Ashburton Guardian, Saturday, February 23, 2019

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Saturday, Feb 23, 2019

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P3 PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 21022019-SN-016

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News 2

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Reserves boards hit back BY SUE NEWMAN


A suggestion that the Ashburton District’s reserves boards need an overhaul is a slap in the face for the dozens of hardworking volunteers who keep those boards ticking over, board members say. Last week district councillor Lynette Lovett called for reserves boards to be overhauled. She wants public meetings held to gauge interest in the boards and the areas they maintain. She suggested some were defunct and that the council needed to put a stake in the ground. Her suggestion garnered support from Stuart Wilson who wanted to see the boards all brought into line. Reserves boards members are now asking why they bother putting in hours of volunteer time to run and maintain reserves in their district, said Mayfield reserves board chairman Barry Austin. He called a meeting of foothills boards in a collective show of concern over what they see as a vote of no confidence in the district’s reserves boards. “These kinds of comments are not at all helpful to us,” he said. The comments made it appear the council was distancing itself from reserves boards. Councillors had already been discouraged from attending meetings. The same had happened with community residents’ groups and for Mayfield that had led to the group folding, Austin said. “We take this as a direct attack on our community minded volunteers.” A public meeting to gauge interest in a reserves board simply wouldn’t work; getting people involved usually involved approaching them, he said. While there might be one or two reserves that were effectively non-operational, if the council wanted to deal with those, that was fine. The question was, why councillor Lovett thought it necessary to propose a broad brush look at all reserves, Austin said. “It was a sweeping statement; perhaps we’re an easy target.” Getting volunteers to put their

Reserves boards members are incensed that some councillors think that boards need an overhaul.

We try to run a tight ship but it seems the councillors and council staff have lost respect for us to be honest.

hands up for a reserves board was a challenge and many who went on stayed on for years, he said. “That’s often not because they want to but they’re community minded people who don’t want to walk away and leave their community in the lurch. We take offence at this. It makes our job even more difficult and it makes it more difficult to get people to

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come on board.” Ruapuna board chairman Duncan King said many boards had already been through a battle with the council over their community pools, it now looked as though they’d be battling for their own survival. He believes there’s a lack of understanding among council staff and some councillors of the role

of the boards, the work they do and the facilities that are provided in reserves. Reserves boards had to raise their own funds, find their own people to carry out work and with a more transient rural population, the work of keeping those boards in business was falling on the same group of people, year after year, King said. “The council certainly wouldn’t want to take over their running, but some days I think it would be easier for them if we didn’t exist. We get stuff done with working bees but it’s not easy to get people on the committee.” If the council disbanded reserves boards, it would be left administering these areas itself and the costs would ultimately be borne by ratepayers, King said.

Fellow board member Di Lake said it was unfair of councillors to question whether boards were running efficiently as their accounts were audited by the council. “We’ve never been told we’re out of line,” she said. Domains, pools and halls were the heart of a rural community, particularly with many, over time, losing their school and their church, Lake said. “For us our reserve and our pool are very important. They’re blaming volunteers for holes in their own system.” Mt Somers, chairman Wayne Tubb believes that most of the problems councillors had with reserves boards were sitting on a desk somewhere in the council building. Boards were doing their job and most were doing it well, but issues they raised might find them lost in the system, he said. And that meant volunteers could only do so much, he said. “In a rural community you might have 70 families and six clubs. The committees on those six would involve probably 10 families and five would be on every one of them.” Tinwald Reserves Board chairman Alister Wing said the comments had angered his board members. “We try to run a pretty tight ship but it seems the councillors and council staff have lost respect for us to be honest. I don’t think they respect the work we do and the time we put in.” Tinwald had board members who had put in 21 and 24 years of voluntary time and comments such as those were pretty upsetting, Wing said. The council owns 17 reserves that are administered on behalf of the community by reserves boards to ensure more direct local input, management and operation. Those reserves are at Alford Forest, Mayfield, Chertsey, Methven, Dorie, Mt Somers, Ealing, Pendarves, Ashburton Forks / Greenstreet, Rakaia, Highbank, Ruapuna, Hinds, Seafield, Lynnford, Tinwald and Maronan.


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Pair prove age irrelevant on the badminton court By Sue newman

When you decide to retire, that’s the time get out, get cracking and get on with life, say two of Ashburton’s older sportsmen. Rod Cumming, 90 and Derek Prebble, 89, might be years into retirement, but the pair say that keeping busy and keeping engaged with your community is the absolute key to getting the best out of your retirement years. Come Tuesday morning, Rod and Derek are some of the first to arrive for their weekly session at Ashburton’s EA Networks Centre for their hour or two on the badminton court. They’re both dab hands with the racquet and while Rod admits to not being as fleet-footed as he was and Derek has the odd problem with his eyesight, they’re both keen players and happy to take on all-comers. Rod started playing years ago when his younger son wanted to join the club. “I came down with him, bought a racquet and the rest is history. I love it,” he said. Currently his sciatica is playing up, but generally Rod said he’s been pretty healthy and not carrying a lot of weight certainly makes it easier to get around the court, he said. While Rod has always been a social player, Derek played the sport competitively in his youth, but

threw it away for many years when he moved to Longbeach to farm. “When I was on the farm we did start a badminton club in the hall, mainly for the kids,” he said. Retirement and a move to town 21 years ago meant his badminton racquet came out of the cupboard and he was able to pick up the sport he loved. Years down the track he still loves it and fits it in around his thrice-weekly games of golf. “This group is marvellous, it’s a good organisation.” There’s no real secret to keeping active and engaged as you get older, it’s all about attitude, Derek said. “Having the right attitude has been the main thing all my life and it’s something I’ve always said to my kids, you need the attitude that you’ll get out there and do things.” And attitude was the key to a good retirement, getting out there and doing things and keeping engaged with people of all ages, he said. “When you retire you have to find things to do, it keeps you young and it keeps you fit. Just because you’re getting older you don’t have to give up on life.” Rod and Derek might be the club’s seniors, but they said when it comes to court time, they’re out there with the rest of the club. Tuesday social badminton is more about enjoying the sport than it is about winning, they said.

Rod Cumming (left) and Derek Prebble, two senior members of Ashburton’s Badminton Club, prove that age has nothing to do with athletic prowess. PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 210219-SN-0017


Mid Canty kids urged to go on strike By SuSan SandyS

Climate change activists are encouraging Mid Canterbury school pupils to get on board with global strike action planned for March 15. New Zealand youth have formed School Strike 4 Climate NZ and are demanding the Government take action to hold global warming to

no more than 1.5 degrees. The initiative is for young people to leave their classrooms for part or all of the day and attend gatherings, but doing so only in the case of having their teachers and principals on board. “We want people to realise this is actually urgent and it’s a crisis, and realise if we don’t stand up and no-one does, we are not des-

and at this stage the closest strike action gathering was to be held in Christchurch. She said schools could participate even just for an hour on the day, for instance gathering outside their gate with placards. She urged anyone seeking information to check out the School Strike 4 Climate NZ Facebook page or phone/text her on

02108947590. Forest and Bird supports the action. Chief executive Kevin Hague said young people are correct when they say the world can not continue with a “business as usual” approach. “Without drastic and urgent action, climate change will destroy all that is ‘usual’ in our lives,” Hague said.




tined for a very good future,” said 18-year-old Kapiti College graduate Sophie Handford. She and fellow organisers wanted the message to be one of hope, not doom and gloom. “We want to project hope and make people understand that things can be better if we act now.” Handford had not yet heard from any Mid Canterbury schools,

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News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Course delivers the goods

Luci Gavin is learning about the business of driving trucks. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Mid Canterbury people interested in driving trucks for a living can sign up for a heavy vehicle operator course being run by the Ara Institute of Canterbury in Timaru. The success of the new commercial road transport course has led to a second intake to meet demand and the next course will start on March 18. The Certificate in Commercial Road Transport (Heavy Vehicle Operator) is delivered through a collaboration between Ara, Mainland Driving School and industry and was launched in October last year. The second occurrence of the course begins in March, while students from the first course complete the second half of their studies. Ara’s Workplace Learning Manager Laura Handy said the decision was made to overlap the deliveries due to high demand for places on the course. “We’re very happy with the development and progress of the course and we didn’t want those who are keen to become truck drivers to have to wait any longer than they absolutely have to.” The transport industry’s involvement has been key to the success of the course so far. “It’s the huge level of investment from industry that sets this course apart,” Handy said. “They’ve taken on consultation, training and teaching roles, and they’ve provided resources to make sure students are well

equipped in their learning.” Handy says Ara has had great feedback about the course, which has allowed the institute and its partners to adapt it to create the best learner experience possible. Michele Pye, director of Pye Group Limited, sits on the industry panel providing direction and management for the course. She understands the benefit their support can provide. “Helping get more people into truck driving is a no-brainer for us and something we’re happy to do.” Luci Gavin, of Timaru, is currently completing the Certificate in Commercial Road Transport course and believes the strength of the programme comes from the industry experience, real-life scenarios and conversations, as well as the commitment to getting the whole class involved. “The highlights of the programme are definitely the work-integrated learning, the new experiences and the class all having a common goal,” she said. The Safety MAN Truck will be at Ara’s Timaru campus on February 26 and anyone who’s keen to know more about truck driving as a career can book a safety truck session and come along. Applications are now open for the next course, starting March 18. Ara runs free buses between Ashburton and Timaru for students.

Movie screenings for hearing impaired By Sue NewmaN

When you’re hearing impaired, something as relaxing as going to the movies can be a challenge, says Ashburton woman Brenda Leonard. Where people with good hearing can sit back and simply watch and listen to the action, if you struggle to hear, watching a movie, like any other activity that relies on being able to hear

to follow the action, becomes a struggle, she said. Leonard works at the Regent Cinema and said she’s welcoming a new initiative that will see subtitled movies screened monthly to offer new entertainment options to the hearing impaired. Subtitles are not automatically provided with movies, but can often be supplied if requested and Sunday afternoon’s screen-

ing of the Green Book will be the first time they appear on the Regent Cinema screen. Leonard said she realised just how many people with hearing problems had put movies off their agenda after she talked to resthome residents, church groups and the Ashburton Hearing Association. “And it’s not just the elderly, hearing loss affects a lot of people.

“For most going to the movies is a relaxing experience but a hearing loss makes it really exhausting because your brain has to work overtime,” she said. The cinema plans to screen a subtitled movie on the last Sunday of each month but if they prove popular additional screenings could be added, Leonard said. “This is all about being inclusive for everyone.”

In brief Two cars collide Emergency services were called to the scene of a crash yesterday morning after two cars collided in the Mitcham area. Police responded to reports of a twocar crash at the intersection of Mitcham Road and Thompsons Track at 8.10am with one car ending up in a paddock. A St John spokesman confirmed one patient was assessed and treated at the scene with minor injuries.

Scary footage Eight years after the Christchurch earthquakes, new footage has been released of the catastrophic damage caused. The footage, released by engineering consultants Tonkin & Taylor on YouTube, provides a four-minute slide show of photos taken of the horrific damage caused to properties during the quakes. The slideshow begins with a wide shot of the immense liquefaction that surrounded homes in Christchurch, while it goes on to show cars swallowed by openings in the road, houses flattened by the force, and large-scale rock collapses. - NZME

Scooters pulled Lime’s electric scooters have been pulled from the street of Auckland and Dunedin amid ongoing concerns about their safety. Auckland Council bosses yesterday suspended Lime scooters’ licence temporarily and warned the company to rectify a safety defect or risk permanently losing access to the city. Council bosses met representatives from Lime yesterday to discuss safety concerns before announcing the suspension. Dunedin was quick to follow in Auckland’s footsteps and withdrew Lime e-scooters with immediate effect late yesterday. - NZME

Second fruit fly A second facialis fruit fly has been found in South Auckland – again in Otara. Biosecurity NZ said the facialis fruit fly was caught in a surveillance trap on Thursday – 70 metres from the first discovery. It is a different species to the Queensland fruit fly and is unrelated to a separate biosecurity incident in Devonport and Northcote, where two separate fruit flies have been found. - NZME

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Successful season for black billed gulls By SuSan SandyS

Silence has descended upon the Ashburton River as the eventful summer breeding season of 2018/2019 has drawn to a close for rare black billed gulls. At the noisy State Highway One bridge, the sound of traffic is no longer competing with a cacophony of squawks and caws from colonies raising their chicks on the river bed below. The gulls last week left their posts of the previous months where they have steadfastly sat and stood to raise their young. Finally their young got to the stage where they could fly, meaning at last they could all take to the wing and head off to other lands. Their nests left behind tell a story, and avian enthusiasts have been visiting the area. Environmental consultant Andrew Crossland is undertaking a study for Environment Canterbury on how the season went, and said at the State Highway One area there had been five separate colonies and he had counted more than 850 nests, which are loose circular formations of sticks and stems. Some appeared to have been from previous breeding efforts washed out earlier in the season. “Some nests look mint and

Nests left behind by rare black billed gulls tell a story for visiting Ashburton Kea Scouts with Kiwi Julie Hollings. PHOTO SUSAN SANDYS 190219-SS-0188 some nests look munted,” he said. He also counted 308 fledged

chicks when visiting on February 9. He still had photos to examine

and was not sure at this stage if this was the sum total of successfully raised chicks from the site,

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or if some had fledged earlier and already left. There was another successful breeding of black billed gulls from a colony of about 2000 at the Ashburton River mouth, where he had counted 895 fledglings on January 12, representing a favourable rate of surviving chicks. Ashburton Forest and Bird chairwoman Edith Smith accompanied a group of Ashburton Kea Scouts to the State Highway One site this week. She said it was good to see birds at the two sites ultimately bred successfully, despite having to contend with several flood events repeatedly drowning out their efforts. In particular there had been two serious floods. “It’s amazing the way they hang in, they grew up suddenly and next thing they were all away,” Smith said. The gulls would now head off around New Zealand to feed at various sites over the winter, such as the coast of the North and South Islands and across to Miranda in the Hauraki Gulf. Some may remain behind as they did last year, for example about 25 had stayed in the Ashburton Domain for the year. The gulls will return to begin eyeing up sites for breeding in the Ashburton River in August.



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News 6

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Fitness put to the test By Jaime Pitt-macKay

The district’s next top triathlete might just have been competing around Hampstead School on Thursday at the annual Mid Canterbury Primary Sports triathlon. One-hundred and forty-five competitors from schools around the district gathered to compete in the event which consisted of a 50m swim, a 3km bike ride and a 1.5km run. “It was a really good day,” primary sports co-ordinator Kerrin Corcoran said. “It was probably only the second time that all the kids completed the swim and the event is in its 10th year.” For the past three years the event has been disrupted by roadworks, even forcing a cancellation one year, but the event went undisturbed this year. “The last three have been affected by roadworks but this one wasn’t so that was great,” she said. While there were rewards for place-getters, Corcoran said the main focus was on fun. “It is all just a bit of fun, there are rewards for place-getters but we encourage all the kids to just compete to the best of their abilities,” she said. “We started it because it was so difficult for kids to go straight into the Weet-Bix triathlon from here but now they have two options. “It is also great getting to see some of the names that competed back in the day going on to make triathlon one of their sports like Matt Clough and Brea Roderick.”

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Above – Mount Hutt College’s Finn Veix makes his way from the swim leg to the cycling leg. 210219-JPM-022

Top right – Ashburton Borough School student Joshua Shaw speeds through the cycling leg of the Mid Canterbury Primary Sports triathlon on Thursday. 210219-JPM-0025

Right – Sasha Williams from Dorie School makes her way round the cycling course. 210219-JPM-0028

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Weekend focus 8

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Watson family has a multi-generation link with the Chertsey and Pendarves districts and one of the early members of that family played a significant role in fighting one of the major fires in the Ashburton District, the Chertsey blaze of 1926. With this month’s Nelson fire at the front of his mind, grandson Peter Watson was happy to share with reporter Sue Newman newspaper clippings and written records of that Chertsey fire.


he massive wildfire that burned over more than 2400 hectares in the Nelson area, reminded Chertsey resident Peter Watson of a similar fire that swept across farmland from Chertsey to the sea in February 1926. That blaze extended over a 6.5 kilometre front, destroying hundreds of hectares of crops, properties and costing one man his life as it burned its way to the sea.

Map showing the area around Chertsey affected by the fire.

It is believed to have started by sparks from a train and it ripped a path through arid summer countryside from 3.2 kilometres south of Chertsey to within a short distance of the beach at Pendarves. Peter’s grandfather, John Watson’s farm was in the path of the fire and Peter counts himself fortunate to have copies of several written accounts of the fire, one by the late Betty Doing who was a child of about five at the time.


“It had been a very dry summer with lots of big nor’westers … the fires, started by a train, had begun in a heap of sawdust at the site of a sawmill … from dawn a raging nor’wester prevailed and by 10am billowing smoke could be seen …” Betty wrote. In those days there were no telephones and in a very short time, the fire had advanced more than 3.5 hectares towards the seas. Several farms were badly affected by the blaze, she wrote, with one farmer ripping down a blazing verandah post to save his home. At another property, valuables were taken from the house and put in a shed for safe keeping. Unfortunately the house was saved but the shed burned to the ground, destroying the Hanrahan family’s valuables. At R E Hampton’s farm all of his sheep were burned to death. “My father was at the time helping to fight the fire on a neighbour’s farm when a back break was lit but got out of control. That meant the fire came at us from different directions and there was no one to get their sheep out. It took a very fast horse to keep ahead of it,” Betty wrote. An 11 hectare ploughed paddock on its north side meant her family home was saved but another house on the property was destroyed. Peter had also been given a copy of an Ashburton Guardian article written at the time of the fire. At that time it was described as the “most destructive in the history of the Ashburton County. It raged from 10am until 4pm, fanned by nor’west winds, but subdued by a southerly change and rain as darkness fell”. When he looks at the vast farmscape today, Peter said it is easy to imagine it as it would have been in the 1920s when paddocks were very large, when crops were ripe and ready to harvest, when water was only available from stock races and when cars were slow moving and horses were still a common form of transport. The farm of John Cameron near Chertsey was the first to suffer. A county plantation near the railway lines meant the fire was well fuelled and swept over his

open paddocks at a tremendous rate. The dry grass was an easy prey to the smouldering fire and within minutes flames were licking at the trunks of trees and sweeping through undergrowth made tinder dry by the scorching sun and hot, dry winds. Wet sacks and tree boughs become the fire fighting equipment of necessity as farmers struggled to control the fire. Stables, outbuildings and many, many miles of fencing were destroyed and some owners had heavy losses in terms of sheep deaths. One person, William Page, died in the Chertsey fire, while another was taken to hospital suffering from burns. William Page came from Ashburton to help fight the fire and assisted in removing furniture from a house. His truck was parked on the side of the road and to save the vehicle he had to walk through burning grass. His clothing caught fire and he was forced to run some distance to a water race. His burns were extensive, however, and he died in hospital the next morning. Up to 400 volunteers were involved in fighting the fire and among them were women and children whose homes were in the path of the fire. For some of the men, there were occasions when they watched helplessly as their families appeared to be trapped by the fire with buildings burning around them. Fate was smiling on those families however, as while barns burned few homesteads did and no women or children died. Not everyone was willing to help fight the Chertsey fire with some out-of-work men even refusing money to tackle the job. Ironically some of these men were out-of-work harvest hands who would continue to be jobless because the flames destroyed that year’s crops. As the day wore on, the fire was so fierce it could no longer be fought at its front line and firefighters retreated and began ploughing fire breaks to keep the fire at bay. When it was finally halted, the fire had reached an area behind the Seafield School and had

Weekend focus

narrowed to a width of just 200 metres. That it was narrowed to such a small front is credited to Alan Watson who, with a tractor and four furrow plough, travelled 10 kilometres over the country, through hedges and water races ploughing effective fire breaks. The view from Seafield was described as “beggaring description: with the whole horizon to the north-west, from the hills to the sea one cloud of smoke. Some dull grey, some black and some tinged a dull red where the hedges were still on fire”. A southerly change and heavy overnight rain meant firefighters and farmers could rest easy knowing the last of the embers would be extinguished. As the next day dawned, farmers and their families began taking stock of the damage. For many that was heart breaking. Stock were burned to death, fences destroyed and crops burned to the ground. Several properties suffered significantly in the fire, one of those belonged to John Cameron whose 700 acre farm was little more than blackened fields and ruined farm buildings. John Watson was left with badly burned paddocks and A P Bruce lost many sheep. R E Hampton’s farm was badly affected but the homestead block was saved by a green hedge and a water race. A two-roomed cottage, a shed and farm machinery were destroyed. With the fire extinguished the devastated countryside was contained in a line that ran from the railway line near Chertsey in a straight line in a south-easterly direction to within one mile of the sea. At its widest, it stretched for three kilometres. Farmers estimated their losses in sums varying from 8000 pounds ($16,000) to $10,000 pounds ($20,000). The work involved in repairing fences and rebuilding stables and outbuildings would stretch into many months. The Guardian article described the extent of the damage – “as far as the eye could see there was nothing but a carpet of black ash, here and there crossed by a wall of blackened limbs of gorse. Occasionally one could see a plantation destroyed by fire, gaunt trunks, guiltless of foliage, bearing testimony to the fierceness of the passing flames”. The Minister of Railways at the time was reluctant to acknowledge responsibility, but on the intervention of Prime Minister Gordon Coates payment for about half of the assessed damaged was received.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian

Above – Scenes of damage to J P Cameron house following the Chertsey district fire on January 29, 1926. Below – That the damage to the district was in many forms is evident in this picture.


Business 10 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Auckland airport to cut charges Auckland Airport will cut its charges to airlines by $33 million over five years and they say passengers will be the winners. The airport had been under increasing pressure from airlines and feeling the political heat over the aeronautical charges. In a back down yesterday, the company said it had listened to different views and decided to cut its charges. Airlines have welcomed the move, saying it is a win for passengers. The Board of Airline Representatives in New Zealand (Barnz) said the $33m will flow back to airline customers’ pockets. Executive director Justin Tighe-Umbers said it had been a “long journey to get closer to fair pricing”, with consultation beginning in 2016. The board’s members supported the airport’s capital plan build and airports and investors making a fair rate of return for their investments. Auckland Airport chief executive Adrian Littlewood said the approach to pricing reflected the need to provide for the future, including undertaking a multi-billion-dollar 30-year

infrastructure programme. Over the current five-year pricing period it is equating to 31 cents per passenger per flight and Littlewood said he hoped it would be passed on. While the regulatory regime for airports is light-handed in New Zealand, with emphasis on disclosure, Commerce Minister Chris Faafoi had referred to a speedier process for setting up an inquiry to pricing under changes to the Commerce Act late last year. Asked whether there were fears of tougher regulation, Little-

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Source: NZX and Standard & Poors

1460 265 2924 122 131 742 520.5 644 2145 1441 498 458 781 274 505 163.5 401 158 239 140.5 3221 371 371 525 217 101 535 148 190 334 855 1099 665 470 214 160 394 371 194 633 1033 458 639 648 350 395 210.5 2785 610

Daily Volume move ’000s

–22 +4 +25 –2 –1 +7 – +13 –19 +12 +8 +1 –2 – –6 –0.5 +1 – +1 –0.5 –80 +8 +8 – –9 – – – +2 –9 –8 –9 –2 +5 – –4 – –4 – +5 +33 +2 –1 +8 – +1 –0.5 –12 +1

922.4 5.8m 17.72 431.9 141.8 2.8m 874.1 392.9 47.99 748.4 1.9m 114.5 63.70 218.4 21.65 367.3 285.3 200.2 71.58 276.3 28.30 249.3 1.9m 74.91 356.8 64.33 63.38 1.4m 167.0 124.5 38.06 255.6 1.30 217.2 156.4 1.1m 979.5 7.5m 79.12 150.7 387.0 121.0 1.9m 12.72 119.0 57.34 279.9 8.34 827.7

S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross 9360 9264 9168 9072 8976 8880


1465 265 2930 123 132 748 520.5 644 2166 1441 498 460 785 275 505 164 401 158 250 141 3305 372.5 371 525 218 102 537 148 191 338 860 1115 666 470 216 162 397 380 195 638 1039 458 640 650 350 395 210.5 2825 611

Last sale


1460 263.5 2844 122 131 740 518 638 2145 1405 494 458 780 274 503 163 400 157 239 140.5 3210 371 365 523 216 101 535 147.5 188.5 334 855 1095 662 463 213 160 392 371 194 632 1030 456 638 648 349 394 210 2780 608

Sell price


a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Arvida Gr ARV Auckland Intl Airpt AIA Chorus CNU Contact Energy CEN Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Gentrak Gr GTK Goodman Prop Tr GMT Infratil IFT Investore Property IPL Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Mercury NZ MCY Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET NZ Refining NZR NZX NZX Port of Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop for Industry PFI Pushpay Holdings PPH Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Sanford SAN Scales Corp SCL Skellerup SKL Sky Network TV SKT Sky City SKC Spark SPK Stride Prop & Inv SPG Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Synlait Milk SML Tourism Holdings THL Trade Me Gr TME TrustPower TPW Vector VCT Vista Gr Intl VGL Vital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Westpac Banking WBC Z Energy ZEL

Buy price


Company CODE

p S&P/NZX 50 Gross




p S&P/NZX 20 index




p S&P/NZX All Gross

10,088.75 +7.65 +0.08%

p Rises 51 q Falls 52 Top 5 NZX gainers Company

Pacific Edge Serko Rakon Wgn Drive Tech TeamTalk

daily % rise

+5.08% +4.78% +4.55% +4.44% +3.66%

Top 5 NZX decliners Company

daily % fall

Cavalier Corp –5.88% Comvita –4.45% NZ Refining –3.98% Abano Healthcare Gr –3.17% NZME –3.09%






London – $US/ounce




London – $US/ounce







p Copper London – $US/tonne NZ DOLLAR


As at 4pm Feb 22, 2019

Australia Canada China Euro Fiji Great Britain Japan Samoa South Africa Thailand United States

TT buy

0.9712 0.9147 4.8456 0.6123 1.4825 0.5296 76.79 1.8438 9.6607 21.47 0.6919

Chinese ban seen as retaliation A major port in northern China has reportedly banned coal imports from Australia in a sign that Beijing may be flexing its economic muscles and warning nations not to bar its next-generation wireless technology. The indefinite coal restrictions at Dalian started this month and are part of an overall plan to cap imports into the customs region this year, Reuters reported, citing an unnamed Dalian Port Group official. China’s foreign ministry wouldn’t say if it was specifically targeting Australia, only that it regularly inspects coal imports for environmental reasons, international wire service Bloomberg said. The move may be a shot across the bows of Australia, which last year followed the US in banning

Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co from its 5G network on security concerns. China has said the concerns are unreasonable and warned other countries of unspecified consequences if they follow suit in blocking Huawei equipment. While Dalian only takes about 2 per cent of Australia’s coal exports, such a ban would mark a deterioration in often strained relations between the key trading partners. The Australian dollar fell as much as 1.1 per cent, the most in two weeks, to around 0.7086 on Thursday after the Reuters report. Meanwhile, China’s biggest traded mining company, China Shenhua Energy Co, rose more than 4 per cent. When asked directly about the report, foreign ministry spokesman

Geng Shuang told reporters in Beijing that China examines imported coal to protect the environment. He didn’t say whether China was targeting Australia specifically. Australian Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said Australia’s ambassador to Beijing was seeking to “urgently clarify” the veracity of the report. China, which has a history of using trade as leverage, has been seeking to counter resistance in several nations to using Huawei in 5G networks. Its ambassador to Canada this week warned that excluding the company will have repercussions. New Zealand, which has also barred Huawei, has sought to downplay concerns that China is now turning a cold shoulder. – NZME



Source: BNZ

the company had reached different views on what was justified. “We have listened to their feedback and believe this is reflected in the reduced charges to airlines.” The airport has reduced its target return from 6.99 per cent to 6.62 per cent, compared to the commission’s benchmark for airports of 6.41 per cent. The changes will take effect by way of discounts on landing and passenger charges from July 1 this year and apply for the remainder of the pricing period, which ends in June 2022. Previously, effective interna-


At close of trading on Friday, February 22, 2019


S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents

wood said the airport was always “mindful of the regime” which was being tested by an unprecedented investment programme. The price-cut move had been tipped and he said it would help with negotiations with airlines over infrastructure projects as it built the “Airport of the future”. “We’re really focused on the future and getting on with big projects.” Estimating a target return is not an exact science and while the commission acknowledged that the airport could justify a slightly higher return than its benchmark,

tional charges per passenger fell by 1.7 per cent a year in real terms. Now the reduction is 2.5 per cent a year. Effective domestic charges per passenger will, instead of increasing by 0.8 per cent a year in real terms, now fall by 0.1 per cent. The price-cut announcement came as the airport reported its half-year results to December 31. It reported a net profit of $147.2 million from $165.9m. That included a smaller property valuation gain of $11.1m in the latest period, compared to a $41.5m increase a year earlier. Underlying earnings increased 2.9 per cent to $136.9m. The airport restated guidance for annual underlying earnings of $265m-$275m, reflecting lower regulated pricing and higher interest and depreciation from the infrastructure spending. It also lowered its capital expenditure forecast for the year to $280m-$330m from a previous estimate of $450m-$550m, as it changed the timing of some anchor projects in the upgrade. The airport is 22.4 per cent owned by Auckland Council and will pay an interim dividend of 11 cents per share. That’s up from 10.75 cents last year. – NZME

TT sell

0.9385 0.8809 4.2526 0.5857 1.3632 0.511 73.56 1.61 9.3081 20.40 0.6671

Disclaimer: NZX and MetService have endeavoured to ensure the correctness of the information; neither NZX, MetService related companies, nor this newspaper, nor any of their respective employees or agents make any representation as to its accuracy or reliability nor will they, to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, errors or omissions in any information provided (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence). Please note: All products and services are subject to change without notice.

Fuel company appoints CEO Z Energy has appointed a new chair, Abby Foote, who will take over from Peter Griffiths when he steps down in May after the company’s financial results for the March year have been completed. Foote joined the board in 2013 and has more than 12 years’ governance experience at publicly listed and government-owned companies including national electricity grid operator Transpower and at Diligent. She currently sits on the boards

of Freightways, Sanford, TVNZ and Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Griffiths, who has chaired Z since Infratil and the New Zealand Superannuation Fund bought the Shell retail assets in 2010 and guided it through its 2013 float, says chairing the company has been “a fantastic experience”. Z Energy “has a very capable and energised board which I am confident will continue to provide strong leadership and governance

with Abby as its new chair,” he said. Z said its board used an external consultancy to provide independent advice and review of the internal appointment to ensure Foote has the requisite skills, leadership competencies and industry knowledge to support the company’s future strategic needs. The shares last traded at $6.09, and have dropped 13 per cent over the past 12 months. – NZME

Your Place

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 - How many points is the bullseye worth in darts? a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 2 - What was the full name of gangster Al Capone? a. Alfredo b. Alan c. Alphonse 3 - What country produces Mateus Rose wine? a. Spain b. Portugal c. Italy 4 - Emu eggs are a dark shade of which colour? a. Green b. Yellow c. Red 5 - The Scream is a famous work of art by which artist? a. Salvador Dali b. Pablo Picasso c. Edvard Munch 6 - What is lithium? a. A metal b. A gas c. A rock 7 - In which religion is the Aga Khan a leader? a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Islam 8 - In Australia, what is a kurrajong? a. A bird b. A tree c. A fish


6 1

2 7 4

7 5 2 9 6 7

Flying past nothing Seagulls fly past a fisherman hoping to inspect his catch but in this case there was nothing to see! PHOTO ROBIN PRIDIE

GOT GREAT PHOTOS? Your Place is the place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or our website


Answers: 1. 50 2. Alphonse 3. Portugal 4. Green 5. Edvard Munch 6. A metal 7. Islam 8. A tree.

Carrot oaty bites

5 2 9 3 4 6 1 7 8

4 8 7 5 9 1 6 2 3

6 1 3 2 8 7 9 5 4

9 3 8 7 2 4 5 6 1

1 5 6 9 3 8 2 4 7

2 7 4 6 1 5 8 3 9

7 4 2 1 5 9 3 8 6

8 9 5 4 6 3 7 1 2

3 6 1 8 7 2 4 9 5

6 5 2 8 7 5 4 1 3 2 3 6 8 4 1 6 3 8 2 6 3 5 9 3 7 1 9 8

1/2 C finely chopped dates 3 carrots, peeled and grated 1T canola oil 1 1/2 C rolled oats 1/2 C ground almonds (or use an extra 1/2 cup of rolled oats) 1t cinnamon 1/2 t finely chopped ginger 1/4 C desiccated coconut for coating (more if needed)

Recipe courtesy of


6 9 3 5 7 7YESTERDAY’S 6 8 8ANSWERS 1 6 5



■ In a small bowl, just cover chopped dates with hot water and soak for 10 minutes to soften, then drain the water off. ■ Add carrots, oil, oats, ground almonds, cinnamon, ginger and soaked dates to a food processor. ■ Blitz until combined and mixture has come together. If the mixture is very wet and sticky, add more oats. ■ Roll mixture into balls a heaped teaspoon at a time and coat with a small amount of coconut. ■ Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours. ■ Store in the fridge and eat within 5 days.

3 6

Solutions for today in Monday’s Your Place page.

9 4 3 1 6 5 2 7 8


Akaroa Seaweek 2 – 10 March 2019 nd


Another exciting Seaweek programme for Akaroa | Care for our Seas - ‘Tiakina otatou Moana’

Saturday 2nd March and Saturday 9th March: Recreational Fishing Information Trailer Ministry for Primary Industries Recreational Fishing Information Trailer will be on the waterfront near the main wharf from 10am to mid-afternoon. A good opportunity to check on bag limits, legal fish sizes, restricted areas, marine mammal safety and much more.

Saturday 2 March 5pm in The Courthouse, Akaroa Museum: nd

Poetry and Peril on Banks Peninsula’s wild coastline The wild seas around Banks Peninsula have claimed lives and inspired poets. The history students at Akaroa Area School will stage a multi-media presentation that brings to life 175 years of shipwrecks around this rocky coast, and season it with a sprinkling of Denis Glover’s nautical poetry. Hear first-hand about the experience from a local shipwreck survivor- John Wright.

Saturday 9th March 5pm at The Boatshed, Waterfront near Akaroa’s Main Wharf: Auckland Islands in the Sub-Antarctic Group – three perspectives: 1) John Rogers, Auckland Islands historian, enthusiast and expedition staff member to Antarctica: The Auckland Islands – the human history of a remote wilderness: The Auckland Islands are a windswept isolated wilderness in the great Southern Ocean home to whales, sea lions and seabirds and tales of shipwreck survivors forced to battle harsh conditions- John tells their story. 2) David Johnston PhD candidate at the University of Otago Marine Science Department. Sentinels of the Southern Ocean: southern right whales (Eubalaena australis) as indicators of oceanic productivity. David speaks about the recovery of a population of southern right whale. A fascinating story of how in the sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands, the right whale population is beginning to recover and advances in drone technology are helping us find out more. 3) Shona Riddell, Wellington-based author of 2018 book “Trial of Strength” Adventures and Misadventures on the Wild and Remote Sub Antarctic Islands by Exile Publishing. Islands of Despair: The Dramatic History of the Auckland Islands. In 1849, 60 men, women and children sailed from Britain to live on the wild, isolated Auckland Islands as part of an ultimately doomed whaling settlement called Hardwicke. Wellington author Shona Riddell’s great-great grandmother was born at Hardwicke, and Shona recounts stories of her ancestors and some of her own journey to this remote place. Shona’s book will be available to purchase at this event for $40. Gold coin entry goes towards the Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust. Spot prizes.

Gold coin entry goes towards the Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust. Spot prizes.

Seaweek exclusive:

Akaroa Dolphins Harbour Cruise 25% off

Receive an Akaroa Dolphins Harbour Nature Cruise every day during Seaweek - on the 3.15pm tour when booking directly by phone of in store quoting Seaweek19. Bookings essential- subject to availability. Contact Akaroa Dolphins E: P: 03 3047866

AKAROA SEAWEEK Saturday, February 23, 2019


15 Ashburton Guardian 13



Seaweek – why

Whether you’re planning a wedding, conference, team-building exercise, or just a gathering of friends and family, you’re about to discover a very special place. Tucked into the hills, within walking distance of the beautiful village of Akaroa, Mt Vernon Lodge is your balcony seat for one of the best views in New Zealand, looking straight across the world-famous harbour below. Set amid green lawns and mature trees and offering absolute peace and

privacy, Mt Vernon Lodge is an oasis of calm in an increasingly-hurried world. It’s the perfect place to escape – yet it’s located only an hour’s drive from Christchurch. Mt Vernon Lodge offers a range of character-full accommodation for up to 50 guests, as well as a fullyequipped function and conference room which caters for up to 130 guests. Advertising feature

not to miss out


oin us in celebrating Seaweek 2019 in Akaroa and find out more about the maritime history of Banks Peninsula and be fascinated by an in depth look at the remote Auckland Islands in the sub-Antarctic region through the eyes of three experts. Saturday, March 2, 5pm Courthouse, Akaroa Museum Poetry and Peril on Banks Peninsula’s wild coastline The wild seas around Banks Peninsula have claimed lives and inspired poets. The history students at Akaroa Area School will stage a multi-media presentation that brings to life 175 years of shipwrecks around this rocky coast, and season it with a sprinkling of Denis Glover’s nautical poetry. Hear first-hand the story from a local shipwreck survivor – John Wright. Saturday, March 9, 5pm The Boatshed, Waterfront near Akaroa’s Main Wharf Three personal stories and perspectives about the fascinating and remote Auckland Islands in the sub-Antarctic region. “Í have seen nothing to surpass, or even equal, the grandeur, the savage majesty of its grim storm-beaten sea walls; standing up bold and defiant, sullenly challenging old Ocean to a trial of strength,” New Zealand government representative Henry Armstrong, describing his first impressions of the Auckland Islands during a voyage on the Amherst in 1868 to establish castaway depots and search for shipwreck survivors. John Rogers, historian, tour guide. The Human History of a Remote Wilderness For the most part the Auckland Islands are the domain of the whales, see lions and sea birds that call them home. Still, people have had an impact on this place. There have been attempts to settle there, and many shipwreck survivors have been forced

to survive the harsh conditions. This is their story. David Johnston, PhD candidate at the University of Otago Marine Science Department. Sentinels of the Southern OceanSouthern Right Whales Port Ross, located in the sub-Antarctic Auckland Islands, is one of the primary breeding grounds for the once widespread southern right whale. This population is now beginning to bounce back post 19th century whaling, which brought these animals to the brink of extinction. Over the past three years researchers have been using advances in drone technology in order to quantify not only how many whales are there but also the apparent fitness of these animals. David is now finishing the first of a three-year PhD project on the recovery of a population of southern right whale. Shona Riddell, Wellington author. Islands of Despair – The Dramatic History of the Auckland Islands In 1849, 60 men, women and children sailed from Britain to live on the wild, isolated Auckland Islands as part of an ultimately doomed whaling settlement called Hardwicke. Wellington author Shona Riddell’s great-great grandmother was born at Hardwicke, and in 2016 Shona sailed south over stormy seas to visit her ancestor’s remote birthplace. In her talk Shona will share her family’s story and talk about her own journey to the islands, as well as some of the islands’ other incredible history, including sealing, coast watching and farming. Copies of her new book – Trial of Strength: Adventures and Misadventures on the Wild and Remote Subantarctic Islands, will be available for sale on the night. All the details of events can be found on: and www.

A magical hideaway in the heart of Akaroa, Mt Vernon Lodge offers a spectacular location for your wedding day. At Mt Vernon Lodge you can have an unforgettable ceremony, a custom-designed reception, and stylish accommodation for you and your guests, all in the one place. Set on six hectares of manicured lawns and mature trees coupled with amazing views over the Akaroa harbour, and along with our great facilities, Mt Vernon Lodge is the only choice for your special day.

Contact David & Amanda Kinnaird | 33 Purple Peak Road, Akaroa 03 304 7180 | |

Opinion 14 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Remembering that fateful day E

ight years ago, the lives of everyday Cantabrians changed forever. In one fleeting moment, life got turned upside down and even still now, closing in on a decade from the day the earth shook, it’s still a constant battle for so many. Yes, the visible scars may be slowly but surely mending, but it’s the damage you can’t see that is still causing a huge amount of problems around the region. The mental impact of a natural disaster such as the Christchurch Earthquake should never be underestimated. Our cracked roads, walls and homes may be mended or, at least, are being mended but the cracks in the people are still evi-

dent in day-to-day life. Perhaps it’s the person who still wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling of suffocation from a building falling down around them. Or that workmate who clings onto their desk when a truck or a train drives past the office. Those are the battles you don’t really see. They’re the hidden struggles, and sadly, in a lot of

instances, they are the worst battles of all. Buildings and roads are easy to repair, a mental state isn’t and it’s going to be an awfully long-time, if there ever is a time, where the toll of such a horrific event is wiped from the population. As someone who was living and working in central Christchurch during both the September and February quakes and all the other tremors between and after, I can without fear say it’s a constant battle to not believe that something like that is going to happen again. I’m the workmate who clings to the desk. I’m the guy who has woken up from the nightmare, and I wasn’t

even in the centre of the city when the quake struck, however, I was there pretty quickly afterwards, but my then colleagues and good friends were and their tales will haunt me for a long time still. We can measure someone’s life by how happy they appear. But it’s away from the public and away from the general day-to-day grind that the true reflection of a person can present itself and unless you have a specific experience, a harrowing memory or vision, it can be incredibly hard to comprehend just what it must be like. So, this week as we remember that fateful day that the landscape of our home region

changed forever, it could be worth sparing a thought for those who are still deeply impacted on by the disaster. The obvious are those who lost loved ones, that’s a pain that will never heal, but we should also be aware of those battling other demons as a result of the events of that day. There will be people around us who are struggling, more so than ever right now, because of the memories that come back with an anniversary and it’s our job as family, friends, colleagues and associates to make sure we are there, having their backs and offering up at least some form of reassurance that it’s not a battle that needs to be fought alone.

a teenage boy at his Neverland Ranch. Ten years ago: President Barack Obama pledged to dramatically slash the skyrocketing annual budget deficit as he started to dole out the record $787 billion economic stimulus package he’d signed the previous week. Five years ago: Alice Herz Sommer, 110, believed to be the oldest survivor of the Holocaust, died in London. One year ago: Rick Gates, a former senior adviser to Donald Trump’s

election campaign, pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy and false-statements charges, becoming a co-operating witness in the probe of Trump’s campaign and Russia’s election interference. Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced plans to put more armed guards in schools and make it harder for young adults and some with mental illness to buy guns. Teachers and staff returned to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, for the first

time since the shooting that left 17 people dead. Today’s birthdays: Actor Peter Fonda is 79. Author John Sandford is 75. Country-rock musician Rusty Young is 73. Actress Patricia Richardson is 68. Rock musician Brad Whitford is 67. Singer Howard Jones is 64. Rock musician Michael Wilton is 57. Country singer Dusty Drake is 55. Actress Kristin Davis is 54. Actor Marc Price is 51. Actress Niecy Nash is 49. Rock musician Jeff Beres is 48. Country singer

Steve Holy is 47. Rock musician Lasse Johansson is 46. Film and theatre composer Robert Lopez is 44. Actress Kelly Macdonald is 43. Rapper Residente is 41. Actor Josh Gad is 38. Actress Emily Blunt is 36. Actor Aziz Ansari is 36. Actor Tye White is 33. Actress Dakota Fanning is 25. Thought for today: “The essential conditions of everything you do must be choice, love, passion.” – Nadia Boulanger, French composer and teacher (1887-1979). – AP

Matt Markham


TODAY IN HISTORY Today is Saturday, February 23, the 54th day of 2019. There are 311 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On February 23, 1954, the first mass inoculation of schoolchildren against polio using the Salk vaccine began in Pittsburgh. On this date: In 1685, composer George Frideric Handel was born in present-day Germany. In 1836, the siege of the Alamo began in San Antonio, Texas. In 1904, Nearly 1 million ha of far western Southland and Otago, New Zealand, was set aside as a national reserve in 1904 and became New Zealand’s largest national park in 1952. In 1940, The crew of the Achilles received a hero’s welcome when they returned to New Zealand in February 1940. Parades in Auckland and Wellington (on April 2) drew huge crowds. In 1942, the first shelling of the US mainland during World War Two occurred as a Japanese submarine fired on an oil refinery near Santa Barbara, California, causing little damage. In 1945, during World War Two, US Marines on Iwo Jima captured Mount Suribachi, where they raised two American flags. In 1998, 42 people were killed, some 2600 homes and businesses damaged or destroyed, by tornadoes in central Florida. In 2004, the army cancelled its Comanche helicopter programme after sinking $6.9 billion into it over 21 years. Education Secretary Rod Paige likened the National Education Association, the nation’s largest teachers’ union, to a “terrorist organisation” during a private White House meeting with governors. In 2005, a jury was selected in Santa Maria, California, to decide Michael Jackson’s fate on charges that he’d molested


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Tax may worsen problems BY BRIAN FALLOW


owever defensible a broader capital gains tax may be as a destination for tax reform – both in theory (real capital gains are income) and on equity grounds – policymakers cannot ignore where we are starting from. And that starting point is an economy with a business sector that is capital-shallow and which (at least partly) as a consequence suffers from chronically low productivity and therefore incomes. Output per hour worked in New Zealand puts us on a par with Slovakia, Slovenia, Israel and Turkey in the OECD league table. Labour productivity is onethird higher across the Tasman, not because Australians are smarter or harder-working but because they have a lot more capital invested per worker. It is a problem that tax reform should try to reduce, not exacerbate. The starting point is also a tax system which already taxes capital income harder, and labour income less, than people tend to think. As economist Andrew Coleman argues in a trenchant critique of our eccentric tax system, New Zealand is unusual in not having social security taxes (unless you count ACC), which are normally imposed to fund the state pension. On the OECD’s latest numbers for the “tax wedge” on wages, when both income tax and social security contributions are included, a New Zealander on the average wage is the second lowest-taxed among the 34 countries

listed (Chile is lower). By contrast, New Zealand ranks in the top quartile of the OECD for both the statutory corporate tax rate and the effective average corporate rate, when they adjust for various tax breaks. The tax working group says that this ignores an atypical feature of the tax system, dividend imputation, which means that distributed company profits come with a credit for the shareholder’s share of company tax paid. On that basis, it says, the tax rate for domestic shareholders is the sixth lowest in the OECD. But Coleman argues this is misleading. The comparison is only with people in other OECD countries who are on the top marginal rate and who pay income tax on dividend income in the same year it is earned. In other words, high income earners who don’t hold their assets in a retirement savings scheme. New Zealand is extremely unusual in taxing the income earned by people’s retirement savings as it accrues, rather than waiting until they are in a position to spend it. The taxed-taxed-exempt (TTE) regime introduced by Sir Roger Douglas 30 years ago discourages saving and encourages borrowing to buy housing, and has contributed to exceptionally strong house price inflation and declining rates of home ownership. The Tax Working Group’s recommendations leave this onerous and highly distortionary system intact. Meanwhile, it has been forbidden by its terms of reference to go near the most tax-advantaged,

and therefore most popular, form of wealth accumulation: owner-occupied housing, or at least the family home. So our starting point is a household sector with a chronically negative saving rate and a business sector that is capital-shallow. Imposing a capital gains tax on the returns to capital invested in productive enterprises is hardly going to help those enterprises get more productive. Coleman points out that the Nordic countries, generally considered progressive, have responded to the detrimental effects of high corporate taxes by deliberately reducing taxes on capital incomes so they are lower than taxes on labour incomes. “Most other countries have lower taxes on capital incomes than labour income by imposing social security taxes on labour incomes. Either way, New Zealand’s attempts to tax labour, business, and other capital incomes (except incomes from owner-occupied housing) at similar rates has little theoretical justification,” he says, “and the high taxes that businesses pay as a result may be reducing productivity levels and economic growth rates.” The working group’s final report at least nods in the direction of the potential cost of taxing the returns to business investment even harder than they already are, especially for firms whose shareholders are Kiwis: “Most small to medium enterprises, however, cannot readily access international capital markets. Instead they depend on funding from domestic investors to make additional investments. Taxing

domestic investors on the gains from their shares would increase the cost of equity capital for these types of companies and could reduce investment,” the working group says. It may be possible to mitigate these costs, it says, by using the extra revenue garnered to fund some productivity-enhancing reforms elsewhere in the tax system. It mentions the loss continuity rules (to support the growth of innovative start-ups), “black hole” expenditure and maybe, fiscal conditions permitting, building depreciation. It smacks of sugar-coating the pill. When the working group chairman Sir Michael Cullen was asked what the case is for taxing the returns to business investment harder than they already are, when the business sector is capital-shallow and labour productivity is low, he said that internationally there was no relationship between capital gains tax levels and productivity. That hardly settles the issue. But pointing to the long political and legislative process still ahead, he acknowledged that a government might decide to exclude “that active business class”. Land-based capital gains were the main problem. Brian Fallow is a former economics editor of the New Zealand Herald. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof.

Ashburton Guardian 15

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St Valentine’s Day not the only day to show love



We welcome your letters and emails, but:

hursday, February 14 was St Valentine’s Day. It is often observed these days with a marketing push by businesses, encouraging shoppers to buy something for the person they love, whether that person knows that or not. Supermarkets seem to see the occasion as a reason to stock up on chocolates, cards and flowers, with advertisements suggesting we need to buy these in order to shower someone with our love. It would be a shame though if this was the only day of the year that we did that. Surely we can use a variety of ways to show someone we love them, without having to buy something that they probably don’t need or want. I personally find fresh flowers


are very expensive and a waste of money as they die so quickly, and as for chocolates, that is a no-no for me. Many people who succumb to the marketing pressure for Valentine’s Day (or any religious festival, for that matter) probably don’t even know who St Valentine was and why he has a day in the year named after him. He is believed to have been a Roman priest and physician who died in the third century, in Rome; a Christian martyr during the period of persecution of Christians by the Emperor Claudius

II Gothicus about 270 AD, killed because he stood up for what he believed in. He was buried on the Via Flaminia in Rome, and Pope Julius I reportedly built a basilica over his grave. The Roman Catholic Church recognises St Valentine as a saint of the church, as the patron saint of lovers, epileptics, and beekeepers. His feast day is observed on February 14 which has been observed as a lovers’ festival since the 14th century. According to legend, St Valentine signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and healed from blindness. Another common legend states that he defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples

to spare the husbands from going to war. Hopefully everyone can find a day, any day in the year, when they can do something special for the person they love. Maybe cook a meal they really like, offer to do something for them that they don’t really like doing themselves, or maybe they could buy something that is more significant than cards, flowers or chocolates. Heather Kennedy is the minister at the Ashburton Methodist Parish. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof.

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■ They should be of no more than 300 words. ■ We reserve the right to edit or not publish. ■ They must include your name. We will only publish under a nom de plume if a suitable case for anonymity is made clear. ■ They must also include your address and phone number, which will not be published.

Sport 16 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Restoring rugby pride By Erin TaskEr

A plan has been hatched to put the shine back on schoolboy rugby in Mid Canterbury, but those behind it know it’s a case of one step at a time. Last year the Mid Canterbury Combined First XV struggled to find coaches and players, and then found themselves on the wrong end of some pretty big scores during a UC Championship where they failed to win a game. And turning that around isn’t going to be something that happens overnight, but the committee that has tasked itself with doing just that is determined it will happen, member John Galbraith said. None of those on the committee even have kids involved in first XV rugby – they are simply passionate about the game and know how important schoolboy rugby is to the national game. So, they have drawn up a template which they hope will lead to the first XV again being something young players strive for in Mid Canterbury, and they hope the community will get behind them to help make a change. Galbraith said both Mid Canterbury’s boys’ and girls’ first XVs are a big part of the plan, but it is also about providing a pathway for players in the second XV and under-15 teams, and it isn’t all just about rugby. It is about growing good players who are also good people, and giving them vital life skills. Part of that is bringing in new voices, and this week the man tasked with identifying young talent for the Crusaders region – Dave McLennan – was due to visit Ashburton to talk to players about potential pathways which could take them to the Crusaders Knights and beyond. He was due to speak on everything from nutrition and planning, to personal wellbeing and training, but had to pull out at the last minute. “We’re not just trying to make All Blacks, we’re trying to give the kids the best experience they can,” Galbraith said. It is the first time Mid Canterbury’s rugby union, schools and clubs had come together and recognised the importance of school level rugby, Galbraith said. “We don’t want to take any-

In brief SBW at any price A Canadian club is reportedly looking to lure Sonny Bill Williams back to rugby league. According to, the Toronto Wolfpack, who play in the UK Championship, have made an offer to Williams after meeting with his agent in the Middle East last year. The report says the Canadian side’s offer is around $5 million, in an attempt to bring the All Blacks star back to the 13-a-side game. The club’s billionaire owner David Argyle confirmed they were hoping to bring Williams in on a one-year deal. - NZME

New deal for Fisher

The Mid Canterbury Combined XV rugby team puts everything into a haka ahead of a UC Championship game last year. PHOTO ROBYN HOOD 230619-RH-014 thing away from club rugby, and we don’t want to take anything away from school rugby,” Galbraith said. It is about working together towards a common goal – making Mid Canterbury a schoolboy rugby powerhouse again. Galbraith attended Darfield High School and said back in his day Ashburton College’s First XV was feared, and he wanted to see it get back to that. But to get there, it will take the community’s support. Yes, part of that was getting sponsors on board but instead of finding one big sponsor, they are hoping to get a lot of smaller sponsors. That, Galbraith said, will hopefully get more people to buy in to the team and put more people on the sidelines cheering Mid Canterbury Combined on. The past few seasons hadn’t been great, but Galbraith said losing didn’t hurt quite so much when you did so in front of a decent-sized, supportive crowd. They aren’t expecting Mid Canterbury to win every game this season – it was a case of small steps. But, examples set by the likes of Lincoln Combined and Ran-

giora High School in recent years showed that things could change. Both sides had made big alterations and last year Rangiora High School finished in the UC Championship’s top four, beating Christchurch Boys’ High School along the way. They got there by playing for each other, playing for school pride, and playing for their community, and that was what Galbraith and his team wanted to see in Mid Canterbury. There would still be age group club rugby across the grades, and the changes within the school rugby system were not about taking anything away from the club scene. Galbraith said not everyone will want to play for the first XV, but he wanted to bring that prestige and respect back for schoolboy rugby in Mid Canterbury. He said the schoolboy rugby competition in New Zealand was the highest level of schoolboy rugby in the world and could provide a launchpad for players to go on to much bigger things. It had been a few seasons now that Ashburton College and Mount Hutt College had been coming together to put a Mid Canterbury Combined First XV on the field,

but even with two schools to pick and choose from it hadn’t always been easy to get the numbers. It was hoped that the new template being rolled out from this season would start the change, and in a few years there might be 60 kids trying out for the first XVs. “It’s not purely results driven. “It’s about laying a foundation and making for a really cool culture,” Galbraith said. This year’s Mid Canterbury Combined First XV will be coached by Warren Donald, Andrew Morgan and Brent Middleton, who also coached last season alongside Blair O’Donnell. O’Donnell would this year take on the manager’s role. Within that leadership team there was a fair few Mid Canterbury caps, while Morgan also played for Canterbury. Between them, they knew what it took to make it. “In Mid Canterbury we have all the resources available to compete with anybody,” Galbraith said. The building blocks are there and if everyone made an effort, from players and coaches, to sponsors and spectators, the results on the field would take care of themselves, Galbraith said.

One of Australian rugby’s true stalwarts is extending his coaching stay with the Brumbies until at least the end of 2021. Laurie Fisher has just about done it all at the Super Rugby franchise and his latest contract will see him locked in as an assistant to head coach Dan McKellar. Having coached at the Brumbies on and off since 2000, Fisher said he had worked hard to stay relevant during two decades in professional coaching. “It’s not luck,” Fisher said. “I’ve had a few flat spots but I really work hard on trying to understand where the game is. I try and come up with something new each and every year.” - AAP

Wales ready for England Wales winger George North expects England’s “exceptional” tactics in both attack and defence to cause them problems in their Six Nations clash but says they are prepared to take them on in Cardiff. The visitors are top of the Championship table after victories over holders Ireland and France and two bonus points have given them an outright lead over Wales, who are looking to set a record of 12 consecutive wins on Saturday. “We have the opportunity to put ourselves in a great position. The boys know what is at stake and, come the weekend, we will have had the best preparation.” - PA

Scots hit by injuries Fly-half Pete Horne has been drafted into the Scotland team as coach Gregor Townsend made four changes to the line-up for their Six Nations clash with France in Paris. Horne replaces talisman Finn Russell, who sustained a head injury in club action last weekend, with Adam Hastings moving onto the bench as the replacement 10. There are two other injuryenforced changes, with Blair Kinghorn replacing Stuart Hogg (shoulder) at fullback and centre Nick Grigg coming into the midfield for Huw Jones (knee). - PA


Saturday, February 23, 2019


In brief

Super Rugby’s top rivalry The big New Zealand rugby rivalries have changed over the years as far as the top level is concerned. Hawkes Bay’s struggle for bragging rights against Bay of Plenty will be around for a while yet but although, at Super Rugby level, all teams want the Crusaders to lose, it is perhaps the Hurricanes and their supporters who crave it the most. It used to be the Chiefs and Crusaders – especially during Dave Rennie’s era when the men from the Waikato picked up a couple of titles. There was little love lost between the sides six or seven years ago. The Crusaders always thought the Chiefs went to the edge and beyond when it came to dirty tricks around the breakdown, and the Chiefs disliked their South Island counterparts for their perceived sense of entitlement. Before that it was the Blues and the Crusaders; Auckland and Canterbury’s mutual animosity continuing when the game turned professional in the mid90s. Now it’s the Hurricanes and

Ashburton Guardian 17

Crusaders for the competitiveness of the fixtures over the past couple of years but which probably has its origins in the 2006 Super Rugby “foggy” final at Lancaster Park which until the final whistle was then the Hurricanes’ best chance of winning a championship. Hurricanes fans still maintain the Crusaders used skullduggery in the final moments of that bizarre game, the only problem being no one but the nearest players could see it. Those in the stands had no chance and it was only marginally better for television viewers. Those who revisit the match on YouTube will get an insight into the difficulties faced by Sky’s commentators Grant Nisbett and Tony Johnson, when, with neither realising their comments are being broadcast in the minutes before the game kicks off, Nisbett tells Johnson: “I’m calling this one off the monitor, mate. Entirely.” In more modern times the Crusaders have lost only three games under Scott Robertson’s leadership, and two of those have been at the hands of the Hurricanes;

The Crusaders are very happy on their home ground. once in Wellington in 2017 and then again in the city last year. The Crusaders’ only other loss was to the Highlanders in Dunedin a week after their 29-19 defeat at the Cake Tin in 2018. But the Crusaders have won 20 in a row in Christchurch and 16 in a row overall, a streak they will be favoured to extend as the Hurricanes have arrived in the city without Beauden Barrett.

One of their best performances came in last year’s semi-final in the city when they beat the Hurricanes 30-12 in a complete shutout mitigated for the visitors only by Ben Lam’s try after the final hooter. It paved the way for title No.9 for the red and blacks. The Crusaders like that strip of grass in what is probably the coldest stadium in the country and while it will be warmer this time, the atmosphere will be just as inhospitable. “It’s one of the massive challenges of the season, playing in Christchurch,” Hurricanes head coach John Plumtree said this week. “We’re playing against obviously an outstanding team and squad and organisation. It’s certainly been the benchmark over the past couple of years. “It’s not a bad time of the year to play them because it’s a bit warmer. “You play them later on and it can be freezing and the conditions change a bit. “Hopefully the weather will be good down there and we’ll have a good game of footy.” - NZME

Copenhagen departure Copenhagen will host the opening three stages of the 2021 Tour de France, making it the most northerly Grand Depart in the race’s history. The move follows a trend of starting the Tour outside France with Brussels hosting this year’s Grand Depart, German city Dusseldorf having the honour in 2017 and Utrecht in the Netherlands launching the race in 2015. Britain, in 2007 and 2014, also hosted the Grand Depart, as has Luxembourg, Monaco, Spain and Switzerland, but this is the first time it will begin in Scandinavia. - PA

Gliddon fit for finals Brisbane guard Cameron Gliddon has declared himself fit and ready to fire in the Bullets’ first NBL finals campaign since 2008. The Australian international was sidelined with back soreness for last week’s thrilling win over the Breakers where the Bullets snuck into the finals ahead of Adelaide on points percentage. West Australian-born Gliddon completed training in Brisbane yesterday and then declared himself good to go for the semi-final series against minor premiers Perth starting next Thursday. “That was my first full training back and I feel great,” Gliddon said. “It’s up to (head coach Andrej Lemanis), whether I start) but definitely want to be playing that’s for sure.” - AAP FLOORINGXTRA.CO.NZ

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Sport 18 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019


In brief

Mission accomplished A team of young Ashburton swimmers headed away to Invercargill last week with certain goals in place and then came home having achieved those goals, much to the delight of their coach. Younger members of the Ashburton Swim Team were in Invercargill for the three-day Junior Festival Mako Zone with the focus of using skills and techniques which have been put in place during training sessions. And for coach Pip White it was mission accomplished. “We’re extremely happy with how everyone went,” she said. “Seeing so many personal best times and top 10 placings showed that the skills learnt in training were showing good results for future meets.” The entire team of winners produced some fantastic personal best times, with ribbons presented to the top three placings and each swimmer who gained a personal best got to place their time on a personal best board. A highlight of the meeting was the second placing in the 6x50 metre mixed relay by Finn Veix, Henry King, Bede Giera, Kylana Peauafi Symonds, Lucie Hood and Lucy Reeve. Hood was in exceptional form,

Powerhouse Penrith prop Reagan Campbell-Gillard insists he’ll carry no mental demons into his return from a second jaw break in tonight’s NRL trial against South Sydney. After missing six weeks last year while his jaw was wired shut following a brutal collision with Jared Waerea-Hargreaves, Campbell-Gillard was injured again in training in December. This time it was courtesy of friendly fire from James Fisher-Harris in a ruck session at training but no surgery was required and he’s fit in time to return to the end of the Panthers’ pre-season. - AAP

Tough lesson for Haas Brisbane coach Anthony Seibold has spoken out in support of the Broncos’ tough love approach to rising star Payne Haas. The 19-year-old has been suspended for four NRL matches and fined $20,000 after failing to co-operate with the league’s integrity unit. Seibold says the punishment is a big one for Haas but he’s confident the youngster will learn from his mistakes. - AAP

New format confirmed

gaining four second placings over the meet with her efforts in the 50 and 200 metre freestyle as well as the 100 metre butterfly and the 200 metre individual medley.

Reeve picked up a third placing in the 200 metre butterfly while Chloe Lowe was the other podium finisher with her third placing in the 100 metre breaststroke.

The Ashburton Swim Team came home from Invercargill with a heap of personal bests and top 10 placings.


Stags have a target on their backs With the business end of the cricket season just around the corner, Mid Canterbury’s four teams have just one more week to get things right before heading into finals. Today’s games are the last of the Muirhead Rosebowl round robin, with next weekend’s action set to be semi-finals, with a final to follow on March 9. It’s crunch time, and the big question on everyone’s lips is

Broken jaws forgotten

whether anyone can stop the Tech Stags. The next team to get a chance to do just that is Lauriston. Lauriston will host the Stags in this afternoon’s final round, while Coldstream are set to head to the Methven Domain this afternoon to take on a Methven side that has been struggling for numbers in recent weeks. Players haven’t always been easy to come by for Tech this sea-

son either, but it hasn’t held them back. Back in round four of the Pritchard Shield competition before Christmas they could only muster seven players against Lauriston, but they still managed to pick up a win. Tech has simply been on a roll this season, drawing the season opening T20 competition final with Lauriston to share that prize, before taking out the Pritchard

Shield and then, in their final home game of the round robin last weekend, locking the Bevan Stroud Memorial Trophy away for the winter. All that remains is the Muirhead Rosebowl and the one that takes into account the entire season, the Studholme Shield. But with only four teams in the competition, just who finishes the season on a high is anyone’s guess.

English cricket chiefs have confirmed the playing conditions for a new 100-ball cricket format known as The Hundred, which is due to start in 2020. Eight new city-based teams will play in the domestic competition over a five-week period, the England and Wales Cricket Board said, adding that the white-ball contest would consist of 100 balls per innings with a change of ends after every 10 deliveries. Bowlers can deliver either five or 10 consecutive balls, with each bowler allowed a maximum of 20 deliveries per game. - AAP

Massive turnaround Just two days after being skittled for just 24 runs, Oman’s one day international squad have bounced back in a major way. The side levelled their three-match series against Scotland yesterday, posting a respectable 248-8 from their allotted overs before bowling Scotland out for 155. It was a stark contrast to the team’s performance two days ago, when Scotland needed fewer than four overs to chase the minuscule 24-run target, the fourth lowest total in List A history. - NZME

Short in spin school ahead of India series D’Arcy Short has gone back to spinning school in a bid to enhance his Australian selection prospects. Short is working with former Indian tweaker Sridharan Sriram, hoping his left-arm wrist spinners give him a selection edge for Australia’s Twenty20 series against India starting tomorrow. “Definitely if I can give two or three overs, or even four or five in one-day cricket, then it’s always going to help my selection in the end and hopefully it goes in my favour,” Short said yesterday. Short took 10 wickets in 15 Big Bash League games for the Hobart Hurricanes in the recently competed

tournament when he was the leading scorer with 637 runs at a strike rate of more than 140. Spin consultant Sriram has previously worked with Short on Australia A tours and helped the 28-yearold gain further confidence with his bowling. “I did a lot of work with him in the A tour in August, that was good, and did a bit of work with him yesterday, just refining things,” Short said. Sriram was urging Short to “keep things simple and keep my momentum ... and energy through the crease”. Australia meet India tomorrow in a T20 game in Visakhapatnam with

another T20 game three days later in Bengalaru. The Australians then play five one-day internationals against the Indians with the series opener on March 2. Australia’s squad has a host of opening batting candidates to partner captain Aaron Finch – Short, Usman Khawaja and regular BBL openers Alex Carey and Marcus Stoinis. And Short said if he won selection, he would adopt a simple batting outlook. “Just try and enjoy it and have fun and not put too much pressure on myself while I’m out there,” he said. “Just go about my plans and hopefully it comes off.” - AAP

D’Arcy Short


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 19

In brief Ricciardo on the pace Daniel Ricciardo has posted the second fastest time of the morning session on day four of Formula One testing in Spain. Driving in the new colours of Renault, Ricciardo clocked one minute 17.785 seconds – his team’s first sub-1m 18s time of the week – on the softest and safest tyres on a cold, but sunny morning at Barcelona’s Circuit de Catalunya. Thai driver Alexander Albon kept Toro Rosso on top of the timesheets on Thursday while champions Mercedes unlocked a little more pace and finally went faster than Ferrari. - NZME

New start for Sykes

Mayfield’s Emma Dyke will be among those hitting the water on day five of the 2019 New Zealand Rowing Championships at Lake Ruatanihwa today, weather permitting. PHOTO ART OF ROWING


Wall tops the podium Ashburton’s first podium placings of the 2019 New Zealand Rowing Championships have been achieved. In Thursday’s action at Twizel’s Lake Ruataniwha, Veronica Wall formed part of the Southern Rowing Performance Centre women’s under-22 coxless quad which won gold, while Ged Wall was third in the men’s exhibition intermediate single sculls B final. After wind caused some delays to racing on Wednesday’s second day, improved water and wind conditions met the first semi-finals and finals of the 2019 event

on Thursday, and a full-on day on the water ensued. But the weather again proved to be a problem yesterday morning, with action having to be put on hold. Mayfield’s Emma Dyke, rowing in her Timaru Rowing Club colours but for the Southern RPC, was due to hit the water in the women’s premier pair with Grace Prendergast yesterday, while a number of other Ashburton Rowing Club members were also due to hit the water. Haxby Hefford was due to compete in the men’s under-20 single sculls A final after finish-

ing fourth in his semi-final, while Grace Wilson and Mollie Gibson were set to compete in the A final for the women’s under-20 double. Hefford was also due to combine with Mike Wall in the men’s club double B final, while Gibson was in the women’s senior single B final. Among the other races affected by the weather forcing the regatta to be put on hold yesterday morning were Hefford and Ged Wall’s row in the men’s under-19 double sculls heat, and Gibson and Emma Stagg, and Aidan Elvines and Grace Adams’ wom-

en’s under-19 double sculls heat. Veronica Wall’s under-22 single scull final was another that had been scheduled to hit the water yesterday morning, followed by the women’s premier double sculls final yesterday afternoon with Southern RPC crew-mate Laura Glen. The duo won their heat, while Wall was second in her under-22 single scull heat. The regatta was put on hold until 12.30pm yesterday, but conditions had still not improved and it was again put on hold until 1.30pm, although rowers did get on the water later in the day.

Tom Sykes has a new bike and a fresh outlook ahead of the Superbike World Championship’s season-opening round at Phillip Island. Sykes’ last four years on the circuit have been trying, to say the least. The Briton has still been competitive, but he very much played second fiddle to Kawasaki teammate Jonathan Rea, who has been world champion since 2015. Sykes needed a clean start and he found it with BMW Motorrad, which is recommitting factory resources into the title race through a revamped S1000 RR. The early signs are promising for Sykes, who was second fastest in the final shakedown at Phillip Island. - PA

Kane could be back Harry Kane is back in full training and could return for Tottenham Hotspur’s away clash at Burnley in the English Premier League overnight, manager Mauricio Pochettino says. The 25-year-old striker has been out since injuring his ankle in Tottenham’s 1-0 defeat by Manchester United on January 13. “He is good, I think we need to assess him for one more training session but I think he is doing very well,” Pochettino said. - PA

De Jong in doubt Sydney FC marquee Siem de Jong is in doubt for their opening Asian Champions League clash after suffering a setback in his return from injury. The Sky Blues’ marquee was hopeful of being ready for today’s A-League clash against Wellington but could now be out for another two weeks. Sydney FC will look to put a frustrating fortnight behind them against the Phoenix. - AAP



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Racing 20 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Star turn expected

Matt Markham’s selections Race 1: Ruby Seddon, Appearance, Cabella Noir, Flying Monkey Race 2: Just Michael, Duke, Donegal Gilbert, Reflectionsofmylife Race 3: Triple Bypass, Cullens Bet, My Mate Ben, Ohoka Matty Race 4: Kendra, Bubbled Up, Major Sass, Takemybreathaway Race 5: Samskara, Kotare Cullen, Shezacullengirl, Kayla Marie Race 6: Smooth Deal, Copperfield, Flying Even Bettor, Noosa Beach Race 7: Sundees Son, Highland Star, Theodosia, Lovey Dovey Moment Race 8: Full Noise, Cheerful, Get Lucky, You Really Got Me Race 9: Linton Shard, Spot On, Sweet Loress, Bound To Impress Race 10: 6 Machsgain, Flame Lady, Donegal Mary Francis, Jay Tee Tyron BEST: Samskara (Race 5) VALUE: Just Michael (Race 2)



Gavin Smith and Highland Star (outside) will be out to try and achieve what would be a popular win for the locals at today’s Ashburton Trotting Club meeting. PHOTO DIGITAL BIRDCAGE

Ron Paterson’s little project horse is turning out to be one of the finds of the racing season so far. The Ashburton trainer, who operates from the Ashburton racecourse, is enjoying a grand run of luck and form with talented trotter Highland Star and is hoping that it can continue today on home turf when he lines up at the Ashburton Trotting Club meeting. A cast-off by a North Island trainer after winning three races on the other island, Highland Star is in the form of his life at the moment, having won two of his last six starts and placing on a further two occasions. In all fairness, it should have been three wins; Highland Star had the field beaten at Orari at the start of the month before galloping in the shadows of the post, a mishap which Paterson put the blame squarely on himself. “His shoes were getting a bit worn, and in hindsight they were far too light,” he said. “I bang a few nails in myself to get him through the race, but he really needed to be reshod, so I’m taking responsibility for that one. “But he’s going super, we’re having a lot of fun with him this

time and he’s as good as he has ever been at the moment.” Raced by Paterson, along with the gelding’s breeders Dave and Gaye Luke, Highland Star has now won six times from 60 starts and placed on a further 11 occasions. Injuries and a lot of groundwork have probably prevented that record from being better, but his form since returning from a ligament injury has been exceptional. “I think he’s as sound as he has ever been to be honest, and he’s a happy horse. “When he got down here from the North Island he was a pretty angry horse, he hated the world and didn’t like people. “But a small stable and a bit of one-on-one time has really worked the oracle and he’s bright and happy.” Today the eight-year-old, who is racing like a horse half his age, lines up in what appears to be a very even-looking trotting affair and will start off the 15 metre handicap with Gavin Smith in the sulky. A big field would normally be a worry in a trotting field, but


Paterson has no concerns there due to the gelding’s stand start manners, which are usually exemplary and see him begin pretty quickly. “He starts off the outside of the 15 metre line, so hopefully he can lob up onto the speed. “I’d like to think he’ll be pretty competitive. “If he goes anywhere near as good as what he has been going, then you’d expect a good run. “I’ve got him in at the Waikouaiti meeting at Oamaru on Tuesday as well, just in case anything goes wrong. “But he goes around the Ashburton track every couple of days, so I don’t think he’ll have any problems with the place.” The Robert Dunn trained Sundees Sun would appear to be the horse they all have to beat in the seventh race on the programme. Meanwhile, another local should hold a pretty strong hand in the day’s proceedings. Champion reinsman Ricky May might only have five drives over the course of the meeting, but he does boast some strong winning prospects throughout those drives including exciting

three-year-old filly, Kendra. The Greg and Nina Hope trained speed-merchant, who was second at the Hororata meeting a fortnight ago, looks well placed from a front-line draw in the Nevele R Fillies Heat and with any luck should hold too much speed for her rivals over the final stages. May and the Hopes also combine in one of the day’s features – the Hambletonian Classic for the three-year-old trotters with debutant winner, Baxter – a half-brother to champion trotter, Monbet who is on the comeback from injury. The Hambletonian is joined on the programme by the Sapling Stakes for the two-year-old pacers. The Sapling Stakes will today have its 99th running after being first competed for in 1919. The race was not held in 1990. Mark Purdon and Natalie Rasmussen’s All Stars Racing Stable have held a mortgage on the race in recent years, winning five of the last six editions and they hold a very strong hand in this year’s event with three runners engaged.

In brief Big win for Iffraaj Charlie Appleby made a clean sweep of the three Group races at Meydan on Wednesday, highlighted by Mythical Magic’s win in the Gr.2 Zabeel Mile. The four-yearold son of Iffraaj ran on strongly to score by three lengths. Iffraaj has been a long-time shuttler to New Zealand’s Haunui Farm and has sired nine individual Group One winners and has 5.6 per cent stakes-winners to runners. - NZME

Derby hopes still alive Manawatu trainer Lisa Latta is launching a last-straw bid to qualify Platinum Invador for Saturday week’s Gr.1 Vodafone New Zealand Derby (2400m) at Ellerslie but she isn’t yet committed to starting in the Classic. Latta will produce promising Redwood gelding Platinum Invador in today’s Vets On Riverbank 2100 for three and four-year-olds chasing a $15,625 winner’s cheque that would enhance his chances of making the $1m Derby field. - NZME

Te Akau trifecta tipped Te Akau picked up the trifecta in the Karaka Million 2YO (1200m) last month and they are looking at repeating that result in another juvenile race at Matamata today. Trainer Jamie Richards will line-up Aotea Lad, Yourdeel and Equinox in the Gr.3 Waikato Stud Slipper (1200) with TAB bookmakers heavily favouring a tangerine and blue trifecta. They have set Group Two winner Aotea Lad as a $2 favourite for the race, while stakes-placed gelding Yourdeel has been marked a $2.40 second favourite and undefeated colt Equinox lies third in the market at $5.50. - NZME

Casting a big shadow Awapuni trainer Mark Oulaghan is pleased with his Group One winning miler Shadows Cast heading into today’s Gr.1 Haunui Farm WFA Group One Classic (1600m) at Otaki. The son of Per Incanto was an impressive winner of the Gr.1 Thorndon Mile (1600m) last start and Oulaghan believes the six-year-old will run well again this weekend. “He came through the win well and he has had a reasonably light time afterwards,” Oulaghan said. - NZME

Ashburton harness Today at Ashburton raceway

Ashburton Trotting Club Inc Venue: Ashburton Raceway Meeting Date: 23 Feb 2019 NZ Meeting number: 7 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 8, 9 and 10 1 12.03pm ASHBURTON GUARDIAN TROT $8000, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 07 Global Flight (1) fr .........................R Jenkins 2 0 Blink N Bones (2) fr ............................B Ford 3 She’s So Cool (3) fr ............................R May 4 68x0 Windsor (4) fr ............................ M Edmonds 5 0904 Motu Moondancer (5) fr ............... P Wakelin 6 32352 Flying Monkey (6) fr ..................... A Lethaby 7 45842 Sunrise Spur (7) fr........................J Versteeg 8 02653 Sierra Gold (8) fr ...........................R Holmes 9 63408 Muchacha Bonita (9) fr.....................J Curtin 10 68242 Appearance (10) fr ........................... J Smith 11 75493 Desert Wings (11) fr ....................C DeFilippi 12 Amulet (12) fr .................................. G Smith 13 x5730 Ruby Seddon (13) fr........................J W Cox 14 0x342 Cabella Noir (14) fr...........................R Close 15 47 Mikemaro (15) fr ............................B Orange 2 12.33pm NEWLANDS CENTURY BATTERIES MOBILE PACE $8000, non-winners 3yo+., mobile, 2400m 1 49420 Betterthanspraying (1) fr ................T Chmiel 2 7 Saginaw (2) fr.............................R Cameron 3 06090 Just Michael (3) fr .........................L O’Reilly 4 83 Reflectionsofmylife (4) fr ..................S Ottley 5 38439 It’s Me (5) fr ............................. C D Thornley 6 80797 Lincoln Toy (6) fr ........................... G O’Reilly 7 9007 Bettor Lavados (7) fr ..........................D Flint 8 Cullens Bet fr ............................... Scratched 9 0P034 Jaffa (8) fr ...................................C Markham

10 90x Donegal Gilbert (21) fr .............N Purdon (J) 11 Duke (22) fr ...................................B Orange 12 00 Goodthingstaketime (23) fr ............ K Barron 13 Tiger Moth (U1) fr...........................H Hunter 14 0687 Dream On Jaffa (U2) fr..................R Holmes 15 23238 Kacie Cullen (U3) fr...........................J Dunn Emergency: Cullens Bet 3 1.08pm MASTERGUARD PACE $8000, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 60900 Onedin Smiler (1) fr........................ G Shand 2 2076 Shadow Dancer (2) fr .............. L McCormick 3 44022 Ohoka Matty (3) fr .........................B Orange 4 22465 Glenthorne (4) fr..................... J Morrison (J) 5 6274 Philadelphia Freedom (5) fr..........T Williams 6 60x60 Nans Choice (6) fr ............................S Ottley 7 Cullens Bet (7) fr ................................R May 8 70066 Don’t Tell Ange (8) fr .................M Anderson 9 32332 My Mate Ben (9) fr .......................... G Smith 10 Triple Bypass (10) fr ..........................J Dunn 4 1.43 NEVELE R FILLIES SERIES (HEAT 3) MOBILE PACE $14,999, 3yo+, up-r70 w/c., mobile, 1609m 1 13805 Nakuru (1) fr ..............................M Anderson 2 11 Major Sass (2) fr ...........................B Orange 3 40362 Allaboutdreams (3) fr ....................B Barclay 4 33649 Shecandance (4) fr ......................... G Smith 5 1015 Kotare Yolande (5) fr..........................J Dunn 6 71 Alston Roze (6) fr ......................... G O’Reilly 7 11212 Kendra (7) fr .......................................R May 8 16016 Anamajor (8) fr ....................................B Butt 9 00906 Already Gone (9) fr ................. M Williamson 10 21894 Sezana (21) fr ..........................N Purdon (J) 11 61196 Majorca (22) fr..................................J Curtin

12 163 Takemybreathaway (23) fr ......... R Houghton 13 354x1 Bubbled Up (24) fr ........................T Williams 5 2.18pm STUDHOLME BLOODSTOCK FILLIES & MARES MOBILE PACE $12,000, 3yo+ f&m r80., 1609m 1 6252P Gypsy’s Choice (1) fr........................S Ottley 2 12787 Anytime (2) fr ............................ R Houghton 3 81144 Raksbet (3) fr ...................................R Close 4 27540 Shezacullengirl (4) fr .....................B Barclay 5 11808 Sweet Mary (5) fr .................... M Williamson 6 15x67 Kayla Marie (6) fr .........................T Williams 7 91050 Samskara (7) fr .............................B Orange 8 11824 Kotare Cullen (8) fr ............................J Dunn 6 2.55pm CANSTAFF NZ SAPLING STAKES MOBILE PACE (GROUP 3) $30,000, 2yo., mobile, 1609m 1 1 Copperfield (1) fr ...........................B Barclay 2 Master Publisher (2) fr......................S Ottley 3 2 Flying Even Bettor (3) fr .......... M Williamson 4 6 Noosa Beach (4) fr ........................B Orange 5 17 Smooth Deal (5) fr........................T Williams 6 Tyron Terranova (6) fr ........................J Dunn 7 Rick Reilly (7) fr ....................... C D Thornley 8 Power And Grace fr ...................... Scratched 7 3.27 PHILIP MCDONALD MEMORIAL HANDICAP TROT $9000, r40-r80 discrhcp, stand, 2400m 1 67944 Foreigner (1) fr ..................................G Hunt 2 30560 Grand Princess (2) fr............... M Williamson 3 45786 Heavenly Love (3) fr .........................J Curtin 4 97705 Aldebaran Bonny (4) fr ................C DeFilippi 5 210x0 Ruth Celeste Petite (5) fr........... M Edmonds 6 87008 Spurred By Success (6) fr ............T Williams 7 00047 Red Harbour (U1) fr ................ C D Thornley 8 40976 Rusty I Am (U2) fr ........................ P Wakelin

9 342P6 Take After Me (1) 15M............... R Houghton 10 48013 I’ldoitmyway (2) 15M ........................R Close 11 92512 Highland Star (3) 15M ..................... G Smith 12 00167 Justamollyarcher (1) 25M............. A Lethaby 13 11408 Theodosia (2) 25M ............................. C Butt 14 11143 Lovey Dovey Moment (3) 25M ... D Keast (J) 15 117D0 Sundees Son (U1) 40M ....................J Dunn 8 4.02 NEUMANNS TYRES HAMBLETONIAN CLASSIC MOBILE TROT $30,000, 3yo., mobile, 1609m 1 00D95 Aorangi (1) fr ....................................S Ottley 2 039 One Over Da Son (2) fr 3 21431 Get Lucky (3) fr ........................B Williamson 4 75415 Gil Favor (4) fr .................................. P Nairn 5 2x516 Full Noise (5) fr .............................B Barclay 6 21P40 Count Eyre (6) fr ..............................R Close 7 x7013 Majestic Chevron (7) fr ..................B Orange 8 10x6 Swiss Miss (8) fr.............................. G Smith 9 3x012 Cheerful (9) fr ...............................T Williams 10 1 Baxter (21) fr ......................................R May 11 29421 One Apollo (22) fr......................... S McNally 12 9x710 You Really Got Me (23) fr ..................J Dunn 13 02052 Lotamuscle (24) fr ...............................B Butt 9 4.37 ASHBURTON MSA LIQUOR CENTRE HANDICAP PACE $9000, 3yo+ r40-r63 spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 90300 Bound To Impress (1) fr................J Versteeg 2 x0060 Sweet Marylou (2) fr................ M Williamson 3 84369 Unfinished Business (3) fr ...........C DeFilippi 4 00086 Caesar’s Quest (4) fr ............... C D Thornley 5 69731 Gotta Future (1) 10M ....................B Orange 6 x2158 Matai Minky (2) 10M ....................T Williams 7 12223 Linton Shard (1) 20M ................M Anderson 8 03510 Bobby T (2) 20M ........................R Cameron

9 16322 Spot On (3) 20M ...............................J Dunn 10 0x050 Sweet Loress (4) 20M ................... K Butt (J) 11 00508 Hidden Desire (5) 20M .......................D Flint 10 5.12pm HOKONUI MID CANTERBURY MOBILE PACE $9000, 3yo+ r58., mobile, 2400m 1 896P9 Bird Of Paradise (1) fr ...............M Anderson 2 x6007 Skipperland (2) fr ..........................R Holmes 3 21070 Lincoln Skipper (3) fr ..........................R May 4 69x33 Donegal Mary Francis (4) fr ..........B Orange 5 315 Jay Tee Tyron (5) fr ............................J Dunn 6 x8916 Machsgain (6) fr ..................................K Cox 7 12 Flame Lady (7) fr..........................T Williams 8 46093 Kardesler (8) fr .........................N Purdon (J) 9 31870 The Tin Soldier (9) fr ............... M Williamson 10 86500 Sails (U1) fr ..................................... G Smith 11 1x18x Waytogo Bruno (U2) fr .........K Tomlinson (J) Pacifiers on : Waytogo Bruno (R10)


Race 1: Flying Monkey, Sierra Gold, She’s So Cool, Appearance Race 2: Duke, Reflectionsofmylife, Donegal Gilbert Race 3: My Mate Ben, Cullens Bet, Philadelphia Freedom Race 4: Kendra, Bubbled Up, Major Sass, Takemybreathaway Race 5: Kotare Cullen, Kayla Marie, Samskara, Raksbet Race 6: Smooth Deal, Copperfield, Flying Even Bettor Race 7: Sundees Son, Lovey Dovey Moment, Highland Star Race 8: Cheerful, Get Lucky, Majestic Chevron, Gil Favor Race 9: Spot On, Gotta Future, Unfinished Business Race 10: Flame Lady, Donegal Mary Francis, Kardesler LEGEND: X - Spell from racing of at least 3 months P - Retired (or pulled up) from race L - Driver unseated U1 - Unruly beginner {C} - Concession driver {} - Claiming concession driver which allows horse to start one class down


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 21

Melody Belle chasing another Group One Te Akau’s darling, Melody Belle, is in search of her fourth Group One victory this season at Otaki today, but will have to overcome her visitor’s draw to do so. The Jamie Richards runner, raced by Fortuna Syndications,

has drawn barrier 13 in the Gr.1 Haunui Farm WFA Group One Classic (1600m) and her connections are hoping she won’t be hindered too much by her wide gate. The four-year-old daughter of Commands has had a spate of bad

luck with barrier draws of late and has never won a race when drawn outside of barrier seven. She ran on gallantly to finish third in the Gr.1 Railway at Ellerslie on New Year’s Day after jumping away from gate 13, while her out-

side barrier (18) proved too much in the Gr.1 Telegraph at Trentham last month where she finished towards the tail of the field. Melody Belle bounced back last start to win the Gr.1 BCD Group Sprint (1400m) at Te Rapa earlier

M8 Waikouaiti harness

this month, from gate 2, and Richards has been pleased with his stable star since that run. “She won well at Te Rapa,” he said. “I wasn’t too sure of whether she was going to get there, but she’ got the job done for us.” - NZME

Tomorrow at Oamaru Raceway

Waikouaiti Trotting Club Venue: Oamaru (Grass) Meeting Date: 24 Feb 2019 NZ Meeting number: 8 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9; 10 and 11 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 5, 6 and 7; 9, 10 and 11 1 12.02pm BISHOPDALE&BUSH INN TABS AMATEUR DRVRS MBL PACE $7500, 4yo+ r40-r55, up-r69., mobile, 2000m 1 04409 Eja Patron (1) fr ..........................D Stapleton 2 34495 Beaudiene Gambler (2) fr ............J Reardon 3 00600 Aveross Ferrari (3) fr ......................... W Low 4 32580 Pat Campbell (4) fr ......................M Stratford 5 69600 Highland Reign (5) fr ...................... C Negus 6 78421 That Alexander Guy (6) fr............. R Sissons 7 71478 Gabby’s Star (7) fr .................... G Sinnamon 8 43604 Double Rainbow (8) fr ............... G Anderson 9 46921 Red Terror (9) fr.......................... M Maynard 10 98568 Mr Midnight (21) fr......................... B Wilmott 11 44541 Myboylolliepop (22) fr ........................P Cook 12 00803 Russian Express (23) fr ....................A Edge 13 47100 Knockmanaugh (24) fr .............. N Chalmers 2 12.30 DELVIN CHALMERS MEMORIAL TROT $7500, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2000m 1 99x0x Ken’s Dream (1) fr ...........................L Dobbs 2 85278 Helga’s Monarch (2) fr............. C D Thornley 3 Hide N Speak (3) fr ............. J Harrington (J) 4 6P Awesome Impee (4) fr .................. P Wakelin 5 500x0 Opawa Majestic (5) fr ...................I Cameron 6 60569 Tommy Tiddler (6) fr ..................E Barron (J) 7 0904 Motu Moondancer (7) fr .......K Tomlinson (J) 8 08940 About Last Night (8) fr .....................S Clarke 9 88680 Halfway There (9) fr................... C McDowell 10 x9978 Sweet Jeweliette (10) fr.................B Orange 11 00 Toldyah Frankie (11) fr ..................R Holmes 12 088L Superfast Lad (U1) fr....................M Heenan 13 9578x Majestic Rose (U2) fr .............. M Williamson 3 12.58 WALLACE GROUP/TAIERI WOOL & SKIN LTD MOBILE PACE $7500, non-winners 3yo+ f&m mr40 to mr46., mobile, 2000m 1 97005 Phil’s Last Chance (1) fr ...........B Williamson 2 33243 Baker Creek (2) fr .........................L O’Reilly


3 87676 Changed My Mind (3) fr ................ K Barclay 4 99235 Superstar Legend (4) fr ........... M Williamson 5 09200 Social Media (5) fr .............................. R May 6 47386 Smirken (6) fr ......................... J Morrison (J) 7 05970 Nadira Franco (7) fr ................... H Clarke (J) 8 90448 Jims Mama (8) fr ....................... R Anderson 9 79078 Lilac Change (9) fr ...........................S Ottley 10 60487 Melody Pond (21) fr......................... G Smith 11 5780x She’s Outstanding (22) fr ........ C D Thornley 12 88760 Szybka Lane (23) fr.......................... G Telfer 13 07250 La Bella Vita (U1) fr .......................B Weaver 4 1.31 CUSTOMHOME PRODUCTS/B GLOVER-BOB LOVETT MBL PACE $7500, non-winners 3yo+., 2000m 1 55444 Candidasa (1) fr ...................... M Williamson 2 64009 Mach O’Melley (2) fr ......................B Orange 3 00886 Myth Or Reality (3) fr........................R Close 4 42339 Forty Wives (4) fr...........................R Holmes 5 70880 Iron Woman (5) fr ..................B Laughton (J) 6 06600 Aveross Spitfire (6) fr .......................J Young 7 00052 Rebel With A Grin (7) fr ...................... R May 8 Good God (8) fr ........................B Williamson 9 9x655 Rockntommy Rulz (9) fr .............. B Hope (J) 10 698 Maximilian (21) fr ................... J Morrison (J) 11 P02 Ava Classy Gal (22) fr .......................A Beck 12 50408 Dreaminsover (23) fr ....................... G Smith 13 P706x Buildinganempire (24) fr.......... C D Thornley 5 2.06 CENTRE CITY NEW WORLD/DYNES TRANSPORT MBL PACE $7500, non-winners 3yo+ f&m mr47 to mr50., mobile, 2000m 1 853 Laydeenwaiting (1) fr....................... G Smith 2 55370 Sister’s Delight (2) fr.........................S Ottley 3 0 Precocious Megan (3) fr................R Holmes 4 0 Vera Stanhope (4) fr ......................... T Grant 5 For The Kitty (5) fr ........................ M Howard 6 0739 Diamond Shadow (6) fr ........... M Williamson 7 64259 Melt Down (7) fr ..................... J Morrison (J) 8 0x2 Living Fantasy (8) fr .................B Williamson 9 8 Nicole (9) fr ...................................B Orange 10 523 Bella Roza (21) fr .............................R Close 11 K Mach (22) fr .......................B Laughton (J)

12 30465 Katie Daly (23) fr ......................... B Hope (J)

Emergencies: Bono Hest, Cuddly Trouble, Fireman, Missalyssa ERIES MBL PACE $8500, 4yo+ r40-r55. jun.d, 2000m 8 3.51pm WAIK AUTO ENGINEERING/EAST OTAGO 1 15495 God Only Knows (1) fr ........... S Diamant (J) TRANS MBL PACE $8500, r40-r49,r51 w/c., 2000m 1 49108 Valzona (1) fr .................................R Holmes 2 47P00 Jacks N Jazz (2) fr ................ J Campbell (J) 2 05078 Lis Amore (2) fr ....................... C D Thornley 3 05162 Franco June (3) fr...................K Newman (J) 3 50x79 Eye Candy (3) fr ..............................B Munro 4 60062 The Kaik (4) fr ............................... K Butt (J) 4 69454 Fiery Ferret (4) fr .................... J Morrison (J) 5 33792 Bettor Enforce (5) fr.....................T Dewe (J) 5 00606 The Heart Rulz (5) fr .......................J W Cox 6 56771 Frankie Jones (6) fr ................ J Morrison (J) 6 130x0 Shindal (6) fr ....................................R Close 7 05078 Lis Amore fr.................................. Scratched 7 00282 Doc Seelster (7) fr ..................... R Houghton 8 20005 Paul’s Verdict (7) fr ....................E Barron (J) 8 71257 Vintage Rose (8) fr ...............S Tomlinson (J) 9 42552 Ideologist (8) fr .....................S Tomlinson (J) 9 74087 Sounds Lika Gem fr ..................... Scratched 10 33221 Star Ruler (21) fr ................. K McNaught (J) 11 21 Fringebenefit (22) fr............. J Harrington (J) 10 97036 Hot Starff (21) fr ...............................S Ottley 12 52501 Just N Awe (23) fr ....................... B Hope (J) 11 91833 Matinee Idol (22) fr .................. M Williamson 13 29480 Senorita Margarita (24) fr ...... O Thornley (J) 12 35259 Miss Fandango (23) fr ...................B Orange 14 32241 Lilac Star (25) fr ...................... S O’Reilly (J) 13 00052 Dying To See You (24) fr.................. G Smith 15 95010 Bobbie’s Medley (U1) fr .........B Laughton (J) 14 12926 Bush Man (25) fr ................................ R May Emergency: Lis Amore 15 30821 Futura Easton (26) fr ................B Williamson 7 3.16 SKEVINGTON CONTRACTING/AIRPARK CAN- 16 56943 My Patronus (27) fr ....................M Lewis (J) Emergencies: Lis Amore, Eye Candy TERBURY TROT $8500, r40-r55, stand, 2000m 1 51760 Motu Great Sensation (1) fr ............... R May 9 4.26 GLAMOUR HOOVES STABLES (WAIKOUAITI 2 72521 Easy Pickings (2) fr ..................... B Hope (J) CUP) HCP PACE $14,500, r60+ discrhcp, stand, 3000m 1 56834 Groomsman (1) fr............................... R May 3 368x4 Bono Hest (3) fr.........................E Barron (J) 2 16634 Doitson (2) fr .......................................B Butt 4 x21D7 Aveross Don (4) fr.............................J Young 3 21409 Tuapeka Trick fr ............................ Scratched 5 01029 Tehoro Tease (5) fr ........................R Holmes 4 90542 Machjagger (3) fr...........................B Orange 6 54763 BK Dawn (6) fr ............................. P Wakelin 5 59741 Cast A Shadow (4) fr............S Tomlinson (J) 7 06P00 Cuddly Trouble (7) fr 6 17955 Nui Ba Den (5) fr ..............................R Close 8 0x000 Fireman (8) fr ......................... J Morrison (J) 7 512P0 Onedin Reign fr ............................ Scratched 9 36651 Moniburns (9) fr.............................B Orange 8 01732 Sagwitch (1) 10M .....................B Williamson 10 0818x Missalyssa (10) fr 9 21382 Airpark Flyer (1) 20M .............. M Williamson 11 29079 Clifden Clowers (11) fr .....................R Close 12 43125 Rocknpop (12) fr ..................K Tomlinson (J) 10 x1107 Clasina Maria (1) 30M......................J Young 13 83050 Gin Rummy (13) fr .......................I Cameron 10 5.02 RICOH/CUSTOM FENCING/BIDFOOD HAND14 52044 Matai Jetstar (14) fr .......................... A Milne ICAP TROT $9500, r56+ discrhcp, stand, 2000m 15 x2109 Some Time (15) fr ............................ J Smith 1 23621 Sunny Glenis (1) fr .................... R Anderson 16 61689 Our Gracie (16) fr .................... M Williamson 2 11773 Springbank Lachie (2) fr...........B Williamson 17 31700 Escargo (U1) fr.................................S Ottley 3 30345 One Over Dover (3) fr ............. C D Thornley 18 10x00 Davey Mac (U2) fr ....................P Williamson 4 10080 One Over Da Skye (U1) fr ........... B Hope (J) 19 57554 Rachmaninov (U3) fr ........................ T Grant 5 DDP81 One Over Da Stars (U2) fr ..... R May


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

35000 Gorilla Playboy (U3) fr ...................B Orange 63446 Spotlight The Valley (1) 10M .. J Morrison (J) 22021 Zsa Zoe (2) 10M ..................S Tomlinson (J) 16740 Red Hot Rocket (3) 10M ................. G Smith 43129 Alvira Hest (4) 10M ..........................J Young 44451 Trick Star (1) 20M.............................S Ottley 02862 We’ll Meet Again (2) 20M ................. J Smith x4638 Smokey Mac (U1) 30M ........... M Williamson 11 5.31 GK FYFE PAINTING/MAINLAND POULTRY MOBILE PACE $9000, 3yo+ r51-r59., 2000m 1 428x0 Omar Sharif (1) fr ............................J W Cox 2 76313 Royal Jester (2) fr....................... D Keast (J) 3 32176 Lilac Becky (3) fr ...................B Laughton (J) 4 19730 Paduka (4) fr .................................B Orange 5 80589 Flamboyant (5) fr ..............................S Ottley 6 746x1 Bronx Village (6) fr .................. C D Thornley 7 44009 Leading The Way (7) fr ........... J Morrison (J) 8 31022 Three Ideas (8) fr ............................... R May 9 44121 Vinnie Rulz (9) fr ......................... B Hope (J) 10 6589x Bank Raider (21) fr...................B Williamson 11 5xL19 Miss Pinocchio (22) fr ..................... G Smith 12 00200 Romanite (23) fr ...................... A Stewart (J) 13 55240 Johnny White (24) fr .................. R Houghton 14 13316 Sounds Bettor (25) fr............... M Williamson SELECTIONS

Race 1: Double Rainbow, Knockmanaugh, Russian Express Race 2: Hide N Speak, Sweet Jeweliette, Awesome Impee Race 3: Superstar Legend, Baker Creek, Jims Mama, Smirken Race 4: Ava Classy Gal, Rebel With A Grin, Candidasa Race 5: Bella Roza, Sister’s Delight, Laydeenwaiting, Katie Daly Race 6: Bettor Enforce, Frankie Jones, Ideologist, Fringebenefit Race 7: Rachmaninov, Our Gracie, Some Time, BK Dawn Race 8: Matinee Idol, Fiery Ferret, Dying To See You, My Patronus Race 9: Airpark Flyer, Sagwitch, Doitson, Clasina Maria Race 10: Smokey Mac, We’ll Meet Again, Alvira Hest Race 11: Three Ideas, Johnny White, Sounds Bettor, Lilac Becky LEGEND: X - Spell from racing of at least 3 months P - Retired (or pulled up) from race L - Driver unseated U1 - Unruly beginner {C} - Concession driver {} - Claiming concession driver which allows horse to start one class down

Wairoa gallops Tomorrow at Wairoa Raceway

Wairoa RC Venue: Wairoa Meeting Date: 24 Feb 2019 NZ Meeting number: 6 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 12.40pm WAIROA STAR MAIDEN 2100 $10,000, MDN, 2100m 1 42x02 Beau Geste (11) 58.5......................R Myers 2 05x93 Sylwek (8) 58.5 ...................................C Dell 3 99500 Freightman (5) 58.5 4 087 Josey Wales (3) 58.5 5 008x0 Russian Roulette (10) 58.5 6 0222 Trumpet (7) 58................................. C Grylls 7 78366 Invigorate (13) 58 8 90 Gizzy Gold (14) 58 9 35523 Hypatia (1) 56.5 ............................L Allpress 10 33075 Sincerity (12) 56.5 11 7 La Reine Blanche (9) 56.5 12 27600 Supablue (2) 56.5 13 88009 Tintero (4) 56.5 14 0 Tamsin (6) 56 ..................................S Collett 2 1.15 KIWI TRANSPORT LTD MAIDEN 1200 $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 x5458 Tinder Hit (12) 58.5 2 P78x6 San Siro (3) 58.5 .............................S Collett


Auckland Greyhound Racing Club Venue: Manukau Stadium Meeting Date: 24 Feb 2019 NZ Meeting number: 9 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10; 11 and 12 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9; 10, 11 and 12 1 1.23pm (NZT) MT WELLINGTON TAB SERIES HEAT 1 C1q, 527m 1 57643 Bigtime Welldone 30.65 R & .......N O’Regan 2 57742 Home Bound nwtd R & .......................L Udy 3 83644 Bear Claws 30.81 W & ....................T Steele 4 46227 Crackling Gal nwtd U & .....................Cottam 5 36464 Talkabout Sophie 30.95 ...................M Black 6 83135 Opawa Pink 30.81 W & ...................T Steele 7 15721 Kiwi Gunn nwtd .............................R Adcock 8 88564 Idol Little Girl nwtd ............................M Flipp 9 15586 My Red Hero 30.87 ............................ D Ray 10 85468 Hua Hua nwtd ..............................R McPhee 2 1.41pm MT WELLINGTON TAB SERIES HEAT 2 C1q, 527m 1 46256 Jack No Lag 30.89 ......................... Y Castro 2 57817 Peekay Shout nwtd U & ....................Cottam 3 66321 Thrilling Arnold 31.25 ......................S Codlin 4 17755 Opawa Henry nwtd J & .......................D Bell 5 2821 Jinja Ted 31.13 ..................................E Potts 6 41645 Opawa Velocette 30.86 W &............T Steele 7 76757 Secret Babe 30.94 W &...................T Steele 8 84435 Pam Arising nwtd J M ..................... McCook 9 87576 Agbeze nwtd .................................A Cleaver 10 85468 Hua Hua nwtd ..............................R McPhee 3 1.58 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES RAILWAY SPRINT

3 80080 Goldchi (5) 58.5 4 670x Jonny Russ (11) 58.5 5 52 Pokuru’s Gift 58 ............................ Scratched 6 6x83 Up ‘n’ Gone (2) 58 7 Desert Magic (7) 58 ........................R Myers 8 Military Step (4) 58 .......................... C Grylls 9 00x64 One Way Street (8) 56.5 10 Je Suis Tiger (6) 56.5 .............J Fawcett (a1) 11 0x00 Sarah Sarah (9) 56.5 12 72 Masarova (13) 56 13 0079 Court Cha (1) 56 14 8 So Gold (10) 56 3 1.50 WINIATA SADDLERY $20,000, 2YO SW+P, 1200m 1 74 Caithness Kid (1) 57 ...........................C Dell 2 Senor Rossi (9) 57 3 All The Rage (7) 57 4 Curve (5) 57 5 437 Amazing Team (4) 55 6 4 Meritorious (2) 55 7 6 La Joya (3) 55 8 Mary Gold (6) 55 9 Serena (8) 55 ..................................S Collett 4 2.25pm COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL 1500 $12,000,

Rating 72 Benchmark, 1500m 1 66251 Cutting Up Rough t (4) 62 2 9x121 Griffin t (2) 60 .........................C Burdan (a4) 3 45726 Roll The Gold t (3) 59.5 ..........J Fawcett (a1) 4 08250 Sleek Secret td (5) 58 5 1x961 Full Of Grace (6) 57.5 ..................... C Grylls 6 47117 Pep Torque (1) 57.5............. C O’Beirne (a3) 7 2x035 She’s A Ripper (8) 55.5 ...................S Collett 8 480x7 Copper Xpress (7) 54 5 3.00pm BROKERWEB RISK SERVICES (HB) MAIDEN 1400 $10,000, MDN, 1400m 1 26L73 Flying Trapeze (9) 58.5 2 45 Che Guevara (5) 58.5 3 x5458 Tinder Hit (14) 58.5 4 86x66 Castle Black (13) 58.5 5 0x0 Rusticana (6) 58.5 6 2 Cover Drive (3) 58 7 52 Pokuru’s Gift 58 ............................ Scratched 8 54345 Magic Incanto (11) 56.5 9 80x90 After Five (1) 56.5 ................ S MacNab (a2) 10 45676 Come Dance With Me (4) 56.5 11 03900 Martinelli (7) 56.5 ................ C O’Beirne (a3) 12 52x45 Shez Ekstra (8) 56 -

13 473 Penny Royal (2) 56 14 6 Shelly’s Lass (10) 56 ................. D Hirini (a1) 15 80080 Goldchi (12) 58.5 6 3.35pm EASTLAND VETERINARY SERVICES 1300 $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1300m 1 00x32 Lord High Spirit (13) 60 2 8x651 Rock Idol t (2) 59............................. C Grylls 3 8x213 Mediterranean Star (11) 58.5 ........L Allpress 4 60821 Carillion t (1) 58 5 232x5 Miss Scandinavia (5) 58 ..................R Myers 6 100x8 Tuigold t (8) 57.5 7 41434 La Roccetta (9) 57 8 68174 Before Dawn d (12) 56.5 ........... D Hirini (a1) 9 05361 Hingis (6) 56.5 10 02150 Madam Makfi (4) 56 11 44702 Esbeedee m (7) 56 12 40806 Confessional t (10) 55.5 13 39697 Expedition (3) 54.5 7 4.10pm AFFCO NZ LTD WAIROA CUP $30,000, OPN HCP, 2100m 1 31162 Overtheriver tm (3) 62.5 2 10224 Peso dm (2) 56.5.............................R Myers 3 23x07 Francis Drake d (5) 54 -

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

48x63 Saint Kitt (9) 54 63439 Chic (8) 54 1x705 Tommyra m (1) 54 72524 Jessiegee (6) 54 ...........................L Allpress 18551 Korakonui d (7) 54 62364 Valante m (10) 54............................S Collett 22331 Masu t (4) 54 ................................... C Grylls 8 4.45pm WAIROA EXPATS & SUPPORTERS 2100 $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2100m 1 22331 Masu t (10) 61 ................................. C Grylls 2 58915 Pierian Spring m (1) 59 3 30x07 Party At Paroa dm (5) 58 4 781 Casino El Jay (12) 57 ....................L Allpress 5 x2385 Ascomanni m (4) 56.5 6 64368 Troup Road d (6) 56.5 7 72746 Iffraajinator (7) 56.5 8 00093 Prior Engagement (8) 55.5 9 660x9 Commander m (9) 55 10 691x6 Wilijonmcbride (2) 55 11 96662 Sweet Treat m (11) 54 12 56500 Em Kay Pops m (3) 54 Blinkers on: Magic Incanto (R5) Winkers on: Tamsin (R1), Roll The Gold (R4)

Auckland dogs Tomorrow at Manukau Stadium HEAT 1 C5q, 318m 1 23111 Bigtime Wendle 18.31 ........................L Cole 2 11336 Bigtime Emjay nwtd G & ........ S Fredrickson 3 15111 Goldstar Trooper nwtd S & ..............B Evans 4 34281 Blitz ‘Em Rene 18.35 U &..................Cottam 5 53157 Ekali 18.42 ..................................... G Farrell 6 54411 On Da Quest 18.59 R & ......................L Udy 7 36154 Shaw Lee nwtd J M......................... McCook 8 28633 One Cool Chap 18.47 W &..............T Steele 9 x625x Another What nwtd......................A Turnwald 10 x1647 Tough Torque 18.57 ..........................E Potts 4 2.16 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES RAILWAY SPRINT HEAT 2 C5q, 318m 1 76821 Hard Merch nwtd G & ............ S Fredrickson 2 22124 Just One Smile 18.29........................B Craik 3 84182 Harry Brown 18.33 ....................... H Mullane 4 16153 Kuridrani 18.71 ..............................A Cleaver 5 11611 Idol Nifty 18.23 ..................................M Flipp 6 17316 Bigtime Jetty nwtd ..............................L Cole 7 13344 Hands Of Steel nwtd .....................R Adcock 8 13154 Jinja Mongo 18.34 W & ...................T Steele 9 x625x Another What nwtd......................A Turnwald 10 11757 Bigtime Shine nwtd ............................L Cole 5 2.33 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES RAILWAY SPRINT HEAT 3 C5q, 318m 1 31151 Manila Bala nwtd R &..................N O’Regan 2 31217 Fantastic Amy 18.32 ........................S Lozell 3 22111 Platinum Marshal nwtd.................C Roberts 4 61344 Mad Harry 18.47 .............................S Codlin

5 24132 Bigtime Blackie nwtd ..........................L Cole 10 37557 Beck Eleven nwtd..........................R Adcock 6 86211 Tres Vite 18.60 ................................T Patton 8 3.26pm AUCKLAND CUP HEAT 1 C5q, 527m 7 14134 Bigtime Caleb nwtd ............................L Cole 1 51755 Know Threat nwtd ..........................G Cleeve 8 4514x Kiwi Boy 18.18 U & ...........................Cottam 2 71141 Diddilee nwtd ..............................A Turnwald 9 x625x Another What nwtd......................A Turnwald 3 53277 Dyna Monty nwtd .........................C Roberts 10 47265 Powerful Lomar nwtd ........................B Craik 4 11274 Kiwi Gal 30.40 U & ............................Cottam 6 2.51 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES RAILWAY SPRINT 5 14113 Avenger Bale 30.20......................C Roberts HEAT 4 C5q, 318m 6 66418 Egomaniacal nwtd........................D Roberts 1 15114 Nelso Allen nwtd ..........................C Roberts 7 44148 Bigtime Rod nwtd ...............................L Cole 2 42522 Bigtime Pete nwtd ..............................L Cole 8 63417 Don’t Knocka Gee nwtd .....................L Cole 3 36527 Idol Hot 18.64....................................M Flipp 9 22122 Heart Shaped Box 30.90...................B Craik 4 3187x Grid Lock nwtd ............................. H Mullane 10 51535 Tianyu 30.72 .................................. G Farrell 5 12115 Dusky Brew nwtd S & .....................B Evans 9 3.43pm AUCKLAND CUP HEAT 2 C5q, 527m 6 45171 Justa Gift nwtd J & ..............................D Bell 1 1F411 Dyna Wazza nwtd ........................C Roberts 7 22814 Flora Dora nwtd ............................R Adcock 2 36365 Hot Platter nwtd ..........................A Turnwald 8 55723 Wong Way 18.44 U & ........................Cottam 3 51217 Blazin’ Carter nwtd .............................L Cole 9 47265 Powerful Lomar nwtd ........................B Craik 4 12787 Cameo Syd 30.45 .............................B Craik 10 78577 Classy Impact 18.35 ....................... T Green 5 54211 Ask King Jeff 30.94 ............................L Cole 7 3.08 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES RAILWAY SPRINT 6 41121 Thrilling Talk 30.81 .......................... K Walsh HEAT 5 C5q, 318m 7 73266 Jinja Might 30.42 U & ........................Cottam 1 78183 Tyson’s Quest nwtd .........................B Marsh 8 41161 Double Speed nwtd.......................R Adcock 2 13242 Mila Mila nwtd .............................A Turnwald 9 18422 Big League Diva nwtd G & ..... S Fredrickson 3 11812 Dynamite Danger nwtd G & ... S Fredrickson 10 62514 Roman Nose Zarr nwtd ...............A Turnwald 4 15812 Styles nwtd................................... H Mullane 10 4.01pm AUCKLAND CUP HEAT 3 C5q, 527m 5 61245 Bigtime Eve nwtd ...............................L Cole 1 31321 Nature’s Gent 30.47 ....................A Turnwald 6 55145 Alex Attack 18.38 U & .......................Cottam 2 52731 Party Every Day nwtd..................A Turnwald 7 8x726 Dyna Kushida nwtd ......................C Roberts 3 38236 Ramblin’ On 30.46 W & ...................T Steele 8 11111 Sir Duggie 18.24 ................................L Cole 4 13623 Trojan Hoarse nwtd ............................L Cole 9 47265 Powerful Lomar nwtd ........................B Craik 5 28186 Damaging Lomar nwtd ......................B Craik

6 7 8 9 10

23141 Bertie Allen nwtd ..........................C Roberts 22461 Over Indulgence 30.65 ...................P Henley 11452 All About Space nwtd .........................L Cole 22122 Heart Shaped Box 30.90...................B Craik 22253 Bigtime Levi nwtd ...............................L Cole 11 4.18pm AUCKLAND CUP HEAT 4 C5q, 527m 1 23568 Lochinvar Hugo nwtd ........................B Craik 2 65346 Shallay Pallay 30.50 ....................A Turnwald 3 36245 Idol Dude nwtd ..................................M Flipp 4 13222 Dyna Dave 30.29 .........................C Roberts 5 61651 Pinny Mack 30.14............................. S Clark 6 6x131 You Can Be 30.57 ..............................L Cole 7 34812 Ringside nwtd ...............................R Adcock 8 71258 Bigtime Tears nwtd .............................L Cole 9 18422 Big League Diva nwtd G & ..... S Fredrickson 10 77338 Barge Bale nwtd...........................D Roberts 12 4.36pm JACK’S WHOLESALE MEATS SPRINT C4, 318m 1 51126 Rapper Tilly nwtd ................................S Kite 2 73722 Podium Phobia nwtd .................... H Mullane 3 63355 Nangar Panther 18.53 ....................C Henley 4 71218 Was Just Saying 18.59 R &.................L Udy 5 71556 Stay Rich 18.55 M & ........................ J Smith 6 16718 Thunderation 18.66 G &......... S Fredrickson 7 37855 Bigtime Phantom nwtd ................. H Mullane 8 17574 Beat The Butcher 18.36 R & ...............L Udy 9 28888 Kapai Lana 18.57 R & .........................L Udy LEGEND: fsdt - First Start Here nwd - No Win this Distance fstd - First Start This Distance 31 13 - Best Winning Time This Track

Sport 22 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019


In brief

Luke’s get-out clause The Warriors have confirmed Issac Luke has a get-out clause in his NRL contract if rival clubs dangle better money, but insist they know nothing of an approach from Parramatta. Veteran hooker Luke is reportedly being pursued by the Eels, who are said to be preparing a two-year contract considerably more lucrative than his modest single season deal in Auckland. Warriors chief executive Cameron George said he had a verbal agreement with Luke that allowed the Kiwis international to consider rival offers and couldn’t rule out granting the 31-year-old a release before the season proper begins next month. The Warriors snapped up Luke on a cut-price contract late last year at a time when his future was clouded by ongoing calf and shoulder concerns. His decision to undergo a shoulder operation prompted the Newcastle Knights to reportedly lose interest, allowing the Warriors to cheaply snare one of their best performers in 2018. As a goodwill gesture, George said they agreed with Luke’s request to field offers elsewhere but it would have to go through Warriors management. “We gave him our word we would consider it. “It was basically a verbal agreement, that if he was given a great opportunity elsewhere for him and his family, he could bring it

Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp has hailed Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s ability to unlock the potential of his players and believes the Manchester United interim boss has the qualities to manage top teams having made an instant impact at Old Trafford. United have won eight of nine Premier League matches under Solskjaer to force their way back into the top four, a prospect that looked bleak when former boss Jose Mourinho was sacked in December with the team at sixth. Speaking ahead of tomorrow’s league meeting, Klopp said he was impressed by United’s form since a 3-1 defeat by Liverpool which led to the Portuguese manager’s dismissal. - PA

Mumford back for Swans

Issac Luke is apparently being pursued by the Eels with a big-money offer. forward and discuss it,” George said. Following the off-season exit of halfback Shaun Johnson, the Warriors have the salary cap money to improve Luke’s condi-

tions. They may be unwilling to lose another experienced member of their spine. The club’s next option at hooker would be the highly-rated Nathaniel Roache, 22, who

missed all of last season following back surgery but is fit enough to line up for the club’s trials. Utility players Jazz Tevaga and Karl Lawton can also be employed at hooker. - NZME


Halbergs - they can be fixed I

wasn’t going to talk about the Halberg Awards and my ongoing disappointment at both the judges’ decisions and the pedestrian television coverage. Because what I think of the television presentation isn’t really the point of these prestigious awards. And my opinion about who won and lost is as irrelevant as are all my opinions. But heh, like this has ever stopped me before. The Halbergs are not a television event. In fact, they are so drawn out, tedious, boring and tepid they make Brisbane Roar v Central Coast Mariners in the A-League a must-watch experience. What could they do to make it more viewer friendly? Shorten the whole thing by two hours for a start. Turn it into a fast-paced superbly edited video highlights package showcasing our very best, reviving memories of their magnificent achievements, AND LEAVE IT AT THAT. Because this night is, or rather

Klopp backs Solskjaer

The Sportswoman Of The Year Award winner Lisa Carrington, with Grant Robertson and Alison Shanks

should be, about the athletes and only the athletes. It’s about them rubbing shoulders, socialising and spending time with each other. The rest of it is nothing but filling big black holes on tiresome television. And as for the judges, once again they totally miss the point. Lisa Carrington, wonderful

multiple Olympic and world champion that she is, should not have re-won Sportswoman of the Year. The criteria, as idiotic as ever, demands that reward be given for world championship wins. Problem with this is that sports like rowing, track cycling and canoeing have world championships every other month

and, by definition, will always dominate. The true world championships of these sports is, in fact, the Olympics. Everything else is a warm-up or build-up to that ultimate big show. Which is why Zoi Sadowski-Synnott’s bronze at the Winter Games was much more worthwhile. No Kiwi is meant to climb that particular sporting summit. It’s like Chris Wood scoring a dozen Premier League goals. Just think for a second how many people are involved in those sports, how bitterly competitive they are worldwide and then how remarkable it is that someone from these far-flung shores overachieves on that global scale. And this without even mentioning Jonelle Price, whose exploits were equally outstanding. Time for a refresh, Halbergs. Time to make these awards what they should be. And time to start thinking about how to make them much better TV. - NZME

GWS ruckman and hard man Shame Mumford has declared he will be much more careful about the way he goes into contests but he may attract AFL Match Review attention for an incident in his comeback game. Playing for the first time in 17 months after retiring because of a foot injury, Mumford featured in a practice match against Sydney yesterday. Near the end he caught Swans midfielder George Hewett with a high swinging arm. Mumford will miss the first two rounds after the club imposed a suspension on him after footage emerged of him snorting white powder. - AAP

Kyrgios up to antics Nick Kyrgios has lost his secondround clash to Radu Albot at the Delray Beach Open in a match marred by more on-court antics from the Australian. Nearing the end of the first set, Kyrgios snapped back at a heckling spectator who apparently questioned his effort. Kyrgios was called for a code violation after a linesperson reported back to the chair umpire Fergus Murphy that the Aussie had sworn during the exchange. The incident left Kyrgios fuming, sarcastically clapping off the official when they were relieved of their duties as he fought back to win the second set. - PA

McIlroy fires, Tiger doesn’t Rory McIlroy has almost aced a par-four hole en route to the firstround lead at the WGC-Mexico Championship. McIlroy’s two-iron at the 305-yard first hole, his 10th of the day, landed on the front of the green and his ball almost grazed the cup as it trickled past. He sank the subsequent six-foot eagle putt and carded an eightunder-par 63. Tiger Woods, after receiving an enthusiastic introduction from the first tee announcer in his first tournament appearance in Mexico, promptly hit his drive out-of-bounds. - PA

Osaka in the spotlight Two-times Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova says Naomi Osaka’s shyness is a problem for her as she struggles to deal with the increased scrutiny in the wake of her success at the grand slams and her rise to the top of the world rankings. A tearful Osaka admitted difficulty in dealing with the attention of being the world’s topranked woman after a shock defeat by France’s Kristina Mladenovic in Dubai. - PA


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 23

Moore Street Medical Centre, Moore Street, Ashburton, will be the duty practice for Saturday until 8am Sunday. Consultations will be by appointment only. To make a booking please phone 0800 700 155.

Weekend Services


DIAL 111 in the event of a Medical or Accident Emergency

Emergency Dentist

Healthline is a free health advice service. It operates

24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll-free number to call is 0800 611 116. Healthline is staffed by registered nurses who are trained to assess health problems and offer advice over the phone. The service is free and confidential.

If you do not have or cannot contact your regular dentist, please phone 027 683 0679 for the name of the rostered weekend dentist in Christchurch. Hours 9am - 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.


For all urgent medical calls phone 0800 700 155 at any time. IN EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY PHONE 111. This service is for emergency medical care only. Please bring your Community Services Card. All non New Zealanders should bring their passport with them, New Zealanders should bring some form of ID. Three Rivers Health, Allens Road, Ashburton, will be the duty practice for Saturday and Sunday until 8am Monday. Please phone 0800 700 155 for an appointment.

Methven & Rakaia Area

For weekend and emergency services please phone 302 8105 for details on how to access the after-hours service each weekend.


Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, from 10am - 1pm Sunday and from 5pm - 7pm both evenings.

Art Gallery

327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 308 1133. Open daily: 10am – 4pm, Wednesday: 10am – 7pm

Ashburton Museum

Alcoholics Anonymous



Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or visit for more information.

Mental Health - Call free on 0800 222 955. Ask for the Crisis Team.

327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 307 7890. Open daily: 10am – 4pm

Ashburton Public Library

8am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 8.30am HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH. Mass, Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 9am - 3.30pm ASHBURTON KENNEL ASSN CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW. Allenton Rugby Club grounds, Melrose Road, Ashburton. Over 300 dogs being shown. Sunshine or rain. May be gold coin donation at gate.

MONDAY 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Betty’s circuit training in the hall. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am - 11am DAYTIME NETBALL. $5 a game, first game free. EA Networks Centre, River Terrace. (not school holidays). 9.45am LADIES FREIENDSHIP CLUB. Doris Linton Lounge, RSA Rooms, Cox Street.

Dog, Stock & Noise Control

Ashburton District Council 03 307 7700 - 24hr service.

Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. Saturday: 10am - 1pm. Sunday: 1pm - 4pm.

Animal Welfare Centre

EA Networks Centre - Pools

Mid Canterbury Animal Shelter

All enquiries - phone 308 4432 or 027 3329286.

Victims Support Group

Mail Closing Times

24hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846). Direct dials to a volunteer. Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am - 2pm, outside of these hours leave a message.

Alcohol Drug Help Line

Call us free on (0800 787 797). Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days.

Lifeline Toll-free: 0800 353 353.

ASHBURTON VETS - Ph 0276 838 000, 149 Cameron Street, Ashburton: Duty vet: Ben Hallenstein. Full emergency service all weekend. VET ENT RIVERSIDE - Ph 03 308 2321, 1 Smallbone Drive, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. VETLIFE ASHBURTON - Ph 03 307 5195, Cnr East Street and Seafield Road, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. CANTERBURY VETS - Ph 03 307 0686, Information Centre Methven - Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10am until West Street Clinic, West Street, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend emergencies: Maisie Fleming. 3pm. Phone 302-8955 or ASHBURTON MAIL CENTRE STANDARD POST: Mon - Fri 6pm POST DELIVERY CENTRES Allenton & Tinwald: Mon - Fri 5pm Methven & Rakaia: Mon - Fri 4.30pm ASHBURTON’S STREET RECEIVERS Business Area: Mon - Fri 5pm Residential Area: Mon - Fri 1pm

Vet Ent and Vet Life operate a joint after-hours SMALL animal emergency service. To use this service please phone your vet as usual.

Daily Events



Support. Ph 03 364 8791


9am - 3.30pm ASHBURTON KENNEL ASSN CHAMPIONSHIP DOG SHOW. Allenton Rugby Club grounds, Melrose Road, Ashburton. Over 300 dogs being shown. Sunshine or rain. May be gold coin donation at gate. 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FARMERS’ MARKET. Lots of produce, products, hot and cold

Reservations & timetables, 24-hour service. Freephone for reservations: 0800 802 802. BUSES - Southbound: 9.30am, 3.20pm. Northbound: 12.30pm, 5.10pm.

20 River Terrace - phone 03 308 4020. WEEKEND HOURS: Contact - President 021 1356 969. Sat & Sun 7am - 7pm. Public holidays 10am - 5pm. Veterinarians

Safe Care - 24hr Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis

Ashburton Rest Homes


Bus Departures

February 23, 24 & 25, 2019 drinks and much more. See you there! West Street Car Park. 9am - 12.30pm CRAFT MARKET. Children’s clothing, jewellery, Rawleighs, toys and more. West Street Car Park. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY. Open Thursday and Saturday mornings for toy hire. Victoria Street, The Triangle.

10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 12pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed most public holidays.

10am - 12pm ASHBURTON VINTAGE CAR CLUB. Museum and parts shed open, 86 Maronan Road Tinwald 10am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 10am - 4pm TROTTS GARDEN. Internationally recognised, open daily, weekends by arrangement, entry fee

applies. or phone 027 640 4094. Racecourse Road. 10.45am ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Golf croquet club days, new members welcome. Allenton Sports Club. Cavendish Street. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Association club days, new members welcome. Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street.

9.30am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Worship service led by Rev Henry Mbambo. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am ASHBURTON METHODIST CHURCH. Morning service with Rev Heather Kennedy. Baring Square Church lounge, Baring Square East. 10am ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning worship, led by Rev Eric Mattock , all welcome. Sinclair Centre, Park Street.

10am ST PAUL’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning Worship at St James Tinwald, led by Rev David Coster. No Service at St Paul’s today, 127 Thomson Street, Tinwald 10am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories. 160 Main Street, Methven.

10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion. Park Street. 10am ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning service, all welcome. 67 Cass Street. 10.30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 10.30am GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worshipping God and transforming lives. 63 Princes Street, Netherby.

11am ASHBURTON SAILING CLUB. Learn to sail weekly for 8 weeks, Age 7 upwards. New extension area at Lake Hood. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton airport, Seafield Road. 7pm VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall).

10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For more information ring Age Concern 308 6817. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street.

10am - 4pm TROTTS GARDEN. Internationally recognised, open daily, weekends by arrangement, entry fee applies. or phone 027 640 4094. Racecourse Road. 10am - 4pm HOSPICE MID CANTERBURY OP SHOP. Quality clothing and homewares. Donations welcome. 71 Tancred Street.

12pm BAPTIST CHURCH FREE LUNCH. Weekly lunch, available at Baptist Church, foyer entrance off Cass Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Seafield Road. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed most public holidays.

1.30pm ASHBURTON SENIOR NET. Copying slides, bring slides to be copied and a memory stick. Cost $2. Reading Room, MSA Havelock Street. 6pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Betty’s circuit training in the hall. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 7.30pm ASHBURTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Garden viewing awards evening. Domain Pavilion, Walnut Avenue.

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East Street, Ashburton. Phone 03 308 5771 East Street, Ashburton. Phone 03 308 5771

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To advertise here contact Neil on 021 272 2399 or 03 307 7907

Classifieds 26 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019






Drive Thru Supervisor

Store Manager Do you love challenging yourself, leading teams, and delivering strong commercial growth and customer service in FMCG? We currently have a position available for a positive, enthusiastic, driven individual who wishes to advance his or her career within the supermarket industry and to develop this key management position within our supermarket. The main focus of this role is to liase closely with the owner/operator with the day-to-day running and presentation of the store with the aim of being a leader in the industry. The successful applicant must be able to demonstrate these key attributes: • Preferably come from a FMCG background • Have a high level of self-motivation • Demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities • Have excellent communication skills • Demonstrate excellent customer service skills • Have experience in achieving company goals at an operational level. • Be not above helping out on the shop floor • Understand, manage and review financial objectives. • Have a great sense of humour • Have great organisational skills • To be able to project a professional persona with all types of people Reporting directly to the owner/operator, the successful applicant’s responsibilities will include: • Implementing, maintaining and reviewing company policies as they relate to store activities including, but not limited to, merchandising, training, security and compliance. • Liase with both internal and external personnel so that objectives are set, monitored and reviewed and budgets are met. • Evaluating and improving store performance wherever possible. In return we can offer fantastic working conditions, an excellent community and competitive salary package for this position. This position will include one weekend day. If you are wanting to take the next step in your career with New Zealand’s largest grocery organisation and are ready to be challenged, then please forward your CV along with a minimum of two referees to: Store Manager Position The Owner/Operator, Ashburton New World, PO Box 444, Ashburton 7740

Are you ready for a new challenge? We have a full time position available as a Drive Thru Supervisor. We are looking for someone to lead our front line team and be responsible for driving excellent customer service to our building and trade customers. This is a permanent role working Monday to Friday with rostered Saturday mornings. We are currently seeking an enthusiastic highly motivated person with good communication and organisational skills. Being physically fit and enjoying working both inside and outside are prerequisites to joining our team. The successful applicant would need full current driver’s licence, a valid F-endorsement would be an advantage. Being proficient with computers and having experience in the building industry would be preferred. The work is varied and we will supply full training for the position advertised. Applicants are invited to forward their concise CVs to PlaceMakers Ashburton with a short handwritten covering letter, marked for the attention of: Paul Robinson PlaceMakers PO Box 4, Ashburton 7740 Or you can email your application to: Applications must be received by us by March 9, 2019.

Or alternatively apply by emailing Applications close March 6, 2019. Overseas applicants must hold New Zealand citizenship, New Zealand permanent residency or a Valid New Zealand Work Permit.

Guardian Classifieds

307 7900

SEASONAL STAFF we design. we build. we develop. we innovate. We’re now looking for great people to join our team.

Trainee Crawler Crane Operator Who Are We Calder Stewart is a leading construction company specialising in design and build services to the industrial, commercial, rural and public construction markets. With a thirst for building innovation, pride in traditional business values and a commitment to ‘build it the right way’, Calder Stewart has been a recognised leader in the New Zealand building industry for 60 years. About the Role This is a great opportunity to enter the construction industry, joining our small team initially as Dogman, with the prospect of gaining Crane Operators qualification. You’ll work with our fleet of mobile and crawler cranes, carrying out work on our various commercial construction sites throughout the Christchurch region. You will have a passion for learning, be highly motivated, with knowledge of agricultural machinery or similar heavy equipment. Our ideal candidate To be successful in this role you will need to have: • • • • • • •

exposure to machinery or farming equipment a full driver’s licence self-motivation ability to think outside the box a commitment to improving performance in product quality and safety a good level of physical fitness ability to follow clear instructions and work well within a team.

Full training will be provided with prospect of Trainee Crawler Crane opportunity considered for a stand out applicant who is motivated and reliable. Culture and Benefits In return, we offer you an opportunity to join a solid, long standing and reputable company with a supportive work environment, where you will meet great people and are provided with long term career opportunities. Please apply online now by visiting our website: and click our employment section.

CFA is a privately owned and operated feed analysis lab based in Ashburton. Our IANZ accredited laboratory operates with the latest technology to bring world class analysis of all animal feed and forages. To continue bringing our clients the highest level of service and results, we are currently looking for hardworking and responsible people to join our team as leaders out in the field during our busiest 10 week winter feed testing season. The role: • Onsite field work throughout Canterbury, sampling a wide variety of crops and animal feeds from mid-April through to end of June. • Liaising with and developing good relationships with contractors, company reps and farmers. • Providing independent and informed information to clients. Skills and experience: • Professional and excellent communication skills. • Self-motivated – with the ability to work independently if needed, and work well within our team. • Agricultural experience would be advantageous to this role. • Accuracy and attention to detail is paramount. • Commitment and confidence to strive for excellence within the industry. Benefits: • Working in a supportive and friendly environment, as a valued member of the team. • For the right person there is the potential for further career development. • Training and support will be provided. • Good hourly rate. Please email or post a covering letter along with your C.V. to: Tom Kearney PO Box 5069, Tinwald 7741 Ph 027 430 2131

Cleaning Position Radius Millstream has a cleaning position available to cover weekends, public holidays and annual leave.

Chefs wanted

Our famous Thai restaurant is looking for full-time Thai chefs. The candidates must For further details visit: have 5 or more years’ Please contact experience cooking Thai Radius Millstream cuisine in a restaurant. 03 975 8860. Please send your CVs to: Position is available Charming Thai for immediate start. Restaurant URL Closing date 148 East street, _____________________ With: _______________________________ Date:_______________________________ Guardian Classifieds tested: checked: Ashburton 307 7900 Calder Stewart is committed to a drug and alcohol free workplace. A negative drug test result will be a condition of any offer of employment.

sing proof

revisions: 1 2 3 4 5

For all subscriber enquiries, missed deliveries, new subscriptions, temporary stops – text, call or email:

Text 021 271 3399 Phone 0800 274 287 Email circulation@

undercar specialists

Qualified Mechanic

Full-time, Permanent Self-motivated team player with excellent communication skills. Full current NZ driver’s licence. WOF ticket would be a bonus. Experience working on a wide variety of makes and models • Good diagnostic and fault finding skills • Solid all-round repair experience • A positive, professional and friendly customer service attitude • Team player but able to work autonomously. • A reliable and honest work ethic. We are a small, busy business and the successful applicant would need to be able to work effectively under pressure. Hours of work: 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday, with the occasional Saturday morning. Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Cnr Cass and South streets Ph 308 9984 - Mob 027 499 9565

Registered Nurse For Ear Wax Removal & Hearing Testing Part-time position, Ashburton Registered nurse required for audiology company, to perform ear wax removal by microsuction and hearing testing. • Part-time – 24 hours per week. • The clinic operates Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 5.00pm. • Previous experience not necessary, as complete training in ear wax removal and hearing testing will be provided to the successful candidate. • The position is rewarded by a competitive hourly rate, a great work environment and offers the opportunity to make a positive difference in people’s lives. • We are looking for someone with drive and initiative, to become a valuable member of our team and provide our clients outstanding service. If this sounds like the opportunity you have been looking for, please forward your CV to: Applications close Friday, March 8, 2019. Please note: All applicants must be legally entitled to work in New Zealand.

Looking for the ideal part-time driving job? We need School Bus Drivers! Driving a school bus is very rewarding and allows you plenty of time to follow other pursuits in between daily trips. We currently have vacancies within our company for School Bus Drivers in the Ashburton area. Assistance may be available for suitable applicants to obtain the required licences. For further enquiries to:




The Manager Pearsons Coachlines Ltd 403 West Street Ashburton Email: Phone: (03) 308 2992 or 021 344 647 Website:



Saturday, February 23, 2019



Ashburton Guardian 27


Pete’s Tours of Ashburton

‘Individual Excellence in a Supportive Learning Environment’

Learning Support Assistant – Mainstream classes 1.1 support To support mainly Year 11 and 12 students with their learning needs. This is a fixed-term, term-time only position for commencement as soon as is practicable (during Term 1, 2019) until 1 November 2019. Hours: 22 hours per week, to be confirmed with successful applicant. Employment is under the Support Staff in Schools Collective Agreement, Grade B. Initial payment step commensurate with experience. Applications close noon, Tuesday 26 February 2019. Information package enquiries and applications please contact:

Jodee Ross, Principal’s Secretary Phone (03) 308 4193 ext 809 Email: Ashburton College, PO Box 204, Ashburton 7740

Diesel Mechanic Wanted Wanaka We have need of an experienced, Qualified Diesel Mechanic to join our team. You’ll work with agricultural machinery, tractors, farm equipment, trucks and various heavy equipment. We offer: • Great variety in the role • Field work • Modern spacious light workshop • Top dollar paid • New three bedroom House available to rent at reduced rate • Confidentiality guaranteed Applicants for this position should have NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa. Please contact: Bruno or Marg Galloway Wanaka Tractor Services 03 443 7749 work, 03 443 8267 home or email

Children and Youth Ministry Co-ordinator

Phone 0274 321 681 Running Mondays, bookings dependent

Allenton Netball Club

Morning tours depart from town.

Special General Meeting

Cost $20 cash per person, No Eftpos. Bring a packed lunch and picnic or choose from several great local venues.

Options include: Coniston - $10 admittance Trotts Garden - $15 admittance At Violinos - $15 Admittance Lake Hood - Free

For a full job description and expression of interest, please email the Minister: or write to Rev. Henry Mbambo, 48 Allens Road Ashburton 7700.

Allenton Clubrooms, Melrose Road To adopt Financial Report Enquiries Aimee Gommans 027 538 3616 President

We collect you after your chosen adventure and return you to town.

Call Pete today 0274 321 681

TRADES, SERVICES 10mm x 30.7mm

60mm x 30.7mm

COMPUTER PROBLEMS?? For professional computer servicing and laser engraving, see Kelvin at KJB Systems, 4 Ascot Place. Phone 308 8989. Locally owned and serving Ashburton for 30 years. Same day service if possible. Supergold discount card welcomed.




AKAROA - CHARMING, Board 20mm high x 30.7mm wide spacious holiday home, three

Pursuant to Section 53(1) (e) of the Reserves Act 1977 public notice is hereby given that the Mayfield A & P Association has been granted use of the Mayfield Domain for the purpose of holding its Annual Show on Saturday, March 9, 2019, with the right to charge admission.

bedrooms, two bathrooms, all electric heating. Sky, all mod cons, short walk to village. Phone Brian 307 8000 or 308 6180.

HEALTH & BEAUTY SHELLY, Open Chinese Phone

J.A.Ludemann Secretary

MOTORING 2012 NISSAN LEAF - All electric vehicle. One NZ owner. 17,000 kilometres. Pearl white. $12,900 ONO. Phone 308 7700 or 027 221 3930.


WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.

CASUAL experienced farm worker available for tractor/stock work etc. Licences 1, x2,63.5mm F, W. Phone 63.5mm 027 610 9824.

BUYER of unwanted animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horses and all farm animals. We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 621, A/H 03 348 9439.

St. David's Church in Allenton, Ashburton is currently looking for a Children and Families Ministry Co-ordinator. This is a 15 hour/week position and you will be a part of the pastoral team. If you feel called to this position- get in touch with Rev. Henry

Are you called to Christian ministry with children and young people? St David’s Church in Allenton, Ashburton has an opportunity for a Children and Youth Ministry Co-ordinator to or 48 Allens Road Ashburton, 7700. Ph: 03-308be appointed. This is a full time position. 5174

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 6.30pm


Application closing date on March 15, 2019, 5pm.

health massage. 9am 9pm. lady, Ashburton. 022 684 1692.


LIME chip for sale - Westside SCOOTERS - new and Hire, 171 Alford Forest Road. secondhand three and four $38 per scoop. Call now on 308 wheel-electric scooters 40mm x 30.7mm 0006. Compost and bark too. and wheel-chairs. Call Pick-up and delivery options. Fred Reddecliffe at You can even hire a trailer! Electric Mobility Ashburton today. Phone 308 3602.

GARAGE SALES CHARITY market and garage sale. Pakeke Lions raising funds for Ashburton community. Cash or Eftpos on sale day. From 9am Saturday, March 2, 2019, Ashburton Racecourse. Enquiries call Dave 307 4349.

ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ANNA and Lucy. Two Asian ladies available. Professional massage. Good service. In/out calls 021 046 4314. ASHLEY – Attractive, available. Mature gentlemen welcome. No texting. Phone 021 0275 9055.

Guardian Real Esate 307 7900

Church Services GUARDIAN

Advertise in this classification every Saturday!

Book two adverts and get one free! Advertisement Rates

96.25mm x 96.25mm


50mm x 30.75mm



60mm x 30.75mm


All prices GST exclusive

ORRS Teacher Aide 14 hours per week Experience with high needs learning support preferable. Expressions of interest and names of two referees in writing to: Rebekah Clement Principal

Buying or selling a vehicle?

Call the Guardian for all your motoring advertising requirements.

307 7900 GUARDIAN - Column Filler Adverts

To advertise in Church Services 7936 contact Emma 03 307 26/06/17



Television 28 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Saturday, February 23, 2019 TVNZ 1


©TVNZ 2019

7pm M A Knight’s Tale PGR 2001 Action Comedy. A peasant squire takes on the identity of his master when the knight dies. 0 9:30 M The Legend Of Zorro AO 2005 Action. 0

7pm America’s Got Talent – The Champions Kiwi mime act Tape Face, who was a finalist in America’s Got Talent, performs; serial Got Talent performer The Professional Regurgitator returns to the stage. 0 8:55 M Mercury Rising AO 3 1998 Action Thriller. 0

7pm WhichCar 0 7:30 Midsomer Murders PGR When Barnaby is dragged to Sarah’s family friend’s wedding, the last thing he expects is to be enlisted to catch a murderer with an apparent penchant for local brides. 0 9:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (DLY) Crusaders v Hurricanes. From Christchurch.

12:05 M Cloud Atlas AO 2012 Drama. Tom Hanks, Halle Berry. 0 3:05 Love Island UK 3:55 Scandal AO 3 4:40 Young And Hungry PGR 3 5:05 Fresh 5:30 Infomercials

11:15 M Me, Myself And Irene AO 3 2000 Comedy. A man with multiple personalities falls in love with a woman, only to find out that his other personalities have also. Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger, Chris Cooper. 0 1:30 Infomercials 5am Hillsong 5:30 Charles Stanley

11:10 M Mortdecai AO 2014 Crime Comedy. Armed only with good looks and charm, art dealer Charles Mortdecai must recover a hoard of Nazi gold. Johnny Depp, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor. 0 1:10 Rizzoli And Isles AO 3 0 2:05 Coronation Street Catch-Up PGR 3 0 4am Infomercials


Travel Man – 48 Hours In 7pm on Choice


10am Beverly Hills Pawn 3 10:28 The Dish PGR 3 10:30 Dance Moms 3 11:30 Dance Moms 3 12:28 The Dish PGR 3 12:30 Top Chef – Just Desserts PGR 3 1:30 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 2pm Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 2:28 The Dish PGR 3 2:30 Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry 3 3:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver 3 4:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 5:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 6:30 I’m Having Their Baby 3 7:30 Botched PGR 3 8:30 Vanderpump Rules AO 9:30 Unanchored AO 10:33 The Dish PGR 3 10:35 Summer House AO 11:30 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3

6am Nightwatch M 6:55 The Simpsons PG 9:55 Pawn Stars – UK PG 10:20 MacGyver M 11:15 Hatfields & McCoys MV 1pm Grimm M 1:50 The Flash M 2:45 Supergirl MVS 3:35 Marvel’s Runaways M 4:30 The Simpsons PG 7:30 MacGyver M Angus ‘Mac’ MacGyver works for a clandestine organisation within the US government, relying on his unconventional problem-solving skills to save lives. 8:30 Ice Road Truckers PG Polar Industries goes for the record books, sending driver Todd on a risky run to deliver the heaviest haul in the company’s history. 9:30 Appalachian Outlaws M 10:30 Nightwatch M 11:30 The Simpsons PG

Midnight Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 12:25 Infomercials 3 5am Flipping Out 3

2:30 The Flash MVS 3:25 Supergirl MVS 4:20 Appalachian Outlaws M 5:10 Marvel’s Runaways M



6am Nella The Princess Knight 0 6:25 Codename – Kids Next Door 3 6:50 The Fairly Odd Parents 3 7:15 Danny Phantom 7:40 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 0 8:05 The Legend Of Korra 3 8:30 100 Things To Do Before High School 9am Justice League PGR 10am RAW PGR 3 11am SmackDown PGR 3 Noon Sailing – Sail GP 1pm The Crowd Goes Wild Omnibus 3 2pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 3pm IRT Deadliest Roads PGR 3 0 4pm Flog It! 3 5pm Fishing Classics 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm A Place In The Sun – Winter Sun

6am PJ Masks 3 0 6:25 Custard’s World 3 0 6:35 Ducktales 3 0 6:55 Ben 10 Reboot 0 7:05 Thunderbirds Are Go! 3 0 7:30 Future-Worm! 3 0 7:50 Transformers – Robots In Disguise 0 8:15 Lego Ninjago – Masters Of Spinjitzu 0 8:40 Pickle And Peanut 3 0 9am Clarence 3 0 9:10 Marvel’s Spider-Man 0 9:35 Dragon Ball Super PGR 0 10am N Fresh 10:30 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 3 0 11am Suburgatory PGR 0 11:35 Take Me Out 0 12:55 F The Fosters 1:50 Living Biblically 0 2:20 Splitting Up Together PGR 0 2:45 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show 0 3:55 The Amazing Race 0 4:55 Travel Guides 0 6pm The Middle 0 6:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0

7pm on TVNZ 2


6am Charles Stanley 6:30 The Project 3 7:25 Infomercials 9:30 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show PGR 3 0 10:25 The Bachelor NZ PGR 3 0 11:40 Restaurant Revolution PGR 3 12:50 Australian Ninja Warrior 3 0 2:30 Fresh Off The Boat PGR 3pm The Goldbergs PGR 0 3:30 Drop The Mic PGR 4pm All Star Family Feud 3 North v South. 0 5pm N Survivor – Edge Of Extinction Fourteen new castaways and four returning competitors are divided into two tribes, Manu and Kama. 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm

6am Te Karere 3 2 0 6:30 F Pet Medics 0 7am People On Bikes 0 7:30 Infomercials 0 9am Whanau Living 0 9:30 Tagata Pasifika 10am Tipping Point 11am Hell’s Kitchen Australia PGR 0 12:05 800 Words PGR 3 0 1pm The Hotel Inspector PGR 3 0 2pm George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3 0 2:55 Flipping Profit! 0 3:55 Gino’s Italian Escape 0 4:25 Rachel’s Tour Of Beauty – The Collection Rachel Hunter travels the world trying to find out how to be healthy and stay looking young. 0 4:55 The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm What Would Your Kid Do? 0 8pm L Lotto 8:05 Following Twain With Oscar Kightley PGR 0 8:35 M The 33 AO 2015 Drama History. 0

A Knight’s Tale


©TVNZ 2019


11:30 Nightwatch AO 3 Partners Tommy and Arkady join a search for a victim lost in the river; Randy and Devin search for a drug dealer hiding in a dangerous neighbourhood. 0 12:30 Closedown



7am The Good Sister M 2014 Thriller. Sonya Walger, Ben Bass. 8:25 Nightmare Wedding MC 2016 Thriller. Nicola Posener, Evan Henderson. 9:55 I Feel Pretty MSC 2018 Comedy. Amy Schumer, Michelle Williams. 11:45 The Commuter MVL 2018 Action. Liam Neeson, Vera Farmiga. 1:30 Isle Of Dogs PGVL 2018 Animated. Voices of Bryan Cranston, Koyu Rankin. 3:10 Sisters Of The Groom PGC 2017 Romance. Melise, Jeremy Sumpter, Savannah Jayde. 4:40 Wonder PGL 2017 Drama. Jacob Tremblay. 6:30 Justice League MV 2017 Action. Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot. 8:30 The Guernsey Literary And Potato-Peel Pie Society MC 2018 Drama. After the First World War, a young writer goes to the island of Guernsey, where she forms an unexpected yet life-changing connection with the locals. Lily James, Glen Powell. 10:35 A Swingers’ Weekend 16LSC 2017 Comedy. Randal Edwards, Erin Karpluk.

6:15 In Bruges 16VLC 2008 Thriller. Colin Farrell, Brendan Gleeson. 8am American Psycho 2 16VLS 2002 Horror. Mila Kunis, William Shatner. 9:30 Chronicle MV 2012 Scifi. Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell. 10:55 Grudge Match MVL 2013 Comedy. Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone. 12:45 Predestination MVLS 2014 Sci-fi. Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook. 2:20 Minority Report MVLS 2002 Scifi Thriller. Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton. 4:40 Hitchcock M 2012 Biography Drama. Anthony Hopkins, Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Toni Collette. 6:20 Fast Five MVL 2011 Action. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. 8:30 Shutter Island 16VL 2010 Thriller. An American Marshal investigates the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane, and is thought to be hiding on a remote island. Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo. 10:50 Two For The Money MLS 2005 Drama.


12:05 If Looks Could Kill MC 2016 Thriller. Stefanie Estes, Andrew Appleyard. 1:35 Sisters Of The Groom PGC 2017 Romance. 3:05 Wonder PGL 2017 Drama. 4:55 A Swingers’ Weekend 16LSC 2017 Comedy.


12:50 Larry Crowne ML 2011 Comedy. 2:30 Nothing But Trailers MVLSC 2:45 Minority Report MVLS 2002 Sci-fi Thriller. 5:05 Hitchcock M 2012 Biography Drama.


6:30 Te Kaea 3 Maori Television’s daily news programme. 2 7am Waiata Mai 3 Four puppet baby birds in Te Wao Nui O Tane have gathered in the forest to learn and play, and to sing waiata. 7:10 Pukoro Educational show for tamariki featuring songs, stories and surprises. 2 7:40 Pipi Ma 3 An animated series for tamariki based on Pipi Ma, the world’s first Maori-speaking dolls. 7:50 Smooth 3 Series with skits, music, and competitions to inspire, educate, and entertain. 8am Te Kaea 3 2 8:30 L Te Matatini Ki Te Ao Coverage of day three heats – Te Kei from WestpacTrust Stadium, Wellington. 7pm Te Kaea Maori Television’s daily news programme. 2 7:30 My Party Song 3 The Modern Maori Quartet and their guests sing some of the greatest party songs. 8:30 Te Matatini Ki Te Ao (HLS) Coverage of day three heats – from WestpacTrust Stadium, Wellington. 11pm Basketball – Fiba World Cup Qualifiers (DLY) New Zealand v Lebanon. 1am Closedown

SKY SPORT 1 6am The Crowd Goes Wild 6:30 Golf – Inside The PGA Tour 7am Golf – LPGA Tour Round Two. 7:30 Golf – PGA Tour WGC Mexico Championship – Round One. 8am L Golf – PGA Tour WGC Mexico Championship – Round Two. From Club de Golf Chapultepec in Naucalpan, Mexico. 1pm Golf – LPGA Tour Round Two. 1:30 Serie A Full Impact 2pm Inside Serie A 2:30 Sky Sports News 3pm The Halberg Awards 4:30 Cricket – Blackcaps v Bangladesh 5pm The Cricket Show 5:30 Cricket – Australia v White Ferns First ODI. 6pm Cricket – Blackcaps v Bangladesh Third ODI. 6:30 Rugby – Super Rugby Highlanders v Reds. 7pm L Rugby – Super Rugby Crusaders v Hurricanes. From Christchurch Stadium, Christchurch. 9:40 L Rugby – Super Rugby Brumbies v Chiefs. From Canberra, Australia. 11:45 Rugby – Super Rugby Highlanders v Reds.


12:15 Rugby – Super Rugby 1am Serie A Full Impact 1:30 Inside Serie A 2am L Rugby – Super Rugby Sharks v Blues. From Durban, South Africa. 4:10 L Rugby – Super Rugby Stormers v Lions. From Cape Town, South Africa.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

6am How To Live To A Hundred 7am Italy’s Invisible Cities 8am Tiny House Hunting 8:30 A Cook Abroad 9:30 Saving Lives At Sea 10:30 Extreme Animal Babies 11:30 Help! My House Is Falling Down 12:30 Escape To The Chateau 1:30 American Pickers 2:30 Gardeners’ World 3:30 Deadline Design 4:30 James Martin’s French Adventure James visits Bresse, where he gets to meet one of his culinary heroes, restaurant owner Georges Blanc, and then watches the annual Michelinstar football tournament. 5:30 American Restoration 6pm Mysteries At The Museum

7pm Travel Man – 48 Hours In Richard Ayoade is joined by writer and actor Jessica Knappett for 48 hours on the White Isle, Ibiza, where they tour the island in a silver 2CV, finding there is more to ‘Beefa’ than foam parties. 7:30 American Pickers 8:30 M Drone AO 2017 Thriller. 10:30 M Law Abiding Citizen AO 2009 Crime. 12:30 American Hustlers 1am Mysteries At The Museum 2am Money For Nothing 3am M Drone AO 2017 Thriller. Sean Bean, Patrick Sabongul. 5am World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides

SKY SPORT 2 6am The Cricket Show 6:30 Cricket – Australia v White Ferns First ODI. 7am Cricket – Super Smash Grand Final – Stags v Knights. 7:30 Cricket – Big Bash Grand Final – Renegades v Stars. 8am L Rugby League – Super League St Helens v Leeds Rhinos. From Totally Wicked Stadium, St Helens. 11:30 Rugby – Super Rugby Highlanders v Reds. Noon Rugby League – NRL Pre-season – Storm v Warriors. 12:30 Sky Sports News 1pm Cricket – Australia v White Ferns First ODI. 1:30 Cricket – Blackcaps v Bangladesh Third ODI. 2pm Rugby League – Super League 4pm Rugby League – NRL 4:30 Canoeing – NZ Sprint Nationals 5:30 L Golf – LPGA Tour Round Three. From Thailand. 9:30 Golf – PGA Tour 10pm Canoeing – NZ Sprint Nationals 11pm Cricket – Australia v White Ferns 11:30 Rugby League – NRL


Midnight Polo – New Zealand Open 1am The Cricket Show 1:25 Cricket – Australia v White Ferns 1:55 Football – A-League 2:25 Fox Sports News 2:55 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Harlequins v Bristol Bears. 5am Golf – LPGA Tour 5:30 The Cricket Show 23Feb19

DISCOVERY 6:35 Treehouse Masters PG 7:30 How It’s Made PG 7:55 How It’s Made PG 8:20 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG Episode 13. 9:10 The Coroner – I Speak For The Dead M Touch Me and Die. 10am The Perfect Murder M The Last Blitz. 10:50 Web Of Lies M Hunting Ground. 11:40 Ed Stafford – First Man Out PG Mongolia. 12:30 Expedition Unknown 1:20 Jay Leno’s Garage PG The Motor City. 2:10 Shifting Gears With Aaron Kaufman PG King of the Hammers. 3pm Outback Opal Hunters PG 3:50 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG Waterpark Wonderland. 4:45 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG Fiesta de Laguna. 5:40 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG Rockin’ It in Rocket City. 6:35 Gold Rush PG 7:30 Treehouse Masters PG 8:30 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG 9:25 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG 10:15 How China Works PG 11:05 Expedition Unknown 11:55 What On Earth? PG


12:45 Deadliest Catch PG 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Alaskan Bush People M 3:15 Treehouse Masters PG 4:05 Treehouse Masters PG 4:55 How It’s Made PG 5:20 How It’s Made PG 5:45 Treehouse Masters PG | Compiled by


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 29

Sunday, February 24, 2019 TVNZ 1

©TVNZ 2019


©TVNZ 2019

6am Extreme Road Rescue 0 6:50 Tiny House Nation 7:35 Tagata Pasifika 0 8:05 Praise Be 8:35 Death Threat 0 9:10 20/20 3 0 10am N Marae PGR 2 0 10:30 Waka Huia 11am Attitude PGR 0 11:30 Fair Go 3 0 11:55 F Descent From Disaster PGR 0 12:55 Tiny House Nation 1:50 Heathrow – Britain’s Busiest Airport 3 0 2:55 NZ Hunter Adventures 3:55 Tipping Point Lucky Stars 4:55 The Celebrity Chase With guests Olympian Rebecca Adlington, Daybreak’s Kate Garraway, singer Ritchie Neville, and TV chef Rosemary Shrager. 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Country Calendar A South Otago family says goats are more fun to raise than sheep, and sees a big future for cashmere as demand grows for fibre produced sustainably in New Zealand. 0 7:30 Sunday 0 8:30 Victoria 0 9:30 N Deception AO 0 10:30 N Fresh Eggs AO 0

7pm Changing Rooms Australia 0 8:30 M Aloha AO 2015 Romantic Comedy. A celebrated military contractor returns to the site of his greatest career triumphs and re-connects with a long-ago love while unexpectedly falling for the air force watchdog assigned to him. 0 10:35 Ambulance Australia PGR

11:25 F The £1 Houses – Britain’s Cheapest Street AO Derelict houses become beautiful homes, but at what cost? Do the £1 House pioneers think it has been worth it? 0 12:25 Attitude 0 12:55 Coronation Street CatchUp 3 0 2:55 Infomercials

11:35 M The Exorcist AO 1973 Horror. When a 12-year-old girl is possessed by the devil, her only hope is an exorcism. 1:50 Love Island UK 3 2:35 Balls Of Steel AO 3 3:15 Infomercials 3:50 Quantico AO 3 0 4:40 Infomercials 5:05 Step By Step 3 5:30 Infomercials

6am Paw Patrol 3 0 6:25 Thomas And Friends 0 6:35 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 7am Alvinnn!!! And The Chipmunks 3 0 7:10 Chuggington – Little Trainees 3 0 7:15 Powerpuff Girls 3 0 7:35 KC Undercover 3 0 8am What Now? 10am Shortland Street PGR 3 0 Noon The Bachelorette 0 1:45 Life In Pieces 3:10 M Freaky Friday 2003 Comedy Drama. Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Mark Harmon. 5:05 N Castaways 0 6:05 The Middle 0 6:35 The Big Bang Theory 3 0


11:20 The Rookie AO 3 After Nolan and Talia lose control of a crime scene, they debate whether people are fundamentally good or bad; Lucy fears Tim is enabling his wife’s destructive behaviour. 0 12:20 NCIS – Los Angeles AO 3 1:20 Infomercials



8:30pm on TVNZ 2

BRAVO 6am Flipping Out 3 9:10 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 9:35 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 9:58 The Dish PGR 3 10am Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 10:25 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 10:50 I’m Having Their Baby 3 11:40 Catfish 3 12:28 The Dish PGR 3 12:30 Unspeakable Crime – The Killing Of Jessica Chambers PGR 3 1:30 Dance Moms 3 2:30 Dance Moms 3 3:28 The Dish PGR 3 3:30 Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 4pm Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 4:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 5:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 6:30 Catfish 3 7:30 Sweet Home Oklahoma PGR 8:30 M Kidnapped – The Hannah Anderson Story PGR 3 2015 Crime Thriller. 10:28 The Dish PGR 3 10:30 Newlyweds – The First Year AO 11:30 Welcome To Waverly PGR 12:20 Infomercials 3


11:30 Football – English Premier League (HLS) 12:30 Closedown


6:25 If Looks Could Kill MC 2016 Thriller. Stefanie Estes, Andrew Appleyard. 7:55 Justice League MV 2017 Action. Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot. 9:55 Wonder PGL 2017 Drama. Jacob Tremblay. 11:45 The Guernsey Seventy with a Six Pack Literary And Potato-Peel 10:30pm on Prime Pie Society MC 2018 Drama. Lily James, Glen Powell. SKY 5 1:45 A Swingers’ 6am Last Man Standing PG Weekend 16LSC 2017 6:25 Main Event M 7:15 The Comedy. Randal Edwards, Flash MVS 8:05 Supergirl Erin Karpluk. 3:15 My Cousin MVS 9am Marvel’s Runaways Rachel PGVL 2017 Drama. M 9:50 Haunted Highway Rachel Weisz, Sam Claflin. 5pm Devil’s Gate MVC 2017 MV 10:45 Survivor – Horror. Milo Ventimigila, San Juan Del Sur PG Bridget Regan. 6:35 Breath 11:40 Ice Road Truckers MLS 2018 Drama. PG 12:35 Appalachian Simon Baker, Samson Coulter. Outlaws M 1:30 Raw 18 8:30 Deadpool 2 16VLSC 4:15 SmackDown 18 2018 Action. After surviving 6pm Main Event MV a near-fatal attack, a 7pm Last Man Standing PG disfigured caféteria chef 7:30 Survivor – San Juan Del embarks on a battle-fuelled Sur PG journey. Ryan Reynolds, 8:30 Scorpion MV Julian Dennison. 10:30 It Comes At 9:30 Scorpion MV 10:30 Haunted Highway MV Night 16VLSC 2017 Horror. Joel Edgerton, 11:25 The Librarians MV Christopher Abbott.

6:45 Fast Five MVL 2011 Action. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. 8:55 Shutter Island 16VL 2010 Thriller. Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo. 11:10 Two For The Money MLS 2005 Drama. Al Pacino, Matthew McConaughey, Rene Russo. 1:10 Zero Dark Thirty MVL 2012 Drama History. Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt. 3:45 The Change-Up 16LSC 2011 Comedy. Jason Bateman, Ryan Reynolds, Olivia Wilde. 5:35 The Lord Of The Rings – The Fellowship Of The Ring PGV 2001 Fantasy. Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom. 8:30 Mona Lisa Smile PGC 2003 Drama. At a conservative girls’ school in the 1950s, a free-spirited art professor makes her students question their traditional roles in society. Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst. 10:30 Underworld 16VC 2003 Action Thriller. Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman, Michael Sheen.

12:15 Survivor – San Juan Del Sur PG 1:05 Last Man Standing PG 1:30 Main Event MVC 2:20 The Librarians MV 3:10 Haunted Highway MV 4am Last Man Standing PG 4:25 Scorpion MV 5:10 Scorpion MV

12:30 Man Of The Year ML 2006 Comedy. Robin Williams, Christopher Walken. 2:25 Zero Dark Thirty MVL 2012 Drama History. Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt. 5am People Interview – Matthew McConaughey



6am Religious Programming 6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston 7am Charles 10:30 Sport Box The best of the past week’s sports Stanley 8am Leading The Way from New Zealand and around the 8:30 Turning Point 9am R&R 9:25 Getaway 3 9:50 F True world. Noon Top Gear PGR 3 Medical PGR 3 0 10:50 Reality 1pm Hot Bench 3 Trip PGR 3 0 2pm The Great Indoors PGR 3 11:35 Gone Fishin’ 3 2:25 Homes By The Sea 3 Noon Entertainment Tonight 3:25 The Great British Bake Weekend Off 3 0 1pm Motorsport – NZ V8 Ute 4:30 Rugby Nation Series (HLS) 5:30 Prime News 2pm Motorsport – US Formula 6pm The Great Escapers Drift (HLS) 3pm Motorsport – Formula E (HLS) Will a water sports company finally manage to open for business? A new 4pm Motorsport – Red Bull Air campsite host in France must learn Race (HLS) Round One. the art of caravanning; a PR push From Abu Dhabi. may land two restaurateurs in hot 5pm Carnage water. Transformed, weaponised cars compete in the desert. 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Married At First Sight 7pm Storage Wars PGR Australia PGR 0 7:30 The Cruise PGR 0 8:30 M Gone Girl AO 3 2014 8:30 Burma With Simon Reeve Thriller. On his fifth wedding PGR 0 anniversary, a man reports 9:30 60 Minutes PGR his wife missing and, as his 10:30 Seventy With A Six Pack portrait of a blissful union PGR 3 0 begins to crumble, suspicions of murder build. Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike. 0


Midnight Undercover Angel MLC 2017 Drama. Shawn Roberts, Katharine Isabelle. 1:30 Devil’s Gate MVC 2017 Horror. 3:05 Breath MLS 2018 Drama. 5am Deadpool 2 16VLSC 2018 Action.



6:30 Te Kaea 3 2 7am Waiata Mai 3 7:10 Pukoro 2 7:40 Pipi Ma 3 An animated series for tamariki based on Pipi Ma, the world’s first Maori-speaking dolls. 7:50 Te Mana Kuratahi – Primary Schools’ Kapa Haka 3 Footage of the 2017 Primary Schoo’’s Kapa Haka Nationals held in Gisborne from 6-10 November, 2017. 8:20 Smooth 3 Series with skits, music, and competitions to inspire, educate, and entertain. 8:30 L Te Matatini Ki Te Ao 4:30 Te Kaea 3 2 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5:30 Nga Tangata Taumata Rau 3 6:30 Te Kaea 3 2

6am The Get Growing Roadshow 6:30 Through The Bible With Les Feldick 7am James Martin’s French Adventure 8am Deadline Design 9am Travel Man – 48 Hours In 9:30 Tiny House Nation 10:30 Unplugged Nation 11:30 Secrets Of Great British Castles 12:30 Mysteries At The Museum 1:30 The Life Swap Adventure 2:30 Celebrity Motor Homes 3pm Sand Masters 3:30 Martin Clunes – Heavy Horsepower 4:30 Gordon Ramsay – Ultimate Home Cooking 5pm Great Australian Cookbook 5:30 Gourmet Farmer 6pm American Restoration 6:30 Running Wild With Bear Grylls

7pm Whaikorero 3 7:30 Land Of The Long White Cloud PGR 3 8:40 M Antwone Fisher PGR 2001 Biography Drama. When a sailor with an explosive temper is ordered to see a naval psychiatrist, he begins to find the courage to stop fighting and start healing. 10:45 Te Kaea 3 2

7:30 American Pickers 8:30 M Black Butterfly AO 2017 Thriller. 10:30 M Misconduct AO 2015 Thriller. The death of a woman leads an ambitious lawyer into the corrupt world of a pharmaceutical executive.

11:15 #whiuatepatai AO 3 Series in which speakers address a variety of topics. 11:45 Closedown

12:30 American Hustlers 1am Running Wild With Bear Grylls 2am Money For Nothing 3am M Black Butterfly AO 2017 Thriller. Antonio Banderas, Jonathan Rhys Meyers. 5am World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides

SKY SPORT 1 6:30 Football – A-League (RPL) Phoenix v Sydney FC. From Westpac Stadium, Wellington. 8:35 Rugby – Super Rugby (RPL) Sharks v Blues. 10:40 L Rugby – Super Rugby Jaguares v Bulls. From Buenos Aires. 12:45 L Cricket – Australia v White Ferns Second ODI – First Innings. From Karen Rolton Oval in Adelaide. 4:25 The Cricket Show Analysis and highlights of recent games, with features and player profiles from all levels of cricket. 4:55 L Cricket – Australia v White Ferns Second ODI – Second Innings. From Karen Rolton Oval in Adelaide. 9pm Rugby Nation 10pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Sharks v Blues. 10:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Jaguares v Bulls. From Buenos Aires. 11:20 Rugby – Women’s Six Nations (RPL) France v Scotland. From Stade Metropole, Lille.

SKY SPORT 2 6am L Rugby League – Super League London Broncos v Castleford Tigers. 8:30 Polo – New Zealand Open (HLS) 9:30 Fox Sports News 10am UCL Magazine Show 10:30 Triathlon – Super League (RPL) Noon Triathlon – Super League (RPL) 2pm L Netball – ANZ Premiership Southern Steel v Northern Stars. From Claudelands Arena, Hamilton. 4pm L Netball – ANZ Premiership Magic v Mainland Tactix. From Claudelands Arena, Hamilton. 6pm L Netball – ANZ Premiership Northern Mystics v Central Pulse. From Claudelands Arena, Hamilton. 8pm UCL Magazine Show 8:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Pre-season – Storm v Warriors. 9pm Polo – New Zealand Open (HLS) 10pm 2019 Halberg Awards (HLS) 11:30 Fox Sports News


Midnight The Cricket Show 12:20 One On One With Cambo 12:50 Golf – PGA Tour (HLS) WGC-Mexico Championship – Round Three. MONDAY 1:20 Golf – LPGA Tour 1:20 L Rugby – Women’s (HLS) Thailand – Round Four. Six Nations Wales v England. 1:50 Cricket – Australia v From Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff. White Ferns (HLS) Second ODI. 3:30 Rugby – Women’s Six 2:20 L Cricket – India v Nations (RPL) Italy v Ireland. Australia First T20. 5:30 Rugby – Super Rugby From ACA-VDCA Stadium, Visakhapatnam. (HLS) Sharks v Blues.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1


DISCOVERY 6:35 Treehouse Masters PG 7:30 How It’s Made PG 7:55 How It’s Made PG 8:20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 9:10 What On Earth? PG 10am Expedition Unknown PG 10:50 Gold Rush PG 11:40 Outback Opal Hunters PG 12:30 Air Rescue PG 12:55 Air Rescue PG 1:20 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG 2:10 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 3pm Aussie Gold Hunters PG 3:50 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 4:45 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 7:30 Blowing Up History PG A look at how the lost city of Tikal in the Guatemalan jungle, once home to over 100,000 people, rose from a small village to become a Mayan superpower. 8:30 Outback Opal Hunters PG 9:25 Expedition Unknown 10:15 Gold Rush PG 11:05 What On Earth? PG 11:55 Air Rescue PG


12:20 Air Rescue PG 12:45 Deadliest Catch PG 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Alaskan Bush People M 3:15 Treehouse Masters PG 4:05 Treehouse Masters PG 4:55 How It’s Made PG 5:20 How It’s Made PG 5:45 Treehouse Masters PG | Compiled by


Family Notices








30 Ashburton Guardian



STACKHOUSE, John – Ross and Vicki, Tony and Karen and families wish to thank everyone who attended John’s funeral, shared memories and many who supported us at this time with phone calls, baking, sent flowers, cards and visits. Special thanks to Tuarangi DEATHS home for their care of John MAWHINNEY, Mavis over the last 4 years. Please Maureen (nee Stedman) – accept this as a personal Our dear Mavis passed away acknowledgement of thanks peacefully on February 21, from our family. 2019, aged 84 1/2 years. Loved wife "Rumble" of the late George. Loved Mum and Please note all late death mum-in-law of Barry and notices or notices sent Anne; Sue and the late Kurt outside ordinary office Conway; Paul and Pauline; and the late Terry. Loved hours must be emailed to: Nana of Katrina, Steven, to ensure publication. Michael, Olivia, and Dillion. Much loved Great Nana of To place a notice during Maddison, and loved Fur office hours please contact Nana of Louie, Eddie, and us on 03 307 7900 for more Kimba. Special second Mum information. to Ross, Steve, and Jimmy. Any queries please Friend to many. Loved sistercontact 0800 in-law of the late Lillian and ASHBURTON Stan Pickering, Ethel and the late Ralph Templeton, the (0800-274-287) late Colleen and Andrew McKean, Nora and Brian Burgess. Loved Maisie to all her nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. She will be sadly missed. A celebration of Mavis’ life will be held at the Temuka Rugby Canterbury owned, Club rooms on TUESDAY, locally operated February 26, 2019 at 11am. Patersons Messages to 4/207 King Street, Temuka 7920. Funeral Services


Galbraith Funeral Services FDANZ.


E.B. CARTER LTD For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.

620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member

and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton

Ph 307 7433





Ra n


MONDAY: Often cloudy. Morning showers clearing. Gale SW easing.






10:10 – 5:15 AM


PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cloudy days Data provided by NIWA


NZ Situation

Wind km/h less than 30

Periods of rain with possibly heavy falls, easing in the evening. Cold southerlies, strong in exposed places.

Wind at 2000m: NW 40 km/h, turning SW and easing in the morning.


Rain, possibly heavy falls, easing in the evening. Snow lowering to about 120 m. Wind at 1000m: SE 40 km/h developing. Wind at 2000m: SE 50 km/h developing.


Often cloudy. Showers becoming isolated. Gale southwesterlies gradually easing.

TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Fine with high cloud and strengthening northwesterlies to start, then showers developing with a strong or gale southwesterly change.

World Weather

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh

fine fine showers fine windy showers fine fine fine fine fine fog rain drizzle cloudy

FZL: Lowering to 1400m


Saturday 9 noon 3



9 pm am 3


A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence




few showers


















fine cloudy fine drizzle showers fine fine thunder cloudy fine fine fine fine snow thunder

10 2 9 3 19 12 19 17 26 19 22 5 30 25 30 16 33 24 15 6 16 6 20 2 25 15 -2 -13 32 23

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

showers fine fine rain fine fine cloudy fine cloudy showers cloudy showers rain rain fine

Sunday 9 noon 3


Bad fishing

Set 10:52 am Rise 10:46 pm

Last quarter

27 Feb 12:29 am

9 pm am 3

©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Bad fishing


Monday 9 noon 3


9 pm

New moon

Rise 7:05 am Set 8:26 pm


Set 12:04 pm Rise 11:16 pm

7 Mar

5:05 am

Bad fishing

Set 1:13 pm Rise 11:48 pm

First quarter

14 Mar 11:28 pm

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

1 5 16 26 1 7 1 24 0 20 13 8 4 0 4

River Levels

15 12 13 11 11 11 10 10 10 8 7 9 8


0.90 nc

Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 2:00 pm, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 2:30 pm, yesterday 346.5 Nth Ashburton at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 2:11 pm, yesterday

301.5 nc

Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings

Rise 7:03 am Set 8:28 pm


5 14 27 28 12 13 12 34 4 25 16 16 11 5 10

23 24 25 22 20 22 21 17 18 16 16 16 15

Palmerston North fine


7:37 1:52 8:06 2:19 8:36 2:49 9:07 3:17 9:38 3:49 10:09 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.

Rise 7:02 am Set 8:30 pm




Mainly fine. Southerlies dying out.

Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi

18 5 25 -6 22 25 10 22 11 23 28 12 19 3 10

overnight max low


Forecasts for today

34 10 33 5 26 33 22 34 27 31 34 25 25 12 12


NZ Today

Often cloudy with rain easing to isolated showers. Snow possible to about 1200m at first. Strong or gale southerlies easing.


Mainly fine. Northerlies developing.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Tropical Cyclone Oma remains over the Coral Sea and is weakening. A low over the northern Tasman Sea is moving southeast and should lie east of Gisborne this afternoon. Another low and a cold southerly flow well to the south of Tasmania is moving northeast and will be close to South Island tonight.





Find out how you can help by visiting:



m am 3 3

We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, be er prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.




Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing

We Help Save Lives


Midnight Tonight


fine mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers HUTT, Adele – fine showers clearing showers Christine and Bill Dodge and 30 to 59 Garry and Lynn and their families say a big thank you fog isolated snow sleet thunder rain snow hail 60 plus for all the beautiful flowers, thunder flurries food, cards, attendance at the service and all the words, other acts of kindness and Canterbury Plains Canterbury High Country love shown to them at the TODAY TODAY FZL: Lowering to 1800m evening time of their dear mother's passing. Thank you for being Cloudy with a few showers, turning to rain in Fine at first. Rain developing from afternoon, a heart warming part of the the afternoon as southeasterlies develop. with snow possible to 1700 metres. tapestry of Adele’s and our Wind at 1000m: NW 40 km/h, turning SW TOMORROW lives. and easing in the morning.

SHAW, Owen David McPaul – 2-06-1930 - 19-01-2019 Ngaio, Christine, David and families wish to acknowledge the wonderful acts of kindness given to us with the passing of Owen, husband of Ngaio for 65 years. A big thank you to Bernard Egan for his understanding guidance and delivery at the service of celebration of Owen's life. Also we appreciate the great help from Paterson's Funeral Services. To the management and staff of Radius Millstream, thank you for your love and care of Owen. For the lovely floral tributes, cards and personal phone calls, they have given us such comfort. Please accept this as our personal acknowledgement from the family of Owen.


TUESDAY: Mainly fine. Northerly breezes developing. MAX

bur to




ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EDMONDSTONE, Margaret (Peg) – 2-12-1928 - 3-01-2019 Ross and Kathryn, Susan and Neil, Pam and Perry would like to give their thanks to all extended family members, friends and neighbours for all condolences, cards, flowers, funeral attendance and all other support given during the time of Peg's passing. She is sadly missed by us all. All your kindness and empathy has been well acknowledged and gratefully appreciated. A special thank you to all Peg's home/caregivers. Please accept this as a personal acknowledgement.


TOMORROW: Rain, easing evening. Cold S, strong at times.



BLAIN - HOLMES – Colin Holmes, Galatea, and Susan and John Atkinson, Waikite Valley, together with Glenys and Peter Blain, Ashton, are delighted to announce the engagement of Mary and Stephen.





TODAY: A few showers, rain in the evening. SW, turns E afternoon.



Map for today

Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i

Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 16.3 18.4 Max to 4pm 12.0 Minimum 8.0 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 1.0 16hr to 4pm February to date 7.6 Avg Feb to date 39 2019 to date 36.8 97 Avg year to date Wind km/h E 15 At 4pm Strongest gust S 54 Time of gust 9:44am

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2019

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

15.6 23.4 13.6 –

20.5 28.8 19.1 18.1

16.2 17.0 9.7 –

– – – – –

0.0 4.6 32 35.6 75

1.2 9.4 34 47.2 81

E 13 – –

W9 SW 63 12:55pm

NE 20 S 56 9:00am

Compiled by

Small enough to care, big enough to deliver 18-22 Moore Street, Ashburton Free Phone 0800 263 6679 Mobile 027 637 1229

Jo Metcalf

Puzzles Puzzles and horoscopes

Cryptic crossword

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker

Your Stars ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Novelty is an actual human need and there’s physiological evidence for this. Ask new questions and make new demands of your routine in the name of seeing it fresh again. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Hope has a much better memory than gratitude. In other words, people who want something from you give a more intense quality of attention than people who already get something from you. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): At first the job seemed cumbersome, and now it’s just a pain. Like a bodybuilder, you get stronger by handling this burden repeatedly. Soon it will be like a feather, and you’ll have amazing “muscles.” CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): There’s a mystery you need to root out, and it’s a layered one at that. How do you get to the bottom of it? By recognising when you’re not there yet and digging a little deeper. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You’ll do a thing until it loses its appeal and not a moment longer. It’s not because you’re fickle, rather it’s that time is precious and some practices get old faster than others. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): When you interact with people, you try to give them something useful. The trouble is that you don’t always know what’s useful to other people. Today, just your being there will be useful enough. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): To live the exciting life of your fantasies, you’ll need to erect and enforce certain boundaries. Cultivating your dreams will take time – time that you won’t have unless you fiercely protect it. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Discipline leads to freedom and freedom may create the need, or the longing, for discipline. Whichever part of the cycle you’re in right now, accept it and move toward your desire. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You develop in your personality and in your calling on a daily basis, sometimes in teensy increments and other times in leaps. You’re still adjusting. Give yourself some time to get used to things. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): There are those who will root for you to be your best – as long as it doesn’t surpass theirs. A relationship of this type will have a short shelf life, as ultimately you’ll have to cross a threshold. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): If you’re going to work on self-discipline, don’t do it for the good of anyone other than yourself. This is noble work. There is no higher dominion than the dominion over your own impulses. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): People carry the good and bad qualities of the strata through which they flow. There’s something about the climate you want to rise above, so seek purification.

ACROSS 1. Adds emphasis to a cute stance maybe (11) 7. Pushes the corrosion in this when one leaves (7) 9. Half the fund the Spanish need for petrol, say (4) 11. For impetus, use the car (5) 12. Point of time of great consequence (6) 14. Doing harm in order to mend it later (11) 18. In Gwent one may have suffered a stab of pain (6) 20. Don’t accept it won’t begin to throw one out (5) 22. Fitting way to encounter it (4) 23. A lottery, too, Lamb wrote about (7) 24. As few lovers as possible are holders of blooms (6,5) DOWN 2. Gun used in brace of a sort (7) 3. Try one out on the river (4) 4. Discharge previous partner, due for a change (5) 5. Read about dust forming your beginning (5) 6. Schemes of ground pieces to build on (5) 8. How one might travel in a ship to guide the old? (8) 10. It may shed light on name boom is given (8) 13. Mischiefmaker takes 999 quietly (3) 15. Flower can mean a sort of unity (7) 16. An impression to get ready for posting (5) 17. It can be fillet that takes organising (5) 19. May have lied about a standard of perfection (5) 21. Nightlight indicated by an asterisk (4)

WordWheel Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.

WordWheel 305

? Quick crossword 1











Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or

Previous solution: MIXTURES Previous solution: MIXTURES anticlockwise.


WordBuilder B U T A O WordBuilder B U T A O



How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word. Good Very Good How 8many words 12 of Excellent three or 14 more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginningsolution: with a capital are ash, allowed. ads, ahs, Previous There’s leastdahs, one five-letter word. ashy, ays,atdah, dash, day, days, had, has, hay, Good hays, 12 sad, say, shad, Good 8 Very Excellent 14 shady, shy, yah






Previous cryptic solution

Across: 1. Squared 5. Cross 8. Retable 9. Nanny 10. Merganser 12. Run 13. Total 17. Imp 19. Repayment 21. Folio 22. Trapeze 24. Latin 25. Habitat 74. Dregs 5.6Centrally2 Down: 1. Shrimp 2. Uttered 3.8Rub 6. Owner 7. Saying 11. Afternoon 2 14. 4 Present 8 15. 9 Sinful 16. Street 18. Pilot 20. Patch 23. 9 Alb

Previous quick solution



18 19





Sudoku 23

ACROSS 7. State of extreme happiness (7,6) 8. Elderly person (colloq) (3-5) 9. Pant (4) 10. Against (6) 12. Charge (6) 14. Wickedness (3) 15. Uncertainties (6) 17. Land (6) 19. Weapons (4) 21. Peak (8) 23. Pure (13)

DOWN 1. Prosperous (4-2-2) 2. Group of six (6) 3. Molecule (4) 4. Mapping (8) 5. Tattered (6) 6. Diamonds (4) 11. Gathering (8) 13. Constrained (8) 16. Adjacent (6) 18. Expenditure (6) 20. Pealed (4) 22. Taken advantage of (4)

6 8 9 1 4 3 5 2

Previous solution: ads, ahs, ash, ashy, ays, dah, dahs, dash, day, days, had, has, hay, hays, sad, say, shad, shady, shy, yah

5 7

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

8 3 4 3 1 9 8 2 3 9 8 4 2 7 6 8 6 2 6 2 8 5 4 1

7 5 3 9

3 2

6 9 1 9

6 5 8 3 4 5


5 8


7 6

3 7 9 8 1 5 3 6 4 4 7 9 HARD


8 2 6 1 5 8 9 4 3 7 6 9 8 7 4 3 1 6 2 5 9 4 3 5 2 6 7 9 8 1 2 6 5 3 7 9 8 1 4 2 3 8 9 2 1 4 5 7 6 3 5 7 1 4 6 2 3 8 5 9 4 1 4 6 3 7 2 5 9 8 7 3 7 9 8 5 &4& 2 1 &6NZ Level 2, 73 Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 St,|Ashburton |ofMembers of I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet 73 Burnett St,Burnett Ashburton | Members I.B.A.N.Z NZBrokers Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton |Burnett Members of of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd. NZ Ltd.1 5 2 8 9 1 6 3 7 4 Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.

4 5 1 9 7 8 3 2 6

3 2 7 4 6 1 5 8 9

1 9 4 3 8 7 6 5 2

6 8 5 1 2 9 7 3 4

4 5 3

Across: 1. Rehearse 7. Craze 8. On purpose 9. Elf 10. Ties 11. Seller 13. Disappointing 15. Settle 16. 2 Laic 18.5 Rum 20. Matrimony 21. Bulge 22. Friendly 2 1 5 4 Down: 1. Roost 2. Hapless 3. Awry 4. Sooner or later 5. Taper 6. Red flag 7. Ceiling 12. Epitome 13. Disrobe 2 8 4 9 14. In a word 15. Smell 17. Coyly 19. Gibe

14 15

Ashburton Guardian 31

7 3 2 5 4 6 9 1 8

5 1 3 8 9 4 2 6 7

2 4 6 7 1 3 8 9 5

9 7 8 6 5 2 1 4 3

4 3

5 3 8 PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS 8 5 9 6 9 7 6 2 4 3 1 1

7 1 4 22 4 68 6 3 1 4 5 3 1 8 2 3 9 6 8 2 39 5 6 7 8 9 7 5

2 4 3 8 5 9 6 7 1

5 6 1 2 3 7 4 9 8

8 7 9 6 4 1 5 3 2

7 5 8 4 9 2 3 1 6

8 6 9 5 8 4 7 1 2 3

3 2 5 77 6 1 2 7 8 9 1 2 55 9 3 1 5 74 68 3 47 8 4 9 9 4 8 6

9 3 4 7 46 8 5 1 2

4 3 6 7 1 5 2 8 9

1 9 2 3 8 6 7 4 5

6 1 7 9 2 3 8 5 4

3 8 5 1 6 4 9 2 7

9 2 4 5 7 8 1 6 3

7 5

9 6 6 2 7 9 8 3

Saturday, February 23, 2019


• To be held Friday, May 10, 2019 at the Hotel Ashburton, from 6pm.

• Nominations closed Thursday, April 18, 2019.


32 Ashburton Guardian

Nomination forms are available from • Sport Canterbury, EA Networks Centre (front desk) • Ashburton Guardian, 161 Burnett Street, Ashburton

Sports Awards categories: • Outstanding Senior Sportsperson

• Outstanding Coach

• Outstanding Junior Sportsperson Outstanding

• Outstanding Official, Referee, Umpire (Junior I

Senior Sports Team


• Outstanding Junior Sports Team

• Outstanding Volunteer of Sport

• Outstanding Sportsperson with a Disability

• Robilliard Trophy – Services to Sport (Selected by a panel)

• Outstanding All Round Sports Person

• Outstanding Masters Sportsperson of the Year

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