Water Journal August 2005

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the country, ex tending the analysis to a range of co mpounds suggested by the USEPA. T hey have refi ned a sensitive analytical method fo r N OMA, the potential ca rci nogen which can be fo rmed by chloramination of some narn rally occurring pre-cursors. Research exte nds to exposure in chlori nated swimming pools.

Other Speakers Elise Cartmel (Cranfield Uni versity, UK), Heather Coleman (NSW), Annalisa Contos and Kamal Fernando (NSW Water Services) and Stewart Shiph ard (SLS) all spoke on adva nces in trea tment systems. Renee Muller et al, (from EnTox), outlined their program to measure bio-effecrs of the complex mixrnres of chemicals of concern in effluents, etc. analysis by either in vitro or in vivo methods. Belinda Ferrari (Macquarie) repo rted on a program to develop robust monito ring methods for pathogens, specifically for the foo d ind ustry where re-use of water streams is steadi ly develop ing. Nick O 'Connor (Ecos Co nsulring) evalua ted som e early warni ng detecto rs ava ilable on the marker, John Leeder reviewed developments in liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry

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Case Studies A paper by Kerryn Allen and Paul Byleveld of NSW H ealth, del ivered by Simon Thorn of Coffs Harbour, gave the histo ry of the contami nation of a s111all town 's water supply by benzene, derived fro m a 4 cm di ameter hole in the undergrou nd rank of th e local petro l station. T his paper raised discussion on how such leakages 111ight be detected befo re the plume ex tends, and SA Water noted that they had employed a hydrogeo logist to assess such risks. Diane Wi esner noted th at very many underground tanks leak into groun dwater bur this was the first time that such an obvious leak had in volved surface water. Leslie Brodlo described an incident where copper corrosion in stagnant pipes of a country school during school hol idays led to severe sympto111s in the students drinking the water. Analyses ranged fro111 G to 45 111g/L (cf li mit of 2 111g/L), whereas other sites in th e sa111e cou ncil syste111 showed no proble111s. T he lesso n is th at the rrear111ent plant design and operatio n is only one factor, and the distribution sys tem and 111ainrenance are just as i111 po rrant. Copper corrosion was also discussed by Ed Kleywegt (Hobart City Council).

Legal Aspects Underlying many of the papers was the i111pl icir recognition that much of th e research really related to what might be potenti al health risks associated wi th recycled water. Mark Beaufoy fro111 Ph illips Fox gave a paper identifying where the legal risks lay and where concerns should be focused. Ma rk will be furth er developing that theme in the Master Class series Water Sysre111s Security Manage111ent progra111 in November where he is one of th e speakers.

Conclusion T he concluding Plenary asked each of the key speakers to rake one of a number of questions and/or issues which were raised by speakers and their papers during the Co nference. It was a wo rthwhile exercise and provided an excellent opening to draw the threads of discussion together. All attending concurred with the plan to meet again in 2007 fo r another public health SIG con ference on progress in ensuring Australia's drinking water maintai ns its reputation for safety and quality. Copies of the CD ROM which contains the majority ofthe written papers are available ftom bookshop@awa.asn.au.

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