The Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2023 Catalogue

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The Australian Watercolour Muster Biennale - 2023

This is the 5th Australian Watercolour Muster - commencing in 2019 - The ‘Muster’ has engaged Artists from across Australia and had the honour of taking 153 Artists Works to Italy over the five years, to showcase and share their Work with the World.

Artists who have been able to travel with their Work have now become ambassadors and representatives for Brands, they now run Workshops around the globe and as individual Artists have grown their Studio practices and made many friends - we are proud to continue this tradition in 2023!

Our goal is to create a broader platform for Australian Artists to engage with the International Arts Community and specifically, for the Watercolour community, to take their Work into new and creative fields of endeavour, creating opportunities to share studios and exhibition spaces where possible in this World.

The Australian Watercolour Muster is part of a network from over 80 Countries - engaged and linked together via the FabrianoInAquarello - Italy Art Symposium - held annually in Italy by Artist and Curator Anna Massinissa for over the last 14 years, hats off to you Anna.

Curator - Wyn Vogel
book - - Check OutOur Full Digital Gallery of over 2oo Exhibiting Artists All Works will be for Sale - 6th Sept/28 Oct 2023 Join us to ‘Picnic & Paint’ - Remote and Rural air-conditioned buses and tropical catering! - Workshops in Cairns CBD and the Cairns Botanical Gardens- Opening NightThe Court House Gallery - Cairns - 8th September 2023 - 5.30pm to 8pm Cairns comes alive - 6th to 11th September 2023 join our ‘Muster’ - Artists of all Genre are welcome !

Curator - Wyn Vogel

Wyn has always juggled her professional and creative life managing studios alongside of her desk and computer – with Studios in recent years in Victoria and Queensland – Australia, Wyn loves to explore the essence of her world – the colours, shapes and light that evolve around her.

Wyn has been the invited Leader of The Australian Watercolour Delegation to FabrianoInAcquarello – Italy, since 2018 with her watercolour work showcased as part of the Finalists selected to Exhibit their work in Italy with Artists from over 80 Countries.

As a part of this involvement with the international Art Community Wyn commenced the ‘Australian Watercolour Muster’ to provide a platform for Australia Artists to engage and commence their international experience at a local level.

Wyn has exhibited her watercolour work in joint Exhibitions in Coquelles and Gaillon – France and delivered Watercolour Workshops in Gaillon 2018 and the French Village of Saint-MaixmeHauterive – 2019 and was part of an International Delegation – Exhibiting at the 6th Silk Road International Art Exhibition in Xi’an China in September – 2019, and demonstrating at the Shaanxi Provincial Museum of Fine Arts during that visit.

56 x 78 cm - Watercolour

‘Four Mile Beach’

Juror - Phillip Edwards

Phillip Edwards is a Victorian artist who studied Fine arts painting (Oils) at the Victorian College of the Arts in the early 90’s.

Over the past 6 years he has taken up watercolour, producing large scale majestic landscapes of Mt Buffalo (central Victoria) and currently southern Tasmania.

Phillip was awarded the Trustees watercolour prize at the 2018 Wynne prize and has since been made a member of the AWI Australian Watercolour Institute. He has been a finalist in many Australian art prizes including The Calleen, Flow and the Lester portrait prize at the Gallery of WA.

Exhibiting Mt Buffalo paintings ‘The mountains quiet heart’ was Phillip’s first public institution show via Benella Art gallery in 2020.

With 30 years art practice with multiple solo shows and group exhibitions he continues to refine both his painting and sculptural practice.

Philip has had 2 solo exhibitions in 2023 with Sydney (Art Atrium) in February and his first solo show with Australian Galleries in Melbourne in July 2023.

Phillip also has a dedicated gallery at Bullarto (Bullarto Gallery) between Daylesford and Trentham in Victoria’s spa country. Phillip is dedicated to the refinements of his watercolour technique and aims to lift the stature of the medium within the fine art world.


115 x 90 cm - Watercolour

Currently on Exhibition - Australian Galleries


Juror - Muriel Buthier-Chartrain (France)

‘I paint my silences: the long, short, necessary, those that hurt, calm or that anguish, those that question or amaze, I paint what I conceal... I paint with the salt water of my soul.’

Painting is the work of a whole life, it’s an integral part of the life of the painter... It’s the time and the work that allows his art to be developed. Only time fashions the painter and his artistic path is not enough valued... Probably due to the time of ephemer, ready-made and consumerism.

Born in 1961, I am painting since 1981. Passion became my work, I am a full time professionnal painter.

If I would be able to speak to the young 20 years old woman I was when I began, I would say to her that I am very proud of our artistic independance and of our artistic path with more than 50 solo exhibitions, in France, but also several times in Sweden and in Australia.

My work has been presented and awarded in numerous collective exhibitions (almost 200), being invited or selected - In France, in Europe (Belgium, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia) and other parts of the world as, in China, Canada, Chile and Australia where I had been invited for an artistic residency.

My paintings are also showed in galleries. More recently, my work has been choosen by Architects & Interior Designers for beautiful projects!

Member painter & Member of management board of French Watercolour Society (SFA) | Honour member of Canadian Watercolour Society (SCA) | Member of the artistic and cultural network ERYA. Currently living and working in France, I am also a watercolor teacher.

‘Terre de Contrastes’

Muriel Buthier-Chartrain

53 x 35 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

• Elaine Zhang Smile

• Yi Ning Jin White Horses

• Yifei (Ada) Chen Expectatons

Our Under 30’s Artists this year are all High School Students finishing their Higher School Certificates in NSW this end of 2023.

We are very proud to share their Artwork and say thanks to them for taking time out from their Studies to share their amazing Works with us!

Congratulations to each of the girls!

We will look forward to presenting you with the special Brushes from Escoda - Barcelona in due course

Our 2023‘Under 30’s Emerging Artists’

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Smile’ Elaine Zhang

‘White Horses’

Yi Ning Jin

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Yifei Chen

54 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Category 1 – ½ sheet – 56 x 38

1. Alan Ramachandran Dockyard Freemantle

2. Alex Ashton Promise

3. Alison Fincher Low Tide

4. Alla Art Cherry Blossom

5. Caroline Deeble Tropical North Afternoon Shadows

6. Cecilia Xiao Grevilleas

7. Dianne Vanstone Now We See You

8. Jan Lawnikanis Prime Time

9. Jane Li Smiling Mottlecah

10. Jolanta Skawinski Sun In The Arms of Winter

11. Jude Scott Natural Beauties

12. Julian Bruere The Dog Comes Home

13. Julie Goldspink High Country Beauty

14. Kathy Karas Rainforest Wandering

15. Lynette Orzlowski Run Rabbit Run

16. Marcus Hotblack Squid Boat Geelong

17. Marg Watt Proteas and Wildflowers

18. Marion Hughes Cascade

19. Mary Liu Picked Apples

20. Michael Ferris Lillies

21. Michaelah Baburin The Spill

22. Penelope Gilbert-ng I Will Save You

23. Richard Tiejun Chao Penetrative Look

24. Rosemary Chan Top of the World

25. Samaneh Mohtadi Australian Beach View

26. Sandi Lear Men At Work

27. Sharon Wilkinson Solitude

28. Ted Dansey The Bridge At Ross

29. Terry Jarvis Winter Mooring

30. Violetta Kurbanova Rain Forest

31. Yesim Gozukara Beach Texture – Great Ocean Road

32. Yuan Zhao Snow

Category 2 – Free Size On Paper

Pam Walpole

Category 3 – Experimental Substrate

Julie Reason

Our 2023
‘32 Best in Muster +2’

Alan Ramachandran

54 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Dockyard Freemantle’


56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Low Tide’

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Alison Fincher

Alla Art

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Cherry Blossom’

Caroline Deeble

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

North Afternoon Shadows’


Cecilia Xiao

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Now We See You’ Di Vanstone

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Prime Time’

Jan Lawnikanis

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Smiling Mottlecah’

Jane Li

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Sun In The Arms - Winter’

Jolanta Skawinski

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Natural Beauties’

Jude Scott

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘The Dog Comes Home’

Julian Bruere

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘High Country Beauty’

Julie Goldspink

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Kathy Karas

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Rainforest Wandering’

‘Run Rabbit Run’

Lynette Orzlowski

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Squid Boat’ Marcus Hotblack

‘Proteas and Wildflowers’

Marg Watt

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Cascade’ Marion Hughes

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Picked Apples’

Mary Liu

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘The Spill’
Michaelah Sriel Baburin


Mike Ferris

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘I’ll Save You’

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Penelope Gilbert-Ng

‘A Penetrative Look’

Richard Tiejun Chao

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Top of the World’ Rosemary Chan

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Australian Beach View’
Samaneh Mohtadi

‘Men at Work’

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Sandi Lear


56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Sharon Wilkinson

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Bridge At Ross’ Ted Dansey

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Winter Mooring’ Terry Jarvis

Violetta Kurbanova

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


‘Beach Textures - Great Ocean Road’

Yesim Gozukara

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Yuan Zhao

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

Category 2 - Free Size Works on Paper

‘Water Reflections - Boxed Set’



Category 3 - Experimental Substrate

‘Feeding on Hakea’

Julie Reason

Watercolour on Board

92 x 61cm

1. Akira Murata (Japan)

2. Andre Kano (Portugal)

3. Angela Barbi (Spain)

4. Angelo Gorlini (Italy)

5. Angus McEwan (Scotland)

6. Atul Panase (UAE)

7. Bea Strugo (Argentina)

8. Carsten Weiland (Germany)

9. Didier Brot (France)

10. Gabriel Stockton ((USA)

11. George Politis (Greece)

12. Jenny Matthews (Scotland)

13. Jonas Pettersson (Sweden)

14. KC Lee (Malaysia)

15. Keiko Hoshino (Japan)

16. Laurin McCracken (USA)

17. Luciano Colucci (Spain)

18. M. Ines Lukacs (Brazil)

19. Muriel Buthier-Chartrain (France)

20. Prafull Hudekar (India)

21. Rajat Subhra Bandopadhyay (India)

22. Stella Canfield (USA)

23. Tia Boon Sim (Singapore)

Works on Easels

1. Anna Massinissa. (Italy)

2. Nicolas Lopez (Peru)

3. Michael Solovyev (Canada)

4. Massimiliano Locco (Italy)

Our 2023‘20 InvitationInternationals’
‘Invitation International Artist Exhibition List’

‘Resist’ Angelo Gorlini - Italy

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Akira Murata - Japan

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


‘Afternoon at the Pier’

Andre Kano - Portugal

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

28 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Mystic Mountain’ Angela Barbi - Spain

‘The Workshop’

Angus McEwanScotland

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Atul Panase - UAE

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘All My Love - All My Pain’

Bea Strugo - Argentina

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Rust in the Shades


Carsten Weiland - Germany

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Didier Brot - France

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Historic Train Yard Times’

Gabriel Stockton - USA

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Pyrgos Santorini’

George Politis - Greece

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘My Garden’ Jenny Matthews


Jonas PetterssonSweden

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Kuala Lumpur’

KC Lee - Malaysia

A4 x 2 Paintings

Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Lady in the Market

Papua New Guinea III’

Keiko Hoshino - Japan

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Silver Service with Magnolia’ Laurin McCracken - USA

‘Terre de Contrastes’

Muriel Buthier-Chartrain

55 x 35 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘High Mountain Waterfall’

Prafull Hudekar - India

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Invisible Dreams’

M. Ines Lucas - Brazil

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Koala’ Luciano Colucci - Spain


Rajat Subhra

Sandopahyay - India

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

‘Brewing’ Stella CranfieldUSA

56 x 38 cm - Watercolour

For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023


Tia Boon Sim


56 x 38 cm - 2 Paintings

Watercolour For Exhibition

Australian Watercolour

Muster Biennale 2023

- Thanks again to all our Artists and our Sponsorstogether we have made 2023 a vibrant colourful World!

Our full ‘Digital Australian Watercolour Muster

Biennale - 2023 Art Gallery’ is available on sale6th September to 28th October 2023 | here!

- All Artworks are copyright (C) of the Artists namedPlease contact the Curator of the Australian Watercolour Musterfor information re the Artists and sale of their Work!

Contact | Curator Wyn Vogel eMail | moBile | +61 419 358 859 Contact Form |

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