Atlantic Voices Special Issue - The Future of NATO

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vative has been brought to the table. Although the role of

The Summit in Wales was certainly not another

the civil society has been acknowledged, a concrete involve-

missed opportunity but it was an opportunity that was

ment of these groups, such as for example an establishment

not used to its fullest potential. It has also marked the

of a permanent advisory panel to NATO in the future,

internal change and reshuffling of the key positions. With

would be more constructive. At the same time, the fact that

including the issue of women in security and defence on

rights of women being the last thing (Article 8) on the

the highest political agenda of the Alliance but usually

Wales Summit Declaration on Afghanistan, and the topic of

leaving it at the bottom, we are left to question whether

Women, Peace and Security being the last panel at the Fu-

it is really an important topic for discussion, one that is

ture Leaders Summit, raises a legitimate question of the

worth a prominent attention. It seems that other topics

topic remaining still the last thing on the NATO agenda.

steal the attention, not realising that no matter can be

Furthermore, out of 28 NATO Heads of State and Govern-

solved sustainably if 50 per cent of the population is left

ment attending the NATO Summit at the Celtic Manor Re-

out or marginalised in the process. NATO must continue

sort in Newport, Wales, 5 were female representatives

to be exemplary in this aspect. We can hear the voice of

(Danish Prime Minister, German Chancellor, Lithuanian

women in security and defence, now it is time for some

President, Norwegian Prime Minister, and Slovenian Prime

more concrete action.

Minister). Along the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton, there were several female representatives at the ministerial level. Amid the talks of the latest Summit, some recent changes and their impact in years to come must be taken into account. First of all, the former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen was an eager supporter of the gender issues within the Alliance, gaining the Hillary Clinton Award in March 2014. However, the policy of the new Secretary General Stoltenberg remains to be seen in this regard, noting especially the fact that in his Annual Report 2014 he tackled the issue of women in security as the very last topic. Although he inherited most of the achievements mentioned in the Report, he could have outlined the importance of Women, Peace and Security better. Second of all, the post of the first Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, Mari SkĂĽre, finished at the end of September 2014 and MarriĂŤt Schuurman has taken the post with her policy yet to be shaped. Third, the first and only female Assistant

About the author Magda Kocianova holds a MSc in European Studies from the Institute of European Studies and an LLM in Public International Law from the University of Kent. She obtained her BA in International Relations & Diplomacy from the Anglo- American University. Magda currently trains with the DG Trade of the European Commissions. She worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the Atlantic Treaty Association Secretariat in Brussels where she dealt with security policy. Prior to that she served as a Political Analyst at the Global Water Institute. Additionally, Magda co-organised two editions of the Model NATO Youth Summit in Brussels for 250 international participants in 2012 and 2013. Her professional interest focuses on transatlantic bonds, regional military cooperation, European security and defense, and women's participation in the security field.

Secretary General, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, left her post in October to run for a president of Croatia (which she won). All of these bring an internal change in NATO executive structures and it also brings a temporary uncertainty of the NATO policies in gender mainstreaming. Atlantic Voices, Special Issue


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