlotte Observer Summer Camp Fund Triangle Community Foundation, Inc. Teresa and John Sears Kim and Jeff Woodlief

Partner ($5,000-$9,999)

ASNC Durham County Chapter ASNC Surry County Chapter Carolina Panthers Charities Credit Suisse Roberts-Miller Childrenʼs Fund Community Foundation of Gaston County Strowd Roses, Inc. The Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux Triangle Chapter Carol and Doug Fink Lorraine and Dale Reynolds

Champion ($2,500-$4,999)

ASNC Edgecombe/Halifax/Nash/ Wilson County Chapter ASNC Guilford County Chapter ASNC Orange/Chatham County Chapter ASNC Richmond County Chapter ASNC Wake County Chapter BlueCross BlueShield of North Carolina Durham Academyʼs Autism Awareness Club Macyʼs Northlake Pediatric Possibilities The Penny Fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina UNC-Chapel Hill Women of Fearrington Angela Glover Linda and Kevin Routh Denise and Stephen Vanderwoude

Leader ($1,000-$2,499)

Acorn Alcinda Foundation, Inc. Archer Western-Charlotte Regional Office/The Walsh Group ASNC Onslow County Chapter ASNC Pitt County Chapter AT&T North Carolina Cisco Foundation Diamonds Direct Eastern Alliance Insurance Company Genworth Financial - US Mortgage Insurance Golden Corral Corporation Golden State Foods Iredell County DSS Hardison & Cochran, PLLC Johnson Lexus JustGive.org Kendra Scott Designs Kohlʼs Moore County Community Foundation

PPR Foods, LLC/McDonaldʼs Publix Super Markets Charities Senn Dunn Insurance Sky Zone The Eisner Charitable Fund, Inc. The Phillips-Grove Foundation The Womanʼs Club of Raleigh United Way of Greater Greensboro US Foods Wake Electric Foundation Warren Brown Family Foundation Yadkin Bank Peter Bley Kiel Bowen Cherie Chandler Janet and James Cozart Shelley and Matthew Hancox Melissa and Matt Huemmer Melissa Fruehling and David Israel Laurie and Kyle Kennedy Keryn and Kevin Maionchi Bethany Meeks Candace and Joseph Roberts Katie and Tracey Sheriff Judith and Mark Strickland Doug Terry Jeannine and John Wagner Petrina and Scott Woodlief

Supporter ($500-$999)

Ammons Chiropractic Clinic Amundi Smith Breeden Associates LLC Archer Western Contractors ASNC Craven County Chapter ASNC Davidson County Chapter Biggs Cadillac Buick GMC BrickStreet Insurance Camping World of Raleigh Disney World Durham Performing Arts Center Famous Toastery-Davidson Gina Scott & Associates, Inc. Ken Melton & Associates, LLC Kendra Scott Designs Kiwanis Club of Lee County, Inc. MassMutual’s SpecialCare Program Mastercraft Roofing Group, Inc. M2 Graphics LLC North Carolina Community Foundation P & A Roofing Tanas Hair Designs & Day Spa The Ireland Family Foundation The Mosquito Troop Total Wine Vineyard Vines Wayne J. Griffin Electric Brenda Baker Michelle and Christopher Becker Ingrid and Michael Branigan Elizabeth Brown David Christmas

Tammie and James Crawford Elizabeth and Grason Curtis Carol Manzon and Chris Diplock Amy and Vance Fowler Layim and Jeswant Gill Lesley and Michael Graves Susanne Harris Susan Hodges Nan and Ray Johnsen Suzanne and Daryl Jones Brenda and Philip Julian Danielle and Scott Labrozzi Helene and Bill Lane Jane and Neal Mahan Sue and Jan Martin Martha and Chris McCool Jeanne McGovern and Michael Schwenk Kellie and Steven McPhail Tracy Mitchell Mary Moss Lisa OʼConnor Susan and Marc Roth Christy and Tommy Scarboro Cathy Smith Cynthia and Mark Sokal Christine Sullivan Nicole Thompson Jennifer Torrey Kristy and Andrew White Michelle and Tyler Wolfram

Friend ($250-$499)

Allen & Son Bar-B-Que Beau Rivage Golf & Resort Buehler Motor Inc. Chapel Ridge Golf Club Clemson University Fearrington Inn GFWC-South Brunswick Islands, Inc. Hampton Inn & Suites - Southpark at Phillips Place Highland Ridge RV Kennon Craver KTL - McDonaldʼs, LLC M Holdings, LLC Massage Envy Joseph Martin Photographer Pure Light Yoga, Inc. Sanderling Resort Scout & Mollyʼs Boutique The Art of Style The Robert W. Mansfield Fund/ Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Triple J Services United Way of Greater Greensboro Visit Lake Norman Jamezetta and Edward Bedford Suzanne Begnoche Ashley Bell Kerry and Marcus Briones Janice and Michael Colin Chad Corbin

Robin and Chris Crider Todd Dameron Darrell Davis Anne and David De Silva Cindy Dodge Cindy and Kevin Fitzgerald Emily and Jonathan Freeman Jennifer Frey Sandra and Jason Geist Hollin and John Goodwin Christina and Timothy Grabus Kevin Greene Kate and Harvey Hall Cathy Heitman Robert Hickling Dixie and Edward Jernigan Christine and Lawrence Jones Lisa and David Kaylie Jen-Ai Kennovin Janice and Kevin Kidd Beckie and Mike Kimbrell Peggy Kirk Tommy Lawrence Amanda and Kristian Lloyd John Lowe Jen and Rob MacGregor J.W. Marr Nancy and James McDuffy Phillip McHugh Cornelia McMillian Akeysha McMurren Lyda and Rich Mihalyi Ann and William Monroe Beverly and Alan Moore Douglas Moore Nancy and Joe Nestor Danni Ortman Jack Ortman Alyssa and Matthew Puccia Paula and Richard Purnell Amy Rosenthal and Josh Ravitch Dawn and Mike Rohlik Laura and Phillip Simson David Slaughter Amanda Slominski Susan and Derek Smith Steven Sokal Barbara and Gordon Still Mindy and Tom Storrie Mildred and Dillard Teer Nancy Teer Jane Zeller and John Townson Ardith and Richard Vines William Warren Jerry Washington Lennie Washington Judy and Paul Wendler Ruth Hurst and Tom Wiebe Mary Edna Williams Rodney Williams William Zamboni

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 27

The Autism Society of North Carolina would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to all of our donors. While we appreciate every gift, we have limited the donation list to Honorarium/Memoriam gifts in the interest of space and printing costs. Thank you for your tremendous support. This list reflects donations received on or between December 16, 2015 and June 30, 2016. Please contact Beverly Gill if you have any questions or corrections at 800-442-2762, ext. 1105 or bgill@autismsociety-nc.org.

Honorariums Alpha Sigma Chapter of Chi Psi

Cisco�s service provider team

Kerri Erb

Andrew Allen

Andy Coddington

Nick and James Feller

ASNC Chapter Leaders

Sidney Collins

Joel Ferro

Jan and Harry Avinger

Sheila Cone

Lesley Fraser

Patrick Balhoff

Ingrid and Neal Conley

Nina and Frank Freeman

Down To Lunch

Clarissa and John Allen Maureen and Rob Morrell Mary and Mike Avinger

Ann and William Monroe

Carrie Falcone Clay Vickers

Marlene and Joseph Diorio Kristen and Zachary Feldman Thomas Bagley James Bell Tracy Negrin Kim Spencer Lisa Vahey

Julian Ballen Beth Miller

Ada Bartels

Erin Bartels

Linda and Michael Bryant Kim and John Feller

Belinda Harder and Ed Ferro Richard Neubert Patrick Wooten

Avery George

Catherine Lassiter

Aishling Golding

Amy and Josh Rosenthal

Emily Beacham

Tim Connell

The Gomes Families

Sophia Bean

Jason Cory

The Blackwelder Family

Nick Benedict

Lugene and Gary Cox

Alex Griffin

Tyler Drake Billings

Wanda Curley

Linda Griffin

Henry Dangel

Dana Grode

Anne and Lang Anderson Richard Neubert Helen and Don Stedman Crystal Billings Vera Stamper

Amy and Josh Rosenthal Steve Cory John Parker

Ash Camp Baptist Church W.O.M. Beth Alexander Susan Hollifield

Jaxton Bodette

Becky and James Kagey

The Boettler Family

Glenda and James Darrell

John Borneman Terri Sharpe

Richard and Felice Breener Kurt Klinepeter

The Daugel Family

Cindy Winter-Hartley

Owen Davis

Marcia and Roscoe Davis

Richard Dawkins Gail Dawkins

Mariana Byrd Jennifer Frey

Susan Crooks Susan Crooks Rhonda Grode

Stacey Robinson

Cindy and John Cavanaugh

Logan Elliott

Ryan Cennamo

Amie and Victor Cennamo

Save the Date! November 26, 2016 Davidson 4th annual AmeriCarna LIVE to Benefit IGNITE 28 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Carol Famulary and Sherry Elliott

Kristi and Kyle Eller Nancy and Kenneth Galliher

Mark Hurst

Vivian Greear and Bruce Jones Laurel Osborne

Zoey Huston

Susan and Robert Geist Beverly and Alan Moore

Conner Johnson Miles Jones

Beverly Thomas and Jesse McDaniel

The Hazzard Family

Patrick Cavanaugh

Patrick Hunter

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harwood

Kathleen Duval and Marty Smith

Pete and Blee Dyal The Eckl Family

Julie Cutts

Sharon Jeffries-Jones

Robyn Busko

Kate and Andrew Sugg

Skyler Hughes

Joy Hart

Jason Hassell

Robyn Busko Sarah and Robert Busko

Kristina Alexander Rhodena Brunstrom Dustin Clark Denise Edgecomb Ashley Elmore Trista and Eric Nelson Amy and Michael Sink Johannah Sloop

Knox Hutchinson

Carolyn and Gary Trexler

Estefania De Jesus

Vicky Cox

Connor Howrigon

Elimy and Elizabeth Hallman

Johnny Burnette

Jean and Kenneth Oakley

St. Gabriel Catholic ChurchCharlotte Taco Mac Sports Grill-Charlotte Tienda Don BecerraJavier Becerra- Durham

Wake County Real Property Lawyers Association Mariana Byrd

Samuel Heitman Cathy Heitman Amy Krebs

Mary and David Hutchinson Cravon Williams

Sandra and Gary Matthews Suzanne and Daryl Jones

Drew Julian

Brenda and Philip Julian

The Kelley Family Selena Reece

Emily King

Meredith Hickory

Harper Higgins

The Klechner Family

Hispanic Advocacy

Matthew Kretzschmar

Daniel Arnold

Compare Foods-Charlotte Compare Foods-Clayton Compare Foods-Henderson Compare Foods-Smithfield El Toro First in Families of Johnston County La Bonita Tienda-Clayton MG Capital Maintenance, Inc. Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church/Diocese of Charlotte

Ronald Bancroft

Linda and Paul Kretzschmar

Patrick Lane

Helene and Bill Lane

The Lawler Family Anne Sadick

Eli Leatherman Joanne Ovnic

Jeffrey Lentz

Kimberly Koechert

Jacob Lessley

Alonzo Phifer

Parker Love

Emily Piper

Austin Ludwig

Julian Pittman

Jessie Lunsford

Gail and Bob Pope

Ann and Robert Rivers Sallie Ann and Bob Hart Patricia Marszalek Montwood Baptist Church Kathy and Lanny Vaughan

Jimmy Lutz

Nancy and Jerry Millwood

Emma Mamone-Peeples Nancy Peeples

Brenda and Neil Marcum Jennifer Barker

Hannah Marshall

Patricia and Ralph Marshall

Diane Alexander and Dennis Marsoun

Patricia Brand Carolyn and Tom Crozier Joan Zales

Patrick McGrath

Sharon and James McGrath

Bobby Meredith

Gayle and Wayne Meredith

The Mihalyi Family Deborah OʼBriant Marilyn Quinn

The Millett Family

Deborah and Benjamin Baker Lynne Turner-Liro

Joey Mitchell

Paulette Toscano

Sharon Moe

Wake County Real Property Lawyers Association

Amy Moore

Carol and Chuck Moore

Maureen and Rob Morrell Dixie and Edward Jernigan

Timothy Morris

Jeanette and Robert Burlock Parrish and William Daughtry Timothy Morris Sharon and Doug Stevens

Aleck Myers

Katherine Carl

Ethan Nagel

Darlene Nagel

Logan Outwater Lyn Fox

Ann Palmer

Judith and Mark Strickland

MacKenzie Parrish Janet Gain Diane Scrima

Emma Peeples Nancy Peeples

Cheryl Pelletier

St. Gabriel Catholic School

Lougenie and Ralph Phifer

Join OT Sports & the Burlington Royals

Nancy and Steven Piper Edith and Gordon Jendrasiak Julie and John Seibert

The Raby Family Rachel Thomas

Randolph Hospital�s Shared Governance Randolph Hospitalʼs Patient Support Council


Andy Raxter


Linda and Henry Raxter


Adam Ritchie

Lance La Pointe

Kris Rogers

Elizabeth Vannoy

Keren Rosario-Ortiz

Melissa Jo Joyce and Ken Johnson

9 am:


7 pm:

Burlington Royals vs. Elizabethton Twins

For more information or tickets: dlaxton@autismsociety-nc.org

Deb Royals

Wake County Real Property Lawyers Association

Jack Rutkowski

Christine DiNola Shirley and Doug McCall Rebecca Rutkowski Whitney Skeen

Dianne Mathis Darla Moore Helen Ogilvie

Jesse Wills

Rebecca Stovall

The Wright Family James Wright

Heidi and Shaelie Scharpenberg

Price Wyatt

John, Julie and Will Seibert

Manny Zayas

Amber Sheely

Melissa Zeph

Judy Scharpenberg Gail and Bob Pope Megan Sheely

Peggy Shufelt

Gwynne and Bruce Chadwick

Raven Simpson

Patrick Simpson

Jeffrey Smith

David Christmas

Judy Smithmyer Diane Bell

Isaac and Samuel Soderstrom Amy and Ken Soderstrom

Louise Southern Katherine Carl

Courtney Stringfellow Larry Stringfellow

Laura Ashley Taylor Barbara Carter

Judge and Mrs. William Wellons

Susan and Donald Beck

Kristy White

Cornelia Stutz

Elizabeth and Spencer Williams Beth Green RJ Hogan

Anne and John Rogers Donna and Alberto Zayas Wake County Real Property Lawyers Association

Memorials Marjorie Sutterlin Angell James Barefield Betty and Richard Barnett Catherine and Harold Pace Emily Seawell James Wilson

Marvene Alexander Marsha and Dale Beaver Brenda and John Bernhardt Johnny Brown Joel Carter Linda Cornelius Olivia and Darrell Elium Helen and Thomas Ford Judy and Dale Lefler Randy Link Mary McCoy Tracey McKenzie Mildred and Charles Proctor Sarah Rossini Marty Setzer Deatra and Stephen Simpson Sylvia Sofley Starla Summer Jacqueline and Byron Taylor Sandra Vause

Thomas Byrum Porter Byrum

Jennifer Leigh Glover Bacon

Larry Cofield

Ted Preston “Pa Pa” Baker

L. Philip Covington

Shiloh Pentecostal Holiness Church Donnie Perry Angela Taylor Marie Traina

Cassandra Beaver Charles Goldman

Lila W. Bierscheid

Suzanne Churchill Betty and William Winter

Robert Wallace "Bob" Brown Nazareth Community Church Football Officials Elaine and Kevin Albertson

Marty and Joe Kellogg Maureen and Rob Morrell Angela and Charles Allsopp Donna and Wesley Adams Michael Brown Martha Gribble Wendy and William Lawton Joanne Marshall Melanie Mattox Judith and Quentin Mewborn Juanita Monsees Ruth Spruill

Calvin Ray Cress

TRA Diagnostic Breast

www.autismsociety-nc.org • 29

Radiologists Joy Brock Karen and William Evans Suzanne Henning Cora and Ronald Howlett Lisa and Dana Miller

Aubrey Eugene “Gene” Edmonds, Jr.

Lou Carolyn and Luke Cahoon Emily and Leon Henderson

Aubrey Ridenour Edwards

Eastern Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry Christie and Steve Butts Denise Driscoll Arlene and Charles Fetter C. Tom Poston Linda and John Waslefsky

Harold J. “Harry” Emmel Kim and Mark Tizzard

Lucille Ferrell

Elizabth and Chap Anderson

Judith R. Fisher Nancy Hunt

Richard Allen Fuqua Deborah McCrae

Cindy Marie Gibson

Catherine Bass Michael Canale Clifford Joyner Beckie and Mike Kimbrell Kathy and Jerry Sanford Lerone Streeter Linda and Dennis Strickland Ruth Woodfield

Arleatha King Glover

Maureen and Rob Morrell

Nickolas Graham Gosenski Premier, Inc. Elizabeth Egland Alison Satterfield

Muriel Frances Graham

Duke Energyʼs Salisbury Operation Center Fluid-Flow, Inc. Marsh & McLennan Agency, LLC Rosie Adams Kristi and Kyle Eller Joetta and Danny Galliher Nancy and Kenneth Galliher Sheri and Ray Raymer

Jaye Hatcher

Evergreen Baptist Church SO-CI Club

Daniel Hibbitts

Julia Price Scott

Susan Ellen Howrigon ECS Executive Offices Kristina Alexander Rhodena Brunstrom Dustin Clark

30 • The Spectrum, Summer 2016

Ashley Elmore Bethany Moore Trista and Eric Nelson Amy and Michael Sink Johannah Sloop Anna and Michael Watt

Mary Pat Hubert

Marcia and Roscoe Davis

Gary Wesley Huggins

Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage Deborah and Carey Aldridge Michael Bass Paul Blais Betty and Richard Bramley Zorie and David Brown Laurie Caravaglio Marty and Dean Coble Diane Copeland Colleen and Michael Edgerton Suzanne and Frederick Harrell Jay Hockenbury Rebecca Hudson Beth and Wayne Huggins Jane and Harry Huggins Evelyn Jones William Kidney Penny and Claude Lockerman Ann Longley Maria and John McIntyre Beverly and Ralph Murray Perry Myers Rachel and John Pace Sylvia and Benedict Robinson Anne Schaeffer John Sloan Jane and Samuel Spicer Sue and Ronald Stott Susan and Douglas Treadway Beverly and Terry Wait Alyce Walton Gary Weaver Libby Wendt Deborah and Clark Whitman Earle Wood

Rock Jolly

Kathy and Lanny Vaughan

Isabelle Marie Long

American Legion Eason Tiney Post 19 Anderson Agency, LLC Edgecombe Community College West Edgecombe School class of 2020 West Edgecombe Schoolʼs staff and students Karen Andrus Timothy Boyd Melody Bradford Jeanette Cain Roberta Cashwell Jennifer Derby

Jan Farrell Monika and Martin Fleming Zenaida and Robert Fravor Nancy Hobbs Samuel Jenkins Olivia and Terry Johnson Cheryl Knoy Carolyn and Timothy Rogerson Rosemary Trzeciak Gloria Vaudo Nancy and Edward Vincek Carolyn and James Winfree

Brenda Maness

Ruth Ann and James Keating

John J. McGovern

Jeanne McGovern and Michael Schwenk

Deborah Earnhardt Meredith Gayle and Wayne Meredith

Morris Hall Meredith

Jaimie and Carl Ashby Carol and Ed Bowman Dawn Dunivant Aileen Meredith Julia and Robert Sessoms

Lloyd Tennyson Miller

Angela and Terrence Bagley

Mark Russell Newcomb

Cheryl and Michael Davis Jacqueline and Ronald May Diane and John McQuade Sherry and Michael Moman Ginger and Stephen Newcomb Margaret and Ronald Preston Mary and Anthony Salem Teresa and Calvin Warren Eve and Craig Zavelo

Ken Oliver

Gina and Heber Windley

Owen Kenneth Owens Hazel Greene

Timothy Neal Pearce Linda and Brad Griffin

Alison Pickerell Claudia McCoy

Arlene Price

Randall Hinds

Ernestine Winston Roberts

Durham Countyʼs Child Support Unit Iota Iota Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Deborah Ricks Bobbie Clary and James Winston

John D. Robinson

Deborah Gallaway Mary and Henry Grandpre

Bobbi Packard Sauls

ECU College of Nursing Jeff Butler Dianne, Danielle, and Dallas Carr Susan Friend Karen Krupa Monica and Randall Parker

Jean Spampinato

Thies Corporation Dina and John Broadbent Betty and Edward Laughinghouse

Lois Tate

Barbara and James West

Donald “Don” Frederick Teseniar Maureen and Rob Morrell

Joseph Yancey

Fran and Kevin Lynch

Bobby Newman

Carol and Tommy Roe

In Memoriam Patricia Ford Hula 1947-2016 Pat Hula moved to Charlotte in the 1980s, becoming a Board member of the Autism Society of North Carolina and starting the first parent support group with Charlotte TEACCH. Pat continued her remarkable career as an early Parent Educator for the Exceptional Childrenʼs Assistance Center (ECAC) and the first paid advocate for the Autism Society of North Carolina. She left a legacy of advocacy for people with disabilities throughout her lifetime and paved the way for all of our Autism Resource Specialists. Our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

Call on us!

The Autism Society of North Carolina improves the lives of individuals with autism, supports families affected by autism, and educates communities. Autism Resource Specialists connect families to resources and provide training to help you become your child’s best advocate. As parents of children with autism themselves, they understand your concerns. Find yours: www.autismsociety-nc.org/resourcespecialists Workshops with our Autism Resource Specialists are quick, easy ways to learn more about topics that concern you, such as IEPs, transitioning, and residential options. Our Clinical trainers provide comprehensive sessions for professionals and caregivers on topics such as preventing challenging behaviors and functional communication. See the schedule: www.autismsociety-nc.org/workshops Online resources, such as IEP toolkits and a Safe in the Community section, provide opportunities to learn on your own time from your home. www.autismsociety-nc.org Chapters and Support Groups around NC provide a place for families who face similar challenges to feel welcomed and understood as they offer each other encouragement. Find one near you: www.autismsociety-nc.org/chapters Direct-care services provide children and adults with autism the skills to increase self-sufficiency and participate in the community in a meaningful way. ASNC’s directcare options across the state include skill building in areas such as personal care, communication, socialization, and community integration; family consultation; afterschool programs; respite; adult day programs; and social skills groups for adults and teenagers. Services are provided through the NC Innovations Waiver, state funding, B3, and private pay. Contact us to learn which services are available in your region. www.autismsociety-nc.org/offices Behavior consultations with our licensed psychologists or analysts can help explain why behaviors are occurring, develop comprehensive behavior plans, and coach caregivers on effective strategies. www.autismsociety-nc.org/Clinical Employment Supports helps individuals with autism explore their skills and interests, then assists them in finding, keeping, and thriving in a job. Services are funded through the state Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. www.autismsociety-nc.org/employmentsupports

LifeLong Interventions provides comprehensive treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder across skill domains and the lifespan. This service is rooted in the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and involves intensive teaching, using evidence-based practices to promote appropriate skills and behaviors in the home and community. Clients are accepted at any age, with treatment plans developed based on intake and formal assessments. Training is provided by registered behavior technicians under the direct supervision of psychologists and Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs). ASNC is an in-network provider for many insurers as well as the State Health Plan. We also provide treatment through private-pay arrangements. www.autismsociety-nc.org/LifeLongInterventions Social Recreation helps individuals with autism improve their social and communication skills, peer networks, and physical well-being. Camp Royall, near Pittsboro, is the nation’s oldest and largest camp for individuals with autism and serves all ages with year-round programming. www.camproyall.org In Greenville, Wilmington, Carteret County, and Brunswick County, social recreation programs include summer day camp, afterschool programs, recreational respite, and adult programs, with support from Trillium Health Resources. www.autismsociety-nc.org/socialrecreation The ASNC Bookstore is your one-stop shop for quality autism books and materials selected by our experienced staff. The bookstore employs adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, and all proceeds benefit ASNC. www.autismbookstore.com ASNC’s public policy efforts aim to advocate for the needs of individuals with autism and their families by working with policymakers and managed-care organizations. You can get involved and make your voice heard. Subscribe to legislative updates: www.autismsociety-nc.org/policypulse Connect with us: Sign up to receive our monthly email newsletters and twice-yearly magazine or follow us on our social media channels. www.autismsociety-nc.org/stayinformed

autismsociety-nc.org We have regional offices in Asheville, Charlotte, Fayetteville, Greensboro, Greenville, and Raleigh. Contact our state office to be connected to resources.

ASNC State Office

800-442-2762 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 Raleigh, NC 27605-1345

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Stepping out to improve lives WNC Run/Walk for Autism Sunday, Sept. 11 | Asheville Greensboro Run/Walk for Autism Saturday, Sept. 24 | Greensboro Triangle Run/Walk for Autism Saturday, Oct. 8 | Raleigh

Run | Walk | Create a Team | Donate | Sponsor

www.RunWalkforAutism.com Autism Awareness Game UNC vs. The Citadel November 19, 2016

Thank you to our sponsor again this year!

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