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WED 10.22.14



Jars of Clay a Smash Hit Veteran Christian band comes to the Howard – p. 10




“By college he embraced his iden- “Could it then be suggested that tity because he ‘began to under- there is a hidden agenda in what stand different is good.’” gets covered in the news?

P. 2

P. 5


P. 7

TOTAL PEACE “Theology and physics… have a strong belief in the inherent rationality of reality”

P. 8



“My mom used to play classical mu- “We are forced to confront sic in the car when we would go our own Western blindness, anywhere, and I would hear the not caring about victims... piano and think, I want to be that unless they look like us. person someday.” P. 10

P. 12




Be Color-Rich, Not Color-Blind Jonathan Doram | Hispanic Her-

Givan Hinds News Editor

itage Month runs September 15 October 15. To celebrate and honor the month, a forum occurred in the Howard Performing Arts Center. José Bourget, the main speaker, mentioned that the month is about “recognizing the huge impact that the Hispanic culture, particularly immigrants, has had on the nation” through music, food, movies, art, and other contributions. Bourget hopes that students will begin to “ask questions, rather than make assumptions” about various cultures and peoples. Blanca Marcano, Senior Psychology major and Adelante Club President, helped prepare traditional refreshments for the forum. The Adelante Club was formed 20 years ago with the purpose raising awareness about Hispanic culture. Marcano noted that it is an “open and accepting culture, open to other people being a part of it.” “Adelante” literally means “forward,” and is an encouragement to endure. The club is hosting a banquet November 22, a concert called “Latin Night,” and a night of food and games called “Fiesta Night.” For more information, check out www.facebook.com/adelante.au. Diana Adame, one of the assistant chefs in the Terrace Café, explained how the café prepared a huge event for Mexican Independence Day, making tamarindo, horchata, limonada, pupusas, and tostones. She wants “the [international]students to feel that they are appreciated here.” Students were excitedly taking pictures and posting on social media since the food reminded them of home. Adame’s family was separated during a civil war in Nicaragua, so she can

identify with the students’ feeling homesick. She encouraged the students to write down if they want the café to make more of a certain food, like fried plantain or cassava. This December, she is painting a mural in the Campus Center detailing various global locations in an effort to capture the diversity of the campus. Black History Month is well publicized; the other heritage months for Asian-Pacific Americans or Hispanics, are lesser known. A few Hispanic students were unaware that they had a heritage month since no one talked about it. Andrews only recently commenced events to honor the month. Eliel Cruz, a senior International Business and French double major, said the month is “significant because it gives us a time to reflect on our heritage, something that doesn’t get to happen throughout the year.” He wants people to know that Hispanics are “not all the same. We’re quite diverse in culture and even in our language.” Daniela Barreto, a sophomore Speech Pathology and Audiology major, similarly suggested that people “get to know different Hispanics and you will see that as much as we all might seem to be the same, culturally we are very different.” Gladys Acevedo, a senior Spanish for Translation major, listed five key characteristics of the Hispanic culture: family unifies the Latino community, language is honored, cultural differences are distinct, Hispanics lead a conservative, traditional lifestyle, and most Hispanics feel nostalgia for their country of origin. She amusingly tells us that “English is the

language of the Earth, but Spanish is the language of Heaven.” Human beings make stereotypes easily, but José Bourget cautioned against stereotypes leading to negative behavior or prejudice. He showed a short video during the forum about José Zamora, who was having no luck finding a job or even getting a response after sending hundreds of applications. One day, he changed his name to Joe, and immediately companies began to call him back. Carlos Lozano, a sophomore Violin Performance major, is originally from Mexico. He recounted some of his first experiences in America: “On some occasions, I felt discriminated [against], people looking at us from above, moving from a bench because we sat there, and stuff like that.” Through the various heritage months, Bourget hopes people will say, “I’m going to look for the beautiful things that are different about people, because of their cultural heritage, because of their gender, because of their background” and “let me see what is colorful and rich about people.” He hopes that people will “try to be color-rich, rather than color-blind.” In middle school, he used to be embarrassed at looking Hispanic, but by college he embraced his identity because he “began to understand different is good.” As God created us in His image, José points to the diversity of creation as a testament to the beauty of God. He exclaimed how “God coded us with so many variations of what He could be like,” and the way we are made celebrates and honors Him, which is something we can commemorate every day.


Mammoth Find Will be Shown October 24, 1962 Staff | “Remains of a Jefferson mammoth, a post-glacial grazing animal, are being displayed on campus today,” states Dr. Wes Thoreson of the Biology Department. Farmer Wesley Prillwitz and crane operator Carl Harris were enlarging an irrigation pond on the Prillwitz property Thursday when they discovered one of the huge bones. The bones found as of Sunday include the skull in four pieces, one-half of the lower jaw with the ivory tooth still intact, the articulatory portion of the rest of the lower jaw, both shoulder blades, part of the pelvic bone, one femur, one humerus, several ribs, and several cervical and thoracic vertebrae including the atlas vertebra. They were found within eight feet of the surface. “It should be possible to retrieve considerably more of the

skeleton,” comments Dr. Richard Ritland of the Geoscience Research Institute. “This is one of the two best specimens in completeness and number of bones to be found in the state of Michigan. Thirty-two mammoths have been discovered in Michigan, three within the last two years,” Ritland continued. “If seen by a modern-day layperson, he would probably think the mammoth was an elephant, as they are very similar,” he added. AU scientists are cooperating with paleontologists from the University of Michigan in searching for more skeletal parts. Test material from the skeleton has been taken to University of Michigan for carbon-14 dating. Dr. Asa Thoresen of the biology department went scuba diving Monday to search for more bones on the bottom of the pond.


WED 10.22.14





Internet Improvement Livvy Knott | Information Tech-

nology Services (ITS) is working to improve the internet across campus, and has started by installing several new wireless access routers in rooms on the west side of Lamson Hall. “We expect that this is just the beginning of a widespread redesign and increase in access points across campus,” said Lorena Bidwell, Chief Information Officer at ITS, starting in the residence halls and then moving on to other places where large groups gather. For the Lamson Hall installations, ITS conducted an analysis of the wireless signal and drew up a layout for placement of access points to provide the best coverage. “It takes careful engineering, study, planning, and design,” said Bidwell. Teela Ruehle, Associate Dean of Women at Lamson Hall, said she had seen at least 12 new routers come in this week. Ruehle unofficially handles the IT issues for the dorm because of her background as ITS PC Support Specialist. She explained that while each hallway

previously had about two wireless routers, the new installations have approximately tripled that number. “The first step is just getting more routers. The second step is increasing the bandwidth, which I think is probably a bigger, longterm thing.” On September 12, Jennifer Burrill, Director of Residence Life at Lamson Hall, sent out a survey asking Lamson residents about “difficulties accessing the wireless network” in the building. “I had heard from one of the deans that there was a petition going around by one of the students and that over 100 people had signed it, saying that they were having Internet issues. That’s when I realized how bad the Internet issue was for the residents,” said Burrill. Burrill worked with Bidwell to craft helpful questions for the survey. Last she looked, over 130 had responded—about a quarter of the Lamson population. Of ITS, Burrill said, “They responded really fast. As soon as I emailed [Bidwell]—and I’m talking within an hour of me emailing her

October Preview

that this is a problem—they were on it. They took it seriously, they just didn’t know it was that big of an issue.” Bidwell named two challenges ITS is facing concerning the wireless network. The first is the “decreasing range of access points as bandwidth increases.” As routers have been made to get faster and faster over the years, their reach has been shrinking. The second is the significant increase in wireless devices this year. “A single access point typically isn’t supposed to handle more than 25 devices,” says Bidwell, but common estimates say that individuals now have an average of two to three personal wireless devices (smart phones, laptops, tablets, printers, gaming consoles, etc.). Both of these factors have necessitated more access points to cover the same amount of space. Students can help to solve the problem by providing feedback. “It’s helpful for students to tell us when they have issues, rather than just complain to each other,” says Burrill. “We won’t know the mag-

nitude of it if they keep it to themselves.” Bidwell too said that having patience and responding to requests for information (such as surveys) will help ITS. “I appreciate the opportunity to get feedback.” Of her team, she said, “We would really like to serve well—there is an intense desire to provide an efficient wireless network.”

Gielle Kuhn | Andrews Universi-

ty annually hosts undergraduate preview events, in which students from across the country--and even international students--get a chance to tour the campus and learn more about the university. This year, Andrews will hold several of these events during the months of October and November. Visiting preview students will get to experience university life as they think about a university that will encourage their future aspirations. Rebecca Storgaard, a senior student from Vejlefjordskolen, an SDA Academy in Denmark, explains that she is eager to transition from high school to college life, and that may have to do with a few movies she’s watched: “I like the idea about a lot of exciting things happening in the years of college, and also that you can maybe meet some friends for life, like in the movie “Grease”. At Andrews, there are many opportunities for extracurricular activities. Storgaard looks

forward to joining such groups. She explains, “I would love to join language clubs or maybe musical clubs, where I can spend time with people my own age who share the same interests as I do.” Some future college students wonder about the benefits of going to a religious school. Matheus Silva, a senior at Andrews Academy, understands and values a religious background: “if it wasn’t for the Christian education I’ve received throughout high school I probably would not have gotten re-baptized. The university always provides its students with opportunities to get involved spiritually but in the end it is the students’ decisions”. Ivy Ochieng, a senior at Berrien Springs High School, says, “I hope I change the way I eat, because I have heard of freshmen 15, and I do not want to be a part of that statistic.”

Student Movement Wins “Best in Class”



Department of Communication Chair Dr. Williams-Smith accepts the award for “Best in Class - Student Newspaper” from NAD Communication Director Daniel Weber at the Society of Adventist Communicators annual convention in

Jacksonville, Florida. The Student Movement won the award for overall quality of design, logo, creativity, timeliness, organization, content, audience appeal, and consistency.

Death of Emma Gonzales Emma Gonzalez, the younger daughter of Daniel and Wendy Gonzalez, died in an accident on Thursday, October 16. Daniel Gonzalez is an assistant professor of biology at Andrews University. Emma’s grandmother, Sylvia Gonzalez, is a professor of leadership and educational leadership. PHOTO BY GIVAN HINDS

Visitation occurred from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday in the PMC Commons, and a memorial service was held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday at Berrien Springs Spanish Church. Campus Ministries is collecting nonperishable food and basic household items for the Gonzalez family, and requests the prayers

of the Andrews University family during this difficult time.




What is Actually Being Censored? Nathan Davis | Child pornogra-

Erik Vyhmeister Ideas Editor

phy is censored in most, if not all, countries. This is probably because in order to make child pornography, you must violate the consensual rights of a child. Finland has virtually no censorship laws, with the sole exception of censoring child pornography. Australia even goes so far as to censor any pornography where an actor appears to be a minor. Many countries, during wartime, will censor any material which may potentially disclose strategically useful information to the enemy. Also, several governments, including the United States, censor information which is politically sensitive. In the United States there is also heavy selfcensorship because of a fear of picking a battle with corporations and losing one’s livelihood. The website Wikileaks.org attempts to leak some of the censored news which more official sources are unwilling to cover. The United States also censors instruction manuals on how to build weapons of mass destruction. Copyright infringement is also a reason to censor material in some countries, including

the United States. Offensive material is also censored, using the justification of not contaminating innocent eyes (usually those of children). This type of material includes nudity, vulgar language, violence, and drug

group or incite violence. In Israel, the word Nakba is banned from textbooks; it is seen as propaganda against Israel. Also, in Israel, some movies have been censored which portray Hitler in overly sympathetic terms, as this would be

“If you search for certain keywords on the internet, you run the risk of being imprisoned.” abuse. This is the reason why snuff films (films showing someone being killed) are censored. Libel and slander are censored, as well as hate speech, malicious gossip, and other types of speech which could ruin the reputation of a person or

offensive. The Federal Republic of Germany censors things promoting National Socialism, the Swastika, and denial of the Holocaust, since Nazism is a very offensive subject in that country. The censorship in China is built

to promote the Chinese culture and economy. Anything which can be seen to put a negative spin on China is open to censorship. Many things foreign are censored. Google is censored, possibly to give more business to China’s own search engine, Baidu. Some other websites which are censored include YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Dropbox. If you search for certain keywords on the internet, you run the risk of being imprisoned. The Tiananmen Square incident and the Dalai Lama are censored subjects. Some textbooks were removed because their maps had mainland China and Taiwan colored with two different colors. Some foreign films and music are censored, but they are still readily accessible through bootleg copies. Perhaps this is done to keep the Chinese economics within China as much as possible. During the Beijing Olympics, Chinese TV broadcasted the “live” performances with a 10 second delay so they could censor anything of a sensitive nature. North Korea has the most complete censor -- all media is controlled by

the government. All TV and radios are modified so they can only access the Korean media channels. The internet is made available in a heavily monitored form with some university computers and to high-ranking officials. The average citizen only has access to the country’s own intranet, called Kwangmyong. Rather than blocking certain things, the North Korean government has taken a different approach and blocked everything, then opened up a few select things for public access. Different countries censor for different reasons -- offensive / sensitive content, war, politics, population control, economics, etc. Whether all censorship is good / bad / necessary is a discussion not likely to be settled anytime soon. However, we can and should appreciate the relative freedom of information we have, and do what we can to make that available to others.

on the word choice, even if used appropriately. Nobody in my high school organized an “end the f-word” campaign. That word and all of the other swear words were used by students, and though not always appreciated, that language was tolerated. So why do common swear words continue to be used, unchecked, while non-traditional offensive language sparks campaigns to limit their usage? To understand, it helps to categorize the several purposes that swear words have. Steven Pinker outlines five types of swear words in his book, The Stuff of Thought. Emphatic swearing is used to emphasize a point.

detrimental, and is the reason for campaigns to end offensive language. Common swear words are used in all five forms, for various reasons, but “fat” and “retarded” are not. These words are usually used idiomatically or abusively. Nobody says “FAT!” when they stub their toe. Because these words have limited purposes, they are easier to notice when being used offensively. Not only that, they usually refer to a specific group of people when used to insult, and today’s society strives to end discrimination wherever it occurs. Media will continue to exercise amendment rights, and profanity will likely be a fixture of that. Yet offensive and insulting language will not be tolerated by society, and all forms of abusive swearing will be fought against wherever people see them and speak up about them.

Censorship in Language Chris Wheeler | Debates over the

censorship of offensive language is a major issue. There are many who believe that swearing should be censored, but there are also many who think that artists have a right to free speech, and that the consumer has the responsibility to be careful about what they choose to consume. This issue is prevalent in everyday society. The world does not agree on what words they will or will not use in conversation. Some people will band together and attempt to stop society from using certain words in ways that were harmful to others.

While I was in middle school and high school, I noticed that there were two words that were considered detrimental enough to call for campaigns to reduce their usage. These two words, surprisingly enough, were not in the common list of swears. These words were “fat” and “retarded.” The reasons to eradicate the usage of these words is clear. Everyday conversation tends to use these terms in derogatory or deprecating manner. These campaigns had a worthy cause, and the words they chose to limit were good choices. It is interesting to notice the differ-

ence between these words and the more infamous offensive words. It is very easy to use “fat” in a sentence that does not offend anyone. “Retarded” is trickier, and might receive an uneasy glance from a listener, but the speaker probably won’t be chastised if the term is used inoffensively. The term itself is outdated, and that is a general trend of many words that were once technically correct, but become inappropriate through misuse. On the other hand, if someone were to use one of the common swear words, many people would notice, and some might comment

“So why do common swear words continue to be used, unchecked, while non-traditional offensive language sparks campaigns to limit their usage?”

Idiomatic swearing is used in normal conversation, without meaning to offend. Cathartic swearing is used to endure pain. Dysphemistic swearing is used to shock; it is the opposite of euphemisms. Abusive swearing is used to insult someone or something. The first three are arguably less malicious than the last two, but the final one is clearly the most

WED 10.22.14



a sea of poppies,” which doesn’t seem particularly relevant, or even interesting, to many of those in the U.S. Whereas on the BBC website, the vast majority of the articles presented there are on topics that are both of interest and that at least slightly pertain to the reader. In fact, it’s the development of the interest that causes readers to want to find a relevancy. BBC presents topics about air raids, arrests, army drones, and rescues. These are all topics of trauma, disaster, and crisis, which instill a sense of urgency in the reader, causing

them to find relevancy due to a natural desire for self-preservation. Could it then be suggested that there is a hidden agenda in what gets covered in the news? Absolutely. Is that suggestion provable and/or feasible? Less so. But the point of reading news shouldn’t be to uncover hidden agendas, whether it be on a global scale or by reading the Student Movement. No, the point of reading news is to expose yourself to the ever-changing world around you in order to expand your reality. Rather than reading to find the hidden agen-

das, read a variety of stories from a variety of sources with unbiased eyes. Analyze what you read, and don’t take everything at face value: even with pure intentions, the author you read might be wrong. That doesn’t make reading news less valuable -- it just means you actually have to think about what you’re reading/seeing and evaluate the content.

of TV show entitle, “World War II, The Last Heroes,” which was a documentary-style show covering the major points of WWII from the point of view of the soldiers who fought in those battles. The website I tried to stream the show off of was blocked, however, and was replaced by a white window with the Andrews University insignia and note stating that my website was blocked for pornography. An open-streaming website on which anyone could upload anything may be a site that one is likely to find films containing various con-

centrations of pornography, but a site dedicated to films about World War II is a very unlikely place to find pornographic material. Accidental censorship is an unfortunate byproduct of Internet censorship. In an attempt to limit what can be accessed on their network, organizations block every possible connection to the undesired subject. This will indubitably overlap with many innocent sites or articles that include the same words. The fact of the matter is, despite an organization’s best efforts to control what is visible to those

on its network, whatever people want to find on the Internet will be found somehow. There is always a way around a block, and by the time a student is college age, they know how to get around it. For the rest of us who are simply attempting to catch up with Doctor Who, or read an article on the effects of marijuana on the brain, the effects of accidental censorship are perhaps not detrimental, but certainly obnoxious, inconvenient, and time-consuming to get around.



Coverage Sarah Stelfox | As a society where

constant development and improvement are highly emphasized, it’s vital that we keep the general public informed via the news. The news is there to essentially let you know what’s new and what’s been improved on. It’s also there to alert you of changes, which seems like the logical purpose, being that the more informed the general public is, the more uniformly and effectively we can embrace change. It should come as no surprise, then, that many of the big name news reporting institutions across the

world report on very similar topics. There are some stark differences, however, in what these various countries put their emphasis on in coverage. For example, if one were to go to the NBC news website, they would find that there is a multitude of subcategory tabs at the top of the page, with only one focused on news from outside the US. In contrast, the BBC website has 7 of its 14 tabs focused on other countries. Japantoday.com has a similar setup to the NBC website, mainly focused on national concerns. There are also websites,

such as Euronews.com, which covers news pertaining to Europe as a continent, while also maintaining subcategories for every other continent as well. As expected, the actual content and nature of the coverage on every site is relatively similar. Obviously, the outbreak of the Ebola virus is a hot topic on any type of news feed, since it’s relevant to everyone. But relevancy may not necessarily be of such a great concern when it comes to what gets covered. NBC featured an article about “the Queen walking through

On Accidental Censorship Emily Cancel | The high school

that I graduated from had an Internet filter appliance for any device that connected to their network. It prevented the user from opening certain URL’s that had been flagged as “inappropriate.” The use of certain words or images with more than a set amount of skin tone shades or red shades would trigger this system. Rather than reaching the desired website, one would be redirected to a white screen with a pleasant image of a waterfall, as well as a title containing the web address and the Comsifter logo.

Censorship programs like this are very popular in schools, especially private schools, who not only want to keep students from fooling around on the internet rather than doing homework during prescribed lab times, but also want to limit exposure to inappropriate websites or images. I can understand how an application like that would be beneficial in elementary school, where younger children may be inadvertently exposed to inappropriate content during their loosely monitored lab time, but Comsifter had

a much more detrimental effect on the high schoolers. During American History class, while trying to research various battles, the articles would get “Comsifted” for being violent and containing graphic images of battles. One can imagine how exasperating this was for students who were trying to get legitimate work done. Something I was slightly surprised by was the fact that there was a Comsifter-type system at Andrews as well. I realized this fact one Saturday evening when I attempted to watch a few episodes




Ping-Pong/Pool Tournament Jordan Jackson | Freshly popped

popcorn, smiles formed from constant laughter and hypnotic tunes from Daft Punk all created a great atmosphere for a ping pong and pool tournament on a Saturday night. As I walked around, I was captivated along with the rest of the crowd by an intense game of ping pong between two Andrew University students, Eduardo Cunha and Johnny Ahn. As the match begins, Ahn serves the ball; Cunha misses and the ball hits the wall. A huge gasps overcomes the crowd and we anticipate what is yet to come. The people are silent and all that is heard is the faint sounds of the ping pong ball from the paddle to the table and back to the paddle again. Over time we see that Ahn can’t match the defense of Cunha, who wins the match. Afterwards, Cunha shared a little of his past with me. He began playing ping pong when he was about twelve years old. When I asked for his thoughts on the game he said with a smile on his face, “It was cool playing with Johnny; I had fun.” I continued to make my way around the room and found myself over by the pool table. In an attempt not disturb the concentration of the

Tim McGuire Pulse Editor

players, I watched quietly. Perfect stances were held as each player tried their best to score on their opponents, whereas others had goofy methods that surprisingly worked to their advantage. I continued to walk around the room when I ran into Jordan Mandak. We began talking and he shared his reasoning for coming: “to just have a fun and get bragging rights.” After conversing with so many people that night, one person’s opinion stood out to me the most. “I don’t like ping pong or pool because I don’t know how to play them, but the music is great to vibe to and hang and watch people have fun,” said Raquel Carmona.


Kickstart Your Morning Rebecca Coleman | Are you tired

of eating the same thing for breakfast every morning? Here are some creative ways to change up your morning meal to give you that variety you’ve been craving. 2-Ingredient Pancakes Super easy to make, with only two ingredients! Take one banana and mash it up in a bowl. Make sure that you’ve mashed until smooth - no one wants clumpy pancakes! Crack open two eggs and mix them into the banana. If you want to get fancy with your pancakes, add a pinch of baking powder and some cinnamon. Now your batter is ready for the skillet. Cook and serve like you would normal pancakes.

Nutella Toast For all the Nutella lovers out there, you know that Nutella is delicious no matter how it is served. For breakfast, a good way to eat Nutella is on toast. The toppings are what make it fun. Try anything from applesauce to bananas, dried coconut, apples, or yogurt. Make it interesting! Secret Smoothie Here’s an easy way to make a box of your least favorite cereal disappear! Add it to a smoothie; get the nutritional benefits of the cereal without realizing that you’re eating it. Put 1 cup of milk, ½c frozen blueberries, 1 sliced frozen banana, ½ corn flakes (or any cereal of your choice) into a blender and blend. Voila!


Banana Split Split a banana in half lengthwise. Spread the halves with peanut butter. Spoon 1/3-cup yogurt in the middle and top with 2 tablespoons of crunchy cereal. You’ve now transformed an unhealthy snack in a healthy start for your day. Enjoy! Apples and Cheese Need a quick meal you can inconspicuously eat in class? Slice an apple, some cheddar cheese and throw them in a plastic baggie. For fiber, grab a handful of walnuts or almonds. Super quick!


WED 10.22.14





Men’s Soccer:

Men’s Basketball:

October 19th, 2014 Cardinals - 1 West Virginia Institute of Technology - 9

October 31st, 2014 @ 3:30 pm Cardinals vs. Mount Vernon Nazarene University Crossroad League Classic

October 17th, 2014 Cardinals - 1 Moody Bible Institute - 3

November 1st, 2014 @ 8:00 pm Cardinals @ Grace College Crossroad League Classic

October 2nd, 2014 Cardinals - 8 Robert Morris University-Springfield - 3

November 5th, 2014 @ 7:30 pm Cardinals @ Bethel College



Women’s Cardinal Preview Evan Rorie | A few weeks back we

got a glimpse of our Men’s Basketball Team as they played the alumni. The women did not play that night, however, which has led to some inquiry about what the team

“[Practices] are also a lot longer: I went from an hour and a half long practices to two and a half hour practices, and that really does make all the difference.” However, being an alumna of An-

have set. Sophomore Kayla Dozier compares her experience from last season to this new team by saying, “I see a lot more potential, more girls definitely came out for the team than last year which is al-

more games.” For the returning players it is likely that their role will change this year and it will require more from them to help this team up, on and off the court. “I’m definitely going to have to try to be

Women’s Soccer October 19th, 2014 Cardinals vs. West Virginia Institute of Technology Canceled October 14th, 2014 Cardinals vs. Robert Morris University- Springfield Canceled

Women’s Basketball:

November 3rd, 2014 TBA Cardinals @ Glen Oaks Community College November 5th, 2014 TBA Cardinals @ Indiana University-South Bend November 11th, 2014 TBA Cardinals @ Holy Cross College

October 12th, 2014 Cardinals - 3 Robert Morris University-Lake County - 1

is doing. While students have been questioning the whereabouts the team, the Women’s Cardinals have continued to be busy in Johnson Gym training and practicing for their upcoming season as usual.

drews Academy and their Girls Varsity Basketball team has given Smoot an edge on the rest of the new players on this team. “I think it really helped that I came from Andrews Academy so [for]

“Every player feels that they

ways a good start to the year, now we have a lot more options.” In terms of preparing a new team filled with new players, the coaching staff has to prepare a system that has a main focus point to help prepare the players for the season. “I think that coach’s main focus is to be a better team defensively,” says Dozier. “I think that is what really wins games, and obviously everybody’s main goal is to win

a leader,” Dozier continues, “considering that there are only three or four girls that [were] on the team last year. Off the court I have to stay on top of my academics as much as possible.” Although their season starts off on November 3 against Glenn Oaks College, we won’t get a chance to see them play at home until the 20th when they play Indiana University-South Bend.

have something to bring to the table this year”

This season, though, seems to be a little different. There are a lot of new faces mixed with a few old ones, all with the same intention of having a more successful season than last year. Led by Coach Wooldridge, the women’s basketball team has a lot of work to do to help get the new students on board as well as build their team chemistry together by next month when the season starts. For some new players, like Haley Smoot, the transition from high school to college ball has proven to be more work than they are accustomed to. “There is a lot more running than I am used to in high school basketball,” said Smoot.

a lot of the plays, I already knew them. Stuff is a little different, but it is [mostly] very similar so I enjoy having that prior knowledge.” Since this is a team filled with new players, a lot of roles have not been filled yet and every player feels that they have something to bring to the table this year. According to Smoot, “I consider myself a team player; I know that you lose as a team and you win as a team, so I really hope to bring my best to the team and just leave it all out on the court.” For some players that are returning from last year to the team, a lot more is expected of them, and they have to help get the new students on board with the system that they


Team Mazani Wins Crowned Soccer Champions Justin Walker | After losing in

the finals last year, Team Mazani bounced back and won this year’s outdoor soccer intramurals after beating Pain and Torture 4-1 in penalty kicks last Wednesday. Team Mazani drew first blood with Daron Raynor scoring in the first half. Pain and Torture would equalize from the penalty spot late in the second half, with only a few minutes before the final whistle. When the final whistle blew, the score was still at a deadlock, which meant the championship would be determined by penalty kicks. Team Mazani started off the shootout with a goal while Pain and Torture saw their penalty kick get saved. Team Mazani would score their next two kicks while Pain and Torture could only score one of their next two. With a chance to gain glory, Raynor, the scorer of the first half goal, scored the decisive penalty, giving Team Mazani the champi-

onship. When asked what he was thinking before he took his penalty kick, Raynor said, “I knew I was going to score. I never had a doubt.” During the celebration, Team Captain Isheanesu Mazani said, “After losing in the finals last year, I feel validated now that we bounced back and won this year.”




Total Peace Mercedes McLean | “Did you

Dakota Hall Humans Editor

know that Special Relativity says that if the Flash [a DC Universe superhero with incredible speed] actually existed, he couldn’t actually run around getting stuff done like he does in the comics? If he moved nearly as fast as light, then time would actually slow down around him and everything else would age much more quickly in relation to him. It wouldn’t really work. But, if he punched you really fast, you would basically explode. You and everything around you,” Łukasz Krzywon explains. Comics aren’t the only thing that Łukasz mixes with physics; his double major in physics and the-

ology ensures that his scientific prowess doesn’t just stay in the science complex. When asked what made him interested in such divergent subjects, he answers, “My standard answer is that it’s a mix of my two grandfathers. One was a pastor and the other was a math teacher. But really, I’m very interested in philosophy and the real world. Very interested in reality.” Łukasz goes on to expound on veritas, the Latin word for truth. Theology and physics are two fundamental ways of organizing veritas, of observing and making claims about what is true. “Theology and science have very compatible philosophies,” Łukasz asserts.

In the light of recent and ancient controversies between science and religion, many people would disagree with that statement, but he goes on to explain that both fields “have a strong belief in the inherent rationality of reality,” meaning that both see the world as something that can be observed and explained. While the two areas may come to different conclusions, they agree that the universe is a rational place and that humans can come to understand it better through observation and analysis. “This is a very Christian and scientific concept.” When asked to explain what this means in the Christian context, Łukasz goes back to the Gene-

sis Creation account, saying, “God gave humanity dominion over the earth. We must have knowledge about things in order to take care of them.” Along with his scholastic pursuits, Łukasz, now in his third year, is also working on trying to establish an Andrews branch of the Adventist Peace Fellowship (APF). APF is a movement that is trying to put increased focus on the Adventist Church’s peace-seeking roots and the potential our church has to help establish greater peace on a local and worldwide level. It has a focus on holistic peace, which means that they are not just looking at violence and pacifism, but also financial peace, social justice and equality, protection of the natural world, and other aspects of peace. “APF tries to reestablish the idea that to be an Adventist is to be a peacemaker,” Łukasz says. He claims that as we reexamine the history of our church we will see all of the ways that Adventism’s core beliefs and early missions tried to establish total well-being for the world. “It’s important to recognize that the world we live in is a real world, not an illusion. What people are going through is complicated and difficult and important. We have to establish the kingdom of heaven here and now, [and] not wait.” Łukasz goes on to expound more on the concept of “kingdom of heaven,” an idea originally introduced by Jesus in the gospels, and its modern applications. “This has been my new big understanding this semester—the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is not something that we can estab-

lish ourselves, but something we let through us. It’s about bringing people out of darkness, but realizing that all parts of the world have darkness. Even in the light, it isn’t perfect.” Still, Łukasz implores the importance of striving for heaven on earth even when that isn’t attainable: “When we study about World War II, we learn about the concept of Total War. Everything that people did was to further the causes of their country. What you did with your beans and your tin cans. Everything mattered. In Europe, every citizen was a combatant, everyone had a part in the war. We need to find a way to put this concept into the Christian context. We need Total Peace. Every action.” When asked what this Total Peace would look like, Łukasz replied, “I can’t say exactly what this would look like, I don’t think that anyone can. But a focus on the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, self-control, that’s an important start. But also rougher qualities, like self-sacrifice and determination. Perhaps most of all empathy and shared experience.... The world needs this holistic peace.”


Vinyl Records, Comics, and Pez Dispensers Emily Scott | Zach Harris is a grad-

uate student from Niles, Michigan, completing his masters in music. He is a vocalist, but tends not to perform. He does, however, specialize in scholarly study of music. Once finished with his masters, he plans on going on to complete his doctorate so that he can teach popular music history, development, aesthetics, and criticisms. Zach works in the Music Material Center in Hamel Hall. He says that it has provided a lot of opportunities, which not only help him understand a little bit more about what happens with the functioning of a library, but also teaches him a lot of “great research skills and [it gives him] an opportunity to improve the collection.” He goes on to say that because of the unique field of study he is in, he has been able to “improve the types of books at the library and the types of sound recording as well—working there has been mutually beneficial” for him and the library. In addition to this, Zach collects vintage vinyl records, com-

ic books, and Pez dispensers. He started collecting Pez dispensers 24 years ago. He mentioned that he still has his first dispenser, which he got when he was just four years old. He also stated that he always “thought they were the coolest things,” but now understands that their worth has grown tremendously over the past few years and that they are now much more valuable than they previously were. Zach’s vinyl record collection began when he first started college around nine years ago. “Going into music, [Vinyl records] were something that were always kind of fascinating to me,” Zach stated. “At first, they looked like great wall decorations; then I started to think that they would be fun to listen to, so I got a record player.” His original purchase consisted of only 5 vinyl records, which slowly grew in number until he eventually got 30 records, which inspired him to buy a player. Now, he has over 200 vinyl records that vary from jazz to classical to popular music and much more.

Young boys often love comic books and Zach was no different. As he got older, he slowly grew away from them, but still had them sitting around until he came back to them in college. He stated that he “started to learn how to appreciate them for the interesting pictures, the heroic battle of good versus evil, and their literary aspects.” He also mentioned that The Watchmen, by Alan Moore, is now considered one of the greatest literary works of art, which incorporates and gives a modern account of Greek mythology. When asked about his favorite comic book, he responded by saying that that was a loaded question because there have been so many good comics that he has read and collected over the past 20 years. Zach did, however, state that the best one that he has started to read lately is called Saga of the Swamp Thing by Alan Moore. Moore is a British writer who took the original Swamp Thing series and revamped the title and characters in it by making it something very different. He extended

the world in which it was written. Zach says that “the artwork is very old styled but has a lot of depth in it… It has phenomenal work.” Due to his experience in working in the library in the music center, he has been able to help improve the collection at Andrews through popular music purchases, sounds, and recordings. Additionally, the English department expressed interest in getting some of the graphic novels he has collected for the library and putting him in charge of orders because of his knowl-

edge. As a result of this, he ensured that, in addition to his own collection, the library will also have great copies. He said that he feels like he has “left a mark on Andrews University and that people can actually go and experience it at the library.” It just goes to show that developing hobbies can indeed become something beneficial for your life, whether it seems related to the area of study that you are currently pursuing at the moment or not.


WED 10.22.14





Michael Polite Associate Chaplain Our new Associate Chaplain speaks Spanish, favors bow ties, likes to read great books, and has a vision for ministering to the millennial generation. We sat down to talk with him last Friday. We hear you’ve just finished your first full-time week at Andrews. Welcome. You came from a church ministry position?

Yes, I was Associate Pastor of Youth and Young Adults at Riverside church in Nashville, Tennessee. How is it that you came to Andrews?

Well, a couple of days before July 4, I was sitting at my desk at work, planning for our next youth and young adult initiative, and I got a call from [AU Lead Chaplain] June Price, and she wanted to know if I would apply for this position. It was out of the blue. But after some prayer and discussion with some mentors, family, and friends, and they said “it won’t hurt to apply. If you don’t get called, you stay here with a job you enjoy, and if you do get called, you go to the prayer closet and say ‘whoa, what is happening?’” What is your job description here?

First, Lead Pastor of the New Life

by Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor

Fellowship. Second, I’m trying to wrap my mind around coming up with some innovative ways to get graduate students more involved in spiritual life and faith development. With their schedules being so different, it’s easy for them to get a bit distant from the spiritual life offerings. And then I’m looking at communications here, and trying to “brand” Campus Ministries and establish a unified PR and communications philosophy. Right now, those are the big rocks.

trying to hand out 58,000 flyers, for example. We had hits from four different continents. Japan, Ireland, we were really mind-boggled at the people who were giving us hits per night. It’s harder on the internet to “target” your specific audience. You hope that your content does that for you: if it’s branded correctly, then it will attract a certain demographic.

And on top of this, you’re working on a PhD in Strategic Communications?

I think there has been an assumption made that the value system of postmodernism is separate from the “absolute truth” of the gospel message—but I haven’t found it to be so. They’re open to spirituality. They’re open to community. They want to be a part of humanitarian efforts. And these values seem to be in line with the life of Jesus Christ. So I’m now attempting, hopefully with the help of the Holy Spirit, a desire for us at Campus Ministries to understand better the value system of the millennial generation, and capitalize on that value system and see how to communicate Christ to this group of people.

Yes, I’m a first year student in that program, at Regent University in Virginia, which is one of the reasons why I was, like, “uh, right now, Lord?” Did you work with media and communications at Riverside church?

Yes, in fact we tried the first internet revival meetings in our conference’s history. It was not like the Net evangelistic series with satellite focus; it was social media focus. We wondered, “Could one run an evangelistic series solely on social media? Would it be an effective medium for an evangelistic series?” We ended up having 58,000 views in one week. We found it to be a good opportunity—instead of

What are your thoughts, as a millennial yourself, on ministering to millennials?

What ideas do you have for the Campus Ministries website?

tive. I have an idea for some threeminute videos, “Three Things in Three Minutes,” where different chaplains take on some tough topics and give students some principles by which they can navigate those topics for themselves. What if what we did was so relevant that we not only garnered a following from AU students, but students from other universities, Adventist and non-Adventist? The potential is there. Do you have family with you?

I have a wife—Lhorraine London Polite—and she’s here now! She will be the project manager for the School of Graduate Studies. Can you tell us one more thing about your interests?

I love reading English classics. My favorite novel is Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I think it’s the perfect parallel to Romans 7:20-23, talking about the duality of man. Stevenson does an awesome job with that. Emerson. Thoreau. The Scarlet Letter, Moby Dick, The Picture of Dorian Gray—and I’m a big Shakespeare fan. I played college basketball, and I was the only guy on the bus reading Othello while we were going to the game.

Right now, it’s informational. I think we can make it more interacPHOTO PROVIDED BY MICHAEL POLITE

A Melodious Girl Kari Logan | Melody Morgan is a

freshman who is studying Music. She is originally from Kapolei, Hawaii, on the island of Oahu, but after moving when she was eight, she has lived in Indiana, Boston, Oregon, and now resides in Virginia. Melody, though not a stranger to winter and the beautiful snow that it brings, was here for a music festival in late February of this year and dearly hopes that this coming winter will not be anything like it was then, let alone worse. One of Melody’s favorite trips with her choir during high school was to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and hopes to visit again now that she lives so much closer to Chicago. Melody hopes to go there to see one of her favorite operas, Capriccio, this spring. Another of her favorites is Mozart’s , which she also hopes to see live. When asked about her biggest dreams for her musical career, Melody responded that she “would love to perform in Italy and carve out my own little niche.” Melody has had the chance to meet and get the autograph of one of her all time favorite sopranos, Renée PHOTO BY RICHARD ULANGCA

Fleming, after seeing her perform a concert in Portland, Oregon. Melody hopes to one day study under Fleming, though it would be incredibly expensive. She would like to study abroad in Italy during her junior year through the ACA program. She not only admires the musical history in Italy but also the food, ocean, and overall beauty of the country. Melody has not only tried to learn Italian, but has also dabbled in German, Russian (which she deems far easier to read than German), Hawaiian, French, Portuguese, and Spanish. Though she takes great pleasure in trying out different languages, Italian seems to have a hold over her heart. Her favorite instrument may be her voice, but Melody also plays various other instruments. She played hand bells for three years in high school, which she says helped her learn rhythm and how to work well with other musicians. She also plays the flute, the guitar, and is now continuing her previous piano lessons. Melody says that she doesn’t “only listen to classical music. I love jazz and I listen to a

lot of pop. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of R&B and indie mix artists and a lot of Ella Fitzgerald-I love her. I find that when I study I listen to a genre that’s kind of a mix of Brazilian and classical guitar and I just love it.” Melody can be caught with music sheets in her hands and headphones in her ears as she broadens her musical horizons on campus.



Arts & Entertainment

Jars of Clay Pack the Howard Demetri Kirchberg | The Chris-

Shanelle Kim Arts & Entertainment Editor

tian pop/rock scene sees plenty of bands come and go over the years. Many are here and gone, leaving only catchy praise songs behind. Jars of Clay cannot be listed among these groups. Sunday evening, the band played at our very own Howard Performing Arts Center. With a career now spanning twenty years, Jars of Clay pulled in a crowd of all ages, but with a single passion for

their music. Even though the show was advertised as being acoustic, they delivered a set that catered to any and all of their fanbase. The band played tracks from their newest album Inland, including the single “Reckless Forgiver” and the title track. But to much of the audience’s pleasure, they reached back into their extensive catalog and played old favorites. The Jars

of Clay classic “Flood,” from their debut album, rang out with with new life, even to ears that weren’t yet in existence when it was first released. Old school fans were also given “Art in Me” from the debut album, an emotive ballad that fit well with the acoustic instrumentation. A majority of the songs included cello, not entirely normal for their shows, but it added a softer side to their well-known singles.


Thankfully, though the sweeter side of Jars of Clay was much appreciated, the whole evening was not unplugged. “Work” and “Loneliness & Alcohol” brought a more familiar sound with lead guitarist Stephen Mason exchanging his acoustic instrument for an electric one. He took these opportunities to show off the skills twenty years of playing live have granted him jumping from guitar to bass, and letting melodies cut through with a slide. The energetic riffs and playful synthesizer filled the Howard with vitality. The mostly acoustic set gave these Nashville locals an opportunity to show their roots. The entire Jars of Clay catalog showcases influences of southern and folk styles, but Sunday evening, these influences were more prominent than ever in certain songs. For instance, “Mirrors and Smoke” would not have sounded out of place at a true country concert. It was a bit surprising, going from their newer material to these Tennessee sounds, but they came across as totally authentic. Perhaps Jars of Clay’s greatest triumph of the evening was what has kept them relevant through two decades. Not once did the concert turn into the cliché performance that many of the related bands

fall into. Though they delivered powerful Christian messages with performances, it did not become a hands-raised, repeat-this-lyrictill-it’s-meaningless, “praise and worship” concert. Rather, they acted as true artists and gave the most complete and beautiful renditions of their songs without needing to rest on their spiritual connection with the audience. After twenty years in the business, and this weekend’s performance, it is safe to say that Jars of Clay is going to be around for a while. Emily Carlson, a current graduate student, had this to say: “Jars of Clay’s music has been the soundtrack of my youth in many ways. I loved hearing their new material live and experiencing much-loved favorites with some new twists.” Their original work was a smash hit, and their most recent album is filled with innovation and new evolutions. With such a strong catalog, and the talent each of these musicians showcased at this concert, we’re likely to have Jars of Clay around for another twenty years.

The London Philharmonic Comes to Chicago

Wind Symphony Fall Concert

Joyce Yoon | On Saturday eve-

Jessica Link | On Saturday, Oc-

ning, October 18, the London Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO) performed at the Symphony Center, the usual home of Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO). Under the direction of Vladimir Jurowski, the Symphony Center Presents program included works by Magnus Lindberg, Sergei Rachmaninov, and Dmitri Shostakovich. The London Philharmonic opened the evening with Lindberg’s “Chorale,” a densely textured, dissonant, and explosive piece. The CSO writes that Lindberg’s works have been noted to feature “lush harmonies, dynamic rhythms, [and] coruscating orchestral colors.” Award-winning pianist Jean-Efflam Bavouzet joined the orchestra for “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43” by Rachmaninov. The famous Romantic piece, played by an English orchestra, a French pianist, and conducted by a Russian, was stylistically magnificent with the interesting combination of styles. The orchestration of the distinct musicality, clarity, and attitude of Jurowski and Bavouzet made the performance. One of the notable moments of difference was the emphasized rubato in the 18th Variation. Jurowski coaxed support from the orchestra, constantly complementing the piano, match-

ing the always-changing and increasingly vivid composition. The orchestra expressed a seamless interchange of fast and slow tempos, forte and piano dynamics. Jean-Efflam Bavouzet played with unbridled energy, his quicksilver touch animating the runs in a blur of fingers. Bavouzet’s interpretations lent to a remarkable performance of Rachmaninov. His performance was virtuosic, the technicality evident. In the final chord of the 24th Variation, Bavouzet sprang from the piano, pushing the bench forward, almost kicking the frame. The audience clamored to its feet to give Bavouzet and the London Philharmonic a standing ovation to a sensational performance. Dmitri Shostakovich wrote the dark “War Symphony” to reflect the tragedy of war. He said that he always remembered the victims taken by the war that “brought much new sorrow and much new destruction” but wanted a positive, optimistic view. Shostakovich composed his symphony, declaring that he “think[s] constantly of those people [who died], and in almost every major work I try to remind others of them.” After an intermission, Jurowski conducted a powerful account of Shostakovich’s “War Symphony”

Symphony No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 65. He utilized a full orchestra including eight basses, six percussion instruments (a timpani, xylophone, snare drum, cymbals, bass drum), and a full brass section. This dauntingly powerful piece reflected Jurowski’s confidence. He changed a few aspects, rearranging the seating of the strings section and linking the last two movements together into one. Jurowski made it clear that he wanted a Russian approach. The brass and percussion was sharp, punchy, and punctuated. The opening movement was dark, with heavy tension accompanied with dissonance. By the third movement, said to represent Stalin, aggressive drumrolls and pronounced percussive rings of the violent fff climax soared through the hall. The throbbing accompaniment unfolds into the expressive passacaglia at the end, reflecting the same theme of a sad and tense harmony but with more hopeful overtones. Vladimir Jurowski took generous liberties for musicality but the performance avoided showiness and was ever elegant. The London Philharmonic was truly thrilling and glorious.

tober 18, the Andrews University Wind Symphony gave a concert at the Howard Performing Arts Center. The symphony engaged the audience, which included students, professors and families from the community, with pieces from a wide range of eras. The opening piece, “In the Bleak Midwinter,” sounded as if it was taken from the year 1582 before dropping into our present time. In a way, it was. In 1924, the theme was rewritten “in its present form” (to quote the program notes) by the well-known composer Gustav Holst. In 2001, Robert W. Smith set the arrangement that was brought to us by our symphony. The brisk melody and cheerful timbre of the brass directly caught my attention at the beginning of the program. This was just one notable piece

featured that evening. Others included “Four Scottish Dances” by Malcolm Arnold and John Paynter in 1957, “Children’s March” by Percy Grainger and Frank Erickson in 1919, and “Handel In The Strand” by Percy Grainger, Brion and Schissel in 2001. My personal favorite was the final piece on the program, “Eagle Squadron,” by Kenneth Alford. As a child, I lived in the historic town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and learned to appreciate a noble march. This march is always played with such fervor that one cannot help but feel a connection with the brave men who had such conviction that they would voluntarily join air forces during World War II.


WED 10.22.14




Arts & Entertainment

King Lear at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater Shanelle Kim | On the 15th of Octo-

ber, a group of J.N. Andrews Honors students and others traveled to Navy Pier in Chicago for a performance of King Lear at the Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Barbara Gaines, the founder of the Theater and overseer of more than thirty Shakespeare plays, directed the production. Larry Yando--in his twenty-third performance with the Chicago Shakespeare Theater-starred as the deeply flawed and human Lear. For those unfamiliar with the play, King Lear tells the story of an aged monarch who chooses to divide his kingdom amongst his three daughters according to how much they profess to love him. His two eldest daughters, Goneril and Regan, flatter him in exchange for parts of his kingdom, but his youngest—and favorite—child, Cordelia, refuses, choosing honesty instead. Furious, Lear banishes Cordelia and his faithful servant Kent, who defends her. He then attempts to live off the kindness of his two elder daughters, only to find that they do not love him nearly as much as they profess to. Gaines’ production of the Bard’s work modernizes the play—the characters dress in contemporary clothing (Lear wears a decorated military uniform) and carry guns instead of swords. Lear even listens to Frank Sinatra on stereo. Sinatra’s music is central to the play, and Gaines herself deliber-

ately chose songs relevant to Lear’s situation and mental state. According to Gaines, music functions in the play as “[a] spark to memory, or a spark to forgetting. Or a spark of insight or a spark of sheer depression and guilt. Or a spark of love. It is definitely ignition.” The actors’ performances also emphasized the universal humanness of the text. Larry Yando’s Lear weeps and screams, moans and throws loud tantrums regularly as he swaggers—then staggers— around the stage in an energetic and energy-draining performance. He stumbles over his words and spits quite a lot, and it becomes apparent that this is a man not only struggling with love and loss, but also aging and the onset of dementia. Though King Lear is certainly tragic, the Theater’s production of the play manages to insert many humorous moments throughout. Ross Lehman, who plays the Fool, dances and sings impishly, as well as throws out sarcastic, though insightful comments, managing to pry smiles out of Lear as well as the audience. Though it is set on the stage, the Chicago Shakespear Theater’s Lear certainly does not shy away from special effects—in the famous scene in Act III, in which Lear finds himself thrown out into the storm by his callous daughters, the façade of a nearby building falls atop him, turning the previ-

ously small space (which had been divided by the backdrop) into a large stage. The rain pours and we hear the roars of thunder as Lear stands in the midst of the storm, drenched, confused, and emotionally drained. Through a more modern setting, the Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s production of King Lear gives us a majestic and deeply moving retelling of the original work—near the beginning of the play, Lear demands that someone tell him who he is. According to CST, the answer to that question is simple--human. Lear is no powerful, aggressive monarch, but an old man struggling with aging, depression, and loneliness. The Chicago Shakespeare Theater manages to portray this alongside the bits of humor and grand set of effects.

56051 M51 S Dowagiac, MI 49047 Price range: $5 - $10 Hours: Sunday - Thursday 6:00 am. - 8:00 pm. Friday - Saturday 6:00 am. - 9:00 pm. Cuisine: American Good for: Family Dining options: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, great for smaller appetites, and carry-out. Vibe: Mr. Wahoo’s Eatery is a busy, little diner. With its take out availability, it’s an ideal choice for an on-the-run meal. It’s also very much what you would expect from a small-town, family-owned diner. From booths to two-seat tables, Mr. Wahoo’s is also suitable for a small, sit-down meal. The layout and furniture is far from upto-date, so this diner look really makes one feel like they’re din-

ing in the “good ole days.”Another perk is that breakfast is served all day. Student Friendly: This is most definitely a “student friendly” place to eat. In the early morning hours, students can share the quiet comfort with coffee-drinking senior citizens, which makes it perfect for studying. Lunchtime, however, is very busy, which makes it much easier to order take out as it is hard to find a free seat. Dinner hours are a hit-or-miss, but also a good time for students to grab a bite with family and/or friends after class. With the variety of soups, salads, and sandwiches, there is a meal for everyone’s preferences. Originality: Mr. Wahoo’s Eatery provides a menu suiting the needs of vegetarians to the needs of the most carnivorous folk. Plates are garnished with fruits and vegetables and one can expect a home-

Full Name: Ilana Joyce Cady Nicknames: Illy Major: Piano Performance Year: Super Senior Interviewed by: Janelle Aguilera Ilana was a joy to talk to. Her dreams are big and her career aspirations are great. When asked what she was planning to do with her future, she said “I hope to get my masters degree, and then after that, I would really like to do some performing, maybe solo and chamber someday. After that, I would really like to settle down and do private teaching.” What did you imagine yourself as when you were young?

For me, I’ve always had my mind set on having a career in a performing arts. I didn’t know for sure that it would be in piano. In fact, when I was younger, I really wanted to do dance. I think what pushed me towards music, and piano specifically, was the fact that my mom used to play classical music in the car when we would go anywhere, and I would hear the piano and think, I want to be that person someday. Which teachers helped you most to chase this dream?

Whisk Review: Mr. Wahoo’s Eatery Reviewed by: Tanya Thomas

Senior Spotlight: Ilana Cady

cooked taste every time. Unlike most restaurants, one can expect to see the same staff there time and time again. This is quite unusual, since most restaurants always seems to have different workers. That’s not a bad thing, but regular staff get to know the individuals and their preferences.

If you were stranded on an island, but could choose to have three things brought to you, what would they be?

Oh, that’s tough. I would like to have a piano, Matthew Master [a graduate of Andrews University], and some sunscreen, because I burn really easily. Who is your biggest musical inspiration and why?

My biggest aspiration in music would probably be Arthur Rubinstein, because he has a very classic sound which I’ve always seen as very strong and very timeless. What is something (non-music related) that is on your bucket list?

Traveling! I would love to do something like live in Europe for a year and experience those people and that culture. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.” I love these verses because they have really reassuring promises that can hold true in any point in your life. What advice would you give to undergraduate students that come after you? Something that you wish someone had told you:

I think it’s important to never give up, and even though I know it sounds cheesy, it’s true. In this major, there tends to be a lot of discouragement, and there’s always someone out there that is better, but it’s important to not quit and just keep on trying. If music failed, what other major would you pursue?

It’s hard for me to separate from doing music in my mind, but if i had to choose something else, I would probably do something with History or English and end up doing something in law.

Quirky, creative, and motivated. What is your best musical memory from your time at Andrews?

In high school, I had a very motivational Russian teacher named Olga, and in college, of course, I needed Professor Yun.

My best and favorite memory is playing with the symphony orchestra last year and in 2012. Both times were so magical! Just playing with the orchestra is magical.

What has Andrews done to help you towards your goal?

What is your favorite bible verse?

Andrews has helped me helped develop my passion for music and the arts. The school has really opened so many doors and given me such great opportunities to play outside of my own genre and experience other genres like Christian Contemporary and hymns.

John 14:1-3 which says “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will

soon follows. It is also not a chore to get a server’s attention if something is wrong or if something else is needed. Even better, the servers are all willing to help. If dining regularly, one will notice that they always have the same staff, which

makes it easy to order food, once they get to know someone and what they like.

Tell us three interesting things about you that aren’t well known:

1. If I could do anything in the world with any skill, I would want to be an Olympian in swimming. 2. I really like Indian food, but people take me as someone who wouldn’t. People say “You just look like a vegetarian.” I don’t know what that looks like, but I guess it’s me. 3. I would love to just live on the beach for the rest of my life if music didn’t work out and if money was no object.

Rating: 3 of 5 Whisks

Price: $5.00 to $8.00 is the average cost for a meal, depending on one’s appetite. Atmosphere: This diner has a family/student-friendly atmosphere with its old-town diner feel and home-cooked taste. Depending on the time of day, it makes for the perfect studying atmosphere for a student looking for a small bite to eat or the fresh aroma of coffee beans. Service: The service here is not bad either. Drinks are served way ahead of expectation and the meal



The Last Word

Malala, Thea, & Me

Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief

In the last two weeks, among reports of protest, disease, and warfare, two girls have been making headlines worldwide. Thea’s blog is hot pink and festooned with butterflies. The description, in curly letters, says “I’m 12 years old and in 7th grade. October 11th, 2014, I will marry, so on this blog you can read about my thoughts and preparation until the wedding.” In the accompanying photo, we see a sweet-faced girl with long blonde hair, big blue eyes, and the last vestiges of baby fat in her round cheeks. Thea, who is from Norway, writes about how she is engaged to marry a 37-year-old man named Geir, and, while there are some things that are exciting, such as sampling wedding cake and the prospect of not having to do homework anymore, she’s also nervous. “Mother says that soon I will have my own family to take care of,” she writes. “I know that it is normal when you are married to have sex and stuff … but I do not want to think about it.” Amidst messages on the blog en-

couraging Thea to run away from home or go to the police, and hundreds of calls to Norway’s child services, on October 11, a post entitled “The Wedding was Stopped!” revealed what many had hoped— “Thea” is not a real girl being forced into marriage, but the creation of Plan Norwegian, a branch of Plan International, an anti-child bride organization. “While Thea’s story is not true,” they explained, “it is about something that affects 39,000 girls every day,” equal to a new child bride every two seconds. Thea’s blog was planned as a campaign to help Norwegians see that girls just like their daughters are forced into lives where they face sexual abuse, dangerous pregnancy, and the end of their educational and vocational prospects. Malala Yousafzai, a writer and activist, has spent the last several years fighting fearlessly for the rights of girls in Pakistan to go to school instead of becoming child brides or veritable slaves in their own households. She started blogging anonymously for the BBC

at age 11, began receiving death threats shortly after, and was shot in the head by the Taliban


care about justice and equality. In the courage of Malala, we see how one empowered person can

“If we only care about justice and equality as it relates to ourselves, then we do not truly care about justice and equality.

Melodie Roschman Editor-in-Chief Givan Hinds News Editor Erik Vyhmeister Ideas Editor Tim McGuire Pulse Editor Dakota Hall Humans Editor Shanelle Kim Arts & Entertainment Editor Joelle Arner Photo Editor WayAnne Watson Copy Editor Bennett Shelley Copy Editor Amy Beisiegel Layout Editor Dori Moore Multimedia Manager Scott Moncrieff Faculty Advisor

Letters to the editor can be submitted to smeditor@andrews.edu All letters subject to publication. two years ago while on her way to school. Instead of dying, however, she recovered, and has since then become one of the world’s most visible advocates for child education worldwide. “I don’t care if I have to sit on the floor at school,” Malala says. “All I want is education. And I’m afraid of no one.” On October 10, at the age of 17, she became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in history. These two news stories, when read together, are both sobering and inspiring. In Thea, the horrible plight of millions of girls worldwide is brought front and center and we are forced to confront our own Western blindness, not caring about victims unless they look like Thea -- unless they look like us. In Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, journalist Nicholas D. Kristof addresses the sickening violence, illness, oppression, and subjugation that faces women and girls worldwide. “More girls were killed in the last 50 years precisely because they were girls,” he writes, “than men killed in all the wars in the 20th century. More girls are killed in this routine ‘gendercide’ in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all the genocides of the 20th century.” Kristof’s point is not to trivialize anyone’s death, of course, but to draw attention to the much less public evil enacted towards half the world’s population. Often, living in a comfortable and privileged Western society that has made great leaps towards equality, we make the mistake of only seeing insularly. Because something is not a problem for us, we don’t see it as a problem that we are responsible for addressing. To think this way is to ignore the fact that we are all citizens of a global community. We are responsible for each other, and we must be consistent in our advocacy. If we only care about justice and equality as it relates to ourselves, then we do not truly

change the lives of many. Malala’s father is an educational activist who believed in her potential and encouraged her in the face of persecution. Today, though she lives safely in Birmingham, England, and is receiving a first-rate British education, she continues to advocate for education not only in Pakistan, but worldwide. She is partly responsible for Pakistan’s first Right to Education Bill, and is currently spearheading efforts in conjunction with United Nations to ensure that internationally, every child has access to education within the next six years. Every day, millions of the brightest and most talented minds worldwide are kept from their potential. They are prevented from accessing the resources enabling them to cure diseases, end dictatorships, advance technology, and preserve the environment. More than that, however, they are simply prevented from having the rights and dignities they deserve as human beings. In a speech to the UN that has since gone viral, British actress Emma Watson launched the #HeForShe Campaign and presented the world with a powerful charge: to stand together. It is the responsibility of those of us in privilege— whether we are male, white, rich, or straight—to use our advantages to reduce oppression and inequality worldwide. “I am inviting you to step forward,” she concluded, “to be seen, and to ask yourself, ‘If not me, who? If not now, when?’” I will never have to worry about my cousins or friends or future daughters being married off to men old enough to be their fathers. I will never face the prospect of being shot in the head on my way to class simply because I want an education. It is precisely because I am blessed with privilege, because I am not faced with these horrible realities, that I—that all of us— have the responsibility to work to end them.

The Student Movement is the official student newspaper of Andrews University. Opinions expressed in the Student Movement are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors, Andrews University or the Seventhday Adventist church.

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