Athleisure Mag #14 Feb 2017

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FEB 2017

#AthTribe Kimmie + Paul @AthleisureMag


EDITORIAL Kimmie Smith

Fashion Editor + Style Director

Paul Farkas

Lifestyle + Tech Director



CONTRIBUTORS | Bonnie halper |



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Our readers are STRONG, SEXY & SPOILED and of course that means those that grace our covers and are featured in our pages embody this spirit as well! The world of the WWE includes some of the toughest athletes with dynamic personas and ever changing storylines that keep their fans waiting to see more every week!

DANIELLE MOINET: I have always been a fan of sports, both watching sports and playing sports. Growing up, I danced for many years and then I also ran track, jumped hurdles and played tennis. I’ve always had an athletic background and spent a lot of time in the gym in college. Playing football was definitely very fun. It was full contact seven on seven football. The ladies of the LFL hit hard. It’s not a gimmick. I’ve always had a passion for wrestling and loved watching it. I went to Monday Night Raw and watched it in the audience and thought, “Wow I can do that and I think I can do it well.” I decided to try out for WWE.

The ladies of the WWE are an elite powerhouse that represent vixens and villains. For those that need an extra dose (know and love this world) of the ladies, E! Networks' Total Divas - allowed viewers to see their lives in and out of the ring. Episodes showcase the ladies in the relationships, training, their personality, their personas and more. Our initial introduction to Summer Rae came during the second season of this show.

AM: We grew up in the 80's watching the WWE, when did you realize this was what you wanted to do and what was the process like to get to the ring?

Summer Rae is a WWE athlete who fights in the RAW brand. Playing a villain role, she has won a number of single and tag team matches which keeps the crowds wanting more. Outside of the ring, Danielle Moinet is the complete opposite of her character; but, she shares the athletic sensability as her career includes being a former professional football player as a cornerback for Lingerie Football League's Chicago Bliss (in addition to being a professional wrestler and wrestling manager). This Manhasset, LI native is also a model and actress who took the time to chat with us about her athletic career; what it's like to be a part of the WWE; the importance of giving back and insight into who Danielle is!

DM: The thing that I love about WWE is everyone has a story. Everyone has someone they watched growing up. With me, my dad has no sons, only daughters, and I’m the oldest. I watched with my dad on Saturday mornings and when I was an adult I would sit at home and watch Monday Night Raw. I loved the soap opera! I became a fan again after college and that’s when I realized I wanted to submit. Now with NXT, Triple H has given people a great outlet to submit their resume and portfolio and be able to try to become a WWE Superstar. AM: We see the physicality that is needed to be a Diva, while also being able to be a total boss by being glam. It's such a unique sport that allows both - how is Danielle Moinet similar and different to Summer Rae?

ATHLEISURE MAG: We love seeing you in the ring and being on E!'s Total Divas. Tell us about your career leading up to the WWE, as we know you played football, were the face of the Lingerie Football League, and you were an ambassador for Nascar's Bobby Labonte's team - how did this all come together with your love of sports?

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DM: Very good question! Some people like to form their WWE persona based on an extension of themselves. For me it’s the total opposite. Summer Rae is everyone I wanted to be growing up: all of the girls I wasn’t and all of the things I wanted to say to people that I

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couldn't because I was too nice. Summer Rae is a conniving egotistical villain who will do whatever she needs to do to get what she wants. That’s why it’s so much fun to play her! I have never once been a good guy in WWE and I wouldn’t have it any other way. AM: This summer, we worked out with you and additional Divas during Summer Slam at Tapout here in NYC - between matches and doing PR events what is the schedule like when you're traveling and how are you able to balance your day to day life with that? DM: Wow! That’s so cool that you came and worked out with us! That was the first time we had tried anything like that and my first time teaching an exercise class! It was inspiring to talk to different women. It was a special event for me. It's hard to find balance and in 2017 that is what I am going after. Balance. It is hard being a Superstar, being on the road 300 days a year filming and working events on your off days. Traveling and everything that comes with it is really hard. Having a group of people, whether they are family or friends that ground you when you’re home, it's important on those off days to step away from work. Otherwise you will lose who you are. It’s something I’ve struggled with in the past and its something I am really working towards in 2017.

Some like to form their WWE persona based on an extension of themselves. Summer Rae is everyone I wanted to be growing up: all

of the girls I wasn't and all of the things that I wanted to say to people that I couldn't because I was too nice. AM: As an athlete, the physicality of the sport is demanding, what does your workout day look like when you're preparing to be in the ring versus when you have down time? DM: Very good question! I've never had someone ask me this in an interview! I train very differently on days when I have a match versus days I don't. I don’t do my legs as much on days I have a match. I save my cardio days for TV. Sleep is the most important thing in this business. I like to do circuit training so I don’t overstimulate one body part. When you bump and have five matches in a week you’re going to be sore. AM: Recovery is always essential when you're working out - we're fans of foam rollers, KT Therapy ice packs etc, what do you have on hand for a little TLC for your body? DM: Recovery is very important. The number one thing I find that helps is sleep and I am the first person to say I don’t sleep nearly enough. On the off days I will force myself to sleep. Massage is something really great. I live by a great chiropractor and physical therapist. In Los Angeles, I have gone to PEAK Wellness and I have absolutely loved the practice. The people there have been so amazing to me. Dennis at PEAK is so amazing and I’ve loved working with them. AM: What is your favorite moment in

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have to cherish when I have it.

the ring and who has been your favorite partner?

AM: What is your personal style from what you wear when you work out, when you're going out to brunch and for a night out with your friends?

DM: My favorite moment in the ring is actually not a wrestling match. It was when I got to write my own promo and do it for everyone. It was in Chicago where I was living at the time. I got to break up with Rusev on screen. I really felt it and felt so fortunate that they let me write it. It was so amazing and the crowd was so behind me. It gives me chills to think about.

DM: My personal style ranges. I live in workout clothes and I can be a tom boy. The word ATHLEISURE definitely suits me. I’m always in my hat on my day off, because I hate wearing makeup. I have to let my skin breathe. Workout clothes all day! Whatever fits and is comfy. I love the girly side too and get styled. My style is very diverse.

My favorite person to wrestle is Nattie. I always loved wrestling her. She’s someone who challenges me and made me try to be better every time I stepped in the ring with her. I also love Sasha Banks. The chemistry we have is amazing!

AM: Clearly, you have a great body! What are 3 exercises that we can incorporate for great legs, arms and abs? DM: For me, something that I started in the Fall that I had never tried before was Pilates. I had a lot of restrictions from wrestling as far as my mobility and neck. The thing I love about Pilates is that it's 50 minutes and it's full body, but you also use weights. I’ve tried a lot of different exercises. Pilates really helps shape my arms legs and abs. I had never done a plank until Pilates and now I see it in my shoulders and abs. Its long and lengthening. Pilates gives me the flexibility and is so safe on the joints and knees. It’s something I really have to think about. You can find all three in Pilates.

AM: Besides your life as an athlete, what other passions do you have as we know you have acted? DM: Being in the Marine 4 was an amazing opportunity. I loved being on set and learning the way that works! Being in more films and being able to act is a goal. I love the idea of having an amazing day and channel different emotions into my work. It is such a talent to be able to do that and of course that is something I would love to do and love to study more. Being able to publicly speak and host as well and spread positivity.

AM: When it comes to getting energy before a workout what do you suggest we should eat?

AM: When you have personal time how do you take time for you to center yourself? DM: Personal time is something that I am trying to work on more and have more of, and give myself. Being able to center myself is having a good support system. I center myself by going into the gym and having a great workout and catching up on some of my favorite shows. Taking time for me. Our personal time is so few and far between, that it’s something I really

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DM: Some people are very different when it comes to eating before working out. Some people like to eat and some people like to be empty. I like to be full. I don’t like my stomach growling. I like to eat a high protein meal. I prefer fats and carbs in each meal I eat. Having a good piece of chicken or turkey meat, a good 25/35 gms of protein. You don’t have to get fancy when it comes to caffeine pre workout. Black

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coffee is great. You can’t beat a double shot of espresso or a black coffee before you work out. I always have a shake right after I work out to get my protein in. AM: When you're having a bit of a splurge, what is a treat that we can enjoy that tastes decadent, but isn't really that bad for you? DM: I have a sweet tooth. Something for me that I crave is ice cream like crazy and want it all the time. Instead I buy the fat free Cool Whip from the market and freeze it. Then it’s like fake ice cream. I just need a little bit. It’s no fat or carbs and not nearly as bad as ice cream. I find myself only having one or two spoonfuls. It gives me that satisfaction. AM: What charities or foundations do you work with and tell us about them. DM: I work with the DTM Foundation which was started and by my sister Nicolette Moinet. They work with medically fragile children at UNC and Duke

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hospital. Anytime I’m back home in North Carolina I love to help them in any way I can whether it be hospital visits or the comfort cooks program. We make food for the families that are basically living at the hospital with their children. With WWE, we are so fortunate to work with so many other great initiatives include our anti-bullying program Be a STAR, Special Olympics, Make a Wish, Susan G. Komen and so many others. PHOTO CREDITS COVER + PG 17 +18 | PHOTOGRAPHY Vince Trupsin | MUAH Stella Kae | PHOTO CREDITS WWE | OPENING SPREAD WWE MATCH PG 14 + 15 | WWE TAPOUT EVENT PG 20 + 21 | WWE | WWE SMACKDOWN MATCH PG 23 |

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Popping In with Chefs C Chef Chris Szyjka

Club a

ATHLEISURE MAG: Chef Chris Szyjka realized his love for cooking at a young age, while preparing meals for his family with his grandmother on their farm in northern Illinois. His professional career started at the age of 18, working as an Extern at the famed Charlie Trotter’s in Chicago. Looking to expand his culinary knowledge, Chris moved to Miami to attend culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu. There, he worked at the Biltmore Hotel, as the Chef de Partie for 4 years. Chris later met chef Didier Elena, a right hand to Alain Ducasse for over 20 years, at Tosca Miami and was offered a position in Aspen to help run Chefs Club in the St. Regis Hotel, and later moved to New York to open the brand’s second location. As Executive Sous Chef at Chefs Club New York, Chris has the unique opportunity to work with some of the world’s best chefs through a rotating visiting chef program, and exposes diners to signature dishes from top chefs through the restaurant’s nightly menu. In his spare time, Chris enjoys touring local New York farms and hunting in Connecticut. What drew you to participate in COCHON 555 TOUR? CHRIS SZYJKA: I worked with Brady Lowe before in Aspen for a pop up foie gras competition at our Chefs Club in the St. Regis there and the heritage fire in Snowmass. I’ve come to believe in him and what he is trying to achieve through the Cochon tour and jumped at the opportunity to help. AM: How important are competition events such as COCHON555 TOUR and Piggy Bank for the culinary community and education about heritage breed pigs? CS: It’s really spectacular when Chefs can help promote something as great as American family farming and whole animal utilization. These competition events are crucial in that mission and give the culinary world an amazing opportunity to work with a great product from great American farmers.

AM: Do you have a personal message about sourcing food/products responsibly? CS: Know your source, know your product. The only way to really have 100% confidence in your cuisine. AM: How is it to team up with Old Spot, Heritage Farms USA? CS: This heritage breed is a perfect example of why we as culinary professionals need to get back to the roots of sourcing quality product from quality companies. AM: What is your routine in selecting the whole hog dishes you will be preparing for the New Porc City event? CS: First, utilization. I wanted to be sure that nothing goes to waste. Second, visibility. It is important to me that people can see what was used and where. Third, flavor. Thanks to the Old Spot I was given, this was easy. Every ounce of this pig was more flavorful then the last and I need to convey that through what I present. AM: What inspired you to become a chef? Who are some of the chefs and restaurants that have inspired you? CS: I grew up in the Farmlands of northern Illinois on my family horse farm baking with my grandmother and cooking with my grandfather after school. As part of 4H, I raised and sold pigs for 4 yrs. and helped out at neighboring dairy farmers as much as I could. I’ve always had a close connection with cooking and the people who make it possible. My whole life I’ve been surrounded by things culinary and it just seemed like the right path. Didier Elena, Alain Ducasse, Charlie Trotter, Philippe Ruiz. AM: Chefs Club Aspen is truly iconic, what is it like to be Executive Sous Chef?

CS: It’s a learning experience like no other. Every corner I turn there’s something new. We are building something really great, not just for the day-to-day customer, but for our employees as well. The chefs whom we collaborate with teach us all something different. A new technique, ingredient, philosophy, and that’s what it is all about. Bettering ourselves to better the experience. AM: We were excited to learn Chefs Club Aspen was coming to New York City. What is it about the Chefs Club NYC that is distinctly New York? CS: Just like NYC, Chefs Club NYC is a mix of all types of backgrounds. From French to Asian to American to Italian and so on. We embrace all styles of cooking, modern and classic. Someone can go from little Italy to Korea town just as easy as ordering app and entrée. AM: What are some special things you have lined up for NYC Restaurant Week? CS: We’ve brought back our ever so popular Thai glazed short rib by Eric Anderson from Minneapolis and white Bolognese by Lachlan Patterson of Fresca Food and Wine in Boulder. AM: Who are some of the upcoming acclaimed chefs coming to Chefs Club NYC and Inside Chefs Club that we have to look forward to for 2017? CS: Mid Feb. we have Chefs Andrew Taylor and Mike Wiley of Eventide Oyster Co. in Portland Maine coming in to give us a New England extravaganza. First night in our PDR, then the second night a main dinning room takeover. A few days later, Chef Mehmet Gurs of acclaimed Mikla in Istanbul Turkey will be gracing us with his take on Anatolian cusine. And in March, Chef Matt Abergel of Yardbird in Hong Kong to just name a few.


We Chatted with Chef Chris Szyjka as he had recently joined to participate in legendary cooking classic, Cochon555. When we entered Cochon555, New Porc City 2017, we were instantly swept away into fierce competition for whole pig cooking. Brooklyn, New York marked the first stop for this multi-city battle, where the ultimate champions will be crowned in the Grand Cochon in Chicago later this year. Cochon555 is an intense event for top chefs to celebrate heritage pigs one bite

at a time. Created in 2008 as a response for a lack of educating of heritage breed pigs, this ‘nose-to-tail’ competition is dedicated to supporting family farmers and educate chefs and diners about the agricultural importance of utilizing Old-World livestock. Mom and Pop, farm-to-table, BBQ and Michelin Star restaurants are all worked with and share one core value: they source products responsibly. The Sunday afternoon event was an epic culinary experience featuring heritage breed pork dishes of all kinds

for business plans. It supports existing farmers requiring genetics to diversify bloodlines or rebuild herds as a result of disease or natural disaster. The inaugural NYC event, New Porc City featured five chef entrants: Chris Szyjka, Chefs Club By Food & Wine (Heritage Foods USA Old Spot pig); Nicole Gajadhar, Saxon & Parole (with Spring House Farm Large Black pig); Ryan Bartlow, Quality Eats (with Dogpatch Farm Mulefoot pig); Greg Baxtrom, Olmsted (with Autumn's Harvest Farms Berkshire pig); Aaron Hoskins, Birds & Bubbles (with The Piggery Mulesoft pig). Indeed, Chef Chris rendered valiant efforts. Chef Nicole from Saxon and Parole took the NYC prize and moved closer to victory. Each made narratives and tasty preparations that enticed and captured our senses.

with chef-crafted tastings, along with 40+ types of boutique wines, craft cocktails and artisanal brews. On its eighth year, the Cochon555 US Tour is aligned with modern day good food movement – notable chefs, barrier breaking women and men, artist-like butchers, spirited bartenders and brazen pastry talent. Together the ticketed educational event showcases are enjoyed and shared, building a space for safer, honest food. A portion of all sales benefit The Piggy Bank Charity, helps family farmers with a foundation to gift heritage breed pigs in exchange

In our upcoming feature, see Chef Chris preparing the final touches to his menu. Chef Nicole Gajadhar’s full menu and winning feast (with piggy banks, festive carnival tents, flying cotton candy pigs bearing her name and all). Also we have a glimpse of Chef Ryan Bartlow with ‘Quality Cochon’ coat, bringing out a full deli-style creation in all of its glory. We have a moment from the Punch Kings challenge, where Bryan Schneider, from Quality Eats dropped inherently award-winning cocktails, served in shiny gold trophies and find Kool Keith enjoying judging festivities. We see the Somm Smackdown and winner Nicole Hakli from ACME taking the win and DJ Lord from Public Enemy scratching some beats on the 1's and 2's. Our set ends with a dramatic frame of a whole heritage pig being artfully butchered and auctioned for charitable causes by Erika Nakamura and Jocelyn Guest from White Gold Butchers, and a nod toward Williamsburg’s Weylin Hall glorious ceiling, constantly delighting us all evening. PHOTOGRAPHY PG 30 - 53 Paul Farkas

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This month has been unpredictable with warm days that danced from Spring to Summer and reminders that Winter is still here with a lot of snow! Regardless, our skin needs love and these K-Beauty brands (and those that are inspired by their trends) are a must to get our skin nourished and summer ready! | TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL Egg Cream Face Mask | BOSCIA Sake Balm | BONVIVANT @ MEMEBOX Botanical Mellow Clay Mask | KNC BEAUTY All Natural Collegen Infused Lip Mask |


, s s e l e m i T y l l a n J tE e r n o B n o J

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Bon Jovi, the Grammy Award®-winning band who came together in Sayerville, NJ is currently on This House is Not For Sale Tour which includes songs from their 14th album (of the same name). Vocal leader, Co-Founder and front man, Jon Bon Jovi is a triple threat as an entertainer, actor and designer of apparel and accessory line, Hart n' Dagger. We took time between rehearsals and his show schedule to talk about the clothing label, his music and why it's essential to support local talent. ATHLEISURE MAG: Before we talk music, tell us about Hart n' Dagger and how you came up with this line, we feel that it is an extension of your personal style! JON BON JOVI: If you consider that the style, it is simply what makes me comfortable. It needs to be timeless and classic. AM: We love the denim in the line, but you have accessories as well which is great for men and women - why did you add this and will there be additional products in this category? JBJ: I’m not big on accessories, so they better have a meaning. We will continue to look at these items and perhaps look at watches and sunglasses, but those are long term goals.

AM: Who is the Hart n' Dagger guy and will you bring women's apparel into this line in the future? JBJ: The HnD man doesn’t buy into fads or fashions. We believe that torn jeans better have been torn on the playing field or because they’ve been worn out – not torn by some fashionista. If you’re looking for timeless and classic jeans for any situation, from work to play, HnD are for you. AM: As an iconic band with worldwide fame, how do you stay grounded and connected to your roots to continue releasing songs that resonate with fans? JBJ: Well, you still are who you are. You can never get away from where you grew up and where your roots are. So, that’s who we are… We’re a bunch of guys from Jersey that made it. We’ve worked our tails off. And we got lucky through the hard work, and we’re proud of it, and that's reflected in our songs and our attitude. AM: You're in great shape and are currently on tour, what's your favorite workout? JBJ: I've been a runner for 40 years. When I do it, it gives me an hour to think. Fresh air, blood flow, and clear thoughts.” AM: This House is Not For Sale Tour is offering bands the opportunity to open in their city - which is an amazing opportunity and such a great way to show local support. This is the third tour (2006’s Have A Nice Day Tour and 2010’s The Circle Tour) where you have invited local and regional artists to share the stage with you for the Live Nation - promoted concerts. Why do you think it's important to have them open an arena show?

Well you still are who you are. You can never get away from where you grew up and where your roots are... We're a bunch of guys from Jersey

that made it. JBJ: Every great band starts small and builds their rep one show at a time. That’s the opportunity we were given and now we want to pay it forward. If you’re ready for the arena stage, submit your audition tapes and join us in playing for the best audiences in rock music.” Stay connected to Bon Jovi, their new talent and the This House is Not For Sale Tour by visiting the band's website.

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When you think of fitness studios that you have heard of from a number of friends and co-workers, SoulCycle is always in the conversation with it's mind, body, soul focus and music that makes cycling here an experience. We chatted with SoulCycle and Senior Instructor, Sydney Miller to find out more!

Similarly, we have milk + honey in our downtown Austin studio and look forward to providing Saje products in our first Toronto location. AM: There are so many choices for SoulCycle gear - are these all internal brands and do you also have collaborative brands as well - are there upcoming collabs we should be looking out for?

ATHLEISURE MAG: How long has SoulCycle been around? SOULCYCLE: SoulCycle has been around since April 2006 -- it started as one studio on New York City's Upper West Side and has since grown to 72 studios and counting!

SC: SoulCycle produces 14 collections each year with 60+ pieces in each one. For the month of March, we are celebrating acceptance, collaboration and love as our collection is themed around the Army of Love. During a time of polarizing views and alienating sentiments, SoulCycle continues to be a sanctuary and a community of acceptance. SoulCycle is a workout to some, a community to most, and a safe harbor to all. We stand for acceptance, collaboration, and love. As team members and riders, we're a coalition of conscience - respect and compassion are practices we cultivate daily. We not only embrace each other's differences, we celebrate them.

AM: We know that you recently opened a location in Austin and Bellevue - what are the next ones that we should keep an eye out for? SC: We always look for active and dynamic communities to be a part of so we are very excited to now be in Austin and Bellevue. We are opening our first international studio in Toronto on March 2nd and have more Canadian studios opening soon as well. AM: You guys have a great series of amenities available - what are some of the brands that one can find in your bathrooms?

Our studios are sanctuaries of unity, where we all ride together as a pack. We take that energy into the world, where we lift each other up. We are an Army of Love.

SC: We always seek to provide a seamless experience for our riders and provide everything they need so our locker rooms are stocked with every amenity a rider could need, our front desks have hair ties, ear plugs, gum and more. We have also teamed up with local skin care companies in new markets to offer their products to our riders. In Bellevue, we have Herbivore Botanicals' incredible products in both of women's and men's locker rooms.

AM: When people are not in the midst of a class at SoulCycle - how can they still stay connected as a community? SYDNEY MILLER: SoulCycle naturally lends itself to a community experience through the entire studio. Riders often become friends by going to the same classes week to week and building connection from the locker room to the studio. From juices after class, brunch, or trying a new fitness experi- 68 -

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ence, riders can take the SoulCycle experience to other areas of their active lifestyle.

tire experience, so it's important to go with an instructor who plays the kind of music you're into. There's really an instructor for everyone and each of us brings a different perspective to the table. On the website, you can see on each instructors' profile what kind of music they play and a little bit about them. It's fun to try different classes and then figure out what lights you up the most.

AM: What is the ethos of SoulCycle? SM: SoulCycle is all about connecting mind and body to the music. We ride as a pack because we know there is strength in numbers. We support each other and get stronger together. AM: We liked how you went about selecting a great class for us by asking what music we liked (our Kaskade x Swedish House Mafia theme ride was epic) - is this the suggested method that someone new to this ecosystem should follow?

SOULCYCLE • Check for current and upcoming studios in the US and Canada here.

SM: The music is what makes the enFeb 2017

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ICE NYC Prior to and after class, you can enjoy amenities including locker rooms, showers, towel and laundry service. Private label juices and freshly prepared health-conscious foods are available as a way to nourish the body.

For the past couple of years, we have had a number of friends who have embraced CrossFit, a high-intensity fitness program incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise within a period of time. This allows you to through various intervals of training to keep your body in motion and to hit a greater range of items across your body!

ICE NYC is the newest luxury group fitness studio to hit TriBeCa with another location on the UES as well as a fitness partnership in Antigua and Barbuda.

Home of Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet, "The Fittest Woman on Earth", ICE NYC infuses music, dedicated coaches and challenging workouts that are scalable based on the participant's skill level. Classes that one can select range from CrossFit, HIIT, Yoga, Row and Cycling. Each class utilizes body weight movements, kettle bells, medicine balls, bands, sandbags, rowing machines, bikes and more depending on the theme of the class. Throughout the class, you hear your progress and it is adjusted as needed to fit your goals.

ICE NYC • 330 E. 59th St NY, NY 10010 • 93 Worth St NY, NY 10013 • Jumby Jay at Rosewood Resort on Jumby Bay Island, Antigua + Barbuda

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f o t r A e h k T c a n S e h t

MEALS IN A JAR There's no excuse to scrounge for a well balanced meal. Ancolie, the epicurean cantine offers breakfast, lunch, and snacks from its Greenwich Village location where you can grab a glass jar as you go about your day.

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WHY GLASS? The glass jars allow for you to see everything you're about to eat, ensures that hot items stay warm and those that are cold - stay that way! In addition, glass keeps chemicals out of your food and is great to grab and go!

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BEING RESPONSIBLE Having a container that doesn't clutter the environment means that you can continue to pass on this goodness by re-using it for your next meal (you receive a discount) or repurposing it to contain other items!

BEING SAVORY & SWEET There are a number of options that one can enjoy when visiting Ancolie - of course they wouldn't skip dessert! Ingredients are simple, good for you and are easy to tote! Check them out in Greenwich Village in NYC.

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We're not kids anymore, but there are times where we need to take our cue from our favorite childhood past times to infuse in our adulting lifestyle. The Slumber Party was always a fun way to bring your favorites together. It was about having everyone in one room, eating pizza or snacks, trying beauty routines and of course having amazing gossip that hopefully never left the inner sanctuary. It was about coming together and bonding. To go to a slumber party was having an insiders access with your crew! We're older, wiser, and sophisticated, but the need to connect is still as important as ever! We identify with a number of tribes and whether we engage with them in their set spheres or mix it up, the Adulting Slumber Party is one that you need to add to your plans as much as your next brunch! The options are endless whether you hold it in your home, book a suite at one of your favoite hotels or check out a fabulous place on Home Away. Set a date, send out your Paperless Post and make sure you create an experience. Our slumber parties can incorporate meditation, a yoga session, testing beauty products, creating some cocktails, amazing dishes to snack on and of course, being able to gab about any and everything that brings you together! We suggest some must haves to get your night off to the right start with our finds that can be introduced to your tribe as well as enjoyed solo or at a future activity. | DULCE VIDA Grapefruit, Lime and Original | AVEDA Tulasara Wedding Masque Eye | GARNIER SKINACTIVE Micellar Cleansing Water |

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Stay connected and follow us across our channels socially on @AthleisureMag!

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Whether you're transitioning from working from home to establishing a co-working space for an office, or you have meetings with those that do, it's essential to have the right items to optimize your work! Co-working spaces allow you to liase with a number of other brands/companies as well as to enjoy amenities that make your 9-5+ a lot easier. | STM GOODS Grace Laptop Sleeve in Night Sky | HIGH BREW COFFEE Mexican Vanilla Cold Brew | LINEA PELLE Harper Sliced Tote | YUMAMI Go Dip Snack Adzuki Bean Ginger Ponzu | MOLESKINE Ruled Notebook | NESTLE DAMAK Fine Chocolate with Pistachios |

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In Our Bag The Co-Worker

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We're only a few weeks away from the official start of Spring. Restaurants are the perfect seasonless escape as our favorite dishes, beverages and ambiance awaits us. Dos Caminos, a popular Mexican restaurant with locations in NYC is part of the BR Guest Hospitality group, and is known as a place to enjy savory and sweet options along with an array of cocktails that are always perfect to enjoy for lunch, happy hour, dinner or late night drinks. This month's food editorial, shot at the Park Ave location, shares key dishes that can be enjoyed on your next visit. We chatted with Executive Chef Ivy Stark about how she came to work at the restaurant and why this is a haven for New Yorkers and tourists! ATHLEISURE MAG: Tell us about your background and what led to you become a chef. IVY STARK: I grew up in Colorado and loved to cook from the time I was a young child. My father was a hotelier so I sort of grew up in the business. I remember loving going to the restaurant shows and seeing the displays of chaud-froid and ice carvings and being enthralled. After studying history in college, an eating tour of Europe convinced me that I wanted to wanted to be a chef. I returned to the U.S. and started cooking school in New York. AM: Prior to being the Executive Chef at Dos Caminos, where else have you been and how long have you been at Dos Caminos? IS: I've been at Dos Caminos for 14 years, before that I worked at the Border Grill and Ciudad in Los Angeles, and then moved back to New York and worked at some great fine dining restaurants such as Sign of the Dove, Cena and Amalia. AM: What is it like being a chef at Dos Caminos and what is a day in the life

like being there? IS: It is amazing being the chef here. I have a wonderful brand to work with and a great staff that's my second family. Typically, I spend the day in the kitchens overseeing the food going out to the dining rooms. I will spend some time in the test kitchen doing research and development for new menu items and specials, and then I do have to do some administrative work, reviewing schedules, food costs, working with vendors to ensure we get the best products. AM: What elements of your cooking style have influenced the menu? IS: My style is to be creative, but to respect authenticity, and the foundation of Mexican cuisine I have learned from great traditional cooks in my travels through Mexico and my ongoing study of the ever-evolving Mexican kitchen. I love bold flavors, and beautiful colors presented simply and naturally. AM: How does the Dos Caminos menu reflect the seasons? IS: We are dedicated to keeping our menu seasonal and change it four times a year to reflect that, only using in-season produce. In addition, we look at the seasons in terms of textures, temperatures and flavors - lighter, cooler fare in the summer and heartier fare in the winter. AM: During the winter and early spring, what can we look forward to on the menu? IS: We are in the process of working on our spring menu right now, we will be looking at what we can do with ramps, asparagus, spring radishes and onions, fava beans, pineapples, and strawberries. New York weather is fickle, sometimes spring comes around in March and sometimes we have to wait until June.

Dos Caminos' Executive Chef, Ivy Stark

items to reflect dining trends, but we listen to our guests' feedback. If they want us to leave something alone, we leave it alone. We have a seasonal guacamole that is updated four times a year based on the best available produce. We always have a rotating assortment of amazing seasonal ice creams and sorbets. Those are a couple of items that you can count on changing.

AM: What classics are mainstays on the menu and which ones get updated from time to time? IS: The Dos Enchiladas - roast chicken enchiladas with mole poblano is a longtime crowd pleaser, as is our Shrimp Quesadilla; guests come in to order these specific items so we leave them alone. We are always looking at ways to

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Mexican street corn, and the sweet corn flan to finish; tomorrow I might choose a different menu. AM: Is there a secret menu at Dos Caminos? IS: There is - we have a secret shrimp guacamole, a chicken quesadilla, and a very special brunch item - the quesadilla benedict. AM: One of our favorite times to swing by is during Happy Hour - what are key beverages that we should try on our next visit? IS: You can't go wrong with our El Camino margarita, we use freshly squeezed juice for our sour mix and there is no substitute. I like mine up, very cold, with salt. We also make a killer red and white sangria. FOOD CREDITS | OPENING SPREAD PG 90 + 91 | Guacamole | PG 94 LEFT | Prickly Pear Margarita | PG 95 RIGHT | El Camino Margarita | THIS PAGE | Cazuela de Camarones | PG 98 LEFT | Persimmon Salad | PG 99 RIGHT | Elote de Calle | PG 100 + 101 | Mahi Mahi Tacos | PG 102 + 103 + BACK COVER | Sweet Corn Flan |

AM: What are your favorite dishes on the menu - from appetizer, main dish, sides and dessert? IS: I am asked that question all the time and it's really a bit cruel - it's like asking who is my favorite friend! With that said, today if I were dining at Dos Caminos I would have the guacamole, persimmon salad, grilled Mahi Mahi tacos, Feb 2017

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STATEMENT BOUND A Conversation with Sprayground's David Ben David

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Whether it's via Instagram or candid shots in your favorite weeklies, you have seen athletes, celebs, their children, entertainers and more rocking backpacks that are designed at another level (bold graphics, wings, fun fabrications)! From backpacks, accessories, and apparel - this pop art is a coveted favorite that has become a collectible by those in the know. Known as Sprayground, its founder and designer, David Ben David aka DBD, has taken his love for traveling, surfing and skating to build his empire on bags that allow you to keep it moving! With a background that also embraces the street art scene - he continues to challenge himself with new designs that

that have added to the cult phenomenon of the brand! As we transition into Spring, designers are already seasons ahead in terms of design, shooting project and being inspired. We took some time to chat with DBD to find out more about the brand, celebrities who have embraced his collections, his collabortions and more. ATHLEISURE MAG: Tell us about your background and how you came up with Sprayground? DAVID BEN DAVID: I love to travel with

bags, from surfing to skating when I was a little kid, I always had bags. But I always had a black bag, so boring and generic, right? So then the idea came to me: let’s spice up this category. There was an opportunity there. I just created one bag, the Hello My Name Is bag, because I was from the whole street art scene, where that sticker is very iconic in my world. So I put it on a bag and it sold out very quickly. I was freaking out, because I was, like, am I going to be a one-hit wonder? I had to challenge myself. So I came up with the Money Stacks bag, [which] was better than the Hello My Name Is bag and everyone–every celebrity, athlete, musician– wore that bag. And ever since then we’re getting a lot of traction. We are now sold in over 80 countries. AM: What is the Sprayground aesthetic/ lifestyle? DBD: The Sprayground aesthetic/lifestyle can be categorized as being one of ambition and drive. It's comprised of luxury and the jet setter life, always on the move, all the while maintaining a certain level of style that can only be achieved through our unique designs and silhouettes. AM: Why do you think a number of celebrities and entertainers are drawn to this brand? DBD: Artistic, different, they appreciate the edgy designs and lifestyle. Bold, you feel empowered when you put on Sprayground. AM: Who is the Sprayground guy and girl? DBD: Sprayground's demographic is so vast as we have kids from ages 12-16 to adults and celebrities like Chris Brown, Odell Beckham Jr and Spike Lee wearing our bags. I would say our core demo is 17-30, currently skewed male, however; our female demographic is expanding drastically, especially since we launched a female oriented capsule for our 2016 Back to School Collection in early June and will continue

to launch female oriented capsules called “The Duchess” collection. Sprayground’s guy and girl is alternative, edgy, collective, fun and fashionable. AM: In addition to your core line, you have a number of collaborations or special collections - what have been some of your favorites and what should we keep an eye for out this Spring and Summer? DBD: Spongebob was a cool story. The actual creator of Spongebob approved the designs himself, which they never approve anything. We have a Simpsons collaboration launching that the creator of Simspons approved those designs as well. Keep an eye out for more exciting collaborations coming this Back to School season!

[When asked who DBD would like to see wearing the brand] Happy seeing "people," all people are celebrities under God's eyes. AM: What are your personal favorites in your lines? DBD: Each bag I create is like a new baby... I love them all.. I created them. AM: Who would you love to see wearing Sprayground that has yet to rock it? DBD: Happy seeing “people," all people are celebrities under God’s eyes. AM: Where do you find inspiration when you are thinking of the next season or campaign?

| PHOTOS COURTESY Sprayground | PG 106 | Odell Beckham Jr; NFL Giants | LEFT | Young Thug; Rapper | RIGHT | Ruby Rose; DJ, Actress, Model, Recording Actress, TV Presenter, Former MTV VJ | BELOW | Chris Brown |

DBD: Living in this creative and vibrant city, New York. Also, traveling. In each season, every piece tells a different story. Our collections play and have multiple different themes. Every campaign has energy and color. We cater to everyone. AM: In your personal time, where can we find you brunching, going to happy hour and working out? DBD: 4 thinks I like: Family, Traveling, G-d and creating. AM: When you're not designing where or what can we find you doing? DBD: I'm always in a state of creating... building a brand is like fighting a battle.. the second u stop, the next brand can advance.. it's about always being new, innovative and building and motivating a team around you.

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Bingely Books for another woman, Anne finds herself in need of a new job and a place to recover. Meanwhile, her celebrity idol, Emma Helmsley (England’s answer to Martha Stewart), is in need of a housekeeper, an opportunity which seems too good to be true. Through her books, website, and blog, Emma Helmsley advises her devoted followers on how to live a balanced life in a hectic world. Her husband, Rob, is a high profile academic, and her children, Jake and Lily, are well-adjusted teenagers. On the surface, they are the perfect family. But Anne soon finds herself intimately ensconced in the Helmsley’s dirty laundry, literally and figuratively. The Housekeeper shows that underneath the dust, grime, and whimsical clutter, everyone has a secret to hide and Anne’s own disturbing past threatens to unhinge everything.

MOST DANGEROUS PLACE James Grippando Harper Collins

THE HOUSEKEEPER Suellen Dainty Simon and Schuster

When Anne Morgan's successful boyfriend - who's also her boss - leaves her

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Defending a woman accused of murdering the man who sexually assaulted her, Miami lawyer Jack Swyteck must uncover where the truth lies between innocence, vengeance, and justice in this tale of suspense - based on shocking true-life events - from the New York Times. Feb 2017

he must separate truth from lies—an undertaking that proves more complicated than the seasoned attorney expects. Inspired by an actual case involving a victim of sexual assault sent to prison for the death of her attacker, James Grippando’s twisty thriller brilliantly explores the fine line between victim and perpetrator, innocence and guilt, and cold-blooded revenge and rightful retribution.


Hidden Folks combines 'Where's Waldo' for adults, interactivity, and handdrawn characters for a fun game that will become yur ultimate binge!

According to the FBI, the most dangerous place for a woman between the ages of twenty and thirty is in a relationship with a man. Those statistics become all too personal when Jack Swyteck takes on a new client tied to his past. Most Dangerous Place begins at the airport, where Jack is waiting to meet his old high school buddy, Keith Ingraham, a high-powered banker based in Hong Kong, coming to Miami for his young daughter’s surgery. But their long-awaited reunion is abruptly derailed when the police arrest Keith’s wife, Isabelle, in the terminal, accusing her of conspiring to kill the man who raped her in college. Jack quickly agrees to represent Isa, but soon discovers that to see justice done, Feb 2017

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Bingely Streaming science fiction. Three storylines are woven in the film where Jackman and Weisz play different sets of characters. These sets include: a modern-day scientist and his cancer-stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a traveler immersed in a spiritual journey who hallucinates his lost love. Between match cuts and recurring visual motifs—viewers see the themes of love and mortality. The sets of characters are seperated by five centuries each. In addition, the story is told nonlinearly.


THE FOUNTAIN Hulu If you lived forever, what would you do and what would life mean to you? The Fountain follows Tom Creo (Hugh Jackman) who struggles with mortality as he continuously researches medical breakthroughs that will save the life of his cancer-stricken wife, Izzi (Rachel Weisz). The film spans 1,000 years and blends elements of fantasy, history, spirituality, and

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An American period drama television series is based on Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler. This series which is created for Amazon Studios, looks at the fictionalized life of American socialite Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald (Christina Ricci) in the 1920's. She is a free spirit who knows that she is meant for more. The brilliant Southern Belle would become the original flapper and icon of the wild, carefree, flamboyant Jazz Age. During it's first season Z: The Beginning of Everything, highlights the passionate highs and lows that came together with her love affair of F. Scott Fitzgerald (David Hoflin) who (at that time) is an unpublished writer.

Feb 2017

June Diane Raphael) left him for the successful cartoonist behind the Optimistic Owl (Conan‘s Andy Richter). With so much at stake with his wife, job an even his apartment - the newly created holiday by the California govenor makes his friends, strangers and more to urge him to submit entires. But with nothing to say he remembers the advice of his professional forefather, Orwell Taft (Larry Fessenden): “Never write for anyone, always write for someone.” He finds a new muse and begins to move forward only to find himself in the middle of a murder and all that is involved.

The series looks at the iconic era, wild parties and the music, as well the struggles, adultery, dark secrets and dashed dreams.

GIRLFRIEND'S DAY Netflix Girlfriend's Day is a Netflix Original Movie that focuses on Ray Wentworth (Bob Odenirk - who is also the co-writer for this movie; Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) who was the king of the greeting cards industry and is now a down-on-his-luck card writer. As he works to get back to the feelings that made him the "Bill Shakespeare of romance cards," he becomes ensnared int a web of murder and deceit as other writers angle to create the must have card for a newly made holiday. If work stress wasn't enough, he's equally as down due to his wife (Grace & Frankie's Feb 2017

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As we grow up, many of us begin working on our life plan that consists of what is expected of us by friends and family, and influences from interactions and our informed opinions. Whether these are our actual passions or not can only be told in time. Sometimes, after following this plan, you wake up and realize that you need to hit the reset button and start from the beginning to reintroduce yourself to yourself. UNBOUND looks at this journey in understanding the ultimate self, honoring the past lessons and growing the seeds of a new life that can be truly embraced. We chatted with Steph Jagger, who found this connection through hitting the pause button and hitting the slopes, and shared her novel of self-discovery with us.

AM: We fell in love with many of the people that you mentioned in the book - do you still talk to or visit some of our faves, Tree, Joseph and the group that you met in Chile? SJ: Of course! I just saw Tree this week. She’s still a close friend and Joseph is still very much my yoda…in fact, I call him my wizard. I wrote a fair chunk of the book at his estate in Tel Aviv and I plan on seeing him later this year. I’m still in touch with MANY of the others and of course, spoiler alert, Chris and I are still sharing a bed! AM: Going into the Vertical Feat you were set on check marking this goal, but did you have other matters you were wrestling with in order to find yourself besides realizing that you had been a goat who was really a Tiger?

ATHLEISURE MAG: Steph, it's so good to connect with you as your book is the perfect blend of goal setting, humor, self-discovery, honesty, and weighted reflection - what are your 3 biggest takeaways from the Vertical Feat experience?

SJ: Ultimately I wrestled with a lot of things – goat to tiger and also masculine ideal as my predominant belief system to a balanced masculine and feminine ideal. I didn’t have a clue that would be part of my journey, but that’s how the Universe works. It’s very smart. It baits you into adventures using something that will snag your ego just enough to pull you in – “Hey, over here!!! How about 4,000,000 feet???” – and once you’re on the journey the truth and the battles and the learning all unfold.

STEPH JAGGER: My three biggest take aways from my journey are: • Moving from fear based motivation, which came with truck loads of ego, to what I call “love based motivation” – asking myself if this is going to help me grow and expand and transform versus asking myself what this will help me prove.

AM: What lessons can we take from Unbound when people are in a transitional experience?

• I also learned so much about the feminine and what strength means for women. I used to have a masculine ideal, one that came with an “armor up and go into battle” mentality and know I see strength very differently. I see it as putting all the armor down, as being authentic and vulnerable with yourself as well as others.

SJ: I think that is the truth of transition. What you think you’re getting into is probably not what you’re getting into. I also think we need to look at transition (even positive ones) as part of the grief process. Becoming a mother means letting go of and grieving the woman you were in your teens and twenties. Becoming a person who values feminine ideals means potentially

• Last but not least…huge take away about the quality of red meat in Argentina. And chocolate, and wine!

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letting go of and grieving the people in your life that are still operating under a masculine-only ideal. If you’re looking to transition to the monkey bar in front of you, you HAVE TO let go of the one you’re holding on behind you. AM: We were so happy to see that you and Chris got married and that you did embark on a different journey, what is your life like now in terms of career, where you live? SJ: My life right now is very much based around the principal of having two things and two things only on my bucket list: Am I listening to what I am called to do…AND, when I hear it, do I have the courage to do it. That’s how I decide what projects to work on, where to travel, etc. To get technical, Chris and I currently live on the edge of a canyon on southern California with our giant black dog, Auggie. I run my coaching company from home and split time between that and writing. Our plan…because we’ve felt the call…is to return to the mountains in the coming months. Our hope would be to move to Colorado or BC by the summer-time. AM: Do you see yourself taking on other challenges of this nature? SJ: Yes and no. I’ll refer back to question five…if I’m called to go on another adventure of this nature, I hope I’ll heed the call. That said, I just don’t feel it…I feel other adventures rolling towards me. More books, perhaps a career in speaking, MORE travelling for sure but perhaps with less of an agenda. So yes and no.

concept of balance. The desire to be aggressive, persistent, ambitious, etc. with a career, at the same time as being a friend, a mother, a daughter, a sister…roles that often require a fair bit of nurturing, slowing down, etc. I think that’s the question of our generation – how do we first choose what it is we want (with consciousness and a lack of guilt) and then how do we actually make that happen in the real world…hint hint…this might be a theme of my second book. The why behind it all feeling difficult has everything to do with the way our society is structured. The expectations placed on women (and men for that matter) to play certain roles, the patriarchical ideal. I could go on about this but I think it’s built into our collective thought process. AM: If you were able to do this trip all over again, what would you change? SJ: Nothing. Not a thing. It all lead me to where I am and who I am today and I’m very proud of that. From a technical standpoint I probably wouldn’t have planned as much so I could have responded better to the weather as it happened. Other than that…nothing. AM: What mementos did you keep from your trip as a means to remember the experience? SJ: What do I have to remember the trip…um, well, a book for starters! Ha! I don’t tend to lug mementos around, but I do have some gorgeous photos, a husband, and a small Japanese change purse tht help me remember it all.

AM: We loved that you came to terms with being someone who could accept their femininity while also embracing an aggressive nature and that you could be both - why do you think that some women find that to be difficult?

AM: What was your favorite mountain/resort to ski at during the Vertical Feat and what was your favorite place/ experience that you went to to unwind while you were on this journey?

SJ: I think a lot of women find that to be difficult. The idea of having it all. The

SJ: Favorite resort – SO HARD. I still LOVE Whistler/Blackcomb, but Jack-

son Hole, and Alta are also standouts. I’ll always remember Cerro Catedral in Argentina, because it’s where I met Chris and Happo One in Japan is out of this world – in fact, the whole Hakuba Valley in Japan is out of this world. I’ll also make the latter the fav place to relax. A ski and then an onsen (Japanese hot baths) at the end of the day?!? You can’t get much better than that. Unless of course, you’re at the Scandinave Spa up in Whistler – that place is also to die for when it comes to pampering and relaxation.

messed up, I’ve got a bit of a sore throat going at the moment, I lost my ski socks somewhere...BUT, I feel like my energy is aligned with the book and that when I go out and connect with people at event and local bookstores there’s an effortless perfection to the interaction and exchanges that are happening. That makes me very happy. It’s total Shibumi!

AM: We love the concept of Shibumi and how you found it at various times, what is your Shibumi moment now?

SJ: Well, I just told you a little about the book tour and I think I would say similar things about the writing process. It’s utter shibumi – it’s a glorious mess, it's throwing words around and cutting and chopping and praying and

SJ: My Shibumi moment now is the book tour. It can’t be perfect, travel plans get

AM: What was the process like in writing this book and how is your book tour going?

surrender and faith that it will all work out in the end. It's discipline but also freedom. I loved the writing process, the concept of learning and honing my very rough skills as a writer. I hope I get to keep doing it. What a gift of an opportunity I’ve had to unravel my own narrative and sew it back up together again. If that’s not Shibumi, I don’t know what is! AM: What's next for you? SJ: What’s next for me is a question I get a lot – most times it comes in the form of “What’s on your bucket list” – there are two things – One, am I listening for the call to adventure. Two, do I have the courage to say yes when I hear it. I really do feel a second book coming to the surface and as I mentioned before, Chris and I would love to find the perfect home in the mountains. And a vacation! Maybe a visit to Greece to see my dearest Joseph! He just built a new home there and we’ve been dying to see it. Just thinking of the sun and calamari makes me drool. AM: What would you tell someone who decided to go on a path of self-discovery (not necessarily in the same manner that you did) so that they could expect many of the feelings that you came to grasp with? SJ: This is such a huge question. First I would ask them if they had three or four hours and a good bottle of wine or two. Then I would sit down with them and I would read them Joseph Campbell quotes for hours. I would tell them “you must let go of the life you have planned, as to accept the one that is waiting for you” and I would also go all Sue Monk Kidd on them and tell them that “the truth may set you free, but first it will shatter the safe, sweet way you live.” Then I would tell them to leave the rest of the wine with me. After that, I’d hand them my phone number and tell them they’ve got an open line and to call when

ever they want, I would say, “Search for the best, most wildest version of you and when you find it grab it and don’t let go. Oh…and you know that when you’re on the monkey bars of life, you MUST let go of the one behind you in order to grasp the one in front of you… you know that right???” That’s what I’d say. Pictures courtesy of Steph Jagger and book cover by Harper Wave/Harper Collins

Kale chips. Dried kale. Baked kale. Popcorn kale. Kale twists. Food is increasingly becoming like couture, where every season or so a particular color is seemingly chosen to rise to star status. Truth be told, whoever decided that kale was going to be the superfood du jour deserves a marketing award. How else does it happen that a leafy green vegetable that has long been available in grocery stores, languishing more or less ignored, becomes transformed into a superfood that causes a run on Whole Foods? I have nothing against kale and have been adding it to soups and salads, steaming it – which is how one can get the best nutritional value – and even juicing it, for years. But the day I attended an event where a package of Parmesan kale chips were included in the goodie bag, I knew it was all over for Quinoa, which was the previous year’s superfood. Truth be told, and kale’s excellent reputation as a superb source of roughage aside, there are other leafy greens that ranked higher on the Centers for Disease Control’s list of powerhouse fruits and vegetables. In fact, kale only placed 15th (with 49.07 points out of 100 for nutrient density), beaten out by fellow cruciferous vegetables watercress (#1), Chinese cabbage (#2) and collard greens (#10), as well as leafy vegetables chard, beet greens, spinach, chicory, leaf lettuce, parsley, and Romaine lettuce, to round out the Top 10. But before you throw out this baby with the rinse water, it’s important to recognize that the CDC study was based on nutritional density by weight, and time to consider why kale still rightfully deserves its place of honor on the food chain: Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef, and more calcium than milk, which helps in preventing bone loss and osteoporosis.

I A F # E i L n A K Bon by Kale is high in Vitamins K, A and C, as well as antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids, which helps prevent various cancers. It’s also a rich source of minerals including copper, calcium and iron (as mentioned), sodium, potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. Nutrients in kale offer protection from Vitamin A deficiency, osteoporosis, iron-deficiency anemia, are believed to protect against cardiovascular diseases, and colon and prostate cancers, and its omega-3 fatty acid help fight arthritis, asthma and autoimmune disorders.

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7th minute as not all of the pieces are the same size or thickness, so some pieces will be done before others, and you want them to be crisp, not burnt to a crisp. Each green has its own unique flavor and texture, and good to mix it up a bit. And yes, you can toss some grated Parmesan into the bag as well, if you’ve grown accustomed to that flavor on your kale chips.

Kale is also low in calories (33 per cup), a great source of fiber and has zero fat or sugar. On the other hand, kale has long been the go-to green among super foodies, and may be time to consider one of its non-cruciferous cousins, at least once in a while: LETTUCE, MUSTARD GREEN OR CHICORY CHIPS Truth be told, I like to combine all three greens in the same batch. Baking time is fairly the same for all, and do keep an eye on them in the oven at around the Feb 2017

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5 large lettuce leaves (if using Romaine, remove the spines) or a handful of mustard greens or chicory leaves, cut into bite-sized pieces 1 ½ tablespoon olive oil, to coat ¼ - ½ teaspoon salt, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Toss leaves in a plastic food storage bag. Add oil and salt to coat. Spread the pieces of leaves individually on the parchment paper, trying not to overlap them. Bake them in the over for 7-12 minutes, or until they’re crispy. Store in a sealable food grade plastic bag. STIR FRIED LETTUCE 1 tablespoon Shaoxing rice wine or dry sherry 1 tablespoon soy sauce 3/4 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons vegetable or sunflower oil 5 medium garlic cloves, smashed and peeled 1 pound hearts of Romaine lettuce, cut crosswise into 1-inch-wide pieces 1 teaspoon sesame oil (see note) Combine the rice wine or sherry, soy sauce, sugar, and salt in a small bowl. Heat a 14-inch flat-bottomed wok over high heat until a bead of water vaporizes within 1 to 2 seconds of contact. Swirl in the vegetable oil, add the gar lic, and stir-fry for 5 seconds. Add the lettuce and stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes, or until it is just limp. Stir the sauce, swirl it into the wok, and stir-fry for 30 seconds to 1 minute more, or until the lettuce is just tender and still bright green. Remove from the heat, drizzle on the sesame oil, and serve. Note: Use roasted or toasted sesame oil, not the neutral-tasting cold-pressed oil, and definitely not the hot, spicy version. Choose one made from pure roasted sesame seeds and not blended with other oils. Young recom-mends the Kadoya brand. Sesame oil should be stored in the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to 1 year. Adapted from Epicurious


processor until ground.

Boston Bibb or butter lettuce leaves 1 pound lean ground beef or chicken* 1 tablespoon cooking oil 1 large onion, chopped 1/4 cup hoisin sauce 4 cloves fresh garlic, minced 2 tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 2 teaspoons minced ginger 1 dash Asian chili pepper sauce such as Sriracha, or hot sauce, to taste 1 (8 ounce) can water chestnuts, drained and finely chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 2 teaspoons Asian (dark) sesame oil ½ cup chopped cilantro

Rinse whole lettuce leaves and pat dry, being careful not tear them. Set aside.

*To prepare your own ground chicken, cut boneless skinless chicken breasts into large chunks and pulse in a food

Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook beef or chicken in the cooking oil in the hot skillet, stirring often, until browned and crumbly, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain and discard grease; transfer beef or chicken to a bowl. Stir onion in the same skillet, until slightly tender - about 5 minutes. Stir hoisin sauce, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, and chili pepper sauce into onions. Add water chestnuts, green onions, sesame oil, and the cooked beef or chicken, stirring until the green onions begin to wilt, about 2 minutes. Arrange lettuce leaves around the

outer edge of a large serving platter and pile meat mixture in the center. Top with chopped cilantro and drizzling sauce. DIPPING/DRIZZLING SAUCE (optional) 4 tablespoons soy sauce 4 tablespoons rice vinegar 3 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon finely minced fresh ginger 1 teaspoon dark sesame sauce To prepare dipping/drizzling sauce, combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk. Adapted from Allrecipes INSIDE OUT SANDWICH If you’re like me and not the biggest fan of bread (or happen to be allergic to gluten), replace it with lettuce for what I call an inside out sandwich, or a sandwich roll. I’ve never tried it with Boston bibb or butter lettuce, but considering their shape, they should work beautifully! Separate Romaine lettuce leaves. Remove the spines and steam over boiling water for a minute or two. Plunge them immediately into ice water to stop the cooking. Place your favorite sandwich filling at the wider end, and roll them up or if using bibb, fold them burrito-style. SPICY TUNA SALAD FILLING What’s more basic or pedestrian than a tuna fish salad? Here's a twist on the classic that might change your mind about the old stand-by. 1 can tuna fish 1 stalk celery ¼ red or white onion 4-5 jalapeno slices (from a jar, in juices) You can use fresh jalapeno slices – at your own risk 1 tablespoon mayonnaise salt and pepper, to taste

Place the celery, cut into chunks, into a mini-chop, along with the onion, also cut into chunks. Chop until fine. Add the jalapeno slices and the tuna, drained, and chop until incorporated – a minute or two. Pour the mixture into a bowl, and add the mayonnaise, stirring until combined and coated. Add the salt and pepper, to taste, if necessary. Depending on the size of the leaves, add a tablespoon or two of the mixture at the wider end of the steamed lettuce leaf, and roll. Kale #Fail? Not by a long shot, but it may be time to elevate another long-languishing green on the CDC’s superstar list. For its unrecognized diversity, we suggest lettuce, with the possible exception of iceberg - which at a mere eight calories a cup and providing a good source of riboflavin, Vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, and a very good source of dietary fiber, Vitamins A, C, and K, thiamin, folate, iron, potassium and manganese, after years of its unwavering nutritional service, it may be high time that lettuce’s salad days finally come to an end. #CDC #Kale #CruciferousVegetables #LeafyVegetables #Lettuce #Spinach #PowerhouseFruitsAndVegetables #Watercress

Feb 2017

Feb 2017

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ATHLEISURE MAG: We are in that time of year where we are celebrating with friends for Super Bowl, Mardi Gras (whether you live in New Orleans or not) and St Patrick's Day. Whatever excuse we use to be with friends, how can we make these celebrations toxin free? SOPHIA GUSHEE: Before these events, I try to load up on wholesome, healthy foods, and hydrate before with lots of filtered water. Once at a party, I give myself permission to enjoy what I want, but since I'm usually not hungry or thirsty from filling up before the party, I find that I simply don't desire as much at the party. But I'll scan my options at the party and pick the one indulgence I'd really enjoy, and just cherish eating that! If I'm hungry at a party, I try to stick to foods that are simple, natural options (like veggies, guacamole, and hummus; or, meats, poultry, etc if I crave it); and I minimize or avoid processed foods (popular cheeses can be processed) or foods with chemicals (like anything with artificial colors, sugars, and preservatives). If drinks are served (the alcoholic types), I've reducing my sugar intake by choosing a tequila drink with lots of lime and sparkling water. Choosing this tequila over wine (my preferred choice for years) significantly cuts down on my sugar intake. Plus, there are reported health benefits from drinking tequila so it might even be good for me. And, always, if I'm eating or drinking something unhealthy and I don't LOVE it, or it's not making me more happy, then I don't finish it. It can become waste or waist: I better love it if it's becoming waist! AM: Labels can be very confusing even when you are trying to do it the right way what is "Certified Organics" and how is that different than "Made with Organic Ingredients" - also are there other labels or verbiage that sound similar, but have very different meanings?

SG: Labels are so confusing! One important thing to know about labels is that the FDA does not define the word "natural," so food and cosmetic companies can use it to describe their products--even if the ingredients include some very synthetic components. "Organic" is similar in that it isn't defined by the FDA, but it is regulated by the USDA, so the "USDA Organic" seal is what you want to look for. However, there are still details within that "USDA Organic" label to consider. While this isn't exhaustive of those details, here's a cheat sheet to help: USDA 100 percent organic: This means that all ingredients are organic (excluding salt and water). This label is most typical on farm products like fresh produce, grains, and flours. Organic: This label indicates that at least 95% of the ingredients are organic (again, excluding salt and water). Made with organic: This can be used on products that contain at least 70% organic ingredients (still excluding salt and water!). AM: We heard and have read that although labels must let us know what's in our food, there are some gray areas such as spices not having to be detailed specifically, how can people who may be allergic to certain spices know what to avoid in these foods? SG: The FDA doesn't require specific spices to be included on food item labels, so, unfortunately, someone with an allergy to one specific spice will need to research the food products they buy. Start by narrowing your product considerations to those whose ingredient lists contain simple, recognizable ingredients. Then contact those manufacturers to have them verify in writing (like email) that AM: When we're shopping at Whole

Foods, Trader Joe's and Farmer's Markets - how can we ensure that we are purchasing items that are toxin free? SG: This is an excellent question that doesn't have a simple solution. First, those retailers sell a wide range of product types (not just food but also cleaning and personal care products). And each product type has unique considerations because they have different reasons for toxic exposures. The toxic concerns vary by product type. For example, toxic concerns about cheese depend on various things. Key issues include: 1) the diet (antibiotics or growth hormones?) and farming conditions of the cow from whose milk the cheese was made; 2) the manufacturing process of the cheese (did plastics or other materials that came into contact with the food leach contaminants into it?); and, 3) food packaging (soft plastics that wrap cheese can leech toxic chemicals into the cheese). Second, toxin free food is rare when our environment is so polluted. For example, arsenic (the cancer-causing type has been detected in some rice and rice byproducts). Turns out, it's because arsenic can exist in high concentrations in some agricultural lands, like in Texas than compared to California ("white rice from California have 38 percent less inorganic arsenic than white rice from other parts of the country," according to Consumer Reports). Informed people can make safer choices, however. I prefer homemade meals so I can control the quality of the ingredients. For packaged foods, I choose products that have simple--and easy to understand--ingredients lists. No artificial colors, sugars, and preservatives. I buy local, seasonal, organic as much as possible. Frozen organic fruits and veggies are staples in my household too: They're convenient and can be more nutrient-dense. AM: Is there a movement being made to

identify where our foods come from so that there is less of a murky feeling when buying foods that you think are correct? SG: Yes! There are many dedicated activists that continually strive to achieve more transparency with food items (and all consumer products, really). However, it's complicated for several reasons. One, manufacturing food has become an international effort. For example, manufacturing juice boxes involves ingredients that are often created from several countries. While there are many advantages to this international approach, it also complicates our understanding of which foods are the safest ones for us to eat. Second, changes in legislation occur slowly. Instead, change has sometimes come voluntarily (before legislation) because businesses responded to pressure from consumers who demanded healthier products. This is one reason why it's so important to spread awareness of our toxic exposures: So we can each contribute to both making safer choices for ourselves today and let businesses know that we care. They pay attention to what we buy, and respond when enough of us complain! I'm trying to help others not only eat healthier, less toxic food but also help others select healthier household products at my online D-Tox Academy. It's still in development but people can register for my free newsletter to learn about it's rollout as well as other online D-Tox programs. AM: For those looking to snack responsibly, what are go to's that you can list that we should keep on our radar? SG: Healthy smoothies are popular. The kids love them frozen since the kids then feel like they're having ice

cream. We have lots of unsalted nuts--like almonds or cashews, although they aren't allowed in all spaces, such as schools, because of the prevalence of allergies. Dried seaweed snacks are also popular in my home. As are apple slices, and, in the summer, frozen strawberries. We also have tons of avocados. Cutting them in half, removing the pit, and sprinkling Himalayan sea salt is always a satisfying snack! You can also spread avocado slices on toast (I'll spread Vegenaise on the toast too), add salt, but also curry: Yum! AM: How can we detox our homes, medicine cabinets as well as beauty products - what would you suggest in terms of products whether they are masstige or prestige? SG: That's such a great question but, again, hard to answer simply! As in the example of toxic exposures from cheese, the details matter. But, general strategies that would provide a great start to detoxing your home, medicine cabinets, beauty products, and more include: discarding items you don't need or use (assume most things contaminate your indoor environment); buy just what you really need; avoid spray products because inhaling the chemical formulas can be more risky; and, for similar concerns over spray products, be weary of powdered products. Not all spray and powdered products are necessarily toxic (many are) but it's hard to know which ones are safe. The Environmental Working Group has a great free online database where you can research your products to learn of their hazard rating. As for masstige vs. prestige, you can't necessarily trust a product just because it's prestige and has a high price point (even if its labeling states that it's a healthier product). However, it has been

my experience that the cheapest cosmetics products usually contain toxic compounds. However, I've also determined for my skin--after trying many masstige and prestige oils and lotions-my preferred products are those that are healthy enough to eat: organic coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil, and shea butter (I look for the most unprocessed options). They just make my skin feel more comfortable! I have also just started using 100% pure essential oils and really enjoy them. The lavender oil is exceptionally helpful for dry, itchy skin. AM: How did you come into this line of work and what was your background? SG: For about 4 years before entering, and then for about 5 years after graduating from, Columbia Business School, I worked in investment management; specifically, high-risk, high-return investments. This meant that key parts of my job were to investigate chaotic situations quickly. I'd gather facts, form key questions, pursue the best answers to those questions, assign different weights to information that I was considering, analyze the data to identify past trends of the "truth" and estimate likely future trends, estimate the likelihood that different outcomes may occur, and boil all our due diligence into a handful of key numbers. As a new mother, I couldn't help but apply these analytical and critical thinking skills to parenting. Each night, I reviewed books on how to care for my newborn: how to get her to sleep, how often to feed her, what to feed her, etc. It was through a nightly review of thoughtfully selected reading materials that I started to learn about toxic chemicals in our everyday consumer products, including baby bottles, toys, mattresses, and most everything else that we buy for our home. Since I was shocked by what I was learn-

ing, my background in investment management naturally led me to research every alarming claim to see if credible sources could verify these claims. They always did. Sometimes I could verify the claims in a few hours, and sometimes it would take years because the studies and research are ongoing. Frustrated by how I was learning about toxic exposures from what I buy, I wanted to gain control over the situation and so I decided to study this topic so I felt informed and empowered to make safe choices. I thought it would take me a year of focused work. But it ended up taking a total of 8 years. And I resigned from my investment management job, which I loved, when my first child was about a year old. In October 2015, I finally released the guidebook that I wish I had sooner. It's titled A to Z of D-Toxing: The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Our Toxic Exposures. I wrote it to be a must-have book for every head of household, and I believe that it is! I wrote it for my younger self, hoping to make it easier for anyone else who'd like to know what they should know and what they can do about our toxic exposures. AM: Chemicals affect everyone, but who is the most susceptible to this the young, young adults, adults, elderly etc? SG: Young, developing bodies are particularly vulnerable to the effects of toxic exposures, because they are still growing. As miraculous and intricate as our bodies are, they can be affected by even small doses of toxicants, and children are the most vulnerable. Since a mother passes on her chemical body burden to her child while she is carrying, and then throughout the breastfeeding stage, it's a great choice for parents (dads, too!) to begin detoxing as early as possible. The elderly and those with compromised immune systems are also particularly vulnerable.

While the rest of us are less vulnerable, the potential adverse effects from exposures to compounds found in everyday products, including our diet, can be meaningful! They have the potential to disrupt various biological processes, like metabolism, sleep, mental clarity, energy, fertility, and more. AM: What are your favorite places to eat from fast casual to a nice night out with cocktails that you would suggest that get your toxin free stamp of approval? SG: Again, since our environment is more toxic than ever, toxic-free probably doesn't exist. But, studies suggest that a diverse, plant-based diet may offer protective and detox benefits to boost your body's resiliency. So my favorite restaurants are mindful of the ingredients that they use. For a quick meal in New York City, I love Dos Toros, a tasty Mexican chain whose food feels relatively healthy. I always get the "Plato," with rice, beans, all the veggies I can get, guacamole, and lots of spicy sauce! For longer meals in New York City, I enjoy Blossom, which is a delicious vegan restaurant, as well as ABC Kitchen, which is an exquisite organic, local, and environmentally conscious restaurant. AM: Why should we be so concerned about toxins and what are the effects in our bodies? SG: With advances in science and technology, we've gained sharper insight into how complex it is to understand how our average toxic exposures may affect us and our kids. While there's a lot more to learn, what we do know is jaw-dropping. For example: With advances in science and technology, we've gainerd sharper insight

into how complex it is to understand how our average toxic exposures may affect us and our kids. While there's a lot more to learn, what we do know is jaw-dropping. For example: tiny doses can cause adverse effects (note that one popular birth control prevents reproduction at 0.035 parts per billion; and that 1 part per billion is like 1 drop of water in an Olympic-size swimming pool); effects created from tiny doses can be different than effects created from high doses; timing of exposure matters (like when the brain or heart are still developing, and note that the brain develops into our 20s); our bodies store some of these toxic compounds and they can be released later, including to our future children when in the womb or through breastfeeding (and breastfeeding is still generally the superior way to nourish an infant); and, there can be a cocktail effect from the mixture of chemicals we are exposed to, and then there's the potential cocktail effect from when our daily exposures mix with those already in our bodies, and then different possibilities exist inside us. We encounter many chemicals, from many sources, many times a day, from before we are born. We simply don't know yet how cumulative, chronic exposures may affect us over a lifetime, but common sense says that hacking our toxic exposures is a good idea. Leading researchers and scientists (including those on the President's Cancer Panel, which is an organization that reports directly to the President of the United States) believe that exposures to these toxins have an important influence in the rapid increases in various health issues, including cancer, reproductive issues, allergies, birth defects, obesity, and neurological disorders.

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Feb 2017

Green Tea Beauty

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Feb 2017

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