Ashburton Guardian, Saturday, April 13, 2019

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Councillors cut to nine



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News 2

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019




Ashburton will have a council of nine By Sue Newman

History was made in Ashburton yesterday when the number of people elected to run the Ashburton District was cut from 12 to nine. The Local Government Commission has upheld a proposal by current councillors to reduce their numbers at this year’s October local body elections, a move that was not universally supported around the council table or in the community. The change is the most significant made in the council’s structure in many years, with the number set at 12 for the first election after the amalgamation of the Ashburton borough and county councils. With the commission’s decision known, the council could now move towards the October election knowing what shape it would take, mayor Donna Favel said. “I’m comfortable and pleased we are reflecting the wishes of the community. We’ve gone through a democratic process, the question went out to the community and the feedback was there to support the reduced numbers. We now have clarity on those numbers,” she said. Favel supported cutting numbers to nine from the outset, saying it brought Ashburton into line with most other councils in terms of councillor to resident numbers. “I trust the nine people who will be elected in October will represent the desires of

Ashburton mayor Donna Favel. the community,” she said. With smaller numbers, every councillor would have a strong role to play in decision making and in sharing the workload, and there would be some efficiencies in meetings and how they were run, Favel said. For assuming a larger share of work, councillor remuneration is likely to rise as the funding pool assigned by the commission is population rather than councillor based and that could attract a wider pool of councillor candidates. That the council’s proposal to cut numbers and to amend ward boundaries slightly (including bringing Lake Hood into the urban ward) was accepted indicated the


council’s process had been robust, she said. “There was good commonsense used. We’ve come up with a reasonable suggestion and they agree with this.” The council began its six-yearly review in December 2017 but the vote to reduce numbers was opposed by three councillors, Selwyn Price, Thelma Bell and Mark Malcolm. A handful of people lodged objections to the change during the public consultation process but only two – Marion Bartlett and Gordon Mockford – wanted to speak at a public hearing. This was held in March this year.

Support for number cut not universal True representation of a community cannot be achieved if the voices representing that community are reduced, councillor Selwyn Price says. He opposed cutting councillor numbers from 12 to nine, and while he’s bound to support the final decision, Price said his personal view remains unchanged. “I’m still totally of the view of improving representation, but how does cutting numbers address this? I thought this was about improving representation but the case was weak. To take away councillors does not improve representation in the district,” he said. He suggested the reduced number was about convenience more than representation. Price said he accepted the reduced number would be the status quo for six years, but he still believes the process the council went through in its community consultation was flawed. There were problems with the information given out and problems in the wording of the survey, he said. The numbers might not have gone the way he had hoped, but Price said that didn’t mean he’d be walking away from the council table come election day. “I feel personally we’ve made the wrong decision, but that’s only my personal opinion and I’ve been pretty open on this. We have to go along with it now, that’s the democratic process.” While not prepared to declare his intentions ahead of this year’s elections, Price said the decision to reduce numbers had made him more determined to stand.

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Poppy appeal takes to the Ashburton streets By Matt Markham

Red poppies took pride of place on many people around Ashburton yesterday as the annual appeal for Poppy Week took to the streets of the CBD. Close to one dozen members of the Ashburton Cadet Unit combined forces with members of the Ashburton RSA for the day and they lined the streets in search of willing donors who in return were given a poppy to wear. Funds raised from the Poppy Appeal are held in trust. They are used to help improve the quality of life of current and former servicemen and women and their families affected by their service. Support ranges from individual grants to alleviate need and hardship (eg re-education, counselling, financial support), through to research to improve health and wellbeing. In 2018, $1.7 million was raised. Funds are raised locally and used locally. One hundred per cent of donations are distributed by RSAs to people in their local areas. This year the theme of the appeal focuses on the impact of ser-

vice on families. A statement from RSA said that servicewomen and men often travel for long periods of time. It can be both scary and unsettling for those left behind. Upon leaving the forces many serving personnel can struggle with mental health and transitioning to civilian life. This year the appeal is set to recognise the role of the family who, by association, also live through and are impacted by these challenges. In addition, they involuntarily become the primary support people and as such, make a significant sacrifice. Approximately 80 per cent of referrals to the RSA support services (a nationwide welfare network) come from friends and family who are concerned about their friend or partner. The RSA aim to make this easier and ensure service personnel and their families know we are able to help. Organisers of yesterday’s event were pleased with the day with many people giving generously to the cause. Cadets and minders were on the streets from 9am

in the morning until late into the afternoon with poppies being dished out at a frenetic rate. Those who missed out on the poppies yesterday will still find

them located at several venues around the Ashburton District and donations can be made to the RSA online through nz/donate.

Heather Robertson, Millissa Wills and Colleen Hands were all part of yesterday’s Poppy Appeal. PHOTO MATT MARKHAM


Backlash over school zone plan By Sue Newman

Hinds and Mayfield school communities are finding themselves in a battle over their senior students with neighbouring Geraldine High School. And its a battle that’s likely to get worse as schools come to grips with a Ministry of Education imposed enrolment zone for Year 7 to 13 Geraldine High that will remove it as a secondary school option for families in the Ashburton District’s south-west. The zone threat is creating an element of panic for some parents of Year 7 and 8 students at both schools. They’re moving children


now to ensure they will be ‘inzone’ for their secondary education, says Hinds principal Vicky McIntyre. Hinds has already lost Year 7 and 8 students to Geraldine, even though official bus routes did not provide for those students to be collected. Now, with the zone lines still to be signed off there were families who were not prepared to risk missing out on their preferred secondary school, McIntyre said. “Those families are desperate to get their kids in there and they’re moving them now. There’s nothing we can do about it.” For years Hinds had tolerat-

ed Geraldine’s intrusion into its catchment and at best, the zone boundaries might create a more even playing field for both schools, McIntyre said. That intrusion into both the Hinds and Mayfield catchments had been happening for years, and those extra students, as well as others outside their catchment area south of the Rangitata River has pushed Geraldine’s roll up to a point where the MInistry of Education has stepped in with an enrolment zone that will be effective from the start of the 2020 school year. The new zone will take Geraldine High off the options list for

children at both schools. The likely zone boundary also sees Peel Forest Carew’s catchment move into the Hinds area and this had been done without any consultation with the Hinds community, McIntyre said. “We’d certainly like to have some assurances and discussions around this.” Mayfield School principal Richard Kidd said his school traditionally lost some Year 7 and 8 students with more choosng Geraldine at Year 9 but those choices would largely be lost with the new zone. “And that’s a shame for some parents as they like the fact that our school is a small school and

Geraldine is a smaller school.” And for some Geraldine was much closer in terms of travel time, he said. Traditionally there had always been some fluidity in the area in terms of where students were enrolled and that relied on the schools involved having an open relationship, Kidd said. “The shame of this is that the boundary lines are drawn from Wellington without any local knowledge and this will definitely disadvantage some of our children,” he said. Both schools are urging parents to make submissions on the proposed zone.

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News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Time for some new b Mount Hutt College principal John Schreurs is leaving behind nine years at the school after facing one of the most difficult decisions of his life – Susan Sandys reports. By Susan Sandys

Walking to work on his first day as principal of Mount Hutt College nine years ago, John Schreurs saw a car pull up next to him. “You must be the new principal,” said the driver. “Do you want a lift?” Schreurs and wife Pam were renting a home in the town, so he did not have far to walk, but he accepted the ride anyway, figuring it was the driver’s way of welcoming him to town. The pair chatted, and there was one thing the man said which has stuck in Schreurs’ mind ever since. “He made a comment, he said ‘The community is very supportive of the school, all you need to do is ask’.” That small-community aspect is something Schreurs came to see as a huge feature of the school, as well as part of the very foundation of students’ characters and how they learned. “I really do believe that our students don’t realise how good they are, in that their potential comes from the fact they are in a small community, they are thinkers, they know how to connect to people of different ages,” he said. The school’s job was to build on that, and Schreurs said he had been proud of being part of the college’s continuing positive culture. He was also proud of the key three-word defining phrase which was introduced – Thriving Learning Community. Something Schreurs remembers from a board meeting is one of the members noting the TLC acronym, something Schreurs delighted in as he thought that in itself summed up part of the Mount Hutt College culture. “I think there’s a lot of care for individu-

John Schreurs: Resigning was probably the hardest decision he had ever made in his life, as for the first time he was not heading off to another set appointment.

I really do believe that our students don’t realise how good they are, in that their potential comes from the fact they are in a small community

als.” Another highlight of his time at the college was the formation of the Opuke Kahui Ako, or Community of Learning, made up of Mount Hutt College and surrounding primary schools. These communities encompass

groups of education and training providers setting goals to help their students reach full potential. He was proud of developing understanding of Maori culture and there was still a long way to go with this, as well as development

of students’ voice. “That’s something we need to continue to look at. That’s linked to the whole idea that teaching is about relationships, if you don’t have strong professional relationships with your students then you are making learning more difficult for them.” As well as highlights at Mount Hutt College, Schreurs mentions the hard times as well, particularly those that many a principal and teacher never wish to find themselves facing, that of deaths of pupils in tragic circumstances. It is something which staff cannot help but be affected by emotionally, but key to dealing with any such trauma was to look for support from the Ministry of Education and follow ministry guidelines.

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


blood and new ideas

John Schreurs: “Being a principal is a people business, with the endless variables that entails, and it’s a busy job and a tiring one.” The fact is that being a principal is a people business, with the endless variables that entails, and it’s a busy job and a tiring one. When giving his reason for leaving to the Guardian following announcement of his resignation earlier this year, he said simply “I am not sure if I’ve got the energy”. “And if I’m thinking like that, then someone with new ideas, new blood, may be well placed to come in and move the school along.” But Schreurs does not sound defeated, and has a laugh as he describes some of his busiest days. “One of the things about being a principal is you never know what your day is going to be like. There’s days I haven’t been able to get out of my office, and days I haven’t started what I wanted to do until 5pm, and that’s the nature of the job,” he said. “Almost every part of the job I enjoy doing, it’s just hard you have to do them all on the same day.” The 60-year-old dad of two said resigning was probably the hardest decision he had ever made in his life, as for the first time he was not heading off to another set appointment. He has two terms study leave, continuing study in He Papa Tikanga on evolving cultures, which a number of staff at the school are also undertaking. He will be assisting

the new acting principal throughout this time, considering what his next career step will be, and spending more time with family. Schreurs grew up in Invercargill, and coming to Methven had reminded him of his country roots. He attended the University of Otago and went to teachers’ college in Christchurch. He taught at Christchurch Boys’ for seven years, Riccarton High for seven years, Cashmere High for seven years, then was at Villa Maria for nine years and served there as deputy principal. He began at Mount Hutt College in 2011, when the school had a temporary swell in its roll. An extra 50 students enrolled as Christchurch earthquake refugees settled here. “It was great the way the community opened up and took them in, that just showed the spirit of the area,” Schreurs said. As well as looking back, Schreurs is looking to the future and is happy for the school as it approaches an exciting new era of projected roll growth. In doing this, he remembers those words from that friendly driver all those years ago – “All you have to do it ask”. “Moving forward I would say let’s go to the community and work together more,” Schreurs said.


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Mount Hutt College principal John Schreurs meets with head students Caitlin Smith and Mitchell Barron this week. PHOTO SUSAN SANDYS

John Schreurs is looking to the future and is happy for the school as it approaches an exciting new era of projected roll growth.

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News 6

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

No date yet for hot pools By Susan Sandys

Five plaques ready to be placed on five of the Ashburton District’s noteworthy buildings to ensure the history of each is recorded and recognised. PHOTO SUPPLIED


Plaques ready to be affixed By Sue Newman

Five large, blue plaques will soon be placed on five of the Ashburton District’s oldest buildings, recognising their place in the district’s history. The plaques are part of an Historic Places Mid Canterbury project that could see up to 30 of the district’s buildings marked as historically significant. The organisation’s deputy chairman Nigel Gilkison is driving the project and said it is gathering great support from the community.

Plaques have already placed by Ashburton’s railway overbridge and on Havelock Street’s Pioneer Hall. Shortly Mill House, the Church of the Holy Name, Federated Farmers Building, Ashburton Courthouse and Hakatere Station will all have their plaques installed. Marking out history does not come cheaply, Gilkison said, with each plaque costing around $1500. Some of these costs are covered by grants and some by building owners and the community has been very

generous in helping cover installation costs, he said. The purpose of the plaques is to identify the building as an important piece of local built heritage and to tell the story of why the building is historically significant. The initiative also aims to raise awareness of the value of retaining and maintaining our existing heritage assets. Each plaque is 450mm in diameter and is made of cast aluminim with a protective powdercoat finish. Seven plaques have been

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funded to date and funding has been approved for another five later this year, Gilkison said. “It was important to ensure they were robust enough to last as long as the buildings.” The blue plaque scheme originated in London, he said, where these were used to recognise places famous people had lived rather than the buildings themselves, he said. The five plaques will be placed on the buildings they recognise over the next two months, each with a special dedication ceremony.

Methven hot pools developers are not committing to a set opening date as they aim to raise enough money to fund the project. The Government’s Provincial Growth Fund (PGF) loaned $7.5 million in February, boosting both developers’ coffers and the town’s morale. But while an opening of winter next year was reported at the time, now the provisional plan is to open in December next year. Spokesperson James McKenzie said the Methven Adventures Limited development company had reviewed the project timing. “We are still working on our capital raise, and need to get this fully locked in, before we can commit to an opening date with more certainty,” McKenzie said. “A December 2020 opening would be ideal for us, from both a construction and operations perspective.” The $15 million hot pools project is expected to add $162 million to the area’s economy over the next 10 years, as well as create 120 jobs. Branding is expected to focus around the purity of water sourced from the mountains, and the sustainability of heating coming from the sun.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Shooting victim out of coma The first photo of a 4-year-old girl who survived the Christchurch mosque shootings has emerged since she awoke from a coma. The picture captures Alen Alsati recovering in Auckland’s Starship Hospital, surrounded by family. Alen sustained critical injuries when she was shot at the Al Noor mosque on March 15. She woke from a coma earlier this week after undergoing multiple surgeries. Her critical injuries include brain damage – but it could be up to six months before doctors can determine what this will mean for Alen in the long term. Both Alen and her father Wasseim Alsati suffered multiple gunshot injuries at the Al Noor mosque on March 15. Fifty people died in the attacks on two mosques. In a video taken from Wasseim’s hospital bed, the Christchurch man thanked everyone for their well-wishes. He also asked that everyone continue to pray for his daughter’s recovery. “My daughter Alen wake up five days ago and she’s had a lot of surgeries ... seven to eight surgeries,” he said. “She has brain damage at the moment and the doctor has told

Ashburton Guardian


In brief Slip closes road A section of State Highway 1 in the Kaikoura region is closed following a rock slip yesterday afternoon. The slip occurred near the intersection of Moana and Puketa Rds on SH1 in Kaikoura. A police spokeswoman could not confirm initial reports of injuries. - NZME

Drugs bust A media personality has been charged in connection with the Comanchero gang drug bust. He appeared in court yesterday and was granted interim name suppression before two registrars. A raft of others, including a lawyer, have also appeared in the Auckland District Court in connection to the bust but all their identities will be kept secret for now. - NZME Christchurch Mosque shooting survivor Alen Alsati (centre in bed) is surrounded by family and friends in Starship hospital after waking from a coma. us they need four to six months to know how bad the damage is,” he said. A Givealittle page has been set up for the family as Alsati is hospital-bound, recovering from gunshot wounds to his hip. The page has raised more than $13,000 since it was set up by a friend of Wasseim’s on Thursday. Funds raised through the page will go towards financial support for the family as well as ongoing

nursing and medical care for Alen. Wasseim is currently unable to walk but expects to fully recover. Despite suffering brain damage, the Givealittle page states that Alen is making daily progress, but cannot currently speak or see people. “She has begun to say the odd word and recognises her mother’s voice,” he said. “It’s going to be a long time for

me to walk, but eventually I will walk. “I’m up here in Auckland, thanking everybody, the doctors in the hospital, everybody, and of course our prime minister ... for all the help and support you have provided for me and for my family and for keeping my family here for support. “I love you all guys and respect you all guys, thank you very much.” - NZME

Child hit by car A child has been rushed to hospital in a critical condition after reportedly being hit by a vehicle in Otara, South Auckland. A St John spokeswoman said two ambulances rushed to Ashton Ave at 3.10pm. The child was in a critical condition and was transported to Starship children’s hospital, she said. Police were also called shortly after 3pm. The Serious Crash Unit will examine the scene. - NZME

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Weekend focus 8

Ashburton Guardian

Time to sit up, and take notice S

ometimes we are asked why we do what we do in the media world. Why do you take such glory in showing images of horrific car accidents where people may or may not have lost their lives? And why do you go chasing emergency services when they head out to an event? They’re valid questions. And also ones I’d like the opportunity to publicly answer. We see it as our role within the community to bring the news and events of the district to the people. It’s a way of keeping people informed and up to date with what is going on around them and it’s also about in some ways trying to educate people too. We don’t take joy in getting in the car and heading out to a car accident or to something like a house fire. We are humans too, those emotion-charged moments impact on us just like they do so many others. But we have a moral obligation. It is our job, so we have to put everything else aside and do our role to the best of our ability to provide as much information as we possibly can to our readers. Last week’s triple fatality really hit home here in the newsroom. Some of us have young kids, children as young as those who were sadly killed and others had children at that age. So, trying to imagine what it would have been like to lose children of that age was really a reflective moment for us all. Today, I’ve decided to run this two page spread on one of the worst weeks on our roads in New Zealand’s history. Twenty-six people killed. Twenty-six lives wasted. Twenty-six people not going home to their loved ones. It’s not here for sensationalism, but it’s here to hammer home the message that we are far too carefree on our roads in this country. Our road toll is ridiculously high. Tragically high, in fact. So, by sharing the stories, albeit small, of those who were killed last week and portraying some of the devastation left at the scene of some of the accidents, my hope is that some will take it on board. They’ll be that little bit more cautious on the road. Who knows, it might even save a life.

- Matt Markham, Editor

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Weekend focus

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Last week was the darkest on New Zealand roads in 16 years, with 26 people killed


etween March 29 and April 5 this year the road toll skyrocketed as families across the country lost parents, siblings and children. Grief touched every corner of the country as fatal crashes occured as far north as Topuni and as far south as Ashburton. The last time more than 26 people died in a seven-day period was April 2003. As of April 9, 112 people had already been killed on the roads this year – three short of the 115 killed in the same period last year. In 2018, 377 people were killed in crashes across the whole year. These are the stories of the 26 people who died on our roads between March 29 and April 5 this year.

Unknown A man aged in his 80s was killed after being struck by a car in Miramar, Wellington. The crash occurred on Broadway, near Crawford Green, about 8.10am on Friday, March 29.

Dwayne Maker Dwayne Maker, 37, died when two trucks collided on SH1, in Kinleith, South Waikato, about 8.35am on March 29. The Taupo dad was said to have died “doing what he loved best”. He leaves behind a partner and three young sons.

Colin Stephenson Colin Stephenson, 59, died on March 29 when his motorcycle collided with a car at Wairakei Terraces in the Taupo district about 2.15pm. The father of four was from Katikati.

Tadhg McColl McColl and William Wallace, two 18-year-old mates from South Taranaki, were both killed in a single-car crash on Saturday, March 30, at an intersection in Hawera. A death notice showed McColl leaves behind five siblings. He was an Alton Wrestling Club member and was described as a talented rugby player.

William Wallace Wallace died alongside his mate Tadhg McColl after the single-car crash in Hawera. In his death notice, 18-year-old Wallace was described as a dearly loved son and stepson, treasured brother to five siblings and cherished grandson. “Fly High Our Beautiful Boy,” the notice read.

oldest of 11 siblings. Her sisters said she had a beautiful singing voice.

Azarliyah Hadfield Azarliyah died alongside her mother, Janiah Fairburn, in the Topuni crash. The 2-year-old tot was survived by her brother and her father, the latter bears her name tattooed on his forearm.

Douglas Cater Motorcyclist Douglas Charles Cater, 64, died on Sunday, March 31, after he crashed at the intersection of Teapot Valley and Waimea West Roads in Brightwater, Nelson. His death was referred to the coroner.

Colin Redfearn Colin Redfearn, 50, died after his car left the road at an intersection near Auckland Airport shortly after 1.15am on Monday, April 1. Redfearn was taken to Middlemore Hospital in a critical condition but later died.

Peter Senior Rangikataua Rangikataua, 44, died on April 1 in a crash that also claimed the lives of his nephew and three daughters. He was described as a “wonderful father” who loved his children. His son Isaac was the sole survivor of the crash.

Rangi Rangikataua Rangikataua, 26, died in the crash that killed five members of the same whanau on Tirohanga Road north of Taupo.

Michelle MorganRangikataua Michelle, 15, was one of three sisters killed in the Tirohanga Road crash. The trio were said to be very close.

Aroha Morgan-Rangikataua

Quentin Te Rure

Aroha, 14, was killed alongside her two sisters in the Tirohanga Rd crash.

Napier’s Quentin Robert Te Rure, 30, died after his car crashed into a bridge on State Highway 50 north of Tikokino in the Hastings area on Thursday, April 4. According to his obituary, he was laid to rest on April 9 with his mum at Western Hills Cemetery. “You will be sadly missed and forever loved,” the notice read.

Kahukura MorganRangikataua Kahukura, 12, died alongside her two sisters in the Tirohanga Road crash.

Chante Harmer, Te Awanuiarangi and Wysdom Tapiata-Harmer Chante Harmer, 30, died on Monday, April 1, alongside two of her children in an Ashburton crash that tore her car in half. Harmer was described as a kind, caring and generous person who possessed the “biggest heart”. She is survived by four children and her partner. Two of her children, Te Awanuiarangi Shayelous-Jay Matenga Tapiata-Harmer, only 19 months old, and Wysdom Amara Francis Tony Jane Tapiata-Harmer, just eight months old, also died after the crash at the Mitcham and Hepburns Roads intersection.

Macauley Arnott Macauley, 13, fondly known as Mac, died after a crash that also claimed the life of his best mate’s dad. The crash occurred near the intersection of State Highway 2 and Mara St, in Mangatainoka on April 4. Mac would have turned 14 on April 12.

Kevin Hanks Hanks was about to celebrate his 41st birthday on April 15, but died on April 4. He was an American who had made New Zealand his home. Together with wife Robyn and their four children, he lived in Woodville where Hanks was chairperson for the Woodville School Board of Trustees.

Manepo Tapsell-Wafer

Ezekiel Loua

Maketu-born Manepo Tapsell-Wafer, 21, died instantly when his car and a van collided on the Te Puke Highway about 5.40pm on Tuesday, April 2. The van driver, a man in his 40s, was hospitalised with moderate injuries. Tapsell-Wafer’s cousin Jade Lewis said he was ambitious and wanted to stamp his mark on the world. “But Manepo loved nothing better than socialising and chilling out with his friends and his family ...”

Ezekiel Loua, 12, died alongside his uncle Fulumoa Daly on Friday, April 5, when a truck and car collided in Christchurch city. Ezekiel’s mother said he was a really intelligent boy who got along with everyone. His hobbies included rugby, PlayStation and dancing. He had just moved to Auckland and was “really fitting in well” as a new Year 8 student at Otahuhu Intermediate.

Unknown This as yet unknown person died following a single-vehicle crash on Bainesse Road, in Rangiotu, near Palmerston North about 8.10pm on Wednesday, April 3.

Fulumoa Daly Daly, 35, died in the same crash that killed his young nephew, Ezekiel Loua.

Blair Phelps Blair Phelps died following a crash between a car and a motorbike on Cambridge Rd, in Rotoorangi, around 7am on April 5. The 42-year-old was from Mamaku.

Ann Rigg Rigg died after a crash involving a car on SH6 in Nelson at 10am on April 5. Rigg was a hugely determined cyclist who inspired many others. Her devastated family and local community planned to pay tribute to her memory with a service on April 11 that would conclude a last-lap bell.

Janiah Fairburn Janiah Fairburn, 20, and her daughter Azarliyah Hadfield, 2, died after a crash on SH1 in Topuni on March 30. Fairburn’s fiancee and 14-month-old son were also seriously injured in the crash. Fairburn was described by family as having a “calming, loving personality” and was the second

Left – An image from the scene of the accident on Tirohanga Road, near Taupo, which claimed five lives.

World 10 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

In brief

Assange hauled from hiding

Spacecraft crashes An Israeli spacecraft crashed into the moon on Thursday just moments before touchdown, failing in an ambitious attempt to make history as the first privately funded lunar landing. The spacecraft lost communication with ground control during its final descent. Moments later, the mission was declared a failure. “We definitely crashed on the surface of the moon,” said Opher Doron of Israel Aerospace Industries. He said the spacecraft’s engine turned off shortly before landing, and scientists were still trying to figure out the cause. The spacecraft, called Beresheet, was in pieces scattered at the landing site, he said. Doron nonetheless called the mission an “amazing success,” for reaching the moon and coming so close to landing successfully.

Spring blizzard hits

AP British police on Thursday hauled a bearded and shouting Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was holed up for nearly seven years, and the US charged the WikiLeaks founder with conspiring with former Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning to get their hands on government secrets. Police arrested Assange after the South American nation revoked the political asylum that had protected him in the embassy, and he was brought before a British court – the first step in an extradition battle that he has vowed to fight. Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno said he decided to evict the 47-year-old Assange from the embassy after “repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols,” and he later lashed out at him during a speech in Quito, calling the Australian native a “spoiled brat” who treated his hosts with disrespect. In Washington, the US Justice Department accused Assange of conspiring with Manning to break into a classified government computer at the Pentagon. The charge was announced after Assange was taken into custody. Assange took refuge in the embassy in 2012 after he was released on bail in Britain while facing extradition to Sweden on sexual assault allegations that have since been dropped. He refused to leave the embassy, fearing arrest and extradition to the US for publishing classified military and diplomatic cables through WikiLeaks. Manning, who served several years in prison for leaking troves of classified documents before her sentence was commuted by then-President Barack Obama, is again in custody in Alexandria, Virginia, for refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks. Manning’s legal team said the indictment against Assange showed prosecutors didn’t need her testimony and called for her to be released, saying her continued detention would be “purely punitive”. Over the years, Assange used Ecuador’s embassy as a platform to keep his name before the public, frequently making appearances on its tiny balcony, posing for pictures and reading statements. Even his cat became famous. But his presence was an embarrassment

to UK authorities, who for years kept a police presence around the clock outside the embassy, costing taxpayers millions in police overtime. Such surveillance was removed in 2015, but the embassy remained a focal point for his activities. Video posted online by Ruptly, a news service of Russia Today, showed several men in suits pulling a handcuffed Assange out of the embassy and loading him into a police van while uniformed British police formed a passageway. Assange, who shouted and gestured as he was removed, sported a full beard and slicked-back gray hair. He later appeared in Westminster Magistrates’ Court, where District Judge Michael Snow wasted no time in finding him guilty of breaching his bail conditions, flatly rejecting his assertion that he had not had a fair hearing and a reasonable excuse for not appearing. Assange waved to the packed public gallery as he was taken to the cells. His next appearance was set for May 2 via prison video-link in relation to the extradition case. Assange’s attorney, Jennifer Robinson, said he will fight any extradition to the US. “This sets a dangerous precedent for all journalist and media organisations in Europe and around the world,” she said. “This precedent means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the United States for having published truthful information about the United States.” Asked at the White House about the ar-

rest, President Donald Trump declared, “It’s not my thing,” and “I know nothing about WikiLeaks,” despite praising the anti-secrecy organisation dozens of times during his 2016 campaign. Assange has been under US Justice Department scrutiny for years for WikiLeaks’ role in publishing government secrets. He was an important figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe as investigators examined how WikiLeaks obtained emails that were stolen from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and Democratic groups. WikiLeaks quickly drew attention to US interest in Assange and said that Ecuador had illegally terminated Assange’s political asylum “in violation of international law”. “Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to de-humanise, de-legitimise and imprison him,” the group said in a tweet over a photo of Assange’s smiling face. But in Assange’s native Australia, Prime Minister Scott Morrison told Australian Broadcasting Corp he had no plans to intervene in the case as the charge was a “matter for the United States” and had nothing to do with Australia. Ecuadorian officials suggested Assange’s own behavior was to blame. Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Assange’s mental and physical health worsened while he was holed up, and he began to act aggressively toward his hosts, including smearing faeces on the walls of the embassy.

Julian Assange out of hiding (above) and before taking refuge seven years ago.

Heavy snow and strong winds hammered parts of the central US yesterday and began moving into the Great Lakes region, knocking out power to tens of thousands of people and creating hazardous travel conditions a day after pummelling Colorado. The spring blizzard – the second “bomb cyclone” storm system to hit the region in a month – left behind hundreds of cancelled flights at Denver International Airport, along with wintertime temperatures and snarled traffic before blanketing parts of the Upper Midwest with up to 61cm of snow.

Basher jailed A man has been jailed for bashing a Melbourne resident with a tin of food in front of the victim’s two children. Jal Myaker, 20, was yesterday sentenced to twoand-a-half years in prison, with a non-parole period of 15 months, for assaulting a Richmond resident who had filmed Myaker and a 17-year-old speeding down his street. Myaker was a passenger in the car and attacked the resident as one of his children whimpered “are you going to die, daddy? Please don’t die, daddy,” County Court judge Christopher Ryan said. The father-of-two was walking back home with his children on July 13, 2018 when he saw a car speeding down the street and started filming.

President ousted Sudan President Omar al-Bashir has been overthrown in a military coup, but protesters’ jubilation was short-lived as they took to the streets demanding military leaders hand over power to civilians. Bashir, 75, has faced 16 weeks of demonstrations against his presidency after having ruled Sudan in autocratic style for 30 years. Announcing the ouster yesterday, Defence Minister Awad Mohamed Ahmed Ibn Auf said Sudan would enter a two-year period of military rule to be followed by presidential elections. Speaking on state television, he said Bashir was being detained in a “safe place” and a military council would now run the country. Ibn Auf, who Bashir appointed first vice president in February as the protests intensified, will head the military council, state TV said late yesterday.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Dark web kingpin in custody AAP An alleged NSW dark web kingpin has been hit with fresh charges two months after his lavish lifestyle — protected for years by encryption and aliases — came to an end when he was placed in handcuffs. The re-arrest came as Australian researchers reveal the country is “on the brink of a new opioid epidemic” largely due to shadowy digital marketplaces. Cody Ward, 25, was arrested in February after NSW Police began unravelling a sophisticated and large-scale drug network which they traced to the state’s south coast. Investigators say the baby-faced Ward, allegedly known to customers and authorities only by the pseudonym NSWGreat, had made millions of dollars posting drugs to thousands of customers. Cryptocurrency accounts allegedly linked to Ward had $17 million worth of transactions. Australian Federal Police were working to unmask NSWGreat even as he granted interviews to reporters and the public through encrypted programs. “You’re essentially gambling with your life, but the odds are in your favour,” a Reddit user identifying themselves as NSWGreat wrote in 2015. “The Darknet is amazing, its (sic) changing the drug scene for the better. Its (sic) taking away the violence and the dangers that are inherit (sic) with buying drugs.” NSWGreat discussed how to buy and ship drugs as well as launder money. He said he didn’t buy assets to remain off the radar of tax authorities. But NSWGreat admitted to reporters he was living large and, in February, NSW Police raided Ward’s beachside Shoalhaven property. They allegedly found MDMA, 2.5 kilograms of cocaine, amphetamine, 100,000 LSD tabs, Xanax disguised as candy, pills, $80,000 cash, laptops, money counters, a Lexus, a Mercedes-Benz and a Ford Falcon while a Maserati sat in his front yard.

Heard seeks dismissal

Cody Ward has been arrested again as drug network revealed.

Ward and two Sydney women were charged with drug supply. Police allege the women, sisters aged 24 and 20, helped package and post Ward’s drugs across the country. The Maserati was stolen from Ward’s home, dumped in bushland and set on fire in the days following his arrest, a police source told AAP yesterday. Even with the suspects in custody more packages of drugs continued to arrive from overseas addressed to the syndicate for some time, the source said. Detectives re-arrested Ward in Goulburn prison on Tuesday this week, charging him with drug importation offences. He did not apply for bail at Nowra Local Court yesterday and will face the same court on May 31. An Australian National University report has revealed vendors are using hid-

den online marketplaces to sell millions of doses of potent drugs every day. “We are on the brink of a new opioid epidemic driven by synthetics like fentanyl and carfentanil that are driving a greater risk of overdose deaths,” lead author Professor Roderic Broadhurst said in a statement. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid 100 times more powerful than morphine. It’s responsible for a growing number of deaths in the US. Elephant sedative carfentanil is 10,000 times more powerful than morphine and there are billions of doses circulating on the six dark web markets ANU observed in January and February. The extreme potency of these synthetic drugs means only tiny and difficult to detect amounts are shipped through the post from the dark web to anonymous customers.


Babies share communal birthday AP Just two hours after Lee Dong Kil’s daughter was born on New Year’s Eve, the clock struck midnight, 2019 was ushered in, and the infant became 2-years-old. She wasn’t alone, though it happened for her quicker than most: Every baby born in South Korea last year became 2 on January 1. According to one of the world’s most unusual age-calculating systems, South Korean babies become 1 on the day of their birth and then get an additional year tacked on when the calendar hits January 1. A lawmaker is working now to overturn the centuries-old tradition amid complaints that it’s an anachronistic, time-wasting custom that drags down an otherwise ultramodern country. For parents whose babies are born in December, it can be especially painful. One hour after his daughter’s birth in the central city of Daejeon at 10pm on December 31 of last year, Lee posted the news on social media. His friends immediately showered him with congratulatory messages. “An hour later, when the New Year began, they phoned me again to say congratulations for my baby becoming 2

years old,” said Lee, who is 32 internationally but 34 in South Korea. “I thought, ‘Ah, right. She’s now 2 years old, though it’s been only two hours since she was born. What the heck!’” The origins of this age reckoning system aren’t clear. Being one upon birth may be linked to the time babies spend in their mothers’ wombs or to an ancient Asian numerical system that didn’t have the concept of zero. Becoming a year older on January 1? That’s even harder to explain. It could be that ancient Koreans cared a

lot about the year in which they were born in the Chinese 60-year cycle, but, without regular calendars, didn’t care much about the specific day they were born; so they mostly ignored the day of their birth and instead marked another year of age on the day of the Lunar New Year, according to senior curator Jung Yonhak at the National Folk Museum of Korea. This may have then shifted to the solar New Year on January 1 as the South began embracing the Western calendar. North Korea uses the Western age calculating system, but they have a twist: they follow their own calendar that’s based on the birth of national founder and president-for-life Kim Il Sung. The year of your birth is still incredibly important in South Korea, and lumps those linked children together for life. Other Asian countries, including Japan and Vietnam, abandoned the Chinese-style age system amid an influx of Western culture. Officially, South Korea has used Western-style calculations since the early 1960s. But its citizens still embrace the old-fashioned system in their daily lives because the government has done little to get people to change over to the Western style.

Actress Amber Heard has asked a judge to dismiss a $50 million defamation lawsuit her ex-husband Johnny Depp filed over an op-ed about domestic violence she wrote in The Washington Post. In the motion filed in court, Heard reiterates her allegations that Depp abused her before and during their marriage and includes exhibits such as photos of her with bruises on her face and scars on her arms, images of damage she says Depp did to their home, screenshots of text messages describing the incidents at the time, and excerpts of her divorce deposition describing domestic abuse.

Dalai Lama on the mend The Dalai Lama says he feels “normal, almost normal” after leaving a New Delhi hospital where he was treated for a chest infection. The 83-year-old Tibetan spiritual leader spoke after he was discharged yesterday. He had been hospitalised on Tuesday after leaving Dharmsala to consult with doctors in the capital. He is likely to return this week to the north Indian hill town that has been his headquarters since he fled Tibet in 1959 following a failed uprising against Chinese rule. The Dalai Lama usually spends several months a year travelling the world to teach Buddhism and highlight the Tibetans’ struggle for greater freedom in China.

Surprise MAFS salaries They might be starring on Australian TV’s most successful show but that doesn’t mean the stars of Married At First Sight are raking in millions. According to one of last year’s contestants MAFS stars Jessika Power and Ines Basic would be making a rather modest pay packet despite their attention-grabbing antics. Telv Williams, who was “married” to Sarah Roza last year, revealed in an Instagram question and answer session the “s**t” pay contestants make. “You get paid $150 dollars a day, tax free. It’s s**t, it’s rubbish.”


Opinion 12 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Masjid open day opportunity for all I

f events of the past few weeks have left you feeling a little more than curious about how some other religions and ethnic groups go about their most sacred times, then tomorrow is a wonderful opportunity for you. They’ve been through far more than any group deserves to in the wake of what happened in Christchurch almost a month ago, but members of our own Muslim community will tomorrow open their doors and allow the Ashburton community in to see and learn what it’s all about. The opportunity is a great chance to further foster those already blossoming connections between the Muslim community and the rest of us here in the

Ashburton District. Tragic events have brought us closer than ever before, and it’s our combined job to ensure the rope that ties us together doesn’t begin to fray. Don’t be fooled either, this is no PR stunt, but more a kind gesture by an often ostracised portion of the community who wish to build on the relationships established and be on hand to answer any

questions that people might have. As one who has never set foot in the Ashburton Masjid, I’m excited to head along on Sunday and see and learn a little more. What unfolded in Christchurch has made me develop a strong interest in the beliefs and rituals of the Muslim faith – not in a sense that I want to become a Muslim, but more so I have a much better understanding. It’s something that we could all perhaps do a little more and events this week have shown that we have a long way to go yet. There’s been plenty said and written about Australian rugby star, Israel Folau this week and his homophobic social media post. The incredibly talented sports-

man has lost his job with Australian Rugby and effectively been snubbed by the National Rugby League. Just what his next move is remains very uncertain. Folau has his beliefs and he feels very strongly about them. But his acceptance of others’ beliefs and preferences is where he has landed himself in hot water. He’s entitled to an opinion, but as an iconic figure in Australian sport his actions have really left officials with no choice but to shut the door on his time with them. His message is fine in his own space and mind – but in this day and age it’s not really something that should be brought into the

public sphere. And that’s where he went wrong. Had he carried on holding his strong beliefs but kept them private and not aired them on social media then everything would have been fine. Instead he put it out there and what came back wasn’t very popular. Only he can tell whether what has happened was the right thing for him or not. But it does show that although we might feel like we are making progress as a society when it comes to acceptance and understanding of other people’s beliefs, it’s very clearly evident that we still have a very long way to go.

player of partly African heritage to claim a major golf title. In 1999, right-to-die advocate Dr Jack Kevorkian was sentenced in Pontiac, Michigan, to 10 to 25 years in prison for seconddegree murder in the lethal injection of a Lou Gehrig’s disease patient. (Kevorkian ended up serving eight years.) In 2005, a defiant Eric Rudolph pleaded guilty to carrying out the deadly bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and three other attacks in back-to-back court appearances in Birmingham, Alabama, and Atlanta. Ten years ago: The UN Security

Council condemned North Korea’s April 5 rocket launch. President Barack Obama allowed Americans to make unlimited transfers of money and visits to relatives in Cuba. Five years ago: The head of the United Nations’ expert panel on climate change said the cost of keeping global warming in check was “relatively modest,” but only if the world acted quickly to reverse the buildup of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere. One year ago: President Donald Trump announced that the United States, France and Britain

had carried out joint airstrikes in Syria meant to punish President Bashar Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Lyle Waggoner is 84. MovieTV composer Bill Conti is 77. Rock musician Jack Casady is 75. Singer Al Green is 73. Bandleader/rock musician Max Weinberg is 68. Bluegrass singer-musician Sam Bush is 67. Rock musician Jimmy Destri is 65. Comedian Gary Kroeger is 62. Actress Saundra Santiago is 62. Sen. Bob Casey Jr., D-Pa., is 59. Rock musician Joey Mazzola (Sponge) is 58. Chess

grandmaster Garry Kasparov is 56. Actress-comedian Caroline Rhea is 55. Rock musician Marc Ford is 53. Actor Ricky Schroder is 49. Actor Bokeem Woodbine is 46. Singer Lou Bega is 44. Actor Kyle Howard is 41. Actress Courtney Peldon is 38. Rapper/ singer Ty Dolla $ign is 37. Baseball outfielder Hunter Pence is 36. Actress Allison Williams is 31. Actress Hannah Marks is 26. Thought for Today: “Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them.” — Charles Louis de Montesquieu, French philosopher (1689-1755). - AP

Matt Markham


TODAY IN HISTORY Today is Saturday, April 13, the 103rd day of 2019. There are 262 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On April 13, 1970, Apollo 13, fourfifths of the way to the moon, was crippled when a tank containing liquid oxygen burst. (The astronauts managed to return safely.) On this date: In 1598, King Henry IV of France endorsed the Edict of Nantes, which granted rights to the Protestant Huguenots. (The edict was abrogated in 1685 by King Louis XIV, who declared France entirely Catholic again.) In 1896, the New Zealand National Council of Women formed. It was three years after the country became the first self-governing country in which all women could vote. Representatives of 11 women’s group met in Christchurch to form the NCW. In 1917, American business tycoon James “Diamond Jim” Brady, known for his jewelry collection as well as his hearty appetite, died in Atlantic City, New Jersey at age 60. In 1943, President Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC on the 200th anniversary of the third American president’s birth. In 1964, Sidney Poitier became the first black performer in a leading role to win an Academy Award for his performance in Lilies of the Field. In 1986, Pope John Paul II visited the Great Synagogue of Rome in the first recorded papal visit of its kind to a Jewish house of worship. In 1992, the Great Chicago Flood took place as the city’s centuryold tunnel system and adjacent basements filled with water from the Chicago River. The Bridges of Madison County, a romance novel by Robert James Waller, was published by Warner Books. In 1997, Tiger Woods became the youngest person to win the Masters Tournament and the first


Saturday, April 13, 2019

The world judders on I

n Britain, the tangled web that is Brexit remains knotted and twisted, impervious to all attempts to unravel it. Embattled – as are all MPs from time to time, however illustrious their position in the hierarchy – Theresa May, commutes, remorselessly, to and from Brussels, and almost every other European capital, in an increasingly vain search for a face-saving formula enabling Britain to leave the European Union with heads aloft and the nation’s finances still in the black. Significant dates come and go as May, these days, spends day after day negotiating with her 26 European partners for yet another time extension before the blade of separation falls finally on that country many of her EU colleagues like to call, “perfidious Albion” (particularly the French) and casts it adrift on a sea of still-unresolved uncertainty. Latest news on that particular issue: now a stay of execution until October 31. It has become blindingly obvious over these tortuous years, when the guileless David Cameron dropped the ball, with such disastrous consequences, it led not just to a lost scrum feed but to the loss of all hope of victory. In a moment of over-confident madness he offered his countrymen and women a referendum on Britain’s future in the EU which, to his horror and astonishment, brought down upon him “perfidious” Brexit, an outcome thought by all political gurus at the time, down to the last man, woman and child, as out of the question. There being no Plan B, the gilded Cameron slunk away to his rich man’s castle, leaving the fully unprepared May to sort out the shambles bequeathed her by “Doolally” David. The rest is recent history.

I see the civic centre as the hub providing the core administrative facilities for Ashburton District ratepayers which need to be practical and fit for purpose. The council now admit there is need for an information centre following closure of the i-Site Information Centre on East Street. Point 6, in the consultation brochure: “Providing space for an

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Nick Lindo


Agreement between British politicians of either main Party are as rare as they are with the nations beyond the English Channel, which explains why May, having lost innumerable votes in the Commons – some of them by enormous margins – remains “in power” (if shakily). In the past, a single such defeat would bring down the government and lead to a re-shuffle of Ministers or even a general election. In this unique situation, however, no one wants the job of PM for fear of it turning out to be one of the shortest tenures in history. Thus, May marches on, with a long, hot summer ahead of her, during which she must continue to seek the Brexit magic bullet. Meanwhile, in the United States, Trump continues his campaign of invective, insult and, as described by Senator Bernie Sanders, “pathological lying”. That he has brought low the hitherto, unchallenged dignity of America, is beyond question. On the wider scale, it is the tragedy of our times. Tradition and decency have been swamped by a wave vituperation and abuse. As the 2020 presidential election emerges over the horizon, it is depressingly apparent that we are about to be bombarded by lashings of Trump-Tweet, into which goes not a single thought but uncontrolled point-scoring to the disadvantage of eminently qualified citizens, all of whom are the intellectual superiors of

Missed paper Call 0800 ASHBURTON 0800 274 287 Write to us!

Email us! British Prime Minister Theresa May has urged lawmakers to pause. the incoherent, sometimes, even apparently deranged, Trump. That at the last count there were more than a dozen Democratic presidential hopefuls, shows how desperate that party is to see the back of Trump in the first week of November, 2020. It goes, almost without saying, that any one of them would be an improvement on the present incumbent of the White House. Back in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the National Party continues to fall further behind Labour, though Labour’s two coalition (fragile) props, Green and NZ First, are nowhere to be seen electorally, both well below the political cut of 5 per cent. Having, from the start, been relentlessly anti-immigrant, the recent events in Christchurch, must have led to some serious soul-searching by Winston Peters and his henchmen. With a significant plank of their platform swallowed in a surge of love and good feeling toward such people, I imagine the party manifesto is being hastily

re-written. Immigrants have lost their NZ First-assumed unpopularity so new ways must be found to extract votes from a less friendly society. The Greens creak along, with Eugenie Sage often living up to her name. I imagine behind the scenes, National boffins persevere with their frantic search to find a female who, with careful handling and systematic training, could actually become another Jacinda, articulate, understanding and personable. Without such a Nat Wonder Woman I foresee a long period in Opposition for the once invincible Party of the Right. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof

YOUR VIEW Civic buildings and information centre

Ashburton Guardian 13

information centre”. The council already has space for an information centre! I recently stopped at the i-Site Centre in Oamaru where two busloads of tourists had just arrived. Some were queued for public facilities and more seeking tourist information. Do ratepayers want to visit the council administration centre on business relating to the core function of council, as well as mixing and mingling with tourists seeking information on ac-

commodation and using public amenities? The information centre on East Street is still available for development as an information centre, where there is ample room for the presentation of brochures to support the tourist and local community and more importantly it is in the heart of the CBD therefore bringing potential customers into this area. There are also public amenities nearby for tourists and locals to use. The council should be en-

couraging the development of the information ventre as a local community infrastructure in the heart of the CBD to support and service the increasing number of visitors to the town rather than “creating space” in the new civic centre. Once again, I ask that the council seek and consider options to support the development of the information centre for the purpose for which it was designed – information. Linda Bray

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Business 14 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Landlord left with $60,000 meth bill Isaac Davison NZME

An Auckland landlord thought they had an open-and-shut case when they tried to get compensation from their tenant for methamphetamine contamination. They were so confident of a ruling in their favour that they spent $60,000 in decontamination and restoration at their property in Army Bay, Whangaparaoa. The tenancy ended in October after the tenant was arrested on methamphetamine charges. The property, valued at $950,000, had tested positive for “exceedingly high” levels of methamphetamine contamination. But their bid to claim their money back failed. In an increasingly common occurrence, the Tenancy Tribunal said last week that the landlords had not proven that it was the most recent tenant who caused the damage. “The property had also been tenanted prior to these tenants taking occupation,” the adjudicator John Hogan said. “And there was no baseline test provided by the landlord confirming that the property was not contaminated when this tenancy began.”

City Space Realty property manager Michael Chen, who looked after the property, said he could not comment as there was ongoing legal action. The case is part of the ongoing fallout from the $100 million meth-testing debacle. It is one of a string of recent cases in which landlords have failed to meet the test for meth-related compensation. A report by the former Chief Science Advisor Sir Peter Gluckman last May debunked the official meth testing standard, saying there was no risk to health at that level of meth residue – or even 10 times higher. The report said there was no point testing for homes where meth use was suspected, and that tests should only be carried out if police believed meth had been cooked at the property. In response, the Tenancy Tribunal began requiring a higher level of contamination for damage claims – unless there was “exceptional evidence” that a house has been used as a clan lab. Before the Gluckman report, tenants were evicted and fined for even the tiniest trace of meth residue – which was later found to

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224.7 719.9 11.95 965.3 123.9 1.5m 278.6 992.1 152.2 680.1 579.2 231.1 72.57 232.0 56.74 584.8 302.5 82.64 65.17 925.6 20.77 380.2 689.4 181.6 277.4 422.5 92.05 1.7m 502.4 120.3 114.0 548.1 54.75 200.6 37.85 898.9 479.1 2.5m 220.0 206.7 185.4 71.57 328.8 40.16 257.9 79.13 575.4 8.78 574.2

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have no health risk. There was often no baseline test to show whether meth contamination already existed when a tenant moved in. And in some cases, circumstantial evidence was used to accuse people of meth use or manufacture – such as frequent visitors or

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multiple cars in the driveway. The tribunal’s stricter, evidence-based approach since the report is now catching out some landlords. In another case concluded last week, a landlord says he spent $12,000 on testing and decontaminating an apartment in

Wakefield Street in central Auckland. There was no evidence that the tenant had manufactured methamphetamine in the apartment. Tests showed some meth residue, but they were not detailed enough and the tribunal rejected the claim.

Superann fund sheds guns Jason Walls NZME



1461 275 2750 128 130 796.5 610 673 2133 1520 502 431 855 316 560 172 430 162 228 149.5 3542 390 404.5 480 210 102 570 157 194 367 915 1160 670 503 224 125 399 363.5 203 584 1054 505 644 700 360 492 214 2750 632

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At close of trading on Friday, April 12, 2019

Methamphetamine is overall the most harmful illegal narcotic consumed in New Zealand and is entering the country in unprecedented amounts thanks to the influence of Mexican cartels.

The Government’s $41 billion sovereign wealth fund has ditched all its investments in companies which produce semi-automatic weapons. The NZ Superannuation Fund now has no involvement with companies that manufacture automatic and semi-automatic firearms, magazines or parts prohibited under New Zealand’s new gun laws. The fund announced yesterday it would divest almost $20 million of investments in seven gun companies. These include American Outdoor Brands Corporation, Daicel Corporation and Richemont – which, with $16 million invested,

made up the bulk of the total figure. The move comes just a day after the new gun laws came into effect. Under the new law, most semi-automatic firearms and some pump action shotguns, as well as certain large-capacity magazines, have been banned. The Super Fund’s chief executive, Matt Whineray, said the fund moved swiftly to review its exclusion policy following the announcement of the Government’s intention to introduce gun control legislation. He said the Super fund had worked with its external service provider, MSCI ESG Research, to identify companies captured by the new exclusion category. He said the fund’s exclusion list

is updated every six-months and, as such, “it is possible that more companies will be identified for exclusion in the future”. As well as the gun companies, the Superfund’s exclusion list includes companies that make landmines, nuclear explosives, tobacco, recreational cannabis and whale meat. Eight days after the March 15 terror attack in Christchurch, the Superfund announced it was reviewing its exposure to gun-related investments. “We are working as quickly as possible to make this happen and expect that our internal processes will be complete by the time the Government’s legislation is in place,” a spokeswoman for the fund said at the time.

daily % fall

Evolve Education Gr ikeGPS Gr Air NZ AFT Pharma Pacific Edge

–6.67% –3.70% –2.84% –2.23% –1.85%


MPs head to Africa, Turkey to woo


q Gold

London – $US/ounce

1,291.80 –13.65 –1.05%

q Silver London – $US/ounce




q Copper London – $US/tonne





Source: BNZ


As at 4pm April 12, 2019

Australia Canada China Euro Fiji Great Britain Japan Samoa South Africa Thailand United States

TT buy

0.9601 0.9186 4.8167 0.6114 1.4792 0.5247 77.00 1.8329 9.584 21.79 0.6878

TT sell

0.9277 0.8846 4.2271 0.5848 1.3601 0.5062 73.75 1.6005 9.2336 20.73 0.6631

Disclaimer: NZX and MetService have endeavoured to ensure the correctness of the information; neither NZX, MetService related companies, nor this newspaper, nor any of their respective employees or agents make any representation as to its accuracy or reliability nor will they, to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, errors or omissions in any information provided (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence). Please note: All products and services are subject to change without notice.

Derek Cheng NZME

A cross-party trip to Africa led by Speaker Trevor Mallard could lay the groundwork for a boon in Africa-NZ trade in the decades ahead. The group, including National MPs Nick Smith and Nicky Wagner, Green MP Gareth Hughes and Labour MP Angie Warren-Clark, will spend about a week in Ethiopia and Rwanda, and then travel to Gallipoli for Anzac Day commemorations. Mallard said the cost of the 13day trip was so far “tracking well under” its budget of $164,000. The Turkey leg of the trip has taken on renewed importance

since the March 15 terrorist attacks in Christchurch; Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan used the gunman’s video at election rallies and then, referring to the Anzacs at Gallipoli, said that anyone visiting Turkey for anti-Muslim reasons would be returned “in coffins”, as their grandfathers were. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Winston Peters travelled to a special meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation in Istanbul to assure Muslim leaders that New Zealand was a country that embraced its Muslim community. Mallard said the trip to Africa was his own initiative and followed

advice that New Zealand should establish more frequent relations with African countries. “The advice when I first came to be Speaker from [former Deputy Prime Minister and former Foreign Minister] Don McKinnon was that there are lots of places where New Zealand has links only when we want something. “One of the roles of the Speaker can be to develop or reinforce links which otherwise would be very thin. There’s no doubt in the longer term, because the GDP is increasing quite rapidly in a number of African countries, good contacts now make a lot of difference in 20 to 30 years.”

Your Place

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 15

TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 – When was the EA Networks Centre opened? a. 2014 b. 2015 c. 2016 2 – Waverley Harrison is a character from which TV series? a. Brokenwood Mysteries b. Westside c. Shortland Street 3 – When was Game of Thrones first broadcast? a. 2011 b. 2013 c. 2015 4 – Snap, crackle and pop was a slogan used by which company? a. Sanitarium b. Kelloggs c. Nestle 5 – When was the movie Jaws released? a. 1969 b. 1975 c. 1981 6 – Vincent Van Gogh lived for two years in which country? a. France b. England c. Germany 7 – Which city is located on the River Tigris? a. Baghdad b. Tel Aviv c. Teheran 8 – Which electorate does Paula Bennett represent in Parliament? a. Tamaki b. Upper Harbour c. Hamilton East



5 8 1

4 5 Twilight in the Vines 3 6 1 wasn’t. Vineyard owners 5 7 2 The weather might have been chilly last Saturday, but the hospitality at CharRees’ vineyard certainly Charlie and Esma Hill opened their doors to the public for an autumn afternoon with wine, craft beer, food and music. Grapes are almost ready to harvest.

5 6 8 8 4 4YESTERDAY’S 7 3 ANSWERS 2 8 6 4

TAKEN SOME GREAT PHOTOS? Your Place is a great place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or on our website

3 8 2 1 7 5 6 4 9

4 1 9 3 2 6 8 7 5

6 7 5 4 9 8 3 1 2

7 9 1 6 4 3 5 2 8

5 2 3 8 1 7 4 9 6

8 6 4 9 5 2 7 3 1

1 3 7 5 6 9 2 8 4

2 4 6 7 8 1 9 5 3

9 5 8 2 3 4 1 6 7

Answers: 1. 2015 2. Shortland Street 3. 2011 4. Kelloggs 5. 1975 6. England 7. Baghdad 8. Upper Harbour.



Unbelievably easy savoury mince 500g Quality Mark beef mince 2 t oil 1 small onion, chopped 1 medium carrot, diced 1 small wedge cabbage, chopped ½ C corn kernels ½ C frozen peas 1 T soy sauce 2 T oyster sauce ¾ C water or beef stock 2 t cornflour 100g pkt pre-cooked crunchy noodles (optional) Steamed rice to serve ■■ Place beef mince in a bowl and mix in 1 t oil. Heat a large frypan or a wok until hot. Crumble in half the mince and cook, stirring often, until the mince begins to brown. Repeat with remaining mince, and then remove. ■■ Reheat the frypan, add the rest of the oil, add the onion and carrot. Cook, stirring once or twice, for 1 minute. Add the cabbage



6 5 3

and cook for a further minute. ■■ Add the corn and peas to the frypan. Return the mince to the frypan, cook for 1 minute. Push the mince mixture out to the side. Pour in the combined soy sauce, oyster sauce, water and cornflour and stir as it comes to

the boil. Stir to mix the sauce with the mince mixture. Add the noodles if using, stir to combine. Spoon the mince into a serving bowl. Serve with steamed rice. Recipe courtesy Beef + Lamb New Zealand

3 4


6 5 3





2 5 1




9 1 2 5

1 4


6 9

Solutions for today in Monday’s Your Place page.

8 1 3 5 9 2 6 4 7

4 7

Sport 16 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Busch wins Aussie shot put title By Erin Tasker

Jaidyn Busch has blown her previous best effort out of the water on her way to claiming one of the biggest titles of her young athletics career in Australia. The win at the Australian National Championships last week was a big moment in the career of the 17-year-old shot putter from Hinds, and the icing on the cake at the end of a massive season. But for Busch it wasn’t all about the medal she brought home. She was over the moon to claim that Australian crown, but for her the fact she threw a new personal best to do it was probably the bigger achievement. Heading into the meet, Busch’s previous best throw this season was 13.39 metres, and she won the event with a throw of 14.38 metres – almost a metre further. Of her six throws during the competition, she beat her previous personal best with three of them. The throws topped off a big few days. On the Saturday, Busch was in Nelson at the South Island Secondary Schools’ Championships where she broke the South Island under-19 record with the 3kg shot, with a throw of 16.21 metres. She arrived home on the Sunday, and on the Monday flew out for the Australia championships where the competition was with a 4kg shot. The under-20 competition took place on the Tuesday and Busch had been considering competing in the senior women’s section too, but that wasn’t until the Saturday, and in the end she decided not to wait around. Had she stuck around though, and had she thrown the same

Hinds teenager Jaidyn Busch recently won the under-20 shot put title at the Australian Athletics Championships. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN

distance again, it would have been enough to see her finish second in the senior women’s competition. Two weeks before those competitions, Busch competed at the nationals and finished second in

the under-20 shot put, and third in the senior women’s shot put. It was a string of top results to finish a season during which Busch had put a lot of work into her rotation in the circle, and it was paying off.

But now, the season has come to an end and Busch was turning her attention to her other sporting love – rugby. A member of the girls’ rugby team at her school – Christchurch Girls’ High School

– and an integral part of the Canterbury under-17 side over the past couple of years, Busch will combine rugby with athletics training over the winter to ensure she hits the ground running next summer.


Moore’s amazing comeback ‘was never in doubt’ NZME A British tennis player has produced a miraculous comeback from a seemingly impossible positon. And it has reminded people of the game’s greatest comeback, achieved at the US Open. At 0-6, 0-5 and 30-40 down, Tara

Moore was in a fair bit of strife against Jessika Ponchet in an ITF tournament in Sunderland. She needed a bit of luck to save that match point, her overhead shot hitting the net cord before landing inside the line. That’s when the rally started and Brit No. 9 Moore, ranked at 479 in the world, went on to win

the match 0-6, 7-6 (7), 6-3 over her much higher ranked French opponent. Moore joked on social media that the comeback was “never in doubt”. Moore’s feat is not the greatest comeback however. That accolade probably belongs to American teenager Bar-

bie Bramblett who was down 0-6, 0-5, 0- 40 against Ann Hulbert in a 1983 US Open qualifier. She saved 18 match points to go on and win that contest. “Obviously I thought the match was over, and I was so embarrassed,” said Bramblett, reflecting on the game nearly 30 years later. “So I started swinging out on

the ball, and my game elevated miraculously. I mean it was a literal miracle. Every ball I hit skidded on the line. I couldn’t believe what was happening.” Other great comebacks include the 1987 classic, when American legend Jimmy Connors beat Swede Mikael Pernfors after trailing 1-6, 1-6, 1-4.


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 17


College ready for fellow school sides By Erin Tasker

Day two of Canterbury’s inter-centre netball competition is set to provide a good early-season test for Ashburton College A tomorrow. When play gets under way at Ashburton’s EA Networks Centre at 9.30am, the Ashburton College A side will be one of the first on court, and one of only a handful of teams looking to maintain their unbeaten record from the first day last Sunday. Their two opposing teams on the competition’s second and final day are two fellow high school teams, and for College A coach Kaye Kennedy that’s a good thing. This season Ashburton College have to fight for their spot in the Canterbury secondary schools’ SuperNet competition, so tomorrow’s two games will be a good test to see where they’re at against some other school sides. Ashburton College finished sixth in SuperNet’s top grade last year and the bottom three teams – which included Ashburton College A – from that grade and the top three from the reserve grade last year have to play off for the right to play in the top grade this season. Those games will take place in May. Ashburton College A will take on Craighead A in game one today and Rangiora High School’s A side in their second game. Also on court first thing tomorrow are two other Mid Canterbury sides, Hampstead A and Celtic A, who will square off against each other. Celtic won the Mid Canterbury premier one competition last sea-

son but had a slow start to the inter-centre competition’s opening day, beaten by Christchurch’s Kia Toa, but found their feet to beat Timaru’s Old Boys A. After Hampstead, Celtic will take on Marist Albion, while Hampstead’s second game of the day will be against Timaru’s Harlequins A – a side which last week featured a couple of familiar Ashburton faces in Kayla Frew and Makayla Cromie. Kia Toa also had two former Ashburton players in their shooting circle on day one – Sophie Beveridge and Chelsea Corbett – and they’re one of the sides unbeaten so far. They will take on Rangiora High School and Craighead A tomorrow. The runners-up in last season’s Mid Canterbury Netball premier grade competition, Methven A, will take on Old Boys A and Rolleston tomorrow, having picked up a draw and a loss on day one. The remaining premier one games on day two will see another unbeaten side in Selwyn’s Broadfield A take on Harlequins A and Old Boys A. Mid Canterbury has two teams competing in the premier two grade, and one of them – United A – will be a team on a mission tomorrow as they go hunting for a win. They will take on Marist Albion, before playing UC A. UC A picked up two wins on day one, including one over Mid Canterbury’s other premier two side, Southern A. Tomorrow Southern A will take on Villa Maria, while in other premier two games Technical B will play both UC A and Villa Maria.

Some right battles were fought out on day one of netball’s inter-centre competition, and all of the teams will be back for more tomorrow at the EA Networks Centre. PHOTO HEATHER MACKENZIE 070419-HM-0240



LeBron missing from finals conversation

Shock resignation



The Golden State Warriors are set to begin their quest for a third straight title, and this time it’s up to someone else to try to stop them. With LeBron James gone to the West and this year gone entirely from the postseason, the Eastern Conference headquarters for the NBA Finals won’t be in his home for the first time since 2010. He played for the title for eight straight years, which may have been great for the TV ratings but lately wasn’t much good for the competition. The Warriors swept Cleveland last year after winning 4-1 in 2017. Teams are lining up to seize his old spot atop the East, all capable of providing the intrigue that was absent the last couple years. There’s Milwaukee, with Giannis Antetokounmpo in position to exit June fully atop the NBA with a title and an MVP award. Or Toronto, humiliated by the

Cavaliers in the last two years but armed now with a former NBA Finals MVP in Kawhi Leonard. It could be Philadelphia, with Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons anchoring perhaps the most talented starting five outside of the Bay Area. And don’t forget Boston, the presumptive East favourite in the preseason that can still live up to expectations. The best player is gone, but maybe things will be better. “I think the parity and the competition in the East, and not knowing and everyone having a sincere chance maybe in the East that did not, when not you look between Toronto, Boston, Philadelphia,” TNT analyst Chris Webber said. “All of those story lines, new young stars that’s coming in.” The long road to get to the finals begins with four games, including the top-seeded Warriors against the Los Angeles Clippers in the West. No. 2 Denver faces No. 7 San Antonio in the other West opener,

LeBron James while No. 3 Philadelphia meets No. 6 Brooklyn, and No. 2 Toronto takes on No. 7 Orlando in the East. On Monday, the overall No. 1 seed Bucks face No. 8 Detroit, and No. 4 Boston hosts No. 5 Indiana in the East. In the West, No. 3 Portland and No. 6 Oklahoma City meet in a matchup of Northwest Division rivals, and No. 4 Houston and No. 5

Utah square off in the opener of a series between two of the strongest teams in the second half of the season. It’s the start of postseason that looks different far beyond just the absence of James for the first time since 2005. It includes Denver, in the playoffs for the first time since 2013. Brooklyn is a playoff team for the first time since 2015 and Orlando is back for the first time since 2012. The Warriors, of course, haven’t just been going to the postseason every year, but getting all the way to the finals once they do. They’ve done that four straight years, winning three of them, and with a strong finish after some occasional lapses surged to the best record in the West. Still, this playoff path could provide them plenty of obstacles. “It doesn’t matter who you play in the playoffs, you’re going to get tested. “Everybody’s good,” Golden State coach Steve Kerr said.

Wellington Phoenix head coach Mark Rudan has rocked the club by informing them that he won’t be back next season. The Australian, who turned the Phoenix around since taking over from Darije Kalezic last year, will walk away halfway through his two-year deal – despite the club’s best efforts to retain him. The Herald understands Rudan has been unwilling to discuss the situation with the club over the last month and has recently informed them that he is leaving. Rudan’s future has been the subject of much speculation since the start of this year, as he has struggled with being isolated from his Sydney-based family, and the Phoenix have been trying to put together a package to convince Rudan to stay.

Sport 18 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

After falling short against BDI, Hampstead will be looking for a much improved performance against Ashley.



Big challenge awaits Southern By Erin Tasker

His side has won two-from-two to begin the combined country cup rugby competition and is sitting at the top of the pool A table, but Southern coach Andrew Carr isn’t getting ahead of himself. He knows that each week is a test, and those tests possibly won’t come much harder this season than the one that’s in front of Southern today. Today, they’re off to Tai Tapu to take on the defending Luisetti Seeds Combined Country Cup champions Waihora, the team just one point behind them on the pool A points table after two games. Southern has taken bonus points from both of its opening wins over Burnham-Dunsan-

del-Irwell and Ashley, while Waihora has picked up two wins but only one bonus point, and the two sides head into today’s clash off the back of two very different victories. Southern romped home 64-7 over Ashley last weekend, while Waihora found themselves with a right fight on their hands at Kaiapoi, eventually running out 21-8 winners. Southern coach Andrew Carr said while he’s happy with where his side’s at, and how they’ve performed so far, it’s a case of taking it one game at a time. “Obviously we’ve got a pretty tough two or three weeks ahead of us,” Carr said. After Waihora, Southern face a local derby against improvers Hampstead before heading to

Darfield for what is likely to be another tight battle. Hampstead are the team that will probably be the most disappointed if they don’t win today. In fact if Hampstead don’t bounce back from a disappointing loss and big backwards step in Dunsandel last week, to beat Ashley today, it’ll pretty much be disaster in coach Shaun Bovey’s books. Speaking after last weekend’s loss to Burnham-Dunsandel-Irwell, Bovey said winning is the only option today. “That’s a game that we have got to win, so we’ve got five days to turn our attitudes around and come out and play like we did last week,” Bovey said. “We’ve got to make a statement and get a win, and get

some more points on the board.” Ashley are currently shaping up to be the early wooden spoon contenders. In the first two rounds, their points for and against read just seven for, and 129 against. One of two Mid Canterbury teams yet to notch up a win after two rounds, Hampstead will be at home against Ashley today, while the other local team yet to post a win – Methven – are away from home today to Rolleston, a side last week beaten by Rakaia, in pool B. Methven headed to Cheviot last week with hopes high of a win, after coming close to downing Southbridge in round one. Instead they came home with a 45-0 loss to their names, and will be determined to turn

things around in Rolleston. Rakaia are also on the road today, heading to Springston to take on a side sitting on top of the table with Glenmark-Cheviot, having taken maximum points from their first two games. Meanwhile in pool C, Celtic will also be hunting for their second win of the season when they host Saracens. Today’s other games see Darfield host Kaiapoi, and BDI host Hornby in pool A, while in pool B Glenmark-Cheviot will be looking to make it three-fromthree at home against Ohoka, and Southbridge will host Prebbleton in a crossover match between pool B and C. In pool C’s remaining match, Lincoln will today play host to Oxford.

Special trophy goes Would you drink a Boomfa? on the line at Celtic Celtic and Rakaia’s senior B rugby sides will battle it out today for a trophy in memory of a man who turned out for both clubs during his playing days. The Larry Langley Memorial Trophy will go on the line when the two sides run out onto the field at Celtic today. Langley’s rugby playing days began as a schoolboy for Rakaia, but when he moved to Ashburton in 1983 he began playing for Celtic. For Celtic he played senior and senior B, and coached the senior B side, and in more recent years he’d enjoyed heading along to Celtic as a spectator, watching his son-in-law Tim Reid playing for his beloved club. Langley passed away in 2016 at the age of just 55, after a short but courageous battle with can-

cer, and his family said he would be extremely humbled and honoured to know that a trophy was now being played for in his honour. That game will kick off at 1pm at Celtic, while in other senior B action around the district today in the Michael Duff Memorial Trophy round, Allenton will host Southern, Collegiate host Mt Somers, and Hampstead are at home to Methven. In other Celtic news, the club’s first women’s team will be looking to bounce back from a not so good first outing in the Canterbury Metro women’s championship where they went down 97-0 to Lincoln University. This week they’ll head to Kaiapoi to take on a Kaiapoi side which picked up a win in round one, 22-17 against Marist Albion.

New Zealanders could soon get a taste of one of Justin Marshall’s trademark catchphrases. Literally. The former All Blackturned-rugby-commentator is considering unleashing “Boomfa” beer, named after his famous saying. In January, the 81-cap halfback registered the trademark Boomfa, but according to his business partner, Aaron O’Donnell, the concept was very much in its infancy and no final decision had been made to proceed. “We are at the stage of identifying a brewing partner, distribution partners and capital partners,” O’Donnell said. O’Donnell said the offering would be mainstream and not craft. Yes, Boy was another one of the brands being considered. The partners also envisaged a charitable element, with a per-

Justin Marshall was a very handy All Black halfback in his day.

centage of profits aimed at developing grassroots sport – not just rugby – in New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. “We think that there is an opportunity to do that in a meaningful way,” O’Donnell said. Marshall and O’Donnell expect to make a decision on whether to

proceed with the concept by the end of May. If it gets the go-ahead, they hope to have it ready for this year’s Rugby World Cup in Japan. The 45-year-old Southlander explained the origin of the word Boomfa, which he has made a regular fixture in his rugby commentary. “It came from Mataura when I was watching club rugby,” Marshall told TAB’s Staf Chat podcast. “It’s not a word, obviously, we know that ... Yeah, you won’t find it in the dictionary. “When I was watching club rugby, watching my dad play, we used to always sit in the hedge. When someone got absolutely smashed, all the kids would go ‘oh Boomfa!’. It was part of my childhood as I grew up. “Whenever I saw a massive tackle or a huge collision, it would just come out of my mouth ‘Boomfa!’”


Saturday, April 13, 2019


Rise and fall of Folau NZME If this truly is the end of the road for Israel Folau in Australian rugby, his car crash-style exit will have been as swift and spectacular as his rise was meteoric. Few could have imagined the extraordinary career Folau would enjoy when he made his NRL debut as a teenager at the Melbourne Storm in 2007. In little more than a decade, the precocious talent set endless records and achieved unparalleled honours while becoming the first player to compete in the NRL, AFL and Super Rugby competitions. From the moment he bagged Melbourne’s match-winning try on his NRL debut – as the Storm’s youngest-ever player – Folau was a sensation in rugby league. He finished the 2007 season as a grand final winner, Dally M rookie of the year and the competition’s equal top try-scorer. That was just the start. Folau then rounded out 2007 by collecting another double while, at 18 years and 194 days, deposing Brad Fittler as the youngest player ever to represent Australia in a test match in a 58-0 rout of New Zealand. In 2008, Folau, typically, scored on his Queensland debut before notching another double and being named man of the match in the Maroons’ series-deciding win over NSW. In 2009, the try-scoring freak scored on debut for Brisbane, then stole the show by soaring above his ex-Melbourne team-mates to claim a decisive four-pointer in a thrilling Broncos win over the Storm. There was simply no stopping him. By the time he’d left the NRL after four incredible seasons, Folau had played in two grand finals, two State of Origin series wins, eight tests for Australia and set several try-scoring benchmarks.

Ashburton Guardian 19

In brief Old Golds get a shot The train will lead to Oamaru in July for Otago supporters. The Otago Rugby Football Union has confirmed the side’s second preseason game will be against North Otago in Oamaru on July 26. Otago will play Thames Valley in Wanaka on July 13 in its first pre-season Ranfurly Shield challenge and North Otago will be its second opponent. The game will be played at Whitestone Contracting Stadium, kicking off at 2.05pm. North Otago chief executive Colin Jackson said North Otago was delighted to be given the chance to challenge for the shield in Oamaru. - NZME

Folau to fight for career Israel Folau is fighting for his rugby career. The Daily Telegraph have reported that Folau has met with Rugby Australia officials, including Raelene Castle, in a desperate attempt to keep his career alive. However, according to the report, Rugby Australia are refusing to budge, and are still set to use all their power to terminate his four-year contract. Folau has the right to go through a code of conduct hearing before Rugby Australia can officially terminate his contract, and according to the Daily Telegraph, he intends to take part in the process. - NZME

Blues to start AB stars

Israel Folau has blotted his copybook in what appears to be a terminal fashion. And he was still only 21 years old. His two fleeting seasons in the AFL were hardly as successful, with Folau kicking two goals in 13 appearances for expansion club Greater Western Sydney. But the trailblazing codehopper still departed several million dollars richer. Shrewdly secured by thenNSW Waratahs coach Michael Cheika, Folau continued his record-setting exploits in rugby. In 2014, the Minto-born marvel became the first player to top the try-scoring charts in both an NRL and Super Rugby season while helping pilot the Waratahs to a drought-breaking maiden premiership.

He topped the list again in 2016 before last Saturday becoming Super Rugby’s all-time leading try-scorer, surpassing All Blacks great Doug Howlett with his 60th five-pointer for the Tahs. Folau also had the distinction of playing against the touring British and Irish Lions in his first year in the 15-man game before winning a Rugby Championship and making a World Cup final with the Wallabies in 2015. During a decorated 73-test rugby career for the Wallabies, Folau also became the first three-times John Eales Medallist (2014, 2015, 2017) as Australian rugby’s player of the year.

With 37 strikes, Folau is Australia’s equal-third-highest tryscorer of all time behind only the legendary David Campese (64) and Chris Latham (40) and alongside Adam Ashley-Cooper, having marked his entry to international rugby with a record-equalling 10 in 2013. “He’s probably in the top 25 Wallabies ever to have played in the gold jersey,” lauded twotime World Cup winner Tim Horan this week. Sadly, though, the 30-yearold dual international ranks No.1 for divisiveness and his playing legacy will likely be tarnished forever after being booted out of Australian rugby for his deeply religious, extreme and offensive views.

The Blues have brought back two of their All Blacks into their starting lineup to play the Chiefs tonight. All Blacks props Ofa Tuungafasi and Karl Tu’inukuafe have been inserted into the starting XV for the clash, after the pair had come off the bench, with success, in the Blues’ recent victories. Blues coach Leon MacDonald has instead opted to start the international duo in Hamilton rather than use them as impact players, with the pair replacing Alex Hodgman and Sione Mafileo, who drop to the bench. Dalton Papalii also replaces Blake Gibson, who has a bad cut to a knee. - NZME

Adams fully focused Steven Adams has admitted that he “couldn’t care less right now” about the Tall Blacks, after again being questioned over his chances of playing for the national basketball team. The Thunder star was asked about his chances of finally pulling on the black singlet at the World Cup in September, but once again the centre swatted away the question like he does shots at the rim. “Honestly mate, it’s just one of those things that’s a maybe. It’s like, all my mind, all my energy is here, and rightfully so,” Adams told ESPN. - NZME

Lienert-Brown braced for battle with midfield idol NZME Anton Lienert-Brown is looking forward to a big midfield battle with his idol Ma’a Nonu in this weekend’s Northern derby. The Chiefs will hope to snap the Blues’ four-game winning streak in Hamilton today, with Nonu coming into the matchup in hot form. Lienert-Brown, 23, who looked up to Nonu growing up, was full of praise for the Blues centre’s return to form and is ready for a tough physical clash. “I think he (Nonu) has built into this season really well until now where he’s playing some great rugby,” he said. “I used to watch him [when I was] younger and tried to get some tips off

him and he’s still doing those things really well. “I think you know Ma’a is a really dangerous ball carrier, powerful ball carrier, but what I really like about him is he’s got great distribution. “I think he really worked hard on that over the years until now where he’s almost like a 10 in a way who can carry the ball really hard as well. “I admire the way he plays and it’s really exciting to get the opportunity to come up against those guys this week.” With plenty of speculation about the tightly contested All Blacks midfield spots ahead of the World Cup, Lienert-Brown – who was among the 41 players named this week in the All Blacks foundation day

squad – said he’s staying focused on the task at hand. “I don’t want to look too far ahead. I want to focus on doing my job for the Chiefs. But I think it’s about challenging myself against the best and it’s a really exciting opportunity without thinking too much about what’s to come.” The Chiefs welcome back captain Brodie Retallick who will lead the side fully refreshed off a two-week break. After sitting out their clash against the Jaguares in Buenos Aires because as part of the All Blacks rest policy, Retallick got an extra week off with the Chiefs having a bye last weekend, and will now lead the side in what promises to be an exciting derby in Hamilton.

Ma’a Nonu

Sport 20 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019


Barbarians happy at home By Erin Tasker

After starting their season with a loss on the road, the Ashburton Barbarians rugby league side returns home today to take on the Woolston Rams. With home ground advantage and home crowd support behind them, they’re hoping the outcome in round two of the Canterbury Rugby League division one competition will be a lot different than in round one. The Barbarians are hoping to give their home fans something to cheer about this afternoon after what was a less than ideal start to the Canterbury Rugby League division one competition in Burnham last Saturday. They took on the defending champion Burnham Chevaliers in round one and came away with a 30-14 loss, but coach Steve Gamble said it wasn’t all bad news. The Chevaliers are always a tough opposition, and the Barbarians got off to a slow start and the Burnham side made them pay, as they always did. But, the Barbarians never gave up, Gamble said. They stuck to their structure and their game plan right until the final whistle. Today, they need to step it up a notch and look after the ball when they get their hands on it, and ensure they complete their sets early - something they failed to do against the Chevaliers. There’s a number of new players in the mix for the Barbarians this season and Gamble said he’s been impressed with how they’ve slotted in, and how a lot of them stepped up to the plate in round one. Today, the Ashburton Barbarians and the Woolston Rams will run out onto the field at Robilliard Park, on Chalmers Avenue, ready for a 1pm kick off.

The Ashburton Barbarians will today play in front of their home crowd for the first time this season.

Bennett content in Sydney NZME Wayne Bennett didn’t take long to answer when asked about Brisbane’s early-season NRL woes yesterday morning. “Look, the CEO, the chairman and the board, I’m sure they’ve got it all under control so I wish them all the best,” Bennett said. The South Sydney coach can afford to be a little wry. His Rabbitohs have lost just one game over the opening month, and their one blemish was a golden-point defeat to Manly last-start. And while the seven-time premiership-winning coach waits with bated breath on Greg Inglis’ future, his successor at the Broncos is feeling the heat. But if Bennett felt any sympathy for Anthony Seibold, he didn’t want to voice it. “I’ve said what I wanted to say there about it. I’ve got my own club here. I’m fairly happy at Souths. There’s a lot of work to do here yet,” he said. “So I’m not going to put my nose in someone else’s business.” In contrast to Seibold, Bennett is content to be sharing the spotlight in Sydney. Having previously coached at St George Illawarra and Newcastle, it’s the first time Bennett is in charge of an NRL team based

in the harbour city. “This is mild compared to Brisbane, generally,” he said. “I’m not saying that facetiously, I’m saying that honestly. There’s a lot more teams here in Sydney. While we get our attention, it’s not like Brisbane.” Inglis’ injury, as well as that of centre partner Braidon Burns, has forced Bennett to turn to Kyle Turner to spot their centre crisis. Turner will start in the three-quarter line for the first time in his career when the Rabbitohs host the Warriors on the Sunshine Coast tonight. It will be the first NRL match played at the 12,000-capacity Sunshine Coast Stadium, which has already been declared sold out. However the locals won’t get to see the Queensland State of Origin captain, who is weighing up his future as he battles a chronic shoulder issue. Burns is two weeks into an eight-week recovery from a hamstring injury but Bennett is confident Turner can do the job. “I wouldn’t put him in there if I didn’t think he was confident. He’ll do a good job for us, he’s done it a couple of times this year already,” he said. The 2-2 Warriors, who got back in the winner’s circle by thumping Gold Coast last week, have lost Karl Lawton but could get Issac Luke back from injury.


In brief NRL doesn’t want Folau Israel Folau’s contract with Rugby Australia is set to be torn apart following anti-gay posts and the news lead to widespread speculation a move to the NRL was on the cards. As the fallout from the contract termination news grew, so did speculation Folau could shift and join the NRL following his removal from the Wallabies. ARL Commission chairman Peter Beattie however was quick to scrap the notion and slammed the door shut on any potential move. “Israel Folau doesn’t pass our inclusive test,” Beattie said yesterday. - NZME

Big test for Brumbies

South Sydney coach Wayne Bennett.

The beefed-up Brumbies will seek vastly better execution when they test themselves against Super Rugby A-List opposition for the second time in a week. The men from Canberra have slumped to second-last in the standings and can ill-afford to lose on Saturday at home to South Africa’s Lions, the beaten finalists in each of the past three seasons. Dan McKellar has showcased the importance of victory by fielding an all-Wallabies tight five after three were rested in last week’s 36-14 loss to the defending champion Crusaders in Christchurch. - NZME


Saturday, April 13, 2019


United’s dream start By Erin Tasker

They made a dream start to their life as a Mainland Football division one side last weekend and today Mid Canterbury United’s players hope that dream will continue. Mid Canterbury United took on Halswell Goal Exchange at the Ashburton Domain in last weekend’s opening round and won convincingly 5-0, keeping up the kind of form which saw them unbeaten and taking the Mainland Football division two title last season, and earning themselves promotion to division one. Today they’re on the road to Selwyn United FC at Foster Park in Rolleston, and while they know this season is going to be a step up from what they’ve been used to, they also know they’re up to the task. With a new passing style of football having done the trick for them in round one, the Marty Fitzgerald-coached side will be looking to produce much of the same in round two. Selwyn United FC will be hungry though, having lost 1-0 to Universities AFC Gators in their opening game of the season. Also hungry for a win, and simply hungry to just get out on the grass this weekend, will be the Methven FC Senior As in the Mainland Football division three competition. They picked up the easiest points of round one, with their opposition defaulting. Today they’re on the road to Burwood AFC, while the Methven FC Reserves in division six are also away. They’re set to take on Hornby United AFC Pressies today, a week after picking up a 6-0 win over Banks Peninsula in their opening game. Mid Canterbury United’s divi-

Ashburton Guardian 21

Young Ajax team ‘a whirlwind’ NZME

sion six team is also on the road today, taking on the CTFC Newbies. In round one Mid Canterbury United’s division six side won 6-2 over the FC Twenty 11 Memes side. Tomorrow morning, in the Mainland Football senior women’s division one competition, the Mid Canterbury United Phat Ducks will have home

ground advantage against Waimak United Women’s Black as they look for their second win from two outings so far this season. In youth grade action today Mid Canterbury United’s 13th grade side is home to Future Pride Development in the 13th grade division one competition.

Above – Mid Canterbury United ran away with victory in round one and will be hoping for more of the same against Selwyn United today. PHOTO HEATHER MACKENZIE 060419-HM-1026

Manic, chaotic and unflinchingly hostile, this was football played in a whirlwind, Ajax unleashing another storm on this season’s Champions League to set up a fascinating second leg against Juventus. The Italians will believe they are too good to be beaten at home by this Ajax side, that the hard work has been done in Amsterdam. Yet so did Real Madrid when they won 2-1 in the Netherlands last month. Ajax will not mind this 1-1 result and will fancy their chances. They were brilliant, brave and reckless. A young, hyperactive team, refusing to be sedated. There might not be a team left in this year’s competition better equipped to stifle Ajax’s exuberance than Juventus, yet even they found it a thankless task; exhausting and stressful. The hostility was everywhere: around the stadium as Juventus supporters were given a police escort into their stand, then inside it where the noise throbbed. It was meant to intimidate. Even before a ball had been kicked there was tension, a coiled spring ready to release. Ajax’s players felt it. They heard it. They sucked it in and then they released it. Ajax hunted in packs and at high speed, looking to force an early mistake, to catch the Italian champions cold out of the dressing room. From start to finish, everywhere Juventus’ players looked there seemed to be someone in a red and white shirt hurtling towards them, and in the end they crumbled.


De Pasquale tops Phillip Island practice NZME The Mustangs are poised to roar on Phillip Island, with the Ford fleet easing through the first Supercars practice session of the weekend. While Anton de Pasquale (right) topped the timing charts in his Commodore, series leader Scott McLaughlin appeared relaxed and comfortable on the Island, where he holds an intimidating record. McLaughlin has taken the last seven pole positions at the Victorian track, winning six races for both Garry Rogers Motorsport and DJR Team Penske since 2014. The 25-year-old series leader

nursed his Mustang around the circuit yesterday, leading the field for most of practice before de Pasquale took over. The Erebus Motorsport driver’s 1:31.3181 won the day, ahead of Will Davison, Rick Kelly and McLaughlin. Most drivers pulled their punches as they acclimatised to the notoriously challenging track. Four Fords featured in the top seven places, with huge interest as to how the rampant Mustangs perform after having their centre of gravity altered by Supercars officials seeking improved parity. Jamie Whincup, who endured a dire meet in Tasmania last weekend, forecast more pain for

his Red Bull Holden Racing Team on Phillip Island. “The car is similar to the test day, it’s not 100 per cent,” he said. “We didn’t put (new) tyres on ... I’m not saying we’re going to jump to the front. “We have work to do. “The car is not suited to Phillip Island. But we’ll work it out.” The session was red flagged for five minutes as drivers contended with several Cape Barren Geese that strayed into harm’s way. David Reynolds, who finished in 14th, summed up the mood of drivers. “It’s a grouse track, fun to drive and as long as the geese piss off we’ll have a good day,” he said.

Racing 22 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Andertons’ Australasian weekend The White Robe Lodge crew will be cheering on their home-bred horses in feature races on both sides of the Tasman today. On the home front, the Wingatui stable of Brian Anderton (the White Robe Lodge founder and principal) and son Shane will be


blemate) and Yogi will clash in the $2 million Sydney Cup, attempting to give White Robe back-toback wins in the staying feature. Twelve months ago there was much jubilation at White Robe Lodge when the Chris Wallertrained Who Shot Thebarman,

bred by Brian Anderton and his wife, Lorraine, prevailed in the Sydney Cup. Yogi, a $1000 bargain buy at the 2014 South Island Sale, has won eight of his 31 starts and is already proven, having won the Listed Sandown Cup last November.

Trainer Brian Anderton

Winton harness Today at Central Southland Raceway

Winton Harness Racing Club Inc Venue: Central Southland Raceway Meeting Date: 13 Apr 2019 NZ Meeting number: 7 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9; 10 and 11 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 5, 6 and 7; 9, 10 and 11 1 11.40am MURRAY GRAY MEMORIAL TROT $11,000, non-winners 2yo+, stand, 2400m 1 Alpine Retreat (1) fr....................E Barron (J) 2 658 Winning Bones (2) fr.................B Williamson 3 00 Majestic Rollon (3) fr.........................S Ottley 4 2 Richard The Third (4) fr.................T Williams 5 Jaccka Jeorge (5) fr....................... B Barclay 6 76595 The Power Broker (6) fr........ K McNaught (J) 7 Cuchulainn (7) fr...................... N Williamson 8 22058 Star Dude (8) fr..............................B Orange 9 9227 Big Iron (9) fr................................ T Stratford 10 64443 Robo Trouble (10) fr...........................A Beck 11 56900 Tommy Tiddler (11) fr.....................N Skinner 12 08060 South Park (U1) fr........................... P Hunter 2 12.05pm SOUTHERN STANDARDBRED BREEDERS PACE $11,000, non-winners 3yo+ f&m., mbl, 2400m 1 060x5 Fraud (1) fr.................................M Hurrell (J) 2 Major Menace (2) fr........................ B Barclay 3 Cool Idea (3) fr................................ P Hunter 4 24202 Delight (4) fr..................................T Williams 5 78 Kiwi Jewel (5) fr..............................B Orange 6 09022 Swift Robyn (6) fr........................C Ferguson 7 580 Indulgence (7) fr....................... M Williamson 8 66469 Rakabeach (8) fr.......................B Williamson 9 Champers (21) fr...............................S Ottley 10 7x Jive (22) fr 11 09608 Jaffie J (23) fr.......................... J Morrison (J) 12 50546 Opal (24) fr...................................B McLellan 13 42835 Southern Rain (25) fr...........................G Lee 14 Sports Page (26) fr.....................E Barron (J) 15 35 Tulsa Jaccka (27) fr.................. N Williamson 16 39525 Hans Ideal (28) fr................. K McNaught (J) 3 12.35pm WOODLANDS STUD COLTS & GELDINGS


represented by Tommy Tucker and Gallant Boy in the Coca-Cola Canterbury Gold Cup at Riccarton. Then just under a couple of hours later, the Andertons’ attention will switch to Randwick where Gallant Boy’s year younger brother Patrick Erin (a former sta-

MOBILE PACE $11,000, non-winners 2yo+ c&g., mobile, 2400m 1 8 Tony The Pony (1) fr......................T Williams 2 67953 Melton Mafia (2) fr................................G Lee 3 x0856 G T Reactor fr............................... Scratched 4 55372 Lifeofbrian (3) fr..........................M Hurrell (J) 5 682 Hampton (4) fr................................B Orange 6 2x2x Paddyproudfoot (5) fr..................... K Barclay 7 Holy Havoc (6) fr............................. P Hunter 8 4 Cab Calloway (7) fr.....................C Ferguson 9 07 Thunderfromthethrone (21) fr... C D Thornley 10 83 Jaccka Ted (22) fr..................... N Williamson 11 88043 It’s A Laugh (23) fr............................. A Milne 12 87435 Delight N Gold (24) fr....................... E Swain 13 Chuckles (25) fr....................... J Morrison (J) 14 3 Cassius Bromac (26) fr.................. B Barclay 15 85836 Flaming Jim (U1) fr.................. M Williamson 16 5006 Lock It In Eddie (U2) fr..............B Williamson Emergencies: Tony The Pony, G T Reactor 4 1.10pm YALDHURST HOTEL MOBILE PACE $9000, 3yo+ r45-r51,r52 w/c., mobile, 2400m 1 80x01 She’s Outstanding (1) fr.......... S Walkinshaw 2 40957 Maahes (2) fr.................................. K Barclay 3 65255 Lilac Becky (3) fr...................... S O’Reilly (J) 4 48007 Tairlaw Toll (4) fr.............................B Orange 5 05106 Magnate Mara (5) fr.............................G Lee 6 1590 Whiskyinthejar (6) fr................. M Williamson 7 09276 Kotare Elite (7) fr............................ B Barclay 8 84008 Shuzi (8) fr......................................B Shirley 9 13858 Franco Huntington (21) fr........ J Morrison (J) 10 02225 Black Ops (22) fr........................E Barron (J) 11 31355 Tartan Trilogy (23) fr................. N Williamson 12 9647P The White Rabbit (24) fr..................K Larsen 13 03586 Vin Scully (25) fr........................B Williamson 14 88874 Tad Lincoln (26) fr.........................T Williams 5 1.45 ALDEBARAN PARK HANDICAP TROT $10,000, 3yo+ r40-r100 spechcp, stand, 2400m

1 P0958 Veneto (1) fr..................................... E Swain 2 04496 Matai Jetstar (2) fr............................. A Milne 3 55616 Capelli (3) fr............................. C D Thornley 4 5070x The Badger (4) fr..........................G McEwan 5 86x8x Kenny’s Dream (1) 10M............P Williamson 6 67827 Lynette The Vet (2) 10M.......................G Lee 7 15609 Dipendra (1) 20M..........................R Stevens 8 33090 De Vito (U1) 20M..................... N Williamson 9 18671 King Cassidy (U2) 20M.................. B Barclay 10 18173 War Admiral (1) 40M.........................S Ottley 11 63867 Smokey Mac (U1) 40M..................B Orange 12 61965 Jen Jaccka (1) 50M.................. M Williamson 6 2.22 MARSHALL INDUSTRIES LTD-ROOFING HCAP PACE $9000, 3yo+ r40-r59 spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 85505 Aveross Ferrari (1) fr..................D O’Connell 2 50424 Son Of Lana (2) fr.............................S Ottley 3 25071 Luvtahavtime (3) fr.........................B Orange 4 017 Altimeter (4) fr...............................T Williams 5 08839 Kagee VC (5) fr....................... J Morrison (J) 6 15039 Huntaway (6) fr......................... N Williamson 7 52P13 Tartan Robyn (7) fr................... M Williamson 8 73744 Groomsman (8) fr.......................E Barron (J) 9 x0961 Ideal Breeze (9) fr..............................A Beck 10 30058 Rosinupthebow (10) fr............. S Walkinshaw 11 18683 Fiery Ferret (11) fr.......................C Ferguson 12 49009 Jimmy Richter (12) fr.................B Williamson 13 67612 Thaboyz Toy (13) fr....................M Hurrell (J) 14 42526 Red Terror fr.................................. Scratched 15 67715 My Georgie Boy (1) 20M................. P Hunter 16 13473 Nota Bene Denario (2) 20M........... B Barclay 7 2.57pm SBS BANK MOBILE PACE $10,000, 3yo+ r52-r59., mobile, 2400m 1 P1P24 Jacks N Jazz (1) fr................... M Williamson 2 64315 Loma Jaccka (2) fr........................T Williams 3 389x9 Elva Jaccka (3) fr..................... N Williamson 4 30x03 The Croupier (4) fr.....................E Barron (J) 5 85050 Annie Fitz (5) fr...........................C Ferguson

6 23822 Ansett Flight (6) fr......................M Hurrell (J) 7 0611x Classie Reactor (7) fr..................... B Barclay 8 39571 Hurricane Banner (8) fr.............B Williamson 9 x4251 Love The Blues (21) fr......................R Swain 10 20797 First Son (22) fr..............................B Orange 11 21388 Diego (23) fr.....................................J W Cox 12 86077 Cast A Shadow (24) fr........................A Beck 13 0592x Four Starzzz Shiraz (25) fr................S Ottley 14 8570P Whata Razzle Dazzle (26) fr... S Walkinshaw 8 3.32pm ALDEBARAN PARK SUPER GOLD CHIP FINAL TROT $20,000, 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 43177 Get Lucky (1) fr........................ N Williamson 2 1268x That’s The Story (2) fr...............B Williamson 3 10025 One Apollo (3) fr.............................B Orange 4 x1402 Christmas Babe (4) fr............... M Williamson 5 51628 Full Noise (5) fr.............................. B Barclay 6 35615 Nottingham K Two (6) fr.............E Barron (J) 7 53241 Robbie Royale (U1) fr...................T Williams 8 0P961 Whatwillbeewillbee (U2) fr...... S Walkinshaw 9 4.07 WINTON BUSINESSES CUP HANDICAP PACE $14,999, 3yo+ r60-r100 spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 4181P Raffy Roo (1) fr..............................B Orange 2 21242 Mighty Flying Art (2) fr................... B Barclay 3 72341 Vintage Cheddar (3) fr..............B Williamson 4 78892 Tiziano (4) fr............................. M Williamson 5 15563 Bettor Enforce (5) fr...........................A Beck 6 92185 Ardent Lustre (6) fr...........................J W Cox 7 2405x Maidonthebeach (7) fr..................... P Hunter 8 30328 Benio Ben (8) fr.............................T Williams 9 24966 Tact Maggie (1) 10M............... J Morrison (J) 10 20156 Sagwitch (1) 20M.......................M Hurrell (J) 11 234x8 Franco Santino (2) 20M........... N Williamson 12 56341 Please Shuddup (3) 20M..................S Ottley 10 4.43 SOUTHERN BELLE SPEED SERIES FINAL MARES MBL PACE $20,000, w/c., mobile, 1609m 1 22006 Zenola’s Art (1) fr........................... K Barclay 2 15216 Lilac Star (2) fr......................... S O’Reilly (J)

3 54122 I’mallaboutthebase (3) fr...............T Williams 4 32135 Jody Direen (4) fr.......................M Hurrell (J) 5 82249 Sweet Mary (5) fr..................... M Williamson 6 19443 Divinia Bellezza (6) fr.....................B Orange 7 42531 Rockabilly Blues (7) fr.............. N Williamson 8 14513 Born To Boogie (8) fr...................... B Barclay 9 44670 Raksbet (21) fr..................................S Ottley 10 35009 Just Dance fr................................. Scratched 11 02171 Chitura (22) fr........................... C D Thornley 12 13790 Bridesdale Robyn (23) fr.............C Ferguson 11 5.23 SOUTHLAND FARM MACHINERY LTD MOBILE PACE $8000, r40-r44,r45 w/c., mobile, 2400m 1 80500 Theodora Hope (1) fr.................E Barron (J) 2 592x0 Bold Ruler (2) fr............................... P Hunter 3 x7703 Jingles Bromac (3) fr................ N Williamson 4 00962 Man I’m Good (4) fr............................. A Kyle 5 00x09 Dismara (5) fr.................................... A Milne 6 33370 Matinee Idol (6) fr........................... B Barclay 7 22332 Miss Fandango (7) fr......................B Orange 8 97800 Vintage Rose (8) fr.............................A Beck 9 x4443 Iwanadancewitsumbody (21) fr.M Williamson 10 08875 Alexy (22) fr................................D O’Connell 11 95758 Nightmarch (23) fr............................R Swain 12 93026 Toby O’Gara (24) fr................. S Walkinshaw 13 60080 Lady’s Lass (25) fr..................... T Robertson 14 90407 Vigoroso (U1) fr..........................M Hurrell (J) SELECTIONS

5 30x17 Mohaka (1) 56.5...............................J Laking 6 85641 City Slicker (12) 56.5..................... Z Moki (a) 7 42001 Sentito h (7) 56.5......................... R Hannam 8 x5718 Thunder Bay h (16) 56.5.. K Chowdhoory (a) 9 13556 Miss Curious (14) 56.5.............. B Murray (a) 10 06055 Miss Valencia (4) 56.5.....................S Wynne 11 21687 Musee D’Orsay dh (6) 56.5......K Mudhoo (a) 12 86370 Remedy th (3) 56.5........................ C Barnes 13 96353 Sulu Sea h (11) 56.5....................L Callaway 14 33 Too Ferlaxed (2) 56.5........................J Lowry 15 58694 Succoso Segreto h (13) 56.5 16 085 Volvik h (9) 56.5..........................D Prastiyou 8 3.59pm COCA-COLA CANTERBURY GOLD CUP $100,000, WFA, 2000m 1 61415 Gallant Boy tdm (12) 59................T Moseley 2 40843 Authentic Paddy tdm (5) 59.......... R Hannam 3 90062 Tommy Tucker tdm (11) 59................J Lowry 4 724x1 Who Dares Wins tdm (2) 59............S Wynne 5 6x085 Bloodstream tdh (6) 59...............D Prastiyou 6 45310 Gorbachev d (4) 59..........................D Turner 7 06556 Koxinga (8) 59..............................L Callaway 8 93112 Residential t (3) 57.........................L Allpress 9 17794 Flying Sardine tm (10) 57...................L Hemi 10 95204 Dee And Gee t (7) 57.................T Jonker (a) 11 11124 Anythingcouldhappn t (9) 57....K Mudhoo (a) 12 53141 Atlanta Peach tm (1) 57...................J Laking 9 4.35pm RACECOURSE HOTEL & MOTOR LODGE $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2000m 1 35096 Oligarch td (10) 60........................T Moseley 2 74038 Aulyn Star (3) 59.5..........................S Wynne 3 95867 Shanzino tdh (17) 59.5... K Chowdhoory (a3)

4 46144 Producer (11) 58.5.................. B Murray (a2) 5 33558 Red River Rock h (13) 57.5....K Mudhoo (a1) 6 82P32 The Lustre (5) 57.5...........................J Lowry 7 51606 Run Forrest Run td (14) 57.5 8 x2142 Sebring’s Delight tbh (16) 57.........L Allpress 9 44882 Vee Twelve (4) 57.....................T Jonker (a2) 10 09821 Cinto Bay h (2) 56.5.........................J Laking 11 65697 Zah Wanted h (7) 56.5.......................L Hemi 12 10x50 Baby Menaka m (1) 56................D Prastiyou 13 45354 Mossy Creek (6) 56........................ C Barnes 14 0x753 Sitarist (15) 56.............................. R Hannam 15 34550 Lady Byron t (12) 55.5.....................D Turner 16 768x9 Sir Ed 55....................................... Scratched 17 44572 Grant (9) 54................................. Z Moki (a2) 18 x7802 King Of The Dance (8) 54 -

7 7134x Tweedledee m (9) 57........... T Yanagida (a2) 8 56754 Magic Of The Sun d (2) 56.5........... J Parkes 9 12313 Monaco 56.................................... Scratched 10 01152 La Mia Stella d (3) 55.5................C Lammas 11 00154 Langkawi td (6) 54.5....................... S McKay 12 35248 She’s A Ripper h (10) 54.............. C Johnson 7 4.15pm ROYSTON HOSPITAL HAWKE’S BAY CUP $75,000, OPN HCP, 2200m 1 35024 Dolcetto tm (11) 60..........................R Myers 2 20250 Tiptronic (8) 59................................ J Parkes 3 63051 Jacksstar m (10) 57.5.................. C Johnson 4 41294 Igraine m (7) 56................................S Collett 5 57117 Hunta Pence th (1) 56.................. D Hirini (a) 6 64290 Balham td (4) 53.............................. C Grylls 7 23512 Felaar db (3) 53.................................L Innes 8 47490 Mental Telepathy (5) 53...............M Cameron 9 95390 Kamanda Lincoln (9) 53................R Elliot (a) 10 41128 Real Beach th (2) 53....................... J Bayliss 11 26724 Royal Ruby t (6) 53...................J Fawcett (a) 8 4.55pm #GOWINX MILE $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1600m 1 086F1 Whatsup d (10) 60................. H Andrew (a2) 2 16525 Collinstreet db (9) 59.5.......................L Innes 3 77x21 Hocico Blanco d (12) 59...................R Myers 4 4x130 The Helix t (11) 59...........................S Collett 5 7841 Five Stars (2) 58.5.......................D Mansour

6 10 Galway Bro (7) 58.5 7 32343 Harlem ‘N’ Co 58.5........................ Scratched 8 100x6 Glimpse tmh (4) 58......................... J Parkes 9 42721 Harbourside d (5) 58........................ T Harris 10 53214 Lincoln Fury d (8) 58........................ C Grylls 11 53x50 Kirkenes td (6) 57.5.......................R Elliot (a) 12 56x13 Dam Reliable (15) 56.5....................J Riddell 13 46433 Sophia Magia m (13) 56............... C Johnson 14 8x727 Red Beach m (14) 55..................M Cameron 15 5590x Bella Margarita (3) 54..................... J Bayliss 16 000x7 The Cossack dh (1) 55 17 50459 In Segreto 57.5............................. Scratched

Race 1: Jaccka Jeorge, Big Iron, Alpine Retreat, Cuchulainn Race 2: Tulsa Jaccka, Southern Rain, Delight, Jive Race 3: Cassius Bromac, Paddyproudfoot, Hampton Race 4: Lilac Becky, Vin Scully, The White Rabbit, Tartan Trilogy Race 5: Jen Jaccka, War Admiral, King Cassidy, Smokey Mac Race 6: Nota Bene Denario, Huntaway, Son Of Lana Race 7: Classie Reactor, The Croupier, Loma Jaccka, Ansett Flight Race 8: One Apollo, Full Noise, Get Lucky, Robbie Royale Race 9: Franco Santino, Vintage Cheddar, Please Shuddup Race 10: Sweet Mary, Divinia Bellezza, Rockabilly Blues Race 11: Miss Fandango, Toby O’Gara, Iwanadancewitsumbody

Canterbury gallops Today at Riccarton Park Raceway

Canterbury Racing - Canterbury JC Venue: Riccarton Park Meeting Date: 13 Apr 2019 NZ Meeting number: 6 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9 1 11.57am HYGAIN/MITAVITE MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 36333 Raff h (10) 58.5..........................B Hong (a3) 2 x757x All About Roy (9) 58.5..................L Callaway 3 00360 Billabong Billy (12) 58.5...................D Turner 4 x30x0 Rothacker h (5) 58.5................T Jonker (a2) 5 096 Nero h (14) 58.5.....................K Mudhoo (a1) 6 0x0x0 Klute (2) 58.5..........................B Morgenrood 7 0320 Grand Express (7) 58................... R Hannam 8 55327 Alonzo bh (1) 58............. K Chowdhoory (a3) 9 82827 Feel The Breeze (17) 56.5.............L Allpress 10 6735x La Turque (11) 56.5.............. C O’Beirne (a3) 11 6x Jadore Lumiere (15) 56.5.................J Laking 12 9x7 Jingo h (6) 56.5..................................L Hemi 13 894x2 Exclaim h (4) 56............................T Moseley 14 00x5 Miss Atomic Bomb h (16) 56...........S Wynne 15 7x589 Arnage (3) 56.............................. Z Moki (a2) 16 09 Jewel Heights (13) 56.......................J Lowry 17 7900x Suffragette h (8) 56.....................D Prastiyou 2 12.27pm GAVELHOUSE.COM $22,500, 2YO SW+P, 1000m 1 511 All About Magic tdh (5) 57................ J Morris 2 43x Khitan Warrior h (2) 56.5...............T Moseley 3 43814 Rosarito h (1) 56.............................S Wynne 4 1x Trifolium (6) 56...............................L Allpress 5 Clubcard h (3) 54.5........ K Chowdhoory (a3) 6 Easy On The Eye h (4) 54.5...............L Hemi

3 1.00 NZB SOUTH ISLAND SALE 29 APRIL $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 2000m 1 25916 Taxihome td (8) 61................ R Mudhoo (a3) 2 61099 Smiling Assassin tdmh (3) 60.5....T Moseley 3 55415 Lady Bealey tdm (2) 58.5...............L Allpress 4 62227 Smoke House Bay t (7) 57.5....... Z Moki (a2) 5 44415 Tony Two Chips t (4) 57.5..................J Lowry 6 01177 Te Quiera td (1) 57....................... R Hannam 7 44621 Diorissimo tdm (6) 55.5...................S Wynne 8 20558 Head Office (5) 54.......... K Chowdhoory (a3) 4 1.38pm HAASE MARSHALL DRAINAGE $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 57340 Highly Unlikely dh (8) 59.K Chowdhoory (a3) 2 75018 Clooney (12) 58.5............................J Laking 3 32853 The Growler h (16) 58.5............... R Hannam 4 8x375 Villeret mh (4) 58.5..................B Morgenrood 5 x6008 Odisha dmh (6) 58..........................S Wynne 6 566x4 Thom Brown (1) 58........................L Allpress 7 8x464 Frankie The Fox th (13) 57.5.R Mudhoo (a3) 8 67312 Sharp ‘N’ Silver tdh (15) 57..............D Turner 9 69x01 Midsummer Magic h (2) 56.5... K Asano (a4) 10 49213 Vouch tdh (10) 56.5...........................J Lowry 11 20007 Leuluai (9) 56.5........................T Jonker (a2) 12 6x00x Black Pearl tdmh (3) 55.5............D Prastiyou 13 93874 Devil’s Staircase m (11) 54.5.....B Hong (a3) 14 48070 Pick Me Up In Rio tm (5) 54.5............L Hemi 15 8098x Whitney tdmh (14) 54....................T Moseley 16 92x32 Zurafaa h (7) 54...........................L Callaway 5 2.14 NORWOOD FARM MACHINEY $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1600m 1 231x1 Herengawe tdm (12) 61.................L Allpress

2 4562x Satin Guru tdmb (10) 60...................J Lowry 3 0090x Rayas dm (3) 59................... C O’Beirne (a3) 4 61596 Neeson d (1) 59..............................S Wynne 5 41452 Teddytwinkletoes td (5) 59...........K Kwo (a3) 6 x1270 Red Rose Warrior dh (4) 58..........T Moseley 7 62227 Smoke House Bay t (2) 57.5....... Z Moki (a2) 8 4451x Albut Me tdmh (7) 57.5......................L Hemi 9 70x0x Rawmaterial tdmh (8) 57.5.........B Hong (a3) 10 33415 The Sparkle d (11) 57............. B Murray (a2) 11 53214 Welcome tdb (6) 56...................... R Hannam 12 42863 Pinup Coup tdh (9) 55.5.K Chowdhoory (a3) 6 2.49pm D REYNOLDS ELECTRICAL OPEN HANDICAP SPRINT $35,000, OPN HCP, 1200m 1 33201 Signify tdm (3) 62.......................B Hong (a3) 2 11223 Johnny Jones td (4) 59............... Z Moki (a2) 3 6x111 Disturbance tdh (9) 58.....................D Turner 4 x1107 Prince Oz tdmh (1) 57...................T Moseley 5 01985 Morse Code tdh (10) 55.....................L Hemi 6 34L11 He Kin Fly tdh (5) 55....................L Callaway 7 15302 Kiwi Ida tdmb (8) 54.5..........R Beeharry (a3) 8 967x6 Zawhip tdm (11) 54........................L Allpress 9 80933 Pippi Rea td (2) 54....................... R Hannam 10 44047 Feelin The Love tdmh (6) 54....T Jonker (a2) 11 42823 Nowhere Man tdmbh (12) 54Chowdhoory (a3) 12 11513 Trudeau t (7) 54...............................S Wynne 7 3.24pm NEW ZEALAND BLOODSTOCK WARSTEP STAKES $50,000, 3YOF SW, 2000m 1 112 Beyond The Fort (8) 56.5.................D Turner 2 21701 Secret Allure tm (10) 56.5..............L Allpress 3 71711 Guillada d (5) 56.5.............................L Hemi 4 5x154 Platinum Rapper m (15) 56.5........T Moseley

M4 Hawkes Bay gallops

Emergencies: Grant, King Of The Dance

Blinkers on: Feelin The Love (R6), Mohaka, Musee D’Orsay, Volvik (R7) Blinkers off: Rothacker (R1), Kiwi Ida (R6), Remedy (R7) Winkers on: Khitan Warrior (R2), Whitney (R4) Winkers off: Thom Brown (R4), Volvik (R7) Pacifiers on: Rayas (R5) Pacifiers off: Miss Curious (R7) SELECTIONS Race 1: Alonzo, Grand Express, Raff, Exclaim, La Turque Race 2: Trifolium, Khitan Warrior, Rosarito, Clubcard Race 3: Taxihome, Lady Bealey, Smiling Assassin, Diorissimo Race 4: Clooney, The Growler, Highly Unlikely, Frankie The Fox Race 5: The Sparkle, Teddytwinkletoes, Rayas, Red Rose Warrior Race 6: Johnny Jones, Signify, Prince Oz, Morse Code Race 7: Secret Allure, Platinum Rapper, Guillada, Mohaka Race 8: Tommy Tucker, Dee And Gee, Gallant Boy, Residential Race 9: The Lustre, Sebring’s Delight, Grant, Oligarch

Today at Hastings Raceway

Hawkes Bay RI Venue: Hastings Meeting Date 13 Apr 2019 NZ Meeting number: 4 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 12.45pm EAST COAST RURAL SUPPORT TRUST 1300 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1300m 1 63613 Castani (6) 60....................................L Innes 2 14575 Virtuoso Lad t (2) 60............ T Yanagida (a2) 3 01432 Mr Universe (4) 59.5........................ C Grylls 4 241x2 Secret Squirrel (9) 59...................... S McKay 5 318x Yossarian tdh (7) 58.5......................R Myers 6 594x2 Pincanto d (8) 57.....................J Fawcett (a1) 7 120x8 Skaaboom (1) 57............................. T Harris 8 21208 Happy Tav (10) 56.................. H Andrew (a2) 9 557x4 Lady Lira m (3) 56.......................M Cameron 10 86x43 Stella Noire (5) 56........................D Mansour 2 1.20pm FARMLANDS 2YO $22,500, 2YO SW+P, 1300m 1 4 Platinum Road (3) 57.......................J Riddell 2 5 Mongolian Heaven (4) 57............M Cameron 3 5x Stateline (9) 57.................................S Collett 4 6 Eleventhour h (7) 57........................ J Parkes 5 Peloton (6) 57................................... T Harris 6 1x Puysegur (5) 56.5............................ C Grylls 7 Kali (8) 55...........................................L Innes 8 7 Lady Godiva h (2) 55................... C Johnson 9 On The Ball (10) 55......................C Lammas

10 Princess Ani (1) 55...........................R Myers 11 Showboat 55................................. Scratched 3 1.55 CIVIL CONTRACTORS NEW ZEALAND 2500 $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 2500m 1 25578 Hank Moody t (8) 60........................ T Harris 2 42x11 Macklemore m (4) 59.5.................R Elliot (a) 3 71088 Shared Secrets (7) 59...................... C Grylls 4 01656 Red Cloud tm (5) 58.5..................... J Parkes 5 02423 Amorata (6) 58............................. C Johnson 6 55710 Anarchy t (3) 57.5........................D Mansour 7 57165 Delle Quartza (1) 54....................... J Bayliss 8 8x476 Vainglory (2) 54................................S Collett 4 2.32pm W R DYER LIVESTOCK 1300 $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1300m 1 x088x Barcelo d (6) 59.5........................... S McKay 2 4412x Look Out tmh (8) 59.5......................R Myers 3 2114x Icebomb db (7) 58.5......................... C Grylls 4 5087x No Need mh (5) 58.5.......................J Riddell 5 02125 What A Smasher (13) 58..........M Singh (a2) 6 25392 Short Fuse (3) 58.........................C Lammas 7 15164 Satu Lagi dh (10) 57.5............... D Hirini (a1) 8 1237x Charlie Horse m (4) 57.5................. J Parkes 9 119 Ofa Orsome (2) 57.5........................S Collett 10 36241 Walkin’ By (1) 56.5.......................D Mansour 11 73520 Divine Power (12) 56.............. H Andrew (a2) 12 1541x Dream On d (11) 56......................R Elliot (a)

13 46223 One Prize One Goal th (9) 56.T Yanagida (a2) 5 3.05pm NZB FINANCE SPRINT $50,000, OPN HCP, 1200m 1 0x504 Endless Drama (14) 60.................... T Harris 2 x615x Amarula td (3) 57.5 3 95214 Passing Shot td (6) 56.5.................. J Parkes 4 12712 Princess Kereru d (8) 55.5...........C Lammas 5 08341 Volks Lightning d (1) 55.5.............R Elliot (a) 6 61131 Hugo The Boss dh (10) 53........... C Johnson 7 x1831 Pretty To Sea dm (11) 53...................L Innes 8 71016 Sasso Corbaro db (12) 53................ C Grylls 9 49523 Rikki Tikki Tavi d (4) 53................T Thornton 10 x1047 Spring Heat td (13) 53..................... J Bayliss 11 630x5 Power O’Hata d (7) 53................M Cameron 12 14441 Cavallo Veloce d (5) 53................... S McKay 13 124x9 Rock ‘N’ Affair d (9) 53................M Singh (a) 14 27325 Vinnie’s Volley h (2) 53.....................S Collett 15 02321 Miss Oahu td (15) 53.......................R Myers 6 3.40pm BAYLEYS RURAL 1400 $30,000, Rating 82 Benchmark, 1400m 1 15251 Chicane m (7) 59 2 350x3 Stradivarius dmh (5) 59.............. D Hirini (a1) 3 12112 Griffin (4) 58............................C Burdan (a4) 4 72917 Swisswatch td (11) 58......................S Collett 5 22577 Henree Winkler td (1) 57.5............... C Grylls 6 2528x Terra Sancta dm (8) 57......................L Innes

Emergencies: Bella Margarita, The Cossack, In Segreto Blinkers on: Lady Lira (R1), No Need (R4), Sasso Corbaro (R5), Felaar (R7), Kirkenes (R8) Blinkers off: Hank Moody (R3), Terra Sancta (R6) Winkers on: Satu Lagi (R4) Winkers off: Eleventhour (R2), Look Out (R4), Kirkenes (R8)

SELECTIONS Race 1: Yossarian, Stella Noire, Mr Universe, Lady Lira Race 2: Puysegur, Kali, Mongolian Heaven, Stateline Race 3: Shared Secrets, Anarchy, Amorata, Macklemore Race 4: Ofa Orsome, Walkin’ By, Dream On, Divine Power Race 5: Spring Heat, Amarula, Sasso Corbaro, Hugo The Boss Race 6: Swisswatch, Griffin, Chicane, La Mia Stella Race 7: Jacksstar, Igraine, Dolcetto, Felaar, Hunta Pence Race 8: Lincoln Fury, Collinstreet, Whatsup, Dam Reliable

Sunday racing

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 23

Gibbs intent on major upset Ruakaka trainers Chris Gibbs and Michelle Bradley are daring to dream that they can cause a massive upset at Randwick today when they take on the world’s best racehorse, Winx, in her last raceday appearance.


liked and ended up in the worst part of the track. “We only need to have improved a little bit I think to be somewhere in the finish.” Danzdanzdance will be ridden by New Zealand hoop Opie Bosson and will jump from barrier five.

val He’s Eminent, in the Gr.1 Ranvet Stakes (2000m). “We were pleased with her run in the Ranvet, we think there is a few things that we can improve on,” Gibbs said. “She got back a little bit further than what we would have

Chris Gibbs

Rangiora harness Tomorrow at Rangiora Raceway

Rangiora Harness Racing Club Venue Rangiora (All weather) Meeting Date: 14 Apr 2019 NZ Meeting number: 8 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 8, 9 and 10 1 12.07pm (NZT) COUNTRY FEASTS TROT $10,000, 3yo+ r40-r55, stand, 2600m 1 80480 Don’t Rock The Boat fr.................. Scratched 2 5P2P6 Zeddie Marit (1) fr..........................B Orange 3 67353 Tehoro Dazzle (2) fr.......................R Holmes 4 23318 Desert Wings (3) fr............................J Curtin 5 07537 Heavenly Love (4) fr................... M Edmonds 6 50661 Natives Lasting Love (5) fr.......... K Cameron 7 16050 Flying Monkey (6) fr...................... A Lethaby 8 35567 The Bloss (7) fr.......................... B Borcoskie 9 93010 Cabella Noir (8) fr..............................R Close 10 03886 Rusty I Am (9) fr............................ P Wakelin 11 P421 Midnight Assassin (10) fr............ L Lester (J) 12 P2004 Take After Me (11) fr 13 32400 Unique Rose (12) fr.......................... G Smith 14 x0000 Wot Up (13) fr........................ G Thornley (J) 15 69805 Bright Glow (14) fr.........................I Cameron 16 35143 Sun Swinger (U1) fr................. M Williamson 17 55767 Sugar Cane (U2) fr............... D D McCormick 18 47002 Red Harbour (U3) fr................. C D Thornley 19 P0100 Topnotch Titan (U4) fr.............. N Williamson Emergencies: Heavenly Love, Rusty I Am, Take After Me, Wot Up 2 12.37pm PETER SMITH MOBILE TROT $13,000, ffa., mobile, 2000m 1 31555 Didjabringthebeers (1) fr................ K Butt (J) 2 04427 Valloria (2) fr.......................................J Dunn 3 08934 Destiny Jones (3) fr.......................... G Smith 4 90046 Amaretto Sun (4) fr...............S Tomlinson (J) 5 1x36x Habibi Inta (5) fr.............................B Orange


They will line-up Group One-winning mare Danzdanzdance in the star-studded Gr.1 Queen Elizabeth Stakes (2000m) and believe their mare will perform well after her recent third-placing behind Avilius, and today race ri-

6 11207 Marcoola (6) fr.................................... C Ford 3 1.12pm BALCAIRN STOCKFEEDS MOBILE PACE $10,000, non-winners 3yo+., mobile, 2600m 1 8P5x4 Gottagettabeer (1) fr............... J Morrison (J) 2 06244 Khal Drogo (2) fr...............................J Curtin 3 83205 Reflectionsofmylife (3) fr.................T Chmiel 4 42420 Philadelphia Freedom (4) fr................. R May 5 55722 Glenthorne (5) fr...........................T Williams 6 38900 I Can Remember (6) fr................ K Cameron 7 Justasec (7) fr.....................................M Kerr 8 7574 Valiant Charger (8) fr......................B Orange 9 667x9 JR Fulham (9) fr.............................R Holmes 10 90025 Just Michael (21) fr........................L O’Reilly 11 60809 Conquistador (22) fr..................... J Alford (J) 12 46596 Katie Daly (23) fr...................... C D Thornley 13 38x09 Jessie Kelly (24) fr........................ B Hope (J) 14 0x002 Comfortably Numb (25) fr..........M Anderson 15 8 Woodlea AC (26) fr.......................... G Smith 16 03P2 Tiger Moth (U1) fr Emergencies: Conquistador, Tiger Moth 4 1.47pm KOTARE DOWNS RANGIORA STAKES MOBILE PACE $13,000, 3yo r70., mobile, 2000m 1 P2543 Zinny Mach (1) fr...................... N Williamson 2 46121 Franco Niven (2) fr........................T Williams 3 25956 Heisenberg (3) fr................................J Dunn 4 16146 Eureka (4) fr......................................S Ottley 5 11320 Chiller Bay (5) fr...............................M Jones 6 10x11 Gran Chico (6) fr............................B Orange 5 2.22pm JD & EA PROPERTIES LTD MOBILE PACE $10,000, 4yo+ r50-r54., mobile, 2000m 1 00x00 Ohoka Johnny (1) fr...................M Hurrell (J) 2 34896 The Governor (2) fr........................B Orange 3 23304 Donegal Mary Francis (3) fr......N Purdon (J) 4 20302 Rock N Joy (4) fr..............................M Jones

5 20481 Myboylolliepop (5) fr...............B Laughton (J) 6 50891 Glengarry Knight (6) fr................. B Hope (J) 7 90297 Awayovernight (7) fr..........................J Curtin 8 24P15 Ohoka Matty (8) fr........................ J Alford (J) 9 27100 Santanna Lad (9) fr...........................R Close 10 00081 Jafa Kitten (21) fr.........................C Markham 11 60708 Adam Patron (22) fr............................. R May 12 410x5 Get It On (23) fr........................ M Williamson 13 41643 The Kaik (24) fr.............................. K Butt (J) 14 20808 Zippidy Doodah (25) fr...................N Chilcott 15 50236 Gotta Future (26) fr............................J Dunn 16 13283 Good On Ya Kiwi (27) fr..................R Holmes Emergencies: Awayovernight, Zippidy Doodah 6 2.56pm CANTERBURY PRINT SERVICE MOBILE PACE $10,000, 3yo+ f&m r40-r60., mobile, 2000m 1 62804 Mamma Knows Best (1) fr.............. M Purvis 2 570x0 Possente Cavallo (2) fr......................R Close 3 69891 Bettor Lady (3) fr............................B Orange 4 1630 Takemybreathaway (4) fr..................B Munro 5 92201 With The Band (5) fr.......................L O’Reilly 6 13178 Bird Of Paradise (6) fr................M Anderson 7 41834 Donegal Art Chokin (7) fr.................... R May 8 26293 Mad Lu Li (8) fr.....................................K Cox 9 55881 Nimah Franco (9) fr.........................T Chmiel 10 01520 Kotare Yolande (21) fr.........................J Dunn 11 14524 Bubbled Up (22) fr.........................T Williams 12 05795 Sweet Loress (23) fr....................... K Butt (J) 13 11037 Mossdale Art (24) fr..................... B Hope (J) 14 10x21 Unico Enchantress (25) fr........ C D Thornley 7 3.36 AIRPARK CANTERBURY RANGIORA CLASSIC MOBILE PACE $30,000, ffa., mobile, 2600m 1 5x619 Forgotten Highway (1) fr.......... N Williamson 2 12244 Ashley Locaz (2) fr........................T Williams 3 3137P Letspendanitetogetha (3) fr........M Anderson

4 32235 Hail Christian (4) fr.........................B Orange 5 22242 A G’s White Socks (5) fr...................... R May 6 12714 Chase Auckland (6) fr....................M Purdon 7 97540 Alta Orlando (7) fr..............................J Dunn 8 41223 Thefixer (8) fr..........................N Rasmussen 8 4.16 GULLIVER & TYLER HANDICAP TROT $10,000, 3yo+ r56-r80 discrhcp, stand, 2600m 1 P2004 Take After Me (1) fr..........................B Munro 2 74000 Justamollyarcher (2) fr...................R Jenkins 3 08711 Mr Fahrenheit (3) fr..........................M Jones 4 64353 Izmok (4) fr.................................. L Lester (J) 5 9P480 Tokyo Joe (U1) fr........................... S McNally 6 16368 Missie Castleton (U2) fr...................... R May 7 72587 Rebel Kibbybones (U3) fr..................... J Hay 8 0109 She’s So Cool (U4) fr..................S McMullan 9 91344 Clifden Clowers (1) 10M...................R Close 10 12907 Alvira Hest (2) 10M........................B Orange 11 14920 Time For Diamonds (1) 20M............... J Ford 12 62569 We’ll Meet Again (2) 20M.................. J Smith 13 572x9 Renezmae (3) 20M............................J Dunn 14 12540 Trick Star (4) 20M..............................S Ottley 9 4.46 MORRISON CARS HANDICAP PACE $12,000, 3yo+ r56-r86 discrhcp, stand, 2600m 1 40975 Go Davey (1) fr.................................... R May 2 28520 Spot On (2) fr.....................................J Dunn 3 1202x Nearis Green (3) fr............................... J Hay 4 44134 Machsgain (4) fr...................................K Cox 5 56108 Gimmefiveminutesmore 10M........ Scratched 6 05010 Samskara (1) 20M..........................T Chmiel 7 31x93 Sociable (2) 20M...............................S Ottley 8 P0121 Onedin Reign (3) 20M...................T Williams 9 11832 Smokin By (U1) 20M................ N Williamson 10 33502 My Wee Man (1) 30M.....................B Orange 11 88516 Mikey Maguire (2) 30M............. S Smolenski


2 6436x Inca Warrior dm (14) 59.5 3 266x5 Justacanta tdmh (2) 59.5..... T Yanagida (a2) 4 96355 Ottavio m (9) 59............................R Elliot (a) 5 04346 Star Treasure (3) 58.5...................... C Grylls 6 25392 Short Fuse d (8) 58 7 23180 High Distinction d (7) 58 8 94284 Memories Only 58......................... Scratched 9 1909x Mark Two (6) 57.5............................ T Harris 10 2106x O’Guy (13) 57.................................. S Spratt 11 66217 Belle Fascino (11) 56.......................S Collett 12 7037x Mutechi tdm (5) 56................S Johnson (a4) 13 71431 Salt Bay d (1) 55.5.......................... J Bayliss 14 11 Pinched (4) 55 15 11 Sheezallmine d (12) 55.5 Emergency: Sheezallmine 8 4.38pm ROARING LION@CAMBRIDGE STUD 1200 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1200m 1 13322 Breezon d (13) 60............................ S Spratt 2 25655 Stand Tall d (16) 60.................... N Alam (a4) 3 650x5 The Ice Knight db (10) 60............... A Calder 4 30213 Duck Road 58.5............................ Scratched 5 4824x Liquid Inspiration dm (11) 58 6 53241 Quattro Katie d (6) 57.5................... C Grylls 7 8x162 Pimms ‘N’ Pearls d (3) 57.A Goindasamy (a3) 8 x5053 Crystallize (5) 57............................L Allpress 9 14x26 Eridani (1) 56.5................................S Collett 10 018x Gwendoline Rose (2) 56................. J Bayliss

11 5x08x Anacapri d (4) 56...................... D Danis (a2) 12 51086 Viva Lilli (9) 55.5.........................M Cameron 13 83798 Full Of Talent d (12) 55............... R Scott (a3) 14 00x00 Jud Strunk t (8) 55...........M Hashizume (a4) 15 01432 Mr Universe d (14) 59.5 16 14575 Virtuoso Lad d (15) 60 17 86x43 Stella Noire (7) 56........................D Mansour Emergencies: Mr Universe, Virtuoso Lad, Stella Noire Blinkers on: Take A Gamble, Sacred Form (R1), High Distinction (R7), Anacapri (R8) Blinkers off: Burgundy Belle, Rip Em Up (R6), Merlini (R7), Full Of Talent (R8) Winkers off: Anacapri (R8) SELECTIONS

9 41735 Opawa Pink 30.81 W &....................T Steele 10 58776 Frosty Blaze nwtd............................. T Green 9 3.30pm MIKE STENT DECORATORS NZ DERBY THURSDAY NIGHT SP C3, 318m 1 58173 Stay Rich 18.55 M &......................... J Smith 2 57443 Zou Star nwtd................................ H Mullane 3 36652 Nangar Panther 18.53.....................C Henley 4 36487 Kuridrani 18.71...............................A Cleaver 5 56255 Beat The Butcher 18.36 R &................L Udy 6 65185 Barwon Bandit 18.68.......................S E Hunt 7 35422 Waerenga Star 18.63 U &..................Cottam 8 24637 Mobility Scooter 18.81......................M Black 9 45176 Bruce Banner 18.66...................... H Mullane 10 37264 Amazing Contact 18.58....................S Codlin 10 3.49 CAROL’S TAB CLENDON INN STAKES C3/4, 527m 1 63187 Jetsun Singer 30.73........................G Wilson 2 73561 Gao Gao 30.70............................... G Farrell 3 35253 It’s A Danger nwtd...........................C Henley 4 61314 Pat Tama 30.60................................. S Clark 5 37812 Opawa Big 31.14............................ G Farrell 6 14x87 Westworld 30.37................................B Craik 7 16435 Jetsun Swan 30.83.........................G Wilson 8 45222 Go Angel 30.70............................... G Farrell 9 31873 Secret Lily 30.79..............................S Codlin 10 78516 Amy Amy 30.47............................... G Farrell 11 4.09 QUALIFIED PET SERVICES SPRINT C5, 318m 1 44361 Ekali 18.42...................................... G Farrell 2 23212 Jinja Mongo 18.34 W &....................T Steele 3 35351 Retired Mouse 18.59........................ T Green 4 28188 Blitz ‘Em Rene 18.35 U &...................Cottam 5 17164 Junk Mail 18.43 W &........................T Steele

6 15113 Just One Smile 18.25.........................B Craik 7 46435 Disclaimer 18.60..............................P Green 8 66318 Clover Victoria 18.65........................S Codlin Emergencies: 9 25836 Alex Attack 18.38 U &........................Cottam 10 46167 Manila Bala 18.86 R &.................N O’Regan 12 4.26pm PUMP & ENGINEERING SERVICES LTD SERIES FINAL C1f, 527m 1 42283 It’s A Stroll 30.72.............................P Henley 2 35543 Thrilling Arnold 31.07.......................S Codlin 3 62461 Secret Babe 30.94.......................J T Pruden 4 74532 Jack No Lag 30.89.......................... Y Castro 5 66634 Just Maddie nwtd..............................M Black 6 45764 Home Bound nwtd R &........................L Udy 7 35552 Our Rick nwtd....................................E Potts 8 45411 Elouera Mist 30.95......................P Ferguson 9 18255 Shozip Boomer nwtd........................T Patton 10 34465 Kai Nan nwtd................................... G Farrell 13 4.54pm JACK’S WHOLESALE MEATS SPRINT C1, 318m 1 38668 Jinja Stinger nwtd W &.....................T Steele 2 32444 Platinum Tears 18.87........................ S Clark 3 34454 Banjo Hope 18.94 A &.....................Williams 4 66625 On Demand 18.54.............................M Black 5 36652 Nasa 18.78.........................................B Craik 6 33753 Tilly’s Silly 18.95 R &............................L Udy 7 72157 Karaoke Prince 18.77 R &...........N O’Regan 8 76654 Aussie Dame 18.92..........................P Green 9 54457 Agistri 18.68....................................S E Hunt 10 45785 Smalltime Johnny 19.02 A &............Williams

5.16pm TRIPRO PROJECT MANAGEMENT MOBILE PACE $12,000, 4yo+ r55-r70., mobile, 2000m 1 42211 Ohoka Achilles (1) fr..................M Hurrell (J) 2 08716 Sounds Lika Gem (2) fr..................L O’Reilly 3 52812 Paul’s Verdict (3) fr.................. J Morrison (J) 4 79189 Articulight (4) fr................................ G Smith 5 00010 The Dude (5) fr.................................B Munro 6 50717 The Golden Boy (6) fr....................R Holmes 7 92575 Pats Dragon (7) fr..................... M Williamson 8 11001 Be Mine Tonight (8) fr.................. D Keast (J) 9 17896 Gore Bay (9) fr...............................B Orange 10 21383 Johnny White (21) fr...........................J Dunn 11 x60x6 Born To Run (22) fr.................. N Williamson 12 63300 Young Conqueror (23) fr.................T Chmiel 13 22155 Three Ideas (24) fr.............................. R May 14 09x01 Bringitonhome (25) fr........................R Close Pacifiers on: Tiger Moth (R3)


Race 1: Midnight Assassin, Desert Wings, Zeddie Marit Race 2: Marcoola, Habibi Inta, Didjabringthebeers Race 3: Justasec, Philadelphia Freedom, Just Michael Race 4: Gran Chico, Heisenberg, Franco Niven, Chiller Bay Race 5: Rock N Joy, Good On Ya Kiwi, The Governor Race 6: Bubbled Up, Mad Lu Li, Mossdale Art, With The Band Race 7: Thefixer, Chase Auckland, A G’s White Socks Race 8: Mr Fahrenheit, Renezmae, Izmok, Time For Diamonds Race 9: Smokin By, Sociable, Spot On, Onedin Reign Race 10: Ohoka Achilles, Pats Dragon, Three Ideas LEGEND: X - Spell from racing of at least 3 months P - Retired (or pulled up) from race L - Driver unseated U1 - Unruly beginner {C} - Concession driver {} - Claiming concession driver which allows horse to start one class down

Waikato gallops Tomorrow at Te Rapa Raceway

Waikato RC Venue: Te Rapa Meeting Date: 14 Apr 2019 3 1.30pm FOSTERS CONSTRUCTION 2200 $22,500, NZ Meeting number: 2 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2200m 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 x0231 Beau Geste (1) 59............................ T Harris 1 12.20pm (NZT) SKYCITY HAMILTON MAIDEN 1600 2 93261 Sylwek (10) 59.....................................C Dell 3 14387 Mighty Connor (5) 58.....................L Allpress $10,000, MDN, 1600m 1 0x692 Super Bullet (2) 58.5........................ S Spratt 4 21708 Ohthoserussians (4) 58....................S Collett 2 454 Che Guevara (6) 58.5..................... J Bayliss 5 52344 So You Sparkle (11) 57.5................ S McKay 3 2659 Take A Gamble (11) 58.5.............T Thornton 6 62242 Sweet Treat m (3) 57.5.................T Thornton 7 x24x1 Jazamour (2) 57............................... C Grylls 4 8x549 Sacred Form (4) 58.5 5 04905 Balega (13) 58.5.................. T Yanagida (a2) 8 31565 Swiss Maid (6) 56.5.........M Hashizume (a4) 6 0x775 Copper Xpress (9) 58.5.............. R Scott (a3) 9 00874 The Midnight Shift d (12) 56.5 7 00758 Mr Scallywag (10) 58.5............... L Satherley 10 x8736 Arite Guru dm (9) 56........................ R Jones 8 Speedy Gee h (8) 58.5................... R Norvall 11 666x9 Georgethefifth m (8) 55.5................ A Calder 9 609x Trump That (7) 58.5.................J Fawcett (a1) 12 09387 Prior Engagement (7) 55.5............... S Spratt 10 385 Krakadeel (3) 58..............................J Riddell 4 2.05pm TE RAPA PUNTERS CHALLENGE 4TH MAY 11 4 Pineapple Lump (5) 58..................... C Grylls OPEN HANDICAP $35,000, OPN HCP, 1400m 12 48720 Spirited (12) 56.5.............................S Collett 1 x615x Amarula td (4) 60.5......................... S McKay 13 3 Caribbean Rose (1) 56................M Cameron 2 070x1 Kingsguard d (3) 60.5.............C Burdan (a4) 95214 Passing Shot td (5) 59.5 2 12.55pm WEBSITE ANGELS 2200 $30,000, Rating 3 4 3317x Big Mike t (8) 58.5............................J Riddell 82 Benchmark, 2200m 5 00469 Ugo Foscolo td (2) 55......................S Collett 1 94606 Excalibur t (2) 59.5...........................J Riddell 6 15251 Chicane m (1) 54........... A Goindasamy (a3) 2 2x560 Wide Awake t (3) 57......................... T Harris 7 22121 Dama Zorro tdh (6) 54..................... S Spratt 3 51335 Cha Siu Bao t (1) 55.5......... T Yanagida (a2) 8 20232 Stacey Ann d (7) 54.....................T Thornton 4 20166 Justamaiz th (5) 55.5....................... S Spratt 5 41158 Fabulous Flight (6) 54.5................... C Grylls 5 2.40pm BOOK AN EVENT @ TE RAPA & WIN 1600 6 1223x Laekeeper dm (4) 54................E McCall (a4) $30,000, Rating 82 Benchmark, 1600m


Auckland Greyhound Racing Club Venue: Manukau Stadium Meeting Date: 14 Apr 2019 NZ Meeting number: 9 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9; 10 and 11; 12 and 13 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9; 11, 12 and 13 1 1.04pm (NZT) SPEEDMAPS ON TAB MOBILE APP SPRINT C1, 318m 1 x8x13 Sweet Clover 18.82.....................K T Herbert 2 43537 Bright Boy 18.75.............................S E Hunt 3 87571 Botany Laraine 18.74.......................P Green 4 32885 Sly Cath nwtd A &............................Williams 5 78886 Zipping Memphis nwtd R &..........N O’Regan 6 53576 Opawa Kong nwtd........................... G Farrell 7 47227 Gotcha Millie 18.65....................... H Mullane 8 83877 Bright Concept 18.79 R &....................L Udy 9 53658 Snoopy’s Hero 18.63........................... D Ray 10 77685 El Hefe nwtd A &..............................Williams 2 1.21pm TROPHIES PLUS SERIES FINAL C0f, 318m 1 2211 Clap Back 18.56.................................B Craik 2 Glow Up nwtd.....................................B Craik 3 3 Kelly’s Girl nwtd........................... G Pomeroy 4 8 Mad Jack nwtd................................. T Green 5 Artic Miss nwtd............................ G Pomeroy 6 44344 Call Me Leo nwtd............................. T Green 7 5 Valve Bouncing nwtd..................... H Mullane 8 4 Gain Capital nwtd...............................B Craik 9 63665 Pukekohe Smurf nwtd........................H Scott 10 47867 Firecracker nwtd A &........................Williams 3 1.39pm HEWLETT ELECTRICAL SERIES FINAL C4f, 318m 1 713F8 Bombshell Blonde 18.62............... H Mullane 2 11626 Jinja Bailey nwtd U &.........................Cottam

1 4314x Jochen Rindt tdmb (11) 62.5.T Newman (a3) 2 8907x Gobstopper tm (7) 61........... T Yanagida (a2) 3 3x070 Francis Drake td (6) 60................T Thornton 4 15x79 Ambitious Winner t (1) 59.5..............J Riddell 5 92709 Farm Boy td (4) 57.5................. D Danis (a2) 6 51553 Cutting Up Rough d (8) 57A Goindasamy (a3) 7 1677x Suliman tdm (2) 57...........................S Collett 8 38131 Lucky Sweep td (9) 56.5.................. S Spratt 9 44052 Ruby Love m (10) 55......................L Allpress 10 1166x Elle Eye Are dmb (5) 54..............M Cameron 11 4061x Hesalljazz dm (3) 54...............J Fawcett (a1) 6 3.20pm LODGE REAL ESTATE 1200 $25,000, 3YO SW+P, 1200m 1 28x10 Qiji Express d (1) 59.5................M Cameron 2 126x1 Bolt From The Blue d (5) 58.5.........V Colgan 3 01432 Mr Universe 57.5........................... Scratched 4 188x6 Lock It In d (8) 57.5................... D Danis (a2) 5 115 Burgundy Belle dm (4) 56.5............. T Harris 6 11 Sheezallmine d (10) 56.5......T Newman (a3) 7 11x Pinultimate d (3) 56.5....................... C Grylls 8 0x4 Looks Like (6) 56....................J Fawcett (a1) 9 13 Cenghar td (2) 55.5.............. T Yanagida (a2) 10 x50x1 Simogramor d (7) 55.5..........S Johnson (a4) 11 8360x Rip Em Up (9) 54............................. S Spratt 7 4.00pm CAL ISUZU 1200 $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1200m 1 92725 Merlini d (10) 61.5.......... A Goindasamy (a3)

Race 1: Krakadeel, Super Bullet, Caribbean Rose, Che Guevara Race 2: Cha Siu Bao, Excalibur, Justamaiz, Wide Awake Race 3: Mighty Connor, Beau Geste, Jazamour, So You Sparkle Race 4: Kingsguard, Passing Shot, Big Mike, Chicane Race 5: Lucky Sweep, Suliman, Ambitious Winner, Ruby Love Race 6: Bolt From The Blue, Sheezallmine, Qiji Express, Cenghar Race 7: Pinched, Merlini, Salt Bay, Sheezallmine, Short Fuse Race 8: Pimms ‘N’ Pearls, Stand Tall, Duck Road, Breezon LEGEND: Runner Form b - Beaten favourite at last start c - Won at this distance on this course d - Won at this distance on another course h - Home track m - Won in heavy going t - Won at track X - Spell of three months

Auckland dogs Tomorrow at Manukau Stadium 3 15274 Audrette 18.45.................................S Codlin 4 61362 Podium Phobia 18.89.................... H Mullane 5 x2166 Out Of Paper 18.81..................... G Pomeroy 6 67727 Wong Way 18.27 U &.........................Cottam 7 13615 Bigtime Dean 18.63 A &...................Williams 8 F1F73 Irinka Stono 18.74 R &.................N O’Regan 9 7274x Zipping Gabby 18.38...................P Ferguson 10 55775 One Cool Chap 18.47 W &...............T Steele 4 1.56pm MT WELLINGTON TAB STAKES C1, 527m 1 2177 Bold Diesel nwtd.............................. T Green 2 38237 Sir Kinloch 31.03............................... S Clark 3 3325F Our Simba nwtd.............................. G Farrell 4 45827 Opawa Nemo nwtd W &...................T Steele 5 54841 Little Moo 30.50 U &..........................Cottam 6 x7673 Token Pick nwtd W &.......................T Steele 7 74568 Secret Rory 30.98........................... G Farrell 8 78724 Peekay Shout nwtd U &.....................Cottam 9 44266 Bear Claws 30.81 W &.....................T Steele 10 65374 Twelve Gauge nwtd...........................M Black 5 2.14pm GREYHOUND FUNCTION CENTRE SERIES FINAL C2f, 318m 1 22627 Sings Like Elvis nwtd........................ S Clark 2 21866 Jetsun Jamie 18.72.........................G Wilson 3 14112 Quara’s Yoshi nwtd........................ H Mullane 4 35835 Scott The Looks 18.76 U &................Cottam 5 45133 Bigtime Monty 18.67..................... H Mullane 6 25721 Blocker 18.52 R &........................N O’Regan 7 67634 Mega Munchies 18.61 U &.................Cottam 8 42177 Tribal Conquest 18.80 R &...................L Udy 9 F74x6 Spare Some Time 18.66............... H Mullane 10 17478 Unconscionable 18.61 R &..................L Udy 6 2.31 DELI’S SPORTS BAR CLENDON INN SPRINT

C3/4, 318m 1 85721 Kapai Lana 18.57 R &..........................L Udy 2 55775 One Cool Chap 18.47 W &...............T Steele 3 18565 It’s Pawsible 18.61...........................P Green 4 8577x Classy Impact 18.35........................ T Green 5 16786 Thrilling Katie 18.40...........................E Potts 6 44131 Nexus 18.60.................................... G Farrell 7 27584 On Da Quest 18.59 R &.......................L Udy 8 16214 Luke Skywalker 19.07..................... L A Hunt 9 7F568 Botany Esmay 18.69........................P Green 10 42355 Vee Marina 18.76 U &........................Cottam 7 2.49pm BIRTHDAY BABIES SPRINT C1, 318m 1 887x3 Bigtime Wayno nwtd...................... H Mullane 2 2211 Ashen 18.74.......................................B Bond 3 8268x Snoopy’s Bro 18.81............................. D Ray 4 68854 Yella Ella 18.79 R &.............................L Udy 5 37874 Clausen Jewel nwtd R &..............N O’Regan 6 65465 Bigtime Winnie 18.90 A &................Williams 7 47522 Guru’s Choice 18.80 A &.................Williams 8 87534 Smash Rock nwtd........................... L A Hunt 9 6x677 Does He Exist 18.69........................R Roper 10 54457 Agistri 18.68....................................S E Hunt 8 3.09pm $15,000 GUARANTEED PICK6 STAKES C2, 527m 1 21622 San Tan Samson 30.68.................... T Green 2 66363 Jinja Twist 30.62 W &.......................T Steele 3 72424 Sefton Stan nwtd................................E Potts 4 11362 Jinja Murphy nwtd W &....................T Steele 5 52674 Jetsun Doll 30.88............................G Wilson 6 45253 Monsoon Malabar 30.93 U &.............Cottam 7 66636 Deception Diva 30.81 W &...............T Steele 8 65318 Talkabout Sophie 30.95....................M Black

LEGEND: fsdt - First Start Here nwd - No Win this Distance fstd - First Start This Distance 31 13 - Best Winning Time This Track

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Saturday, April 13, 2019




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April 13, 14 & 15, 2019

Daily Events SATURDAY 7.30am (sharp) RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Rise and Shine Saturday. Runners and walkers, all welcome. Meet at Frontrunner, 28 Moore Street. Visit our Facebook page for more details. 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FARMERS’ MARKET.

SUNDAY 8.30am HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH. Mass, Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 9.30am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Worship service led by Rev Henry Mbambo. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am ASHBURTON METHODIST CHURCH. Morning worship with Rev Heather

MONDAY 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Bettys circuit training in the hall. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am for 10am start. ASHBURTON VETERANS GOLF ASSOCIATION. Nett in Grades, Tinwald Golf Club, Frasers Road. 9.30am - 11am DAYTIME NETBALL.

1.30pm. MID CANTERBURY SOCIAL WHEELERS. Registrations at 1pm, start time 1.30pm sharp. Fords Road, Tinwald. 7.30pm ASHBURTON MUSICAL CLUB. First concert for the year, Curtain Raiser. Visitors welcome $5 at door. Sinclair Centre, Park Street.

Lots of produce, products, hot and cold drinks and much more. See you there! West Street car park. 9am - 12.30pm CRAFT MARKET. Children’s clothing, jewellery, Rawleighs, toys and more. West Street car park. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY. Open Thursday and Saturday mornings for toy hire. Victoria Street, The

Triangle. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 12 noon ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed

most public holidays. 10am - 12pm ASHBURTON VINTAGE CAR CLUB.

Kennedy. Paterson’s Chapel, corner East and Cox Street. (note: new venue). 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, parish service followed by parish AGM, Park Street. 10am ST PAUL’S/ST JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Palm Sunday and Harvest Thanksgiving service led by Rev Jeff Cotton, at 127 Thomson Street, Tinwald.

10am ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning worship, Palm/Passion Sunday. Service led by Red Eric Mattock, all welcome. Sinclair Centre, Park Street. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH.

All age and Holy Communion. Park Street. 10am ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning service, all welcome. 67 Cass Street. 10.30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study His word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 10.30am GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.

Worshipping God and transforming lives. 63 Princes Street, Netherby. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton airport, Seafield Road. 7pm VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall).

$5 a game, first game free. EA Networks Centre, River Terrace. (not school holidays). 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For more

information ring Age Concern 308-6817. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street. 10am - 4pm HOSPICE MID CANTERBURY OP SHOP. Quality clothing and homewares. Donations welcome. 71 Tancred Street. 12 noon BAPTIST CHURCH FREE LUNCH. Weekly lunch, available at Baptist Church, foyer entrance off Cass Street.

1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Seafield Road. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed most public holidays. 1.30pm ASHBURTON SENIORNET.

Tablet/phone/laptop/notebook forum. $2. Reading room, MSA Havelock Street. 2pm GREY POWER ASHBURTON. Advanced care planning with speaker Dr Penny Holdaway. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street. 6pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Bettys circuit training in the hall. 48 Allens Road, Allenton.

Museum and Parts Shed open, 86 Maronan Road Tinwald. 10am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.

Happy Birthday

For just $10!* Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.* (Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE)

Phone 03 307 7900 Email: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street

*Terms and conditions apply.

Classifieds 26 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019



PRACTICE NURSE VACANCY Rakaia Medical Centre has an opportunity for a Practice Nurse to join our professional, enthusiastic and friendly team. The position is for 30 hours per week over 4 days. We are looking for someone with a strong emphasis on good teamwork and flexibility. We are a well-established and forward-looking medical centre with 2400 patients. The ideal candidate should have previous practice nurse experience in cytology, immunisations and vaccinations as well as general duties. As a rural practice we are contracted to provide a PRIME service to our locality and it is expected that the successful candidate, if not already PRIME trained will move towards this qualification as well as any other training requirement to fulfil our ideal job specification. Salary is dependent on experience. If you are interested in applying for this position please forward your CV with covering letter to: Christine Milton, Practice Manager, Rakaia Medical Centre, 30 Elizabeth Avenue, Rakaia, 7710 or via email to: If you would like any further information please call the medical centre on: 03 303 5002 and ask to speak to Christine.

Builder Wanted McKimmie Robinson Builders are a small Rakaia based building firm. As our firm is growing we require another full-time Carpenter to join our team.


INTENSIVE LITERACY & NUMERACY EDUCATION TUTOR (30 hours per week – Monday to Friday) YMCA Mid Canterbury offers an Intensive literacy and numeracy programme, where students, 16 years of age and older, are supported to improve foundation learning, literacy and numeracy skills. We are looking for a motivated and energetic person who is passionate about working alongside young people and adults in education, while supporting them to identify and walk through the doors of opportunity which derives thereafter. This is an education tutor role, working as a team alongside and receiving support and guidance from our Team Leader within our ever growing learning environment. Ideally our ideal candidate will have an understanding of foundation learning, literacy and numeracy and/or have a proven experience in tutoring and/or teacher aiding. However, for the right person, on the job mentoring and training is available to enable you to “grow into the role”. The YMCA is an award-winning community organisation that has been investing in the next generation for over 100 years across the region. We foster a one team culture of integrity, optimism, resiliency and fun and are looking for that someone special to join our team. Could this be you? Email for a job description and/or send your CV and cover letter marked CONFIDENTIAL to the same email, or by snail mail to:

Leoma du Toit Education Manager, YMCA Ashburton C/- Tancred Street Mall, Tancred Street Ashburton 7700 Applications close 5pm Friday, April 26, 2019

Trainee Parts Specialist Full-Time

All-round carpentry skills Fantastic work ethic and standards Strong Health and Safety practices Excellent time management and reliability Able to work unsupervised if needed Great rates for successful applicant Company vehicle Have own hand tools

Smalbone Isuzu Ashburton are looking for an enthusiastic and driven person to join the team.

If this sounds like you please email:

To view the full advert search for: Smallbone on Trademe Jobs. You can apply through Trademe or alternatively send your CV to: with the subject line as Smallbone Trainee Parts. or phone 022 612 8453

Spring River Farms We are looking for a motivated and reliable person to join our team for the next season. We are located 10 minutes out of Methven and milking 940 cows (at peak) through a 54 bail rotary. Your job will include but is not restricted to: milking cows, getting cows in, setting up break fences, animal health, helping with young stock, general on farm maintenance and weed control, helping shift irrigators and sprinklers when required, some tractor work and you will need to have great shed hygiene. You will need to be able to ride a 2 or 4 wheeler motorbike and preferably have some tractor driving experience. If you are interested please email through your CV, and preferably two references, to:

Gardener Up to 20 hours per week, flexible hours. A position description and application form are available from: Rosebank Reception 77 Walnut Avenue, Ashburton or email Closing date 30th April 2019.

Guardian Situations Vacant

307 7900

Liaising directly with customers, suppliers and the internal team you will be responsible for learning all aspects of the role and contributing to the successful processing and supply of the Parts Department. This could develop into completing a MITO apprenticeship.

Rural Reporter The Ashburton Guardian is based in New Zealand’s primary production heartland, and our independently owned daily newspaper is looking for a new team member. The person we’re seeking will have a strong affinity with, and knowledge of the rural sector. We are looking for a journalist with a solid media background, who is excited by the opportunity to write for our two monthly publications as well as for our weekly rural pages. Our monthly publications are distributed across Canterbury and North Otago. The rural reporter’s position offers the successful candidate an opportunity to write for a wide audience across the entire spectrum of the rural sector because of the district’s diverse agricultural economy. We are open to employment options that could include working as an independent contractor or as a Guardian employee, full or part time. The Ashburton District offers an opportunity to enjoy the best the outdoors has to offer but is within an easy hours drive of Christchurch City. We have Mt Hutt Skifield on our doorstep and offer a wide range of aquatic sports on Lake Hood.

If you have a solid portfolio of work, a full driver’s licence and the right to work in New Zealand, don’t hesitate, please apply by email, with CV attached, to : Application close 5pm, Tuesday, May 7.

You will need to have great customer service skills, be methodical in your work and have attention to detail.

Qualified Plumber

Paul Summerfield Plumbing (2006) Ltd We have a vacancy for a qualified plumber, due to staff going overseas. This is a permanent position, with overtime available. We can offer you a friendly, well organised work environment, with your own vehicle and phone. Pay rates are very competitive, and will reflect your competence and experience. Please email your CV and a covering letter to:

Call the Guardian for all your classified requirements. 307 7900

Chef Wanted Busy Thai restaurant looking for Thai Chef. The successful candidate must have: • Thai national skills standard test for Thai Chef level 1 • Experience of 5 years or more cooking in a Thai restaurant. Send CV to tonsthai@hotmail. com or call 03 308 5885.

Give hope to those with nothing this Christmas. Donate now at

Classifieds MUSICAL


Beckley Coachlines Programme ◊ ANZAC DAY VARIETY CONCERT April 25, 2.00pm, Christchurch Town Hall Features – Woolston Brass NZ Army Band, Christchurch City Choir, and more. ◊ SOLO MIO May 28. Change venue to The Christchurch Town Hall. For bookings phone 308 7646

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Society of Arts Short Street Studio

Autumn Show Starts tomorrow, Sunday, April 14, from 11am

Guest - Mike Glover and 14 local artists exhibiting. Opens Mondays and Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Also weekends 11am - 4pm. Continuing until Sunday, May 19 Enquiries phone 03 308 4533



For all subscriber enquiries, missed deliveries, new subscriptions, temporary stops – text, call or email:



Text 021 271 3399 Phone 0800 274 287 Email circulation@ COMPUTER PROBLEMS?? For professional computer servicing and laser engraving, see Kelvin at KJB Systems, 4 Ascot Place. Phone 308 8989. Locally owned and serving Ashburton for 30 years. Same day service if possible. Supergold discount card welcomed. SHOWER domes make the difference, get rid of steam forever. Supplied and fitted from $435. Phone Mitch on 0274 370 532. Guardian Classifieds 307 7900




Capital / capital line 500 Friesian / Friesian cross cows from a closed herd, milking on rolling country

Connecting Mid Canterbury Charitable Trust oversees the running of the MCTimebank and Learning Exchange and is currently looking for new board members. If you want to help strengthen our community, see:

LOST small sliver and black camera, either in Dunsandel or North Ashburton. Sentimental value, just lost lately. Reward offered. Please phone 307 7670.

PENSIONER requires someone to do ironing weekly. Please phone 307-0061.

73 Burnett St, Ashburton


• 20 years LIC breeding • Very good age structure and grass fed • This is a well looked after herd and vendors are sad to be selling due to land sale. • Vendor has reduced to once a day heading into herd being sold. • Herringbone shed, herd tested four times annually, over the years. • Production between 400 – 450 milk solids, dependent on the season. • A must-see herd, impressive cows, visual look strong black to black and white cow. • Also available – Capital line of 120 Friesian / Friesian cross calves.

In-Calf Heifers For Sale


• 200 – Cross bred 2017 born heifers, strong black look and well grown • 70 – Friesian / Friesian cross 2017 born G3 heifers Enquiries welcome. Please call Lee McDonald Ph 027 455 2079

for information on the Trust and to apply. Applications close, Wednesday, May 1.

WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills GARDENING Street. Phone 308 6737. LIME chip for sale - Westside Hire, 171 Alford Forest Road. $38 per scoop. Call now on 308 RURAL TRADING POST 0006. Compost and bark too. POSTS, concrete and Pick-up and delivery options. wooden, been used, large You can even hire a trailer! number. Diesel tank on stand, 2000 litres. Concrete HIRE culvert pipes for sale. Hinds GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, area. Phone 0277 199 089. chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your Today’s DIY / party hire, call and see construction Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East is tomorrow’s Street. Open Monday-Friday 7am - 6pm; Saturday 7.30am legacy - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am 12.30pm. Phone 308 8061.  Housing

Ashburton Guardian 27

FOR SALE FIREWOOD, green blue gum. $180 for 3.6m3. Dry blue gum $360 for 3.6m3. Phone 027 611 3334.


Beckley Coachlines Programme

SCOOTERS - new and secondhand three and four ◊ CHRISTCHURCH wheel-electric scooters REBUILD TOUR and wheel-chairs. Call Sunday, April 21. Fred Reddecliffe at Includes Tour of Electric Mobility Ashburton the restored Nurses today. Phone 308 3602. Chapel, Rebuilt road Lyttleton to Sumner GARAGE SALES and New Library SATURDAY, April 13, 9am to 1pm, Tinwald Westerfield Mayfield Road (approx ◊ OPERATUNITY DAY CONCERT 3kms sign posted from the Wednesday, May 1,  Commercial Golf Club). Outdoor heater,  Farm Timaru. HOLIDAY BBQ, some furniture, 12v  Renovations Features Ashburton’s compressor, HD jumper ACCOMMODATION leads, some hand tools, Tainui Kuru. AKAROA - CHARMING, remote control helicopter, CD For bookings spacious holiday home, three rack and numerous sundries. phone 308 7646 bedrooms, two bathrooms, Contact Des anytime for an all electric heating. Sky, all mod cons, short walk obligation free quote to village. Phone Brian on 03 308 9936 307 8000 or 308 6180. or 027 432 3258

Guardian Real Esate

307 7900

South Island Dairy Farmers Canterbury Ltd

LIVESTOCK, PETS BUYER of unwanted animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horses and all farm animals. We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 621, A/H 03 348 9439.

ACCOMMODATION, RENTAL AVAILABLE for rent, centrally located two bedroom house, warm, sunny and easy care. Phone 027 681 9191 for further details.


INVESTOR WANTED EARN INTEREST AT 10% PA IN 2019 If you have an investment sum anywhere between $50,000-$500,000 we’d like to borrow it. Capable experienced borrower will pay you interest at 10% pa in monthly instalments and give you a good security of a 1st mortgage over property. For details please phone 027 551 9220

ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ASHLEY, attractive, available for appointments, gentlemen welcome. Genuine callers only. No texts. Please phone 021 0275 9055. ASIAN ladies, size 10, Sasa and Kiki, sexy body, 34DD, busty. Chinese prostate massage, in/out calls. Phone 021 046 4314.

Guardian Real Esate 307 7900

Moore Street Medical Centre, Moore Street, Ashburton, will be the duty practice for Saturday until 8am Sunday. Consultations will be by appointment only. To make a booking please phone 0800 700 155.

Weekend Services


Healthline is a free health advice service. It operates

Ashburton Rest Homes


24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll-free number Emergency Dentist to call is 0800 611 116. Healthline is staffed by registered If you do not have or cannot contact your regular dentist, nurses who are trained to assess health problems and offer please phone 027 683 0679 for the name of the rostered advice over the phone. The service is free and confidential. weekend dentist in Christchurch. Hours 9am - 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. DUTY DOCTORS For all urgent medical calls phone 0800 700 155 at any ELPLINE ERVICES time. IN EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY PHONE 111. This service is for emergency medical care only. Please Alcoholics Anonymous bring your Community Services Card. All non New Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) Zealanders should bring their passport with them, New or visit for more information. Zealanders should bring some form of ID. Mental Health - Call free on 0800 222 955. Three Rivers Health, Allens Road, Ashburton, will be the Ask for the Crisis Team. duty practice for Saturday until 8am Sunday. Please phone Safe Care - 24hr Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis 0800 700 155 for an appointment. Support. Ph 03 364 8791 Sealy Street Medical, Sealy Street, Ashburton, will be the Victims Support Group duty practice for Sunday until 8am Monday. Consultations will be by appointment only. Please phone 0800 700 155 for 24hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846). Direct dials to a volunteer. an appointment. Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am - 2pm, Methven & Rakaia Area outside of these hours leave a message. For weekend and emergency services please phone Alcohol Drug Help Line 302 8105 for details on how to access the after-hours Call us free on (0800 787 797). service each weekend. Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days.



Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, from 10am - 1pm Sunday and from 5pm - 7pm both evenings.


Lifeline Toll-free: 0800 353 353.

DIAL 111 in the event of a Medical or Accident Emergency


327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 308 1133. Open daily: 10am – 4pm, Wednesday: 10am – 7pm

Ashburton Museum

327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 307 7890. Open daily: 10am – 4pm

Ashburton Public Library

Bus Departures

Reservations & timetables, 24-hour service. Freephone for reservations: 0800 802 802. BUSES - Southbound: 9.30am, 3.20pm. Northbound: 12.30pm, 5.10pm.

ANIMAL SERVICES Dog, Stock & Noise Control

Ashburton District Council 03 307 7700 - 24hr service.

Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. Saturday: 10am - 1pm. Sunday: 1pm - 4pm.

Animal Welfare Centre

EA Networks Centre - Pools

Mid Canterbury Animal Shelter

All enquiries - phone 308 4432 or 027 3329286.

20 River Terrace - phone 03 308 4020. WEEKEND HOURS: Contact - President 021 1356 969. Sat & Sun 7am - 7pm. Public holidays 10am - 5pm. Veterinarians

ASHBURTON VETS - Ph 0276 838 000, 149 Cameron Street, Ashburton: Duty vet: Ben Hallenstein. Full emergency service all weekend. VET ENT RIVERSIDE - Ph 03 308 2321, 1 Smallbone Drive, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. VETLIFE ASHBURTON - Ph 03 307 5195, Cnr East Street and Seafield Road, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. CANTERBURY VETS - Ph 03 307 0686, Information Centre Methven - Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10am until West Street Clinic, West Street, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend emergencies: Harriet Mills. 3pm. Phone 302-8955 or

Mail Closing Times

ASHBURTON MAIL CENTRE STANDARD POST: Mon - Fri 6pm POST DELIVERY CENTRES Allenton & Tinwald: Mon - Fri 5pm Methven & Rakaia: Mon - Fri 4.30pm ASHBURTON’S STREET RECEIVERS Business Area: Mon - Fri 5pm Residential Area: Mon - Fri 1pm

Vet Ent and Vet Life operate a joint after-hours SMALL animal emergency service. To use this service please phone your vet as usual.

Television 28 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday, April 13, 2019 TVNZ 1

©TVNZ 2019


©TVNZ 2019



6am Charles Stanley 6:30 The Project 3 7:25 Infomercials 9:30 NewsHub Nation An in-depth weekly current-affairs show hosted by Simon Shepherd and Emma Jolliff. 0 10:30 The Bachelor NZ PGR 3 The final three Bachelorettes return to their home towns, and Zac meets their families. 0 11:45 The Taste USA PGR 3 12:50 The Taste USA PGR 3 1:50 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show PGR 3 0 3pm Fresh Off The Boat PGR 3:30 The Goldbergs PGR 0 4pm All-Star Family Feud – North v South 3 0 5pm Survivor – Edge Of Extinction 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm M The Medallion PGR 7pm M Despicable Me 3 7pm Country Calendar 3 0 2003 Comedy Action. PGR 2017 Animated 7:30 Coast New Zealand 3 0 A Hong Kong detective teams Adventure. 8pm L Lotto up with a British agent and Gru meets his long-lost, 8:05 Coast New Zealand 3 0 an investigator to stop a charming, cheerful, and more 8:30 Dinner Date PGR 0 global slave ring. successful twin brother Dru, 9:30 M Good Morning, 8:45 M Captain America – who wants to team up with Vietnam AO 1987 Comedy The First Avenger PGR 2011 him for one last robbery. 0 Drama. An irreverent Action. A man volunteers for 8:50 M Jaws 3 nonconformist DJ is brought a top-secret research project AO 3 1983 Thriller. 0 to Saigon by the army to host that turns him into superhero, 10:50 M Manson’s Lost Girls an early morning radio show. Captain America. AO 3 2015 Crime Drama. 0 0 12:50 Infomercials 11:10 M Fury AO 2014 Action 11:50 Rizzoli And Isles AO 3 0 5am Brian Houston War. A battle-hardened sergeant 12:45 Coronation Street Catch5:30 Charles Stanley commands a Sherman tank and its Up PGR 3 0 five-man crew on a mission behind 2:55 Infomercials enemy lines during the Second World War. 1:35 First Dates UK AO 2:25 The Lie Detective AO 3 3:10 Scandal AO 3 4:45 Young And Hungry PGR 3 5:05 Fresh 3 5:30 Infomercials

6am Te Karere 3 2 0 6:30 Country Calendar 3 0 7am Fishing And Adventure 3 Fiordland Part 1. 7:30 Infomercials 0 9am Whanau Living 3 9:30 Tagata Pasifika 10am Tipping Point 3 11am Hell’s Kitchen Australia PGR 3 0 Noon Victoria 3 0 1:05 Location, Location, Location 3 0 2pm George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3 0 3pm Flipping Profit! 0 3:55 10k Holiday Home 3 0 4:25 Extreme Cake Makers 3 0 4:55 The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0

6am Blaze And The Monster Machines 3 0 6:25 Custard’s World 3 0 6:35 Ducktales 3 0 6:55 Ben 10 Reboot 3 0 7:05 Be Cool Scooby Doo! 3 0 7:30 SpongeBob SquarePants 3 0 7:55 Transformers – Robots In Disguise 3 0 8:20 Lego Ninjago – Masters Of Spinjitzu 3 0 8:45 Beyblade Burst Evolution 3 0 9:10 Marvel’s Ultimate Spider-Man v The Sinister 6 PGR 0 9:35 Dragon Ball Super PGR 0 10am Fresh 10:30 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 3 0 11:05 Suburgatory PGR 3 0 11:35 8 Simple Rules3 0 12:05 Love Connection 3 0 12:55 Instant Hotel PGR 0 2:05 Living Biblically PGR 0 2:30 Car Crash TV 3pm America’s Funniest Home Videos 3 0 4pm F Naughty Toddlers Make You LOL 3 0 5pm The Crystal Maze 3 0 6pm The Middle 3 0 6:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0


Good Morning, Vietnam 9:30pm on TVNZ 1

BRAVO 10am Beverly Hills Pawn 3 10:28 The Dish PGR 3 10:30 Catfish 3 11:30 Catfish 3 12:28 The Dish PGR 3 12:30 Top Chef Masters PGR 3 1:30 Four Weddings UK 3 2:28 The Dish PGR 3 2:30 Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry 3 3:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 4:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 5:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 6:30 I’m Having Their Baby 3 7:30 Botched PGR 3 8:30 Vanderpump Rules AO Lisa Vanderpump entrusts Sandoval and Schwartz with major responsibility as they work to get TomTom ready for its opening event, but Kristen learns she is not allowed to go. 9:30 Unanchored AO 10:33 The Dish PGR 3 10:35 Summer House AO 11:30 Four Weddings UK 3


12:20 Infomercials 3 5am Flipping Out 3

Wahine – 50 Years On 9pm on Choice

SKY 5 6am MacGyver M 6:55 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG 9:55 Pawn Stars – UK PG 10:20 MacGyver M 11:15 Supernatural MVS 12:05 Grimm MV 1pm Ice Road Truckers PG 1:50 Jack And The Beanstalk M 3:35 DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow M 4:30 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG 7:30 MacGyver M Angus ‘Mac’ MacGyver works for a clandestine organisation within the US government, relying on his unconventional problem-solving skills to save lives. 8:30 Ice Road Truckers PG 9:30 Pawn Stars – UK PG 10pm Mountain Men PG 11pm The Simpsons PG 11:30 The Simpsons PG Sunday Midnight The Simpsons Super Sunday PG 2am Pawn Stars – UK PG 2:30 Mountain Men PG 3:25 MacGyver M 4:20 Ice Road Truckers PG 5:10 DC’s Legends Of Tomorrow MVS


6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 3 7am Waiata Mai 3 7:10 Pukoro 2 7:40 Pipi Ma 3 7:50 Te Mana Kuratahi – Primary Schools’ Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Smooth 8:30 Pukana 3 2 10am Basketball – Fiba World Cup Qualifiers 3 11:30 Both Worlds 3 12:30 Matau PGR 3 1pm Touch Rugby – Junior National Championships 2pm College Basketball Nationals 3 3pm The Pits TV 4pm Waiata 3 4:30 Moving Out 3 5pm Fresh 5:30 Moteatea 3 6pm Waka Huia 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 7pm M Apple Of My Eye PGR 2017 Family. After a horse-riding accident causes a girl to lose her eyesight, a guide-dog trainer trains a miniature horse to be her companion and surrogate eyes. 8:30 M Florence Foster Jenkins PGR 2016 Comedy. 10:35 Te Ao – Maori News 3

6am Scandimania 7am Secret Cities 8am Baggage Battles 8:30 Tigers About The House – What Happened Next? 9:30 Mysteries At The Museum 10:30 Jamie’s Comfort Food 11:30 Gardeners’ World 12:30 Help! My House Is Falling Down 1:30 Phil Spencer – 100 Homes 2:30 American Pickers 3:30 Love Nature – Baby Animals 4pm James Martin’s French Adventure James’s French adventure takes him to the historic Pegasus Bridge in Normandy, where he finds many reminders of wartime history, and visits the restaurant Le Pavé d’Auge. 5pm Brother v Brother 6pm Mysteries At The Museum 7pm American Idol 9pm Wahine – 50 Years On PGR Passengers, crew and rescuers tell extraordinary stories of courage, surviving New Zealand’s worst modern maritime disaster. April 10th 1968 – a day many remember with alarming clarity. 10pm Secret Cities

11:30 Rugby League – NRL (DLY) Rabbitohs v Warriors. From Sunshine Coast Stadium. 1:20 Closedown

11:05 Songs From The Inside AO 3 Anika Moa, Troy Kingi, Ladi6, and Scribe share their talents with inmates at two prisons based in Christchurch. 11:35 Closedown

11pm Brother v Brother Midnight Mysteries At The Museum 1am Collectaholics 2am James Martin’s French Adventure 3am Wahine – 50 Years On PGR 4am Scandimania 5am Baby Animals – In Our World


6:55 Dallas Buyers Club 16VLSC 2013 Biography Drama. 8:50 Tower Heist MLS 2011 Comedy. 10:35 8MM 18VLS 1999 Thriller. Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix. 12:35 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action Thriller. Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway. 3:15 Daddy Day Care 2003 Comedy. Eddie Murphy, Steve Zahn, Anjelica Huston. 4:45 Out Of Time MV 2003 Thriller. Denzel Washington, Eva Mendes, Sanaa Lathan, Dean Cain. 6:30 Deuce Bigalow – Male Gigolo MS 1999 Comedy. Rob Schneider, William Forsythe, Eddie Griffin. 8pm Savages 18VLSC 2012 Crime. Two friends, partners in a Southern California marijuana-growing operation, are caught up in a fight with a Mexican drug cartel after they kidnap the woman they both love. Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, John Travolta. 10:15 Pride MLSC 2014 Comedy. Bill Nighy, Sunday Midnight Mother 18VLSC 2017 Dominic West. Thriller. Jennifer Lawrence, Sunday Javier Bardem. 12:15 Selma MVL 2015 2am Sweetheart Con MVLC Drama. David Oyelowo, 2017 Thriller. Jessalyn Gilsig, Tom Wilkinson. 2:20 Out Jon Cor. 3:30 I, Tonya 16VLSC Of Time MV 2003 Thriller. 2017 Drama. Margot Robbie, 4:05 Deuce Bigalow – Male Allison Janney. 5:30 You Gigolo MS 1999 Comedy. Might Be The Killer 16VL 2018 5:35 People Interview – Horror. Matthew McConaughey 6:10 Vows Of Deceit MVC 2018 Thriller. 7:40 Girls Trip 16VLSC 2017 Comedy. 9:40 Kingsman – The Golden Circle 16VLSC 2017 Action. Noon Action Point 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. Johnny Knoxville. 1:25 Adrift ML 2018 Drama. Shailene Woodley, Sam Claflin. 3pm Sweetheart Con MVLC 2017 Thriller. Jessalyn Gilsig, Jon Cor. 4:30 I, Tonya 16VLSC 2017 Drama. Margot Robbie, Allison Janney. 6:30 You Might Be The Killer 16VL 2018 Horror. Fran Kranz, Alyson Hannigan. 8pm The Hero MLSC 2017 Drama. A has-been actor is diagnosed with terminal cancer, but his dream career faces a potential comeback when he meets a standup comedian. Sam Elliott, Laura Prepon. 9:40 Den Of Thieves 16VLSC 2018 Crime Action. Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber.


6am Nella The Princess Knight 3 0 6:25 Krypto The Superdog 0 6:50 The Powerpuff Girls 3 0 7:15 The Loud House 7:40 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 8:05 Teen Titans 0 8:30 Batman – The Animated Series 0 9am Justice League PGR 10am Raw PGR 3 11am SmackDown PGR 3 Noon Football – English Premier League (HLS) 0 1pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 2pm NRL Try Time 3pm IRT Deadliest Roads PGR 3 4pm Netball – ANZ Premiership (HLS) 5pm Fishing Classics Matt tries fly fishing before going to the coast for a dawn dive. 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm 100-Day Renovation 0 7pm WhichCar 0 7:30 Scorpion PGR 0 8:30 Third Rock From The Sun PGR 0 9pm Married With Children PGR 3 9:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (DLY) Chiefs v Blues. From FMG Stadium in Hamilton. 0

SKY SPORT 1 6am The Crowd Goes Wild The team presents the best of the day’s sports news. 6:30 L Rugby – Pro14 Edinburgh v Ulster. 8:50 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Crusaders v Highlanders. From Christchurch Stadium. 9:20 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Rebels v Stormers. From Melbourne. 9:55 ICC Cricket 360 10:25 Sky Sports News 10:55 Cricket – IPL (HLS) Rajasthan Royals v Chennai Super Kings. 11:25 Football – A-League (HLS) Roar v Phoenix. 11:55 Fox Sports News 12:25 Rugby – Pro14 (RPL) Southern Kings v Ospreys. 2:40 L Rugby League – NSW Cup Newcastle v Blacktown. 4:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Rebels v Stormers. 5pm Rugby – Super Rugby (RPL) Crusaders v Highlanders. From Christchurch Stadium. 7pm L Rugby – Super Rugby Chiefs v Blues. From FMG Stadium, Hamilton. 10pm SkySpeed 10:20 L Cricket – IPL Mumbai Indians v Rajasthan Royals. From Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai. 2:20 L Cricket – IPL Kings XI Punjab v Royal Challengers Bangalore. From IS Bindra Stadium, Mohali.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

SKY SPORT 2 6am L Rugby League – Super League St Helens v Warrington Wolves. From Totally Wicked Stadium in St Helens. 9:30 Kiwi League Show 10am Rugby League – NRL 10:30 The Professor’s Late Hit 11am L Rugby League – Jersey Flegg Warriors v Rabbitohs. 1pm L Rugby League – NSW Cup Warriors v Rabbitohs. From Mt Smart Stadium. 3pm The Professor’s Farewell Tour 3:30 Rugby League – NRL Friday. 4pm The Kiwi League Show 4:30 L Rugby League – NRL Rabbitohs v Warriors. 7:30 L Rugby League – NRL Knights v Sea Eagles. From Newcastle International Sports Centre. 9:30 L Rugby League – NRL Sharks v Roosters. From Shark Park, Sydney.


Midnight Motorsport – Supercars Phillip Island – Race Nine. 12:40 L Rugby – French Top 14 Bordeaux v Castres. From Stade Chaban-Delmas, Bordeaux. 2:45 Rugby – Super Rugby Chiefs v Blues. 3:15 Rugby – Super Rugby Brumbies v Lions. 3:55 L Rugby League – Super League Catalans Dragons v Hull FC. From Stade Gilbert Brutus in Perpignan. 13Apr19

DISCOVERY 6:35 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG Living Under the Sea. 7:30 How It’s Made PG 7:55 How It’s Made PG 8:20 Outback Opal Hunters PG 9:10 Killer Instinct With Chris Hansen M A Kid to Kill For. 10am Evil Lives Here M Something Wasn’t Right. 10:50 Web Of Lies M Control Alt Delete. 11:40 Homestead Rescue PG Poisoned. 12:30 Expedition Unknown PG The Sultan’s Heart. 1:20 Misfit Garage PG 2:10 Shifting Gears With Aaron Kaufman PG Model A-K. 3pm Outback Opal Hunters PG 3:50 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG Mining With Monsters (Special). 4:45 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG Welcome to the Jungle. 5:40 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG Hell Dorado. 6:35 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG Gold Wars – The Jungle Awakens. 7:30 Treehouse Masters PG Hawaiian Island Treehouse Adventure. 9:25 Alaskan Bush People M 10:15 The Very Edge Of China PG 11:05 Expedition Unknown PG The Sultan’s Heart. 11:55 What On Earth? PG Sunday 12:45 Strange Evidence PG 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Deadliest Catch M 3:15 Deadliest Catch M 4:05 Deadliest Catch M 4:55 Deadliest Catch PG | Compiled by


Saturday, April 13, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 29

Sunday, April 14, 2019 TVNZ 1

©TVNZ 2019

6am Extreme Road Rescue 3 0 6:50 Tiny House Nation 3 7:40 Tagata Pasifika 8:05 Praise Be 8:35 Death Threat 0 9:10 20/20 3 0 10am Marae PGR 2 0 10:30 Waka Huia 11am Attitude 0 11:30 Fair Go 3 0 11:55 Sunday 0 12:55 Coast v Country 0 1:55 Blue Planet 3 0 3pm Location, Location, Location 3 0 4pm Chasing Monsters 3 4:55 The Celebrity Chase Claire Richards, Rowland Rivron, James Haskell, and Antony Costa take on the Chaser. 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Country Calendar 0 7:30 Sunday 0 8:30 N The Bad Seed AO 0 9:30 F Mrs Wilson PGR Faced with conflicting explanations of her husband’s past, and a surprising revelation about his work, Alison finds herself questioning everything she thought she knew. 0 10:45 Deception AO 0 11:40 Prime Suspect – Tennison AO (Starting Today) 3 Detective Jane Tennison investigates her first murder case. 0 12:35 Attitude 3 0 1:05 Coronation Street Catch-Up PGR 3 0 3:05 Infomercials


©TVNZ 2019

6am Paw Patrol 3 0 6:25 Thomas And Friends 0 6:35 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 7am Alvinnn!!! And The Chipmunks 3 0 7:10 Chuggington – Little Trainees 3 0 7:35 Raven’s Home 0 8am What Now? 10am Shortland Street Omnibus PGR 0 Noon The Bachelorette PGR 0 1:45 This Is Us PGR 0 2:45 Home And Away Omnibus 0 5pm Castaways Terry continues to enjoy the isolation while thriving on the resources left behind by Castaways who have left; Matt must decide where he belongs. 0 6pm The Middle 3 0 6:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 7pm MKR 10th Anniversary Special PGR 0 8:15 M Maleficent PGR 2014 Family Adventure. A vengeful fairy places a curse on an infant princess, only to discover the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. Angelina Jolie, Elle Fanning. 0 10:10 F Ambulance Australia PGR 3 0 11:15 M June 2015 Horror Sci-fi. 12:45 Love Island Australia 0 1:50 The Lie Detective AO 3 2:35 Blackish 3 0 2:55 Infomercials 3:30 Quantico AO 3 0 4:15 Infomercials 4:45 Melissa And Joey PGR 3 0 5:30 Infomercials


8:40pm on Three

BRAVO 6am Flipping Out 3 6:45 Flipping Out 3 7:35 Flipping Out 3 8:25 Flipping Out 3 9:10 Four Weddings UK 3 9:58 The Dish PGR 3 10am Four Weddings UK PGR 3 10:30 I’m Having Their Baby 3 11:40 Backyard Envy 3 12:28 The Dish PGR 3 12:30 Catfish 3 1:30 Catfish 3 2:30 Catfish 3 3:28 The Dish PGR 3 3:30 Four Weddings UK 3 4:30 Love It Or List It – Vancouver 3 5:30 Love It Or List It: Vancouver 3 6:30 Backyard Envy 7:30 Million Dollar Listings Los Angeles PGR 8:30 Dr Christian Will See You Now 9:30 Nightwatch Nation 10:33 The Dish PGR 3 10:35 Newlyweds – The First Year AO 11:30 Hollywood Medium With Tyler Henry 3 12:20 Infomercials 3


6am Religious Programming 10:30 Sport Box The best of the past week’s sports from New Zealand and around the world. Noon Agatha Raisin PGR 3 0 1pm University Challenge 3 0 1:30 Superior Donuts PGR 3 0 2pm The Great Indoors PGR 3 2:25 Paddington Station 3 0 3:25 The Great British Bake Off 3 0 4:30 Rugby Nation 5:30 Prime News 6pm The Great British Bake Off – An Extra Slice Joining Jo are Jonathan Ross and Jamie Laing. 0

7pm N Dancing With The 7pm Storage Wars PGR Stars NZ 7:30 Modern Dinosaurs 0 Twelve Kiwi celebrities begin 8:30 Pilgrimage – Road To their journey in the ballroom, Santiago PGR 0 vying for the Glitterball 9:45 60 Minutes PGR Trophy. 10:45 Fear The Walking Dead AO 8:40 M The Mummy AO 2017 Action. Trapped for millennia, an ancient princess awakens to bring terror and revenge upon the world. 0 10:45 The Rookie AO 3 0 11:40 NCIS – Los Angeles AO 3 The death of a petty officer leads the NCIS team to a teenager in Sam’s life; Hetty is concerned about the effect the workload is having on the team. 0 12:40 Infomercials


The Mummy


6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston 7am Charles Stanley 8am Life TV 3 8:30 Turning Point 9am R&R 0 9:30 The Hui 0 10am NewsHub Nation 3 0 10:50 Tasty Conversations 11:10 Big Angry Fish 3 0 Noon Entertainment Tonight Weekend 1pm Motorsport – Carpool 1:30 Motorsport – Formula E Street Racers 2pm Motorsport – Jaguar I 2:30 Motorsport – US Formula Drift (HLS) 3pm Motorsport – Monster Jam 4pm Motorsport – Superstock Teams Championships (HLS) 5pm XVenture Family Challenge 0 5:30 Fish Of The Day 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm

6:55 The Hero MLSC 2017 Drama. Sam Elliott, Laura Prepon. 8:30 Den Of Thieves 16VLSC 2018 Crime Action. Gerard Butler, Pablo Schreiber. 10:50 Sweetheart Con MVLC 2017 Thriller. Jessalyn Gilsig, Pilgrimage – Road to Santiago, 8:30pm on Prime Jon Cor. 12:20 I, Tonya 16VLSC 2017 Drama. Margot Robbie, SKY 5 Allison Janney. 6am Last Man Standing PG 2:15 Cup Of Love PG 2016 6:25 Jack And The Beanstalk Romance. Anna Hutchison, M 8:05 Million Dollar Nikolás Rincón. Car Hunters PG 9am DC’s 3:45 Kodachrome MLS 2017 Drama. Jason Sudeikis, Legends Of Tomorrow Ed Harris. 5:30 Star Wars – MVS 9:50 Supernatural MVS The Last Jedi MV 2017 Action. 10:45 Survivor – San Juan Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill. Del Sur PG 11:40 Ice Road Truckers PG 12:35 Mountain 8pm Sicario – Day Of The Soldado 16VLSC 2018 Action. Men PG 1:30 Raw MVC When cartels begin trafficking 4:15 SmackDown MVC terrorists across the US border, 6pm Main Event MV a federal agent reunites with 7pm Last Man Standing PG 7:30 Survivor – San Juan Del his Mexican former ally to fight the drug war. Benicio Del Toro, Sur PG Josh Brolin. 8:30 Scorpion ML 10:05 Insidious – The 9:30 Scorpion ML Last Key MVLS 2018 Horror. 10:30 Supernatural MVS Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell. 11:25 Survivor – San Juan 11:45 Surprise Me PG 2017 Del Sur PG Comedy. Jonathan Bennett, Monday 12:15 Million Fiona Gubelmann. Dollar Car Hunters Monday 1:15 Cup PG 1:05 Last Man Of Love PG 2016 Romance. Standing PG 1:30 Main Anna Hutchison, Event MV 2:20 Million Nikolás Rincón. Dollar Car Hunters PG 2:45 Kodachrome MLS 3:10 Supernatural MVS 2017 Drama. Jason Sudeikis, 4am Last Man Standing Ed Harris. 4:30 Star Wars – PG 4:25 Scorpion ML The Last Jedi MV 2017 Action. Daisy Ridley, Mark Hamill. 5:10 Scorpion ML

11:45 Football – English Premier League Highlights of the week’s English Premier League games. 12:45 Closedown

MOVIES GREATS 6:35 Savages 18VLSC 2012 Crime. Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, John Travolta. 8:50 Pride MLSC 2014 Comedy. Bill Nighy, Dominic West. 10:50 Selma MVL 2015 Drama. David Oyelowo, Tom Wilkinson. 12:55 Enemy Of The State MVL 1998 Action Thriller. Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Regina King. 3:05 Titanic ML 1997 Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. 6:15 The Other Guys MVLS 2010 Comedy. Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg. 8pm Batman Begins MV 2005 Adventure. The story of how Bruce Wayne became a crime-fighting superhero, from his privileged childhood to his clash with evil. Christian Bale, Michael Caine. 10:20 The Debt 16VL 2011 Thriller. Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Tom Wilkinson.


12:10 Titanic ML 1997 Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. 3:20 The Other Guys MVLS 2010 Comedy. Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg. 5:05 Enemy Of The State MVL 1998 Action Thriller. Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight, Regina King.


6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 3 7am Waiata Mai 3 7:10 Pukoro 2 7:40 Pipi Ma 3 7:50 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Smooth 3 8:30 Fitness In The Whare 3 9am Swagger 9:30 Grid 3 10am Sidewalk Karaoke PGR 3 10:30 Traditional Kai 3 11am Piri’s Tiki Tour 3 11:30 R&R Noon Ride Or Die 3 12:30 Waka Warriors 1pm Touch Rugby Nationals 2pm M Apple Of My Eye PGR 2017 Family. AJ Michalka, Amy Smart, Burt Reynolds. 3:30 Waka Ama Sprints 4:30 Gate To The Globe 3 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5:30 Nga Tangata Taumata Rau 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 7pm Whaikorero 3 7:30 Ship Of Death PGR 8pm Dragons In Paradise PGR 3 8:40 M A Wedding AO 2016 Drama. A woman is close to her family until her parents ask her to follow Pakistani tradition to choose a husband. Lina El Arabi. 10:25 Te Ao – Maori News 10:55 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 11:55 Closedown


6am Dream Gardens 6:30 Through The Bible With Les Feldick 7am Love Nature – Baby Animals 7:30 M Rugrats Go Wild 2003 Animated. 9am Love Nature – Baby Animals 9:30 Strip The City 10:30 The Secret Helpers 11:30 Brother v Brother 12:30 Mysteries At The Museum 1:30 American Idol 3:30 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 4:30 Gordon Ramsay – Ultimate Home Cooking Gordon reveals the Americaninspired dishes he loves cooking for his family – eggs, bacon, and hash browns; Caesar salad; peanut butterand-jam cookies; and barbecued beef brisket. 5pm Gordon Ramsay – Ultimate Home Cooking 5:30 Gourmet Farmer Afloat 6pm Tiny House Nation 7pm American Idol The top 24 contestants perform duets in Hollywood as the search for America’s next superstar continues. 9pm The Seven Ages Of Elvis Exploration of who Elvis was, and the true meaning of his impact on popular culture.

11pm Tiny House Nation Midnight Gordon Ramsay – Ultimate Home Cooking 12:30 Gordon Ramsay – Ultimate Home Cooking 1am Collectaholics 2am Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 3am The Seven Ages Of Elvis 5am Baby Animals – In Our World


6:30 UCL Magazine Show 7am Soccer Saturday 9am Fox Sports News 9:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (RPL) Chiefs v Blues. 11:30 Sky Sports News Noon Cricket – IPL (HLS) Kings XI Punjab v Royal Challengers Bangalore. 12:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Bulls v Reds. 1pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Blues. 1:30 Sky Sports News 2pm L Netball – Beko League Northern Comets v Southern Blast. 4pm L Netball – ANZ Premiership Stars v Steel. 6pm Motorsport – World Superbike (HLS) Coverage of race one from the TT Assen Circuit in Assen, Netherlands. 6:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Blues. From FMG Stadium Waikato, Hamilton. 7pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Sharks v Jaguares. From Durban. 7:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Bulls v Reds. From Pretoria. 8pm Rugby Nation 8:55 L Cycling – ParisRoubaix

6am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Blues. 6:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) 7am L Motorsport – IndyCar Series Acura Grand Prix Of Long Beach Qualifying. 8:30 Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Rabbitohs v Warriors. 10:30 L Surfing – Rip Curl Pro From Manu Bay, Raglan. 3pm Surfing – WSL (HLS) Championship Tour Preview. 4pm Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Crusaders v Highlanders. From Christchurch Stadium, Christchurch. 4:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Blues. From FMG Stadium Waikato, Hamilton. 5pm Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Rabbitohs v Warriors. 5:30 L Rugby League – NRL Dragons v Bulldogs. 8pm L Rugby League – NRL Raiders v Eels. 10pm Sunday Night With Matty Johns 11pm Controversy Corner 11:30 Rugby League – Super League (RPL) Catalans Dragons v Hull FC. From Stade Gilbert Brutus in Perpignan, France.

3:50 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Crusaders v Highlanders. 4:20 Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Chiefs v Blues. 4:50 Rugby Nation

1:30 Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Sharks v Roosters. 3:45 L Motorsport – MotoGP Grand Prix of the Americas.


0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1



DISCOVERY 6:35 Insane Pools – Off The Deep End PG Fiesta de Laguna. 7:30 How It’s Made PG 7:55 How It’s Made PG 8:20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 9:10 What On Earth? PG 10am Expedition Unknown PG The Sultan’s Heart. 10:50 Gold Rush PG Three Sides to Every Story. 11:40 Outback Opal Hunters PG 12:30 Homestead Rescue PG Poisoned. 1:20 Alaskan Bush People PG 2:10 Mighty Ships PG 3pm Mighty Ships PG 3:50 Mighty Ships PG 4:45 Mighty Ships PG 5:40 Mighty Ships PG 6:35 Mighty Ships PG 7:30 Blowing Up History PG Tut’s Buried Secrets. New discoveries explore the secrets of Tutankhamun’s tomb. 8:30 Outback Opal Hunters PG 9:25 Expedition Unknown PG The Sultan’s Heart. 10:15 What On Earth? PG 11:05 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 11:55 Alaskan Bush People M


12:45 Homestead Rescue PG 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Naked And Afraid M 3:15 Naked And Afraid M 4:05 Naked And Afraid M 4:55 Naked And Afraid M 5:45 Naked And Afraid M | Compiled by


Family Notices








30 Ashburton Guardian




GUISE, Allan Fraser – Passed peacefully March 31, 2019 aged 80 years. Loved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Messages to: The Guise Family, c/- PO Box 6035, Ashburton 7742. A memorial service to celebrate Allan’s life will be held at The Grace Presbyterian Church, 63 Princes Street, Ashburton on TUESDAY, April 16, at 1.30pm.

REDDECLIFFE, Mona – 19-10-1920 – 14-4-2018 In loving memory of a dearly loved wife, mum, mother in law, nana, great-gran and Nana Mona. Sadly left us one year ago. Remembering you is easy, we do it every day. Missing you is heartache that never goes away. Judy and Peter, the late Tony and Carbus, Kay and Steve and families.




Ra n

Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:


bur to

to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information. Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)

Canterbury owned, locally operated

Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton

Ph 307 7433

11:40 – 1:25 AM


Data provided by NIWA

Waimate A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence

NZ Situation

Wind km/h less than 30 fine

mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers 30 to 59


isolated snow thunder flurries

sleet thunder

Canterbury Plains




60 plus

NZ Today

Canterbury High Country



FZL: Rising to 2500m

Morning cloud breaking, then fine. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: SW easing to 30 km/h in the morning, dying out in the afternoon.

A cloudy start, with a shower or two north of about Ashburton, then becoming fine. Southerlies.


Cloud increasing and showers developing. Snow possible above 1400 metres. Wind at 1000m: Light. S 30 km/h developing by mid-afternoon. Wind at 2000m: S 30 km/h rising to 50 km/h at night.

Mostly cloudy. Isolated showers, mainly about the coast. Southwesterlies.



Becoming fine, isolated showers about the coast at first. Southerlies.

A cloudy start with isolated showers, then fine spells. Southerlies.



Mainly fine, areas of morning and evening cloud. Southerly dying out.

Low cloud morning and evening, otherwise fine. Light winds.

World Weather

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh

fine fine showers cloudy fine showers fine fine fine thunder fine windy cloudy fine fine

Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi

14 -1 29 0 17 23 15 27 6 27 24 21 21 5 1

Saturday 6

9 noon 3

cloudy fine showers drizzle showers thunder fine fine thunder showers fine fine cloudy rain thunder

7 10 17 25 28 32 30 24 34 9 26 21 19 9 32

1 1 11 23 22 15 25 12 25 2 13 4 10 2 23

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

showers fine fine rain rain fine cloudy thunder fine fine rain fine fine rain cloudy

9 pm am 3


9 noon 3

Monday 6

9 pm am 3


9 noon 3


9 pm

1 0


10:16 4:24 10:42 5:04 11:13 5:23 11:41 6:01 12:08 6:20 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.

Rise 7:03 am Set 6:03 pm Good





few showers


few showers

















Good fishing Rise 2:34 pm

First quarter 13 Apr 7:07 am ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Rise 7:04 am Set 6:01 pm Good

Good fishing Set 12:00 am Rise 3:21 pm

Rise 7:05 am Set 6:00 pm Good

Good fishing Set 1:11 am Rise 4:01 pm

Full moon

Last quarter

19 Apr 11:13 pm

27 Apr 10:19 am

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

22 11 27 27 15 20 18 33 6 26 23 27 17 24 7

13 3 19 25 7 11 6 24 -5 14 19 12 5 14 2

17 18 16 16 13 16 17 15 14 15 17 14 15

River Levels

9 3 7 4 9 6 2 8 4 3 5 8 8



Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 3:05 pm, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 240.5 Nth Ashburton at 2:05 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:10 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 4:00 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 3:05 pm, yesterday


Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings

Sunday 6


Forecasts for today

25 7 35 7 27 29 35 36 24 33 34 40 28 9 8

overnight max low

Palmerston North fine

TOMORROW FZL: 2200m lowering to 1500m at night

A fine start. Scattered rain spreading north with a southwesterly change during the morning and afternoon.

Saturday, 13 April 2019

Cool southerlies ease over the North Island as a ridge over the South Island spreads north over the rest of the country. A front approaches the far south tonight. The weakening front moves over the country tomorrow, followed by a ridge. A high then remains over New Zealand through to Wednesday.


Find out how you can help by visiting:


PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cooler days

m am 3 3

We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, better prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.



Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing

We Help Save Lives




MONDAY COOKSLEY, William Donald (Don) – Aged 78 years. On April 11, 2019, at Christchurch Bone Marrow Unit. Dearly loved son of the late Aubrey and Enid Cooksley. Much loved and respected brother and brother in law of Enid and the late Charlie Ashworth, the late Mary and John Reid, Jim and Joan, Jan and Clarrie Hurst, the late Cliff, Bruce, and Rhonda and Allan Thompson. Loved uncle of all his nieces and nephews.


Midnight Tonight




620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member



MASTER MONUMENTAL MASON For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.


TUESDAY: Chance early shower then becoming fine. S dying out.



MONDAY: Mostly cloudy, a few showers. Southwesterlies.










TOMORROW: Cloud thickening. Occasional rain and SW.



COOKSLEY, William Donald, (Don) – On April 11, 2019 at Christchurch Hospital. Passed away peacefully with his family by his side. Aged 78 years. Dearly loved husband of Elaine (nee Quigley) for 60 years. Very much loved father and father in law of Jude and Tim, Karyn, Ross and Sharon and loving Pop of Will, and Harriet; Dardanelle, and Maddison; Callum, and Sophie and loving great Pop of Leila. Messages to the Cooksley Family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. Donations to the Bone Marrow Unit, and Ranui House in memory of Don would be appreciated and may be left at the service. Thank you to the doctors and staff of the Bone Marrow Unit and Ranui House for their amazing care of Don. A service to celebrate Don’s life will be held at St John’s Presbyterian Church, Jackson Street, Methven on TUESDAY, April 16, commencing at 2.00pm. Followed by private cremation at the Ashburton Crematorium.





TODAY: Morning cloud, then fine. Winds becoming light.



Map for today

Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i

Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 11.7 12.8 Max to 4pm 6.5 Minimum 3.1 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 2.0 16hr to 4pm April to date 56.6 Avg Apr to date 21 2019 to date 185.0 189 Avg year to date Wind km/h S 22 At 4pm Strongest gust S 50 Time of gust 12:43pm

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2019

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

9.2 10.1 7.8 –

12.2 13.7 8.0 5.4

12.2 15.4 6.9 –

– – – – –

1.4 34.2 20 108.2 160

0.0 6.0 14 79.0 147

S 15 – –

S 26 S 59 11:47am

SE 31 SE 50 2:23pm

Compiled by

Family owned, locally owned. 18-22 Moore Street, Ashburton Free Phone 0800 263 6679 Mobile 027 637 1229

Jo Metcalf

Puzzles Puzzles and horoscopes

Cryptic crossword

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker

Your Stars ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): You’re willing to fight for what’s right but not focused on finding out what’s wrong. There’s a time and a place for digging around to find problems and solve them. Right now it’s more about breezy rapport building. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Maturity comes from experience – often, not always. Those who don’t also reflect on what happened, make decisions about what to do and keep going forward, may get older without getting wiser. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): For some reason you’re struggling against what you want. Maybe it presents a conflict with what you wanted in the past, or with how others see you. Dig deeper for enlightenment. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Just because someone is in a position of authority doesn’t make that person better than someone who is in a low-status position. In fact, there are many benefits to being on the ground level today. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Social time is not wasted, though it can verge on that if not commandeered to some extent. Things go better when you know your purpose for the interaction, even if that purpose is just to relax and have fun. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): The saying “these are the good old days” is completely true. So take pictures, not just of people’s faces but of the ordinary things. The kitchen in the morning and the parked car will be future nostalgia. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): To learn your expectations were unrealistic and adjust your thinking – that’s maturity. But what about when your expectations were well within reason and still not met? That’s character building. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): The problem may be you’re taking too much responsibility for actions of others. The line between helping and enabling can be hard to see when you’re standing on it. Ask a trusted friend for a second opinion. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Children fantasise about who they’ll be when they grow up. Grown-ups do the same. Our identities are in continual development. You’re seeing yourself differently, moving in a new direction. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): A most fulfilling day awaits during which you’re likely to act in support of another with the full knowledge that it will not progress any goal of your own, except the goal of being helpful. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): The thing that will add to your repertoire and broaden your vision is not harder work in the same direction. Rather, it’s a recognition of more parts of yourself, specifically the acceptance of your shadow. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): It’s as impossible to have a real relationship with a fantasy person as it is to have a fantasy relationship with a real person. Just keep the categories straight.

ACROSS 1. One told a PM about somebody in the embassy (8) 7. Angry illegal broadcaster who lost his head (5) 8. Around end of April one irons out the joint (7) 9. Is away with a sort of deer laid before one (7) 10. Auction of beer after the end of Michaelmas (4) 12. Cocktail a biker might get attached to (7) 14. Is wild about the pounds one could save from the wreckage (7) 17. Be clad, as we are endlessly (4) 18. Change over to vector that might include the North (7) 21. The sheet on top is to cover layer it reveals (7) 22. He has a girlfriend of fifty and more (5) 23. Deny being, with age, bent after a start (8) DOWN 1. It’s desuetude that puts us in the wrong side (6) 2. Pearl might include everything in a line of latitude (8) 3. Instrument showing there is nothing in honour (4) 4. Any son turning out like this makes one rattled (6) 5. Two one discovered in a state of equality (4) 6. Needs to make it right for the person who posts it (6) 7. One may be fined a pound as someone who rejects religion (7) 11. Coming from a Rugby Union team, he plays for love (7) 13. Give me a lilac to replace this flower (8) 14. It cuts the slice that may have potassium in it (6) 15. Tom — Ben, too — take a turn to bury one (6) 16. It is no grey kind of breakwater (6) 19. This may be at the hub of church architecture (4) 20. Keep turning to a small dog, in short (4)

WordWheel Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.

WordWheel 347


Quick crossword 1







? E

8 9


Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or

Previous solution: EMISSION Previous solution: EMISSION anticlockwise. 11

12 13




19 13/4



ACROSS 1. Huge (4) 3. Daring (8) 9. Incapacitated (4,3) 10. Primarily (5) 11. Argumentative (12) 14. Topple over (3) 16. Barely detectable amount (5) 17. Tight roll of hair (3) 18. Amazing, awe-inspiring (12) 21. Boredom (5) 22. Water-borne disease (7) 23. Inn (8) 24. Mountains (4)



Previous cryptic solution

Across: 7. Tape recorders 8. Blood vessel 12. Winner 14. Tapped 16. Catnap 18. Attain 19. Scaffolding 23. Sleeping pills. Down: 1. Lamb 2. Demo 3. Welder 4. Potent 5. 7 Odes46. Oral 9. Lunatic 10. Explain 11. Eden 12. Wick 213.8Era115. Ant 4 17. Puffin 18. Allege 19. Sale 20. Iris 22. Gull 8 Awed 21. 2

Previous quick solution




DOWN 1. Authenticate (8) 2. Hides (5) 4. Modern (3) 5. Chiller (12) 6. Disturb, make uneasy (7) 7. Obligation (4) 8. Explanatory (12) 12. Inundated (5) 13. Word puzzles (8) 15. Shavings (7) 19. Perfect (5) 20. Interlock (4) 22. Railway carriage (3)


4 5 2

8 9 1

Previous solution: age, ager, are, areg, awe, ear, era, erg, ers, gar, gear, grew, rag, rage, raw, wag, wage, wager, war, ware, wear

4 5 1 6 1 2 8 4 2 3 1 9 5 6 7 1 6

9 4





7 1 6



8 2 7 5 3 2 5 4


7 9 4 6 8 2


6 3 HARD


3 6 4 9 7 1 3 5 8 2 9 8 5 7 4 6 2 3 9 1 5 1 2 3 9 5 8 6 7 4 2 4 6 8 5 3 1 7 2 9 4 3 9 1 6 2 7 4 5 8 8 5 7 2 8 4 9 1 3 6 1 7 1 5 2 8 6 9 4 3 7 2 of 3 I.B.A.N.Z 4ofMembers 1 9 &5 8 6 &7NZ Level 2, 73 Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 St,|Ashburton | of I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet 73 Burnett St,Burnett Ashburton | Members NZBrokers Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton |Burnett Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd. NZ Ltd.6 9 8 6 3 7 4 2 1 5 Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.

6 4 7 1 3 9 2 5 8

1 2 8 6 5 7 3 9 4

5 1 6 4 7 3 9 8 2

9 3 2 5 8 6 7 4 1

3 6 8

6 9 3

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

1 5 4 6 2 9 1 5 8 7


Across: 7. Seaman 8. Malice 10. Cutlass 11. Twine 1 22. 5 Flora 12. Iota 13. Cruel 17. Fence 18. Cane 23. Screams 24. Emblem 25. Defect 4 8 Down: 1. Psychic 2. Lactate 3. Banal 4. Canteen 5. Pixie 4 2 6. Defer 9. Ostracise 14. Related 15. Palaver 16. Website 7 3 5 1 19. Often 20. Bobby 21. Greet




WordBuilder O T H S O WordBuilder O T H S O

How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word. Good Very Good How 8many words 10 of Excellent three or 12 more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginningsolution: with a capital are allowed. Previous age, ager, are, There’s leastera, oneerg, five-letter word. areg, awe,atear, ers, gar, gear, grew, rage, raw,10 wag, wage, 12 wager, Goodrag, 8 Very Good Excellent war, ware, wear


Ashburton Guardian 31

7 8 4 9 2 1 5 6 3

4 7 3 8 9 2 6 1 5

8 6 9 3 1 5 4 2 7

2 5 1 7 6 4 8 3 9

5 4 PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS 7 1 7 8 1 6 2 3 4 6 9 5

6 9 43 5 2 58 4 3 2 9 8 7 1 5 9 77 4 5 3 6 31 8 7 4 1 2 1 6

7 1 5 8 2 9 4 6 8 5 3 3 9

49 5 2 93 4 43 6 7 71 1 3 5 32 6 8 81 2 9 2 9 7 5 1 6 7 8 4

8 6 9 4 87 21 5 2 3

8 9 7 2 1 3 5 6 4

5 3 2 8 6 4 7 9 1

4 6 9 3 5 2 1 7 8

3 5 8 4 7 1 6 2 9

1 2 3 7 4 5 9 8 6

6 1 4 5 9 7 8 3 2

2 7 1 6 8 9 4 5 3

7 4 6 9 3 8 2 1 5

9 8 5 1 2 6 3 4 7


5 9 5

2 4 9

Saturday, April 13, 2019



32 Ashburton Guardian

Act now to acknowledge our local outstanding achievers in sport EVENT DETAILS Friday, May 10, 2019 at Hotel Ashburton 11-35 Racecourse Road, Ashburton. 6pm doors open.

Tickets sale! ON

• Sorry NO EFTPOS available • Adults $60 • Students $45

Tickets can be purchased at

Sport Canterbury office at the EA Networks Centre Monday to Friday 11am – 5.30pm or phone 027 221 8023 to order Proudly brought to you by

Ashburton App


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