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Interests + Motivations Worksheet + Resume Course Name XX points | Due Date PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENT Intended Outcome: Collect and record ideas about your motivations, experiences, and academic + career interests. Create a professional document that summarizes your academic, extracurricular, preparation for near-term opportunities.

Correlated career competencies:

Career & Self Development

• • •

Identify areas of professional growth Navigate and explore job options Take necessary steps to pursue and advocate for opportunities in the workplace


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Create and edit written reports Adjust communication based on audience Listen well and read body language


• • • • •

Work productively with others Manage time and workload Have a professional work image and use social media responsibly Demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior Learn from mistakes

DELIVERABLES Part I: Complete the attached interests + motivations worksheet to help you develop content for your college-level resume. Part II: Once you complete the worksheet, prepare a one-page resume based on the attached requirements and guidance materials.

Part I: Interests + Motivations Worksheet Use these prompts to organize your skills, abilities, and experiences. Consider this content before drafting your resume.

1. Describe the type of job / career field you are considering / seeking. You might consider questions such as: 1. What or who are you most curious about? Why? 2. What inspires you? 3. What gives you energy?

2. Describe the types of organizations to which you may want to send this resume (student organizations on-campus, on-campus or part-time jobs, companies for internships or co-ops). What makes you interested in them?

3. List previous or current classes that relate specifically to the type of job / career field you are seeking.

4. List all (collegiate and high school) activities, previous / current paid and volunteer positions, leadership roles, honors and other experience that relate to the job / career field you are seeking.

5. List any additional educational endeavors such as study abroad experiences, special programs, independent studies, minors, double majors, etc. Consider making two lists: previous experiences and those you hope to participate in the future.

6. What or who influences your academic and career interest areas? How so? Circle one or more categories below and include notes about how these areas have been influential to you. Acknowledge if the influence is positive, negative, or neutral and consider if it is an influence you want to persist or resist in your decision-making in the coming years.







Part II: First Year Resume Prepare a one-page resume that contains the following sections • Heading (name, email, city & state, phone number) • Education • Experience | This section will likely be divided into several headings such as follows.

Your headings are customizable based on the experiences you have to include. • • • • • •

Work Experience Class Projects Leadership Experience Service or Volunteer Experience Research Experience Professional Development, Activities or University Involvement.

• Skills Requirements • Use consistent verb tenses • Font between 10 – 14 pt. • Use only one font type • Margins within ½ - 1 inch on all sides • No color, graphics, shading, or pictures • All experiences listed in reverse chronological order

Support for preparing your resume Engineering Career Development and Corporate Relations Brown-Kopel Student Center 1133 o

Resume Guidelines + Samples |


Nuts and Bolts of Engineering Resumes |


Career Coaching Appointment |


Career Coaching Drop-In Meeting | Weekly, check days + times at

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