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The noise pollution Noise pollution is everywhere: your neighbour, the cars, the bus, the construction sites, the animals, the planes... There is no quiet place. In the first part, we are going to see the nuisances, then the solutions about this nuisances, and in the last part, we are going to present a summary of the research, and our final project.

What can be called a 'Nuisance'? Nuisance is usually used to describe an activity or condition that is harmful or annoying to others (indecent conduct, a rubbish heap or lot of birds making their nests in someone’s roof to the extent that they cause problems) A few good examples of nuisance include: -Barking dogs -Building and construction site noise -DIY (Do It Yourself) noise during anti-social hours -Noisy deliveries at unreasonable hours -Parties, Nightclubs and pubs -Loud music / television / computer games -Industrial processes (dry cleaners, factories etc.) -Kitchen extract / air conditioning units -Places of worship -Open-air event and street performers. -Burglar / car alarms

Noise pollution prevention and control tips Below are a few things people and governments can do to make our communities and living laces quieter: - Construction of soundproof rooms for noisy machines in industrial and manufacturing installations must be encouraged. This is also important for residential building—noisy machines should be installed far from sleeping and living rooms, like in a basement or garage. - Stop the use of horns with jarring sounds, motorbikes with damaged exhaust pipes, noisy trucks to be banned.

DULAT Clothilde GRASSIN D’ALPHONSE Alice 2nde 1

Final Project



Can you hear me, can you hear me? No, naturally?

So can you help? Can you help the earth? So can you help? Can you keep your health!

Noise is too loud! And we hear too long !


The music’s so strong That’s just a big sound

We must make a pause ‘cause we’re still in noise!

So we must stop it for us and our health Or we finally become deaf.

Attention must be paid ‘cause we have just one pair


Of useful ears And just one hearing!

So can you help? Can you help the earth? So can you help? Can you keep your health!


R/ So can you help the earth? Can you keep your health?

But a solution exists You just have to cover your ears With earplugs or your finger and when you walk away You can be sure that your ears are protected

You must because your life may be less well Without one of your sense You must because your life may be less well

What’s air pollution?

What are the sources of air pollution?

Air pollution is the accumulation of hazardous substances Cars, trucks and jet airplanes are the main causes of air into the atmosphere that endanger humans and other pollution. The exhaust from these contains carbon living creatures. monoxide. This type of air pollution creates smog which causes respiratory health problems and holes in the ozone Which effects on Earth? layer, which increases the exposure to the sun's harmful rays. Petroleum refineries release hydrocarbons that pollute Air pollution is caused by a wide variety of things. The earth the air. Pesticides use to kill weeds cause air pollution. is great at cleaning the air on its own. However, air Different plants that produce materials like chemicals, steel, pollution has grown so much that the earth can no longer cement and asphalt all release emissions into the air causing clean all of it. This is starting to have adverse effects on the air pollution. Air pollution can also exist inside homes and environment such as causing acid rain, smog and a wide other buildings. The health of many people is affected by variety of health problems. chemical substances present in the air within buildings.

An example: the hole in the ozone layer above Antarctica, NASA

The effects of air pollution on our health, in short term, are irritations of the eyes and respiratory tract infections. In long term, some pollutants are responsible for certain cancers. Children and the elderly are more sensitive to such pollution. Globally, the air pollutants contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming (climate change). It is responsible for phenomenon like acid rain. The pollutants are destroying the ozone layer. Without this layer, life one earth would not be possible! Deaths from urban air pollution in 2000 (World Health Organization Report)

The overpopulation growth, a determining factor of air pollution This picture represents the evolution of the hole Currently, the earth is populated by 7 billions of inhabitants. in the ozone layer above Antarctica (image from The previsions for 2050 are 9 billions of inhabitants. NASA). The ozone hole became wider and deeper, from 1981 to 1999. The hole in the ozone layer is Some causes of human overpopulation are: development of caused by gas emissions. Human activities are better hygiene, more efficient food production and new and directly responsible. After the signing of the more effective medicine. People therefore live longer than Montreal Protocol (in 1987), the main responsible they used to. The effects of human overpopulation are gases of the “ozone hole� are no longer produced. building of homes on farmland, poverty, pollution and loss of Although, it will take a few decades before the biodiversity. When the population increases more energy ozone layer is rebuilt. This document shows that and food are required which is harming the environment. human activities have an impact on the planet, but international mobilization is dealing with the issue.

Which solutions?

Challenges to implement solutions to prevent air pollution!

A major mean to diminish air pollution is to reduce the effect of cars. One way could be to use public transportation. Another is to use a bike. This would prevent fossil fuels from polluting the air. To minimize driving carpooling with colleagues can be used. Also if you have to drive, do all your errands at one time. Adapt your way of driving by accelerate slowly and use the cruise control.

First, we need to change our habits! We are all so used to the comfort of our cars and daily organization. Using public transportation is a good idea if they are available and they fit the timing. Doing ridesharing also seems to be a good solution. Although, it needs a good organization and people need to live quite close.

Walking is not possible if the distance is too far. Using the bike Another way to avoid air pollution is to “save energy”. You can be dangerous if you need to take fast driving roads. can always switch off the lights when you are not in the Walking and cycling also depends on climatic conditions. room. To prevent air pollution the use of alternative energy sources like solar and wind energy could be further developed.

DUCOMMUN Charlotte GUILLOU Sibylle

By recycling, air pollution can also be reduced. The energy that is required for disposal is saved and it minimizes the pollutants released during manufacturing. When you go shopping always bring your reusable bags to put your shopping in. We students, what can we do? Students can study the causes of air pollution and the positive actions we all can do every day to prevent it and help the environment. Students can then influence parents and family to change habits and “do the right things”.

Air Pollution

Our Future Air pollution threatens the earth and is a serious threat for our future. The origin of the pollution is generally human activity. Understanding the causes of air pollution is essential to initiate actions that we all can do. We are all responsible. If we all make small efforts every day the results will be visible.

Which solutions?

Challenges to implement solutions to prevent air pollution!

A major mean to diminish air pollution is to reduce the effect of cars. One way could be to use public transportation. Another is to use a bike. This would prevent fossil fuels from polluting the air. To minimize driving carpooling with colleagues can be used. Also if you have to drive, do all your errands at one time. Adapt your way of driving by accelerate slowly and use the cruise control.

First, we need to change our habits! We are all so used to the comfort of our cars and daily organization. Using public transportation is a good idea if they are available and they fit the timing. Doing ridesharing also seems to be a good solution. Although, it needs a good organization and people need to live quite close.

Walking is not possible if the distance is too far. Using the bike Another way to avoid air pollution is to “save energy”. You can be dangerous if you need to take fast driving roads. can always switch off the lights when you are not in the Walking and cycling also depends on climatic conditions. room. To prevent air pollution the use of alternative energy sources like solar and wind energy could be further developed.

DUCOMMUN Charlotte GUILLOU Sibylle

By recycling, air pollution can also be reduced. The energy that is required for disposal is saved and it minimizes the pollutants released during manufacturing. When you go shopping always bring your reusable bags to put your shopping in. We students, what can we do? Students can study the causes of air pollution and the positive actions we all can do every day to prevent it and help the environment. Students can then influence parents and family to change habits and “do the right things”.

Air Pollution

Our Future Air pollution threatens the earth and is a serious threat for our future. The origin of the pollution is generally human activity. Understanding the causes of air pollution is essential to initiate actions that we all can do. We are all responsible. If we all make small efforts every day the results will be visible.

-Noise producing industries, airports, bus and transport terminals and railway stations should be sighted far from living places. -Community law enforcers should check the misuse of loudspeakers, worshipers, outdoor parties and discos, as well as public announcements systems. -Community laws must silence zones near schools / colleges, hospitals etc.

-Vegetation (trees) along roads and in residential areas is a good way to reduce noise pollution as they absorb sound.

-There are many laws to reduce the sound, but not to stop it. For example, the planes can’t take off or land in the night, you can’t cut your grass after 7 pm (in Senlis). The construction site isn’t free, there are rules, and travel time that you have to respect. The loudspeakers can’t go over 105 dB.

The environmental noise pollution solutions Critique the effectiveness of this solutions There are a lot of solutions against te noise pollution for example : 

Automobiles account to the highest production of noise : so it is better to improve the engine of the vehicles to reduce the intensity of the sound produced by them.

Similar to vehicles, the quality of machines should be optimized, so as to reduce sound production. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), more than 30 millions of lubrification Americans are exposed to noise pollution in the workplaces so the

lubrication of the machinery and servicing should be done to minimize noise generation. Many solutions like this are undertaken and their effectiveness are guaranteed. However, some solutions like changing your windows for more protective ones is very annoying because the price can be very high, it takes long time and if it’s necessary you must call an expert so it costs too.

Judge their ability to be implemented It’s not always very easy to implement the solutions. For example when some parties are organised by some of your neighbors in the night, the music can sometimes be loud and noisy so of course you will warn them and ask them if they can go law down the sound. But this first warning may not work so you must take different measures and in some cases call the police. In the end we can say that theses solutions are not really respected, it depends on the person you warn.

Make suggestions about alternative solutions to the noise pollution As we saw before many solutions exist so we don’t really have a lot of ideas. But if we retake the example of the vehicles more precisely about the cars, it’s true that it’s noisy and so some automobile factories like Renault created electric cars which are economic and not noisy but really expensive. So the best solution is that everyone must respect and take part to the different solutions and also take some alternatives on their sides.

Finally, we know that any noise is harmful to humans and nature. Therefore, we must react to change our habits and perhaps we can find other solutions more efficient, more accessible like reducing the cost of noise barriers because some people can’t afford it. In addition, the introduction of new laws by the government of each country could also help. As we have said before, everyone must do their part.

Bonus : a little poem by Eda & Judith! You’re in all the houses You’re in all the street You’re in all the city You’re in all the world. We want to stop you We want to destroy you But we listen to you, And we love you... People are with you People are against you You’re a nuisance You’re useless At the beginn of the World You was small, unremarked But now you’re big and are in all the World You infested the Planet You’re in the cars, building, planes, We used you in the phones, alarms, films, Whithout you, the people couldn’t speak... You are noise!

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