2011 March Newsletter

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A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy

March 2011

Ksanhincamya3 ?a‐a3ov;ivn


Havadk yv +a‐ancov;ivn Ha3 =o.owovrti taravor badmov;yan un;axkin5 myr havadku 3aradyv ‘or2i yr;argova/ e1 Krisdoneagan a‐a]in ,r]a6 nin5 Ha3asdan Krisdoneagan gr0nku ba,d0nabes untovnylen harivr 3isovn dari [anxa/5 Barsigu gu ‘or2e ir gr0nku bar6 datryl Ha3 =o.owovrtin 1 Saga3n Ha3 i,qannnyru5 Wartan Mamigonyani clqavo6 rov;yamp gu naqundryn my‐nil kan ovranal irynx havadku 8Ko sovru` myr baranoxu9 ka]ov;yamp gu badasqanyn #azgyrdin yv irynx zohapyrovmow gu sdibyn Barsigu5 or Novarsagi ta,nacrow gr0nki azadov;ivn ,norhe Krisdonya3 Ha3ovn1 War6 tananxi 3i,adagov;ivnu poloris hamar badyh a‐i; g\un/a3e norocylov yv z0raxnylov myr havadku5 za3n ka]ov;yamp ’oqanxylov myr zavagnyrovn yv ,r]abadin1 Myr naqa6 ha3ryru irynx aryan cinow bahyxin5 ba,dbanyxin yv myzi avant ;o.ovxin kris6 doneagan Sovrp gr0nu5 a3=m myr srpazan bardaganov;ivnn e5 a3s =a‐ancov;ivnu ba6 hbanyl5 joqaxnyl yv avyli lovsa,o. 3an2nyl nor syrovntnyrovn1 K7L

Anarad #.ovov;yan miapanov;yan War=arannyrov xanxin badgano. Los Anjyl u si Ha3 K o3 r yrov War=arani my/ undaniku hbar6 dov;yamp gu 3a3darare ir himna6 trov;yan ksanhincamyagu1 Ampo.] ksanhinc darinyr an /a6 ‐a3a/ e los Anjylusi ha3 ca.ov;i mad.a, syrovntin5 anonx ]ampylow cidov;ivn yv abahowylow ha3gagan yv k risdoneagan naqan2yl i m;nolord mu1 War=aranu po3n trav Glende3l ka.akin me]5 aba my/xav ovrjaxav yv a3s0r Mon;rozi me] ovni ir ar=anawa3yl tirkn ov hampavu1 War2ku gadar polor himnatir Ko3ryrovn5 anxyal yv nyrga3 polor noviryalnyrovn5 oronx havadki ansba‐ ov=u5 angorn[yli gorown ov gyrdyx a3s ha3gagan ovsovmnagan anzovcagan 0jaqu5 or ksanhinc darinyre i wyr5 orbes lovsadov ‘aros ha3 syrovntnyru g\a‐a]norte tebi cidov;yan qa.a. navahan6 cisdu1 A‐ a3t go[ g4ov..ynk polor anonx5 or a3s noviragan 3argen anxa/ yn mianalov myzi a3s my/ D0na6 gadarov;yan1 Linda Candilyan


March 2011

Wartanank 4286in gor/anovylow ha3 Ar,agovninyrov ;acavorov;ivnu5Ha3asdan wyra/ovyxav

Barsgagan Marzbanov;yan1Sasanyan #azgyrd ;acavoru ir a,qarhagalov;yan untar2agman yv z0raxman hamar g\ovzer Krisdnya3 traxi yrgirnyru yv 3adgabes Ha3asdanu ir i,qanov;yan dag a‐nyl1Ovrymn poloru bedk er miagr0n 5gragaba,d ta‐na3in5orbeszi tivrin ullar ga‐awarylu1 Ha3ryni a,qarhu harxa6 co3adyvovmin gu sba‐nar wdanku ha3 m,ago3;u yv vor m,ago3;u tar2a/ ein

gani dag er1Ha3 =o.owovrti zrata,daganov;yan my/ 3adgabes ygy.yxagan hocy6 anabahow1

Linyl ;e [linyl1Ovrana|l wasn ha3rynyax

havadku ;e ‘rgov;yan1


4516Avara3ri jagadamard1#anovn krisdoneov;yan53anovn co3adyvovmi wuj6

‐agamov;yan yv havadki z0rov;yan5 Wartan yv ir ka]arinyru5ygy.yxin yv ampo.] =o.owovrtu tem ylan ;,namiin Avara3ri ta,din me]5D.movd cydi a’in51036 na6 hadagnyrov yv ka]n Wartani arivnow o.o.ovyxan Avara3n ov D.movdu1 Meg 0r dyvo. Badyrazmu wyr] cdav parparosnyrov yv ‘i.yrov wa3racov;yan 3a.;anagowu5saga3n ha3 =o.owovrtu grxav krisdoneov;yan qa[u par2raxnyl ov badmov;yan dal havadki ango‐n[yli 3a.;anagu1 <arovnagynk myr ov.in1 Myr clqavor bardaganov;ivnn e bahyl myr ha3ryniku5 myr =o.owovrtu1Myr mad.a, syrovntu ]anank gr;yl tasdiaragyl ha30ren5 ha3ov ov.iow5 sorwyxnynk linyliov;yan wj‐agamov;ivnu5 ha3gagan Xy.asbanov;yan jana[6 man oro,ovmu5 Arxaqyan 3a.;anagi ‘a‐apanov;ivnu1 “a‐k ov badiv myr =o.owovrtin1 #avyr= anmah Wartani hocin myr polorin hyd1

Mar0 Cov3ovmjyan

Mark your calendar Thursday

3-3-11 Noon dismissal


For 1st-8th Faculty meeting Thursday

3-3-11 Report Cards


3-4-11 School closed Vartanant’s Observance


3-12-11 Fool Breakfast

Monday-Thursday 3-14,15,16,17-11 Book Fair

3-24-11 Science Fair 7th Grade 6;30p.m.


3-25-11 Assambly K-8th


3-25-11 Science Fair 8th Grade p.m.


March 2011

The Daddy And Me Event The Daddy and Me event at the Armenian Sisters Academy turned out to be such a fun and exciting evening, last Friday. There, I saw scores of dads sitting next to their beloved kids and patiently, yet diligently coloring mugs and decorating picture-frames – each meticulously creating a masterpiece of their own. Amid the clamoring voices of the kids and their joyful laughter, one could hear the casual banter and witness the camaraderie among the dads. Some were picking up the conversation, from exactly where they had left at their last get-together, while others were cementing the firm foundations to newly created friendships that would last a lifetime. But that wasn’t all. There were scrumptious pastries donated by Porto’s Bakery, tasty refreshments and cool prizes! We created iridescent-colored mugs and artsy smarts pictureframes, infused them with love and some more affection. But most importantly, we spent quality time with our loved ones and created indelible memories for our kids to remember and cherish for a long time. When all was over, my two kids were elated, their faces brimming with pride. We drove back home under the canopy of clear skies, all the time thinking and thanking the good Lord about how lucky and privileged we were to be part of this grand family that is the Armenian Sisters Academy.

Greg Haig

Spring is around the corner as we are getting ready to welcome this colorful season with all the vi­ brant colors of the nature. As seasons change, Blue “A” four year olds change and grow as well. Six months have passed by and these little hands now hold pencils to write, use varied vocabulary to ex­ press ideas and thoughts, sound letters of the alphabet, spell words, sing, and dance while learning and growing on a daily basis. To enhance these four year olds’ learning experiences, parents of this wonderful class have donated an educational alphabet rug. A beautiful rug that we will use, learn and have fun with for all the years to come. My sincere gratitude and appreciation for the Aramian, Awades, Bandek, Gharamanians, Gharchloo, Iskanian, Jivalagian, Keuhnelian, Koshkerian, Manokian, Zarifian and Zeitlian families for purchasing this rug. God bless you all. Mrs. Marijan Kevorkian Blue “A” Class


March 2011

Second Grade News A Trip to the Firehouse The second graders, classes 2A and 2B went on a trip to the fire station. They learned about the equipment and how firefighters operate the equipment. The children had a great adventure learning about the different types of fire trucks. Each student had the opportunity to ask the firemen questions and learned how to call 911 in case of an emergency.

2A Presidents Day For Presidents’ Day, the second grade 2A Class pre­ pared a short presentation to honor two of our coun­ try's best presidents ,George Washington and Abra­ ham Lincoln. In recognition of George Washington's honesty, the second graders were also kind enough to treat the school with Thumbnail Cherry Cookies freshly baked by Avo's Bakery. Mrs.Lernik Melkon

In keeping with tradition, 1A, second grade and third grade made Valentine cards for the children of St. Jude’s Hospital this year. We decorated and designed Valentine Day cards with messages written directly from our students to the children of St. Jude. Our students loved participating in bringing joy and smiles to these very special kids at St. Jude’s. We as teachers, hope that this exercise leaves a lasting memory for our own students of the good that they do

Mrs. Narineh and Ms. Chaves


March 2011

Lent Lent is a season of turning to God in simplicity and sincerity as we prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter. Our hearts feel heavy as we remember our sins, but we are also confident in God’s mercy and forgiveness. The three great Lenten practices are prayer, fasting and almsgiving almsgiving means giving money or other help to the needy. Doing these three things will help us to keep Lent as a holy sea­ son. Let’s be open to God’s kindness as we promise to pray with more love, avoid treats and col­ lect our coins to give to those less fortunate than ourselves.

MY? BAHK Povn parygyntanow gu sgsi My/ ‐asovn yv yrgov 0ryr gam Avac <apa; yv orov avardin gu my/ d0nu a3sinkn Zadigu5 gam

Bahk5 or gu ,arovnagovi ka6 wyx ,apa;nyr 5 yrp gu sgsi d0nynk Krisdoneov;yan amyna6 Krisdosi #arov;yan d0nu1

Ka‐asnortax My/ Bahku aba,qarov;yan 5/omabahov;yan

ivra3adovg ,r]an mun e a.0;ki5 yv parycor/ov;yan1

M0dynank Asdov/o3` z.]axial ho6 ciow ov ortiagan wsda‐ hov;yamp1 Ka‐asovn 0ryrov a3s ov.yvorov;ivnu myr gyankin paryrar meg hancur6 ovann e or g4a‐a]norte myzi tebi nor gyank5 tebi Krisdosi #arov;ivnu1

MY? BAHKI TRAMAHAVAK Siryli ?no.nyr5 G\ovzynk dy.ygaxnyl @yzi ;e` /racra/ ynk tramahavak gadaryl My/ Bahki ,ur6 ]anin1 ?raciru bidi un;ana3 hydyvyal 2yvow7 ivrakan[ivr tasaran bidi ovnyna3 dov’ mu5 orovn me] a,agyrdnyru irynx qna3o.ov;ynen havakova/ covmarnyru bidi tnyn sgsa/ !7)) dolaren wyr1 Havakova/ covmarnyru bidi 3adgaxovin Zmma‐ov Ha3 Ko3ryrov a.]ganx orpanoxin1 Gu qntrynk @yzme m.yl @yr zavagnyru tebi parycor/ov;ivn1 Ka]alyryl zirynk orbeszi ysagytron [ullan a3l mda/yn nayv ovri,nyru yv sorwin pa=in hanyl irynx ovnyxa/nyren ovri,nyrovn1

Gift for Orange A I would like to thank the Orange A parents for donating a die cut machine to the school. Through the use of the machine my colleagues and I will be able to create hands-on lematerials for our students. Thank you! Mrs. Mariam Petrosyan- O range A teacher


March 2011

CONGRATULATIONS TO: Mr. &Mrs Yervant Ananian on the birth of their son. Proud brother is in Yellow class. May God bless the new baby and his family. Mr. &Mrs Manuel Handian on the birth of their baby girl, Meghri. Proud sister Ani is in Orange class.May God bless the new baby and her family. SPECIAL THANKS Our sincere thanks to *Drs. Tzovinar & Simon Keushkerian for donating the Armenian books to our school library . These books are a valuable and enriching addition to our library. * To Mrs. Madlen Abrahamian (grandmother of Daron and Vem DerSahakian) for donating various good decoration materials to the school. To Mr. & Mrs Raffi Shebat for donating two brand new chairs to the office. To Mr. Vahak Kadoian for donating his time and energy to create the beautiful mural in the pre­school playground. Our children as well as parents enjoy looking at the amazing garden . Job well done ! To Mr Noubar Derbedrosian for providing the school with the five iron frame benches for the school playground. To the dentists Dr . Asadour Koushkerian, Dr. Lucy Haleblian and Dr. Rita Gharamanians for volunteering to participate in the health screening . May the Lord reward all of you hundredfold for your kindness. CONDOLENCES TO: Sister Aguline and Mr. & Mrs Hovsep Terzian on the death of George a beloved brother and father. May his soul rest in the kingdom of Heaven, and may God grant consolation to his family. We would like to thank the Terzian family for their thoughtfulness in designating the Arme­ nian Sisters Academy as the main recipient of the donation made in memory of George Terzian. Mr. & Mrs Armen Momjian on the death of Verjina’s beloved mother, Anahid. May her soul rest in the kingdom of Heaven, and may God grant consolation to her family.


March 2011


News from the Sports Front February 5th marked the official start of the Kaham Interscholastic Basketball Tournament. Grades 1st through 8th will be participating in various games against other Armenian schools, such as Chamlian, Alex Pilibos, Ferrahian, AGBU MDS, Sahag Mesrob and others. The games will continue through the months of February & March. Our ASA Crusaders are excited and eager to do their best while aspiring to bring home many trophies. Parents, teachers, peers, family and friends are encouraged to attend the games and cheer our ASA Crusaders on. For a detailed schedule of the games, please contact Coach Janet at asa.athleticnews@gmail.com or you can visit www.homenetmen.net . The KahamTrack & Field competition took place on January 23rd at the Glendale College Stadium. It was an allday event where our athletes competed in many different events including the 100, 200, 400 and 800 meter races, as well as relays, shot put and long jump. For our younger grades, the kids were filled with excitement as they truly enjoyed this new experience. For our older athletes, who have previously participated in these competitions, it was a matter of beating last year’s records and challenging oneself for enhanced results. Kudos to all our athletes for their participation and a big thanks to our parents for supporting their children’s efforts.

Creative Writing club Of the many new extra­curricular activities that A.S.A is offering this year, the creative writing club is the latest one. Students from grades 7 th and 8 th meet twice a month to workshop creative writ­ ing. Students bring in their own works for others to critique. It’s a great program because it really helps a student get to know how to write bet­ ter. If the art of creative writing is mastered then writing analytical and thesis papers will be much eas­ ier. Writing is an important ability that everyone has to be good at to achieve academic success. So to de­ velop this important and critical ability in one’s life, the students started a creative writing club to write stories, learn the art, and develop their own writing abilities. At the year’s end, the club plans on pub­ lishing a journal of the students’ best writings. The name of this journal is still open to debate. This is the first year of creative writing club; the club, itself, like the students’ stories, is a work­in­progress, getting smoother and more productive with every meeting. Hopefully, for years to come, there will be a creative writing club offered every academic year for students to learn from and enjoy. Arin Shahjahanian


March 2011

Happy 25th Birthday Armenian Sisters Academy of Los Angeles On May 14, 2011, our school will be celebrating an important milestone. It is truly a historical event for all Armenians living in the greater Los Angeles area and even in the United States. We are celebrating the existence of an Armenian Catholic school that took a monumental risk 25 years ago by opening its doors to educate our children’s minds, bodies and souls while instilling in them the Armenian culture and teaching good moral values. We have grown bigger and stronger, and our latest accomplishments, such as being granted six years of accreditation by WASC, are proof that we are on the right track of offering excellent education while providing a safe and a positive environment. With perseverance, dedication and many personal sacrifices the sisters moved from the houses turned into classrooms on Riverdale to the beautiful campus in Montrose in 1995. What a blessing this was from God. The move gave us so many opportunities such as enrolling many more students and providing them with a high quality education by providing a stimulating learning and social atmosphere in a safe facility. Thank you Sisters for all your sacrifices. May God bless you with all the great things possible so you can continue molding our children and the future generation into the good Christians, model human beings, responsible American citizens, and proud Armenians as you have been doing for the last 25 years. We look forward to another 25 years. Please join us as we celebrate 25 years of Excellence, Faith and Education in style on Saturday, May 14, 2011, at the beautiful Arbat banquet hall. We will all gather with mother general sister Yevtoksia from Rome, Italy, founding sister Sister Hripsime from Philadelphia, sisters, teachers, parents, alumni and city and state officials to celebrate the past and, most importantly, look forward to a brighter future and many more accomplishments.

Mrs. Armine Sherikian 2011­2012 Enrollment Parents who are interested in enrolling their child in day care, preschool and kindergarten may call the school office and request an application package . The application must be sent back to the office with the required information and the registration fee.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND E­MAIL We ask parents to notify the office immediately of any changes of new phone num­ bers, addresses and e­mails. It is very important that we update this information in our files in case we need to contact you in an emergency.

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