Athena Cener Annual Report (2012-2013)

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“ If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader.”

—Dolly Parton

Table of Contents A Message from the Director 2 About the Athena Center 3 Athena Scholars 4 Fellows and Vistiting Scholars 8 Athena Core10 9 Leadership Programs 10 Athena Film Festival 13 Entrepreneurs@Athena 16 Power Talks 18 x TED BarnardCollegeWomen 21 Academic Presentations and Publications 22 Conclusion 25 Center Staff 26 Consultants 28 Consultants, Instructors, and Advisors 28 Donors 31


A Message from the Director As you will see in this 2013 Annual Report, the Athena Center has had a wonderful year. This spring, we were thrilled to welcome over 4000 film lovers to campus for the third annual Athena Film Festival. The weekend was filled with an aweinspiring award ceremony, workshops for filmmakers and the screening of 45 features, documentaries, and short films that tell the stories of women’s leadership in real life and the fictional world. We had sold out audiences and industry buzz — all at the most sought after women’s college in the nation. Our leadership development program has been doing ground-breaking work, developing the Athena Core10 and a new methodology to inspire women as they become leaders in their communities and careers — indeed, in all aspects of their lives — and dedicate their energies to making the world a better place. And as the year has progressed, we have made plans for an ambitious program for women entrepreneurs, both on campus and in New York’s Silicon Alley.

Perhaps, most importantly, we have been repeatedly inspired by the energy, ingenuity, maturity and capacity for leadership shown by the Barnard and high school students participating in our student programs. Many thanks to the exemplary team of staff, educators and consultants, dedicated members of our advisory board and leadership council, wise faculty advisors, and our stellar students for helping us create these ambitious programs. In our first 4 years, Athena has established a reputation for excellence, an infrastructure, and funding base that will enable us to increase our impact and effectiveness. We greatly appreciate all of you who have contributed your energy, vision, and financial resources to the effort and look forward to working together to advance leadership and create cultures of inclusion that value and utilize the talents of women.

Kathryn Kolbert Constance Hess Williams ‘66 Director The Athena Center for Leadership Studies


About the Athena Center Established at Barnard College, a pioneering force in undergraduate women’s education since 1889, the Athena Center for Leadership Studies is dedicated to the advancement of women’s leadership around the world. Our programs: • create and promote innovative approaches to leadership development;

Launched as a special initiative of Barnard President Debora Spar, Kathryn Kolbert, the Constance Hess Williams ’66 Director, joined as its founding director in fall 2009. Since then, the Center’s able team has provided education, research, professional development, and public education programs both in New York and across the globe.

• educate and develop new generations of women leaders; • challenge—and change—cultural stereotypes of leaders; and • foster research and public dialogue that expands our understanding of leadership. Why are we committed to creating a bold new vision of leadership? It is simple. When more women are leaders, we change society’s understanding of what a leader looks like, how they operate and how they respond to social, political, and economic needs. When more women are leaders — particularly when they are powerful, visionary, and strategic ones — then communities and organizations are more innovative, productive, and successful. When more women are leaders, we raise the aspirations of women and girls around the world.

Athena is building a world where leadership is constantly reimagined to reflect the needs of women and society—where women obtaining and exercising power is both expected and commonplace.


Athena Scholars Build Community

The Athena Scholars Program is an interdisciplinary program for Barnard students that connects leadership theory, action, practice, and reflection. Athena Leadership Scholars learn to take an active role in their own lives and make informed and strategic decisions that reflect their personal and professional aspirations. The program helps Barnard women prepare for positions of leadership at the highest levels of achievement, and nurtures leaders in all fields of endeavor. In 2013, there were 155 scholars participating in the program: 34 seniors, 53 juniors, 55 sophomores, and 13 first years. The Student Advisory Board meets with all prospective students (~10 students a week) and encourages them to think about how the program fits into their academic and professional goals. Currently, nearly 40% of Athena Scholars are women of color or international students, significantly higher than the Barnard population as a whole. Academic Exploration: The Scholars Program offers a range of academic courses that examine aspects of 4

women’s leadership in both historical and contemporary life. Students take five courses, two of which are required of all participants: Women and Leadership and the Athena Senior Seminar. Through their three electives, students explore how women lead; research organizational and power relationships in order to better understand the common and systemic barriers that women face; and examine how leadership is communicated and by doing so, strengthen their social and analytical skills. Women and Leadership, one of our two core classes, remains very popular across campus, with about 30 non-scholars a semester wanting to register. Given the size of the Scholars Program, we can only give priority to Athena students. We offered one section of Women and Leadership this fall, with two larger sections this spring. In addition, Scholars must complete a social action project during their Senior Seminar. The project is based on the student’s interests and course of study, but mere participation in an existing civic

engagement program will not suffice. Rather the student must play a significant leadership role in creating a social service, advocacy, or entrepreneurial project with a community partner. Students present their projects to their peers, obtain both positive feedback and critical response, and then work collaboratively in teams to improve the effectiveness of their projects. Thirty-four seniors successfully completed their social action projects this year, demonstrating their ingenuity in solving social problems through entrepreneurship, education, and advocacy. For example, in the fall semester, Jessica Schwartz created “My Med Card” that was piloted at a Bronx medical center. The card included a patient’s medical history, which helped the medical staff significantly decrease wait time and improve record keeping. This spring, students have created a wide range of projects and ventures, including a website that collects

and sells donated jewelry on behalf of a nonprofit; a rockclimbing program for disabled youth; a mural arts program in upstate New York; a website selling Honduran handicrafts and more. Experiential Learning and Reflection: Athena Scholars must also participate in an approved practicum during the school year or summer and write a paper reflecting on what they learned about leadership from that experience. By gaining exposure to the working world prior to entering it, students examine leadership styles and strategies and explore their own aspirations. What types of leaders do they want to become? What careers and work environments do they envision for themselves? What do they need to do to make these goals a reality? A student’s practicum, which might include physician shadowing, supervised laboratory work, or an internship in a nonprofit, business or start-up, makes

students more aware of their own strengths, more attractive job candidates, and more prepared to achieve. Mentoring: Our three mentoring programs for scholars continue to be a critical component of the student program. The 20 adult/ student pairs in The Athena Mentor Program met regularly and came together as a group in April for brunch. The peer mentoring group, Scholar to Scholar, that pairs sophomores with seniors, has been instrumental in securing many summer internships for the sophomores. And the popular Senior Mentor Dinners doubled in size this year. Many thanks to the Leadership Council members for hosting these inspirational dinners. The school year ended with a FacultyStudent Dinner, End-of-Year Party, and Graduation Dinner.

Above: Inter-Collegiate Mentor Lunch during the Film Festival


BARNARD STUDENTS FLOCK TO LEADERSHIP LABS Open to all Barnard students, the Athena Leadership Lab enables students to explore and practice leadership skills. Taught by professionals in their fields, these interactive workshops provide practical leadership skills in eight areas: communications, entrepreneurship, financial fluency, management, negotiation, political and civic engagement, risk-taking and resilience, and technology. Each Leadership Lab session includes opportunities to network with others and share secrets of success in an informal setting. This school year, 1077 Barnard students registered for 45 leadership lab workshops, with 220 students participating in more than one. The majority of students participating (40%) are seniors. The remaining are split evenly between first year, sophomores, and juniors. This year, we piloted new offerings in the area of Civic and Political Leadership, including Leading Successful Campaigns and Changing Hearts and Minds: Lobbying and 6

Leadership as well as new workshops on social entrepreneurship, personal branding, and resiliency. We also partnered with The Senior Experience, sponsored by Residential Life and Housing, to provide 75 seniors one of the most popular sessions, Navigating Post-College Finances. Positive Evaluations from Students: Student evaluations were overwhelmingly positive. 59% of respondents described the content of the labs as “Excellent” and 34% as “Very Good.” Students appreciated receiving concrete tips and advice, the opportunity to collaborate with experts and fellow students, and “real world” skills and examples. The students also provided constructive suggestions to improve the workshops, recommending that instructors identify and clarify terms that may not be familiar to novice learners, more visual presentations, and interactive, experiential exercises.

SUMMER FELLOWSHIPS The Athena Center offers three fellowship programs: The Athena Summer Fellowship Program, the Williams Program for Women in Politics, and the Non-Profit Leadership Summer Fellowship. The former is open to all Barnard juniors; the latter two are open to scholars in their sophomore and junior years. Through these opportunities, students gain insight on leadership styles and strategies in the public and private sectors; develop personal leadership and professional skills; and create support networks with young female professionals. Nearly 50 Barnard juniors applied for the prestigious Summer Fellowships. During the ten-week program, the fellows live together on campus, intern with employers in the city, and meet weekly with the Athena Center Director and others to reflect on their experiences. The 2013 fellows include a range of majors from Architecture to Linguistics to Political Science.

STUDENTS LAUNCH UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL Aiming to provide a venue for undergraduates to express their vision of women’s leadership and to recognize their scholarship, this spring, Athena scholars created and launched the Athena Undergraduate Research Journal, On Our Terms. Students from colleges across the country submitted work. The five selected authors are from Barnard, Wellesley, Rutgers, and Columbia. Faculty reviewers include Athena Faculty Advisory Member Flora Davidson, as well as professors from Södertörn University (Sweden), UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and Villanova University. A new board of scholars is already working to publish another edition, which in future years will be published twice each year. Thanks to Rebecca Kennison, Mark Newton and Leyla Williams at The Center for Digital Research and Scholarship at Columbia University Libraries/Information Services, and Lisa Norberg, Dean of the Barnard Library, for spearheading this initiative, building the platform, and hosting the journal.

We are reimagining what leadership can be in the 21st century— because glass ceilings are meant to be broken.


Fellows and Visiting Scholars

John Gerzema: 2013 Athena Fellow

Dr. Ludger Helms: 2013 Visiting Scholar

In Spring 2013, John Gerzema became the first Athena Center Fellow. He will support the Center by offering talks, workshops and insights to promote the advancement of women’s leadership. A pioneer in the use of data to identify social change and help companies anticipate and adapt to new interests and demands, he is the co-author of The Athena Doctrine: How Women (And the Men Who Think like Them) Will Rule the Future, which reached #2 on the New York Times Best-Seller List within weeks of its release. A best-selling author, columnist, speaker and social strategist, his books, research, and interviews have appeared on “best of” lists at Fast Company, Inc., and The Week Magazine and in such media as The Harvard Business Review, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNBC, NPR, and Forbes. As Chief Insights Officer at Young & Rubicam, he oversees the world’s largest database of brands and consumer behavior and studies social change and its impact on business, society, and the economy. Gerzema’s TED talk featured at x ‘TED Women’ is an overview of his book, which was released in April 2013 and is available on Amazon.

The Athena Visiting Scholars Program brings to Barnard a leadership scholar or experienced leader for a short-term visit. While on campus, they meet with students and center staff and share their expertise with others in the Barnard community. In February 2013, the Center welcomed Dr. Ludger Helms, a Professor of Political Science and the Chair of Comparative Politics at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. An expert on issues of political leadership and democratic governance and the author of many books and articles including his recent book, Comparative Political Leadership (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), Helms has held previous or visiting positions at Harvard, Berkeley, Heidelberg, Tokyo, and the London School of Economics and Political Science. During his time with the Athena Center, Dr. Helms guest-lectured in Women and Leadership and in the Athena Senior Seminar.


Athena Core10 Is Well-Received Across Sectors The evidence is strong and growing: when the leadership table includes women, the world does better, and if women are to expand their much-needed leadership presence, they need guidance tailored to their particular histories, circumstances, and styles. In response to this challenge, and based upon the best thinking of leading experts and Barnard’s 124-year history of promoting women’s leadership, the Athena Center has launched a critical new initiative that takes a fresh look at the attributes that today’s leaders need to achieve, maintain, and maximize the impact of their positions. The Center has identified ten attributes that all effective leaders need to deploy with confidence, ease, and skill. 1. Vision: Creating, defining, and motivating others with purpose 2. Ambition: Owning and projecting power, expertise, and value 3. Courage: Taking bold, strategic risks 4. Communication: Listening actively and speaking persuasively and with authority 5. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Being imaginative, flexible, and persistent 6. Leverage: Optimizing the use of key resources

7. Collaboration: Sharing diverse strengths and perspectives and building effective teams 8. Negotiation: Bridging differences to come to a beneficial agreement 9. Resilience: Learning and bouncing back from adversity and failure 10. Advocacy: Standing up for yourself and for others This year, Athena integrated the Core10 into our leadership development programs and in fall 2013, will publish a detailed report that outlines and analyzes the ten attributes. The report includes a brief overview of how the attributes contribute to effective leadership, the research and thinking of leading experts, and an analysis of how — and how well — women tend to use them. The report includes examples of how dynamic women have incorporated the attributes into leadership practices and suggestions on how others can do the same. The draft document is currently being circulated to experts for their comments and an advisory group of executive coaches (see p. 30) is meeting to discuss ways to develop assessment tools that can be used to help women develop these attributes.


Athena Delivers Customized Leadership Programs The Athena Center offers a growing number of leadership development programs on a customized basis for Fortune 500 Companies, regional not-forprofits, and global partners. Based upon the Athena Core10 and utilizing a diverse network of experts, coaches, and speakers, our programs are tailored to meet the specific needs of each of our clients. Our goal is to help women better understand and design their own path to advancement by improving the leadership skills that are needed and valued in their environment, rewarded by their managers, and respected by their peers. Because we believe that it is not just women who are responsible for organizational change, Athena works with both male and female senior management to stress the importance of gender diversity and to build new strategies into the organization’s mission and operational plan that foster the leadership of women. In the last year, Athena’s Leadership Development Program provided customized professional development programs for HSBC North America, The George H. W. Bush Institute, and Urban Girls Squad. Using a team of professional coaches and leadership lab instructors as facilitators, these programs have received excellent reviews and earned the Center operating income.


HSBC North America: In October, Athena designed and provided a 1.5 day leadership training for 29 high potential, mid-level women from HSBC offices in the Caribbean, United States, and Canada. The following January, we created a leadership program for senior-level women with potential for executive-level leadership within the company. The women worked in small groups with seasoned facilitators. The response from participants in both programs was enthusiastic. For example, evaluations from the October training showed that 90% of the participants thought the “summit was a worthwhile use of my time” and “expanded my thinking about women’s leadership.” Ninety-five percent of respondents from the senior executive session were either satisfied or very satisfied with their overall experience. The communications workshops were the most highly rated. George H. W. Bush Institute Women’s Initiative: In March, the Athena Center provided leadership training for 19 Egyptian women leaders, who were participating in a Global Program at the Bush Institute. The Athena Center’s program emphasized working with male allies, networking with women leaders from the tri-state area, and resilient entrepreneurship. The networking lunch and entrepreneurship workshop were the most strongly received sessions of the day.

Urban Girls Squad: In November, 2012, and again in March, 2013, the Athena Center partnered with the Urban Girls Squad, a 15,000 member network of young professionals, to train 50 women. The workshops were aimed at improving women’s negotiation and communication skills.

Athena Goes Global: Women Changing Brazil On Monday, March 18, 2013, Barnard hosted its fifth annual Global Symposium, Women Changing Brazil, in São Paulo. Approximately 400 people attended the day-long event which brought together exceptional leaders from across the country as well as Barnard students, alumnae, and faculty for wide-ranging discussions addressing education, activism, leadership, science, the arts, and public policy. The event was sponsored exclusively by Credit Suisse.

After introductory remarks and a keynote address by Eleonora Menicucci, Brazil’s Minister of the Secretariat of Policies for Women, Athena’s Director, Kathryn Kolbert, moderated one of three panel discussions. Voices of the Region showcased women whose art and activism are improving conditions in Brazil including Panmela Castro, a graffiti artist and activist who uses street art to promote the rights of women, Kátia Lund, a screenwriter and film director of City of God, whose organization Nós do Cinema (We of Cinema) provides training and job opportunities to children in Brazil’s favelas, and Mayra Avellar Neves, a student activist and winner of the 2008 International Children’s Peace Prize who mobilized a peaceful protest in her drug- and violence-plagued community to demand a cease-fire during the hours when children walk to and from school. Following lunch, President Spar and Journalist Monica Waldvogel moderated two afternoon panels.

Young Women’s Leadership Workshop: Several days later, on March 20, 2013, six Barnard students, competitively chosen from across the campus (5 of whom were Athena scholars) led the third annual Young Women’s Leadership Workshop at Graded, the American School of São Paulo. Attended by more than 60 high school girls from five schools around the city, the event included a talk by Barnard’s Dean of Enrollment, Jennifer Fondiller, as well as a presentation by Athena’s Kathryn Kolbert. From there, the students were divided into groups for the workshop sessions, including a simulation that fostered discussion and debate about women’s roles in the workplace and in their families. The program was completely designed and facilitated by the students. Moved by what they learned, students from one of the schools are planning to replicate the simulation with younger students in their school.


Art and culture needs to include positive images of women leaders so women can be inspired by their contributions and “see who they want to be.�


Athena Film Festival Attracts Large Audiences One of the highlights of the year was the third annual Athena Film Festival, a celebration of women and leadership, held on February 7–10, 2013. An engaging weekend of feature films, documentaries, and shorts that highlight women’s leadership in real life and the fictional world, the four-day festival attracted a record audience of 4000 film lovers, despite the largest snowstorm of the season. The festival included 21 featurelength narratives and documentaries, 24 shorts/works-in-progress, and 24 stimulating panels and discussions. On Friday, over 150 filmmakers attended workshops produced by the American Film Institute’s Directing Workshop for Women. The day’s events that were sponsored by the Ford Foundation’s JustFilms, were followed by a well-attended reception for filmmakers. Highlights: Many of the programs included Q & A sessions with directors and producers or other intriguing panelists. Some of the highlights included: • Screening of two Academy Award winners, Brave and Inocente, and two Academy Award nominees, Beasts of the Southern Wild and The Invisible War; • The screening of Middle of Nowhere with director/producer Ava DuVernay, the first African American woman to win Best Director for a narrative film at Sundance;

• World premieres of Granny’s Got Game and Women Aren’t Funny, the U.S. premiere of Fast Girls, and the New York premiere of I Stand Corrected; • Sneak previews of Hannah Arendt followed by a Q & A session with journalist Regina Weinreich and screenwriter Pamela Katz; • The book launch of Melissa Silverstein’s In Her Voice: Women Directors Talk Directing and a presentation about the Sundance Institute and Women and Film’s new research on women in independent film; • Three programs of shorts that included 15 inspiring films and six works in progress with presentations by their directors; • A Hollywood conversation with the former Co-President and CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment, Tom Rothman; 13

• The screening of our Closing Film, a Sneak Preview of Brave Miss World followed by a Q & A session with Director Cecilia Peck, Producer/Editor Inbal Lessner, and 4 female rape survivors featured in the film. The Athena Film Festival Awards: A great party and award ceremony was held this year on Thursday evening, Feb. 7. It included a red-carpet for awardwinners, honorary co-chairs, and other dignitaries. The Laura Ziskin Lifetime Achievement Award, created last year in honor of Hollywood producer Laura Ziskin (1950–2011), honors a woman in the film industry whose leadership demonstrates vision and courage and sets an example for others to emulate. Gale Anne Hurd, CEO, Valhalla Entertainment (Aliens; Terminator; The Walking Dead) was this year’s recipient. The 2013 Athena Film Festival Awards were presented to director Ava DuVernay (Middle of Nowhere), film critic Molly Haskell, and Rose Kuo of the Film Society of Lincoln Center. The award winners talked eloquently about women who have inspired and guided them in their careers. Pat Mitchell, President and CEO of the Paley Center for Media and former President of PBS, was unable to be at the reception but accepted her award at a Film Festival reception in Los Angeles in June. Since 2011, the festival has honored 26 distinguished women in the film industry, including directors: Julie Taymor, Debra Granik, Dee Rees, Chris Hegedus; screenwriters: Delia Ephron, Diablo Cody, Theresa Rebeck; and producers: Rachael Horovitz and Debra Martin Chase. Festival Co-Chairs: Academy Awardwinning writer Diablo Cody, actor Greta Gerwig, and producer Debra Martin Chase participated in the award ceremony. We were also thrilled to have Diane Levin, producer; Jon Levin, CAA Literary Agent; Mira Nair, Academy Award-nominated director; and Regina Kulik Scully, CEO and Founder of Artemis Rising Foundation join us as Co-Chairs. 14

Sponsors and Honorary Host Committee: Many, many thanks to the festival’s sponsors and donors, including the festival’s Founding Sponsor: Artemis Rising Foundation, Regina Kulik Scully, Founder & CEO; the premiere level sponsor: the Ford Foundation’s JustFilms; and the numerous companies and foundations and members of the Honorary Host Committee who have contributed their time and support to the festival. A complete list of all sponsors and donors is listed on page 32–33. Media Coverage: The 2013 festival enjoyed extensive media coverage from The New York Times to Entertainment Tonight Online to Variety and more, generating positive coverage for Barnard and the Festival. Over 75 articles appeared from media outlets across the globe. Social media was buzzing about the festival as well. Many tweeted at the festival and there were hundreds of mentions in blogs and Facebook postings. Save the Date: Next year’s festival will be February 6–9, 2014.

Athena Global Shorts Launched in January On January 17, 2013, The Athena Film Festival, in collaboration with UN Women and the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, hosted the premiere of Athena Global Shorts. Over 150 guests attended the event at the U.S. Mission. Athena Film Festival Artistic Director, Melissa Silverstein and film director, Lisa Gossels talked about women and film following the screening. Athena Global Shorts includes four short films (Tasnim, Northeast Front, The Director, and Umoja: No Men Allowed) that celebrate the power, audacity, and creativity of international women leaders. First shown at the 2012 Athena Film Festival, the

films are now compiled onto a 56-minute DVD, ready-made for a film screening and include descriptions of each film, as well as a discussion guide and questions that stimulate a conversation about women’s leadership. This year, Athena will distribute over 1000 copies of the collection to both national and international audiences, including UN Women’s committees in 18 countries, the festival’s 37 organizational partners, ADP, the premiere sponsor of the Shorts Program, the Girl Scouts of Greater New York, and Barnard Alumnae and friends.

In 2012, the Athena Film Festival helped to launch the International Women’s Film Festival Network to support and promote women’s voices, visions, and leadership, both onscreen and behind the scenes. Membership in the Network is open to any independent film festival that has staged at least one festival within the last three years with programs dedicated to screening films by or about women and girls. As of June, 2013, the Network has grown to include 47 festivals from 23 countries on 6 continents. The website for the Network (www.iwffn. com) is housed by the Athena Film Festival.

Berlin, South Korea and More: On February 15, 2013, two of the founding members of the Network, the Dortmund | Cologne International Women’s Film Festival and the Athena Film Festival convened You Cannot Be Serious, a discussion on the status of women directors at Berlinale, the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival. Film Institutes and prominent industry members offered their support including Julie Taymor, Jane Fonda, Barbara Albert, Xiaolu Guo and Isabel Coixet and the room overflowed with film professionals including directors, producers, cinematographers, screenwriters, and festival programmers.

In May, Melissa Silverstein, co-founder of the Athena Film Festival, traveled to South Korea to attend the Seoul International Women’s Film Festival. While there, she gave a lecture on the status of women in Hollywood to 30 undergraduate women from the Sookmyung Women’s University. She also participated with other members of the International Women’s Film Festival Network in a day long symposium: New Mapping of Women’s Film Festivals: Industry, Policy and Network. In addition, the U.S. Embassy in Seoul arranged meetings for Silverstein with the Korean Film Archives and with Korean female directors. In September, the Network is hoping to convene another discussion and meeting at the Toronto International Film Festival.


Entrepreneurs @Athena Entrepreneurs@Athena is designed to generate enthusiasm about women’s entrepreneurship among Barnard students and emerging women entrepreneurs in New York City and provide them with resources and opportunities to learn necessary skills. During the year, Athena sponsored several programs for Barnard students including Mastermind groups, leadership labs on entrepreneurship, and special events with the Columbia Venture Network. In cooperation with Barnard’s pre-college program, we developed a summer camp for high school entrepreneurs and partnered with the Girl Scouts of Greater New York to offer a 10-day intensive program on entrepreneurship to scouts—both of which launched in the summer 2013. Highlights include: Athena Mastermind Groups: Recognizing that Barnard students are starting for-profit businesses and nonprofit ventures while still in school, or in some cases well before they have arrived, the Athena Mastermind program was launched during the 2012–13 school year to support Barnard student entrepreneurs by connecting them with experienced New York-based women entrepreneurs. In this year’s Mastermind, four promising Barnard students who are actively running start-ups were paired with four experienced women entrepreneurs for monthly accountability sessions and handson mentoring. The group met monthly over a nine month period. The first Mastermind cohort launched in 2012 has already 16

achieved success. Barnard junior Eva Sasson’s venture, TappMob, a mobile and web applications company, was recently acquired by a Silicon Valley startup. A complete student initiative, creating highly specialized applications for students by students, TappMob has been featured in many notable media outlets and won the People’s Choice Award at the MobileBeat 2011 conference in San Francisco. Another student has launched a business that has created mobile phone accessories with one-of-a-kind calligraphy designs. Hands-on Workshops on Entrepreneurship and Basic Leadership Skills: As noted above, Athena’s Leadership Labs provide 45 hands-on workshops per year, including a special series designed for young entrepreneurs. Taught by experienced entrepreneurs and angel investors, these workshops help Barnard students learn the basics of starting new ventures — from writing a business plan to finding financing to establishing a governance structure or exit strategy. Workshops also focus on project management and team-building skills that are necessary for successful start-ups. Special Events with Columbia Venture Network: Partnering with the Columbia Venture Network and the Columbia Business School’s entrepreneurship programs, Barnard students and young women entrepreneurs can participate in a wide range of networking, support, and educational programs including mock pitch interviews, brainstorming labs, and hacka-thons.

Fostering Creativity. Today’s leaders must embody an entrepreneurial spirit — be innovative, curious and open to change.

High School Programs in Development: In addition to our programs that serve undergraduate students, the Athena Center has been working this year to create two programs for high school students that focus on entrepreneurship that began in July, 2013. In collaboration with the Barnard Pre-College Program, Athena has developed Entrepreneurs-in-Training, a tenday intensive program for young women entrepreneurs. Open to high school juniors and seniors, the program helps students develop an idea and turn it into a promising plan of action with hands-on teaching by some of the most successful leaders in the industry.

In addition, the Girl Scouts of Greater New York, in partnership with the Athena Center, launched The Girl Scout Leadership Institute — NYC, specially designed to help girl scouts in grades 9 through 12 unlock their leadership potential. The Summer Intensive: Entrepreneurs-in-Training focuses on providing a 10-day intensive immersion into the world of ethical and effective entrepreneurship. During the school year, the Institute will include an ambitious program that will focus on developing a wide range of leadership skills, exposing young women to dynamic role models and committed mentors. In future years, we hope to grow the Institute to serve 150 girls from all five boroughs.


Power Talks Feature Sheila Nevins and Ina Drew

This year, the Athena Center sponsored two Power Talks that feature today’s leaders in conversation on provocative topics of the moment. Moderated by Barnard President Debora Spar, each talk was followed by an audience Q & A. On March 5, the series featured Sheila Nevins, President of HBO Documentary Films. Widely regarded as one of the most powerful executives in the documentary community, Sheila Nevins is often described as the “de Medici of Television” for her unwavering support of nonfiction filmmakers. Projects bearing her imprimatur have won 24 primetime Emmy Awards, 28 news and documentary Emmy Awards, 23 Academy Awards, and 35 George Foster Peabody Awards— including, in 1999, a personal Peabody for being “one of the true independent spirits in television today, whose passion and vision consistently create excellence.” President Spar led the discussion with Nevins, exploring her leadership style and the challenges of being a woman working in the film industry. Nevins remained candid

and honest throughout the discussion, offering advice to audience members on what it takes to be successful in her field. Over 150 people attended the event. Ina Drew, the former Chief Investment Officer of JP Morgan Chase came to campus on April 10, 2013. Acknowledged as one of the most prominent women on Wall Street, Drew started her career at the Bank of Tokyo. Several years later, she joined Chemical Bank — one of the heritage banks of JP Morgan — where she spent the next 30 years. During her time there, she helped the company through more than seven mergers in asset and liability management, became chief investment officer in 2006, and built a reputation as one of the most successful female bankers in her field. Drew had a lively conversation on the economy and financial services with President Spar and took questions and answers from a packed audience.

Sheila Nevins (top) Ina Drew



Women’s Leadership Matters. Increasing the number of women in leadership will make organizations more successful, innovative, and productive.



TED BarnardCollegeWomen

On December 1, 2012, Athena sponsored x TED BarnardCollegeWomen, one of 150 events selected from over 3,000 applicants from around globe. We focused on the Athena Core10 and had a speaker discussing each of the attributes that today’s leaders need to achieve, maintain, and maximize their effectiveness. The result: 85 people attended an inspiring day, we produced eight videos that we will use as we roll out the Core10, and we have secured a second license x for a TED BarnardCollege conference x (associated with TED writ large) that will be held on Nov. 2, 2013. Join the Athena Center’s mailing list to be the first to know more.

Emilie Baltz, who works at the intersection of food, sex, and design creating work that provokes our relationship to eating and drinking on Communication Isisara Bey, Vice-President of Programs for Count Me In on Vision Karen Washington, a community activist and community gardener on Leverage Jennifer Gilbert, Founder of Save the Date®, on Entrepreneurial Spirit. Lea Webb, a City Councilwoman from Binghamton, New York, on Ambition

Our dynamic speakers included:

Melissa Maxwell, an actor, director, and award-winning playwright on Courage

Christa Bell, an award-winning feminist spoken-word poetry and theater artist, on Inspiration

Linda Kay Klein, Director of Echoing Green’s Work on Purpose program, on Negotiation

Rachel Schutt, a Senior Statistician at Google Research in New York, on Advocacy

Michaela Murphy, a writer, playwright, and interactive web specialist on Resilience


Academic Presentations and Publications John Marshall Law School: In September, 2012, Athena Center Director, Kathryn Kolbert presented at The 20th Belle R. and Joseph H. Braun Memorial Symposium: The Development of Privacy Law from Brandeis to Today at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago. Kolbert examined reproductive privacy law following Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the 1992 Supreme Court case that reaffirmed Roe v. Wade and discussed the strategy she used when arguing the case in the Supreme Court. Sponsored by the John Marshall Law School Center for Information Technology and Privacy Law, the symposium included a number of eminent scholars including Amitai Etzioni of The George Washington University who delivered the opening keynote address and U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who delivered the closing convocation address. Stanford Law School: In February, 2013, Kolbert, along with Linda Wharton, her co-counsel in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, presented at the Stanford Law and Policy Review Symposium, Roe v. Wade at Forty. Discussing their law review article Preserving Roe v. Wade . . . When You Only Win Half the Loaf, that was published this Spring, Kolbert and Wharton detailed the legacy of Casey, discussing both the progress and setbacks in the development of privacy law in the twenty years following the landmark decision. Sara Angevine presented two papers at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference on April 12–14, 2013, 22

in Chicago, IL. Her first paper, Young Women and Political Ambition, presented preliminary results of her ongoing research analyzing the impact of collegiate women’s leadership programs on young women’s political and economic ambition. Her second paper, Substantive Effects: Women of Color as Congressional Foreign Policy Entrepreneurs, highlighted some her dissertation findings on the representation of women’s rights in U.S. Foreign Policy.

Publications Linda Wharton and Kathryn Kolbert, Preserving Roe v. Wade… When You Only Win Half the Loaf, 24 Stanford Law and Policy Review 143 (2013). Maria Perez-Martinez’s short story, My Dearest Valentine was published in the anthology, Holiday Magick: 20 Holiday Stories with a Twist (Spencer Hill Press 2013). Melissa Silverstein, In Her Voice: Women Directors Talk Directing (2013).

Funding and Governance The Athena Center’s growth would not be possible without the generous support of its donors, the wisdom of its advisors and the dedication of its staff, consultants and instructors. We remain thankful to our founding donors, Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67; Constance Hess Williams ’66; and Lucille Zanghi and James Dow P ’10 who enabled us to start the Center and to Constance Hess Williams’ 2011 decision to endow a Chair for the Director of the Athena Center. In addition, the Center is thankful for the support of an active and dedicated Leadership Council, co-chaired by Pat Nadosy and Azita Raji, who have given both their time and expertise. Raji’s and

Nadosy’s service is particularly noteworthy. They have helped build the Center and have nurtured new leadership as well. In Spring, 2013, Jyoti Menon and Claire Newman became the new Leadership Council Co-Chairs. The Athena Center also has been lucky to have the sound guidance of a committed group of faculty advisors who have shaped the direction of the scholars program and the advice of an illustrious Board of Advisors from business, law, media, academia and the non-profit sector. And we are grateful as well to the dedication and hard work of the Center staff, consultants, instructors, mentors, and others participating in our programs. A full list of these wonderful women and men is listed below.

Above: 2013 Global Symposium



Conclusion In our first four years, the Athena Center has learned a great deal about what women need to advance to positions of leadership, building upon Barnard’s 124-year legacy of providing a top-flight education to women. Demand for our programs is one measure of Athena’s success. A base of strong support from faculty, college administrators, advisors, donors and Barnard alumnae is another. As we move forward, we will continue to build upon our early achievements, provide inspiration, and experiment with new ways to advance women’s leadership within the Barnard community, across New York and around the globe.


Center Staff

Kathryn Kolbert, the Constance Hess Williams ’66 Director of the Athena Center for Leadership Studies and Professor of Leadership Studies, has directed the Athena Center since its founding. In 1992, Kolbert argued the landmark case of Planned Parenthood v. Casey before the U.S. Supreme Court and has been credited with saving Roe v. Wade with what CNN’s Legal Correspondent Jeffrey Toobin has called “one of the most audacious litigation strategies in Supreme Court history.” Before joining Barnard, Kolbert was the President and CEO of People for the American Way and People For the American Way Foundation, two of the nation’s premier civil rights organizations. For ten years, she oversaw a program on law and American life at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, where she created the award-winning public radio program Justice Talking, and its educational website, From 26

1992 to 1997, she directed domestic litigation and public policy programs for the Center for Reproductive Rights, where she was co-founder and Vice-President. She has also served as the State Coordinating Counsel of the ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Project in New York and as a Staff Attorney with the Women’s Law Project and Community Legal Services in Philadelphia. She has been recognized by The National Law Journal as one of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers in America,” and by The American Lawyer as one of 45 public-interest lawyers “whose vision and commitment are changing lives.” Sasha Hill is the Administrative Assistant of the Athena Center. A recent graduate of Wellesley College, where she majored in Psychology and minored in English, Hill has continually tried to find ways to exercise her passion for education and helping others throughout her college career and into her professional one. Through her

partnership with United Way during the summers of 2011 and 2012, Hill developed and helped implement a mentorship program for under-served youth in New York. Abigail Sara Lewis is the Associate Director of the Athena Center, as well as Program Director of the Athena Scholars Program. In addition to teaching the Women and Leadership course, she also advises all scholars, runs the Athena Mentoring Program and oversees the summer fellowship programs. Prior to Athena, Lewis was Assistant Director of Pathways Advising at Douglass Residential College, Rutgers University. She taught in both the History and Women’s Studies departments at Rutgers, and at the School of Social Work at New York University. She also worked at the Scholars at Risk Network-NYU, the CUNY Graduate Center, and the NYC Department of Education. She completed her Ph.D. in History at Rutgers in 2008.

Maria Perez-Martinez is the Operations Coordinator for the Athena Film Festival. She holds a Master’s degree in Publishing from New York University and a Bachelor’s degree in English/Drama from Northwestern University. PerezMartinez is also co-founder of, a book-reviewing and promotional website. Previously, she worked as the Administrative Assistant for the Athena Center. In her spare time, Perez-Martinez is an avid reader and writer; currently finishing an adapted screenplay as well as a youngadult novel. In 2013, her short story entitled My Dearest Valentine was published in the anthology, Holiday Magick: 20 Holiday Stories with a Twist (Spencer Hill Press, May, 2013).

Tomika Rodriguez joined the Athena Center in 2012 as its Leadership Development Training Manager. Her primary responsibility is managing the Leadership Labs and supporting students in developing their personal and professional leadership capacity. She also contributes to the Athena Center’s customized leadership development programs by assisting in the development and launch of Athena’s offerings. Rodriguez came to Athena from DePaul University where she created and managed successful academic retention, leadership and empowerment programs for underrepresented students including, Women Empowered, one of the few national identitybased programs for collegeaged women of color. Rodriguez earned her Masters of Education from North Carolina State University.

Erin Vilardi is the Director of the Leadership Development Program at the Athena Center. Her work focuses on developing Athena’s CORE10 — a innovate set of leadership competencies for 21st century women leaders — as well as professional education programs and strategic partnerships. She spent the last 18 months traveling to a dozen international cities teaching leadership, from Cairo to Dublin to Mexico City. Formerly Vice President of Program and Communications at The White House Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to advance U.S. women’s leadership, she created Vote, Run, Lead — the largest national political training program readying women for public office and civic life — that trained over 14,000 women.



Sara Angevine taught the Women and Leadership course during the Spring 2013 Semester and helped coordinate the Scholars program while Abigail Lewis was on maternity leave. A PhD candidate in Political Science at Rutgers, Angevine is the Director of the Douglass Mission Course, Issues in Women’s Leadership, Knowledge and Power (25 sections per year), and the Director of the Voorhees Mentor Program at Douglass Residential College at Rutgers. Prior to this, she was the PLEN Network Coordinator and taught in the Departments of Political Science, Women’s and Gender Studies, and with the Civic Engagement and Service Education Partnership (CESEP) at Rutgers. She received her M.A. in Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa.


Nathalie Molina Niño is spearheading the creation of Entrepreneurs@Athena. A business consultant and playwright, Molina Niño is a consummate entrepreneur who launched her first tech startup at the age of 20. She also was involved in launching and growing a multinational business within Lionbridge (NASDAQ: LIOX) into a nearly $100M operation within 6 years. Molina Niño spent 14+ years advising industry leaders in the for and nonprofit sector ranging from multinationals (Disney, Microsoft, MTV,), early stage startups (Cranium, Onvia) and nonprofits (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Affairs Council, Seattle International Film Festival). She’s passionate about supporting women entrepreneurs and believes that the single most important skill in business is storytelling.

Melissa Silverstein is the founder and editor of Women and Hollywood, one of the most respected sites for issues related to women, film and pop culture. She is also the Artistic Director and co-founder of the Athena Film Festival, a joint project of the Athena Center and Women and Hollywood. Silverstein recently published her first book, In Her Voice: Women Directors Talk Directing, which is a compilation of over 40 interviews that have appeared on Women and Hollywood. She has conducted social media marketing campaigns and events for a variety of films including: My Week With Marilyn, The Iron Lady, Gloria Steinem: In Her Own Words, Dancing Across Borders, and was the founding project director for The White House Project and the chief of Staff at the Ms. Foundation for Women.

Consultants, Instructors, and Advisors Fellows and Visiting Scholars John Gerzema Ludger Helms

Leadership Lab Instructors Stephanie Berger Alyssa Best Caroline Ceniza-Levine Carol Curley Andrea Davila Jenna Dodge Ina Drew MP Dunleavy Galia Gichon Alexis Goldstein Nancy Goldman Linda Kay Klein Sara Laschever Laurie Leitch Dave Lerner Juanita Lewis Zanade Mann Kathryn Mayer Raleigh Mayer Terri McCullough Tara Mohr Nathalie Molina Ni単o Wendy Myers Cambor Grace Ng Maren Perry Alexis Sclamberg Christine Shin Jane Shure Loree Sutton Beth Weinstock

Film Festival Crew


Technical Director: Michael Comstock, Indre Studios Development: Stephanie Berger, Matt Everett, Berger Hirschberg Strategies Public Relations: Lina Plath, Clare Anne Darragh, Kathryn Kennedy, Stephanie Davidson, Nora Bloom, Frank PR Volunteer Manager: Jeanne Baron Outreach Coordinator: Tami Woronoff Hospitality Coordinator: Layna Fisher Web Design: Matthew Wilse, Tickets: Rudy Scala, CUArts Decorations: Gwen Gilliam

Margaret Blank Rochelle Cooper Kelly Davis Bea Drechsler Darcey Howard Julie Kay Polly Leider Brittany Lynk Nathalie Molina Ni単o D. Brielle Nalence Daphne Philipson Holly Phillips KaTrina Rawlins Jeanne Sdroulas Andra Shapiro Jennifer Sheppeard Daniella Steinberg Rochelle Tarlowe Eleanor Wagner Melinda Wolfe

Barnard Staff Assisting with the Film Festival: Tiffany Dugan Amanda Gates-Elston Anthony Otero Julio Vazquez Carol Wynne Bret Silver Patricia Keim Joanne Kwong Sun Min Beth Saidel David Hopson Lisa Buonaiuto

Mastermind Group Members Deborah Berebichez Jovanka Ciares Avani Patel Nathalie Molina Ni単o Lulu Mickelson Eva Sasson Sarosh Arif Olivia Benjamin


Executive Coach Sounding Board Rochelle Cooper ‘84 Jane Farran Julie Johnson Kathryn C. Mayer Raleigh Mayer Terry Newman ‘79 Emily Nichols-Mitchell Marilyn Puder-York Anne Weisberg

Student Interns and Volunteers: Lauren “Charlie” Gillette ’13 Ailee Katz ’15 Julia Kennedy ’13 Sharon Kwong ’14 Shenel Lambiro ’15 Josephine McGowan ’16 Lulu Mickelson ’14 Anastasia Rab ’15 Emmeline Rodriguez ’13 Eliza Rosen ’14 Tess Solomon ’15 Shin Woon ’15

Student Advisory Board Karen Baruch ‘13 Erika Esposito ‘14 Samara Jaffe ‘13 Nikila Kakarla ‘15 Vienna Messina ‘15 Mariany Polanco ‘13 Emmeline Rodriguez ‘13 30

Faculty Advisory Board

Board of Advisors

Alexander Cooley, Tow Professor of Political Science

Kim K. Azzarelli Nancy Barry Dr. Jacqueline Barton Stephanie Bell-Rose Stephanie Berger The Honorable Margot Botsford ’69 Wendy Myers Cambor Jolyne Caruso-FitzGerald ’81 Ronnie Eldridge ’52 Anne Sutherland Fuchs Ellen Futter ’71 Dr. Helene Gayle ’76 Betsy Gotbaum ’60 Phyllis Grann ’58 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Helene Kaplan ’53 The Honorable Judith Kaye ’58 Shelly Lazarus Linda Fayne Levinson ’62 Liz Neumark ’77 Indra Nooyi Anna Quindlen ’74 Susan Stamberg ’59 Merryl Tisch ’77 Faye Wattleton Sheila Wellington Anne Weisberg Constance Hess Williams ’66 Marie Wilson Melinda Wolfe

Flora S. Davidson, Term Professor of Political Science and Urban Studies Alan Dye, Professor of Economics at Barnard College and an affiliate member of Columbia University’s Department of History and Institute of Latin American Studies Kimberly Johnson, Associate Professor of Political Science, Chair Urban Studies Debra Minkoff, Professor of Sociology, Chair of the Department of Sociology David Weiman, Alena Wels Hirschorn ‘58 Professor of Economics and Dean for Faculty Diversity and Development

Donors The Athena Center for Leadership Studies is deeply indebted to the extraordinary donors whose gifts have enabled us to launch and grow this ambitious program. For The Endowment of The Constance Hess Williams Directorship of The Athena Center Constance Hess Williams ’66

The Founding Donors of The Athena Center for Leadership Studies Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67 Constance Hess Williams ’66 Lucille Zanghi and James Dow P ’10

The Founding Donors of The Financial Fluency Program Laird Grant Groody ’67 Patricia Harrigan Nadosy ’68 Mollie Rosenthal Memorial Fund Susan Weber ’77

Athena Leadership Council Pat Nadosy ’68 (Co-Chair) Azita Raji ’83 (Co-Chair) April Benson ’73 Dina De Luca Chartouni ’82 Jennifer Christman ’84 Glori Cohen P’14 Rochelle Cooper ’84 P ’12 Bea Drechsler ’84 Leah Dunaief ’62 Caryn Effron Mary Beth Forshaw ’84

Vivian Fried ’82 Marjorie Gittelman ’82 Anne Josephson ’91 Annamarie Villeda Kafati Lori Lesser Amy B. Levenson ’85 Marina Lewin ’80 Marley Blue Lewis ’05 Anna Longobardo ’49 Nancy McGregor Manne ’80 P ’14 Jyoti Menon ’01 Claire Newman Terry Newman ’79 Lida Orzeck ’68 Jo Ousterhout Daphne Fodor Philipson ’69 Philippa Portnoy ’86 Francene Sussner Rodgers ’67 Dr. Maria Emanuel Ryan ’85 Andra Shapiro ’80, P’14 Joan Smith P’02 Eleanor Wagner ’71 Carla Walworth P ’12 Margaret Withgott, M.D. ’76 Lisa Wolfe ’82 Paula Throckmorton Zakaria ’89 Lucille R. Zanghi P ’10 Anonymous

2012 Program Donors Sheryl Layne and Jonathan Layne P ‘13 Neica Goldberg ‘79 Marina Weitzner Lewin ’80 and Andrew Lewin, The Andrew and Marina Lewin Family Foundation Kit Miller and Jon Christensen P ’13 Carol Krongold Silberstein ’69 and Alan M. Silberstein Ruth Steinberg ’72

2012 Athena Film Festival Co-Chairs: Debra Martin Chase Diablo Cody Greta Gerwig ‘06 Diane Levin P’13 Jon Levin P’13 Mira Nair Regina Kulik Scully


Athena Film Festival Sponsors FOUNDING SPONSOR

Regina Kulik Scully, Founder and CEO PREMIERE LEVEL


Dobkin Family Foundation

SILVER LEVEL The Andrew and Marina Lewin Family Foundation


The Jacquelyn and Gregory Zehner Foundation


Honorary Host Committee


Julia Parker Benello ‘92 Susan Cartsonis Dina DeLuca Chartouni ‘82 Jennifer Christman ‘84 Glori Cohen P’14 Maria Cuomo Cole Lisa Brenner Devlin ‘97 Abigail E. Disney and Pierre N. Hauser Barbara Dobkin Wendy Ettinger Suzy Starke German Judith Helfand Caroline Hirsch Marina Weitzner Lewin ’80 and Andrew Lewin Lida Orzeck ‘68 Gigi Pritzker Nancy Stephens and Rick Rosenthal Sandra Wilkin Jacki Zehner

H.G. Fairfield Arts Center for the Environment, Inc.

In-Kind Donations Bailey’s Smirnoff The Lowell Hotel Wine Sisterhood Jon and Diane Levin P’13

Many Thanks. These ambitious programs would not be possible without the generous support of many donors and sound guidance from our Faculty Advisors, Advisory Board, Leadership Council, and exemplary staff.


The transformative moment


The Athena Center for Leadership Studies Barnard College 3009 Broadway New York, NY 10027-6598 212.854.1264

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