Atlantic Voices Vol 3. no. 1

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Volume 3 - Issue 1, January 2013

50 Years of the Élysée Treaty:

Its Impact on EU Foreign Policy and NATO The 50th Anniversary of the Élysée Treaty serves as a time to reflect upon Europe’s Common Security and Defence Policy and the struggle of establishing a secure and united European continent. Having represented a cornerstone moment in the history of European defence and international relations, the value of the Franco-German partnership and their engineering of a Common Security and Defence Policy cannot be understated. As Europe now faces a range of threats comprised of political, military and economic crises, the need to review and reform the

Fabius, Westerwelle, Le Drian and de Maiziere visiting the Franco-German Brigade. (Photo - Kazda-Bundeswehr)


framework established by the Élysée Treaty

Global Pulse: NATO and Turkey’s Syria Challenge: Time to Pair Up

has never been more vital.

Niklas Anzinger and Ludwig Jung analyze the on-going Syrian crisis and its effect on Turkey

The Élysée Treaty not only set in motion

and NATO. They examine the strategic obstacles in Turkey’s approach and argue that in

the solidarity and commitment of Europe’s

order to overcome the challenges posed by Syria, Russia and Iran, a rapprochement between

Transatlantic Partnership, but serves as a

Turkey and Israel and an increase in political and operational support from Europe is needed.

testament that historic rivalries can be overcome when pursuing a common goal of peace and security. Something that must be remembered when preparing for the kinds of challenges the Alliance will face in coming years. - Jason Wiseman Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 1

Dialogues, Doctrines, Disappointments: The Élysée Treaty in the Context of Transatlantic Partnership and European Common Security and Defence Policy Kai Peter Schönfeld examines the historical background and strategic value of the Élysée Treaty on its 50th anniversary. He argues that the Élysée Treaty is a cornerstone Europe’s progress towards a Common Defense and Security Policy (CSDP) and can be improved by industrial cooperation, deepened dialogue and better coordination of crisis management. 1

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