Situations 8

Page 54

RESPECT IS MY ATTITUDE Please don’t litter.


The city is like your home.

the ruins of what’s left of a day. Less than ordinary, not very exciting at all.

Please practice cell phone etiquette.

Yet so very exasperating.

Keep your private life private! I close my eyes, Please don’t cut off the cars,

resting them after a day of training them on the world,

block driveways, or cut in car lines.

battered, abused, and beaten by the Madison Avenue scene,

Relax…life is short…let’s be civilized. Please hold the door for the person behind you. No one likes a slammed door in their face.

the sparkle and strange chatter of a stranger. My feet lay limp and lifeless after hours of supporting my cigarette habit and blazing old trails. Tired from taking me from one adventure to another they can’t see.

Please give up your seat on public transportation— To the elderly, handicapped, and mothers with babies.

Wondering how they can walk a mile in another man’s shoes


when they can barely stand to go a few more feet in what they’re in now. So this is what it feels like to be god.

Please don’t spit on our sidewalks and streets. You know it’s unhealthy…not to mention gross. Please do pick up after your dogs.

Now I lay me down to sleep.

I summon my powers—the producers, writers,

Good dreams tonight I hope I reap.

camera men and actor. In no time, I’m creating

Dreams not of what might be but what might have been.

a universe. I carve the mountains in each

How the day might have gone had I only stayed in one place.

character’s path. The day and the night

When was the last time you enjoyed stepping in it?

come and go at my command. Had I let the world come and find me today,

Please don’t curse in public. Teach children well. The city is a home to everyone from everywhere

would old friends have stopped by? Would I have been killed?

I am the director almighty. My will be

Would I have been cast in a movie where I run naked

done. Thou shalt be no prima donna higher

through a desert speaking nonsensical French?

than me, for I am a vengeful and jealous director.

Or at the very least, not be so tired as I am now?

I giveth your career life and I can taketh it away.

and we enjoy so many different types of music— But not noise pollution.

David DeSilva

For this brief moment in time, I am god. I am held up on high as my meager underlings

Don’t forget to say “excuse me” or “please” and “thank you”— Courtesy should be our common language.

tremble at my feet. My every command is law. This universe that I create, that I bring to life in the final cut—a universe that came to life

Matteo N. Delgrosso

when I let there be lights, camera, action.

David DeSilva





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Articles inside

Poems by Dawn McKnight

page 55

Poems by David DeSilva

page 54

Poems by Matteo N. Delgrosso

pages 51-53

Poem by Eric D. Miller and Sean Evans

page 50

Poems by Eric D. Miller

page 49

Poems by John Benknockee

pages 47-48

Poems by Gene A. Barclay

pages 39-40

Poems by Sherry P

pages 36-38

Poems by Ivey Cherry

pages 33-34

Poems by Shurland H. Aird

pages 30-32

Poem by Kent Jackson

page 35

Poems by Bobby Weekfall

page 29

Poems by Diane Dawson

pages 22-24

Poems by Theresa Ilardi

pages 12-14

Poems by Iris Elizabeth Sankey

pages 15-17

Poems by Ruth Bryant

pages 25-28

Poems by Luther Jarman

pages 6-8

Poems by Sindy Scott-Jenkins

pages 9-11

Poems by Michael L. Snead

pages 20-21

Poems by Lorenzo Murphy

pages 18-19
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