The Giver

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The Giver

Chapter SummariesChapter 1Jonas is the protagonist of the story. He is eleven and lives in a community where everything is under control and people are treated the same. At the beginning of the novel, he struggles to find the right word to describe his feeling about December approaching. The word “frightened” is too strong of a word. Last time he felt frightened was a year ago when an unidentified aircraft flew over his community- it was the first time something like that happened since Pilots were not allowed to fly over the area. Jonas remembered the community’s reaction to this event; it was unusual, so everyone stopped what they were doing and watched. We come to realize more about the society in which Jonas lives. It is extremely controlled, with official orders speaking through loudspeakers placed all around the community. As a punishment, the pilot was “released” from the community—the worst thing that can happen to a citizen. Jonas decides he is anxious, not frightened, about the important thing that is going to happen in December. After dinner the family participates in a ritual with “the telling of their feelings.” Each person of the house hold shares one feeling they had during the day. After lily expresses her emotion it was Jonas’ turn. He was hesitant to say that he is anxious about the ceremony for elevens, but when he did his parents were understanding and told Lily to get ready for bed. Jonas’ father and mother had to privately confront Jonas. Chapter 2Jonas and his parents had to talk to Jonas about the elevens ceremony in December. His parents reassure him that he will be given the appropriate job. If the Committee of the Elders chooses the wrong job, he can appeal for another of 6

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