Adhesion Society Newsletter 2017 Edition

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Fir s t Se m e s t e r • 2017 Edition

Executive Committee

Letter from the President Dear Fellow Adhesion Society Members, Thank you to all whom made our 40th annual meeting a great celebration of our Society’s history and our ongoing pursuit of adhesion science knowledge. In particular, we are most grateful to Prof. Jim Wightman who joined us after a long absence, Prof. Tony Kinloch and Don Hunston who continue in regular attendance, and Prof. Mark Foster who provided detail and background on the very beginning of the Society. They all represented the select group of founders/early leaders of our Society. We celebrated our 40th Anniversary with a grand party on Sunday evening that was most enjoyable. The photo booth and sketch artists surely captured some artifacts of the evening’s festivities. Many thanks to Malinda Armstrong and the Executive Committee for putting this together after our offsite venue canceled. The meeting itself was quite well attended with approximately 250 registrations and was preceded by another very well attended Short Course organized by Prof. David Dillard. So congratulations to our program chair Prof. Kai-Tak Wan, Divisions, Short Course instructors, and session organizers for putting together such a great meeting. One of the program’s many highlights was the Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science Symposium sponsored by 3M in honor of Prof. Tom McCarthy. The session, organized and chaired by Prof. Al Crosby, provided a showcase of Tom’s influence and achievements in our field. Our meeting site, St. Petersburg, offered a well-deserved break from winter weather and offered many of the amenities we have come to expect from a host city. The one hour lunch break continues to be a challenge as restaurants really have to be close by for this to work. The hotel did step in and offer preordered meals and the planning meetings on Monday and Tuesday featured complimentary buffet lunch. The Executive Committee and the Program Chair continue to work on streamlining the increasingly packed program that is often in flux up to the start of the program. During the Society’s business meeting we announced several changes and additions that were made by the Executive Committee starting in 2017. Briefly, these changes are a reduction in the membership fee to $40, addition of an annual fun 5k run/walk, member only access to the most recent two years of proceedings, and shortened terms for Division Officers. These changes were made to encourage membership when unable to attend, increase fun and comrade, avoid public disclosure prior to publication conflicts, and to make it easier to recruit Division Officers, respectively. The terms for Division officers is now reduced to 1 year with automatic promotion of the Vice-Chair to Chair with the prior Chair becoming the immediate past Chair. Thus, the Divisions only have to elect one position every year. The Division Office of SecretaryTreasurer is now optional as typically the position is not needed. If you have questions or comments about these changes please let us know. It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of a former President, Program Chair, Fellow of the Society, and long term contributor, Ray Dickie. Ray passed away in April at his home after a brief illness. Ray made significant contributions to the use of adhesives and adhesion science at Ford Motor Co and then as a Consultant. He made an impact on all of us who knew him and interacted with him. He will be missed. Also, I would like to reflect on recent passing of Prof Kenneth Johnson, and Carl Dhalquist. Prof. Johnson, the J in the JKR theory, had a significant role in the development of the field of contact mechanics and its use in addressing a wide variety of industrial problems that included adhesion. The Society awarded him our Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science in 2002. Carl is famous for the Dhalquist criterion and other efforts within 3M that is credited with bringing tape and PSA’s generally out of the dark ages and into the field of scientific study that it is today. Please join me in remembering and honoring the contributions and personality of these three great contributors to the field of adhesion.

Greg Schueneman

Carlos Barrios & Shantanu Renade

Adhesion Society President 2016-2018



Gregory Schueneman USDA USFS Forest Products Vice President

Tim Long

Virginia Tech Secretary

Chelsea Davis Purdue University


Charles Shuster Franklin International Immediate Past President

Anand Jagota Lehigh University

Members at Large

Kay Blohowiak

The Boeing Company

Kevin Turner University of Pennsylvania EditorS

Carlos Barrios – 3M Company Shantanu Ranade – 3M Company Bioadhesion Division Chair

Burak Aksak

Texas Tech University Structural Adhesives Division Chair

Aaron Foster

National Institute of Standards and Technology Soft Adhesives Division Chair

Dale Haner

DHM Adhesives

The ADHESION SOCIETY Inc. 7101 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 990 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 986-9700, x106 Fax: (301) 986-9795 Email: Queries can be sent to Malinda Armstrong, the Adhesion Society Home Office Manager at

2018 WCARP VI It will be our privilege to host the sixth World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phenomena in 2018 along with our Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. This is a global adhesion conference that rotates between continents every four years. We will follow our current meeting format being organized by Prof. Joelle Frechette of John Hopkins University with the addition of organization from an International Organizing Committee (IOC) that will provide session organization from nine adhesion focused Societies in South America, Asia, and Europe. Thus, we anticipate that this will be a large meeting that possibly runs through Thursday afternoon rather than our usual noon on Wednesday. We hosted this meeting last in 2002 and attendance was over 350, our biggest meeting ever. Thus, we have much to look forward to and much to organize so please provide Joelle and the IOC your best efforts. One highlight we are pleased to announce now is the selection of Prof. Ray Pearson of Lehigh University as the winner of the 2018 Award for Excellence in Adhesion! He has graciously accepted this nomination and we can look forward to another superb Award Symposium. Thank you for responding to the brief survey. We continue to seek your input to make your meeting and Society better each year. My dear members we have an exciting meeting to look forward to in a beautiful venue. See you in San Diego!

40th Anniversary Celebration The conference was highlighted with a celebratory banquet, gathering participants from the conference and inviting founding leadings of the Society. Professor Jim Wightman, Virginia Tech, served as the master of ceremony and shared a collection of images from the earlier days of the Society. The presentation was accompanied by informal contributions from Professor Dr. Tim Long, Virginia Tech Tony Kinloch, Imperial College, and a friendly banter led to an exciting glimpse into the earlier relationships that helped to nurture the culture and interdisciplinary nature of the Society. Prof. Mark Foster, University of Akron, presented early letters between the founding members described a vision for the Society that continues to thrive today, ensuring the longevity of the Society and our commitment to adhesion science. These letters also described the desire for a location and the timing of the conference, these objectives continue today. The banquet was highlighted with a champagne toast and guests were allowed to leave with customized champagne glasses, and a spectacular cake was cut in recognition of this milestone.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS The Nominating Committee of the Adhesion Society is now accepting nominations from the membership for the positions of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and three Members-at-Large. These nominations should be sent directly to Tim Long at Deadline to receive nominations is August 30, 2017.

Division Updates

Bioadhesion Division Founded in 2016, the Bioadhesion Division had a successful first year at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. The Division organized four distinct bioadhesion sessions, including: Bioadhesive Chemistry, Organismal Adhesion, Physical Properties and Design of Bioadhesives, and Biomedical Adhesive and Clinical Applications. Keynote speakers included Alison Butler (UC Santa Barbra), Walter Federle (Cambridge University, United Kingdom), Megan Valentine (UC Santa Barbra), and Maria Pereira (Gecko Biomedical, France). The Division chair, vice-chair, and program manager would like to thank session chairs Boxin Zhao (University of Waterloo), Niels Holten-Andersen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Yuhan Lee (Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School) who helped invite keynote speakers, organize, and manage these outstanding sessions.

Structural Adhesives Division

Alyssa Stark, University of Louisville

Burak Aksak, Texas Tech University

At the Division meeting we voted on our next Division officers. As I, Alyssa Stark (University of Louisville), move to the immediate past chair position, we welcome Burak Aksak (Texas Tech University) as Division Chair, Bruce Lee (Michigan Tech University) as Division Vice-chair, Bruce Lee, Michigan and Niels Holten-Andersen (MasTechnological University sachusetts Institute of Technology) as Program Manager. Our goals for the 2018 meeting include maintaining the large breadth of topic areas our 2017 sessions covered, as well as organizing an industry-focused bioadhesion session to promote dialogue between academics and industry professionals working in the field. The Division officers would like to thank our highly supportive Members. We look forward to seeing you all in 2018! Alyssa Stark, Past Chair

Chair – Bioadhesion Division

Burak Aksak, Texas Tech University Burak Aksak is currently an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of Bioinspired Mechanics and Systems Laboratory at Texas Tech University. Prior to joining TTU, he helped cofound nanoGriptech, Inc. where he also worked as a Lead Research Engineer. He obtained his masters and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He is a co-inventor on six patents and has twelve journal publications in the field of bioinspired adhesion.

The Structural Adhesives Division showcased another outstanding program of presentations during the 2017 Annual Meeting. The Division hosted well attended sessions on mechanics, reliability and durability, test methods, characterization, and bonding challenges in the transportation sector. We’d like to thank our session chairs for their hard work and the keynote and individual speakers for providing so many informative talks. A sincere thank you to Chris Campbell (3M) for organizing the 2017 program. Chris is now the past Chair. A bit of organization news. Aaron Forster (NIST) was elected Vice-Chair in 2017, but he has moved to Chair for the remainder of this year. Please extend a thank you to Aaron Mann (LORD) for all his hard work and our strong start for planning 2018. Erich Bain (US Army Research Laboratory) will serve as the Symposium Chair to help prepare for the 2018 meeting. With that in mind, we will vote on a new Vice-Chair in February, please remember your friends at the Division meeting. Let’s welcome Erich and support him in his new role! Work is already underway preparing for the 2018 Annual Meeting in San Diego. Proposed focus areas include adhesives in transportation, fracture mechanics and fatigue, surface preparation, and adhesives in electronics manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing and Novel Tools and Methods for Characterization will be joint symposia with the Soft Adhesives Division. Joint sessions are a great way for colleagues from different backgrounds to make contacts. The Division is always looking for focus area suggestions and volunteers, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us. We look forward to seeing everyone in San Diego!

Chris Campbell, 3M

Aaron Mann, Lord Corporation

Eric Bain, US Army Research Laboratory

Symposium Chair Aaron Forster, NIST

Chair – Structural Adhesives Division

Aaron Forster, National Institute of Standards and Technology Aaron has been working at NIST for 14 years. He started his career at NIST developing combinatorial methods for adhesion measurements. The bulk of his research has been in the area of environmental degradation and scratch resistance for automotive and architectural coatings. Recently, he moved to the Material Measurement Laboratory to focus on degradation behavior in hierarchical composites and high strength fibers used in structural and protective applications.

Division Updates

Soft Adhesives Division The Soft Adhesives division had another remarkable year with talks covering a wide range of topics over three Sessions. Our keynote speaker, Costantino Creton (ESPCI Paristech), gave a great talk on how adhesive properties of supramolecular polymers behave and why linear rheology can fail. He discussed how the viscoelastic properties of these supramolecular molecules or “stickers” are hard to discern due to the nature of their associative moieties. Eric Silverberg, Henkel Several supramolecular model systems were developed to explain this phenomena. David Dilliard presented a new twist of Winkler’s theory and its influence in the field of adhesion over the last 150 years. Finally, the last session covered the different chemistries and testing procedures for triblock and acrylic PSAs. We were satisfied by the great variety of topics that were gathered within these sessions and it was truly gratifying to see how interest in soft Dale Haner, DHM Adhesives adhesives spilled into many other sessions like Bio-Adhesion, Mechanics of Structural Adhesives and Electronics. The Soft Adhesives division is already starting to plan next year’s sessions. Suggested topics include wearable/ flexible adhesives, soft coatings, rheology of gels, surface modifications, new synthesis schemes, characterization techniques and failure mode analysis. As you can see, no shortage of interesting ideas! Be on the Michael Bartlett, Iowa State look-out for the call for papers in the coming months. The best news, it will be in California! In Division news, Eric Silverberg has stepped down from Chair in to the position of immediate past chair. I would like to thank Eric for his years of service to the Division and to the Adhesion Society as a whole. Eric will continue providing input and guidance in the coming years. New to the Vice-Chair position is Michael Bartlett (Iowa) – Welcome Michael!

Chair – Soft Adhesives Division

Dale Haner, DHM Adhesives Dale has over 30 years’ experience in the adhesive, tackifier and sealants industry. He has held various roles in Product Development, Technical Service, and R&D in all aspects of adhesive and raw material development including: raw material synthesis & commercialization for Arizona Chemical/International Paper, adhesive formulation & commercialization for hot melts while at National Adhesives and Henkel Corporation. Dale earned a Master’s Degree in Chemistry from Polytechnic University (Brooklyn Poly) and has authored or co-authored 20 US and foreign patents

The Adhesion Society

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Adhesion Science & Technology Short Course Feb. 23 – 24, 2018 Catamaran Resort Hotel • San Diego, CA

41st Annual Meeting Feb. 25 – March 1, 2018 Catamaran Resort Hotel • San Diego, CA

6th World Congress on Adhesion and Related Phemonena February 25 – March 1, 2018 Catamaran Resort Hotel • San Diego, CA

40th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society Demographics/Attendance The 40th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society was held February 25March 1, 2017 at the Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront Hotel in St. Petersburg, FL. The meeting was attended by 266 participants. The meeting attendees represented universities, industrial partners, and government institutions from 12 countries. There were nearly equal numbers of participants from academia and industry, and government employees Chelsea Davis, Purdue comprised about 10% of the meeting attendees. A majority of those in attendance were from the United States (74%) while other large contingents hailed from Germany (5%), Korea (5%), France (4%), Japan (3%), the United Kingdom (3%), and Canada (2%). Attendees also came from Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Russia and South Africa.


Chelsea Davis, Purdue Chelsea Davis is an Assistant Professor in the School of Materials Engineering at Purdue University working on damage-sensing interfacial molecular probes in polymer composite systems. Her experience in adhesion science and technology includes investigating surface instabilities for adhesion control and developing methods to visualize interfacial failure within composites and nanocomposites.

Fiscal Update

From the Treasurer The fiscal year ending June 30, 2017 was a big year for The Adhesion Society. We revamped our website and went all out in recognition of our 40th anniversary. If you have not visited the website recently please take an opportunity to look it over. At the meeting we held a banquet with some added fun events. It was an opportunity to both reminisce and to look to the future. These two events represented some Chuck Shuster, Franklin unusual expenses over previous years, International but given the good financial health of the society the executive committee decided we could absorb these expenses without increasing registration fees. It appears we will finish our 2017 fiscal year with a small deficit. This was anticipated and will not impact our overall financial health. The 2018 meeting in San Diego will also be a big event as we are hosting WCARP, an event that comes to North America once every twelve years . All of our meetings present excellent programs with global participation but with the added participation from adhesion societies worldwide this year is not one you will want to miss, so please pass the word along to your colleagues and plan to attend. This meeting will extend an additional day to allow for an expanded program. We have

increased registration fees by about 5% to cover the added expenses of the extra day. We anticipate a return to normal for the 2019 meeting. The society would like to extend a special thanks to our corporate sponsors for their support of the recent meeting: 3M Company sponsors the Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science, Henkel sponsors the Distinguished Paper Awards and the Allen Gent Student Paper Awards, Avery Dennison sponsors the poster awards, Franklin International sponsors student travel, The Adhesive and Sealant Council sponsors the Young Scientist Award, and ASI Adhesives & Sealants supports the meeting.


Chuck Shuster, Franklin International Chuck has worked at Franklin International, Inc. in Columbus Ohio for just over 33 years. He has spent the last twenty years as a Senior Research Associate in Franklin’s Core Technology Laboratory. In this position he works on strategic development projects for the various business units within Franklin. Franklin has a variety of adhesive platforms including water based vinyl and vinyl acrylic adhesives for wood assembly, water and solvent based acrylics and vinyl acrylics for construction adhesives and mastics, and water based acrylic PSA’S. Chuck’s introduction to polymers was in the Polymer Science Department of the University of Akron where he first encountered Dr. Allen Gent, one of the Society’s founders

Women’s Networking Event

Women of the Society gathered Monday, February 27, 2017, for the 4th Annual Women’s Networking Event, hosted by the Adhesion Society. The twenty six participants introduced themselves over cocktails and appetizers, and discussed career goals and opportunities.

Annual Meeting Awards and Awardees

2017 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science Sponsored by 3M Company radio frequency plasma” and “The lotus effect explained: Two reasons why two length scales of topography are important”. Undoubtedly, Prof. McCarty has been one of the most productive and impactful surface scientists over the past three decades, with significant contributions in the understanding of wetting phenomena as well as numerous other fundamental and applied topics. His most recent interests include silicones, the surface chemistry of inorganic materials, and how to manipulate wetting to create new materials. “A Surprise from 1954: Siloxane Equilibration. Is a Simple, Robust, and Obvious Polymer Self-Healing Mecha Professor McCarty, Univernism” proposed a new methodolsity of Massachusetts, Amherst, ogy of real-self healing system has published more than 150 design. This is a clear example papers on modification of suron how Tom has been able to faces in which wetting mechacombine “wetting phenomnisms have played an important ena” and “silicone chemistry” part. Thirty of his papers have to advance adhesion science been cited more than 100 times, and technology. He also attains including one of the most highly such a high citation rate as he cited papers in Langmuir (2000) believes in public discussion entitled “Ultrahydrophobic of the implications of his and Surfaces. Effects of Topography others work. His papers “How Length Scales on Wettability” Cassie and Wenzel Were Wrong” cited more than 1200 times. and “Wetting 101” being prime David Yarusso (3M), and Greg Schueneman (US Forest Service) presented the 2017 Other impactful publications examples. Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M to Professor Tom McCarty, include: “Ultrahydrophobic and Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at University of Massachusetts Amherst, Additionally, Prof. McCarty is ultralyophobic surfaces: some for his “For his pioneering research in elucidating mechanisms of surface chemistry one of the distinguished memcomments and examples,” and wetting of polymers.” bers of our adhesion community. “Molecular monolayers and He has made other numerous and deep contributions to adhesion science films”, “Ultrahydrophobic polymer surfaces prepared by simultaneous ablation of polypropylene and sputtering of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) using over the years. The 40th Annual Meeting began with a special session honoring Prof. Tom McCarty’s contributions with talks by Christopher Stafford (NIST) on “Functional Group Quantification on Ultrathin Polymer Coatings and Membranes”, followed by Atsushi Hozumi (AIST) who discussed “Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic Surfaces Showing Self-healing Properties”, Daniel Flagg (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) on “Chemistry-Property Relashionships of “MQ”: From Sol to Silica” and concluded with Wei Chen (Mount Holyoke College) on “Hydrophilization of Fluoropolymers and Silicones.”

Annual Meeting Awards and Awardees

2018 Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science We are pleased to announce that the 2018 winner of the Adhesion Society Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science sponsored by 3M will be Professor Raymond Pearson from Lehigh University. Professor Pearson’s research on the fracture and fatigue of toughened epoxy polymers has been pioneering and world-leading. His early work helped to establish the relationships between the toughness, toughening mechanisms and microstructure of rubber-toughened Dr. Raymond Pearson, Lehigh epoxies and he developed novel test University methods for identifying these relationships. His work has greatly assisted the many companies that commercially supply this very important range of structural adhesives. Indeed, Professor Pearson acts as a consultant to several of these companies. More recently, he has extended this theme of his research to other types of toughness-modifiers for epoxy resins and has published a large number of high-quality journal papers on the use of glass microbeads, silica nanoparticles, core-shell rubber particles, block copolymers and carbon nanotubes. In particular, his research has studied the interaction between rubber particles and inorganic fillers used in particulate epoxy polymers. This combination of hard and soft fillers was investigated at both the micro and nanometer size-scale.

Additionally, Professor Pearson has pursued many aspects of toughen-

ing on a wide range of material systems within this category. His fracture studies and material analysis have probed a wide range of related chemistries, energy dissipation mechanisms, damage progression scenarios, and failure processes. His careful fracture experiments are accompanied by high-quality microscopy and a range of chemical and material analyses. An increasing number of his recent publications involve expansion into other areas including molecular interactions at bio-material interfaces and understanding processing behavior of thermosetting resins. Professor Pearson’s work is recognized nationally and internationally, in academia and in industry. One of his papers on toughening mechanisms in rubber-toughened epoxies has been cited more than 1000 times, signifying it as a major contribution. The Adhesion Society’s Award for Excellence in Adhesion Science, sponsored by 3M, is the Society’s premier award for outstanding achievements in scientific research relating to adhesion. The criteria for winning this award include a scientific contribution that has significantly improved our understanding of the phenomenon of adhesion, or a contribution to the technology of adhesion or adhesives that has had significant impact on the adhesion/adhesives industry, and a world-wide recognition of that achievement. The award has been given annually since 1987.

Nominating Due date: September 30, 2017 All members of the Adhesion Society are eligible to submit a nomination. Nomination requirements: Main/AwardsCF/Award_for_Excellence.aspx Key Contacts: D. Yarusso at

2017 Inaugural Sunrise 5K Run Special thanks to our generous sponsors:

University of Akron Alumni group, Boeing, Northwestern University Alumni group, Presidents group, Executive Committee and ASC.

The 40th Meeting of the Adhesion Society was selected by the Executive Committee to launch its first Sunrise 5k Fun Run/Walk. It was held in the morning of Tuesday, Feb 28. Thirty nine people participated with awards offered: fastest runner to Greg Turco, fastest new member to Giuseppe Pellicane, median of distribution to Kevin Turner, first quartile of distribution to Chuck Extrand, third quartile of distribution to Serkan Cavdar and fastest hiker to Giles Dillingham. Congratulations to all who participated.

Annual Meeting Awards and Awardees

2017 Peebles Awards and the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award Sponsored by Henkel This year we had six recipients of the Peebles Award for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science, sponsored by Henkel. The selection of awardees was based on abstracts submitted as contributions to the Annual Meeting. These awardees received partial support to attend the meeting and present their papers at an oral symposium. These presentations formed the basis for choosing the winner of the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award. In addition to this support, registration fees for the short course and the meeting were waived. The winners of the 2017 Peebles Awards were Gaurav Amarpuri (University of Akron), Tasnuva Khaleque (Imperial College of London), Nicole Fortoul (Lehigh University), Yumo Wang (Johns Hopkins University), Sarah Fischer (Leibniz Institute for New Materials) and Kevin Golovin (University of Michigan). Greg Schueneman (US Forest Service Lab), Eric Silverberg (Henkel) and Tim Long (Virginia Tech) presented Sarah Fisher whose paper entitled “Funnel-Shaped Microstructures for High Adhesion on the Microscale” with the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award. Kevin Golovin was the runner-up with his paper entitled “Designing Durable Icephobic Surfaces”. Both were awarded a cash prize each in addition to the remuneration associated with being a Peebles Award winner. The winner’s prize included a $1000 cash prize and a plaque. The runner up received a $500 cash prize and a plaque.

graduate study enrolled in graduate school at the time of the annual meeting and who has not received a student award previously is eligible to compete.

These two types of student awards, the Peebles Award for Graduate Research in Adhesion Science and the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award, are given every year. The Alan Gent Distinguished Student paper is sponsored by Henkel Corporation. Any student who is past the first year of

Link to nomination requirements: https://www.adhesionsociety. org/Main/AwardsCF/Student_Awards.aspx

These two types of student awards, the Peebles Award for Graduate Student Research in Adhesion Science and the Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award, are given every year. The Alan Gent Distinguished Student Paper Award is sponsored by Henkel. Any student who is past the first year of graduate study enrolled in graduate school at the time of the annual meeting and who has not received a student award previously is eligible to compete.

Key Contact: Tim Long at

The 2017 Distinguished Paper Award Walter Federle (Univeristy of Cambridge), left, and Jonathan Seppala (NIST), right, both received the 2017 Adhesion Society Distinguished Paper Award for the papers “Running with Sticky Feet: Biomechanics of Insect Adhesion” and “Polymer Physics of Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing Process” presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society, respectively. Walter’s work focuses on how animals work, and what physical factors play an impor- Walter Federle, Univeristy of Cambridge tant role for their biology and interactions with other organisms. In his paper, Walter presented recent findings on functional morphology and biomechanics of insect adhesion. Jon is currently the technical lead in the additive manufacturing effort in the Polymer Processing and Rheology Project. His paper described a material extrusion additive manufacturing (AM) method used to fabricate three dimensional objects. Relationships between processing conditions, final

build strength, infrared cooling profiles and weld fracture strengths were presented. The 2017 Distinguished Paper Award was established in 1999 and was supported until 2005 by the H. B. Fuller Company as a tribute to Rolf Schubert, former Vice-President of Research and Development and Chief Technology Officer for the H.B. Fuller Company. In 2006, National Starch and Chemical Company began the support of this award. It is now sponsored Jonathan Seppala, NIST by Henkel. One paper presented at the annual meeting of the Adhesion Society is selected each year to receive this award. The selection process is coordinated by the Vice President of the Adhesion Society. The selected paper has distinguished itself within this process as being outstanding in the categories of quality of research, impact on field, novelty and effectiveness of presentation

Link to nomination requirements: https://www.adhesionsociety. org/Main/AwardsCF/Distinguished_Paper_Award.aspx

Annual Meeting Awards and Awardees

The Best Poster Award sponsored by Avery Dennison David Speth (Evans Adhesives, Poster Session Chair) and Greg Schueneman (US Forest Service Lab) presented the Best Poster Award, sponsored by Avery Denison, to Chyi-Huey Yeh (Northwestern University) for his paper entitled, “Curing Kinetics and Viscoelastic Characterization of Photopolymers with Quartz Crystal Microbalance” and Megan Mulroe (Virginia Tech) for her paper entitled “Tuning Superhydrophobic Surface Nanostructure to Manipulate Jumping Droplet Condensation”. Since 1977, The Adhesion Society has provided a forum to bring together in a single group all of the disciplines which relate to the science of adhesion. The Society fosters communication between researchers in mechanics, synthetic chemistry, surface science, polymer physics, materials science, and biology. With members drawn from industry and academia, it also encourages the exchange of problems and solutions between those who share common scientific interests. The poster session is an integral part of the Society’s annual meeting. With the short time available for each oral presentation, the poster session provides an excellent forum for more extended From left to right David Speth, Chyi-Huey Yeh, Megan Mulroe, Greg Schueneman discussion of technical issues and interrelationships.

Link to nomination requirements:

Annual Meeting Awards and Awardees

2017 Young Scientist Award

Adhesion Meeting in 2018

The Adhesive and Sealant Council congratulates Xuanhe Zhao for being awarded the 2017 Adhesion Society Young Scientist Award, sponsored by the ASC, for groundbreaking work on the mechanics of soft materials. He is internationally recognized for his work on harnessing instability in dielectric elastomers, and on developing tough hydrogels. In both cases, he has done completed significant experiments and developed new or expanded existing theories.

Next year’s meeting will be held in San Diego, CA. The technical program will run from February 25 to March 1 2018. The meeting will be held jointly with the 6th World Congress of Adhesion and Related Phenomena (WCARP 6). The meeting will include sessions on Additive Manufacturing, Novel tools for characterization, Surface preparation for bonding, Adhesives for transportation, Fracture mechanics, Adhesives for electronics, Elasticity and capillarity in adhesion, Joelle Frechette, Johns Hopkins Univeristy Materials and interfaces for soft technology, Rheology, Gels, Novel Chemistry, Tribology, Wettability and surface interactions, Plasma on surfaces and at interfaces, Particulate adhesion, Physical properties and design of bioadhesives, Bioadhesive chemistry, Organismal adhesion, Biomedical adhesives and clinical applications, Industrial break out, and innovative polyurethane adhesives.

The Adhesion Society Young Scientist Award recognizes a young scientist for conducting outstanding and fundamental research in adhesion science. The nominee shall not have reached his/her 36th birthday prior to January 1, of the year in which the award is presented and he/she is expected to deliver an oral presentation at the annual meeting at which the award is conferred. Also, the nominee need not be a member of the Adhesion Society, and nominees of any nationality are eligible. Please note that in the future this award will be changed to the Early Career Scientist Award. The new criteria will be that the nominee shall not have exceeded a maximum number of five years in their first “permanent” professional position in the year in which the award is presented.

Nominating due date: December 31, 2017 Link to nomination requirements: http://www.adhesionsociety. org/awards/young-scientist-award/ Key Contact: Kenneth R. Shull at

Membership Survey Dear fellow Adhesion Society members: you already received a survey to ask you some specific questions on the annual meeting and the Society. This is one of your many opportunities to provide feedback and suggestions. The survey is brief yet very important. A link to the survey was emailed to you right after our Annual meeting and we appreciate your input. Thank you in advance for your attention and comments.

Please send an email to Joelle Frechette (John Hopkins University) if you have any questions regarding the meeting next year (

2018 Program Chair

Joelle Frechette, John Hopkins University Joelle Frechette received her PhD from Princeton University in Chemical Engineering and Materials Science in 2005 studying surface forces and adhesion in electrochemical environment. After postdoctoral work at UC Berkeley where she investigated unwanted adhesion in microelectromechanical systems, she joined the Hopkins Faculty in 2006. Her research interests in the area of colloid and interfacial science include: adhesion in fluid environments, particles at fluid interfaces, and surface force measurements.

Please come and join us at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society in San Diego!

Key Contact: Chelsea Davis at

7101 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 990 • Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: (301) 986-9700, x106 • Fax: (301) 986-9795 Email: Queries can be sent to Malinda Armstrong, the Adhesion Society Home Office Manager at

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