Athena Center Annual Report 2016-2017

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“ Women are like teabags, you don’t know how strong they are until they land in hot water.”

—Eleanor Roosevelt

2016–17 Annual Report

Table of Contents

A Message from the Director 2 About the Athena Center for Leadership Studies 3 Developing a New Generation of Women Leaders 4 Fostering a Global Conversation on Women’s Leadership 9 Athena Film Festival: Challenging Cultural Conventions 15 Entrepreneurs@Athena 20 Advancing Innovative Approaches to Leadership Development 23 Conclusion 25 Our Team 26 Many, Many Thanks 32


A Message from the Director Dear Friends, By almost any measure, 2017 has been a challenging year for women and for the world. Many of us were caught off guard when in November our country did not take the opportunity to elect our first female Commander-in-Chief. While we do not yet have a female President, I can say that I am heartened by how many young women and girls have mobilized in the months following the election to participate in the political process. I have been working to break the glass ceiling for women in higher office for decades, and the disappointment many of us continue to feel is both real and significant. But the struggle for equality and justice is a lifelong effort. As Supreme Court Justice Blackmun said referring to the struggle for reproductive rights, “we often take two steps forward and one back.” But we cannot forget that as Reverend Martin Luther King noted, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.” Here at Athena, we have spent the past year doubling down on our efforts to foster and empower the next generation of strong women leaders and breaking down barriers that continue to prevent bold, courageous women from rising to leadership positions. Our student programs continue to engage growing numbers of young women here on the Barnard campus and, as our Athena Scholars graduate, they move forward


with audacious aspirations and goals, using their voices and leadership to make the world a better place. Our Film Festival continues to gain momentum, challenging traditional Hollywood cultural conventions, educating and empowering women storytellers and filmmakers, and inspiring young audiences with a new vision of what leadership looks like. Concurrently, our other programs for young entrepreneurs and women in the corporate and non-profit sector continue to thrive. Now more than ever, there is an urgency in our work to elevate the voices of women and level the playing field for women. I want to thank our extraordinary team of staff and consultants, as well as our Advisory Board and Leadership Council, wise faculty advisers, Distinguished Fellows, and stellar students. I look forward to the year ahead and continuing our work to advance women’s leadership. Thank you to everyone who makes our work possible. We are extremely grateful.

Kathryn Kolbert Constance Hess Williams ‘66 Director The Athena Center for Leadership Studies

About the Athena Center Established at Barnard College, a pioneering force in undergraduate women’s education since 1889, the Athena Center is dedicated to the advancement of women’s leadership across the globe. We are developing workable, scalable models that improve the capacity of women to lead and that change organizations so that women leaders are more accepted and effective. Our innovative programs: • develop new generations of women leaders, particularly among Barnard students; • create innovative approaches to leadership development; • change what leadership looks like in Hollywood and beyond; • level the playing field for women entrepreneurs; and, • foster scholarship and public dialogue that expands our understanding of leadership.

WHY ARE WE COMMITTED to creating a bold, new vision of leadership? It is simple. With more women leaders, we change society’s understanding of what leaders look like, how they operate, and how they respond to social, political, and economic needs. With more women leaders, communities and organizations will be more innovative, productive, and the aspirations of women and girls will rise.

Launched as a special initiative of former Barnard President Debora Spar, Kathryn Kolbert, the Constance Hess Williams ’66 Director, joined as its founding director in fall 2009. Since then, the Center’s talented team has provided a wide range of education, research, professional development, and public education programs.


Developing a New Generation of Women Leaders ATHENA SCHOLARS ENROLLMENT AT ALL-TIME HIGH Building on our momentum from prior years, enrollment in the Athena Scholars Program reached an all-time high during 2016–2017, with over 280 students participating in the program. Over a three year period, Athena Leadership Scholars commit to a rigorous curricular and experiential program that features five academic courses, three leadership development workshops, and a practicum. They also are offered opportunities that deepen their understanding of their own leadership abilities and foster their involvement with a wider community, both within Barnard and beyond. All of these lessons and experiences serve as a foundation for our senior Scholars when constructing their senior social action project. Based on the student’s passion to contribute to the greater good, Scholars create a social service, advocacy, or entrepreneurial project with a community partner. Students present their projects to their peers, obtain both positive feedback and critical response, and then work collaboratively in teams to improve the effectiveness of their projects. Forty-two seniors successfully completed their social action projects this year and graduated from the Scholars Program. These students launched programs and initiatives that generated tremendous impact both here on campus and in


communities across the country and world. For example, Erica Becker founded GyKnow to eliminate stigmas surrounding reproductive health by preparing young women for their first gynecological visit. City Kids Swim, founded by TrudiAnn Patrick and Katherine Moran, is a volunteerbased swim clinic for inner-city youth in Morningside Heights. The FemSource, created by Jacqueline Bernstein and Talia Cuddeback, is a website that addresses gender bias in the news media. These are only a few examples of the ways in which Athena Scholars are activating their leadership while creating real and lasting change. Some of the students plan to continue their projects on a full or part-time basis following graduation.

SKILL-BUILDING LEADERSHIP LABS Open to all Barnard students, this year’s Athena Leadership Lab workshops enabled students to discover, explore, and practice leadership skills. Taught by professionals in their fields, these 21 interactive workshops provided hands-on training based on the Athena CORE10TM, a set of leadership attributes and skills that are particularly important to women: ambition, vision, courage, communication, entrepreneurial spirit, leverage, collaboration, negotiation, resilience, and advocacy. The Leadership Lab sessions include opportunities to network with others and share secrets of success in an informal setting. Over 550 students attended the workshops this year, with the majority taking more than one.

This year, we introduced new lab activities to correspond with important current events. For example, we welcomed more than 60 students to an engaging viewing of the first Presidential debate, with commentary provided by Founder and President Emerita of both The White House Project and the Ms. Foundation for Women, Marie C. Wilson, and Founder of VoteRunLead, Erin Vilardi.

A SAMPLE OF OUR LEADERSHIP LABS: Design Thinking and Innovation

A friendly, interactive crash course on human-centered design that cultivated the divergent thinking that is the hallmark of innovative leadership.

NEW STUDENT PROGRAM INITIATIVES Feminist Field Trip to the UN Athena Center Post-Doctoral Fellow, Heather Hurwitz, led a group of 19 Athena Scholars to the United Nations on October 28, 2016. The group toured the UN headquarters and learned about the work and history of the UN. The United States Mission to the UN welcomed the group to discuss how the U.S. engages with the UN and its various efforts, and the group received a special address from Peggy Kerry and Valerie Biden. The Scholars also visited with UN Women to learn more about their work and the ‘He for She’ initiative. Thanks to our friends at the UN for making this visit possible.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Focusing on the unique power and perils of being a young woman in the workforce, this lab offered tips on how to make the absolute most out of every job. Resilience in Work and Life: Overcome Obstacles to Your Success

Strategies for students on how to recover if things go wrong and how to become more resilient to achieve success despite challenging conditions. Keeping Your $20s in Your 20s

This workshop offered the basics of money management and the knowledge, tools, and good habits needed to make educated and responsible financial decisions for students in their 20s, 30s and beyond. Discover Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

This workshop introduced the principles, skills and ideas that it takes to be successful in the startup world by harnessing an entrepreneurial spirit.


MORE SAMPLES OF OUR LEADERSHIP LABS: Communicating for Impact in the Age of Digital Storytelling

This interactive workshop examined the six fundamental building blocks of dynamic communication and demonstrated how people can use them to influence others in a meaningful way. Innovative Tools for Social Impact

This intensive hands-on session taught students how to apply cutting-edge design and systems thinking tools to expose complex social realities and appropriately define social impact. Changing the Face of Leadership: Lessons from Women Who are Rewriting the Rules

An exploration of adaptive learning, this lab included a review of success and failure stories from female CEOs, politicians, and creatives that illuminated how leadership is changing for the better. Getting in the Game: Finding Your Place in Civic Leadership

This lab provided concrete ways for students to play a part in today’s political discourse as well as how to amplify women’s voices in the political arena. Negotiating Your Worth

This interactive workshop covered the different components of a job offer, strategies for preparing for a salary negotiation, and common mistakes to avoid.


D.C. WOMEN’S MARCH & “ACTIVISM IN THE AGE OF TRUMP” In partnership with Barnard Residential Life and Student Life, the Athena Center cosponsored a day trip to Washington D.C. for the Women’s March. More than 100 Barnard students took advantage of this opportunity to attend the March. The following week, Athena’s Director, Kathryn Kolbert, led a conversation with students on “Activism in the Age of Trump,” which addressed how to advocate for issues that matter.

SUMMER FELLOWSHIPS ENABLE STUDENTS TO DEVELOP LEADERSHIP SKILLS IN THE WORKPLACE In 2016, the Athena Center offered three fellowship programs: The Athena Summer Fellowship Program, the Williams Program for Women in Politics, and the Silberstein Public Service Internship Fund. Through these opportunities, 13 students gained insight on leadership styles and strategies in the public and private sectors, developed personal leadership and professional skills, and created support networks with other young female professionals. The 2016 summer fellows interned in such places as the Legal Aid Society, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, lived together on campus and met regularly with the Athena Center Director to reflect on their experience.

“ I feel so fortunate to have been part of the Athena Program and would recommend it to any Barnard student. The diversity of women and their interests in this program is so incredibly valuable and helped me build new relationships with the most driven and passionate leaders our school has to offer (who are, in my opinion, still leagues ahead of other student leaders anywhere else). I relished in finding this core group that shares my excitement for leadership and passion for women’s empowerment.” —Tiana Pidgeon ’17

“ The leadership labs are an incredibly valuable part of the Athena curriculum. I love that it’s just a 2-hour boost in my week that provides me with a way to solve a problem or with some keen inspiration. From increasing my financial literacy to learning more effective ways to convey my personal brand, the leadership labs always provide me with vital information.” —Demme Durrett ’17


Fostering a Global Conversation on Women’s Leadership DISTINGUISHED FELLOWS PROGRAM: INSPIRING SOCIAL CHANGE AND ADVOCACY The Distinguished Fellows Program brings to campus renowned leaders from the most senior levels of the private and public sectors. Our Distinguished Fellows, each of whom has a demonstrated commitment to the advancement of women, share their expertise and experience with the Barnard community. This year, the Fellows participated in our Power Talk series, met with students in Athena’s Senior Seminar and Women and Leadership classes, hosted students at their workplace for site visits, and developed programs that advance leadership. Welcome to our newest class of Fellows:

2016­–2018 CLASS Irin Carmon Visiting Fellow in the Program for the Study of Reproductive Justice at Yale Law School.

A former national reporter at MSNBC, Carmon reported for digital and TV on gender, politics, and the law, with a special emphasis on reproductive rights and the Supreme Court. She is also the co-author of Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (2015), which spent three months on the New York Times bestseller list. Currently, Carmon is a

Irin came to campus in April to deliver her Power Talk. In conversation with Kathryn Kolbert, Irin discussed her news coverage of women’s rights, her career as a best-selling author, and what being a leader means to her. Irin addressed her personal experience researching the evolution of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the inception of the “Notorious RBG,” a “counterintuitive hero” for feminists. Irin spoke to her strategies as a progressive journalist during an age of alternative facts and deep partisanship. Students and alumnae alike were thrilled to attend and celebrate how women “will keep on marching” in the fight for rights and representation.


Saru Jayaraman

Shiza Shahid

Minerva Tantoco

After 9/11, together with displaced World Trade Center workers, Jayaraman co-founded Restaurant Opportunities Centers United (ROC United), which has grown to include more than 18,000 worker members, 200 employer partners, and several thousand consumer members in a dozen states nationwide. Additionally, she is the Director of the Food Labor Research Center at University of California, Berkeley. Jayaraman is dedicated to raising the minimum wage for restaurant workers and fighting for workplace justice in the restaurant industry.

Shahid grew up in Pakistan as a vocal advocate for social change. She co-founded the Malala Fund with Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, and led the organization as its founding CEO. She is currently focused on supporting missiondriven startups, whose financial success makes the world a better place, through her seed-stage VC Fund and Platform, NOW Ventures. She is an entrepreneur, investor, and women’s rights advocate who is passionate about leveraging philanthropy, venture capital, technology, and media to drive scalable social impact.

Focused on applied innovation, both creating future-facing tech strategies and implementing them to build great businesses, Tantoco is part of the team at Future/Perfect Ventures. She most recently served as New York City’s first-ever Chief Technology Officer responsible for developing and implementing a citywide strategy on technology and innovation.

During her Power Talk on November 21, Saru discussed why she co-founded the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United and her current work as co-Director. Her Power Talk addressed the effects of the restaurant industry, led by the National Restaurant Association trade lobby, on the economy and poverty. Her impassioned remarks spoke about the 70% of tipped workers in America, women who live off their tips and often experience unwanted sexual advances.


We welcomed Shiza on January 31 for her Power Talk discussing the importance of economic empowerment and the role of financial control plays in ending gender inequalities. The room was at full capacity, as eager attendees listened to Shiza discuss her life as an activist in Pakistan, her undergraduate experience at Stanford University, and her experience meeting and working with Malala Yousafzai.

We were honored to have Minerva open our Power Talk series for the academic year on October 20. She spoke to her New York roots, her experience as a young entrepreneur, her journey to government office, and her commitment to women in STEM. We are also grateful to Minerva for hosting one of our Women in Leadership classes at her office in midtown and serving as a guest lecturer. The students enjoyed the opportunity to experience a tech incubator first hand and several students stayed on-site after class to participate in Microsoft’s National Entrepreneur Week event.

Jacki Zehner

In 1996, Zehner became the youngest woman and first female trader to be invited into the partnership of Goldman Sachs. In 2002, she became a founding partner of Circle Financial Group, a private wealth management organization consisting of a small number of women committed to managing their families’ assets and philanthropic undertakings. In 2012, Zehner became Chief Engagement Officer and

President of Women Moving Millions, a non-profit organization with the bold mission of mobilizing unprecedented resources for the advancement of women and girls. Today, as President of The Jacquelyn and Gregory Zehner Foundation, Jacki funds and works with a variety of organizations and initiatives, with a particular focus on women’s rights, women’s foundations, movement building, and media. During her Power Talk, Jacki addressed the lack of women’s economic empowerment in philanthropic giving as well as her career in finance. Jacki questioned the lack of women in senior positions in financial services and how her decision to become more than a passive donor and board member led her to become Chief Engagement Officer and

President of Women Moving Millions.

2015­–2017 CLASS Joan Fallon

As the Founder and CEO of Curemark, Fallon is considered a visionary scientist who has dedicated her life’s work to championing the health and wellbeing of children worldwide. Curemark is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel therapies to treat serious diseases for which there are limited treatment options. The company’s pipeline includes a phase III


clinical-stage research program for Autism & ADHD, as well as three preclinical programs focused on Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and addiction. Joan holds 46 patents worldwide, has written numerous scholarly articles, and lectured extensively across the globe on pediatric developmental problems including autism and ADHD.


Nely Galán

A first generation immigrant and self-made media mogul, Galán was the first Latina president of a U.S. television network (Telemundo). Her media company, Galán Entertainment, has launched 10 groundbreaking television channels in Latin America and has produced a staggering 600 episodes of programming that cross all genres from reality series to sitcoms, telenovelas to talk shows, in both English and Spanish. Galán is the founder of The Adelante Movement (Move Forward!), a grassroots movement that unites and empowers Latinas socially, economically and politically.


On March 2, the Power Talk series had the privilege of featuring President & CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Loretta Mester ’80. A proud, Loretta discussed her leadership role in economic policy in both the United States and on the international stage. Her Power Talk highlighted the contribution of the Federal Reserve Bank on the national and global economy, and the independence of the Federal Reserve Bank from political interests. Students travelled from as far away as Boston and Philadelphia to hear Loretta speak, and several of Loretta’s classmates returned to campus to hear her remarks.

ATHENA LEADERSHIP COUNCIL We extend a heartfelt thanks to our esteemed Athena Leadership Council members for their support this year. Our Leadership Council members are corporations and individuals from the private and public sectors, including senior leaders in business, law, medicine, the arts, and NGO’s from across the globe, who share a deep commitment to advancing women’s leadership. By serving as strategic advisors and global ambassadors for the Center, they leverage their experience, expertise, and philanthropy to advance our mission and vision. They serve as guest lecturers, mentors, and advisors to Athena Scholars, and are influential members of the Barnard community and our professional development efforts. To all of our individual and corporate members, and especially to our Co-Chairs, Jyoti Menon ’01 and Claire Newman, thank you for your unwavering support. New council members are invited to join twice per year. To learn more about joining this inspiring community, please contact Victoria Gordon at or 212-854-1520.

In April, we were honored to welcome the Speaker of the New York City Council, Melissa Mark-Viverito, and NYC Councilwoman, Helen Rosenthal, to our spring Leadership Council Summit focused on ‘Women in Politics.’ The day’s activities included an introductory keynote with recent DNC Chair candidate and Fox News analyst, Jehmu Greene. We were also delighted to have Terri McCullough, former Chief of Staff for Nancy Pelosi, Stephanie Berger of Berger Hirschberg Strategies, Nathalie Molina Niño of Brava Investments, and Erin Vilari from VoteRunLead with us to discuss the political ecosystem and other ways women can support women in office. Given our current political climate, a day of discussing how to get more women actively involved in politics, and hearing from women on the front line of leading change, was most welcome. Thank you to all of our special guests for joining us, for lending their expertise to our discussion, and for their thought-provoking comments.


ACADEMIC CONFERENCES, PRESENTATIONS, AND EVENTS In fall 2016, Kolbert taught a four-day course on Advocacy as a Critical Skill for business students at the Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria in Johannesburg, South Africa. On October 6, 2016, Kolbert was the keynote speaker at NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota’s Power of Choice Annual Dinner, celebrating 50 years of NARAL’s work in Minnesota. Kolbert gave a lecture for Medical Students for Choice (MSCF) at University of Pennsylvania Medical School in October 2016 and at Jefferson University Medical School in December 2016. In January 2017, Kolbert was the keynote speaker at the Strategic Planning Meeting for the Faculty at the United States Military Academy at West Point. On March 6, 2017, in Napa, California, Kolbert was the keynote speaker at the Red Cabs Executive Symposium presenting Tools Women Can Use to Advance in Leadership Roles. The Symposium helped women in management identify


strategies for advancing to professional leadership roles in the wine industry. On March 23, 2017, Kolbert participated on a panel at the Keywords: Justice Roundtable, co-organized by the Columbia Center for the Study of Social Difference and the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Council at Columbia University. On March 30, 2017, Kolbert received the Women’s Law Caucus Distinguished Alumna Award at Temple University Beasley School of Law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On April 4, 2017, Dr. Hurwitz was the discussant at the Politics and Protest Workshop titled “‘Dr. King Would Be Outraged!’ Constructing Movement Strategy through the Politics of Credibility” hosted by Haj Yazdiha at the City University of New York Graduate Center. On May 9–10, 2017, Kolbert was a featured speaker at the 13th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference organized by the Conference Board, focusing on the leadership challenges

women continue to face in the world of business. On May 22, 2017, Kolbert was a speaker at the 146th Annual Meeting of the Association of Art Museum Directors in Seattle, Washington. Kolbert participated on the panel discussion: Closing Gaps and Changing Negotiations, examining the causes of women’s underrepresentation in leadership roles. This drew an audience from across the region. In June 2017, Dr. Hurwitz presented “Women Occupying Wall Street: Gender Conflict and Feminist Mobilization” at the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Genders, and Sexualities at Hofstra University. In July 2017, Dr. Hurwitz published “From Ink to Web and Beyond: U.S. Women’s Activism Using Traditional and New Social Media” in The Oxford Handbook of U.S. Women’s Social Movement Activism, edited by Holly J. McCammon, Lee Ann Banaszak, Verta Taylor, and Jo Reger with the Oxford University Press.

2017 Athena Film Festival: Challenging Cultural Conventions The Seventh Annual Athena Film Festival, held February 9–12, was a true stand-out this year. Founded as a joint project of the Athena Center and Women and Hollywood, this engaging weekend of films and panels highlights women’s leadership in real life and the fictional world. In 2017, we attracted an audience of nearly 6,000 people (a 20% increase from prior years) from the NYC region and beyond. The festival screened 47 feature-length narratives, documentaries, shorts, and works-in-progress, in addition to hosting a virtual reality program, interactive panels, and a master class. Through partnerships with more than 80 organizations, we expanded our network to reach a more diverse audience than ever before.


“ The Athena Film Festival at Barnard College was an excellent venue for screening [Little Pink House]. I was especially grateful for the Q&A session that followed the film. As Suzette spoke on stage one could see firsthand her combination of reserve, grace, and strength, and feel her sincerity and passion when she told the audience: “I simply wanted to keep my home. . .I was asked to take the lead and I did.” Seeing Suzette in person was the penultimate reminder that her story, and the story of so many others, continue long after the final credits roll.” —Emily Eckert ’19

HIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS YEAR’S CELEBRATION OF WOMEN AND LEADERSHIP: Inspiring Award Winners: The Awards Reception on Friday night was at full capacity with an enthusiastic audience. We were particularly thrilled to to have co-chair and honoree Geralyn Dreyfous present an Athena Award to our Festival’s Founding Sponsor, Regina K. Scully. Honorary cochair and producer Debra Martin Chase presented an Athena Award to director Patricia Riggen (The 33, Miracles from Heaven), and Golden-Globe winner and Barnard Trustee Dylan McDermott P ’18, presented an award to his mother activistplaywright Eve Ensler. The 2017 Leading Man Award, presented by Emmy-Award winning television journalist Carol Jenkins, went to David Oyelowo for his work championing female directors. Each of these awardees has an impressive track record of supporting the fight for gender equity in Hollywood and beyond; we were honored to recognize their voices and work.

The Festival opened on Thursday night with a screening of 2015 Athena List finalist Little Pink House, a narrative feature starring Catherine Keener based on the true story of Susette Kelo, a reluctant leader of her working-class neighbors struggling to preserve their homes. This moving film was followed by a Q&A with the director and writer, Courtney Moorehead Balaker, and the subject of the film, Susette Kelo.

Sunday evening, we hosted an inspiring and lively Town Hall discussion on how to build a new movement for social change with activists extraordinaire Gloria Steinem and Dolores Huerta, leaders from the Women’s March on Washington, Paola Mendoza and Carmen Perez, Jamia Wilson formerly of Women, Action and the Media, and Barnard students, Camilla Puig Ibarra ’17 and Naomi Tewodros ‘17. A screening of the inspirational closing film, Dolores, followed the panel. At the reception, we also announced the winners of the Athena List, an annual slate of screenplays with strong female protagonists that have yet to be produced. We were honored to welcome Amazon Studios as sponsors of the Athena List this year. The 2017 winners are Claude by Hannah Patterson, Clemency by Chinonye Chukwu, Mrs. Christie by Jamie Dawson and Scott by Anna Rose Moore.

We sold out our largest venue for a screening of Mira Nair’s Queen of Katwe, starring Academy-Award winner Lupita Nyong’o and Academy-Award nominee David Oyelowo. A Q&A with David Oyelowo followed the screening. Director and Writer James Lapine joined an animated crowd for a Q&A following the screening of Custody, a film that examines


the systemic problems in the child welfare system, starring Viola Davis. Our Centerpiece Film was the emotional documentary, City of Joy, by director Madeleine Gavin—a film about a community of hope and healing for survivors of sexual violence and assault in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Following the screening we held a panel moderated by Co-Chair Pat Mitchell, featuring the director Madeleine Gavin, and founders Chrstine Schuler Deschryver and Eve Ensler. A timely screening of Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds celebrated the story of a family’s complicated love through this unique mother/daughter relationship and Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity. An inspiring conversation with director Alexis Bloom and President of HBO Documentary Films Sheila Nevins followed this poignant film.


Panels and Workshops: In 2017, our educational programming included: • A Masterclass on directing, with renowned director, Patricia Riggen; • A works-in-progress workshop that provided documentary filmmakers with an opportunity to receive feedback from advisors and film professionals to advance their work; • Four panels on (1) film financing, (2) navigating and negotiating legal contracts, (3) overcoming unconscious bias, and (4) the female gaze; and • A screenwriting lab for women, hosted by our partners at IRIS, which provided four writers with the opportunity to attend a two-day intensive featuring multiple one-on-one sessions with experienced screenwriters and peer-to-peer feedback.

This year, we received more than 200 applications for the four slots in the screenwriting lab. Additionally, more than 550 people registered to attend our worksin-progress program, Masterclass, and panels which are offered free of charge to the public. Media Coverage: The Festival received significant media coverage from such publications as the Wall Street Journal, Variety, Hollywood Reporter, the New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, Huffington Post and numerous other publications. Social media was buzzing with mentions on Twitter, in blogs, and Facebook postings. In all, the 2017 Festival garnered over 500 million media impressions. Many, Many Thanks: We were thrilled to have an illustrious group of festival Co-Chairs, honorary host committee members, and in-kind contributors. Particular thanks to the festival’s Founding Sponsor, Artemis Rising Foundation, Regina K. Scully, Founder & CEO, Premiere Sponsor Amazon Studios, and the numerous companies, foundations and individuals who have contributed their time and financial resources to the festival. A heartfelt thank you as well to the 300+ volunteers, many of whom were Barnard students, who helped execute a flawless

weekend. A complete list of all sponsors, co-chairs, and donors is listed on page 33

SUMMER ACTIVITIES We were proud to partner with Amazon Studios for the Amazon Athena List Seminar in June 2017. Over 20 Athena List finalists and winners took part in a truly unique seminar in Santa Monica, California. The seminar included panels with Amazon film and TV development executives, Hollywood agents and managers, and financiers who focus on female-centric projects. Writers were thrilled to have the opportunity to pitch their projects twice to different Amazon executives.

Save the Date:

8th annual festival In June, the Athena Film Festival also held its will be annual cocktail party in Los February 22–25, Angeles. The party was a 2018. chance to catch up with old friends, sponsors, and partners as well as a chance to find and explore new opportunities for the Festival. Kathryn Kolbert and Melissa Silverstein gave remarks about the importance of women’s leadership and how representation matters, citing the recent impact that Wonder Woman has had on young girls.


“ I want to thank you for giving me an experience that I will want to talk about, and probably relive, for the rest of my life. . .You challenged me to think harder, made me feel inspired and empowered, and often left me slightly confused or wanting to know more. I still want to learn more and know more, but at the very least I feel that I now have the tools I need not only to be self made and to make my own path, but also to help other people to do the same.” — Juliana Kokot, Entrepreneurs-in-Training ’16

Entrepreneurs @Athena The Athena Center offers a wide range of programs designed to level the playing field for women entrepreneurs—both Barnard students and women entrepreneurs across the globe. From our Entrepreneurs-inTraining Summer Boot Camp to the Athena Digital Design Agency, Entrepreneurs@ Athena has created innovative models that measurably help female entrepreneurs.

who complete the introductory classes are then invited to join the student-run agency, which designs and builds websites for small businesses and nonprofits. Practical, efficient, and tailored to the modern college student, ADDA is a perfect example of how women can learn coding skills, immediately apply them in the real world scenario, and get paid for their talent.

Athena Digital Design Agency: Founded in 2014, the Athena Digital Design Agency (ADDA) seeks to improve technical literacy at Barnard and provide an opportunity for students to earn money and gain work experience by designing websites for clients. They accomplish this by offering classes in HTML/CSS, Javascript, and design principles for the web, which are open to all Barnard students free of charge.


Since its inception ADDA has made huge strides forward, graduating 4 introductory classes that have trained 225 young women in introductory coding (HTML and CSS). Fifty of these students have taken a more advanced course and 40 of them have joined the student-run agency which launched in the spring of 2014. Students

ADDA Brings Coding To Rikers: On February 4th, seven ADDA Student Advisory Board members went to Rikers Island prison to teach young female inmates, ages 18 to 21, how to code in HTML and CSS. The women were inquisitive and fast learners, often working in teams to problem solve. The trip was organized with the help of Mia Ruyter, the Outreach Manager at the Heyman Center at Columbia University. Athena and the ADDA leadership team are in the process of working together to identify resources to support the extension of this program, and the students look forward to hosting additional coding sessions in the near future.


Barnard Hackathon: The ADDA team convened the first Barnard Hackathon on April 9, offering all students in the Barnard community the opportunity to work with experienced ADDA coders on a variety of projects. The hackathon offered an introduction into the world of coding in a collaborative setting and fostered collaboration and excitement. Coding for Barnard Alumnae: ADDA partnered with the Office of Alumnae Relations to host an introductory coding class for Barnard alumnae on April 22. Students Kate Brea ’17, CEO of ADDA, Arlena McClenton ’19, and Lauren Beltrone ’17 designed the curriculum and led this introductory class which was offered at a discounted rate to enthusiastic alumnae.

INSPIRING THE NEXT GENERATION OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS Entrepreneurs-in-Training: In collaboration with Barnard’s Office of Pre-College Programs, Athena developed Entrepreneurs-in-Training (EiT), an intensive, 11-day boot camp for a diverse group of 25-30 high school juniors and seniors from across the globe. The program guides teens through the development of an idea, customer research, product design and development, and marketing. At the conclusion of the program, the students pitch their product to successful leaders in the startup community. Thank you to Willa Smith and Jen Shaw, our program coordinators, and to our talented team. of instructors, mentors, story coaches, and pitch competition panelists for their support and invaluable contributions this year. A special thank you also goes to the teams at Hanky Panky and Compass, who each hosted students for on-site tours of their facilities and to our friends at the Barnard Office of Pre-College programs, without whom none of this would be possible.

“ I signed up for my first ADDA class because I knew that coding was the way of the future. After all, coding is a transferable skill that gives you a definite edge, whether you decide to work for a company or for yourself. I couldn’t help but think about the parallel as we entered Rikers Island. As we flashed our IDs and stepped through security, I thought about how, in teaching women how to code, we were giving them a little bit more control over their own destiny. I was proud to be a part of the process.” —Arlena McClenton ’19


Advancing Innovative Approaches to Leadership Development The Athena Center continues to develop and deliver customized programs for a range of clients in the corporate and nonprofit sectors that not only increase the leadership capacity of talented women, but also generate insights about how workplace culture, policies, and internal dynamics affect women’s advancement. These insights inform our recommendations about ways to improve leadership development programming and create a culture that supports a robust pipeline of women leaders at all levels of an organization. To assess organizational and individual barriers to advancement that may exist for female employees, we have developed an omnibus survey—the Athena Appraisal— that organizations and companies can use to better understand their workforce and culture. Data collected through the survey is synthesized by our team to help the organizational leadership recognize the company’s strengths and deficits. From there, we work together to develop an appropriate intervention plan that allows organizations to become truly inclusive— fully leveraging the talents of a diverse workforce.

better prepared to design and implement meaningful change and ensure an equitable work environment for women moving forward. In November, we hosted the second iteration of Women in Leadership: Expanding Influence and Leading Change, a joint program with Columbia Business School Executive Education. We were delighted to have a diverse group from more than 6 countries and various industries with us for three days of workshops and coaching sessions designed to help women step into roles of greater influence. We are heartened that more business schools and executive education teams are understanding the importance of crafting leadership development programs targeted to women and were honored to partner on the curriculum design and program implementation.

Our structured approach to leadership development—The Athena Edge—provides customized training for women leaders and rich and actionable recommendations for members of the senior leadership. With our help, these organizations are


At Athena, we have a simple goal: to champion courageous and audacious women leaders. Our work has never been more important, and we are immensely grateful to our extraordinary network of staff, friends, supporters, partners, and sponsors that make our programs possible. Your wisdom, creativity, and commitment to our mission allow us to create new ways to advance women’s leadership within the Barnard community and beyond. There is still so much work to do, and we look forward to accomplishing that work together in the years ahead.

Our Team



Kathryn Kolbert, the Constance Hess Williams ’66 Director of the Athena Center and Professor of Leadership Studies, has directed the Athena Center since its founding. She is also a Professor of Professional Practice in Barnard’s Department of Political Science. In 1992,

Kolbert argued the landmark case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey before the U.S. Supreme Court and has been credited with saving Roe v. Wade with what CNN’s Legal Correspondent Jeffrey Toobin has called “one of the most audacious litigation strategies in Supreme Court history.” Before joining Barnard, Kolbert was the President and CEO of People For the American Way and its Foundation. For ten years, she oversaw a program on law and American life at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, where she created the award-winning NPR radio program Justice Talking, and its educational website, From 1992

to 1997, she directed domestic litigation and public policy for the Center for Reproductive Rights, where she was a CoFounder and Vice-President. Recognized by The National Law Journal as one of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers in America” and by The American Lawyer as one of 45 publicinterest lawyers “whose vision and commitment are changing lives,” Kolbert has also served as the State Coordinating Counsel of the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project in New York and as a Staff Attorney with both the Women’s Law Project and Community Legal Services in Philadelphia.



Sarit Abramowicz is the Administrative Director of Student Programs at the Athena Center. She oversees the Athena Scholars Program, the Athena Digital Design Agency, Summer Fellowships and all other student related initiatives. Prior to this role she also supported the management of Entrepreneurs@Athena. Before working with the Athena Center, Abramowicz directed the Women’s International Leadership Program at International House for seven years. In this role she was responsible for curriculum design, student advising, organizing logistics and facilitating workshops and panels. Topics included, Cross-Cultural Communication and Awareness, Working in Multicultural Teams, Managing Conflict with Dignity and various themes related to women and leadership and career development. Abramowicz has a Master’s degree from New York University in International Education and a Bachelor’s degree from Binghamton University in Philosophy, Politics & Law and Spanish.


Opal H. Bennett is the Programmer for the Athena Film Festival, where she is responsible for curating the program of feature length and short films. After several years in legal practice, Opal now programs a mixture of short, feature, and virtual reality films for several festivals—Athena, Nantucket and Tribeca. She has also served on panels, juries and grant committees. A Columbia Law grad, Opal holds a Masters in Media Studies from the LSE, and received her B.A. from New York University.

Natascia Boeri joined us in the Spring 2017 to teach one section of Women and Leadership. Boeri received her PhD in Sociology from the Graduate Center, City University of New York, with a Certificate in Women’s Studies. Her research interests include gender, globalization, the informal economy, and international development. Starting in Fall 2017, she will be an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Bloomfield College in New Jersey.

Skye Cleary, Ph.D., MBA, is an Adjunct Lecturer at the Athena Center for Leadership Studies, teaching Women in Leadership. A philosopher and author of ‘Existentialism and Romantic Love’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015). She also teaches at the City University of New York, and previously at the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (London), and the New York Public Library. Cleary is an advisory board member of Strategy of Mind (a global executive learning firm), an associate editor of the American Philosophical Association’s blog, a certified fellow with the American Philosophical Practitioners Association, and co-founder of the Manhattan Love Salon. Previously, she was an international equity arbitrageur and management consultant. Her work has been published with TED-Ed, The Huffington Post, The Conversation, Business Insider, New Republic, ABC Radio National, YourTango, Aeon, Actualise Daily and others.

Victoria Gordon is the Chief of Staff at the Athena Center. Among her many duties, Gordon oversees the day-to-day operations of the Center, providing strategic input and advice on student programs and the Center’s leadership development and entrepreneurship work. Gordon has ten years’ experience in operations, development, and event management working for organizations including The Resolution Project, Room to Grow, Community Renewal Team and the Wildlife Conservation Society. She has a background in international relations and a passion for working with young people committed to social change and social progress. Gordon holds an MSc in Democracy and Comparative Politics from University College London and graduated with honors and an MA in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews.

Erika Guzman is the Student Programs Administrator at the Athena Center. Throughout her career, she has gained extensive experience providing high-level administrative support to senior management. Prior to Athena, she served as the Coordinator of Corporate Security at Forest Laboratories, where she provided a wide range of administrative services including management of logistical details, investigations/ due diligence analysis, project management and handling of sensitive and privileged information. Since joining Athena, Guzman’s passion for women’s leadership has only grown, and is strengthened every day through her interactions with the students and staff at the Center. Guzman earned a Bachelor of Arts in Culture and Deviance Studies from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.



Belinda Hamer is the Senior Programs Assistant of the Athena Center. Coming to us from the Spence School where she held the position of Assistant to the Head of School’s office, Hamer loves working with children and young adults. She holds her B.S. degree in Organizational Management from Nyack College and enjoys helping to organize the Athena Center, as well as managing the Power Talk series.

Heather McKee Hurwitz, Ph.D., is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Athena Center for Leadership Studies and the Department of Sociology. She teaches Women and Leadership (ACLS 3450) and seminars on Gender and Organizations and Global Activism. Currently, she is writing an article about women and leadership in Occupy. She is revising her dissertation project for publication as a book to be entitled, The 51%: Gender Conflict and Feminist Mobilization in the Occupy Wall Street Movement. In June 2015, Hurwitz completed her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB). She also holds a M.A. in Sociology from UCSB and a B.A. in Sociology from The George Washington University. She was the first American to earn a M.A. in Women and Development Studies from the University of the Philippines Diliman.


Kristin Molloy is the Operations Manager for the Athena Film Festival. Molloy has spent the past several years producing, managing, and otherwise working numerous film festivals and series including Rooftop Films, Slamdance Film Festival, the Montclair Film Festival, and the Hamptons International Film Festival. Most recently, Molloy also programmed films for the Northside Festival—a music, innovation and film festival that takes place in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Molloy has also produced live concerts and worked on TV pilots. She received a B.A. in Culture and Media Studies from Eugene Lang College at The New School for Liberal Arts.


Nathalie Molina Niño, is the founder of Entrepreneurs@ Athena. She is committed to making a catalytic impact on women in the world. A technologist and coder by training, Molina Niño is a consummate entrepreneur, and a storyteller at heart. Molina Niño is Founder and CEO of BRAVA Investments LLC, a new take on impact investing that emphasizes outcomes over optics. BRAVA exists to deliver returns to investors and real, measurable results for women. Prior to launching BRAVA, Molina Niño served as interim CEO and led the launch of SELF MADE, the company, mobile app, learning platform, and NYTimes Best-Selling book by Nely Galan. In 2015, Nathalie stepped in as interim Chief Revenue Officer of PowerToFly, a startup aimed at closing the gender gap in tech. Molina Niño has spent 14 plus years advising industry leaders in the public and private sectors ranging from multinationals (Disney, Microsoft, MTV), early stage startups (Cranium, Onvia) and non-profits (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Affairs Council, Seattle International Film Festival).

Melissa Silverstein, the cofounder and Artistic Director of the Athena Film Festival, is the founder and editor of Women and Hollywood, which educates, advocates, and agitates for gender parity across the entertainment industry. An early voice for more women directors, Silverstein speaks widely on women and Hollywood in popular media and at events around the globe. In 2013, she published her first book, In Her Voice: Women Directors Talk Directing, a compilation of over 40 interviews that have appeared on Women and Hollywood. She has conducted marketing campaigns and events for a variety of films, was the founding project director for The White House Project, and the Chief of Staff at the Ms. Foundation for Women.


Many, Many Thanks Our growth and continued success would not be possible without the generous support of our donors, the wisdom of our advisors and the dedication of our staff, consultants and instructors. We remain thankful to our founding donors, Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67, Constance Hess Williams ’66 and Lucille Zanghi and James Dow P ’10 who enabled us to start the Center and to Constance Hess Williams’ 2011 decision to endow a Chair for the Director of the Athena Center.

staff. We are stronger because of the time and talent they donate and we remain deeply grateful for their loyal support.

We extend our gratitude to our active and dedicated Leadership Council, co-chaired by Claire Newman and Jyoti Menon ’01. These Leadership Council members have given both their time and expertise, serving as mentors, professional development trainers, film festival volunteers and connecting with our Scholars and

To all of our friends, partners, sponsors, and donors, thank you for your continued and renewed commitment to our mission. Together we are advancing women’s leadership and fostering a stronger, more empowered generation of Barnard students. For all you have done and continue to do, we are sincerely thankful.

The Founding Donors of the Athena Center for Leadership Studies

Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67 Constance Hess Williams ’66 Lucille Zanghi and James Dow P ’10

For the Endowment of the Constance Hess Williams Directorship of the Athena Center Constance Hess Williams ’66

Endowment Gifts

Patricia Harrigan ’68 and Peter Nadosy Endowment Fund The Daphne Fodor Philipson ’69 Fund for Women’s Leadership Marina Weitzner Lewin ’80 Internship Fund


To our committed group of faculty advisors and members of our illustrious Advisory Board, thank you for your guidance, insights, and invaluable support. As our Center continues to grow and change, your strategic advice is crucial and we thank you for your friendship.

Carol Krongold Silberstein ’69 and Alan Silberstein Public Service Internship Fund

The Founding Donors of the Financial Fluency Program

Laird Grant Groody ’67 Patricia Harrigan Nadosy ’68 Mollie Rosenthal Memorial Fund Susan Weber ’77

Athena Leadership Council

Jyoti Menon ’01 (Co-Chair) Claire Newman (Co-Chair) Jennifer Allyn P ’20 Glori Cohen P ’14 Dr. Rochelle Cooper ’84 P ’12 Leah Dunaief ’62 Gabrielle Ferrara ’12 Jennifer Pate Gilbert Jennifer Gilhool

Amy Goodfriend Bina Kalola Ann Kaplan Shelby Layne ’13 Marina Lewin ’80 Marley Blue Lewis ’05 Nancy McGregor Manne ’80 P ’14 Christine McConnell Laurie Medley Pat Nadosy ’68 Terry Newman ’79 Lida Orzeck ’68 Hitha Palepu Daphne Fodor Philipson ’69 Gale Picker Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67 Martha Scodro P ’14 Robyn Price Stonehill My Chi To Marissa Wesely Dr. Margaret Withgott ’76 Lucille Zanghi Anonymous

Corporate Members Accenture is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. With more than 375,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at A special thanks to Ellyn Shook and Wendy Cambor of Accenture.

C² Technologies, Inc. is a nationally recognized leader in performance improvement, dedicated to improving the effectiveness of productivitydriven organizations. It provides training, strategic human capital management, missioncritical support services, and information technology solutions to meet the specific needs of civilian, defense, and privateindustry clients. A special thanks to Dolly Oberoi of C² Technologies, Inc. TIAA-CREF ( is a national financial services organization with $866 billion in assets under management (as of 3/31/2015) and is the leading provider of retirement services in the academic, research, medical and cultural fields.

Athena Center Board of Advisors Kim K. Azzarelli Nancy Barry Dr. Jacqueline K. Barton ’74 Stephanie Bell-Rose Stephanie Berger The Honorable Margot Botsford ’69 Wendy Myers Cambor Jolyne Caruso-Fitzgerald ’81 Ronnie Eldridge ’52 Anne Sutherland Fuchs Ellen Futter ’71 Dr. Helene Gayle ’76 Betsy Gotbaum ’60 Phyllis Grann ’58 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Helene Kaplan ’53 Shelly Lazarus Linda Fayne Levinson ’62 Liz Neumark ’77 Indra Nooyi Anna Quindlen ’74 Ambassador Azita Raji ’83 Merryl Tisch ’77 Faye Wattleton Sheila Wellington Constance Hess Williams ’66 Marie Wilson Melinda Wolfe

Faculty Advisory Board

Alexander Cooley, Tow Professor of Political Science Alan Dye, Professor of Economics, affiliate member of Columbia University’s Department of History and Institute of Latin American Studies. Ross Hamilton, Professor of English, Director, Film Studies Program Kimberly Johnson, Associate Professor of Political Science, Chair, Urban Studies Brian Mailloux, Professor of Environmental Science

Robert McCaughey, Professor of History, Janet H. Robb Chair in the Social Sciences Debra Minkoff, Professor of Sociology, Chair, Department of Sociology Rae Silver, Helene L. and Mark N. Kaplan Professor of Natural & Physical Sciences, Head of the Silver Neurobiology Laboratory David Weiman, Alena Wels Hirschorn ‘58 Professor of Economics, Dean for Faculty Diversity and Development Paige West, Professor of Anthropology

Student Advisory Board Kirsten Cabacungan ’18 Melina Dunham ’17 Demme Durrett ’19 Alyssa Hsing ’19 Alana Koenig ’18 Emmi Marolda ’17 Daniella Philipson ’17 Rathna Ramanathan ’18 Andromeda Urquilla ’18 Evie Zavidow ’17

Athena Center Program Donors

Geri R. Armine-Klein Kelly Chen Suzanne D. Chipkin Bridgit A. Donnelly ’11 Erika C. Esposito ’14 Charles S. Forgang Anna C. Harrington Elizabeth I. Kelly ’16 Vanessa K. Khachane Alessandra Kortenhorst ’14 Lauren Malotra-Gaudet ’15 Katherine A. Mendez Cynthia B. Playfair Emily C. Playfair ’16 Theresa M. Racht Lydia Rainwater ’17 Azita Raji Mary D. Recine Minji Reem ’12


Ariel J. Rivkin ’15 Yurley Salas-Saunders Chelsea S. Sinclair Joan Smith Hannah F. Smolar ’16 Anna L. Ward Lisa A. Williamson P ’17 Delaney G. Wing ’15 Kathryn S. Wollan Ariel R. Yoffie ’13



2017 Athena Film Festival Festival Co-Chairs

Amma Asante Julie Parker Benello Debra Martin Chase Dan Cogan Ava DuVernay Geralyn Dreyfous Paul Feig Sherry Lansing Diane Levin Jon Levin Dylan McDermott P’18 Pat Mitchell Gina Prince-Bythewood Susan Rovner Regina K. Scully Rachel Weisz

Honorary Host Committee

Loreen Arbus Julie Parker Benello ’92 Glori Cohen P ’14 Lisa Brenner Devlin ’97 Abigail E. Disney and Pierre N. Hauser Barbara Dobkin P ’92 Jan Lisa Huttner Lida Orzeck ’68 Nicole Page Gigi Pritzker Cornelia Ravenal Helen Diana (Heidi) Reavis Martha Scodro P ’14 Nancy Stephens Jenny Warbug Jess Weiner



Ravenal Foundation

New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature

Supporters and In-Kind Donations

Dobkin Family Foundation




Athena Film Festival Crew

Technical Director: Michael Comstock, Indre Recording and Production Public Relations: Clare Anne Darragh, Lina Plath, Clare Anne Darragh, Stephanie Davidson, and Jeff McBride, Frank PR Barnard Communications: Allison Cooke, Beth Kwon Volunteer Coordinator: Cailley Frank-Lehrer Outreach Coordinator: Avi Edelman Programmer: Opal H. Bennett Hospitality Coordinator: Layna Fisher Web Design: Jen Mazer Ticketing Services Manager: Rudy Scala

Barnard Staff Assisting with the Film Festival Lisa Buonaiuto Amanda Gates-Elston Mark Godwin Adrienne Hendy Hogan Green Matt Hamilton David Hopson Goldi Juer Elizabeth Lulla Anthony Otero Jennifer Roesch Katharine Swibold

On Our Terms

Mark Newton, Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, Columbia University Libraries Daniella Phillipson ’17 Kirstin Cabacungan ’18 Charlotte Price, Barnard Library Meredith Wisner, Barnard Library Alexis Seeley, Barnard Library

Leadership Lab Instructors

Krishan Abeyatunge Caroline Ceniza-Levine Garance Choko Laura Anne Edwards Ita Ekpoudom

Galia Gichon Barbara Greene Heather McKee Hurwitz Sheida Jafari Cora Neumann Nathalie Molina Niño Tolu Olubunmi Alexis Sclamberg Erin Vilardi Marie C. Wilson

2016 Entrepreneurs-inTraining Bootcamp Pitch Panelists

Jimmie Briggs Jovanka Ciares Peta Clarke Tiffany Dufu Joan Fallon Anthony Frasier Justin Kamine Todd Morley Lynne Morton Amy Nederlander Rakia Reynolds Cindy Scholz


Dominique Aubry Adam Berk Lainie Love Dalby Alexandra Dickinson Erica Duignan Minnihan Allison Goldberg Jenifer Hixon Jen Jamula Frankie LaPace Jean-Michele Gregory Michaela Murphy Nathalie Molina Niño Jeffery Rudell Elizabeth Talerman Tracy Rowland Melissa Maxwell


Veronica Cabezas Jennifer Morrow Eident Diana Franco Hillary Garris Kirsten Magwood Christina Morillo Hitha Palepu Fatima Scipio

Athena Digital Design Agency Founders

Danielle Deluty ’14 Jada Hawkins ’16 Nathalie Molina Niño

Leadership Team

Katherine Brea, Executive Officer Margaret McCabe, Operation Officer Stephanie Rotherme, Finance Officer Lauren Beltrone, Curriculum Officer Tiana Wong, Admissions Officer Anna Wen, Marketing Officer

Student Advisory Board Katherine Brea ’17 Lauren Beltrone ’17 Tiana Wong ’17 Anna Wen ’17 Sara Bawale ’17 Tin Nilar Hlaing ’17 Cassidy Mayeda ’18 Stephanie Rothermel ’18 Sarah Breen ’18 Margaret McCabe ’18 Alice Thum ’19 Roberta Samuel ’19 Arlena McClenton ’19 Tiffany Ming ’19 Hana Fusman ’19 Surbhi Lohia ’19

Expert Advisory Board An Nguyen Nayla Bahri Shaolee Sen Malla Haridat Janey Lee Matt Brimer Jennifer Lopez Vanessa Hurst Jyoti Menon Kristen Titus Meibell Contreras Tracey Welson-Rossman Jennifer Shaw Rae Silver Darrel Silver Amanda Himmelstoss


“ The most valuable thing that the Athena program gave me was the knowledge that leaders are not always the ones that are front and center. Instead, leadership often means showing up, pushing others to do their best, and looking forward to the future.”

— Erica Becker ‘17


The Athena Center for Leadership Studies Barnard College 3009 Broadway New York, NY 10027-6598 212.854.1264 @barnard_athena

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