2019 Australian Hospitaller

Page 70

BOOK REVIEWS EMPIRES OF THE SEA: THE FINAL BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN 1521 – 1580 By Roger Crowley John Murphy KMG reviews a compelling work of history and breathtaking story of military crusading, barbary pirates and the Ottoman Empire.


hen young Suleiman the Magnificent, Muslim ruler of the Ottoman Empire set his fleet to sail for Rhodes, the stronghold of the Knights of St John in 1521, it would be the start of a 60-year struggle for the control of the Mediterranean and the centre of the world. It was to be a contest between East and West, Islam and Christianity, as well as a story of pirates, popes, emperors, corsairs, knights and slaves. This thrilling narrative history by author Roger Crowley takes us back in time where control of the seas determined the wealth and power of the known world. Empires of the Sea is a stirring account of the battle for civilisation on the Mediterranean between the Holy Roman Empire, the Holy League and the Ottomans with the Knights of St John defending civilisation against the marching tide of Islam. In graphic detail, it recounts the three main battles that defined the Knights in 16th century Rhodes, Malta and Lepanto, and determined the future of Europe. The book also explores the geopolitical and religious environment at the time, and the stories behind the many cast members that set the scene. This includes

La Galère Capitaine de Malte entrant dans le grand port de la Vallette de retour de sa Croisiere from the Vinkhuizen Collection 70

Hayreddin Barbarossa ‘Red beard’, from feared pirate to Admiral of the Ottoman fleet; the Grand Master of Rhodes L’Isle Adam and his meeting and treaty with ‘The Great Turk’ Sulieman; and Charles V from the ‘House of Habsburg’, the Holy Roman Emperor to his illegitimate son Don Juan of Austria who would become Admiral of the Holy Alliance fleet and fight the battle of Lepanto. Divisions in Christendom with war in the north, unholy alliances and the eventual unification of the Christians in the final battles, all makes for riveting and historically enlightening reading. Not all of the action is on the water as we know with siege strategy, battlement and rampart design, defensive architecture and engineering explained in great detail. Land bombardment, trench warfare, tunnels dug by captured miners, flame throwers, hand grenades, boiling pitch, all the critical sieges and battles are described in minute detail. Grand Master Jean Parisot de la Vallette’s knights, Christian soldiers and the local Maltese fighters fought Sulieman’s trusted adviser Mustafa Pasha Dragut and Admiral Piali Pasha, and his 40,000 soldiers. It is a tale of heroics and stoicism as well as barbarism and the harsh reality of bloody

battle and cruelty. The final scene is played out at the battle for Lepanto for ultimate supremacy of the Holy League and the European Roman Catholic States arranged by Pope Pius V. This included the Spanish Empire ruled by Phillip II, the Venetian Republic, Italian States, and of course the Knights of St John commanded by Frà Pietro Giustinani who were the Ottoman’s most hated enemy of the time. In the history of naval warfare, Lepanto marked the last major battle to be fought predominately using galleys. Masses of slaves powered the ships, with criminals chained to benches rowing with oars. They were essentially floating platforms for infantry, which made for violent and bloody battles fought at close range. The victory of the Holy League is of great significance, marking the halt of Ottoman expansion into the Mediterranean, and in particular expansion into Italy. It was also of great symbolic importance in a period when Europe was deep in conflict with its own wars of religion. Following the Reformation, Pope Pius V was jubilant and instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory. The Ottoman Turks had terrified Europe, and the victories of Suleiman the Magnificent caused Christian Europe serious concern. The defeat at Lepanto further highlighted the rapid deterioration of the Ottoman, and Christians celebrated. The mystique of the Islamic Empire was greatly tarnished by this battle, and Christian Europe rejoiced a new age. This is a wonderful read that is an historically accurate account of the battle between Islam and Christianity for not only the control of the Mediterranean but expansion of the victorious religion and culture. It is a story where some may say that the Knights of St John ultimately decide the fate of the known world. 2019 Australian Hospitaller

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Articles inside

Original Glory

pages 76-80


pages 72-75

Book Reviews

pages 70-71

Humanitarian Diplomacy

pages 60-61

The People’s Journey

pages 54-57

Hope in Hong Kong

pages 62-65

Forward Focus

pages 58-59

Bethlehem’s Miracle

pages 66-69

Embracing the Challenge

pages 50-53

Inaugural National Day

pages 48-49

Did you know

pages 44-47

A Leading Legacy

pages 41-43

The Spirit and Tradition of Pilgrimage

pages 38-40

The True Cross

pages 34-37


pages 30-31


pages 32-33

New Zealand

pages 28-29

Northern Central

pages 26-27

Central Southern

pages 24-25

North Eastern

pages 18-19

Central Eastern

pages 20-21

A Piece of History

page 15

National Hospitaller

pages 16-17


page 14

South Eastern

pages 22-23

Association President

pages 12-13

Setting a path to living our Faith

pages 6-11
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