Ag 27 december, 2014

Page 1

Saturday, Dec 27, 2014

Since Sept 1879


Retail $2 Home delivered from 95c

Out for a Boxing Day bargain Parking spaces and trolleys were rare commodities as bargain hunters packed Ashburton stores for the Boxing Day sales yesterday. FULL STORY





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Giant holiday crossword inside P29

1 2 13













13 1 14


14 8



















9 10




46 56



18 33






47 23










50 35









52 53 54










One out of the box at the races


Sunny skies and scorching temperatures drew hundreds of punters to the Boxing Day Races P20, 25 MORE in Ashburton yesterday. 93





























2 13



1 13







4 11





4 5

Stay out of the river


3 14



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7 13



Business Space In The Heart Of The CBD

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Television: Page 36-37

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Inside cover 2 Ashburton Guardian


Five things that may interest you

Queen calls for reconciliation Queen Elizabeth II used her traditional Christmas broadcast to call for reconciliation throughout the United Kingdom and to praise medical workers fighting ebola in Africa. She said it will take time to heal divisions in Scotland, where a referendum was held this year on whether to remain part of Britain and praised progress resolving the conflict in Northern Ireland. Elizabeth cited the “Christmas truce” in 1914 as an example to be remembered. “Something remarkable did happen that Christmas, exactly 100 years ago today,” she said. “Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in No Man’s Land. Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce.”



Saturday, December 27, 2014



Time for festive chilly dip For a group of hardy Berliners, Christmas Day is a time to sing seasonal songs, don festive wear — and take a plunge in a cold lake. Dozens of swimmers from the Berlin Seals club came to the German capital’s Oranke lake on Christmas Day for their annual Christmas dip, complete with red Christmas hats. The air was relatively mild this year at around 5°C but still bracing enough for the swimmers to warm up by singing Christmas carols before taking the plunge. Swimmer Beate Korehnke said: “The best is the feeling afterward. There is prickling all over the body — it’s like a sauna but backward.”

Newsroom Call 03 307-7957 Chief reporter After hours 021 797-311

If you gave Trade Me user z2501 a handbag for Christmas, you chose the wrong colour. The Eastide red leather bag was listed on the online auction site at 9.46 on Christmas morning with a simple description: “Christmas present, but not my colour.” Before many Kiwis had even unwrapped the bounty under their trees, dozens of gifts were already hitting Trade Me for resale. Searching for “unwanted Christmas gifts” on the site returned hundreds of hits for toys, DVDs, electronics and other gifts that recipients were eager to part with. At 10.18am, swinny4 listed a mouse-shaped cheese grater and about 20 minutes later, Hexe12 was onselling Pink’s Truth about Love Tour DVD.

Ricardo Alegria is a different sort of milkman. For a quarter century or more, he and his brother Marco have led donkeys through the streets of Chile’s capital, milking them on the spot for customers. It’s a rare job, but a very old one. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates recommended donkey’s milk for some ailments and at least some claim that Cleopatra bathed in it for her skin. The use of donkey’s milk has persisted in some parts of the world. Even Pope Francis has said he drank it as a boy in Argentina, prompting an Italian company that produces the milk to give him two donkeys recently. Ricardo Alegria said the milk “is taken as a vitamin jolt for babies with gastric problems,” and researchers at the University of Camerino in Italy have reported it can be a good substitute for children with allergies to cow’s milk. But adults too often drink it.

P1-13 P14-15 P16 P17-24 P25 P26-27 P28-29 P32-35 P36-37 P38 P39


Unwanted gifts quickly for sale

Fresh donkey milk anyone?


Letters to the Editor Advertising Senior advertising supervisor Emma Jaillet-Godin Call 03 307-7936 After hours 021 662 884


Monkey gives first aid Monkey gives first aid to electrocuted friend Onlookers at a train station in northern India watched in awe as a monkey came to the rescue of an injured friend — resuscitating another monkey that had been electrocuted and knocked unconscious. The injured monkey had fallen between the tracks, apparently after touching high-tension wires at the train station in the north Indian city of Kanpur. His companion came to the rescue and was captured on camera lifting the friend’s motionless body, shaking it, dipping it into a mud puddle and biting its head and skin — working until the hurt monkey regained consciousness. The first monkey, completely covered in mud, opened its eyes and began moving again. Crowds of travellers watched the scene in amazement, filming and snapping pictures.

Enquiries Call 03-307-7900 Address Ashburton Guardian Level 3, Somerset House 161 Burnett House PO Box 77, Ashburton Customer service/subscription Call 03 307-7900 Missed paper 0800 ASHBURTON (0800 274 287)

News Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian



Shoppers turn out for bargains By Daisy HuDson

Christmas Day has been and gone, and for many Mid Cantabrians yesterday was all about hitting the shops. Parking spaces were at a premium around Ashburton as eager shoppers hunted for bargains at the Boxing Day sales. There were some concerns that farmers would not be spending big after Fonterra’s milk payout was slashed, but those fears appear to have been unfounded. Smith and Church Retravision whiteware manager Paul Cannan said business had been steady, despite the low payout. “The milk downturn does have an effect on our business, but it’s been pretty good so far,” he said. “It’s looking good.” The post-Christmas rush was also being felt at other local retailers. A spokesperson for Harvey Norman said the store had been busy, and there had been “plenty of people around”. However, some businesses were not experiencing the Boxing Day frenzy. Ashburton Paper Plus owner Terry McNab said sales were “pretty quiet”, which he attributed to yesterday’s high temperatures. “It’s also probably the product to be fair, we always find that with Boxing Day,” he said. Despite yesterday’s slow

Steven Pinfold nabs a bargain from Briscoes salesperson Murran Buller as queues stretch down the aisle at the store yesterday. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-049

sales, Mr McNab said he was “rapt” with how the store had fared in the lead up to Christmas. “We’ve had a good Christmas,

which is really pleasing,” he said. The sunny weather had people out in droves around the town, with temperatures hit-

ting 28°C yesterday afternoon according to MetService. For those looking ahead to New Year however, the outlook is not quite as bright.

The high temperatures are set to continue right up until December 30, but a damp New Year’s Eve, with rain and northerlies, is forecast.


Man killed in first fatal of Christmas, New Year period A man has died and two others have been seriously injured in the first fatal crash of New Zealand’s Christmas and New Year road toll season. The man was driving a Nissan rental car toward Tauranga on State Highway 2 about 2.15pm on Christmas Day when he was in a collision with a car travelling in the opposite direction. The two occupants, an Omokoroa couple aged in their 70s, were trapped in their mangled Mazda for about 30 min-

utes as firefighters worked to cut them free. The couple were taken to Tauranga Hospital. The 70-yearold man was Thursday night in a critical condition in the hospital’s intensive care unit while the 74-year-old woman was in a stable condition. The crash between Gill Lane and Te Karaka Drive shut down the section of SH2 for four hours, with heavy holiday traffic being diverted down Te Puke Quarry Rd.

Acting head of Western Bay of Plenty road policing Sergeant Nigel Ramsden said excessive speed was not a factor in the crash. The vehicles were travelling about 70km/h as part of long lines of traffic, he said. From the scene Mr Ramsden pointed to Gill Lane, barely 100m away and referred to the death of motorcyclist Craig Ritchie when he and a 10-tonne truck and trailer unit collided at the intersection last month. “We don’t go to many crash-

es along here but when we do, they seem to be pretty bad,” Mr Ramsden said. He said the highway was busy with a lot of traffic and people who would have seen the crash. “We are keen, obviously, for any witnesses we haven’t already spoken to to get in touch with us.” Local resident Tahla Marsh said she heard the crash from her home, which borders the crash site, but didn’t realise what had happened at first.

“I thought it was a gun shot. It was real loud.” Her mother Leonie Marsh who also lives nearby said: “I was talking to my husband who said he had to go because there was an accident outside our property.” When Leonie Marsh joined her daughter Tahla at the scene, emergency services had already erected a tarpaulin over the rental car and cut the couple free from the other car. – NZME

Lakeway Nursery Yes, we are open.

Come on out and have a look!

Grahams Road, Ashburton, 03 308 9950 Mon - Fri │ 9am - 5pm Sat │ 9am - 5pm Sun │ 10am - 4pm

News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014


In brief

River not safe for swimming BY SUE NEWMAN


With temperatures likely to soar over the next few days, people should not be looking to the Ashburton River as a swimming spot. As part of its water quality monitoring regime, Environment Canterbury has tested the river’s water at the State Highway 1 bridge and found it contains an increased level of toxic algae, triggering warnings that the area is unsafe for swimming. The results are consistent with monitoring in previous years. This area of the river contains Cyanobacteria which has been found to contribute to eye, ear and skin irritation, as well as gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhoea. The toxic algae may appear as dark brown or black algal maters in the water. Dog owners are also being warned that the toxic algae could pose a risk to the health of animals. They should be kept out of the river to ensure no algal material is eaten from the water. If you suspect your dog has eaten toxic algae you should contact your vet immediately. Signs warning people not to enter the infected water have been posted in the affected area. Environment Canterbury runs a monitoring regime over a number of sites on the Ashburton River during the summer months and in past years only one, Bayliss Beach at Lake Hood, has been given the all clear as safe for swimming. Water quality is also measured by Land, Air, Water Aotearoa (LAWA). It assesses river water across New Zealand over a range of categories including E coli and nitrogen, ranking each site from falling

Two people were airlifted to Christchurch Hospital in a serious condition after a car crash near Kaikoura yesterday. Emergency services were called to the crash on State Highway 1 at Goose Bay, south of Kaikoura at 6.20pm on Thursday, a St John spokesman said. Two other people were taken by ambulance to Kaikoura Hospital in a moderate condition, the spokesman said. – NZME

Man trapped in car

Warning signs on the Ashburton River make it very clear its waters pose a risk to humans and animals.

A man was trapped in a wreck for over an hour after a crash between a campervan and a car. Three people were seriously injured in the crash on the Athol Five Rivers Highway, between Queenstown and Invercargill. One male patient was flown to Kew Hospital in Invercargill with serious injuries after being trapped for more than an hour. One of the vehicles was on fire and another female patient was flown to Dunedin Hospital with injuries including burns. In all, seven people were injured in the crash, three seriously. – NZME

Dramatic van fire PHOTO EDEN KIRK-WILLIAMS 241214-EKW-531

into the bottom 25 per cent of similar sites across the country to the top 25 per cent. On the Ashburton River all sites contain E coli but all are rated as falling into the best 50 per cent in terms of water quality. A site at the State Highway 72 bridge falls into the best 25 per cent. When it comes to total nitrogen measurements, the Ashburton River has received a bad report card, with two sites, at State Highway 1 and at the river mouth rated as in the worst 25 per cent of similar sites. The rest are still on the bad side of the ledger, in the worst 50 per cent. None of the sites measured scored well for water clarity with all in the worst 25 per cent category.

RIVER READINGS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Ashburton River at State Highway 1 E coli: 100n/100ml, in the best 50 per cent of like sites Black disc clarity: 0.8metre, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Total nitrogen: 1g/m3, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Ashburton River upstream of the mouth E coli: 166n/100ml, in the best 50 per cent of like sites Black disc clarity: 0.1m, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Total nitrogen: 0.965g/m3, in the worst 50 per cent of like sites Ashburton River South Branch at Hills Road E coli: 140n/100ml, in the best 50 per cent of like sites Black disc clarity: 0.3m, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Total nitrogen: 0.975g/m3, in the worst 50 per cent of like sites Ashburton River North Branch at Digbys Bridge E coli: 69n/100ml, in the best 50 per cent of like sites Black disc clarity: 0.2m, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Total nitrogen: 0.58g/m3, in the worst 50 per cent of like sites Ashburton River North Branch at SH72 bridge E coli: 10n/100ml, in the best 25 per cent of like sites Black disc clarity: 0.3m, in the worst 25 per cent of like sites Total nitrogen: 0.08g/m3, in the best 25 per cent of like sites


Plane crashes into sea at Raglan A light plane has crashed into water off Raglan Beach and sunk. The incident happened about 1.40pm yesterday. The Piper Cherokee crashed into the water about 100 metres off the beach, which was packed with holidaymakers. Police said it appeared the plane’s engine cut out just after take-off and the pilot was attempting to make it back to the airstrip. Two males and a female were on board. The males have been taken to Waikato Hospital by Ambulance. The female is status one with

Two injured in crash

serious injuries and has been taken to hospital by rescue helicopter. “Raglan Beach was full of holidaymakers so it was fortunate the plane avoided the high density area,” police said. Maria Puaula was about to start her shift at the Raglan Kopua Holiday Park when the incident unfolded. She said dozens of beachgoers reacted in horror as the plane circled above them and crashed into the sea about 100 metres off shore. “People were just looking up and thinking ‘what the …?’ and then it happened.” Ms Puaula was walking over

the bridge on Raglan Harbour with some friends when she heard the plane that had just taken off “but it just seemed to be puttering”. “We thought that doesn’t sound good so we looked up and it was quite low.” Ms Puaula said the plane swerved to miss the township and headed left towards the harbour. She thought the plane was going to recover but it hovered “and then it crashed” into the water. She said there were at least 200 people at the beach and dozens of people began running towards the scene. Boaties

and “heaps of kayaking people” arrived at the crash site very quickly. “It upturned and started to sink slowly, as it started to sink we saw a couple of heads pop out. Everything went crazy and we just waited on the shore – there seemed to be three people on the plane.” Ms Puaula said a woman, who had a neck brace possibly as a result of the accident, did not look well. The woman was flown by helicopter to Waikato Hospital. Two men also believed to be on the plane were understood to have moderate injuries.– NZME

Firefighters attended a dramatic fire in a van in West Auckland yesterday evening. Four fire engines were called out to the blaze at 5.10pm, which had set off sprinklers at a nearby shop. Fire communications shift manager Jaron Phillips said the van was unoccupied and the fire was fully involved by the time the fire service arrived. He said once they arrived the fire was put out quickly and he did not know what had caused it. Columbus Café owner Prit Dhami said the van was completely destroyed by the fierce blaze. He understood a dog had been pulled from the vehicle but was unsure how the fire started. – NZME

Fierce bush fire Twenty-one fire engines, 70 firefighters and three helicopters are now battling a fierce bush fire in West Auckland. The six-hectare blaze is threatening a house and the fire service is moving crew in a bid to stop the flames from spreading on to the property. Witnesses have said the fire is in bush at the Kakamatua Inlet, between Cornwallis and Huia. A resident, whose house is on a hill near the fire, wrote on Facebook that a helicopter had attached a monsoon bucket on her lawn. The woman said she was not at home, but her house had been fireprotected. – NZME

NZ man busted A New Zealand man is in a Thai jail after he was busted in possession of illegal drugs on the holiday island of Phuket. Taylor Grainger, 41, was arrested with 1.2 grams of methamphetamine and 0.95 grams of cocaine in Patong, a popular haunt for tourists visiting Phuket, the Phuket Wan Tourism news reported. Phuket police have been conducting a week-long blitz on drugs since December 20. The arrest follows the recent busts of two other Kiwis both of whom are in prisons in Bali and China where they are facing drugs charges. – NZME

News Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian 5


Patricia’s special cause By Caitlin Porter

Patricia Corbett, is well known for her service to the community as a volunteer, particularly in Methven. Because of this, Patricia was one of the eight recipients of the Ashburton District Council Community Honours Awards. “I was stunned, I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “It does make you think, you never dream you’ll be nominated.” Save the Children is an organisation to which Patricia dedicates a lot of her time. She has been an out-seller for the Ashburton Save the Children branch for many years and credits her

husband Bill for her involvement. Bill’s first wife used to sell Save the Children Christmas cards and tea towels, but sadly she passed away, said Patricia. After Bill and Patricia wed in 1980, Patricia decided to take over the selling – and that is where her affiliation with Save the Children first began. She said in the beginning, her whole lounge used to be filled with Save the Children bits and bobs. Things got a bit busier for her in 1997, when a few women set up crafts stalls at the Women’s Provincial Golf Championships, and asked her to join – which she did.

She has been selling Save the Children wares – which have expanded to become a lot more than just tea towels and Christmas cards – ever since. This year will mark her 35th Christmas with the charity. “I enjoy it, it is something worthwhile.” Her contribution over time is rather exceptional, in 2005 she was awarded an honorary life membership to Save the Children and to date she has raised almost $228,000 for the organisation. “I was bewildered when I added it up,” she said. Times have changed though, since the days when her house was filled with Save the Chil-

dren merchandise. Now, she said she doesn’t spend as much time as she used to working in the Methven shop – she goes two to three times a month just to check stock. She said she finds her work with the organisation very rewarding, and knowing she is helping children throughout the world is extremely gratifying. Patricia’s volunteer efforts have also extended beyond Save the Children and she has given her time to many other causes within the Methven community. She was a trained victim support officer, a driver for the Methven Medical Centre and she helped out at the Information Centre. On top of all this,

Every three years, the Ashburton District Council calls for nominations for its community honours awards. This year, eight people were nominated and received awards. Each recipient has talked with a Guardian reporter about their work as volunteers.

Left: Patricia Corbett

she was heavily involved in choreographing musicals for Mt Hutt College and the Methven Choral Society. Not only is Patricia active within the Methven community, in a volunteering capacity, she also remains active in her own life – she enjoys regular Tai Chi classes and along with her husband, is also a member of the Christmas Carol bell ringers. While her life is busy, she still finds time to relax, and loves spending time with her grandchildren. Travelling with her husband Bill is another way Patricia likes to spend her time, and she said soon Barcelona may be on the cards.


Soldiers’ Christmases spent far away from their families ■■ Brett Grieve, Antarctica:

Being far from his children on Christmas Day is hard for Major Brett Grieve, but he knows it’s all part of his duty. He is one of eight Defence Force personnel at Scott Base, Antarctica and it’s the second time he’s been away from home over Christmas. He has two sons, aged 8 and 9, and a five-year-old daughter. Major Grieve said it was difficult being away from his family, but Antarctica was a good place to be for Christmas. “I know they’re going to be having a good time; there’s lots of love in the family. It’s also an immense privilege to be in Scott Base – it’s a New Zealand institu-

NZME catches up with two of the NZ Defence Force staff spending the festive season far from their families tion. If you have to be away for Christmas, this seems like the way to do it.” Major Grieve is the only unit member with children. On Christmas Eve, the team at Scott Base enjoyed a Christmas meal of turkey, ham and salmon, followed by dessert and a Secret Santa present swap. Major Grieve expected to spend Christmas Day relaxing and calling his family in Christchurch. “I just received letters from the kids and photos and stuff just a few minutes ago – that really

brightened my day.” He will be home in February or March. He is at Scott Base with Antarctica New Zealand and oversees schedule operations. “It’s cold, for sure, but it’s very bright. I don’t feel like I’m missing summer as such.” He said it was snowing in Antarctica, giving him his first real white Christmas. ■■ Russell Kennedy, S. Korea: RNZAF Squadron Leader Russell Kennedy misses the beach and barbecues and the company

of family and friends at Christmas time. He is one of three New Zealand Defence Force officers helping monitor compliance with the armistice agreement between North and South Korea. A fourth staff member works as the contingent’s senior national officer and the New Zealand Defence Attache in Seoul. Squadron Leader Kennedy will return home shortly after Anzac Day next year and said the operational tour he was on differed from others he had worked on in

Tehran and Afghanistan. “This is a relatively Western place and a relatively comfortable place where families can visit so it’s been great,” said the 53-yearold, whose wife Vicky made the trip to South Korea to have Christmas with him. He said it was -8°C where he was staying and while he missed barbecues at the beach at Christmas, he was at a large American base with thousands of US soldiers and many of their comforts of home – including several restaurants.

News 6

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Bad weather to help usher in New Year With a mere five days left in the year, forecasters are predicting New Year’s Eve will be plagued by cloud, wind and increasing rain. WeatherWatch head weather analyst Philip Duncan said the same high currently over the country was forecast to gradually move away to the east by the final day of 2014. Subsequently, the weather

wasn’t looking flash for western areas south of Waikato and central parts of the country, he said. On New Year’s Eve the high would hold over the upper and eastern North Island until the evening, when winds and clouds were expected to build. Drizzle or patchy showers could move in at night around Auckland. However, it was hard

to forecast with certainty five days out, Mr Duncan said. “The rain may well hold off until New Year’s Day.” In Wellington, New Year’s Eve would be windy with north to north-west winds potentially rising to gale-force with rain, he said. Rain and showers would affect the West Coast, but dry spells may move in further south dur-

ing the day as the front headed into the lower North Island. In Canterbury and Christchurch the bulk of the rain would be falling on the West Coast – but there may be some spillover with patchy rain for a time as the main front moved north, Mr Duncan said. “Basically on New Year’s Eve, a large high – the one over us now – moves away finally and a

Coffey aims to add Auckland style It’s been a busy year for Tamati Coffey and his partner Tim Smith and it’s going to get even busier for them next year when they open their new bar in Eat Streat. Mr Coffey and Mr Smith said they were committed to living and working in Rotorua after Mr Coffey missed out in his attempt to win the Rotorua electorate seat for the Labour Party in September’s general election. The former television presenter and Dancing with the Stars champion has made Rotorua his home base and his new venture will see him and Mr Smith behind the bar at their new premises in a former hairdressing salon in Eat Streat, which will be known as Ponsonby Rd. “We want to bring some Auckland style to Rotorua with live jazz music in a stylish upmarket setting,” Mr Coffey said. “We felt there was a gap in the market on Eat Streat, something that’s really slick and stylish, somewhere you can show off to your friends and get dressed up for preor post-dinner drinks.” – NZME

cold front moves up the country with rain and wind then showers. “This front will slow down as it runs into higher pressure over northern and north eastern NZ.” Early data suggested the Chatham Islands would be the place to be on New Year’s Eve, Mr Duncan said. – NZME


Blood donors give a special gift

Paul Severins and registered nurse Caroline Tai get into the Christmas spirit for a good cause at the Ashburton Club and MSA on Wednesday. PHOTO EDEN KIRK-WILLIAMS 241214-EKW-495

While many people spent Christmas Eve searching for those last minute Christmas presents, some generous Mid Cantabrians were giving a very special kind of gift. The New Zealand Blood Service visited Ashburton on Tuesday and Wednesday to give locals the chance to donate blood. For one Ashburton man, the pre-Christmas blood drive marked an impressive feat. Paul Severins made his way to the Ashburton Club and MSA on Christmas Eve to make his 61st blood donation. “It’s just a community service,” he said. “You never know, I might need it myself one day.” New Zealand Blood Service registered nurse Sabina Blunt said the two days were fully booked, and the response from the Ashburton community had been good. “We always get a good turnout in Ashburton,” she said. “It’s a very supportive community.”

More than 20,000 enjoy Ellerslie Boxing Day races By Brendan Manning The annual Ellerslie Boxing Day races yesterday was the most successful on record, with more than 20,000 people taking advantage of the fine weather. Due to the popularity of the event, the raceday organisers made the decision to stop allowing general admission entries

after 3pm – the first time such a call had been made at the event. Far from the foaming horses, discarded plastic wine glasses, RTDs and hot dogs was the Nicolas Feuillatte Fashions in the Field, characterised by suits, sunglasses, outlandish headpieces and bold floral prints. The event’s overall winner and winner of the Natalie Chan Milli-

nery category, dietician Charlotte Moor, 25, said she had crafted her off-the-shoulder dress from vintage fabric in conjunction with her mother Ali, who also made her fascinator. The subtle touch of turquoise in the head-piece was again referenced with a turquoise necklace and shoes. “She’s a milliner and she always

used to make dresses for us when we were little,” Ms Moor said of her mother. “She found some fantastic fabric on Ebay and then it was a bit of a joint effort trying to figure out what the dress was going to look like and what we could do for the hat to match it.” Ms Moor said she would be sharing her $30,000 prize package, including a trip to Queens-

town, with her mother to thank her. “It’s sort of a family affair, my sister and my mum and I, we always come.” The event was judged by stylist Lulu Wilcox, Australian model Becky Lamb and The Crowd Goes Wild presenter Hayley Holt, who said she enjoyed her first foray as a fashion judge. – NZME


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News 8

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Every three years, the Ashburton District Council calls for nominations for its community honours awards. This year, eight people were nominated and received awards. Each recipient has talked with a Guardian reporter about their work as volunteers. By Sue NewmaN

Alistair Wing might have spent the past 19 years as chairman of the Tinwald Domain Board, but he admits that 20 years ago he was a reluctant member. “I was coerced. Back then I didn’t have any real interest in any area of the domain as a user,” he said. But willing or not, he joined the board, becoming its chair in his first year and committing decades to ensuring the domain grew from a rustic park with pond, swimming pool and picnic area to a thriving recreational area. And that dedication to the task earned him one of this year’s Ashburton District Council community honours. “I guess I’ve stayed the distance and I’ve enjoyed it, battling bureaucracy and all. The council now recognises this as an asset for the community. We’re there now and the council’s on board,” he said. The domain has a long and proud history as an idyllic picnic spot, and it became part of the Ashburton District Council’s reserves portfolio when the borough and county councils merged. That merger heralded a new and at times difficult, future for the much-loved domain. “We were a legacy from the county and after the merger we were the poor relation, but now it’s wonderful, it’s very different today.” Alistair said. The camping ground’s developed, that’s going great guns and the domain has become a great asset.” The original picnic shelter was built in 1917 and is still in use today, while the entrance to the lake area is marked by two large oak trees planted for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York (later to be crowned King George V and Queen Mary) in 1901. It covers four hectares.

Driving Tinwald Domain development PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 181214-TM-060

Under Alistair’s chairmanship, the domain has grown, developed and now has a plan that will guide it well into the future. Over the years the board has had some pretty talented people on board, he said, and that’s helped drive its development plan. Today it encompasses the Plains Village which is run by its own trust. Looking back over the past 20 years, Alastair said he now laughs when he realises he was a target when it came to board service. “I went in at the deep end really, straight into the chair. One of the councillors looked down the road to see who lived there. I did and that was that,” he said. It hasn’t all been plain sailing,

with the development plan creating a fair bit of pain for both the board and user groups while issues were worked through. “It certainly had a few hiccoughs along the way.” There was extensive consultation with the community and users, with the greatest challenge coming in the struggle to get all of those groups on board. “For some this meant change, but it didn’t mean immediate change. It’s a long-term vision for the future, a 50-year vision, but at least people know where they’re going now. If what they’re planning fits in with the development plan, well and good.” One of the aims of the plan had been opening up the do-

main, not for through traffic, rather to ensure different areas flowed into one another and that available land was well used. “There is just so much potential here,” Alistair said. Over the past 20 years the domain pool had been upgraded and was now a first class outdoor, heated facility. Developments will continue in the pool area with a resurfacing planned and new change rooms on the agenda. “We’ve probably spent more than $100,000 on the pool with a lot of that coming from donations and income from the camping ground.” As the domain’s popularity grows, pressure is coming on the camping ground and this is

now being extended. Unlike the Ashburton Domain, Tinwald’s development work is not covered by rates. While the parks department helps out with mowing, any other work falls to the domain board and its fundraising sources. “That’s why for a long time nothing much happened here, it’s all down to finance.” The domain today is a real asset to the community, Alistair said, but it’s an asset that has come from a huge team effort. “You don’t do this sort of thing on your own. Over the years board members have given many voluntary hours to main and develop this domain. They’ve put in a lot of hard work.”


Lawyers act to keep court’s much-loved social worker By Jock aNderSoN Lawyers are raising money to enable a much-loved Auckland court social worker to keep doing good work after her churchfunded job was “disestablished”. Michelle Kidd – honoured with a Queen’s Service Medal in 2010 for years of service to the community – worked for the Methodist Mission’s Lifewise social service.

Her job officially ended after Lifewise brought in a new strategic business plan, which did not include her court role. A permanent fixture at Auckland District Court for more than 16 years, she has assisted defendants, victims and their families. She helps people prepare for court appearances, provides them with food and accommodation at the mission, cares for

children while people make their court appearances and, where necessary, deals with funeral arrangements. Stunned by the prospect of losing Mrs Kidd’s invaluable and selfless service, lawyers rallied this week to find a way to finance her work. The Criminal Bar Association (CBA) set up Te Rangimarie Charitable Trust to raise money. President Tony Bouchier says

$10,000 was immediately provided by the CBA and more will be raised from lawyer contributions and other court “stakeholders” such as the Ministry of Justice, police and probation service. Mr Bouchier says money raised by the trust will be overseen by the Methodist Mission, not Lifewise, to pay Mrs Kidd and her expenses. “Lawyers, judges and court staff are shocked by the news,

especially coming at Christmas when the courts are busy with alcohol and family violence issues. She’s such an integral part of the daily running of the courts. “Everyone relies on her. She is a champion of the poor, homeless, addicted and down-trodden – calling them all ‘my people’. For many prison inmates she is their only contact with the outside world. They write to her and she writes back.” – NZME

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News 10 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014



Heroic efforts all to no avail National By Morgan TaiT A male surfer waved for help and was pulled from the ocean by a member of the public at a South Auckland beach yesterday. Despite the heroic efforts of dozens of surf lifesavers, paramedics and a doctor, the man was pronounced dead at the scene. A beachgoer at Kariaotahi

Beach, 70km south-west of Auckland, spotted the man waving for help about 1pm, said Kariaotahi Surf Lifesaving Club head Mike Lawrence. The man was surfing approximately 1km north of the flagged area, when he was seen waving for help. “A member of the public went out and brought him back to shore. He began CPR on him while another member

of the public came back to the surf club to raise the alarm.” Senior lifeguards used defibrillators and oxygen until St John paramedics arrived. A Westpac Rescue Helicopter also responded with a medic on board. Despite the combined efforts, that Mr Lawrence said lasted over an hour, the man was unable to be resuscitated and was pronounced dead at the scene.

St John duty centre manager Olive Taylor said: “We were called to the Kariotahi Beach and when we arrived the patient was pronounced deceased at the scene,” she said. Police were due to release more information later. The drowning was the second in two days after a 25-yearold man drowned off Uretiti Beach on Christmas Day. - NZME

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Cooling off at the lake

Holidaymakers flocked to Lake Hood yesterday, as temperatures soared across the region. Boats, jet skis, swimmers and even the odd dog took to the water to cool off, while others worked on their tans or tucked into picnics back on dry land. According to MetService, Ashburton hit a toasty 30°C, with moderate winds providing little relief. The sunny weather is set to continue for several days, although rain is forecast for New Year’s Eve.


surges past 50% By audrey young Labour’s popularity has jumped three percentage points in the first political poll since Andrew Little took over the leadership and the first major poll since the September 20 election. But National’s support has also risen, while support for the Greens and New Zealand First has declined. Labour is on 28.9 per cent, a rise of three points from 25.9 per cent in the Herald-DigiPoll survey conducted in the last week of the election campaign. Its party vote in the election of 25.13 per cent was close to the poll result, so it can safely be said the party has had a lift. Mr Little was elected on November 18 after the resignation of David Cunliffe. National’s support rose 2.2 points, from 48.2 to 50.4 per cent in the poll, conducted in the second and third weeks of December. On provisional election results, National won a majority of seats, but it lost that once special votes were counted. With 47.04 per cent of the party vote and 59 seats, it formed a minority Government with its three previous support partners, Act, United Future and the Maori Party, and governs with 64 out of 121 votes. Since the election, Prime Minister John Key has had mixed fortunes. He has attended Apec and the G20 and clinched a free-trade deal with South Korea. But he has proposed sending training troops to the Middle East – an idea opposed by Labour – seen dairy prices plunge and forecasts of a surplus disappear, and been on the back foot after a damning report from the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Cheryl Gwyn, who found the neutrality of the Security Intelligence Service had been compromised in its dealing with an Official Information Act request lodged by blogger Cameron Slater. Mr Little made a strong start in the House, in his first week telling Mr Key to “cut the crap” over the “smear campaigns” he said had been run from the PM’s office involving former adviser Jason Ede and Mr Slater. But he has not exactly made a grand entrance in his debut in the preferred prime minister stakes, rating as the first choice of 13.6 per cent of those polled. Mr Key is preferred by 65 per cent, a slight rise of 0.7. – NZME

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News 12

Ashburton Guardian


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton hits Ashburton Police will remember 2014 for three major events which made big headlines. A double murder, a manslaughter and a drug bust on a scale not seen in the town before. Erin Tasker and Michelle Nelson take a look back on a year in policing.

Canterbury Police Superintendent Gary Knowles fronted media outside the Ashburton Police Station following the Winz shootings.


t was a typical Monday morning in Ashburton, until the sound of gunshots shattered the early morning air. It was September 1 and a gunman had just entered Ashburton’s Work and Income office and shot three people – two fatally. In the hours that followed, hundreds of police from around Canterbury swarmed on the town and searched up and down the Ashburton River and its surrounding areas for the alleged gunman – Russell John Tully. It was a search that ended on a Wheatstone farm after farmer Dan White saw a man emerge from the river carrying a bike. Police descended. Dogs were put on the scent and a helicopter hovered above until finally, around seven hours after the tragic event unfolded, the suspect was caught. Tully was taken into custody and the case is still in front of the courts. He’s likely to face trial in February.

It was a black day for Ashburton, and one which saw it hit headlines around the world. But it was one of a string of events that led to Ashburton hitting national headlines. Queen’s Birthday weekend – the first weekend working for the town’s new top cop Scott Banfield – was also one to remember for all the wrong reasons. Saturday, May 31 – three people die in a horrific car crash near Rakaia after a Dutch driver fails to stop at a controlled intersection and ploughs into the vehicle they’re travelling in. A Christchurch mother, her 12-year-old daughter and her daughter’s friend, were killed. Less than 24 hours later, a body was found in a swampy run-off in an industrial area of West Street. In the hours that followed, it emerged the body was that of Ashburton man AJ Gairns. A few weeks later, swarms of police were back in town, this time for a pre-planned operation dubbed Operation Web-

ster. Its focus was drugs and it resulted in 14 arrests, and 44 charges being laid. To have a string of events of that nature fall so closely together in a town like Ashburton, was unusual. The murder of Ashburton mother Sina Solomona in December 2012 was one of only two recorded in Ashburton in 10 years. All of a sudden Ashburton was the scene of an alleged manslaughter, and double murder within the space of three months. It was the deaths of Winz workers Peg Noble and Leigh Cleveland on September 1 that by far attracted the most attention though. Media from around the country descended on the town for days. Media briefings were held outside the main door of the police station – its doors were locked on day one, as were the doors of other buildings like the Ashburton District Council and Presbyterian Support. The doors of the Guardian

and other businesses were also closed for a few hours until the suspect was caught. The town went into lock down. No one was safe. For Ashburton police, it was a day like no other. Every available officer raced to the scene and they were faced with a nightmare situation. Two people dead, one injured and a gunman on the run. Everyone wondered how long the town would be in limbo; fortunately for all it was only a matter of hours. A bark of a police dog and reportedly a man’s screaming on a rural Wheatstone property brought the dramatic day to a conclusion; a day Mid Cantabrians hope they’ll never have to face the kind of again. In the days that followed, the road outside the Winz office remained closed as police conducted an extensive investigation, and the funerals for the two victims were held, attracting huge turn-outs. The third woman shot that

day, Lindy Curtis, was later released from hospital and is continuing to recover from her injuries. She has not spoken publicly about the ordeal. Since then, it’s been business as usual for police. A few domestics, driving offences and the odd theft or burglary; many days there’s no news to report. Most recently they’ve been kept busy by a string of commercial burglaries. Police didn’t want to comment on the year that’s just been, other than to say it will continue to be a case of business as usual in the coming months. Ashburton senior sergeant Scott Banfield said he’d continue to ensure that the community got a better service from its local police. For Mid Canterbury, 2014 was a year to remember for all the wrong reasons. A double murder, an alleged manslaughter, and eight deaths on our roads – and there’s still a few days to go yet.

News Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian 13

national headlines Gairns trial set for June T

he four people accused of manslaughter in relation to the death of AJ Gairns in Ashburton in May are set down to go to trial in the High Court in Timaru in June 2015. Mr Gairns was found dead in a drainage runoff area in Ashburton on June 1. Police allege he died in the early hours of May 29. Desmond Kapi Marshall, 46, Verdun Ashley Perry, 24, Kooly Managki Te Tomo, 26, and Olivia Toby Frances Lucas, 26, all of Ashburton, appeared before Justice David Gendall in the High Court in Christchurch in September. All denied the manslaughter charges laid against them. Two of the accused attended the sitting, while the other two appeared by video link from Timaru. Marshall admitted a charge of assaulting Mr Gairns with intent to rob him in June, and was remanded in custody.

At the same sitting of the Timaru District Court, Lucas, Perry and Te Tomo were remanded at large without plea. On August 19 manslaughter charges were laid against all four accused. They appeared in the Timaru District Court again on August 21 to face the fresh charges, to which no pleas were entered. During that sitting, Judge Joanna Maze granted defence counsellors’ applications to transfer the charges of assault with intent to rob to the High Court, and to amend the charge so it was recorded as an alternative to the manslaughter charge. In effect, this means if the court is able to prove the manslaughter charge, the Crown will withdraw the lesser charges against Lucas, Perry and Te Tomo. However, Marshall will be sentenced on both the manslaughter and the assault charges, should the matters be proved by the High Court.

Police and forensic staff at the scene of the body find, behind commercial premises on West Street.

Fourteen arrests in drug operation A

s the day of July 23 dawned, and Mid Canterbury residents went about their business, a well-oiled police operation, codenamed Webster, was swinging into gear. Sixty-seven officers were involved in executing search warrants on numerous properties around the district, where undercover police officers had established methamphetamine and cannabis was sold in the months beforehand. Before the day was through 14 arrests were made and 44 drug related charges were laid. A substantial amount of cannabis and methamphetamine and money had been seized – and Ashburton’s seedy underbelly was exposed. Angela Lee Kim Weir, 24, Christopher Leon Weir, 23, Daniel Joseph Patrick Leahy, 23, and Joshua Aaron Bettle, 28, were remanded in custody, but were released on bail following an appearance in the Christchurch District Court the following day. All four were implicated in selling or supplying methamphetamine. On November 10 Judge Joanna Maze sent Angela Weir to prison for two years on four counts of selling methamphetamine, two of offering to supply methamphetamine and five of selling cannabis. She was still subject to an early sentence handed down for drug-related offending at the time. Christopher Weir denied charges of selling the class A and C drugs, and his case is currently working its way through the High Court in Timaru. Bettle also elected jury trial, but has since requested a sentencing indication; either way his fate won’t be determined until next year.

Ashburton police placed a sign outside a house they had just raided in July during Operation Webster. The sign read “Drugs will no longer be sold from this house”.

Leahy, who was Angela Weir’s partner at the time of arrest, failed to show up for an appearance in the Ashburton District Court last week, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The Weir siblings’ mother, Vanessa Stephanie Lesley King, 49, and their grandmother, Pauline Wanhalla, 73, were charged with possessing and selling cannabis. King, who is caring for

Angela Weir’s children, was sentenced to community detention in November, and Wanhalla has been convicted of operating a tinny house, but has yet to be sentenced. Two others living at Wanhalla’s address – Russell Gordon Brown, 35, and Isabel Christina Nancy Nicole Easton – have also appeared before the court on cannabis related matters.

Last week Brown received a combination of community detention and community work, having been identified as a minor player in operating a tinny house. Easton has been convicted and awaits sentencing next month. Stacey Leigh Curtis, 24, has been convicted on eight charges relating to methamphetamine and cannabis, and denied three. She has elected trial by jury on those matters, which will take place in the High Court in Timaru early next year. Tehira Burton, 23, is remanded in custody on a number of charges, including selling cannabis and offering to supply methamphetamine, assault and threatening to kill. His mother Janette Rachel Burton, 42, was sentenced to four months home detention and 80 hours of community work on two counts of possessing cannabis, and one of possession for supply, in October. Last week Noeline Ellen Hurst, 52, of Tinwald admitted five charges relating to selling and supplying cannabis – she will be sentenced on February 23. Her son Shaun Nathan Hurst has also been convicted on cannabis-related matters. As he was already subject to sentence for similar offending when the fresh charges were laid, he was remanded in custody and is due to be sentenced in January. Raewyn Jean Silcock, 58, of Methven, was busted also on July 23. A search uncovered 110 cannabis plants growing under lights in the garage, and 55 grams of cannabis in the house. There was no indication Silcock was dealing drugs. She was convicted and fined $600 in October.

Weekend focus 14

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The Brown and Blue pubs in Methven, which still stand today. Former owners Bert Sparks and Stu Gordon helped give the Brown a reputation as a “lucky pub” as their race horses won races. “In early years it is reputed that a horseman rode his horse sitting backwards in one door and out one on the opposite side of the bar, also that shearing competitions were held inside.”

Barossa Station, looking across the Stour River and the Winterslow range, from opposite the homestead. “Some years ago on a painting trip in the area I found a sod wall under a stand of trees, maybe it is the remains of the old homestead abandoned after the second homestead was built.”

Brush strokes

At the Burnett Street-East Street corner he painted many years ago, artist Henry Lowen-Smith. An old window covered in cobwebs in the wall of the shearing shed at Alford Station. “Alford Station has had a few owners. At the time of this painting Alford Station was owned by Melville Turton.”

An old Methven shop on Forest Drive, once called the blacksmith’s shop, complete with half a hitching rail to tie up horses. During World War Two it was used as a collection point for fat tallow to make into soap. Only recently demolished, it was also once a sweet shop and community opportunity shop.


Wright Stephenson, the old building on the corner of Burnett and West Street, “from a photo of the painting purchased by Mr Gee the manager for the new office of Wright Stephenson built on the same site after the demolition of this historical building”.

Weekend focus

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian 15

Saunders Building, East Street. Occupants included Gordon Cartwright hairdresser, Gwenda Williams dance studio, Paddy Brosnan’s Billiard Saloon and Doug Watson’s Maadi tea rooms.

in time T

o look at Henry LowenSmith’s paintings of Ashburton is to take a journey back in time. The retired carpenter has captured many scenes from around Ashburton since the 1960s. Mr Lowen-Smith has been compiling his works for a book called Canterbury As I Saw It, which he plans to self-publish with his granddaughter’s company RoseHart publishing. As well as the pictures themselves, Mr Lowen-Smith has undertaken some historical research on the buildings and scenes they represent. There will be over 80 paintings and drawings in the book, about one third of them from Mid Canterbury.

A painting of the interior of Peter Cates Ltd. “It could be the oldest building in Ashburton of kauri construction, (made of) hand hewn kauri beams and posts.”

Having lived in Ashburton for most of his life, today Mr Lowen-Smith sells his work from his small gallery on the Main North Road in Geraldine. Mr Lowen-Smith said he was inspired by historic buildings, and will not paint many of the buildings which today replace those he painted at the same sites many years ago. “They have more character than the stuff today,” Mr Lowen-Smith said. He said he would dedicate the book to his wife Sylvia, “for all her help and patience over the last 58 years”. Guardian reporter Susan Sandys previews some of the book’s art work and information.

The Burnett Street-East Street corner as it was 45 years ago. This pen and wash was a preliminary sketch for a painting now in the Ashburton District Council’s art collection.

The Four Square Store at Lauriston. “These stores once a necessity and a meeting place for the locals of the district, they stocked most things, from kerosene, mail and groceries to everything that was needed in rural districts.”

Ashburton residence of the Freidlander family on William Street, now demolished.

The junction of Alford Forest Road, Oak Grove and Short Street in 1970, when Havelock Street joined through to Alford Forest Road. Later Havelock Street was blocked off and became a cul de sac.

Your place 16 Ashburton Guardian


Saturday, December 27, 2014



Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz

Yesterday’s top 5 stories on 1. Farmer turns theft around. 2. Christmas cheer on the big day. 3. Georgia targets White Ferns. 4. Race-goers ready for action. 5. More teachers needed.

1 – What is the currency of Egypt? a. Pound b. Dollar c. Dinar 2 – What do dendrologists study? a. Insects b. Trees c. Oceans


3 – Where in the body would you find the ‘septum linguae’? a. Mouth b. Stomach c. Legs 4 – Which spice do chefs sometimes call The Sweet Wood? a. Turmeric b. Cumin c. Cinnamon 5 – Which US city has 920 kilometres of shoreline? a. New York b. Miami c. San Francisco


The under car specialists Got something wrong under your car or need to renew your Warrant of Fitness, then call in and see Robbie Kok (left) and Kyle Blampied, the fix-it guys at Robbie’s Speedy Exhaust & Brake Shop.

Do you have any photographs or recipes you could share with our readers?

6 – Which is the biggest-selling car in the world ever? a. Volkswagen Beetle b. Morris Mini c. Toyota Corolla 8 – Killer and Mulligan are both variations on which game? a. Darts b. Snooker c. Chess

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Answers: 1. Pound 2. Trees 3. Mouth 4. Cinnamon 5. New York 6. Toyota Corolla 7. 8. Darts.

Barbecue fajitas with avocado salsa

■ Place the sliced meat in a plastic container. Combine the spice mix ingredients and sprinkle over the meat. Mix together the lime juice and coriander and add to the meat, turning well to coat. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes or overnight if possible. ■ While the meat is marinating, thinly slice the capsicums and onion and set aside. Mix all the salsa in-



9 8 1 2 1 7 3 5 Go to 7 6 2 to check out the new 5 3 7 photo 8 galleries. 9 6 1 5 2 WEDNESDAY’S 2 7 8 ANSWERS 1 8 7 6 4 2 9 5 3

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6 1 8 7 5 4 3 9 2

9 7 3 2 6 1 4 8 5

4 2 5 8 9 3 1 6 7

8 4 6 3 2 7 5 1 9

7 3 1 5 8 9 2 4 6

5 9 2 4 1 6 7 3 8


QUICK MEAL 500g Quality Mark beef or lamb barbecue steaks, sliced thinly Small bunch coriander, chopped Juice of ½ a lime A splash or two of oil 2 capsicums, deseeded and sliced thinly 1 large red onion, peeled and sliced thinly 6-8 flour tortillas For the Spice Mix ½ teaspoon each chilli, thyme and ground cumin 1 teaspoon each ground coriander and paprika ½ tablespoon brown sugar For the Salsa 1 cup fresh tomato, chopped ½ cup each peeled, chopped cucumber and avocado Handful fresh chopped coriander A dash each of sweet chilli sauce and lime juice


gredients together. Refrigerate until required. ■ Fry the meat quickly on the barbecue plate or in a pan with a dash of oil. Remove from the heat and keep warm. Add another dash of oil and toss the sliced onions and capsicums, turning them until tender. Add any juices from the resting meat. ■ Place some of the cooked capsicums and onions on a tortilla, add a pile of spiced meat and a good dollop of salsa. Roll up the tortilla and enjoy with a fresh seasonal salad.

Recipe courtesy of NZ Beef + Lamb

2 8 7 1 3 8 6 3 6 4 9 1 4 7 9 3 5 6 9 2 7 1 3 7 4 5 5 4 Solutions for today in Monday’s Your Place page.

3 5 2 6 7 8 9 1 4

17 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014


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Finish line in sight . . . A massive crowd turned out at the Ashburton Raceway yesterday for the Boxing Day trots and it was Natalie Rasmussen who took the major honours of the day when Isaiah took out the $22,000 Robbie’s Bar & Bistro Ashburton Cup. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-114

James falls short in Miami NBA return The Miami Heat weren’t in a giving mood as they spoiled the Christmas Day return of LeBron James to southern Florida. James tallied a team-high 30 points and eight assists as the Cleveland Cavaliers lost 101-91 to his former team in one of five NBA contests on the Christmas holiday. It was James’s first game in South Beach since spurning the Heat to rejoin his hometown Cavaliers in the offseason. James, who got a big pre-

game ovation from the crowd of 19,800, won two NBA titles in four seasons with his former team, who have fallen to a sub .500 club since he left. Miami didn’t play like a struggling team this time. They were a determined bunch, especially James’ former sidekick Dwyane Wade, who finished with a gamehigh 31 points. The Heat victory came just 48 hours after a disappointing 9187 loss to the lowly Philadelphia 76ers.

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“It could have been easy for us to be down on ourselves but we weren’t,” said Wade, who hugged and chatted with James on the court after the final buzzer. It seems there were no hard feelings between James and the Heat fans either, as he received plenty of applause and just a smattering of boos during the pre-game introductions. “What me and my teammates created while we were here is going to last forever,” said James, who led the Heat to four cham-

pionship appearances. “You can never take that out of the (history) books. “I gave everything and more to the city while I was here. I never disrespected the city, the franchise, or any of my teammates.” In San Antonio, the Oklahoma City Thunder beat the defending champion San Antonio Spurs 114-106 in front of 18,500 fans. Steven Adams engineered 16 points and a career-high 15 rebounds. - AFP

Another basket for James

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Sport 18

Ashburton Guardian

In brief Comanche sets pace Sydney to Hobart newcomer Comanche needed less than five minutes yesterday to show she is the real deal as she made the most impressive start by a race rookie in memory. The hi-tech American supermaxi easily won bragging rights as the first yacht through Sydney Heads, streaking straight to the front of the 117-boat fleet from the start on Sydney Harbour. She reached the first turning mark in just four minutes and 35 seconds, which is believed to be a record. - AAP

Strong team for Evans BMC Racing Team have vowed to do all they can to ensure Cadel Evans shines in his farewell WorldTour race at the Tour Down Under next month. They have named a strong line-up including experienced Swiss riders Michael Schar and Danilo Wyss, Australian star Rohan Dennis and newcomer Campbell Flakemore who is the world under 23 time trial champion. Team director Fabio Baldato said they were determined to give their 2011 Tour de France champion Evans a fitting farewell before his home fans. “The team will be working hard for Cadel to support him to do his best,” said Baldato. - AAP

White at Montpellier South Africa’s 2007 World Cup winning coach Jake White is set to be named manager of Top 14 side Montpellier according to L’Equipe. The 51-year-old - a two-time IRB world coach of the year - has signed a six month contract according to a well-informed source yesterday. His appointment will place almost unbearable pressure on head coach Fabien Galthie as White will be the former France captain’s superior. - AFP

Lauaki at Bradford Bradford have signed former Hull and Wigan front-rower Epalahame Lauaki on a twoyear contract. The 30-year-old former New Zealand and Tonga international joins the relegated Bulls from NRL side Manly Sea Eagles, where he spent the majority of last season after leaving Wigan. Bradford coach James Lowes said: “Epalahame is an extremely talented individual and we are really pleased to have secured his services. He has an explosive approach and comes with an ability to wreak havoc in short spells.” - PA

Aussie scrum guru Wallabies coach Michael Cheika is close to securing a scrum guru in the hope of solving Australia’s set-piece woes before next year’s Rugby World Cup. Tired of watching the Wallabies pack being pushed and shoved around, Cheika said technical and strategic changes were essential for Australia to compete with pool rivals England and Wales at next year’s global showpiece in Britain. - AAP

Saturday, December 27, 2014

World champions New Zealand produced its fair share of world champions this year. Here are a few of our sporting heroes who are simply the best.

Hamish Bond and Eric Murray Bond and Murray have become rowing’s version of “the casino”. Regardless of the five crews who gamble against them in any race, the house of the “Kiwi pair” wins. The odds, through dominance at 19 consecutive Fisa international regatta victories in the men’s pair, have favoured Bond and Murray for six unbeaten seasons. Their fifth coxless pair world championship was soldered to their London Olympic title, victory in the non-Olympic coxed pair and their 2007 coxless four triumph. In many eyes, including those of British great Sir Matthew Pinsent last year, Bond and Murray are the greatest coxless pair ever. The only remaining contenders could be Sir Steven Redgrave and Pinsent, who won consecutive Olympic golds in the class at Barcelona and Atlanta, or East German twins Joerg and Bernd Landvoigt who achieved the feat at the Montreal and Moscow Games. The only choppy water the pair faced related to the advertising-sacrosanct election day when their @kiwipair Twitter handle tweeted: “Get out & vote NZ! Plenty of time left #deci-

Eric Murray and Hamish Bond: Supermen whenever they hit the water for their country.

sion14 Don’t worry @johnkeypm you got my vote! #sportfunding”. Bond later blamed Murray for the gaffe, telling “He’s a moron.” The handle now reads KIWIPAIR-EricMurray. Now, back to their strengths. In the world championship final the British crew of James Foad and Matt Langridge pushed in the first 500m in a bid to unsettle.

It left Bond and Murray last, 1.21s off the lead. Never fear, the natural order of physiology took hold. The Kiwis pulled through and away from the field, creating the illusion other crews were mere buoys such was the traction of their stroke. Their lead grew to 0.675s at the 1000m, to 2.78s at 1500m and 4.41s at the finish. The biggest fear came when German oars crossed into

their lane early on in the contest. Their time of 6m 09.34s was 0.84s outside the world best effort they set at the London Olympics. To reinforce their achievement, the pair were joined by coxswain Caleb Shepherd when fast water propelled the trio to a world’s-best time of 6m 33.26s in the non-Olympic class. They eclipsed the 20-year-old mark by 9s. - NZH

Ethan Mitchell, Sam Webster, Eddie Dawkins Credit must go to all three members of New Zealand’s team sprint outfit - Ethan Mitchell, Sam Webster and Eddie Dawkins - plus the back-room staff who all contributed to their sensational gold medal ride in Cali, Colombia, in February. The trio clocked 42.84s to win the world title. But there is no doubt that of the three riders, Dawkins was the one who earned the most praise after the victory over the defending champion Germans to secure New Zealand’s first team sprint title. Mitchell, leading, and Webster, next to ride in front, did their roles extremely well, but New Zealand were still slightly down on their German rivals before Southlander Dawkins took over, racing head to head against Maximilian Levy, a four-time world champion, and overturning

Sam Webster, Ethan Mitchell and Eddie Dawkins - world champions on the cycling track.

that disadvantage to hand the Kiwis the gold. It was sweet revenge for the year before when the same team lost to the Germans in the gold medal ride.

Their margin of victory in February was 0.045 seconds. Aucklander Webster said afterwards: “It has been a hard few years for us. “In 2012 we got bronze and

we qualified first last year but couldn’t capitalise on a good qualification. “We’ve been working hard and it is a new year with a new coach, so to win gold this time means a lot to us. “It was a very tight race - only a couple of hundredths of a second separated us the whole way. “It was Eddie that brought it home for us. He was the one that pulled the cat out of the bag and won the race for us.” The Kiwis had comfortably led the qualifiers with a national record time of 43.065 - almost half a second faster than their previous fastest of 43.544 set at last year’s worlds in Belarus. Mitchell, Webster and Dawkins followed their victory with Commonwealth Games gold in Glasgow in July and must be seen as the team to beat at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. - NZME


Saturday, December 27, 2014

In brief


McCullum masterclass By DaviD Leggat A cricket wishlist for the New Year? How about a test series against Australia. Actually it’ll happen late next year, but right now you’d fancy New Zealand’s chances of at the very least, being seriously competitive with their neighbours. Such is New Zealand’s confidence and the quality of their cricket that they are a treat to watch. You could not always have said ‘bring on the Aussies’ with any confidence. There have been times when that tour would bring on a feeling of dread at what might happen to New Zealand, particularly across the Tasman. Not now. In Brendon McCullum, Kane Williamson and Ross Taylor there is a 3-4-5 middle order punch to match any team. New ball pair Trent Boult and Tim Southee would compare favourably with the best around the game. Sure, there are areas that need improvement, one opening position for a start, and the No 6 position remains a work in progress, although Jimmy Neesham and the injured Corey Anderson are offering encouragement. Offspinner Mark Craig has had a terrific start to his career, 25 wickets in six tests, but he’s still finding his feet in the test game. Take the mind back a couple of years. Remember 45 all out at Cape Town at the start of Mike Hesson and McCullum’s reign. Grim times. Now it seems simply a bad memory. This is written with four days to play in Christchurch’s first

New Zealand batting coach Craig McMillan last night lavished praise on captain Brendon McCullum after yet another terrific performance set his side up for a real crack at winning the first test against Sri Lanka. McCullum’s blistering 195 from only 134 balls pushed New Zealand to 429 for seven at stumps on the first day of the opening test at Hagley Oval. It’s been that sort of year for McCullum, for whom it was his fourth century, and five runs

Smith the star again Steve Smith personified leadership as Australia reached 5-259 at stumps on day one of the Boxing Day Test against India. Smith continued his career-best form to finish 72 not out, steadying the hosts on a topsy-turvy Friday watched by a crowd of 69,993 at the MCG. The 25-year-old is on the cusp of a third century in the series and passed 1000 Test runs for the calender year. Smith displayed grit, refusing to give India the upper hand as wickets tumbled around him. - AAP

New job for Clarke

New Zealand skipper Brendon McCullum: Yet another brilliant performance with the bat.

test in eight years. Much could change in those days, but you’d doubt it. There is a resolute self belief in this New Zealand team which has grown from the time the West Indies were beaten at home a year ago. They’ll still lose tests. This isn’t some cricketing wonderland where nothing will go wrong. But it is a time to savour New Zealand’s achievements this year. Think back to India’s tour here and McCullum’s double century at Eden Park to help push home a thrilling win; then his triple century - a New Zealand first - to save the second test in Wellington. Then a 2-1 series win in the

Caribbean and a stunning, barely believable victory over Pakistan in Sharjah, in an atmosphere unlike just about any that could be imagined in the wake of Phillip Hughes’ death. Yesterday, a packed Hagley Oval got a glimpse of what they’ve only witnessed on a television screen this year - from McCullum, primarily and so brilliantly, but also Williamson and Neesham. So what of the day? There are many things than can be controlled. The weather is not one, so Canterbury officials were blessed with a cloudless day. The ground was packed with a fraction under 8000 in. It really was a picture. Two hours before the start

there was a large crowd already seated anticipating a day loaded with significance for both Canterbury cricket people and the city. It could barely have gone any better. As for next year, yes you’d like to see a real effort at setting up a world test championship and a genuine attempt at getting rid of the nastiness prevalent whenever Australia and India, or Australia and England meet these days, especially in the wake of the feelgood noises after Hughes’ tragic death by bouncer. But they’re pipedreams. Let’s settle for what is achievable. New Zealand going toe to toe with Australia. That’ll do nicely. - NZME

Praise for ‘destructive, domineering’ skipper By DaviD Leggat

Ashburton Guardian 19

shy of what would have been a fourth score of 200 plus in that period. “I think he’s probably the most destructive and domineering player to have played for New Zealand, certainly that I’ve ever seen,” former international test batsman McMillan, himself no shrinking violet when it came to assertive batting, said last night. “I don’t think I’ve got enough superlatives to describe that innings.” McMillan reckoned his 202 against Pakistan at Sharjah last month - in his most recent test

innings was “pretty special”. Yesterday exceeded that. “The man is an x-factor player, has the ability to dominate and dismantle bowlers very quickly and change the tempo and way an innings is heading.” There was a happy spinoff too in the bracing 85 by Jimmy Neesham, a player short of runs from the last tour to the United Arab Emirates. McMillan felt McCullum’s presence didn’t hurt the lefthand allrounder, who hit centuries in his first two tests but fell away against Pakistan recently.

“It was a really important knock for him. Batting with Brendon almost dragged him along and gave him confidence to be more expressive,” McMillan said. And he revealed McCullum was relatively relaxed about missing out on another double century. “I think he felt that’s the way it goes sometimes. He rolls with it, live by the sword, die by the sword. But any player if you get that close to a double hundred, there’s always maybe a little bit of disappointment.” - NZME

The debutant admitted to prematch nerves, but delivered a classy performance on one of Australian sport’s grandest stages. It wasn’t Joe Burns batting at No.6, rather hamstrung captain Michael Clarke who the Nine Network engaged to call the third Test between Australia and India. Clarke remains desperate to lead Australia during next year’s World Cup. “I saw the Australian team medical staff ... last night and this morning. A lot of hard work now with my rehab, but a week-and-a-half post-surgery and they’re as happy as they can possibly be,” he said. But post-career planning would be in full swing after the 33-year-old’s recurring back and hamstring woes flared up during the first Test. - AAP

Starc back for Sixers Axed Australian paceman Mitchell Starc returns for a Sydney Sixers side looking to continue their home city bragging rights when they play Sydney Thunder in a Big Bash League match at ANZ Stadium tonight. Set up as cross-town rivals for the Twenty20 competition, the results so far have been one-way traffic, the Sixers unbeaten in their five clashes with the Thunder dating back to the inaugural 2011 BBL. With the mercurial Starc returning to spearhead the Sixers’ attack after being dumped for Australia’s third Test against India, the men in magenta will fancy their chances of making it six in a row. - AAP

Hughes trademark Cricket Australia has trademarked the phrase “63 not out”. CA made what it called a “defensive” move to prevent people cashing in on the death of Test batsman Phillip Hughes, who died after being struck by a bouncer in a Sheffield Shield match last month. He was on 63 when he was felled. “Cricket Australia registered the trademark in conjunction with Phillip’s management purely as a defensive registration to prevent others trying to exploit Phillip’s memory,” a CA spokesman told The West Australian. “There was some evidence of that starting to occur which is why we have taken this action.” - AAP

Racing 20 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Natalie Rasmussen keeps half an eye on Meticulous (Tim Williams) looming up the middle of the track, but is really in no danger as she gets Isaiah to the line in the Robbies Bar & Bistro Ashburton Cup yesterday. The Art Major-E J Becks four-year-old, trained by the Purdon/Rasmussen stable, covered the 3200 metre journey in 4:00.60, with the last half in 54.89. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-127

All Stars still shining bright By Matt MarkhaM Up and coming pacing star Isaiah continued his march towards the top of the pacing heap yesterday with a tough victory in the $22,000 Ashburton Cup. The Mark Purdon and Natalie Rasmussen-trained fouryear-old held all the guns in the feature event of the Boxing Day meeting and proved too tough and too slick for a handy field of pacers over the 3200 metre distance. And Rasmussen is now starting to feel that the step up to the elite level is well within the New Zealand Derby runnerup’s reach. “It’s always something you think about in the back of your mind – whether or not they will make that next step up,’’ Rasmussen said. “They can be great age group horses but getting up into those races where you have some of the best in the business around you is quite often a different story.

Natalie Rasmussen brings Isaiah back to the birdcage after a commanding performance in the Ashburton Cup yesterday. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-135

“This guy is just the ultimate professional though. “He takes everything in his stride.’’ Rasmussen nursed Isaiah along early in the contest, before surging him to the lead with just over one mile of the race remaining. She then shocked plenty by

surrendering that lead to Four Starzzz Flash with 900 metres left to run. “If I hadn’t handed up to him we would have been slaughtered. “So I thought we would take the sit and have one go at them.” Rasmussen rolled off the

back of the leader on the home bend and strode to the lead before holding off the challenges of Bit Of A Legend and then Meticulous, the latter of whom also comes from the Purdon/ Rasmussen stable. Meticulous managed to snare second placing from Bit Of A Legend, but there was grave concern when the Cran Dalgety-trained pacer galloped short of the post and was pulled up immediately by driver Dexter Dunn. It appeared he had broken down, but 20 minutes later in the stable enclosure things looked a lot more optimistic. “The next 24 hours will tell us more, but I don’t think it’s as bad as it might have looked.’’ The locals weren’t left completely out of the spoils yesterday with Ideal Act registering a big win for John Hay. The race was expected to be dominated by Cullen Keefe who started a short odds favourite, but he blew his chances with an early gallop that put

an end to any hopes he had of victory. Hay, on the other hand, was quickly away and found the lead with Ideal Act and the pair dashed away from a comprehensive victory. After two tidy efforts to open his campaign, the son of American Ideal looks every bit a horse who will work through the grades at a quick rate. As well as doing the training and the driving, Hay also owns the gelding outright – adding a little more value to the win. Live The Dream also registered another win for his Ashburton trainer, Donald Taylor with a big win in the feature trot. The 11-year-old, who races like he is three, enjoyed a great trip in the trail before unwinding stylishly for Ricky May to get up along the inside and win with plenty in store. Live The Dream, who is also owned by Taylor, has now won 10 races as a trotter and a further three earlier in his career when he was a pacer.


Saturday, December 27, 2014


In brief

Walker still riding winners By Mathew toogood Jockey Michael Walker praised the fighting qualities of Jacquinot Bay after the seasoned campaigner wasn’t going to be denied in yesterday’s Listed Lord Stakes at Sandown. Jacquinot Bay kept responding after hitting the front at the top of the straight in the 1600-metre event, edging out Mouro who was also brave under a big weight. “The horse needs to take a lot of credit here because he could have laid down and got beaten,” Walker said. “When the other horse got to him, he actually got a head past me, he fought back. “He (Mouro) was going to beat me, hands down, but it was a good effort.”

Michael Walker: Riding Jacquinot Bay for only the second time.

Walker was only riding Jacquinot Bay in a race for the second time and both he and co-trainer Tom Danernig believe putting the gelding closer to the speed

in his past couple of starts has made a difference. Jacquinot Bay ($16) notched his first win since joining the Lindsay Park team.

He was formerly trained by the late Guy Walter and the gelding’s eight wins under his care included this year’s Listed Canberra Cup (2000m). The Canberra Cup in March is on the radar again. “He had been racing well through the spring and I think he’s going to really hit form through the summer,” Danernig said. “He has previously won the Canberra Cup so if he can stay up a long time we might head to races like the Albury or Canberra Cup.” Mouro, who had 60kg, was forced to race three-wide for part of the race and loomed up in the straight to look the winner before going down by a short head with Aeratus ($11) a half-neck away third. - AAP

I’m Imposing wins back-to-back Summer Cups By Caryl williaMson Already a stable favourite, I’m Imposing now has special place in the Chris Waller team after claiming back-to-back wins in the Summer Cup at Randwick.

Ashburton Guardian 21

He became just the first horse to win the race twice since Donald in 1928-29 and only the second horse in more than a century to carry more than 57.5kg to victory. Punters stuck with I’m Impos-

ing in the Boxing Day feature despite the 59kg on his back, sending him out the $3.30 favourite ahead of Pelicano ($4.60). Tye Angland made sure I’m Imposing stayed in touch with the leaders so he did not have

too much to do at the end of the 2000m. It was a move that paid off with the nine-year-old showing his younger rivals how it was done as he sprinted to the line three-quarters of a length clear of Midsummer Sun. - AAP

Parnham’s Christmas Perth apprentice Chris Parnham made the most of a flying visit to Melbourne by capturing the feature race at Sandown yesterday. The training team of Leon and Troy Corstens enticed the 17-year-old to Melbourne for the Sandown meeting and Parnham didn’t let them down by guiding Tried And Tired home in the Group Three Christmas Stakes. Backed from $6 into $4.80 second favourite, Tried And Tired scored a 1-3/4 length victory over favourite Lord Of The Sky ($3.80) with Go The Knuckle ($13) 1-1/4 lengths away third. - AAP

Bayliss atones Trainer Peter Moody felt he was owed a winner by his apprentice Regan Bayliss on Herstory and the talented young rider delivered. Moody thought Bayliss, who has earned plenty of praise as he has risen to the top of the Melbourne apprentices’ premiership, had erred in a couple of rides earlier at Sandown yesterday. A bit of “education” between races was followed by Bayliss guiding three-yearold Herstory to victory in the Dennis Hanrahan Handicap (1400m). “He slaughtered a couple earlier here today so don’t forget to mention that as well as the good ones because they start thinking they can drink their own bath water,” Moody quipped. - AAP

Results from the Ashburton Boxing Day meeting yesterday The weather was fine and the track fast for the Ashburton Harness at Ashburton yesterday. RACE 1 - PAPER PLUS ASHBURTON FILLIES & MARES MOBILE, $7000, 1609m 3-3 Foxy Dame (13) D Dunn 1 6-6 Valor Lustre (14) B Orange 2 1-2 Royal Caroline (6) G O’Reilly 3 Scratched: Gupta’s Cullen, Justasip, Sarah P, Twitch. Also (in finishing order): 7-7 Coringa Delight, 4-4 Maritime Arden, 9-9 Baby Fern, 2-1 Art Exhibit, 11-11 Bridget Blue Chip, 8-8 Verde Lima, 14-14 Nullarbor Nymph, 13-12 Changeover A Flyin, 10-10 Break Dance, 5-5 Cullens First Meddle, 12-13 Shesa Sizzler. Hd, 1L, 1-1/2L. Time: 1:56.10. MR: 1:56.10. Last 800m: 57.13. Win: $6.10. Places: $2.00, $4.40, $1.70. Quinella: $38.90. Trifecta: $368.70 (13,14,6). First4: $2061.40 (13,14,6,7). Sub: Royal Caroline (6). Trainer: Kevin Townley, Russley. Breeding: 3 f Badlands Hanover-Fire Dancer. RACE 2 - TAYLOR FAMILY MOBILE PACE, $7500, 2400m 1-1 Full Speed Ahead (3) M Anderson 1 3-3 Art Critic (13) M Purvis 2 2-2 Southern GNP (7) B Orange 3 Scratched: Major Stride. Also (in finishing order): 9-8 Bhappy, 8-9 Spirit Of Chronos, 4-4 Lovemetwotimes, 1111 Shantahlia Knight, 5-5 Crimson Glory, 6-6 Marshal Star, 7-7 Buzkil, 10-10 Tuscaloosa, 12-12 Loose Cannon, 13-13 Thatshowie Roll. Nse, Sht hd, 3L. Time: 2:56.60. MR: 1:58.40. Last 800m: 57.10. Win: $1.60. Places: $1.00, $2.20, $1.60. Quinella: $7.50. Trifecta: $29.20 (3,13,7). First4: $466.00 (3,13,7,4). Sub: Full Speed Ahead (3). Trainer: Purdon/Rasmussen, Rolleston. Breeding: 4 g Art Major-Maheer Princess. RACE 3 - TINWALD TAVERN PACE, $7000, 2400m

1-1 Go Collect (4) T Chmiel 1 9-10 Shantahlia Romeo (14) G Smith 2 6-6 Speechless (6) B Orange 3 Scratched: Sounds Orsum. Also (in finishing order): 12-11 Coyote, 2-2 Comacho, 13-14 Bellisario, 16-15 Born To Delight, 3-3 Royal Chance, 10-8 Banora Boy, 4-5 Fabuleux, 11-12 Franco Tariq, 7-4 Gotta Get Lucky, 5-7 Sioux West, 8-9 Anna Laziza, 14-13 Got A Beauty, 15-16 Hey Knowchange. 1-1/2L, 1-1/4L, 1/2L. Time: 3:00.40. MR: 2:00.94. Last 800m: 57.66. Win: $3.20. Places: $1.80, $5.60, $3.90. Quinella: $50.40. Trifecta: $693.80 (4,14,6). First4: Not Struck. Double: $3.30 (3+/4+), $16.50 (3+/14). Treble: $40.10 (13/3+/4+). Sub: Go Collect (4). Trainer: John Howe, West Melton. Breeding: 3 g Gotta Go Cullect-No Parking. RACE 4 - HUBERT CHRISTEY MEMORIAL HANDICAP TROT, $7500, 2400m 1-1 Monbet (12) R May 1 9-8 All Royal Gal (13) G Smith 2 5-5 Xmas Joyella (15) T Chmiel 3 Scratched: Love Struck Romeo, Lisa Marie P, Kerryn Kylie, Trouble Ado. Also (in finishing order): 14-14 Dream Big, 4-4 Saint Michel, 3-3 Petite Royal, 8-10 Kaimanawa, 12-12 Loch Forward, 15-15 Overstayer, 2-2 Shell Seeker, 16-16 Momentous, 10-9 Paint The Moon, 6-6 Tehoro Holly, 1313 Sansa Stark, 7-7 Glendaloch, 11-11 Big Is Good (Pulled up). 3/4L, Hd, 1-1/4L. Time: 3:08.90. MR: 2:06.70. Last 800m: 59.68. Win: $1.50. Places: $1.20, $5.90, $3.30. Quinella: $21.60. Trifecta: $197.90 (12,13,15). First4: $6843.90 (12,13,15,17). Sub: Monbet (12). Trainer: G & N Hope, Woodend Beach. Breeding: 3 g Love You-Diedre Darling. RACE 5 - ASHBURTON MSA LIQUOR CENTRE MOBILE PACE, $7000, 2400m 2-2 The Boys GNP (16) B Orange 1 1-1 Field Marshal (11) M Jones 2

6-6 Always Yours (5) G Smith 3 Scratched: Lady Dazzler, China Express, Smart Kamwood. Also (in finishing order): 3-3 Bettor Me, 4-4 Courage To Fly, 7-7 Franco Tevez, 11-10 Beale Street Boy, 12-11 Chasing Shadows, 8-8 Franco Sanchez, 14-13 Macheath, 10-12 Scott Higgi, 5-5 The Emperor Robyn, 9-9 Rummage, 13-14 Nickles N Dimes. 5L, 1-1/2L, 3L. Time: 2:55.90. MR: 1:57.93. Last 800m: 55.84. Win: $4.70. Places: $1.50, $1.20, $4.40. Quinella: $3.40. Trifecta: $130.30 (16,11,5). First4: $524.30 (16,11,5,15). Quaddie: $36.20 (3+/4+/12+/16). Double: $4.30 (12+/16), $1.10 (12+/11+). Sub: Field Marshal (11). Trainer: Ken Barron, West Melton. Breeding: 3 g Bettor’s Delight-We Love To Party. RACE 6 - TRU TEST HANDICAP TROT, $8000, 2400m 5-5 Zachary Binx (3) A Tomlinson 1 11-12 Thanksforplaying (2) C McDowell 2 1-2 Thebestlove (4) M Jones 3 Scratched: Heza Mighty Monarch. Also (in finishing order): 2-1 Clover Mac, 8-8 Kowhai Whiz, 6-6 All Lit Up, 3-3 Aile Rouge, 12-11 Clifden Clowers, 7-7 Lavros Segil, 4-4 Summer Vacation, 10-10 Sarah Lindenny, 9-9 Young Stranger. 1-1/4L, Nk, 4L. Time: 3:03.20. MR: 2:02.82. Last 800m: 57.59. Win: $13.40. Places: $3.20, $11.60, $1.70. Quinella: $333.80. Trifecta: $3265.80 (3,2,4). First4: Not Struck. Sub: Thebestlove (4). Trainer: Ken Ford, West Melton. Breeding: 4 g Sundon-Zsa Zsa. RACE 7 - PAVILIONS HOTEL IN MEMORY OF JOHN ROLLINSON, $7500, 2400m 2-2 Ideal Act (1) J Hay 1 3-3 Take After Me (10) D Dunn 2 4-4 Nikola (2) G Smith 3 All Started. Also (in finishing order): 9-8 Indian Arrow,

7-7 Pay Me Sush, 8-9 Westburn Jewel, 1010 Art Pleaser, 6-6 Tubbys Sister, 5-5 Outta Sight, 1-1 Cullen Keefe, 13-12 Mob Star, 12-13 Bite The Dust, 11-11 Jamie Austin. 2-1/2L, 3/4L, 1L. Time: 3:00.90. MR: 2:01.28. Last 800m: n/a. Win: $4.40. Places: $1.40, $1.60, $3.00. Quinella: $14.20. Trifecta: $156.70 (1,10,2). First4: $1246.80 (1,10,2,12). Double: $18.40 (3/1), $9.10 (3/10). Treble: $179.20 (16/3/1). Sub: Cullen Keefe (4). Trainer: John Hay, Ashburton. Breeding: 4 g American Ideal-In Hollywood. RACE 8 - ROBBIE’S BAR & BISTRO ASHBURTON CUP HCP , $22,000, 3200m 1-1 Isaiah (2) N Rasmussen 1 6-6 Meticulous (3) T Williams 2 2-2 Bit Of A Legend (7) D Dunn 3 All Started. Also (in finishing order): 3-3 Jason Rulz, 7-7 All Star Man, 8-8 Four Starzzz Flash, 5-5 Jivin Cullen, 4-4 Mossdale Conner. 3/4L, 2-1/4L, 5-1/2L. Time: 4:00.60. MR: 2:01.00. Last 800m: 54.89. Win: $2.70. Places: $1.30, $3.10, $1.30. Quinella: $9.50. Trifecta: $55.70 (2,3,7). First4: $160.10 (2,3,7,8). Sub: Isaiah (2). Trainer: Purdon/Rasmussen, Rolleston. Breeding: 4 h Art Major-E J Becks. RACE 9 - PRODIGAL SEELSTER SUMMER SPEED SERIES MB, $9000, 1609m 11-12 Supreme Gem (9) M Jones 1 6-6 Stradowan (8) T Chmiel 2 5-5 Eva Sophnally (3) R May 3 All Started. Also (in finishing order): 4-2 Secret Lotion, 12-10 Roxy Bromac, 3-4 Mach’s Love, 2-3 Maiden Rome, 7-7 Justalittlebettor, 1-1 Red Hot Toddy, 8-9 Seven Point One, 9-8 Woo dlea DJ, 10-11 Live Life Betta. 3/4L, Lg nk, 1-3/4L. Time: 1:53.70. MR: 1:53.70. Last 800m: 56.55. Win: $45.70. Places: $14.70, $2.90, $2.70. Q: $206.50.

Trifecta: $5541.30 (9,8,3). First4: Not Struck. Double: $123.40 (2+/9), $7.10 (2+/8). Sub: Red Hot Toddy (4). Trainer: John McDermott, Prebbleton. Breeding: 7 m Christian Cullen-Flying Sands. RACE 10 - ASHBURTON GUARDIAN HANDICAP TROT, $9000, 2400m 2-1 Live The Dream (2) R May 1 3-3 Saratoga (7) B Orange 2 6-6 Quality Invasion (5) A Lethaby 3 Scratched: Vacanza. Also (in finishing order): 1-2 Vulcan, 5-5 Tart N Tights, 4-4 Dixie Commando, 7-7 Another Love, 8-8 Mc Blizzard. 4L, Sht hd, 3/4L. Time: 3:04.20. MR: 2:03.50. Last 800m: n/a. Win: $3.20. Places: $1.30, $1.70, $3.50. Quinella: $7.00. Trifecta: $156.90 (2,7,5). First4: $488.00 (2,7,5,9). Sub: Vulcan (9). Trainer: Donald Taylor, Ashburton. Breeding: 11 g Live Or Die-Whispering Dream. RACE 11 - SPRAY MARKS GROUP MOBILE PACE, $8000, 2400m 1-1 Art Union (13) D Dunn 1 2-2 Nero Star (2) M Jones 2 4-4 Someardensomewhere (12) T William 3 Scratched: Magic Oats. Also (in finishing order): 3-3 Cyclone Kiwi, 6-6 Chief Kapai, 9-7 Franco Salisbury, 5-5 Bute Courage, 11-12 Aveross Rustler, 7-8 Fiery Lustre, 8-9 Nicky’s Dynamic, 12-11 Iwannabebig, 10-10 Nic Mac Willy. 1-1/2L, 1-1/2L, 1-1/4L. Time: 2:54.70. MR: 1:57.12. Last 800m: 55.41. Win: $1.40. Places: $1.10, $1.70, $1.80. Quinella: $3.30. Trifecta: $17.70 (13,2,12). First4: $32.10 (13,2,12,11). Quaddie: $1505.80 (2+/9/2/13+). Place6: $207.90 (2,3,4+/1,2,10/2+,3,7/3,8,9/2,5,7/2, 12,13+). Double: $7.50 (2/13+), $9.10 (2/2). Treble: $697.40 (9/2/13+). Sub: Art Union (13). Trainer: Cran Dalgety, West Melton. Breeding: 3 c Art Major-Sparks A Flyin.

Racing 22 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

In brief Dal Cielo stakes claim The well-travelled youngster Dal Cielo raced his way into contention for next month’s Listed Karaka Million with a tidy Boxing Day display. Runner-up in his spring debut at Riccarton for trainers Murray Baker and Andrew Forsman, the Cambridge gelding overcame a wide barrier to go one better in the DHL 2YO at Ellerslie. “He jumped well and wanted to put himself in the race and Opie was able to slot him into a perfect spot,” Forsman said. Dal Cielo travelled well behind the leading pack and he rounded off strongly in the straight under Bosson, who was unable to fulfil his remaining engagements due to possible food poisoning. - NZME

Saavoya in style The red hot run of the Murray Baker and Andrew Forsman training partnership continued at Ellerslie yesterday as underrated filly Saavoya displayed plenty of tenacity to take out the Gr. 2 Eight Carat Classic in fine style and set herself up for a potential Group Two double at the carnival. Fresh off an unlucky run for fifth on Waikato Cup day at Te Rapa, the threeyear-old daughter of Savabeel capitalised on a good trip in transit during a solidly run race to issue her challenge to the well-fancied Sardaaj halfway down the Ellerslie home straight. The two fillies waged war over the last 200 metres with Saavoya holding a head margin at the winning post to end the unbeaten run of the gallant runner-up. - NZME

Soriano nails one The irrepressible Graeme Rogerson believes his quality mare Soriano can further her Group One record in the coming 12 months. The stars finally came into line at Ellerslie yesterday for the five-year-old to break through at the highest level in the Zabeel Classic and the Tuhikaramea trainer said she’s not finished yet. “She deserves this and it’s just great for the whole team. She’s a great mare and she’s by a great stallion. She’s very valuable and when she goes to stud it will hopefully be after she wins the Triple Crown at Hastings next year.” Owned by her breeder and long-time Rogerson employee Denise Howell, Soriano had four previous Group One placings to her credit. - NZME

Sprinter shines again Life in the South Island certainly agrees with Toma Valea, who continued his excellent run of form from his new quarters with further success at Winga-tui yesterday. The Tarsha and Michael Michael Stokes-trained sevenyear-old counted out his Boxing Day rivals in the Listed BP2GO Alco Mosgiel Stakes in the hands of David Walsh. A multiple winner for trainer Mark Brosnan, Toma Valea headed south a year ago and in 11 subsequent appearances he has now added a further three victories and returned a cheque at every start. - NZME

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Natuzzi, with Chris Johnson in the saddle, gets to the line in the Listed Hallmark Stud Newmarket Handicap at Ellerslie yesterday. PHOTO TRISH DUNELL

Johnson on target for double Chris Johnson’s prospects of a Group One sprinting double in the New Year were given a significant boost at Ellerslie yesterday. The leading jockey will continue his association with laststart winner Silver Eclipse in the Sistema Railway Stakes while his J & N Berkett Telegraph mount Natuzzi made a bold statement with an emphatic win in the Listed Hallmark Stud Newmarket Handicap. “Silver Eclipse hasn’t run since

she won the Pegasus, but she’ll be ready,” Johnson said. Natuzzi relished the solid tempo at Ellerslie on Boxing Day and he was able to power home from last on the turn for an impressive victory. “He’s improved going righthanded with those two starts he had up here last year and he was travelling well turning in,” Johnson said. “He was gawking around the last 100 metres.” Natuzzi also gave trainer Paul

Richards his first winner since he shifted his training operation to Byerley Park after last month’s New Zealand Cup carnival. “It’s been great and all the people have been really friendly,” he said. Despite the nature of Natuzzi’s last-to-first win at Ellerslie, Richards won’t be tempted to step the top sprinter out in the Railway. “Halfway down the straight I thought he’d left it a bit late, but

that’s Chris,” he said. “He knows how to get the job done. “We’ll just concentrate on the Telegraph - that’s his main aim.” Trepidation continued to show improvement with a bold run for second after a luckless fifth when blocked for room in the Gr.3 Concorde Handicap. “She’s been a run behind the other horses and she just ran into one better today,” trainer Chris McNab said. “She’ll be hard to beat in the Railway.” - NZME


Eagle gets off the canvas to land knockout blow Race favourite Huka Eagle displayed all his fighting qualities when he lifted himself off the canvas to deliver the knockout blow to his rivals in the Tip Top 3YO 1400 on the first day of the Ellerslie Christmas Carnival. Following in the footsteps of stablemate Allez Eagle, who had won the first race on the Ellerslie card after dominating from the front, Huka Eagle set the pace from an inside barrier but unlike race one this time the Tony Pike trained runner had plenty of opposition who also had designs on a forward position. Challenged firstly by outsider Buffalo Lass and then the well fancied Ocean Emperor, Huka Eagle and rider Leith Innes

maintained a steady clip as they hugged the rail before booting clear as the field turned for the run home. Those punters who had backed the son of Swiss Ace into favourtism started to feel decidedly sick as firstly Wealth Prince issued a stern challenge before the Jason Bridgman trained filly No Tricks descended on the scene to forge to a half length lead with barely 150 metres to the winning post. Refusing to yield, Huka Eagle fought back to gain the ascendancy in the shadows of the post to score by a bare nose from No Tricks with Way In running on strongly into third. “He certainly loves a fight but

I wasn’t sure whether he had met his match this time,” noted Pike after the race. “He is still doing a lot wrong in his races but there’s no doubting his courage as he had plenty of attention during the race and he has kicked back strongly to grab the filly who clearly had his measure at the 200 metre mark.” Pike is in two minds about the next target for his charge with a tilt at the Gr. 1 Levin Classic at Trentham high on the list of possible targets. “I’ll sit down and discuss it with his owner but we have either the Levin Classic or the Karaka Mile later in January as the two main options for him next,” he said. - NZME

Leith Innes and Huka Eagle



Taranaki gallops Today at New Plymouth Raceway

Taranaki RC Venue: New Plymouth Meeting Date: 27 Dec 2014 NZ Meeting number: 10 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 1.00pm REVITAL FERTILISERS SC MDN $7000, MAIDEN, 2000m 1 34x44 Cavatino (1) 58.5.............................J Riddell 2 75644 Hezanakilad h (2) 58.5 ....................R Myers 3 408x0 Sandspex (5) 58.5 ................. N Teeluck (a3) 4 6x507 Dexter (6) 57 ........................... D Turner (a1) 5 x0253 Footsie (3) 56.5 ........................... B Lammas 6 0 En Jeu De Canta (7) 56.5 .............. J Parkes 7 780x8 I Candy (4) 56.5 ..................... K Chiong (a2) 8 x0857 Sakura h (8) 55 ........................... R Hannam 2 1.35pm HTL INSURANCE SC MDN 3YO $7000, MDN 3YO, 1800m 1 36 Opera Knight b (2) 57.5 .............. B Lammas 2 Dee I Cee (4) 57.5 ..........................R Myers 3 65088 Goodspeed (3) 57.5 ................ R Smyth (a1) 4 x0590 Pentathlon h (1) 57.5......................H Tinsley 5 54 True Secret h (6) 55.5 ................. R Hannam 6 8x040 Crafty Lady (7) 55.5 ....................... J Parkes 7 085 Missred h (5) 55.5 ........................ M Dee (a) 3 2.07pm DAVE & EDDIE 2YO MDN $7000, MDN 2YO, 1000m 1 7. The Neon Icon h (3) 57.5 ................J Riddell 2 Boodles (1) 57.5............................D Bradley 3 Newstead h (6) 57.5.........................S Doyle 4 Southern Hussler (2) 57.5 ...............R Myers


5 5. Hungry Eyes (7) 55.5 .................. R Hannam 6 Enshrine (4) 55.5 ........................... J Parkes 7 Fairy Queen (5) 55.5 .................... M Dee (a) 8 Le Petite Rouge 55.5 ................... Scratched 4 2.42pm WAYNE BEGGS/MAXINE ROGERS TSB REALTY SC MDN F&M $7000, MDN F&M, 1600m 1 90302 Eagle Magic (5) 57.5 .....................D Bradley 2 576x2 Lady Annalee h (3) 57.5................. J Parkes 3 45x02 Runway h (6) 57.5 ............... M Dravitzki (a1) 4 928x Sheezababe (1) 57.5 ......................J Riddell 5 2x707 Easter Uprising h (11) 57.5..............S Doyle 6 780x8 I Candy 57.5................................. Scratched 7 524 Elegant Assassin h (4) 56 ...............R Myers 8 3 Skyweka (10) 56 ..................... D Turner (a1) 9 5x865 Etoile D’Ange h (8) 56 ................. B Lammas 10 56x55 Hot Topic (7) 56 ....................... R Smyth (a1) 11 8x Minginui (9) 56 ............................ R Hannam 12 99x Epineaux (2) 56............................ M Dee (a) 5 3.19pm PETER SOLE TRANSPORT SC MDN 1200 $7000, MAIDEN, 1200m 1 64x Stinger b (7) 58.5 .................... R Smyth (a1) 2 Chinaboy 58.5 .............................. Scratched 3 634x Cider h (1) 57 ..................................J Riddell 4 08404 Smoked (6) 57 ....................... K Chiong (a2) 5 I Am Spartacus 57 ....................... Scratched 6 6 Airlie House h (2) 57 ...................... J Parkes 7 6x Shotgun Vic h (3) 57 .......................R Myers 8 Immortal h (11) 57 .........................H Tinsley

9 The Gore Harpoon h (4) 57.......... M Dee (a) 10 7x6x Secretary Miss b (9) 56.5 ........ D Turner (a1) 11 069x Alicorn h (10) 56.5....................... B Lammas 12 Malibu Miss h (12) 55 .......... M Dravitzki (a1) 13 She’s A Rock h (5) 55 ................. R Hannam 14 Sylvian (8) 55 ................................D Bradley 6 3.54pm JD HICKMAN TRANSPORT 1400 RATING 65 $7000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 1x Shadow Fox d (2) 59 ...................... J Parkes 2 67830 Waipipi Lad dm (6) 58.5 ..................J Riddell 3 54145 Back On Song tdb (12) 57.5 .........D Bradley 4 61. J’Walke (11) 57.5 .................... D Turner (a1) 5 350x9 Lumiere Blue tdh (5) 57 ...... M Dravitzki (a1) 6 x0436 River Head dh (9) 57 ......................H Tinsley 7 x0341 Silkysand d (1) 56.5 ........................R Myers 8 22x17 Singapore Girl td (4) 56.5............ B Lammas 9 68597 Babilloni (10) 56.5 ................... R Smyth (a1) 10 06502 Ashalini (8) 54.5 ..................... K Chiong (a2) 11 803x0 Black Russian (3) 54 ................... R Hannam 12 0x7P0 Porotene Chance (7) 54 ........ N Teeluck (a3) 7 4.27pm FARMLANDS 1200 RATING 85 $8000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1200m 1 4x202 Touche db (5) 59 .............................J Riddell 2 73x64 Biddable db (6) 56.5....................... J Parkes 3 9x760 Gus d (4) 55 ................................. M Dee (a) 4 159x8 Sound Barrier d (2) 54 ........ M Dravitzki (a1) 5 31x0x Willing Spirit d (7) 54 .....................D Bradley 6 6157x Coriander dm (3) 54 ........................R Myers

7 1x8x0 Itsa Tru Story d (1) 54 ............ K Chiong (a2)

8 5.02pm DAILY NEWS 2000 RATING 75 $8000, Rat-

ing 75 Benchmark, 2000m 1 52538 Landlord tmh (5) 59.........................J Riddell 2 44250 Wattle Bay dm (9) 58.5 ........... D Turner (a1) 3 20152 Diamantine bh (6) 56.5 .................. J Parkes 4 01723 King Nero 56.5 ............................. Scratched 5 5P475 Yardstick th (3) 56 ............................S Doyle 6 x0071 Shezastunna tdh (1) 54.................D Bradley 7 70903 Even Better (2) 54 ....................... R Hannam 8 4x987 Heapzagold h (8) 54 ........... M Dravitzki (a1) 9 31740 Sweet Magnus tdh (7) 54 ................R Myers 10 9x600 Regal Ranger h (4) 54 ................. M Dee (a) Blinkers on : Etoile D’Ange, Minginui (R4), River Head, Babilloni, Porotene Chance (R6), Yardstick (R8) Blinkers off : Hezanakilad (R1), Pentathlon, Crafty Lady (R2), Black Russian (R6) Pacifiers on : Biddable (R7) Pacifiers off : Alicorn (R5) SELECTIONS Race 1: Footsie, Cavatino, Hezanakilad, Dexter, Sakura Race 2: True Secret, Opera Knight, Dee I Cee, Crafty Lady Race 3: The Neon Icon, Enshrine, Boodles, Southern Hussler Race 4: Lady Annalee, Skyweka, Epineaux, Elegant Assassin Race 5: Stinger, Cider, Airlie House, Malibu Miss Race 6: J’Walke, Shadow Fox, Back On Song, Singapore Girl Race 7: Touche, Biddable, Sound Barrier, Willing Spirit, Gus Robert Hannam is riding at the TaraRace 8: Landlord, Shezastunna, Diamantine, Wattle Bay naki meeting at New Plymouth today.

Rotorua gallops Today at Rotorua Raceway

Racing Rotorua Venue: Rotorua Meeting Date: 27 Dec 2014 NZ Meeting number: 3 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9 1 1.17pm (NZT) ROTORUA SUMMER RACES- 8 & 21 JAN 2200 MAIDEN $7000, MDN, 2200m 1 x9223 Nek Minnit (1) 58.5..........................S Collett 2 44730 Mopane (3) 58.5.................L Magorrian (a2) 3 00604 Tu Meta Peta (7) 58.5.................M Coleman 4 0 Zentangle (2) 57.........................M Cameron 5 87493 Covered ‘N Bay (5) 56.5 .................. R Jones 6 79x29 The Lion Queen (4) 56.5 ................. K Myers 7 667x0 Bahrella (6) 56.5 ......................A Jones (a2) 2 1.52pm ILES CASEY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS R75 1950 $8000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 1950m 1 08766 Hiace (5) 59 ................................ D Johnson 2 44250 Wattle Bay m (3) 59 ..................J Oliver (a3) 3 19x09 Vitali tdm (4) 56.5 .......................M Cameron 4 10210 Crimson Prince td (6) 56 .............T Abel (a4) 5 6x030 Roddick (1) 56................................. C Grylls 6 x3504 Duchessofcambridge (2) 54.5 ......... K Myers 7 x6146 Gotta Keeper (8) 54 ........................ R Jones 8 69368 Sophisticate (7) 54 .....................M Coleman 3 2.29pm CRANKWORX ROTORUA-25 TO 29 MARCH MDN 3YO SPRINT $7000, MDN 3YO, 1200m 1 5 Rajasthan (9) 57.5 .............. R Hutchings (a) 2 Smash Hit (11) 57.5 .................... D Johnson 3 7x6 Dashin (1) 57.5 ............................... C Grylls 4 Blaze Smartie (10) 57.5 .................. R Jones 5 0 Flying Achiever (12) 57.5 ..................M Chui 6 4x262 Glamazon (6) 55.5 .......................... S Spratt 7 2x37. Palace Talk b (4) 55.5................ M D Plessis 8 260x8 Deema (8) 55.5 ............................... K Myers 9 450x Pattican (2) 55.5 .......................A Jones (a2)


Ashburton Guardian 23

Saturday, December 27, 2014

10 11 12

99. Chinese Jubilee (7) 55.5 ............ Z Moki (a3) Fortune Kept (5) 55.5 ..............S McKay (a3) Spawn of Elaia (3) 55.5...................S Collett 4 3.04pm BAYLEYS NATIONAL 7s-17&18 JAN ROTORUA MDN 3YO $7000, MDN 3YO, 1200m 1 47x5 Land Tax (6) 57.5 ........................ D Johnson 2 I Am Spartacus (2) 57.5 .................. C Grylls 3 5 Paintball (8) 57.5 ....................... M D Plessis 4 Flash Gris (5) 57.5 .............................M Hills 5 0 Francis Drake (4) 57.5......... R Hutchings (a) 6 47L2. Snaptoit (11) 55.5 ...............A Schwerin (a4) 7 35x49 Russian Magic (1) 55.5 .....................M Chui 8 3x0x7 Who’s Queen (3) 55.5 ..................... S Spratt 9 7. Arpeggio (7) 55.5 .......................M Cameron 10 Lady Echezeaux (9) 55.5 .........A Jones (a2) 11 Massofdash (10) 55.5 .....................S Collett 12 Nabbed 55.5 ................................ Scratched 5 3.37pm STAY @ COPTHORNE HOTEL ROTORUA MAIDEN 1560 $7000, MDN, 1560m 1 22x35 Maestro (14) 58.5.......................M Cameron 2 02524 Top Drive (10) 58.5 ......................... D Nolan 3 2 Mr Mosa (4) 57............................ D Johnson 4 83307 Sacred Trust (15) 57........................ C Grylls 5 Hold Your Tears (8) 57 ..................... R Jones 6 The Best Man (5) 57 ........... R Hutchings (a) 7 9x424 Centre Stage (11) 56.5 ..............M Coleman 8 0x Toy Story (6) 56.5............................ K Myers 9 8x Celtic Lass (7) 55 ...................... M D Plessis 10 69. Danzabeel (13) 55 11 Nathalie Falmet (3) 55................M Sweeney 12 7x0. The Kakahu Express (12) 55 ..........S Collett 13 0x60 Halong Bay (1) 58.5 14 960 Lilyput (9) 55 ................................... S Spratt

15 80220 Anna Kaye 56.5............................ Scratched 16 70 Follow Me 56.5 ............................. Scratched 17 408x0 Sandspex (2) 58.5 Emergencies: Halong Bay, Lilyput, Anna Kaye, Follow Me, Sandspex 6 4.12pm RAINBOW SPRINGS ROTORUA R65 1560 $7000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1560m 1 8x075 Torricella (7) 59 ...............................S Collett 2 15016 Alphabet Street (11) 58.5 .........A Jones (a2) 3 2627L Connor John (10) 58 ..................M Coleman 4 30010 Chachi Arcola (8) 57 ..................M Sweeney 5 44625 Matagouri (6) 56.5........................... S Spratt 6 5x003 Hamacho (4) 56.5 ..................... M D Plessis 7 0913 La Chica (14) 56 ............................. K Myers 8 0x575 Diamond Edge (1) 56 .........L Magorrian (a2) 9 10x80 Skylla (5) 56 ........................ R Hutchings (a) 10 23136 Zvonareva (12) 55.5 ........................ C Grylls 11 38x96 Dreamworld (3) 55 ...................... D Johnson 12 120x0 La Adelita b (9) 55......................M Cameron 13 0x089 Bagsagold (2) 55.5 14 5x070 Quevado 54.................................. Scratched 15 98370 Super Thunder (13) 54 .................. R Norvall Emergencies: Bagsagold, Quevado, Super Thunder 7 4.47pm NZB INSURANCE PEARL SERIES MDN F&M 1400 $12,000, MDN F&M, 1400m 1 80220 Anna Kaye (14) 57.5 ................... D Johnson 2 20720 Our Molly Malone (12) 57.5 ...... M D Plessis 3 3x Marquilla (1) 57.5 .......................M Cameron 4 7744 Saucy Mary (9) 57.5........................ K Myers 5 90x98 Ballerina Angelina (15) 57.5....S McKay (a3) 6 Drusilla h (10) 57.5.......................... R Jones 7 70 Follow Me (13) 57.5 8 7x924 Lady Jay (8) 56 ............................... S Spratt

9 2 Viva La Jour (5) 56 .............................M Hills 10 Zadiffra (6) 56 ............................M Coleman 11 9 Puzzlente (2) 56 ..............................S Collett 12 09. Fantasy Jet (4) 56 ...................... L Satherley 13 Lipsipsuc (3) 56..................L Magorrian (a2) 14 Torba (11) 56....................... R Hutchings (a) 15 Nabbed (7) 56 ................................. C Grylls 16 99x Epineaux 56 ................................. Scratched Emergencies: Nabbed, Epineaux 8 5.25pm INTERISLANDER MAIDEN 4YO+ 1200 $8000, MAIDEN 4YO&UP, 1200m 1 0x329 Pockets h (15) 58.5 .........................S Collett 2 2529. Sir Francis (12) 58.5...................M Coleman 3 2. Goshawk (9) 58.5............................ C Grylls 4 88x Fionn’s Kid (1) 58.5 ......................... R Jones 5 760x Frodo (7) 58.5 ....................................M Hills 6 I’m Bronson (3) 58.5 .................. L Satherley 7 0x0 Mr Luv h (11) 58.5......................... R Norvall 8 Todos Santos (14) 58.5 ................... S Spratt 9 0x4 Arcade (2) 56.5 ........................... D Johnson 10 3050x Deesse de La Mode (5) 56.5L Magorrian (a2) 11 4x6 Saraswati (13) 56.5 ......................... K Myers 12 Irish (6) 56.5 .............................. M D Plessis 13 9x Endean Rose h (4) 56.5 ...........A Jones (a2) 14 90 Last Message (8) 56.5 ........ R Hutchings (a) 15 Star Of Greenbeel (10) 58.5 Emergency: Star Of Greenbeel 9 6.01pm MILLS REEF WINERY & RESTAURANT R65 1400 $7000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 48220 Gerry Merito 59 ............................ Scratched 2 x3139 Kindaleica d (1) 59 ..........................S Collett 3 1. Snapshot (12) 59 ............................ C Grylls 4 61195 Muscat Hills d (15) 58 ..................... K Myers

5 00x54 Panna Cotta t (14) 58 .................. D Johnson 6 159x0 Domanae (10) 58 ....................S McKay (a3) 7 26x38 Lucky Orphan d (5) 58 ............... L Satherley 8 02306 Princess Nicole tm (8) 57.5 ............. S Spratt 9 41052 Chanel Number Five (9) 57 ....... M D Plessis 10 x0x70 Double Parked (4) 57 ........................M Chui 11 90x79 Our Foxy Lady dm (6) 56.5 ........M Coleman 12 01094 Checkoutthemisses m (13) 55.5 13 x7548 Staccato (7) 55.5................. R Hutchings (a) 14 6x420 Soviet Song d (11) 55 ................M Cameron 15 0x433 Mataatua 56.5 .............................. Scratched 16 400x0 The Link d (2) 54 .......................J Oliver (a3) 17 803x0 Black Russian (3) 54 Emergencies: Mataatua, The Link, Black Russian Blinkers on : The Lion Queen (R1), Rajasthan, Flying Achiever, Deema (R3), Land Tax, Who’s Queen (R4), Maestro, Mr Mosa, Halong Bay (R5), Ballerina Angelina (R7), Endean Rose (R8) Blinkers off : Connor John, Hamacho (R6), Frodo (R8), Lucky Orphan, Our Foxy Lady, Black Russian (R9) Winkers on : Paintball (R4), Arcade (R8), Lucky Orphan, Our Foxy Lady (R9) Winkers off : Land Tax (R4), Mr Mosa (R5) Pacifiers on : Danzabeel (R5), Our Molly Malone (R7) SELECTIONS Race 1: Nek Minnit, Covered ‘N Bay, The Lion Queen, Mopane Race 2: Crimson Prince, Gotta Keeper, Hiace, Vitali, Roddick Race 3: Glamazon, Palace Talk, Smash Hit, Pattican, Dashin Race 4: Snaptoit, Land Tax, I Am Spartacus, Arpeggio Race 5: Maestro, Top Drive, Mr Mosa, Hold Your Tears Race 6: Dreamworld, La Adelita, Zvonareva, Diamond Edge Race 7: Anna Kaye, Marquilla, Viva La Jour, Saucy Mary Race 8: Goshawk, Pockets, Sir Francis, Arcade, Irish Race 9: Snapshot, Chanel Number Five, Muscat Hills

$10,000, MDN 3YO, 1600m 1 53525 Kaharau (14) 57.5 ........................... R Jones 2 54x32 Viviano (8) 57.5 3 3 Dartmoor (12) 57.5 4 6354 No Deal (13) 57.5................ R Hutchings (a) 5 2x64 Sir Sava (15) 57.5 ........................... C Grylls 6 53 Sound Proposition (20) 57.5 ......M Coleman 7 4 Fortune Kid (17) 57.5 .....................V Colgan 8 637 Gaultier (19) 57.5 ..............................L Innes 9 36. Imperium (3) 57.5.......................M Cameron 10 0x005 Freewheeler (9) 57.5 .................. Z Moki (a3) 11 07665 Rambo (1) 57.5 12 Tavidar (2) 57.5 ..................L Magorrian (a2) 13 0423 Candybelle b (16) 55.5................ D Johnson 14 463 Black Lace (4) 55.5 15 83 Hot Property (11) 55.5 16 960 Lilyput (6) 55.5 17 80x00 Lowrider (7) 55.5 ........................... R Norvall 18 6789 Sisterhood (5) 55.5 19 56x55 Hot Topic 55.5 .............................. Scratched 20 866. Good Caring (10) 57.5 21 0 Zah Champ (18) 57.5 22 95007 Woodsman 57.5 ........................... Scratched Emergencies: Hot Topic, Good Caring, Zah Champ, Woodsman 8 4.43pm DUNSTAN FEEDS CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER R65 $20,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2100m 1 70714 Panno Rossa (3) 59 2 15x08 The Grinner d (6) 59 3 74080 Coolibah (16) 58.5 4 x3233 Sir Sunny m (12) 58.5 5 0x148 Stand Your Ground tb (2) 58 6 31440 Keep Rocking t (8) 57.5 7 x3522 Zeldara b (17) 57 .......................M Cameron 8 66163 Deschabeel (9) 57..................... M D Plessis 9 x0036 Eskabar (15) 57 .............................. C Grylls 10 x6385 Mons Calpe d (14) 57 11 95436 Smedley tdm (5) 57 ............L Magorrian (a2) 12 18722 Satay b (4) 56.5................... R Hutchings (a) 13 62501 Bold Bachelor t (13) 56.5 ................ S Spratt 14 72042 Epicurean (11) 56 15 36x57 Diamond Thorn d (10) 55 16 7x768 Chipandchase b (1) 55.5 17 6x887 Team Pete t (7) 54.5 Emergencies: Chipandchase, Team Pete


Auckland gallops Tomorrow at Ellerslie Raceway

Auckland RC Venue: Ellerslie Meeting Date: 28 Dec 2014 NZ Meeting number: 2 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9 1 12.35pm (NZT) VIVA.CO.NZ MILE R85 $20,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1600m 1 12x31 To Be Sure t (11) 59 2 0x968 Travel Wise tdm (8) 57 3 90386 The Menace td (2) 56.5......L Magorrian (a2) 4 42381 Lucky Feather tdm (10) 55 5 x0317 Sultry Assassin d (3) 54 ............ M D Plessis 6 51136 Zah Girl d (1) 54 7 15x22 Ultraviolet b (5) 54 8 77300 Kentucky Son m (6) 54................ D Johnson 9 x7541 Pace Setter tm (4) 54 10 66730 Our Eejay (7) 54 11 0x0. Fortissimo (9) 54 ................ J Whiteside (a3) 2 1.10pm TIMEOUT MAIDEN 1200 $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 23 Flavouring (2) 57.5 2 2. Jagger (5) 57.5.................... R Hutchings (a) 3 2 Raise The Bar (1) 57.5 4 743 Saki’s Ace (8) 57.5 5 848x2 Hunapo (6) 55.5 ...................... R Smyth (a1) 6 2 Maid Of Steel (3) 55.5 ............... M D Plessis 7 5 Our Iffraaj (7) 55.5 8 Sonobella (10) 55.5 Sam Spratt is down to ride Bold Bach9 0x09. Elusive Boxers (9) 55.5 elor in the $20,000 Dunstan Feeds 10 Midnight Mistress (4) 55.5............... C Grylls Qualifier at Ellerslie tomorrow. 3 1.45pm CANVAS MAGAZINE MAIDEN 2YO $10,000, MDN 2YO, 1200m R85 1200 $20,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1200m 1 2. Dal Cielo (7) 57.5 1 35528 D’Cash Man d (9) 59.5 2 39. Battle Plan (6) 57.5 2 98274 One Cool Message tdm (8) 59L Magorrian (a2) 3 5 One More Dream 57.5 ................. Scratched 3 1x068 Shezhardtocatch td (2) 57... R Hutchings (a) 4 Splendido (10) 57.5........................V Colgan 4 Lx317 Cartell td (7) 57 ............... Z Moki (a3) 5 The Justice League (8) 57.5 .............L Innes 5 1x318 Britt Ekland tdb (6) 56.5 6 Amarula (2) 57.5 .....................S McKay (a3) 6 2x000 Spitfire Lady (10) 56 7 9 He Had A Dream (9) 57.5 ....... R Smyth (a1) 7 4x068 Alvesta dm (4) 56 ....................S McKay (a3) 8 National Asset (3) 57.5 8 340x1 Alleyoop d (5) 54.5 ............................L Innes 9 24 Okagbare (1) 55.5 ............... R Hutchings (a) 9 56840 Frank Whitaker dm (3) 54................ K Myers 10 2 Untamed Diamond (12) 55.5..... A Collett (a) 10 15138 Black Mascara d (1) 54 ................... C Grylls 11 3 Vegas Fling 55.5 .......................... Scratched 5 2.55pm LIVING MAGAZINE R65 1200 $20,000, Rat12 47 O’Dianne b (11) 55.5 13 8 Zeani (5) 55.5.................................. C Grylls ing 65 Benchmark*, 1200m 1 126x Makali Runner db (8) 59 ...................L Innes 14 Suggestions (4) 55.5 2 23212 Merckx td (18) 59 4 2.20pm THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD SUPER SPORT 3 436x1 Party Crasher (6) 58.5 -

4 5x21x The Likely One dm (2) 58.5 .......M Coleman 5 68x83 Capistrano Magic d (11) 57.5 6 2626x Iffley Road (7) 57.5 ............L Magorrian (a2) 7 152x3 Silver Platter d (17) 57.5 ............. D Johnson 8 2x772 Funhouse d (3) 57........................... C Grylls 9 x2015 Polyatomic d (4) 57 ............ J Whiteside (a3) 10 1x0 Priority t (10) 57 11 36x13 Elusive Kitty d (5) 56.5 12 x2221 Madame Jamai d (15) 55.5 ........M Cameron 13 1324 Purcentage 55.5........................... Scratched 14 421 Elucidate td (16) 55 15 417x4 Imanana 56 .................................. Scratched 16 x02x0 Aimees Babe d (14) 56 17 0x517 Flicka Of Gold td (1) 57.5 18 176. It’s Bianca d (9) 54 19 x379x The Rich Lister d (12) 57 20 075x4 Pinzano (13) 54.5 Emergencies: Imanana, Aimees Babe, Flicka Of Gold, It’s Bianca, The Rich Lister, Pinzano 6 3.31pm THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD MILE MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1600m 1 5x62 Chaos (20) 58.5 2 39x28 St Moet (1) 58.5 3 Shining Brave (3) 58.5 4 6 Private Hero (6) 58.5........... R Hutchings (a) 5 64339 Kolaman (16) 57 6 5. Single Shot (10) 57 7 866. Good Caring (22) 57 8 0x8 Ifra Dancer (11) 57 .........................V Colgan 9 95007 Woodsman (18) 57.......................... K Myers 10 0 Zah Champ (14) 57 11 4x92 Beaming (13) 56.5 .................... M D Plessis 12 0x33 Go Teena (9) 56.5 ..............L Magorrian (a2) 13 05692 Mirage (5) 56.5................................ D Nolan 14 0x564 Ice Cool (8) 56.5 15 8x405 Hot Lady (4) 56.5 16 46x5. Tipperary (2) 56.5 17 07565 Amuse (15) 56.5 .....................B Hutton (a2) 18 2242. Mary Quant b (7) 55 ........................ C Grylls 19 26x60 Overtime (17) 58.5 20 637 Gaultier (19) 57 21 69. Danzabeel (12) 55 .....................M Coleman 22 70 Follow Me (21) 56.5 Emergencies: Overtime, Gaultier, Danzabeel, Follow Me 7 4.07pm WEEKEND HERALD MILE MAIDEN 3YO

5.19pm HERALD ON SUNDAY R65 1400 $20,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 96x00 Gold Hunter dm (22) 59 2 85051 Secret Power d (13) 59 3 x8604 Macka’s Back tm (17) 58.5 4 0x449 Silver City m (6) 58.5 5 51 Talented Kirky td (9) 58.5 ...........M Sweeney 6 2615. Just The Deal (21) 58...................... C Grylls 7 144x2 Bhiwani d (11) 57 8 3x125 Marcelle (5) 57 9 x699x Ransoms Gold t (15) 57 .................. S Spratt 10 305x8 Zaperb b (1) 57 11 3213. Eye Raced Ninety d (10) 57 .......M Cameron 12 64755 Gisela d (2) 56.5 13 14462 Nighean m (18) 56.5 14 5192 Puntinato d (8) 56.5 15 15 Sonic Jet d (20) 56.5 16 01 Parker’s Piece (4) 54.5 ......................L Innes 17 6x182 Vive La Difference (16) 54.5 18 82x07 Soltina d (3) 56................................ D Nolan 19 01740 Chocolat d (7) 56 20 414x5 Snow Petal db (19) 55.5 21 08514 Goodn’targ dm (12) 54.5 22 41x70 Manikya (14) 54.5 Emergencies: Vive La Difference, Soltina, Chocolat, Snow Petal, Goodn’targ, Manikya Blinkers on: Hunapo (R2), He Had A Dream, Okagbare (R3), Gaultier (R6), Gaultier, Imperium (R7), Zeldara (R8), Vive La Difference, Chocolat (R9) Blinkers off: Spitfire Lady (R4), Ransoms Gold (R9) Pacifiers on: Danzabeel (R6) SELECTIONS Race 1: Ultraviolet, To Be Sure, Lucky Feather, Sultry Assassin Race 2: Maid Of Steel, Flavouring, Raise The Bar, Saki’s Ace Race 3: Dal Cielo, Untamed Diamond, The Justice League, Okagbare Race 4: Alleyoop, Britt Ekland, Black Mascara, Shezhardtocatch Race 5: Funhouse, Makali Runner, The Likely One, Madame Jamai Race 6: Mary Quant, Beaming, Private Hero, Chaos, Go Teena Race 7: Candybelle, Imperium, Viviano, Sound Proposition Race 8: Zeldara, Sir Sunny, Panno Rossa, Satay, The Grinner Race 9: Just The Deal, Puntinato, Bhiwani, Talented Kirky, Zaperb

LEGEND: Runner Form b - Beaten favourite at last start c - Won at this distance on this course d - Won at this distance on another course h - Home track m - Won in heavy going t - Won at track X - Spell of three months

Racing 24 Ashburton Guardian

In brief Wenger on defensive Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger has defended underfire centre-back Per Mertesacker ahead of his side’s Premier League home game with Queens Park Rangers. Mertesacker was criticised after apparently ducking beneath the ball to allow Martin Skrtel to net a 97th-minute equaliser for Liverpool in their 2-2 draw with Arsenal last Sunday. But Wenger says the former German international - who retired from international football after winning the World Cup in July - was not to blame for his side’s failure to hold on and claim three points. - AFP

Lampard in demand Manchester City’s attacking injury problems remain ahead of their trip to West Bromwich Albion, but manager Manuel Pellegrini expects better news concerning on-loan midfielder Frank Lampard before 2015 arrives. Lampard’s loan move from City’s sister club New York City is due to expire at the end of the month. But Pellegrini is confident he will sign the 36-year-old for the remainder of the season, regardless of whatever difficulties it may present to the American club as they prepare for their inaugural season. “I hope Frank’s situation will be resolved in the next days,” said Pellegrini, whose side trail leaders Chelsea by three points in the Premier League. - AFP

Muscat re-signs Melbourne Victory have rewarded coach Kevin Muscat for his sharp start to the A-League season, handing him a threeyear contract extension. The club’s inaugural captain will serve as head coach until the end of the 2017/18 season. Muscat said his goal was to secure the club a third A-League championship within his tenure. “Melbourne Victory has been a part of my life for the past 10 years and while I have been able to achieve the ultimate success as a player, it is now my responsibility to ensure I can do it as head coach and deliver a third A-League Championship to the club,” he said. - AAP

McKay steps up Four seasons after leading the Brisbane Roar to their maiden A-League title, Socceroos livewire Matt McKay is back to haunt the Central Coast Mariners. McKay, who epitomised the Roar’s grit in their extra-time comeback from 0-2 down in the 2010-11 grand final against the Mariners, will skipper Brisbane for the first time since today in Gosford. And, further putting the Mariners on notice, the midfielder will be making a record-breaking 163rd appearance for the defending champions, eclipsing fellow foundation player Massimo Murdocca’s mark of 162. - AAP

Saturday, December 27, 2014

■ THEY SAID IT . . .

The best sporting quotes of 2014 January:

Jan 1: “Happy New Year everyone! Rory and I started 2014 with a bang! ... I said YES.” Danish tennis star CAROLINE WOZNIACKI tweets that she has accepted a marriage proposal from Northern Ireland golf superstar Rory McIlroy. Jan 2: “I think the desire burns within every single player in the changing room.” - Australian cricket captain MICHAEL CLARKE ahead of the fifth Caroline and final Ashes Test Wozniacki in Sydney with the hosts chasing a 5-0 whitewash. Jan 14: “I was dizzy from the middle of the first set and then I saw Snoopy and I thought, ‘Wow Snoopy, that’s weird.” Canadian qualifier FRANK DANCEVIC after collapsing in extreme heat during his firstround match at the Australian Open. Jan 15: “I didn’t want to make an idiot of myself.” - PAT RAFTER attempted a professional tennis comeback only to be knocked out of the first round of the Australian Open doubles.


Feb 7:”It’s a bit like a bacon and egg roll. The chicken has a passing interest, the pig has skin in the game. That’s what it’s like, you’re riding every kick.” - Port Adelaide president DAVID KOCH on the difference between being an AFL fan and the president of a footy club. Feb 11:”There wasn’t much I could do when I was on my face.” - Mogul skier DALE BEGG-SMITH after failing in the event where he has won gold and silver at previous Olympics. Feb 13:”Maybe I’ll wear a raincoat or crash helmet this week.” - Embattled Sydney FC coach FRANK FARINA puts on a brave face after having a cup of beer thrown on him from the grandstand. Feb 18:”I know that, I’m not the best jumper out here.” - Olympic aerial skier runner-up DAVID MORRIS played down his medal win saying other competitors “just got quite unlucky”. Feb 26:”I don’t know what the fascination with the national captain is. If I say it’s Michael Clarke, will everyone be happy?” - Socceroos boss ANGE POSTECOGLOU unveiled a new look national squad without captain Lucas Neill. Feb 28:”Did you ask any of the younger players if it’s hard to play against girls in their 30s? Because you always ask me the opposite question.” - Golfer KARRIE WEBB on fielding constant questions about going up against the sport’s young talents.


Mar 7: “It looks like he’s playing in the under-7s at times.” - South Sydney skipper JOHN SUTTON on superstar fullback Greg Inglis after his three tries in the Rabbitohs’ NRL season-opening win over the Sydney Roosters. Mar 20: “We are not CEOs, we are not board members, we were not at the courts listening to the case.” - West Tigers skipper ROBBIE FARAH says players aren’t concerned about court proceedings involving Balmain Leagues Club. Mar 27: “We’ve got to continue but we’ll never forget Alex McKinnon.” - WILLIE MASON after Newcastle Knights team mate Alex McKin-

non suffered devastating spinal injuries during a match. Mar 31: “I felt like that got a monkey off my back.” - Swimming champion JAMES MAGNUSSEN on claiming the 100m freestyle gold at the 2013 word titles, having been branded one of the “Stilnox Six” at the London Games. Mar 30: “No frustration. That’s tennis.” Spanish tennis champion RAFAEL NADAL after failing to win at Key Biscayne, one of just three ATP Masters 1000 events he is yet to win.


Apr 3: “Sadness is not a sufficient word to describe this tragedy.” - Racing NSW chief executive PETER V’LANDYS in a statement following Nathan Berry’s death. Apr 23: “I was playing like a rugby league player with 14 rugby players.” - BENJI MARSHALL after he was released from the Blues.


May 1: “I don’t think I have had a more satisfying day or feeling in my career.” - Australia’s cricket captain MICHAEL CLARKE on his team’s ascension to the top of the Test ladder. May 8: “One of the dreams I always had from day one when the A-League started was to coach Sydney FC.” - Newly-appointed Sydney FC coach GRAHAM ARNOLD. May 14: “It’s a good kick up the backside for me.” - Roosters halfback MITCHELL PEARCE apologised for being arrested in Kings Cross. May 14: “We have let down a lot of people, those who supported us and trusted us” - Former swim star GEOFF HUEGILL after he and his wife were given six-month good behaviour bonds for cocaine offences. May 22: “It would have done some damage - especially to that haircut.” - Queensland captain CAMERON SMITH about teammate Ben Teo’s run-in with a kangaroo at the team’s training camp. May 29: “I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared in a rugby league match as that.” Queensland winger BRENT TATE said he thought he was going to suffer a serious neck injury during a dangerous tackle from NSW playmaker Josh Reynolds in the Origin opener. May 29: “I remember one point I was on the deadball line, on my knees and literally could not feel my legs.” - NSW fullback JARRYD HAYNE said his teammates worked hard to take out the Origin opener.


Jun 18: “I might be biased but I believe this will be the greatest Queensland side if not rugby league side that has ever played the game” - Queensland Captain CAMERON SMITH laughed off suggestions the Origin side should be changed after their series loss. Jun 19: “I had nothing in me. I spewed my dinner up, shat my lunch out so I was starving.” - JARRYD HAYNE says he played the Origin series winning game with a stomach bug. Jun 20: “It would be so disappointing to go home with three losses, after how we’ve resurrected the Socceroos brand I feel.” - Socceroos midfielder MATT MCKAY after Australia’s narrow defeat to the Netherlands ruled them out of the competition.

Jun 25: “I get worried a little bit when people say nice things about you, because it means they don’t fear you.” - Socceroos coach ANGE POSTECOGLOU after international teams began praising Australia’s World Cup campaign. Jun 30: “I didn’t do it to let anyone down, I didn’t do it for a picture to be taken. Until Saturday night I didn’t even know a picture had been taken.” - Disgraced NRL player TODD CARNEY apologises for his lewd behaviour which has ended his football career.


Jul 2: “Erm, ok then...........” - NICK KYRGIOS celebrates his stunning win against world No.1 and 14-time Grand Slam winner Rafael Nadal with a tweet, which attracted 6000 retweets. Jul 12: “I’m not straight.” - IAN THORPE comes out to the nation in a TV interview with Michael Parkinson. Jul 18: “Out and about in Istanbul. It’s been three years since I have worn high heels on a normal day out. #feelsgood #looksgood #shopping #highheels #sun.” - Tennis champion CAROLINE WOZNIACKI posts a picture to her Instagram account, relishing the opportunity to wear stilettos, after splitting from shorter statured fiance Rory McIlroy. Jul 31: “Journalist, please don’t create lies to make headlines.” - Olympic champion sprinter USAIN BOLT tweets after The Times publishes a transcript in which he reportedly called the Commonwealth Games “a bit s***”.


Aug 30: “Any boss that doesn’t give a Tiger fan Friday off next week is a mug.” - Richmond coach DAMIEN HARDWICK after the Tigers’ three-point away win over Sydney, securing them a spot in the finals.


Sept 14: “I probably am half the time.” - NRL player JAMIE SOWARD on being called a “wanker” by fans who think he’s difficult and overrated. Sept 28: “Do you know what, it’s going to hurt. And that’s a good thing. I hope it does hurt because if it doesn’t hurt it means we didn’t care enough about it.” - Penrith Panther JAMAL IDRIS after the club’s NRL finals exit. Sept 28: “I didn’t think the camera was going to get me. I thought it was behind play. If cockroach (coach Alastair Clarkson) had of seen it, I reckon he would have gone nuts.” - Hawthorn’s LUKE HODGE after being caught on camera planting a smooch on former teammate Buddy Franklin during the AFL grand final. Sept 30: “I had a front-row seat for the fireworks and I’ll never forget it. No-one was safe. There were cars dodging cricket balls all over.” - Former South East Junior Cricket Association representative coach ANDREW TAUCHER on South Sydney’s boy wonder Alex Johnston’s impressive potential as a cricketer.


Oct 1: “Our players may be stained forever by the innuendo, misconceptions and falsities that resulted from an investigation that we believe was conducted unlawfully.” - Essendon coach JAMES HIRD on his appeal of the legal upholding of ASADA’s decision to penalise the club for doping. Oct 5: “It’s f***ed. It’s gone.” - South Sydney’s SAM BURGESS explaining his smashed-up cheekbone to a Channel Nine journalist at

The new-look Jarryd Hayne? half-time of the NRL grand final. He played nearly the entire game with a fractured face. Oct 16: “I have been watching the game, playing it on PlayStation, talking with friends (and) the idea kept ticking over.” - One of the NRL’s biggest drawcards JARRYD HAYNE on his decision to quit rugby league and try his hand at American football. Oct 18: “I’ve written to the board that I’ve been unhappy with a bunch of things. The easiest thing was to exit stage left and I’ll leave you guys to ponder, speculate.” Former Wallabies coach EWEN MCKENZIE announces his resignation from the team.


Nov 12: “The history of our country is built on so much (sic) lies and racial policies, and things that have suppressed my people and lots of minorities in this country, so you can’t blame people for having the views that they have.” - AFL champion ADAM GOODES told the BBC he wanted to use his position as Australian of the Year to help educate people on Australia’s racist past.

Nov 27: “Cricket was Phillip’s life, and we as a family shared that love of the game with him. We love you.” - Australian cricket captain and close friend MICHAEL CLARKE reading out the Hughes family’s statement. Nov 27: “He never regained consciousness following his injury on Tuesday. He was not in pain before he passed and was surrounded by his family and close friends.” - Australian cricket team’s doctor PETER BRUKNER announcing Hughes’ death. “No no no no no. RIP Phillip Hughes.” Former Australian Test cricketer ADAM GILCHRIST reacts to news of Hughes’ death on Twitter. Nov 28: “We all love cricket and nobody loves cricket more than Phillip. Cricket will go on and it will go on when we’re ready.” - Cricket Australia chief executive JAMES SUTHERLAND.


Dec 3: “We must dig in and get through to tea. And we must play on. So rest in peace my little brother. I’ll see you out in the middle” - Australian cricket captain MICHAEL CLARKE’s moving eulogy at the funeral of his teammate and friend Phillip Hughes. Dec 8: “It’s put a dampener on our wedding weekend. I’m incredibly embarrassed and disappointed at myself.” - Titans player GREG BIRD after reports surfaced he had urinated on a police car after exchanging vows. - AAP

Our people

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian



Crowds celebrate at the races By Daisy HuDson

Christmas may be done and dusted for another year, but the celebrations kept on coming at the Ashburton Racecourse yesterday. A scorching summer day drew hundreds of punters to the Ashburton Trotting Club’s Boxing Day races. With temperatures lingering in the high 20s for most of the day, race-goers sheltered under a sea of tents and gazebos, while one group of enterprising young punters cooled off their feet in a small plastic paddling pool. The weather was a complete contrast to last year’s event, where cold and drizzly weather kept crowd numbers low. Ashburton Trotting Club president Chris Morrison said he was pleased with the attendance this year. “There’s heaps more than last year here,” he said. “The weather’s certainly a big factor in it.” According to Mr Morrison, behaviour had been good and punters had enjoyed the entertainment without any trouble. “Everyone’s well behaved, to my knowledge, and they’re enjoying the sun and the racing,” he said. While the first race did not kick off until 12.10pm, crowds flocked to the racecourse hours before to stake out a prime spot and set up for the day. With 10 of the 11 races on the card having capacity fields,

Sharon Watson, Sue Burston, Daniel Burston and Tony Watson kick back and relax at the races yesterday. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-077

those who were keen to have a flutter certainly had plenty to choose from. However, for those who set up camp in the car park, changes could be on the cards next year. While a permit was granted to the Ashburton Trotting Club that allowed people setting up camp in the car park area to bring their own alcohol on to the course, that may not be the

case in 2015. “It may be our last time, I don’t know,” Mr Morrison said. A ban already applies on alcohol within the turnstiles in the main part of the racecourse. However, a range of bars and food outlets were on hand to keep the crowds happy, and there was plenty of entertainment on offer, including music and pony rides.

Petr Klika and Renata Homolkova wait to see if they picked a winner at the Boxing Day Races yesterday. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-084 Right - Kelsey Hanrahan and Renee Hanrahan share a laugh at the races yesterday.

Cheryl Donnithorne and Dianne Bain enjoy the sunshine at yesterday’s Boxing Day Races. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 261214-TM-080




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Opinion 26 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Bargains give new meaning to Boxing Day Sue Newman



ive back in time a few years and Boxing Day and Christmas Day flowed seamlessly into one another; they were both about family, relaxation and for many, even if it was low key, religious observance of some kind. While Christmas Day was marked by feasting and presents, Boxing Day, for most families, was about heading for a river, beach or picnic spot to kick back, relax, lie in the sun or shade and simply do nothing. The Boxing Day sales came along and everything changed. For many people, with the Christmas wrapping paper barely consigned to the rubbish bin, present buying starts all over again. The Boxing Day sales have become a modern day post-Christmas phenomenon that sees many head for the shops rather than the beach for the day. Ashburton is no different to the rest of the country when it comes to the post-Christmas splurge. Retailers plan for the event for months and the canny bargain hunters are up early, keen to get a head start on next year’s festive shopping. And while it might make dollars sense to buy bargains a year out, the practice takes away from the real reason for giving. Buying a gift requires thought. It requires the giver to understand the recipient, what they like, the things they enjoy. You can’t do that when you shop in time lapse. The Boxing Day sales are a million dollar winner for businesses who unload stock ahead of a new shopping year and they’re a winner for canny shoppers who buy now and give later. Putting the religious aspect aside, the Christmas period is about celebrating the things that you cannot put a price on – family, friends and sharing good times with the people you love. Unfortunately, the big spend up has overtaken this.




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by David Fletcher

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Opinion Saturday, December 27, 2014

Merry solstice, cold new year

Ashburton Guardian 27

POLL RESULT Yesterday’s result Q: Are you staying in Mid Canterbury for New Year’s? Yes 78%

Hanne Nielsen


No 22%


n New Zealand the longest day of the year coincides with the lead up to Christmas, so the extra hours of daylight are often spent in a daze of end-of-year work dos, school prize-givings and last minute gift buying. The longest day in Antarctica is somewhat different. Although many stations have work parties and will gladly accept Visa for souvenir and gift purchases, south of the polar circle there is only one day and one night. Summer – or daytime – is science season, so teams are often out in the field, scrambling to collect data during the slim window of accessibility. That means Christmas, while still observed, is not such a big deal as it is back home. Instead, midwinter dinner is the big celebration, marking the mid-way point of the winter-over team’s time on The Ice. The mid-winter tradition has a long history: Captain Scott celebrated the holiday over 100 years ago. Fine food, speeches and elaborately painted menus all mean that the event is weeks in the planning. These days it is also a tradition to take a mid-winter portrait of everyone on the station and share it via email with those at other Antarctic bases. Penguin breast is no longer served up as an appetiser, but the sentiment of celebration and the sense of belonging to a long line of hardy individuals who have experienced a southern polar night remain. We recently had the opportunity to discuss such traditions with the Ukrainian team at Vernadsky station, on the Antarctic Peninsula. Prior to 1996, when it was sold for the handsome sum of one British pound, Vernadsky Station was a British base, known as Faraday. It was there that the ozone hole was discovered, so it has a distinguished scientific history. These days the station is more famous for a different reason – it is home to the Faraday Bar,

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and the home-brew vodka on offer is widely held to be the smoothest in Antarctica. With a Christmas tree in one corner and a model palm tree in another, the bar has a homely living room feel. The artefacts on the walls tell stories of the yachts and cruise ships that have visited over the years, and the many rows of mid-winter portraits that line the staircase put a human face to each year of the station’s life. The delight on the faces of the men when we arrived with several crates of fresh vegetables – their first since April – also made tangible the isolation that they had endured over the winter. Back home the solstice dates often pass like any others, but just to our south things are done a little differently. Although it has a young human history, Antarctica has traditions that are just as important as those celebrated back home.

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World 28 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

In brief Violence condemned Pope Francis has roundly condemned jihadist violence and the “brutal persecution” of religious minorities in a Christmas message to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics and millions of others. Speaking to a packed crowd outside Saint Peter’s Basilica, the pontiff also made a strong call to end violence wrought against children amid “indifference and tears”. His second traditional “urbi et orbi” message (to the city and to the world) comes at the close of a year plagued by war and violent religious fundamentalism. “Truly there are so many tears this Christmas,” he said in the message broadcast across the world. - AFP

Dad’s plea for son

Ukrainian government army soldiers secure an area near the village of Debaltseve, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine.



No progress on ceasefire Talks aimed at reaching a stable ceasefire in Ukraine between its government forces and proRussian armed groups ended after more than five hours, with no indication of progress and questions about when the next round might take place. The opening session occurred in the Belarusian capital, one day after Ukraine’s decision to drop its non-aligned status, which added a new element of tension to the attempts to resolve the violent crisis in the country. The talks were to discuss how to improve an often-violated ceasefire that was declared in September, to pull back heavy weapons and to exchange of war prisoners. The negotiators included representatives

of Ukraine, Russia, pro-Russia rebels and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. News media were not allowed access to the meeting and the participants left the session without comment. Another round had been tentatively set for today, but the Belarusian Foreign Ministry said after the session’s conclusion that it was unclear if that would take place. Fighting in eastern Ukraine between government forces, volunteer battalions and proRussia separatists has claimed more than 4700 lives since it began. Previous rounds of talks in September produced a ceasefire and an agreement to pull

back heavy weapons, but both sides have failed to agree on a line of division and fighting continued. Hostilities have diminished in the past month amid renewed peace efforts. But new tensions hover over the renewed talks. A day earlier, the Ukrainian parliament voted to abandon the country’s non-aligned status, a first step toward a possible bid for NATO membership. Ukraine’s joining the Western military alliance would be anathema to Moscow. The insurgency in the Donetsk and the Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine erupted in April following Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula, which was partly rooted in Russian fears

that NATO could establish bases in the same area that is home to the Russian navy’s Black Sea Fleet. Valeriy Chalyi, a deputy chief of staff of the Ukrainian president, emphasised the Ukrainian parliament vote doesn’t mean the bid to join the alliance is on the immediate agenda. He added Ukraine should focus on reforms to meet membership criteria. Despite that, Moscow strongly protested the Ukrainian move. Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov said Wednesday that unidentified NATO members had pushed Ukraine to make the move in a bid to turn it into a “forward line for confronting Russia.” - AP


Asia marks 10 years since Boxing Day tsunami Beachside memorials and religious services were held across Asia yesterday to mark the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami that left more than a quarter million people dead in one of modern history’s worst natural disasters. The devastating December 26, 2004 tsunami struck a dozen countries around the Indian Ocean rim. It eradicated entire coastal communities, decimated families and crashed over tourist-filled beaches the morn-

ing after Christmas. Survivors waded through a horror show of corpse-filled waters As part of yesterday’s solemn commemorations, survivors, government officials, diplomats and families of victims gathered in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and elsewhere. Moments of silence were planned in several spots to mark the exact time the tsunami struck. The disaster was triggered by a 9.1-magnitude earthquake,

the region’s most powerful in 40 years, that tore open the seabed bed off of Indonesia’s Sumatran coast, displacing billions of tons of water and sending waves roaring across the Indian Ocean at jetliner speeds as far away as East Africa. Indonesia’s Aceh province was hit first and hardest. The sea rose as high as 10 metres and surged inland for kilometers with seemingly unstoppable force, carrying along trees, houses, train cars — and thou-

sands of people — in a churning rush. Indonesia’s vice-president Jusuf Kalla attended a ceremony in Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh province in which sashes were distributed to the ambassadors of countries that assisted in the massive recovery effort 10 years ago. More than 160,000 people died in Indonesia, more than half of the total 230,000 people killed across the region. - AP

The father of a Jordanian pilot captured by the Islamic State group in Syria pleaded for his son’s release, asking the group to treat him well in captivity as a fellow Muslim. So far, there has been silence from the extremists about the fate of their captive, 1st Lt. Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh, since gunmen from the group dragged him away following his crash. Al-Kaseasbeh was carrying out air strikes against the militants when his warplane crashed near the northern Syrian city of Raqqa. The cause of the crash was not immediately known. - AP

Mosque set on fire An arsonist has set fire to a mosque in central Sweden, injuring five people, police say, as the country grapples with a political crisis caused by the rise of the extreme right. “Somebody threw an object through a closed window and afterwards a fire started inside,” police spokesman Lars Franzell said. “There were between 15 and 20 people in the premises.” The mosque is located on the ground floor of a building in the city of Eskilstuna, some 90km west of Stockholm. - AFP

Militants kill troops Gunmen attacked the African Union’s main base in the Somali capital of Mogadishu leading to an exchange of gunfire between militants and soldiers that killed at least nine people, including three soldiers, an official with the mission in Somalia said. Three militants were captured during the Christmas day lunch hour attack on the African Union Mission to Somalia’s Halane base camp, the group said in a statement. - AP

Women drivers pinged Two Saudi women detained for nearly a month in defiance of a ban on females driving were referred to a court established to try terrorism cases, several people close to the defendants said. The cases of the two, Loujain al-Hathloul and Maysa al-Amoudi, were sent to the anti-terrorism court in connection to opinions they expressed in tweets and in social media. They did not elaborate on the specific charges or what the opinions were. Both women have spoken out online against the female driving ban. Activists say they fear the case is intended to send a warning to others pushing for greater rights. - AP

Holiday crossword








22 23 24 26 28 29 30 31 33 35 36 37 43 44 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 59 60

Remote in manner (5) Antarctic birds (8) Scarcity (6) Volley of shots (5) Ceremony (4) Closest (7) Light gas (6) Restrict (5) Exclude (4) Clients (anag) (7) Make certain (6) Throat bump (5,5) Acute unspecific sense of anxiety (5) Building material (8) More than sufficient (5) Grow rich (7) Father (4) Memory loss (7) Beaded counting frame (6) African expedition (6) Mental giant (6) Eighth Greek letter (5) Unworldly (5) Contain (4) Dolt (4) Mar (6) Lined chart (5) Call (4) Unease (7) Talisman (6) Giant (5) Light-hearted (8) Jaundiced (6) Musical instrument (6,4) Bare (4) Head pain (7) Room on ship (5) Tangle (4)




136 139 140 141 142 145 146 147 150 152 153 157 158 160 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

Fool (7) Lines (4) Writer (6) Sign on (6) Attack physically (7) Skin disorder (10) Jewellery item (8) Horse (5) Day nursery (6) Attraction (6) Cretinous (anag) (9) Hideous (8) Edict (6) Shots (7) Swamp (8) German composer (6) Back part (4) Prejudiced person (5) Drain (5) Force into bankruptcy (5,2,3,4) Terse (5) Miner’s plot (5) Bitter (4) Athlete (6) Undoing, ruin (8) Quarantine (7) Ring (6) Nocturnal animal (8) Unhealthy preoccupation (9) Irks (6) Rate (6) Estimate (5) Summer flower (8) Light (10) Slight suspicion (7) Group of seven (6) Loud protest (6) Probability (4) Shine wetly (7) Dries up (10) Splits up (7)

17 20



Diaphanous (5) Tubular pasta (8) Mediocre (7) Drops in rank (7) Invention protection (6) Of flowers (6) Insult (6) Drugged (5) Circular flight path (5) Bird (5) Swallow (4) Pen (4) Pungent (5) Foiled (8) Stratagem (6) Accused’s defence (5) More than (4) Everlasting (7) Cotton fabric (6) Of the nose (5) Compass point (4) Stretchy (7) Piled fabric (6) Dad tribute time (7,3) Frighten (5) Drink (8) Swagger (5) Whim (7) Support (4) Facial hair (7) Teased (anag) (6) Blacken (6) Defensive covering (6) Australian wild dog (5) Confidence (5) Leap (4) Formal dance (4) Pester (6) Warble (5) Civil strife (4)












































79 82




























106 108


109 110

111 112













129 130













144 146




150 151


154 158

160 161







Dizziness (7) Three times (6) Unit of weight (5) Pachyderm (8) Let out (6) Commit to success or total failure










143 145

131 132 133 134 135 136




126 127

64 65 67 68 70 71 72 75 77 78 79 80 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 94 95 96 101 102 106 107 108 110 112 113 114 115 117 119 120 121 127 128 130















93 97 98 99 100 103 104 105 108 109 111 116 117 118 122 123 124 125 126 129

DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 17 18



137 138 143 144 148 149

(4,2,4) Egg-shaped (4) Money handlers (7) Direct (5) Nervous (4) Normal (5) Held in custody (8)




151 Sublets (anag) (7) 152 Accounts inspector (7) 154 Subway (6) 155 Expensive (6) 156 Foul-smelling (6)

159 161 162 163 164

Girl’s name (5) Water lily (5) Alleviates (5) Long ago (4) Young male horse (4)

ACROSS: 1 Applaud 4 Stronghold, 9 Toaster, 13 Owns, 14 Mallet, 15 Aplomb, 16 Finesse, 19 Foundation, 20 Exultant, 21 Score, 24 Panama, 25 Escort, 27 Facsimile, 32 Barbaric, 33 Trains, 34 Flannel, 38 Prospect, 39 Geneva, 40 Show, 41 Livid, 42 Ridge, 45 Systematically, 52 Dense, 55 Appal, 56 Flan, 57 Setter, 58 Flounder, 61 Highway, 62 Disown, 63 Randomly, 66 Ravishing, 68 Doubts, 69 Ablaze, 73 Hazel, 74 Pendulum, 76 Confiscate, 81 Pegasus, 82 Spirit, 83 Ambled, 84 Long, 85 Attempt, 88 Adolescent, 93 Deceive, 97 Rows, 98 Scribe, 99 Enlist, 100 Assault, 103 Dermatitis, 104 Necklace, 105 Steed, 108 Crèche, 109 Appeal, 111 Neurotics, 116 Gruesome, 117 Decree, 118 Gunfire, 122 Inundate, 123 Wagner, 124 Rear, 125 Bigot, 126 Empty, 129 Drive to the wall, 136 Short, 139 Claim, 140 Sour, 141 Runner, 142 Downfall, 145 Isolate, 146 Circle, 147 Hedgehog, 150 Obsession, 152 Annoys, 153 Assess, 157 Guess, 158 Marigold, 160 Illuminate, 165 Inkling, 166 Septet, 167 Outcry, 168 Odds, 169 Glisten, 170 Dehydrates, 171 Divides. DOWN: 1 Aloof, 2 Penguins, 3 Dearth, 4 Salvo, 5 Rite, 6 Nearest, 7 Helium, 8 Limit, 10 Omit, 11 Stencil, 12 Ensure, 17 Adam’s apple, 18 Angst, 22 Concrete, 23 Ample, 24 Prosper, 26 Sire, 28 Amnesia, 29 Abacus, 30 Safari, 31 Genius, 33 Theta, 35 Naïve, 36 Hold, 37 Fool, 43 Impair, 44 Graph, 46 Yell, 47 Tension, 48 Mascot, 49 Titan, 50 Cheerful, 51 Yellow, 52 Double bass, 53 Nude, 54 Earache, 59 Cabin, 60 Knot, 64 Sheer, 65 Macaroni, 67 Average, 68 Demotes, 70 Patent, 71 Floral, 72 Offend, 75 Doped, 77 Orbit, 78 Eagle, 79 Gulp, 80 Cage, 85 Acrid, 86 Thwarted, 87 Tactic, 88 Alibi, 89 Over, 90 Eternal, 91 Calico, 92 Nasal, 94 East, 95 Elastic, 96 Velvet, 101 Father’s Day, 102 Scare, 106 Beverage, 107 Strut, 108 Caprice, 110 Prop, 112 Eyebrow, 113 Seated, 114 Scorch, 115 Armour, 117 Dingo, 119 Faith, 120 Jump, 121 Ball, 127 Molest, 128 Trill, 130 Riot, 131 Vertigo, 132 Thrice, 133 Tonne, 134 Elephant, 135 Loosen, 136 Sink or swim, 137 Oval, 138 Tellers, 143 Steer, 144 Edgy, 148 Usual, 149 Remanded, 151 Bustles, 152 Auditor, 154 Tunnel, 155 Costly, 156 Putrid, 159 Irene, 161 Lotus, 162 Eases, 163 Once, 164 Colt.

52 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 66 68 69 73 74 76 81 82 83 84 85 88

Clap (7) Fortress (10) Bread-browner (7) Has (4) Wooden hammer (6) Self-assurance (6) Elegant skill (7) Building’s base (10) Jubilant (8) Scratch (5) Wide hat (6) Bodyguard (6) Exact reproduction (9) Savagely cruel (8) Coaches (6) Woollen fabric (7) Outlook (8) Swiss city (6) Display (4) Furious (5) Long narrow hilltop (5) Slyly masticate (anag) (14) Compact (5) Horrify (5) Open tart (4) Dog breed (6) Flatfish (8) Road (7) Repudiate (6) Arbitrarily (8) Stunningly beautiful (9) Lacks confidence in (6) Burning fiercely (6) Eye colour (5) Swinging weight (8) Seize by authority (10) Mythical flying horse (7) Liveliness (6) Strolled (6) Protracted (4) Try (7) Youth (10)



ACROSS 1 4 9 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 24 25 27 32 33 34 38 39 40 41 42 45

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

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Classifieds 32 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014



Mobil Ashburton Retail Sales Associates - Graveyard We are seeking a friendly, confident and helpful person to join our team. You must love working with customers and must have a positive attitude together with great personal presentation. We have a position available for Graveyard (Night Shift). Hours are 10pm to 8am 4 days on, 4 days off. You will be responsible for serving and assisting customers and for keeping the service station clean, tidy and fully stocked. You will be in a position of responsibility and must be able to take charge. Full training on systems will be given but previous Retail experience would be an advantage. For further Details please contact: Tyrone Burrowes Ph 03 3077140 Email CV’s or drop them into store


SEEKING A LEADER We are seeking a Middle Level Manager to lead our Bathroom Décor, Installed Heating, Kitchens and Appliance departments which is a high growth area of our business. The suitable applicant will be responsible for a team of 6 staff, coordinating high level service to both our passionate DIY and trade customers. There is huge potential for someone to develop their management skills and grow a retail career. Suitable applicants would have the following attributes; • Leadership experience • Ability to multitask • Strong organisational skills • Great customer service • Positive can do attitude • Experience in DIY, Interior Décor, Plumbing would be an advantage, although full training will be provided. This full time position will involve working one weekend day; the successful applicant will be rewarded with a suitable salary package reflecting experience, and great staff buying privileges. Please email your C.V. along with a covering letter to: or post to Lyn Church, Human Resources Manager, Mitre 10 Mega Ashburton, PO Box 35, Ashburton 7740. All applications will be treated with the strictest of confidence and close on Monday, January 12, 2015.

Your local Spark Store, East Street, Ashburton (03) 308 0308

Call Toni & Peter May on 03 308 8893 to find out more!

151 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton

Experienced Truck Driver Wanted

A new, full-time position has become available for an experienced Truck driver. Must have full Heavy Truck and Trailer licences. Applicants must be tidily presented, and able to converse well with clients. The successful applicant will be working alongside a friendly team, top remuneration package will be offered. Immediate start available. To arrange an interview please phone:

Brent McLaren 0274 746 026 McLAREN CONTRACTING Ashburton

We Help Save Lives We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, be er prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.

Find out how you can help by visiting: A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence


Save $10

Nail Art From $25


off any product in theCream® range*

*Excludes lip. Offer ends 31/01/2015 or while stocks last. Only available at Health 2000 Stores. TAPS# PP5882

HEALTH 2000 ASHBURTON The Arcade, Ashburton Phone: (03) 308 1815 Email:

off any product in theCream® range*

Mention this advert & receive a free 10 minute hand massage

Michelle Van Staden

Nail Technician 03 307 7589 / 021 075 8840

Gift vouchers available too

To advertise here contact Ashleigh on 027 892 425 or 307 7975


Saturday, December 27, 2014


Advertising Deadlines

ANZCO Foods Limited is one of New Zealand’s largest exporters employing over 3,000 staff worldwide. A dynamic, multinational company, ANZCO’s core purpose is to procure, process and market New Zealand beef and lamb products to the world. We have the following permanent full-time roles available at ANZCO Canterbury, based in Ashburton.

Ashburton Guardian





CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINES For ALL display classified advertising

Maintenance Fitter We are seeking trade qualified applicants in services engineering or fitting/turning to join our team. You will have a working knowledge of manufacturing operations in the food industry, experience in fault-finding and repair of industrial equipment and the desire to work with modern technology and systems.

Publication Date


Monday Dec 29 Tuesday Dec 30 Wednesday Dec 31 Thursday Jan 1 Friday Jan 2 Saturday Jan 3 Monday Jan 5 Tuesday Jan 6

Wednesday Dec 24 12 noon Monday Dec 29 2pm Tuesday Dec 30 2pm no publication Wednesday Dec 31 12 noon Wednesday Dec 31 12 noon Wednesday Dec 31 12 noon Normal deadlines resume


153 Moore St 03 3077620


Plant Electrician Are you a New Zealand registered electrician with a current practicing licence? Experience with industrial electrical systems is desirable, as is a passion for excellence while maintaining and developing our assets for the future and experience with health and safety in a processing environment.

Process Workers We are looking for enthusiastic, positive individuals with a can do attitude to work in the slaughterboard, offal and coldstore departments at our Canterbury processing plant. Whilst previous meat/food industry experience is useful, it is not essential as full training will be provided. These roles require a strong work ethic, a willingness to learn, develop and achieve, as well as the ability to cope with a significant physical workload.

Publication Date


Monday Dec 29 Tuesday Dec 30 Wednesday Dec 31 Thursday Jan 1 Friday Jan 2 Saturday Jan 3 Monday Jan 5 Tuesday Jan 6

Wednesday Dec 24 2pm Monday Dec 29 4.30pm Tuesday Dec 30 4.30pm no publication Wednesday Dec 31 2pm Wednesday Dec 31 2pm Wednesday Dec 31 2pm Normal deadlines resume

Mon-Fri 8am – 5.30pm Sat 10am – 1pm

0800 LASER 4 U (0800 527 374)


OFFICE HOURS All advertising enquiries should be directed to our third floor office, phone 03 307 7900 or email classifieds@ Please note that our office will close at 3pm each day, from Christmas Eve until January 5, 2015. Monday Dec 29 Tuesday Dec 30 Wednesday Dec 31 Thursday Jan 1 Friday Jan 2 Monday Jan 5

ANZCO Foods maintain a Drug Free Workplace Policy. All applicants will be required to undertake a pre-employment medical assessment, including drug screening. Applicants for these positions are required to have NZ residency or a valid work visa.

10am - 3.00pm 10am - 3.00pm 10am - 3.00pm CLOSED CLOSED Normal office hours resume

RUN OF PAPER To enquire about Run Of Paper advertising deadlines during the Christmas and New Year period, please phone the Ashburton Guardian office to speak to an Advertising Sales Consultant. Phone 03 307 7900.

Applications close Sunday, 4 January 2015.


“Real Estate is about people; moving forward, being honest and building strong lasting relationships”

Apply online now at

Merry Christmas FROM THE


Guardian Situations Vacant 307 7900 SEARCHING FOR A





A Trust Gift Voucher is valid at all of the Ashburton Trust outlets. *minimum $20 Ph 307 5911

Classifieds 34 Ashburton Guardian TRADES, SERVICES

LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES • Bark • Oamaru stone • Rocks • Organic compost • Sand • Screened soil • Home deliveries available

Plus much more FREE loan trailer available! From a shovel load to a trailer load. Dobson Street West Ph: 307 8302 Hours: Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 5pm Sat: 7.30am - 12 noon

TINWALD GOLF CLUB New Year Tournament



January 2nd 2015 Stableford Competition

Open To All Golfers Handicap and Non-Handicap Grades Cash Prizes Make up a four or come along for a clubhouse draw Report 11.30 am for 12 noon 3 Tee start

COMPUTER PROBLEMS? For Prompt Reliable Service. Contact Kelvin Boult, KJB Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot Place, Ashburton. Ph 308 8989. 30yrs Local experience. SUPERGOLD discount card accepted.

We design, we build, we innovate.




HOME handyman available. Minor repairs, painting etc. Ph 027-677-1952.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

$20.00 entry

AUTOMOTIVE & MARINE 153 Moore St 03 3077620

Food available

Contact: Bruce Collins 03 307 2841

Looking for a builder with a little more experience?

The Cancer Society's Relay for Life Mid Canterbury Take part in Relay for Life -

 Housing  Commercial  Farm

To register your team go to Ashburton Showgrounds

Contact Des anytime for an obligation free quote.

March 28 - 29, 2015


211 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton (03) 307 6130

Cancer Society

Feed for sale

Standing grass

(milking quality)

Feed Wanted Ryegrass and barley straw at harvest Call Stuart for more information

Celebrate, Remember,


Fight Back!

Whakanui, Maumaharatia,

‘Focused on Quality Feeds’

Tu Atu!

Ph 03 308 9936 or 0274 323 258

New Zealand


Call David to tend to all your rural electrical needs . . ElectraServe, for everything electrical 24/7 Breakdown Service Dairy Effluent Irrigation Generators

Industrial Commercial Residential

the ElectraServe guarantee

Blair Watson, General Manager personally guarantees ElectraServe’s tradesmen’s workmanship. If you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of the work, ElectraServe will put it right . . . every time, or your money back.

a 166 moore street ashburton p 03 308 9008 e w

Weekend Services


HML Home care Medical Limited - Ring 0800 700 155 for FREE 24hr Health Advice.


This service is for emergency medical care only. Please remember your Community Services Card. Moore Street Medical, 254 Moore Street is the duty practice for Saturday until 8am Monday. The surgery will be open from 10am - 12 noon and from 6pm - 7pm both days. No appointment necessary. Surgery phone 308 3066.


Saturday and Sunday doctor and emergency details - please telephone the Rakaia Medical Centre, ph 303 5002. Ashburton Hospital DOES NOT provide an accident and emergency service. Except in cases of emergency persons requiring medical attention must consult their own or the duty general practitioner. Persons subsequently requiring treatment at Ashburton Hospital must have a general practitioners note of referral.



ASHBURTON HOSPITAL WARD 1 - DAILY, 10am - 11.30am and 2pm - 7.30pm. Children must be accompanied by an adult. WARD 6 - (including Assessment, Treatment & Rehabilitation Unit) - OPEN VISITING. MATERNITY WARD - DAILY, 10am - 8pm. -Husbands and patient’s own children may visit the patient from: 7am - 10pm. TUARANGI HOME (Cameron St) - DAILY, -unrestricted visiting.

DIAL 111 in the event of a Medical or Accident Emergency

Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or 027 857 2133 or visit for more information.

MENTAL HEALTH Call free on 0800


WEEKEND HOURS: Sat & Sun 9am - 5pm.


ASHBURTON MAIL CENTRE FAST POST: Mon - Fri 6pm 222 955. Ask for the Crisis Team. STANDARD POST: Mon - Fri 6pm SAFE CARE - 24 hr Rape and Sexual POST DELIVERY CENTRES Assault Crisis Support. Ph: 03 364 8791 Allenton: Mon - Fri 5pm Tinwald: Mon - Fri 5pm VICTIMS SUPPORT GROUP Mon - Fri 4.30pm 24 hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 Methven: Rakaia: Mon - Fri 4.30pm 846) - Direct dials to a volunteer. ASHBURTON’S STREET RECEIVERS Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am ASHBURTON REST HOMES Mon - Fri 5pm 2pm - outside of these hours leave a message. Business Area: COLDSTREAM HOUSE - DAILY, unrestricted Residential Area: Mon - Fri 1pm ALCOHOL DRUG HELP LINE visiting. INFORMATION CENTRES CAMERON COURTS - DAILY, unrestricted Call us free on (0800 787 797). ASHBURTON - Sat 10am until 2pm. Lines open 10am - 10pm Seven days. visiting. Sun CLOSED. Public holidays from 10am PRINCES COURT - DAILY, unrestricted LIFELINE - Toll-Free: 0800 353 353 until 2pm. Phone 308-1050. visiting. METHVEN - Saturday, Sunday and Public EMERGENCY DENTIST OMMUNITY ERVICES Holidays 10am until 3pm. Dr Peter Rumping - Ph 027 220 997 or ART GALLERY Phone 302-8955 or 0272 864 092, for emergency Saturday Due to relocation, the Art Gallery is closed BUS DEPARTURES 27th ring between 11am - 12noon and until further notice. Reservations & timetables, 24-hour service. Sunday 28th between 12noon - 1pm for an ASHBURTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Freephone for reservations: 0800 802 802. appointment. Alternatively contact G & E Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. BUSES - Southbound: 9.30am, 3.20pm. Dental, Rolleston. Evening trauma related Northbound: 12.30pm, 5.10pm. treatment contact Oral Health, Christchurch Saturday: 10:00am - 1:00pm Sunday 1:00pm - 4:00pm Public Hospital - 03 364 0250.


Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm ELPLINE ERVICES Saturday, from 10am - 1pm Sunday and from 6pm - 8pm both evenings. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS





Due to relocation, the Ashburton Museum is closed until further notice.


DOG, STOCK & NOISE CONTROL Ashburton District Council 03-307-7700 - 24

hour service.


WEEKEND EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: All enquiries - Inspector John Keeley: 308 4432 or 0274 342 646

MID CANTERBURY ANIMAL SHELTER - Contact (cats) Tracey 021

1356 969 or (dogs) Dawn 021 828 350


VETLIFE ASHBURTON - Ph 03 307 5195, Cnr East St & Smithfield Rd, Ashburton. Saturday clinic 9am - 12 noon. Weekend emergencies: Large: Toni Johnston. Small: Laura Mulshine. ASHBURTON VETS - Ph 0276 838 000, 149 Cameron St, Ashburton: Duty vet: Ben Hallenstein. Full emergency service all weekend. CANTERBURY VETS - Ph 03 307 0686, West Street Clinic, Main Rd, Methven. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend emergencies: Steve Williams. VET ENT RIVERSIDE - Ph 03 308 2321, 1 Smallbone Dr, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. 24-hour Emergencies: Large: Ian Hodge, Izzy Cassen. Small: Ref Vet Life. Vet Ent and Vet Life now operate a joint afterhours small animal emergency service. To use this service please phone your vet as usual.


Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014




Southberry Open 9am - 6pm daily.

Raspberries freshly picked and PYO.

Rubbish and Recycling

56 Tinwald Westerfield Mayfield Road RD1, Ashburton.

– New Year Collections

Phone 308 1338

Resource Recovery Parks The Ashburton Resource Recovery Park will be closed on:

No eftpos


• Thursday 1 January 2015

Public Notice

Rubbish and Recycling - Kerbside Collection If your collection day is a Thursday or Friday there will be some changes over the holiday period. Collections normally scheduled for Thursday 1 January will be collected on Wednesday 31 December 2014. Collections normally scheduled for Friday 2 January will be collected on Monday 5 January 2015. There are no changes to any other collections. Please ensure all rubbish and recycling is placed at kerbside by 7.30am on collection day. Neil McCann Group Manager Service Delivery

MOTORING HYUNDAI Sonata, auto, 1998, 2 litre. Excellent condition. New WOF and reg. Runs well. Price $1,800 firm. Please phone 308 2544 or 021 256 4393.

MEMORIAL LIBRARY OPEN DAY 10.30am 4pm TUESDAY 30 DECEMBER 2014 The Timaru High School Old Boys’ Association extends a cordial invitation to Old Boys’ and their families, friends of the School and other interested parties, to visit the Memorial Library, view its treasures and revive old memories. Laurie Shanks National Secretary

Needing a new staff member? Call the Guardian today for your situation vacant advertising requirements. 307 7900

HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION AKAROA - CHARMING, spacious holiday home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all electric heating. Sky, all mod cons, short walk to village. Phone Brian 307-8000 or 308-6180.

VEHICLE GROOMING, cars, utes etc. Interior, Exterior, cut HIRE and polish. We can pick up and deliver, Robinson Street. hire. LawnAuto Groomers, 13 Robinson GENERAL St, phone Paul 027 887 4786. mowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / contracting work, Call and see U-Hire WHEEL alignments at great Ashburton. 588 East Street. prices. Maximise the life Open Mon-Fri 7.30 - 5.30pm; of your tyres with an Sat 7.30am - 5.00pm; Sunday alignment from Neumanns 8am - 12.30pm. – Ph: 308 Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills 8061 A/h: 308 7460 Street. Phone 308-6737.



BUYER of unwanted animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horse and all farm animals. We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 621, A/H 03 348 9439.

GRAZING available for 150 calves long term and 100-120 calves from December-April. Phone Greg Tait at Canterbury Grazing Ltd on 0273 786 314.

Section 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 Public notice of application for off-licence, Progap Holdings Limited, 113 Archibald Street, Tinwald, Ashburton, has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Ashburton for the issue of a Off licence in respect of the premises situated at 113 Archibald Street, Tinwald, Ashburton known as Tinwald Supervalue. The general nature of the business conducted under the licence is: Supermarket. The days on which and the hours during which alcohol is sold under the licence are: Monday - Sunday (inclusive) 7am - 11pm. The application may be inspected during ordinary office hours at the office of the Ashburton District Licensing Committee at 5 Baring Square West, Ashburton. Any person who is entitled to object and who wished to object to the grant of the application may, not later than 15 working days after the date of the first publication of this notice, file a notice in writing of the objection with: The Secretary, Ashburton District Licensing Committee, PO Box 94, Ashburton District Council No objection to the renewal of a licence may be made in relation to a matter other than a matter specified in Section 131 of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. This is the second publication of this notice. The first publication was made on Saturday, December 20, 2014.


Situations Vacant

307 7900

Church Services

Beckley Coachlines Programme ◊ COURT THEATRE “ONE MAN TWO GUVNORS” Thursday, January 8 @ 6.30pm. Great Comedy.

Assembly Of God Sunday Meeting 10.00am Hakatere Marae SH1, Fairton

◊ CHRISTCHURCH REBUILD TOUR Saturday, January 10. Includes Tram ride, restart mall, Sumner, The Tannery. Departing 9.30am

You are welcome Enquiries Phone 308-8699


For bookings phone

308 7646


SCOOTER’S - new and secondhand three and four wheel electric scooters and wheel chairs. Call Fred Reddecliffe at Electric Mobility Ashburton today. Phone 308-3602


JESSIE - Asian new, pretty, 25 years old, busty 36 DD, long hair, sexy, friendly, stockings, high heels. Good service. Ph 021 026 450 48. Four days only. LULU cute and cuddly attractive and busty. Specials, let all your dreams come true. Phone 021 0233 9259 (no texting).


Join us for an Encounter with Jesus Christ Sundays @10.00am Including Children’s church Everyone is welcome. See you at Cnr Cass & Cameron St’s Ph 308 7610 or 308 7062

St Andrew’s Havelock St. 10am & 7pm St James Thomson St. 11am St Paul’s Oxford St. 9.30am


LOVELY four bedroom family home. Havelock Street, handy to Hospital and schools. $400pw. Phone Lynda on 03 324 3302 or 027 273 9465.

We Help Save Lives

For all subscriber enquiries, missed delivery, new subscriptions, temporary stops, call our subscriber hotline

We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, be er prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community. Find out how you can help by visiting:

0800 274 287 0800 ASHBURTON A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence

Daily Events Saturday

food!!. North End West Street car park. 9.00am - 12.30pm 9.00am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON CRAFT MARKET. ASHBURTON DISTRICT FARMERS West Street. MARKET. Local produce by local producers and hot 9.30am ST ANDREWS ANGLICAN CHURCH

TINWALD. Community garden working bee and fellowship, each Saturday, weather permitting. Behind the St Andrew’s Anglican Church, 157 Thomson Street, Tinwald.

10.00am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven.

10.00am - 3.00pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. Classic aircraft on display including DC3. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.


HOLY NAME CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mass, Sealy Street. 10.00am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 10.00am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion every Sunday. 151-153 Thomson Street, Tinwald. 10.30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH.

Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 10.30am EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worshipping God and transforming lives. 63 Princes Street, Netherby. 1.00pm - 3.00pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton

airport, Seafield Road. 7.00pm VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 7.00pm ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Church Service with Rev David Brown in the Sinclair Centre, Cnr Havelock and Park Street.

1.00pm - 3.00pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from

the past to the future. Seafield Road.

9.30am ASHBURTON METHODIST PARISH. Morning worship with Rev Tevita Taufalele. Church lounge, Baring Square East. 9.30am ST PAUL’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning worship led by the worship team, all welcome. 65 Oxford Street.


10.00am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 10.00am ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Church service with Rev David Brown, Cnr Havelock and Park Street. 10.00am

10.00am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, New Zealand and Agriculture Encounter, Methven.

Television 36 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Saturday, December 27, 2014 TV ONE

©TVNZ 2014


©TVNZ 2014





6am Home Shopping 11:30 University Challenge Massey is starting to gel; Waikato has an abundance of talent, and personality to match. Noon The Crowd Goes Wild Omnibus 3 2pm 50 Years Of Television 3 With archive footage, re-enactments, and interviews, the story of the evolution of New Zealand television from its first broadcast in June 1960 to the multi-channel environment of today. 3:30 River Cottage Veg Everyday 3 4:30 Better Homes And Gardens 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm Big, Bigger, Biggest

6am Te Karere 3 2 0 6:30 The Fishing Show 3 0 7:30 Infomercials 9am Come Dine With Me UK PGR 3 0 11:30 Tagata Pasifika Noon Mexican Food Made Simple 30 12:30 The Food Truck 3 0 1pm Dishing Up Australia With Al Brown PGR 3 0 1:30 High Country Rescue PGR 3 0 2pm RPA PGR (Starting Today) 3 After suffering daily headaches, it is discovered a 32-year-old patient has masses of abnormal blood vessels in his brain. 0 3pm Unsung Heroes PGR 3 0 3:30 There And Back 0 4pm New Zealand With Nadia Lim 0 4:30 Shark Man 0 5pm Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 3 0 6pm One News 0 7pm MasterChef Australia PGR 0 8:30 Coronation Street PGR Gail is the worm on Lewis’s hook; Tyrone feels the heat; Leanne nails her colours to Nick’s mast. 0 9:30 Nashville AO Juliette is invited to play at a private affair for a billionaire couple; Rayna’s divorce from Teddy becomes final. 0 10:25 Broadchurch 3 0

6am Guess How Much I Love You 3 0 6:10 Wiki The Kiwi 3 0 6:15 The Adventures Of Chuck And Friends 3 0 6:40 Jake And The Neverland Pirates 3 0 7am The Tom And Jerry Show 3 0 7:25 Robot And Monster 3 0 7:50 Teen Titans Go! 3 0 8:15 Green Lantern – The Animated Series 30 8:40 Adventure Time PGR 0 9:05 Young Justice – Invasion PGR 0 9:30 Zeke And Luther 0 10am 2Kaha PGR 10:30 Baby Daddy PGR 3 0 11:25 Killer Karaoke PGR 3 0 12:20 M The Dating Coach 2012 Romantic Comedy. 2:05 Pretty Little Liars 0 3:05 Twisted PGR 4:05 Step By Step 3 0 4:35 Full House 3 0 5:05 M Andre 3 1994 Family. Keith Carradine, Tina Majorino. 0 7pm M Pearl Harbour AO 3 2001 Action Drama. The story of two best friends as they go off to join the war. Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, Cuba Gooding jr. 0 8pm L Lotto 8:05 Pearl Harbour AO Continued. 0 10:35 M Conspiracy Theory AO 3 1997 Thriller. Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts. 0

6am Charles Stanley 6:30 Outdoors With Geoff 3 Geoff Thomas showcases the outdoors in New Zealand and abroad. 7am Gone Fishin’ 3 7:30 Infomercials 9:30 ’Til Death PGR 3 As the couples engage in an age-old battle, the men realise their wives are trading sex for household power. 10am The Block – Glasshouse PGR 3 0 11:20 The Block – Glasshouse PGR 3 0 1:30 The Block – Glasshouse PGR 30 3:30 Beauty And The Geek Australia PGR 3 4:30 Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals 30 5pm Gone Fishin’ 5:30 The Simpsons 3 0 6pm 3 News 7pm M Johnny English PGR 3 2003 Comedy. When all but one of MI5’s top agents are killed in an explosion, the inept Johnny English must discover who has stolen the crown jewels from the Tower of London. 0 8:50 M Immortals AO 3 2011 Fantasy Adventure.

6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Rugrats 3 7:25 Sidekick 7:55 Grojband 3 8:20 Fairly Odd Parents 8:45 Rocket Power 3 9:10 Power Rangers – Megaforce 10am Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Barney And Friends 3 3:30 Infomercials 4:30 Fanboy And Chum Chum 3 5pm Big Time Rush 3 5:30 Mr Young 3 6pm The Nanny 3 0 6:30 M Home Alone 3 3 1997 Comedy. An eight-year-old boy, home alone with chicken pox, must foil international terrorists searching for a top-secret microchip. Alex D Linz, Olek Krupa, Rya Kihlstedt. 0 8:35 M Back To The Future III PGR 3 1990 Comedy. Doc Brown travels back to 1885 and the Old West, where he falls in love, and Marty must rescue him when he learns a gang leader is after him. Michael J Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Mary Steenburgen, Elisabeth Shue. 0 10:50 It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia AO 3

6am Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day One. 6:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) Australia v India – Third Test, Day One. 7am The Cricket Show 7:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Perth Scorchers v Melbourne Renegades. 8am Basketball – NBL Championship (Replay) Sydney Kings v New Zealand Breakers. 10am Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day One. 10:30 L Cricket – International Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Two. 1:05 The Cricket Show 1:35 L Cricket – International Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Two. 6:30 Inside Cricket 7pm L Football – A-League 7pm Storage Wars – Canada PGR 7:30 The Great British Bake Off Central Coast Mariners v In the semi-final, the bakers Brisbane Roar. From Central make three different canapés, Coast Stadium in Gosford. with three different French 9pm Fox Sports News pastries, followed by a French 9:30 L Football – A-League Opera cake. Melbourne Victory v 8:35 M Death At A Funeral Newcastle Jets. AO 2007 Comedy. Matthew From AAMI Park in Macfadyen, Rupert Graves, Melbourne. Peter Dinklage, Alan Tudyk. 10:40 Never Mind The Buzzcocks AO 3

11:30 M In My Father’s Den AO 2004 Drama. Emily Barclay, Matthew Macfadyen. 0 2am Emmerdale PGR 3 0 3:55 Infomercials 5:30 The Key Of David

1:15 M The Informant! AO 2009 Comedy Crime Drama. Matt Damon, Tony Hale, Patton Oswalt. 0 3:15 M Why Did I Get Married Too? AO 2010 Comedy. Tyler Perry, Janet Jackson. 5:30 It Is Written 3

11:05 M The Wolfman AO 3 2010 Horror. A haunted nobleman is lured back to his family estate after his brother vanishes. Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving. 12:20 Infomercials 5am Hillsong 5:30 Charles Stanley

11:15 Excused AO 3 Dating show in which singles looking for love try to win dates before being eliminated from contention. Midnight Infomercials

11:15 Trollied AO 11:45 Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Two. 12:15 True Blood AO 3 1:25 Home Shopping

5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Tautohetohe 7pm Te Kaea 3 2 7:30 M Annie – A Royal Adventure PGR 1995 Family. Ashley Johnson, Joan Collins, George Hearn. 9:30 M Scent Of A Woman AO 3 1992 Drama. Al Pacino, Chris O’Donnell.

6am Motorcycling – Isle Of Man TT (Highlights) Supersport TT, Race One. 7am #SkySpeed – Xmas Special 7:30 Basketball – NBL Championship (Highlights) Sydney Kings v New Zealand Breakers. 8am Cricket – International (Highlights) New Zealand v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day One. 8:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Immortals Death at a Funeral Bash (Replay) Perth Scorchers v 8:50pm on TV3 8:35pm on Prime Melbourne Renegades. Noon The Cricket Show 12:28 L Cricket – MOVIES PREMIERE MOVIES GREATS International Australia v India – 7am Do No Harm MC 2012 Thriller. 6:20 My Best Friend’s Wedding Third Test, Day Two. ML 1997 Romantic Comedy. Deanna Russo. 8:30 A Stranger 2:35 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Dermot Mulroney, Julia Roberts, In Paradise 16VLS 2013 Thriller. Bash (Highlights) Perth Scorchers v Cameron Diaz. 8:05 In The Line Colin Egglesfield, Stuart Townsend. Melbourne Renegades. Of Fire MVL 1993 Suspense Thriller. 9:55 Lone Survivor 16VLC 3:05 L Cricket – International Clint Eastwood, Rene Russo, 2013 Action. Mark Wahlberg, Australia v India – Third Test, Day John Malkovich. 10:10 In Bruges Taylor Kitsch. 11:55 Pacific Rim Two. 16VL 2008 Thriller. Colin Farrell, MV 2013 Sci-fi. Charlie Hunnam, 8pm The Cricket Show Brendan Gleeson. 11:55 Bruce Idris Elba. 2:05 Do No Harm 8:30 Cricket – International Almighty ML 2003 Comedy. MC 2012 Thriller. Deanna Russo. (Highlights) New Zealand v Sri Lanka Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, 3:35 Goats 16VLSC 2012 Comedy. – First Test, Day Two. From Hagley David Duchovny. 5:10 Elysium 16VL Jennifer Aniston. 1:35 Taking Lives Oval in Christchurch. 16VLS 2004 Crime Drama. 3:15 2013 Action. Matt Damon. 7pm 9:05 L Cricket – Twenty20 Reasonable Doubt 16VL 2014 Crime. Austin Powers 2 – The Spy Who Big Bash Sydney Thunder v Sydney Shagged Me MS 1999 Comedy. Samuel L Jackson, Dominic Cooper. Sixers. From the Sydney Cricket 8:30 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. 4:50 Chicago MV 2002 Musical. Ground. 6:40 Never Been Kissed PGS 1999 Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. SUNDAY Romantic Comedy. 8:30 The 10:25 Man Of Steel MV 2013 12:30 Golf – Asian Tour Shawshank Redemption 16V 1994 (Highlights) Dubai Open. Action. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. Drama. 10:55 The Transporter 16V 1:30 L Darts – World SUNDAY 2002 Action. SUNDAY 12:45 Texas Chainsaw 3D 18VLC Championships Day Seven, Session 2013 Horror. Alexandra Daddario, 12:25 Austin Powers 2 – The Spy One. 4:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Trey Songz. 2:15 Goats 16VLSC 2012 Who Shagged Me MS 1999 Comedy. Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder Comedy. David Duchovny. 3:50 2am The Shawshank Redemption v Sydney Sixers. 5am Cricket – Reasonable Doubt 16VL 2014 Crime. 16V 1994 Drama. 4:20 The Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Samuel L Jackson, Dominic Cooper. Transporter 16V 2002 Action. 5:50 Perth Scorchers v Melbourne 5:20 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. The Making Of Lone Survivor – Renegades. 5:30 Sky Sport – Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. Will Of The Warrior MC What’s On

CHOICE TV 6am Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 Natural World: Naabi – A Hyena Princess 8:30 Jonathan Phang’s Gourmet Trains 9:30 Nick Knowles’s Original Features 10:30 International Open House 11am House Crashers 11:30 The Liquidator Noon The Million Pound Property Experiment 1pm Gardeners’ World 1:30 Better Homes And Gardens 3pm West End Salvage 3:30 LA Frock Stars 4pm Holiday Home Sweet Home 5pm Great Escapes 5:30 Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare 6:30 Bid America 7pm Survival School 7:30 Natural World In-depth stories about incredible animals, along with award-winning photography. 8:30 M Against The Current PGR 2009 Struggling with a tragic past, a man enlists two friends to help him swim the length of the Hudson River. Joseph Fiennes, Samantha Sherman. 10:30 M Love Lies Bleeding AO 2008 Action. Jenna Dewan, Chris Ashworth, Christian Slater.


12:30 West End Salvage 1am LA Frock Stars 1:30 Bid America 2am Survival School 2:30 M Against The Current PGR 2009 Joseph Fiennes, Samantha Sherman. 4:30 Great Escapes 5am Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare

MAORI TV 6:30 Pukoro 3 2 7am Miharo 3 2 7:30 Pukana 3 2 8am Toi Whakaari 3 2 8:30 Te Kaea 3 2 9am Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 9:30 Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Toku Reo 3 2 2pm Putahi 3 2:30 Homai Te Pakipaki 3 3:30 Kia Ora Hola 3 4pm Kia Ora Molweni 3 4:30 Behind The Faces 3 5pm Kia Mau!

THE BOX 6am The Simpsons Super Saturday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 8:30 Last Man Standing PG 8:55 Survivor – Pearl Islands PG 9:35 Survivor – All Star Marathon PG 12:15 Smoky Mountain Money PG 1:05 Pawn Stars PG 1:30 Shearing Gang PG 1:55 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony 2014 ML 5:30 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 7:30 Last Man Standing PG 8pm Call Of The Wildman PG 8:30 Billy The Exterminator PGL 9pm American Daredevils M 9:30 Smoky Mountain Money PG 10:30 Pawn Stars PG 11pm Shearing Gang PG 11:30 Psych MC


12:30 Raw MC 3:20 Psych MC 4:25 Survivor – Pearl Islands PG 5:05 Survivor – All Star PG

11:30 Sky Sport – What’s On Midnight Football – A-League (Replay) Central Coast Mariners v Brisbane Roar. 2am Football – A-League (Replay) Melbourne Victory v Newcastle Jets. 4am Basketball – NBL Championship (Replay)



12:15 Te Kaea 3 2 12:45 Closedown

DISCOVERY 6am Auction Kings PG 6:30 MythBusters PG Deadly Straw. 7:30 MythBusters PG Earthquake Machine. 8:30 ET Fishing Escapes PG 9:30 Cold River Cash PG 10:30 Deadliest Catch PG 11:30 River Monsters With Jeremy Wade PG Asian Slayer. 12:30 Tethered M Chugash Mountains, Alaska. 1:30 You Have Been Warned M Urban Legends. 2:30 Gold Rush PG Queen of Diamonds. 4:30 Gold Rush PG Learning Curve. 5:30 Gold Rush PG In Too Deep. 6:30 Gold Rush PG Road from Hell. 7:30 Gold Rush PG Garnets or Gold. 8:30 The Pool Master PG Wine Party Pool. 9:30 Gunslingers M Tom Horn – Grim Reaper of the Rockies. 10:30 The Unexplained Files M Shadow People; The Sun Miracle. 11:30 Ice Lake Rebels M Rites of Spring.


12:30 Kodiak M 1:30 Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry? M 2am Flying Wild Alaska PG 3am Yukon Men M 4am Yukon Men M 5am MythBusters PG

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

27Dec14 | Compiled by

Television Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ashburton Guardian 37

Sunday, December 28, 2014 TV ONE

©TVNZ 2014


©TVNZ 2014



6am Wonder Dogs 3 0 6:35 Country Calendar Specials 0 7:20 What Would You Do? 3 0 7:45 Tagata Pasifika 8:15 Praise Be 8:45 Attitude Summer Series 0 9:10 Xeno – A Cure For Diabetes? PGR 0 10am Marae Summer Series 10:30 Waka Huia Summer Series 11am F Neighbourhood 0 11:30 Being Me 11:55 Animal House 3 0 12:25 Disneynature – Chimpanzee 0 2pm F Hotel Inspector PGR 3 0 3pm Location, Location, Location 3 0 4pm The Zoo 3 0 4:30 Paul O’Grady For The Love Of Dogs 0 5pm River Monsters With Jeremy Wade AO 0 6pm One News 0 7pm Global Radar 0 7:30 Galapagos With David Attenborough With the stage set and the cast assembled for nature’s greatest experiment, Sir David unveils the driving force that will turn the new arrivals into bizarre new forms of life. 0 8:35 The Great Fire AO (Mini-series) 0 10:35 Broadchurch AO 3 0

6am Pajanimals 3 0 6:10 Buzzy Bee And Friends 3 0 6:15 Dinosaur Train 3 0 6:30 Art Attack 0 6:50 Sofia The First 3 0 7:10 Wander Over Yonder 0 7:35 Sanjay And Craig 0 7:55 Randy Cunningham – 9th Grade Ninja 3 0 8:20 SpongeBob SquarePants 3 0 8:45 Lab Rats 3 0 9:10 Austin And Ally 3 0 9:35 Kickin’ It 3 0 10am The Middle – Christmas Special Omnibus 0 Noon M High School Musical 3 2006 Family Musical. Zac Efron, Vanessa Hudgens. 0 2pm Scrubs PGR 3 0 2:30 Ravenswood PGR 3:30 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 3 0 4pm Home And Away Omnibus 3 0 6pm The Neighbors PGR 0 6:30 The Middle 3 0 7pm M RV PGR 3 2006 Comedy. Robin Williams, Cheryl Hines, Jeff Daniels. 0 9pm M Rush Hour PGR 3 1998 Action. Elizabeth Pena, Jackie Chan. 0 10:55 M My Bloody Valentine AO 2009 Horror. Jensen Ackles, Jaime King.

6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston 7am Charles Stanley 8am Universal Church Of The Kingdom Of God 8:30 Turning Point With David Jeremiah 9am Missing Pieces PGR 3 0 9:20 Hotel GB PGR (Starting Today) 3 0 10:35 Robot Combat League (Starting Today) 3 11:20 Entertainment Tonight Weekend 12:05 Motorsport – Australian Porsche Carrera Cup Round five from Sydney. 12:30 Motorsport – Australian Porsche Carrera Cup 1pm Motorsport – Central Muscle Cars 2pm Motorsport – NZV8s (Highlights) 3pm Motorsport – Red Bull Drift Shifters (Highlights) 3:30 Motorsport – International World Midget Series 4pm Motorsport – NHRA 5pm World’s Deadliest Roads PGR 3 0 6pm 3 News 7pm M Alvin And The Chipmunks – Chipwrecked 2011 Family. Voices of Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler. 0 8:45 M Vampires Suck AO 3 2010 Comedy. Jenn Proske, Matt Lanter. 0 10:20 The Blacklist AO (Starting Today) 3 0

6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Rugrats 3 7:25 Sidekick 7:50 Grojband 3 8:10 Fairly Odd Parents 8:35 Rocket Power 3 9:05 Hot Wheels Battle Force 5 – Fused 3 9:25 Care Bears 3 9:50 Ready, Steady, Wiggles 3 10am The Moe Show 3 0 10:10 The Wild Thornberrys 3 10:35 Glee PGR 3 11:20 Glee PGR 3 12:05 Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Barney And Friends 3 3:30 Infomercials 4:30 Fanboy And Chum Chum 3 5pm Big Time Rush 3 5:30 Mr Young 3 6pm Futurama (Starting Today) 3 Delivery guy Fry comes out of a 1000-year freeze to a new world that includes a one-eyed alien and a vice-ridden robot. 0 6:30 F Survivor – San Juan Del Sur 9:25 F Burn Notice AO Michael sets up a deal to sell a valuable piece of technology, but things change when Sam is caught up in a risky robbery. 10:20 Friends With Benefits AO 3 10:45 Entertainment Tonight Weekend

11:35 Football – English Premier League (Highlights) 12:45 L Football – English Premier League Tottenham Hotspur v Manchester United. From White Hart Lane in London. 3am Marae Summer Series 3:30 Infomercials

12:55 M Daybreakers AO 2009 Action. Ethan Hawke, Sam Neill. 2:40 Infomercials 3:15 Jeremy Kyle PGR 3 4:15 It Is Written 3 4:40 Bunheads 3 5:30 Infomercials

11:20 The Block – Unlocked PGR 11:45 Infomercials 5:30 Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV 3

11:40 Infomercials

CHOICE TV 6am Bid America 6:30 Survival School 7am Natural World 8am Holiday Home Sweet Home 9am West End Salvage 9:30 LA Frock Stars 10am M Against The Current PGR 2009 Drama. Joseph Fiennes, Samantha Sherman. Noon Early Edition 1pm Natural World 2pm Beeny’s Restoration Nightmare 3pm The Garden Pantry 3:30 Gardeners’ World – The Edible Garden 4pm Paul And Nick’s Big Food Trip 4:30 River Cottage Forever 5pm James Nesbitt’s Ireland 5:30 Marbella Mansions 6:30 River Cottage Road Trip 7:30 M City Of Ember PGR 2008 Family Adventure. For generations the people of the City of Ember have flourished in a world of glittering lights, but Ember’s once powerful generator is failing. Bill Murray, Toby Jones, Tim Robbins. 9:30 M Felon AO 2008 Crime. Stephen Dorff, Val Kilmer. 11:30 Paul And Nick’s Big Food Trip MONDAY Midnight River Cottage Forever 12:30 The Garden Pantry 1am M City Of Ember PGR 2008 Family Adventure. Bill Murray, Toby Jones, Tim Robbins. 3am M Felon AO 2008 Crime. Stephen Dorff, Val Kilmer. 5am Gardeners’ World – The Edible Garden 5:30 James Nesbitt’s Ireland



6am Religious Programming 10:30 Sport Box The best of the past week’s sports from New Zealand and around the world, highlighting sport for young New Zealand fans. Noon MasterChef USA PGR 3 The top 17 home cooks in America take on a mystery-box challenge where they cook side-by-side with Gordon Ramsay. 1pm Whose Line Is It Anyway? UK 3 1:30 Undercover Boss UK PGR 3 2:30 Better Homes And Gardens 3 3:35 Great Outdoors 3 4:30 Escape To The Country 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm Jamie At Home 3 6:30 Great British Food Revival 7pm Storage Wars – New York PGR 3 7:30 The Manor Reborn 8:35 M The Lady Vanishes PGR 2013 Drama. Adaptation of the 1930s thriller in which a spoilt young woman risks her life to solve the disappearance of her travelling companion, even when her sanity is questioned. 10:35 Empire PGR 11:45 Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Three. From Hagley Oval, Christchurch. 12:15 Piers Morgan On Marbella PGR 3 1:15 Home Shopping

MAORI TV 10am Korero Mai 3 2 2pm Tangaroa With Pio 3 2:30 Homai Te Pakipaki 3 3:30 Rugby League – Fox Memorial Shield 3 Richmond v Glenora. 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Waka Huia 7pm Te Kaea 3 2 7:30 Moko Aotearoa 3 8pm F The Journey To Success Broadcaster Mihingarangi Forbes; musician Mihirangi Fleming;


12:30 Motorsport – Isle Of Man TT (Highlights) 1:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) 2am Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) 2:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) 3am Cricket – T20 Big Bash (Highlights) 4am Football – A-League (Replay)

SKY SPORT 2 New Zealand Police detective Mihikore Owen. 8:30 M Kundun AO 1997 Biograpy Drama. From childhood to adulthood, Tibet’s fourteenth Dalai Lama deals with Chinese oppression and other problems. Tenzin Thuthob Tsarong, Gyurme Tethong, Tulku Jamyang Kunga Tenzin. 11:15 Te Kaea 3 2 11:45 The Festival PGR 11:45 Closedown


6am Survivor – All Star PG 6:50 Survivor – All Star PG 7:40 Call Of The Wildman PG 8:05 Billy The Exterminator PGL 8:30 American Daredevils M 8:55 The Simpsons Super Sunday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 11:25 Last Man Standing PG 11:50 Raw MC 2:35 WWE Main Event MC 3:40 SmackDown! MC 5:20 American Daredevils M 5:45 Pawn Stars PG 6:10 Shearing Gang PG 6:40 Smoky Mountain Money PG 7:30 Covert Affairs MV 8:30 CSI – Miami MV 10:30 Matador MVLS 11:30 Covert Affairs MV

6am Auction Kings PG 6:30 MythBusters PG Killer Cable Snaps. 7:30 MythBusters PG 8:30 You Have Been Warned M Urban Legends. 9:30 What Happened Next? PG 10am What Happened Next? PG 10:30 Yukon Men M New Blood. 11:30 Nomad Chef PG China. 12:30 Auction Hunters PG 1pm Ingenious Australia PG 1:30 The Unexplained Files M Shadow People; The Sun Miracle. 2:30 Gold Rush PG Mutiny. 3:30 Gold Rush PG Paid in Full. 4:30 Gold Rush PG Jungle Boogie. 5:30 Gold Rush PG Hope Creek. 6:30 Gold Rush PG 7:30 Bear’s Wild Weekend With… Stephen Fry M 8:30 Running Wild With Bear Grylls M 9:30 I Escaped Jaws M 10:30 How China Works PG 11:30 You Have Been Warned M

12:30 SmackDown! MC 2:10 WWE Main Event MC 3:05 CSI – Miami MV 3:55 CSI – Miami MV 4:45 America’s Funniest Home Videos PG 5:10 Matador MVLS

12:30 What Happened Next? PG 1:30 The Perfect Murder M 2:30 Auction Kings PG 3am How China Works PG 4am Yukon Men M 5am Dirty Jobs PG


6am Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Perth Scorchers v Melbourne Renegades. 6:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. 7am Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Two. 7:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) Australia v India – Third Test, Day Two. 8am Soccer Saturday 10am The Cricket Show 10:30 L Cricket – International Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Three. 1:05 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. 1:35 L Cricket – International Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Three. 6:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. 7pm Motorsport – Isle Of Man TT (Highlights) Superstock TT – Race Two. 8pm Basketball – NBL Championship (Highlights) Sydney Kings v New Zealand Breakers. 8:30 Basketball – NBL Championship (Replay) Melbourne United v Perth Wildcats. 10:30 Ice Hockey – NHL (Replay)


Alvin and the Chipmunks – Chipwrecked, 7pm on TV3

MOVIES PREMIERE 7:10 Man Of Steel MV 2013 Action. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. 9:30 Goats 16VLSC 2012 Comedy. David Duchovny. 11:05 Elysium 16VL 2013 Action. Matt Damon. 12:55 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. 2:45 Man Of Steel MV 2013 Action. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. 5:10 A Good Day To Die Hard MVL 2013 Action. Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney. 6:50 Grown Ups 2 PGVLS 2013 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Kevin James. 8:30 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 MV 2014 Action. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx. 10:55 Paranormal Activity – The Marked Ones 16VLC 2014 Horror. Andrew Jacobs. MONDAY 12:35 Everywhere And Nowhere 16LS 2013 Drama. James Floyd, Adam Deacon. 2:10 Directors – Jay Roach PG 2:40 Grown Ups 2 PGVLS 2013 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Kevin James. 4:20 The Amazing Spider-Man 2 MV 2014 Action. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx.

Vampires Suck 8:45pm on TV3

MOVIES GREATS 6:20 Chicago MV 2002 Musical. Renee Zellweger, Catherine ZetaJones, Richard Gere. 8:10 Never Been Kissed PGS 1999 Romantic Comedy. Drew Barrymore, David Arquette. 9:55 The Shawshank Redemption 16V 1994 Drama. Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman. 12:15 Something Borrowed MLS 2011 Romantic Comedy. Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson. 2:10 The Green Mile 16V 1999 Thriller. Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise. 5:15 13 Going On 30 PGS 2004 Comedy. Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Andy Serkis. 6:55 Miss Potter PG 2006 Drama. Renee Zellweger, Ewan McGregor. 8:30 The Whole Nine Yards MVLS 2000 Crime Comedy. Bruce Willis, Matthew Perry. 10:10 Fair Game ML 2010 Drama. MONDAY Midnight Haunted MS 1996 Drama. 1:45 The Green Mile 16V 1999 Thriller. 4:45 Something Borrowed MLS 2011 Romantic Comedy.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1


6am Motorsport – Isle Of Man TT Superstock TT. 7am Golf – Asian Tour (Highlights) Dubai Open. 8am L Darts – World Championships Day Seven Session Two. From Alexandra Palace in London, England. 11am Cricket – International (Highlights) Australia v India – Third Test, Day Two. From the Melbourne Cricket Ground. 11:30 Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. From the SCG. Noon Basketball – NBL Championship (Highlights) Sydney Kings v New Zealand Breakers. 12:28 L Cricket – International Australia v India – Third Test, Day Three. 2:35 The Cricket Show 3:05 L Cricket – International Australia v India – Third Test, Day Three. 8pm Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash (Highlights) Sydney Thunder v Sydney Sixers. From the SCG. 8:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Three. From Hagley Oval in Christchurch. 9:05 L Cricket – Twenty20 Big Bash Brisbane Heat v Melbourne Stars. From the Gabba in Brisbane.


12:30 Cricket – International (Highlights) Blackcaps v Sri Lanka – First Test, Day Three. 1am Fox Sports News 1:30 L Darts – World Championships Day Eight – Session One. 5:30 Sky Sport – What’s On | Compiled by


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Data provided by NIWA

NZ Situation

Wind km/h less than 30 fine

mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers 30 to 59


isolated snow thunder flurries

sleet thunder

Canterbury Plains



60 plus



FZL: Above 3000m

Cloud increasing, rain with heavy falls developing near the divide. Scattered rain spreading further east from afternoon. Wind at 1000m: NW rising to 50 km/h, gusting 80 km/h in exposed places. Wind at 2000m: NW rising to gale 80 km/h.

TOMORROW Brief morning rain then a few showers mainly about the foothills. An early southwest change, then winds dying out.


FZL: Rising to 3600m

Rain easing to a few showers early. Wind at 1000m: Gale NW 65 km/h easing to W 20 km/h in the morning. Wind at 2000m: Gale NW 80 km/h easing to W 40 km/h in the morning.

MONDAY Areas of morning cloud then fine. Northeasterlies developing.

fine rain showers cloudy thunder showers fine fine fine rain thunder fine fine cloudy snow

m am 3 3


Saturday 9 noon 3


Mainly fine, but isolated afternoon and evening showers. Light winds.


High cloud, rain about the divide. Northwesterlies developing and rising to gale later.

Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi New Delhi

12 1 24 -4 23 25 12 12 9 22 27 15 0 -1 -1

rain fine drizzle showers fine rain thunder showers rain fine fine fine snow thunder fog

3 -2 21 11 18 15 28 20 20 3 30 25 22 16 33 25 6 1 18 7 9 1 23 10 -7 -11 32 23 16 5

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

fine showers fine rain thunder fine cloudy thunder snow fine rain showers fine fine snow

9 pm am 3


Sunday 9 noon 3


9 pm am 3


9 noon 3


9 pm



8:53 3:08 9:23 3:32 9:53 4:07 10:24 4:32 10:54 5:08 11:23 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 6 minutes.

Rise 5:49 am Set 9:18 pm







Bad fishing

Rise 11:40 am

First quarter

29 Dec 7:33 am ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Rise 5:50 am Set 9:18 pm


Bad fishing

Set 12:33 am Rise 12:51 pm

Full moon

5 Jan

5:55 pm

Rise 5:51 am Set 9:18 pm


Bad fishing

Set 1:06 am Rise 2:00 pm

Last quarter

13 Jan 10:48 pm

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

4 4 20 22 1 6 -3 24 -5 18 15 11 0 -2 -2

22 23 25 24 20 21 25 19 29 27 21 24 21

Palmerston North fine Wellington


















River Levels

15 11 15 12 15 15 14 15 15 12 11 13 11



Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 1:00 am, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 2:00 pm, yesterday 214.4 Nth Ashburton at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:15 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 12:00 pm, yesterday


Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings




11 8 34 28 13 14 5 32 -3 23 21 21 8 12 4

overnight max low


Forecasts for today

27 3 33 -1 25 32 20 26 25 25 32 26 4 3 2


NZ Today

Canterbury High Country

High cloud increasing, with a few spots of rain from afternoon. Northerlies, dying out south of Ashburton in the evening.

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Dubai Dublin Edinburgh Frankfurt


Saturday, 27 December 2014

A trough over the South Island slowly moves up the country reaching central New Zealand late tomorrow, followed by a ridge. Another trough approaches South Island on Tuesday moving over the South Island and onto the North Island on Wednesday.

Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing





World Weather

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9: 05 – 5: 55

Rain developing. Northwesterlies change southwesterlies.

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TUESDAY: Fine, high cloud increasing. Northerlies.


Fine with high cloud. Northerlies.

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MONDAY: Morning cloud then fine. Northeasterlies developing.


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TOMORROW: Brief morning rain then fine. Southwest, dying out.




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TODAY: Increasing high cloud, few spots rain. Northerlies.




Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i


Map for today




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Saturday, December 27, 2014




Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 29.3 29.6 Max to 4pm 7.4 Minimum 4.1 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.0 16hr to 4pm December to date 29.4 Avg Dec to date 49 2014 to date 688.8 686 Avg year to date Wind km/h E 22 At 4pm Strongest gust NE 33 Time of gust 3:47pm

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2014

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

28.3 29.2 9.9 –

21.3 22.2 9.9 7.2

24.1 25.0 7.9 –

0.0 94.8 – 1510.8 –

0.0 28.0 39 760.6 622

0.0 14.2 46 382.1 524

N 11 – –

E 24 NE 41 1:48pm

E 15 E 26 3:36pm

Compiled by

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Puzzles Saturday, December 27, 2014 CRYPTIC

ACROSS 8. A bit of opera with a Vatican arrangement (8) 9. Misuse of marina by flier (6) 10. His man doing wrong, is telling him off (11) 11. Party returned Democrat leader unpaired (3) 13. Show subservience to king born at end of April (5) 15. Guard routed by fellowfighter a bit at a time (9) 17. The biggest argument as to parenthood? (6,3,6) 19. Grace lies uneasily with profanation (9) 21. Super-sounding place to build a fire (5) 23. Decline to be back on the bottle initially (3) 24. Won’t follow instructions inside bed, to turn it (11) 27. Lay upon one of the topless people to enlist (6) 28. Usually roll around – many do, like this (8)

5. Told not to wave frond: a few do! (6,3) 6. Non-u member of the Eumenides could put it in the pan (3) DOWN 7. Wrecker in museum at London 1. A nag, fond of twisting – or capital (6) some older dance (8) 12. Traffic in British Rail shows rate 2. As it’s up to start of race, of exchange (6) get food from palm (4) 14. Strongly urge her to mix it 3. After fifty-one, start making around ten (6) it as far as one can go (5) 16. Diamond cut badly in tin bar 4. Catchment area where one bent out of shape (9) is catching up on the one in 18. Get involved with hospital front? (9-6) department and go fishing (8)






















20. Albion turned tail with one lacking colour (6) 22. The finest example of 5-point type may be Unio (5) 25. One left American resort as mosque official turned up (4) 26. Go in the ring of yellowish wood (3)


YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across 1. Pipes 4. Horatio 8. In the mean time 10. Evade 11. Name 12. Omen 16. Overt 17. Eats humble pie 19. Steered 20. Night Down 1. Printing-press 2. Pat 3. Swedes 4. Hiemal 5. Runner 6. Thingummy 7. Over-confident 9. Committee 13. Bother 14. Deemed 15. Stolen 18. Pig QUICK Across 1. Charisma 7. Droll 8. Lost cause 9. Oat 10. Silt 11. Steins 13. Precipitation 15. Detach 16. Epic 18. War 20. Rear-ended 21. Singe 22. Unbiased Down 1. Cells 2. Absolve 3. Inch 4. Mountain chain 5. Hobos 6. Elation 7. Decimal 12. Mixture 13. Prowess 14. Impedes 15. Drunk 17. Ceded 19. Semi

14 15

Ashburton Guardian

QUICK ACROSS 7. Scab (6-7) 8. Hiding place (4-4) 9. Bowed (4) 10. Make a mistake (4,2) 12. Rectangular (6) 14. Edge (3) 15. Immediately (colloq) (6) 17. Severe telling-off (6) 19. Marine measure of speed (4) 21. Slandered (8) 23. Exclude from a church (13)

DOWN 1. Pushchair (8) 2. Circus tent (3,3) 3. Protagonist (4) 4. Very unpleasant (8) 5. Frolic (6) 6. Thin (4) 11. Troubles (8) 13. Sicken (8) 16. Idea (6) 18. Things of sentimental value (6) 20. Immediately following (4) 22. Curve (4)


SUDOKU Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

YOUR STARS by Forecasters

ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 20) This is the perfect weekend to relax and unwind, staying in the moment as much as possible and taking time out to chill and smell the coffee. TAURUS (APR 20 – MAY 21) With Christmas behind you and the New Year ahead this is the perfect time to enjoy the Moon’s last visit to a serendipitous part of your chart. GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUNE 22) The reason that most New Year resolutions don’t last is not because of a lack of will power, but because you’ve made the wrong resolutions. CANCER (JUNE 22 – JULY 24) In the Moon’s last visit to an adventurous part of your chart for the year there’s a chance to embrace wanderlust, curiosity and adventure. LEO (JULY 24 – AUG 23) The Moon’s last visit to your financial sector for the year is less a chance to look back over this financial year, a chance to look to the future. VIRGO (AUG 23 – SEP 23) The last weekend of 2014 brings a chance to follow your heart, doing things you want to do rather than the things you think you should do. LIBRA (SEP 23 – OCT 23) If you listen to and trust your instincts you can start working on a wish list for 2015. This is one year when most cards are already on the table. SCORPIO (OCT 23 – NOV 24) While you’re likely to be feeling more professionally and financially confident, having balance between work and play will be a priority. SAGITTARIUS (NOV 24 – DEC 21) This weekend’s stars bring a chance to focus on home and family matters, especially with the last weekend of 2014 a chance to make up for lost time. CAPRICORN (DEC 21 – JAN 20) The Moon’s last visit to your communication sector for the year is a chance to give emotional responses and any unsaid words a voice. AQUARIUS (JAN 20 – FEB 19) While this is a time of year you probably don’t want to have your money hat on you need your financial instincts to be sharp. PISCES (FEB 19 – MAR 21) While you may be finding it hard to take your professional hat off, even over the holiday period, the focus needs to be on the things that excite you.

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