The professional medium sept 2016 #1

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Emotions! How they affect mediums

Ivana Jovanovic So, what exactly are emotions and what is their significance in our lives? It is imperative to know that we are all emotional beings, whether we like it or not. Emotions are fundamental to our development as humans and are data to our energy/body system. Sadly, in society today we are not well versed in the art of creating an intimate relationship with our emotions. Whether or not this is due to poor parenting, cultural influence and/or what we watch, eat and drink; these are crucial factors to take into consideration. Society is continually teaching us to objectify our experience of being human, so when we come into contact with raw emotion, we are taught to numb them rather than to learn their value and place in our lives. For most of us, staying present within the experience of the emotion doesn’t last long as we intellectualise it. In that very act we are robbed of our authentic expression of emotions as individuals. need to have an in depth understanding of the mechanics behind our own emotions, but also need to be the container of our past/current

Apart from creating a strong link with the Spirit world, the fundamental element of a medium is the responsibility to the client. is, we don’t only What this means is, we don’t only need to have an in depth understanding of the mechanics behind our own emotions, but also need to be the container of our past/current emotional experiences. Observing personal emotional states, paying close attention to habitual patterns, and deep-seated issues makes reflective work a crucial component for a medium. Mediating emotions and enhancing emotional intelligence creates the appropriate supportive environment for our clients. Why? If we are not aware of the emotional landscape we ourselves bear, we run the risk of being affected in the presence of the ‘other’; the ability to regulate the anxiety level of the other and ourselves would not be viable. This could also trigger personal reactivity to the situation and lead to inaccurate messages and potential damage to the client.

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