Ashburton Guardian, Monday, April 22, 2019

Page 1

Monday, Apr 22, 2019

Since Sept 27, 1879

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‘Cannabis saved my life’

History uncovered P4



Top cop departs By Jaime Pitt-MacKay

Behind the whistle P18

After just over three months at the helm, Ashburton’s interim senior sergeant Matt Emery has farewelled the district ahead of his full-time replacement starting the role. Emery has been sub-area supervisor for the Ashburton District since January 7 and finished his time in the district last week. “I have really enjoyed my time here and the variety of work that comes with it,” he said. “The sheer variety of work was really interesting, we are only one hour away from the biggest city in the South Island but there is a real mix, we have a town centre itself but there is a lot of rural area as well and there are a lot of things that are different. “It is a really nice town and the vast majority of people keep to themselves

and go about their business and obey the law.” Emery said one of the negatives in his time in the district has been the high number of deaths on the roads. “The loss of life on the roads has been a tragedy in what has been a really positive time for me,” he said. While he came in to the role not expecting to make significant changes in the way police operate in the district, Emery says he feels he has had a positive impact in his time here. “I knew my goal wasn’t to come in and change anything drastic and I didn’t want to be a boss that came in telling people you should be doing this and that, I just wanted to show some leadership and keep developing the existing staff,” he said. Current Detective Sergeant Leigh Jenkins will take over as Senior Sergeant on April 29.

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Senior Sergeant Matt Emery has finished his interim role in the Ashburton District. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN

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News 2

Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019

Rail head relocation still on radar By Sue Newman

The drive to relocate Ashburton’s town centre rail shunting yard out of town may have gone quiet, but it hasn’t gone away. Over the past decade there have been several discussions between

the Ashburton District Council and KiwiRail on the relocation of the yard but little progress has ever been achieved. Council chief executive Hamish Riach has now kickstarted the project and while there are no commitments to change from

KiwiRail, the two parties have reconnected and that had to be taken as a positive, he said. The council’s focus had always been to move the rail head to the North East industrial park. This was a key component in what became a failed deal with a water

bottling plant that wanted to buy land in the park. Kiwi Blue owner Roydon Harnett had committed to moving the yard at his company’s expense if his business had moved into the park. The land deal failed in 2015 and since then there have been

no discussions around the rail head’s future. While there were no commitments to change, Riach said it was a significant step that the two parties had reconnected and that a platform had been created for future dialogue.



Cooking up a healthy storm Woman

flees fire

By Sue Newman,nz+

School might have been out at Ashburton College on Friday, but it was back to the classroom for 28 youngsters as they learned cooking tips from some of the district’s experts. Easter buns, salads, a salmon quiche, a berry mousse and a Mars bar slice were whipped up by the junior chefs with a little guidance from members of Anama, Lynnford and Winchmore Rural Women’s groups. The event is an annual one and always attracts far more applications for places than can be catered for, said organiser Trish Small. “We could have filled today’s course twice over,” she said. The cooking school is funded by a grant from the Ashburton District Council and through a Rural Women New Zealand fund. “This way it makes it available to everyone,” Small said. The school allocates one tutor to two children to ensure each child has the best possible learning opportunities, she said. Across the group there was a wide range of abilities, with some children already having some good basic cooking skills, but there were others in the class just starting out on their journey in the kitchen. The students ranged in age from Year 4 to Year 9. While they ate most of their hot cross buns, their salad, quiche and dessert, the Mars bar slice was something each child could take home to impress their family, Small said.

Honing their cooking skills at a Rural Women cooking school on Thursday were 12-year-old Mia Graham and 10-year-old Isabella Collinson. PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 190419-SN-0170

A woman was forced to quickly flee a fire that took hold in an industrial building in Auckland yesterday. Around 70 fire crew battled a “large and severe fire” at Argus Fire Protection in Onehunga. Argus Fire Protection general manager Bryce Donaldson said one employee was doing administration work inside the building when the fire started. “She noticed fire coming through the ceiling and [when] she left the building, basically the whole building was on fire within a minute,” Donaldson said. Donaldson said the woman got out safely and no one else was in the building. He said the company was “devastated” but they had continuity plans in place to get through the incident, adding they’d be back up and running tomorrow. “This is the main head office, we’ve got five other branches as well we can work from,” Donaldson said. “As the general manager of the company, it’s devastating and it’s something we don’t sort of expect in our own building.” Fire incident controller Murray Binning said the cause of the fire is unknown at this stage. The blaze reached a fourth alarm, which means between 15 to 20 appliances arrived at the scene with about crew members.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


‘Cannabis saved my life’ By Sue Newman

Mark Crotty has been to hell and back when it comes to his health. He was diagnosed with the incurable bowel disease Crohn’s Disease in 2015 and since then he’s been on a rollercoaster ride, where at his lowest he simply wished to die. For two years after his diagnosis Crotty lived on a cocktail of pills – painkillers, sleeping pills, anti-nausea pills and anti-inflamatory medication. He became a one-man, walking pharmacy. That’s when he wasn’t lying in a hospital bed or on the couch at home. The disease robbed him of his health, his job, his home. It plunged him into depression and he reached a point where death would have been easier than struggling to live with a disease that no amount of medication could control. Mark was at rock bottom. Traditional medicine, he believed, was slowly wrecking his body, destroying his mind, rather than curing him. “At times I was virtually bed-ridden. I’d be vomiting up to eight times a day and going to the toilet eight times a day. The more time I spent away from work the more depressed I got. I’d previously had a lot of goals and aspirations and to have them ripped out from under you is a horrific experience. It’s like having to go out and create a new life,” he said. Today Mark’s life is back on track. He no longer has intense abdominal pain, debilitating bouts of diarrhoea, fatigue and constant nausea. Yes, he still has Crohn’s, the disease will be with him for life, but he’s off medication, he’s working, he’s back in control. Turning his life around didn’t take a miracle. It took regular doses of medicinal cannabis, a form of treatment that’s at best controversial and at worst financially crippling for those able to access it. Medicinal cannabis can be legally prescribed, but not all doctors will do so, and for those

Mark Crotty, Crohn’s disease sufferer, speaking out in support of medicinal cannabis. PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 180419-SN-0177

patients lucky enough to secure a prescription, there’s a hefty monthly bill. The cheapest available runs to more than $600 a month, the dearest around $1500, Mark said.

basically poisoning me. I lost two years of my life really. I was on a heavy drug regime and that put me in a state where I was barely functioning.” In desperation he decided to

I’d gone into a very dark place, my medication was basically poisoning me. I lost two years of my life really.

“Cannabis basically saved my life because I’d gone into a very dark place, my medication was


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try self-medicating with cannabis as a way to relieve his symptoms. The results were almost immedi-

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ate. He was able to sleep and for the first time in many months felt like eating. “I can honestly say if it wasn’t for cannabis I’d be dead. I felt I had no purpose left in life, no hope.” Swapping a cocktail of drugs for medicinal cannabis is not for every one, but for many people it’s the simple answer that turns their health around, he said. He was lucky, his GP was willing to prescribe medicinal cannabis but the cost often puts it out of reach, he said. Doctors do not receive training in the benefits of alternative treatments such as cannabis and the huge benefits it can have in helping people with a range of conditions and that makes many reluctant to prescribe it, Mark

said He’s part of an organisation that is fighting to have medicinal cannabis available at an affordable price that puts it within reach of all New Zealanders who may need it. Medicinal Cannabis Awareness New Zealand (MCANZ) also wants to eliminate the criminalisation of people who choose to use cannabis products other than medicinal cannabis for medical reasons. In a nutshell, Mark said it wants to help patients get safe access to medicinal cannabis through legal means. Education is also a big slice of its work. The organisation is a registered charity. MCANZ works to, where possible, help fund patients who needed medicinal cannabis. It accepts that cannabis is not the fix-all for every medical condition, but for those where it is proven to help such as Crohn’s and for people with seizures, it should be one more option in a doctor’s toolbox when it came to improving a patient’s quality of life, Mark said. The organisation has solid support, with more than 10,000 in its Facebook group. “That’s not a bad membership for a charity that started just three years ago,” he said. Mark is one of its trustees and he’s happy to share his knowledge with anyone wanting to know more about medicinal cannabis. He can be contacted by email at Like other trustees he dedicates a lot of time to the charity’s work and says his motivation is to ensure people whose health would benefit from medicinal cannabis are able to access it and able to afford it. “We hear so many incredibly sad stories and we only have a limited amount of funding so we can only help a limited number of people. “It shouldn’t be a battle getting this. Medicinal cannabis is not designed to get you high, it’s designed to heal you.” It should be in the mix with other drugs that doctors were able to prescribe, he said.


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News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019


Putting names to 750 faces By Sue Newman

For decades hundreds of photographs of people who once called Ashburton home lay under a garage, exposed to dust, moisture and insects. No one was more surprised than the property owner when the negatives were discovered and rather than tossing them in the trash, the finder realised they could have historic significance and called in the team from the Ashburton Museum. The fragile plates were delivered in two banana boxes and were clearly in very poor condition, museum manager Tanya Robinson said. “They were basically held together by inspect poop.” The delicate photographic emulsion on the plate surfaces is made of gelatine and is easily dissolved and worn away and many of the negatives showed signs of damage in the form of dark marks and watery stains, she said. To archivist Kathleen Stringer the glass negatives were a treasure waiting to be uncovered and she started the painstaking work of processing and scanning each one. Only a small number were so badly damaged they could not be saved. Information on the collection was sparse, however, Robinson said. Occasionally a piece of jewellery or clothing could be used to identify an approximate date for a photo and very occasionally a name had been added, but mostly, the 750-odd photographs are of un-named men, women and children. The one clue that the museum team found was that all of the photos were taken by a professional photographer who worked from the now demolished Saunders building. The later images were taken by

In brief Arts entries open Artists wanting to show their work in this year’s Ashburton Society of Arts exhibition will be able to submit entries online from May 1 until May 26. A number of guest artists, both locals and from around New Zealand have been booked for the event. Opening night for the 55th Annual Art Exhibition will be on July 1 and tickets will be available in June. The exhibition will run until July 26.

Caring for old pics Glass negatives are a part of photographic history, and an exhibition of images taken from those negatives is currently running in the Ashburton Museum. At a public education session on April 30, archivist Kathleen Stringer and senior curator Maryanne Cowan will tell the story behind the exhibition. They will also talk about making the most of old family photos and ensuring these are preserved for the future. Registrations can be made by contacting the museum. The class will run from 10am to noon.

Object unknown

Ashburton Museum manager Tanya Robinson with a display of photos printed from a huge collection of glass negatives found under an Ashburton shed. PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 170419-SN-0160 Halma and Co, that owned the studio from 1900 and by their predecessors C. Martin, George Henry and Charles Lawrence. That gives the museum a collection of a continuous line of photographs from one studio from 1879 to the 1980s, Robinson said. The collection was unusual in that the photographer appeared to have had a good rapport with his subjects. While many photos taken during those years showed

unsmiling subjects, in this collection, the subjects appeared to enjoying the experience, she said. Prints have been made from the negatives and these are now displayed in the museum’s Murney Room. “This is one of our most popular exhibits in terms of Ashburton people’s response,” she said. “They have a chance to see Ashburton people from the past and to see photos that only by a

miracle have survived.” Many of the images are now on the museum’s Facebook page and responses are coming from people who have identified family members, she said. More are being identified by people viewing the exhibition. The glass negatives are now in safe storage, carefully wrapped, in acid free envelopes in the museum’s archives. The Glass Negative exhibition runs until May 5.


Costumes stolen from travelling Irish group NZME

A travelling troupe of Irish dancers, which performed in Ashburton on Thursday night, has had all its costumes stolen in Christchurch. PHOTO SUPPLIED

A travelling troupe of Irish dancers has had all its costumes stolen in Christchurch — and is offering a reward for their return. A bodhran drum and personal suitcases were also taken in the theft from the Rhythms of Ireland’s tour bus while it was parked on Bealey Avenue, outside their motel. “We came down this morning at half seven to get on the bus to go to Oamaru — and we opened the doors and there were no cases underneath the bus,” lead dancer Ashleigh John told NZME. “We’re actually gutted. All of us are being very positive, we had such a brilliant show in Christchurch and we were really on a buzz from that. “And to come down this morning and just slowly realise that these things had been taken has put a bit of a dampener on it. We’re all a bit down about it.” The costumes are of no use to anybody

else, John added. “And to be honest we’ve done a few shows in the costumes and they are not washed every night. So the poor person who has had to open those cases is not going to be too delighted with what they’ve got.” The group began the tour in Dunedin a week ago and still has two more South Island shows, and a North Island leg to follow. On Thursday night the group stopped off in Ashburton to perform at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre – a popular stop on their tours. The Irish dancing community has quickly stepped up to help and the group was loaned costumes for its Oamaru show last night. However, they really want their own gear back and are offering a “generous reward”. “We would just love to have them back so we can carry on and we can feel good on stage, and keep putting on the show that we would love the New Zealand public to see,” she said.

Exactly what an Air New Zealand aircraft struck shortly after taking off from Christchurch Airport on Friday night remains unknown. Passengers on flight NZ5759 were heading for Dunedin just after 7pm when they were told the plane had to be turned around because it had “hit something” and needed to be checked further. The aircraft, an ATR-72 turboprop, turned back towards Christchurch at 7.40pm, Flight Radar 24 shows. It landed safely at 8pm. A statement from Air NZ said it was believed a wheel in the main landing gear had made contact with an object on departure. - NZME

$1m pay day A trip to a Whangarei bookshop spelled a $1 million pay day for one fortunate Lotto player on Saturday night. The winning ticket, sold at Onerahi Bookshop & Lotto in Whangarei, led to a $1 million First Division winner in Saturday’s live Lotto draw. With no winners in Powerball, the next draw on Wednesday will have a rollover $5 million jackpot. Strike Four was also won by two players from Waiuku and Kaikoura, who each took home $50,000. - NZME

Critical after assault A 20-year-old man has been arrested after an assault in Auckland’s city centre left another man critically hurt. The 20-yearold faces a charge of serious assault and is due in Auckland District Court this morning. The other man – also in his early-20s – had earlier been rushed to hospital by St John paramedics. He remains in a critical condition, police said. The assault allegedly happened on Queen Street at 4.20am on Saturday morning. - NZME

Lotto results Official Lotto results for draw number 1848 drawn on Saturday. Winning numbers (in ascending order): 1, 10, 21, 32, 37, 39. Bonus number: 19. Powerball winning number: 2. Strike: 32, 1, 39, 10.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian



Bus driver left child at station NZME An InterCity bus driver left an unaccompanied young child at a Bombay service station after the boy got off the bus to use the toilet. The company has apologised to the boy’s family, refunded the ticket and launched an investigation into the incident. According to a Facebook post, the child, aged 10 years old, was travelling on an InterCity bus from Tauranga to Auckland on Friday. The boy was reportedly busting to go to the toilet when the bus stopped at Bombay for a two-minute drop off when he saw an opportunity to relieve himself, following a suggestion from another passenger. However, when the child asked the bus driver if he could go, the driver said the bus was only going to be stopped for two minutes. “I think the boy thought he meant he would wait for two minutes and took off to [the] toilet,” a woman posted to the Thames/Coromandel Grapevine on Facebook. “Doors closed, bus driver started to drive off. A young girl ran up to the driver and said the boy was not on the bus.

“The driver said it was not a toilet stop, and he had told him he could not go, and drove away, leaving him behind.” General manager for New Zealand Coachlines and Auckland Tourism Sam Peate said InterCity acknowledged the incident took place. Peate said an investigation into the incident was under way and they had spoken with the family of the child. “The safety of all passengers, especially unaccompanied minors, is of paramount importance and an investigation is under way into how the incident occurred,” Peate said. “We were alerted to the situation and arranged for another InterCity bus to pick up the passenger within minutes. “InterCity’s operations manager has spoken to the passenger’s uncle and offered our sincere apologies. We have fully refunded the bus ticket.” Meanwhile, the woman who posted about the incident online said she was appalled the driver would not stop the bus, leaving the child unaccompanied with his bags still on the bus. The woman said she had laid a complaint with the company.


Jewellery store burgled NZME About $15,000 worth of watches and other items have been stolen from a Queenstown jewellery store. Small family-owned business Jamies Jewellers, on Grant Road in the Five Mile Shopping Complex, was broken into in the early hours of yesterday morning. Co-owner Clyde Vellacott said 12 to 15 watches, a laptop and about $150 in cash – all adding up to $14,800 – had been stolen. “It’s a lot for a small business like us, and will take a while to recover.” Jamies Jewellers was the oldest family jewellery business in New Zealand, Vellacott said. It was founded 153 years ago by Vellacott’s wife Rachel’s family in Alexandra.

They had just opened the Queenstown store in December. Detective Sergeant Derek Shaw said police were investigating and had “strong lines of inquiry” with regard to identifying the offender. “We believe the offender may have travelled to the Southland area following the burglary, potentially travelling in a red Toyota vehicle, registration LQL818.” Police attempted to stop the vehicle in Dipton in the early hours of yesterday morning. The driver failed to stop and was briefly pursued by police, however the pursuit was abandoned due to the manner of driving and speed of the vehicle, Shaw said. Anybody who has seen the vehicle or has information regarding the burglary could contact Queenstown Police on 03 441 1600, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.



Recycling in the mud Dorie and Pendarves residents wanting to recycle their paper, cardboard, cans and plastic have been parking at a distance and donning gumboots in order to reach bins at their local recycling station. Mud has taken over at the Ashburton District Council facility since the bins were shifted onto grass nearby some weeks ago, when road cones were put around the station area for resealing work. On Thursday group manager servic-

es delivery Neil McCann said the bins would be moved to a clean area of grass as a temporary measure, and the resurfacing would be done when a contractor was available. “The roading contractors are extremely busy at the moment trying to complete the significant amount of work before the colder weather arrives,” he added. The bins had been moved to a clean surfaced area near the Pendarves Fire Station by Thursday night.

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Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Bomb blasts kill 52 AP Simultaneous explosions hit churches and hotels in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, killing at least 52 people and wounding at least 280. Sri Lanka security officials said six near-simultaneous blasts hit three churches and three hotels frequented by tourists. AFP reported 52 people had been killed.

A Sri Lanka hospital spokesman confirmed several blasts on Easter Sunday have killed at least 30 people and wounded 283 others. National Hospital spokesman Dr Samindi Samarakoon said the nearly 300 wounded have been admitted to the capital Colombo’s main hospital. An official said they suspect the blasts at two churches were carried out by sui-

Sri Lankan Army soldiers secure the area around St Anthony’s Shrine after a blast in Colombo, Sri Lanka, yesterday. PHOTO AP

cide bombers. “Eighty people have already been admitted, and more are still coming in,” an official at the Colombo National Hospital earlier said on condition of anonymity. Police said the blasts hit churches in the north of the capital and in the town of Negombo, just outside Colombo. There was also a blast at a church in the eastern town of Batticaloa. The nature of the explosions was not immediately clear. “A bomb attack to our church, please come and help if your family members are there,” read a post in English on the Facebook page of the St Sebastian’s Church at Katuwapitiya in Negombo. Only around 6 per cent of mainly Buddhist Sri Lanka is Catholic, but the religion is seen as a unifying force because it includes people from both the Tamil and majority Sinhalese ethnic groups. A blast ripped through St Anthony’s Shrine in Colombo. Alex Agileson, who was in the vicinity, said buildings in the surrounding area shook with the blast. He said a number of injured were carried in ambulances. A second explosion was reported at St Sebastian’s Church in Negombo, a Catholic majority town north of Colombo. The church has appealed for help on its Facebook page. Sri Lankan security officials said they were checking for details. Police immediately rushed to both areas and sealed off the churches.

Instruments to be sold Instruments owned by Kiwi rock royalty are going under the hammer in New Zealand Music Month. Synthesisers used by Eddie Rayner of Split Enz and Crowded House, veteran bluesman Midge Marsden’s guitars and the original drum kit belonging to 1960s R&B act the La De Das are among significant items being sold by Auckland auction house Cordy’s in May. As well as synths, Rayner has contributed many other Split Enz pieces, from signed concert passes to a tea towel, and part of an old Crowded House stage costume. One of his keyboards comes in the original Split Enz flight case.

Michelle Williams

Williams calls it a day


Seven people dead in Kabul attack AP At least seven people have been killed in an attack on the Afghan communications ministry in central Kabul, breaking months of relative calm in the capital and underlining the continued security threats despite efforts to open peace talks with the Taliban. The attack began yesterday when a suicide bomb was detonated at the entrance to the multi-storey building housing the ministry in a busy commercial area of the city, followed up by gunfire which could be heard over a mile away. Among the dead were four civilians and three police officers, while another eight civilians were wounded, a government official said. “We saw a gunman trying to break open an office door and as we were running out, he was trying to shoot us and he started shouting ‘I will kill everyone here’,” said Syeda Rashid, an office administrator in the ministry who escaped with several of her colleagues. She said at least six women had been wounded. Television images showed people fleeing after gunfire and explosions began near the 18-storey government tower. The area around the building was sealed off by police as at least three attackers battled security forces for several hours before the attack was finally suppressed in the late afternoon, Interior Ministry spokesman Nasrat Rahimi said. The interior ministry said in a statement that more than 2800 employees of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology and the Ministry of Information and Culture were evacuated

Eddie Rayner

Oscar-winner Michelle Williams has split from her indie rocker husband Phil Elverum just months after they wed in a secret ceremony last year. The couple are reportedly on good terms and the breakup is amicable, according to People magazine. Elverum is a member of the indie rock band The Microphones and Mount Eerie and was previously married to Canadian musician Genevieve Castree, who died from pancreatic cancer in 2015. Williams was in a three-year relationship with Heath Ledger, who died in 2008, leaving behind their young daughter Matilda, who is now 12.

The Queen An Afghan Security personnel (left) aims his weapon outside the Telecommunication Ministry during a gunfight with insurgents in Kabul, Afghanistan. PHOTO AP

during the clearance operation. Several young children and staff at a childcare centre for ministry employees were also evacuated. “We were having lunch when we heard the explosion,” said Rabia, who worked at the childcare centre. “We grabbed the children together into the safe room and just waited till the security forces arrived,” she said. The weekend blast, which security officials said appeared to have been caused by a suicide bomber, was also close to the

heavily fortified Serena Hotel, one of the very few Kabul hotels still used by foreign visitors. There was no claim of responsibility but the Taliban issued a statement denying any involvement. Many such attacks have been claimed by the radical Islamic State group. Prior to the attack, Kabul had been relatively calm as US officials have held a series of meetings with representatives from the Taliban to try to agree the basis for a peace settlement and an end to more than 17 years of war.

Queen turns 93 The Queen is celebrating her 93rd birthday today. This year, the monarch sees her birthday coincide with Easter. At Buckingham Palace, the Band of the Irish Guards will perform a rendition of Happy Birthday in her honour on the forecourt as part of the changing of the guard ceremony. Gun salutes will also be performed at Hyde Park and the Tower of London in the Queen’s honour. April 21 – the day the Queen was actually born – is the first of the monarch’s two birthdays. Her official birthday is celebrated in most of Australia on the second Monday in June.


Our people 8

Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Rally took vehicles from Ashburton to right under the mountains and all around during the course of the day. 200419-HM-0143

An Easter volleyball tournament was enjoyed by many at Digby Park.


Plenty of Easter action Guardian photographer Heather Mackenzie was out and about on Easter Saturday and captured some of the action happening around the Ashburton District.

Vintage cars of all shapes and sizes made their way around the district at the Easter Rally. Diane and Rob Ross took part in their 1907 Cadillac. 200419-HM-0087

Nick Roulston was all concentration at the Ashburton Golf Course on Saturday morning. 200419-HM-073 Right - Luke Martin looked to evade defenders for the Mid Canterbury United football side at the Ashburton Domain. 200419-HM-0420

The Vintage Car Rally stopped off in Methven for a bit of lunch as apart of their tour. 200419-HM-0262

Brynmor Workman makes good contact on a conversion attempt for the Mid Canterbury Combined First XV. 200419-HM-0235

It was a beautiful day in Methven where the Mid Canterbury Combined 1st XV took on St Andrew’s College. 200419-HM-0153


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


ARTS DIARY ■■ To April 28 – Truth or Consequences, 2018 CIRCUIT Artist Cinema Commissions at Ashburton Art Gallery. ■■ May 1 – The Adele and Amy Songbook at Ashburton Trust Event Centre, playing the best of Adele and Amy Winehouse, touring the South Island direct from Melbourne. ■■ To May 3 – Ashburton artist George Coppard’s exhibition of watercolours at the Mt Hutt Memorial Hall Methven art gallery. ■■ To May 5 – Croactus by Tony Bond at Ashburton Art Gallery. ■■ May 11 – Ashburton Musical Club presents Mothers’ Influence, Sinclair Centre at 7.30pm, arranged by Margaret Hawkey and Abigail Jones. Visitors welcome, $5 at door. Supper to follow. ■■ May 24 to June 1 – Sister Act – Variety Theatre Ashburton. Sister Act is the musical comedy based on the 1992 Whoopi Goldberg film. When disco diva Deloris Van Cartier witnesses a murder, she is put in protective custody in one place the cops are sure she won’t be found; a convent! Disguised as a nun, she finds herself at odds with both the rigid lifestyle and uptight Mother Superior. Adults $59/ seniors/students $49.


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Performing at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre was a career highlight for Kelly Reid.



Catering to the audience Dancing professionally is all about catering to your audience, and in Ashburton that was an exciting career highlight for Kelly Reid. The Otago University student was in his home town as Rhythms of Ireland staged in front of a sellout crowd at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre on Thursday night. Reid and his fellow cast members danced up a storm to an appreciative audience, which in turn energised performers on what was the third show of the tour. “This is my first professional show. It’s completely different to competition dancing which I’m used to. It’s all about catering to your audience,” Reid said. “In competitions, you’re trying to be technically perfect to score the 100 points. But for shows you can relax into your technique to match the other dancers.

“It’s nice being able to do this alongside six other New Zealand dancers. For a lot of us, me included, this is our first time doing a professional show.” He said another aspect giving the show its energetic appeal was the dynamic between cast members, and it was “heaps of fun” being on stage with them. “After only spending a few weeks together, we have gotten so close. On our days off, we’ve gone to Bluff and danced at an Irish pub.” Reid has come a long way from trying out some moves while watching a Riverdance DVD in his lounge room. He began his affair with Irish dancing as a five-year-old, following in the footsteps of his two older brothers. It was in the 1990s, following the Riverdance craze, and Reid and his siblings would watch the

DVD of the show over and over again. Their mum swept them off to dance lessons in Ashburton at their request, where Reid and his brothers and younger sister excelled, and they ultimately joined the O’Neill School of Irish Dance in Christchurch. They competed nationally and travelled the world, going to Ireland and Philadelphia for world championship events, and Australia for Australasian championships. Reid has many a win under his belt, having won four national titles and placing in the top 10 at the worlds. Today Reid is 24 and studying a masters in psychology at the University of Otago. He hung up his dancing shoes after graduating from Ashburton College, but put them back on last year when a teacher began

Irish dance lessons in Dunedin. He heard about performing with Rhythms of Ireland when the Kiwi lead who had been chosen sent him a Facebook message. Ashleigh John asked him if he would be interested in joining the cast, so he emailed the producers, and they asked him to send them a video of him dancing. The rest is history as they say, and soon after Reid left for Sydney for rehearsals with fellow cast members. He was one of six Kiwi dancers who have been selected to join the cast, featuring Ireland’s most outstanding and elite company of dancers. It is Rhythms of Ireland’s 10th anniversary show, and the first time back in New Zealand since a sell-out tour in 2010. Rhythms of Ireland is touring New Zealand until May 8.

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Additional Book Material DOUGLAS CARTER BEANE Based on the Touchstone Pictures Motion Picture “Sister Act” written by Joseph Howard By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY)


Opinion 10 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019


The cannabis debate continues I

f you haven’t read it yet, make sure you head back to page three of today’s paper and read the story of local man, Mark Crotty and his battle with ill-health and how he manages to deal with it. His tale is encapsulated in what could be described as one of the most controversial topics to touch the floors of parliament in recent years, medicinal cannabis or marijuana. I won’t spoil the details of Mark’s battles and the good that the drug has done for him and his pain levels, you can read them for yourself, but his tale – like so many others around the world – gives important credence to a widely-debated subject.

There’s a stigma around the words marijuana and cannabis that seems to make people react. The hear those words and immediately envisage someone sitting back taking a hit and entering a state of zen which can make them seem almost untouchable. And yes, there is that side of the drug. And it’s a concerning

side too. But the positive things that medicinal purposed cannabis is able to do for society makes for a very interesting debate. You hear of people who live their lives as though they are attached to a container of tablets and pills to help them manage their pain levels and discomfort. It can’t be a very nice way to live, especially when there is an option that seems, according to information shared, to be a much more effective way of managing such issues. Currently only a small number of doctors are willing to prescribe the drug to patients. That’s understandable when there is still so much uncertainty around it.

It’s something that needs to be worked on very carefully, and the restrictions that are put in place need to be powerful and meaningful at the same time in that it’s not just handed out willy nilly to anyone who sits down in the doctor’s chair, but it’s also not denied to someone who is a perfect candidate for using it. Government last year passed a law that makes medical marijuana widely available for thousands of patients over time, after years of campaigning by chronically ill New Zealanders who say the drug is the only thing that eases their pain. The legislation allows terminally ill patients to begin smoking illegal pot immediately

without facing the possibility of prosecution. It also allows much broader use of the drug, which was previously highly restricted and subject to approval by the health minister. So we do have progress, but there still seems to be a real stigma that sits around the use, and or non-use of the drug in among certain sectors of the New Zealand community. Mark Crotty probably sums it up best. It’s not being used to help him get high, it’s there to try and help him heal. That should be the bulk of the argument in a nutshell, right there.

a life prison sentence.) In 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, defeating Barack Obama and keeping her presidential hopes alive. In 2013, a seriously wounded Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged in his hospital room with bombing the Boston Marathon in a plot with his older brother, Tamerlan, who died after a fierce gunbattle with police. Richie Havens, 72, the folk singer and guitarist who was the first performer at the 1969 Woodstock festival, died in Jersey City, New Jersey. Ten years ago: President Barack

Obama marked Earth Day with a pitch for his energy plan, calling for a “new era of energy exploration in America” during a visit to Newton, Iowa. Five years ago: Vice President Joe Biden told Ukrainian political leaders the United States stood with them against “humiliating threats” and encouraged them to root out corruption as they rebuilt their government. One year ago: A nearly naked gunman carrying an assault rifle stormed a Waffle House restaurant in Nashville, Tennessee, shooting four people to death before a customer rushed him and wrestled the

weapon away; after a manhunt lasting more than 24 hours, Travis Reinking was arrested on charges including four counts of criminal homicide. (After being ordered to receive treatment for schizophrenia, Reinking was deemed fit for trial; he has pleaded not guilty.) Today’s birthdays: Actress Estelle Harris is 91. Actor Jack Nicholson is 82. Singer Mel Carter is 80. Author Janet Evanovich is 76. Country singer Cleve Francis is 74. Movie director John Waters is 73. Singer Peter Frampton is 69. Rock singer-musician Paul Carrack (Mike and the Mechanics; Squeeze) is 68. Actor Joseph

Bottoms is 65. Actor Ryan Stiles is 60. Baseball manager Terry Francona is 60. Comedian Byron Allen is 58. Actor Chris Makepeace is 55. Actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan is 53. Actress Sheryl Lee is 52. Actress-talk show host Sherri Shepherd is 52. Country singer Kellie Coffey is 48. Actor Eric Mabius is 48. Rock singer-musician Daniel Johns (Silverchair) is 40. Actress Amber Heard is 33. Rapper/ singer Machine Gun Kelly is 29. Thought for today: “What’s vice today may be virtue, tomorrow.” — Henry Fielding, English novelist (born this date in 1707, died in 1754).

Matt Markham


TODAY IN HISTORY Today is Monday, April 22, the 112th day of 2019. There are 253 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On April 22, 2000, in a dramatic pre-dawn raid, armed immigration agents seized Elian Gonzalez, the Cuban boy at the center of a custody dispute, from his relatives’ home in Miami; Elian was reunited with his father at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington. On this date: In 1915, the first full-scale use of deadly chemicals in warfare took place as German forces unleashed chlorine gas against Allied troops at the start of the Second Battle of Ypres in Belgium during World War One; thousands of soldiers are believed to have died. In 1936, the alliance between the Ratana Church and the Labour Party was cemented at an historic meeting between Tahupotiki Wiremu Ratana and Prime Minister Michael Joseph Savage. In 1952, an atomic test in Nevada became the first nuclear explosion shown on live network television as a 31-kiloton bomb was dropped from a B-50 Superfortress. In 1954, the publicly televised sessions of the Senate ArmyMcCarthy hearings began. In 1970, millions of Americans concerned about the environment observed the first Earth Day. In 1993, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was dedicated in Washington, DC to honour victims of Nazi extermination. In 1994, Richard M. Nixon, the 37th president of the United States, died at a New York hospital four days after suffering a stroke; he was 81. In 2005, Zacarias Moussaoui pleaded guilty in a federal courtroom outside Washington, DC to conspiring with the September 11 hijackers to kill Americans. (Moussaoui is serving


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


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Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon and wife Rose Austen-Falloon.

Mid-term report card O

ver Christmas I was going through a pile of old documents and found my school reports from Allenton and Intermediate. The comments, in case you’re interested, are pretty consistent: “Andrew is a diligent and hard-working pupil but can be distracted by others”. Being a local Member of Parliament is quite different. There are no criteria, no requirements. There’s no Key Performance Indicators as you might see in business or community groups, no regular reporting. Instead of a manager, my employers are the roughly 65,000 people I serve across Mid and South Canterbury who make up the Rangitata electorate. When I was first elected in 2017 I set myself a number of goals. Not long ago we passed the midway point in the 2017-2020 term of Parliament, and today I report to you on my progress.

1. Do the best I can for everyone There’s sometimes a bit of confusion about the core role of a local MP.

2. Always accessible

Andrew Falloon


Although in Parliament you might have MPs screaming and shouting at one another (yes, unfortunately that happens), the work I do locally is not political at all. Every week my Ashburton and Timaru offices field more than 100 enquiries from constituents, ranging from people needing urgent access to housing, assistance with an immigration visa, or help with a myriad of Government agencies like Oranga Tamariki, ACC, or the DHB. Every Monday and Friday I’m in my office locally, and I always make the same promise – I can’t guarantee the outcome you want, but I’ll always do my very best to achieve it. It’s not the sort of stuff you’ll ever see reported in the newspaper, but I’m proud I’ve been able to help hundreds of people in our community.

Our region is diverse. Every town and community has its own unique challenges and opportunities. Although I have offices in both Ashburton and Timaru, to better represent everyone it’s important I get right across the district. On top of getting to every local event that I can, over the past 18 months I’ve held 35 constituency clinics in places like Methven, Mayfield, Hinds, Fairton, Wakanui, Carew, and down at Hakatere and the Rangitata Huts. They’ve given people in those communities the opportunity to meet with me rather than having to come in to town. I’ll be holding more soon, so keep an eye out if you have anything you’d like to talk about. I’ve also brought other MPs to our area, holding public meetings on important issues like euthanasia, climate change and education.

3. A vocal advocate for our community Mid Canterbury is a wonderful place to live, but I want to make it even better.

I worry sometimes about the outsized influence Auckland has on our national conversations. With around 50 of our 120 MPs coming from there, along with much of our media, it’s no surprise that problems for Auckland are often conflated as problems for New Zealand. My goal has been to ensure Mid Canterbury doesn’t get left behind in that conversation. When we’re talking about transport and infrastructure spending, about immigration or Mycoplasma bovis, even things as basic as guaranteeing our postal services locally, I’ve worked to ensure our voice is heard. It’s a privilege to be your servant in New Zealand’s Parliament. Please get in touch if you require assistance on any matter.

The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof



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Travel 12 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019


Unleashing everyone’s inner-child at the UFO Museum is a fanciful animatronic display of a spaceship that takes off and lands, surrounded by gibbering aliens. It’s selfie-central.

An alien invasion of tourist types O

n my recent road-trip in the USA’s southwest, I went out of my way to stitch the town of Roswell to my travelling schedule, lured by one of the world’s greatest modern-day mysteries. The alleged crash-landing of a UFO with aliens aboard. Incidentally, Roswell’s only other claim to fame is that it was home to the

How many visitors would make a beeline to Loch Ness if it wasn’t for Nessie? Probably about as few who would visit dusty little Roswell in the New Mexico desert, if it wasn’t for the alleged UFO crash over 70 years ago, writes Mike Yardley. bombing unit that dropped the nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki – hardly a crowd-puller. On the 350km drive from Albu-

querque to Roswell, there’s little to arouse much interest en-route, aside from stopping over at Fort Sumner.

Roswell is home to the world’s only flying saucer-shaped McDonald’s restaurant.

It’s home to Billy the Kid’s gravesite, a legendary teenage outlaw of the Old West, who was fatally shot here in 1881. His tombstone has been heavily secured within a steel cage to stop attempted thefts. It adjoins the historic military site of the Bosque Redondo reservation, where thousands of Navajo and Mescalero Apache were forcibly relocated from their homelands and interred. The Navajo refer to their relocation to the Bosque Redondo as the Long Walk, with hundreds of Navajos dying along the way. After reflecting on history’s deep stain, it was full steam ahead for my alien pilgrimage. Arriving into Roswell, the first thing you notice are the street lamps adorning Main Street, giving the town an unearthly glow. Their bulbous globes glow green at night and have been painted with slanted alien eyes. Incredibly, this wasn’t an officially sanctioned project, but the vintage street lamps were pimped up as a guerrilla art project about 20 years ago.

The next thing you notice is the unseemly profusion of chintzy gift stores, dozens and dozens of them, milking the Roswell incident, chock-full with tacky alien-emblazoned souvenirs and assorted paraphernalia. Alien Pate’ anyone? The “illegal alien” t-shirts are apparently the top-seller in town. The notion that saucers full of aliens nosedived near town – and then the government covered it up – is urban legend radiation that just won’t decay. Documents declassified by the FBI further fuelled the conspiracy theories. From a tourism perspective, whether the believers are nut jobs or not doesn’t really matter. Roswell has stamped its mark as the world’s most famous UFO crash site. The back-story began on July 7, 1947, when the local newspaper reported that William “Mac” Brazel, a local farmer, had found pieces of a flying saucer scattered across a nearby ranch. He called the sheriff, who called the military, who carted the debris and aliens off in armoured vehicles.


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 13

Above – Ground Zero for alien pilgrims is the International UFO Museum. Above right – There’s a profusion of chintzy gift stores, milking the Roswell incident, chock-full with tacky alien-emblazoned souvenirs and assorted paraphernalia. Supposedly it all ended up at Area 51 in Nevada. But the secret was out, and it’s never stopped capturing the public imagination. The most recent comment from the Air Force came in 1997, ahead of the 50th anniversary of the “crash”. The Air Force said that the most likely explanation for the unverified alien reports was that people were simply referring to a number of life-size crash-test dummies dropped from the sky during military experiments. The trouble with that is those experiments took place in the 1950s. Ground Zero for alien pilgrims is the International UFO Museum. One of its founders was Lt. Walter Haut who back in 1947 was the Public Relations Officer for Roswell Air Base. He was the one who first informed the world that a flying saucer had crash-landed, via a military press release, before his superiors hastily retracted the official line, advising the media it was nothing more than a weather balloon. No matter where you stand on the claims and counter-claims about what really happened at Roswell, the museum does

a very fine job walking you through the full story, its manifold twists and turns, right through to the present day. The eye-witness accounts and the death-bed confessions from people close to the action, and silenced for decades, are particularly arresting. There’s an orgy of information for conspiracy theorists to get their jollies over. I don’t consider myself easily fooled, and I came away concluding that the military has indeed sought to conceal the full truth. Much of the museum has a home-spun, unsophisticated feel, dominated by static displays of written reports, still photographs and newspaper clippings. But it’s surprisingly compelling, even though the museum is about to embark on a slick multi-media makeover. Then there’s the fun stuff, like the movie props from the 1994 film on Roswell, headlined by the prop alien corpse dummy, lying on a hospital gurney inside a glass-walled room. It was supposedly designed based on eye-witness accounts. Unleashing everyone’s inner-child is a fanciful anima-

tronic display of a spaceship that takes off and lands, surrounded by gibbering aliens. It’s selfie-central. The museum also walks you through the world’s most documented UFO sightings, which includes the Kaikoura lights of 1978. Swooned on by UFO buffs from across the globe, the UFO Museum stages the annual UFO Festival every July. World-leading UFO researchers and astronauts descend on Roswell during the festival to deliver lectures, launch books and reveal their fresh findings. Delving deeper into Roswell, you’ll notice many businesses have adorned their frontages with lavish ET-themed murals, displays and statues. Dunkin’ Donuts has a fabulous super-sized alien underneath its roadside hoarding, while the Golden Arches have gone the whole hog. Roswell is home to the world’s only flying saucer-shaped McDonald’s restaurant. Its aerodynamic qualities are seriously compromised by the need to enclose a Playland, but its distinctive saucer shape, metal skin and neon-lit embellishments are a trusty traffic-stopper.

Inside the UFO museum you’ll find movie props from the 1994 film on Roswell, headlined by the prop alien corpse dummy, lying on a hospital gurney inside a glass-walled room.

Fort Sumner is home to Billy the Kid’s gravesite, a legendary teenage outlaw of the Old West, who was fatally shot there in 1881.

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Your Place 14 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019

TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz Mid Canterbury is currently battling a disease in...? a. Sheep b. Pigs c. Cattle 2 – Where is Copacabana Beach? a. Bali b. Acapulco c. Rio de Janeiro 3 – How many grams are there in a teaspoon? a. 4.3 b. 6.3 c. 8.3 4 – In Russian, “privet” means...? a. Hello b. Goodbye c. Thanks 5 – Approximately how many million people live in Indonesia? a. 120 b. 270 c. 380 6 – Tiger Woods recently won his first major competition since...? a. 2008 b. 2010 c. 2013 7 – The Nissan Leaf runs on which kind of power? a. Electric b. Hybrid c. Diesel 8 – What series are the latest New Zealand banknotes? a. Three b. Five c. Seven

1 5 9

River mouth in golden glow of autumn





The Ashburton/Hakatere River mouth looked stunning on a recent lovely autumn day. This image, by Heather8Kennedy, 5 has been captured from the south side of the river.


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Answers: 1. Cattle 2. Rio 3. 4.3 4. Hello 5. 270 6. 2008 7. Electric 8. Seven.


Asian-style coleslaw


Try this coleslaw with a difference – it is delicious. Serves 4 4 cups finely sliced small bok choy 2 carrots, julienned or coarsely grated 1 spring onion, finely sliced 2T sultanas or cranberries 1T pumpkin seeds 2T Asian-style dressing ■■ Mix bok choy, carrots, spring onion, sultanas and pumpkin seeds together in a serving dish. ■■ Pour over the dressing and serve.

Recipe courtesy of




7 6 1 2 8 3 9 3 1 2 6 8 9 7 8 3 3 2 1 1 2 8 7 6 1 Solutions for today in tomorrow’s Your Place page.

1 4 8 3 9 6 2 7 5


Monday, April 22, 2019


Crusaders lead tight race By Patrick McKendry NZME

The surprises keep coming in Super Rugby, although the suspicion remains that 14 teams are still playing for the right to make the hardest trip in rugby – a grand final against the Crusaders in Christchurch. Scott Robertson’s side had their first bye this weekend and yet no team made a concerted attack on their position at the top of the table. The Hurricanes are the closest on 27 competition points to the Crusaders’ 34 but the Sunwolves made them work extremely hard for their 29-23 victory in Tokyo. Such is the close nature of the competition this year, a defeat for John Plumtree’s side, who were without many of their front-liners, wouldn’t have been a great shock. Of the 15 teams in the competition, 14 still have a realistic chance of making the top eight and a place in the quarter-finals. Every team, apart from perhaps the Crusaders, has appeared vulnerable this season, which is just over halfway completed. And even the Crusaders dropped a game to the Waratahs in Sydney. Of the Kiwi teams it is the Hurricanes who inspire the most confidence as potential challengers to the Crusaders’ attempt to win three titles in a row for the second time. The Chiefs and Blues, in particular, failed to impress again this weekend. The Lions’ 23-17 victory over the Chiefs at Waikato Stadium will supply the South Africans

The Hurricanes are closest to the Crusaders in points, but part of a huge chasing pack.

with confidence ahead of their match against the Crusaders next Friday, but they will be big outsiders in what is a repeat of last year’s final. Robertson’s men haven’t lost at home in three years. The Waratahs survived the continuing Israel Folau controversy with a 23-20 win over conference rivals the Rebels in Sydney and while the Melbourne side remain the best in Australia for the moment, they have lost their last two matches and in Quade Cooper they have a firstfive who is again running hot and cold. “It’s a weird feeling,” Waratahs’

Kiwi coach Daryl Gibson said afterwards in referring to the toll of the Folau fallout. “We’ve won a game but the emotion of the week and to come out with a win has been good but a strange feeling. It takes a lot out of people emotionally and mentally.” The Stormers, after tipping over the Rebels last weekend, would have expected to beat the Brumbies once they had arrived home in Cape Town, but instead it was the visitors who won 19-17 in a game which featured a scoreless final quarter. Few coaches would have treas-

ured their win this round more than Highlanders coach Aaron Mauger because his side hadn’t won since round two when they beat the Reds in Dunedin. The Highlanders’ 24-12 win over the Blues was more comprehensive than the score suggests because after conceding a try to Tom Robinson they scored 24 unanswered points and simply shut out the visitors in the second half. “I’m really proud of the resilience and fortitude, not just tonight but over the past few weeks,” Mauger said. “It’s been challenging.”

Olympic runner unmasked as drugs cheat NZME The man who ended up beating Kiwi Nick Willis for Olympic gold has been banned for doping. Kenya’s Asbel Kiprop returned a positive for erythropoietin (EPO) in November 2017, in an out of competition test. Willis crossed the line third in the 2008 Beijing 1500m, behind Bahrain’s Rashid Ramzi and Kiprop. But Kiprop and Willis had their medals upgraded when Ramzi was exposed as a drugs cheat. Willis was finally presented with his silver medal at Newtown Park in Wellington in early 2011.

Willis is among the people to post the story about Kiprop on social media. Last year, Willis told the Herald the race in Beijing was still a career highlight, despite the controversy. “That [Beijing race] is still the highlight of my sporting career. I couldn’t have been any more joyful than I was that day. That was an amazing experience, and that’s what brought us [he and his family] to peace many years ago in this sport. “Potentially people left and right of you could be doping, but that’s irrelevant because you’re trying to get the most out of yourself. Otherwise it makes you

angry or bitter and you can’t perform to your best. “I want to be able to run freely with joy in my future races and have fond memories rather than a sour taste in my mouth. There have been times in my career when I’ve had a cynical approach, but I’ve been free of that since about 2015.” The 29-year-old Kenyan, a triple world champion, has reportedly claimed his sample may have been tampered with, but anti-doping bosses said the case was “convincingly made out”. The Athletics Integrity Unit decreed his results and winnings between November 2017

and February 2018 should be scrapped. He was initially suspended last year. The AIU said the Kenyan presented an “a la carte menu of reasons why the charges should be dismissed”. Kiprop has said: “I have been left to fight this on my own. I have had no support even from my fellow athletes, some who have questioned my integrity in public.” A massive 138 Kenyan athletes have tested positive in anti-doping campaigns since 2004. Kenya has been on the list of countries under IAAF surveillance since 2016.

Ashburton Guardian 15

Carter could be back-up, says Henry Sir Graham Henry believes the All Blacks could use Dan Carter’s experience at this year’s World Cup – especially after the loss of utility back Damian McKenzie. McKenzie’s season-ending injury, a ruptured ACL likely ruling him out of the tournament in September, has left the All Blacks scrambling for a replacement, threatening to expose their depth at first-five. Speaking to Newstalk ZB’s Jim Kayes, Henry said McKenzie will be difficult to replace. “It’s a big [loss]. He’s a fabulous little player,” said the former All Blacks coach. “I just love watching him play. He’s such an enthusiast, he just loves playing the game. “When you love playing the game and you’ve got his sort of skill, and athleticism he’s a really special player. So he’s going to be difficult to replace and the search will be on because I think the All Blacks selectors will pick three guys who can play 10.” While acknowledging the rise of younger, more inexperienced first-fives like Crusaders’ Brett Cameron as a potential replacement, Henry also pointed to twotime World Cup winner Carter as an option not to be ignored. “There’s been some talk about Dan Carter and I don’t think Dan Carter will let you down,” said Henry, who led the All Blacks to a World Cup win in 2011. He played in the final of the Japanese competition and played outstandingly. “He could be a possibility too. It’s just obviously they have to qualify and they have to be playing and signed in this country to be available for the All Blacks.” Henry said having Carter at the World Cup would provide invaluable experience to the All Blacks side, and would even benefit current first-fives Beauden Barrett and Richie Mo’unga. “Well you know, he’s been there and done that. He would be number three and I think he fits comfortably in that position. And he’ll add a huge amount of experience and intellectual property about the Rugby World Cup and playing international rugby. ”I’m sure he’ll be good for Beaudy and Richie if he was there. And who knows. But it sounds like there’s a lot of work going on behind the scenes which obviously will happen.” A sensational return for Carter could prove challenging, however, after recently undergoing neck surgery.





Sport 16 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019

Farm work takes priority over Randwick trip It’s not often you find the owner of a Group Three winner at Royal Randwick happily ensconced on his tractor cutting grass less than 24 hours after such a notable victory. That however is the scenario for Southlander Tony Dennis, who along with brothers Ray, Kevin (Joe) and Martin, bred and are members of the syndicate who race Gr.3 Frank Packer Plate (2000m) winner, The Chosen One. “I’m just on the tractor getting some baleage cut while the weather holds,” Tony said yesterday. “You don’t often get a few days in a row of good weather at this time of the year, so you have to make the most of it when you do.” The on-farm commitments meant Dennis didn’t travel to Sydney with his brothers and other syndicate members to witness the victory in person, although he seriously considered it given the team were bullish about The Cho-


The Chosen One.

as he matures so it’s a good time for him to have a break now,” he said. “I believe the plan is to get him to Melbourne next spring so he might not be seen here if the tracks are no good as Murray and Andrew will take him straight over there.

“He looks like a 2000-2400m type so there are plenty of opportunities there for him.” Still a colt, the son of champion sire Savabeel has enhanced any future stallion prospects with Saturday’s victory and joins a long list of top performers the Dennis brothers have raced or bred.

Recognised in 2015 with the Outstanding contribution to New Zealand thoroughbred racing award, their list of top-quality gallopers produced includes Gr.1 Cox Plate (2040m) winner, The Phantom Chance, along with The Twinkle, The Phantom, The Diamond One and The Chosen One’s grand-dam, The Jewel. Dennis admits that the current state of the local industry has seen them reduce their breeding and racing numbers as the costs involved in breeding and racing haven’t been matched by the resulting benefits in recent years. “We’ve dropped our numbers a fair bit of late as it’s a pretty expensive game to be in when the returns don’t stack up,” he said. “We have four mares on the farm with another four up north so it’s not as if we have quit or anything but we’re selling a few more these days and not racing as many as we used to.”

Banks Peninsula harness Today at Motukarara Raceway

Banks Peninsula Trotting Club’s meeting at Motukarara Raceway (Grass) today, April 22. NZ Meeting number: 8. Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9. Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9. 1 12.13pm (NZT) JONTY’S JOURNEY TROT $8000, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2170m 1 009 Toldyah Frankie fr.......................... Scratched 2 0 Georgiana Spencer (1) fr............... K Butt (J) 3 03733 Folly’s Trouble (2) fr............................. R May 4 3365x Skyline (3) fr G O’..................................Reilly 5 9x648 Midnight Memories (4) fr............ M Edmonds 6 80770 Fast Wet N Windee (5) fr 7 45090 Motu Moondancer (6) fr........K Tomlinson (J) 8 3x3 Far From True (7) fr...........................D White 9 46500 Fekitoa (8) fr.......................................J Dunn 10 42083 Appearance (9) fr.............................. J Smith 11 05240 Milly An Eyre (10) fr..........................J Curtin 12 5 Never Mind (11) fr..........................J Geddes 13 50027 Aorangi (U1) fr.............................. K Townley 14 22058 Superfast Lad (U2) fr........................S Ottley 15 00224 Champagne Prince (U3) fr............ S McNally 16 0 Jaguar Bay (U4) fr......................... P Wakelin 17 8 Spy Da Moment (U5) fr........................K Cox Emergencies: Toldyah Frankie, Fast Wet N Windee, Motu Moondancer 2 12.48pm GOLDING AT HARCOURTS FOUR SEASONS PACE $8000, non-winners, stand, 2170m 1 Gigi Gorgeous (1) fr................. L McCormick 2 990x Mysistersapoledancer (2) fr..............R Close 3 90050 Diamond Shadow (3) fr......................J Dunn 4 00500 Jonty Kev (4) fr..................................S Ottley 5 08x Dalness Arizona (5) fr......................... R May 6 4606P King Of Heroes (6) fr....................C DeFilippi 7 P0000 Sheelasinleague (7) fr...........K Tomlinson (J) 8 22040 Tiz A Sweetheart (8) fr............. C D Thornley 9 49060 Fusitua (9) fr...................................... G Ward 10 43272 Victor Tango (10) fr.................. J Morrison (J) 11 0x880 Native Oneinamillion (11) fr..........M Perriton


sen One’s chances in the race. “Most of them went over on Thursday but I wanted to get the baleage done,” he said. “I had intended to go and was looking at flights on Friday but in the end, I stayed back home. “I went to the local meeting at Riverton instead and saw the race on television there. “We were pretty confident he could win given the way he went in the Australian Derby (Gr.1, 2400m) when he ran fourth. We thought he backs up pretty well in his races so as long as he got some luck, he would be hard to beat. “He was very impressive as he sprinted from the 600m and won pretty comfortably in the end.” Dennis confirmed that plans for The Chosen One would see him return home for a break before being set for the Melbourne spring carnival later this year. “He’s a pretty exciting prospect as we think he will only get better

12 75639 Living Fantasy (12) fr............... M Williamson 13 0300 Last One Grin (13) fr.....................M Heenan 14 0x Topspinner fr................................. Scratched 15 x3584 Sherry Baby (14) fr...........................B Munro 16 x7460 Nui May Tau (15) fr........................ A Lethaby Emergencies: Sheelasinleague, Nui May Tau 3 1.23pm MITCH KERR RACING STABLES MOBILE PACE $8500, 3yo+ r40-r50., mobile, 2000m 1 05200 Dying To See You (1) fr..................... G Smith 2 33652 Mordecai (2) fr.......................K Tomlinson (J) 3 0600P Change Is Good (3) fr........................J Dunn 4 7089x Bhakti (4) fr.................................R Cameron 5 90x60 Ireby Meg (5) fr..........................M Hurrell (J) 6 66982 Mr Asia (6) fr.............................. L McKay (J) 7 45040 Melt Down (7) fr.................................. R May 8 9062P Rozzano (8) fr............................A Tomlinson 9 06050 Just Ben (9) fr.......................... M Williamson 10 28048 Doc Seelster (21) fr......................D Reardon 11 08989 Pay Me Visa (22) fr.........................B Orange 12 80000 Donegal Carnbouy (23) fr.....S Tomlinson (J) 13 6P0x0 Little Rain (24) fr..............................J W Cox 14 95779 Baker Creek (25) fr L O’........................Reilly 15 16208 Rockahula Joe (26) fr........................S Ottley 16 4P150 Ohoka Matty (27) fr...................... J Alford (J) Emergencies: Mordecai, Rozzano 4 1.56pm MATT GOLDING FINANCE SERVICES TROT $8500, 3yo+ r40-r49, stand, 2170m 1 09960 Lisa Marie P (1) fr.........................M Perriton 2 78340 Foreigner (2) fr...................................G Hunt 3 03886 Rusty I Am (3) fr............................ P Wakelin 4 x0000 Wot Up (4) fr.......................... G Thornley (J) 5 29428 Stellar Success (5) fr............... J Morrison (J) 6 00059 Tequila Sunset (6) fr.................... K Cameron 7 32122 Lone Star Lad (7) fr...........................S Ottley 8 17920 Monaro Maro (8) fr 9 98050 Bright Glow (9) fr...........................I Cameron 10 29070 Tehoro Tease (10) fr.......................R Holmes 11 x0004 Fireman (11) fr L O’...............................Reilly

12 25143 Imran Khan (12) fr............................J W Cox 13 79667 Franco Josiah (U1) fr............... C D Thornley 14 89060 Spurred By Success (U2) fr...............J Dunn 15 10000 Westeros (U3) fr........................M Smolenski 16 57677 Sugar Cane (U4) fr................... L McCormick Emergencies: Monaro Maro, Westeros 5 2.31pm MORRIE MOLLOY MEMORIAL JUNIOR DRIVERS MBL PACE $8500, 4yo+ r40-r50., 2000m 1 5435x Rah De Rah (1) fr......................... J Alford (J) 2 06603 Ideologist (2) fr............................C Jones (J) 3 48560 Chelsea Ella (3) fr.......................S Payne (J) 4 08691 Hes Fast And Furious (4) fr..............K Gill (J) 5 54037 Franco Sherborne (5) fr........K Tomlinson (J) 6 73068 Sheeza Sport (6) fr........................ K Butt (J) 7 07086 Adam Patron (7) fr........................ B Hope (J) 8 4x090 Immortal Change (8) fr..........S Tomlinson (J) 9 95034 Swap Over (9) fr..........................M Lewis (J) 10 31699 Smirken (21) fr........................ J Morrison (J) 11 65806 That Alexander Guy (22) fr........M Hurrell (J) 12 90073 Officialdon (23) fr S O’..................... Reilly (J) 13 69430 Scotlynn Harry (24) fr.............B Laughton (J) 14 00008 Knockmanaugh (25) fr........... J Campbell (J) 6 3.10pm STALLIONS AUSTRALASIA HANDICAP TROT $9000, 3yo+ r48-r65 spechcp, stand, 2170m 1 05058 Flying Monkey (1) fr...................... A Lethaby 2 97332 Rocknpop (2) fr.....................K Tomlinson (J) 3 17920 Monaro Maro (3) fr.............................J Dunn 4 P9508 Ali Lindenny (4) fr G O’..........................Reilly 5 64726 Gorilla Playboy (U1) fr............. J Morrison (J) 6 10000 Westeros (U2) fr........................M Smolenski 7 51439 Sun Swinger (U3) fr..........................S Ottley 8 P2P61 Zeddie Marit (1) 15M......................B Orange 9 05111 Ideal Invasion (2) 15M S O’............. Reilly (J) 10 05169 Aveross Don (3) 15M........................J Young 11 02109 Zsa Zoe (4) 15M...................S Tomlinson (J) 12 23661 Majestic Connies (U1) 15M...... M Williamson 7 3.46pm WESTVIEW RACING LOVES JONTY HANDICAP PACE $9000, r50-r65 spechcp, stand,

2170m 1 41x Itz A Major Babe (1) fr......................J W Cox 2 32538 Just N Awe (2) fr.......................... B Hope (J) 3 28210 Magical Mellissa (3) fr........................J Dunn 4 06050 Just Ben fr..................................... Scratched 5 00542 Bobby T (1) 15M.........................R Cameron 6 12182 Georgias Baron (2) 15M................B Orange 7 07908 Essence Of Easton (3) 15M G O’..........Reilly 8 71319 Frankie Jones (4) 15M............ J Morrison (J) 9 09759 Go Davey (5) 15M..................B Laughton (J) 10 41347 Machsgain (6) 15M..............................K Cox 11 55464 Nui Ba Den (7) 15M..........................R Close 12 61080 Gimmefiveminutesmore (8) 15M 13 0x217 Unico Enchantress (9) 15M..... C D Thornley 14 60446 Stompem 15M............................... Scratched 15 37050 All About Henry (10) 15M.................D White 16 34178 The Tin Soldier (U1) 15M......... M Williamson 17 91896 Articulight (U2) 15M......................... G Smith 18 21550 Three Ideas (U3) 15M......................... R May Emergencies: Just Ben, Essence Of Easton, Gimmefiveminutesmore, Stompem 8 4.21pm ZANE & DALE MOBILE PACE $8000, non-winners 3yo+., mobile, 2000m 1 Lydia (1) fr........................................... R May 2 07660 Refine (2) fr.............................. C D Thornley 3 4870x Silent Shadow fr............................ Scratched 4 280 Taumalolo (3) fr........................ M Williamson 5 x00x0 Die Standing (4) fr........................ J Sheenan 6 80970 Conquistador (5) fr....................... J Alford (J) 7 85028 Franco Hatton (6) fr....................... A Lethaby 8 567x Proactor (7) fr...............................C DeFilippi 9 33959 Forty Wives (8) fr............................R Holmes 10 99P Pocket Rocknroll (21) fr.........S Tomlinson (J) 11 x0023 Comfortably Numb (22) fr................ G Smith 12 7830x Olive Cook (23) fr..........................T Williams 13 4P Kayla Maguire (24) fr........................S Ottley 14 04980 Aveross Spitfire (25) fr......................J Young 15 090Px Givemewhatineed (U1) fr...................J Dunn

Emergency: Conquistador 9 4.48pm MURRAY&LARRY HAMILTON/MORRISON SADDLERY MBL PACE $8500, 3yo+ r51-r55., 2000m 1 26521 Bush Man (1) fr........................ M Williamson 2 10 Glen Elgin Tomson (2) fr................B Orange 3 81676 Ava Adore (3) fr....................................K Cox 4 22819 Classy Kid (4) fr............................ A Lethaby 5 87169 Sounds Lika Gem (5) fr L O’.................Reilly 6 52505 Cheezel (6) fr........................... C D Thornley 7 89009 Jonty James (7) fr..................... S Smolenski 8 3098x Fynn Frost (8) fr.......................... K Cameron 9 07687 Kardesler (9) fr.............................C DeFilippi 10 17865 Bird Of Paradise (21) fr 11 09007 Leading The Way (22) fr.......... J Morrison (J) 12 10x50 Get It On (23) fr.............................T Williams 13 16433 The Kaik (24) fr.............................. K Butt (J) 14 0813P Guido Da Siena (25) fr......................S Ottley 15 010P7 Baltimore Jack (U1) fr...................... G Smith Emergency: Bird Of Paradise Pacifiers off : Givemewhatineed (R8) SELECTIONS Race 1: Appearance, Far From True, Aorangi, Skyline Race 2: King Of Heroes, Tiz A Sweetheart, Sherry Baby, Victor Tango Race 3: Mr Asia, Ohoka Matty, Baker Creek, Pay Me Visa Race 4: Monaro Maro, Lone Star Lad, Imran Khan, Stellar Success Race 5: Officialdon, Immortal Change, Swap Over, Chelsea Ella Race 6: Ideal Invasion, Majestic Connies, Zeddie Marit, Sun Swinger Race 7: Just N Awe, Georgias Baron, Three Ideas, Unico Enchantress Race 8: Olive Cook, Comfortably Numb, Forty Wives, Kayla Maguire Race 9: Glen Elgin Tomson, Bush Man, The Kaik, Classy Kid

Rating 82 Benchmark, 1400m 1 5x791 Ambitious Winner d (7) 61.5.............J Riddell 2 211x5 Remington d (13) 59.5..................... T Harris 3 12516 Pasabahce dm (15) 59..................R Elliot (a) 4 64x30 Spider d (11) 58......................C Burdan (a4) 5 33x78 Temple Tiger dm (10) 58..............D Mansour 6 5350x Waipipi Lad dm (9) 58..................C Lammas 7 67542 Magic Of The Sun d (12) 56.5.......... S Spratt 8 1x160 Back In A Flash dm (3) 56.............. A Calder 9 65226 Pop Star Princess t (6) 55.5........ L Satherley 10 83950 Ladynadel td (4) 55.......................... C Grylls 11 17066 Bring To The Block dm (14) 54.5.. C Johnson 12 2716x Duellicious (2) 54.5.................J Fawcett (a1) 13 02322 Stacey Ann d (5) 54.........................S Collett 14 60883 Peaceful d (1) 54.........................M Cameron 15 50185 Lauramia h (8) 54 — Emergency: Lauramia 8 4.09pm CUP DAY SATURDAY MAY 11TH 1400 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 2820x Fort Knox m (15) 59.................... L Satherley 2 x000x Motuman tm (8) 59......... A Goindasamy (a3) 3 241x2 Secret Squirrel (11) 59.....................J Riddell 4 6341x Verbalizer 59................................. Scratched 5 7403x Bojangles dm (5) 58.5...................... C Grylls 6 127x9 Forseeable (4) 58.5......................... A Calder 7 99919 Mighty Colombo 58....................... Scratched 8 24419 Running Man (3) 58......................... S Spratt 9 139x4 Van Diamond 58........................... Scratched 10 57x42 Lady Lira tm (16) 56.5.................M Cameron 11 23210 Wild Seas (7) 56.5.......................C Lammas 12 98430 Elusive Meteor d (10) 56.5...................C Dell 13 32600 Endean Express tdh (9) 56..........D Mansour

14 33008 I See Red d (14) 56..........................S Collett 15 46x6x Pleeze Bee td (12) 55.5..........C Burdan (a4) 16 0x633 Prodigal Son tdm (1) 57................R Elliot (a) 17 7767x Azabeat (2) 56.5 — 18 761 Ocean Billy tdh (6) 58.5 — 19 45207 Excelsior Island d (13) 56.5 — Emergencies: Pleeze Bee, Prodigal Son, Azabeat, Ocean Billy, Excelsior Island Blinkers on : Caribbean Rose (R1), Persistence, Valhexa (R3), Mental Telepathy (R5), Wild Seas (R8) Blinkers off : Lady Shabeel (R5), Game Of Love (R6), Duellicious (R7), Endean Express (R8) Winkers on : Duellicious (R7)

Rotorua gallops Today at Rotorua raceway

Racing Rotorua’s meeting at Rotorua today, April 22. NZ Meeting number: 4. Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8. Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8. 1 12.05pm (NZT) BURTON CONSTRUCTION 3YO $25,000, 3YO SW+P, 1560m 1 1 Flying Grand 57.5......................... Scratched 2 761 Ocean Billy th (4) 57.5............C Burdan (a4) 3 6x3 Alaskan Gold (3) 56.....................C Lammas 4 3x030 Poacher (1) 56................................ A Calder 5 37485 Mont Ventoux (8) 56........................ S McKay 6 x5580 Rubira m (7) 55.5 — 7 24251 Savastep (2) 55.5............................. C Grylls 8 08924 Patsys Lass (5) 55.5........................S Collett 9 32 Caribbean Rose (6) 54................M Cameron 10 0x935 Endean Lass h (9) 54..... A Goindasamy (a3) 2 12.40pm CARTERS 2200 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2200m 1 11000 Roc Wheeler (8) 59.5.................. L Satherley 2 50465 Scaglioni (10) 58.5 — 3 595x4 Seconds Out m (6) 58.5............ D Danis (a2) 4 x0031 Suffice To Say tm (9) 58.5............ C Johnson 5 21828 Nordic (1) 58.................................... C Grylls 6 162x2 Mamba tdb (7) 57.5.....................M Cameron 7 x4222 Robusto tmb (2) 57.5.......................J Riddell 8 22422 Sweet Treat m (5) 57.5..................R Elliot (a) 9 521x7 The Arabian Duke tm (11) 57........... A Jones 10 46816 Flying Meg d (4) 56..........................S Collett 11 08748 The Midnight Shift d (3) 55.5........... A Calder 3 1.15pm ARAWA PARK LOUNGES FOR HIRE 1400 $10,000, MDN, 1400m 1 22 Helena Baby b (6) 58.5................D Mansour 2 08x53 The Revenant (13) 58.5................R Elliot (a)

3 7x059 Go Go Goal (3) 58.5............................C Dell 4 00x Junior (1) 58.5.................................. C Grylls 5 068x0 Wilson 58.5................................... Scratched 6 25x44 Mexican Tycoon b (4) 58.............M Cameron 7 8624 Wild Like (7) 58 — 8 825x6 Master Oakleigh h (11) 58.....A Goindasamy (a3) 9 464x5 William Scott (15) 58........................ T Harris 10 60x Persistence (12) 58..........................S Collett 11 0 Rocco Valenti (2) 58........................ S McKay 12 Claiborne (10) 58.............................J Riddell 13 0x660 Valhexa (8) 56.5......................J Fawcett (a1) 14 24429 Shipshape (5) 56.............................. S Spratt 15 6x90x Two Of Us (9) 58.5 — 16 0x78x Just Kate (16) 56.5 — 17 53700 Our Craftsman (14) 58.5 — Emergencies: Two Of Us, Just Kate, Our Craftsman 4 1.50pm CAMPBELL INFRASTRUCTURE 1215 $35,000, OPN HCP, 1215m 1 615x6 Amarula (2) 60................................ S McKay 2 11362 Sleeping Beauty m (5) 57.5...... D Danis (a2) 3 1253x Prom Queen b (7) 54.......................S Collett 4 18230 Donna Anne Billy tmh (1) 54...C Burdan (a4) 5 5115x Yorkshire Dales m (8) 54.................. C Grylls 6 0480x Malambo tm (9) 54........................R Elliot (a) 7 05845 Casaquinman (3) 54.................... C Johnson 8 111x2 Te Toro Pearl m (6) 54..................C Lammas 9 30x59 Power O’Hata (4) 54...................M Cameron 5 2.24pm MACMILLAN ACCOUNTANTS 1950 $30,000, Rating 82 Benchmark, 1950m 1 907x0 Gobstopper m (8) 60.5... A Goindasamy (a3) 2 15112 Beauden (4) 60............................ C Johnson

3 77xL7 Strolling Vagabond 59................... Scratched 4 x0709 Francis Drake d (11) 59................... S Spratt 5 x4x93 Azaboy m (1) 58.5........................... A Calder 6 525x8 Storming The Tower tm (5) 58.........V Colgan 7 74907 Mental Telepathy td (6) 57.5........M Cameron 8 1533x The Heiress mb (2) 57..................... C Grylls 9 x5662 Al Haram (10) 57.............................. T Harris 10 23642 Valante m (12) 55.5..........................S Collett 11 38161 Voler Pour Moi (7) 55................ D Danis (a2) 12 10580 Lady Shabeel tmh (3) 54..............C Lammas 13 20x49 Cossack Warrior m (9) 54............D Mansour 6 2.59pm ISCL 1215 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1215m 1 0x213 Master Park tdb (12) 59............... C Johnson 2 2214 Speedy Meady (11) 58.5..............C Lammas 3 5555x Wisdom Patch (13) 58.5................... C Grylls 4 4034x Hatton Garden (3) 58.......................S Collett 5 4824x Liquid Inspiration tm (2) 58.............. S Spratt 6 20881 Makabar t (5) 58....................S Johnson (a4) 7 5x1x Dawn Jessie (8) 57..........................R Smyth 8 1x Ristretto (14) 56.5............................J Riddell 9 33721 Chiquitita 56.5............................... Scratched 10 0x120 Cin Cin td (1) 56.5..................... D Danis (a2) 11 4510x Game Of Love (15) 56.5.................. T Harris 12 0x19x Ruby May (10) 56.........................D Mansour 13 617x7 Starman (7) 57.5.........................M Cameron 14 3506x Moet Molly m (6) 56......................R Elliot (a) 15 85x64 Fast And Furious (4) 56.................. A Calder 16 9480x Bewitched (9) 54 — Emergencies: Starman, Moet Molly, Fast And Furious, Bewitched 7 3.34pm RYDGES HOTEL ROTORUA 1400 $30,000,

SELECTIONS Race 1: Ocean Billy, Patsys Lass, Rubira, Alaskan Gold Race 2: Nordic, Robusto, Sweet Treat, Mamba, Flying Meg Race 3: Helena Baby, Wild Like, The Revenant, Mexican Tycoon, Shipshape Race 4: Sleeping Beauty, Te Toro Pearl, Prom Queen, Malambo, Amarula Race 5: Beauden, Azaboy, Mental Telepathy, Al Haram, Voler Pour Moi Race 6: Master Park, Speedy Meady, Liquid Inspiration, Ristretto, Fast And Furious Race 7: Ambitious Winner, Remington, Stacey Ann, Back In A Flash, Peaceful Race 8: Lady Lira, Wild Seas, Ocean Billy, Secret Squirrel, Prodigal Son - NZME


M3 Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club’s meeting at Hatrick Raceway today, April 22. NZ Meeting number: 3. Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10; 11 and 12. Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9; 10, 11 and 12. 1 1.46pm (NZT) ABSOLUTELY ELECTRICAL C0 C0, 305m 1 62674 Bigtime Ava nwtd................................L Cole 2 66422 Goldstar Wilson nwtd........................S Stone 3 3688 Bigtime Ace nwtd................................L Cole 4 33227 Bigtime Stella nwtd.............................L Cole 5 43683 Duke Bruce nwtd................................. N Udy 6 52251 Yee Coo Coo 18.01....................J McInerney 7 5 Bigtime Toby nwtd...............................L Cole 8 2461 Bigtime Thor 18.11..............................L Cole 9 88755 It’s Timmy nwtd..........................J McInerney 10 47841 Sefton Brew 18.07 J &.........................D Bell 2 2.04pm ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS C0 C0, 520m 1 78x2 Paradox Prince nwtd....................B Hodgson 2 72566 Tuff An’ Spicy nwtd.........................B Mitchell 3 47634 Rockoneva nwtd...........................B Hodgson 4 42225 Opawa Marcie nwtd...........................M Flipp 5 67873 Euphamistic nwtd.........................B Hodgson 6 55342 Hopcorn nwtd...................................... N Udy 7 75836 Piruleta nwtd......................................M Flipp 8 76634 Stormin’ Home nwtd S &............C Blackburn 3 2.21pm LASER PLUMBING C1 C1, 305m 1 21624 Blue Whizz 18.16........................B Goldsack 2 81322 Bigtime Otis 18.16...............................L Cole 3 24333 Mister Booze 18.09......................J McArthur 4 53135 Articulator 17.90...........................B Hodgson 5 4433F Zoe Jean 17.83..................................M Flipp 6 38768 Niamh’s Way 17.81.......................P Blanche


Ashburton Guardian 17

Wanganui dogs Today at Hatrick Raceway

7 425F1 Bigtime Luna 17.98......................S J Phillips 8 22726 Light Cruiser 18.07.........................G Atwood 9 53242 Tynecastle Flyer 17.79 R &..................Voyce 10 41544 Bigtime Mila 17.90..............................L Cole 4 2.39pm WHANGANUI CHRONICLE C2 C2, 520m 1 35F53 Lucky James 30.59............................M Flipp 2 37823 Eye Kno 30.49 H &............................ Woods 3 42844 Party Every Day 30.48.................A Turnwald 4 26547 Rose And Crown 30.32.................M Goodier 5 17778 Thrilling Eddie 30.13 J &......................D Bell 6 21112 Bigtime Fred 30.29..............................L Cole 7 21456 Jay Mike 30.43.................................... N Udy 8 82673 Caveman Sam 30.41...................B Hodgson 9 66625 Bigtime Alfie 30.09..............................L Cole 10 75748 Rowdy Ruby 30.39...............................S Kite 5 3.02pm LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C5 C5, 305m 1 11117 Sir Duggie 17.18.................................L Cole 2 11665 Bigtime Shine 17.26............................L Cole 3 36522 Justa Gift 17.62 J &..............................D Bell 4 11121 Bigtime Wendle 17.35.........................L Cole 5 12453 Bigtime Eve 17.41...............................L Cole 6 51363 Bigtime Jetty 17.50.............................L Cole 7 23615 Bigtime Minnie 17.53..........................L Cole 8 34136 Bigtime Blackie 17.48.........................L Cole 9 44362 Bigtime Emjay 17.52 G &........ S Fredrickson 10 16543 Opawa Lyon 17.53.............................. N Udy 6 3.19pm AON CPF C1 C1, 520m 1 22253 Tuff Temptress nwtd.......................B Mitchell 2 36342 Bigtime Ronnie 30.65 G &...... S Fredrickson 3 42347 Vibe nwtd.....................................A Turnwald 4 23453 Hashtag Blessed nwtd..................M Roberts 5 15 Bigtime Diesel nwtd............................L Cole

6 31521 Bigtime Archie 30.53...........................L Cole 7 42532 Tuff Treasure nwtd..........................B Mitchell 8 23354 Diamond Geezer 30.88.................M Goodier 9 55153 Dyna Frankie nwtd........................M Roberts 10 53566 Idol Alan 30.89...................................M Flipp 7 3.39pm RIVER CITY GAS C2/3 C2/3, 520m 1 2323F Bigtime Maci 30.53..............................S Kite 2 22188 Bigtime Brody 30.16............................L Cole 3 12231 Bigtime Homie 30.42...........................L Cole 4 85781 Sub Eighteen 30.18............................L Cole 5 56374 Lady Jellybean 30.51....................M Goodier 6 81113 Bigtime Cooper nwtd...........................L Cole 7 42562 Opawa Denise 30.30.......................... N Udy 8 24458 Bigtime Acacia 30.36..........................L Cole 9 54747 Bigtime Leads 30.61...........................L Cole 10 75748 Rowdy Ruby 30.39...............................S Kite 8 3.55pm HATRICK DASH C2 C2, 305m 1 43322 Bigtime Bee 17.72...............................L Cole 2 42154 Alamein Tane 17.86 K &.....................Phillips 3 51325 Tiger Uppercut 17.89........................... L Bell 4 64312 Breed Apart 17.75............................M Olden 5 22165 Thrilling Ivy nwtd....................... K Gommans 6 24123 Doosh 17.59...............................J McInerney 7 87412 Sly John 17.99 J &...............................D Bell 8 65311 Fifi 17.38......................................J McArthur 9 64221 Bigtime Charlote 17.82.......................L Cole 10 47134 Jay Wendy 18.04................................. N Udy 9 4.14pm THE ROCK 95.2FM C4 C4, 520m 1 23383 Bigtime Tank 30.36..............................L Cole 2 34422 Awesome Quality nwtd........................L Cole 3 45617 Shallay Pallay 30.67.....................A Turnwald 4 28222 Cheese And Chalk 30.39....................L Cole

5 11558 Bigtime Rocco 30.08...........................L Cole 6 18748 Quistis Bale 30.15.........................M Roberts 7 44468 Cawbourne Liz 30.27....................M Roberts 8 56515 Roman Nose Zarr 30.60..............A Turnwald 9 65678 Bigtime Caleb 30.12............................L Cole 10 4.41pm FIRST SECURITY C5 C5, 520m 1 24614 Dyna Vernon 30.17.......................M Roberts 2 23227 Tyson’s Quest 29.98.........................B Marsh 3 37211 You Can Be nwtd................................L Cole 4 11466 Bigtime Levi 30.06..............................L Cole 5 11582 Ask King Jeff 29.97.............................L Cole 6 53135 Cossie Cooper 30.35.......................M Olden 7 13811 Trojan Hoarse 30.04............................L Cole 8 22822 Bigtime Mia 30.18...............................L Cole 9 45363 Idol Dude 30.23..................................M Flipp 10 63725 Arden Emgrand 30.05..................A Turnwald 11 4.57pm PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C4 C4, 305m 1 21456 Hypocritical 17.32........................A Turnwald 2 11827 Token Vikkers 17.75............................ N Udy 3 26685 Rapper Tilly 17.57................................S Kite 4 16554 Running Freer 17.69........................M Olden 5 44144 Miss Claude 17.70.......................A Turnwald 6 21143 Bigtime Bremner 17.48.......................L Cole 7 13477 Idol Hot 17.39.....................................M Flipp 8 52651 Alamein Stryda 17.74 K &..................Phillips 9 21888 Hard Merch 17.47 G &............ S Fredrickson 10 65375 Fantastic Teddy 17.65..................A Turnwald 12 5.19pm BOOK YOUR FUNCTION @ HATRICK C3 C3, 305m 1 34231 Bigtime Lizzy 17.74.............................L Cole 2 22223 Mila Mila 17.50.............................A Turnwald

3 13F42 Bacon My Heart 17.79........................ N Udy 4 73233 Alamein Lady 17.79 K &....................Phillips 5 13423 Bigtime Banjo 17.88............................L Cole 6 52317 Bigtime Marley 17.65..........................L Cole 7 42126 Bigtime Boy 17.76........................ P B Briggs 8 71325 Zara Zoe 17.79................................... N Udy 9 55117 Idol Jan 17.80....................................M Flipp 10 74166 Cawbourne Ridge 17.92 J &................D Bell SELECTIONS Race 1: Yee Coo Coo, Bigtime Stella, Bigtime Thor, Goldstar Wilson, Duke Bruce Race 2: Opawa Marcie, Paradox Prince, Hopcorn, Rockoneva, Euphamistic Race 3: Bigtime Luna, Bigtime Otis, Mister Booze, Blue Whizz, Tynecastle Flyer Race 4: Bigtime Fred, Party Every Day, Lucky James, Thrilling Eddie, Caveman Sam Race 5: Bigtime Wendle, Sir Duggie, Bigtime Shine, Bigtime Blackie, Justa Gift Race 6: Bigtime Archie, Bigtime Ronnie, Vibe, Tuff Temptress, Hashtag Blessed Race 7: Sub Eighteen, Bigtime Brody, Bigtime Maci, Bigtime Acacia, Bigtime Cooper Race 8: Fifi, Bigtime Bee, Breed Apart, Thrilling Ivy, Doosh Race 9: Cheese And Chalk, Bigtime Rocco, Bigtime Tank, Shallay Pallay, Awesome Quality Race 10: Trojan Hoarse, Ask King Jeff, You Can Be, Bigtime Levi, Tyson’s Quest Race 11: Idol Hot, Bigtime Bremner, Hypocritical, Running Freer, Miss Claude Race 12: Mila Mila, Bigtime Lizzy, Bigtime Banjo, Alamein Lady, Bacon My Heart

5 80093 Comic Book Hero 10M.................. Scratched 6 85497 Hunter Bromac (U1) 10M......... B Butcher (J) 7 64011 Crackared (U2) 10M................... T Cameron 8 38302 Johnny White (U3) 10M..............P Ferguson 9 389x5 Imajollywally (1) 20M.................S Abernethy 10 52414 Red Reactor (2) 20M............ D Ferguson (J) 11 21312 Alta Leonie (1) 35M...................... K Marshall 12 41463 The Night Hawk (2) 35M............... D Butcher 8 4.04pm SHADS BUFFET MOBILE PACE $8000, r43-r50,r51-r52 w/c., mobile, 2000m 1 57427 Honour The Bet (1) fr.............. A Harrison (J) 2 02431 Maria Kirilenko (2) fr................... J Abernethy 3 47695 Allonblack (3) fr..............................N Chilcott 4 23709 Awesome Speed (4) fr................P Ferguson 5 91990 Lord Santanna (5) fr..............A Fitzgerald (J) 6 63681 Letherhairdown (6) fr...................A Matthews 7 74634 Katamach (7) fr............................. D Butcher 8 52210 Ain’t Nothing Bettor (8) fr......... B Butcher (J) 9 20569 Red River Dash (21) fr...............S Abernethy 10 56948 Waingaro Mara (22) fr.....................S Phelan 11 55595 Errol Finn (23) fr...........................A Poutama 12 57333 Hezaluckygrinner (24) fr........ D Ferguson (J) 13 96281 El Dinero (25) fr..............................T Mitchell 14 46236 Art Courage (26) fr....................... K Marshall 15 55462 Bugalugs fr.................................... Scratched Emergency: Awesome Speed 9 4.33pm KALIN CONTRACTING/NZ FARMERS LIVESTOCK MBL PACE $8000, 3yo+ r54-r60,r61-r65 w/c., mobile, 2000m 1 71806 Mac’s Tomado (1) fr........................N Chilcott 2 53408 Sheikh Yabooty fr.......................... Scratched

3 01874 Nanelle Franco (2) fr..................S Abernethy 4 65792 Kensington Kate (3) fr.................P Ferguson 5 48721 J Bee (4) fr............................... B Butcher (J) 6 14369 Jetenara (5) fr............................... S Dickson 7 12569 Lincoln Moment (6) fr................. J Abernethy 8 866x0 Eldolar (7) fr............................ A Harrison (J) 9 69643 Gotta Moment (21) fr.................... K Marshall 10 90115 Unfinished Business (22) fr............T Mitchell 11 25408 Ally Mae (23) fr...................... D Ferguson (J) 12 33487 Westar Sam (24) fr.......................A Poutama 13 07746 Stars Delight (25) fr....................... D Butcher 14 43651 Racketeers Boy (26) fr F Schumacher (J,.Cl) SELECTIONS Race 1: Royal Cadet, Prince Mackendon, Manchester On Fire, Awa Cathrine Race 2: Final Delight, Heaven Lee, Two Fiftyeight, Zip Code Race 3: Need Luck, Sol Invictus, Grey Stoke, Majestic One Race 4: Sampan, Betterbrook, Shot In The Dark, Prop Rock Race 5: Marrera, Knights Desire, Itsokbeingbetter, Pure Desire Race 6: Pekeson, The Kapiti Express, Notorious, Afortunado Race 7: Alta Leonie, Johnny White, Red Reactor, Hunter Bromac Race 8: Honour The Bet, Art Courage, El Dinero, Errol Finn Race 9: Westar Sam, Racketeers Boy, Kensington Kate, Ally Mae

ES THORNBURY HCP $15,000, OPN HCP, 1400m 1 x2148 Darci Mac dm (13) 60................B Hong (a3) 2 30299 Accidental Offside dm (10) 58.5....T Moseley 3 04031 Finbarr dm (5) 58.5 — 4 77940 Flying Sardine dmh (3) 58...G Saejorhor (a4) 5 07259 Ablaze m (4) 55.5........................... C Barnes 6 35979 Secret Power tdm (6) 54.5.... R Mudhoo (a3) 7 88056 Nightcap t (12) 54 — 8 52476 Dynamic tdm (7) 54........ K Chowdhoory (a3) 9 908x0 Amun Ra tm (2) 54 — 10 36487 What’s Up Alf dmh (8) 54 — 11 47523 Our Teddy Boy tm (14) 54..............L Allpress 12 52963 Flicka Of Gold dm (11) 54............K Kwo (a3) 13 99121 Dreaming Easy 54........................ Scratched 14 26222 Sentient mbh (9) 54................ B Murray (a2) 15 97980 Karm ‘N’ Easy mh (1) 54 — 16 0726x Regalo Reaal 54........................... Scratched 8 3.59pm DOUG HORRELL & GRANT HORRELL CONTRACTING MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 2147m 1 25304 The Flagon (7) 58.5......................T Moseley 2 70745 Colour Me Red h (3) 58.5.........D Bothamley 3 0x5 Odysseus h (8) 58.5..........................J Lowry 4 9x787 Power Punch (6) 58.5................B Hong (a3) 5 00x06 Raise Us (4) 58.5.................... B Murray (a2) 6 46522 Eager Beaver h (2) 56.5.................L Allpress 7 96473 Luuka (1) 56.5....................................L Hemi 8 80x50 Salient (9) 56.5 — 9 22068 Macpac (5) 56.5...........................L Callaway 9 4.39pm JJ LTD RIVERTON HIGHWAY STAKES $22,000, OPN HCP, 2147m 1 22453 The Gordonian tdm (7) 60....... B Murray (a2) 2 43421 Shakti tm (12) 59.5.................K Mudhoo (a1) 3 26041 Come Fly With Me tdmh (14) 59 — 4 55374 Timy Tyler tmbh (2) 58.5............B Hong (a3) 5 12x48 Wild Jack tdmh (11) 58.5 — 6 39163 Shantav m (10) 57...........................D Turner 7 41032 Shezatoucha m (1) 56.5...T Comignaghi (a1) 8 33x00 The Man m (4) 55.5....................... C Barnes 9 10993 Smiling Assassin m (5) 54............T Moseley 10 2x930 Banbury Lad m (9) 54 — 11 77762 He Ain’t Heavy mh (6) 54 — 12 56x85 Tilly Dunnage tdmh (13) 54............L Allpress 13 57471 Lil Miss Swiss tmh (8) 54.........T Jonker (a2) 14 65663 Nomen Ludi m (3) 54 —


Hawera harness Today at Hawera Racecourse

Hawera Harness Racing Club’s meeting at Hawera Racecourse today, April 22. NZ Meeting number: 5. Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9. Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9. 1 11.56am (NZT) CALTEX GLOVER/CLEGGS FUNERAL SERVICES HCP TROT $8000, 3yo+, non-winners & up-r47 spechcp, stand, 2100m 1 77067 Mackerelli (1) fr............................A Poutama 2 40 Royal Cadet (2) fr......................... K Marshall 3 8799 Buller Whitebait (3) fr..................P Ferguson 4 070 Manchester On Fire (U1) fr............B Hackett 5 74 Prince Mackendon (U2) fr........... T Cameron 6 38555 Burt Munro (1) 20M.........................S Branch 7 08700 Wait For Success (2) 20M............. D Butcher 8 96888 Awa Cathrine (3) 20M......................D Moore 9 63560 Ain’t No Princess (U1) 20M......M Pemberton 10 43583 Secretofthesea Smile (1) 30M.A Harrison (J) 11 36576 Caroline Wozniacki (2) 30M.......S Abernethy 12 00900 Soney Beatt (3) 30M.......................S Phelan 13 14580 Littlebitoflove (U1) 30M.............. J Abernethy 2 12.31pm EGMONT TYRES 2018/HAWERA AUTO COURT MOBILE PACE $8000, non-winners 3yo+., mobile, 2000m 1 66076 Moniaive (1) fr....................... D Ferguson (J) 2 75345 Beaudiene Emerald (2) fr........ A Harrison (J) 3 05002 Final Delight (3) fr......................... D Butcher 4 6804 Heaven Lee (4) fr.......................S Abernethy 5 983 Two Fiftyeight (5) fr.....................P Ferguson 6 43347 Lady Ameera (6) fr..........................S Phelan 7 22448 Zip Code (7) fr............................. T Cameron 8 70x0 Cassis (8) fr...................................R Fensom


Monday, April 22, 2019


HANDICAP TROT $9000, r47-r78 discrhcp, stand, 2100m 1 39408 Monarchy Invasion (1) fr................B Hackett 2 79852 Grenado (U1) fr...............................S Phelan 3 72684 Caitlin’s Surprise (1) 10M.............A Poutama 4 30587 Belmont’s Greatest (2) 10M........P Ferguson 5 P0323 Grey Stoke (U1) 10M................... K Marshall 6 74805 M’Lord Mackendon (1) 20M........ T Cameron 7 93942 Sol Invictus (U1) 20M................. J Abernethy 8 01211 Need Luck (U1) 40M................ B Butcher (J) 9 D9486 Majestic One (1) 50M.....S Abernethy 4 1.38pm TRY THE HANLEY FORMULA/ROWAN FARMS MOBILE PACE $8000, non-winners 2yo+., mobile, 2000m 1 8 Trump’s Ideal (1) fr........................R Fensom 2 0899 Sayalittleprayer (2) fr.................... K Marshall 3 9 Sonny Reactor (3) fr...........................K More 4 63234 Shot In The Dark (4) fr...................T Mitchell 5 58407 Betterbrook (5) fr........................S Abernethy 6 8x5 Prop Rock (6) fr............................A Poutama 7 77x2 Sampan (7) fr.............................. T Cameron 8 48x6 Midnight Murray (8) fr............... B Butcher (J) 5 2.12pm PALAMOUNTAINS/R WILLIAMS PHOTOGRAPHY MOBILE PACE $8000, r40., 2000m 1 30P09 Marrera (1) fr.............................. J Abernethy 2 99893 Geoff’s Legacy (2) fr................ B Butcher (J) 3 53986 Jack Bates (3) fr........................... K Marshall 4 79675 Pure Desire (4) fr.......................... D Butcher 5 03980 Manihiki Pearl (5) fr............... D Ferguson (J) 6 88300 Lady Santanna (6) fr.....................R Fensom

7 07540 Rangi Rangdu (7) fr...........................K More 8 59962 Itsokbeingbetter (8) fr.............. A Harrison (J) 9 52690 Knights Desire (21) fr..................P Ferguson 10 43397 Our Wicklow (22) fr.........................S Phelan 11 08770 Phillydotcom (23) fr..................... T Cameron 12 80054 Lincoln Lovely (24) fr..................S Abernethy 13 85900 Charlie Harper (25) fr........... S Iremonger (J) 14 93248 Express Play (26) fr.....................A Poutama 6 2.54pm HAPPY 80TH IAN MARTIN/LIFE MEMBERS MOBILE PACE $8000, 3yo+ r49-r54., 2000m 1 33126 Notorious (1) fr......................... B Butcher (J) 2 08170 Xmas Bay (2) fr.....................A Fitzgerald (J) 3 45367 Motoring Major (3) fr..................S Abernethy 4 63250 Toro Delago (4) fr........................P Ferguson 5 80600 Bella Roza (5) fr..............................S Phelan 6 11540 Sarabi (6) fr............................. A Harrison (J) 7 21340 Go Getta (7) fr................................T Mitchell 8 42160 McDaknife (8) fr................... S Iremonger (J) 9 32212 The Kapiti Express (21) fr............A Poutama 10 23709 Awesome Speed fr........................ Scratched 11 62713 Uncle Drew (22) fr................. D Ferguson (J) 12 41890 Karolyi (23) fr................................ D Butcher 13 89214 Pekeson (24) fr............................. K Marshall 14 90898 Afortunado (U1) fr...................... J Abernethy 7 3.29pm SOUTH TARANAKI CLUB HAWERA CUP HANDICAP PACE $12,000, r55+ discrhcp, stand, 3150m 1 12569 Lincoln Moment (1) fr................. J Abernethy 2 86674 Fleeting Grin (2) fr...........................S Phelan 3 44627 Mister Harris (U1) fr...........................K More 4 82063 Count Landeck (1) 10M.................T Mitchell

Riverton gallops Today at Riverton raceway

Riverton Racing Club’s meeting at Riverton today, April 22. NZ Meeting number: 6. Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10. Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 8, 9 and 10. 1 11.47am (NZT) CENTRAL SOUTHLAND FREIGHT HURDLE $20,000, OPN HDL, 2500m 1 13x57 Delacroix tdm (2) 69........................S Phelan 2 Px000 The Energizer tmh (8) 68..... J Seivwright (3) 3 2x930 Banbury Lad m (9) 66.5 — 4 P43x7 Point Proven m (3) 66......................... E Farr 5 204x0 Paddy Owen m (7) 65......................G Walsh 6 4Px98 Cashel (6) 65..................................... A Kuru 7 6x089 Adequacy mh (5) 65.................... S Karnicnik 8 887x9 Sheezoff (4) 65............................. T Moki (3) 9 L59x0 Irish Dude (1) 65..........L Callaway (3) 2 12.22pm SPARROW LOGGING LONGWOOD HANDICAP $12,000, Rating 65 Benchmark & JMPS HWT*, 2147m 1 78879 Friday Knight (13) 69 — 2 48514 Smokem Up (18) 69..................S Higgins (3) 3 0Px49 Boysway mh (9) 68.............................. E Farr 4 35010 Morena Roc (11) 68.........................G Walsh 5 03106 The Kraken m (17) 68......................D Turner 6 363x8 Slammer t (12) 67.............................J Lowry 7 9x248 The Chief (4) 67 — 8 68694 Franconi t (10) 66.5......................L Callaway 9 0x504 Baby Menaka m (1) 66....................S Phelan 10 53245 It’s Pandemonium 65.5................. Scratched 11 82199 Queen El Jay (6) 65.5.................M Northcott 12 10000 Choice du Jeu (16) 65 — 13 P00x0 Go Go Gonzo tdm (15) 65...............N Brown 14 48Px0 Rich Habit m (7) 65............................ A Kuru 15 768x9 Sir Ed th (14) 65................... J Seivwright (3) 16 112x0 Tai Ho tdm (2) 65...................S Karnicnik (2) 17 20053 Fulltothebrim t (8) 67 — 18 5x006 Sweet Time h (5) 65...................... T Moki (3) 19 80x00 Dowry Duty m (3) 65...........................D Frye Emergencies: Fulltothebrim, Sweet Time, Dowry Duty 3 12.57pm BARNES OYSTERS & JENNY PULLEY CATERING MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 4730x By Magic (15) 58.5............................J Lowry 2 x88x2 McLaughlin (13) 58.5.............K Mudhoo (a1) 3 x66x3 Buster Bolt (3) 58.5.......................T Moseley 4 7484 Peshawar (12) 58.5............... R Mudhoo (a3)

5 6657x Maks Legend (4) 58.5........................L Hemi 6 Full Fury h (17) 58.........................L Allpress 7 Milano (11) 58......................... B Murray (a2) 8 8x Tobilicious h (8) 58.......................K Kwo (a3) 9 566x2 Dragon Glass 56.5........................ Scratched 10 0x9x3 Indulgent (9) 56.5........... K Chowdhoory (a3) 11 336x She’ll Cat Choux bh (6) 56.5...T Comignaghi (a1) 12 7 Thankyabrownie (14) 56.5...........L Callaway 13 7 The Fabulous Pearl (18) 56..............D Turner 14 The Mole (5) 56.............................. C Barnes 15 0x97x Peggy Stewart (10) 56.5.................. J Morris 16 897x2 Ringbolt (7) 58.5 — 17 60009 Stirling Lady (1) 56 — 18 570x6 Trizac bh (2) 58.5 — 19 x00x0 Miss Tanira (16) 56.5............R Beeharry (a3) Emergencies: Peggy Stewart, Ringbolt, Stirling Lady, Trizac, Miss Tanira 4 1.32pm FORDE AUTO SERVICES & KING GREEN FISHING GUMMIES $12,000, Rating 65 Bmk*, 1400m 1 22351 Our Boy Baz h (2) 59...................K Kwo (a3) 2 03833 Katango 58.5................................. Scratched 3 90x09 Classic Warrior dm (5) 58.5...K Chowdhoory (a3) 4 86107 Chowder (17) 58..............................D Turner 5 9x248 The Chief (12) 57.5 — 6 027x9 Amour La Vie d (10) 57.................. C Barnes 7 0x451 Double Down dmh (16) 57.....K Mudhoo (a1) 8 390x0 Olaf (13) 56.5.....................................L Hemi 9 27623 Fascino Lass (11) 56..................B Hong (a3) 10 53245 It’s Pandemonium d (4) 56.... R Mudhoo (a3) 11 0726x Regalo Reaal m (15) 55.5.............T Moseley 12 15767 Superstatic db (3) 55........T Comignaghi (a1) 13 26539 Valetina Vittoria th (7) 55................L Allpress 14 55206 Stellacanto h (8) 54.5...................L Callaway 15 80007 Tantella 54.5.................................. Scratched 16 69006 Verify (9) 54.5.......................... B Murray (a2) 17 20053 Fulltothebrim td (14) 57.5 — 18 06974 So Natural (6) 57 — 19 97980 Karm ‘N’ Easy mh (1) 55.5 — Emergencies: Fulltothebrim, So Natural, Karm ‘N’ Easy 5 2.07pm TELFER DRAINLAYING & NIND DAIRY SERVICES HCP $12,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m

1 72036 The Bumper dmh (12) 60.........T Jonker (a2) 2 45917 Bluey’s Chance (4) 58........................L Hemi 3 9210x Midnite Kaos mh (9) 58........... B Murray (a2) 4 24150 Qashqai b (11) 58........................K Kwo (a3) 5 60080 Odisha dm (3) 57.5........ K Chowdhoory (a3) 6 106x0 Park Ranger dm (16) 57.5........D Bothamley 7 x899x Squizzy m (1) 56.5........................... J Morris 8 463x0 Supagili (13) 56.5.............................D Turner 9 x6x10 Times Time h (7) 56.......................L Allpress 10 49100 Gemstone Jewels (6) 55.5.........B Hong (a3) 11 39008 Baranoo 55................................... Scratched 12 36Px0 Doctor Eden m (8) 55 — 13 207x7 Tatters (2) 54.5.....................R Beeharry (a3) 14 74906 Kate The Great dh (14) 54 — 15 6400x Higher Authority tm (17) 54............ C Barnes 16 60087 Abbey Kay (15) 54................ R Mudhoo (a3) 17 20053 Fulltothebrim td (18) 57 — 18 06974 So Natural (5) 56.5 — 19 97980 Karm ‘N’ Easy mh (10) 55 — Emergencies: Fulltothebrim, So Natural, Karm ‘N’ Easy 6 2.49pm RIVERTON BUTCHERY & WORLD SOLAR HANDICAP $15,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1400m 1 908x0 Amun Ra tm (10) 61.5............. B Murray (a2) 2 88056 Nightcap t (14) 61 — 3 2111x Jackfrost m (3) 60.5..........................J Lowry 4 36487 What’s Up Alf dmh (16) 60.... R Mudhoo (a3) 5 468x5 Galway Garry tmh (8) 58.5 — 6 500x7 The Czar h (18) 58.5................T Jonker (a2) 7 33114 Jim’s Gift (13) 58...........................T Moseley 8 12661 Just Push Play (15) 57.5................L Allpress 9 68011 Seduttore (2) 57.5.....................D Bothamley 10 51771 Son Of Surf d (1) 57.5 — 11 375x5 Epic Dreamer tmh (7) 56.5 — 12 72036 The Bumper dmh (5) 56.5 — 13 99121 Dreaming Easy (9) 56.... K Chowdhoory (a3) 14 84016 Supatwista (12) 55.5........................D Turner 15 076x3 Crispin d (6) 54.5........................... C Barnes 16 10783 The De Boy d (4) 54.............R Beeharry (a3) 17 26539 Valetina Vittoria th (11) 54 — 18 97980 Karm ‘N’ Easy mh (17) 54 — 19 0726x Regalo Reaal 54........................... Scratched Emergencies: Valetina Vittoria, Karm ‘N’ Easy, Regalo Reaal 7 3.24pm AB LIME & LAWSON FORESTRY SERVIC-

LEN BUILDER MDN $10,000, MDN, 1600m 1 72439 Beam Me Up Scotty (5) 58.5............D Turner 2 732 Gelibolu h (8) 58.5 — 3 6 Pableau h (12) 58.5 — 4 00x0 Short Road (3) 58.5..........................J Lowry 5 940x5 Ocean Of Champagne (2) 58....D Bothamley 6 80324 Haka Star (10) 56.5 — 7 22226 Scandalous (1) 56.5...........................L Hemi 8 x5334 Shock And Awe (11) 56.5.............. C Barnes 9 0x383 Molly Polly h (7) 56.5......................L Allpress 10 60303 Reliable Glow (6) 56.5... K Chowdhoory (a3) 11 80x50 Salient (9) 56.5 — 12 x00x0 Miss Tanira (4) 56.5..............R Beeharry (a3) 13 60009 Stirling Lady 56............................. Scratched Blinkers on : Friday Knight (R2), Thankyabrownie (R3), Classic Warrior (R4), Odisha (R5) Blinkers off : The Chief (R2), Tobilicious (R3), The Chief (R4), Park Ranger, Kate The Great (R5), The De Boy (R6), Scandalous (R10) Winkers on : Squizzy, Doctor Eden, Kate The Great (R5), The De Boy (R6), Gelibolu (R10) Winkers off : Salient (R8), Salient (R10) SELECTIONS Race 1: Delacroix, Banbury Lad, The Energizer, Point Proven, Adequacy Race 2: Slammer, The Chief, Baby Menaka, Franconi, The Kraken Race 3: McLaughlin, Indulgent, She’ll Cat Choux, Buster Bolt, Ringbolt Race 4: Our Boy Baz, Double Down, It’s Pandemonium, Valetina Vittoria, Fascino Lass Race 5: The Bumper, Qashqai, Kate The Great, Bluey’s Chance, Supagili Race 6: Galway Garry, Jim’s Gift, Just Push Play, Crispin, What’s Up Alf Race 7: Dynamic, Darci Mac, Sentient, Our Teddy Boy, Finbarr Race 8: Eager Beaver, The Flagon, Luuka, Colour Me Red, Odysseus Race 9: Lil Miss Swiss, Smiling Assassin, Shakti, Timy Tyler, He Ain’t Heavy Race 10: Ocean Of Champagne, Scandalous, Pableau, Reliable Glow, Shock And Awe

Sport 18 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019

Face behind the whistle Ant McGirr is one of Mid Canterbury’s longest serving active referees and he has no intentions of giving up just yet. Susan Sandys reports.


ugby union is more than just a sport, and refereeing is more than just a role to Ant McGirr. The 50-year-old this season clocks up 30 years as the fair but firm face behind the whistle. For him, refereeing rugby has been a lifelong passion. McGirr grew up in Methven playing New Zealand’s national sport and made it to representative teams for Mid Canterbury and Canterbury. At the age of 13 he sustained a neck injury which niggled away and ultimately curtailed his playing career. At the age of 16 he quit games altogether, but rugby managed to find its way back into his life. McGirr was 20 and working at the Bank of New Zealand in Queenstown when a fellow member of the Jaycees asked him to referee a match. He accepted and the under-16 game between Cromwell and Upper Clutha ended up being the first of many to come, as he found himself in his element being out on the field again. “Just being involved, putting something back, I missed playing. I had coached my brother’s team at school for a couple of years, but to get back and be involved was great.” He completed two seasons in Central Otago then came back to Methven, and ultimately progressed through the grades in Mid Canterbury to senior level, refereeing his first senior game in 1997 at the age of 28. He remembers that game well, he had been the assistant, or as they called it in those days, touch judge, to referee Ian Sawers, who had pulled a calf muscle. “It was a new experience, I was a bit nervous, I had done a lot of Senior B and age groups below that, so it was a step up,” he said. Appointment board personnel at the Mid Canterbury Referees’ Association were impressed and one week later McGirr was on the official senior grade team of referees. He held this role for 19 years and altogether refereed 197 senior matches including at representative level and 11 Watters Cup semi-finals. A highlight was his first rep match in 1999 between South Canterbury and North Otago when the association presented him with a blazer, which he continues to wear at most matches today. Another was his 150th game in 2009 between Mid Canterbury and the New Zealand Army, and another between Australia and Mid Canterbury school boys a few years ago, both of these at the Ashburton showgrounds oval. “To get to referee your own union and referee in front of your home crowd is fantastic,” he said. A co-ed final between Ashburton College and Dunstan High School a few years ago was another highlight, when the college had gone all the way to finish third nationally. “They had a very good side that year,”

Ant McGirr has clocked up 30 years refereeing rugby in Mid Canterbury.

he said. McGirr was in the South Island zone squad for three years from 1999 and refereed at age group and senior South Island tournaments. Zone squads were set up and he was selected for training sessions in Dunedin two to three times per year, and all in all his refereeing career has taken him throughout the South Island and even to some North Island games. McGirr comes from a family of Methven harness racers. With his background in this profession he went to America to train horses when a friend of his told the New York Referees Association he was going to be in the neighbourhood. He lived in New Jersey for about two years where he refereed at senior games and seven-aside tournaments. He has also refereed in Australia, taking the opportunity when holidaying there to connect with resident clubs and players. The Mid Canterbury Rugby Union Referee of the Year (1999 and 2009) met his late wife Dianne through the sport, while on a referee exchange to her home region of the West Coast. She was also a referee and around 2008 the pair ended up being the first married couple in the regions to officiate in a senior match together. McGirr is a former president of the Mid Canterbury Referees’ Association and was on the executive for six years. He works as an inward goods and sites services co-ordinator at RX Plastics and today can be seen out on the fields of Mid Canterbury most weekends, at games for age group level 14 and below, as well as for Golden Oldies matches where he alternates as a team member. “I will keep going as long as my body lets me,” he said. It was rewarding to now see grandchildren of players he had refereed many years ago coming through the ranks, and he


Ant McGirr in action during a game. was enjoying less pressure around these younger levels. He believed parents had become better over the years, more tolerant of decisions they may not always agree with. Abuse on the field was something referees contended with from time to time, mainly from adult players angry at their ruling. “I was always told, get the law book, you read it, and then you throw it away,” he said. “You take what you can out of it and interpret it, whether you are right or wrong

you make sure you are consistent and fair, because there’s no use making a bad decision then trying to change it half way through the game.” With a shortage of referees in Mid Canterbury, he hoped the association would be able to attract more. When he joined in 1991 there were 40 full-timers, now there was just 15. “You have to be motivated, you have to be focused, and you have to love rugby, and be able to take criticism,” he said. “A lot of the time you may not agree with it, but you have to take it on board.”


Monday, April 22, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 19

In brief Smith in form Australia’s World Cup hopes continue to be boosted with the improving IPL form of Steve Smith, who scored an unbeaten 59 in a win for the Rajasthan Royals. Smith top-scored for Rajasthan as they cruised to 162 in 19.1 overs with five wickets to spare, chasing down Mumbai Indians’ 5-161. The 29-year-old’s second half century of the campaign came off 48 balls with five boundaries and a six. His highest score is 73 not out and he has amassed 245 runs in seven innings at an average of 49.

NBA scrap

Volleyball tournament lights up the park Ashburton’s Digby Park was a vibrant and exciting place to be on Saturday, as an inaugural Easter volleyball tournament was played out on the grass. The park on the corner of Chalmers Avenue and Havelock Street hosted the tournament which was designed to bring members of the Pacific Island community together for a fun day out. PHOTO HEATHER MACKENZIE 200419-HM-0440

Black Ferns crash out in Japan NZME The Black Ferns Sevens have crashed out of the Kitakyushu Sevens after being handed a 2619 quarter-final defeat by the USA. The defeat ends New Zealand’s streak of six tournament victories which began at the Japanese tournament last year. The last time New Zealand were knocked out in the quar-

ter-final stage was at the Dubai event in December 2017, also a defeat to the USA. The Black Ferns Sevens went on to battle Russia in the fifthplaced semifinals, a side they drew with in pool play. In yesterday’s game, New Zealand were playing catch-up for most of the quarterfinal after the USA opening the scoring in the third minute through Naya Tapper. New Zealand debutant

Dhys Faleafaga closed the gap two minutes later before the USA scored on either side of halftime with tries to Kris Thomas and Alev Kelter. Down 19-5, two tries to Niall Williams tied the game up going into the final two minutes, however USA substitute Kristi Kirshe scored the match-winner to confirm New Zealand’s exit from the main draw. New Zealand went into the

tournament with a 12-point lead over the USA in the series standings. Defending Series winners Australia were also knocked out in the quarters, defeated by England 21-7. The Olympic silver medalists and World Cup winners were without Michaela Blyde, Kelly Brazier, Gayle Broughton, Theresa Fitzpatrick, Huia Harding, Kat Whata-Simpkins and Portia Woodman.

Waratahs in box seat, says coach Gibson AAP NSW Waratahs coach Daryl Gibson has declared the Super Rugby title race wide open after Melbourne Rebels squandered a golden opportunity to take command of the Australian conference. The Waratahs’ 23-20 comeback win over the Rebels and stirring victories in South Africa for the Brumbies and Queensland Reds have left all four teams within six points of the conference lead. With a game in hand, the Waratahs are back in the box seat with the chance to go top with a home win over the Sharks next week, when the front-running

Rebels have a much-needed bye to regroup after successive losses. With the unpredictable South African conference even more congested, the prize for winning the Australian group is enticing. The top Aussie team is almost certain to finish second overall, most likely behind the runaway Crusaders, and earn a saloon passage through to this year’s final. Gibson is well aware of the opportunity and said the trick for the hot-and-cold Waratahs was backing up big wins, like their round-six defeat of the Crusaders, and this one over the Rebels. “That’s our challenge: week to week being consistent,” he said.

“We’re not the only side struggling week to week. The consistency with this competition is all over the place. “I’d hate to be doing my picks because you wouldn’t know what you’re picking. But it just shows that the competition’s a different one this year. Anyone can beat anyone, and we’re no different. “And if we can get that right, then we’ll be at the right end of the competition when we need to be.” Melbourne coach Dave Wessels is equally optimistic, despite the Rebels showing signs of surrendering conference honours for the second year running to the Waratahs.

The Rebels controlled proceedings at the same point last season only to fade with four-straight losses to miss the finals. “We’re just a totally different team from last year. We’re a much better team,” Wessels said. He pointed out that, apart from losing winger Jack Maddocks in the second minute on Saturday night to concussion, the Rebels were without key players Dane Haylett-Petty, Gus Cottrell and Jordan Uelese in the narrow loss to the Tahs. All four will be back for Melbourne’s next game against the Hurricanes. “We’re at the end of an eightgame block now,” Wessels said.

The simmering feud between Ben Simmons and Jared Dudley has boiled over during game four of the Philadelphia 76ers’ NBA playoff series with the Brooklyn Nets. Midway through the third quarter 76ers’ centre Joel Embiid fouled Nets big man Jarrett Allen and Dudley took exception. Dudley confronted Embiid and 76ers’ Simmons and Jimmy Butler also became involved. There was a crush of players that went at veteran Dudley and they went into the first rows of the crowd. Dudley started the controversy earlier this week when he said in an interview Simmons was “average” when restricted to playing in the half-court. Dudley and Butler were ejected after the melee.

Ronaldo stays put Cristiano Ronaldo says he is “1000 per cent” certain to remain at Juventus, who clinched the Italian Serie A title with a 2-1 win over Fiorentina. Ronaldo, dismissing suggestions that he could cut short his three-year contract, said he was delighted to have won the Serie A at the first attempt, adding to his three English Premier League titles with Manchester United and two Spanish La Liga crowns with Real Madrid. “I’m really happy to have won the Italian title in my first season here. It has been a great season for this Juventus, we also won the Italian Supercup,” said the Portuguese forward, who has scored 19 league goals. “We didn’t do so well in the Champions League but there is always next year,” he said after Saturday’s game. “I will stay, 1000 per cent.” Ronaldo played a key role in the winning goal, which secured Juventus a recordextending eighth straight Serie A title, their 35th overall.

Gatland reappointed Warren Gatland is to be reappointed as head coach of the British and Irish Lions for the tour of South Africa in 2021 – and the move would not rule him out of taking over the England job from Eddie Jones, The Sunday Telegraph revealed. The Lions board agreed at a meeting two weeks ago that the 55-year-old, who will step down as Wales head coach after the World Cup in September, was its “outstanding candidate” and hopes to agree terms with the New Zealander within a month. Negotiations are expected to be straightforward. Gatland, who returned to the United Kingdom this week from New Zealand, is one of the most in-demand coaches on the world stage.

Classifieds 20 Ashburton Guardian

Monday, April 22, 2019



Warriors’ Issac Luke ponders NRL future Hampered by injuries in recent years, Issac Luke has come to realise that sometimes you simply have to dial it back. After years of being one of the NRL’s elite hookers and playing with the intensity of a junkyard dog for the full 80 minutes, a variety of injuries have limited his playing time since joining the Warriors in 2016. “It’s a good learning curve,” Luke tells the Herald. “When I was young I used to be able to just get through it and be alright with it, but this time it’s one injury onto the other, so I just have to look after myself. “You just have to respect your body, you know? Know when it’s time to stop, know when it’s time to just go ‘alright, I’ll step back here and look after myself’.” The 31-year-old has missed games in all four of his campaigns with the Warriors, including the fresh 2019 campaign, and has been an 80-minute option in less than half of the matches he’s played for the club. Last season, Luke produced 13 performances of 80 minutes or more and looked to be getting back toward the form he showed in his time with the South Sydney Rabbitohs. However shoulder and hamstring issues have limited his production in 2019, keeping him out of the preseason and two of the side’s first six matches. Across the four game he’s played, Luke has been on the turf for an average of 43 minutes per game, allowing young duo Jazz Tevaga and Nathaniel Roache to take on dummy half duties. While Luke is still confident he can be an 80-minute option going forward, he knows it’s important for him to be able to mentor the team’s hookers of the future. “We’ve got some good young hookers in there and we have to get them ready,” he says. “I’m not going to be here forever, my time’s coming up, and I’ve just got to help get Nate ready, Jazzy’s doing a good job there, but just to get them ready for whatever happens next season or if I’m still here. “I’m not going to retire, I’m going to try and hang around but we don’t know what’s going to happen. It was the same last year,

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Issac Luke I didn’t know what was going to happen, I didn’t know if I was going to stay, but that’s far and beyond what I should be thinking right now.” Instead, Luke will turn his focus to the Warriors’ frustrating 17-10 loss against the North Queensland Cowboys at Mt Smart Stadium on Saturday night and how the side can bounce back on a short turnaround when they visit the Melbourne Storm on Thursday. “We were our own worst enemies. There’s easy fixes, but we just have to be a lot harder on ourselves when it comes to those moments.” It was the second week in a row where the Warriors played well in most facets of the game but were unable to get the rewards on the scoreboard. Against the Cowboys, errors sank almost every opportunity the Warriors created for themselves off the back of a strong defence and some decent attacking phases. “You can’t dwell on games; it’s a long season, but in the end we want these games to count so we don’t put ourselves in strife coming to the back end of the season.”


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Apr 22 & 23, 2019 MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For more informa-

tion ring Age Concern 308 6817. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street. 12pm BAPTIST CHURCH FREE LUNCH. Weekly lunch, available at Baptist Church, foyer entrance off Cass Street. 1pm - 3pm

ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Seafield Road. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed

most public holidays. 7.30pm ASHBURTON HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Monthly meeting with guest speaker Cyril Keen on Cherry growing. Domain Pavilion, Walnut Avenue.

9.30am - 11am WALKING NETBALL Gold coin donation. EA Networks Centre, River Terrace (not school holidays). 9.30am - 4pm ASHBURTON MENZSHED. Come and join fellow sheddies for some fun and fellowship make/fix something in our new workshops. 8 William Street. 10am NEWCOMERS SOCIAL GROUP. Weekly coffee morning, any enquiries to Merrill 307 6363. Nosh Cafe, West Street. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven.

10am MSA TAI CHI. Weekly exercises and Tai Chi for arthritis. Meet MSA Social Hall, Havelock Street (excludes school holidays). 10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For more information ring Age Concern 308 6817. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street. 10am - 4pm HOSPICE MID CANTERBURY OP SHOP. Quality clothing and homewares. Donations welcome. 71 Tancred Street. 10.30am AGE CONCERN STEADY AS YOU GO.

Supportive fall prevention group, all abilities welcome. Phone Age Concern 308 6817. All Saints Church. Methven. 1pm AGE CONCERN STEADY AS YOU GO. Supportive fall prevention group, all abilities welcome. Phone Age Concern 308-6817. Presbyterian Church, Rakaia. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future, Seafield Road. 1.30pm ASHBURTON MSA PETANQUE CLUB. Social day. Come and join us. 115 Racecourse Road.

6pm sharp RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Winter Series 3km or 6km. Group run or walk around the perimeter of the domain under lights. All abilities and fitness levels, all welcome, no charge. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion. 7pm - 9pm MID CANTERUBRY BADMINTON CLUB. Night time section, all welcome, rackets available. EA Networks Stadium, River Terrace, Ashburton. 7.30pm ASHBURTON TABLE TENNIS. Everyone welcome, every Tuesday, Tennis bats available. MSA Havelock Street.

Puzzles Puzzles and horoscopes

Cryptic crossword

Monday, April 22, 2019

Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker

Your Stars ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): With a deadline drawing near, you’ll have a choice. You can do it very well. You can do it on time. Or you can do it within the budget. Choose two. Only two are possible. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): What’s clear about today is that the issues of society are your issues, too. You almost feel your connectedness to the human race as a heavy responsibility, and perhaps that’s exactly right. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Quiet confidence is attractive. Arrogance is repellent. There’s a line to walk, and you walk it like a tightrope artist. Your genuine care for others will be like the long pole you use for balance. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): You can’t always make what you want to do and what you end up doing match. But today you can, and so, you should. It will be an important cornerstone win that you can build on. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): If the needle of time could be set back to the beginning of the record, it would play the same song. So there is no need or use for longing, regret or wishing things were any other way than they are right now. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Achilles had his heel. Sampson had his haircut. And you have your own version of a small vulnerability that has a disproportionately huge impact on your strength. Protect yourself accordingly. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You’ll do something that makes perfect sense to you. Some won’t understand. Without anything close to your experiences to draw from, puzzlement is natural. Believe in yourself. No need to explain. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Resisting peer pressure can be downright unnatural. Humans are hardwired to stick together! That’s why it’s so important to be around people with similar values who do the things you admire. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Love brings out the best in you. It makes you more creative, happier and more energetic. When you have to be strong for someone else, you’ll realise just how strong you really are. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You don’t always have the luxury of choosing what style you’ll receive your life in. Some things only come one way. The rarer a thing is, the fewer your options. If you don’t like them, do without. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): How many times can you read the same book, see the same movie or hear the same song before you’re sick of it? Yet there are works you can return to again and again – soul nutrition that you never tire of. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You will be uplifted by the camaraderie of people doing what you like to do. Whether it’s business, sport or art matters little. If you like it and they like it, you’ll all be lifted when you do it together.

ACROSS 2. Deal a card face-up for Oliver (5) 5. Type of window that may get worn with decoration (4) 7. Plant that enjoys a half-life with the Navy (4) 8. Are they a middling sort of business? (8) 9. If the mire makes golf awkward, he’ll be off to the cinema (8) 11. Crank might otherwise be pronounced a blow (4) 12. Where one may get to leave one’s troubles behind one (4,4,2,3) 15. How many were taken in hand by coaching parties (4) 17. The reporting on it is finished in prison (8) 19. It could be paternal – or maternal! (8) 21. How one may extract a tie (4) 22. The bishop is to finish at the corner (4) 23. Youngster having two ways to be weighted down (5) DOWN 1. What first person to have a look-in is invited to? (7) 2. It’s the fashion that weighs heavy (3) 3. State I was equipped as a gardener, inconclusively (5) 4. Article – or print measure – as propounded by Pythagoras (7) 5. Is up to leading critic to read it the way it’s printed (3) 6. It’s the rear that may be forbidding to some (5) 10. Council leader for a month has an alternative (5) 11. Tar we have replaced as an element to the ancient (5) 13. The telling of how it’s given in concert (7) 14. A loiterer who may haul a girl up (7) 16. Alternatively dined, so to speak (5) 18. Five are given a cap that will hold good (5) 20. It was the finish of the journey that was staged (3) 21. Being mouse-coloured, will go after those that owe money (3)






Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.



Quick crossword 1

WordBuilder A O N G W WordBuilder How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make OusingN from theA five letters, each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. Gone five-letter W word. There’s at least





? E




eight-letter word reading clockwise or Previous solution: ORDINARY anticlockwise. Previous solution: ORDINARY






14 15









ACROSS 7. Locality (13) 8. Fully satisfied (8) 9. Job (4) 10. Pick (6) 12. Place of worship (6) 14. Little (3) 15. Plaster coating (6) 17. Pour out (6) 19. Spiritual teacher (4) 21. Lively (8) 23. Nervous fear (6-7)

DOWN 1. Luxuriously self-indulgent (8) 2. Cause to catch fire (6) 3. Assist (4) 4. Antiquated (8) 5. Tempo, cadence (6) 6. Person in charge (4) 11. Insincere, deceitful (3-5) 13. Hung around (8) 16. Morsels (6) 18. Irritable (colloq) (6) 20. Secondhand (4) 22. One thing on a list (4)

Previous cryptic solution

Good Very Good How 8many words 10 of Excellent three or 12 more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words Previous ape, aper, are, ear, beginningsolution: with a capital are allowed. era, pap, at paper, parp,word. pea, There’s leastpar, one pare, five-letter pear, pep, per,Good perp, 10 prep, rap, rape, Good 8 Very Excellent 12 reap, rep, repp

Insert the missing letter to complete an


Ashburton Guardian 21

Across: 1. Cancel 8. Rhyme 9. Oneself 11. Locked in 12. Byron 15. Rile 16. Ass 17. Evil 19. First 21. Biograph 24. Soldier 25. Bingo 26. During 8 6.2Eyed 4 6 Down: 2. Annoy 3. Customer 4. Lull 5. Brake 7. Bean 10. Footsteps 12. Burn 13. Reminder 5 14. Slot 18. Groom 20. Stern 21. Baby 22. Owns 7 23. 1 Hold 6


2 5 Previous quick solution7 1 4 5 8 9 Across: 1. Catapult 7. Scope 8. Reiterate 9. Nut 10. Lets 4 316. Daft 18. Bar 7 2 11. Intend 13. Curtain raiser 15. Pierce Previous solution: ape, aper, are, ear, 20. Carpenter 21. Elope 22. Pedigree 5 8 9 7 6 3 era, pap, paper, par, pare, parp, pea, Down: 1. Carol 2. Twister 3. Poem 4. Learning curve 9 3 2 8 pear, pep, per, perp, prep, rap, rape, 5. Bound 6. Weather 7. Several 12. Cadence 13. Cobbler reap, rep, repp 9 14. Shatter 15. Prior 17. Torte 3 19. Deli 22/4 3 6 5 8 5 7 1 8 8 2 9 PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. 7 1 8 9 5 1 8 2 4 6 3 7 8 33 6 5 7 9 7 1 4 2 4 1 6 8 9 1 6 2 5 4 2 7 1 6 35 9 5 8 7 1 2 3 4 6 5 8 9 8 8 6 2 6 45 3 9 8 5 7 82 1 3 5 5 89 9 2 7 16 4 6 3 8 9 1 4 5 7 3 1 5 9 4 66 3 2 8 7 5 9 3 7 8 4 5 9 2 1 6 1 8 4 9 3 2 4 6 2 6 5 7 1 8 3 9 4






4 1


9 1 7

6 2

5 8

7 9 2

4 1

9 7 5 4 1 2 9 5 7 2 8




1 9 5 3 2 8 7 4 6

6 4 7 5 1 9 8 2 3

2 3 8 6 4 7 5 9 1

3 6 2 8 9 1 4 5 7

4 5 9 7 3 6 1 8 2

8 7 1 2 5 4 3 6 9

9 8 6 1 7 5 2 3 4

7 2 4 9 8 3 6 1 5

5 1 3 4 6 2 9 7 8

1 9 8 3 7 2 6 4 5

6 2 5 1 9 4 8 7 3

4 3 7 5 8 6 9 2 1

7 5 3 8 6 1 2 9 4

2 1 6 4 5 9 3 8 7

9 8 4 2 3 7 5 1 6

8 6 1 7 2 5 4 3 9

3 7 9 6 4 8 1 5 2

5 4 2 9 1 3 7 6 8

3 1 7 6 2 9 4 5 8

6 8 4 3 7 5 9 1 2

9 5 2 8 4 1 3 6 7

8 4 9 7 3 6 1 2 5

7 3 1 2 5 4 6 8 9

2 6 5 9 1 8 7 3 4

1 2 6 5 9 7 8 4 3

5 7 8 4 6 3 2 9 1

4 9 3 1 8 2 5 7 6


Family Notices








22 Ashburton Guardian


Morgan, Ryan John (Ryry) – On April 14, 2019, aged 31. Adored son of Susan Macey and the late John Rex Morgan (Rex). Big brother and chief stirrer of Bradley and Caitlin (Spooky). Eldest grandchild to John and Barbara Macey of Australia. Loved nephew of Ann and Ian, Carol and Mal, Peter, Puk and families. We will all miss that beautiful smile. A funeral service for Ryry will be held at Sopheze on the Bay, Caroline Bay, Timaru on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 at 2pm. Heartland Funerals FDANZ




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11:55 – 1:05 AM


PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cloudy days Data provided by NIWA


NZ Situation


isolated snow thunder flurries

sleet thunder

Canterbury Plains




60 plus

NZ Today

Canterbury High Country



Mostly cloudy. Rain north of Christchurch easing to isolated showers in the afternoon, patchy morning drizzle elsewhere. Southerlies dying out.

Monday, 22 April 2019

A low associated with an active front becomes slow moving as it crosses east over the North Island. Meanwhile a narrow ridge of high pressure develops over the South Island. The low slowly moves east across the North Island tomorrow and the ridge moves northwards tomorrow and Wednesday.

mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers

FZL: Gradually rising to 3000m

overnight max low








Showers, falling as snow to 1800 metres at first, becoming isolated in the morning and clearing at night. Wind at 1000m: S 30 km/h, dying out in the morning. Wind at 2000m: SE 30 km/h, easing in the afternoon.






Areas of morning cloud or fog, otherwise fine. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: Light.







light rain


light rain


mainly fine




mainly fine


Morning cloud with possible drizzle then fine. Light winds inland, northeasterly breezes about the coast. Cloudy periods. Evening patchy drizzle possible. Light winds. Morning cloud and possible drizzle, then fine. Northerlies developing.


Morning cloud otherwise mainly fine. Cloud increasing later. Westerlies rising to gale in exposed places.


Increasing high cloud. Northerlies picking up.

World Weather

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh

fine fine showers fine showers showers fine thunder thunder thunder fine fine fine fine fine

FZL: Rising above 3000m

Cloudy periods. A few spots of drizzle possible about the foothills later. Winds mainly light, westerlies about the tops.


Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi

11 5 29 7 20 23 13 26 12 25 25 22 31 9 11

fine fine showers fine showers fine cloudy thunder fine fine fog drizzle showers fine thunder

25 21 18 30 29 26 31 19 33 23 24 15 18 18 31

9 7 11 26 22 16 25 11 24 9 12 9 14 5 23

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

showers fine fine rain rain fine fine thunder fine fine drizzle showers cloudy rain fine

m am 3 3


Monday 9 noon 3


9 pm am 3


Tuesday 9 noon 3


9 pm am 3



9 noon 3


9 pm



11:59 6:16 12:32 6:41 12:54 7:12 1:25 7:39 1:48 8:09 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.

Rise 7:14 am Set 5:48 pm


Bad fishing

Set 9:51 am Rise 7:49 pm

Last quarter

27 Apr 10:20 am ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Rise 7:15 am Set 5:47 pm


Bad fishing

Set 10:57 am Rise 8:30 pm

New moon

5 May 10:47 am

Rise 7:16 am Set 5:45 pm


Good fishing Set 11:58 am Rise 9:17 pm

First quarter

12 May 1:13 pm

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

11 13 11 24 14 11 12 25 5 17 22 12 13 9 7

River Levels

11 9 10 9 12 10 8 8 6 4 5 9 5



Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 180.7 Nth Ashburton at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 3:00 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 3:05 pm, yesterday


Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings



20 26 25 25 20 23 27 33 15 25 26 17 22 21 23

19 18 18 18 16 18 16 19 15 15 17 15 14

Palmerston North showers

Forecasts for today

21 23 35 20 27 30 24 33 24 33 35 38 41 16 19

Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing

Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 12.0 12.8 Max to 4pm 9.8 Minimum 9.8 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 34.6 16hr to 4pm April to date 93.2 Avg Apr to date 36 2019 to date 221.6 205 Avg year to date Wind km/h S 17 At 4pm Strongest gust S 35 Time of gust 11:36am

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2019

Digital+Print subscriptions start from only $26.90 per month*. Email to start saving money today. *Terms and conditions apply

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

9.9 10.1 8.0 –

13.6 14.2 10.7 9.5

12.4 13.8 9.5 –

– – – – –

1.8 38.0 36 112.0 176

5.8 11.8 24 84.8 157

S9 – –

S 22 S 35 11:05am

S 24 S 48 2:15pm

Compiled by

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30 to 59

Give hope to those with nothing this Christmas.








Midnight Tonight


Wind km/h




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THURSDAY: Morning cloud, possible drizzle, then fine. N.

less than 30

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WEDNESDAY: Cloudy periods, chance late drizzle. Light winds.










TOMORROW: Morning low cloud with chance of drizzle then fine. NE.








TODAY: Mostly cloudy, light rain clearing afternoon. S dying out.



Map for today

Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i

Television TVNZ 1


©TVNZ 2019

Monday, April 22, 2019 ©TVNZ 2019

6am Aussie Property Flippers 3 Mark and Mitch plan to turn a Potts Point apartment into a house fit for a queen, but the big spending, handsoff flippers must cut their budget to save money. 8am Peter Andre’s 60-Minute Makeover 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 10am Tipping Point 0 11am The Chase 0 Noon Emmerdale 0 1pm Coronation Street CatchUp 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Funny You Should Ask 0 4:55 The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0

6:30 Thomas And Friends 0 6:40 Kiddets 3 0 6:50 M Lego DC Comics Super Hero Girls – Brain Drain 2018 Animated. 0 8:15 Art Attack 3 0 8:35 Sofia The First 3 0 9am Infomercials 10am The Middle 3 0 10:30 Neighbours 3 0 11am Once Upon A Time 3 0 11:50 M Are We Done Yet? PGR 3 2007 Comedy. Ice Cube, Nia Long, John C McGinley. 1:45 Will And Grace PGR 0 2:40 Home And Away 3 0 3:10 F America’s Funniest Home Videos 3 3:35 Peppa Pig 0 3:40 Gamer’s Guide To Pretty Much Everything 3 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons 3 0 5:30 Home And Away 0 6pm The Big Bang Theory 3 0 6:30 Neighbours 0

7pm Extreme Cake Makers 0 7:30 M The Hundred-Foot Journey PGR 2014 Drama. A family leaves India for France, and opens a restaurant directly across the road from a Michelin-starred restaurant. Helen Mirren, Manish Dayal. 0 10:05 Irish Dancing Triplets 0 10:35 The Crossing AO 0

7pm Shortland Street PGR 0 7:30 My Kitchen Rules PGR Family heritage is at stake as Karito and Ian showcase the food of her native Colombia, but will their Latin fiesta succeed? Ibby is ready to confess. 0 9:10 Mom PGR 0 9:40 Killing Eve 0 10:40 Two And A Half Men 3 0

11:35 Training Day AO 3 Frank and Kyle seek justice for a community organiser accidentally killed during a gang-related shooting. 0 12:25 Te Karere 3 News and current affairs from a Maori perspective. 2 12:50 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2

11:05 2 Broke Girls 3 0 11:35 Hell’s Kitchen USA 12:20 F Love Island Australia 0 1:15 Shortland Street 3 0 1:40 Infomercials 2:40 How To Get Away With Murder 3 0 3:25 Jeremy Kyle 3 5:05 Neighbours 3 0 5:30 Infomercials

The Hundred-Foot Journey 7:30pm on TVNZ 1

BRAVO 10am Beverly Hills Pawn 3 10:28 The Dish PGR 3 10:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 11:30 Snapped PGR 3 12:28 The Dish PGR 3 12:30 The Real Housewives Of Cheshire 1:30 Million Dollar Listing 3 2:30 The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills PGR 3 3:30 Four Weddings UK PGR 3 4:30 Catfish 3 5:30 Top Chef 3 6:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 7:30 Snapped PGR 3 8:30 Deadly Cults Police in Kirtland, Ohio, receive a tip about a family of five killed and buried in a barn belonging to a local cult. As they question the cult, they learn more sinister details of power and manipulation leading up to the murders. 9:30 Buried In The Backyard AO 10:30 Snapped PGR 3 11:30 Intervention AO 3 12:20 Infomercials 3

My Kitchen Rules 7:30pm on TVNZ 2

SKY 5 6am Jeopardy! PG 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 6:50 The Simpsons PG 7:15 Nightwatch M 8:05 The Force MC 8:30 The Flash MVS 9:15 Parking Wars PGL 9:40 NCIS LA MV 10:25 CSI – Miami MV 11:10 Nightwatch M Noon Jeopardy! PG 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 12:50 Scorpion ML 1:40 Scorpion ML 2:25 NCIS LA MV 3:10 Nightwatch M 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! PG 5pm Wheel Of Fortune PG 5:30 Parking Wars PGL 6pm The Flash MVS 7pm The Force MC 7:30 NCIS – LA MV 8:30 The Cops MV 9:30 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! MVL 10:30 CSI – Miami MV 11:20 The Flash MVS


12:05 Nightwatch M 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune PG 1:20 Jeopardy! PG 1:40 The Force MC 2:05 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! MVL 2:55 The Cops MV 3:40 CSI – Miami MV 4:25 Parking Wars PGL 4:50 NCIS – LA MV 5:35 The Simpsons PG




6am M Radio Rebel PGR 3 2012 Family Drama. Debby Ryan, Merritt Patterson. 0 7:55 M Change Of Heart AO 3 2016 Romance. Leah Pipes, Lindsay Wagner, Rick Malambri. 9:40 Infomercials 11:10 Entertainment Tonight 3 11:40 Face The Truth PGR 12:05 Dr Phil PGR 1:05 Dancing With The Stars NZ 3 2:50 Come Dine With Me NZ 3 0 3:20 Entertainment Tonight 3:45 Family Feud Australia 3 4:20 M Ice Age PGR 3 2002 Animated. During the Ice Age, a sabre-tooth tiger, a sloth and a woolly mammoth find a lost human infant and set out to return him to his tribe. Voices of Ray Romano, John Leguizano, Denis Leary. 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Dancing With The Stars NZ 8:30 The Rookie AO 0 9:25 N SVU AO 10:20 The Hui 3 0 10:55 M Who Killed JonBenet? AO 3 2016 Crime. 0

6am Nella The Princess Knight 3 0 6:25 Krypto The Superdog 0 6:50 The Powerpuff Girls 3 0 7:15 The Loud House 7:40 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8:05 League Of Super Evil 3 0 8:30 The Thundermans 3 0 8:55 Tiki Tour 3 0 9:20 Million Dollar Minute 3 9:50 The Crowd Goes Wild PGR 10:20 The Doctors PGR 11:15 Hot Bench 11:40 Antiques Road Trip 3 12:40 Seal Team PGR 3 1:35 Married With Children PGR 3 2:05 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PGR 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3:30 Jeopardy 4pm The Chase Australia 3 0 5pm Everybody Loves Raymond 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm Million Dollar Minute 6:30 Storage Wars 3 7pm Storage Wars 3 0 7:30 American Pickers 0 8:30 M X2 AO 2003 Action. When public opinion blames mutants for an attack on the president, the X-Men band together to find the mutant assassin. Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Hugh Jackman, Anna Paquin, Halle Berry. 0

12:35 Infomercials 5:30 City Impact Church

11pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PGR The best of Stephen Colbert’s satire and comedy, discussing politics, entertainment, business, and more. Midnight Football – English Premier League Everton v Manchester United. At Goodison Park in Liverpool. 2:15 Closedown



7:30 Life Of The Party MSC 2018 Comedy. Melissa McCarthy, Gabriel Bateman. 9:15 American Assassin 16VLC 2017 Action. Dylan O’Brien, Charlotte Vega. 11:05 Hometown Hero M 2017 Romantic Comedy. Brooke Nevin, Jake Sandvig. 12:30 Den Of Thieves 16VLSC 2018 Crime Action. Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber. 2:50 The Circle ML 2017 Drama. Emma Watson, Tom Hanks. 4:40 Looking Glass 16VLS 2017 Thriller. Nicolas Cage, Robin Tunney. 6:25 Permanent MSC 2017 Comedy. Patricia Arquette, Rainn Wilson. 8pm Dunkirk MVL 2017 War. A mass group of British troops find themselves surrounded by enemy forces during the Second World War. Fionn Whitehead, Barry Keoghan, Mark Rylance. 9:50 Black Panther MV 2018 Action. Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong’o.

6:15 The Campaign 16VLS 2012 Comedy. Will Ferrell. 7:40 People Interview – Octavia Spencer 2016 Featurette. 8:15 The Avengers MV 2012 Adventure. Robert Downy jr, Scarlett Johansson. 10:35 Good Night And Good Luck MC 2005 Drama, History. David Strathairn, George Clooney, Patricia Clarkson. 12:05 Anger Management MLS 2003 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson. 1:50 Daddy Day Care 2003 Comedy. Eddie Murphy, Steve Zahn, Anjelica Huston. 3:20 Titanic ML 1997 Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. 6:30 Blades Of Glory MS 2007 Comedy. Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Amy Poehler. 8pm Slumdog Millionaire MVL 2008 Drama. When a penniless 18-year-old orphan from Mumbai’s slums nearly wins 20 million rupees on India’s TV show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, a police investigation reveals his story. Dev Patel. 10:05 Lucy 16 2014 Action. Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman. 11:35 Tower Heist MLS 2011 Comedy. Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy.


Midnight The Work Wife 16VC 2018 Thriller. Kevin Sizemore, Cerina Vincent. 1:25 Looking Glass 16VLS 2017 Thriller. Nicolas Cage, Robin Tunney. 3:05 Permanent MSC 2017 Comedy. Patricia Arquette, Rainn Wilson. 4:40 Dunkirk MVL 2017 War. Fionn Whitehead, Barry Keoghan, Mark Rylance.


1:20 Titanic ML 1997 Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. 4:30 Daddy Day Care 2003 Comedy.


6:30 Waiata Mai 3 6:40 Team Umizoomi 3 7:10 Kainga Whakapaipai 7:20 Potae Pai 3 7:30 Pipi Ma 3 7:40 Cube 7:50 Paia 3 8am Pukana 3 8:50 Kete Korero 3 9am Te Ao – Maori News 3 9:30 Best Of Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Hangi Pit Masters 3 10:30 Celebrity Playlist 3 11am Nga Tangata Taumata Rau 3 Noon World Forklift League PGR 3 12:30 Find Me A Maori Bride 3 1pm Taha Tauiwi 3 1:30 Finding Aroha PGR 3 2pm Opaki 3 2:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 3pm Waiata Mai 3 3:10 Team Umizoomi 3 3:40 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 3:50 Potae Pai 3 4pm Pipi Ma 3 4:10 Cube 3 4:20 Paia 3 4:30 Pukana 2 5pm Swagger 5:30 Senior Kapa Haka Regionals 3 6pm Waka Huia 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News

7pm Whanau Living 3 7:30 On Country Kitchen Western Australian produce, characters, and adventures with comedian Derek Nannup and Indigenous chef Mark Olive. 8pm Marae PGR 2 8:30 Salt Of The Earth AO 10:30 Waka Huia 2018 PGR 11pm Te Ao – Maori News 3 The latest news, with a more inclusive approach to Maori news by connecting directly with communities. 11:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 Putauaki – He Maunga Korero. Midnight Closedown

SKY SPORT 1 10am Cricket – IPL (HLS) Sunrisers Hyderabad v Kolkata Knight Riders. 10:30 Cricket – IPL (HLS) Royal Challengers Bangalore v Chennai Super Kings. 11am ICC Cricket 360 11:30 Cricket – IPL (HLS) Rajasthan Royals v Mumbai Indians. Noon Fox Sports News 12:30 Cricket – IPL (HLS) Delhi Capitals v Kings XI Punjab. 1pm Golf Central 2pm Rugby – Women’s World Sevens (HLS) 3:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (RPL) Highlanders v Blues. 5:30 Rugby Nation 6:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Lions. 7pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Sunwolves v Hurricanes. From Tokyo. 7:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Sharks v Reds. From Durban. 8pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Highlanders v Blues. From Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin. 8:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Waratahs v Rebels. From the SCG, Sydney. 9pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Stormers v Brumbies. 9:30 Super Rugby Wrap 10:30 Rugby Nation 11:30 Rugby – Women’s World Sevens (HLS)


1am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Lions. 1:30 L Cycling – Tro-Bro Leon 3am Bowls – Ultimate Championship Warilla. 4am Super Rugby Wrap 5am Rugby Nation

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

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Ashburton Guardian 23

6am Caribbean Pirate Treasure 6:30 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 7:30 Jelly Jamm 8am M Jimmy Neutron – Boy Genius 2001 Animated Action. Voices of Debi Derryberry, Megan Cavanagh, Mark DeCarlo. 9:30 Bondi Vet 11:30 Hotel Impossible 12:30 Treasures Decoded 1:30 American Idol 3:30 Tales From Zambia 4:30 The Cook Who Changed Our Lives Nigella Lawson pays tribute to Anna Del Conte, a Milanese cook who changed Britain’s attitude to Italian food at a time when olive oil was only available in specialist shops or pharmacies. 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum 6:30 American Pickers 7:30 Greece With Simon Reeve (Part 1) Simon Reeve travels from the islands of the Aegean to Greece’s capital, Athens. 8:30 Our Guy In India 9:30 Lonely Planet – Roads Less Travelled 10:30 American Pickers

11:30 Mysteries At The Museum 12:30 Caribbean Pirate Treasure 1am Cash Cowboys 2am Jamie’s Comfort Food 3am Sand Masters 3:30 Celebrity Motor Homes 4am Wild Mississippi 5am The French Collection

SKY SPORT 2 7am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Lions. 7:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Sunwolves v Hurricanes. 8am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Highlanders v Blues. 8:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Stormers v Brumbies. 9am Rugby Nation 10am Football – A-League (HLS) Phoenix v Melbourne City. 10:30 Sky Sports News 11am Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Titans v Knights. 1pm Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Raiders v Broncos. 3pm Sunday Night With Matty Johns 4pm Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Friday. 4:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Warriors v Cowboys. 5pm L Rugby League – NRL Eels v Tigers. From Western Sydney Stadium, Parramatta. 7:45 NRL 360 9:30 Big League Wrap 10:30 UCL Magazine Show 11pm Fox Sports News 11:30 Rugby League – NSW Cup (RPL) Bulldogs v Rabbitohs.


1:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Eels v Tigers. 2am L Rugby League – Championship Featherstone Rovers v Toronto Wolfpack. From LD Nutrition Stadium in Featherstone, England. 4am L Rugby League – Super League Catalans Dragons v Castleford Tigers. From Stade Gilbert Brutus in Perpignan, France. 22Apr19

DISCOVERY 6:35 How It’s Made PG 7:05 How It’s Made PG 7:30 Deadliest Catch PG Clash of Kings. 8:20 Sydney Harbour Patrol 9:10 Blowing Up History PG Mystery of the Cursed Pyramid. 10am Outback Opal Hunters PG 10:50 Robson Green’s Australian Adventure PG South Australia. 11:40 Swamp Murders M Double-Crossed. 12:30 Blood Relatives M I, Thee Dead. 1:20 Web Of Lies M Swipe Right for Murder. 2:10 Outback Opal Hunters PG 3pm Outback Opal Hunters PG 3:50 Outback Opal Hunters PG 4:45 Outback Opal Hunters PG 5:40 Outback Opal Hunters PG 6:35 Outback Opal Hunters M 7:30 American Chopper M Splat! 8:30 Jay Leno’s Garage PG Origins. 9:25 Shifting Gears With Aaron Kaufman PG The Race of Gentlemen. 10:15 Misfit Garage PG The Cooler. 11:05 Naked And Afraid M 11:55 Web Of Lies M Swipe Right for Murder.


12:45 Deadliest Catch PG 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Treehouse Masters PG 3:15 Deadliest Catch PG 4:05 Gold Rush PG 4:55 How It’s Made PG 5:20 How Do They Do It? PG 5:45 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG | Compiled by

Monday, April 22, 2019


24 Ashburton Guardian

Face behind whistle

Park contest takes off



FRIDAY FEAST All smiles as he dotted down for a try for the Ashburton Barbarians on Friday was Puroku Mataiti. By Erin Tasker

Good Friday turned out to be a great Friday for the Ashburton Barbarians as they took to the field against the Halswell Hornets and came away with a resounding 66-18 win. The Canterbury Rugby League division one match was moved to Good Friday instead of the usual Saturday afternoon slot and a big holiday crowd turned out to watch their side turn it on at Ro-

billiard Park. The Barbarians proved hard to stop, piling on the points against the visiting Christchurch side, and while it was a big win and a good win, coach Steve Gamble said there was still work to be done. “I’m happy with the 66, not so much the 18,” Gamble said. In another game, letting in 18 points could be the losing game, he said. “The 18 points they scored were

pretty soft in my eyes, so we’ll have to go back and work on our line defence,” Gamble said. On the whole though, Gamble was a happy man. “The thing I was most impressed about was that right up until the last few minutes we were really sticking to our game plan,” he said. With the game well and truly wrapped up with 10 or 15 minutes to go, the Barbarians decided to take the opportunity to make a

Fields for Easter racing carnivals


few changes. They moved a few players to different positions and chanced their arm a bit more and Gamble said it was a luxury to be able to do that in a game setting. The Barbarians went into the 2019 season off a really strong pre-season build up and Gamble said the work they’d done on fitness was really paying off. “They are really starting to believe this is their season,” Gamble said.

Although they started with a loss to the defending champion Burnham Chevaliers, the Barbarians had followed that up with two strong wins over the Woolston Rams and now the Halswell Hornets. Their next opposition would be the Shirley Hawks in Christchurch this weekend, before finishing round one off against a Marist side which celebrated the Easter weekend with an upset win over the Burnham Chevaliers.


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