Camp Chronicle 2015

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Table of Contents Letter from the Director...................................... 3 Campers Highlight: Sergio and Ivan Gonzalez..... 4 Staff Highlight: Eliza Granger............................... 6 Program Highlight: Day Camp............................. 8 Family Highlight: The Pister Family.................... 10 Volunteer Highlight: The Volunteer Program..................................... 13 Donor Highlight: Kids ‘N Community Foundation......................... 17 Summer Camp Staff & Volunteers................18, 21 Scholarship Donors............................................ 22 You Can Help..................................................... 25 Camp Royall Wish List........................................ 26 Year-Round Camp Opportunities....................... 27

CAMP CHRONICLE The Camp Chronicle is published by the Autism Society of North Carolina for campers, parents, supporters, and the counselors and professionals who work with Camp Royall. Content: Sara Gage, Lesley Fraser, and Denise Dixon Photographers: Lillian Vigil, Michelle Scatamacchia Editor: Amy Seeley Graphic Designer: Erika Chapman For more information, contact: Sara Gage | Camp Royall 250 Bill Ash Road, Moncure, NC 27559 P (919) 542-1033 | F (919) 542-6343

505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 • Raleigh, NC 27605-1345 (919) 743-0204 • (800) 442-2762 • Fax: (919) 743-0208

Letter from the Director Greetings, Campers, Families, and Friends of Camp Royall, I am so pleased to present to you the 2015 Camp Chronicle. With summer 2015 in the books, ASNC has successfully recorded its 44th installment of Summer Camp (19th at Camp Royall) as well as its 6th full year of continuous year-round programming. I consider it a great privilege to work for ASNC and to spend my days at Camp Royall. One of the most gratifying parts of my job is seeing campers come back from year to year and observing how they have changed and grown over time. It is truly priceless to me. Take a look at the camper highlight on page 4 about Ivan and Sergio, for instance. Their family has been coming to camp for many years now, and it has been great to see these boys grow up. I feel quite the same way about our outstanding staff members. It is a real pleasure to see them learn and grow as professionals and then watch them journey off into our field of work, getting their start here at camp. This summer, more than 60 staff members traveled from all over the country, including Puerto Rico, to spend their summers at camp. They are an extremely dedicated group of young people going out of their way to make the experience unique, meaningful, and memorable for our campers. I wish I could say a little something about each of them here, but for now be sure to take a look at the highlight on page 6 about Eliza Granger, one of our up and coming staff members. She is a perfect example of what being a part of the Camp Royall Family is all about. I wanted to be sure you all knew about our new Day Camp program as well. It is featured on page 8, and we are so excited about the new structure and how it has enabled us to take in more campers this summer than ever before. We were able to serve 311 overnight campers and 81 day campers ages 4-67 from 52 counties across the great state of NC this summer. We love to see campers coming from near and far to participate in this often life-changing experience. All of this would not be possible without the many generous donors who helped make camp a reality for our campers this summer. We owe a debt of gratitude to them for making campers’ dreams come true; see page 22 for a list of these amazing people. Please be sure you take notice of the great opportunities for you to get involved at camp all year long. Check out page 27 for more info on our year-round programs, and we hope to see you at camp soon! With much camp love and “Enthuuuuusiasm,”

Sara Gage • 3


Sergio & Ivan Gonzalez At Camp Royall, we often have the joy of getting to know campers and their families over time as they come back year after year. The Gonzalez family from Durham is one such family. The family has become big fans of Camp Royall over the past five years, regularly attending family events and sending their two boys (Sergio and Ivan, who have autism) to summer camp. “The boys have grown and changed so much over the years,” said Director Sara Gage. “It is great to see how much they are learning and how much they all love their time at camp.” Camp has meant a great deal to their family but especially to these two campers. Before Ivan, now 9 years old, spent a week at Camp Royall, he was not able to sleep on his own, said his mom. He used to sleep between his parents or on a chair in their room, but “those five days at camp were so magical and made such an impact” in the family’s lives, Catalina Gonzalez said. Ivan also learned to follow rules better, became more social, and increased his independence, not needing as much prompting. This year was Ivan’s third time at Summer Camp, and his counselor, Jada Linnen, said she saw him become more trusting of others as the week progressed. “By the end of the week, he was always willing to listen to other people and hang out with them. At first he was kind of distant. “You could really tell how much he loved camp and being around everybody,” Jada said. His mom said Ivan’s sense of ease at Camp Royall showed in the fact that he was willing to do the talent show at the end of the week. “Even though he needed help, he did it, in front of other people which he would have never done before!” Catalina said. This was a big achievement for Ivan. At home, Ivan is bright, good at math, and loves technology, Catalina said. At camp, he likes to play in the gym and pool. “You could dunk his head under, and he’d come up with a big smile on his face because he was nice and cooled off,” Jada said. Ivan’s older brother Sergio, who is 18 and has come to Summer Camp four times, enjoys pool time and art, which both help him relax. Sergio also loves basketball, and his family didn’t know that until he attended Camp Royall. Now they take him to the gym or a basketball court so he can keep that hobby active even when he’s not at camp.

4 • Camp Chronicle 2015

“When Sergio first came to camp, I think adapting to being here was harder for him. He struggled with some challenging behavior,” Sara said. “Over time, he seems to have become more comfortable and has settled in very nicely to life at camp. He seems so at ease and happy when he is here.” The family also participates in other ASNC activities, such as the Hispanic Support Group in Durham, and they come out to World Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day each April. “What really stands out to me is how much they really

lived w how I o n k ’t n I do mp! ithout ca w s r a e y 19 e so taught m s a h p m Ca life, t myself, u o b a h c mu m. rse, autis u o c f o d an y, a Hansle – Tanish t at e d r (stu n lo e s n u o C tate -Salem S Winston y) Universit

...“those five days at camp were so magical and made such an impact” in the family’s lives, Catalina Gonzalez said. Ivan also learned to follow rules better, became more social, and increased his independence, not needing as much prompting. seem to celebrate and love their kids,” Sara said. “They include Ivan and Sergio in everything their family does and they are so proud of them. It is wonderful to see.” We, and the Gonzalez family, are thankful for the generous donors who helped provide scholarship support so the boys could have these life-changing experiences. Not only are these weeks at summer camp so important to the boys, but they are also periods of respite for their family. Catalina summed it up saying that “Camp Royall has been amazing for them … and for us.” g • 5


Eliza Granger When adults talk about Eliza Granger, our youngest counselor this summer at 18, they use words like “a real gem,” “dynamic,” and “insightful beyond her years.” But Hayden Williams, a 9-year-old who was lucky enough to be one of Eliza’s campers, gets right to the important stuff: “She was so much fun!” This was Eliza’s first year as a counselor at Camp Royall, but she had already made a difference for us. She volunteered last year and then formed an autism awareness club at her school, Durham Academy. The club held awareness events and fundraisers, gathering $500 toward Camp Royall scholarships. Eliza also led a successful effort to have Camp Royall chosen as the beneficiary of Durham Academy’s annual “rent-a-junior” fundraiser. At last count, the school expected to donate at least $3,000 raised by students. The fundraiser is how Eliza met another of her campers, Cash Bland, an 11-year-old from Durham. She brought him, his mom, and Director Sara Gage to Durham Academy last fall to speak to students about Camp Royall. “Cash and I both were taken by her right away,” said Dawn Bland, Cash’s mom. “She greeted us and had an air of intelligence, comfortability, and focused drive that is extremely rare in such a young woman.” This summer, when Cash found out Eliza would be his counselor, he was elated and ran to her for a hug as soon as he arrived, Dawn said. During his week at camp, the photos of the two of them brought tears to Dawn’s eyes, she said, “to see not only the fun he was having, the new things he was trying, but also the connection they had obviously formed in such a small amount of time.” Michelle Williams of Rolesville also saw a special bond between her daughter, Hayden, and Eliza. “This was the first time Hayden had ever been away from home without me or her dad, and while we knew she was excited, we also knew she was a little worried and anxious. Eliza gained Hayden’s trust and made her feel safe so she could enjoy all the camp activities.” Sara said she was thrilled to have Eliza return as a counselor this year. “Eliza has this magical aura about her. She is very positive, so fun with her campers, and so determined to succeed. She is only a rising senior in high school and already she has wisdom beyond her years.” During the week with Cash, Eliza encouraged him to conquer his fear of heights on the Zapline. His mom said she can see 6 • Camp Chronicle 2015

a difference in Cash since the summer, and his transition to school this year was the easiest they’ve experienced. “He has gained a noticeable amount of confidence and has said many times, ‘If I can conquer my fear of heights, I can do (insert daily task that seems super-hard here).’”

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Eliza also put the parents of her campers at ease. “These camps are simply remarkable, but I would be lying if I told you that mommas still don’t worry day-in, day-out, while our babies aren’t with us,” Dawn said. “Eliza took the worry away with her responsible, attentive, and fun demeanor. I knew he was in good hands.”


For her part, Eliza says she had a wonderful summer at camp and is keeping in touch with many of her campers and their families. She plans to keep working at Camp Royall as she embarks on her college years, possibly headed for a career in an autism-related field, such as neuroscience. “It has been amazing not only getting to know the campers, but the staff is phenomenal,” Eliza said. “I just have felt so embraced, and the community is really the best part. “I think I’ll be coming to Camp Royall for many years to come.” g

Take i t lighte easy, relax n up, , live. [ and just Cam per] • 7


Day Camp

Our new Day Camp program just started this year, but already the counselors and campers feel like a family. Having a small group of counselors working together and many of the campers returning for multiple weeks has made the group tight-knit. “I don’t think we imagined the community that the day camp would build,” said Denise Dixon, who as Camp Royall Program Coordinator is in charge of Day Camp. “All the campers know all the counselors, and all the counselors know all the campers.” This is the first year that we have had Day Camp that runs 9 a.m.-5 p.m. each weekday for the entire summer, and day campers could choose to come for more than one week. They did most of the same activities as in overnight camp but stayed with their own little group. Trish Allushuski said attending Day Camp for more than one week made a big difference for her 12-year-old daughter, Amy. “For us, the day camp is such a huge, wonderful experience that she could have four weeks in a row with the same counselor … so then she could really understand the communication skills, draw her out, get her engaged and to interact more. You spend that first week getting to know her, and then build on that.” The improvement in Amy’s communication skills has carried over to home, Trish said, and she also built up her core strength with the twice-a-day swimming. But what Amy really enjoyed was “the one-on-one time with a counselor, having an adult all to herself,” Trish said. “That’s the way to her heart.” Day Camp serves about 10 campers who range in age from 4 to 22, rather than grouping campers in certain weeks by their ages, as overnight camp does. Denise said, “The older kids love the little kids. The little kids love looking up to the older kids. It’s just that dynamic that we never see in overnight camp. And also because it’s such a small group, it’s more communal.” You can see this as they interact: campers seek each other out during activities, cheering each other on during a raucous game of duck, duck, goose or a scooter race. They often are comfortable with several counselors, rather than just one with whom they are paired. Denise said she could see a change in Amy over the weeks. “She’s kind of reserved until she gets to know people. She has opened up more and more every week, and we definitely wouldn’t have seen that if she were just here for one week. 8 • Camp Chronicle 2015

e. It awesom Camp is and est staff has the b rt ho suppo w , s r e p cam er. each oth teer g, Volun – Al Bug Hill] [Chapel

“That bond is able to build over time.” We expanded Day Camp to the full summer for families who weren’t quite ready to send their kids overnight and to create more opportunities for more campers. “We really thought it was a great space to grow for our campers and for our families, especially the ones who live in the area,” Denise said.

“The older kids love the little kids. The little kids love looking up to the older kids. ” But the program has been so popular that it’s not just local families who are coming. We’ve had families from Wake Forest, Rockingham County, and Charlotte bring their children. Some of them then stay in the area and turn it into a vacation for the rest of the family. “I think it’s a resource that isn’t around many places, so our families are willing to put in the effort,” Denise said. This year, we’ve had about 9-10 day campers each week and 10 counselors. Denise said she is excited to see where Day Camp goes from here. “I’m invested in seeing the programs evolve. It’s come so far in just the first year.” The Alabama native has worked with Camp Royall in various capacities since 2009, and started full-time last September. In addition to Day Camp, she oversees Family Fun Days, Family Camping, the Afterschool program, and Adult Retreats. She plans to go back to grad school for occupational therapy at some point, but for now, she is happy to be at Camp Royall, where the campers and counselors are “awesome”! g • 9


The Pister Family At Camp Royall, we know that when you make a difference in one person’s life, you often end up changing many people’s lives. Take the Pister family of Pittsboro. Christopher Pister, who is 11, was diagnosed with autism when he was 2 years old. His family has been able to provide all sorts of resources for him: various therapies, a researchbased preschool, and social groups. But it is Camp Royall and the people there who have made the biggest difference in Christopher’s life, said his mother, Krystal Pister. “It just brings out a person in him that we don’t get to see ever. When I call and talk to him when he’s at camp, he is so free and happy and engaged.” This is Christopher’s second year of attending Summer Camp; he also attends the Afterschool Program during the school year. “He feels like a leader there,” Krystal said. “He just becomes this other person. That brings me great joy even though I miss him.”

“It just brings out a person in him that we don’t get to see ever. When I call and talk to him when he’s at camp, he is so free and happy and engaged.”

Seeing the impact that the people at Camp Royall had on Christopher inspired his sister Hailey, who is attending Appalachian State University. She wanted to be able to do that for someone else, so she became a counselor in the overnight program this year. “It’s way more than I thought it would be,” Hailey said. “I knew it would be rewarding, but it’s really awesome to be surrounded by people who are so loving and accepting, and then having such great campers has been an incredible experience to say the least.”

Hailey said she really bonded with her first camper of the summer, who was 52. “I was really nervous at first, but it was really awesome. He taught me a lot. It helped me see all different types of autism…. It was really eye-opening.” Krystal said that during Hailey’s first weeks at camp, she told her mother about some of the challenges with her campers. “She just looked at me

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and said, ‘I do it, and I do it because I would want someone to do that for Christopher.’ “It melts my heart. That was just a proud moment as a mom, to see my kids want to give back to their brother.” Director Sara Gage said, “Hailey has been a great asset to our staff this summer. She is a natural with campers and has handled any challenge thrown her way with grace and ease. We are hoping she stays connected with us for a long time to come.” Hailey plans a career in working with people with special needs. She is majoring in psychology with a minor in communication disorders and hopes to go to graduate school for occupational therapy. The difference Camp Royall made in Christopher’s life also inspired his mother to action. She wanted a tangible way to show the love and gratitude she feels toward all the staffers. “When I drive onto that campus, I literally tear up because I have so much gratitude to the people who work there,” she said. “I know the schedule that they keep. I know the hours that they keep. These are college kids that come every year to spend their summer doing this.” So this summer, Krystal has been a regular visitor to camp, bringing goodies to weekly staff meetings, gift cards, and small treats. We are so grateful for all of Krystal’s love and support, and so grateful for Hailey’s work with our campers this summer. But most of all, we are grateful to know Christopher, who just by being himself is changing so many lives! g • 11

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– Bern ic [stude e Ortiz, Cou nselor nt at t he Rico, R io Pied University o f Puert ras cam o pus]

12 • Camp Chronicle 2015

Extraordinary Volunteers Our generous volunteers give many hours of their time to keep Camp Royall humming along. During the past couple of years, the volunteer program has really grown, taking a load off of the counselors and other staff members. “Without volunteers’ support, camp would not operate as smoothly as it does,” said Director Sara Gage, praising them for wanting to do something to help others. “Our volunteers put the camper and facility needs before their own and do so many various types of tasks, from filling water jugs, to helping set up camp activities, to mowing grass, etc.” Dan Evans, a 25-year-old from Chapel Hill, volunteered this summer after attending as a camper and coming to adult retreats. “The most important thing is to give something back, even if it’s only small to what I’ve been given,” Dan said. About 15-20 volunteers worked this year at Summer Camp, with three on hand at any given time. They performed many duties, some of them behind the scenes such as setting up for activities or cleaning up. Volunteer Coordinator Graham Johnson said she also tries to give volunteers several opportunities to interact with the campers each day, during playground, pool, or gym time. “It’s really important to me that they do get to experience our campers, because I think everyone should experience our campers because they’re perfect!”

Anna came twice a week this summer after hearing about Camp Royall from a neighbor whose son has autism. Anna said she has always liked helping kids with autism and might make a career of it, so volunteering at Camp Royall was a perfect first step. She would like to continue volunteering and possibly join the staff someday. Some of Camp Royall’s volunteers do go on to become even more involved at camp. “One of the things that’s most important to me about the volunteer program is seeing people be volunteers and then come back as counselors,” Graham said. When volunteers are interested in joining the staff for the next summer, Graham has them shadow counselors to see what the job entails. This year, Rico Thorpe is a counselor in the Day Camp after volunteering previously, and he wants to be an overnight counselor next year. Graham serves as a job coach for Rico, who has autism, helping him work on his daily notes and how to talk to parents. About half of the volunteers are individuals on the autism spectrum, many of whom have attended camp as campers. “Most of them are people who came to camp and just really love it and want to give back and also really don’t want to leave,” Graham said. “This is the best place ever, why would you want to leave?” g

Olivia Hedges, a 17-year-old from Carrboro who volunteered almost every day this summer, said, “It’s really fun interacting with all the different kids.” Anna Bennett, a 16-year-old from Fuquay-Varina, said playing with the campers in the pool or gym was her favorite part of volunteering. “All the people and the staff are just the sweetest people you would ever meet,” Anna said. • 13

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– Caroline, pa

14 • Camp Cronicle Chronicle2015 2015

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– Erin Ke rr, Activ ity Direc at the U tor niversity of North (student Chapel H Carolina ill) at • 15

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– Selena, Pare

16 • Camp Chronicle 2015


Kids ‘N Community Foundation Camp Royall feels magical to our campers, but the reality is that behind the scenes, many, many people are coming together to create this experience. We have 133 acres, seven buildings, a pool, and other outdoor facilities, which all need regular maintenance. It costs $1,700 per week for a child to attend camp. Some individuals and organizations volunteer, donating their time to improving Camp Royall. Others make financial gifts, providing scholarships for campers or funding for camp projects. The Kids ‘N Community Foundation, known as “the Heart of the Carolina Hurricanes,” has done both. In the past five years, the Foundation has donated more than $36,000 to Camp Royall. The grants go to camper scholarships, enabling more local children to attend Summer Camp. This past year, the Foundation helped nine campers. “We have been thrilled to have the support of the Kids ‘N Community Foundation out here at Camp Royall,” said Director Sara Gage. “They have made it possible for so many of our campers to be able to attend camp, and that is a real gift. Not only have they been a support to us financially but they have come and given their time as well.” Foundation staff members have come out to camp for work days in which they paint, do yard work, and complete other maintenance. They also prepare a cookout for campers and staff, taking charge of the hot grill and preparing food alongside kitchen staff. It’s a fun day for all involved! “We look forward to working with them in the future,” Sara said. The Carolina Hurricanes partner with the Autism Society of North Carolina at other times of the year as well. In October, Stormy the mascot is a beloved figure at the Triangle Run/Walk for Autism each year. He starts the Carolina Hurricanes Kids’ Dash and poses for photos with dozens of children throughout the morning. The Hurricanes also have held annual autism awareness games, giving ASNC space for an awareness table and donating some ticket proceeds. The Kids ‘N Community Foundation’s mission is to meet the health and educational needs of underserved populations in our community through programming and financial assistance to local, youth-oriented organizations. We are grateful to them for their generosity to individuals and families affected by autism. • 17

2015 Summer Staff Camp Director: Sara Gage [19] Assistant Director: Lesley Fraser [8] Program Coordinator: Denise Dixon [7] ASNC Property Manager: David Yell [24] Program Leaders: Michelle Scatamacchia [4] Lilliann Vigil [4] Facility Staff: Lawson Whitaker [18] Brenda Howell [16] James Walsh [16] Ricky Sampson [11] Crystal Perry [10] Randy Keck [8] Linda Burgess [7] Ed Wolfram [6] Robin Griffith [5] Steve Kennedy [3] Cindy Lodestro [2] Cody Norris [2] Activity Directors: Will Murray [6] Julie Lotz [5] Kendyl Cole [4] Emily Piper [4] David Shin [4] Kory Morgan [3] Olivia Boorom [3] Erin Kerr [3] Anna Morgan [3] Kim Rubish [2] Laura Belmar [2] Job Coach/Volunteer Coordinator: Graham Johnson [2] [ ] indicates number of summers on staff

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Overnight Camp Counselors: Anders Orn [4] Adrienne Sutton [3] Rhiannon Grabus [3] Kristian Page [3] Erin Royal [3] Bridget Walz [2] Keren Rosario [2] Olivia Kowalewski [2] Sarah Glick [2] Colleen Hait [2] Jay Jarrett Morales [2] BrieAnne Tarnowsky [2] Jada Linnen [2] Jahmal Brown Curtis Sobie Hailey Pister Anna Reeves Patrick Wetherill Mary Ann Wagoner Jackie Smith Hillary Kitchen Benedicte Mangala Dylan Mathews Seth Smith Kenzie Farmer Stephanie Burke Eliza Granger Tanisha Hansley Veronica Dodson Sarah Key Hannah Clark Jackie Johnson Brittany Hendrick

Bernice Ortiz Ashura Colquhoun Sarah Barker Elisabeth Rinehart Lifeguards/Overnight Camp Counselors: Chris Murray [2] Anna Keeter [2] Julia Scarpellino [2] Tatiana Martinez [2] Jessica Rogers Taylor Pearce Katie Burnet Day Camp Counselors: Rico Thorpe [3] Shaquanah Florence Sam Hedges Beth Kluxen Benjamin Cox Ashley Huten Moriah Walters Jade Womble Jordan Jarrett Kailee Lamb Nurses: Terry Bynum [8] Tina Harris [5] Kim Sabbagh [4] Cynthia Macalino [2] Carol Barlow Mary Anne Guilbert

brought arth has ever No place on e r, e, joy, laughte me more hop a Camp Royall. In an th e d ri p d an erapy P meetings, th world full of IE , and , doctor’s visits appointments e much sleep, w often not very ber d staff remem help families an awel, perfect, and how wonderfu le on the autism inspiring peop spectrum are.

h/ son, Job Coac Camp – Graham John N nator and ew di or Co r ee nt Volu (Chapel Hill) Royall Fellow • 19

20 20 •• Camp Camp Chronicle Cronicle 2015 2015

2015 Volunteers Extraordinary Volunteers: We want to recognize those who so generously gave of their time to support us through many tireless hours of volunteer work. Your dedication and support were inspirational and very much appreciated! Al Bugg [3] – Full-time volunteer and Assistant Activity Director Judy Simmons [3] Jeremiah Macalino [3] Mark Sudol [2] Joey Tunney [2] Dan Evans Dean Cannon Harrison Machikas RJ Vaccarelli Olivia Hedges Ally Coker Serene Ibrahim Charlotte Triplett Tasha Regan

Ellen Allde Anna Bennett KOFL-Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux Chatham County Fire Marshal Jamezetta Bedford Michelle Chinn Cannon Maureen Morrell Kate Kennedy Warren Croom Scott Lambeth ASNC Autism Resource Specialists ASNC Raleigh Administrative Staff

Trainers and Consultants: We are extremely grateful to those folks from ASNC and various parts of the autism community who gave their time and expertise to educate us and guide us throughout the summer so that we might serve our campers with the highest level of care possible. Kate Sugg Kelli Garbett Jailee Hollars Tara Regan Carolyn Penn Mark Smith Martha Figuerado Erica Nesbit

Emmalee Decker Mary Beth Bardin Lori Roberts Cassie Ball Louise Southern Leica Anzaldo Linda King-Thomas, DTA • 21

Many thanks to our Camp Royall donors.

The support of the following individuals, businesses, and foundations helped the Autism Society of North Carolina provide more than $270,000 in funding for camp scholarships and programming during summer 2015.

$10,000-$24,999 BB&T Charitable Contributions Carolina Hurricanes Hockey Club/ Kids ‘N Community Foundation

$5,000-$9,999 ASNC-Wake County Chapter Charlotte Observer/ The Summer Camp Fund Credit Suisse Premiere Communications & Consulting, Inc.-Raleigh Roberts-Miller Children’s Fund of the Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc. Strowd Roses, Inc. Lorraine and Dale Reynolds Teresa and John Sears

$2,500-$4,999 ASNC-Mecklenburg County Chapter ASNC-Richmond County Chapter Carolina Panthers Charities Genworth Financial -US Mortgage Insurance Joe Moore & Company, Inc. Johnson Lexus Moore County Community Foundation Pfizer, Inc The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation, Inc. Walmart Women of Fearrington, Inc. Elizabeth and Chris Norton

$1,000-$2,499 Acorn-Alcinda Foundation ASNC-Edgecombe/Halifax/Nash/Wilson County Chapter ASNC-Onslow County Chapter ASNC-Orange/Chatham County Chapter ASNC-Pitt County Chapter Bishop McGuinness Catholic High School Eastern Alliance Insurance Company FirstGiving Golden Corral Corporation Golden State Foods Griffin Land Surveying, Inc. Iredell County DSS 22 ••Camp 2015 CampCronicle Chronicle 2015

Kohl’s Corporation Leonard and Virginia Safrit Family Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation Pediatric Possibilities PPR Foods, LLC/McDonald’s Senn-Dunn Insurance Sky Zone of Raleigh The Eisner Charitable Fund, Inc. The Woman’s Club of Raleigh US Foods Wake Electric Foundation Karen and Michael Crow Angela Glover Lucy Ireland Sharon Jeffries-Jones Kevin Maionchi Dolores McGovern Maureen and Rob Morrell Deborah Ramsey Sandra and John Reilly Joseph Roberts Susan and Marc Roth Linda and Kevin Routh Yvonne Sagers Katie and Tracey Sheriff Sheila and Ronald Smith Nadette Welterlin-Hugg Kristy and Andrew White Kim and Jeff Woodlief

$500-$999 Amundi Smith Breeden Associates LLC ASNC-Gaston County Chapter ASNC-Iredell County Chapter Buehler Motor Inc. Dr. Lail’s Fund for Children of the Triangle Community Foundation Durham Academy’s Autism Awareness Club Gregory Poole Equipment Company Hardison & Cochran, P.L.L.C. Healthgram, Inc Hubie Poteat Memorial Scholarship FundNorth Carolina Community Foundation Ken Melton & Associates, LLC Kennon Craver Learfield Communications, Inc. Meredith College

S&J Foods, Inc. dba McDonalds Synergy Coverage Solutions The Robert W. Mansfield Fund/Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund United Way of Greater Greensboro Michelle Becker Janet and James Cozart Todd Dameron Carol and Doug Fink Christina and Gordon Flake Cecile Graves Lesley and Michael Graves Nan and Ray Johnsen Brenda and Philip Julian Rosemary Kenyon Janice and Kevin Kidd Kathleen Krumpter Helene and Bill Lane Carol Manzon and Chris Diplock JoAnna Massoth and Dan Barnes Amy McClintock Jeanne McGovern and Michael Schwenk Tami and Thomas McGraw Tracy Mitchell Kathy and Patrick O’Brien Lisa O’Connor Patricia and Howard Oelrich Brenda Penland Karen Salacki Michale Sanders Julia Scott Sherrie and Christian Shield Gina and Jeffrey Stocton Carolyn Talbert Douglas Terry William Thompson Denise and Stephen Vanderwoude Mary Edna Williams John Yochim

$250-$499 ASNC-Lenoir County Chapter ASNC-Randolph County Chapter Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gina Scott & Associates, Inc. Kiwanis Club of Lee County, Inc. KTL - McDonald’s, LLC

LeBrew Coffee Fundraising, LLC Sentry Insurance Sokal Media Group, Inc. Triple J Services Gail and Dennis Abraham Sarah and Chris Allen Barry Barbour Heidi and Kevin Bayerlein Stacey Bean Gail Braun Kerry and Marcus Briones Kathelena and Daniel Burns Tammie and James Crawford Mary Dionne David Falvey Bradi and Christopher Granger Dixie Griffith Kate and Harvey Hall Wyatt Hicks Shawn and Clarence Huggins Ruth Hurst and Tom Wiebe Christine and Lawrence Jones Christina LaFuria Taunya Land Judith Larrimore Layim Lee and Jeswant Gill Laura Luykx and Darryl Marsch Sue and Jan Martin Caroline Martineau Cynthia and Joseph Marz Martha and Chris McCool Nancy and James McDuffy Kat and David Moncol Timothy Morris Mary Moss Lillian and James Poole Dale and William Pully Susan Smith Cynthia and Mark Sokal Barbara and Gordon Still Martha Webb Sarah and William Weiser Judy and Paul Wendler

$100-$249 AIG Aktion Club of Wake Kiwanis ASNC-Albemarle County Chapter ASNC-Brunswick County Chapter ASNC-Franklin County Chapter ASNC-Harnett County Chapter ASNC-Union County Chapter ASNC-Vance/Warren County Chapter

Chandgie Foundation, Inc. Emerald Isle Parrot Head Club Inc. Kendra Scott Design, Inc. Network for Good Pfizer Foundation Russell Well Drilling Inc Skin Essence-A Day Spa Sky Zone of Durham SLG, Inc. South Brunswick Islands Woman’s Club The Balanced Body Center, PA Utility Lines Inc. Christy and George Agamaite Sanaa Alyemeni Nadine and David Antonelli Brenda Avant Susanne and Raymond Azrak Barbara Bailey-Walenty Joan Barlow Ruth and Thomas Bartholomew Tina and Bill Baxter Rebecca and Cory Bean Mary and Michael Berridge Alicia and Bryan Bickett Jeff Black Barbara Blake Sandi and Leonard Bouchard Arnold Bradshaw Ingrid Branigan Terry Brock Stephanie Brodsky Anthony Brown Linda and Michael Bryant Sally and Robert Buckner Ruby Bugg Gwen and Reggie Singleton Mary Beth and Jeff Cecil Kelly and Anthony Chelena Ingrid Chopping Lai Yoke Chua Melissa Clark Janice Colin Yates Creech Daniel Cushing Cassandra Daston Melissa and Christopher Davidson Rita Davis MaryAnn and Paul DeRosa Rhonda Dietz Sandra Dressel Ellen Dunlap Sara and Dennis Duprey Carol and Douglas Dwyer

Kerri and Jeremy Erb Kathleen and John Evans Karen Falvey Krista and Patrick Falvey Kim and John Feller Emily and Jonathan Freeman Mary Etta Goes Lauren Gottlieb Katherine Greene Elaine and Chester Gurski Deanna Hall Cindy Harrison Bryan Hartman B.K. Harwell Pamela and Anthony Haryn Cathy Heitman Mary and Gregory Hobbs Lisa Howell Janet Jacovelli and Scott Curley Rob Jenkins Vanessa and George Jeter Dave Jobe Jacquelyn Johnson Regina and William Kaiser Lisa and David Kaylie Jean and Jeffrey Kelly Frances and Andrew Kerr Tonya and Kevin Kilgore Andrea and Michael Klauss Deb Laughery Stacia Lechler Linda and Frank Leonard Andrew Lewis Alene Love John Lowe Rachel and Marc Luyben Margaret and Lea Lynn Karen and Michael Machikas Neal Mahan Rachel Mallory April Marinaro Sharon and Randy Martin Betsy Mayer Sara McCollum Lisa McCutcheon and William Gutknecht Nancy and Harry McKaig Diane and John McQuade Laurie and Gary Mesibov Terri Meyers Lyda and Rich Mihalyi Jennifer Mock Brian Moorhead Michael Morrell • 23

Melissa and Michael Morris Barbara Morton Sharul Nakhoda Dorothy Nelsen-Gille Carolyn Nelson Nancy and Joe Nestor Andrea Nixon Jean and Kenneth Oakley Devani Ortman Danni and Jack Ortman Sabrina and Jefferson Osborne Joanne Ovnic Susan and Randal Parks Margaret Phillippi Sonya Phillips Michael Pomaville Jeffrey Powrie Dianna and Tim Raczniak Peggy and Dennis Randolph Darlene Ransom Rory Regan Peggy Rigsbee Ronii Rizzo Linda and Thomas Rogers Denis Roshioru Elizabeth and Michael Ross Shawn Rumberger Jenelle Rundo Lori Salerno Ester and Saul Salvador Carlos Santiago Karen Sapp Christy and Tommy Scarboro Bridget and Jeremy Scharpenberg Judy Scharpenberg Shirley Schoff Nancy and Steven Scoggin Curtis Scott Beth and Mike Shandley Victoria and William Shannon Holly and Michael Shoun Divakar Shukla David Sims Barbara and Crawford Smith Susan and Derek Smith Jill Smith Kathy and Michael Snyder Glenn Stall Erin Stanford Lois and Spencer Stickell Leah Superchi

James Talbot Randy Taylor Dillard and Mildred Teer Nancy Teer Kathleen Thompson Nichole Thompson David Tilton Peter Torres Jennifer Torrey Paul Troche Robert Vaccarelli Tracy Vail Tammy Vinsel Wendy Wagner Kay and Dan Walker Shirley Wallace Kelly Ware Jerry Washington Linda Watson Maura and William Waugh Jay Weikel Lil Williams Steven Williams Steve Wilson Judith Wood Petrina and Scott Woodlief Marsha and Elijah Woods

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You Can Help How Does ASNC’s Camp Royall Change Lives? Camp Royall is accredited by the American Camp Association and is the oldest and largest camp program for individuals of all ages with autism in the world, serving more than 1,600 individuals with autism and their families a year. Camp experiences provide an opportunity for exploration, for making friends, for trying new and exciting activities, and a time for personal growth in independence and confidence. As a result, campers return home with skills once thought unattainable by their families and the ability to make a friend and be a friend. They return to school with stories of their summer camp experience, just like other students in their class.

What Are Camp Royall’s Needs? Camp Scholarships: Providing summer camp scholarships to campers each summer is the most critical need. Due to the additional financial demands of caring for a child with autism, most families are unable to afford the $1,700 cost per week for their child to attend camp and receive the benefits of a week with specialized staff. Fundraising for camp scholarships is a year-round focus. Each year we raise close to $160,000, but it is not enough to help each family in need.

Program/Facility Donations: Providing program

supplies and maintaining a 133-acre facility is expensive. In-kind and financial donations help offset these costs. Current needs include: $26,000 for a camp van to assist with camper transportation for year-round programs and community trips, $9,000 to replace the hayride wagon to continue this enjoyable activity for campers, $6,000 to provide ceiling fans in the dining hall and cabins to improve efficiency and temperature control and reduce electrical costs, and

$2,100 to install TV/DVD players in each cabin, which are used for various activities for all camp programs.

Planning for Our Future: As we look to the future

and the growing number of children and families who depend on our services, we must expand the number of campers we are able to serve each week by providing additional sleeping facilities. We are currently assessing the costs and looking at fundraising opportunities for the future.

How Can You Help? More than 89% of every dollar we raise is used for services that directly affect people with autism, and every dollar raised stays within North Carolina, helping people who live and work in our local communities. Contact Kristy White to discuss partnership opportunities that include individual gifts, named scholarships, planned giving, connections to corporations or foundations, and other opportunities to get involved. A mom recently shared, “Matthew truly gets to experience activities he does not have access to anywhere else. Even though he is profoundly deaf and nonverbal, he has always been able to be accepted and understood by Camp Royall’s dedicated staff. There is nothing in the world we can give Matt that means as much to him as Camp Royall.” We are excited about what is happening today as a result of our efforts. We’re even more excited about what can happen with your help. Contact Information Kristy White, Chief Development Officer 505 Oberlin Road, Suite 230 | Raleigh, NC 27605 919-865-5086 | • 25

I like the pool. I wish I could live there. [Camper]

Camp Royall Wish List If you want to support Camp Royall through material donations, we would be grateful to receive the following items: Arts and Crafts Wishes: • Construction Paper • Glue or glue sticks • Paint (fabric paint, tempera paint, face paint, watercolors, finger paint) • Painting supplies (brushes, small paint containers, watercolor paper) • Felt • Pipe cleaners • Glitter • Thread/string for beading necklaces

• Googly eyes • Stickers • Plain white T-shirts of all sizes (youth small –adult 4XL) • Tie-dye supplies • Dry-erase markers (thin size) • Sharpie markers • Blue painter’s tape • Cardstock (any size or color)

General Program Wishes:

26 26 •• Camp Camp Chronicle Cronicle 2015 2015

• Ziploc baggies (sandwich-size and gallon-size) • Address labels (envelope size, peel and stick kind) • Postage stamps • Toilet paper • Liquid hand soap • Hand sanitizer • Baby wipes • Flashlights • Night lights (and bulbs) • Batteries (AA and AAA) • Board/card games (new or like-new) • Puzzles (new or like-new) • DVDs (new or like-new) • Digital timers • Noise-canceling headphones

• Velcro dots • Bubble solution • Scooters for gym • Dry-erase white boards (about 3-5 feet long) • Laminating sheets (to be used in a hot laminator) • TVs with built-in DVD player • Two-way radios (Please contact us for specifics.) • Bluetooth speaker system • Digital video camera (preferably weather-proof) • Paddleboat • Golf cart • Zero-turn, riding lawn mower • Minivan • Pickup truck

Year-Round Camp Opportunities Family Fun Days: Our popular Family Fun Days offer

a chance for families to experience all the joys of camp together. Activities include a cookout, the playground, boating, fishing (feel free to bring your own gear!), hayrides, the zapline, games in the gym, arts & crafts, sensory room, face painting, and hiking trails. During the December Family Fun Day, Santa visits Camp Royall, providing sensory-friendly visits with no waiting!

Family Camping: After each Family Fun Day has wound down, we welcome families to stay overnight in our cabins. On Saturday evening, we will enjoy a pizza dinner together before a campfire with songs and s’mores! We will also provide a light continental breakfast and more time to play at camp on Sunday. Mini-Camp Weekends: Mini-Camps give campers

the chance to enjoy a weekend version of our summer camp program, from Friday evening until noon Sunday. Supervision at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 is provided for all campers during Mini-Camp. The program is open to all individuals on the autism spectrum, regardless of age; priority is given to those living at home to provide respite for families.

Adult Retreats: Independent adults, ages 18 or older with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s Syndrome, can spend time at camp with friends. Weeklong and weekend retreats are offered. Our participants enjoy a mixture of camp activities as well as outings in the community, including meals out at local restaurants.

Fall Camp: Campers ages 8-18 with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s Syndrome can join us October 11-16 for a week of overnight camp.

Winter Camp: Our Winter Camp program takes

place during the winter holiday break from school. Winter Camp is open to school-age campers (4-22 years), with priority given to campers living at home. The program is an overnight camp and includes a 1:1 or 1:2 counselor-to-camper ratio, based on each camper’s level of need. This year, Winter Camp will run from December 27, 2015, until January 1, 2016. If you prefer a day camp option for the week, please contact us; we might have openings for that as well.

Spring Camp: Campers ages 4-22 on all levels of the autism spectrum can join us for a week of overnight camp from March 27 to April 1.

Afterschool Program: We offer an Afterschool program for school-age children on the autism spectrum during the traditional school year. Trained staff members supervise children in small groups of one staff member per three participants. The children will take part in outdoor activities, homework time, group games, and gym play. The hours are 2:30-6:30 p.m. each day with some transportation available. Group Rental: Camp Royall is available for group rentals, so please consider us for your next birthday party, church outing, family reunion, or corporate event.

For more information and reservation forms for any of our programs, please visit Questions? Contact us at 919-542-1033 or • 27

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