Ashburton Guardian

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Thursday, February 17, 2022


Your Weekend Countdown

Your Trusted Guardian –

Proudly serving Mid Canterbury since 1879

15% rate hike


Harvest strife


Bins burned


COVID CONFIRMED IN MID CANTY They warned us it would happen and it has – Covid has made its way into Mid Canterbury, with several cases being investigated, including close contacts and locations of interest. The good news is Dr Penny Holdaway (right) said Mid Canterbury is in good shape to combat the virus. READ MORE


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Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Covid cases confirmed Malcolm Hopwood Confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached Ashburton. Canterbury DHB’s Dr Helen Skinner, confirms several cases are being investigated including identifying anyone who may be a close contact and locations of interest. Dr Skinner, who’s the ECC Incident Controller, asks “if you’re identified as a close contact, please isolate and arrange to get tested as soon as possible.” “If you’re considered a casual contact, then please monitor for symptoms and arrange to be tested if you develop Covid-19 symptoms even if it’s a little sniffle.” She explains common symptoms of Covid are similar to illnesses such as a cold or influenza. With Omicron, the most common early symptoms are a sore or scratchy throat and a runny nose she said. Four general practices in Ashburton are open for testing. They are:

■■ Ashburton Health First (03-308-1956) ■■ Moore Street Medical Centre (03-308-3066)

■■ Eastfield Health (03-308-1212) ■■ Three Rivers Health (03-308-9139).

Enrolled patients need to go to their normal general practice, casual patients can get tested at any of the practices listed above. “It’s essential to ring ahead to the general practice to make a booking for a test,” she said. There’s also a community testing centre at 28 Elizabeth Street, Ashburton Hospital. Dr Skinner advises people to enter via Driveway D, not the main entrance to the hospital. It’s open 10-2pm Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. “Testing if free there if you have symptoms or are a close contact,” she advises. Dr Skinner reinforces that vaccination is the best practice against Covid-19 and people eligible for their booster vaccination should get this done as soon as possible for an added layer of protection. “As Omicron is spread via aerosols, wearing a surgical mask is more effective than a cloth mask,” she said. “Physical distancing, good ventilation indoors, handwashing, staying home if sick along with testing all help to create layers of protection for all of us.” People can also book online for clinics at www.BookMyVaccine. nz or call 0800-282926 (8am-8pm, seven days a week.

Penny’s 10 Covid Commandments With the virus in our midst, Dr Holdaway has listed 10 commandments for Covid. 1) Get vaccinated. If you’re scared or have doubts, talk to your GP or practice nurse. 2) Wear a mask – properly. It needs to be worn over the nose to fit snuggly and be thick enough to stop droplets spreading. 3) Wash your hands regularly and dry them well. Twenty seconds washing, 20 seconds drying, about the time it takes to sing Happy Birthday. 4) Ensure you have a supply of medications, paracetamol, soft food to eat and plenty of fluid for a week or more. 5) If you have symptoms, get a swab. Your GP will help you

organise this. 6) For those who are vaccinated, you may not get too sick. Treat yourself or those who look after you, in a similar way as you would with any cold or flu. 7) The Covid virus is a bit different from the standard cold or flu. It peaks later, usually about five to seven days, so monitor anyone who’s unwell carefully. 8) Look after your mental health. 9) Be aware of misinformation. If something appears to be too good to be true, it probably is. 10) Be kind to your GPs. They’ve been on the front line of Covid for two years now, over and above their normal workload.

Dr Penny Holdaway.

Ashburton ‘in good shape to combat Covid’ Malcolm Hopwood Mid Canterbury’s positive uptake of vaccinations will “make a huge difference now Covid’s reached here”. Recently appointed GP spokesperson for Ashburton, Dr Penny Holdaway, said the community is in good shape because of the high percentage of people who’ve received the jab. “If you’ve received the booster, you’re 46 per cent less likely to end up in hospital if you catch the virus,” she said.

Dr Holdaway explains if you test positive for Covid, you’ll be contacted within 24 or 48 hours and given a questionnaire to fill out. “That allows us to know if you have other conditions and if you need to be more intensely monitored,” she said. “But, for the majority of people, Omicron is a simple flulike illness. You’ll need to stay at home and isolate for 10 days or more depending on how you feel.” She reaffirms Dr Skinner’s message that, if you have symptoms, go for a test at Ashburton Hospital’s testing station, see your GP or check the Covid helpline. Dr Holdaway explained vaccinations won’t prevent the virus, rather they will train your system

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to deal with it. “The vaccination gives your system a boot camp on how to defeat Covid,” she said. “It reduces complications associated with the virus and makes you much less sick.” With Covid in the community, her advice for those people yet to receive a jab is “vaccinate, vaccinate. Vaccinate”. “New Zealand is in pretty good shape because we’ve done it. We’re one of the luckiest countries in the world.” Because of the vaccination programme, our hospitals aren’t full of patients suffering serious Covid systems. “It makes a huge difference and allows them to deal with heart attacks and road smashes,” she said.


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Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Solution for Methven’s water woes comes with big rates hike Jonathan Leask Another big rain, another boil water notice in Methven. Methven residents are fed up with the state of their water supply and now the solution is in sight, but it comes with a big rates hit. The Ashburton District Council’s planned a $9.4 million infrastructure investment into Methven’s drinking water supply and, in the council’s annual plan, the combination of the water upgrade, high inflation and rising property values has Methven ratepayers looking at an around 15 per cent average increase. “It’s just one of those years where it’s all smacked into one,” deputy mayor Liz McMillan said. McMillan and the other councillors have worked on ways to smooth the rates hit for Methven during the council’s budget workshops and exactly how those measures impact the figures will

The fresh water tanker being parked up in Methven will be a thing of the past after the Ashburton District Council’s $9.4m investment in water infrastructure. PHOTO MATT MARKHAM be revealed when the draft annual plan is presented to council in April. As a Methven resident, McMillan said she knows all too well how hard living with boil water notices is, but currently there wasn’t much they could do about it. “It’s just something we have to

live with at the moment with the water regulations having been changed, but the end is in sight. “It’s a pain, but you don’t want anyone to get sick either.” Currently Methven’s water comes from a shallow groundwater intake near the north branch of the Ashburton River and water quality is impacted during signif-

icant rainfall. The council plans to construct a new membrane treatment plant worth $7.7m and two new reservoirs worth $1.7m. The new plant will be able to treat the water and filter it before it is held in the two new reservoirs. Under the new national water

regulators, Taumata Arowai, McMillan said the water supplies were going to need to be upgraded anyway and it was just unfortunate timing for Methven ratepayers that it has coincided with high inflation and the impact of the housing market on property revaluations. The council brought forward the physical works budgets so that components for the plant could be purchased earlier and shipped while the detailed design is being completed. The council plans to have a plant constructed by the end of the year in time for the membrane equipment to be installed at the start of 2023. The tenders for the project close on February 25. Meanwhile Reliant Solutions are currently building the two new reservoirs at the existing treatment plant 4km from Methven.

Councils offer better Three Waters alternative Jonathan Leask

Ashburton District Mayor Neil Brown says there was still an opportunity for central government to work with local government to deliver a three waters model that everyone could support.

Councils are the better option to deliver Three Waters, new research shows. Analysis commissioned by Communities 4 Local Democracy He hapori mo te Manapori (C4LD), of which the Ashburton District Council is a member, has concluded that both the council owned with stronger regulation, and a new Council Owned Enterprise (COE) models would perform better than the government’s mandated mega entity approach. Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown is all up for change, and said that change is coming now the drinking water regulator, Taumata Arowai, is in place. However, the change didn’t need to take away property rights and the community’s

right to have a say. He said there was still an opportunity for central government to work with local government to create lasting change and deliver a model that everyone could support. “We are not against change, but we strongly oppose Government forcing through massive reforms that are based on questionable evidence and analysis. “The alternative approaches we’ve developed are based on models that we believe can achieve broad support, and that deliver a better outcome for our communities compared to the government’s oversimplified ‘one size fits none’ model. “We believe local government can work with its neighbours – with the support of central government – to transform three waters delivery for the better and in a way that all our communities can agree.” Brown said councils were experts in local service delivery and wanted to drive that change, rather than have unsuitable solutions forced on them. C4LD, a local government action group

of 27 member councils representing more than a 1.3 million New Zealanders, commissioned analysis by global infrastructure advising firm Castalia that shows the council owned with regulation and council owned enterprise models of delivery achieve better outcomes on accountability, Iwi-Maori partnership, incentives of management and governance, access to financing, scale and scope efficiencies and flexibility for the future. Brown said he understood that the independent Working Group on representation, governance and accountability of new water services entities, was reviewing the proposals presented by C4LD and is expected to report back recommendations to the government by the end of the month.

RUGBY REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN Junior, Teenage, Colts, Seniors, Coaches You can also Download the Mid Canterbury Rugby App to Register at your local Club


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

End of March D-Day for Rushton petition Malcolm Hopwood The Meningitis Foundation’s petition, fronted by Ashburton couple, Claire and Gerard Rushton, is likely to be presented to Parliament in the last week of March. Gerard Rushton has been working with the Opposition Spokesperson on Health, Dr Shane Reti, for the last three months and he’s hoping the end of next month would be the optimum time when the House is sitting. “We want to get the biggest bang for our buck,” he said. The Rushtons will attend the presentation and sit in the public gallery along with other members of the Meningitis Foundation. Dr Reti confirmed to the Guardian he wants to find the best time for the presentation away from Omicron and protestors outside parliament. The petition closed on November 30 last year with 6357 signatures. The Rushtons lost a daughter, Courtenay, to meningitis just over seven years ago and are challenging the Government to vaccinate against all types of meningitis and not just the jab for one strain that children receive in the early years of life. Claire and Gerard Rushton.


Council combats vax pass ‘angst’ Jonathan Leask The latest rates payment has caught out plenty of people with the Ashburton District Council’s My Vaccine Pass requirements. The council introduced vaccine pass entry requirements in December and council customer service team leader Amanda Watson, said it hadn’t been a big issue until the latest rates bill was sent out.

minute the rates invoices hit the mailboxes we have been turning “ The [away] four or five people a day “The first couple of weeks of January were very quiet, we would probably turn one or two people away one day and maybe none some days,” Watson said during the recent council activities briefing meeting. “The minute the rates invoices hit the mailboxes we have been turning [away] four or five people a day.” Under the red light restrictions, members of the public are required to present a My Vaccine

Pass and wear a mask to enter the building. The council was providing those without a Vaccine Pass information to access council services online, including payments. However, Watson said the big issue was people wanting to pay in cash. “That has caused a bit of angst. “We have had to come up with an envelope system. “They put the cash in the enve-

lope but then on the front of the envelope they need to itemise exactly what they are paying. “Sometimes it is people who just don’t have their pass with them and they have had to go back out to their vehicle to get it, but there have been a few people that haven’t been vaccinated; it has caused angst” She also confirmed the vaccine pass requirements to enter the council buildings had impacted one of her team members.

The council implemented the My Vaccine Pass requirements in December to a number of its facilities, and the rules came into effect at the council administration building on January 5. The My Vaccine Pass requirements apply while under the red and orange levels of the Covid Protection Framework, with a review to be undertaken when the district moves to green.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Wet summer leaves harvest in strife

Chairman of the United Wheatgrowers NZ Ltd, Brian Leadley, says it’s not just some farmers who are affected, it’s all of them.

Pat Deavoll Grain and seed farmers in Mid Canterbury are in strife with the constant wet, humid weather preventing them from harvesting their crops. “It wouldn’t be some [grain and seed farmers], I’d say all of them,” chairman of the United Wheatgrowers NZ Ltd, Brian Leadley,

said. Leadley farms just out of Ashburton and is a past vice chairman of Federated Farmers’ arable group. “With the continual wet weather, combined with the humid air conditions between the rains, we just can’t get harvested,” he said. “We need a prolonged period of warm sunny weather, preferably with some dry nor‘west winds to get going. “Unfortunately, sometimes if you get a hot, sunny day, the humidity can get up to 70 per cent and farmers will still not get the grain dry. The humidity needs to

be down around 50 per cent for this to happen,” he said The ongoing conditions were causing grain and seed to sprout standing upright, unharvested, Leadley said “The quality of the grain is deteriorating. This won’t affect feed grains, although it does lose some yield. “But milling wheat and malted barley can’t be used if it has sprouted. All it can be used for is stock feed.” And it’s not just grain, but seeds that are sprouting, he said. Grass seed that has been cut and laying

on the ground has sprouted and will need to be re-cut before it can be harvested. This is an added expense and a delay, Leadley said. “You also lose a bit of seed doing this. It’s a reasonably desperate measure, but you have to do what you can to recover.” None of the other seed was doing well, he said. Any humid conditions put plants under threat of sprouting, mould, or disease. “Clovers, for example, will grow a lot of leaves, whereas we want to keep this growth down and develop the seed.” There is not a lot farmers can

do in this situation other than be proactive, Leadley said. “Have machinery well serviced so you can get going when the time comes. “Have a drying system organised because grain harvested out of condition won’t store. It needs to be dried in a silo with a big fan. This is another added cost. If you don’t have a system, find someone who can do it for you.” “The weather looks to be good for the next few days so farmers will be trying to harvest. It will be pretty tough hard going but anything done is good.”

Critical location for Fire and Emergency Malcolm Hopwood

Bradford Building is redeveloping a former electrical business for Fire and Emergency’s new Ashburton headquarters. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN

Finding the ideal location has been crucial for Ashburton’s new Fire and Emergency headquarters. District manager for Mid and South Canterbury, Rob Hands, wanted somewhere close to the fire station, other response agencies and accessible to the public. Late last year Fire and Emergency took over Burtons Electrical in Havelock Street and is carrying out seismic strengthening and redeveloping the building for an increased 15-member staff. Hands is hoping work will be completed and staff can move in by the end of next month. The yet-to-be-named headquarters is two blocks away from the fire station and St John, 100 metres from police and next door to the council’s partly constructed Civic Administration

Building. It’s also close to Ashburton’s retail and business heart and will have a strong community focus. “Its purpose is to support the community’s readiness and response in case of fire and emergency,” Hands said. “We’ll have a reception team available throughout the day for people calling in and staff who’ll make contact with the community and local organisations. “We’ll be an upfront organisation able to cover areas of education, culture, safety, risk assessment and public health.” Key staff will handle issues such as property, training, fleet management, HR, planning and performance, health and safety and voluntary development on a local, regional and national basis, Hands said. Ashburton is a key location for the Canterbury region which extends from the Waitaki River to the top of the South Island. Hands said that previously staff have worked out of the fire station, but that would now be a purely operational area.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022



5 Baring Square West, Ashburton | PO Box 94, Ashburton, New Zealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website

Supply chain delays for civic building Delays in the construction industry caused by global and national supply chain issues mean Ashburton District Council’s new Library and Civic Centre is unlikely to be completed until the second quarter of 2023.

Thursday, 17 February 2022 | ISSUE 66

Chemical containers in recycling

Its original completion date was the end of this year. The $56.75 million building is like many other construction projects around the country and is facing a number of challenges as a range of issues put pressure on completion timeframes and cost. Council Chief Executive Hamish Riach said that supply chain issues were well documented in the media, and it was not unexpected that there are impacts for Council’s new building. He also noted that the highest rate of inflation since 1990 and an extremely tight labour market were also having an impact.

A truck-load of recycling from the satellite recycling sites at Mayfield and Staveley has been rejected at the Timaru recycling sorting facility because it contained plastic chemical containers, some with hazardous labels.

"There has been significant escalation in all construction materials, freight costs and procurement delay due to national and international supply chain shortages across the wider New Zealand construction industry. "This is compounded by national building consents and construction activity being at an all-time high." While the national average on construction costs rose by 6.1 per cent in 2021, inflation impacting the project is much higher due to timber prices, record building consents, and supply chain and labour shortages in the Canterbury region. “These covid-related pressures have been seen across New Zealand and certainly Council’s own project is feeling the impact,” Mr Riach said. “It should be noted that while Council’s

The load was immediately rejected when emptied from the truck, and the contents were sent to landfill, at a cost of about $1500 for Ashburton district ratepayers. Council's new library and civic buidling under construction on Baring Square East.

budget has not been exceeded to date and is not currently subject to any change, the cost pressures are very real. We will continue to update the community on these pressures as the build continues throughout the year and into 2023,” he added. The May 2021 flooding event also contributed to delays onsite. As a result of all these pressures, the timeline for completion has been pushed back from late 2022 to a likely second

quarter 2023 completion date. Council continues to closely monitor budget and progress of the project, with the Project Control Group (representing Councillors, senior Council staff, and external design and project management experts) meeting on a monthly basis. Council was awarded $20m for the building from Government in July 2020, under the Covid stimulus “shovel-ready” project scheme.

Council Infrastructure Services Group Manager Neil McCann said the satellite recycling sites are only for domestic/ household recycling grades 1, 2 and 5, and no lids of any shape or size. Large chemical containers can be dropped off at the Ashburton Resource Recovery Park, Ruralco or NZ Farm Source for free. “These containers need to be triple-rinsed to ensure no residual chemicals are left in them, and these can easily be sold at the reuse shop. There is also an avenue to dispose of farm wrap at the Ashburton Resource Recovery Park through the Plasback scheme.”

Neil Brown, Mayor

Buckle up to ride the Omicron wave New Zealand has now moved to the second phase of its Omicron response, and that means measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus rather than stamp it out. As we work, live and move about the Ashburton district, it means continuing to scan into the places that we visit, wearing a proper mask and getting your booster, if you haven’t already. In Canterbury, 98 per cent of our eligible population is double-vaccinated and so for most of us Omicron will result in mild to moderate symptoms. But remember, we are following the rules because we want to protect the most at-risk in our communities and not overwhelm our health services. 1

Thursday, 17 February 2022 | ISSUE 66

In phase 2, people need to be prepared to isolate if they are test positive and to largely look after themselves, except if they are very ill. There is also a greater use of rapid antigen testing, and these will keep critical workers at work if they test negative – and that is important to businesses and supply chains in our district. So buckle up, be prepared and keep an eye out on people close to you who might need a hand as Omicron washes through. If you are isolating, make good use of digital messaging to keep in touch: Send a text, make a call or catch up on a video call. The use of digital messaging, like a text straight to your cellphone, is also a fast and easy way for authorities to share

important information. Council used text messaging at the weekend to advise that precautionary boil water notices were in effect for Mt Somers and Methven drinking water schemes following heavy rain in the foothills that caused rivers to rise. Those schemes take their water from rivers. If you haven’t signed up already, then all you have to do is text your postcode to 4196 and you will receive important alerts. The text alert service is free and signing up gives you an important head start in the case of various emergencies. For the people of Methven, it may have felt like “here we go again”, but they should remember that work has begun on two projects that will upgrade their drinking water scheme and bring an

end to boil water notices in big rain events. Contractors are already doing groundwork for a new water reservoir and tenders will be awarded next month for contractors to supply and install membrane equipment for both Methven and Mt Somers water treatment plants. That work should begin at the start of next year.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Improved top, drainage for Christys Road Work to improve the road surface and drainage on a section of Christys Road is on target to finish in March.

Infrastructure Services Group Manager Neil McCann said 100m sections of Winters Road, either side of Christys Road, were also being rehabilitated.

“The road had many pavement failures and was causing issues for motorists.” Fulton Hogan started the project in January and it is on track to be completed in March. The rehabilitation is costing about $400,000. Mr McCann said the road would only require minor routine maintenance and reseals for the next 20-25 years.

FUNDING ROUNDS OPEN Contractors are improving a section of Christys Road, at Wakanui.

“The end result will be a better quality and safer road between Seafield Road and Pendarves.” Council’s works programme for its transportation network involves rehabilitation, resealing, heavy maintenance and watercutting on its sealed roads. The district has 2623km of roads, with 1507km sealed. Rehabilitation involves the complete

reconstruction of a section of road. Resealing of roads involves overlaying the existing sealed surface with another layer of seal. Heavy maintenance involves repairing weak sections of pavement by either digging out failures or cement stabilisation. Watercutting involves using high pressure water to remove excess bitumen from the surface to improve skid resistance.

Brush with the past at working bee An enthusiastic group was planning to meet at the Ng King Brothers Chinese Market Garden Settlement in Ashburton today (Thursday 17 February), armed with paintbrushes and buckets of stain and whitewash. The King Brothers market garden operated from the early 1920s until 1964. It quickly grew to be the largest Chinese market garden in the South Island. By the late 1940s there were about 12 houses in the settlement and at least 80 people living on site. Now the Ng King families have handed over stewardship of the site to Ashburton District Council so it can become a community reserve. Staff from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga’s Christchurch office, members of Ng King families and volunteers from Council were painting the newly repaired and partially rebuilt buildings on the site. A generous donation of black stain,

Arlene Baird from Era Consulting coordinated the event and said painting was a chance to get up close and see the innovation and creativity the family displayed in their day-to-day lives.

whitewash, and oil from Resene has provided the means for supporters of the site to start work painting and preserving the timber buildings. HNZPT Conservation Advisor Francesca Bradley has been working with Resene representative Melanie Tracy to source the correct paint products. “This is a complex site as we want to preserve the patina of this heritage site, but also conserve the timbers so the local community can enjoy this reserve for many years to come.”

Heavy traffic, which is any vehicle more than 3500kg, will not be permitted on East Street, from Moore Street to Havelock Street, unless it is delivering goods. Buses are allowed. The bylaw already prohibited heavy


5 Baring Square West Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri 8.30am - 5pm Thursday 9am - 5pm

vehicles on Tancred and Burnett Streets, and gives an exemption to emergency vehicles or vehicles doing vital work like rubbish trucks and some delivery trucks. Council Infrastructure Services Group Manager Neil McCann said the amended bylaw would better protect East Street in the new CBD, which featured new essential underground infrastructure as well as new streets, pavements, furniture, and landscaping. “The upgrade also created a 30 kilometre

ASHBURTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 180 Havelock Street, Ashburton 7700 Mon - Fri 9.00am - 8.00pm Sat 10am - 1pm | Sun 1pm - 4pm

Applications are now being invited from individuals, groups and organisations for grants from the Ashburton District Council. We are inviting applications for the following funds: Community projects, Community events, Biodiversity, Heritage, Community development (infrastructure and agency), Community libraries, School holiday programmes. Applications for these grants close at 5pm, Monday 28 February. For further information, go to ashburtondc.govt. nz or contact Council on 307 9646 , or email

RUBBISH AND RECYCLING Can't remember if it's your recycling day? Check our website or pop into the Baring Square West building and grab a Bin it Right kerbside collection calendar.


"These buildings were just built over the years from whatever materials were available as they were needed.”


It’s all part of progressing the site to a stage where it can be opened to the public. Council's Open Spaces team has given the site a good tidy up and the work repairing and stabilising the historic buildings by Joseph Builders Ltd is almost complete.

Ashburton Water Zone Committee meeting, Tuesday 22 February, 1pm

The Ng King family members have all been meeting regularly to work on interpretive panels that will tell the story of the site. Council Community Services Group Manager Steve Fabish said it was great to see the project moving forward. “This will be a neat place and green space that tells the story of these market gardens, and the people who developed and worked in them many years ago.”

Heavy traffic banned from rebuilt CBD Ashburton District Council is amending its Transportation Bylaw to keep heavy traffic out of the newly revitalised central business district in Ashburton.


The Ashburton District Council gives notice that, in accordance with the requirements of the National Policy Statement - Urban Development 2020, the Ashburton District Plan is required to be amended to remove minimum car parking requirements and that the Plan will be so amended from 20 February 2022. The District Plan may be viewed on the Council's website www.ashburtondc. JANE DONALDSON Group Manager Strategy & Compliance

A 1.8km section of the road, on either side of Winters Road is being rehabilitated with a granular overlay. That means contractors working for the Ashburton District Council have been digging out the failed pavement and potholes and replacing them with a strong base material.

“Another part of the work on Christys Road is to take out some of the undulations, or bumps, so we have lifted a couple of sections.


Meetings are at Council Chambers, 137 Havelock Street, unless specified

Council Agencies six-month report presentations, Wednesday 23 February, 9.30am Council meeting, Wednesday 2 March, 1pm (live-streamed) Youth Council meeting, Tuesday 8 March, 4pm Methven Community Board meeting, Monday 14 March, 10.30am at Mt Hutt Memorial Hall Council meeting, Wednesday 16 March, 1pm (live-streamed) Ashburton Water Zone Committee, Tuesday 22 March, 1pm

an hour zone to encourage more pedestrians and cyclists.

Council Activity Briefings, Wednesday 23 March, 9.30am

“Council is looking to ensure the safety and longevity of the revitalisation work and a key part of this is ensuring that the area is not used regularly by heavy vehicles.”

Audit and Risk Committee, Wednesday 23 March 1.30pm (live-streamed)

He said stock trucks had recently been seen driving on East Street through the CBD, as well as other heavy vehicles. Council also decided to bring forward a review of the bylaw in its entirety from 2025 to 2022-23.

EA NETWORKS CENTRE 20 River Terrace Mon - Fri 6.00am - 9.00pm Sat & Sun 7.00am - 7.00pm

These news pages are created and supplied by the Ashburton District Council. For more information and the latest news, visit our website


327 West Street 10am - 4pm daily. Closed Public Holidays. Thursday, 17 February 2022 | ISSUE 66



Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Lake Clearwater on the brink of collapse Lauren Pattemore

The melted remains of a recycling bin, Wednesday morning on Short Street.


Council bins targeted by early morning arsonists Maddison Gourlay Council bins were set ablaze in Ashburton overnight Wednesday, leaving residents disappointed and inconvenienced. Police received reports of four streets with melted wheelie bins

in the early hours of the morning. A police spokeswoman said that bins on Alford Forest Road, Short Street, Tancred Street and Moore Street were hit within a 15-minute window. Ashburton District Council infrastructure services group manager, Neil McCann, said it appeared as if someone had walked along lifting wheelie bin lids and setting fire to the contents and at least six bins were

set alight. “Some of the bins have burnt right down to the footpath. This is really disappointing and we are extremely fortunate that there was no damage to nearby homes or buildings,” he said. Short Street resident Jim Leak was disappointed about losing his bin and said his wife (who did not want to be named) got up at 1am and from the kitchen window, she could see the bins were fine.

Another Short Street resident who the Guardian agreed not to name said the incident was an inconvenience. “I hope it doesn’t happen again,” she said. “I’ll have to put my bins out in the morning now.” Police are following up lines of enquiry, they are asking anyone with information that could help the police to ring 105 and quote the file number P049656611/220216/5099.

Stranger danger – we need to talk Maddison Gourlay A local family are wanting to remind parents how important it is to talk about stranger danger with children after an incident near their rural property. The Stanway family live in rural Rakaia and, like many rural families, they thought any danger would be far away from their quiet road. Hayley Stanway, 10, was on a walk to the end of the hedge and back when a person traveling down the road did a u-turn after passing her and proceeded to ask multiple times if she wanted to get into the car. Prompting the 10-year-old to sprint the short distance home. “It was Waitangi Day obser-

Parents Harry and Sarah Stanway alongside Malachi Stanway, 6, and Hayley Stanway, 10, are wanting to give parents a heads-up to talk to their kids about stranger danger after an incident with daughter Hayley. vation day so the kids had the day off, Hayley wanted to go for a walk, which is something she

does often,” Hayley’s mum Sarah Stanway said. “She got back home around

the same time she usually does, maybe a little quicker than normal. “And I asked if she was okay and she just absolutely fell apart.” Sarah said that she is incredibly proud of her daughter for doing what she had taught her when it came to strangers offering her a ride. Hayley said all she could think about the encounter was how “scary” it was. “All parents should talk about stranger danger with their kids,” Sarah said. Mid Canterbury Neighbourhood Support’s Sue Abel said the website Safety4kids is a good resource to teach kids about keeping safe in all circumstances. “We will never know what motives this person had, they could have been just trying to help but we are proud she ran home to a place she knew she was safe,” Sarah said.

Lake Clearwater isn’t living up to its name. The bustling holiday spot is experiencing rapid decline in water quality caused by heavy pollution. The lake is at risk of irreversible degradation, claims Ashburton District Council strategy and compliance manager, Jane Donaldson. “The declining water quality in the Ashburton Lakes is caused by a combination of reasons; the effects of farming, climate change and quite possibly the long drops,” Donaldson said. The council is worried for the future of the lakes’ area and is currently consulting with the community to develop a 30-year-plan. “The feedback we’re getting is that people are very concerned, they want to turn the clock back,” Donaldson said. Councillor Rodger Letham attributes the increasing popularity of Lake Clearwater for bach owners, campers, and recreational water activities is adding to the lake’s decline. “The population just grew and grew and suddenly we’ve got a challenge,” Letham said. Long drops are one suspected perpetrator of the pollution issues in Clearwater which is why the council has moved to have them all decommissioned. All long drops were meant to be decommissioned by December 31, but the implementation is currently two months behind schedule. Significant progress has been made with only 15 of the estimated 70 long drops identified by council as still needing to be rectified, Donaldson said. The delay resulted from the properties being unoccupied, hut holders not being in New Zealand, or able to enter the country, she said. Earlier this month council hosted a feedback day at Lake Clearwater which was attended by 47 people. Letham was one of three councillors to attend the event and said he found the large majority wanted to do all they could to save the lake. Consultation on the council’s 30-year plan for Lake Clearwater closes on March 13. A draft will go before council in April and estimated to be implemented in June.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

TESTYOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s quiz 1: Traditionally, the three components of an Irish coffee are coffee, cream, and what alcohol? a) Bourbon b) Rum c) Whiskey 2: The groundbreaking exhibition Gallipoli: The Scale Of Our War is on display in what NZ museum? a) MOTAT b) Te Papa c) Auckland War Memorial Museum 3: What actor played Cowboy Curtis on the TV show Pee-wee’s Playhouse? a) Morgan Freeman b) Samuel L. Jackson c) Laurence Fishburne

Right place at the right time

1 4 7 6 2

Bruce Argyle was pleased to see a bumble bee land on his red sunflower that he got as a seedling from Mitre 10 Mega. PHOTO BRUCE ARGYLE

4: What’s the preferred screening time for cult showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? a) Midnight b) 11.11pm c) 10.55pm

5 6

5: What vegetable does the fairy godmother turn into a coach for Cinderella? a) Pumpkin b) Potato c) Onion

4 7 1


6: Mt. Elbert is the highest mountain in which US state? a) Colorado b) Utah c) Arizona


7: The gruff Officer Krupke is a character in what musical? a) Les Miserables b) West Side Story c) The Phantom of the Opera 8: What periodic table element has the symbol Sn? a) Tin b) Lead c) Mercury


9 8 4 2 4 7 5 7 9 1 6 2

6 9



3 7


1 2

2 3 7 3 1


9 1 7 5 4 2 3 8 9 1 3 5 6


1 5 6 2 3 9 8 4 7

9 2 4 8 7 5 6 3 1

3 8 7 6 1 4 9 5 2

7 1 8 4 6 2 5 9 3

4 9 3 7 5 1 2 8 6

2 6 5 9 8 3 7 1 4

6 4 1 5 9 7 3 2 8

5 7 2 3 4 8 1 6 9

8 3 9 1 2 6 4 7 5

Answers: 1: a) Whiskey 2: b) Te Papa 3: c) Laurence Fishburne 4: a) Midnight 5: a) Pumpkin 6: a) Colorado 7: b) West Side Story 8: a) Tin

Baked vegetables 7 8 5 6 4 2and 9 1 3pork balls

bay leaves sage leaves 9 23 6 or84-5 1 7 5 4 2 500g NZ pork mince 4 T olive oil 2 T finely chopped parsley leaves, plus exand4 pepper 500g or ½ small-medium cauliflower, 1 salt tra for garnish 9 3 7 8 6 2 5 Pork balls sliced into large florets 1 egg, lightly beaten 1 T olive oil 300g pumpkin, peeled and thickly sliced 1 t ground coriander, optional 5 7 3 8 9 4 2 1 6 1 small onion, finely chopped 2 orange kūmara, peeled and thickly sliced 1 t ground fennel seeds, optional 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 carrots, lightly peeled or scrubbed and 2 9 8 4 6 1 3 5 7 1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped ■■ Preheat oven to 200°C. thickly sliced ■■ Place prepared vegetables and bay leaves 4 1 3 2 7 5 8 6 9 in a large bowl and drizzle over olive oil. Meet Big Mike, a septuagenarian ■■ Season with salt and pepper and toss well. with nearly 7 5in the6 2 9 8■■ Place in a large baking tray in a single lay3 304years’1experience industry. Premium results for all my vendors er. Bake for 20 minutes. is my top9 priority. ■■ Make the pork balls while vegetable are 5 7 1 2 8 6 3 4 Call me today, I would love to hear from you! cooking. ■ ■ Heat oil in a small saucepan over low 8 6 2 9 3 4 1 7 5 heat. olive Add onion and cook for 5-7 minutes A quick and easy oven bake.

Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008)

or until it begins to soften. ■■ Add garlic and chilli and cook for a further 1 minute. ■■ Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

■■ Place pork mince in a bowl and add parsley, egg, spices and onion mixture. ■■ Season, then mix well using clean hands. Roll pork mixture into golf ball-sized balls. ■■ Remove vegetables from the oven and add pork balls. Return to oven for 18-20 minutes until pork balls are cooked. Recipe courtesy of



Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

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LETTERS We welcome your letters and emails, but: No more than 100 words. We reserve the right to edit or not publish.


Yes Virginia, there is a virus E

very night we’re confronted with television images of cars, delays, queues, people stressed about not getting vaccinated and others angry about not wanting the jab. Then, into the mix, we get the politicians, experts, modellers, health professionals and people on the street expressing a whole bewildering range of views. Then we say it’s all unreal and thank goodness it’s not here. Well, we’re wrong. While there’ve been personal accounts of shortages, pharmacies not open, limited medical information, friendships strained because of differing views and the Covid crisis, we’re fortunate we’ve been insulated, until now. We watch the map resplendent in red, express dismay that Auckland is bearing the brunt, read of isolated pockets in the South

Malcolm Hopwood Island and wait for someone to put Omicron in perspective but know it will never happen, at least not on the 6pm news. We pride ourselves on being vigilant in Mid Canterbury, not travelling too far, taking care wearing a mask and avoiding large gatherings. A lot of that is true. Whether TV is misguided or not, we have subjectively absorbed the warnings and practised a safety-first approach to the pandemic. Our responsible behaviour has largely protected us from the problems confronted by other

communities. Even when we silence TV news and tell Auckland, you’re no longer relevant, which is probably true, we’re still cautious.

but it’s unrealistic to believe the virus won’t visit here. It arrived yesterday. Now it’s happened, it’s impor-

responsible behaviour has largely “ Our protected us from the problems

confronted by other communities. Even when we silence TV news and tell Auckland, you’re no longer relevant, which is probably true, we’re still cautious.

And we have good reason because eventually Omicron will penetrate the cocoon that’s protected us and we must be ready. In the last 24 hours, it has. Ashburton is a special community bounded by two major rivers

tant we remain as responsible as we’ve been and continue to exercise the same precautions that we’ve taken in the past. Seek advice, if necessary, from people whose opinions we respect, read the literature and be

guided by our health practitioners. If you do have symptoms, you need to isolate at home and stay healthy, physically and mentally. Today, the Ashburton Guardian’s published Dr Penny Holdaway’s 10 top tips on how to keep yourself safe and what to do now that Covid has arrived (See Page 2). They’re essential reading. • You may be intrigued by the editorial heading, Yes Virginia, there is a virus. It’s a play on words. In 1897 the most reprinted newspaper editorial in history was written by Francis Church, the editor of The Sun, a New York publication. In answer to a young subscriber, Virginia O’Hanlon, who asked if Santa was real, Church replied Yes Virginia, there is a Santa and gave his evidence.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

PlayPlanner What’s on Where

Do you have an event for Play Planner? Email us with all the details to

All events are subject to change under Covid restrictions Every day

Mt Hutt Memorial Hall NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories, 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am Ashburton Aviation Musuem Static displays, collection of aircraft and memorabilia on display from 1-3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.


Mid Canterbury Connector On demand service, Mondays to Fridays, any time between 9am and 4.30pm. Book via the direct phone line for bookings, which is 03 928 8164. Ashburton Aviation Museum Static displays, collection of aircraft and memorabilia on display daily from 1 - 3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.


St David’s Union Church Women’s circuit training in the hall at 6am and 6pm at 48 Allens Road, Allenton. Age Concern Ashburton Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. Ashburton community walking group. Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion. R And R Linedancing Upper Improvers/intermediate weekly line dance classes from 7 - 9.30pm at Balmoral Hall, 240 Cameron Street.


Ashburton Menz Shed Call in and have a chat and a cuppa from. 9am-2pm at 8 William Street. St David’s Union Church Walking group meets outside the church at 9:30am, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. Mid Canterbury Badminton Club. Badminton, daytime section from 9.30am and Club night from 7-9pm. At EA Networks Centre. Waireka Croquet Club Golf Croquet, draw singles from 9.45am Ashburton Domain off Philip Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Held at Methven All Saints Anglican Church Chapman St at 10.30am MSA Tai Chi. Classes at 10am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street. Justice Of The Peace JP available for all signing services on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House, 44 Cass Street. R and R Line Dancing Ashburton 12:30-2:30pm at Variety Theatre on Willis Street. Ashburton MSA Petanque Club. 1pm at 115 Racecourse Road. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Held at Rakaia

St Andrews Presbyterian Church Bridge St at 1.00pm. R.S.A. Indoor Bowls. 1.15pm at RSA Linton Lounge on Cox Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Held at Hampstead Hakatere Church Rooms, Oxford St at 1:30pm. R and R Line Dancing Ashburton Weekly intermediate line dance class. 3-4:30pm at Variety Theatre on Willis Street. Pickleball Ashburton 5-7pm. Paddles are provided. Mid Canterbury Badminton Club From 7-9pm. At EA Networks centre.


St David’s Union Church Women’s Circuit training in the hall at 6am at 48 Allens Road, Allenton. Ashburton Menz Shed Call in and have a chat and a cuppa from 9am-2pm at 8 William Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. St David’s Church, Allens Rd at 9.30am. Pickleball Ashburton. 9.30am - 11.30am at EA Network Centre. St Stephen’s Anglican Church. Holy Communion at 10am on Park Street. Age Concern Ashburton Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am. Enquiries to 308 6817. Little Groovers Hakatere Presbyterian parish, 127 Thomson Street, Tinwald. Musical fun for 0-5-year-olds. Gold Coin donation. Hip Hop for Seniors 10am-11am at the Ashburton Senior Centre, 206 Cameron Street, Ashburton, $5. Waireka Croquet Club. Association Croquet 10am - 12am, doubles from 1-4pm at the Ashburton Domain off Philip Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 10:30am. Ashburton open coffee mornings All are welcome at the Plunket rooms, 222 Cameron Street. MSA Tai Chi. Class is at 10.45am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox St at 1:30pm. Device Drop-In Sessions Ashburton Public Library between 2 - 4pm. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session. Held at Staveley Community Hall at 2pm. Art Addicts

Ashburton Art Gallery’s weekly art space for kids. Donations appreciated. 3 - 4.30pm.

Mid Canterbury Linedancers Beginner class 6:30pm-7:30pm, intermediate 7:30pm-9pm at the Tinwald Memorial Hall. Instructor Annette Fyfe


Ashburton Menz Shed Call in and have a chat and a cuppa from 9am-2pm at 8 William Street. Age Concern Ashburton. Ladies exercise class at 9.30am at the Ashburton Seniors Centre at 206 Cameron St Park Street Line Dancers Low impact, during the school term. 9.30am - 11am at St Stephen’s Parish Centre. Mid Canterbury Badminton Club. 9.30am-11am at the E A Networks Centre. Fit Kidz 10am at St David’s Union Church, 48 Allens Road. MSA Tai Chi. Classes at 10.45am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Contact 3086817. Held at Tinwald Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street at 11am. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Contact 3086817. Held at Ashburton St Stephen’s Church Park Street at 1pm. Age Concern Ashburton Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. $2 per 1hr session. Contact 3086817. Held at Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms Cox at 1pm. Ashburton MSA Petanque Club. Social play for beginners and experienced players from 1.30pm at 115 Racecourse Road. Ashburton. Hakatere Presbyterian Parish Afternoon communion service at 127 Thomson Street led by Rev Johanna Warren at 2pm. Note - My Vaccine Pass mandatory please.


St David’s Union Church Women’s Circuit training in the hall at 6am, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. Ashburton Community Walking Group. Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion. Ashburton Community Walking Group Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion. Ashburton Justice Of The Peace. JP available for all signing services from 12-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House. 44 Cass Street. Age Concern social group.

10am in the Seniors Centre on Cameron Street. Ashburton Horticultural Society Monthly meeting at Brian Glassey’s garden at 2pm. New members welcome. Pickleball Ashburton From 6-8pm. At EA Networks Centre.


Run And Walk Ashburton. Meet outside frontrunner on Moore Street at 7.30am, runners and walkers. Ashburton’s Farmers Market West Street car park Ashburton from 9am 12.30pm. Craft market. 9am - 12pm in the West Street carpark. Ashburton Vintage Car Club. 10am-12pmat 86 Maronan Road. Tinwald. Ashburton Aviation Museum A great selection of many aircraft, from the past to the future at the Ashburton Airport from 10am - 3pm. Waireka Croquet Club. Association croquet. Singles and doubles from 10am - 4pm at the Ashburton Domain off Philip Street.


St Stephen’s Anglican Church. Holy Communion at 8am and 10am on Park Street. St David’s Union Church Worship Service led by Rev Henry Mbambo from 9.30am at 48 Allens Road, Ashburton. St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Morning Worship led by Rev Eric Mattrock from 10am at Sinclair Centre Park Street. Vaccine passes mandatory. Hakatere Presbyterian Parish 127 Thomson Street led by Rev Johanna at 10am. Note - My Vaccine Pass mandatory please. Pickleball Ashburton Come and have a go at EA Networks Centre from 5-7pm. Paddles are provided. Waireka Croquet Club. Casual games from 1.15pm at the Ashburton Domain off Philip Street.

Every Tues and Fri

Blacksmiths View horse and blacksmith equipment and learn more about this fascinating part of our history. Open Tuesday and Friday 2-4. Admission is free but donations are welcome. St Stephen’s Anglican Church. Evensong at 5pm Park Street.

Every Thurs and Sat

Ashburton Toy Library Open every Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am - 12.30pm, plus every alternate Tuesday afternoon 3.30pm - 5pm at 106 Victoria Street.

Second Fri of every month

In Colour, art and craft club Bring along your art and craft projects to share with others over morning tea once a month. 10.30am - 12 noon

LIST YOUR EVENT FREE Publish your event here for free! Just send the details of the event and some contact details to

Round 1 DATE


2022 rules TIME

Feb. 18 Waratahs v Fijian Drua 7.05pm Feb. 19 Chiefs v Highlanders 4.35pm Crusaders v Hurricanes 7.05pm




Feb. 19 Reds v Rebels 9.45pm Feb. 20 Brumbies v Western Force 4pm

Bonus question

Here’s how points will be awarded this year: Correct winning team 1 point 1 point Correctly picking all results 5 points Correctly picking a draw 3 points Correct bonus question

Manchester United have had a terrible run in the English Premier League; with Ronaldo in an awful goal-drought; how many goals will they score against Leeds this weekend? 0, 1, 2, 3 or more






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Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Looking sharp for 2022 Scott Robertson says he is more ready than ever to take the All Black reins, while sounding a warning to rival Super Rugby teams. In an interview with Newstalk ZB, Robertson said he remains hell-bent on improving his all-powerful Crusaders unit. The Crusaders open their latest campaign against the Hurricanes in Dunedin on Saturday night, as the Covid pandemic threatens to rip through the rejigged competition. But if ever a coach is built to deal with an evolving crisis, it is Robertson. The inside word on Robertson’s Crusaders suggests a camp which does not involve obsessive over-coaching, and is built around a great spirit. And the coach himself has given some credence to that on the eve of the new season. He also revealed the overseas club contacts who keep him on top of his game, and they include two NRL rugby league heavyweights. The zany former All Black loose forward has inspired an unprecedented title haul, while creating a cult following and an army of fans who want him to take over the All Blacks. His five successive titles followed years of disappointment for a juggernaut which could no longer turn its rugby excellence into titles. Robertson told Newstalk ZB’s Jason Pine that the build-up to the 2022 season has involved making sure his champion squad is “clear on how we want

Clark Waratahs Highlanders Hurricanes Reds

to play” and getting the returning All Blacks up to speed on that. “Then just go and have some fun,” said Robertson, a statement which is probably a significant part of his philosophy. When asked how he keeps the side at the top of their game, Robertson said while he was confident about his technical ability, it wasn’t the area where he really thrived. “People need to have a clear reason why you are there and why you love playing,” he said. “That’s where I back myself as a coach. “I get the (technical coaching side of ) game, I played it for so long, I was coaching through schools and clubs. “(But) the leadership, cultural…the actual inspiring part, to do it every year, to make the boys as hungry, you get caught out if you’re not hungry. “That’s the part I love. “You have little themes.

Local people, local knowledge

“The boys get to challenge themselves and enjoy their days, and want to make history.” Great rugby coaches can appear as stern characters. Robertson, in keeping with his image, said he was not one to bawl out players. “It’s not my style (although) now and again I’ll give them a real clear


understanding that our work ethic isn’t there,” he said. “I’ve got really good mentors, I do a lot of personal development stuff off the field during the season. “I’ve got enough time to do it – all our coaches coach other teams except me. “I do the leadership courses, do a lot of work on turangawaewae stuff, belonging, our standing, where we come from. You refresh that every year so it becomes new.” Robertson said he closely follows rugby in the northern hemisphere, and has great relationships with the coaches at Saracens and Leinster. He has a similar link with two

I need every day, and have family time,” he said. “(surfing etc) is where I get my energy from. I still do swimming and yoga. “I’ve got an incredible coaching group, and they are always finding ways to step up and grow themselves, which allows me to trust them. “They know I’m at my best when I’ve got a clear head, observing the group, seeing how I can add value to them.” Robertson said a lot of things needed to line up to win titles, from luck with injures to refereeing calls. “But doing it five years in a row, you get confident, and you also want to keep improving,” he said. “Improvement gets me as excited as winning. They go besides each other.” Meanwhile Robertson, who was overlooked by NZ Rugby following the 2019 World Cup crash, still covets the All Blacks coaching job. He is contracted until the end of 2024, but various clauses reportedly include an option to leave at the end of next year. “I’d love to lead my country - look I’m probably even more ready than I was … you’d hope so after missing out three years ago,” he said. But Robertson added: “I’m coaching the best club in the world and to coach a club you played for is even more inspiring. “Do I coach another club, or do I coach a country? “I want to keep progressing.”

gets me as excited “ Improvement as winning. They go besides each other

NRL heavyweights, the Melbourne Storm who are led by Craig Bellamy, and the Sydney Roosters, coached by Trent Robertson. “I talk to other coaches, see what they do,” he said. Keeping fit and pursuing interests such as paddle boarding and surfing were a big part of his coaching schtick. “I keep myself fit and healthy, get the exercise

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14 CLUB NEWS Ashburton Bowling Club

The Ashburton’s Men’s Championship singles was played on Monday 7th and won by the team of G Eder, B Donaldson, W Lee – congratulations gentlemen and commiserations to T Blain, D Kinvig and R Lowe, the gallant losers! At the 2-4-2 open pairs on the 9th, sponsored by Milestone Financial & Truscott Hamilton, 2 matches only were possible before the rain intervened, again! The results are: 1st – Wendy Suttie and G Sparks – 2 wins, 12 ends, 28 points, 2nd – A McCarthy and J Moffat – 2 wins, 12 ends, 26 points, 3rd – B Mayson and R Suttie – 2 wins, 11 ends, 17 points, 4th – J Kewish and R Ward – 2 wins, 10 ends, 21 points, 5th – T Blain and Annette Blain – 2 wins, 9 ends, 25 points, 6th – G Eder and W Lee – 2 wins, 9 ends, 22 points. The West Coast Tournament (men), 11th13th, had players from all Mid Canterbury clubs competing. The Ladies Coast Tournament was due to start on the 15th. No new date for the postponed 4th February Ashburton Friday Triples has been arranged yet. The men’s Sub Centre Lowry Cup singles was washed out on Sunday, another date to be arranged. The Club’s Saturday Rollover triples has been a victim of the weather twice now. On Saturday Ashburton Ladies Premier team (W Suttie, D Gutberlet, L Spargo, S Maw) defeated Allenton by 1 point in the final in very wet conditions. At the same time, the Ashburton Men’s Challenge team (G Eder, D Kinvig, R Suttie, N Stuthridge) persevered in the same conditions to win the Challenge in a round robin format – 4.5 points from 5 games. The Ladies Prestige (H Goodall, B Skilling, J Ryk, L Mills) is yet to be completed with Ashburton and Allenton contesting the final. Locked in at 7 all after 9 ends it was decided to carry on in kinder weather conditions. 7 ends are still to be played on February 26. 13 Ashburton players were due to take part in the Sub Centre Over 75s triples at Hinds on Monday 14th, but now postponed to a later date. Ashburton Ladies drawn fours is scheduled for Tuesday 22nd, at 10 am, and our In-house Glassey Mixed Pairs (3 bowls), sponsored by Subway (names on the board please) is on the 23rd at 12.30pm. Good bowling everyone, stay safe and dry!

Ashburton Combined Friendship Club

Our February meeting was held at the Hotel Ashburton and was well attended in spite of being in the Red Covid Level. The normal (these days) procedures of wearing masks into the venue, scanning in and the hotel checking vaccine passes were followed. Once in the meeting room members could choose to remove masks. Our first speaker was club member Ray Gudex, who spent a good part of his life living in the Riverview Homestead in Gudex Road, Raincliff, Middle Valley between Geraldine and Fairlie. The original farm was cut off Raincliff Station and settled by Michael Gudex, who emigrated from Germany in the 1870s, and was farmed by the Gudex family for more than 120 years. The homestead was built in stages, originally a four roomed dwelling and later extended to eight rooms with a veranda along the length of the building. It was constructed with rammed clay walls more than 12 inches thick. Ray moved into the house with his family when he was 2. He remembers electricity coming to the house in the 1950s and the electrician installing the wiring.

Local raconteur Bernard Egan knows how to tell a story or two, and entertained the Ashburton Combined Friendship Club.

Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

He later farmed there till selling in the 1990s. The house now stands on a small block of about 2 Ha and recently featured on TV news when it came up for sale. It has been sold to a consortium from Auckland who intend to do a full restoration and use it as a holiday retreat. Our main speaker was Bernard Egan, well-known local raconteur, who gave an interesting and entertaining talk, loosely based around his experiences writing for the Ashburton Guardian motoring pages. He recounted many amusing and allegedly true anecdotes from his experiences, and also entertained with a raft of tall stories. Meetings second Tuesday of the month, 9.30 am. Visitors welcome. Phone Joe 0274 339 018.

Ashburton Golf Club

Well, you can do hours of groundwork, you can prep a beautiful course, you can tip-toe through the intricacies of covid protocols, and you can put together a draw for over 220 players, the biggest ever field we have assembled, but one thing you cannot do is control the weather. We thought we may well dodge a bullet when the first groups teed off at 7:45 in calm conditions, and even the early afternoon players got through 9 holes with only a bit of drizzle. Then, in came the southerly and mother nature bared her teeth. All of the pairs completed their first round, which was a wonderful achievement. Lying in bed all through Saturday night and early Sunday we could hear the rain slashing against the windows, and thought, it is not going to look good at daybreak. The match committee convened at 7.30am, and the decision, though hard on the heart, was an easy one to make. The course was totally unplayable, the 9th and 18th greens were fully puddled, and the Calder Stewart/ Hydraulink outside bar had been turned into a swim-up bar. The decision was made to make the tournament a one-day match, so all Saturdays scores were the overall results. Symon Restieaux and Chris Helem from Rakaia picked up the top prize. Then Barry Jury and Paul Stoddart got the Men’s prize, Dinielle and Dave King took out the mixed and Jen Shepherd and Tonee Hurley got the ladies. Well done to everyone who took part, a massive thanks to Terry, Tom and all their team for the hours of work that went into setting the game up. Ben, Josh, Neil and gang for the fabulous course and all our wonderful sponsors. Bigger and better next year. Oh, and just to top my weekend off I picked up a hairdryer in the raffle, just what I need! This week our programme is sponsored by the Darryl Philips Motor Company, many thanks Darryl. We will be playing round 1 of the Brandon Cup on Saturday which is a 3 round combined stableford competition, come along and join us, hopefully the weather behaves. Good golfing.

Ashburton Lions

President Roger Paterson opened by welcoming all to the meeting, explaining a couple of changes to covid precautions that need to be taken at the moment (masking except while eating/drinking, showing vaccine passes, scanning or signing in). Because of the recent shift to Red in the covid ‘traffic light’ alert system, this year’s Methven Show, Swap Meeting and Motorhome Show have all had to be cancelled and the District Conference at the end of March has been replaced by an electronic AGM to enable essential business to proceed as normal. Sam Gordon outlined a request from St Vincent de Paul for funds to allow the purchase of an AED (defibrillator) in a secure cabinet on the outside of their Victoria Street premises for 24-hour access by the community. This was approved in principle. We received an update that the playhouse in the Playhouse Raffle was won by a young builder who lives locally, who in turn donated it to a newly-settled family of refugees. The creation of the post of Club Welfare Officer was briefly discussed and offers of assistance sought; as well as co-ordinating help for club members who need assistance to attend appointments this officer will arrange collection and de-

Above – David Stewart spoke of his travels, driving for the Cancer Society and Menz Shed. Right – Guest speaker, Michelle Parkin from Forsyth Barr Investment Group, with colleague Lucia. livery of groceries, prescriptions etc for members who need it if they are infected or isolating during the coming phase of the pandemic. Covid precautions will be taken including the use of disposable gloves, masks and contactless delivery. Anyone able to help with this service should please contact Roger. President Roger was extremely pleased to announce that Manny Sim has agreed to serve as Club President for the following year. Our three-minute speaker this month was David Stewart, who managed to pack in a quick introduction about himself and Maree, his wife of 54 years, and their family; his travels (including Vietnam, China, Alaska, Argentina and Europe), his driving for the Cancer Society and the fact that he is a founding member (and now life member) of the Menz Shed. Our guest speaker was Michelle Parkin from Forsyth Barr Investment Advice. She told us about how her family bought her a few shares during the UK government’s sell-off of nationalised industries in the 1980s. Her father helped her to track how her shares increased in value after the privatisation and she decided, aged 12, that she wanted to become a stockbroker when she grew up. She realised this ambition, becoming the first member of her family to attend university. She secured a work experience placement in this overwhelmingly male industry by initially offering to work for free, and went on to work for this same company for twenty years before setting up her own asset management company in the UK with a group of colleagues and then moving to her husband’s home town of Ashburton. Finally this month marked the Tail Twisters’ first fines handed out for accidentally going up to the buffet without a mask – so be warned!

Ashburton MSA Petanque Club

Due to the rain on Sunday the Club President’s Triples Competition had to be postponed. A new date will now have to be found. This Saturday is our Have A Go Day, so pick up a friend and come along at 1pm to the MSA Bowling Club at 115 Racecourse Road. Equipment and tuition will be available, there is no charge. Petanque is suitable for all ages, both sexes, great exercise with little effort and we

always finish with a cup of tea and a chat in the club rooms. Our members enjoy the friendliness of the club and are given a lot of encouragement with their play, and to enter into the various tournaments that are available at both club and national level. A Vaccine Pass is required. The following weekend is the SI Triples tournament in Christchurch with several local teams entered. March is a busy month for petanque throughout the country but our big day will be on Sunday 27 March when we celebrate our 10 year anniversary. A lot of planning has been given to this event and we are all looking forward to it. If you have had a connection with the club anytime in the last decade and would like to join us please contact us by checking the MSA noticeboard. As usual we invite you to join us any Tuesday and/or Thursday at 1pm to learn the game, but we look forward to seeing you this Saturday, come on, Have A Go!

Mid Canterbury Ladies Friendship Club

President Julie Begg welcomed members to the February meeting of the Mid Canterbury Ladies Friendship Club. After the National anthem was sung, members stood as a mark of respect on the recent passing of Ailsa Lovett, who was the first President of the Club. Birthdays and Anniversaries were celebrated. Members were advised of the visit to Hakatere planned 23 February, there will be a history talk, a walk around the community gardens and bachs before afternoon tea. The sales table is proving to be successful. Marion read a verse on the epidemic of smiling. After the raffle was drawn and morning tea the guest speaker was Belinda Brand, Manager of Volunteer Services for Hospice. She told some of their history and that they now have the shop and have bought the building in Sealy Street. The services they provide are free and are for people with a life limiting illness – terminal aspect, the client and their family. Some of the services provided are massage, reika, counselling, reflexology, support, visiting, companionship, transport, activities, biographers as well as the shop. There are exercise groups, armchair travel, strollers, facials, bingo and other activities. A major achievement was the purchase of the Havelock Street base, this has made a difference to the servic-

es being offered. Current clients are 106. Belinda was thanked for her address. Noeline then told of a visit to North Canterbury over the Christmas period and leaving her handbag behind. Karen spoke of her experiences over the holiday period and the grandchildren taking over. Marion told of meeting an orphan fawn at Christmas time. The Annual General Meeting is next month. The meeting was closed with the Thought for the Month – These days when it comes to shocking reading, nothing beats a price tag. If you wish to visit our club please phone Julie at 3084254 or Rae at 3088927. We would love you to visit.

Netherby Women’s Institute

We started the year off with an afternoon tea on Friday February 11 at one of our members’ homes. This was a social occasion to farewell one of our longest members, Nellie Burrows, who is moving to Christchurch. The weather was kind to us and as well as having a delicious afternoon tea we were able to look at our Hostesses beautiful garden. Now for the real stuff. Our February meeting was held in the Seniors’ Centre and was attended by 15 members plus Jude Vaughan and Mavis Wilkins. Aspirations were recited by members and the motto “Friendship is a treasured gift” was read out. Members and friends were thanked for their efforts in delivering Meals on Wheels. Roll Call – What you did for Christmas and the holidays? Everyone enjoyed their time, mainly with families. Federation information was read out. We then moved to the Annual Meeting. The Secretary read the minutes from the 2021 AGM and these were confirmed. Our President read the Annual report for the 2021 year and the Treasurer presented the Financial report. Annual competition results were as follows with the prizes being presented by Jude Vaughan. Flowers: Barbara Danielson. Cooking: Adrienne Hodson. Craft: Nancy Christey. Photo: Catherine Thomas - Jean Turton cup for the most points for the year Nancy Christey. Mavis Wilkins took the chair for the election of officers for 2022. President: Patsy Huggins, Secretary: Adrienne Hodson, Treasurer: Catherine Thomas, Committee: Denise Clark, Barbara Danielson, Maureen Griggs, Rosie O’Brien and Sue Quinn. Let’s hope we can have a good year without too many disruptions.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

RightonTrack Guardian racing

Mid Canterbury’s horse and dog racing action

Stackhouse injured in nasty race fall

Fractured ribs, pelvis fracture and liver bleed

Matt Markham Mid Canterbury jockey, Daniel Stackhouse is in for a lengthy stint on the sidelines following a serious fall during a race last week at Kilmore, in Australia. The talented jockey, who has been in sublime form in recent months to see him firmly ensconced in the top 20 riders in Victoria, was riding for leading trainer Matt Cumani at the Kilmore meeting when his ride suddenly went down, sending its jockey to the turf. Stackhouse, who was born and raised in Mid Canterbury and cut his teeth in New Zealand before heading to Australia, was airlifted to hospital following the incident. Scans following the fall revealed that he


had suffered left and right rib fractures, a small liver bleed and a small pelvis fracture which will keep him out of action for a number of weeks at least. The 31-year-old has 860 career wins and more than $15 million in earnings stacked next to his name. This season alone Stackhouse has ridden 41 winners and picked up close to 100 placings for more than $1.7 million in stake earnings. Stackhouse has been in hot demand off the back of a few good years in the saddle and has picked up rides in the last two editions of the Melbourne Cup – underlining the esteem in which he is held in Australia. Multiple jockeys took to social media from around Australasia to wish him a speedy recovery after the fall while a good friend said he was already counting down the days until he could get back in the saddle and continue riding winners.

NZ Metro harness Tomorrow at Addington Raceway

R1 IRT. YOUR HORSE. OUR PASSION TROT $12,000 2600m 17:23 1 0 MC Squared R May 2 47X06 Rush C D Thornley 3 682 Son Of A Sun M J Williamson 4 Leningrad T Williams 5 2 Lil Miss Muscles S Ottley 6 68X Westar Milly B Hope 7 7 The Beat G Smith 8 99007 Sunny Son B Orange R Close 9 75 Kiwi Colt 10 64X36 Oh Nova Love T Chmiel 11 0X452 Raining In My Heart J Dunn 12 54923 Lookslikeatrixter J Smith

9 90PX9 Smart Shadow 10 35845 Sheza Manipulator M Edmonds 11 Nakula R3 AVON CITY FORD PACE $12,000 2600m 18:19 1 47530 Ready I Am P Wakelin 2 85636 Harry Stamper P Williamson 3 9165X Kowhai Sunset S Ottley 4 41990 Ginas Majesty I R Cameron 5 68698 Illegal Alien K Cameron 6 32615 Vertigo L McCormick 7 24241 Meghan A Lethaby 8 765X0 Dreamsinthe Mist G Ward B Orange 9 41407 Royal Diedre D Burrows 10 040X0 Silverlinings R2 NZB STANDARDBRED MOBILE PACE $12,000 R4 FAULK INVESTMENTS MOBILE PACE $12,000 2600m 18:49 1980m 17:49 R Close 1 90562 Bondi Lustre M J Williamson 1 859X Street Hawk 2 53374 Mikis Shining Star S O’Reilly 2 790X6 Millwood Melody T Williams 3 77X62 Cut Glass 3 Ann Sophie 4 9X6 Home Grown S Ottley 4 7X Bettorlini B Hope 5 Backburn K Cox 5 78483 Get Back J Morrison 6 Bettor Be Sharp G D O’Reilly 6 942X6 De La Renta S Ottley 7 76633 Hells Art 7 98389 Hikoi Hine S Tomlinson 8 X0022 Sargent Best R May 8 3 Coachella B N Orange


13255 31682 24174 4x882 35346 23762 85643 81116 88554 83676

Homebush Stasser Onesie Know Smokey Rowdy’s Message Smash Achiever Homebush Zack Bees Are Buzzing Nighthawk Jink Know Ratio Amuri Patti

J T McInerney L J Waretini G A Cleeve J M Jopson M M Grant J T Mc Inerney J M Jopson Matt Roberts G A Cleeve J T McInerney

9 42 No Terror B N Orange 10 69824 Bobby Vinton T Williams R5 STORER MOTORS HANDICAP TROT $12,500 2600m 19:19 1 71242 He’s A Cassanova J Dunn 2 42312 Magnifique Diamanche K Cox 3 17743 Kenny Keko 4 88700 Greenbank Betty Z Power 5 50553 Baxter 6 40634 Royal Del S Thornley 7 10941 Bright Glow I R Cameron 8 69230 Sods Law J Geddes A Lethaby 9 6P109 Jakarta R May 10 9X091 Samanthas Moon M J Williamson 11 18501 Winning Bones R6 THE BOX SEAT MOBILE PACE $17,500 1980m 19:48 1 51240 Samhara M Purdon 2 74109 Homebush Lad B Hope 3 7885X That Alexander Guy R Close 4 31X94 Di Caprio S Ottley 5 47305 Henry Hubert T Williams 6 X5P23 One Change B Orange 7 45323 Classie Brigade J Dunn

R7 CLARKSON SIGNS HANDICAP TROT $17,500 2600m 20:18 1 13644 Show Me The Gray R Close 2 61348 Cochly Malc B Orange 3 11810 Lauries Legacy B Williamson 4 11845 Majestic Chick 5 11745 Phoebe Onyx B Butt 6 23643 Chief Of Staff T Williams 7 33432 The Dominator C D Thornley 8 111X3 Five Wise Men J Dunn R8 JOHNNIE WALKER MOBILE PACE $15,000 1980m 20:43 1 30002 Shanika G O’Reilly 2 34301 Matt Major T Williams 3 85703 Oliver North M J Williamson 4 X4734 Luella B Hope 5 13118 Franco Macho C D Thornley 6 67506 Jazelle J Curtin 7 62312 Smiffy’s Terror J Dunn 8 31933 Teagan Banner B Orange K Newman 9 21381 High Flying Harry R9 FIRST DIRECT TAXIS PACE $12,500 2000m 20:09 1 8X600 Georgie Zukov R May 2 42387 Teds Legacy M Edmonds

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 15821 9 32781 10 72872

4540 9332 22379 34734 32230 75228 43575

Manjimup Motor Mouth Kerri Maguire Loyalist Riveered A Bettor Act Silk

R Cameron M J Williamson T Williams B Hope M Purdon J Dunn B Orange

Matt Markham’s Addington Selections Race 1: Lil Miss Muscles, Kiwi Colt, Oh Nova Love, Leningrad Race 2: De La Renta, Coachella, Bettorlini, Get Back Race 3: Harry Stamper, Vertigo, Kowhai Sunset, Meghan Race 4: Home Grown, Street Hawk, Bettor Be Sharp, No Terror Race 5: Samanthas Moon, He’s A Cassanova, Magnifique Diamanche, Sods Law Race 6: One Change, Samhara, Classie Brigade, Henry Hubert Race 7: Five Wise Men, Chief Of Staff, The Dominator, Lauries Legacy Race 8: Matt Major, Franco Macho, Smiffy’s Terror, Teagan Banner Race 9: Riveered, Kerri Maguire, Manjimup, Loyalist BEST BET: Five Wise Men (Race 7) VALUE: Home Grown (Race 4)

Christchurch dogs Today at Addington Raceway

R1 The Fitz Sports Bar Sprint $2,400 295m Type:C3 3 4 16:09 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Daniel Stackhouse was injured in a race fall at Kilmore in Australia last week.

43478 62811 5 35452 6 35337 7 64254 8 23255 9 88554 10 83676

Free For All Fly High Buddy Tweet About It Homebush Peach Bushvale Briley Kirkby Know Ratio Amuri Patti

M M Grant L J Waretini A L Hart J T McInerney J M Jopson C J Weir G A Cleeve J T McInerney

7 8 9 10

26134 43674 21478 775x3

My Curly Opawa Nut Opawa Rowan Tomfoolery

L J Waretini R Wales R Wales L J Waretini

R6 Kolorful Kanvas Sprint $2400 295mC3 17:59

1 75285 Humbling J & D Fahey 2 x1755 Opawa Jaws R Wales 3 7331 Lautrec R D Blackburn J M Jopson R4 Steve Anngow Drapes & Blinds Ph.0272719588 4 18556 Coffee Biscuit 5 58334 Homebush Sparkle J T McInerney Dash $2700 295m Type:C4 17:07 6 74243 Souffle Sue J T McInerney 1 81641 Beck Eleven L J Waretini 7 35823 Homebush Macho J T McInerney 2 36362 Mighty Mccook J M Jopson 8 63121 Know Hinder G A Cleeve J T McInerney R2 Happy Birthday Mark Nicol Dash $2400 295m 3 43785 Romeo 9 88554 Know Ratio G A Cleeve 4 53155 Gary A L Hart Type:C3 16:25 Patti 10 83676 Amuri J T McInerney 5 13614 Right On Ramsay A G Bradshaw 1 36352 Impressive Isla J T McInerney 6 51466 Diamond Harmony M M Grant 2 11226 Lucas Jewel C Roberts R7 Swimming Goat At Stud Stakes $5500 520m Type: 7 53221 Amuri Luck J T McInerney 3 64125 Scardiny R P Breen C5 18:25 8 25623 Thunder Hallows A G Bradshaw 4 12274 St Andrews J M Lane 1 12234 Fairly Able J & D Fahey 9 73368 Taieri Finn R Casey 5 58222 Homebush Glitch J T Mc Inerney 2 24173 Bahati Bale C Roberts 10 88436 Suck It Up A L Hart 6 87127 Homebush Dream J T Mc Inerney 4 16615 Opawa Chrissy J & D Fahey 7 58757 Diamond Warrior M M Grant C Roberts R5 Thursday Place Pick Stakes $4000 520m Type: 5 22111 Raja Bale 8 x750x Culvie But J M Jopson 7 16137 Opawa Wayne J & D Fahey C3 17:34 9 88554 Know Ratio G A Cleeve 8 24323 Dembe J & D Fahey 1 76425 Opawa Anita J & D Fahey 10 83676 Amuri Patti J T McInerney 2 36518 Xabil Bale C Roberts R8 Hart Family Greyhound Racing Sprint Feature G A Cleeve R3 Adoption Sprint $2400 295m 3 65412 Know Account $2,200 295m Type:SPECA 18:50 4 46211 Carlos Jewel C Roberts Type:C3 16:44 1 41348 Homebush Fanta J T Mc Inerney 5 24546 Mandy Jewel C Roberts 1 61535 Regal Jock J T McInerney 2 55163 Barbara’s Angel J T Mc Inerney 6 35x81 Opawa Gina J & D Fahey 2 41445 Homebush Liam J T McInerney 3 11451 Smash Ready M M Grant

62677 33616 21158 22725 62168 47534 67581

Nova Rapide Claws In Creed Mable Jewel Rose Thorn Regal Valiant Young Romeo Adobe Derulo

A G Bradshaw Matt Roberts C Roberts R P Breen R P Breen R P Breen Matt Roberts

15361 46671 11176 6x371 337x5 55172 10351 35222 21478 78783

Opawa Harper Money Spinner Palesa Bale Ripslinger Roxy Seductive Kiwi Go Johnny Go Opawa Goat Know Grizzles Opawa Rowan Tokyo Bird

R Wales C Roberts C Roberts A G Bradshaw C J Weir Matt Roberts J & D Fahey G A Cleeve R Wales C Roberts

1 2

31615 32303 35532 22681 5 25133 6 12416 7 x1112 8 53318 9 32781 10 5156x

11255 36551 74114 86641 87141 71121 35117

Rapid Raccoon Miss Adobe Cheeky Lu Smooth Step Alternate Shot Master Porthos Jocelyn

C J Weir Matt Roberts A L Hart M M Grant A L Hart A L Hart J M Jopson

Barber Cubed Made The Cut Edge Of Reason Mustang Megan Hilton Hope Victoria Lu Peggy Lu Opawa Oscar Homebush Chloe Homebush Monkey

J M Jopson A L Hart J E Dunn A L Hart B C Dann A L Hart A L Hart R Wales J T McInerney J T McInerney

R12 Racing Again 18 February@12.01pm Sprint $2700 295m Type:C4 20:16 1 2

55x32 85814 35145 58173 5 24222 6 13474 7 46133 8 24231 Emergencies: 9 73368 10 88436

R10 Garrard’s Horse & Hound Dash $3600 295m Type: 3 C5 19:41 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

J & D Fahey J T McInerney J T McInerney

R11 Addington Events Centre Dash $3600 295m Type: C5 19:58

R9 Active Electrical Christchurch Stakes $4700 520m 3 Type:C3/4 19:16 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Nevada Phil Homebush Chloe Amuri Fury

Notorious Heist Ovens Angler Impressive Sonic Maccy’s Girl Taieri Taylee Trousseau Reddy Moth Spice Spice Baby

A G Bradshaw A L Hart J T Mc Inerney C Roberts R Casey J E Dunn A L Hart A G Bradshaw

Taieri Finn Suck It Up

R Casey A L Hart


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Hampstead out of senior rugby Matt Markham The axe might have fallen on their senior side for this year, but the Hampstead Rugby Club is refusing to let it reverberate. The official draw for this year’s Combined Country Rugby competition was released this week, with the blue and golds conspicuous in their absence from the three-pool competition, and club president, Paul Churchill confirmed to the Guardian this week that they wouldn’t be fielding a senior side this year. That extends itself through to the local competition, the Watters Cup, leaving four teams to vie for glory in Mid Canterbury Rugby’s showpiece in the second half of the season. “They’re always tough decisions to make, but we’ve had to make it,” Churchill said. “The final decision was made by the rugby committee that in 2022 we wouldn’t field a senior team, but instead turn our focus toward bringing together a team for the Senior B competition. “There’s been a number of difficulties over the year in terms of numbers with work and family commitments among our play-

ers, and at the end of the day it is that we place as the most important thing – work and family.” Churchill said that the core playing group that has kept the senior side going for a number of years now were in support of the decision, and many were looking forward to getting involved in the local scene a little more and playing in the Senior B competition. But he said it was also important to point out that the door wasn’t closed when looking to the future. “We are looking at it as a rebuilding phase, without a doubt. “The hope is that we can put a really competitive team out on the paddock in the Senior B competition, get a few wins on the board and build up a bit of spirit in the club, and have some fun while playing against local sides and recapturing some of those old rivalries.” Mid Canterbury Rugby chairman, Ged Rushton said from the Union’s point of the view, losing a senior team was never a desired outcome, but that there was a strong understanding and respect for why the decision was made. “We, along with everyone at Hampstead, are obviously really disappointed with the news,” Rushton said. “It’s never nice to see a team drop out of a competition, in any

Hampstead won’t field a senior rugby side in this year’s Combined competition or Watters Cup.


sense, but Hampstead have done a lot of great work over the years – especially when you consider the difficult situation that they are often in with player availability.” Hampstead’s arrival in the Senior B competition with a strong

nucleus of players will add some real zest to the competition this season. Last year the club’s Senior B side combined with Collegiate for the season. It is hoped, and the signs are

looking promising, that both clubs will field their own individual sides in the 2022 season to join Allenton, Southern, Methven, Mt Somers and Celtic – a rise on the number of teams from last year.

Battle lines drawn in Combined comp Battle lines have been drawn for this year’s Combined Country rugby competition. This year’s draw for the 21-team competition was officially released this week, with three pools playing for the chance to make the playoffs at the end of the season. A good spread of the usual contenders, plus those who will push for spots, is seen across the board. The bye in each round is somewhat negated by the North Canterbury Rugby

Union playing its own competition each week, using up two sides. The top two sides from each pool, plus the next two highest competition points scorers from the round robin, will advance to the quarter-finals, which are earmarked to begin on May 28. Methven take their place as the Mid Canterbury side in Pool A for this year, kicking off their campaign with an away trip to Ashley when the competition begins on Saturday, April 2. They are joined by competition pow-

erhouses Southbridge and Darfield in a tricky pool which also includes Ashley, Oxford, Lincoln and Woodend. In Pool B, Celtic are the only Mid Canterbury-based side. They have a delayed start to their campaign with the bye in the opening round of the season, but kick off in week two with a trip over the river to take on Waihora. Also in the pool is Glenmark/Cheviot, Prebbleton, Kaiapoi, Hurunui and Rolleston.

The final pool sees defending champions Southern out to repeat their efforts of 2021. They begin their campaign with a home-game against Springston at Hinds while Rakaia, who are also in the pool will also get a home match to begin the season against Hornby. The four sides are joined by Ohoka, West Melton and Saracens. This year’s competition will see no play conducted over the long Easter weekend.

Anna taking new role in her stride Matt Markham She’s spent the past decade and longer helping to nurture the minds of youngsters inside the classroom, but her focus is now outside of it in a new role with Sport Canterbury. Anna Holland is four weeks into her new role with the region-wide sporting organisation as a Healthy Active Learning Facilitator based here in Mid Canterbury – helping schools and providing advice around their existing and new systems. Shifting from the classroom at Ashburton Borough, where she taught up to the end of last year, to a different focused role was one Holland saw as daunting, but any fears she held were quickly erased.

“There was a little bit of hesitancy there, just wondering how things would go,” Holland said. “But now that we’re into it and I’ve got a bit of a feel for the job it’s really exciting and I’m loving it so far.” Healthy Active Learning is a joint physical activity and nutrition programme between Sport New Zealand and the

schools, and said that having a little local knowledge and seeing familiar faces has made the initial stages of the role that much more enjoyable. “I think I know a face or two in each of the schools that are a part of it, which is nice – and I also get to spend some time at Ashburton Borough and also Tinwald, where my own children attend.” The majority of Holland’s role involves working alongside schools with their initiatives, and helping to maximise them through the use of resources and additional programmes. “It’s all about the health and wellbeing of our children. “It really is great to be a part of it all.” Holland was one of four new facilitators announced this month by Sport Canterbury, filling roles in Christchurch, the West Coast, Mid Canterbury and South Canterbury.

Now that we’re into it and I’ve got a bit of a feel for the job it’s really exciting and I’m loving it so far ministries of health and education that’s been implemented in schools across the country. More than 300 educational facilities are now a part of the initiative, with 85 of those now in Canterbury. Holland is working with 10 local

Anna Holland has a new role in Mid Canterbury.


Puzzles and horoscopes Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

Cryptic crossword 1




Simon Shuker’s Code-Cracker



Your Stars


8 9


11 12





17 18



21 22




ACROSS 1. In France, a bit of old cloth has a pleasant smell (9) 5. What’s in the main cut, with tail removed? (3) 7. Where strangers are refreshed at the wicket two ways (4) 8. Thinking much of maid upset by band (8) 10. To brook much that’s returned, tear around East (8) 11. A bit of building land to mark on the map (4) 13. Throughout the time of the French Wagner cycle (6) 15. Naked figures scattering round top of dunes, a bit abrupt (6) 18. Rotten place to live, where rubbish disposal is effected (4) 19. A teacher of ethics, Mother is golden-hearted with catalogue (8) 22. The reporting of a hundred, too old! (8) 23. Is coping its highest achievement? (4) 24. Half what is aimed at may be found on the road (3) 25. It’s all in a day’s work (or sport!) to them (9) DOWN 1. Had an adventure with danger, maybe, but could lift Red out (7) 2. Abolish the yearbook for showing a loss (5) 3. Condition to which one is unsuited? (6) 4. Very bad way to cook with spices, with top removed (4) 5. Subjected to questioning, came under a good deal of heat (7) 6. Something worth seeing, and the ability to do so (5) 9. A handle with a bend in it for an eccentric (5) 12. Painting without canvas goes straight to the wall (5) 14. He shifts one’s furniture with class right at the end (7) 16. Get from the sea, lest it differs: they’re painful to touch (7) 17. Something to do up, having got up with broken leg (6) 18. Old money for French nobleman at the end (5) 20. Half of Persia now, consumed with anger (5) 21. The Greek you and I turned up got more and more (4)

Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.



Quick crossword 1






7 8



14 15 16 17


19 20

ACROSS 6. Six-sided figure (7) 7. Japanese meal (5) 9. Levy (3) 10. Inactive (9) 12. Rural (11) 15. Ignored (11) 17. Unharmed (9) 19. Overweight (3) 21. Religious song (5) 22. Combatant (7)




M ?



DOWN 1. Rot (5) 2. Indentation in coastline (3) 3. Area (4) 4. Warranted (9) 5. Contract (7) 8. Extreme fear (6) 11. Rightly (9) 13. Neutralise (6) 14. Keyboard player (7) 16. Judge’s hammer (5) 18. Depart (4) 20. Timid (3)

Previous cryptic solution

Good Verywords Good of 15 three Excellent 18 How 11 many or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words Previous solution: ahs, are, ares, ash, beginning with a capital arehares, allowed. ear, ears, era, eras, ers, hare, There’s least one has, hear,athears, her, five-letter hers, rah,word. rahs, rase, rash, res, Good rhea, 15 rheas, sea, sear, Good 11 Very Excellent 18 sera, share, she, shea, shear

Insert the missing letter to complete an






T E P I R WordBuilder E ? How many words of three or more including plurals, can you make Rletters, REusing P from theT five letters, each letter only once? No foreign words or words with a capital are allowed. I Eone five-letter R word. Ubeginning There’s at least

eight-letter word reading clockwise or Previous solution: ANEURYSM anticlockwise. Previous solution: ANEURYSM



WordBuilder WordBuilder


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Try not to get too caught up in how important a job is. Commit to the work, whatever it may be, as though the harmony of the universe depends on it. It just might. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): The right mindset helps you cruise unimpeded by the worries or doubts of underconfidence and overthinking. It takes time and experimentation, but it’s worth it to learn how to conjure that mindset on command. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Lately, your feelings are often suspended as you wait to see what goes well and what blows up. Every outcome is a sign that you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing at this stage: testing it all out. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): As you find yourself actually enjoying the same process that others meet with dread, you prove a point about the power of interpretation. Cultivate this and you have the world in the palm of your hand. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): There is no reasoning with what was born outside of reason. Much is in the category, including every animal and infant, and every fear or impulse that comes from the animal and infantile parts of the brain. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): While newbies may be wise to aim for incremental, reachable goals, the pros, who long ago separated their selfworth from the task, will set the bar high and expect to fail gloriously and often. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): The untapped resources around you are so plentiful there’s no time to tap them all. Where to start? Your preferences and interests are as worthy of serving as anyone’s. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): You keep finding new ways to be useful. You’ll figure out how you can create convenience, relieve pain and solve the problem. Your efforts are only successful when they give you ease, too. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Though the only way to really know if something will work for you is to try it, there are many things that are not worth the risk. Today, your educated guess will steer you very accurately. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You don’t need all good examples around you as the inspiration for living right. In fact, bad examples can be the most motivating. You’ll be shown an array of models, both aspirational and cautionary. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Should you dive in or dip a toe in? Much depends on the number of people in the pool. Your strategy will be determined by what others are doing and how many are doing it. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Whether you sit in the sun or shade is a personal choice, though it’s dictated by things beyond your control. Metaphorically, your skin is sensitive and protection is required to avoid getting burned.

Across: 1. Slough 4. Salvia 9. Recover 10. Antic 11. Pain 12. Ache 13. Hod 15. Spry 16. True 19. Tot 21. Dale 22. Stop 24. Overt 25. Soprano 26. Swears 27. Statue 2 4 3.8Gave3 5. Amateurs 7 9 Down: 1. Strip cartoons 2. Orchids 6. Vetch 7. Accident-prone 8.1Crack 7 14. 3 Predator 4 17. Extract 18. Blast 20. There 23. Spot

9 6 8 Previous quick solution 9 2 6 Across: 1. Rattled 5. Fauna 8. Played for time 9. Yes 1 3 Fiends 15. Spectator 2 Previous solution: ahs, are, ares, ash, 10. Nauseated 12. Dramas 13. ear, ears, era, eras, ers, hare, hares, 16. Icy 18. Go the distance 20. Style 21. Saddled 4 7 6 has, hear, hears, her, hers, rah, rahs, Down: 1. Reply 2. Transparently 3. Lie in wait 4. Duff up 8 rase, rash, res, rhea, rheas, sea, sear, 5. Far 6. Unintentional 7. Agendas211. Emigrated sera, share, she, shea, shear 12. Designs 14. Strips 17. Yield 19. Eke 8 9 2 17/2 1 2 2 6 7 4 7 SOLUTIONS PREVIOUS Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. 2 438 3 1 7 9 66 8 5 1 7 3 9 5 6 4 8 2 9 5 3 1 2 7 4 5 8 9 4 84 3 37 7 1 9 6 5 12 2 7 9 2 6 8 5 1 4 3 4 7 5 8 4 2 6 8 3 1 4 7 2 9 8 5 6 8 5 6 91 6 3 4 7 2 9 2 6 8 1 7 4 281 8 6 3 5 9 4 6 8 9 5 7 1 2 3 4 8 2 9 3 2 1 7 3 1

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7 8 6 3 1 9 5 4 2

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8 7 1 5 9 6 4 2 3

6 3 9 8 2 4 7 1 5

Kim Miller

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4 9 1


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6 9

1 7 6 8 4

1 5


7 4 8 3 5 1 9 6 2 9 1 3 6 White 3 1Mid 2 Canterbury 9 4 8for7one5year. 2Meet5 Kim 6 Miller, owner of Ray Sales specialist for 12 years, a Mum of two for 9 2 5 7 6 238years 1 and 3 living 4 7 8 4 her best life for 52 years. Kim’s positive and professional approach is 8 talented 6 2 team, 1 7Kim9is always 4 5getting 3 the 4infectious, 6 9 and along with her best results for her clients. 4 9 3 5 8 6 2 1 7 8 7 5 1 5 7 4 2 3 6 9 8 1 3 2 027 236 8627 • 3 7 6 8• 03 307 1 8317 2 5 4 9 3Ashburton 2 1• Tinwald • Methven • 5 8 9 6 4 7 3 2 1 5 9 7 2 1 4 9 3 5 7 8 6 6 4 8

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Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Limited Licensed (REAA 2008)

3 2 7 6 9 4 8 1 5

8 7 6 2 9 7 3 4 6 8 1 4

1 7


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022


Rental Property Wanted!



An excellent tenant is looking for a 3 bed Home Delivery Contractors rooms house to rent in Ashburton. We are looking for reliable people to deliver the AshWe prefer to rent a house close to school as burton Guardian along with the Christchurch Press. we have school age children. I have already This position is six days aContractors week, Monday to Saturday. Home Home Delivery Delivery Contractors a full time job in Ashburton and I need to Deliveries are to be completed by 6.30am. We are seeking the following superstars who love We are looking We for are reliable looking people for reliable to deliver peoplethetoAshburton deliver theGuardian Ashburton along Guardian with the along with the move my family here as soon as possible. Christchurch Christchurch Press. work, reliable, have You would enjoy early morning to shop to become integral parts of our new Online your own This car, internet access a Saturday. smart have This position is six position days aisweek, six days Monday aand week, to Mondayphone, to Saturday. Reference will be provided from current Shopping team here at Ashburton New World. a current driver’s licence, capable of keeping accurate Deliveries are Deliveries to be completed are to beby completed 6.30am. by 6.30am. tenancy manager and employer records and a customer focussed attitude. You would enjoy You would early morning enjoy early work, morning be reliable, work, have be reliable, your own havecar, your internet own car, access internet access in Ashburton. • 3 Concierge/Personal Shoppers and a smart and phone, a smart havephone, a current have driver’s a current licence, driver’s capable licence, of keeping capableaccurate of keeping accurate To express your interest in this role, please go to records and records a customer and focussed a customer attitude. focussed attitude. www.stuff Days and hours to be discussed and will include 1 weekend day. 2 Please contact me on 021250122 or via To express your To express interestyour in this interest role, please in this role, go toplease go to Alternatively contact Warren Riley email positions of 40 hours per week, and one position which would suit a

Online Shopping is coming to Ashburton New World!


student of 9 hours per week over 2 days.

Alternatively Alternatively contact Warren contact Riley Warren, Riley, (021) 944 865 (021) 944 865


NOTICE OF MEETINGS MARCH 2022 The following meetings will be held in March 2022 in the Council Chamber, 200 Tuam Street, Christchurch unless otherwise stated. All visitors to Environment Canterbury buildings will be required to provide a current, valid My Vaccine Pass. The meetings may change to online-only meetings if we remain at Red under the Covid-19 Traffic Light settings. Any updates will be made on the Environment Canterbury website. 2 March Climate Change Action Committee, 1.00pm 3 March Transport and Urban Development Committee, 1.00pm 9 March Catchment Sub-Committee, 1.00pm 17 March Council, 11.00am 24 March Audit, Finance and Risk Committee, 1.00pm 31 March Regional and Strategic Leadership Committee, 1.00pm Regulation Hearing Committee The Regulation Hearing Committee is scheduled to meet weekly. Meetings will be held as required on Thursday 3, 10, 17 and 24 March 2022, 8.30am. Agendas will be available online at http://www. at least two days prior to each meeting. Stefanie Rixecker CHIEF EXECUTIVE Please contact Environment Canterbury with any queries:

0800 324 636


NEW Asian, hot and sexy, friendly, busty dd. Good massage and good service with no rush. Please phone 021 0904 0157.


WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.


ALL sorts of household items. Saturday 19th February only. 9am - 1pm. Farm Road, Allenton. . SATURDAY 19th Feb 2022, 9am - 12.30pm. 24 Keenans Road (off Seafield Road - near Celtic Rugby). Household, sundry items. Proceeds to Methodist Church Restoration.


GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street. Open Monday-Friday 7.00am – 5.30pm; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am 12.30pm - Phone 308 8061.

For all your classified requirements.

Phone the Guardian 307 7900

1 Personal Shopper/Delivery Agent Tuesday – Saturday, 36 hours per week.

Personal Shoppers/Dry Goods Assistants Ranging from 10 hours to 40 hours per week, specific days and hours will be discussed, but will include 1 weekend day.

All roles will be required to assist the Online Champion to plan and organize the day to day picking, packing and processing of all customer orders for the online shopping department. A key component of this position will be the ability to ensure all tasks are efficiently and accurately completed in a timely, professional manner along with the capability to substitute items and products should the need arise with a practical common sense approach all while providing excellent customer service. Due to the daily changing workloads to meet customers’ expectations, you may be required to work in other areas of the store as needed. We are looking for honest, reliable people who are looking for their next challenge of being part of the ever changing environment of how people like to grocery shop. If this sounds like you, we’d love to read your cover letter and CV so please apply online to, or drop them into Customer Services instore. Overseas applicants must hold New Zealand Citizenship, New Zealand Permanent residency or a Valid New Zealand Work Permit. Closing date for applications is 21 February 2022.



307 7900

positions to work with us in our established precast operation

Three local news-packed Guardians can be delivered to your door for around the price of a coffee

Precast Workers / Formwork Carpenters

Read and interpret drawings to be able to setup mould work and locate cast-in items to speci ication Setup mould work in a timely fashion with minimal rework Assist in placing completed steel cages into moulds Accurately place and secure cast-in items in a timely fashion.

Concrete Placers / Concrete Finisher

Experience in handling and placing concrete, understanding

into boxing and panel set up and site clean-up. Ability to read and interpret fabrication drawings and having excellent attention to detail.

Excellent remuneration will be paid to the right candidates. All applicants will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. A clear pre-employment drug test will be a condition of employment. To apply either ring or email the contact details below. Closing date: 22/2/22

Office phone: 03 307 8557 Email:

With Mid Canterbury’s best interests at heart for over 140 years To subscribe 0800 274-287

73St, Burnett Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z & & Brokernet Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 St,|Ashburton Members of NZBrokers I.B.A.N.Z & NZ Brokernet 2, 73 Level Burnett Ashburton | Members of|of I.B.A.N.Z Level Level 2, 73 Burnett St,2, Ashburton |Burnett Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd. NZ Ltd.

Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.


Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DEATHS Show off your new arrival in our Welcome to the World adverts


Your opportunity to tell Mid Canterbury of your next event or meeting

Please email your photo and 30 words or less to

Daily Events is a FREE DAILY LISTING of MID CANTERBURY EVENTS to be held in the immediate future by non-commercial organisations. To arrange for events to be published in Daily Events, clip this form, fill in the applicable details and hand in to our LEVEL 3 office on Burnett Street or post to: Ashburton Guardian, P.O. Box 77, Ashburton 7740, midday Thursday week prior to publishing.

ANDERSON, Ralph – Lorna, Stephen, Sandra, Vaughan and families would like to sincerely thank everyone for their phone calls, visits, flowers, messages and cards, also those who attended the celebration of Ralph's life. Your love and support to us has been greatly appreciated. We thank you all.

CONDITIONS: 1. Telephoned information NOT accepted. 2. Forms MUST be signed by an authorised representative of the organisation concerned. 3. A separate form MUST be submitted for each future event and may be lodged with the Guardian as far in advance as desired. For example: A club which meets monthly may submit, say, 12 separate forms simultaneously – one pertaining to each meeting scheduled over the following 12 months. 4. The organisation acknowledges that no responsibility for errors or omissions will be accepted by the Guardian Company.

For just $10!* Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.* (Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE)

ANDERSON, Marion Edith (Molly) – On February 10, 2022, peacefully at Ashburton Hospital. Dearly loved wife of the late Don, loved mother and mother-in-law of Susan and Michael Wilson, Gabrielle and Gavin Templeton, Jo and Paul Castelow. Much loved Nana Molly of Thomas and Louise, Emily, Hannah, and Simon; Sarah, and the late Charlotte; Harriet and Sam, Sophie and Charlie; great Nana Molly of Oliver, Evelyn, Archie, and Georgie. Messages to the Anderson family, c/- PO Box 472 Ashburton 7740. At Molly’s request a private service has been held.

WEILY, Jenefer Anne – On February 14, 2022. Peacefully at Ashburton Hospital. Aged 84 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Peter. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Stephen and Therle, Maree and Bill den Baars, and Lynley and Neil Pluck. Loving Nana Jen of Mark and Simone (Brisbane), Vanessa and Tim, Tonya and Svend, Anita and Robbie, Vicki, and Lauren. Great Nana of Joshua, Samuel, Isobelle, Harry, Ole, Paddy, Darcy, and James. Messages to the Weily Family, c/- PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. Due to Covid restrictions a private family service for Jenefer will be held.

*Terms and conditions apply.

P: 03 307 7900 E: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street

We are the only Mid Canterbury funeral home providing local, caring and dignified cremations.


E.B. CARTER LTD For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.

Complete Local Care Since 1982

620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member


Our ne ws , online, all the time

Ashburton Weather © Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2022


Thursday: Fine, apart from morning and evening cloud. Northeasterlies. MAX

Canterbury Plains

Midnight Thursday

Friday: Fine with high cloud. Northerlies.

23 MIN 11

Thursday: Fine, apart from morning and evening cloud about the coast. Northeasterlies.


Canterbury High Country

27 MIN 12


Mountain weather hazards: None issued. Some morning cloud, then fine.

Friday: Fine with high cloud. Northerlies. Saturday: Cloud increasing. Rain developing with a strong southerly change.

Wind at 1000m: Light, then NW 30 km/h developing in the afternoon, rising to 50 km/h at night. Wind at 2000m: Light, but NW 30 km/h at times. Freezing level: Above 3000m.

A ridge covers much of the country today, while a weak front brushes the far south. The ridge shifts to the North Island tomorrow, while a front approaches the South Island from the west. The front moves over the South Island on Saturday followed by southwesterlies, then over the North Island on Sunday while a ridge builds over the South Island. SUN PROTECTION ALERT PROTECTION REQUIRED

Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap

Data provided by NIWA

: 30 9 : 55 am – 5 pm

Around The Region Thursday

Christchurch Darfield Lake Coleridge Methven Rakaia Timaru

20 20 25 22 20 21

10 13 10 12 10 10

Friday Friday

26 26 23 25 26 26

14 16 12 14 16 13


26 11 23 10 22 6 22 9 24 11 23 9

Mountain weather hazard: Wind. Cloud increasing with showers developing about the main divide in the afternoon. Wind at 1000m: NW rising to 35 km/h. Wind at 2000m: NW rising to gale 65 km/h.

Saturday: Cloud increasing. Rain developing with a strong southerly change. MAX

Readings to 4pm Wednesday Temp °C Maximum Minimum Grass min 24hr Rain mm Month to date Wind km/h Strongest gust Sun hrs on Tue Month to date

Ashburton Airport 19.9 13.6 12.3 0.2 116.6 N 28 1:21am 12.0 56.9

Methven 20.2 12.6 – – – – – – –

Christchurch Timaru Airport Airport 21.2 19.6 13.1 12.1 8.4 – 0.0 1.6 139.8 97.6 SW 33 S 31 7:44am 5:39am 8.7 – 39.9 –

Tides, Sun and Moon Thursday

Tide data sourced from MetOcean Solutions



Ashburton H 5:12am 5:24pm 5:49am 6:04pm 6:28am 6:46pm Mouth L 11:19am 11:36pm 11:59am 12:19am 12:41pm Rakaia Mouth Rangitata Mouth

H 5:09am L 11:26am H 4:56am L 11:03am

5:29pm 11:43pm 5:08pm 11:20pm

5:51am 6:13pm 6:34am 6:59pm 12:07pm 12:26am 12:50pm 5:33am 5:48pm 6:12am 6:30pm 11:43am 12:03am 12:25pm

6:52am 8:41pm 6:54am 8:39pm 6:55am 8:37pm

Freezing level: Above 3000m.

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

24 MIN 10

9:17pm 6:50am 9:40pm 7:59am 10:02pm 9:08am

full Feb 17

last qtr Feb 24

new Mar 3

first qtr Mar 10


FinalWhistle The Guardian’s sports wrap

Ashburton Guardian Thursday, February 17, 2022

calling time on a week of sport

Bowing out Hampstead have confirmed they won’t field a senior rugby team during 2022. Find out why, and what the future holds on P16.

Stackhouse injured


Anna’s on the job


Club news


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