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Central Eastern

Central Eastern Region Hospitaller: Dr Stephen Quain KMG and Mark Boffa KMG

The Central Eastern Region has had an active 12 months, highlighted by hosting the Biennial Conference from 31 May to 2 June 2019 in Sydney.

There were 112 registrants for the Assembly held in Sydney at The Hilton Hotel. This year’s theme was ‘Embracing The Challenge’ and we were fortunate and very grateful to have high quality addresses from Senator Amanda Stoker, Justice Dyson Heydon, Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald, Bishop Vincent Long, Monica Doumit, Director of Public Affairs from the Archdiocese of Sydney, and Dr Trudy Dantis, Director of the Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference, National Centre for Pastoral Research.

All the addresses were stimulating, thought provoking and ensured appropriate questions and discussion. A particular highlight was former Prime Minister, The Honourable John Howard’s after-dinner address, which discussed the issues of religious freedom in Australia.

Coats and the Community Care Van

The Coats for the Homeless program continued under the leadership of Confrère Ben Franklin. Once again, an estimated 3000 coats were distributed, not only within inner city Sydney and Parramatta but also in provincial areas through other agencies such as the St Vincent de Paul Society. In the inner city, we were again very fortunate to have the assistance and support of trained nurses from St Vincent’s Mental Health and Homeless Nursing Unit. Their support ensured that in addition to giving out the coats in the colder months or water, sunscreen and hats in the warmer months, any homeless person requiring medical attention was duly attended to.

Mass for Deceased Members

Monsignor Tony Doherty, our Senior Chaplain in the Sacred Heart Hospice Chapel celebrated Mass for our deceased members in October.

Spiritual activities and defense of the faith

Our Chaplains continued to celebrate our Friday Vigil Masses with around 15 to 20 members attending. To increase numbers, members have been reminded of our

obligation for regular involvement in the Order’s spiritual activities.

Scheduled members’ meetings were not held in April and June due to the Biennial Assembly and then the election of the new National Executive. Meetings resumed in November. We were very pleased to have our new President, His Honour, Justice James Douglas, address us on that occasion.

Our annual Day of Reflection was again held at the Mary MacKillop Centre in North Sydney on 17 August. Chaplain, Fr Danny Meagher led the Mass with 35 members in attendance. In the two days prior, the Subpriory held its Sydney retreat at Canisius College conducted by Fr Geoffrey Plant.

On Sunday 15 September 2019, members celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Philermos at St Mary’s Cathedral with the Maltese Community, with readings in English and Maltese.


Seven candidates continued to attend preparatory sessions prior to the Vigil Masses at least five times through the year under the guidance of Monsignor Doherty.


While the ‘Drinking from the waters of faith’ program remained the mainstay, it is expected to expand next year to include podcasts, as well as other readings relevant to the Catholic faith, particularly in our turbulent times today.

Again, we remain grateful to Monsignor Doherty for his guidance and support with this program.

Volunteer support

There has been a transition in the rostering which now has also come under the direction of Confrère Ben Franklin. Improved ways of managing the volunteer roster and ensuring availability are being explored so that programs are well supported.

Many of our volunteers, including members, have now committed to a monthly or more frequent contribution, which provides more certainty to the programs. We remain very conscious of our mission of Obsequium Pauperum and our encounters with rehabilitating drug and alcohol-effected people, as well as the homeless and those with mental health issues, which are always rewarding.

Lourdes Day Mass

On Saturday 7 December 2019, the Lourdes Day Mass

was held at St Mary’s Cathedral with approximately 700 in the congregation, including 40 Knights and Dames. Due to the efforts of longstanding Confrère Malcolm Irving, assisted by Stephen Chiew, Graham Beal and Vivian Hardjono, an increased number of Malades were in attendance, despite the smoky haze over the city.

Archbishop Fisher and the Order’s chaplains, Monsignor Tony Doherty, Monsignor Vince Redden and Fr Gerry Gleeson celebrated the Mass with assistance in particular from the Chief Usher and the staff of the Cathedral. This was a most moving and spiritual ceremony, particularly with the Blessing of the Malades by the Archbishop and the traditional handing out of the vials of water from the shrine of Lourdes.

Prevention and Recovery Centre

Central Eastern Region plans to financially support St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney’s mental health and homeless health service project in Woolloomooloo.

Modifications to the building are expected to start in 2020 once regulatory approvals are in place. This is a major project with a commitment over the next 10 years.

Left: Volunteers and members distribute an estimated 3000 coats to the homeless within inner city Sydney, Parramatta, and provincial areas. Top right: Archbishop Anthony Fisher celebrates Lourdes Day Mass.