Cannabis Cultivation Guide | Atlas Greenhouse

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CONTENTS 3. Our Process 4. Who We Are 5. Wha t We Do 6. Hybrid Facilities 7. Tota lly Enclosed Facilities 8. Positive Pressure Cooling 9. Nega tive Pressure & Natural Ventilation 10. Types of Coverings 11. Light Cycle Control 12. Hea t Retention 13. Insect Exclusion 14. Fertiga tion Systems 15. Environmenta l Controls 16. Ebb & Flow Benches 17. What are Ebb & Flow 18. Bench Diagram 20 ft. 19. Bench Diagram 24 ft. 20. Bench Diagram 30 ft. 21. Bench Diagram 41 ft. 22. Pro-Com Package 23. Grand Peak Package

OurPr oces s PROJ ECT UP ST ART-





“ Gi v e nt hec ompl i c a t e dna t ur eofpl a nni ng a ndde s i g ni ngac a nna bi sg r e e nhous eI wa s v e r ypl e a s e dwhe nourg r e e nhous ewa s c ompl e t e don mea ndf ort hea g r e e dpr i c e , whi c hha ppe ne dt obemuc hl e s st ha not he r ma nuf a c t ur e squot e d. T het e a ma tAt l a si s v e r yk nowl e dg e a bl ea nda l ongwi t hmy a nna bi sc ulv aone x pe r i e nc eI f e e l we c ha v eputt og e t he rat opnot c hf a c i l i t ywi t h s omes e r i ouspr oduconpot e na l . T hepos iv epr e s s ur ede s i g noft heg r e e nhous ei sane a ts ol u ona nds ol v e sma nyof t hepr obl e msI ' v ee x pe r i e nc e di not he r c ulv aonf a c i l ie s . ”


About Atlas Greenhouse We integrate modern growing technology and innovative agricultural equipment to design efficient and high-yield growing systems. Founded in 1986, Atlas Greenhouse supplies greenhouse structures and accessories to the green industry across the country. In 2008, Mark Davis took ownership and restructured the company as Atlas Manufacturing, Inc. What started out as a small greenhouse supplier has since grown to over 100,000 square feet of manufacturing and sales under one roof. Today, we are a leading national manufacturer and supplier of structures and systems for all varieties of growing applications with thousands of structures built across the globe.

With over 30 successful years of building greenhouses, our team of experts are experienced and knowledgeable in all fields of facility design, environmental factors and high-yield production. Our team of experienced greenhouse designers are dedicated to developing advanced, modern solutions for commercial growers. Our headquarters and advanced manufacturing facility provide unprecedented lead times for structure manufacturing. Our structures are designed and built for longevity and engineered for specific high wind and heavy snow climates, providing turn-key solutions for any region. Our team of contractors are fully versed in all aspects of Cannabis facility design.


Proud members of the NGMA


What We Do - Leading National Manufacturer Creating an environment for success by integrating modern technology and structure solutions for Cannabis Cultivators.

Conceptual Design & Consulting Consultation provided by our team of experts to determine the grower's needs for cultivation. Designs are based on crop, product, region and climate challenges.

Development Construction plans developed by our drafting and engineering team with our consultants and contractors.

Manufacturing & Building Production in our 100,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility, construction by our teams of professional installation crews. Constant communication between owner, engineering and contractor for project timeline management



A Hybrid greenhouse utilizes the design concept of a Positive Pressure Greenhouse but adds one additional and very useful item, air conditioning. Hybrid greenhouses can utilize dehumidifiers, chillers, coolers, or traditional HVAC. This allows the grower to use the greenhouse as a traditional greenhouse most months of the year, utilizing outside air. During those months when the air is too hot, or more likely, too humid, the outside vents close and instead of pulling outside air into the greenhouse, chillers or air conditioners scrub the air free of humidity, mold, pollen, spores and of course lower the temperature. This cold air is then pumped into the cooling chamber where it is pulled into the greenhouse and distributed through the ducts under the crop's root structure and is forced through the canopy. During this period, the greenhouse remains closed, and the air is returned back to the cooling chamber to be scrubbed of humidity, and heat and then pumped back into the greenhouse. While this offers incredible control and the most ideal environment, the utility expense during this period can be 10 times or more expensive than the traditional positive pressure method of cooling a greenhouse through evaporation of outside ambient air temperature. Many growers will argue that this is the best option available today giving them the ability to utilize many different environmental control options as the seasons change to make their operation as efficient as possible.


Totally Enclosed Greenhouse Facilities The most controlled environmental option available on the greenhouse market at this time. A totally enclosed greenhouse utilizes the design of positive pressure along with traditional HVAC heating and cooling to consistently set the temperature and humidity to the exact set points desired and the ability to achieve those set points year-round regardless of outside temps or humidity. The capital expense of this option, as well as the ongoing energy use make this the highest price option; however, it is the most accurate control. In this option, growers have the result of an indoor growing facility with complete control of temperature and humidity, but one key factor that makes this option attractive in today’s cannabis market – Natural sunlight! Sunlight plays a major role in determining the success of year-round cultivation of high-quality flower in other greenhouse ventilation and cooling options previously discussed. As the sunlight rises above the horizon it immediately begins creating a solar buildup in the greenhouse. The thermal load from the sun, especially when humidity levels are very high, is less than ideal for cannabis in flower making it at times almost impossible to maintain acceptable plant health during this period and can lead to crop failure and loss. DLI (Day Light Integral) is a measure of the total light accumulated in a 24-hour period. When growing in a greenhouse, growers can reach a DLI of 40 moles per day per meter squared, which is an ideal light accumulation and is unobtainable in an indoor growing environment with only grow lights. There truly is no substitute for the sun when growing plants, but a totally enclosed greenhouse provides growers with a clean, exact condition while still letting the sun in.


Tr adi t i onalnegat i vepr es s ur eappl i c at i onsar ebei ngphas edoutas Pos i t i vePr es s ur ei sat r endi ngmet hodofi nc r eas i ngenvi r onment al pr ot ec t i onf r om out s i depes t saswel lasoffer i ngmuc hbet t erc ont r ol oft emper at ur eandhumi di t y.Pos i t i vepr es s ur ec ool i ngs ys t emspul l out s i deambi entai ri nt oac ool i ngc hamberwher et heai ri ss c r eened f orbugs ,t henc hi l l edt hr oughevapor at i on.Thi sbugf r eec hi l l edai ri s t henf or c edi nt ot hegr eenhous et hr oughduc t sevenl yt odi s t r i but e t heai rt ot heot herendoft hegr eenhous eal l owi ngi tt oes c apet he duc tevenl yal ongi t sj our ney.Thet emper at ur edi ffer enc eoft heai r f r om begi nni ngt oendmayonl yi nc r eas e1or2degr ees ,aswher e t r adi t i onalnegat i vepr es s ur ec ool i ngmayi nc r eas easmuc has20 degr eesf r om oneendoft hegr eenhous et ot heot her .I nt hi s met hod,t heent i r egr eenhous eai ri snotbei ngexc hanged,r at her ,t he c r opc anopyi sal wayshavi ngf r es hc hi l l edai rbl owi ngoni t .Byf or c ef ul l ybl owi ngt hi sc hi l l edai rundert hepl ant s ,i tes c apest heopeni ng pas s i ngt hr ought hes oi lorr oots t r uc t ur eoft hepl ant s ,t henf or c i ng i t swayt hr ought hec anopy.I nt hi sdes i gn,t hel eavesar ec ons t ant l y movi nghel pi ngt os t r engt hent hepl ant s ,c oolt hepl ant s ,aswel las fightoffwhi t emol dandot herdi s eas eses pec i al l yi nt heflowers t age ofc annabi swhi l eal s opr ovi di ngenoughai rflow t of or c eawayany i ns ec t st hatmayal r eadybei nt hegr eenhous e.


► Fan & Pad Negative Pressure Cooling The most traditional design on the market and by far the lowest cost method to cool your greenhouse. Negative Pressure cooling uses exhaust fans at one end of the greenhouse to pull or exchange the air in the greenhouse out of the building with fresh outside ambient air temperature at least once per minute. The temperature can be lowered through evaporation of a simple pad system or cool cell. As the air is chilled through evaporation, it is pulled to the opposite end of the greenhouse and forced out of the building through the exhaust fans. This cycle happens over and over again up to 1.3 times per minute. While this is the most inexpensive capital expense as well as most economical operational expense, this is the least effective method for hot humid climates to produce cannabis. In fact, without switching completely to an extraction only operation during hot humid months in certain parts of the country, this method of growing may be unusable.

► Natural Ventilation with sidewalls and roof vents Natural ventilation operates on the principle that heat is removed from the greenhouse by wind and temperature differences between the inside and outside of the greenhouse. Wind is what we primarily depend on. Even light winds as low as 1-2 mph are sufficient to keep the inside temperature of the greenhouse within a few degrees of the outdoor temperature. When ridge vents are used, the hot air inside the greenhouse will rise and escape through the roof opening. The greater the difference in temperature between the inside and the outside of the greenhouse, the greater the results.

What are the advantages of Natural Ventilation?

There are a lot of crops that do well in greenhouses with natural ventilation. The lower initial cost sidewall rollup curtains versus the high electrical cost of operating exhaust fans makes natural ventilation an attractive option. Greenhouse sidewall vents provide a low cost, low maintenance solution.


TypesofCover i ngs Choos i ngt her i ghtc over i ngf orac annabi sgr eenhous emaybeal i t t l emor e c ompl i c at edt hanc hoos i ngat r adi t i onalgr eenhous ec over i ng.Thekeyi sfindi ngt he r i ghtbal anc eofl i ghtt r ans mi s s i on,l i ghtdi ffus i on,andl i ghtbl oc ki ngc apabi l i t i es .I n mos tc as esi ti s n’ tas i ngl ec over i ngbuts omec ombi nat i onofc over i ngst hatwi l lgi ve yout hedes i r edenvi r onment .

Li ghtbl oc ki ngmat er i al sar emos tof t enus edont heendwal l sands i dewal l soft he gr eenhous e,andc l earmat er i al sar et henus edont her oofandi nt hegabl es .Thi s pr ovi desani c ec ombi nat i onofl i ghtt r ans mi s s i onf r om aboveandac er t ai nl evelof pr i vac yands ec ur i t ybel ow. Avai l abl el i ghtbl oc ki ngmat er i al si nc l ude Whi t e/ Bl ac k/ Whi t emul t i l ayerpol yc ar bonat e,pai nt ed s heetmet al( us ual l yi ns ul at ed) ,bl ac k/ whi t epol yfil m. Cl ear ,l i ghtt r ans mi t t i ngc over i ngsi nc l udemul t i wal l pol yc ar bonat e,di ffus edc or r ugat edpol yc ar bonat e, andc l earpol yfil m.Hi ghl i ghtt r ans mi s s i oni st he hi ghes tpr i or i t ybutl i ghtdi ffus i onper c ent age, ant i c ondens at i onpr oper t i es ,andi ns ul at i onval ueal s o pl ayar ol ei ndec i di ngt her i ghtc over i ngf oryour l oc at i on.Cor r ugat edpol yc ar bonat egener al l ypr ovi des t hehi ghes tl i ghtt r ans mi s s i onal ongwi t hhi ghl i ght di ffus i onper c ent ages .Mul t i wal lpol yc ar bonat e mat er i al sar egener al l yal i t t l el oweri nl i ght t r ans mi s s i onbutpr ovi demor es t r uc t ur als t r engt hand r i gi di t yaswel lashi gheri ns ul at i onval uet han c or r ugat edpol yc ar bonat emat er i al s .Pai nt eds heet met alpr ovi dest hehi ghes tl evelofs af et yands ec ur i t y onper i met erwal l sandc anbec ombi nedwi t hdi ffer ent t ypesofi ns ul at i onf ormaxi mum ener gyeffic i enc y. Pol yet hyl enefil msar ebyf art hemos ti nexpens i vec over i ngopt i on.I ti savai l abl ei nc l earand wi t havai l abl eaddi t i vest hatai di ns heet i ngofc ondens at i onandl i ghtdi ffus i onandal s oi na l i ghtbl oc ki ngbl ac k/ whi t eopt i onofl ow c os tc over ageofper i met erwal l s .


Light Cycle Control Retractable Light Deprivation Curtains Retractable light deprivation curtains are commonly used in commercial greenhouses to control day length. As a result, growth and fiowering of photoperiodic plants may be controlled. Plants detect light from any holes or gaps. Proper blackout systems are typically combined with light traps, covering the exhaust fans and cooling systems to create an area completely void of light. A high-quality light deprivation system is a crucial component to successful cultivation.

Breathable Light Traps Light traps are used to cover exhaust fans, evaporative cooling systems, and air intake shutters. Their unique design allows air to flow freely while blocking all light from entering the greenhouse. In mechanically ventilated greenhouses, light traps are necessary to control day length and keep your growing and cultivation on schedule. Our cannabis cultivation structures are designed with light traps and the required housings to cleanly and effectively block light without obstructing the air flow.

HPS & LED Lighting HPS lights emit light in the red spectrum (600-700nm approx.). This stimulates top growth, creates longer internodes, and encourages flowering. Light emitting diode (LED) lamps are becoming more affordable with higher output. LEDs are offered with full spectrum lighting that ranges from blue to red. LEDs also run cooler than HPS and MH lights, generating less greenhouse heat build-up which allows light fixtures to be positioned closer to the plants.


Gr eenhous eHeat i ng Heat i ngSys t emsar es pec i fic al l ydes i gned f oryourl oc at i onandr equi r ement s Wecar r yaf ul ll i neofModi neUni tgasfir edheat er s.St andar dmodel sar et hePTP150400, 000BTUheat er s.Avai l abl ei nLPorNat ur algas.Equi ppedwi t hSpar ki gni t i onand powervent edexhaustandcomesst andar dwi t haSt ai nl essSt eelheatexchangeranda 10yearwar r ant y.Al soavai l abl ear et heEffini t yHi ghEffici ency( 93%)uni theat er s.Model s i ncl udet hePTC55-310, 000BTUuni t s.Effini t ymodel sdr amat i cal l yr educeener gycostand CO2emi ssi ons.Thesemodel scomest andar dwi t hspar ki gni t i on,powervent edexhaustand r equi r eavent edai ri nt ake.

Shade/ HeatRet ent i onSys t ems Li ghtmanagementandt emper at ur ec ont r olar eofut mos ti mpor t anc ewhent r yi ng t omaxi mi z eyi el dandqual i t yandl owerener gyc os t s .I nt ens es unl i ghtands ol ar heatgai ni nt hegr eenhous ec anqui c kl yc r eat eanenvi r onmentt hati sdet r i ment alt o heal t hypl ant( andwor ker )pr oduc t i on.Aut omat edr et r ac t abl es hades ys t emsoffer t hes ol ut i on.Addi t i onal l y,dur i ngt hegr eenhous eheat i ngc yc l et hes es ys t emsar e des i gnedt okeept heheatf r om r i s i ngi nt ot het opoft hegr eenhous eandawayf r om t hepl ant s ,t husr educ i ngheat i ngc os t s .Yours pec i ficc l i mat ec ont r olneedswi l lvar y dependi ngonyourgeogr aphi cl oc at i on,butwi t hs omanydi ffer entc l i mat es c r eens avai l abl e,t her ei sas c r eenorc ombi nat i onofs c r eenst hatwi l lal l ow yout oz er oi non t hei dealc l i mat ef oryourc r op.Thes eaut omat eds ys t emswor koffar ac kandpi ni on dr i ves ys t em t hatmovesf r om t r us st ot r us s .Openandc l os eds et t i ngsc anbebas ed ont emper at ur e,l i ghti nt ens i t y,ort i meofday.Mul t i pl ebaygr eenhous esc anbe oper at edasas i ngl egr owi ngz oneorbr okeni nt os mal l erz onest oal l ow f ormor e i nt ens i vemanagementofdi ffer entc r opgr owt hs t ages .


Insect Exclusion

Pest management and exclusion is an important strategy to implement into your greenhouse planning. We offer several methods that integrate these goals into each greenhouse project.

Insect Screen

Insect screens are designed by mesh size based on the target pest to be excluded. Tight mesh designed to target thrips and other small insects can greatly reduce air flow and cause the greenhouse to overheat. To prevent the greenhouse from overheating, screens and cooling equipment must be properly sized to function correctly. Our team of professionals will design your greenhouse for the best results.

Double-Entry Rooms

Double-entry rooms are designed to create an extra layer of defense by serving as a pre-entry room before personnel enter into the greenhouse. These rooms are the most effective when designed with positive pressure air flow blowing against the outside door opening. Fans or air curtains can be used to create the positive pressure for double-entry rooms.

Insect Exclusion Facility Designs:

- Lean-To with Kneewall - Greenhouse Extension - Boxes over Fans

Fertigation Systems Dosing water and nutrients is one of the most crucial processes in any horticultural operation. Irrigation and fertilization (or 'fertigation' for short) are crucial to the productivity and quality of your crop, and therefore the viability of your business. So reliable and efficient fertigation is a critical process for every grower. An automated dosing system, such as the Ridder FertiMiX units, can provide the perfect solution. The Ridder FertiMiX enables you to manage irrigation and fertilization easily, efficiently and accurately, so that you can achieve optimum crop quality and growth and healthy returns. The mixing tank fillers and fertigation units are suitable for all types of substrates as well as hydroponic cultivation, and they can be tailored to a range of different settings and scales. This means that every grower can find the perfect settings, saving them money on irrigation and fertilizer costs. And that's essential because every drop counts.


FertiMiX CX6oo~ •

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An ebb & flow bench includes plastic "ebb-flow" trays that rest on top of the bench. The original purpose of an ebb flow bench was for irrigating purposes. Water would flow through the tray and irrigate the plants. That is still a purpose, but another purpose is to sim ply catch water from other forms of irrigation and drain it off rather than going on the floor. Our Ebb and Flow rolling benches are designed with the grower in mind. With available width options of 4', 4.5', 5', 5.5' and 6', we can maximize the efficiency of your growing space. Benches are designed to accommodate our molded polystyrene Ebb and Flow trays. Welded bench frames are built from 1" square galvanized steel tubing. Cross support ribs are spaced every 18" to support even the heaviest crops. Threaded height adjustment allows approximately 4" of leveling. Extruded aluminum side-rails are designed to accept optional trellis support arm s. Trellis arms are a great option for providing additional canopy support for your crop. We manufacture additional bench designs that include expanded metal and wire mesh bench decking. On expanded metal or wire benches, plants simply sit on the bench and any water or soil would fall through to the ground. We offer rolling, palletized and stationary benches in both expanded metal and ebb & flow.


What are the costs associated with Ebb & Flow Benches? Cost depends on size and additional items that may be ordered with the benches. For example, a customer can order gutters at the end of benches to collect the water and drain off. Average pricing per sq. ft would be around $8-10 per sq. ft.

How are Ebb & Flow benches relevant and/or advantageous to the cannabis industry? There are generally more regulations in the cannabis world that relate to molds, etc. Ebb & Flow benches keep the water contained, the facility cleaner, and spread of plant diseases and contamination to a minimum. Additionally, trellis posts may be added to the bench for bench crop containment.

What types of Ebb & Flow bench systems, components and services does Atlas offer? Atlas offers any type of ebb flow OR expanded metal benching, both rolling, stationary or palletized. Atlas also offers installation services.


Pro-Com Light Deprivation Packages 30 x 96 x 12 Single Bay $55,000 120' (4 Bays@ 30') x 96' x 12' Multiple Bay $175,000 The Pro Com greenhouse is a gutter connect design that allows you to start small and easily grow your space as your business grows. Can be customized with divider walls to allow for separation of flower, veg, and headhouse space. Engineered frame designed to meet wind and snow loads in most of the country without upgrades. The 30' bay width provides generous space for efficient bench designs while still providing ample room to work. The 12' under gutter allows room for growing on benches and maintaining proper distance from grow lights and interior light dep curtains.

Standard Features Premium quality galvanized steel frame. All tubing produced in the USA. Extruded aluminum gutters with built-in lock for accepting roof polyfilm. Includes all necessary framing for endwalls and sidewalls. Roof and sidewalls covered with inflated 6 mil double poly (4 year warranty). Endwalls covered with black/white light blocking 6 mil poly (4 year warranty). Includes aluminum lock for poly, properly sized exhaust fans and evaporative cooling system. Includes gable fan and shutter for removal of hot air from gable. Black out light traps for all ventilation and cooling openings properly sized gas-powered unit heater with vent pipe and hanging hardware. Interior automated retractable blackout curtain system for overhead and walls. Bartlett Climate Boss controller with touch screen technology. Includes with pre-wired relay box. Controls and ventilation, cooling, and heating equipment. Includes 2 cycle timers to operate irrigation or lights. 3'0" x 6'-8" Vinyl Steel door with no glass. 4 Bay package includes partition wall between flower bays(3) and veg bay(l) Options: Sheet Metal Covering for greenhouse walls Positive Pressure cooling Rolling Ebb and Flow Benches Interior retractable shade system Insect exclusion Fertigation Systems Dehumidifiers Odor Mitigation Grow Lights


1.660" 3" X 3"



Grand Peak Light Dep Greenhouse Packages 30 x 96 x 14 Single Bay $84,000 120' (4 Bays@ 30') x 96' x 12' Multiple Bay $262,000 The Grand Peak is our most popular cannabis structure. It can be equipped with side wall curtains, mechanical ventilation or with our Atlas roof vent. Its 12' column spa­ cing also allows for this structure to be equipped with an automated retractable light deprivation system to provide your greenhouse with the proper light levels for opti­ mal growing conditions. Engineered frame designed to meet wind and snow loads in all regions of the country. The 30' bay width provides generous space for efficient bench designs while still providing ample room to work. The 14' under gutter allows room for growing on benches and maintaining proper distance from grow lights and interior light deprivation curtains.

Standard Features and Specs

Premium quality galvanized steel frame. All tubing is produced in the USA Heavy Duty Construction with 4"x4" Column posts and 2"x3" rafters and truss cords. Heavy Galvanized Steel gutters. Includes all necessary framing for endwalls and sidewalls. Roof covered with high light transmission/high light diffusion corrugated polycarbonate. Sidewalls covered with painted corrugated sheet metal and trim with many color options. Endwalls are covered with clear corrugated polycarbonate in the gables and light blocking painted corrugated sheet metal below the gutter. Properly sized exhaust fans and evaporative cooling system. Includes gable fan and shutter for removal of hot air from gable. Black out light traps for all ventilation and cooling openings. Properly sized gas- powered unit heater with vent pipe and hanging hardware. Interior automated retractable blackout curtain system for overhead and walls. Bartlett Climate Boss controller with touch screen technology. Includes pre­ wired relay box. Controls and ventilation, cooling, and heating equipment. Includes 2 cycle timers to operate irrigation or lights. Includes a 3'0" x 6'-8" Vinyl Steel door with no glass. 4 Bay Package includes partition wall between flower bays (3) and veg bay (1)


Widths up to 41.5' Heights up to 16' Positive Pressure cooling Rolling Ebb and Flow Benches Interior retractable shade system Insect exclusion Fertigation Systems Dehumidifiers Odor Mitigation Grow Lights

2" X 3" 4"




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9596 82 Alapaha, GA 31622


+ 800-346-9902

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