2011 December Newsletter

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A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy

December 2011

8Qorhovrt My/ yv skan[yli5 or 3a3sm avovr 3a3dnyxav9 Hama3n Krisdoneov;yan hamar amynen ovraq yv siryli d0nn e Sovrp ?novntu5 or amen dari my/ ,ovkow gu d0novi1 Krisdos /nav Py;.yhymi me]5amynen hamysd ba3mannnyrovn dag1 Abryxav 33 darinyr mia3n1 Sovrp /novnten min[yv qa6 [ylov;ivnu5 Anor gyanku y.av ardagarc0ren dbavori[ yv martgov;yan hamar ov.yxo3x` jan[nalov j,marid Asdova/u1 Asdova/ ir Mia/in Ortin un/a3yx martgov;yan5 or ovsovxane j,maridu5 lovsavore martga3in midku5 orbeszi mart abri ov wa3yle gyanku aznovaco3n sgzpovnknyrow1 #isovs [ovzyx /nil baladi mu me]5 a3l naqundryx hamysd undanik mu5 a.kadig msovr mu5 naqundryx qonarhov;ivnu5 orbeszi myzi qonarhov;yan 0rinag ta-na35 o[ mia3n q0skow a3l manavant cor/ow1 A3s d0nagan 0ryrovn5 ha3xynk qa.a.ov;yan Arka3en5 or ,norhe ir qa.a.ov;ivnu hama3n a,qarhi yv manavant Mi]in Aryvylki da-abyal yrgirnyrovn1 Ko3ryru gu mianan in/i in[bes nayv Ovsovx[agan gazmn ov Ba,0neov;ivnu` nyrga3a6 xnylov 2yzi pivr ma.;anknyr yv paryma.;ov;ivnnyr Krisdosi Sovrp ?nntyan yv Amanori zo3c d0nyrov a-;iv1 :o.\ 2012 Darin ulla3 poloris hamar ,norhki5 qa.a.ov;yan5 cor/yrov 3a]o.ov;yan yv Asdova/a3in a-adazy. 0rhnov;yan dari mu1

8Krisdos /nav yv 3a3dnyxav7 2yzi myzi My/ Avydis19 K7L7


December 2011

Amyriga3i Miaxyal Nahancnyrov yv Canada3i Norundir A-a]nort Arhiabadiv Mika3el Ybisgobos Movradyani Amyriga3i Miaxyal Nahancnyrov yv Canada3i Norundir A-a]nort Arhiabadiv Mika3el Ybisgobos Movradyan5 ir howovabydagan a3xylov;yan un;axkin nayv a3xylyx Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=aran1 Yrgov,ap;i5 Tygdympyr 18 2011i a-av0dyan =amu 9:30in Ybisgobosu timavoryxin ha3gagan daraz hacova/ zo3c mu a,agyrdnyr` avantagan haxow yv a.ow5 aba srahen nyrs dy.i ovnyxav ba,d0nagan untovnylov;ivn5 ovr pari calovsdi q0sk ov..yxin` Dn0renovhi Ko3r Lovsia5 ovsovx[agan gazmi go.me` Dig7Linda Candilyan5 Qnamagal marmni go.me` Dig7Naris Qala;yan Be;el yv a,agyrdov;yan go.me` ov;yrort tasaranen “i;ur Demirjyan5 hantisov;yan mas gazmyxin yrrort tasaranen min[yv ov;yrort tasarani a,agyrdnyr nyrga3axnylow S7?nntyan yrcyr yv odanavornyr5 nayv ha3ryna,ovn[ yrcyr yv ardasanov;ivnnyr5 hantisov;yan avardin q0sk a-av Arhiabadiv Mika3el ybisgobos Movradyan yv dovav ir badcamu 3ortorylow a,agyrdnyru zinovylov azca3in yv krisdoneagan zo3c 8;yvyrow9 orbeszi garynan 3a]o.ov;yamp sava-nil azci yrgnagamarin wra31 Hantisov;ivnu ,arovnagovyxav Dignanx 0=antag marmni go.me badrasdova/ hamatam qmory.ennyrow1

Arhiabadiv Cyraba3/a- Der Calovsdt Pari yv pari gyxov;ivn1 Linda Candilyan


December 2011

“It’s sharing your gifts, not purchasing gifts; it’s not wrapping presents, it’s being present and wrapping your arms around the ones you love;

It’s displaying the Christ light that comes from your heart; it’s not Santa coming down the chimney, it’s Jesus coming down from heaven,

it’s not getting Christmas cards out on time, and giving us the gift of eternal life.” it’s sending any card, anytime, at the right time; Anonymous

“Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did it for me. “ Matthew 25: 4 Armenia Fund I would like to thank all students and parents who participated in this worthy cause by sending their contributions. A group of students accompanied by Mrs. Linda Kandilian presented the check in the amount of $ 3,250.00 to Armenia Fund telethon on Thanksgiving Day.

CHRISTMAS PROJECT / FOOD DRIVE Special thanks to all students and parents for bringing non-perishable food for the less fortunate people. The collected items were sent to Catholic Charities organization to be distributed to needy local families. Your Christmas will have a special and joyful meaning because you have reached out to someone in need.


December 2011

Just like every year at the Armenian Sister’s Academy, the fourth through eighth grade students had a chance to elect a student council. Before the elections, sixth through eighth grade students that were running for office had the chance to put up their posters around the school and prepare their speeches. On the day of the speeches, many of these students were nervous, hoping their speeches would convince their fellow classmates and other students to vote for them. All of the candidates did a great job on their speeches, and all they could do after that was anxiously wait until Monday for the other students to make up their mind and vote for their favorites. A couple of days later, the votes were in, and students, like me, were eager to know their positions in the student council. Students from all three grades were elected, and of these students were excited to have the opportunity to be in student council and to make the school a better place. I was elected student body president, and when I heard my name being called that morning, I was excited and nervous at the same time, already thinking what I want to accomplish for this year. I am sure that this year’s student council will accomplish more than any year’s group has, and I have very high expectations for this intelligent group of students that I am very lucky to have a chance to work with. -Tamar Kazazian


December 2011

To our mock trial students for their participation and advancement . Good job !

“All rise, superior court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California is now in session with the honorable Judge presiding. Please be seated and come to order!” The bailiff’s voice still echoed in the courtroom. I felt my insides tremble and my palms moist with sweat. I am sure my fellow team members were in no better condition than I. Welcome to the trial of Ryan Buchel, who has been charged with murder and unlawful position of a concealed weapon. He is to be put on trial and found either guilty or not guilty. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Ryan Buchel is guilty. In our mock trial competitions, a person is put on the stand for breaking the law, and students reenact what an actual trial would have been like. The trials take place in a real courtroom in front of a real judge. Your fate rests on the effort of your teammates. On three special days, we have been given the opportunity to do this very thing. Did Ryan Buchel really kill Becca Abaless? The courtroom was packed with people, mostly relatives. Though I must say, our competition was no greater than mere sixth-graders, one of whom was complete with reddish brown curly hair, freckles, cute dimples when she smiled and a bit of squeakiness in her voice. Too cute. After the judge concluded with her speech, filled with good lucks and complements, the competition began. Our team, which included 7th and 8th graders, had three prosecution attorneys: Tamar Kazazian, Shant Parpirian, and Amely Teltcher. We


December 2011

Schwartz (a coroner who autopsied the victim’s body), and Raquel Gugasian playing Kai Mauer (a dormitory RA who seemed to have seen Ryan near the crime seen a little before the death of the victim), and one court clerk, Christianna Bethel. After the opening statement was complete, all the witnesses had taken the stand, and the closing arguments were complete, both teams were congratulated for our efforts and dismissed. All my friends were worried sick about their roles and duties, for if they were to even accidentally speak the wrong words, it could cost our team and the competition. Trying our best, we pulled through, breaking and crushing the other team. On our next competition, we were going up against a stronger team, not cute, short and adorable like the sixth graders, but more like a mix from all middle school grades. Our team of 7th and 8th graders, this time, included three attorneys, Peter Demirjian, Michal Gharibian, and William Ovasapian, four witnesses, Hrag Hamboyan playing A.G. Prout (a druggy who is Ryan’s best friend), Minas Arakelian (playing Ryan Buchel a wealthy trust fund kid who supposedly killed his best friend to prevent her from reporting him to the student judicial affairs committee who could ruin his chances with a twenty million dollar trust fund), Tamar Kazazian as Dr. Shartsis (a medical doctor who studied Becca’s body), and Christianna Bethel as Sasha Fain (who claims to have seen the suspect at the time of the murder far away from the crime scene), and one bailiff, Shant Papirian. We had advanced to the third stage, the farthest an A.S.A has ever gone. The other team was good, good enough to win and continue, leaving us in the dust. The Judge congratulated us for our victory and explained to us that only one team could move on, and the competition had gotten tougher. I, the clerk, had an unofficial timekeeper breathing down my back waiting for me just to mess up. The attorneys objected to almost every question we gave out. After months of preparation and hard work, we were given the disappointing news that we would not advance. I would like to especially tank our coaches Mrs. Ani Parpirain and Mr. William Basset for taking us this far. This fun and entertaining sport is enjoyable for middle school kids like myself. I highly recommend it. For all those kids out there thinking about being lawyers, you will love this!

Christianna Bethel

Our deepest sympathy to *Mr. & Mrs. Bedrick on the death of Albrik’s beloved mother. * Mr. & Mrs. Awades on the death of Silva’s beloved father. *Mr.& Mrs. Soghomonian on the death of Raffi’s beloved father. May their souls rest in the Kingdom of Heaven and the Lord grant their families consolation.


December 2011

Dear Parents, Every time we send out a letter to you it may seem that we are asking for something. This time, the purpose of this letter is to thank you for your generous contributions to our school and wish you Merry Christmas. In October, we celebrated Armenian Cultural Day. Through the raffles and games, the preschool was able to raise $1040, and the Christmas bake sale generated $400, for the total of $1440. As mentioned earlier, the money is earmarked to purchase a shade structure for the small playground area. We are in the process of getting estimates at this point. If you are or know of someone involved with this kind of business, please let me know. I also want to take this opportunity to welcome Mrs. Salpi Garavarian - Orange B and Mrs. Maria Kasparian Orange A, to our school family. I’m confident they will be a valuable addition to our school. I want to thank Mr.and Mrs. Shahan and Nellie Yacoubian, parents of Lori Yacoubian in BB for donating Lori’s birthday gifts of $550 to her classroom. I want to thank the Baghedjian, Dersahakian, Ghazarian, Jamijian, Jivalagian, Kasparian, Labejian, Mikailain, Papoukhian, salibian, Topajikian, Yacoubian and Yousif Families for donating four carpets to Kindergarten B. I want to thank the families of the following students for donating educational toys and books to their classroom: In Yellow: William Sultanian In Orange A: Anya Mooradian and Lara Hanneyan In Orange B: Kristy Tarbinian In Blue A:Lilly Dabbaghian, Aleeq Keshishian, Talar Taslakian, Sophie Paloulian, Alex Kabadayan,Lily Tanossian, Armen Kozanian, Claudette Sarkissian and Alec Haig. In Blue B: Serena and Kayla Akarjalian In KA: Matthew Gosdanian. It’s December, and Christmas is around the corner. We all want the best for our children. We provide them educational and material things to make them happy and show them love. We get so caught up with the material world that we forget the greatest gift that will not cost us a penny. This Holiday season, you will be enjoying your children’s presence with you for two weeks. Take this opportunity to spend some quality time with your precious children. Play with them, read to them, begin a tradition with your child and give them the best gift of all- Love. Remember that time passes quickly and they will never be this age again. On behalf of the preschool staff and students, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. GOD bless you and your family! Warm Regards, Sonia Kazandjian ASA Pre-School Director


December 2011

Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=aranu my/ ,ovkow d0nyx ANarad #.ov;yan Miapanov;yan him6 natrov;yan 0ru5 masnavorapar n,ylow Ko3r Ca3iane Taslakyani /a-a3ov;yan #isnamyagu1 Tygdympyr &6i a-av0ryan dy.i ovnyxav a,agyrdagan S7Badarac5 orovn 3a]ortyx a,agyrdnyrov go.me 3adovg a.0;knyrov yv ma.;anknyrov un;yrxovm` ov..ova/ Anarad #.ov;yan Miapanov;yan polor noviryal Ha3 Ko3ryrovn yv manavant Ko3r Ca3ianei5 aba dy.i ovnyxav bad,aj naqaja, mu` gazmagyrbova/ ovsovx[agan gazmi yv /no.a0=antag marmni go.me yv cnahadagan novernyrov dovov [ov;ivn war=aranis polor ko3ryrovn1 Gu ,norhavorynk Ha3 Ko3ryrov Miapanov;yan polor noviryalnyru5 gu ma.;ynk polorin a-o.]ov;ivn5 3aradyvov;ivn yv gamki z0rov;ivn5 g\a.0;ynk polor myzme pa=nova/ ko3ryrov hocinyrov qa.a.ov;yan hamar yv nayv g\a.0;ynk or Asdova/ Sovrp Hocii nyrcor/ov;yamp pazmaxne noviryalnyrov ;ivu1 Linda Candilyan Thursday

Dec. 22 2011


Christmas Caroling Friday

Dec. 23 2011 12:00 Noon Dismissal


Dec. 26 2011 School closed Christmas Vacation Begins.

January 9 2012 Classes Resume


January 16 2012 School Closed Martin Luther King Jr. Day


December 2011

On Friday, December 2, 2011, 180 of us including students from grades 1st – 6th, teachers, parents, Sister Lucia and I boarded 3 buses and headed to LACHSA. We were one of the few fortunate schools to have been offered a unique and one of a kind opportunity to attend a “Winter Orchestra Concert” with music for the holidays featuring the LACHSA (Los Angeles County High School for the Arts) Symphony Orchestra at the CSULA Luckman auditorium performed by 100 orchestra student musicians. Through a generous grant from benefactors for LACHSA this trip, including 180 tickets and 3 buses, was at no cost to us. I would like to thank my niece Amanda Harris, former ASA student and now a student at LACHSA for introducing us to this opportunity.

On behalf of Sister Lucia and I, we would like to offer our thanks and gratitude to LACHSA and specially Dr. Suzanna Guzman, famed mezzo-soprano, and Director of Community Engagement for this kind and very generous opportunity. Our 7th and 8th graders will see students of LACHSA perform the play “Odessey” by Homer in February. In the group picture second row in the middle Suzanna Guzmán is a Principal artist with the Los Angeles Opera appearing in the operas Giulio Cesare, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Florencita en el Amazonas, Gianni Schicchi Peter Grimes,The Marriage of Figaro, Faust and more. She has also appeared as soloist with many other American and international opera companies. These include the Metropolitan Opera, the Kennedy Center, Dresden Opera, Opera de Nice, Grand Theatre de Geneve. Ms. Guzmán was a featured soloist on the Grammy- nominated album for best classical album: Carlos Chavez Volume 3 with Southwest Chamber Music, soprano Alba Quezada and Tambuco Percussion Ensemble of Mexico. Mrs. Armine Sherikian


December 2011

*Mrs. Ani Papirian , Mrs. Naris Bethel– Khalatian Mr. Saro Kerkonian for devoting their time and energy in training the students to participate in the mock trial. *Mr. Armen Markarian for taking care of the electrical maintenance in the school and donating part of the repair cost. *Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Nishan Odabashian for organizing the drive through coffee and pastry sale, donation from “Merengue” Bakery, and donating the entire profit to the school. *Mr.. & Mrs. Noubar Derbedrossian for organizing the taco sale and donating the entire profit to the school . * Mrs. Julia Malakian for her donation of $300.00 as part of the Gift Match Program. *Mr.& Mrs. Papazian for their donation of a beautiful piano to the sisters. *The Parents Auxiliary for the two days hospitality prepared for the special visitors, the Honorable Assemblyman Mike Gatto and the Eminence Bishop Michael Mouradian Eparch of the Armenian Catholic in the United States and Canada. *Mr.& Mrs. Garo Kurkjian for donating a camera zoom lense for our school camera. May the Lord reward your kindness a hundredfold.

*Mr. & Mrs. Zakarian on the birth of their son, Raffi. Proud brother Aren is in Yellow class.. *Mr. &Mrs. Samuelian on the birth of their daughter, Vania. Proud sister Aileen is in First B. *Mr. & Mrs. Salibian on the birth of their twin boys, Nareg and Arek Proud brother George is in kindergarten.

Dr. Nishan Odabashian parent of Galia in 2nd grade and Serge in Blue B for his recent appointment as President-Elect of The International Academy of Endodontic (only 120 members throughout the world).


December 2011

Gu ,norhavorynk mi]nagarci polor a,agyrdnyru oronk masnagxyxan Mar;a3yan gr;a;o,agi 3adovg ,aratragan mrxovmin5 nayv gu ,norhavorynk a3n a,agyrdnyru5 oronk mrxanagi ar=anaxan` Kris;a Kivrkjyan5 Amyli :yl]ur5 Kris;iana Be;el5 My.ri Marcaryan yv sdaxan 8Abaca3i >ygawarnyr9 qoracrow wga3acryr5 isg “i;ur Demirjyan ar=anaxav par2raco3n mrxanagin sdanalow 1000 d0lar gr;a;o,ag1 #i,ynk or mrxanagapa,qov;ivnu dy.i ovnyxav Yrgov,ap;i Tygdympyr !(i a-av0dyan nyga3ov;yamp Yrys’oqan Ma3k Ga;o3i5 Greg yv Silwa Mar;ayannyrov yv Glynde3li Osdiganabydov;ynen nyrga3axovxi[i mu1 <norhagalov;ivn yv 3a]o.ov;ivn gu ma.;ynk Der yv dig7Mar;a3yannyrovn1 Linda Candilyan

Drive through coffee and pastries Sponsored by Dr.& Mrs. Nishan & Lilit Odabashian.

Drive through taco sale donated by Mr. & Mrs. Noubar Derbedrosian.

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