Register, December 2023/January 2024

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Greater Good by Lilly Platts

Collaboration, teamwork, and family are layered throughout the Wulf family’s business model and vision. Their seedstock business, Clear Springs Cattle Company, began through a collaboration with longtime Simmental breeder Tom Hook, and now includes a multi-breeder partnership in their Bred For Balance production sale.

A Family Affair The Wulf family has a long history in the cattle business. Jim and Twyla Wulf started on the family ranch with his parents, Leonard and Vi, which included a Limousin cow herd and feeding business. In 2011, they purchased a separate farm near Starbuck and moved their family, which includes sons Justin, Travis, and Brady. The move presented an opportunity to reevaluate, and they chose to switch from Limousin to Simmental genetics. “I saw right away that Simmental complemented Angus


Register / December ’23/January ’24

as much as anything,” Jim recalls. “The extra muscle, growth, and expression came out. I was watching that before I was involved with the breed, so when we decided to start our own operation, I was impressed by that and I also knew a lot of really good people in the breed. The Simmental breed has attracted a very good nucleus of people who are focused on the beef industry, and making the right genetics to move the industry forward.”

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