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• Safety calls and messages may be broadcast to all stations or transmitted to an individual station. The safety message will always be transmitted on a working channel. An acknowledgment is not expected for a safety broadcast. • General or Routine communications will always be transmitted to an individual station on a working channel.

radIotelePHony callIng AND workIng cHannelS Channels allocated to ship and limited coast stations are categorised as either calling or working channels: • c alling channels are for establishing the initial contact with other stations; and •w orking channels are for the exchange of messages or conducting public correspondence by radiotelephone.

ProtectIon oF cHannelS It is important that channels are used only for the purpose for which they have been assigned; e.g. channels authorised for calling are not used as working channels. Channels authorised for calling coast stations are not used for calling ship stations.

Secrecy oF coMMunIcatIonS Article 17 of the ITU radio regulations prohibits the unauthorised interception of radio Communications not intended for the general use of the public. Secrecy of communications does not apply to the broadcast of distress, urgency or safety traffic addressed to all stations.

watcHkeePIng whilst at sea all vessels must maintain a listening watch on Channel 16 and render assistance to vessels in distress.

Common Channels Channel MHz

Communication with


Ch 77


Ship stations

General or routine communications

Ch 73


Limited coast and ship stations (Yacht & Pleasure craft)

Calling and working

Ch 72


Ship stations

Calling and working

Ch 71


Limited coast and ship stations (Professional Fishing vessels)

Calling and working

Ch 70


All stations

dSC distress, urgency, safety and routine alerting

Ch 67


All stations

distress, urgency and safety calling (supp. to Ch 16)

Ch 16


All stations

International radiotelephony distress, urgency, safety and calling channel

Ch 13


Limited coast and ship stations

Intership Maritime Safety Information. May be used by Port Authorities for vessel harbour movements communications.

Ch 6


Ship and aircraft

Co-ordinated Search and rescue (SAr). May be used by Port Authorities for tug to ship berthing communications



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