Atenews Transitional Tabloid Vol. 66 No. 1

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Limited access to services prompts VAWC recorded cases drop The drop in reported cases of violence against women and children can be attributed to limited access to services amid the restrictions of the quarantine, according to Davao City’s Gender Division BY JOHANNA VAUGHN DEJITO

THE SHADOW PANDEMIC. City Mayor’s Office-Integrated Gender and Development Division emphasizes the decrease of domestic abuse cases signifying lack of access to services as quarantine restrictions were imposed due to COVID-19.

PHOTO BY Jeni Anne Rosario


mid the decrease in cases of domestic violence in Davao City during the quarantine period, City Mayor’s Office-Integrated Gender and Development Division (CMO-IGDD) Head Lorna Mandin emphasized that this only implies another issue faced by victims of domestic violence - limited access to services. Mandin said that the disparity between studies conducted and the reported cases is alarming considering that the environment during pandemic is more “toxic” for some.


“Sad to say, there was a decrease in reported cases but I believe, kasi yung data natin on domestic violence is increasing but during the pandemic yung reported case lang,” she said. In 2019, there are 2,540 violence against women and children (VAWC) cases reported to CMO-IGDD while in the first half of 2020, 619 VAWC cases were reported. Mandin admitted that she herself was expecting more individuals to ask for the IGDD’s help given the current situation which made her swift into strengthening the initiatives of the department.


Twisted justice: Exposing the evils of police brutality

The fine line between ‘Atenista’ and ‘elitista’

As incidents of police brutality continue to escalate in both the Philippines and abroad, the cries of citizens will finally be brought to light

While Ateneans are no stranger to nicknames such as “elitista” or “privileged”, one Jesuit provides his insights into the matter


VOL. 66 NO. 1


“Personally, I was anticipating for the possible increase of cases na hala uy mahadlok ta na kay daghan baya jud mag-asawa na wala nagkasinabot. But most of them were compelled to stay at home. So magkita sila, gamayng friction mag-away. So naga anticipate jud ko na nay increase sa cases,” she added. Lack of access “Sa tingin ko, hindi lang nakakaabot sa amin,” Mandin said. Persons whose ages are below 21 and above 59 years old are not allowed to go out according to the quarantine guidelines which restrict access to government services including filing complaints. “Kahit sa police station, nagtanong din ako – nagreduce din ang cases, reported cases nila. Ibig sabihin women and girls were parang limited kasi di ba nakaquarantine, hindi sila nakakalabas ng bahay, hindi naman denied of service but denied of access, kasi hindi nga nakakalabas so hindi nakakareport,” she said. Meanwhile, GABRIELA - Southern Mindanao Vice Chair Cora Espinoza said that factors to look into are the connection of the victim to his or her perpetrator and the unavailability of “VAW desk officers since majority of the barangay functionaries are tasked

to help in the food relief government assistance distribution.” “It is true that some of the victims are not willing to file charges against their husbands or partners; therefore, it is important that these victims or survivors have their counselling sessions before other interventions like legal,” she said. Increasing cases The Philippine National Police reported last June 25 a total of 4,260 cases of violence against women and children, 2,183 and 2,077 against women and children respectively. Center for Women’s Resources’ reports show that at least one woman or child is abused every 10 minutes in the Philippines during the quarantine period. This prompted the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) to call for measures to address the rising number of domestic violence in the Philippines. “Women and children who experience abuse are trapped inside their homes with their abusers and have nowhere to go. Most of these women are not able to seek help because they fear being overheard by their abusive



As of August 27, 2020, the number of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines has reached 206,000 and counting.


The Philippines’ outstanding debts soared to P9.05 trillion in end-June as it borrowed more to fund the coronavirus response. Loans were borrowed from domestic investors and foreign lenders.


The City Government of Davao allocated a P500,000 subsidy to support farmers who lost income because of the falling produce prices in the pandemic.


End the silence of the gagged!



Bravado doesn’t kill corruption


EDITORIAL long with his notorious anti-drug campaign, then president-elect Rodrigo Duterte’s rhetoric to clear the bureaucracy of corrupt public officials could have been one of the major factors which catapulted him to power in 2016. This same rhetoric is also what he gravely failed to accomplish, among his many empty promises.

Illustration by Fe Lourence Valente

Top officials of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) have been at the limelight in previous weeks following allegations of stealing a staggering P15 billion worth of public funds, two years before Duterte’s term ends and at the heels of an apparent lack of concrete plans for the pandemic situation. After former staff-turned-whistleblowers accused PhilHealth President Ricardo Morales of being complicit in corruption and Senior Vice President Rodolfo del Rosario of running the so-called mafia at the state insurer, public clamor has since been clear: Jail the PhilHeath heads, urge Duterte to fulfill his promise that he would fire officials should he smell “just a whiff of corruption.” Both Morales and del Rosario, however, have tried to save face by recently announcing their resignation. After almost three weeks of evading the controversy, Duterte last August 25 finally declared that the officials, when proven guilty, should be prosecuted. Reports further state that Duterte has recently “renewed his commitment” to combat corruption in government. Ironically, this is the same president who declared in 2016 his confidence in military men and their capacity to ‘reform’ the bureaucracy, to bring the Filipinos’ desired change. But four years after, we cannot help but ask, has anything, at all, changed? Morales, an ex-military officer, is one of the 73 retired military and police officers appointed by Duterte to civilian government positions. The former had marching orders from the latter in 2019 to clear PhilHealth of alleged irregularities. Disappointingly, corruption seems to have been unresolved, even worsened under Morales. And although he himself has admitted this, it is a betrayal of public trust to remain adamant that the overpriced proposals just needed to be ‘rectified.’ Like the culture of impunity, cor-




ruption in government seems to be so deep-rooted a problem that Filipinos no longer feel surprised to hear of thieves cloaked as public servants. However, there should be a strong resolve to translate this lack of surprise into anger--three percent of every employed Filipino’s monthly salary goes to PhilHealth for it to implement ‘universal’ health insurance. What could be more infuriating than the fact that the billions pocketed by public officials could have been distributed instead to the poor and vulnerable in this pandemic? The perpetuation of corruption in PhilHealth also calls into question the militarization of the bureaucracy, as Duterte seems to believe that military men are not only fool-proof but also corruption-proof. But does the ‘discipline’ of these men necessarily equate to their integrity in public service? And is it wise in the first place to appoint a military man in a position so distant from his training, such as in

Amid the public health emergency, this is the worst time for PhilHealth to be corrupt, when several Filipinos need health aid. But this corruption goes way back before the pandemic happened. According to Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC) official Greco Belgica, PhilHealth lost more than P153 billion since 2013 due to fraud. Alarmingly, this is roughly 30 percent of the total claims payment of P512.6 billion. Lack of transparency and prior validation of claims by PhilHealth enabled the insurance fraud to exist, which went

Maria Cyra Jane Dealca





Julien Jame Apale EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Gwyneth Marie Vasquez

Jamrell Vincette Buynay Rosvir Kate Flores Ram Manlatican



Czar Ysmael Rabaya Sofia Roena Guan MANAGING EDITORS

a health insurance corporation?



Gwyneth Marie Vasquez EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


Danica Malle Peña NEWS EDITOR


undetected during random post-audit because only “apparently suspicious” instances were being analyzed. Types of fraud from employees and health care providers stretched from ghost memberships, fast-tracking of claims, and upcasing, among others. Although Duterte has shifted gear, this is not an assurance that corruption will be extinguished, at least, not by the usual methods of ‘transparent’ auditing. These mechanisms have been in place for decades, and yet they continue to be manipulated by public officials for their own benefit. No matter how strongly the president


John Abiel Villanueva HEAD WEB DEVELOPER

Czar Ysmael Rabaya Johanna Vaughn Dejito Percival Cyber Vargas Noriel Jeules Alisoso Ryar Caasi Bai Rehana An-an Sacandal

claims to hate corruption, mere words are useless if the justice system and audit institutions are not strengthened. There is, further, a need to awaken from the fantasy that good governance can be provided only by a selected group. Civilian power should not be underestimated in this day and age. Public office is the public trust. In the same way that there should be strict standards in selecting individuals for key positions, there should also be rigorous mechanisms to punish those who betray it. Because so long as we hold on only to bravado and rhetoric against corruption, this oppressive system will continue to thrive behind closed doors.

Sheena Allison Dela Salde Mara Girl Idpan Juan Paolo Miles SENIOR FIELD CORRESPONDENTS





Dr. Cheryl Baldric

Stephen Geronilla Jeni Anne Rosario

Rea Jean Cabahug Alver El John Linaza



Moammar Nawang Joseph Nasser Ian Derf Salvaña TABLOID DESIGN

Johanna Vaughn Dejito

Mykiesha Sta. Ana


Kevin Cody Mahinay

Demi Althea Padillo Fe Lourence Valente





Member of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines

Tel No. (082) 221-2411 loc. 8322

G/F Arrupe Hall, Martin Building, Ateneo de Davao University, E. Jacinto St., 8016 Davao City



Then-candidate Pres. Rodrigo Duterte was branded as the Mindanaoan pride as he ran for presidency in 2016. Championed as the tough-talking, brave, yet a caring father figure to the masses, he rose to fame because he promised to rid the country of drugs and corruption. They were but mere promises - human rights violations and extrajudicial killings mar his war on drugs. Corruption thrived under his nose even when he claimed not to tolerate it. All these, among other acts of betrayal, contradict his vow to be for the people.

F Jeni Anne Rosario NARRA


Woe to the loyal and blind

t’s scary how far your loyalty can take you. When you choose to turn a blind eye on injustices and abuse in the name of loyalty, you contribute to the problem. When you refuse to listen to dissent and reason, you enable the oppressive system to thrive.

Sofia Roena Guan

VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue

But a number still believed in him. Duterte got his highest ever SWS satisfaction rating of 82 percent in December last year. People defend him and heckle at dissenters, telling them, “Ikaw na lang mag-presidente. Anong ambag mo?” They rejoice over the downfall of critical journalists and jeer at protesters and activists, who, for them, were nothing but mere nuisances who exist to hate on the president. Now imagine how tired we are when, five months later, most cities are still in some type of quarantine. That despite the special powers granted to the president overnight, he still let the situation go out of hand - we’re now at 206,000 cases and counting, a hotspot of the virus. Duterte asked us to be patient and wait for the vaccine. But must we wait when, as the leader, he should’ve taken the initiative in creating effective health policies like how other countries have already successfully adopted?

With his admin’s inaction and incompetency, some people have started to really see him - and it took a pandemic. Many demand accountability, action, and transparency - from urgent policies to address the pandemic, efficient fund allocation, and protecting the healthcare workers. These are basic, simple requests that we should rightfully demand. But some remain loyal, tirelessly defending their president, grasping at straws to attack those who persecute him. And for what? To protect their ego, when they realized that they voted for and vouched for the wrong person? Or are they indeed that blind to not see how this government has failed us time and time again? There’s nothing wrong with changing hearts. We read, we critically think, we learn, and we acknowledge what’s truly happening. It’s okay to have voted for Duterte last 2016. What’s not okay

is still defending his wrongdoings and compromising his lackluster performance for what little good he’s done. And it’s divisive, harmful thinking to push the narrative of “Dilawan vs. DDS” when it comes to political discourse. It’s elitist and unnecessary to hate on Davaoeños because you don’t like Duterte or call dissenters as “Dilawan” when they call out the president’s actions. While we’re stuck in this disaster, let’s rid ourselves of blind fanaticism. Our president’s not a god that we should worship and defend no matter what happens. He isn’t a ride or die situation. We should be critical, skeptic, and assertive of our rights, especially in demanding accountability from our public officials. Because as citizens of the State, we should be loyal not to him, but to our rights and welfare.

Love is love, right?

ive months ago, the surge of Thai and other Asian Boys Love series’ flooded my social media timelines. And seeing that many of our younger peers openly enjoy and understand the narratives of queer love, brought me to the realization that there has been significant progress made in trying to normalize LGBTQIA+ stories in film. Finally! Or so I thought. In my mind, I pondered whether or not the Philippine film industry itself carried the same hype in positively representing LGBTQIA+ experiences. There is a wariness of some creators in diving into this type of narrative in fear of misrepresentation and then backlash from its audiences. With prejudiced censorship and contrasting levels of acceptance towards these topics embedded in our society.

The Philippines is known in Asia to be a predominantly conservative Christian country, 92% of it to be exact. Most close-minded people blatantly label queer people as ‘immoral’, which could be grounds for expulsion apparently, and even cherry-pick the contents of the bible as if it was a legitimate source of information, to justify their bigotry towards the LGBTQIA+ community. So, it’s no surprise that there has been a lack of healthy LGBTQIA+ portrayal in the Philippine media. Majority of handed queer roles I’ve seen on-screen consisted of being merely a one-dimensional comic side character. Showing up for the first twenty minutes of a film to tell a joke and disappear into a void, never to be seen again. A stereotypical and shallow representation of a diverse community of people. Most of these stories, even, were through the lenses of another person, and not that of the LGBTQIA+ individual. Also, oftentimes these

movies are written and/or directed by people who aren’t familiar with the trials and tribulations of the community, which runs the risk of a distorted and redundant image of their personas. It also takes away opportunities from LGBTQIA+ artists in the film industry. It’s vital that we direct the spotlight towards LGBTQIA+ people, especially in film where they are shown to the world to represent people who identify the same way as them, in order to amplify their stories through their own voices. It is an avenue to show growth in humanized queer characters that a myriad of people can relate to. On another note, there are times when labels such as ‘Boys Love’ and ‘Girls Love’ become problematic. As I see it, it confines the creative expression of creators and actors, running the risk of unhealthy fetishization. The separation of the heteronormative romance genre to ‘Boys Love’ and ‘Girls Love’ only

reinforces possible detrimental oversexualization of the characters. Gatekeeping the romance genre as if their subject matter is completely different from one another, when it obviously isn’t and shouldn’t be. If we truly want to normalize queer stories in media, these tropes should be eradicated. The growing popularity of digital series gives Filipino creators and actors a new platform for the film industry in the Philippines. They are able to reach a wider audience they can influence and educate positively through the simple, yet important stories of LGBTQIA+ individuals. Love is love, right? Slowly but surely, LGBTQIA+-centered narratives have opened up a space to embrace and create queer content that, not only focuses on love stories of the Filipino LGBTQIA+ people, but also sheds light to relevant issues in our society.

Rethinking the ‘curse of Eve’

W Gwyneth Marie Vasquez MASAWA

e all know the story of how Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden after they each took a bite from the forbidden fruit. Because of this disobedience, God stripped them of immortality, yet with his loving kindness and mercy he preserved Adam and Eve’s power to propagate the human race. By that original sin, not only death but also fertile carnality entered the world. Pope Gregory the Great would later insist that, in women, menstruation was a mark of that sin--the curse of Eve. It seems that this concept of menstruation remains deeply rooted in our culture until today. For many women, the coming of our ‘monthly visitor’ is both a biological reality and a social/cultural phenomenon. It is, in the context of science, the periodic shedding of the uterine

lining after the maturation of an egg cell. Occasionally, this comes with bouts of mood swings, abdominal cramps, and many other symptoms. On the other hand, our own Philippine culture regards it as a ‘rite of passage’ wherein a pubescent girl transitions into adulthood. But there are more cultural meanings attached to the process of menstruation. For instance, menstrual blood is said to be ‘unclean,’ therefore some religions bar menstruating women from entering places of worship. In our everyday encounters, it’s also commonplace to find people giving accusatory glances at women whose pants have been stained with blood. In public, we often feel the need to hide our hygiene products as if we were smuggling illegal drugs. Once, in an emergency situation, when I asked my brother to buy me some pads, he told me that I should just go to the store myself since it was a ‘girl thing.’

According to an informal international survey, there are more than 5,000 euphemisms for menstruation-- ‘period,’ ‘red tide’ and ‘that time of the month’ would be closest to us in the Philippines. And yet, amid all these realities which evidently reinforce menstrual taboos, I ask: Why do these taboos exist in the first place, and why do we feel so afraid or ashamed of bleeding? An inquiry into the existence of menstrual taboos requires a look at history. For the purpose of this column, I will turn to existing anthropological literature which trace these taboos to ‘primitive’ societies. Arguably, these were enforced by men who feared the power of women since menstruation was then associated with cosmic powers. The social construct of the menstrual taboo was, clearly, a patriarchal tool to prevent women from participating in areas outside the home. If the ancients believed that a

menstruating woman possessed cosmic powers, then why should our concept of menstruation today be any different? Sure, we may no longer link it with the seasons or the rhythm of the tides, but we can similarly value female endurance. Menstruation, for some women, is not completely painless. So is the life-threatening process of birthing. Without the perseverance and nurturance of women, there would be no great men to speak of. When I say this I do not mean to glorify the pain nor do I intend to obscure the narratives of women who suffer from the harsh consequences of menstrual taboos. However, I wish to point out that perhaps, we need to rethink the ‘curse of Eve.’ There is a reason for us to celebrate menstruation not only because it signifies our fertility but also because it is a mark of our strength.



BARMM ‘respects’ terror law’s passage amidst fear of discrimination, rights violation The Bangsamoro “fully respects” the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Law, and is “open to engage the national government” when it comes to fighting terrorism Ram Manlatican


n the middle of a global health crisis, Duterte signs the “draconian” anti-terror law to curb the threats of terrorism in the country. Critics, including the Bangsamoro regional government, however, feared the possibility of misuse and abuse. Despite passing a resolution that appealed to Pres. Rodrigo Duterte to veto the Anti-Terrorism Bill because of “overly vague definition of terrorism” which make innocent individuals “vulnerable to human rights violations”, the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) “fully respects” the decision of the president following the signing of the controversial bill into law on July 4, 2020. On the same day of the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 (R.A 11479), Chief Minister Ahod “Al Haj Murad” Ebrahim released a five-paragraph statement, acknowledging there are more than one way of addressing terrorism. He added that the Bangsamoro is “open to engage the national government” on preparedness against terrorism “as we collectively explore new potential approaches to holistically protect our people from the menace of terrorism.” No seat As the regional government changes position, their main request was to assign a seat for Bangsamoro in the nine-person Anti-Terrorism Council for representation. Ebrahim wrote in the statement that the engagement between BARMM and the national government “can start with Bangsamoro having representative in the Anti-Terrorism Council.” While it was not clear what kind of “representation” is demanded by the Bangsamoro region, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque responded to the appeal, saying that that there is no seat for Bangsamoro leaders in the Anti-Terrorism Council. “There is no room for Bangsamoro leaders in the Anti-terrorism Council,” Roque stated on July 6, 2020. “But they will be consulted in the implementation of the newly-enacted law,” he reassured. The law includes the BARMM and the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos as two of the 15

government entities that the council is required to consult. As specified under Sec. 4, the Anti-Terrorism Council is composed of nine members: Executive Secretary, National Security Adviser as Vice Chair, the Secretaries of Defense, Finance, Foreign Affairs, Information and Communication Technology, Interior and Local Government and Justice, and the

Pero ang AntiTerrorism Law na isinusulong ngayon ng Duterte Administration ay hindi iyon ang talagang makakasolve sa terrorism na nangyayari ‘di umano sa ating bansa, lalo na sa mga conflict areas in Mindanao. Executive Director of the Anti-Money Laundering Council Secretariat. Assurance When asked about Roque’s reassurance, Jorjani Sinsuat, a Moro youth leader and writer working for the BARMM’s Bureau of Public Information, told Atenews that the “confidence is there during his administration.” “[Duterte] has the most understanding of the situation in the Bangsamoro and I have to agree he is the most biased for the Bangsamoro. “I don’t remember any previous presidents [who had] appointed so many Muslim personalities in the government as much as President Durtere did,” he said. Sinsuat, who led various Bangsamoro-related campaigns and advocacies during his stint in the SAMAHAN, reiterated that the effects of the Anti-Terrorism Law will always “reflect upon how a president views” the Mindanao


VOL. 66 NO. 1

Infographic by Joseph Nasser



VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue

Former Finance chief of staff on COVID-19 budget: Gov’t is ‘not spending fast enough’ For Former Department of Finance Chief of Staff Ken Abante, there are enough funds to subsidize aid for the victims of the pandemic, but the problem lies in the lack of urgency and action of the authorities to spend the funds Julien Jame Apale


ully utilizing the Citizen’s Budget Tracker, Department of Finance’s former Chief of Staff for strategy, economics, and results and Ateneo de Manila policy researcher Ken Abante along with a group of volunteers and civil society coalitions reported that the budget spending on COVID-19 has been slow and ultimately affecting the already ‘poverty and hunger-stricken’ Filipinos. Composed of researchers, financial advisers, and legal experts, Abante’s team currently leads a civic engagement project where they created the Citizen’s Budget Tracker enabling them to monitor the government’s budget for COVID-19 response. The team tracks and analyzes the government’s COVID-19 financial countermeasure reports— specifically on its budgeting and spending aspects, and translates these figures into simpler and summarized terms. They

Illustration by Demi Althea Padillo

subsequently enhance the data into information easily understood by every taxpayer. By the middle of the second quarter, only 17.3 million of 23.7 million beneficiaries (73%) for social amelioration have been served and only P119 billion of the P344 billion budget (35%) has been spent for social amelioration and health as stated in the tracker’s website. Backed by the government’s published data and documents online, the volunteer researchers reported an actual overall budget of P380 billion including the P27 billion from PhilHealth by the end of May from which they concluded that there are sufficient funds for the government to subsidize those severely affected by the pandemic. “We don’t think the authorities in the budget are the constraint because the Bayanihan Act gives the President a lot of leeway to actually reallocate budgets into the COVID-19 response. But really,


Limited access to services prompts VAWC recorded cases drop FROM PAGE 1 partners or are stopped from leaving home,” CHR stated in a posted statement last April 5. In Davao Region, there are 294 reported cases of violence against women and children from March 17 until August 3. The Philippine National Police Regional Office XI (PNP RO-XI) recorded 186 cases of violence against children and 108 against women with rape being the most committed crime. The reports of the agency also show that Davao City Police Office receives the most number of reports succeeded by Davao de Oro Police Office. “Dahil nga they have no other things to do, andun. Mas marami silang naiisip, mas may opportunity sila to do something bad. Kasi napapansin natin medyo mas mataas and data ng mga walang trabaho na suspect,” PNP

est. 1955

In 2019, there are 2,540 violence against women and children (VAWC) cases reported to CMO-IGDD while in the first half of 2020, 619 VAWC cases were reported. RO-XI Spokesperson Atty. Eudisan Gultiano said. However, not all victims opt to file charges due to their relationship with the perpetrator. “Sa violence against women, marami tayong cases ng violation ng RA 9262 physical abuse. Ang suspek dito kanilang mga asawa. So yung mga babae, nagdedesist talaga. Hindi nila tinutuloy ang kaso laban sa kanilang mga bana,” Gultiano added.

Free legal services “Right now kasi during quarantine, hindi po inaallow ng city yung mga walk-in clients so most of the clients use mobile phones or telephone or email or sulat. Nagasulat sila tapos ginahulog nila sa city hall then we will call them,” Mandin explained. With five lawyers, a lawyer assigned each day, Mandin revealed that the department uses online platforms like Zoom, Messenger, and Microsoft


tic violence cases.

“Karamihan naman ng case na inaattend namin fall under economic abuse. Yung mga asawa or live in spouses demand for support or additional support for the children – food, education and other needs. So, we set a family conference,” she said.

“Kailangan tubagon nila kung naay mga pangutana. Irefer nila sa amoa or other agencies. Dili mahimong babag ang pandemic na dili maattend ang mga panginahanglanon sa mga babae,” she said.

IGDD also provides counselling through a retainer psychologist and referrals to partner agencies. It also serves as an alternative for those victims who are not comfortable to go to the police. “Mostly kasi sa biktima, lalo na kung ang perpetrator is a police, ayaw sila ng government. Sorry for that pero yan talaga ang totoo. Minsan iano ko doon (police), tapos di na babalik,” Espinoza said, which leads her to refer victims to GABRIELA’s non-governmental organizations partner that conduct therapy Talikala and Luna or IGDD. Information dissemination After Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte declared community quarantine measures, Mandin immediately sent “text blasts” to the Department of Interior and Local Government and barangay officials to attend to domes-

She added that even relief packs include information materials to explain domestic violence, relevant hotlines and ways to avoid conflicts. “Kung naay mga panahon na naay conflict, naay domestic violence, they can contact us. They can text us. They can email us. Ato ng gipangbutang sa mga relief goods. Tapos naay mga naga-communicate sa atoa,” she said. Gultiano, on the other hand, admitted social media helped the information dissemination process. “Ang ating mga kababaihan, most of our kababaihan, are aware na of their rights. Medyo ano na kasi kumbaga katulad niyan sa social media, meron tayong mga pinopost na mga karapatan ng mga kababaihan. Meron tayong mga social media, merong social media ang ating mga women’s desk kung saan itong mga biktima could report any abuses. Tapos ang mga pulis na rin natin yung nagkaconduct ng investigation talaga,” she said.

End the silence of the gagged!



Pandemic continues to hurt Davao economy, prompts decline in production, employment Lower GDP and inflation rates cause local businesses to shut down, affecting the demand and supply of goods and services

ECONOMICALLY. Local businesses shut down due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, impacting lower GDP and inflation rates in different regions in the Philippines.

PHOTO BY Jeni Anne Rosario

Noriel Jeules Alisoso


ith the country plunging into recession in 29 years as its economy shrank by 16.5% in the second quarter, the pandemic-driven business closures caused Davao City to continue struggling with its economic performance, including production levels, investments, and employment. Ateneo de Davao University Economics Department Chair Mildred Megarbio-Estanda explained the harmful impact of business closures to the local economy as it affects the demand and supply of goods and services, depending on the elasticity of a product. “If a good or service is elastic such as haircuts in parlors or barber shops, the closure of a salon will increase unemployment [but] consumers can [still] use substitutes for this service by either buying razors and cutting their hairs at home or delay the consumption of such,” Megarbio-Estanda said. For inelastic products/services, Megarbio-Estanda used power generation firms as an example and pinpointed the chain of events that occur when other local businesses close, which results in a low demand for power. “Since the closure of other businesses leads to unemployment, people do not have money to pay, distribution of utilities is also not paid. Thus, power generation companies are also not paid. The situation becomes cyclical.” She further noted that some busi-

nesses borrow money and reduce their operations to stay afloat but “the uncertainty of the current situation often pushes firms to close [rather] than operate because some firms would prefer to have a war chest at hand.” Effects on businesses With the tourism industry falling down, Mindanao’s first and only 5-star hotel Marco Polo Davao on June 15 halted its operations after 22 years. This was declared a month before its official cessation took place. Marco Polo Davao Director of Sales and Marketing Pearl Peralta-Maclang stated that the decision “goes beyond the financial losses and the uncertainties surrounding the future of the hotel industry.” “The welfare of the associates played a major factor. It is fortunate that the company has the capabilities to take care of its 270 employees – their separation pay is based on the retirement policy of the company and the rest in accordance with the law,” Peralta-Maclang stated. Meanwhile, the pandemic left Anderlude Seafood Corporation, a local aquaculture business, with reduced manpower in food production as some employees were unable to work due to quarantine restrictions. “To stabilise the situation, we cut down the work produced to cope up with [the] amount of manpower we had and the speed of finishing the products. Even if it was quite slow, we were still able to generate income regardless of the situation, but of course, the amount was greatly

lessened,” Lloid Batilong of Anderlude Corporation said in an online interview. With the Roxas night market closed last March, clothing and accessories vendor Maribel Rosales was left with no choice but to reopen her business in her hometown M’lang, North Cotabato after a 5-month income drought due to the pandemic. “Lala jud siya kay wala ta naka-prepare tapos syempre pila ka months tung walay income maong naningkamot na lang jud mi nga makapwesto.

hurot-hurot jud among kwarta, nagkautang-utang pa mi bago makastart karon. Kini (referring to her stall) tanan utang lang,” Rosales said. Rosales believes that business operations in the night market would go back to normal, as it was beneficial for them since the amount of rent she pays in the market costs less compared to other stalls which price could reach up to a thousand. Considering the struggles of her fellow small-scale business owners, Rosales emphasized the need for fi-

Bouncing back/Recovery Plan Heeding the call to support the affected population, legislators proposed the House Bill 6815, or the Acceleration Recovery and Investment Stimulus for the Economy (ARISE) bill, which seeks to assist millions of workers, as well as micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through a P1.3T stimulus package. In addition, the implementation of Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act would reduce the corporate income

Sa tinuod lang, wala jud mi laing source of income pero mura jud mi’g nagbalik sa una kasi syempre, hurot-hurot jud among kwarta, nagkautangutang pa mi bago makastart karon. Sa pagkakaron, no choice gyud mi kay kailangan na jud namo mulihok,” Rosales said. Having been a Roxas night market vendor for three years, Rosales admitted that she was forced to borrow money, though still not enough, as her capital for the opening of her store in a new location. “Sa tinuod lang, wala jud mi laing source of income pero mura jud mi’g nagbalik sa una kasi syempre,

nancial assistance by the government or even private stakeholders to help them recover at least, by means of having initial capital for the resumption of their businesses. “Nangita unta mig kanang mutabang sa mga negosyante, bahalag pang start lang ba kay maayo lang unta tong naplanohan gani pero kay bigla baya, wala nakaprepare … pangbalik lang kay 5 months gyud ang lugi,” she stressed.

tax to 25 percent from the current 30 percent, making it an incentive to entice firms to invest in the Philippines. Megarbio-Estanda stated the two actions will “significantly help firms all over the country and here in [Davao] city” as she pointed out that the government should be the ultimate driver towards the solution because the people cannot fuel the economy due to low production.



2.5 and 2.7% in June and July. Megarbio-Estanda suggested that the decreasing inflation rates from January to May was due to the decreasing price of oil in the world market.

The Philippines already faced a 0.7 dip in GDP in the first quarter of the year, followed by a decrease of 16.5 in the succeeding quarter. The said decrease in consecutive quarters marked the country entering a recession.

“The pandemic resulted in the closure of some businesses and even halted transportation in some areas of the globe. This results in low demand for oil in the world market because of the low production of goods and services all over the world,” she said. Quoting PSA on the reasons for the increase in two months, the chair of the economics department noted that the slight increase in the overall prices this June 2020 is accounted for by the transportation index specifically to the tricycle fare index. “The precautionary measures employed to reduce COVID transmission among commuters include a reduction in the number of passengers. To cover the cost of a reduced number of passengers, there was a clamor to increase the fare of some public utility vehicles, including tricycles,” she emphasized.

“The ARISE interventions will help create jobs, stimulate the economy because businesses are close. If the government gives money, people can spend, and some companies can thrive. No spending will mean no revenue and no taxes, no money for the government.”

Decreasing GDP rates The Philippines already faced a 0.7 dip in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of the year, followed by a decrease of 16.5 in the succeeding quarter. The said decrease in consecutive quarters marked the country entering a recession.

Aside from the responses of the legislative body, Megarbio-Estanda discussed that sustaining the economy is a “complex issue that necessitates multiple agencies, sectors, and stakeholders to join hands to work out the effects of this pandemic”, as she suggested that paradigm shift for local businesses, as well as digitalization, play a vital role in revitalization.

According to PSA, the said contraction was the lowest since it began tracking quarterly growth based on the 1981 series.

Emphasizing that choosing between life and economy is a false dichotomy, the economics chair reminded the need to calculate and look at the cost and benefit of the decisions.

WORKING BUSINESS (Above and Below). Citizens labor in skeletal staff as the continued impact of COVID-19 impacts the state of the economy and health.

Relatively low inflation rate amid the pandemic According to Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the inflation rate during January 2020 was 2.9% and became lower until May that it only reached 2.1% in May, while it spiked to

PHOTOS BY Jeni Anne Rosario

BARMM ‘respects’ terror law’s passage amidst fear of discrimination, rights violation FROM PAGE 4 peace process in the BARMM and in Mindanao as a whole. “Duterte is only there for a few years and not forever. I am confident with this administration but not with the implementation of the law in the next few years,” he stressed. Meanwhile, Rauf Sissay, the coordinator of Bayan Muna Party-List Davao, firmly expressed his lack of confidence with what the Palace promised about the safeguards preventing discrimination and human rights violation in the implementation of the Anti-Terrorism Law. “Sa simula’t sapul pa lang, hindi na kami confident. Tutol talaga kami sa porma ng Anti-Terrorism Law na pinoforward ng administra-

“When GDP is low, it means decreasing the production of goods and services sold in the market as well as increasing unemployment and low investment. Investors look at GDP because it has a significant effect on the stock market. It means layoffs because of decreasing production, declining revenues, and spending,” Megarbio-Estanda said.

Solicitor General Jose Calida on July 23 stated that the law is already effective even if the IRR is still being crafted. syon. Gusto lang nating linawin na tayong lahat, lahat ng mga organisasyon at sektor sa ating bansa ay tutol sa karahasan, tutol sa terorismo. “Pero ang Anti-Terrorism Law na isinusulong ngayon ng Duterte Administration ay hindi iyon ang talagang makaka-solve sa terrorism na nangyayari ‘di umano sa ating

bansa, lalo na sa mga conflict areas in Mindanao,” Sissay explained. He shared that he was “sad, indignant, and angered” upon hearing the news of the Anti-Terrorism Law passage. “Sa kabila ng malakas na panawagan ng mga mamamayan na unahin ang pagtugon sa COVID-19 ay ibang bagay ang pinagkakaabala-

han ni President Duterte at ng kaniyang mga kaalyado sa Kongreso and in the Senate,” he told Atenews. Implementation On July 22, Cabinet officials announced that the enforcers will hold the implementation of the the Anti-Terrorism Act without its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) unless a “big threat” emerges. While saying that there is no restriction in implementing the law because it is already in effect since July 18, Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) Sec. Eduardo Ano admitted that the newly signed law will be “open to questions” once implemented without its IRR. However, Solicitor General Jose Calida on July 23 stated that the law is already effective even if the IRR is

still being crafted. “To claim that the law is ineffective until implementing rules are promulgated creates an absurd situation where an agency can delay the effectivity of the law by delaying promulgation of its rules,” he said. Calida further explained that the promulgation of the IRR is not a condition precedent for the effectivity of the law. As of writing, the IRR of the Anti-Terrorism Act is still underway. Petitions Few days following its effectivity, despite the health threats of Covid-19, multiple groups filed petitions against the newly signed law. As of August 11, the Anti-Terrorism Act is currently being challenged in the Supreme Court (SC) by at least 25 petitions filed by former SC justices, senators, journalists, church leaders, human rights activists, Bangsamoro residents, among others.



Children’s rights amplified in DepEd’s new modules As reports of child abuse increase, the Department of Education Region XI incorporates Children Protection Policy Modules in the subject curriculum this school year

ESKWELA DAVAO. The Department of Education (DepEd), in partnership with the local government of Davao City, provides educational aid to students struggling financially.

PHOTO BY Gwyneth Marie Vasquez

Rosvir Kate Flores


ecognizing the increasing reports of abuse and level of risk among children before and during the pandemic, Davao City government in partnership with the Department of Education Region XI launched the implementation of Child Protection Policy (CPP) Modules, as classes start this October. A revision of the existing policies is also expected. The Child Protection Policy (CPP) Modules were launched online last June 22 to complement the city’s existing child protection programs. Davao City Mayor Sara Z. Duterte expressed that the project aims to further strengthen the city’s child protection program and empower children of all ages to be more aware in seeking protection against abusers. Before the launching of the CPP Modules, DepEd through its Learning Resource Management Section conducted a mapping of the competencies to be utilized in the modules. The CPP Modules contain age-appropriate learning instructions for all subjects aligned with the K to 12 Curriculum and the learning continuity plan of DepEd. These modules will be incorporated to each subject area. Actual data related with children’s rights collected from partner agencies will be shared in the form of examples and reading texts across subjects. Jonas Punongbayan-Piore, JD, DepEd Child Protection Specialist of the division of Davao City, shared updates about the current progress of this initiative. “Our CPP Modules are being printed and ready for distribution to the

field, so that the teachers can incorporate these to their respective subjects. Also, there is nothing to worry about the CPP Modules integration because automatically, the subject area itself has its competencies with a touch of child protection policy data,” Piore said.

accessible 24/7 for anyone. We will not ask naman about personal information because we want to establish trust and confidentiality. We will just ask if sila ba ay student, parent or personnel na kailangan ng kausap o tulong,” Piore shared.

vision and the Council for the Welfare of Children. Since we are expecting to have a new learning environment which is the own homes of students, we also want to contextualize the existing CPP. Ang mga existing policies kasi natin ay for the school set-up na

Regulation of CPP violations The said initiative aligned with the existing CPP and the Memorandum of Agreement signed by the city government and DepEd last March to work together on the project titled “Protection Against Sexual Abuse, Exploitation, and Discrimination” as one of the intervention programs against rape. According to the 2020 data from Davao City Police Office (DCPO), 40 percent of the cases are perpetrated by individuals with age between 18 and 25 years old. The majority of the victims are female students from the age range 12-17 years old in 2019 and 2020. “Pag biktima at nasa custody natin, nagkakaroon yan ng counseling, tapos pinapaendorse natin sa DSWD. Pero yung intervention ng region pagdating sa mga ganitong cases, meron tayong mga inter-agency collaboration. Meron din tayong mga social media approach na dissemination ng mga karapatan ng mga bata,” PNP RO-XI Spokesperson Atty. Eudisan Gultiano said.

According to the 2020 data from Davao City Police Office, 40% of the cases are perpetrated by individuals between ages 18 and 25 years old. The majority of the victims are female students from the age range 12-17 years old in 2019 and 2020. Revision of the existing Child Protection Policy

On the part of DepEd XI, helplines are also provided and the role of the teachers as second guardians of the students is emphasized.

The Davao City division is formulating a revised version of the Child Protection Policy in the locality. This is supported by the Development committee of the Local Council for the Protection of Children and a non-government organization which is Talikala Foundation Inc. The target revisions on the current CPP will specifically focus on home-based setting.

“We have hotline numbers which the students or parents can reach and even the school personnel. These are

“We are fortunate that our LGU is very supportive of this through the Integrated Gender Development Di-

face to face talaga. Kaya need talaga na baguhin ang ibang guidelines at ibagay sa set-up ng distance learning,” Piore explained. As mandated by DepEd Order No. 40, s. 2012, students’ rights are covered by the Child Protection Policy. This policy was created to provide special protection to children who are gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances which affect their normal development and over which they have no control. The jurisdiction of this policy is limited to the scope of the school’s capacity and the teachers’ existing connections. This is why the

need for modifications was emphasized by the division. Coordination with stakeholders DepEd Region XI officials, specifically in the division of Davao City expressed their appreciation to the LGU and other partners. In the continuing fight against the pandemic, they also emphasize the significance of the role of the parents in their child’s continuing education in the “new normal”. “We really appeal to the parents to please understand our children. Sana maging mas conscious sila to avoid verbal or emotional abuse which can even lead to physical abuse sometimes. This is why we are also going to conduct an orientation for the parents regarding the CPP modules and its importance,” said Piore. The DepEd officials collaborated with the Liga ng Barangay in Davao City regarding the coordination between the barangay council and the schools within the jurisdiction of that barangay. Since some teachers may have a hard time in the distribution of learning kits, barangay officials are very active and supportive in creating volunteer teacher teams to assist parents in their communities. “Now with this COVID-19 situation, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan is the new normal of DepEd in distance learning, Davao City is prepared. Hindi lang ikaw o sila ang may alam, lahat tayo dapat may paki-alam,” Piore stressed. The incoming school year is scheduled to start on October 5, and end on June 11, 2021.



AdDU ‘open university’ to bring educ to peripheries—Tabora Maximizing the possibilities of the digital shift, AdDU moves towards an “open university”, seeking to reach students in the peripheries Ryar Caasi


o achieve ‘lifelong learning’ across borders, University President Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, confirmed that fully online learning in the Ateneo de Davao University will constitute the AdDU’ open university,’ further emphasizing that “it will bring distant persons within reach.” During the 2nd Townhall Conversation via Zoom last July 25, Tabora pointed out that the said ‘Open University’ will bring opportunities to students who are beyond the university’s vicinity and who cannot attend the University in person. “Anybody then can sign-up for these courses through which they can get full degrees and which they can do everything online, and therefore the University will be responsive to people who cannot come to Davao, who cannot come to our campuses but who will be learning through distance situations,” Tabora explained. He stated on his blog, Into a Future of Promise and Hope: “ will also bring our education to the peripheries, to where our OFWs are, to the indigenous peoples of Thailand and Myanmar, to Lumad of Mindanao, to the BARMM and the island provinces of Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-Tawi,”. New admin posts In the same blog post, Tabora designated Fr. Ulysses “Ogie” Cabayao, S.J. and Fr. Carlos “Charlie” Cenzon, S.J. as Assistant to the Academic Vice President for Online Learning (AAVP. OE) and the University Information Technology Office (UITO) Director, respectively These new positions are responsible for the blended learning aims and the Open University. Fr. Cabayao, during the 2nd Townhall Conversation, stressed that the making distinction between ‘course’ and ‘program’ is essential, with the former referring to individual classes or subjects and the latter referring to a program of study. In the AdDU Open University, a combination of multiple courses called ‘coursewares,’ will be created by different teachers. “A courseware, would really be a particular course that would be made by a group of professors or by a distinct professor, and this could be done entirely online,” Cabayao explained.

CLOSING DISTANCES. After shifting to the online platform, AdDU explores instituting an open university.

PHOTO BY Mariah Johanna Uy

[then] will take into account those courses and programs that could be made available to our Open University and at the same time courses and programs that will benefit much from blended learning,” Cabayao said. On the other hand, Fr. Cenzon, in an interview, noted that even if this pandemic never happened, updating the information system’s hardware capacity is a need to improve the services in catering to the blended learning approach.

“The two offices must work handin-hand so that an optimal online education or AdDU Open University setup is achieved,” he concluded.

future of AdDU, He then affirmed blended learning as the future of AdDU saying “Online learning is here to stay. The future is blended learning. The future is the combination of robust face-to-face learning complemented by robust online learning.” Davao City Mayor Inday Sara Duterte-Carpio released on August 4, Executive Order No. 47, stating that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and post-graduation courses can conduct face-to-face examinations beginning September 1. The executive order also provided that “examinees are one meter apart and not more than 50% of the area of the classroom or venue is used.” This adheres to the implementation of blended learning classes until December 31 and possibly be extended to April 2021 stated on the same executive order. However, as of press time, the University has not yet released a memorandum in response to the said executive order. Student Concerns

The information systems such as AIS, SIS, and AIMS, “should be world-class and optimally running to cater to a greater number of online students outside of Davao City.”

The AAVP.OE also cited that courseware development would be the primary goal for Open University’s institution.

Aside from Google Classroom and Moodle, Cenzon reminded that an Open University requires a broader range of Learning Management System that could accommodate students’ needs for Jesuit education.

“This courseware development

Cenzon also shared that cooperation between AAVP.OE and UITO would be optimal for the development of the Open University.

A courseware, would really be a particular course that would be made by a group of professors or by a distinct professor, and this could be done entirely online.

The coursewares that would be offered would then form a program of courses that could eventually end up in a degree for students who would take the said courses online.

The implementation phases for the said Open University would consist of technology training, and creating instructional design and visual branding.

Litmos, Schoology, Edmodo, etc,” Cenzon said.

“When we do setup an AdDU Open University, we should not be limited to just Moodle and Google Classroom. We should also look at other options such as Canvas, SAP

Blended Learning For enrolled students in AdDU, Tabora shared that the University will apply the blended learning approach. This means that students and teachers can experience face-to-face learning instructions with the addition of the online setting. During the University Research Council Survey Presentation last June 19, Tabora pointed out that it is “illusory” to go back with the face-to-face classes and disregard online courses after the pandemic. Affirming blended learning as the

As stakeholders of Ateneo’s plans, students voiced their thoughts on constituting blended learning. Fryle Anne Loren, a BS Education Major in English sophomore, said that both plans are the right strategies to ensure students’ engagement and safety for the people around Ateneo. However, she recognized the adjustments she would face along with the blended learning approach. “Not everyone can cope and comfortable in blended learning due to many circumstances such as us students who aren’t from the city and

who usually understand more on f2f than online platforms,” she said. On the other hand, an anonymous student from the Computer Studies Department who had concerns about future education finances reflected that the blended learning approach would be costly in providing requirements. “To be honest, I am more concerned about the possible outcome of how this will be well received socially and financially. It could be very costly in exchange for this new approach, and the requirements could be challenging to accommodate,” the student said.

Tabora pointed out that the said ‘Open University’ will bring opportunities to students who are beyond the university’s vicinity and who cannot attend the University in person.



Laid off AdDU workers given alternative employment, financial aid to counter COVID-19 impact Ateneo de Davao University offers alternative opportunities to displaced workers through its Work Assistance Special Project after having to retrench about 200 employees last summer

Czar Ysmael Rabaya & Bai Rehana An-an Sacandal


ith Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) having to retrench about 200 workers due to the suspended operations brought about by the pandemic, the University launched the Work Assistance Special Project (WASP) to provide employment streams for the university’s displaced workers.

as proposed by the WASP Board of Advisors include Online Market for Goods and Personal Services, Delivery Services, Skills & Livelihood Training with a Micro Financing Scheme, and Employee Placement Services.

Composed of representatives from the School of Business and Governance (SBG), Ateneo de Davao Academy of Lifelong Learning (ADD-ALL), Ateneo Shoe Academy, University Community Engagement And Advocacy Council (UCEAC), and Jesuit Community, the WASP Board of Advisors sought ways to devise and recommend alternate job services for the workers affected by the retrenchment.

“Setting up the cooperative was the best way to help them as against setting up a business for sole proprietorship. In the cooperative, everyone is a stakeholder,” he explained.

The four employment streams

ALTERNATIVES. (Top) Ms. Ayessa Marie Velasquez from the Ateneo de Davao Academy of Lifelong Learning and (Bottom) university administrators convene with affected workers to propose possible income streams.

UCEAC Chair Mr. Mark Paul Samante expressed that they have consolidated these interventions and organized them as a cooperative.

Samate also shared that some of the workers already benefited from the alternative employment and skills training provided by WASP. “Some of them have gained employment already. Some have gone through our training on

PHOTOS BY Gwyneth Marie Vasquez

leathercrafts. Upcoming trainings are urban gardening and basic sewing,” Samante shared.

sees its employees not just as a workforce but as persons,” he said.

Rui Oliveros, a Madaris Volunteer Program (MVP) office staff and one of the displaced workers, expressed that he feels grateful for this intervention.

“I see it as another opportunity. I’m hoping na maging successful siya and maybe it’s also a time to rediscover kung ano pa ba ang mga skills na pwede kong magamit at iexplore,” he added.

“Honestly, I know that the university has no obligation in assisting its displaced employees. Therefore, this means that Ateneo

Oliveros further shared how the university has given him alternative jobs to help him counter the impact of the enforced lockdown.

The WASP initiative aims to not only propose alternative employment programs but also to provide a ‘holistic approach’ by attending to the psycho-spiritual well-being of the workers.

“In the past months, I received some commissioned works from some offices in the university in the form of proposal writing, web development, [and] data management,” he said On Retrenchment, cost-cutting, and online class In an online town hall meeting with students last May 20, University President Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, expressed that the University had to “make painful decisions,” including the discontinuation of about 200 agency workers’ services, in order

to make tuition discounts possible. “That was a painful decision that I had to take responsibility for. But I did it to make online classes more viable and to be able to keep employees salaried,” Tabora had said. “We have decided not to raise tuition and cut fees for many things that won’t be used this year so we could reduce the cost of education at least during the pandemic,” he added. Providing further background on the layoff decisions, Samante explained that the primary reason for their displacement and layoff are the suspension of their engagements and end of contracts by the end of May, in which renewal was impractical due to quarantine measures. However, despite the uncertainty of the pandemic, Samante assured the displaced workers that the university hopes to re-employ them the moment the university resumes its regular activities.

News “We must understand [that] the context of layoff in this scenario is [the] temporary suspension of the work they are engaged in and not the negative connotation of work cessation with no opportunity to return. In terms of operation, everything will return to normal if and when the conditions for work improve,” Samante explained. Atty. Niceforo Solis Jr., the Human Resource Management and Development Office (HRMDO) Director, further clarified that most of these workers are not directly employed by the university but by their respective employment agencies so substantially, they were retrenched by their agencies and not AdDU. “Nawalan sila ng trabaho dito sa Ateneo kasi wala naman tayong engagement. But we did not retrench them kay hindi man natin sila empleyado. They are employees of their respective agencies. So how it works is that we hire the agency to provide us the services that we require,” he said. Since the university has shifted to online classes, manual labor like janitorial services are no longer required by the university hence the cessation of the contract. “So in effect, ganun ang nangyari sa ating service contract with the agency, nag-express tayo na we no longer need the janitors because we are no longer operating in the campus physically,” Solis further expressed. On Panaghiusa Initiative Prior to WASP, when the En-

hanced Community Quarantine and strict lockdown was enforced nationwide, a group of AdDU Alumni who were Arrupe Volunteers and some staff from the Arrupe Office of Social Formation already extended primary financial assistance to the laid off workers.

“Due to the very difficult nature of being in quarantine, many of our brothers and sisters [were] not able to work and thus [were] unable to acquire necessities such as food and medicine to their families,” stated by the group in their official facebook account. The initiative, labeled as Panaghiusa, was a civilian effort which aimed not only to provide help to the university’s displaced workers but also to provide financial assistance to the daily wage earners and vulnerable communities during the pandemic. “At our end, we were only able to give them 1,000 pesos cash assistance as there are a lot of them.


“The reason why we need to spend faster is because people are already hungry,” he said. He also emphasized that although private donations help ease the lives of some Filipinos, government spending still plays the most significant role in saving the lives of those hard hit by the coronavirus outbreak—medical front liners and households of lowincome earners. “Money from the private sector kind of runs out. The truth is, only [the] government has the scale to be able to spend,” Abante added. COVID-19 debt trail extended Earlier this year, the Congress handed the President special powers authorizing him to reallocate funds under the 2020 national budget in response to the current public health emergency.

While the university wants to help everybody in this pandemic,

Making sense of the Covid Impact

cluster was there to provide spiritual support,” he said.

The WASP initiative aims to not only propose alternative employment programs but also to provide a ‘holistic approach’ by attending to the psycho-spiritual well-being

Niel John Capidos, Program Development Officer of ISFO shared that this was their way to show their care for the workers.

I believe it would be an unforgivable gesture if we abandon or become apathetic to our brethren especially during the time when they are in most dire need.

Former Finance chief of staff on COVID-19 budget: Gov’t is not spending fast enough the question is, are we spending fast enough?” Abante said through an online discussion program, Rappler Talk.

Other alumni initiatives were also able to provide grocery packs good for a month or so,” Eanna Marie Fernandez, one of the alumni who spearheaded the initiative said.

The government is said to spend up to P600 billion for its COVID-19 response, with half of the amount to be funded by loans, according to the Department of Finance. Currently, the country has eight new loans and two new grants from multilateral agencies obtained by the government since March 2020. The Bureau of Treasury later reported that the country’s outstanding external debt surged to a new high of P8.6 trillion as loans for the public health emergency response continued. Consequently, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) last April identified P189.8 billion worth of projects to be cancelled under the 2019 and 2020 with the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) suffering the most significant cut of P121.9 billion by mid-May. The Department of Education (DepEd) suffered second with its budget slashed by P21.9 billion,

as Samante claimed, they also admitted that they have limited resources on their part. In raising funds, UCEAC launched the “More Together” drive where benefactors, mostly from the University Community, also pledged donations. “We were able to raise a significant amount for them. Parents and alumni friends of the university also pitched to provide for relief packs for these agency personnel,” Samante said. UCEAC partnered with the Panaghiusa initiative in disseminating the funds gathered in the “More Together” drive.

of the workers. With the collaboration of the President’s Office, UCEAC, Psychology faculty, Guidance, Campus Ministry and ISFO, they provided psycho-spiritual sessions to support the well-being of the displaced personnel. Ryan Rolf Fuentes, the head campus minister of the HEU Campus Ministry expressed the relevance of this activity.

followed by a P13.9 billion cutback from the Commission on Higher Education’s (CHEd) budget. This was done despite the struggle faced by educational institutions in shifting to online learning in its attempt to adjust in

“I believe it would be an unforgivable gesture if we abandon or become apathetic to our brethren especially during the time when they are in most dire need,” he said. “In this time when many of us are experiencing great distress and anxiety, even a listening ear, gift of presence and a shoulder to lean on could create so much difference,” he added. Getting a new sense of hope in this situation, Oliveros also expressed how the activity helped him. “It helped me to see God in the midst of all the anxiety and frustrations that the retrenchment has brought based on my experience and also [on the] experience of my other co-employees. It provided a safe space where we can freely express our feelings with someone who is willing to listen without judgment,” “What a great feeling it is, to know that the institution you are working for sees you as something unique and irreducible to the work that you do,” he added.

“This was to help them in their way of making sense of the transition that they were experiencing during that time. COPERS was there to assist them in dealing with their realities, and [the] Formation

the “new normal.”

The government is said to spend up to P600 billion for its COVID-19 response, with half of the amount to be funded by loans, according to the Department of Finance.


On the other hand, the P8.2 billion budget of the Office of the President and the Office of the Vice President’s P699.9 million were left untouched. Meanwhile, four frontline agencies were tasked to implement the government’s Social Amelioration Program (SAP), dole out wage subsidies for small businesses, and administer healthcare response against the pandemic saw bigger allocations. The Department of Finance had an additional P35.3 billion to a new P53.8 billion budget; Department of Health (DOH) with additional P1.9 billion to P102.9 billion; Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), saw an increase of P1.5 billion to P18.9 billion; and Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), with the biggest additional funds of P165.2 billion, even doubling its previous budget of P163.8 billion, now to P329 billion. ‘Constraints on rollout, not on budget’ As the country copes with the public health crisis, lawmakers claimed that the problem remains not in the national government’s budget allocation for the coronavirus response, but rather in the swift distribution of aid to those who need it the most. Senator Panfilo “Ping” Lacson” prompted the government to act with urgency on the distribution

of cash aid that has already been allotted under the Bayanihan Law for low-income families. As one of the implementing agencies of the government’s SAP, DSWD expressed that it only awaits the Congress to pass a new enabling law for it to begin its third tranche distribution. It later reported that one-third of the target beneficiaries is still left out of the remaining budget for the second tranche of the SAP payout but is expecting to finish the second tranche distribution in the next days. DSWD Undersecretary Rene Glen Paje said that LGUs reported some 3.2 million names identified as “left-out.” Amelioration delays Mary Rose Paculio, 20, a SAP beneficiary, said that her family has still not received the second tranche of the SAP payout. Despite the extra income she earns, Mary Rose decided to temporarily stop selling online due to COVID-19 restrictions. “Walang income ang online selling ko dahil pansamantala ko itong hininto upang maiwasan ang pagkikipaghalubilo sa tao,” she said.



n a bench outside the Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC), a woman with shoulder-length hair is sobbing in frustration. As tears run down her cheeks, her fingers are furiously typing on her phone. She’s trying to write it all down. She’s writing to make sense of how her 7-month-old baby died as a COVID-19 suspect. “How can she get Covid when she’s isolated at home?” Jill Villanueva Palarca, the mother of baby Lyanna, wrote. Born with only one lung due to Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH), Lyanna had always suffered from respiratory problems such as pneumonia. Because of the pandemic, hospital protocols have become stricter. Any child with fever, cough, or respiratory issues will be admitted to designated hospitals and treated as a COVID-19 suspect.


Cheated by policy and pandemic With the loss of her beloved child, a grieving mother criticizes the flaws of the protocols and policies of a well-known medical institution Story by Jamrell Vincette Buynay Illustration by Fe Lourence Valente

She was declared comatose. A few hours later, at 8:45 pm, Lyanna passed away. Lyanna’s condition Lyanna Joie Palarca was born on September 9, 2019, with Congenital

VOL. 66 NO. 1

“I was given the notion na pwede ko siya makasama kahit ako lang,” Jill said.

According to the Department of Health (DOH) Updated Interim Guidelines on Expanded Testing for COVID-19, symptomatic patients must be isolated at all times. Testing symptomatic patients who are close contacts of a confirmed or probable case with rapid antibody-based test kits alone is not recommended. However, regard-

For Jill, Lyanna was in a literal tug-of-war with life as she went code blue and needed immediate resuscitation plenty of times.

After one hour of being admitted to SPMC’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Lyanna had a cardiac arrest leading to multiple organ failure.

Upon arrival at Davao Doctors Hospital, the couple was dismayed to learn that because of her respiratory symptom, their daughter was now a COVID-19 suspect and could only be admitted at SPMC. The couple’s only assurance was that they would be allowed to be with Lyanna during the testing.

“Pag dating doon parang nagalit pa yung taga SPMC na doctor na sinabi na bawal, hindi pwede,” the mother shared.

While most isolated patients can wait a few days for their results, Jill said that the longer she is separated from Lyanna, the higher the risk of her baby’s death.

Jill also added that whenever Lyanna suffered from panic attacks, only she and her husband could calm her down. However, due to hospital protocols, she was not allowed to accompany her baby in the isolation room. No matter how much she begged, the medical staff was firm in following the policy.

“Biased” protocols

To their horror, Lyanna was to be isolated until she tested negative from COVID-19.

“I won’t be seeing Lyanna for about six days. I’ve just been forcibly separated from my daughter,” the mother added.

“Because of her heart defect, she has Hypercyanotic spells wherein she holds her breath at any slight discomfort,” she shared.

got pneumonia, and the couple had no choice but to take her to the hospital.

To their horror, Lyanna was to be isolated until she tested negative from COVID-19. less of results, patients should remain isolated for 14 days or until asymptomatic, whichever is longer. “In short, I didn’t win that argument, so I was crying, crying, crying kasi my baby will be separated from me and I know the moment na mawawala ako she will panic, she will hold her breath and atakihin nanaman siya sa puso and that’s exactly what happened an hour after,” Jill said. condition getting better, the couple was finally able to bring her home on December 28.

Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) and Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate (UCLP). According to John Hopkins Medicine, CDH is a congenital disability wherein the diaphragm muscle, which separates the chest from the abdomen, fails to close during prenatal development. Because of this, Lyanna’s stomach, spleen, parts of her intestine, and a lobe of her liver went up and hindered the development of her left lung. At only two days old, Lyanna underwent surgery to fix the hole. She was only given a 40 percent chance to live. Despite that percentage, Jill continued to fight for her baby’s life. “Forty percent, that’s still forty percent. I believe in miracles,” she said. For the first three months of Ly-

“That was a very joyous occasion because she was finally home dito sa bahay. And she thrived,” Jill shared. anna’s life, the Palarca couple was in and out of the hospital. For Jill, Lyanna was in a literal tug-of-war with life as she went code blue and needed immediate resuscitation plenty of times. Aside from the death scares, the couple faced a mounting hospital bill. “I didn’t have money at that time, but you know, itaga mo sa bato, hanapan ko ng paraan ‘yan,” the mother said with conviction. Jill launched a campaign as a fundraiser and got in touch with a CDH international group. Through the campaign, she raised three million pesos to pay off her daughter’s hospital bills. With the bills paid for and Lyanna’s

To ensure Lyanna’s safety, the couple turned her nursery into a hospital room with oxygen and other medical equipment. As a safety precaution, they did not accept visitors. “Kumbaga before lockdown, naka lockdown na talaga kami. Before ng quarantine, naka quarantine na kami. We’ve been clean here at home,” the mother said. However, due to her condition, Lyanna was prone to respiratory diseases. Adding to the problem, private clinics started closing, and hospitals were becoming stricter due to the pandemic. At the height of COVID-19, Lyanna

For the mother, Lyanna’s death was because of a “mistake” in the system. She claimed that the strict protocol inhumanely separated her daughter, a PWD, from them. She also stated that Lyanna did not receive medication suited to her unique needs. “I really believe it is a system mistake. My daughter, even though she is sick, she would have a better chance if she was given the proper treatment-- if a system were properly in place,” Jill shared. “Clouded judgement” According to a medical practitioner from Brokenshire Hospital alias “Red,” the mother will have to pinpoint specific malpractice from the hospital to support her claims. “If kana ang claim, they should pinpoint a specific malpractice or neglect sa part sa caregivers. If naay mali sa gibuhat sa protocol, then the complaint stands. Pero if wala, it boils down to emotional contempt,” Red said.


VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue

The medical practitioner added that the mother’s accusations might be based on “clouded judgment.” “Of course sa part sa mom, tunnel vision siya since focus sya saiyang anak. But health care staff don’t see it that way. Kung tungod sa kastrict sa protocol mao namatay sya, again dapat mapinpoint nila na during the strictness. Gipabayaan ba ang baby? Giwithdraw ba ang oxygen? Wala ba gitagaan og necessary meds?” Red questioned. In an article by SunStar Davao, SPMC Chairperson of the Infection Control and Prevention Unit, Dr. Marie Yvette Barez said that since she was admitted to the PICU, Lyanna was given the highest level of medical care. “It is unfair to accuse us that we did not provide the utmost care. The pa-

tient was seen by a pediatric infectious disease specialist and watched over by residents on duty that time. We assure you that the pediatric department handled the patient according to how the patient should be managed especially when there is a pandemic,” she told SunStar Davao. Recovery and campaign Now, three months after her passing, the Palarca couple are still recovering from Lyanna’s death. Once a week, the couple goes through grief counseling to help them get through the trauma of losing their only child. “Well, every day is hard, so it helps that I’m working. It keeps my mind off depression throughout the day. Actually, kaming dalawa ng husband ko we cry every night. And then once

We also need to criticize and raise issues because that’s what a healthy and balanced society is all about.

a week we go to counseling. We go to grief counseling,” Jill said. In their online Facebook campaign “Life With Lyanna,” the Palarca couple continues to speak up on the need to improve protocols and healthcare systems in the country. In one of their online posts, the couple stated: “It’s one thing to respect authority, but it is stupidity to become blind followers and naively allowing powerful people to step over your rights by fooling you that it’s all for the common good. We can still respect authority, but we also need to criticize and raise issues because that’s what a healthy and balanced society is all about.”


culture of learning to ask-- to question the system and be able to question without the fear of being branded as the enemy. “I am really telling my story because I just want the government to look into, to study situations better before crafting policies and understand it. I just hope the government will listen really more to the people raising questions because raising questions doesn’t mean we’re against them. We just want better policies because in the end, it’s the only way to live harmoniously, and better policies won’t leave anyone out,” she concluded.

Through their campaign, Jill hopes that Lyanna’s story will remind Filipinos that there is a need to change the

Tourism’s hesitant return Local tourism faces a standstill as the pandemic casts doubts on people to return vacationing and forces tourist establishments to adjust their operations

PANDEMIC EXCURSIONS. Adventures and vacations to famed tourist spots in the many regions in the Philippines go through the adversities of the new normal due to quarantine restrictions.


Katherine Ann Doncila


he air was humid and the queue was long, but the people with huge bags on their backs didn’t mind. Bucket hats covered most of these tourists’ heads and they protected the tourists from the scorching heat of the sun. The words, “grabe ka init” and “dugaya uy” were among the most famous lines one could hear while awaiting their boat rides. The konduktor’s voice echoed through the open space, ushering his customers towards the next available boat. Slowly but surely, the numbers of people waiting decreased, but not for a long while, of course. All year round, different attractions within the country would be flocked by tourists; whether by its own people or others coming from various nations. May it be hiking alongside towering trees and trekking difficult mountainsides, or taking easy strolls at the beach with overlapping waves by the shore; not a year would pass without the constant visitors all around the world.

est. 1955

Tourist attractions all around the world have been in standstill as they ceased to receive guests and visitors for the time being. Mindanao, Mindanao! The paragons of Mindanao are no less than the highlights of other places as they, too, are wonders of its own. It is no surprise indeed, when people from different walks of life and time zones would come and see for themselves the beauty of the country. Blessed with azure beaches from Samal island and Dahican Beach of Mati City; and the verdant mountains with tall tree trunks and slim rivers like Mt. Capistrano, Mindanao is not without a haven of its own. Backpacking for over a year now, Jannah Ampuan is a third year BA International Studies major in Asian Studies student at Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU). She has trekked across dry and damped mountains and has seen multiple spectacles

of nature. As a person who loves the thrill of different extremes, she grabbed the opportunity to hike when presented to her one time. When asked why people are seemingly pulled like magnets by the different tourist destinations, Ampuan explained that the beauty of the place is one of the reasons why people are allured to go visit these places. “A tourist’s admiration for breathtaking, exquisite scenery where they can peacefully relax or escape from reality, I think that’s the primary reason why people are attracted to tourist destinations. And personally, I really love being with nature. Parang okay ma-appeciate ko ang man-made structures pero panandalian lang siya,” Ampuan said. Hiking, for Jannah Ampuan, has

become an essential part of her life. Combatting the academic stress and the problems encountered in life has been one of the reasons why she loved traipsing beside nature. Because for every successful step in the unforgivingly steep mountain, her reward for finishing the race was also eventful. “Kay murag sa school, stressed na ka sa acads with all the readings, quizzes, exams tapos pagnandoon ka, kay ‘oh my goodness!’ Although pagod ka, na gipamaulan ka, mafeel mo na it’s worth it kasi nagenjoy ka. [Kasi] being with nature is like being with yourself again,” Ampuan exclaimed. Tourism in a pandemic: safe or unsafe? The tourist attractions all around the world have been in the standstill

as they ceased to receive guests and visitors for the time being. Impacted among others is the tourism sector of the Philippines. As per Tourism Undersecretary Benito Bengzon, the travel restrictions imposed earlier this year to prevent the spread of the virus caused the revenue of the Philippines from its tourism sector to plummet by 35% in the first three months of 2020, generating only 85 billion pesos; paling in comparison to last year’s Php 134 billion. According to a survey conducted by the accounting firm PwC in partnership with the Department of Tourism (DOT), 88% of their respondents (from the tourism services and accommodations sector) answered that they are expecting revenue losses for over 50%, with the current situation. About 63% of the total respondents also said that they expect the business field to normalize within six months to a year. Granted that it has been months since the pandemic started, some of the tourist attractions in the


End the silence of the gagged!



On morality’s crossroads While abortion proves to be a sensitive topic for many Filipinos, there may be some cases where it can be justifiably performed Story by Brian Steve Garay Illustration by Carlo Isiah Escarda


n the Philippines, there are many things considered as taboo. While some Filipinos have become more tolerant of their LGBTQ friends and neighbors, others would reject the very notion of a same-sex couple. The same would go for matters such as “abortion”, and the word itself is enough to be painted in a negative light by so many people. But is abortion really just the act of murdering an infant before it even had the opportunity of living? Should it only be seen as taboo? For some doctors, abortion is more than just a woman’s decision of cutting short an unwanted baby’s life--a rather crude and small-minded definition. In a book entitled “Williams Obstetrics” originally published in 1985 by several authors, including F. Gary Cunningham and Kenneth J. Leveno, abortion is aptly defined as “the spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy before fetal viability.” This same description of abortion is supported by one Dr. Christine Anne Guiritan, a 4th year Obstetrician-Gynecologist (OB-GYN) resident from Davao City.

Having spent considerable time in San Pedro Hospital for five years, Dr. Christine has experienced meeting with several patients who had undergone abortion. Most of these

which was a rare thing, might have had financial constraints and only went to the government hospital once they had complications,” said Guiritan.

Most of our patients who had induced abortion, which was a rare thing, might have had financial constraints and only went to the government hospital once they had complications. abortions were said to be “spontaneous” or unforced rather than “induced” or the intentional route of doing so. “A lot of the abortion cases I encountered in our institutions were ‘threatened’, ‘incomplete’, and ‘missed’ abortions. Most of our patients who had induced abortion,

The physician further expounds upon spontaneous abortion, or in a much simpler term, miscarriage. If a pregnancy ends up in a miscarriage, it means that no surgical procedure was done for the woman. Most miscarriages are sometimes caused by genetic problems, bodily infections, or a weakened cervix leading to the abortion.

As for the types of miscarriages, a threatened abortion involves the mother having symptoms of vaginal bleeding, but with a closed cervix. Meanwhile for incomplete and missed abortions, there is already the partial passage of the fetus not expected to be born alive. Although firmly against induced abortion, the doctor admits of her dilemma of having to deal with abortion cases as an OB-GYN. As that of a crossroad between her moral convictions and saving a person’s life through necessary abortion, Guiritan would choose to follow the latter only when the woman is at risk of dying due to complications. “In these life and death situations, doctors are forced to perform a completion curettage, a surgical procedure, as one of the management for the incomplete abortion of females. This is in order to prevent further bleeding and infection,” she said. An ethical dilemma With abortion mandated as a criminal act in Philippine law, sto-

ries of abortions are often repressed and kept under wraps in a highly conservative and Catholic country. Out of fear of being judged upon by society, Filipino women often hide their experiences with abortion. However, backdoor abortions do exist in the shadows in the Philippines. In a 2018 investigative report by Rappler, abortionists named “Miss Shine” and “Miss Julie” performed curettage in an almost similar fashion as professional doctors for many women. While some women have reported in an unnamed forum of having “a smooth and relaxing abortion”, others had more negative things to say. Some of these operations with negative feedback did not utilize anesthesia, and a couple more reports stated that operations ended up as botched or failed abortions. Several other women in the forum also voiced out how they were yelled at and blamed after complaining of pain or forced to pay extra money on the spot. One woman even admitted that she was asked to lie on a wooden table as one of the abortionists forcefully scraped away inside her vagina for 15 minutes.

Features Still, restrictions did not stop women as a research by Singh, Wulf, and Jones on Philippine abortions in 1997, indicates that there were 400,000 illegal abortions and 80,000 female hospitalizations for abortion-related complications in 1994 alone. It may be true that there are some women who commit abortions due to their own choices. Be it engaging in sex without thinking of the responsibilities of having a child, committing adultery leading to an unwanted baby, or being forced to undergo induced abortion as Dr. Guiritan relates. Many women are always going to have their own varied reasons for choosing abortion, and in most times, they are challenged with a biting, negative stigma in the public eye. A case can be made, however, that there are women who go through abortion as a means of survival, instead of a termination of pregnancy with no valid reason. Is abortion in the case of extending a woman’s life a justifiable act? “There are times when we really have to consider medical abortion, especially if the life of the mother is at risk. Even though abortion is

generally illegal in the Philippines, an abortion is needed under the right circumstances to protect the mother from danger, from death,” stated Guiritan. In today’s day and age, perhaps an exception can be made for abortion cases resulting from medical complications. Although fully legalizing abortion is something a majority of Filipino healthcare workers and medical professionals would still go against, the act of abortion should not only be seen as heinous and despicable murder by the Filipino masses. In some ways, abortion can be life-saving for many women. This is not to say that abortion is an entirely acceptable consideration in the part of many Filipino women as taking away a human being’s life for selfish reasons is questionable in itself. Moreover, Guiritan believes that legalizing abortion would only promote individuals to perform and to engage themselves in sexual relationships without the fear of the consequences of doing so. Putting an end to the stigma Unlike Western countries such as the United States where abortion is

A case can be made that there are women who go through abortion as a means of survival, instead of a termination of pregnancy with no valid reason.

widely embraced by many citizens, the Philippines remains resolute in considering abortion as taboo and a punishable act by law under the watchful eye of the Catholic Church. In Articles 256, 258, and 259 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines, women who undergo abortion with no justifiable reason and even other individuals who assisted in its procedure are to be imprisoned. These laws put in place drive home the point that the sanctity of human life is highly valued in Filipino culture. Yet in the instance of permitting a woman to prolong her life through abortion, it seems that there can be certain loopholes made in the laws mandated. Still, it cannot be denied that a criminalized abortion ban has stigmatized women into being abused and shunned away not only by members of society, but also by healthcare workers whenever these vulnerable women seek treatment for complications. Unfair as it may sound, these dark realities do exist.


who are trying to undergo abortion, or at least taking it as a possibility. “Being a mother is not a mistake; it is a choice. When choosing to get pregnant, parents must be responsible enough to provide for their children’s needs. For all the young women who are not yet ready for a child, there is no need to engage in premarital sex if they also refuse to be misjudged by others in the long run,” expressed Guiritan. With thousands of unheard of cases of abortion, spontaneous or induced, among Filipino women, the debacle surrounding the complex issue continues to divide the views of many people in the country. While it is undeniable that abortion, in succinct terms, is an act of ending life, there arevv far more complicated stories behind the circumstances several women had to face in undergoing abortion. What matters now more than ever is pulling the plug to the prevailing stigma that the masses have towards abortion.

Furthermore, Dr. Guiritan once again speaks up about the considerations of having a pregnancy, and offers helpful advice to many women

Tourism’s hesitant return FROM PAGE 13 Philippines have since opened to the public amidst the ongoing pandemic. For instance, the Dahican beach of Mati City reopened last June 11, 2020 to the public. According to Mr. Dashiel Indelible Jr., City Tourism Head of Mati City, the revitalization of the city tourism is one of their main objectives for the reopening of their popular tourist attractions. With a strict implementation of the health and safety protocols, the city reopened its doors for visitors. “We wanted to show to the visitors, mga tourists, that if you go to Mati you are safe because we have the system already. We have the isolation centers, good tracing teams, we have the IMT, 24/7 assisting us to keep us safe and we have this strict compliance sa atong border,” Indelible disclosed. With a total of 4843 visitors as of June 2020, the city of Mati, slowly but surely is gaining back the people who are keen to enjoy the sights. Their existing set-up is not without flaws, however, as some business establishments are not following the required health and safety protocols, thereby endangering the life of many in the city. Even the simple action of filling out health declaration forms that are needed for contract tracing have been neglected by some of these establishments. “Some, not all, of the tourism related establishment, gi-compromise jud nila ang health safety protocols. But, gina correct na nato na, pag di pa nila gicomply, di pa nila gicorrect, so I think we will have [an] action against them,” Indelible added. During July and August 2020, Mati would once again see increasing cases of the coronavirus. The Mati Information Center recently re-

vealed that 3 members of a family of 7 who had travelled all the way from Makati City had tested positive for the disease. These 3 patients are registered as MC-34, MC-35, and MC-36 which indicate that Mati’s total cases of COVID-19 is 36, as of press time. CULIAN ROAD, MATI CITY. With strict implementations of health safety protocols, some cities are starting to reopen for their guests despite COVID-19.

Doubts in the new normal The Coronavirus threat has not only threatened the physical condition of an individual, but has also casted doubts towards the overall safety of one’s being. The World Health Organization acknowledged the different emotions felt by the masses amidst the pandemic. The anxiety and fear felt because of the sudden changes in daily lives is normal and understandable in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the ongoing increase of the positive cases in the country, one can’t help but be anxious of being in public places. As such, enjoying the sights can now be difficult when done with other people or crowds after a long period of isolation. “There’s the reservation within. Parang may pangamba pa rin. Mapraning ka na. What if one of these people kay positive pala pero hindi lang malaman kasi asymptomatic?” Ampuan admitted. Various tourism establishments also wrestled with the ‘new normal’. With the quarantine in effect, the regular activities for their guests and visitors and the fully booked hotels are naught. With no income to rely on, business owners were forced to shift their focus to other lines of business in order to gain profit. “They are encouraged to diversify into other businesses related to food so that they can survive. And, I think some owners are going to agriculture na. Some of [them] are already trying; of course the city


The fear and anxiety produced by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected multiple industries including the tourism sector. government assists them also,” Indelible added. For hiker Ampuan, the reopening of the tourist destinations amidst the ongoing pandemic can be seen both ways - one: it could just be the perfect way to boost the economy after months of being stagnant. With business establishments being closed down because of the virus, the reopening of the tourist destinations could very well help the community and economy transition and go back to normal. The danger, however, lies in the fact that the re-opening of the tourist spots might just be another catalyst in increasing the number of positive cases here in the country. “I am against the reopening of

tourist spots with high COVID cases. Kasi mas magtaas yung risk and you know naman nature sa tao, matigas ang ulo. But, I’m not against the reopening of tourist spots with no COVID cases at all. Provided na the management strictly enforces heightened health and safety measures. And people strictly follow the guidelines and protocols,” Ampuan claimed. As the tourist destinations in the Philippines are slowly shifting back to normal, one can’t help but be skeptical whether such a decision will result in a good outcome or just the opposite. Opening the doors way too early and not implementing strict health and safety measures nullifies the quarantine and isolation practiced by the residents of the town. Like the city of Mati, some

tourism related establishments overlooked the filing of the health declaration form which was essential for contract tracing; others even allowed visitors to come into the city even though their business was unregistered. The fear and anxiety produced by the COVID-19 pandemic has affected multiple industries including the tourism sector. Even the businesses and the employees in this tourism field were forced to diversify and branch out from their usual business to survive due to inactivity. While many tourist destinations have opted to reopen their doors in public, all the while slowly regaining strength, the current health situation and the altered behavior of the masses will serve as an obstacle before the country could regain its previous numbers. The time will come when it will be safe to go out and about and enjoy the sights, but the people’s mindset will take a while before it will revert back to normal.



Twisted justice: Exposing the evils of police brutality As incidents of police brutality continue to escalate in both the Philippines and abroad, the cries of citizens will finally be brought to light Brian Steve Garay


n a bustling market full of fresh produce and delightful merchandise, street vendors were enjoying their usual activities in peace. This normalcy would only be abruptly interrupted by the sound of gunfire and loud shouting as armed goons came racing across the crowded alleyways. They seemed to be escaping from one lone man with a determined look and a gun clasped between his two hands. It was none other than Cardo Dalisay, who time after time has continued to entertain the Filipino masses with thrilling police action in the hit TV show, “Ang Probinsyano”. Cops. Law enforcers. Police officers. They are the modern-day knights who’ve sworn to protect innocent civilians while upholding the law. Ordinary people would look up to these stalwart men and women in uniforms who are

determined to maintain peace and order within communities. However, these ideal figures that we’ve often been accustomed to in shows and movies seem to only be fragments of our imagination of what could have been. On July 24, 2020, a viral video revealed one Police Major Jivertson Pelovello from the Zamboanga City Police pinning down an alleged checkpoint violator on his neck and stepping down on his stomach. Pelovello’s case had only drawn comparisons to the infamous George Floyd incident in the United States last June 2020 which led to a series of widespread protests in all 50 states. Soonafter, the rallies extended to Europe, Asia, and so on. Another tragic confrontation back in April 2020 had cops in Quezon City firing against Winston Ragos, a former soldier who had

This “police brutality” is by no means a novel thing nor is it a localized issue as it far extends into a global scale.

been flagged by the military as mentally ill. Ragos reportedly stepped outside of his home to buy cigarettes, but was shot by the police after he had tried to pull something out of his sling bag. According to Winston’s loved ones, he had only carried a water bottle, contrary to a gun which the police had stated. This “police brutality” is by no means a novel thing nor is it a localized issue as it far extends into a global scale. In a research paper by Metzger, L. in 2019, the U.S. Legal’s definition of police brutality was used to describe it as “a civil rights violation that occurs when a police officer acts with excessive force by using an amount of force with regards to a civilian that is more than necessary.”

of the Philippines. In Mindanao, a few of these tales are uncovered as a Filipino civilian, aliased as Jay, has admittedly lost all hope and sympathy for the police due to all the abuses and violence committed by them, here and abroad. Looking back at his past experiences many years prior, Jay recounts his grievances against the local police force. Although not directly a victim of police brutality himself, his loved ones fared worse as they were subjugated to abuse and extreme violence by police officers.

Good cop, bad cop

“My uncle was once taken and tortured by the Davao City Police. I don’t know the reason for the arrest, but my cousin told me that our uncle was not the same after that event. He became traumatized,” he said.

Cases of police brutality are wide-ranging in the local spheres

In another incident, the individual admits that his younger


VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue


Infographic by Joseph Nasser

brother was recently arrested by the police. He leans towards the belief that the arrest was illegal because the police failed to present either a search or arrest warrant. Moreover, both the younger brother and his partner were told to stay out of their house as the police had to search for “evidence”. After two hours, the pair stated that the police not only found a pack of shabu, but also stole their belongings and took some money.

arrest kami ng rape suspect. We had that feeling na gusto namin siyang bugbugin dahil sa kanyang ginawa sa mga rape victims, pero kailangan din namin pigilan ang aming sarili kasi may human rights din yun siya,” Officer JD said. Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) professor, Akeem Jade Fabila, finds it highly alarming that police brutality has worsened as of late. He believes that the timing could not have been worse

that there are several members of the police force who are corrupt is not only supported by Filipino commonfolk, but also by people in power. In early 2017, President Rodrigo Duterte himself called out the police as “corrupt to the core” after anti-drug officers allegedly murdered a businessman hailing from South Korea. Moreover, in a 2013 survey by

There is a high incidence of police brutality in the Philippines because of the weak justice system in place. While Jay’s statements may prove that there are police officers prone to abusing their power and taking justice on their own hands, some other law enforcers are not at all the same. On the positive side of things, a General Santos City police officer, aliased as JD, stated that there are cops who are careful not to commit the type of police brutality often seen in videos on social media. Sometimes, they refrain from harming arrested individuals or exerting unnecessary violence in their arrests. However, there comes a time when reasonable force has to be exerted to quell dangerous criminals. “There was one time naka-

as several world governments are battling a dangerous virus: COVID-19. Despite all these events involving the police, he thinks that all hope is not lost. “I agree with the phrase, ‘a few bad apples’, which has become a popular phrase among Americans during the massive protests. It should mean that these cases of police brutality are isolated, and they don’t represent the entire police institution,” he stated. Perversion of justice Although there are officers who continue to uphold responsible enforcement, many people are still not convinced of the actions of the overall police force. The fact

the Global Corruption Barometer of the anti-corruption watchdog, Transparency International, the Philippine National Police (PNP) was ranked as the most corrupt institution in the nation. A whopping 69% of surveyed Filipinos believed that police personnel were corrupt. Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology in AdDU, Hadji Balajadia, shares some of her insights on police brutality. Having experienced an incident of police brutality during her college days, the professor regards the police as “symbols of contradiction” or “frontline abusers”. She notes that the killing of drug addicts or alleged members of the New People’s Army (NPA)

are not only publicly endorsed by those in the seats of power, but also supported more shockingly by so many ordinary Filipinos. “There is a high incidence of police brutality in the Philippines because of the weak justice system in place. The Internal Affairs Service (IAS) of the PNP even has a long list of cases of police brutality, but so many of them are swept under the rug,” she stated. Further noting how highly securitized societies like the USA have so many incidents of police brutality, atrocities committed by the police are not unique in just one or two locations in the world. Balajadia believes that solidarity movements in the form of protests have erupted in many countries as there is now a global pushback against police brutality. She mentions it as a “societal catharsis”, of people having enough of the abuses done by the police. “There are ways, however, in which police brutality can be properly addressed or mitigated: extensive value formation and professionalization of the police; strengthening the current justice system; and promoting community vigilance within Filipinos,” she said. While Balajadia’s suggestions don’t seem to be easy feats, there is hope that one day the police can finally be held accountable for the injustices they have committed against so many civilians. As police officers are increasingly seen in a negative light by the public eye, perhaps reform is needed to assist them in being once again viewed as individuals who have rightfully

There is now a global pushback against police brutality. sworn to serve and protect innocent lives. With all the grim incidents involving cops using excessive force and violence even to civilians who don’t pose any threat or harm, the enforcement of justice by the police has become more twisted. Although there is no quick fix to the current issue of wide-scale police brutality, reformation of the police all the way down to values instillation may help mitigate unlawful enforcement of justice in the future. If enforcing justice means having to commit abuses or repressing the rights of innocent people on being treated with dignity and respect, then is it still justice or a perversion of it?



A challenger appears, enter: online class gamification As AdDU shifts to online learning, some professors offer innovative ways to integrate gaming with class lessons and activities. in Google Classroom,” He contrasted.

Alver El John Linaza & Rea Jean Cabahug


However, this isn’t always the case. For Jannah Aquilam, navigating through this platform and adapting to its actuality is as tricky as unifying

ince the advent of technology, many were captivated by the pride that exists in digital tournaments. From the glorious rush of torching victory to the darting thrill of adrenaline, most students find themselves infatuated with this feeling, falling back to the rings of gaming in times of distress.

Online gamification is an evolving process for both students and faculty.

And as the utopian dreams of science fiction become our reality, the era of virtual realities and video games has dawned this feeling to more people, with these worlds reaching the ends of our fingertips. Much like a traveler breaching to a newfound world, the curiosity that lingers in it fuels the person’s determination to move towards the deeper part of the world. For so many people, immersing in these worlds allows them to cope up from the weight of their responsibilities, liberating them from the burdens of real life. On the other hand, when President Rodrigo Duterte’s directives banned face-to-face classes last May 25, further transitioning to digitalized classes, some professors saw the depths of gaming as something more than just a stem of entertainment; believing this as a way to motivate the minds of the learners. With that, some aim to develop these programs as a set-up that most people, especially in our current generation, could easily relate to, thinking that this might help the students cope from the usual online platforms. Setbacks of online class When the strains of the pandemic forced the country’s educational system to adapt, the Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU), like so many universities, fleshed out an approach leaning towards digital learning, claiming that students are allowed to fulfill their tasks at their own pace. However, for students like Jannah Maarji Aquilam, a second-year BA Anthropology student living in Calinan, Davao City, the shift to online learning has been challenging to adjust to, especially since she constantly suffers technical problems from time to time. “[The shift to online learning ] affected me in such a way that, by not having a good network signal, I tend to be late when it comes to passing our papers.” she expressed with regards to her online learning experience this semester. While the university promises a blended mode of learning, listening to a lecture for over an hour while confronting the worries of technical difficulty, disperse the process of learning. Often, they perceive learning to be more burdensome, falling short to the level of engagement that is usually found in a face-to-face class.

herself with the general terms of online classes. “I couldn’t understand the rules even if they were already well-written,” she recalled. “In the end, I explored not knowing the mechanics,” she added.

Illustration by Maria Cyra Jane Dealca

“My students now have to contend with the fatigue that comes with learning everything online. Now, students come to class already exhausted from their other online classes,” Fr. Ulysses Cabayao, SJ, professor of Anthropology in AdDU, elaborated. Nevertheless, with the necessary shift to digital learning comes a true game-changer in the pursuit of effec-

of Mobile Legends, Dungeon and Dragons and, as well as, Battle Realms became the primary references for his gamified platform. “In gamification, one of the main principles is you use existing games. You don’t invent a new game that’s unfamiliar to the students. Kasi that’s an added hurdle, ” He explained. Still, referencing a few famous

Gamification is not just putting everything as if it was a game and dumbing it down. tive online education: digital gamebased learning (DGBL). Embracing Gamified Platforms With limited resources, most students find themselves unmotivated to fulfill their duties, treating digitalized education as nothing more but a draining routine. For this reason, DGBL functions as a platform that coheres the learners and their respective lessons by engaging them in a digitally, interactive world. Yet the outlines of DGBL wouldn’t be possible without a coherent and familiar design. Thus, for Dr. Rogel Sese, Ph.D., a professor in Aerospace Engineering, the concepts

games is not enough; it has to be aligned with the topics. Considering that the subjects can be highly technical, Dr. Sese decided to evaluate the Aerospace Engineering’s semester’s syllabus. Upon assessing it, he realized that the topics do not need to be sequential, adding the potential for it to be a versatile game. “Gamification is not just putting everything as if it was a game and dumbing it down, that’s not the principle of gamification,” He claimed. In order for this to effectively work, Dr. Sese’s modified game has three different lanes--the top, the middle, and the bottom lane. Each of the lanes consists of turrets that reveal

the lessons and the activities, making the inhibitor turret, the last turret, the formative assessments. There are also side creatures, such as the jungle creatures, that allow students to learn a few minor topics, while the buffs would give the players the chance to consult him as their professor. As the students progress, “experience points (XPS)” are simultaneously given to them. Similarly, Fr. Cabayao also applied the same technique with a different application named Classcraft, a mobile-fantasy application, in which students are also bound to earn XPs throughout the journey. The difference is that while Classcraft is a free application, Dr. Sese’s platform was purely designed in Daigler. Nonetheless, despite the platform’s enticing design, it still has to cooperate with the students themselves, proving that it can help them develop the learning process, even in the wake of the digitalized set-up. Questioning the platform For Daniel Tan Du, a third-year Aerospace Engineering student, the use of a gamified platform has allowed him to see the difficulties in his subjects from a positive light. “Gamification does not remove the fact that Engineering majors are difficult. The silver lining behind this is the change of perspective to a more familiar platform. It makes it easier to tackle rather than pasting the works

Instances like this limit the platform solely to those who are familiar with the game, isolating those who are not, but the process of gamification should not end there. That is to say, gamification only progresses once the professor has the will to communicate with the students intently. “The process of adjusting to this mode of learning and teaching can be difficult for both teachers and students. It will take time to adapt and become more proficient with the technology and the style of learning and teaching,” Fr. Cabayao stressed. Furthermore, Dr. Sese suggests that online gamification is an evolving process for both students and faculty. If there are adjustments with the gaming platforms along the way, the faculty must quickly make the necessary changes for their students. Because of the platform’s continuous development, gamification has the capacity to improve itself, resulting in a more sustainable device for learning. Conversely, to do that, the design has to accommodate every student, including the topics, with its template, which could take a long time, an overdue for a country in need of a solution. The vision of gamification can become a pillar of education but for a country that seeks inclusivity, the platform could only reach the ones who can quickly adapt to modernity, leaving the ones, mostly the unprivileged, at bay. Seeing this, the roots of gamification would only prosper if the country itself has the system to establish it.

VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue


The fine line between ‘Atenista’ and ‘elitista’ While Ateneans are no stranger to nicknames such as “elitista” or “privileged”, one Jesuit provides his insights into the matter. Gwyneth Marie Vasquez


t’s almost bizarre how ‘Atenista’, a term that is used to pertain to students in the Ateneo, rhymes with the Filipino word ‘elitista’ which is easily translated in English as ‘elitist’. Not only do these two terms, when put side by side, sound pleasing to the ears; but interestingly and most of the time, they are also used in the same sentences. The typical insinuation goes, Ateneans are sosyal, maarte, conyo, mayaman, mayabang, and elitista. Known for its state-of-the-art facilities, the Ateneo, particularly the Ateneo de Davao, has even been branded as “Ang Dili Datu Undang”. With this, it’s not uncommon for us to be accused of being detached from reality and for being sheltered within the confines of our ivory towers.

When privilege is used to discriminate, Fr. Gonzales emphasized that this is a misrepresentation of Atenean values. While these characteristics may not be isolated only to Ateneans and while it may be unfair to generalize, their embeddedness in the Ateneo culture has, undoubtedly, influenced the way we look at ourselves, as well as the manner in which other people perceive us. But does the Atenean as ‘elitista’ really have to be the norm? For Fr. Jboy Gonzales, SJ, Associate Director for Formation of the Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) Senior High School Unit, this is a construct that ought to be reassessed constantly by those who consider themselves as part of the Ateneo Community. Gonzales emphasized that addressing this accusation entails going back to the very core of Jesuit education and formation. ‘Everything is formation’ Founded and sustained by the Society of Jesus, a Catholic religious order composed of priests and brothers who are well-known for their educational works, AdDU is only one of the hundreds of Jesuit universities and schools

throughout the world. Jesuit institutions are inspired by and carry the vision of St. Ignatius who defined the human person as someone who is “created to praise, honor, and serve God.” Notable for the ‘cannonball experience’ which transformed him from being a man of worldly conquest to being a humble pilgrim, Ignatius saw education as one of the means by which the motto of the Society of Jesus, Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam, could be fulfilled. “A Jesuit education forms individuals [who will] get to know the purpose of their lives, that they are creatures of God, that God has created them and because of this love for God, we are inspired to serve others,” Gonzales said. Jesuit education, aside from being notable for its rigorous intellectual training, is also formative. It looks at four aspects of formation which are integrated into the whole vision and mission of their institutions. First, formation involves human development. As the Jesuits are known for their humanistic approach in teaching, so the Ateneo puts primacy not only to the students’ academics but also their thoughts and emotions. “You are developed to become excellent students, kaya nga sabi namin, mediocrity does not have a place in the Ateneo kasi to be excellent means you are able to balance two things: your intellectual and your psycho-emotional life,” he emphasized. Second, spiritual development entails the students seeing themselves in relation to God. According to Gonzales, the spiritual life in the Ateneo ensures that the students recognize and appreciate that “they are loved by God”. “That’s why ayaw talaga natin ng mayabang. I don’t know where people get it, but yung yabang and angas ng Atenista, mali yun eh. That means they did not get the spiritual part, because the spiritual part tells you that instead of being mayabang, you need to be humble,” he stressed. “’Humble’ does not mean denying your gifts; humility means you know your gifts and you know where you’re good at, but you know it does not come from you.” Once the students have internalized this notion of gratefulness, they are then encouraged to give their lives in the service of others. Thus, the third aspect, community engagement. “We learn from people, even the poor. So the immersion is not so much that yung mga kakainis na ‘Ay, I realized that I’m more blessed because I have money’, that’s not the point. The

Infographic by Stephen Geronilla point is for you to see that even people who do not have what you have, they can also give you something,” Gonzales pointed out. For those who would live the first three aspects of formation seriously and sincerely, the Jesuits believe that they would naturally become inspiring and transformative which leads to the final element, leadership. “If you live a better life, you don’t have to assert whatever position of authority you have. People will be naturally inspired by you. And they will naturally follow you because you

However, BS Education Biological Science graduate and Project Dyesebel founder, Amiel Lopez, added that it’s important not to just revel in this position. For him, this shouldn’t be used as an excuse for apathy and inaction. “It starts with one’s consciousness to make use of one’s privilege to serve the people. It is not enough to say that your privilege is not your own choosing, and get paralyzed by it and not doing anything. It must propel you to be of help for others,” he noted. When privilege, however, is used to discriminate, Fr. Gonzales empha-

Kahit ano pang gawin namin, kung hindi ka mag respond, wala kaming magagawa,” he said. For those who have chosen to embody Jesuit values even outside the confines of the University, gratitude translates itself into action and service. Lopez founded the Project Dyesebel initiative in 2017, which continues to provide support to Bajau communities in Davao City especially in terms of access to education, fight for a sustainable ocean, and youth empowerment to lead and participate in environmental conservation.

Privilege must propel you to be of help to others. are inspiring enough. People will get to change their lives just because they get to see you,” he expressed. The Atenean as ‘privileged’ Taking into consideration that Ateneans are educated holistically and are trained to become natural leaders, is it only appropriate then to tag them as ‘privileged’? For Fr. Gonzales, this can be addressed by looking at how the status of being privileged is used and understood in our everyday encounters. “When you say ‘privileged’ or ‘elitist’ that means you are part of a select few. Having an education is part of the select few. Naturally, they will call you elitista, but that’s not your fault. If [you are called] privileged just because you have an education, then what can you do?” he said.

sized that this is a misrepresentation of Atenean values. “If they call you elitista because of your attitude, like you look down on them, that’s where the problem comes in. Hindi mo sila iinsultuhin kasi sila nga yung sisilbihan mo kaya ka nga nagkaroon ng education. Yan ang training ng Ateneo—to be persons for others means you are able to have a preferential option for the poor, yan ang social justice.” To be ‘Atenean’ is a choice Even with all the programs to instill holistic formation to students, Fr. Gonzales admitted that not everyone who calls themselves ‘Atenean’ truly embodies Jesuit values. “At the end of the day, you’re in-charge of your own formation. You take personal stock of your own life.

“As a graduate of a Jesuit education, this has been inculcated in me that I am not just an Atenean with a privilege but an Atenean who’s called for a greater purpose— that is to serve our country, especially Mindanao,” Lopez said. The typical accusation of the Atenean as ‘elitist’ may have become quite embedded in our identities. In fact, it may have reached the point that some of us have grown immune to this, or worse, have begun to capitalize on this as a status symbol. However, we might want to ask ourselves: Is this really the image of the Atenean that we want for ourselves, or, as the principle on magis goes, do we want to become better? By being and allowing ourselves to be called ‘elitist’, are we fulfilling or are we failing the virtues that make us ‘Ateneans’ in the first place?



BARYO TINYO | Maria Cyra Jane Dealca

The Adventures of AdDU Kabaw | Demi Althea Padillo

Vaccine | Maria Cyra Jane Dealca


VOL 66 NO 1 August 2020 Issue


ACROSS 1. Where the Little House is found 8. What are the _____; talking about chance Maze 9. An isolated region that resists progress 11. Also Louis 12. Text messaging 14. An MBTI personality; the logician 15. Fifth month 17. Slang; expression for enthusiasm and wonder 19. Slang; definitely 20. Chinese monetary unit 22. Slang; that 23. An agreement to stop fighting 25. Look 26. Fireplace; think of home Answers from the previous release

Long Quiz | Mykiesha Sta. Ana

DOWN 2. Not columns 3. Neck triangle 4. I don’t think so 5. Statistical measure 6. Be indebted 7. Smaller than a right angle 10. Highest standard; first class 13. Set of connections for a purpose 15. TV, magazine, internet 16. Not near 18. From the top 20. Just right 21. Acronym; network resource for hospitality 24. Girl name



Goodbye | Maria Cyra Jane Dealca

BEYOND NEWS Pinas and Ferb | Carlo Isiah Escarda

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