Endeavor Fall 2016

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FALL 2016


ENDEAVOR A Publication Dedicated to Families and Professionals Who Are Committed to Deaf Children

ASL + English = FULL ACCESS INSIDE THIS ISSUE LEAD-K Is Changing the Landmark of Early Childhood Education Is the Interpreter in Your Child's Education an Educational Interpreter?

p. 9 p. 29

Classic children stories with a modern twist performed in ASL!

Educational Voice-overs Entertaining for all ages!

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Amazing Deaf actors Subtitled Perfect for movie night, or classroom use!

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American Society for Deaf Children #2047 800 Florida Avenue, NE Washington, D.C. 20002-3695 Fax: (410) 795-0965 Toll-Free Help Line: (800) 942-ASDC (2732) (202) 644-9204 VP asdc@deafchildren.org www.deafchildren.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/ ASDC-American-Society-for-DeafChildren/215538915154965

THE ENDEAVOR STAFF Editor Tami Hossler asdctami@aol.com

Managing Editor Anita Farb Editing & Publication Services T.S. Writing Services, LLC www.tswriting.com ASDC STAFF Director of Advocacy Cheri Dowling asdc@deafchildren.org © 2016 ASDC. The Endeavor is ASDC’s news magazine published three times a year. Published articles and advertisements are the personal expressions of their authors and do not necessarily represent the views of ASDC. The Endeavor is distributed free of charge to ASDC members.

ADVERTISING For advertising information, contact asdctami@aol.com. ASDC is a 501(c)(3) public benefit corporation.

A Look Inside EVERY ISSUE ASDC Board A Note From the Editor A Message from the President ASDC Educational and Organizational Members Membership Form FEATURES ASDC 2016 Conference: ASL Learning Opportunity LEAD-K Is Changing the Landscape of Early Childhood Education Language and Thought: Deaf and Hearing People

Advice and Tips for IEP Meetings Speech-Language Pathologist Language Pedagogy Shift as Parent of Deaf Child Discovering Self-Confidence Through Art Is the Interpreter in Your Child's Education an Educational Interpreter? What It's Like to Wear Waterproof Hearing Aids Tips for Educators with Deaf Students Veditz Combats Deaf Education Challenges by Providing Tutoring

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For a copy of the ASDC Endeavor’s submission guidelines, contact asdctami@aol.com. 1


Executive Council Board of Directors President Avonne Brooker-Rutowski, M.A. Austin, TX avonne.brookerrutowski@tsd.state.tx.us Vice President Lisalee Egbert, Ph.D. Baltimore, MD drlldegbert@gmail.com

Treasurer Timothy Frelich, M.A. Jessup, MD timothy.frelich@ gallaudet.edu

Past President Beth Benedict, Ph.D. Germantown, MD beth.benedict@ gallaudet.edu

Executive Secretary Tony Ronco, P.Eng. La Mesa, CA t_ronco@hotmail.com

Parliamentarian Jeff Bravin, M.A. West Hartford, CT jeff.bravin@asd-1817.org

Members at Large

Erin Kane, M.A. Rochester, NY erin.kane@rit.edu

Susan C. Searls Rochester, NY ssearls@rsdeaf.org

Jacqueline Laldee Olney, MD jdlaldee@gmail.com

KaAnn Varner Sulphur, OK kvarner@okdrs.gov

Gregory Mendenhall Dublin, OH mendenhall@osd.oh.gov

Council on Education of the Deaf Representatives Serving on the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Beth Benedict, JCIH Chair, and Avonne Brooker-Rutowski

Gina Oliva Laurel, MD gina.oliva09@gmail.com

How to Donate to ASDC

Make a tax-deductible charitable contribution to ASDC and invest in the future of education for deaf children, strengthening networks among families, and providing a promise of a better future for our children. Donations may be sent to: ASDC, #2047, 800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002 Or donate via PayPal at www.deafchildren.org, and click on Donate. 2


A Note From the Editor I love the fall season. to enter school on target with Kids are back in school and their peers. involved in their studies and One such group of parents extracurricular activities. and professionals has formed Research shows that highLanguage Equality and Acquily involved parents tend to sition for Deaf Kids (LEADhave children who are more K). LEAD-K is about ensuring Tami Hossler successful in school. However, that all deaf and hard of hearthere is a difference between ing children are kindergartenbeing a “helicopter parent” and a “high- ready by the age of five. ASDC has partly involved parent.” Highly involved nered with LEAD-K in this endeavor. parents support not only their child, On the cover of this issue, you will but also the school and the classroom. see one of ASDC’s children. We are so They work to better the schools their proud of our highly involved parents children attend and to better the early who support schools and professionals intervention system preparing children who work with deaf children everyday.

Renowned Community Leader Dr. Yerker Andersson Passes Away Yerker Andersson, Ph.D., passed away in Frederick, Md., on July 18. Andersson was a professor at Gallaudet University for many years, and served two terms as the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) vice president (1975-1983) and three terms as president (1983-1995). He was the first deaf person to address the United Nations General Assembly in 1992, and the first WFD honorary president in 2011. As WFD president, he saw WFD expand its membership, reaching out to deaf associations on every continent, and becoming more involved with advocating for deaf people’s human rights at the United Nations and other international agencies. Information and photo courtesy of World Federation of the Deaf 3



A Message from the President

Leading the Way

I’m pleased to share a few and Hard of Hearing, and highlights from my first LEAD-K (see front page and year as ASDC president. page 9) are collaborating ASDC’s first-ever ASL with well-respected authors Learning Opportunity Gina Oliva and Linda Lytle Weekend took place in to provide two copies of June in Columbia, Md., Turning the Tide: Making for parents and family Life Better for Deaf and Hard Avonne Brookermembers to take a crash of Hearing Schoolchildren to Rutowski course in American Sign state legislators. The books, Language (ASL). along with customTeachers Ricky In 2017, the American ized bookmarks, Rose, Edna Johnwill support School for the Deaf will ston, and Ursa LEAD-K efforts in Rewolinski were mark its 200th anniversary, each state. Thank creative and funny. Drs. Oliva and ASDC will celebrate its you, This kind of workand Lytle, for your shop should be 50th anniversary. generosity. available annually In 2017, the all over the United American School States; it’s a great opportunity to make for the Deaf (ASD) will mark its 200th new friends with other parents from anniversary, and ASDC will celebrate its the same states. Thanks go to Cheri 50th anniversary. In this spirit of collabDowling for her hard work! oration, the ASDC national conference I attended the Council on Educa- will be held in Hartford, Conn., on June tion of the Deaf (CED) board meeting 25-27, 2017. Please keep your eyes in February. CED works to establish, peeled for more information through promote and monitor teacher educa- our social media outlets and emails. tion standards embodying best pracAs always, I appreciate my fellow tices, reflecting current research and board members for their ongoing dediimplements its mission by accredit- cation and hard work. Together we are ing university programs that prepare committed to our mission: empowteachers of Deaf and hard of hearing. ering diverse families with deaf chilAs ASDC president, I’ve asked our past dren and youth through mentoring, president, Beth Benedict, to serve as advocacy, resources and collaborative CED president for a two-year term. networks. ASDC, NorCal Services for Deaf Have a FABULOUS fall! 5

Stay in Touch With Your Student Did you know that video relay service (VRS) providers will install a videophone in your student’s dorm room? Sometimes school policies differ, so as parents, check with your child’s school administration. Ensuring your child has a private videophone makes it easier to keep in touch, leave messages, and handle emergencies as they arise. In addition to providing a videophone, VRS providers also offer mobile and computer communication apps so your child can be reached between classes or when they are away from their living quarters. These apps are free and work on Apple®, PC and Android® devices. VRS provider Sorenson Communications offers a full suite of products to help you keep in touch with your student — ntouch® Mobile for iOS® and Android, ntouch® PC, ntouch® for Mac®, and ntouch® VP. A Sorenson trainer is available to install an ntouch VP for your child, and provide any needed training.

To learn more about Sorenson’s products, visit www.svrs.com.



ASDC 2016 Conference: ASL Learning Opportunity The first ASDC ASL Learning Opportunity took place on June 24-26, 2016, in Columbia, Md. This year, ASDC replaced its annual family conference with this ASL Learning Opportunity. This gave parents, siblings, grandparents, and professionals the opportunity to spend a weekend with amazing teachers and The weekend gave people of presenters learning American Sign all signing abilities the chance Language (ASL). The weekend gave people of all signing abilities the to learn and expand their chance to learn and to expand their knowledge of ASL and Deaf knowledge of ASL and Deaf culture. The weekend began with Eddy culture. Laird, Ph.D., the 2016 Roy J. able, and entertaining way. Along with Holcomb Distinguished Lecturer, who presented “Culturally Responsible direct ASL instruction, they offered Parents of Deaf Children.” He discussed presentations on ASL jargon, fingerthe importance of using ASL with chil- spelling, numeral incorporation, deaf dren, how to use ASL with children, the etiquette and everyone’s favorite, history of ASL, Deaf culture, and incor- swearing and sexual vocabulary. As participants used what they porating ASL and Deaf culture into learned throughout the weekend, they everyday life. earned ASDC Bucks. These ASDC Bucks ASL teachers Edna Johnston, Ursa were used during the ASL Auction on Rewolinski, and Richard Rose provided classes that taught ASL in a fun, enjoy- Saturday night, with more than 75 7

items up for auction such as handmade blankets, autographed baseballs, autographed books, wine, and Disney theme park tickets. Melissa Herzig, Ph.D., from VL2, wrapped up the weekend with “Family Involvement in ASL Acquisition.� She spoke about research supporting learning ASL and the importance of using ASL with our children. Participants commented that the weekend was a wonderful opportunity to learn a variety of new skills, build partnerships, and meet new friends. If you would like to learn more about the ASDC ASL Learning Opportunity and bringing it to your area, contact Cheri Dowling at asdc@deafchildren.org or (800) 942-2732.

THANK YOU! A very special thank you goes to the amazing sponsors of the ASDC ASL Learning Opportunity!

Gallaudet University Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind West Virginia School for the Deaf Butte Publications Maryland Relay Purple Communications, Inc. Dr. Lisalee D. Egbert


The Liquor Pump Walt Disney World Company Talking Hands, Inc. Dr. Gina Oliva Maryland Parent Connections Maryland School for the Deaf Towson University Baltimore Orioles.


LEAD-K Is Changing the Landscape of Early Childhood Education By Julie Rems-Smario LEAD-K, a language equality movement for deaf children, has had a strong legislative impact in California, Kansas, and Hawaii. While the LEAD-K movement focuses on promoting awareness about how deaf children and their families benefit from American Sign Language (ASL) and English, along with other language(s) used in the child’s home, it is not the only objective. LEAD-K also utilizes the latest research to debunk myths about signed languages, and pushes for medical professionals to share the benefits of ASL with families who have just discovered their baby is deaf. The legislative leg of the LEAD-K movement focuses on language acquisition accountability for all deaf children, regardless of which approach(es) families have chosen. It establishes language milestones during the first five years of each deaf child’s life to ensure that the child acquires the language foundation necessary for kindergarten readiness. It is not “deafness” that causes language delays. Rather, it is the lack of quick access to language that causes the

child to be language-deprived. LEAD-K aims to end the alarming epidemic of language-deprived deaf children who are not ready academically by the age of five. In October 2015, California became the first state to pass a language acquisition accountability law. Kansas and Hawaii respectively followed suit in Spring 2016. All three legislative successes were driven by the deaf community in partnership with families and educators of deaf children. 9

LEAD-K believes deaf children and their families are empowered when deaf people are in the driver’s seat. It is not “deafness” that causes In September 2016, deaf repre- language delays. Rather, it sentatives from 23 states flew to Sacramento, Calif., to receive is the lack of quick access to training from LEAD-K Campaign language that causes the child Director Sheri Farinha and Public to be language-deprived. Relations Director Julie RemsSmario. Participants learned from California and Kansas community leaders about the highlights and challenges of drafting and passing LEAD-K legislation on a state level. “The beauty of this movement is seeing parents with deaf and hard of hearing children, educators, deaf advocates and professionals and more working together to open the doorway for equal access to language acquisition” said Farinha. “We will finally see deaf kids on track toward achievement in literacy competency.”

To learn more about LEAD-K, visit www.lead-k.org, or follow ASL 4 Deaf Kids on Facebook.



Language and Thought: Deaf and Hearing People By Scot A. Pott, Lamar University Can humans think without language? If you accept Piaget’s ideas that all mental representations (i.e., memory and later intelligence) develop from sensory-motor activity, then yes, all humans are born with the ability to think.1 But, what are thoughts? Put simply, thoughts could be the outcomes of current or past experiences, gained through the five senses of sight, smell, touch, feeling, and taste. This process of making meaning or sense out of the information we experience through our senses starts as basic reflexes that include sucking, swallowing, crying, and kicking. These reflexes are biological and independent of hearing status. So let’s explore all of the possible relationships between language and thought. Some note that this debate is like the nature-nurture controversy where for centuries people took an either or stand.2 Piaget was closer to the British Empiricists (see, you thought that philosophy course would never come in handy!) stating that everything was learned from experiences.3 In contrast, the Nativists (that philosophy course again!) thought that behavior was hard wired at birth: a child could be a “bad seed” and society was neither responsible for that nor able to change that child. Similarly, there are six possible

relationships between language and thought.4 Some believe that language is thought;5 there is no difference and without language, there cannot be thought. Others believe that language and thought are independent;6 here both language and thought develop from different processes and experiences, therefore cognitive development is independent of the language used by the child.7 The third possibility is that language determines thought.8 For example, Eskimos have many words for snow and Saudis have many words for rain. How one thinks about the world is therefore determined by one’s language. Next is thought determines language9: in other words, the cognitive universals that all children have at birth, such as 11

reflexes, shape language. Yet, another view is that the organism determines both language and thought.10 Here the cognitive ecology determines how one thinks and the child’s corresponding language. For example, hearing people set up classrooms in rows based on their perception of sound while in a deaf ecology, one sets up classrooms in a U-shape to promote the perception of visual language.11 Finally, language and thought are similar, either due to the nature of their inter-

nal structures or the structure of the external world.12 Here the nature-nurture controversy comes full circle and one understands that one needs 100% of both nature and 100% of nurture and that they continuously impact and alter each other. For deaf people who use American Sign Language (ASL), the relationship between language and thought is that they: (1) take in information from experiences to form thoughts; (2) express their thoughts via ASL to others; (3) read or perceive

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other people’s responses in ASL; (4) interpret the response or in other words, attempt to make sense of the response; and then, finally (5) reply to the person. This exchange of thoughts via language is continuously ongoing in the process of communication and responds to form a new thought to others. In addition, much like spoken language, ASL involves the use of social, cognitive, academic, and linguistics skills. All human brains are flexible and adaptive to all forms of language, including signing. Researchers note that ASL and other signed languages all include the characteristics of true languages, just like spoken languages. For hearing people who use spokenlanguage, the relationship between language and thought is much the same as for deaf people. The main difference between hearing and deaf people’s language is the method of how hearing people express themselves, which is through their mouth, lips and tongue. Another difference is the feature known as “inner speech.”13 Inner speech is also referred to as “inner voice” and “inner dialogue” but originally was thought to be like hearing people who have an audible voice that they hear, which sounds like their own voice. In contrast, for most deaf people, their comparable mental system of an inner voice consists of seeing themselves and/or feeling themselves sign-

ing in their mind. In other words, both deaf and hearing people “talk” in their thoughts. Can humans think without language? Or does language allow us to think? As you have just read, the relationship between language and thought is complex and most likely an ongoing interaction. Thus, it is true that deaf and hearing people are alike, although there are some significant differences in how they express, receive, and process language and thought. As noted in the sixth model of language and thought, both the human genetic and biological makeup and the individual’s world interact with each other. First, the child seeks out information as they explore their world, creating thoughts. These thoughts lead the child to begin communicating with others in their world. These interactions, typically between a child and parent, lead to language acquisition — if the language is accessible. For a full list of references and footnotes, contact asdctami@aol.com. 13

Advice and Tips for IEP Meetings

By Pam Lindemann, Founder WE CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH: DO NOT GO TO YOUR IEP MEETING ALONE! We get calls every day from upset parents saying, “The school said this was just a simple meeting but it wasn’t! They took things off the IEP!” Or parents say, “The school said my child doesn't qualify anymore. I didn't even know what was happening!” Look, there is no such thing as a “simple IEP meeting.” Never! There are so many things that happen in an IEP meeting and most parents just do not know what to watch for, who to listen to, or what to pay attention to. So many things can get by you and you won't even realize it until after the meeting is over. That is why I tell parents, “Take someone with you to the IEP meeting!” It could be your spouse, a family member, or a friend, but for the best results, you should take an advocate. An advocate is ideal because a good one has been to many, many IEP meetings and they know what to watch for. They know how to fight back. They know how to negotiate. They know 14

if the school is being legitimate or sneaky. They look out for your best interests and make sure your child is not being taken advantage of by the system. If you’d like one of our advocates to go with you to a meeting all you have to do is all us at (407) 342-9836. When you walk out of your IEP meeting you’ll know the school “didn’t pull one over on you” and your child is receiving all the support they’re eligible to receive. WHAT TO DO IF THE SCHOOL WANTS TO REMOVE AN ITEM FROM YOUR CHILD’S IEP First of all, try to stop hyperventilating and remain calm! If the IEP team wants to remove a service, such as speech, occupational therapy, reading assistance, or a goal off the IEP, it must be because your child has mastered the skill. After all, what other reason is there for removing it from the IEP? In my opinion, that is the only reason for removing something from the IEP. So, before you allow it to be removed, ask for documentation that shows your child has mastered the skill. Ask for a formal evaluation and testing data. A teacher’s, therapist’s or principal’s personal opinion doesn’t count. If the data cannot be produced, then ask the district to complete the evaluation to show the skill has been


mastered. Until that is done, the service should stay on the IEP. If school personnel refuse to do the evaluation, ask them to write down the reason they are refusing to do the evaluation and have them sign it. You can file a formal complaint against the school district through the state department of education. At your next IEP meeting, if the data shows the skill/goal has been mastered, then it can be removed from the IEP. If the goal has not been mastered, then the service should stay on the IEP. If your child is struggling in the public school system and needs special education services, please call us. As the largest private educational advocate in Florida, we've helped hundreds of families and chances are we can help you. • Individualized Education Plans (IEP's) • 504 Plans • The McKay Scholarship • Getting school districts to evaluate children, and complete those evaluations at no charge to you.

Bilingual services in Spanish are available. Contact The IEP Advocate today: (407) 342-9836 www.theiepadvocate.com DID YOU KNOW?

The International Association of Parents of Deaf was founded in 1967 by concerned parents of deaf and hard of hearing children. The organization changed its name in 1985 to the American Society for Deaf Children. Today: • • •

ASDC is the oldest national organization founded by and governed by parents of Deaf children. ASDC depends solely on donations, memberships, and proceeds from conferences for operations. ASDC’s board is a “volunteer” board with members who pay their own travel and lodging expenses for all ASDC events.

Become a part of this innovative organization by joining today! See membership form on page 44. www.deafchildren.org 15

Book Review Different Ways of Being By Lisalee Egbert, Ph.D. Having a deaf or hard of hearing child means parents amass a great deal of information, and often they feel overwhelmed by learning American Sign Language (ASL), attending meetings, staying on top of trends in deaf education, advocating for their children — the list is almost endless. One reason I just love “Different Ways of Being” by Alan Balter is that readers can deepen their awareness of the deaf community and, at the same time enjoy a feel-good novel. Balter intertwines facts about deaf history, culture, and language development into the storyline so seamlessly that readers might, in fact, be unaware of all they are assimilating. The reader becomes so immersed in the story that learning important truisms about deaf culture and history becomes effortless. “Different Ways of Being” takes a fascinating journey into the deaf community along with a wealth of information about deaf weddings, CODAs (hearing children born to deaf parents), communication, and much more, while becoming a suspenseful and sensitive pageturner. 16

Balter also calls attention to a critical topic that our society is not always willing to discuss: depression. “Different Ways of Being” opens a dialog for us to understand depression. Deaf or hearing, parent or child, situational or genetic — depression can be understood and treated if we are willing to bring it to the forefront. While the protagonists in this book are deaf, the plot is not solely wrapped around deaf issues. The effects of traumatic brain injury and gang membership are important elements as well; the many layers of the book and the sub-plots that develop are fascinating. One caveat is that we should start reading our deaf and hard of hearing children from birth; this book mentions starting reading to children later. Do not wait. Read to them as soon as they open their eyes! For more information about “Different Ways of Being,” visit www.balterbooks.com. The 372-page book, published in 2015, sells for $14.99. Alan Balter has worked in the field of special education and Deaf education with a focus on psychology. Retired, he has also published two other books.


Speech-Language Pathologist’s Language Pedagogy Shift as Parent of Deaf Child By Lynn Gold and Erika Thompson A hearing mother and deaf daughter team presented at the 2016 Early Hearing Detection and Intervention conference. The mother shared her journey as a speech-language pathologist whose baby became deaf, and the daughter connected the personal stories to the latest supportive research findings, accessed through Gallaudet University’s VL2 Institute. This article briefly focuses on the mother’s personal perspective of the family’s journey. EARLY COMMUNICATION JOURNEY When Erika became deaf at seven months of age, I had already been an speech-language pathologist (SLP) with my training prejudiced towards the oral method. I was taught that signing would distract a child from lipreading and attention to aural language, so she’d not learn speech well. I held that belief until Erika proved otherwise. Erika’s earliest training was oral/aural only. Yet I was startled to realize how much she trained me not to talk-talk-talk to her as I’d intended. Her interest in the variety of visual stimuli around her was greater than her interest in my moving lips, so without realizing it, I gradually reduced

my talking to her rather than increasing it. Formalized parent training began at an oral school, where we learned that it was best to parent our deaf daughter much as we had been parenting our hearing son, but with specialized attention to communication details: faceto-face, repetition of key vocabulary, insistence on visual contact before talking, and using parent-child notebooks with photos and captions to initiate and practice communication. Erika was moderately successful in learning speechreading, one word per week.


And then came her second birthday, with a party planned at her preschool. She was already fascinated by picture books and was devouring one of them when a teacher told her it was time to leave the book and come with her. Not understanding the teacher, who was encouraging her to the “Happy Birthday” singing around the corner, Erika bawled, and continued throughout their soundless singing. I was disturbed that we weren’t getting through to her enough. The experts at the school also advised me to “freeze my overly expressive face,” because I was distracting Erika from my oral movements. It seemed I would need to alter my personality to do this right. I realized the downside of my expressiveness when I tried to warn Erika of cars racing up our street. We lived on top of a hill, and Erika’s doting g randparent s lived across the street. I’d catch her leaving the house at age two to cross over the narrow street to visit them. I’d grab her, trying to explain the danger, but my fervent facial expressions terrified her. I was guided 18

further on our educational path by two patient teachers of Deaf children in a parent-infant summer program for special needs children. I’d asked them to teach her orally. At the end of the two-month program they chatted with me about Erika’s progress and my goals for her. They pointed out that she’d have difficulty reaching my goals for her first five crucial language-learning years at her current pace. They gently shared some research about the kickstart language learning can get when parents sign. AND THEN THERE WAS SIGN I enrolled in a beginning sign language adult education class with another parent who had become my best friend from the oral program; she is the mother of Erika’s childhood best friend. We shared all our deaf children’s milestones and fr ustrations, so we extended our deaf education frontier together, too. After several weeks of the class, I again caught Erika stepping into the street to visit her grandparents. Instead of yelling, I explained


in basic signs with voice: “NO! STOP! YOU WALK, SPEEDING CAR COMES, RUNS YOU OVER.” Her eyes grew big in horror at my explanation and her jaw dropped, fully taking the message in, rather than wincing at my angry, anxious face. I was startled that she seemed to understand me. I began to learn that sign language could rescue her language learning and our mother-daughter relationship.

ing in other families. Incorporating sign language into our family, at least through me, seemed so much more valuable for Erika’s communication with the family, at school, and even in the community.

FAMILY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT FOR GREATER LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT OUTCOMES My friend and I invited to lunch variTHE BATTLEFIELD ous interpreters, Deaf professors and We then found ourselves in the middle performers. They were generous in of a long-standing war between “oral- their time and help as we questioned ists” and “signers.” I talked to a direc- them about the deaf community and tor at my gradudeaf education. ate school about We were a bit the conflict. “I began to learn that our sign unique in that He finally gave sense; most language could rescue her me a balanced, parents don’t unbiased view language learning and our have the kind of each of the mother-daughter relationship” of access we varied versions had to the Deaf of education for community deaf children. and, therefore, I was discovering that speech, and continue to follow medical/academic even more importantly, vocabulary, advice — often slanted towards the language and cognition, were expand- oral/aural approach. ing as we communicated more effecWe teamed with others within the tively through sign and speech. Speech greater Deaf community. Erika’s Deaf blossomed only after I started signing classmates and their families at her with Erika. She could see the words preschool and I took turns taking the better than she could hear all of them. kids for sleep-overs and weekends. At She responded well to finger-spelled school, she had a critical mass of Deaf clues I gave her for her speech produc- peers with whom she could interact in tion. However, I couldn’t effectively language play. For instance, Erika and a give her typical speech lessons without deaf friend would recite all the dialogue hurting our relationship. She balked, of their school play to each other and our mother-daughter relationship during weekend sleep-overs. One Deaf felt strained. I could see that happen- family shared with Erika the benefits 19

of ASL from birth, and exposed her to full family interactions day and night. The mother helped Erika improve her ASL in an adult dialogue setting. One of my speech clients, a deaf college student, agreed to babysit on occasion, and signed with Erika more than I could. A deafened psychologist, fluent in spoken English and sign language, became a close family friend whose family joined ours for outings. Interactive and narrative language for Erika blossomed. ADVANTAGES OF ASL/ENGLISH BILINGUALISM AND THE DEAF WORLD I had learned in my early training that bilingualism should be encouraged: a strong first language (L1) allows subsequent languages to develop equally well. Parental attempts to use a second language (L2) only (in this case, 20

English) with their children limit the quality and richness of both parent’s and therefore, child’s language and cultural experience together. I hadn’t seen our choice to sign as the addition of a second language. I was still too naïve to realize we were introducing her to her second language, especially when I wasn’t signing fluent ASL. But it would become her fluent and accessible primary language. To watch her in conversation with other signers, or to watch her in “sign play,” ASL poetry, or in a presentation, is inspirational. Erika being deafened as an infant left me mourning the “death of my hearing daughter” and all my expectations around her hearing. Our journey has, in contrast, allowed me to realize she has actually opened the Deaf community, which I hadn’t even known was there, to me. We have all been blessed by allowing my child and her needs to lead me. Among all her talents, as an incredible mother, a sensitive teacher and friend, a professional trainer, and a talented performer, language has become one of her greatest gifts. Lynn Gold, M.A., is a retired speechlanguage pathologist. Erika Thompson, M.A., is the assistant to the superintendent at the California School for the Deaf, Riverside.


Discovering Self-Confidence Through Art

By Lindsay Rosa Photographs by Tad “Hadley” Fruits Nestled among the annuals and perennials along the Monon Trail near 42nd Street is the “Gateway to Deaf Culture” plaza. A collaborative project with the Indianapolis community and the Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD), the plaza features original ceramic tile artwork by the school’s art students, who are seeking to identify themselves better as deaf individuals while gaining more selfconfidence through art. In a world that doesn’t always recognize the needs of deaf students, art plays an important role at ISD. Established in 1843, it is one of the nation’s top high schools for deaf students. Art instructor Scotty Zwicker explains that his students use art as a way to explore their identities, American Sign Language (ASL), and deaf culture. They

also gain more self-confidence, a positive outcome of the creative process. As one of the school’s students stated, “Art makes me feel inspired because it is amazing how we all express our feelings into our work of art.” Students at the school gain exposure to various art mediums, including painting, drawing, still-life, mural, ceramics, realistic/non-objective, abstract, and sculpture. With each new project, Zwicker enjoys seeing his students develop their skills and individual styles. “I love students’ creativ-


ity, which is so amazing,” he said. In addition to creating their own art, students study deaf artists and their artworks, which Zwicker hopes will offer further inspiration. Zwicker uses a variety of teaching methods, including ASL, handwritten instructions, computer presentations, and texts printed in English. As part of their classroom instruction, students also learn about Deaf Visual Image Art, which includes resistive and affirmative aspects of deaf art. According to Zwicker, resistive deaf art expresses the suppression and oppression of the deaf, while affirmative deaf art is more playful and warm in nature and supports ideas like deaf empowerment, acculturation, and acceptance, using ASL signs. By teaching both forms of expression, the goal is to encourage his students to develop their own unique identities. It seems to be working. “I feel so completely at peace when I’m being artistic, and I feel like I’m myself,” remarked one of the school’s art students. As students work on improving their


art skills, techniques, and creativity during the school year, Zwicker noted that they also begin to “show more appreciation for art,” and increase their understanding of its importance. As one student explained, “Art makes me feel like I’m able to express myself and see where I’m able to go and overcome my struggles.” For Zwicker, seeing his students’ progress and accomplishments is one of the most rewarding parts of teaching. A number of his students have exhibited their work in Indianapolis, in other states, and at national competitions. Several have gone on to study art at Rochester Institute of Technology/ National Technical Institute of the Deaf in Rochester, N.Y., and at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. Community art projects, such as the “Gateway to Deaf Culture” plaza project along the Monon, give these young adults a chance to discover their identities and gain more confidence through art. According to Zwicker, “Sometimes, they didn’t realize that they [were] good at it.” Reprinted with permission.


Thanks to social media, #SUPPORT can be visual, #ADVOCACY can be shared, and #EQUALITY can be achieved. Join, like, follow us on every platform!

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ASDC believes that deaf children are entitled to full communication access in their home, school and community.

ASDC believes that consideration of communication opportunities for deaf children should be based on facts.

ASDC believes there should be access to identification and intervention by qualified providers, family involvement, and educational opportunities equal to those provided for hearing children

ASDC affirms that parents have the right and responsibility to be primary decision-makers and advocates.

#2047, 800 Florida Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695 800-942-2732 (v) • 202-644-9204 (vp) • www.deafchildren.org • asdc@deafchildren.org

Join Today 27

Summer Camps at RIT Encourage Students to Explore Career Options RIT/NTID’s summer camps provided educational experiences to 260 deaf and hard-ofhearing students last summer. Programs such as Explore Your Future, TechGirlz and TechBoyz and Health Care Careers Exploration Camp allowed middle and high school students to learn more about the various paths they can take to college and a career. Visit www.rit.edu/ntid/outreach to learn more about which camp is right for your child. Each year, ASDC publishes a list of summer camps in its summer issue. This list, categorized by state, includes contact information, dates, and much more.



Is the Interpreter in Your Child’s Education an Educational Interpreter?

By Kimberly F. Hutter, M.Ed., Ed:K-12, and Claudia M. Pagliaro, Ph.D. As a parent with a child who is deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), you communicate with professionals for your child’s education: school administrators, teachers, speech therapists, etc. One person who you may not have had the opportunity to interact with is your child’s educational interpreter. Yet this person may be the most important professional your child comes in contact with every school day. But, who is this educational interpreter and why is this person so important? What qualifications does s/he have? What is the connection to your child? All of these are questions of great consequence. RESPONSIBILITIES Schick, Williams, and Kupermintz (2006) state that an educational interpreter is responsible for “providing

access to all teacher and peer communication” (p. 3) within the education setting. This means that the individual hired to interpret for your child is there to sign everything that is spoken or vocalized in the classroom and in turn, voice what your child signs. Thus, when the teacher is explaining how to divide fractions or the lifecycle of a butterfly, or even what the cafeteria is serving for lunch, the interpreter relays that information to your child. When your child responds to a question, has a comment/question of his/her own, or wants to tell a joke, the interpreter is there to voice that in English for him/ her. In addition, any peer communication or conversation between students that is accessible by a hearing person should be interpreted too. Hence, the educational interpreter provides your child with access to the general curriculum, including any class academic or otherwise (e.g., reading, math, gym, 29

etc.) where your child’s participation is classroominterpreting.org (Schick, required, as well as all of the “extras” n.d.). Clearly, it is important that that happen in the classroom. As such, educational interpreters have language your child’s communication is mediated skills in both English and ASL. Because through the interpreter. The interpret- all communication involving your child er takes in the information the teacher, is processed through the interpreter, for example, provides, processes that he/she becomes the gateway by which information for meaning, and then your child expresses and receives any produces a translation of the infor- and all information. Incompetence mation in the language/system your in either language, or in the process child prefers. In of translatorder to do this, ing between the interpreter the “quality of access to the languages/ needs not only to modes (spoken have proficiency classroom content. . . is to/from sign) in English and highly dependent on the skills will hinder the sign, but also an process and understanding of the educational interpreter.” interfere with of the content your child’s being discussed, learning. the ability to process between the two Because the interpreter then also communication systems, and an under- becomes a language model for your standing of your child’s own linguistic child, it is essential that he/she have an and developmental levels. Schick et al. extensive knowledge of both English (2006) states that the “quality of access and ASL development. This is importo classroom content (i.e., your child’s tant so that the interpreter underlearning) is highly dependent on the stands where your child’s language skills of the educational interpreter” abilities lie and can adjust accordingly (p. 4). But how do you know if your to match him/her, giving your child child’s educational interpreter is suffi- true access and allowing him/her to ciently skilled? progress academically and linguistically. SKILLS Knowledge and understanding of As stated above, quality educational the DHH learner takes this a step interpreters should possess proficien- further. Understanding your child cy in the following areas: language, means understanding his/her level of language development, child develop- hearing/deafness, assistive technolment, the DHH learner, and academic ogy (e.g., FM system, hearing aid), and content. These areas are based on the culture (e.g., Deaf, Hispanic), as well as various roles performed by an educa- the educational system within which tional interpreter as outlined on www. your child learns including terminol30


ogy, laws, information related to IEPs (educational interpreters are part of the IEP team!), and school procedures. The educational interpreter, in fact, maybe thought of as your child’s on-site, daily liaison between general education and deaf education. Finally, your child’s educational interpreter must be knowledgeable in content. This includes math, science, history, etc.: the entire curriculum in which your child (regardless of age) is involved. Imagine trying to interpret a lecture on the digestive system when you have no understanding of biology or the human anatomy. The signs would simply “hang” in neutral space as opposed to forming the necessary relationships between the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. In addition, although the educational interpreter is not a classroom aide, Jones and Clark (1997) discovered that educational interpreters are often asked to work or review academic content with DHH students aside from their main priority of interpreting. This time may not be very productive, and could possibly be counterproductive, if the educational interpreter does not understand

the content him/herself. Having the knowledge and skills outlined above allows the educational interpreter to make decisions that are best for your child. So, how do you know that your child’s educational interpreter possesses these qualifications? ASSESSMENTS AND LICENSURE There are several ways in which educational interpreters are licensed depending on the state. Some states accept various credentials from the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) including the National Interpreter Certification (NIC) and the Educational Certificate: K-12 (which is no longer offered, but is still recognized [RID, 2015]). Still, these credentials may not indicate that the individual has the necessary knowledge and skills to be an educational interpreter even though they are accepted for licensure. Some may be more oriented toward interpreting for doctors’ visits, legal appointments, or theatrical shows, for example. There are states, however, that do require a more specific assessment, the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment (EIPA), for their state educational interpreter licensure. The EIPA is the only assessment currently 31

available that evaluates an interpreter’s proficiency in a K-12 setting. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT The EIPA was constructed specifically with K-12 settings in mind by professionals in the fields of education and interpreting (Schick & Williams, 1994). There are 37 different skill areas that are rated on a scale of 0 (no observable skills) to 5 (advanced skills) (Schick et al., 2006). The written portion of the assessment includes questions related to linguistics and language development, English, child development, culture, educational practices and systems, and professional knowledge. The performance portion asks test-takers to interpret videotaped segments taken from real-life classrooms that include DHH students of various language abilities (Schick et al., 2006). As of 2014, 42 states accept 32

the EIPA (16 with the written portion) in order to obtain employment as an educational interpreter (Johnson, Schick, & Bolster, 2014). Of those 42, however, only 24 require a minimal score of 3.5. Note that the 3.5 rating, according to the EIPA Rating System, is a minimum skill level indicating that the individual possesses the abilities to interpret only the most basic classroom content (Schick, et al., 1999). An additional 11 states require a more advanced score of 4.0. At this level, an individual has good comprehension of signed messages and can interpret a considerable amount of the content in the classroom (Schick, et al., 1999). Your state’s requirements and the assessment(s) that your child’s educational interpreter has taken may be an indication of his/her knowledge and skills, which in turn may affect your child’s access to learning. For example, Maroney and Smith (2010) collected data on 18 students from the same interpreter training program. All 18 took both the EIPA and the NIC assessment. Of those 18, 14 passed the NIC while only 7 scored a 3.5 and just 1 a 4.0 on the EIPA. Given a particular state then, every one of the 14 students that


passed the NIC could be allowed to interpret for your child, regardless of whether they scored less than a 3.5 on the EIPA. Thus, while interpreting students are likely to be prepared to work with adults, they may not be adequately prepared to work with your child. RECOMMENDATIONS Given what we know is needed for quality educational interpreting and the high stakes it plays in your child’s learning, we suggest that as a parent, you inquire (with your LEA, special education director, state department of education) as to your state’s requirements for educational interpreters, and the qualifications of your child’s interpreter. Ask if your state requires all interpreters employed within school districts to pass the EIPA and at what score. In addition, take the time to get to know your child’s educational interpreter. Be sure that he/she has important infor- Every child, your child, has mation related to your child and the right to a quality education that he/she is regularly involved in conversations with school staff — an education that for many (general education and deaf educa- DHH students can only come tion) about your child’s learning. Ask that you too be included in the through a qualified educational exchange and outcome of those interpreter. conversations. Don’t wait for the IEP meeting. Every child, your child, has the right to a quality education — an education that for many DHH students can only come through a qualified educational interpreter. For a full list of references, contact asdctami@aol.com.

Going Green! Help save trees and costs by receiving an online version of The Endeavor instead of a hard copy. Email your request to asdc@deafchildren.org.


Council de Manos Provides Resources on Latinx Topics Council de Manos has the mission of empowering Latinx Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened through social justice awareness, preserving culture, values, and heritage through “knowing your story,” providing educational, self-advocacy, and leadership training to youth, and educating the general community about the life journeys of Latinx Deaf, DeafBlind, Deaf Disabled, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened individuals and their families. Council de Manos will hold its fifth biennial conference in October 2017 in Los Angeles. Visit www.councildemanos.org for videos, articles, announcements, and much more.


DeafNation Expo Schedule DeafNation Expo has wrapped up its 2016 tour, but there’s much more coming in 2017! September 2017: Japan December 2017: India July 2018: China



What It’s Like to Wear Waterproof Hearing Aids Waterproof hearing aids are a big deal. I mean, huge. HUGE! I don’t think you are actually likely to understand unless you actually use hear-wear. It’s enormous. Just to kind of give you a glimpse, though, think about all the times in which water is around you: the shower, the pool, hot tubs, hot springs, ocean, rivers, RAIN? Maybe it’s a bigger deal for me than for someone living in say, Kansas, since I’ve spent my entire life so far around the Pacific Ocean, but there is no denying that for any of us, all of us, water is a part of our lives. WATER IS ALWAYS IN THE BACK OF MY MIND. Someone turns on the sprinkler? DAMMIT! Get that away from my hearing aids! Or the hose, or those suddendousing “fun” things? Boats, canoes, kayaks, all of that usually has me in anxiety. My choice, you see, has always been to either participate in something that relates to water and take the chance of killing my super expensive piece of hear-ware OR participate with them off, rendering me unable to communicate, thanks to my lack of signing

(Parents, this is why you need to teach your kids ASL, okay? So they are not stuck like I am now). So I just about swooned when I saw that Siemens has a new TOTALLY WATERPROOF hearing aid out. I know, for those of you who know hearing aids, this really does sound like an impossibility, doesn’t it? I mean, where does the battery casing go? The microphone? How can the microphone work if it’s encased? Doesn’t make sense. But I was so excited about the possibility, I went for it anyway. The hearing aids (as shown in above photograph) are way smaller and lighter than my backups — my ears are grateful for that. They have no volume control or adjustments; completely digital. I’m fine with that, and used to it too, since my Phonak’s operate the same way. I am not even using the phone anymore — too stressful — so I have not tested them for Bluetooth/T-coil capacity. SOUND QUALITY It’s always a brain-bender to get used to a different sound system. The overall sound quality for the hearing aids is fine, it’s this strange sort of echo-y, 35

tin-tastical-laced voiced sounds that kind of [weirded] me out. It’s like a dim, raspy-yet-clear-megaphone going straight into your ear canal. Does that make sense? I think that the sound quality in Phonaks or non-waterproof Siemen’s models are better in terms of clarity. THE WATER PART 1. Swimming I went swimming with Mack and Moxie and wore them — and it was WEIRD. It was actually not fun because I’m not used to hearing all that and it kind of freaked me out. The water sounds crinkly and metallic and rather than a lovely silence that goes with the feeling of water, it’s this jarring bunch of sound. And people in pools are NOISY — I didn’t know that (or like it). So… the hearing aids work fine while swimming. But I won’t be doing that again unless I absolutely have to. 2. Showering I took a shower with them in and it was just… ugh! How can hearing people stand to listen to shampoo like that? It’s TERRIBLE! That lathering sound is excruciating. While the sounds of the actual shower were like nails on chalkboard to me, I liked being able to hear Moxie scream from the yurt (or did I?), I liked the measure of safety that I felt being able to hear as I showered, but I gotta be honest, I’m not doing it again. I much prefer my silent showers, so I’m not sure I’m going to be using them in the 36

shower unless I absolutely have to. Overall I’m a few months into using these hearing aids as my primary hearing devices. I love them because here in Humboldt County, it rains a lot and I am never nervous anymore about getting my hearing aids wet outside while walking or hiking. That’s an awesome feeling. I also like them while on the beach or river, because again, no worries about water accidentally destroying them. But I won’t go swimming or shower with them in unless I have no choice. I can’t stand the unfamiliar sounds and much prefer my silence. While I do think that the sound quality in Phonaks or non-waterproof Siemens models are superior to the sound quality in these, these bubbas are waterproof. I’m not getting the best quality sound, but since I’m a pretty active mom of three very active kids living in one of the rainiest parts of California with a lifestyle that revolves around water, I’ll take it. Note: This post is not sponsored in any way, shape or form. Meriah Nichols who is deaf, lives in a yurt off the grid in California, has a lot of chickens and blogs via satellite. She has three kids (one with Down syndrome), and tries hard to get all the dishes done. Her website is at www.meriahnichols. com. The Limping Chicken is a UK website, available at www.limpingchicken.com.


Tips for Educators with Deaf Students • • • •

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Educate yourself about deaf and hard of hearing people from a cultural viewpoint. View the deaf or hard of hearing child as part of the rich diversity within your school and classroom. Consider new knowledge, skills, and awareness that will result from having this child in your class and school community and infuse these into your curriculum and/or classroom activities. Make a point to regularly communicate directly with deaf and hard of hearing students, whether through spoken language in conducive spaces (not noisy or visually distracting), sign language, or print media/text/notepads. Keep interactions positive so deaf and hard of hearing students can gain skills and confidence in their ability to interact with peers and adults. Be alert to the child’s accessibility needs. Turn
on captioning for TV, videos, and movies,
each and every time. Consider how physical aspects of your classroom — noise levels, seating configurations — affect the deaf or hard of hearing child. If the student, on their own or through an interpreter, says something unclear, give the student a chance to express it again, including through different means. Be aware that confusion or lack of clarity may be due to an interpreter’s inadequate skills. If there are two or more deaf and hard of hearing students in the school, create ways for these students to meet and interact in meaningful ways, even if they use different languages or modalities. What is important is that they meet others like themselves. Provide for ASL classes and/or an ASL club and empower the deaf child to lead this club. At the high school level, offer ASL for world language credit. Engage the deaf student(s) in creating activities or course content to educate classmates about Deaf culture, famous Deaf individuals (past and present), and contemporary Deaf adults who have successful careers in various fields. Engage the deaf student in creating activities or course content focused on the Deaf experience and signed languages in the visual and performing arts. vl2.gallaudet.edu, May 2016 37

unique experiences of deaf Conference Schedule Combats Veditz Website Deaf Education youth and siblings will be Wednesday Registration and addressedTutoring through art, drama, Challenges Opening “Sampleby OurProviding City” and team building activities; Family Fun Night! Families

Arlene Garcia Gunderson will sample menu items from President/Co-Founder

Frederick area restaurants, learn(www.veditz.org) about Frederickwas cultural Veditz created venues, shop at localresource merchant as a centralized education for booths, and enjoy parents, families, and activities professionals as face petting who such encounter or painting, work withaDeaf chilzoo, games, and more. dren. Veditz also provides information on important issues to help them Thursday through Saturday – become aware of education support Parent Workshops: Three opportunities so they can serve full days of concurrent successful roles in the lives of Deaf workshops on issues, choices, children. The ultimate goal of Veditz is consequences, and the many to uplift the pride, correct perceptions available resources that of persons who are Deaf, and can create a impact senseprofoundly of shared pride in the Deaf culture, development of deaf hard of community, identity, andorlanguage hearing children. Professionals through education. willonce present instudent each ofwho the evenfive I was a Deaf key areas employed covering tually became assuch a counselor, adiverse teacher topics and a principal as familyat a state

dynamics, cochlear implant effective use, language development, secondary conditions, education choices, community support options and access, and many more.

Children’s Program: A comprehensive three-day program of planned, supervised activities for children and teens ages 0 to 21 in four age groups. The informational needs and 38

sibling and games, school workshops; for Deaf students. I understand firsthand the more. major challenges your field trips, and Deaf child and your family may have

Evening Activities: Family to face everyday as you communicate oriented activities each and foster your relationship. For me, evening offer family and four hearing as a Deaf mother, raising social time. one world evening, children wasOn a new for me since participants will explore I was born to Deaf parents who moved Frederick’s sights, to the United Statesshops, from Puerto Rico. galleries, and parks; Our close-knit familyenjoy always used sign language as ourown; primary dinner on their and language. I can fully understand and empathize experience living history with the new world you through Ghost Tours. face. I have spent more than 30 years

Exhibit Hall: Sponsors, navigating Deaf education, both as businesses related any of the a student and thentoas a professional. conference key areas, in social work, With my background educational institutions and adminDeaf education and education organizations, and local istration, I continue to try to underagencies and inequality vendors will stand the in education access information and attainment display and issues within the Deaf commuproducts in the Exhibit Hall. nity, and how we

Museum: MSD’s Bjorlee can change the Museum is packed with world. There are historic information70 and million deaf artifacts relating to the school, people worldwide; Frederick, the Hessian Barwhen you add in racks, multiple wars,immediate and family members, the more. extended commu-

Sunday morning – Final nity is 300 to 500 breakfast and Conference million people. Wrap-Up; airport That’s more transportation provided. people than in the


entire United States. After 200 years of American deaf education, it is very troubling that only 2% of Deaf people have access to education and support delivered in sign language. Such inaccessibility leads to tragic outcomes. In the United States alone, the rate of high school dropouts among deaf students is 314% higher than hearing students, the college dropout rate is 71% higher, and under/unemployment rate is 265% higher for deaf people. This is why Veditz was established. Fifty years of academic research proves that tutoring is one of the most effective and efficient ways to increase education success. Veditz is a marketplace of independent tutors for Deaf students in all subjects. All tutoring is provided in the student’s preferred sign language online. We believe our online tutoring platform is the best available in the world; in fact, EDUCAUSE named Veditz as one of the top 10 education start-ups in Fall 2016. Many states already offer funding for after-school tutoring and Veditz may be able to help you access these funds. Come and learn more about

Veditz and how we can help you and your Deaf child access our services and ultimately greater education opportunities. Meanwhile, please check out our terrific, free Khan Academy for the Deaf. Still being built, the initial focus is on mathematics, with four-to-sixminute videos discussing math questions and lessons taught in ASL by a Deaf public school teacher along with English captions. We have over 50 video lessons, and will continue to add videos on an ongoing basis. We like to think of Veditz as a pay-itforward model for the Deaf community, giving back to the Deaf community that helped me found this company. To learn more about Veditz’s services and resources, visit www.veditz.org. 39



Educational and Organizational Members American School f/t Deaf 139 N. Main St. West Hartford, CT 06107 860-570-2300 www.asd-1817.org Atlanta Area School f/t Deaf 890 N. Indian Creek Dr. Clarkston, GA 30021 404-296-7101 www.aasdweb.com California School f/t Deaf 39350 Gallaudet Dr. Fremont, CA 94538 510-794-3685 www.csdeagles.com California School f/t Deaf 3044 Horace St. Riverside, CA 92506 951-248-7700 www.csdr-cde.ca.gov Colorado School f/t Deaf and the Blind 33 N. Institute Street Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719-578-2100 www.csdb.org

Florida School f/t Deaf & Blind 207 N. San Marco Ave. St. Augustine, FL 32084 800-344-3732 www.fsdb.k12.fl.us Gallaudet University 800 Florida Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 202-651-5000 www.gallaudet.edu Georgia School f/t Deaf 232 Perry Farm Road SW Cave Spring, GA 30124 800-497-3371 www.gsdweb.org Indiana School f/t Deaf 1200 E. 42nd St. Indianapolis, IN 46205 317-550-4800 www.deafhoosiers.org Kansas School f/t Deaf 450 E. Park St. Olathe, KS 66061 913-791-0573 www.ksdeaf.org

Kendall Demonstration Elementary School 800 Florida Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 202-651-5206 www.gallaudet.edu/clerc_ center Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center 800 Florida Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 202-541-5855 www.gallaudet.edu/ clerc-center Louisiana School f/t Deaf 2888 Brightside Dr. Baton Rouge, LA 70820 225-769-8160 www.lalsd.org Marie H. Katzenbach School f/t Deaf 320 Sullivan Way Trenton, NJ 08628 609-530-3112 www.mksd.org

RENEW MEMBERSHIP TO RECEIVE A FREE GIFT Renew your ASDC membership today for only $40.00 and receive a free Once Upon a Sign DVD. Renew for three years at only $100.00 and receive all three DVDs free. See page 44, or visit www.deafchildren.org to renew today!


Maryland School f/t Deaf PO Box 250 Frederick, MD 21705 301-360-2000 www.msd.edu Model Secondary School f/t Deaf 800 Florida Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002 202-651-5031 www.gallaudet.edu/ clerc_center National Technical Institute f/t Deaf 52 Lomb Memorial Dr. Rochester, NY 14623 585-475-6426 www.ntid.rit.edu NM School f/t Deaf 1060 Cerrillos Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 505-827-6700 www.nmsd.k12.nm.us NY School f/t Deaf 555 Knollwood Rd. White Plains, NY 10603 914-949-7310 www.nysd.net NC School f/t Deaf 517 W Fleming Drive Morganton, NC 28655 828-432-5200 www.ncsd.net

Philadelphia, PA 19144 215-951-4700 www.psd.org St. Joseph School f/t Deaf 1000 Hutchinson River Pkwy Bronx, NY 14065 718-828-9000 www.sjsdny.org Scranton School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children 537 Venard Rd. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 866-400-9080 www.thescrantonschool.org SD School f/t Deaf 2001 E. 8th St. Sioux Falls, SD 57103 605-367-5200 www.sdsd.sdbor.edu Texas School f/t Deaf 1102 S. Congress Ave. Austin, TX 78704 512-462-5353 www.tsd.state.tx.us The Learning Center f/t Deaf 848 Central St. Framingham, MA 01701 508-879-5110 www.tlcdeaf.org

ND School f/t Deaf 1401 College Dr. North Devils Lake, ND 58301 800-887-2980 ndsd.school@k12.nd.us

Washington School f/t Deaf 611 Grand Blvd. Vancouver, WA 98661 360-696-6525 www.wsd.wa.gov

PA School f/t Deaf 100 W. School House Lane

West Virginia Schools f/t Deaf and Blind


301 E. Main St. Romney, WV 26757 304-822-4800 www.wvsdb2.state.k12. wv.us Western Pennsylvania School f/t Deaf 300 E. Swissvale Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15218 800-624-3323 www.wpsd.org Willie Ross School f/t Deaf 32 Norway St. Longmeadow, MA 01106 413-567-0374 www.willierossschool.org ORGANIZATIONS Communication Services f/t Deaf 102 N. Krohn Place Sioux Falls, SD 57103 605-367-5760 www.c-s-d.org Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools & Programs for the Deaf PO Box 1778 St. Augustine, FL 32085 904-810-5200 www.ceasd.org DawnSignPress 6130 Nancy Ridge Dr. San Diego, CA 92121 858-625-0600 www.dawnsign.com Deaf Cultural Center Foundation 455 E. Park St. Olathe, KS 66061 913-782-5808 www.deafculturalcenter.org


Described and Captioned Media Program 1447 E. Main St. Spartanburg, SC 29307 800-327-6213 www.dcmp.org

Kiwa Digital Ltd. 19 Drake St. Victoria Park Market Auckland, NZ 1010 +64 9 925 5035 www.kiwadigital.com

“Hear With Your Eyes” Therapy Alison Freeman, Ph.D. 424 12th St. Santa Monica, CA 90402 310-712-1200 www.dralisonfreeman.net

Quota International 1420 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-331-9694 www.quota.org

Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc. 11323 Amherst Avenue Wheaton, MD 20902 301-942-4326 www.idrt.com

Rhode Island Commission f/t Deaf and Hard of Hearing One Capitol Hill Ground Level Providence, RI 02908 401-256-5511 www.cdhh.ri.gov

Signs for Hope 867A Charlotte Hwy Fairview, NC 28730 www.signsforhope.org Talking Hands Inc. PO Box 7599 Largo, MD 20792 301-306-1606 www.talkinghands incorporated.org Veditz 448 Ignacio Blvd #343 Novato, CA 94949 www.veditz.org Want to join today? See box below for more information.

Membership Package for Schools & Organizations ASDC provides a very special membership option for schools and organizations. If your school or organization would like to join ASDC as an Educational Member, ASDC will provide your school or organization with: • A free one-year membership for all of your families • A special thank you in the next monthly email blast • A special thank you in The Endeavor • A special thank you in the news section of the ASDC website • A link to your school or organization’s website • Your contact information posted on ASDC’s Educational/Organizational Membership webpage

To join, complete the membership form on page 44. If you would like more information, email asdc@deafchildren.org or call (800) 942-2732. 43

asdc@deafchildren.org Parent Information and Referral Line: (800) 942-ASDC (2732)

MEMBERSHIP FORM Name:__________________________

Email: ___________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________



Phone: Voice/TTY/Videophone Membership Type Individual memberships _______$40 per year: Individual/Family Membership _______$100 per year: Three-year Individual/Family Membership _______$5,000 one-time fee: Lifetime Membership _______First-Year Free Membership (Families with Deaf children are eligible for a FREE one-year membership. Just fill out this form and mail, email or fax it back to us.) Deaf Child’s Name: ________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________________________________________ Group memberships _______$250 per year: Parent Affiliate Group ( ____ Number of Parent Members) _______$125 per year: Library Membership _______$250 per year: Educational Membership _______$250 per year: Organizational Membership I would like to send more than my membership dues. Enclosed is a tax-deductible donation:

$10 $25 $50 $100 _______Other

Total Enclosed: $__________ Make checks payable to American Society for Deaf Children. Please charge my Visa or MasterCard: Card Number:__________________________ Expiration Date:______________ Please return to: American Society for Deaf Children #2047 800 Florida Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20002-3695 Fax: (410) 795-0965 • Phone: (800) 942-2732 • Email: asdc@deafchildren.org


ASDC #2047 800 Florida Ave., NE Washington, D.C. 20002

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Pittsburgh, PA Permit No. 993

With ASL and English, your child CAN... LEARN! THRIVE! SUCCEED! Mission ASDC is committed to empowering diverse families with deaf* children and youth by embracing full access to language-rich environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks. Vision All deaf children and youth shall have the opportunity to thrive in every aspect of their lives through the empowerment of their families. *ASDC uses the term “deaf ” to be inclusive of various hearing levels, including those who are seen as, or identify as Deaf, deaf, or hard of hearing.

American Society for Deaf Children #2047 800 Florida Ave. NE • Washington, D.C. 20002-3695 (800) 942-2732 • asdc@deafchildren.org • www.deafchildren.org

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