Security Insider December 2011/January 2012

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INSIDER_Dec/Jan 2011 Iss5_44pp


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t the time of writing your

to the industry and to facilitate effective

association has just concluded its

crime prevention partnerships between

42nd Annual General Meeting.

government and private security.

This was the first full year first year as an

During the year, the Association also

Insider magazine. ASIAL’s authorisation as an approved security industry association in Queensland contributed to the strong

Industrial Organisation of Employers, the

gained Approved Security Industry

growth in membership achieved over the

Association held its first postal Board

Association status in Queensland, adding to

year. Likewise, membership applications

election conducted under the auspices of

its existing approved status in the ACT,

received from NSW security providers

the Australian Electoral Commission and

NSW and Victoria.

continued to be strong. However,

through funding from the Federal

The year also marked the launch of the

uncertainty remains in NSW as to the

Government’s Shared Industry Assistance

Association’s Member recognition program,

timing of the government’s decision to

Projects program, successfully rolled out

whereby eligible corporate Members are

abandon the co-regulatory partnership

The Security Services Industry Award 2010

recognised once they have attained

and removal of the requirement to be a

awareness campaign.

specified membership milestones.The four

member of an approved industry

recognition categories include:

association.The Association has made

• Platinum: 25 years or more of

provision for the possible impact it may

During the course of the year, the Association paid out in full the loan on Security Industry House, which the Association now owns outright. After three years work, Professor Rick Sarre, Centre for Regulation and Market Analysis (University of South Australia) and ProfessorTim Prenzler, Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security (Griffith University)

continuous membership • Gold: 16 – 24 years of continuous membership • Silver: 11 – 15 years of continuous membership • Bronze: 6 – 10 years of continuous membership

In addition to paying off in full the loan on Security Industry House, the Association continues to invest in its members through the delivery of new member services and initiatives such as the customer relationship database upgrade and ongoing promotion through the national consumer awareness

released the findings of their benchmark study - Private Security and Public Interest.

have on membership numbers.

Over the past year the Association had

campaigns. Accumulated reserves rose to

As the first ever comprehensive study of the

successfully responded to numerous

security industry in Australia the report not

challenges and embraced many

$2,400,456 providing a strong platform from

only identifies the dimensions of the

opportunities on behalf of its members. As

which the Association can further develop

industry, but also addresses and provides

a result, a strong performance was

its advocacy role for members and the

recommendations for regulation, preferred

recorded with a surplus of $208,099

industry as a whole.

legal empowerments and immunities,

generated for the year.

occupational health and safety concerns,

The foundation for the performance was

I would like to extend my thanks and acknowledgement to my fellow Directors,

and, perhaps most importantly, the pre-

strong Member acquisition, growth in

Convenors and Secretariat staff for their

requisites for effective partnerships between

existing membership subscriptions, interest

ongoing support and commitment for the

public and private personnel.

and investment income and publication

year, I wish you all a Happy Christmas and

sales.The better than forecast performance

holiday period and look forward to the

support along with administrative

was also achieved through prudent

challenges that next year will bring.

assistance and advice.The bulk of the

financial management which saw expenses

funds were provided by the Australian

down 5.8% against budget.

ASIAL provided financial and in-kind

Research Council.The key aims of the

Underperforming areas for the year

project were to provide data to assist

were the Centre for Compliance,

Ged Byrnes

government in policy development related

breakfast briefings, seminars and Security

ASIAL President

THE MAGAZINE FOR SECURITY PROFESSIONALS Editorial and Advertising Security Insider is published by The Australian Security Industry Association Limited PO Box 1338 Crows Nest, NSW 1585 | Tel: 02 8425 4300 | Fax: 02 8425 4343 | Email: | Web: Editor Bryan de Caires | Editorial Enquiries Angela Maan | Advertising Tania Laird | Creative Director Martin Costanzo | Graphic Design + Prepress Webfx2 Digital | Editorial Contributors Chris Delaney, Janet Lazzaro | Print + Distribution Nationwide | Published bi-monthly Estimated Readership of 10,000. Views expressed in Security Insider do not necessarily reflect the opinion of ASIAL. Advertising does not imply endorsement by ASIAL, unless otherwise stated with permission. All contributions are welcomed, though the publisher reserves the right to decline to publish or to edit for style, grammar, length and legal reasons. Press Releases to: Internet references in articles, stories and advertising were correct at the time of printing. ASIAL does not accept responsibility for misleading views. Copyright© 2011 (ASIAL) All rights reserved. Reproduction of Security Insider magazine without permission is strictly prohibited. Security Insider is a subscription based publication, rates and further details can be found at

[NEXT ISSUE] FEB/MAR 2012 | ISSN 1442-1720. 8 //SECURITY INSIDER DEC 2011/JAN 2012

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