Ag 13 february 2016

Page 23


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ashburton Guardian 23


Inmates hacked to death A prison riot that left 49 inmates hacked, beaten or burned to death opened searing questions about gang rule, extortion and human rights violations in Mexico’s overcrowded prisons, where people merely awaiting trial are mixed in with some of the world’s most hardened killers. Those questions were not abstract for Victoria Casas Gutierrez, a cleaning lady who had waited for hours yesterday for news of her 21-year-old son, Santiago Garza Casas, who was facing trial for allegedly acting as a lookout for a criminal gang. Santiago was sent to the Topo Chico prison in September for missing a parole appointment. He was immediately mixed in with a prison population that included murderers. With their gang ties and access to drugs and guns, many say the Zetas and Gulf cartels run the prison. “They charge taxes, and if the relatives don’t bring a certain amount ... they beat them,” Casas Gutierrez said. The amounts charged depend on their crimes, but can be thousands of pesos. “Sometimes we have to sell our homes.” “There is vice inside and everything that is in there is their fault, the authorities,” she said. Casas Gutierrez was lucky; her son was not on the list of about 40 dead released yesterday, but some bodies were so badly burned it may take days to identify them. It was a Dantesque scene at the gates of the prison, as terrified relatives waited for more names to go up on the list of the dead posted in two letter-sized sheets on a wall. “Ayyy, my son is on the list!” 63-year-old Maria Guadalupe Ramirez screamed when she saw the name of her son, Jose Guadalupe Ramirez Quintero, 26. She collapsed into the arms of her daughter and human rights workers. Ramirez’s grief echoed the concerns of others whose loved ones were tossed into

Elton sits down with Putin Sir Elton John is looking forward to meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin as he is determined to improve the world for the sake of his children. The Rocket Man star is due to meet with Putin this year to discuss Russia’s anti-gay propaganda laws and he can’t wait to sit down with the controversial leader and debate the issue. The meeting came about after he was duped by radio presenters pretending to be the politician, but Sir Elton is adamant he was not embarrassed by the stunt and is happy for the chance to try to get some positive change out of it. “You have to have a sense of humour about these things,” he told British magazine ES. The next day the Kremlin got in contact and Putin called the musician for a 10-minute chat. the president is flying him to Moscow for a face-to-fact meeting. - AP

Inmates stand on the rooftop of the Topo Chico prison after a riot broke out. Dozens were killed in a brutal fight between rival factions. PHOTO AP

Topo Chico, despite being sentenced for minor offences or even while still awaiting trial. “He had already gotten out. They picked him up again just for drinking. ... There is injustice in this prison,” she said, shaking her fists and sobbing. Authorities allowed hundreds of relatives to enter the prison Thursday afternoon. But even those who were able to confirm that their loved ones had survived feared for their safety. One woman, who declined to give her name, visited her brother briefly and said she saw genuine fear on his face. He was only 10 days from his release date after serving nine months for drug possession. “They have threatened them so that they

don’t talk about what happened,” she said. “Only they know, but they don’t tell us anything.” “Who is going to assure me that they aren’t going do anything else inside,” she asked. No escapes were reported in the clash at the Topo Chico prison in Monterrey, said Nuevo Leon state Governor Jaime Rodriguez. The riot took place on the eve of Pope Francis’ arrival in Mexico, a visit that is scheduled to include a trip next week to another prison in the border city of Ciudad Juarez. Rodriguez said in the morning that 52 people had died, but he lowered that by three in the late afternoon. The reason for the changed death toll was not clear. - AP


Hardy voted most attractive Tom Hardy has been voted the most attractive British leading man of film and TV, according to a new poll. The Mad Max: Fury Road actor edged out closest rivals Colin Firth and Orlando Bloom to take top billing in the study to find the stars who get pulses racing. The win comes ahead of this month’s Oscars ceremony, which will see the Londoner battle Sylvester Stallone, Christian Bale, Mark Ruffalo and Mark Rylance for the best supporting actor award. With eight of the top 10 aged 40 and over, the survey commissioned by digital channel Drama, suggests British women favour mature men rather than fresh faces. At 38, Hardy, who played both roles in his depiction of gangsters Ronnie and Reggie Kray in Legend, is the youngest in the list. The oldest heartthrob is 56-year-old Game Of Thrones actor Sean Bean. - AP

Missing persons checked after sex attack Missing person files across Australia are being checked amid concerns the sex attack on two backpackers in South Australia could be linked to other crimes. A special task force has been set up to investigate the attack and police are also fast-tracking the processing of DNA samples taken from a 59-year-old man who has been charged over the incident. Two woman were attacked at a campsite at Salt Creek on Tuesday. One has since been released from hospital while the

other remains under care and is yet to talk with investigators. “The very nature of this incident cries out to inquire into the background of this particular suspect,” Acting Assistant Commission Doug Barr said yesterday. The man has been charged with a string of offences including unlawful sexual intercourse and attempted murder. He was remanded in custody at his first court appearance on Wednesday and will return to court on April 18.

One of the two women attacked was left covered in blood and witnesses have described the shocking scenes as she was rescued by fisherman after fleeing from a beachside camping ground. “It was horrific. It was like something from a movie. It was Storm Boy turned into Wolf Creek,” another, unrelated, camper Josh Harris told AAP. “At first I thought it was mud on her face. As she walked, supported by people, blood was all over her.” - AAP

Premier welcomes Golf Coast casino tower Queensland’s premier believes a proposed 200m high-rise development at Jupiters Casino on the Gold Coast is a win for the tourist strip. The casino is already undergoing a $345 million refurbishment that includes the construction of a six-star hotel tower. Casino owners Star Entertainment Group announced

an additional proposal to build the 700-room tower and a live sports theatre at their Broadbeach property. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk says if the proposal is approved she anticipates it’ll create 1000 jobs during the construction period and increase Jupiters’ workforce from 1800 to about 2300. “I commit my government to

work with Star and its partners on the tower plan,” Ms Palaszczuk said. “Over the last 12 months, we have attracted more than 40,000 additional seats on international flights directly into the Gold Coast. More flights mean more nights’ accommodation in hotels, more economic activity and more jobs on the Gold Coast.”

If approved the proposal would bring the total investment by Star Entertainment Group into Jupiters’ refurbishment to $850 million. It will also double the available rooms and apartments at the venue. “The fact this concept plan is under consideration underscores our confidence in the Gold Coast,” the casino said.

West touts video game US artist Kanye West has made waves in music, fashion and sneakers, and now the rapper has his eyes set on taking on the video game industry. West unveiled a trailer for his upcoming video game, Only One: A game in which players control West’s mother as she travels to the gates of heaven. In the trailer West’s mother rides a flying horse through clouds among angels as gospel music plays in the background. West’s fashion, album and trailer releases were made in front of a crowd of 20,000 at Madison Square Gardens including wife Kim Kardashian, daughter North, the Jenner family and brother-in-law Lamar Odom. “This was really hard to make,” West said of creating the game, echoing sentiments he felt about the challenges of entering the fashion industry. The game is named after a track from West’s latest album. - AP

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