AtC Winter Values Report Values to Governors 2023

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Winter report to Governors


Achieve Belong Collaborate

Bowland High

Martha and Summer Selected to Join the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley District Under 15’s Football Team

How we Achieve A massive thank you to Graham Liver for helping out in Bowland High kitchen serving our students lunch, we look forward to hearing how the day went on the radio breakfast show!! #ThankYou #SchoolLunch #BreakfastShow

Congratulations to Year 10 pupils’ Martha G and Summer S who have been selected to join the Hyndburn and Ribble Valley District Under 15’s football team. Despite losing their first match, they were very honoured to represent Bowland. Here they are in their new kit.

Bowland High #bowlandcongratulations #bowlandstarawards. Congratulations to all the pupils and forms who received a Star Award this term. A massive well done also to those pupils who were voted to become Junior Pupil Leaders.


Bowland High

How we Belong

Year 7 had a fabulous time discovering the countryside around Bowland. Fortunately the walkers evaded the bad rain fall. A disco was held at Bowland for the Year 7 cohort recently. As you can see from the pictures, they had a fabulous time!

Year 7 Remembrance Assembly The first of the Remembrance Assemblies began with Year 7.

Year 7 Society Sorting Ceremony With the help of Year 11 Society officials Lilly-Ella and Harvey, Mrs Ingham – Head of Year 7, led the Society Sorting Mini Assemblies with our new 5 forms. We look forward to our Society events this year and seeing our Year 7 participating and winning lots of points for their societies.

This was lead by 7JCO and Mr Cotton. Phoebe and Gracie read out letters that were written by soldiers from the Accrington Pals, who were the 11th Battalion East Lancashire Regiment. All the members were raised in and around the town of Accrington. Barnaby then read the poem, ‘In Flanders Field’, written during the First World War by Canadian Physician Lietenant-Colonel John McCrae. 7JCO have been raising money for The Royal British Legion charity by selling poppies at break and lunch times.


Bowland High

How we Collaborate Children in Need To support this year’s Children in Need event each year group took up a different challenge.

Year 7 had an amazing time at Waddow Hall recently.

Year 7 took part in a glow in the dark dance-a-thon which continued non-stop for the entirety of the school day. Every single pupil in Year 7 danced for at least an hour each. Miss Yates and Mrs Ingham were very proud of them all. Year 8 enjoyed a non-uniform day with a superhero theme which was organised by their Head of Year, Mrs Croft, who herself spent the day dressed as a wonderful buzzy bee! Year 9 really stepped up and produced a mountain of cakes to sell at break and lunchtime. Mr Wooff was so proud of his year group who raised a whopping £300 on cakes alone.

Thank you to all the students who baked for European Bake Off – an amazing selection of very innovative designs and difficult to judge.

A number of pupils from Year 10 and Year 11 also put in a big effort in their respective spin-a-thon and row-a-thon activities. The objective was to work as a team to cycle and row for a full day. Well done to their year heads Ms Hussain and Mr Jackson. In addition to the pupil activities staff dressed up in spots and silly specs for a ‘Spot-acular, Spec-tacular’ theme and the canteen made lots of Pudsey themed treats. Mr Higham even helped staff to make their specs in an after school design session! A special mention needs to be given to the following pupils for additional efforts on the day. Ella P and Mercedes S who danced with Miss Yates for almost 6 and 1/12 hours. Hugo P for taking photographs during the day. The final ‘all time record’ amount raised, was £1,482.36.


Roseacre Primary Academy A window into some of our Year 6 learning: the children have been creating non-chronological reports on a North American animal of their choice. We're astounded by their creativity and attention to detail. Kudos Year 6! After School Club are embracing the Christmas spirit, engaging in different festive activities: they were thrilled to decorate a Christmas tree and a gingerbread girl which now proudly adorns the entrance of the school. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

How we Achieve

RESILIENCE and COURAGE in a different learning environment.


Take a look at this spectacular artwork that now adorns our Year 5 corridor. The children have explored the artist Andy Warhol and imitated his renowned vibrant style to create their own masterpieces; how creative! Year 6 have been exploring counter balances and tensions as part of their learning in gymnastics, exhibiting patience, courage and trust to achieve their goal.




How we Belong

Roseacre Primary Academy

Delivering festive joy and representing Roseacre with pride, we are immensely proud of our school choir who performed on two occasions over the weekend.


3CB, Roseacre and the wider school community would like to wish Miss Blundell the happiest of wedding days. After her weekend nuptials, she will be formally addressed as Mrs Myerscough.


A team of Year 5/6 children represented Roseacre at a football festival this week celebrating the opening of the new 3G pitches at Stanley Park. They triumphed with a series of victories and we couldn't be anymore prouder of how they represented school; well done team!




What a spook-tacular effort by all those who entered the pumpkin carving competition; we're pleased to say that Maddison (Y1) & Leo (Y5), Taylor (R) and John & James (N) were the chosen winners.

Our football team performed valiantly last night with a performance to be proud of. Despite the result, the boys represented Roseacre fantastically, demonstrating resilience, courage and determination along the way.




How we Collaborate

Roseacre Primary Academy

Nursery have been exploring the benefits of healthy eating: the children brought in their favourite fruits to make a delicious fruit salad. What an enriching experience!

Year 5 have been channelling their inner Shakira, learning a whole new dance routine that has involved the children showing patience, determination and courage along the way. We wait in anticipation for the final performance!


It's well and truly germ season, which means there is a whole school focus on hand hygiene: Year 5 have been learning how to wash their hands properly and the importance of doing so regularly.



Alexa, what does hands-on learning look like? As part of their DT learning, Year 3 have been focusing on connections and structures; this is timely preparation in their task to build a chair for a soon-to-be visiting elf.


✂ Yesterday, Year 5 participated in a STEM activity where they crafted a glider with an expectation of it travelling a specified distance. A sincere thank you to @SmallpeiceTrust for delivering such an engaging session.


Thames Primary Academy

How we Achieve

🎆Happy Diwali 🎆 A huge well done to our 4 Year 5 runners up and our 4 Year 5 winners of the Dan Worsley 500 word writing competition. Dan returned to school to make the final judgements and present each winner with 2 signed copies of his amazing books.

Preschool have been learning about Diwali. Some children enjoyed learning about Diva Lamps and had a go at making their own and they were so proud of their creations!


This morning our Year 5/6 athletics team took part in the South Shore indoor athletics competition. Every single person gave 100% and performed fabulously! The team finished in an amazing 5th place, which means they have now qualified for the Plate Final in January


📚 💜📚

Our Art unit across school this half term has been ‘Portraits’. Each year group exhibited samples of their amazing work and all the children enjoyed a walk through from Reception to Year . The children loved seeing the variety of media used and the range of artists studied. It was a wonderful celebration of our creative talents



Well done to Penny who has completed her reading challenge



Thames Primary Academy ⚽ BOYS FOOTBALL ⚽

It was the boys’ turn for football. They played brilliantly against Armfield and Gateway, losing 6-1 and then winning 4-2. All of the boys showed great levels of determination and resilience throughout. Well done boys!


Whilst reading “Big Yellow Digger” this week by Author Julia Jarman, Preschool discovered the word FOSSIL. This sparked an interest “ What is a fossil?” And to aid their understanding of the concept of a fossil the children enjoyed being Paleontologists and extracting their Dinosaurs from “Ice Fossils”

How we Belong As part of their DT unit on flying structures, Year 5 children all visited Blackpool Airport. They learned about aerodynamics, aircraft construction, air traffic control and careers linked to aviation. Over the coming weeks they will be using what they have learned to design and make their own flying structures. Thank you to Blackpool Airport and Andrew Nicholls for welcoming us.

✈🛩🚁🚀🛫 💜

Some of our Year 6 pupils visited’The Willows Rest Home’. They recited some of the beautiful poems they have written around the theme of war and remembrance. Afterwards the elderly people told the children memories of living in wartime. It was a very special morning. The residents of the home were so grateful for our visit and the children were a credit to Thames.


Thames Primary Academy

The 2-3 room held an art exhibition to showcase all their amazing artwork they have produced so far to their grownups


How we Collaborate

Yesterday Tea Time Preschool Children left some trays of water in the garden to explore what would happen over night when it became cold and frosty outside

This morning the children were excited to see that the Water had Frozen solid. “It’s extremely chilly” said O, touching the ice with his finger tips. We collected the trays quickly and headed indoors to explore the Ice.


‘Dave Draws’ has completed our doodle map of Blackpool! He has done an amazing job. The children have loved seeing the wall become more detailed over the three days he has been here. Thanks Dave


🍂☔ Weekend Wellyboot Adventures ☔🍂

Preschool children have been really enjoying using these bags recently in a variety of ways.

Our Year 5 and 6 children have had an amazing and inspiring day with Dan Worsley. He advised Year 6 on how to add humour and edit their Dan Worsley inspired stories.


Witton Park Academy Witton Park Academy students entered a competition hosted by The Community Volunteer Awards. Tuesday 26th September is 2022 European Day of Languages. In preparation, Witton Bake off has been cooking some delicious treats!! #EuropeanDayOfLanguages #LanguageLearning

We are SO PROUD of the dance students who performed last night in front of 500 people. They performed two dances, one contemporary and one hip hop. They were absolutely amazing. Well done every single one of you!


They introduced a new award, titled 'The Smile Awards' which was to create a centrepiece for the awards under the theme of nature.

How we Achieve A HUGE well done to KLD, SEM, NM, LRY & LJ @WPAschool for winning Form of the Fortnight. These tutors had the best attendance and highest ace points out of the whole year group!!

Mustafa and Patricia came runners up, a fantastic achievement.

It’s so nice to see Witton Park students art work being displayed as centre pieces! Number 37 & 22



Witton Park Academy

How we Belong We love reading @WPAschool !

Year 7 students had the time of their lives on their trip to Waddow Hall! Check out photos from their unforgettable visit.

Year 7 go to the Theatre! Year 7 took a trip to the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester to see Shakespeare’s famous tragedy: Romeo and Juliet. Together pupils had a fantastic time.


Witton Park Academy The Bitton Bites make apple sauce! Year 7 and Year 8 pupils from Bowland High and Witton Park Academy got together to make some apple sauce as part of their sustainable development project - responsible consumption and production. The pupils have been looking at how to use our very own apple trees at Witton Park in a more sustainable way. The outcome delicious apple sauce! Well done, Bitton Bites!

How we Collaborate

To mark Remembrance Day on Friday, at Witton Park Academy, we held our own Act of Remembrance in school. The Exhortation was recited by Alizay Majeed – our Head Girl. This is from a poem called ‘For the Fallen’ by Robert Laurence. The last post was played by Mr Coleman. This is a bugle call, traditionally used by the British army. During conflict, it would also be used to mark the end of fighting. We then observed a 1 minute silence as a school community. The Kohima Epitaph was recited by Muhammed Gbadamosi – our Head Boy This is traditionally said after the 1 minute silence. Pupils Year 7- 11 helped create the art installation exhibited above the library.

A whopping £160 raised for BBC Children in Need! Well done, Witton Park Academy!

Witton Park Academy host a bake sale! A huge thank you to everyone for their contributions - the bakes were delicious! Thank you to our senior prefects for organising this.



Achieve Belong Collaborate

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