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We’ve created graphic assets to evoke fantasy worlds of play yet to be discovered. Rings and spherical shapes represent portals and far-off realms our games take you to, and the expansive stories you find.

• Filled Spheres

• Radiating Spheres

These graphic elements are available upon request, please email branding@lnw.com for more information.

Filled Sphere Radiating Sphere



The Portal is our Sacred Asset. As a strong graphic element within our visual identity system, the Portal works in a wide range of situations and applications to help enhance the brand experience. It consists of a ring shape with a colorful glow of refracted light around a transparent center to represent a gateway to faroff realms. Several color variations are available as shown here. The Portal is used as a window to feature elements such as type, our logo, game art, or illustration.

As with all our graphic elements, limit heavy use on a black background to avoid the association with outer space. We do not use the Portal as a frame for photography. Do not alter the light refraction of the glow, as this will cause loss of dimensionality.

Do not crowd the portal with game art or characters. Limit game artwork and characters inside and around the surrounding portal area to a maximum of four.


Portal Dos & Don’ts

Some common tips for and misuses of our Portal are illustrated here. These are not comprehensive and may include others.

Limit characters inside of the portal to a maximum of four with corresponding game art background. Do not show an empty portal on its own.

DO use to feature type. DO use to feature our logo.

DON’T use the Portal as a frame for photography or products. DON’T use an empty Portal on its own. DO use to feature game art.

DON’T use the Portal on a background where it does not appear clearly.